everyone Welcome to our June 18th regular meeting so happy to see so many of you thank you for joining us please rise for the flag salute flag United States of America okay um I do not have a board president's report this evening so we will move on to our student representative report thank you so there's not too much to report at this time of year it's pretty much just senior activities but the seniors had a successful prom back on June 6 and then on oh tomorrow there will be a senior Sunset held on the turf that includes an ice cream truck and free pizza and then on Thursday the seniors will be clapped out of their whatever Elementary School they attended as a final goodbye to them before they graduate later this week and that's pretty much it setting thank you both thank you both you both did a great job this year we appreciate it thank you we have an occupant seat limit no I think if there's some room in the back or along the sides here stand in towards the front some seats if perhaps some administrators who are going to come up front anyway could perhaps come to the side that would give up a couple seats there I think that would be great okay all right thank you again to our student Representatives this year they did a fantastic job um with that I'd like to move on to the superintendent report okay we'll give a little bit more room thank you so much we're going to recognize everybody here and I think that will make some room in just a few minutes I appreciate you bearing with us this is the last regular meeting of the school year and we have had so many wonderful accomplishments by our Spartans that it was important to recognize each and every one of them this evening so I do apologize for uh the tight fit in here this evening but I did think it was important to recognize everybody okay getting right to I'd like to start with our Township of ocean Intermediate School Spring Track we had some tremendous records broken this season so I asked coach Todd I saw coach deimy here Mr Amato Miss source is here as well I know couple of our coaches coach Megan Edson coach Logan fingleton if you're here also please come up front to recognize these students first I'd like to bring up Leah starky an eighth grader come on up Leah okay just hold on one second Leah broke the record for the 800 meter with a time of two two minutes 20 seconds and the 1600 meter with a time of 4 minutes 59.3 seconds this is an outstanding accomplishment congratulations Leah next I'd like to bring up Patrick Knight Howell an eighth grader who broke the school record for the 800 meter with a time of 2 minutes and 11 seconds congratulations parents I will send this to Mr who will send to your resp okay thank you next up Aiden zahar eighth grader who broke the school record for discus with 127 feet 5 Ines that correct great job congratulations students on your school are being the new School record holders okay next one more sorry sorry the whole team go ahead okay next up we have our Ocean Township High School Spring Track I'd like to bring up uh Mr Todd if you would say up now Mrs kazuba also the coaches that are here we have coach Mark DOA coach James Nottingham coach David DOA if you're here Coach Alex Lynch coach Paul Looney and Coach Emily derone if you're here please come on up front thank you very much for the coaches get these kids here hey I'd like to first introduce Eve Sagal who is a 12th grade student who won the record and who beat the for shop foot 44t 5 in and discus 1339 Eve you can stay up and just yeah we'll do everybody e you can stay up and stand right here that would be great okay next up Michael May 11th grade part of the boy with a record of one minute 3 seconds 3.26 seconds congratulations Michael also part of that team Dylan Marshall Ken frer come on up 11th grader vase part of that team and 10th grader Andrew vigano okay can we get all of our high school spring track athletes with their coaches and Mr Todd for a photo thank you so much and congratulations okay sticking with High School Achievements we are now going to recognize our Career Technical educator scholar Award winners this program recognizes outstanding CTE students throughout New Jersey to highlight the importance of CTE in meeting the needs of business and industry for highly skilled and trained workers these Scholars were chosen based on four criteria they H they demonstrated a high level of achievement in a CTE program they demonstrated a high level of achievement in at least three academic classes they had the successful completion of a college level course or a work work based learning experience and they participated in a Career and Technical student organization or a community service project all tremendous achievements I'd like to introduce Miss Gina Hagerman Miss Kazu is up here already to recognize them and Mr James Young if he's here to come up as their adviser okay student scholar winners Eli Clark if you're here please come up Joseph pelli Danielle CH Jonathan R and Kyer congratulations SPS on this amazing achievement why don't we get together for a photo Miss Hagerman MBA can slide down a little bit parent you're welcome to come on up to take a photo as well congratulations again Scholars okay next up we have a brand new program out of Ocean Township High School I'm gonna ask Mrs Hagerman and Mrs kazuba to stay up and Miss Hannah and Miss Kikuchi if you could join us also up here I would like to just tell the audience a little bit about this program this is what we call the OTS Team B program they have won the nationwide Department of Homeland Security inent to prevent contest they earned an honorable mention for Team B and the Little Bees OTS Team B is a top six finalist out of 48 teams in the invent to prevent program sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security Team B be brave be empowered be you created an initiative focusing on empowering girls to become positive Community change agents by fostering self-confidence and peer support a crucial aspect of their project involves mentoring the Little Bees of one aasa School teaching them about kindness compassion social awareness and to help prevent violence and promote Harmony while giving them tools to be internet safe what a tremendous initiative OTS Team B went and worked with the little bees as part of a peer-to-peer Forum where high school girls can raise each other up to address mental health issues bullying and othering this big sister type initiative was used to discuss kindness and compassion and to Mentor the Little Bees to be socially aware through this program OTS and one aasa work to Mentor girls to feel brave enough to become upstanders and empowered to stand up to all types of violence and hate I'd like to introduce our team B representatives and the Little Bees starting with the team bees I will call all the names so please hold your applause there is a a long list here but please come up when you hear your name Caroline Barillo Madison Clark Lauren convery Alexis D Lorenzo Julia fantino Isabella fiter Cassandra Foley Karan Gallagher Ella Grace hurtling Taylor how Chelsea Kipnis Addison marshin Anastasia paneris meline rone Jillian Scot Danielle Toler Daniela aarani Oh wait we're gonna stop there I'm sorry hold on Danielle first that these are our OTS team bees let's get them a round of stay right there lady stay right there now our little bees Daniela aarani Josephine beri Isa Dy please come on up if you hear your name Ella arazo Alexandra halam Rosie Hansen ma hulahan ma kichi Amelia Myers ASA Blaze Morrison Ella Murphy giovana rigano Julia R GI V aah witchel Vanessa win and Hadley zimus congratulations little be am right now place that jokes thank you so much okay thank you very much students take a seat now we're going to I have one last very important recogn recognition of the evening Mrs parlamis if you would assist me um on the other side of the Das that would be great and Miss Connelly is here as well representing the Town Ocean Education Association either way if you want to take two sides wherever you'd like to stand that you're comfortable every single month this year we have highlighted the outstanding work of so many of our Spartans they are to be commended for their hard work in in in attaining these tremendous honors however they did not reach these Heights without help there is an entire team of teachers counselors support staff who work every day to create the best possible learning environment so our students can build their legacies and thrive in our schools tonight we get to honor a few of those outstanding individuals those who have made the decision to close this chapter of their journey and retire from education and ocean schools these esteemed staff members who we are about to recognize have served our district collectively for a grand total of 400 years we owe them a debt of gratitude and we are so pleased to celebrate them this evening I'd ask that the principales also join me up front here so they can greet their staff who are retiring as well okay there are some retirees who could not join us this evening I'd like to just recognize them as well because I think they've earned that for sure not in attend ATT this evening is Mr Michael Hall who retired from our school district this year after serving as our network manager and working in this district for 25 years Donna Emerich served as the high school media specialist at Ocean Township High School for 17 years Mrs Kate Mack who served our district for one year but had a long career in education is is going on to retirement at the end of this school year Anna Torro a bus driver out of our transportation department served our district for 31 years Miss lauan Walgren media specialist at w wanasa Elementary School served this district for 26 years Miss Mary Joe Ching an interventionist at Wayside Elementary School has served our district for 31 years Mrs Jessica Speen special education teacher at wanam Mata Elementary School working here for 25 years Mr Frank Cole science teacher at Ocean Township High School and my physics teacher served our district for 35 years Mr William Whit Zigman bus driver from our transportation department serving Ocean Township School District for 33 years Mrs Gail Quinn a bus driver from our trans transportation department who served this district for 25 years don't think she's here Mrs Dale Gordon served this District as an instructional assistant at the township of ocean Intermediate School for 17 years and Miss Elma garity retiring earlier this year she served as an English teacher at Ocean Township High School for 18 years okay and now to our retirees who I believe are here Mr and when you hear your name if you would please come forward Mr Michael vendia custodian at Ocean Township Elementary School for 25 years thank you for your clear path here for everybody to come through and if you would just stay up here if you would just stay up here if you could just move we'll just make a line right here across the front very good Mr Jeff wilderer special education teacher district for 29 years 29 years Mr we can stage it again Mrs Rose Griffin school counselor at Ocean Township High School for 30 years Mrs Laura pembleton secretary at Wayside Elementary School serving our district for 25 years 25 years Mrs Fran pazar Ricki secretary at Ocean toship Elementary School also soing our district for 25 years Dr Regina basalone Italian for years Miss Nikki to special education teach serving this district for 28 years and Mrs Tristen Hansen assistant superintendent for special services serving our district for the last two years but a long career of serving students across the county in a number of different school districts congratulations I believe that is everyone oh we have one more they may not be here yes okay so congratulations retirees We Are Forever indebted to your service to our students thank you so much and you have most definitely left your left your legacy left your mark but yes we'll come around I think Denise of you would come into the picture as well Mr Fus principles you two we could just sort of gather together photo re oh that's better conations joy every guys give two minutes awesome you how are you nice to see you one of these was yours great dad all rightone we're going to before we left off if everyone would just slide down just a little bit okay we will be continuing that was some superintendent report Miss Miss wellin I'm assuming that was it I do also just want to say that we are we are very excited that the year is um coming to an end we've had wonderful celebrations fourth grade class outs kindergarten celebrations preschool graduations moving up ceremonies and all of this is culminating in our graduation ceremonies this Friday our intermed med school graduation is at 2: p.m. and our high school graduation is at 4:30 p.m. both ceremonies are at Ocean Township High School uh you will be getting Communications from the principles if your uh students are involved in the ceremonies uh we are making some adjustments for the weather and trying to uh have all the precautions that we need in place water some tenting available uh but more Communications will come out from the principals tomorrow but uh just wanted to say say that it has been a tremendous school year and it has been an honor to serve this District as superintendent and as I come to the end of my first year I am excited about what the future holds and I am most excited to honor our students this Friday in our graduation ceremonies which are always always such wonderful joyous occasions um and a real good celebration of the achievements of our students so that is scheduled for this Friday just as a reminder to to the community if you're not involved you might want to stay off of West Park Avenue and but that concludes my report thank you Miss Welden for that wonderful report we're really proud of our students and we will certainly miss our retirees they definitely left a huge mark on our district in a very very positive way with that we're going to move on to our school business administrator report Mr Hastings thank you madam president um I did mention some things during our Workshop meeting but I inadvertently omitted thanking the transportation department for their hard work during the uh school year so uh again just like to uh thank them it's tireless uh effort that they put in all throughout the year thank you thank you okay with that we're going to move on to Public public comment regarding agenda items the following are a series of motions to be read by the committee chairpersons all motions have been discussed at a recent public work session some motions have been approved D at a public work session and the minutes for the approved items are posted on the district website at this point in the meeting we will now conduct the first of two public comment sessions the first session will be open for public comments on agenda items only and the second session will be at the end of the meeting and can be on any topic would anyone from the public like to comment on any agenda item at this time and we will take commenters in the room first anyone here like to make public comment on agenda items okay Miss Conway is there anyone in the queue no Madam president there are no commenters thank you very much we will move on to action items Mr McCarthy uh move to present item 6.1 may I have a second no 5.1 may I have a second 5.1 through 5.3 may I have a second caught off guard by a lack of comment yeah thank you we got a second I'm sorry was our second gave me all three seconds three this for all items 5.1 to 5.3 Mr Gold yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes McCarthy yes Mrs mcgoverin yes Mr Schneider yes Tarico Mr Weinstein John it's more like give me a six right in yes Mrs Paras yes thank you Personnel Mrs McGovern yes um before we move to tonight's agenda I just need to go back and um move make a motion to resend item 8.1 which was the approval for our following contracted 10-month secretaries as listed for the 2024 summer months um from the June 4th 2024 uh meeting so can I please have a second to resin this item second Mr can we call that role thank you Mr bton yes Mr Dam yes Mr Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mr mcgoverin yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein I'm gonna recuse myself because my wife is on the list thank you all for the revote and Mrs paranos yes okay Miss McGovern now I'm going to McGovern we need them to re-approve next yes I have thank you so you know because um now I'm going to Mo make a motion to re-approve item 8.1 from the June 4th 2024 meeting which again was to approve the contracted 10 month secretar as listed since you all don't have it in front of you at this moment second thank you just to reapprovals Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes M McCarthy yes Mr mcgoverin yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein I recuse myself Mr marus yes thank you m car Mr the Govern okay um now may I please approve have a make a motion to approve item 6.1 through 6.15 on tonight's agenda may I have a second second is it's just John's crushing it is for item 61 to 615 Mr dalon yes Mrs Dam yes Gilman yes to all but 6.6 I recuse myself from sip appicelli thank you Mr McCarthy yes Mr mcgan yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein yes mras yes items car thank you m McGovern financial management and Resource Services Mr Weinstein um thank you Madame President um I'd like to U actually make a uh a motion to add an agenda item um uh on the agenda right now there is a uh an item here to approve u a tax levy increase of $600,000 I think it's resolution 7.15 I I like to have another resolution or I'd like to add another um motion here that we um that we actually approve um a 1.74 653,000 um total budget in increase which is the additional allowable tax Lev that we're allowed to through a program that was just put together by our by the state making available to us was that the right can we clarify that yes the number is 1,174 753 yeah did I not say that six six oh sorry about that can I got a second second just as a point of procedure Madam president this is a motion to amend the current no no new motion yeah so this is a motion to add a agenda item agenda item to it right so this would strike 7.15 from the agenda we won't you will not be voting on that one right correct thank you well should this should this motion carry dictate what we do next right okay so this motion Carri we won't be voting on 715 thank you okay sorry for the confusion Mr dton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy no Mrs mcgoverin yes Mr Schneider no Mr Weinstein yes Mr Paramus yes motion carries okay thank you um so now I like to move for approval uh 7.1 through 7 50 um and let's also we're not going to move for approval 7.15 so you're moving 7.1 to 7.4 and then 716 to say 7.14 and then 7.6 to 7.50 thank probably 51 right because there's I clarify yes thank you so we are going to approve 71 through 750 we're going to exclude 715 as listed and we're amending 748 because 748 reflects the tax payment schedule from the city so that'll be updated to reflect the new amount perfect yes done thank you then who was our second chn thank you it again Mr dton yes Mr Stam yes Gman yes to all but 7.5 recuse myself from Camp David thank you Mr McCarthy I I just have a point of inquiry I apologize so the so 7.48 is the is the approval of the schedule correct not the approval of of the amount or it is also an approval of the amount since we changed the amount that we were going to raise the levy we had to change the tax payment schedule as well so it's just an approval of schedule correct it will have the new amount in it that yeah okay understood thank you uh yes thank you m mcgn yes Mr Schneider yes Weinstein yes carus yes all items carry thank you very much instruction instruction education and Student Activities Mrs Gilman yes move to approve 8.1 through 8 13 second is there a second all items 81 to 813 Mr Dalton yes Mr Stam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes M McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein yes yes motions carry hey thank you Mrs Gilman negotiations no no report okay policy Mrs Gilman yes 10.1 move to approve the third and final reading of the revised regulation as follows reporting student progress second this is for item 10.1 Mr bton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mr McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Weinstein yes carus yes motion carries thank you m Gilman this time I'd like to ask the board if there's any old business could I just make a comment real quick on on that policy yes excuse me okay excuse me one minute Mr Weinstein go ahead I just want to uh thank the board for voting on that policy and to thank the elementary principles and the supervisors and the teacher committee that put this together I think this is a giant step forward for our elementary students also Dr Morgan and Mrs Hansen who assisted there as well uh it modernizes our practices it brings us into uh you know current times and even into the future to best me meet the needs of our students and and communicate well with our parents about student progress I thank you for all of your work this this initiative is now approved and you can move forward with all the things that you need to do to to put it into practice in September so thank you very much thank you all right Mr Weinstein yeah thanks Madam president um I want to talk about the uh the recent um um increasing the budget that we just uh kind of that we approved um first off I want to say that last uh meeting we had a a big lengthen discussion which I thought was uh really good on all accounts um and uh you know at that time when um when we were discussing it I was uh not feeling great about the entire process I thought the process was flawed I didn't like the fact that we went through all these budget uh discussions for the last couple of months and then all of a sudden this appeared and I'm not sure if we would have made the same decisions now as we would have been if we would have known this was available to us so I think the whole process the lack of a better technical term really stunk um so one thing that I would like and and I just want to say that the discussions uh that night and also at our Workshop meeting and and in separate conversations with board members I thought had been incredibly well thought out and very reasonable I don't want to I do you want to talk to John and and Brian's vote of no which I I have I think of a lot of their thoughts has a lot of credibility to it and uh I think um that it was a good healthy discussion and I understand a lot of their perspective and so you know I think sometimes we could agree to disagree and still have a lot of common ground what we all think so I do want to appreciate that their discussion around that but I do think that we should do something about it because every year we go through through this process and it's never good so I don't like it at the end of last year we got this you know at some point we got a big stabilization Aid we might have done something different if we knew about that back when it was time to to figure out our budget then so I think we should do is figure out how to take some steps to try to figure out how to fix this system because I don't like that we have to go through this all the time I think it's terrible at the end of the day we run so much like a Clockwork it's incredible and why we can't get the state also figure out how to support us at Clockwork is beyond my belief so I think we should figure out how to band together and um write something figure out a resolution I don't know what the real next step is but I do not want to go through this again and I don't want to put all the time and effort we have to then have to take a 45 uh a couple of day look and say okay do we make the right decisions what are we doing so we really need to fix it so I really hate the process and I know a lot the people on this board um agree with me that it was not fair to anybody it wasn't fair to the actual end result either so I don't I'm not happy about that yeah um so that was my that was my take I don't know where where we go from this but that's what I just want to say thanks Jeff I appreciate those comments I I wrote down right before you started this that there I did want to make a point to note that this board has come a very far away from where we were I think in years past where we actually are debating and arguing about things that I want to debate and argue about I think it's a really good thing I I I too am extremely frustrated at this point because I do feel as though our legislatively aison committee is has been trying very hard to encourage our representation and trat to do something about this regardless of who they are right we've had new people come in it's not a political issue it's just an issue about our students that we can all agree upon but what we are doing is not working so you know we need to come up with another creative solution because Trenton is repeatedly saying this is a problem that we don't know how to fix but but they're not fixing it in my opinion right we you can go to any one of these meetings and they will say over and over again the system is flawed we're not giving you an opportunity for strategic planning we know that it's a problem and yet no real solution is being provided there are certain individuals who have attempted to bring forward a solution but none have been successful so I bring that up to say I wish that I had the answer because I would be beating on somebody's door screaming in their face and unfortunately I can't figure it out so I think that the Board needs to take some time to try to identify a creative solution for how we get this in front of the right people who can actually do something about it but you know I will make a public service announcement I feel like I've broken record and I've been saying this forever but you need to call your representation in Trenton and tell them they are not putting your students first I really believe that they are not putting the students of districts in Mammoth County as a priority and I think it's a huge problem and my opinion and they're turning around and saying the burden falls on you that is my theory about it I'm happy to discuss it but I think it's an issue and it needs to be brought to their attention because this district has turned out for our Cent representation in Trenton very very aggressively and so it's not for them to respond and reciprocate by at least attempting to do what is right for the kids that we have that go to these schools thank you Mr McCarthy perhaps we will bring it up uh agenda item in a futuree okay anyone else have any old business is there any new business old or new Miss Gil not sure it has to do with email I I just wanted to thank um the staff and the residents in town who took the time to write to all of us about their concerns uh regarding the increase no one up here is comfortable with increasing taxes myself included uh people on fixed incomes retirees like myself we don't have a lot of room to pay extra but as I said last week I look at it as an investment in our future because when our schools are excellent it makes our town excellent and the price of our house increases it draws families to our town so as distasteful as it was to have to approve it under the gun uh I'm glad that we came together as a board the majority to approve it and I again thank everyone who took the time to write us emails thank you Miss Gilman anyone else have any new business Miss McGovern um I just want to thank um all of our staff are um from from every Department in this District um for a great year I know that um I feel like this was a year of trying to get back with Spartan spirit and and everything else and I think that we did a good job of that or you did a good job of it not really me um but I do I just want to thank you all for doing um such an awesome job I really want to thank Miss wden I think that your first year um and by the way just on a side note I think Joe Haden's going to be really proud that I'm not going to cry when I say this but I just want to say that that um to have you sitting here and doing the job that you've done and bringing the district um to the point where you have which I know is not as far as your goals go um has been awesome and I'm really happy that you're sitting here and um want to congratulate you on a great first year and like I said on our staff and and it's been fun watching all of your Instagrams and not even yours but the parents of this District's Instagrams this week and the last couple weeks with all of the fun celebrations at the end I know you guys are are you know not rushing it but also rushing it and uh I just want to wish you a um great summer and um enjoy the time with your families thank you well said is there any other new business from the board all right at this time we're going to take public comment on any item um please come on up to the podium and just state your name my name's Mike Deon I live at 20 of the Fells way in Ocean I'm actually here to thank you um and Amy I'll try not to get emotional either uh first to thank the board members having served here a while back I think I had a little more hair with Mr had Denise I know how hard it is I mean I know the time and the effort that you guys put into this Denise I mean if I count the hours up that you spent working for this District even when your kids are long G it shows a commitment to the to the community to my kids to all of our kids and John and and Jeff you said it right you don't always agree you don't always get along but I'm really happy to see this year that you're you're having respectable discussions and what the attacks that other schor and you guys particularly have been through have been ridiculous and sad to see and to those who have thrown pop shots or or taken things too personal think about the impression you're making on our kids you know I I'm involved in politics Joe and hat and I are on opposite sides but we can have a discussion without getting personal sh said but what I'm trying to say is that when you when you bring up things personal about these people are volunteers volunteers I mean we got a cookie a sandwich um so I want to thank you but I also want to thank the teachers of this District I come to a point with our kids this is our third student graduating on Friday and um probably our last because my youngest son's going to the Alps Academy and I can think of no better place where my kids could have been raised and particularly my my other two my younger children um who came to us you know in in C circumstances that weren't easy and um I mean the Wayside School I I I'm getting emotionally am I prob school when my son Evan went there he was in preschool he could barely look at anybody he could barely uh communicate or eat and and the Miss POA Miss Miss um Amy Miss Molly Miss Jen all the teachers and the empathy and the kindness and I know it's just not Wayside it's all of our schools it and then you'll see him on Friday graduate I cannot believe it I cannot believe it how I mean when you talk about Miss Anna the bus drivers Larry I don't know if everybody remembers Larry Miss Linda I just passionate people who could have made more money elsewhere could have done a lot of different things with their lives who decided to come and work here for however many years and and change kids' lives and to see my boys in particularly my little boys become men and have confidence it's just incredible and then the you know the the people that operate the buildings Denise Mr rato Miss kazuba I mean you're my friends you're people I could always call and I know I'm a pain in the butt and I know I meddle in things I shouldn't tell but but it's because I know I can ask you talk to you and and just know I'm going to be hurt that's the other thing as a parent I know I'm going to be HT and you guys had a battle through covid through potential book bands and all this other stuff and you held your heads high and you taught and and I just can't thank you enough I can't I don't know where our kids would be if if they didn't have the the the folks that you are I mean as teachers and professionals you stand up for kids and for the the public educ our public education system yes J may be flawed in terms of the funding but is the best in the country without it out and this district is so diverse I just you walk into school you see all different kinds of kids and you know higher incomes lower incomes and they all get along and I really one of my messages tonight too is that we are communities changing clearly it is right our enrollments down for a variety of reasons I hope the people that are moving moving into this town will consider not necessarily sending their child to a parochial school or a private school I would think and I would hope that they would consider sending their kids to our school because the bigger the school the more diverse the better where a kid like by boys and and I look at Evan and he's he'd be embarrassed if if he knew I was saying all this you made you help develop him to who he is from the bottom of my heart thank you thank you for your comments anyone else just this this is my daughter Emma she'd like to talk about the library wanta you ready hello my name is Emma s and I would like to explain how and why the wanasa elementary school library is so important to me and everyone and also why it should stay the same and what I learned the library meant so much to me I loved all the books there wasn't a single book that Miss walan read I did that I didn't like the library is so so amazing it's a lot of fun with all the games that we do after Story Time and I absolutely love the stories that Miss Walgren read I really will miss miss Walgren I can't wait toar hear about the library because my sister will be coming here so I think she'd like to have the same experience as me and have just as much fun miss waler meant the world to me she was so much fun she also taught me how to be patient and quiet when I need to I learned so much like how to do outside of the box things those were so much fun my favorite memory in library was probably just everything but I did really like when we got the two little fish so this is why I think that Library should stay the way it is it really is perfect just the way it is thank you thank you for your comments and I'm sure miss Wen will appreciate everything you said is there anyone else in the room oh generation there's three generations of us today so with us so my name is Eric uh styal uh you and I went to high school together your father was my soccer coach F memories of I graduated in 96 and in 96 uh we moved the Ocean Township Library into the auto shop I don't know how many people remember that and at the time that librarian was terrified that they were going to completely get rid of the library and of course the school made the right decision to put it back in place and put an actual librarian in place to run the library and I've seen time and time again whenever something changes like Miss Walgren retiring uh people look at that Library like oh I could get that space my project it's fit in there I could get that budget do the kids need that books everything is digital now why don't we just have a use Kindles we don't need all that stuff but you can see it's really important to that it's important to have somebody who understands what kids know want to know and learn and read and get them to read and with all due respect I believe perhaps there's been some talk parents haven't heard things only through great find of maybe it being a media Specialist or technology specialist that takes over what you really need to someone who understands the children and can draw them in and give them things they want to read and help instill that love of reading so I'm an engineer myself if you don't have that base of reading that love of reading you can't even get into the technology you can't even read at a level to understand it and to like grow into those stem fields that we want our kids to get into so I feel like the library as a base for the young kids in wessa with a quality librarian is really important for their whole base of learning that they're going to have going Bo so I'd ask maybe it's already done decision consider not carving up the library usually getting the librarian out is like the first step to saying well maybe next year we'll make it a little smaller maybe next year we won't do this you know let's try to preserve it for all the kids I have another one coming through I'd love to see her have the same chance to have a librarian to guide her thank you thank you Mr cyber for your comments is there anyone else in the room I honestly didn't know this was going to be a family affair uh my name is Claire styl and I've been an Ocean Township resident for 49 years I'm also the president of the friends of the Ocean Township Library which is a nonprofit member supported organization with approximately 400 uh Township residents as members just a little background our group was established in the late 1950s as a Library Association of trustees and was responsible for the establishment of the first library in town which was just a small room in the W Massa Firehouse at the time um we were the first branch of the fledgling Mammoth County library system and among the friends founding members was Phyllis fi librarian and media specialist who was worked at the intermediate school for approximately 38 years in 1961 our members uh contributed to the ways and means of moving the fire house Library over to the municipal building and then in 2006 we worked with the mayor and town administrators to build an even bigger one at its current location uh on Deal road while the public library is tax supported not all of its needs can be met through that Revenue so we um we provide extras that make the library a good uh excellent community resource we also supported a school and Public Library program such as the pal in your pocket program visits from all the towns kindergarten classes and we provide uh varied volunteer opportunities to many Ocean Township High School students uh from the high school book club and also the Key Club and any students who are needing those uh quality volunteer hours so it's tempting for some in this technological and digital age to think that libraries and libraries are somewhat obsolete but the I just wanted share the experience in Ocean at the public library uh which it tells a little bit of a different story I think it's a it's a very busy Branch it's one of the busiest branches in the mammoth County Library so in 2023 72,9 144 people visited the library that's a little over 6,000 people a month almost 2,000 items were circulated as well as over 52,000 ebooks and digital material so in addition to enhancing and supporting the ocean Branch Library our group the friends of the library also makes the community aware of libraryi and information resources uh promotes and supports programs that enhance literacy and we advocate for similar organizations or entities within the town that strive to do the same thing so uh no surprise to you that I'm here tonight because our organization is very concerned also about losing a librarian position at one of our elementary schools in wanasa uh we understand the librarian is retiring and current plans maybe not to backfill that position with the certified librarian that said we also understand that especially having listened tonight and also to all of the videos that are posted uh I've been watching various meetings that the decisions you make are difficult um and you don't make the decisions lightly so we know that however we feel the loss of a certified Library one of our schools is a great loss for the entire Community not just the school environment maintaining a certified School environment is teaching our young Township citizens at a very impressionable age that libraries are important in our community and that literacy learning URS occurs in a lot of different spaces places that support reading as a lifelong skill and and and the joy and love of reading the students as you heard from my granddaughter um look forward to the warm welcome of the librarian and as a trusted person they develop a habit of going to the library and they see it as the school is supporting an important part of our community that libraries are an important part they have it Library once a week and um The Librarian gets to know who are The Reluctant readers um who like sports who might like uh animal stories who might like technology uh I'm sure all of you know that recent articles in scholarly journals are correlating higher student test achievement scores with schools that have strong library programs and also when administrators teachers and Librarians themselves read how important the libraries are to Student Learning we would like to have all of the young students in the Ocean Township Schools have this opportunity on behalf of the friends of the Ocean Township library and despite some of the wrenching decisions that you all have to make we urge you to seriously consider a way to be able to provide and maintain a full-time certified librarian in all of our schools and specifically to discover whatever ways you can that a librarian can be maintained at the wanasa elementary school thank you m sty thank you thank you for your comment there anyone else in the room um yes good evening my name is Marsha saxs I've lived in the township since 1963 all of my children went through the schools here graduated and have gone on to live their lives tell me if you can think of one thing that is more important than a book more important than the rich the written word more important than what they learn from Reading from learning when you take away excuse me when you take away a librarian you take away the source of so much that is given to Children Librarians are like throwing out beautiful things all the time to children you have to reconsider not replacing this librarian with somebody in it maybe you need the IT person as well but you still need this librarian I have been a member of friends of the library for close to 40 years I guess and in my life and in the life of my children my grandchildren books are important and I'm sure in your lives as well the written word is the most important thing there is please reconsider thank you Mrs sax for being here and for your comments hi everybody um my name is Alison Connelly I am the proud president of the township of ocean Education Association and I just um I'm GNA keep it brief to make up for whatever time my Bon went over um but I sorry I had to take the shot um I uh I just want to express some gratitude and thanks tonight first and formally to all of the retirees that we were celebrating for all of their service and the Very Special Spartan legacies that they created for themselves and for everybody here in this District um I want to um be show my gratitude to the staff um of this District especially the 515 members of the TOA for an absolutely tremendous year I'm also incredibly grateful for the support I have received from all Corners um in my first year in this position um and I also just want to take a moment to thank all of you uh in a year that's been dedicated to mattering I I want to say that it does matter to us that heard us when we talked to you about taking the money and what it would mean um to all of us I I love a board that can sit on something and change their mind so I really do appreciate listening to you Mr Weinstein and you miss Dam especially talking about your your change of heart I very much appreciate that so just thank you for that as well we appreciate that that's all I have have a great summer thank you Mr con we appreciate you as well anyone else in the room yes hi Tera Christensen from lamasa I don't have anything prepared tonight I wasn't planning on speaking but I just want to add to the group to please reconsider having a qualified librarian at wanasa school um I think it's a big inequity between the three schools to have two schools with Librarians and one school without um without a librarian over time libraries do tend to deteriorate the quality goes down and study after study has shown having a qualified librarian supported Library program affects academic achievement it's very important to our community and um please I do ask you to reconsider thank you thank you very much is there anyone else in the room that would like to make a public comment no okay Mrs Conway is there anyone in the queue no Madame President there are no commenters okay thank you all so very much I I need a motion to adjourn the meeting motion second have a great night and a great summer we see you in the fall --------- um welcome everyone to our Workshop meeting I do not have a board president's report we move on to superintendent report okay um I will have a much larger report downstairs tonight but just um a few reminders that we are on early dismissal um this week and that we have our graduation scheduled for this Friday I know it's going to be warm so we are making some preparations for that we we always have a tent on the field for those that are perhaps um handicapped or medically fragile we're doing that we met with otpd in the office of emergency management yesterday just to sort of uh combine resources they are um looking to help us with uh EMTs on standby or even if we can get an ambulance on site like we do for our football games it's a normal you know normal thing that we do every week for football game so we're trying to add that uh to uh what's going on Friday we also we're looking at some misting fans and and just uh regular fans so but we we've been out there in in weather that is probably hotter than this um and it's a great day for our graduates and it's nice to be on that on Corelli field and really uh celebrate the end of a year but board members you if you haven't had a chance if you are joining us there are there's a pass there for you make sure you have that just just one thing um so um I remember one year when my graduations I think it was when my daughter graduated it was hot like you couldn't believe and in the stands a lot of people get there like a half hour 45 minutes early you get seats and all that kind of stuff and they run out of water so I'm not sure if there's a way to figure out how to have something up there people have water bottles or something for people so so all of the graduates and uh like I said the tent on the field there will be water water bottles and then for the people in the stands we have watering stations and we've had that now for the last few years sort of right up against the the structure as you're heading towards those bleachers you know they'll have like the Gatorade jugs of ice water set up the trainer will be there with that in little cup so if anyone needs any water they can always come down and you'll see some security you'll see you know our facility staff that's helping shuttle students in the golf cart also uh partic uh Spectators who maybe need AR rest all they have to do is find one of those people which will be very noticeable will point you to the water and any other help made cool okay is that okay School Bus administrator report Mr Hastings thank you m president uh just a couple items to note today the roofing contractor was out we have the roofing projects uh starting next week on Dow and Wayside again we're doing the entire roof at Dow and uh we did portion of the roof at Wayside last year and we'll complete the entire roof this year uh the contractor was out with the architect and the facilities director to review the sites again and toh just Identify some places for storage and those sorts of things um we have a long Finance agenda on tonight uh this is our June meeting June 30th is the end of our fiscal year so there's a number of items of sort of housekeeping items that have to be renewed for the coming year for 24 and 25 so that's why it's so long um excuse me um I would note there's a number of donations on the agenda and we'd like to thank those folks for their continue to commitment to the district uh and finally I'd like to thank the IT department maintenance castellio grounds uh our security officers and our business department for all their hard work this year as we come to the end of this fiscal year thank you any questions anyone okay with that we will move on to the action items Mr McCarthy please like to bring up items 5.1 through 5.3 for discussion 51 61 63 oh regular meeting I apologize we're them 6 want for discussion thank you anybody have any comments second no we're not moving all right person we'll be done we'll be moved downstairs mover all right we will now move on to financial management Mr wein uh thank you madam president so um there's a bunch of things on here bunch of items to discuss um there's one I'm like to start off with which was the which was around the um 8.9 the resolution to the budget so I like to have a discussion around that um so after our after our meeting and uh and just thinking about how that meeting went um I wasn't as comfortable as I was hope as I hoped I would be and uh because I think that we might be missing an opportunity um based on where our finances look in the future and and uh the opportunity that we have um to increase the base that we have right and by the way let me just let me just separate out two things here okay one is I'm going to bring this up in a discussion later I really don't like the way this was presented to us I don't like the method I don't like how we went through all of our budgeting process I don't like how we had to make these tough decisions and all that kind of stuff however you know regardless of the type of lemonade you get we're supposed to make lemonade right whatever what type of lemons we get we got to make lemonade right and so we're being um we're giving this uh opportunity to raise our base and fund the school district in a in a better way and I think we should give it some some a little a little bit more consideration so with that I asked I wanted to see if uh Jeff could kind of one highlight the financial ramification of what it would mean to pass on this if we did not exercise it to its fullest because right now what we have on here is a is an item for 600,000 roughly 677 $677,000 that we kind of talked about in our last meaning I think passing on the extra $500,000 in my opinion is not a good idea the extra 500 and I think that is a compounding effect that that $500,000 have and so I asked Jeff and uh Kelly if they could one better explain what the ramification is with $500,000 because I was having conversations with people all a little bit about what this base means of the 500,000 and also specifically identify what we would do with the with the extra $500,000 oh sorry I thought I thought I was a dealer in Linux so Jeff so Jeff do you think you could kind of go over this I think we wanted we wanted to do it here so uh when we get so we can kind of vet this out now between us in this work session um as opposed to doing it in uh in regular meeting so Jeff let me hand it over to you sure thank you Mr um so what I handed out was uh a listing of if we were to move forward with the additional funding what we would spend those funds on we can look at that in a minute and then just in terms of of the impact of the additional funds and what they'd have over the next several years and what that looks like so um if we look at what the board approved uh initially uh before this legislation came out uh looking at a base Levy of 73 almost 73.5 million uh if we look at that over the next five years um and assume a 2% increase we come up with the district collecting about $381 million over five years um if we take this additional 1.74 million that would put us over over the next 5 years collecting approximately $387 million over that time period so you're looking at an increase over that time period uh over those courses of 25 26 through 29 about $6.1 million additional that we would collect it would be available to the district uh for for various projects and various initiatives that's a significant number when we don't know what the formula is going to look like going forward um you know it's difficult to project uh what it is that we'll get we've talked at the last meeting and several other meetings about the state's formula um and and how it's based on uh sort of a a model budget number for for our students and for our staffing and then the next very next thing they look at is how can the local municipality local Township pay towards that money as we know property values have increased significantly over the past several years what that means is the state will then be giving us less and less money because they're assuming we can pay more and more so to give up that $6 million I think is significant over the next five years and something the board should consider looking at and perhaps moving forward with the full amount of of the available funds to increase a ly uh as we've also mentioned uh we've had meetings with the county superintendent the county business administrator they've encouraged us to move forward with what's available um and in calls with other districts on the line the indication and the message to them as well was to take the full amount of the funding that's available so um I've put together a list of items uh that we can utilize those funds for if before you before you go into that is everybody understanding the math that we're trying to do here the the $6.1 million Delta is that uh that is that is if we were to take 1.1 verse six or that is if we were to take 1.1 verse nothing 1.1 versus nothing what we've already so if we calculated what it would be for 1.1 vers six be about half it would be about half okay so it be it would be three 3 million never okay 3 million over five years right over five years which is like what what percentage of our budget 3 million 5% 4 and a half% is no faster than 4.1 4.1 so if the district would move forward with the additional funds uh superintendent and I discussed opportunities things that were not funded in the budget going forward we're looking at an additional ESL teacher or coach um we're looking at an additional reading program reading Intervention Program for our ESL and special ed um folks interventionist professional development for extending our beyond the day tutoring program to put additional funding into that program program we're looking at replacing door locks at tiis we're looking at doing some spot Paving around the district we're looking at adding the GPS system to the bus so we can track them more accurately and when we get calls from parents we know what to tell them in terms of where the buses are and when they can expect them we're looking at four new buses now 329 passenger buses and a 54 passenger bus plus a maintenance vehicle we talked about a maintenance vehicle vehicle as we went through our budget process and and um and the need for the buses uh we're also looking at replacing two boilers at Tois we replac three this past school year uh we do have one uh that's particularly old another one that is in need of replacement soon so that would mean we'd have all new boilers at the intermediate school over the next year and we're also looking at spending the final bit of funding on replacing the bleachers at Dow okay um does anyone have any questions for Mr Hastings um the bus GPS system is that for that's for all the buses on that's for all the buses in our Fleet and that's uh software and equipment that goes on bus and one more question so Kelly you know in your um Miss welin um the uh so you're really adding you want to add back two two individuals no it's one it's one with the flex we prefer so again this is in comparison to uh making the recommendation for the 600,000 which still has the the Intervention Program and professional development and additional funding to support beyond the day tutoring services for students three 29 passenger buses and two boilers so if we were to expand as you suggested what else would we at the last meeting what else would we spend that money on we we presented over the amounts right and we really went back and fine- tuned what we would prioritize so that's the rest of the things on this list last meeting we did show two positions but the more we thought about it the more we spoke with the county and the more we looked at our numbers and the feeling as Mr hasing just said that we could very well be cut once we know what the with the um funding formula is going to look like moving forward it it does give me concern to as staff with this money however we are also you know really very close with our ESL teaching Department we have just enough teachers to cover the classes the classes are not small um and if we were to have an influx of registrations I feel that that would be we would feel that and we would you know we'd have to address that um if we were to have a sudden uh withdrawal students signing out well that's why I want a position that a person might do some periods of coaching general education teachers on how to better meet the needs of our ESL population but also could serve as a teacher should we need to reduce class sizes in those areas so it's one position but a person who could do both things so it would be flexible position that would be my recommendation as as a staff ad Miss Gilman to follow that up Miss Wen looking at 9.9 which is further ahead in our instruction the multilingual learner three-year plan as I went through that and saw gaping holes of you know what we will need um we have one bilingual bicultural certified teacher for 239 students our ESL teachers are are certified a sheltered English instruction trained Personnel no we don't have one so putting this on I know you're very cautious about adding one position given the fact that we don't know just to clarify we do have teachers with that training but we but it's not the full blow we don't run a class of that program I wondered what that was it's a model of instruction yes for ESL for Esa and just remembering that uh Miss vill Chavez's presentation of how that program is growing I think it's very prudent for us to add this person ESL teer coach and hope that down the road more grants become available to us or the funding because ESL is an area that is not going away it's only going to increase okay I think what I want to do right now is just basically go around the board table and just get a feel for how everyone feels about the 1.17 um we do have a resolution for tonight in regular for the 600 but if the board feels that they want to go for the 1.17 being that Mr Hastings has given us this information and just to make sure that we have the right the right um we get it right on the agenda so would to start with you m McGovern and then just go around the table so we get a feeling of what everyone wants to do um I go start with me uh no I I mean if I may just just maybe say a few last points some things we said last week that I just want to make fresh in everyone's mind um and Mr Hastings did say this so I I'm sorry to repeat some of his words but we we have often spoken around this table about the need to aggressively seek out Revenue sources for this District but then sometimes when faced with them we're not comfortable with going for them for different reasons and all of those are valid right those are we've all we've debated those I think with real um integrity and really listening and hearing our constituents and thinking about what is necessary for students and how we make this District the best possible District that we can make for every single student who walks through our doors every single student whether they've lived their whole lives or they're new to us and they are learning the language and they have other needs I think that we we have always committed to working to create the best environment for these farms and we need to keep doing that and the funding piece of this is not easy but this is an opportunity I know late in the year I know not on the schedule that we're used to um you pointed out right these are this is not the way we would want to have to handle this this is not the way we would want to really give this maybe the Credence or the time that it's worth but but this is the timeline and I truly believe that we need to think through this decision and really try to set ourselves up for future growth and if we find out that our our Aid is not going to be cut as much or um it really is too impactful to the taxpayer and we need to make adjustments um you know I commit to doing that work with you to being fiscally responsible to making cuts when we can make them when they when they make sense for student programs if there's something going on here that we that has always been there but is not yielding the benefit to our students that it once did I'm looking at those things I am looking for ways for us to condense where we can but when given opportunities like this to expand our Revenue I do think we have to take a moment to look at we pass this by are we setting ourselves up to be so tight later on that there are certain things we cannot fix that we don't have the we don't have the foundation or the infrastructure to grow so I just I just wanted to say put that you know fresh in your minds that you know we support moving forward with the full amount but we are also committed to looking for ways where we can be more efficient but we can do things differently when those opportunities come forward and if we're wrong about this Aid cut which we don't believe that we are because the way our district is structured we're not paying our fair share am I correct in saying that I don't want to say anything correct I I yield to you but I believe we'll be cut I do so I don't want to doubly cut ourselves by not taking advantage of a revenue source that is that is available now appreciate that ask question and comment um Mr Hastings and Miss welen um I remember when we were going over budget there was a chart at some point that talked about the past years and whether we went to the full 2% or not and we talked about I know there were some years we didn't right we made decisions at that time for whatever reasons we made those decisions right um but as you're talking Miss W then you know we have to think about the long-term impact and at those times we made decisions for whatever reason but now we are in a Tighter and Tighter spot because of the state funding right so even when we did this year's budget I know we all had a good debate about where we thought we should go we could have gone higher and we didn't right um so you know I've been trying to think through this and my concern is is we're getting signals from the state we haven't gone to Max in past years which the compounding effect of that now years down the road is it's tighter right um so all that to say is I think the signals from the state are going to to be pretty clear here when we look at her pupil funding and what how they're looking at our community and so we have to think about that carefully I do think just my opinion as a group we probably after we get through this budget cycle need to sit down and and have a long-term discussion on where we'd like to see it go in the future and what are the pushes and pulls of the budget and um be more Adept at having those conversations but also to look back at the history and understand why we are where we are and what we can predict the best we can moving forward um because this is It's a challenging conversation to do in quick Snippets without honoring history and again I know why districts made choices in the past I've sat able I understand that but when we went to 1.9 some years and we could have got higher and we went to whatever it was in past years and we could have gone higher eight 10 years down the road that this is why we're still having this conversation um yeah it's a little just a little one of the things that gets a little bit skewed here in all the stuff is um in some in past years we had a lot of Bank cap that help this kindy get to that so so really in aggregate we were always at what we thought was a legitimate Max yeah right so we 1.9 and then we would have Bank cap and it would kind of know kind right so so I think um I don't think we I mean I think you know recently we might have passed on some opportunities for Revenue but I think we've been trying to balance it so that it stayed in a reasonable amount right and my my only point is is it's hard to make those decisions and now we have to make this bigger decision yes I understand the the only the only thing about the the a couple things that are different about this one so the one thing that's different about this is that the actual increase right we we get our taxpayers actually fund this directly right so so this benefit goes directly with the do that that are Community is spending it's not they don't have to worry that it's going to some other school district or some other place right so that's that to me is somewhat helpful that's one way to phrase it it's it's not 100% accur it's one way to it right we're not requiring entire state to fund our district correct right that could be viewed you you have to accept on the prognosis that the state has appropriately allocated funding elsewhere let me finish I don't think it's accurate well you're speaking order yourself so just doing the same you were not recognized by the board chair you may continue Mr go ahead so and the other the other aspect of this is that I think the one thing that you're right about is that um when they when when you look at the challenges of school districts in New Jersey I don't believe that from a macro level the state looks at Ocean Township as this school district that is so needed right I think that's a that's correct a problem actually to reduce our that's a problem that we have um that we have to kind of you know fess up to right we can't kind of hide from that that's the situation right so I think you know the way the math works the idea of increasing our base right is probably an important important aspect to do when we get that opportunity okay so it's already 6:30 7:30 sorry um and we do need to move the meeting along so I'm just G to go around the table you got a few extra minutes to think about it so I'm going to start with you no so I I would just say that I I appreciate um the things you have come back to us with um on the first list and the second list of of priorities and I I do think that that with our increased rental properties in the like sometimes in the in the our winter rentals a lot of times also bring in sometimes challenging students and alling you know not all but there are some challenges of kids coming in for one year leaving you know and maybe not coming back just you know and and some of those coaching models and ESL you know population increases a little bit in the winter time um you know for our district and so I I appreciate that we're that's where we're spending our money on staff if we are going to bring staff here you know do staff um while I don't love the idea I can understand your points and your and your vision and I will support the one point1 M Gilman I voted for it last time I think it's a long-term investment in our district um I think that our administrators have worked hard to put this list together I certainly don't want to uh undercut them I also think that uh it was made pretty clear if you read the emails that we received from not only staff members but many residents that they need things that we often can provide and while this list might seem short in the long run I think it will trickle down to our staff and they'll be able to do more so yes I support it Mr Weinstein yeah I um first one I when I see the list here I I would have actually liked to have seen probably more staff involved but I also understand that we don't know exactly how formulaically this whole thing is going to work out so I think it probably was is a is a good Gap move for us to kind of figure this out I also know how hard it is when we're always when when we get into a position we're trying to figure out how to buy buses which always seems to be like such a a pain for us to do so um so I think you know all in all so I wish we would had um you know other other positions here that would have that that may have helped the um some areas that we might be a little efficient in or feel that but I can understand the the thinking here so it's not to put anybody in a bad situation later on so so I I think this is a a good um a good way to go I would support that Mr Snider um I still stand with my vote I'm I was not for a tax increase at this point I I appreciate the passion and the pitch behind it I hate the phrase fair share but I think in this case the government's not not putting in their fair share and any further cut from of $5 million put some extreme risk from us not even having to need their running or services to run our school so they put only 7% of State funding into our school and get up 100% set so I'm I'm I'm against the tax increase at this point Mr dton at this point I supported M Stam um just real quick I mean last time we pulled and I couldn't get over kind of the same things as Jeff was saying that I didn't appreciate how you're kind of being forced to make this very quick decision not understanding where the money was going and all that and I had a hard time getting over that but now sitting with it it's hard to say no for what this can bring to our school and our kids so at this point now I do support if we're gonna if we're going to vote Yes for it I believe we should just go all the way so I think that we should be in support or I am in support of the 1.1 thank you I'm support it okay um I I went for a whole week now back and forth in my head and I appreciate the information that you shared with us tonight um I feel that that you both feel it is important that we take advantage of this for fear of what may come that you know we may get blindsided for we know and and have to pay for years to come just like we have these past seven years so um I will support it as well so um it seems to me that the majority is for the 1.17 so we probably will need to change um the way the vote will be read downstairs is that right Mr hings no I believe someone should make a motion to adopt this motion to change seven and if this fa passes remove the other item if it does not we'll still have the other item for consideration so if it passes just don't approve the one for 600,000 okay got all right thank you just uh one one note just I though process wise I understand that have to sell this um but I I have a bit of a a problem with us claiming whether or not we agree because I personally don't agree with the position increase but I don't think that that's my prerogative so I just want to point that out to the board whether or not we agree with what we are saying to you what do you need to run this district and you to come back to us in my opinion sole single individual's opinion what you believe you need and what you do with that I trust that it will be appropriate to the district um so so I I don't know just as a board I I think we should get away from you selling it to us I I trust that you're going to do the right thing and that you're going to put the money where it needs to go which is also why I don't believe in approving this is because you know when we originally discussed whether or not to do 2.8 or 3.5 I was told that we could run this District at 2.8 U but that's neither here nor there I just want to get color to I don't personally and the rest of the board can disagree with me I don't desire to see or to be sold on what you need I know that for the district it's important and maybe I'm wrong and that we need to do it for them but I just want to be clear I trust that you're going to allocated it appropriately based on what you said initially Kelly and my indecision to support this has nothing to do with a lack of trust in your ability to put it for and I can and I can respect what you're saying um can that point about the taxes and that discussion then is Real This was new information but you know I think your point is taken given me a lot of time to reflect on that on that point it is good to know though from the both of you you know how you feel about certain things to kind of direct the board so that we know you know what you're thinking what is important I think in this year we don't know you know as as nine people from the community we really don't know the information that you know I think it's I think there are some very very good things in here that we really need I think the list maybe is not as exciting as you would maybe spend a million dollars with if you got a shopping spre for a million dollars but I want to be very responsible to an unknown factor and what that will mean for us and some of the other difficult conversations that we've had around budget as a group and that we need to we need to get some one-time high price items that we struggle to get into our budget buses things like that to help I think uh fortify our foundation a little bit with this opportunity because if it does go away or we cannot continue to grow we have we have you know taken care of a few big things that we've struggled to do in the last few years please well just just just a couple of things about John was saying so so one is um I think I don't think there was any doubt that we were gonna have a budget that we'd be able to run the school district with if this car right okay so so I I totally agree with that um I agree with the thing of the process of saying we were going to have a school district that we could run okay right I I think that's probably very accurate right I think that some school districts benefit from more can benefit from more funds others probably not we're probably one of those districts that does benefit when we give us more funds we figure out how to refurbish our buildings we figure out how to do rooms we figure out how to you know get buses we figure out how to take things that in our in in our district may be aging or may be becoming obsolete and so I think that one one concept that seems to rear its head periodically is that we have a lot of assets you know we have this building and we have the land and we all that other thing right but we also have is we also have a lot of liability we have older buildings older facilities older this older that no one seems to take that equation both sides to it so when we're given the opportunity to figure out how to get money that we could figure out how to actually be prudent and smart with right if we weren't smart with the money then I would say Okay shame on us right but every time we have funds that are available to us we seem to do it on either things that are Innovative or things that are helping us take things that are going to be broken or broken and figure out how to make those work so I think it's I think it's really also taking taking the funds because I think we're very judicious on how we do with those funds all right so let's go back to uh the rest of Finance you wouldn't mind oh sure going through that um well I think um question I just few things um I just like to point out item 81 our student lunch program pricing for next year there are no increases in the pricing I'm sorry can you just say it one more time yeah so everyone can hear there is no item 8.10 is our lunch program for next year and there is no increase in our lunch prices great thank you and then um also we are approving we had a bid out for electrical upgrades for our field lighting that bid was opened on Friday and the award of that bid will be on the agenda this evening I was that the field lighting that was proposed to be $400,000 is or that separate am I mixing something up yeah so when we discussed field lighting over the past several months we've talked about $400 to $500,000 for the entire job uh we utilized a national Co-op to get the best pricing we could on the equipment um there's some nuances with using that Co-op where we can't have them install their initial pitch to us was 450 to 500 uh we had to break it up because we couldn't do it that way been allowed to do it that way uh last month we approved the purchase of the lighting equipment for around $415 $418,000 this is now to award a company to now install it is there any other questions on anything in finance don't have anything no all right let's move on to instruction Miss Gilman uh 9.1 to 9.10 for discussion looks like we have a new course yes I just want to point out on finance and I don't know the agenda item we're accepting a grant um double check real quick while we're talking here we're accepting the um Computer Science High School expanding Computer Science High School courses grants and then in instruction we are asking for approval of a new course and also approving the hours to write the curriculum for the new course which will be funded through the grant that we just earned which I believe was about 32 32,7 32,7 so I'd like to thank Dr Morgan uh Mrs kazuba Miss Ley who really uh LED this uh Grant application and trying to get this set also Mrs hman played a part in this as well and this helps to go to expand the force offerings in our Spartan School of Technology and this will really be a um cyber security focused class Weinstein so is there no existing course around this that we're able to just use no there is no there is no curriculum no not in our school in other in another school district well part of the work will be perhaps looking at other samples but no I mean we don't just take someone else's we do write our own but we we look at resources I mean I I don't want to speak for Dr she's going to lead this this process but usually we actually met today and we're going to look at I think they said red Regional they already have a for good so miss Hagerman and Miss Ley will be reaching out great great I know that it's up and coming in colleges and universities right cyber security has been you know it has been around for some time and uh it's a high a big a lot of positions open for people who have this type of training so for our high school students to get this at the high school level and I think we're going to partner with dickon to get college credit so I think it'll be great for the students and it will be another offering in the spart schools of tech spart School of tech just grateful great I have one question on the 9.5 PD so it looks like we're sending uh our high school teachers for AP training virtual training um was there another one on here English Lang lit U there was just some adjust ments I believe that needed to be made so at this point we're approving these but there is no uh training for language lit no there is but there at this point we're ready to approve these and there was a change there that needed to be made I because I remember looking at the agenda last Friday okay okay because that's an important area that's a no we're not dropping it just needed you know just needed to take a look again about the where it was being offered if that was the best option yeah that's needed training thank you anyone else have any questions instruction all right negotiations that was discussed in executive session so we'll move on to policy Miss yes 11.1 this is our second reading of the revised regulation on reporting student progress coms yes which was just based on the the presentation you all heard last week from our elementary princip and last week or two weeks ago was first reading this is the second reading and it'll be on tonight the regular cot was just that one minor change questions no okay is there any old business from the board Workshop any new business from the board all right at this time we will take um any public comment on any item Miss Conway um we have no virtual commenters if you can hold one moment okay thank you madam president there are no uh comments in the auditorium either thank you Mrs Conway all right um I'd like motion to adjourn Workshop motion can I please have a second second all right