everybody to the regular meeting of the Ocean Township Board of Education if you'll join me in saying the Pledge to the flag IED the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank we took our roll call upstairs at our regular meeting so we'll begin with my president's report and I'd like to uh first begin by stating how wonderful The Poetry out loud U assembly was today at the high school and our student Representatives Mike and Kaden will give more information about it when they speak as I complete my term as president of the Ocean Township Board of Education I'd like to share some comments and some well-deserved thanks when my tenure as president ends tonight who knows what the future holds I've devoted many years to the ocean district and will continue to offer my service as long as the community wants personally I think the president's term should be extended to two years since it seems that just as you're learning your role and responsibilities the term is over did I tell you I'm not giving up the gavel sadly though many people are discouraged from running for public office because of the negative climate these days but after serving two terms as a board member and now president I would encourage community members to become involved because working together is an ocean tradition which equates to exceptional schools now for the thank yous beginning with my vice president miss Natalie tarell and many of my fellow board members who collaborated with me advised and guided me toward the achievement of our board goals thank you to former superintendent Dr James stefanowitz and our current superintendent Miss Kelly Welden the planning and implementation of detailed agendas for our meetings takes the coordination and collaboration of the superintendent the board president and the business administrator I'd like to thank our business administrator Jeff Hastings for helping this English teacher understand the financial workings of a school district that is the budget truly a daunting task I'd also like to thank Elliot Cass our assistant business administrator who worked with me as our interim with the help of these administrators and many of our board members I was able to accomplish much I'd like to thank Maryann Conway our Tech Guru who helps the ocean Community become active participants in our meetings I'd also like to thank our Support Tech person Mike who keeps me connected during the meetings and yes Mike my computer needs an update I'd like to thank my family for their love and support who remain strong despite the unnecessary stress and negativity which disrupted their lives thank you to friends parents former students in the ocean Community since we are all vital parts of the equation that equal strong schools and Student Success and finally a huge thank you to the miracle workers in our district who provide excellence and expertise each and every the entire staff of District employees who keep our ocean Spartans transported safe academically challenged and inspired focused on their dreams and the possibilities open to each and every student it's your daily Endeavor which keeps our district running at Peak Performance together administrators board members staff and the ocean Community share the same goal a memorable Spartan Legacy for all all of our students I am honored to have played a part in the village which is ocean toship thank you I will now go to the student representative report Mike ching and Kaden Clark thank you so the poot loud competition as she mentioned before was held today in the library at OCS and that competition is a national competition that if you get to later stages includes prizes of up to $20,000 and our winner was Julia SA a senior who is now going to go to Ocean County College to represent Ocean Township against other Mammoth County Schools they also had the choir sing holiday music there and had a poet Dimitri Reyes in attendance which is very it's very special for the students to experience that and all around that was a great event to have today the student council all earlier this month also hosted a successful blood drive thanks to the hard work of Mr Schwarz over there and of the rest of the student council they collected 42 units of blood third including 30 whole blood donors and six double Red Cell donors which that's a great contribution to a very important cause there and along with that the student council is also hosting a pep rally later this week on Friday to support our winner sports teams which one of which is the girls basketball team which has seen a early season success recently and is led by Kaden Clark who will now speak like Michael said we have um a pep rally this Friday and leading up to that we have spirit week which is exciting it's um just trying to get the student like the students like into it and supporting the winter sports and like he said like girls basketball and as well as all the other winter sports have started their seasons and they're all up to a successful start and they will be all acknowledged at the pep rally um along with that the senior class is holding a So You So You Think You Can Dance event where the seniors get into groups and they make dances and a effort to fundraise for the senior prom and the junior class along with the Italian Club is creating chemo care packages um to donate like NE like Necessities to the patients with uh going through chemotherapy at momth Medical Center and um to celebrate the holidays Deca which is the business Club at our school is having a potluck just to gather all the members and like just to celebrate the holidays basically and lastly the TSA which which is our technology Club is having a gingerbread house building event to Al also celebrate the holidays as well as learn about engineering and new ways to build thanks sorry that's it thank you very much that that was excellent was it today ugly sweater day yeah saw some ugly sweaters that's that's great thank you very much students and now we move to miss Welden superintend attendant report thank you very much um great report did you change before you I changed you changed okay because those are very nice sweater um thank you for that report about all the activities I would just encourage our school Community it's not too late to get in on the holiday cheer and and come out to our schools to see an event I've been on the course concert tour I've been to four schools so far and I can't tell you how enjoyable it's been and it's so lovely to see the um artistic talent of our students the hard work of our advisers and just the overall joy in the room um at those events and I know we have just a few more before the end of this week so I encourage you to go out and and support our students um but I'd like to move on to my recognition this evening this is one of um the highlights of our year where we get to recognize the staff members who have been identified and honored by their own schools and their own peers for the governor educator of the Year recognition I'm going to ask the principles to come forward and also the toea president Allison Connelly who's going to join us in recognizing these staff members um before I start calling up our honores I just want to give you a little bit of background the governor's educator of the Year recognition aims to honor the hardworking teachers and Educational Services Professionals for their dedication to student students and to the profession in Ocean Township each one of our schools forms a committee to review nominations for these positions and then the committee makes a collective decision to recognize a teacher of the year and an educator Services professional of the year and I think our committee's did an outstanding job this year of identifying the staff members that pour their heart into our schools put students first in every single decision that they make and live The Motto every day to be a hero and a champion in the life of a student from me to you I cannot thank you enough for what you bring into our schools and into the hearts of our students every single day make no mistake about it you are changing lives and in so doing you are changing the world and you are most certainly creating your Spartan Legacy so I thank you first and then your leadership here is going to thank you now so it is my pleasure to introduce to you our teachers of the Year first from Ocean Township Elementary School we have Andrea sodi please come up you with your certificate from Ocean Township high school Bethany danar from the township of ocean Intermediate School Nicole Nagi please stay up and from wanasa elementary school Michelle de Jano and from Wayside Elementary School Victoria Johnson okay please stay standing we're going to move on to the educational services Professionals of the Year from Ocean Township Elementary School Miss Lindsay Bernett from the Ocean Township High School Mr David Schwarz from the wanasa elementary school Jennifer Ruland Wayside Elementary School Melinda palano and for from the Ocean Township Intermediate School Miss Lori fornicola who could not be here this evening but we'd like to recognize her along with everyone else okay can we move to the step and repeat for a photo over here this Banner oh that's so beautiful thank you so much congratulations once again that concludes my report congratulations to all of our staff members that is the best part of our meeting if you would like to uh make a quiet exit while we continue the other action items uh maybe there's homework to be done or a favorite TV show to watch feel free to do that now and again Happy Holidays to all congratulations to all of our staff members it's up to you great perfect thank okay we will move to the school business administrator report Mr Hastings I know that you gave a report uh in the work session is there anything you'd like to add thank you madam president no uh all items were covered in the workshop okay thank you very much we move to the public comment portion of our meeting uh would anyone from the auditorium care to make a comment on an agenda item at this time okay Miss Conway is there anyone in the que someone who would like to make a comment on an agenda item no Madam president there are no commenters okay let's move to our action items approval of minutes Mr McCarthy uh move to approve item 5.1 as amended per uh the comment in our work session second is item 5.1 yes Dr Beal yes Miss Hayes yes Mr McCarthy yes M McGovern Mrs Paramus yes Mrs Taro yes Mrs toell yes Mr Weinstein yes Mrs Gilman yes motion carries thank you we move to Personnel Mr parlamis yes I'd like to make a motion to move items 6.1 through 6.6 may I please have a second second second Mr Hastings say 61 through 66 Dr Beal yes Miss Hayes yes Mr McCarthy yes M Paramus yes Mrs Tarico yes Mrs torella yes Mr Weinstein yes Mrs Gilman yes to all but recuse from the baseball coach for spring coaching assignments thank you all items carry thank you financial management and Resource Services Mrs Hayes um motion to move forward 7.1 to 711 second all items 71 through 711 Dr Beal yes Miss Hayes yes to all except for 7.3 if there is any um bill for the utility where I work I recuse for that thank you Mr McCarthy yes M paramas yes Tarico yes Mrs torella yes Mr Weinstein yes Mrs Gilman yes all items carry thank you instruction education and Student Activities Dr move to approve 8.1 8 .3 through 8.6 and move to airm 8.2 second thank you Dr Beal yes Miss Hayes yes Mr McCarthy yes M paramas yes Mrs Tarico yes Mrs torella yes Mr Weinstein yes Mrs Gilman yes alls car thank you public relations involves a resolution for outgoing board members M toell mooves to approve item 9.1 resolutions honoring outgoing Board of Education members Dr Shan deel Miss Alex Hayes and myself Natalie toell second think them first okay sorry you go first no you all right resolution adopted by the township of ocean Board of Education Township of Ocean New Jersey for Dr Shanda beel whereas Dr Beal has served our school district with dedication and enthusiasm from 2021 through 23 and whereas she has held many positions including chairperson of the instruction education and Student Activities Committee in 2023 and chairperson chairperson of the negotiations Committee in 2022 serving on the Public Relations Committee policy committee Personnel committee representative of the instructional Council and state and County School boards and whereas she has long been considered a caring and committed person who has exhibited the highest sense of responsibility throughout her time as a member of the board she has earned the respect of everyone associated with the township of ocean board of education for her valued contributions and guidance and now therefore be a resolved the township of ocean Board of Education hereby expresses its gratitude to Dr beel for her invaluable service to the board of education and wishes to extend to her all good wishes for good health and happiness as she ceas his active participation as a member of this board dated December 19 2023 resolution adopted by the township of ocean Board of Education Township of Ocean New Jersey for Miss Alex hay whereas Miss Hayes has served our school district with dedication and enthusiasm from 2021 through 2023 and where as she has held many positions including chairperson of the financial management and Resource Services Committee in 2023 and chairperson of the Public Relations Committee in 2022 serving on the instruction education and Student Activities Committee committee negotiations committee Public Relations Committee representative of the instructional Council and state and County School boards and whereas she has long been considered a caring and committed person who has exhibited the highest sense of responsibility throughout her time as a member of the board she has earned the respect of everyone associated with the Township evotion Board of Education for her valued contributions and guidance and now therefore be a resolved the township devotion Board of Education hereby expresses expresses its gratitude to Miss Hayes for her invaluable service to the board of education and wishes to extend to her all good wishes for good health and happiness as she sees this active participation as a member of this board dated December 19 2023 and I'd like to read a resolution adopted by the township of ocean Board of Education Township of Ocean New Jersey for Natalie torella whereas Mrs Torell has served our school district with dedication and enthusiasm in 2019 2021 through 20 20 2023 and whereas she has held many positions including vice president of the board of education for 2023 chairperson of the financial management and Resource Services Committee in 2021 2022 and co-chairperson in 2019 chairperson of Public Relations Committee in 2023 serving on the negotiations committee technology committee representative of the instructional Council and reopening task force and whereas she has long been considered a caring and committed person who has exhibited the highest sense of responsibility throughout her time as a member of the board she has earn the respect of everyone associated with the township of ocean board of education for her valued contributions and guidance and now therefore be it resolve Township of ocean Board of Education hereby expresses its gratitude to Mrs torello for her invaluable service to the board of education and wishes to extend to her all good wishes for good health and happiness as she ceased active participation as a member of this board dated December 19th 2023 this is item 9.1 Dr Beal yes um just disappoint do we make comments about this first or do we just vote on it or wanted to say questions comments wanted to say some things y Mr Weinstein um sure um okay uh well first um you know I do want to say um for Natalie um everybody relax I'm I'm sad that she's uh that she decided not to run and I'm sad that she will not be part of the this board um uh in the near future um and I'm not disappoint appointed so disappointed would be me kind of putting myself too much in her shoes on why she decided not to run you know she has dandal has her own reasons on on why this didn't make sense for her both from her her kids and her family and things that were going on in her life um and also whatever kind of climate we've kind of created here which uh wasn't something that I think she felt that she was going to enjoy so so I'm not I'm not disappointed in her decision I'm sad I'm sad for the dist District I'm sad for us as board members and I'm sad for the you know perspective that she gave and how well she's been prepared for meetings and and her thoughtfulness and all the things that she's done um I I do want to say that uh you know I've known Natalie for some time now and uh um I hate to say this but I guess I'm the Elder Statesman in this group and I think I've been that way for a number of years and uh when we first uh when I first joined the board in uh 2018 um it wasn't I don't think it was that far after that that Natalie kind of called me Sensei and I called her Grasshopper And so we had this uh you know what do you think Sensei and I would say take it easy grasshopper you know we'd have this kind of thing going on back and forth and um I'm G to just be honest that um um I probably learned more from her than she did from me and so this Sensei thanks at grasshopper for all of her service and all she's provided here so thank you Natalie yes M Paramus agreed Mr Weinstein with you c um I would like to thank all three board members for their service to the community it is a thankless job and um a lot of a lot of hours go into it so I thank all three um I just would like to say to Natalie as well um it has been a pleasure getting to know you and to work with you on the board of education um I know we've been in this situation before where you've come on the board and then you've come off the board um and then you come on the board again but I really hope um that in your future you will consider joining us again because you you really do deserve to be here and if I could give you one piece of advice and that is to just believe in yourself because whatever it is you can accomplish it and you know that so um just it'll all fall together so thank you so much and I will miss you um Natalie I I was always very impressed uh with two things by you one your ability to they say that the the great leaders don't fully remove emotion from what they do uh and your ability to bring emotion and passion into what you did while you on this board was always a very impressive thing but then what was more impressive was your ability to pull that emotion and passion aside and be an Umpire with cold balls and Strikes I always thought that was a massive talent that you have always had uh even on things that you have passionately disagreed with me on and then come back and made a a different decision uh and then also stood your ground on it's always been very impressive the way you have done so in a tactful manner uh and it's been an absolute pleasure to work with you and I think that you know I was very sad to hear that you were not running uh and I'm sad to see you go the door is always open for service and it may take a different uh different approach but it is always possible so I wish you the best of luck um to shuana and Alex I I do want to say that although it is obvious that we have disagreed on certain things there are plenty of people on this Earth who believe that they know how to do it better and never step up to the plate and serve and so to both of you I genuinely mean that I do appreciate you both stepping up and serving this town and that is something to be to be proud of on your behalf and uh I do appreciate that service to our district uh whether or not we have agreed on everything that is something that that means something to this town and I appreciate it greatly so we have a saying in the Marine Corps Fair Winds and following Seas to all three of you thank you I believe Mr Hastings yes I would like to say a few words myself um first I want to thank Natalie um for her service on this board and all the best in the next chapter but I'd also like to say a sincere and genu thank you to miss beel and miss Hees for their unwavering support of students staff parents and forgiving a voice to the most vulnerable of our student population it has been an honor and privilege to have met them three years ago and to have served with them on this board during their tenure they asked the hard questions and even though they were met with majority resistance time and time again they didn't just rubber stamp agenda items they have been amazing advocates for our children for our district before their board tenure during and no doubt will be after no matter if they serve on this board or sit in the audience as parents it is disheartening and sad that they are voted out due to election propaganda it's a tremendous loss for our district the three new electees have big shoes to fill and I'm looking forward to seeing all the positive changes that they will accomplish in the next three years best of luck to all yes have a got um it has been an absolute honor to serve as a Schoolboard member here in Ocean Township this is not where I grew up but it is my new home it's been the place where I've lived the most and I've moved around a lot um I'm proud of making some Poss or making some positive changes over the past three years here for students staff teachers families in the district and one of my greatest proud moments has been having a hand in selecting our new superintendent who I know will Elevate our academic successes and put a greater emphasis on the fact that all students matter I wish Natalie nothing but the best and thank her for her service thank you especially to Shuan and Grace Anne for all you do for this District your impact is immeasurable and in my eyes losing Dr Beal's unique perspective and passion on this deis is truly a loss for this district and I don't think we will realize that until later like Dr Beal it's been my privilege to be a voice for families parents and students that often don't have a voice nor a seat at the table the marginalized kids the black and the brown kids the African-American students the Latino kids are gay and trans students plus the lowincome the elll students are disabled and special ed kids I truly hope their seat at this table doesn't get pushed farther and farther away and hopefully you all will keep this board uh of Education accountable and as transparent as you can be and keep up the robust communication that all parents and Guardians need finally teachers have the hardest job in the world give them a raise during this next negotiation or you're going to lose some incredible staff this is an amazing School District I'm excited and I can't wait to see all the Spartan legacies that our students leave thanks of you go no I would just like to say that I am proud to be the first African-American woman to be elected and to serve on this board and I am grateful for my family am especially my husband's sacrifice and I um look forward to spending time with my family and contributing to my sorority and other Civic organizations M torella um first uh thanks everyone for your kind words um means a lot um this has been quite the journey for me I as I think Jeff said or Denise said um I finished a one-year term and then I ran for a three-year term and I lost um and then I ran again the next year and I did that um for my kids because I needed to show them that you can lose and you can feel bad about something and you know um be discouraged about something and still get up the next day and be proud of yourself and put yourself out there again um so I hope that they learned that um from me and they're a big part of why I chose not to run again um they're getting older they're busier their lives are better better social lives than I have so need to be home a little bit more um and of course thanks to my mom and to my husband for always um helping to pick up the slack when I'm not around on Tuesdays um so that said again thank you to everyone on the board Alex and Chanda thank you for your service um we ran at the same time so it's it's been quite the ride to say the least um I've learned a lot and I'm very proud of this public service um I don't know if if you all get this but a lot of times when someone hears that I'm on the board or I'm on a board of education it's I don't know how you do it I don't know how you do it and we do it because we care about our communities and we care about our kids and we care about our staff um and hopefully they'll always be good people that are willing to replace us as we roll our terms off um but really the I don't know how you do it goes to the teachers and the administrators and the schools because you're the ones that it every day we set up here once a week um you know we vote on some things and we argue about some things but you're all the ones in the trenches every single day so thank you I'm really proud to be raising my kids in this town um I'm very thrilled with the experience that they're having every adult in the school district that has touched their lives so far has been amazing and made a positive impact so thank you thank you for those kind words too I believe we're ready Mr Hastings thank you this is item 9.1 Dr Beal yes Miss Hayes yes Mr McCarthy yes Mrs Paramus yes mrso yes Mrs torella yes Mr Weinstein yes and Mrs Gilman yes to Dr Beal and for Mrs Torell no to Alex Hayes thank you motion carries you very much we go to Old business is there any old business be discussed um I guess it's old business yes since there's new uh folks on the on the call I'm just going to mention once again that um I sat in on the council meeting last weekend for the town when they pushed through and okayed the sale of recreational marijuana in Ocean Township so it's not a matter of if it will happen it's a matter of when um so I implore you all to work with the council and do whatever you can to please try to get the 2% sales tax committed to our students our school buildings our staff and our programs in my opinion that 2% sales tax which could be hundreds of thousands of dollars like I mentioned upstairs Neptune got a million just last year and 450,000 went to eaten toown for their one dispensary you may not like recreational marijuana or you might be cool with it whatever but it was approved in this town please ask the the councilmen and women to put it to education thank you let's move to new business all right now we move to the public comment portion would anyone in the auditorium care to comment on any item at this time okay Miss Conway is there anyone in the queue who would like to comment on any item at this time no Madam president there are no commenters okay thank you very much then I will move for adjournment motion meeting adjourned G --------- welcome to the work session of the Ocean Township Board of Education here here McCarthy here M here T Rico Here Sell Here Weinstein here still here thank you very much I'll do the president's report downstairs suint same I will hold my report for the regular meeting okay our business administrated so thanks to report thank you madam president um I want to update the board on a power issue we had at Dow um yesterday when we came in the Dow is powered by two different legs or phases go into the school and yesterday when we arrived we found that one was down we contact jcpnl they came out made the repair uh which uh happened to be a power line that controlled the HVAC systems um so they came out and midday repaired that and had things back up and running and left with everything in good shape uh we came back this morning and second leg was down so uh it wasn't totally down it just wasn't providing the full Voltage that was required so we had unit ventilators and classrooms that were not operating properly so uh jcpnl responded quickly came out uh identified the problem and got that back up and running uh quickly as well and I think by 10 10:30 uh that was back up and and fully active um and with that I'd like to thank uh Mr Bosman and his team his custodians and maintenance folks for responding so quickly and responding so early in the morning to the problem and and making sure that jcpnl got out and and got us back up and running um I want to note that earlier this month we had a meeting with the county superintendent and the county business administrator annually they call on districts in the county to come out and do what they call as a midyear budget review that happens across the state with all the County offices and the associated districts um in that we go through various ratios and and measures um and compare those against other K12 districts our PE uh we talked about ARP spending and where we were with spending those funds and whether we would exhaust those funds by the um expiration date which is basically September of 24 uh we talked about some facility issues and facility challenges talked about our stabilization aid application our Rod Grant applications and then the status of those and when we can expect to hear some information both uh responses were hopefully by the end of this month we would have an indication of where we stand with those different uh funding programs um so it went well we spent about an hour out in freeold with them and uh uh they seemed impressed with the the work that's being done in the district and by the board and the superintendent and I think it went overall in a positive manner uh two other issues uh that I want to mention that are also on our agenda tonight uh one is an increase in minimum wage as you may be aware effect of January 1st minimum wage is going up by a dollar so that is an item on our agenda for the workshop and for the regular meeting um that sort of ties in as well with our um process of of examining our substitute rates and where we want to go with those how we can attract more candidates and get subs that we need for the absences that we incur during the course of any given day or week um so we're going to look at that we have a spreadsheet that's provided uh throughout the county by the various BAS superintendant that we can use to compare rates that are being offered um so we'll look at our rate which currently is about $100 a day for a basic teaching sub we'll look at that we'll look across the county see what the competitive rates are and and come up with a proposal for the board in the next month or so to approve an increase in that rate uh I would question you however that just by increasing the rate doesn't necessarily give us access to a untopped pool of candidates there's only so many candidates out there they're also geographically limited and the people only travel so far to sub and anecdotally we have heard I have heard Miss W may as well at her superintended meetings that districts are offering significantly more money in some areas and not seeing any results based on those increases so again we'll come up with a fiscally responsible proposal and and present that to you uh for approval and the final item I wanted to mention uh relates to our organization meeting again uh under the pr section we have our meeting calendar which we'll vote on uh in January at our organization meeting to establish the new dates uh for next year so that'll run from January through the organization meeting into January of 25 I guess already yeah sounds like but January 25 uh We've kept uh basically the same schedule that we have currently in place sort of the 2 and and fourth Tuesdays uh We've looked at holidays at conferences that we know about those sorts of things and have' adjusted the calendar to reflect those uh so that's on the agenda uh and then I also wanted to just bring up to the board that uh in some districts uh we take the organization meeting as an opportunity to do ethics training brief ethics training um so that the new board members get their training up front and so that uh we can get our annual training U taken care of and out of the way uh that can be done uh as a discussion item by the attorney it can be done by our Field refence School boards uh typically I think that's a shorter session with the ethics training going back and looking at previous meetings of previous years it seems that uh here in Ocean we've done it in June talking with the attorney as well he noted that that's would seem to coincide with the former election cycle where April was the election for school board members then you'd reor later in time frame but just wanted to put it out there to see if sounds like a good idea anybody had any feeling about that or we want to do that in a retreat meeting if for a longer session or Dr TR from New Jersey school board out to me and said that there are resources that they have that you know they would be willing to provide to our board but then again we have Mr Taylor's ethics training that we gave as well so I guess that is something that we need to discuss whether we want to do it in January yeah it looks like in the past in January perhaps you were given the code of ethics to read and review and and we can certainly plan as we as you have always done um but we were just curious if you and then and then plan a training for another time or do you want the training in January minutes dep kind of included right it is included yeah that's why he reached out and said you know we can do I certainly more robust than receiving the list and did a was training last year and it was about an hour and a half so they can obviously fill whatever time we ask the fil I could ask him you know that abbreviated I mean I'd be I'd be up having it in early in January early in January yeah I think that makes sense January that probably makes most sense not at our reor meeting you mean after the reor meeting or at the reor meeting I mean I don't in mind at the reor meeting but I don't know how everyone else feels I think it's a good idea to just do it and get it over with it's the first meeting of the Year probably makes the most sense what what time is the reing 7 P.M 7 P.M we don't do we have a 7 p.m. is when the reorg starts yeah so the reor actually how long does the reor take it's like 15 minute not long right we would have to see I are you interested in school boards or Mr Taylor or we may not even have to try to this is why we're talking about we'd have to try let me know and I I'll respond back to Dr Trel any opinion on we want sounds good I mean the um I I don't think we want to I think so when Mr Taylor did it I didn't see that much of a difference than when I sat in this one I've had a school boards person do it yeah you know going for also I like going forward I like us to be a little less litigious about everything you know so and we have his PowerPoint didn't he hard C which was like and it will cost us money to use the lawyer so it may just make the most sense to go to them and Mar you know what what can you present within a framework that's basic for three you know for the new members and yeah and I'll let you know can you please copy Jeff on that as well so he can G got that just in case have a question on the subs well I guess really it's well done too the the rate of pay have we ever looked at hiring a full-time floater like a full-time sub we have those we did well we don't yes we have meaning like they just know there's always going to be a place for someone to go right ever since the school closure and reopening we we brought in everyday Subs at every school when we 7 maintain can we pay someone in a position like that a little more more of a salary rather than daily s we have tiers of our subs the lowest of that tier being 100 okay so it goes up from there okay that's based on your knowing you have the guarantee job okay so yes your'll send an email we'll try to plan or training by school boards on the second in January yeah not we'll do it the week after the session after we can't do it on if we can't do it on the second the next one is the n yeah I me we have you know new board members and going going you guys were not talking about that sorry I have another question aboutut you don't or you do all right we presentation that was a very thorough report and I think it's a great idea to you know to compare with other districts because you know then you hear well they're paying this much for Subs in that District so it's probably a good idea for everybody to uh try to be comparable presentation of V Mr McCarthy move to approve of item 6.1 I'm sorry I present item 6.1 for discussion apologies there's an error I was not an executive so I did not bought it right any other comments questions comments about the they're beautifully written personel we will vote on uh theend items downstairs regular financial management and Resource Services I actually had I just actually had a question on the Personnel the high impact tutoring coordinator are we at full capacity then like everything that we wanted we got and we have every position filled so we're not we don't need any more people I believe drgan we okay okay financial management of Resource Services um presenting for discussion 8.1 the minimum wage increases I know we kind of just talked about it but I waiting also for us to hit this one um clerical and class AIDS we're now saying are going to be making the same amount as our teenage summer workers just doesn't make sense to me didn't make sense to me that the previous rate um so I just think we should be paying them more what do you guys think does not have to be negotiated I believe it does as we enter into negotiations I'm sure that will come up thank you for yours instruction education and Student Activities Dr B discussion regarding 9.1 through 9.5 questions about internship TD um 9.5 yes is this um is this going to be every December we basically just have to do this for the state it is a requirement of the funding that we're receiving so I'm not certain if it will continue past September 2024 when the funding has to be spent and what has changed if anything I didn't pull up the last one I did make some changes um mostly that we are back functioning so should should we need to social distance um you know it's only to the greatest extent possible you know that we we would still function I took out some language of remote learning because that would not be our first approach to this you know unless we were in a shut down so sometimes it it said um some of the wording would be the districts will do this or will do that we'll bring back plexiglass like I changed some things to say the district will try other measures first and if necessary we'll Implement plexiglass only where necessary not in a full scale um plan so it was and in many places it said the district will do this but we are doing it already so I would change the tense of what it said thank you for that that was changed okay let's hope we never have to uh resort to that again but you don't know so we have the plan in place for if we do and that's a good thing for PR M uh item 10. one for discussion on the board calendar and um as Mr Hy said it's presented to us for vote in January and it's there for you to reference does anybody else think that we should condense the December meetings into the first two weeks of the month feels that way just out there December 3rd work meeting December 10th work in regular adjourn for the remainder the remainder of the month we busy maybe it's because I have the little ones you know and there's an elf to move every night and things like that you know bus it comes back from the North Pole yeah the only problem it's been left empty is it conferences or something we seem to be among the districts that go the latest like this is a late meeting for most M County December meetings this week most them does it put an undue burden on the administration you know is really what I care about it's something you can do you know change it and then right it's possible to eliminate the 17th and then move that to the 10 for work in regular I think if I remember correctly in looking at this and and certainly we can look at it again but um I believe the Thanksgiving holiday makes it difficult to be ready for a meeting on the third if I remember correctly um however we certainly can strive to do that if it is not the the third the third would still it would remain oh I see what no we would yeah we'd have to was more thought that you at the end of year if you have people you have to hire people you want to start people want well that's always that's an issue every month because during the obviously it's August is it's a big issue so we put that as late in the month as possible same thing with July during the year there there are resignations that come and we can never predict when they'll be so every month you know it's helpful to have a time to approve but it's no more or less in December than any other month besides July and August I would say I mean if there any interests in the board in doing one meeting in December a work a combined work and regular with a regular and do that on the 10th sure that's good I like problem with that sounds good as long as it doesn't impact you all way the 10th was fine we have a meeting on the 10th be ready for the 10th that's not an have the regular and eliminate the 17 do it it's possible and let us know because we're not voting tonight anyway um one comment I had was that um when we were some it feels like that over the years sometimes we're in um a little bit of a problem problematic time when we getting our budgets kind of approved that we like a couple of times where we've had a too much of a lapse in the meeting between one meeting and the next meeting and we kind of got ourselves I think one time we got a little caught up in the fact that we were running running behind and didn't have enough time on some things so because I guess it has to go to the superintendent I remember so I believe that last year there were some Provisions put in place to to take care of that and some of what was there you didn't need you ended up not necessarily needing Mr Hastings and I went over this very carefully around budget time to be sure with deadlines and when things are due to county that we have picked the correct dates enough time we we spent time on that specifically so we have presented a calendar that we believe addresses exactly what you're mentioning good when is the date that has sent to the super to the um County Superintendent that date so that the dates are not out yet but the tenative budget has to be presented in March to the county the county then reviews it send it back to us for Corrections adjustments explanations whatever they need more information on and then we have to do a public hearing and formal adoption of the budget that's usually a penda 14-day window last week of APR in that time frame so we have it right now for so okay then we're also impacted by the governor is budget address so budget address sometimes he pushes it to I think very L feels okay they've got us covered thank you yeah let's move to Old business is there old business to be discussed guess I don't know if it's um so we all know that maryan Freedman is not our person anymore yes okay that's all I that's why I referenced anything else for old business new business I have three things since we had the time you don't need to F it don't worry um so uh and this is I guess this well I'm sorry maybe this could have been old business um I had I am remiss in Remembering if in the legislative committee we had talked to the council members um about the marijuana tax I didn't think that has come up um so I just wanted to present to you guys that um I did submit some public testimony to the council last week as a mom and I gave all my disclaimers about I'm not speaking on behalf of the school board I'm speaking on behalf of of you know Alex mom and a taxpayer so on Thursday they approve marijuana recreational sales in the town Eaton toown made about $450,000 last year Neptune made $1 million this is based on for every sale of marijuana it's a 2% tax and the towns can decide whatever the heck they want to do with it um some towns are like we're going to make uh some town in like Mercer County the marijuana tax is paying for their in entire trash uh D or public work their entire trash stuff for the year um in my I'm happy to send you all my what I sent to the mayor and councel um you know there's a little bit of nimi like I really didn't I don't think we should have another marijuana dispensary in town especially given that we have others I think the mar Market is saturated however there's money to be had so it's like throwing away free money um but my gist of my letter was that I imploy implored the council to dedicate all that money back to the schools and I would implore you guys since I'm leaving particularly the legislative committee um to really have some serious conversations with the council um I know they've done a ton of things with like you know the parks and recks and all these other amazing things sure but if marijuana sales are happening in our town and it's a given it's going to be like kind of behind the Wegman's area or whatever that's the area um we have a potential for hundreds of thousands of dollars and we are constantly getting our funding um I really think that it's something we need to Lobby Council for to try to get that money back to the school so that's one thing I couldn't remember and I almost like texted like did we ever talk to them about it and I didn't even know they were even discussing this or like last month when you said hey we're meeting with the council come up with ideas if I had known that that's what we were going to be voting on last week Council I would have brought it up so so hopefully you guys will consider that obviously we don't make the decision Council does um and then I think anything else thank you for bringing that to my attention hi and I have stats and I I can send you the letter that I sent to town um mayor and councel um also I provided um testimony a couple weeks ago to the school ethics commission um so I they haven't posted the minutes yet so just wanted to let everybody know that um and when I do I'll hopefully I'll have it along anything else all right let's move to the public comment portion of the meeting Miss Conway since we have no one here would anyone from the public like to comment on any item at this time Madame President there are no commenters thank you very much Miss conle then I'll make a motion to adjourn motion second just motion a second all favor