##VIDEO ID:pVCTlWJOezY## to the August 13th Workshop meeting I'm going to begin with a very short uh board president's report I just want to um let everyone know that our very own um Caitlyn Dam had a beautiful little girl on August 9th right on her due date and we just want to congratulate her and wish her and her family all the best with her new bundle of joy and um she finally has a a little mini M so that concludes my report and we will go on to the superintendent's report thank you madam president I do want to um first of all start out by thanking Dr Kalisha Morgan for putting on our administrative Retreat and professional development this summer we did a 4-day series that covered a number of topics including um evaluation the data student data uh staff data how to evaluate our schools and and our progress and to review that data and set clear goals for each individual school we did that together in team so that it was not just an individual effort by the principal but by all administrators um we covered also special education legal matters and topics and a number of other things so she did a great job putting on that professional development and she is shifting gears and gearing up for our new faculty orientation which will be held beginning August 26 and the board of education is invited to the meet and greet of our new faculty members on August 26th which is a Monday Monday morning in this room at 8:30 a.m. we will do a a meet and greet um the the new faculty arrives around 8: am so you are welcome to come a little bit before 8:30 but you will be introduced at 8:30 um to the to the group and get a chance to meet and welcome all of our new faculty to our district okay I want to um let the board and the public know that I had sent out a communication last week to the families letting them know that our Genesis Parent Portal is now open for families to complete their back to school forms so all families can go in and complete their back to school forms we will be releasing OT TS and Tois schedules this Thursday August 15th if those forms are not completed a family would not be able to see the schedule so I encourage everybody to go in as soon as possible and get those done so it is not a panicked situation when the schedules go live Elementary Home Room teachers will be available on August 26th that information will be available and the same thing you will not be able to see it if your forms are not completed so just one addition plea to All Families to complete those forms okay and finally uh the rest of my report I'd like to turn over to Dr Morgan who's here this evening to present the assessment results for the NJ GPA the access and the AP I think I think got them all yes good evening superintendent Wen Board of Education members and the public I'm here this evening to present the access andj paa and advanced placement results from the 2324 school year next slide please I'm going to start with the access for L's next slide please the access for L's measures a students English language Proficiency in ela math science and social studies we use these results to make decisions about students academic language English academic language and to facilitate their language development the scores R the scores range from level one through six level one is entering level six is reaching and the scores can be used for accountability purposes to support decisions about placing students into appropriate classes or groups and to show the progress of students next slide please last year for the 2024 school year we tested a total number of 2400 students in grades K through 12 that was 33 more students than who were tested in 2023 that total was4 students next slide please performance level results out of the 247 students they uh in grades K through 12 our highest score was a six and our lowest score was a 1.2 the majority of our students uh with was in the development range followed by emerging entering and expanding what's next and then bridging and reaching next slide please this slide represents the number of students who scored greater than 4.5 on the 2024 Administration this is a data point that is used to exit students out of multilingual um I'm sorry ESL one of the data points to determine how students should exit and the other data point there's an observation form filled out by the ESL teacher so there are two data points and exit having a score of a 4.5 is one of the data points that that is used in order for students to exit the program next slide please here we're going to talk about the elementary access growth the access growth method metric is a measure of what percentage of students met their growth Target the growth Target is based on their Baseline access proficiency level and their Baseline grade at testing Sorry I need to put my glasses on so let's start with grade K there were 20 nine students tested most of the students were in the newcomer range the higher the gray that's that would tell us that we had a high number of newcomers in that area area for grade one we had a total of 27 students now backing out the newcomers I wanted to show the growth for the first grade if you're backing out the newcomers we have a total of of course 100 and 47% of our first graders met the growth expectation and 53% did not so of course this shows something different on the slide but again back out the newcomers and we're looking at the growth of students who were here last year and if you go across second grade backing out the newcomers the gray area we had 39% of our students who met the growth standards and 6% who were eligible to exit so for a total of 40 but 45% of our students in second grade were able to move on for third grade there wasn't a lot of growth in third grade we had 18% who did not meet the standard meet the exit criteria and 6% of our students who did and again this is backing out the gray area because we wanted to show the growth of the students who were here last year the projected time of proficiency is expected to be five years so based on your entering date in your score you will have five years to exit the program so we should see growth each each year next slide please again for Tois the gray area again is our is our are our newcomer students starting with grade five we had about 133% of our students who were eligible to exit out for grade six there was about 44% 45% of our students were able to move on they met the growth or they exited out and 56% did not grade seven we had eight n 19% of our students who were eligible to move to I'm sorry who met proficiency and 82% did not next slide please our high school students grade nine 71% did not meet the growth expectation and we had 14% who met the growth growth expectation and 14% of the ninth graders who met the Met proficiency who were able to who are eligible to move out of each C grade 11 I'm sorry grade 10 78% 11% and then 11% for grade 11 there was 87% who did not meet ex growth expectations and 133% who did in grade 12 there was 83% who met both expectation sorry who did not meet growth expectation and 133% who did again we're only looking at students who were here in Ocean last year so that we can see the growth for the students who were here last year and this year next slide please so our intervention strategies on how we are going to continue to support our multilingual population and our ESL teachers we have added I believe she'll be approved tonight an ESL multilingual teacher coach to our teaching staff this teacher will work with students and then part of the day she will also coach teachers on best practices providing demo lessons and job embedded PD we're also going to provide sty Ups training across all curriculum areas our Elementary uh coaches will be trained and they will once they are trained they will uh turn key to the rest of the Elementary staff scop scop is a framework for planning and deliver instruction in content areas such as Science History and math to multilingual learners but scop also helps other Learners also so you don't have to be an ESL student to benefit all students will benefit from using the shelter English observation protocol for all of our students and ESL teachers will continue to push into K12 classrooms ESL instruction will be provided by an ESL teacher within grade level and content area classrooms with the general education teachers can we next can we ask questions at the at the let's do it at the end that's okay so she doesn't lose her is that okay with you kalicia would it's it's I mean I they're all spread out now yes so then we will Amy um I just have a question I know that um you know as we all know our ESL population has grown tremendously over the last couple years do you keep a a data point of where when the students actually came to us and when they emerge you know like I know that this is this is based on this past year but we could have had students come in the day before the test have to take the test and you know they're not emerging because they haven't even been in the classroom yet absolutely so um do we have do we set any goals for I know you said five years is that like the five year to exit the program is that a state goal or is that a district goal State that's the state goal so do we have a goal in the district as far as how long we would like a student to be with us till they make considerate progress you know and I because I feel because and I don't know if I'm asking this the right way but I just feel like sometimes you know we have kids that come in for a year leave for a year come back to us a year later or we have students that are coming to us in nth grade that have never spoken a word of English and you know like are we are we keeping track of our specific students in a different data point I guess is my question of some sort yes I'm sure U Miss V is keeping you know she keeps a record of all of that and that's also in our linked database where we can kind of you know show where students were when students came to us which test they took whether in and access is a one time of year assessment however we do have other assessments that will kind of guide us as to where our students are so yes report does that ever get reported I just this while this data is great I feel like it's also in a in a certain way and I'm one board member asking this of some sort I feel like seeing I feel like you would be presenting much different much better um information in my mind of right of of at some point that might say listen we've had these we we've made a district goal of three years being at the you know X point and and we're getting to that point and I don't need like raw you know all that stuff but just maybe it's just a different way of thinking about it of of how we're reaching this population since it's becoming such a giant population Mr Schneider I just want to ask a clarifying question I'm new to this wait but um I'm sorry it's a fiveyear program wait I'm sorry did you want to answer sorry think that what you're is do we keep track of data of new of new of newcomers and I believe we do and like do we have a goal we have a goal of you know well I think I if I may just to clarify those last few slides are newer to this presentation to show that we're monitoring the growth of students and we're talking about separating out students who were new this year so we can't we cannot demonstrate that our instruction had an impact because they were new to us this year but we're talking about the students who were here and and what percentage of those students have met with gr okay those were what those slides were showing just to just to clarify so I misunderstood that part okay can I just is this about it's about okay go I think the challenge that I was having that um Amy I think was trying to point out is it's hard to attach ourselves to what is actually the progress because I'm not sure what we're what the where we started from so to speak so it's I'm not sure when some like um I think when we say we we accomplished 17% people who exited the program I have no idea if that's good or bad or I don't know if we sitting there we should go we're go yeah I'm not you I don't know what it is so and I'm not by the way I I wasn't going to say it because I know that sometimes you have to report these things and the U but I'm always the person who wants I always feel like I wanted to say okay what's our grade here like are we giving ourselves a c or a b or an like how do how do we do and that's the part that's that's the part that's missing for me I think Dr Morgan wants to answer you the state measures us on the growth so each year they will look at these students and they will determine whether the student made adequate progress toward exiting the program so right now I can't say whether we're doing great or whether we're not doing great but we had 18 students this year who met the requirement that they can that they can exit however we had a number of students who we don't know whether they were here well this data doesn't show whether they were here two or three years but they are making progress and I think that's what the state wants us to report yeah and I guess that's where my question is is that if they've only been here one year and they've only gotten this far that's great right right but if they've been here four years and they've only gotten this far then what are we laughing with that one St you know so that's more what I mean like are we are we seeing that this students been in this program of four of the five years that the state thinks we should be done and they've only gone this far or they've been here for for a year and they've gone this far and look at like you know so that's I think more I and I don't necessarily need that data I just think that it's a data point that would be awesome that it sounds like you guys are already keeping track of but I just wanted to know that you're looking at it obviously I mean that's you do that all the time look at it in different ways than just these slides but that was more what I was getting to sorry Mr Gil you have something in regards to what it it does it ties in with this I'm assuming that the curriculum is cumulative yes which is kind of confusing when grade four does so well and grade seven does so poorly along with grades 11 and 12 where ninth grade does well so if we're starting at as you're saying point a in fourth grade and everybody's doing well and then in seventh grade things go down a little bit and then in grade 11 and well they go down I mean do you attribute that to new students coming in yes yes that's what I would think I we don't know if we are comparing Apples to Apples right so we we're not tracking the students we're just reporting the data as you have it right so in order for us to in order for me to answer your question I would have to build a poort starting from grades K and track those students if they're here because you know most of our mul multilingual populations they come in they come out so it's a Transit transient population so if they're here I would be able to give you that data but if they're not here then they they they leave the data set the data set okay thank you thank you Dr morg Mr Schneider yeah um for clarity the program is five years so you have 18 or 4% of the 247 tested out yes you could test out as early as uh first second or third I mean look at our kindergarteners we had about I think two I mean we had some kindergarteners who tested and they were able to exit and they're done they're yeah right so they don't end they don't reul back at the grades 11 no no I I didn't unless unless they're not doing well as they have exited the program we do monitor their success afterwards with alha supports to see if they need it and also just to clarify the goal is to exit students in 5 years some students may be exited before 5 years and some students May remain in the program longer than five years Mr Dalton I just I want to say this Dr Morgan and say if if I'm on the right track all of the questions I think are great questions but age of entry and how language acquisition occurs right absolutely a seventh grader or a ninth grader versus a first grader language acquisition is very different at different ages home language and is is English being spoken at all the home or not or what other exposure is the is the child having Mobility as you pointed to is very difficult sometimes because a family's needing to leave for family issues and things like that um and sometimes special needs arise that weren't evident because of language would that be fair to say absolutely okay absolutely all right so there's I I I always say this with data when you look at data and we start to drill we have to be careful how many questions you start asking because one question leads to five questions which leads to five more questions which leads to now wait a minute what was the original question so I I just say that because those are just some factors that come into play because is I Dr Morgan I heard you say this and I appreciate if you could start a cohor group and follow them but this one moved out this one was identified with an IEP this one started in first grade and has three older siblings who exited the program and English is being spoken you know there's a lot of factors right okay just want to make sure you may start with 20 students and end up with five right I mean all of the other factors so one last thing was when the state looks at this because you said this is required reporting are they are they happy with these results like based on what you're thinking or 81% of kids are not not meeting it because there's an aptitude part of it too I don't they don't get it's just not that they I don't know if care but it's we don't get any feedback R I don't think yeah in in they are going to evaluate how this is presented and that the key components that they require are in the presentation and they will Mark us off if we do not present it to their standard in a time liit it looks good thank you for entertaining yeah yes just doing my J okay so the NJ GPA results for the Ocean Township High School um the statute requires the State graduation proficiency assessment to be administered to all of our 11th grade students the njpa is designed to measure the extent to which students are graduation ready in ela and math and the graduation Readiness is reported separately for each content area the ELA component is aligned to 10 great 10 standards and it's aligned to Algebra 1 and geometry standards so we're basically testing Algebra 1 and geometry thank you Mary I'm sorry I didn't see next slide students who take but do not meet the minimum required score on each component of the assessment will have the opportunity to receive additional support and may take the following steps they can retake the ELA or math components of the New Jersey GPA in the following summer or fall they can meet a designated cut score from a menu of substitute comp oh Jesus I'm sorry competency test or complete a portfolio appeal the competency test cons consists of the SAT the um PSAT the asbab I believe is still on that list so they can have they can meet it in other ways if they don't complete the NJ GPA next slide please so 238 students took the njpa in English language arts and 238 students took the NJ GPA and math I just want to point out that 133 students of our senior class A Class of 2025 have already met the graduation requirement through the other Pathways so although they sat for this test many of them have already met it through the AP I'm sorry SA or the PSAT or or the other competencies uh test that the state allows and they still have to sit for it they have to sit for it yes they have to sit so we had a total of 238 students and I believe our senior class consists of 244 so majority of them P explains L yeah so our graduation ready District is 79.8 so basically 80% which was 1.6% off from the state and then there was 52.5 from math which is about 2% off from the state next slide please the NJ GPA scores range from a 650 to 850 and a score of 725 indicates that they are ready for graduation next slide please English language arts here are our subgroups most of our subgroups increase from last year that's a good sign for our Ela next slide please and our math unfortunately we have some work to do there and we went down in math next slide please so our intervention strategies um had a wonderful me meting this morning with our supervisors as we as we began to prepare for next year and we revamped the Tois uh model of push in where we have our interventionist pushing into the classrooms with the gened teacher we felt this was a great practice and best practice because students will not be pulled out and they will not miss that core so that's for our tier one and our tier 2 students tier three students will also have the push P intervention but they will have intensive intervention pulled out with a teacher twice a week once a week we also uh will Implement data driven instruction to ensure Equitable practices as Miss as superintendent Wen pointed out we did a entire day of looking at data to ensure that students will be able to receive what they need so looking at the data allows us to provide lessons to the stand that the students need the most help in we will also be working with our supervisors and principles to track the data throughout the year to catch students who may be falling behind and this is not only just our academic data but our discipline data and our attendance data because you will know all know that that impacts academic achievement so we want to be sure that we are tracking that data monthly so that we can also so we can catch the students who you know who ends up on these lists all the time we also will be holding continue to hold our data meetings with teachers to discuss next steps um the data meetings were very eye openening to me last year my first year as I continue to go and I will see how the teachers will come and with meeting with the supervisors to discuss how their students have progress or how they may not have been progressing and what's the ne what are the next steps to get them to be successful okay is there any questions for the njpa right next slide please advanced placement results advanced placement AP courses at OTS provides an opportunity for all students to have rigorous assignments and rigorous assessments we all know that AP is very important as students who are looking to be College and Career ready many colleges take these AP scores and some stud get credit for them so it's very important for us to provide this type of um program and practices for our students not only and this is something I personally believe but I believe that providing students with rigorous coursework even if they don't pass the test also prepares them for college we want to provide them with the most rigorous assignments so that they are ready to tackle College work sometimes they may not pass the test however being exposed to it will help them once they get to College all students enrolled in the AP course must take the AP exam and the exam fee is $98 per exam and the district pays for the AP exam so again all students will be able to take it next slide please in May of 2024 a total of 273 students took AP exams 527 AP exams in 24 subject areas this was an increase from last year grade 12 there was 127 students an increase of seven students over last year there were 98 students um who took it in 11th grade an increase of 14 students over last year 32 students took the a took AP exams which was negative one so we lost one and then for ninth grade students there were 21 students this year but we lost 12 so an increase of 18 students taking AP exams from last year to this year the AP scores range from 1 through five five being the highest score 7% of the AP exam scores were perfect five 28% of the AP exam scores were four or five and 60% of the AP exam scores were three four or five next slide please so here are our Trends over five years so there was an increase over last year 20120 was that when um a computer home and it was yeah it was during the pandemic right it's an outlier score right there trending way up then if you remove that this year looks good this year looks good if you remove that which you probably should wow it was a take-home test yeah real well next SL call your friendes so here are our threee comparisons over um threee comparisons of our scores for each of the subject areas next slide please so this slide demonstrates from 22 23 and 24 the number of students who took the test and what the average score was so 2D art increased Calculus AB increased we did not offer um there were no students enrolled in Calculus BC and Cal bcab but that will be changed for next year we already have students enrolled next slide please the average the a I'm sorry not the average the overall scores for the past three years for computer science computer science principles English language English Lit environmental science and European history next slide please Human Geography Italian we no one took a AP exam in that for this year macroeconomics microeconomics physics one and physics 2 psychology mean score Spanish statistics US government and policy US history for the first time we offered preal as AP course and we had an average score mean score 3.25 that's pretty good here the remaining remain remaining subjects music RL sub um music nonoral sub music theory and 3D art and design Mr Weinstein so what does it say about the some of these courses that no no year has been over I'm sorry I didn't oh sorry what does it say about the courses where that the mean score has not been over with three over the past three years think I'm looking at geography micro uh microeconomics uh Italian physics physics you know macroeconomics it's like there's no like the averages over three years hasn't been over three it hasn't been over three yeah so what does that say does it say anything or well it can say a lot of things um it can students are probably not excelling in that class as we can see by the average um without observing what's happening I can't really tell what's going on I would have to get a a answer from a supervisor however many students take the many students enroll in the course who may not pass the exam so that's that's not abnormal um but I can't answer as to why these particular classes students are not progressing do you have an idea Miss f is it like the grade isn't the grade of the class is not dependent on the test I think each test that you mentioned is it could possibly be a different reason for each one in some cases some of the courses that you mention are what we consider to be a I'm going to try AP course meaning it's a student who may or may not be prepared for AP level work but wants to challenge themselves and tries to take an AP course and some of those that you mention are courses like that so it could be a reach for a student trying to build a transcript to show that they have taken an AP course while in high school and then therefore their performance on the assessment may not be as high I don't think that's the reason for all of those um sometimes when we see a trend like that we would examine does the teacher need additional professional development do they need to go to a refresher training or in some cases the teacher changes every year because someone may not want to teach the class repeatedly so we will look at that and see what other supports a teacher may need some of the tests are just very difficult and again we we will and we do we look at were these seniors who already were accepted into a into a college and they had that course on their transcript to help them get into the College of their choice but they're now sitting for a test in May of their senior year and the score is not all that important to them or is this a sophomore or a junior building a transcript building test scores trying to earn credit they may not have to take a course in college and then we would that would help us as as Mr Dalton said before that would take us down One path of questioning versus another path of questioning depending on who the students are so the reason for me asking is because you make get a point to say 60% of the AP exams were a three four or five which I'm assuming is you're saying that because you think that that's an important thing the 3 four five that's an important way to measure I believe that the world when they look at AP scores that's a that's a barometer for Success right so when you look at the other CL when you look at all those classes where there hasn't come close to that right 175 24 like that's the thing that's dragging it down right so John got very excited when he saw the curve right but the curve would be a lot more exciting if we weren't having to drag any other classes right and so my my my I guess my my thing is that that I'm sure that the kids who were taking the economics classes the average score in the class was not a C+ pretty confident about that right correct AP class it was probably higher correct so there has to be at some level there should be some correlation between the grade in the class and the grade on the AP test maybe maybe the reason for if there were if there does not exist a correlation is because as what I just said which you could have students who are it because they want an AP course on their transcript because it gives them a more Competitive Edge in applying for colleges but once accepted into the College of their choice the score on the test becomes less important to them also as Dr Morgan began she said that the experience of the AP course is sometimes the edge that is The Edge more than the score and so we don't then gain the results by doing away with the classes we can't be successful in because we believe that experience for those students even though their scores are low has set them up for Success post High School graduation and we want to expose our students to as many experiences like that so that makes them marketable and competitive when they graduate from our school so I mean you make a point that we could probably have a different skew to those graphs just don't know that that's what we prioritize M Gilman you you spoke about a possible PD for some teachers that are doing AP speaking from experience it's very difficult to teach the honors in AP and I wonder if it's ever been uh considered of have a stien available for these teachers that do the AP tests because the the work put into it is very rigorous and I know it's very frustrating when students who might be seniors sit for the test and dink dink dink ABC it uh and don't take it seriously and if we're paying for these tests in a year that you know we've we've had to not replace personnel and we we've seen a cut in funding we need to make sure that these students are taking the tests seriously if they're sitting for them as Mr Weinstein said if you're if you're getting above a C+ in the class your AP should reflect that and you shouldn't just sit for it and uh not take it seriously and that goes for all the tests as well whether it's the New Jersey standards or or the AP exams but a stien might be something to consider for these teachers that have to go for um have to go the extra mile to teach the AP class well just to be clear do we we we certainly pay for the PD for the teachers but do we think the stien will improve the test course I don't know okay I don't know I would hate to think I would I was just gonna like from from someone who is living AP right now right living it through the high school right now what are you taking I feel like I'm taking psychic preal last year and four this year but um I will say that I think there's something to be said about about a district goal that we've had for many many years of encouraging many many many different students to be in these classes and getting perspective even in the discussion that happens in AP courses from different people in the class and learning from each other and doing things that my person as a parent I'll say my three four and five doesn't matter to me as much as the study skills that I saw from September to May of learning how to take a college level course and being able to do stuff and learning you know different things about how important extra credit is in those kinds of courses and you know and so when you find out you know and and they are like there there are kids that definitely take it that halfway through the year might feel like they're in over their heads but they've also learned it and they've taken a chance and I would hate to you know there's there's certain classes in this in this year one that was not given last year that's being given this year that that you know you have students that are encouraged to do it that if you get eight kids or 10 kids we can give this course or whatever but we are still encouraging you know kids to go to those courses that may not have so many kids because it's it's something important and I think like I've always been on this side of AP even before I had was living it in my life and now you know always been on the side of encouraging so many different different students from every Walk of Life in our high school to take this harder schedule and have these year-long courses and I think that that side of it is so much more important than the three four FS so I'm confident that if we would go back to last year when this was being played we'd have a similar conversation we would for the last 10 years the the my my one of my perspectives on this is that as a as a district sometimes we struggle for data points that say we are exceeding expectations we struggle with that sometimes right SAT scores we're kind of on the average right how we get ranked we're kind of on the average right maybe sometimes even below the average and we we we kind of go back to and by the way my kids graduated here and I you know I love the district and I kids became good whole people and I did well in school and doing well in work right um but it's sometimes we should look for some data points that actually can support that that is what's occurring right our one of our big I think one of our big data points was that when a kid goes to college that they that our number of they stay in school after the second year or something is much higher than the state average right so that's a that's a trailing number right that's a like you can't forecast that number so it' be nice to actually have some numbers that we can actually then forecast that we're actually able to start car improv that point to me to me this might be one of those numbers that actually can help that like I think we're we're a little deficient on the proof points other than the fact that we're have good kids out in the world which is probably the biggest proof point that you want to have but it's still hard sometimes to kind of prove those points and I'm not sure I like to prove points that are congruent to what we're trying to accomplish and an AP exam seems AP Tex and stuff not grades and all that kind of stuff but an AP test in success of those things seem to me as one of those opportunities to to prove con congruency of students that are well prepared going to do well and are doing well today that we can have some kind of congruent relationship that's and the growth of the participation and the percentage of three four FS is not enough in your in your opinion of that just to be clear well 273 kids right um out of uh how many kids in the um in the school well just 100,000 it's a quarter of the population I'm not even sure I don't I don't I don't I don't know if the percent has gone up and I don't know if the 273 if they took three of these tests or four of these tests you know I don't know what that number is you might it might be netted down that they took you know the majority of all these tests right it's not it's not it doesn't necessarily kind of correlate exactly for me okay I don't understand that last part just so I am clear so we can look at that you're not sure if the percentage of students correlates well if all the if all the reason if all the reasonable grades that were got that were achieved here were done were done by 40 kids right it doesn't I'm not sure what it actually says so I'm not I don't know what the math is but well was 60% correct I'm not looking at that slide right now 60% of the of 200 of of the 500 tests were fre4 or fives I believe that's how it was presented 60% 60% so test of test or three fours and fives pretty exciting how many but he's saying of those those of those were those 300 tests basically taken by 60 kids the same the same 60 kids okay now I now I understand what you're trying to say which I'm not sure if that's true or not true just like you said how many how many of your kids take he's taking four Tak four he's taking four and he gets all threes then now we basically have 60 kids who are selling I don't know the number off the top of my head 40% princi 40% every here okay so I'm I'm not I'm not poking holes I'm just saying it's nice to have numbers that help us car to to approve something else Mr do I just want to add to the I hear your points I first of all I think the numbers show a good trend of growth and access and I think that when we talked about earlier things um and we talk about you know um more kids having access when we talk about that in special ed when we talk about that and other things exposure to higher level curriculum and higher level in interaction we know benefits children so I think there's two goals running side by side here is we would always like to see greater results on on numbers with scores and things like that but we're also providing access which ultimately not right now but for the future for those students does matter so it's it's balancing those two pieces is is what I'm hearing I'm not just I'm not I'm I'm not saying you're wrong on that I'm not I'm not at all questioning participate is probably is really is really important right I think it's I think it's great I'm just saying the other part is should not be disregarded I agree understand okay Morgan okay where are we are subject scores uh score distribution next slide please so here are the distribution percentages for courses that had more than 10 students enrolled so a biology um C AB English language English Lit environmental science European history Human Geography computer science principles macroeconomics microeconomics so it gives the score ranges from one through five next slide please continuing with psychology US History physics one and preal next slide please so here are our student participation percentages our um black students the enrollment has gone down Hispanic students are holding steady multi-racial and our white students next slide please so our total Scholars the AP scholar we had a total of 67 AP AP Scholars 41 AP Scholars AP Scholars With Honor was 12 and AP Scholars with distinction was 14 what what do those mean I believe that it means that students who scored high on on specific tests and the number of tests that they took that they took that year okay thank you thank you very much does anyone have any additional questions from Miss Morgan thank you so much for coming and presenting very formative appreciate it okay with that is there anything else as well then my report thank you we will move on to the school business administrator's report Mr Hastings thank you Madame President excuse me I would just like to take a moment to remind the board that the New Jersey school boards Association conference is rapidly approaching October 21st through the 24th the theme for this year is Quest for Student Success and I would ask that uh members email or let me know or Miss Boomer in my office uh when they're going to attend so we can make appropriate arrangements Mr Weinstein M won do you know if anybody there any like presentations being scheduled that we should think about right any awards not yet not yet okay okay thank you all right thank you all right with that we will move on to public comment regarding agenda items um there being that there's no one here in the room Miss Conway is there anyone in the queue um good evening Madame President there are no commenters in the que uh actually there are hold on please um B baa Bostrom hold on you okay please go ahead hi good evening good evening can you hear okay good um I just wanted to um thank you for the presentation and I also wanted to piggy back on what Mrs McGovern said a hold [Music] time um just about the uh value of taking AP exams um I really think that it is very helpful I've been on the committee for the past few years that has been trying to increase access to AP exams so I'm happy to see that that is happening um and and as a parent of a recently graduating senior um you know he took full advantage of the AP classes that were offered and took the exams very seriously even though he was already in college and um is going to school with 35 credits and meeting half of his core requirements for the School of Arts and Science at Ruckers from the AP credits he got um so I think just taking the class is great and doing well in the exam is great but just it's all it's all good stuff awesome thank you so much for your comments you're welcome anyone else Mrs Conway uh yes there is uh Sandy Miller please hold on please go ahead hi can you hear me now hi Miss Miller yes we can hi thanks um I definitely agree with Mrs McGovern as well um about the students having the access to them I if people don't know as each year your your student meets with their guidance counselor to go over the next year's um course selections they do invite the parents to come it's not mandatory that you do but I definitely think it's very beneficial for the parent to come to hear the different options um where then you can pick you can select the different courses and then after that if you do choose AP the students have to go to a meeting with the teachers at a certain it's like after school they it's a mandatory meeting and they also get a piece of paper where the parent and the student both have to sign off about to understand the commitment to the class which I think helps build that community- based um relationship between the school and the family regarding the responsibilities of this class um and then finally are students been working all summer on classes if they take more than one they definitely have a lot of assignments that are due the first week of school so it does help them continue on their education throughout the summer so I definitely think there's a benefit to them so I just want to thank you for all the um options that they do offer at the high school I think it's great thank you we appreciate your comments is there anyone else Mrs Conway no Madame President there are no further commenters thank you very much we will now move on to action items Mr McCarthy yes move to approve items 7.1 7.2 do you have a second second this is item 7.1 and 72 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mr mcgn yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein yes Mr paramas yes motion carries thank you than you very much Mr McCarthy Personnel Miss McGovern yes I'd like to approve items 8.1 through 8.7 may I have a second second second items 8.1 through 87 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mr McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein yes M Paramus yes car okay thank you Mr McGovern Financial management and Resource Services Mr Weinstein um thank you madam president um I'd like to move um for a motion to approve 9.1 to 9.3 and then we'll discuss 94 to 97 second M president I do have a comment Mr McCarthy just just a comment on 9.3 um I I I want to highlight the uh the zero charges in the use of facilities that that we see there the lack of charges I'm abundantly in favor of that I just want that to be clear to the town that I want that to happen here in this District because I believe that if we don't do this that these things are going to be passed on to the taxpayer so every time that I see this I'm going to continue to vote for it approve it and to comment on how appreciative I am that we have a town that is providing our resources to our taxpayers that's what the school district is here for thank you thank you ni second that oh hold on all right go ahead Mr Hastings uh this is for approval of 9.1 through 9.3 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Gilman uh yes to all but recused from the wrestling room you unsure but and yes to all others thank you Mr McCarthy yes Mrs mcgoverin yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein yes I'm for the wrestling room and M far yes thank you let's go back to discussion 94 to 97 would you like to say anything about any of those yes anybody any questions uh no those are all pretty straightforward anyone have any questions all right no perfect take the money from interl and unlock Arbor even though all right let's move on to instruction education Student Activities Miss skilman yes president paramis uh move to uh approve items 10.1 through 10.3 our curriculum and our evaluation for our staff 102 and 10 our discussion yeah 10.2 and 10 sorry about that yeah 10.1 then we're going to move to approve our clinical practices and then discussion on 10 two and 10 three do we have a second on 10.1 second all right should we move that Mr Hastings thank you madam president uh this is for 10.1 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Gilman yes M McCarthy yes M McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein I I probably second that I'm G to recuse myself from 10.1 in my affiliation with M University and M yes all right so discuss uh 10.2 and 10.3 yes I just just a comment on that this is our annual approval of our um evaluation rubrics that we use to evaluate all of our different job categories and then of course the Summer Long work on all of our curriculum under Dr Morgan's Direction our supervisory team and some of our staff have been working to update our curricular documents and you see there's quite a bit there so we did put it up for discussion so you would have a little bit of additional time to review We Appreciate that'll put it up next time for a vote okay Mr Weinstein is there anything that that changed drastically on the um that we should look at more is there any is there anything that's all of the uh Ela standards have been updated for the 24 for 20124 by the state to update all of our doc that's why you see 121 curricular for you um if you choose to read them all but um only the ELA uh bre have been updated but there were also inter interdisciplinary areas and other curricul that we had to change standards okay thank and then I the new cyber security Ur Miss McGovern um is there anything that we went um super like went over with what we budgeted for hourly wise or um did we pretty much budget everything correctly we budgeted everything I think came in under budget because most of the supervis supervisor did most of the work okay thank you wonderful all right anyone else all right planning and construction Miss MCG Discovery yes I would just like to um move to approve the resolution attached which just I mean I'm not going to read it in full but um it gives us the opportunity to go out to RFP um for um any you possible use of this facil this location like this what facility isn't the word subject oh there you go and for a total 60 days yeah to solicit qualifications and proposals for proposed development and Lease of the district property here at 163 Mammoth Road so it's just saying that we can go to RFP for it could we don't look R the change oh sorry and there is one change on it which in the bottom of the bullet points right before now there be it resolved um it will be board may enter into a leas agreement with one or more of the respondents not board will so it's going to change to board may it just doesn't reflect that right now on this document thank you may have a second second thank you okay any discussion oh gu not okay for 11.1 Mr tolton yes M Gilman yes M McCarthy yes mrgn yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein yes Mr par yes yes motion carries thank you policy Miss Gilman yes Madam president uh we will discuss the first reading of the revised policies and regulations as follows if you had a chance to look at them you'll note that regulation was abolished and then replaced with a a new uh organizational chart and have a chance to read them over again for the next meeting just to provide some context um most of the these are part of the review of policies that we did not have updated so we've started to move through I mean we've already been doing that we did some of the mandated ones we did some of the ones that we felt were very easy it was a simple minor change now we're getting into the Crux of policies um that really ours was on I think in most cases we had a 1990 version and stme had a 1992 version so they were not completely out you know there's nothing new nothing current that was ignored um but they were never updated to the 1992 version that stra sesme put out so we've started to bring those back onto the agenda update okay thank Gilman I just have a question on one of the policies regarding volunteer athletic coaches and co-curricular um it I not it change they crossed out possess a New Jersey substitute teacher credential so they no longer have to have that we had a little bit of discussion about that um last time we pulled it because the athletic director felt in speaking with his colleagues across the county that many other districts do not require that and that was sometimes a hindrance to Bringing on volunteers um in reviewing the uh njisa njsi s AA excuse me um they do not require it it's and so following what they require and what Strauss s May recommend mens it it is not a requirement to have that that was a local requirement and we have presented a policy that would take that requirement away thank you okay anyone else Mr Schneider just a quick question on the um code of ethics was it is it a point of uh preference or is it just modernization of the policies just getting rid of the he or she to he back I didn't know if that was a that was weird foret um yeah I think addition of she I believe right and there was an additional sentence added to I think approximately the eth paragraph there was one additional sentence added to the code of ethics policy it's on page two Brian that was the one sentence that was added that was it thank you okay all right thank you very much Miss Gilman we are now on to Old business is there any old business from the board anyone have any new business all right we will now take any a public comment on any item is there anyone in the que Miss Conway no Madame President there are no commenters thank you so much I'd like to make a motion to adjourn the meeting thank you have a great night