good evening everyone welcome to the July 30th regular meeting we thank you all for joining us if you would please rise for the flag salute Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we're going to begin um with our superintendent report since I do not have a president's report this evening Miss Welden he thank you very much good evening everyone it's wonderful to see you all I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer I am very excited this evening to start a recognition that I hope will be an ongoing thing here in the home of the Spartans um I'd like to First bring up Mr Amad and also some representatives from our toea Mr cisano is here I think he's going to come up but we also have Miss Hannah and miss eisenbarth and the audience as well representing um we have a staff member who has completed his doctoral degree from Mammoth University in educational leadership I'd like to introduce Dr Shalom lowski and I just would like to say that this is an incredible commitment to our field and dedication to the work and quite an achievement and and we want you Dr lovsky to know how very proud We Are of you for completing your doctorate and also for continuing your work here in Ocean Township you certainly have made your Spartan Legacy we are very very proud of your accomplishment so thank you for being here tonight to congratulations be recognized to take some pictures if anyone would like to come up here in front of the step and repeat feel free to come forward take a couple pictures you know take you that's a good one yeah that's great the son that didn't go on vacation with this girl I gotta get my teacher friends come on in get in there that's nice that's nice too thank you wonderful thank you very much thank you congratulations okay um we will now move on to the school business administrator report Mr Hastings I have nothing additional Madam president all right thank you very much at this point we're going to move on with the rest of the agenda if you'd like to continue to stay that we'd love to have you um but we understand if you have other things you'd like to get to this evening okay we're going to move on to the public comment regarding agenda items the following are a series of motions to be read by the committee chairpersons all motions have been discussed at a recent public work session some motions have been approved at a public work session and the minutes for the approved items are posted on the district website at this point in the meeting we will now conduct the first of two public comment sessions the first session will be open for public comments on agenda items only and the second session will be at the end of the meeting and can be on any topic would anyone from the public like to comment on any agenda item at this time I will take anyone in the room right now is there anyone all the comment all right is Conway is there anyone in the queue yes madame President we have Alex Hayes okay thank you pleas please go ahead hi thanks um sorry I was trying to organize my thoughts a little better so I didn't really speak off the cuff um can't wait to learn the details of what is soon going to be um public that that Court settlement that y'all are voting on tonight so that'll be interesting to find out what that settlement agreement is about um excuse me um I wanted to talk about the data that was gone over in the work session I'm just going to reiterate you never know if there's other folks in listening right now um I I do wish uh to state again that we really need to have more context in the data that we push out and um we need to have more parameters more explainers if you will more than just one year is very helpful to the average um parent who is you know watching these meetings or seeing online or going on YouTube while there are less incidents this year compared to last for example over the hibs um what I think is missing um which uh you know often is the case is we don't always seem to put out the percentages we merely just put out the whole numbers so it would be nice if some of of our um Communications out in board meetings could deal with percentages like there were a whole bunch of affirmed hi cases that actually demonstrated that the percentages of affirmed versus how many were reported actually went up this year although the numbers on the paper that were presented did make it sound I mean it was there was a decrease in reported hips but a significant increase at some of the schools in actual hibs and I'd like to point your attention to the elementary school there was an increase in more than 100% of confirmed hips at the elementary schools but you know no we're not talking about that we're just talking about how oh it looks like things went down so I think it's I wouldn't want to say wholly misleading but I think it's um a little uh incomplete sometimes when we have data that just gives um you know certain data and not the whole picture the rise in race and religion uh hibs is a concern to me now that we won't have a social emotional leading uh emotional learning person there um that's a little bit concerning next year that we won't have that person to kind of go into our classrooms and promote that stuff um but I wanted to bring back to your attention the new article that came out today ranking all the high schools in Mammoth and Ocean County there might be 50 plus districts in Mammoth County but there are 27 high schools and I'm only quote unquote mentioning the high school because that's what this article is about but it put Ocean Township High School number 24 out of 27 that is not a percentage that's not a number that we want I can't believe that we are the fourth worst if you want to say it that way high school in the county because I know we're not we have incredible staff and amazing students at the high school and a number of students and parents have had incredible experiences at Ocean Township High School but according to a very public report in a very prestigious uh publication US News and World Report we are towards the very bottom of all the high schools in the county and I think we need to work on reputation management it's not the greatest picture of our high school I'd love to know what are we doing um about this what are we doing to communicate to the families uh we want people to stay in Ocean and not move out we want kids to stay in our public schools and not go to private schools and we also want students to pay to go to our Spartan schools well this is not a selling point if our District High School is not ranking very good and people pay a lot of attention to US News and World Report I've been coming for years to these Schoolboard meetings when I was before I was on the board and after and during asking when we have bad test scores what are we going to do and we always seem to say we're looking at it we're looking at what's successful and what's not and we're going to make changes and it doesn't seem that we have any concrete changes that this is the uh plan of attack and we are going to do these accountability measures and report back to you so I hope that we could get um possibly some more answers Miss wden on what is our reaction to the report um we were a blue ribbon District not too long ago so it's pretty upsetting as a rising ninth grader parents um entering the high school to read that article today and I know I'm Not Alone um I also want to mention that there is um there's a um a group on social media that has said for like three months or so they're going to be meeting at the middle school Tois on Sundays for several sports leagues um but there has not been anything in the use of facilities so Mr Hastings I'll follow up with you on that because they're advertising that they're going to be at our Middle School you know through through November um and you guys have not approved it yet so um I mean it would be nice if if groups stopped advertising before they got permission um good to hear about the the roofs almost being done and that's all for now I'm sure I'm at my five minute mark thank you is there anyone else Miss Conway no no Madam president there are no further commenters okay thank you very much we will now move on to our action items Mr McCarthy yes I would like to present item 6.1 you have a second second 51 5.1 that's what I said 5.1 is there a second second item 5.1 Mr doton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes M McCarthy yes Mr Schneider yes Mrs Tarico yes Mr Weinstein yes M maras yes motion carries thank you Personnel Mrs Dam would you please take uh take the uh Personnel item evening yes thank you madam president um I would like to move to approve 6.1 through 6.7 second this is item 6.1 through 6.7 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mr Schneider yes Mrs Taro abstain Mr Weinstein yes Mrs Paramus yes motion Karen thank you financial management and Resource Services Mr Weinstein um thank you madam president I'd like to move for 7.1 to what is it 7 21 can I get a second second this is all item 71 through 721 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Dan yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mr Schneider yes Mrs Tarico yes Mr Weinstein yes Mrs paramas yes Carri thank you very much instruction education and Student Activities Miss Gilman yes madame president um move to approve 8.1 the hi report 82 move to affirm and 8.3 move to approve is there a second second 8.1 through 8.3 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Dam yes Gman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Tarico uh yes 8.1 8.3 8.2 um abstain thank you Mr Weinstein yes M caros yes motions Carri okay thank you very much planning construction we have no report we will move on policy uh M Gilman is Miss Paramus move to approve the third and final reading and revisions to the following policies Andor regulations second for item 10.1 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mr Schneider yes Mrs tallerico yes uh Mr Weinstein yes Mrs par yes items carry thank you uh now I will ask the board is there any old business from the board anyone any new business okay being that there is no old or new business we will move on to public comment on any item anyone in the room have any public comment on any item all right we will move to miss Conway is there anyone in the queue yes Madam president Alex please go ahead thanks again um I know people who ask questions during meetings whether they call in or if they're on the dayis I know people who speak up and ask questions are seen as divisive and that's a shame but I have a few more questions and comments um whether you're on the board or not I wish I could say I'm surprised that there were only two questions about those hibs and violence data numbers um I would implore board members to ask more questions um question the data ask for more information ask for more tables and charts and numbers um uh I had a question for Miss Welden um oh it wouldn't be a public comment somebody getting up um I had a question for Miss Welden on um before I left the school board in maybe in October or November you and I M uh met rather about um you were planning on doing a discipline task force um um and and obviously I know things change um but I'm wondering if you could get back to me on where you or the district stands on revising looking at um our various methods of positive behavioral um affirmations and then discipline at the middle and high school um in light of the numbers that were presented today I think it would be interesting to know um a little bit more information on if there's going to be any changes I'd also like to reor in my questions from earlier if we can find out or may I please find out happy to send via email what schools those numbers that were presented during work session were at um let's see I I still disagree with um Mr McCarthy about getting in front of these numbers I think the numbers don't really show that that we're getting in front of things um I think attempts are being made but we're not moving the needle um so much um a couple other questions I have are um I'm wondering where we stand on the uh Union contract our teachers make some of the um on the lower end for starting salary for example and some of our Specialties like our substitutes our um specials um our first year teachers and our pay grades um I hope they get a raise because they deserve it and they've been on the lower end of the county teacher it would be nice to know where the Union contract negotiations are I think the public is entitled to to find out what's going on and I think that's it for right now thanks thank you is there anyone else no Madam president there are no further commenters he thank you very much do Jour okay second there you go thank you everyone for coming out hope you enjoy the rest of your sum sum we'll see you in August so --------- that's kind of we all right everyone I'm going to begin with the president's report I want to begin by wishing Mr mccarth happy birthday thank you for spending your birthday night with us we can spend it with anyone else anyone else I assume you say the regular session aren't you it's Workshop downstairs I'll mention regular um I also want to remind the board that during our August 13th meeting or at our August 13th meeting we will begin at 6:15 exec okay just a reminder and that completes my report we will move on to the superintendent's report okay I'm going to save my report for regular where we'll be recognizing the staff member um but I do have a presentation uh to report out tonight on and it's the student safety data report so I'll move right into that um twice a year uh we are required to report out to the Board of Education the student safety data report which includes our hi incidents and other uh student safety data elements so you are um Mrs Conway you could present that display that have it okay so the first on the first page you are looking at the Hib incidence from January 23 to June 23 in the left column of data and in the rightmost column you have this January 24 to June 24 as a comparison so we had 19 total confirmed PBS this spring semester as compared to last year the same span of time 24 confirmed hibs and then you see them there below you broken down by the nature of the incident meaning what motivated the incident the incident was motivated by race or religion or ancestry and you see that breakdown there and then below that you see a chart of the way the incident was carried out if it was a gesture if it was written verbal physical or electronic okay moving on to the second page you see this is the same time periods again towards the left there are three columns from last year comparing to three columns this year we must report out how many investigations were initiated how many were completed in 10 days which you'll see those two columns will match because we do follow that timeline very strictly and then how many were actually affirmed hips so so we may have done six and if you look across at the and it's then then Broken Out by school so if you follow just across the high school last year from January to June we initiated 27 investigations that led to seven affirmed hips this year we had six investigations and four affirm hips at the high school and you see it goes down the middle school this year we did 16 investigations nine confirmed HPS there just break that down the district total for this portion of this year was 32 investigations 19 affirmed hips okay that completes the Hib portion of this report then if you go down to the last table you will see additional student safety data elements that must be reported out these are incidents of violence for the entire school year we're no longer just focusing in on the January to June we're looking at the whole school year we're looking at 2223 compared to 232 four incidents of violence which you will see are listed there in parentheses the different types of infractions that are counted as violence we had 29 last year 30 this year districtwide incidents of vandalism again you see the infractions listed there in parenthesis two last year five this year weapons last year was nine this year was two substance either and you see in parentheses use or possession or sale distribution last year we had 11 this year 18 then you see the total hibs 38 last year for the whole year and 30 for this year for the whole year okay so that is that is the report okay Mr wiin I was just wondering what's the conclusion like I don't know what the statistic yeah the conclusion is obviously the first thing that really jumps out is substance abuse and I do think that we took a harder stance I'm not saying that we didn't take a hard stance last year but I think we were honed in on we had we noticed early on some real concern with some students who were facing real addiction um and we worked through you know all of the different methods including violations of code of conduct and the consequences for that to to try and address the issues um you're seeing here the the count of incidents what you have not seen here tonight are all of the interventions that we put in place around that so certainly we take we walk away from this saying we need to do more here and we want to do more we we partnered last year with the Department of Human Services who earned a a grant through um settlement funds for the opioid crisis and we brought in different speakers we brought in um early prevention assessments that we could do on students to determine their level and their level of addiction and what type of intervention they might need so we definitely want to try and continue those um interventions as well and improve any other preventative programming that we can around it um you know happy to see some of the decline that we see there but but just one year compared to another year in itself does and do it I think across the board I mentioned this last year we have begun working on interventions around discipline a student there's a behavior and you know maybe there has been discipline in the past and then you just move on and wait for it to happen again and then there's discipline again but we are working to develop and we started last year a tiered intervention system to behaviors much like we do very well around academics we diagn an academic learning Gap in a student and we absolutely know how to intervene on that we are working to be better practitioners at intervening when we see behaviors that are concerned and so providing interventions to try and turn around behaviors change behaviors and and and push a student to better choices um rather than simply providing a consequence for the Bab anyone else Mr Schneider Mr W my question was around like this these are the number of incidents but is that reflective is there a lot of frequent flyers that impact like the same type of kids that are identified either a hi or violence or druger is there a lot of kids that are overlap or is it kind of that answer is a little different for each category um but around substance we have had some recidivism which is um what I was mentioning earlier that we we found that to be concerning and we were trying to sort of increase and enhance our approach to that intervention um and to reach out to other County resources beyond what we have here in town as as resources for our students for who may need intensive outpatient therapy or who may need some Addiction Services um and we were successful with some of that this year reaching out to other agencies for support um one one of my favorite papers on uh data analysis is called the Folly of rewarding a while hoping for B and the whole center of the paper is about how we kind of put ourselves in predicament with the information age of not um rewarding the right behaviors um and so a great example of this is what we see here right we see an increase in numbers uh and we uh many people immediately jump to the conclusion oh that must mean that there are issues in that school district when what I would actually argue that the beauty of this is that it shows that we are confronting these issues headon we're not in the business of hiding from them we're going to hit them head on the way Spartan is always do and we're going to deal with them I think that's a wonderful thing and I think a lot of parents tend to hear or read these statistics and they they immediately assume oh that must mean there problems uh and instead I view this as something that says hey our Administration our school district is is getting in front of these problems and trying to deal with them in the best way possible so I think it's good to see this I I know that our Administration and our teachers are not out on a a Witch Hunt if you will but it's good to see that you guys are confronting these things I think it's a a positive for our district thank you anyone else have any questions no okay thank you well I do want I do want to say one thing you know when you go from 27 to 6 right High School I mean one of the things yeah one of the things that's been kind of discussed a lot is uh well it's it's not well there's hibs that have been confirmed hibs but then you know there's a lot of things that were going on which probably weren't good situations also right so so the 27 to 6 um what can you you know what that's um I mean I know we have somebody that's new as part of the um you know he's a vice principal discipline right is there anything going on with that or I think that I I can't say for sure that that has an impact has does or does not have an impact um we've had you know over the last six years we have three assistant principles that are newer in their goals I mean you know come on um but I don't I don't know that that's NE necessarily it I think I think the steps we take away from the covid years we find that students and the school re moves back towards more um decorum and professionalism or uh appropriate behaviors away from the time where sort of there were no rules your home you disconnected your we we're remote and we've noticed that each year things everyone is sort of getting back into the routines of school um and and some of that conflict and Mental Health crisis that we talk about that we're seeing we felt that last year and a lot of those seven things were not hi but may have very well been something else may have been another type of infraction so you know I think it's improving I think the overall feeling not not talking about data for a minute but the overall feeling is that things are improving however we still have some serious situations that need direct attention okay thank you does that conclude okay uh School business administrator report Mr Hastings thank you mad president um just a couple of quick updates uh Roofing projects that both D and Wayside are continuing we're making good progress on getting those wrapped up and moving forward there's a payment to the vendor on the bills list tonight approval representing 50% completion at the Wayside and about 25% completion at Dow however they have moved uh further along in their progress so we haven't had much time downtime for bad weather so we'll keep our fingers crossed that we continue to have that lck last week the contractor came out to start the field lighting project the high school they run conduit under the field in between the poles um to rewire the new lighting if you recall we had two feeds one going from the building the high school building to the visitor side and one um from the pole to the home side uh the U crew spent some time last summer making repairs that line that was buried between the high school and the visitor side that's why we're putting in the conduit to go under the field uh there's a change order you'll see on the agenda tonight for about $3,800 to run an extra piece of conduit um we without getting too far into the details we're running that extra piece uh to power uh the other uh lower grade Lighting systems that are on the visitor side the van shell and the uh Lights Under the stands for those sorts of things because we have had some problems with that par so we thought this was a good time to do it they had all the equipment so we wanted to go ahead and and make that adjustment um we had the delivery of the anchors and they've begun digging the holes for those anchors for the new poles they've marked out the new poles uh so we hope next week they'll start sinking those and we'll be ready for our early September home game against hell so that'll be exciting um and then finally uh we've been notified by the playground people uh that early weeks of August the first week uh hopefully they'll be out to start pouring rubbery surfaces for the preschool playgrounds at both Wayside and down so projects are coming together and we're making progress but again as always a race against the clock to that September 1 date to make sure everything's buttoned up and done um we did have a walk through today with the county business administrator she came out to look at some waivers we had in place for some bathrooms where students will go to the hallway bathrooms instead of bathroom and we went to all three elementaries and the Stans are working very hard uh around the activities that are going on there floors is already stripped and some sections of the building are already rewaxed and ready to go and working on the other classrooms and and Floors to to get those in shape so things are coming together and looking forward to an exciting year thank you right great yes did she did she give her approval of of our bathrooms that are outside the classroom she did she did so everything was yes so Pacific with that and what's the name of the vendor that we're paying um tonight we're voting on uh the roofing company is MTB they're a Neptune company big company to do a lot of work around the state work the Port Authority ink the transit train station up there so uh they're making great progress very conscientious very they're showing up every day no problems so yeah no problems yet so we're happy I could see the get dow downlo even with the dumpster up front it was clean if you can imagine that you know removing move material can get very uh very dirty so they're doing a great job yes we're excited great thank you all right with that we're gonna move on to our action items Mr mcarthy like to present item 6.1 for discussion any [Music] questions okay simp um Personnel we will vote on that downstairs we'll go into financial management and res Services Mr Weinstein um yes we have one 8.1 to 8.6 for for discussion is there anything you want point out sure we did receive a notification for the funding for our nonpublic which is our first item there that just came out last week uh those amounts are determined uh per pupil basis so that's money that's funneled through the district back out to these nonpublic schools again based on a perable times enrollment at those particular schools and uh those Services uh we use Moes for so Moes manages it because it's a very heavy uh documentation and paper live to to support those funds so Mo scles that for us um and then uh as I said 8.4 is the upgrade change order for the uh extra conduit going under the field and then we have uh qac coming next year and one of the requirements is that we acknowledge our bus drills because we are a transporting District we have to have two drills per year per school so those are on our agenda to uh acknowledge anyone have any questions Mr Schneider oh sorry they were 8.6 anything on that don't no nothing to afford on that okay anyone have any questions Mr schneer yeah regarding 8.2 my question is is that is the contract there done or are you're asking for comments on contract I'm sorry 8.2 yes you presented this in the prior board meeting I apologize foring comments um so we have an athletic trainer that goes to all our events and and you know is available but sometimes schedule does not quite line up perfectly so this is a company that is recommended by the athletic director that we've used in the past on the off chance that our athletic trainer is not available they would provide a certified trainer to attend our events yeah my questions more around like the 90 they ask 40% of payment email seems to be pretty oneid negotiation standpoint that's why I was not done yeah I mean this is the standard contract we used but then a lot of these folks have those just as standards based on until they deal with but so we work with with them the payment status and we use them maybe once last year for an Emer situation thank Miss Gilman are they really located in Florida a corporate headquarters in FL dispute anyone else youing any other questions fin all right we will move on to instruction Miss Gilman yes Madam President we have two items for discussion and we will we've already discussed 9.1 leave that to miss welon and 9.2 yes um annually the the school dist each school district is required to uh prepare a remote instruction plan should the need arise um this is something that began during the co years and and continue so we have made some updates to that uh we are not following few of the items that were in the past report uh because we're back from Co and we're here full time but should we have to go into a remote uh situation schooling situation again that plan is in place so that we are ready and prepared should we have to remote precautionary report that we submit to the state each summer anyone have any questions hope we don't need all right planning construction there is no report so we will move on to policy Miss Gilman yes certainly U this is a discussion of the second reading of revised or policies which have been abolished and regulations I'm just wondering if there's any followup about the remote public board meetings did you I know we were just kind of waiting on things I'm guessing the state hasn't really now there's been no movement from the state or information from the attorney regarding that but again that is based on a law that was set up so the entire board can conduct a meeting with no so there was no physical location of the meeting that's what's really being discontinued based on the exploration of the American law can you explain that so it's abolished for what we have now but in place is that we can conduct a remote meeting in case of a pandemic or whatever so when Co hit they issued an emergency order emergency regulation allowing districts to continue to conduct business remotely so it sort of waved the sensity of having a physical location for the public to come to to you know participate in thee um that emergency order expired so St May said because that emergency order expired this regulation this policy that we put in place based on that should also be abolished and that does not mean that we can't have board members participate remotely well that's the part that's remains in question and that's the part we don't have any new guidance on from our attorney we have a separate policy for board members to participate from inem situation they are so this in you know this was our discussion last time that we were hoping to get some guidance so maybe we could also present that we did not get it we did not we do not have an update on that part of the conversation but this part of the conversation is that this policy that they're recommending we abolish there's nothing in there that should stop us right now from abolishing it because it is the guidance and that executive order is has expired so we may vote on this so we should vote on this the recommendation to abolish and we will continue to follow up with our attorney on guidance on the restr and schmate was following up as well with the state for more clear guidance around that other question you're talking about hybrid type meeting right anyone have any questions regarding the policies I don't know joh to reread I just have one more I want to note that we did pull the volunteer coaches policy we had it on last time for first reading um Mrs McGovern brought up to me some questions I spoke also with the athletic director and in reading it we may want to make some revisions so we just felt the best thing to do was be to pull it let us make the suggest the revisions that we think are best and then we'll put it back on for two readings okay so that one is missing compared to the last all right thank you okay right now I'm going to ask the board if there's any old business is there any new business back to Old business I just wanted to thank our fellow board members it was very difficult when we had to revise our budget but if you checked the school updates those clips that we get Tom's River and Jackson are in Dire Straits they had their budget forced upon them uh Cuts have to be made very serious cuts and as much as we resented the way the state presented it to us of the way we had to fo it on the taxpayers and of Ocean Township we worked as best we could with our Administration to come up with the best and I can only thank thank you board members that we are not in the kind of predicament that those school districts are in who knows what's going to happen the state now they are going to sue the state and and who knows where it's going to end so it was repugnant to many of us but um we're safe and we're starting our year off very strongly thank you m Gilman is there any new business ask again no okay um right now I'd like to ask if there's any public comment um Miss uh Conway is there any anyone in the queue or anyone down good evening good evening Madame President there is nobody in person but we do have one commenter uh virtually Alex Hayes please go ahead hi can you hear me yes we can okay sorry um it seems like the settings are a little different sorry about that um well well sure let's get excited about the lights um the brand new lights for the football stadium that's fantastic and all but that's not the Highlight for me tonight the Highlight is definitely about um the data that you presented about the hibs and the um the police reporting and the um safet to considerations um as I've said before over many years it's all in how you report the data and what you choose to talk about okay sure there were less incidents this year compared to last in some of the columns what I don't see anybody talking about sadly is the percentages um that were affirmed HS actually went up like if you look for example example um the high school um reported hibs went down but the actual confirmed hibs number went up it was 25% of all reported hibs last year turned out to be hibs um and this year it was 66% um so I I think when you are presenting data like this as always the context has to be a little bit more clear and historical data um has to be a little bit more apparent there also was a rise in racial incidents and religion in incidents but I see nobody talking about that tonight um from this year uh versus last year you know there were greater violence incidents nobody really harked on that um from what I heard uh well who was it John who said I think we're getting in front of things Mr McCarthy I I humbly disagree and I think a lot of parents who have kids at the middle and high school would absolutely agree that while we are acknowledging there is a problem it doesn't seem like there is much being done physical actual concrete plans um one of my questions since I know superintendent Wen you do want me to be a little bit and I'll be better about making sure I'm actually asking questions so hopefully I can get follow-ups on it is it would be nice to know how many of the 30 that were in that data column that second page how many are assault how many are sexual assault um how many are threats um you know to just say 30 is a little um misleading or or a little a little hard to tell what we're looking at um I'd also like to know uh when can we find out what schools these numbers are in in those that reporting category um and quite honestly I know somebody brought up substance abuse that doesn't really jump out at me that much I'm more concerned with the assaults the weapons sexual assaults frankly the religion and racial incidents at our schools um Miss Wen said we need to do more we want to do more and I said sure nobody nobody would disag with that but we really need to know what is going to be done here's a concrete plan um working on interventions is great but where is the data on behavioral interventions you've had it for now over a year the tiered interventions it would be nice to see some specific data um okay so that was part of my comment slash question my other thing I wanted to bring up um there's been some chatter this afternoon about the posting about the US News and world report our previous superintendent used to like rankings when they benefited our district and made us look great and then when they made us look not so great of course rankings suck and they are the worst thing and who cares about rankings so taking that with a brain of salt because I know rankings can be viewed or skewed however you want um after every assessment after every reporting of scores and results um we always say well here's you know we're going to take a look at things and then we're going to do something about it and for six years now I've been asking okay so what are we going to do about it how are we going to make this better how are we going to make our schools more Equitable for all Learners how are we specifically going to bring our rankings up because the argument that rankings don't matter does not fly when parents are trying to move to this town parents are trying to convince themselves to keep their kids in our public schools and not go to private quite frankly because that is happening a lot in many homes um in eth through 12th grade especially in the township of ocean and how are we going to hold people accountable who really are either you know there are some I'm sure there's some people who aren't performing to our standards or not teaching the way data shows that kids need to be taught so I'd like to know if there's any response from the superintendent and or the board about the story and I'm sorry I buried the lead I forgot to say that story said out of 27 high schools in the county uh OTS is number 24 so we went from a blue ribbon school not too long ago to number 24 out of 27 public high schools um you know I'm sure you guys will say thanks for your comment next but um it would be nice to have a detailed plan a specific uh communication out to parents and taxpayers about how are we going to set our students up to perform better uh for career academics life success um I don't think 24 out of 27 is any way acceptable and if Schoolboard members sitting there tonight are not asking these questions that's that's a big shame um I have a few other questions that I might say unfortunately the five minute time of course yes my five minutes are are always up but others might be able to speak later can always ask more questions um during regular thanks all right thank you um Miss Conway is there anyone else no Madam president there are no further commenters all right thank you um may I please have a motion to Workshop second all right see you all downstairs