We'd like to call to order today the July 23rd, 2024 regular meeting of the OCO E Code Enforcement Board. Please stand for the invocation member, member Fernandez and the Pledge of Allegiance by member Schultz. I pledge allegiance to the flag Flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty to justice for all. Please be seated. Mr. Meez, can we have the, uh, roll call to establish quorum, please? Chair Vander. Present. Member Lewis Present Member man, absent. Member Schultz. Present. Member Smo. Absent Member Fernandez. Here quorum is met. Thank you. Mr. Mes. Uh, Mr. Mes, can we have a swearing in of the officers and any, any of those who plan on speaking this evening? All right. Ask that you all please stand and raise your right hand, uh, Mr. Barron Nova as well. Um, Mr. Samran, do you, you and each of you solemnly swear and affirm the testimony you're about to present shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? I do. I do. I do. Thank you. Thank you. And be seated. Alright. All right. Uh, do we have a consent agenda? We do. Good evening, Mr. Chairman and board members Doug Gaines with support services. We have three that came into compliance. That's 2023 dash 0 3 2 7 6 20 24 dash 0 2 5 and 2024 dash 2 7 2. Excellent. Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. Yes. Member Lewis. Um, Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. I move to accept the, uh, consent agenda as presented by the city. Second, We have a motion made by Member Lewis and seconded by Member Fernandez that we accept the consent agenda as presented by the city. All those in favor select. Yes. Those opposed select no votes are in the votes are unanimous. Thank you. Okay. Uh, at this point, uh, we have a citizen's comment section. Um, these are items that are unrelated to, uh, the code Enforcement Board issues. If there is anybody here that would like to bring up anything related to the city of Ocoee and this is your opportunity, we usually open this up for just a few minutes, but if nobody's speaking then we're gonna go ahead and close this out. Okay. Thank you. Alright, our, uh, first case this evening, uh, is case number 2 0 2 3 0 2 8 1 9. Officer Loeffler And Board, this does have a respondent here, uh, after the officer's finished testifying, I'm sorry, This case does have a respondent here when the officer's finished testifying. Okay. Thank you. Good evening. Good evening. Just to refresh the board's, uh, memory, we presented this case months ago and instead of a finding, you decided to continue it to July. So I'm just going to redo the testimony that I originally did prior to this since it's kinda like the first time again. Uh, 1223 Baranova case number 2 0 2 8 1 9 is construction without permits. They were applied for but rejected causing this to remain a no permit case. On August 22nd, 2023, a COE building inspectors performing routine inspections on two other permits at other addresses on Baranova Road, did observe work without required permits and that was, uh, driveway pavers, uh, driveway alterations, a carport shed in the rear yard and other alterations. On September 11th, 2023, this officer sent out and posted a violation notice for violation of ordinance 1 5 1 13 construction without required permits. Specifically, the staff notes exceeding max lot 50 ISA not meeting the minimum open space requirements since their entire backyard is void of grass saw or ground cover exceeding max 50 ISA in the front yard for vehicular area encroachment into the two foot ISA setback along the side yards encroachment into the five foot utility easement along the side yards and 7.5 foot UE on the rear yard. The notice provided a reasonable timeframe until October 1st, 2023 to remove the unpermitted driveway pavers structures and to return to original condition, the property or obtain approved, issued, paid, and in possession building permits from the Ocoee Building Department On September 26th, 2023, the owners did submit a permit for paver driveway with approach. However, it was rejected during review with eight key comments. The staff estimates your property is at 91.2 impervious surface. This is 82.4% above the 50% allowed for your property. And number two, impervious surface areas and structures are not allowed in the easements. There is a 7.5 utility easement along the rear of your property, five foot utility easements along the sides of your property. If these easements were to be vacated, a process which requires two public hearings and ultimately city commission approval for pedestrian and vehicular pathways, they're not allowed within two feet of any property line And there's a lot more. The case was set for presentation before this board, however, the holiday agendas prevented hearing date until FE February of 2024. On that hearing date, the owners arrived at the hearing wanting to plea a case, allowing the construction due to handicap family member. It was then explained that this was a violation and penalty hearing that they should contact the building and zoning departments to initiate a variance hearing of some type. And the case was continued until this march hearing date, which already we had to allow for that. It should be noted that the hearing notices for both February and March were posted and sent out certified service with the owners having arrived at the February hearing and advised of this continuing till the March hearing. As of the date after the March hearing, no revised permits had been applied for or issued. This officer did observe some cut and removed cement pavers in a pile along the right side of the house, but the status of compliance requirements has not been demonstrated to the code or building staff and remains unknown rendering non-compliance status. At that time, the city recommended a compliance timeframe of 30 days to coordinate with the building and zoning departments to establish compliance with either removal or permit issuance and a fine So Of $25 per day for everyday, not in compliance with the boards, any board, any orders the board might issue. And that takes us all the way up to now in July, which is what you continued the case to, the current permit status remains rejected and that was as of June, 2024. And for building the notes, say see zoning comments for engineering. The notes say, see zoning comments. And for zoning we have nine issues. Number one, the 50% maximum allowed impervious area of the property is being exceeded. Please propose to remove additional impervious materials from the property. This will also include revising and updating the survey and impervious area calculations. Sheet number two on the survey, please add a note that the impervious materials in the city's right of way has been removed and restored. Back to SOD number three. On the survey, please provide the dimensions of all structures and improvements. Number four, separate permits. Separate permits must be applied for, for the shed covered patio and any other un permitted structures on the property. These permits need to be applied for in order for this permit to be issued for approval. Number five, vehicular parking cannot exceed 50% of the front yard setback due to this. The area of the property within 25 feet of the front property line cannot be covered more than 50% for parking and per section 45 dash 14 three trees must be planted on the residential property. The trees must be of those listed in the replacement list within the below code section and a separate tree permit must be applied for to install the new trees. There was no tree removal as part of this code action, but apparently it's part of the building's action. Accessory structures must be separated a minimum of five feet from all other structures. Please update the survey to correct all comments. Please revive the work description to include the concrete on the property so that it can be reviewed through this permit as well. And that was Tuesday, June 25th. So I'm gonna go through here and see if there's any exhibit pictures from the original hearing. That's the paver driveway and the approach. And that's impervious surface off to the side, going to the property line. And that's all I have. There's someone here to speak also. Uh, the original, the original recommendation from the city back in March was a compliance timeframe of 30 days and a fine amount of $25 per day for every day not in violation. And that's the current recommendation as well. Excellent job officer. Uh, does any of the board members have any questions for the officer? Um, was a very unapplied for, I'm not aware. I don't think so. And, and just to be clear, officer, um, so everything that needs to be, everything that's in violation of the code is everything. That's not the driveway, the average. It is the regular driveway. Actually everything that's been done on the property, whether it's structures, pavers, it all falls under the one violation, which is 51 dash 13. So there's somebody here from them to testify there. They did not coordinate with anybody that I'm aware of, but they may have removed a structure or something like that. But even if they did remove some of it, anything that didn't have a permit, we're still at that one code violation. So. Okay. But just to be clear, all the pavers to the left of the property in this picture here with what looks like a van or SUV and then all the way back to, to the back left of the property, that's all in violation, correct? Correct. I'm just trying to get a but understanding, right, if we do finding in violation, of course. So right here we have the, A lot of work to, to get that done. That's The original sized driveway and then you can see all the impervious surface beyond that. Thank you. Mm-Hmm. So just that I understand those nine, uh, items that were broken down all fall under that one violation code? Yes. Yes sir. Okay. So even if they corrected everything and left one area of pavers, we'd still be at ordinance 51 dash 13. Understood. Alright, any other questions? And this is, um, the first notice of violation was back in September of 2023. Am I reading the right? I think so. September of 20, 20 0 3. Yes ma'am. August, August 22nd. All right. And yes, September 11th is when the violation notice was issued. Alright. No other questions from the board at this point for the officer? No. Alright. Um, whoever would like to speak on this subject, if you would like to come forward, state your name for the record. Donald Board Ravi Serum. Sure. Can I have that Ben guys ready? Yes. Go ahead. Yes. What I did, I removed the five feet from the, um, the property line. I did the five feet and I did the seven, the eight and a half foot in the rear that was recommended. That was, uh, on, on my paperwork. The, um, the front piece, if you could look in the front that was paved. I, I, I got I that was removed also. And, um, grass was, uh, installed in, in the, in the driveway. But what was, what I was asked for is five foot on the side and eight in the back. And, um, I did what I was asked and now is something different that I, that a, uh, a regular shed that I have in the back. The, I don't have the carport no more. I removed the carport and the shed in the back to the right. I put where the carport is, which is a, a regular carport that I don't even think I need permit for that sells the Home Depot a 10 by a 10 by five. I don't see why I need to do that. The reason why the, the part that I remove, I didn't put any, um, grass because, um, I keep getting different, different letters to do different things. So I'm like kind of confused here. Now. I did the five on the side, five foot all the way around. I did the eight and a half in the back. That was all removed If I might interject. And in that, uh, 30 day recommended compliance timeframe, I think that the property owner needs to coordinate with the zoning official and the building department to find out exactly what's been removed. If I could have somebody physically at my house to tell me, show me exactly what I need to get done, I would've really appreciate that because I'm going back and forth. I'm confused. I'm spending a lot of money, you know, hiring people to get these things removed, which I spend money to have it installed. And I'm, I don't know where I stand at this moment. I really don't know where I stand. 'cause I've been doing a lot of, a lot of, a lot of the removing and removing and I need somebody physically over there to show me exactly what I need to do. Have you brought that up to the building and zoning department that you would like to schedule an appointment to have Some? Well then I, I did and they said cannot do that. Let me, uh, have to email. And like I said, I did, like, I submit all the paperwork to them. I had it notarized exactly what I did, and now I got this here coming up. Okay. So where do you stand with the zoning board right now? Building department? Well, I would, like I said, I would like somebody physically to come over and show me exactly what needs to get done. Because I mean, I don't wanna go back and forth and be charged 25 hours a day. I've been living there for 29 years. These things have been done 15, 20 years ago, and now I'm being penalized for this. That's crazy. And I think I've been like, I'm being picked out or, or you know, this is not right. It's not right. I mean, I'm ready to get a lawyer and, and try to figure out what exactly we need to do here. So the impervious services aren't 20 years old. The pavers and stuff Are pavers. Were, um, some of it were three and the other ones thin. And I could tell you if you go around on Koi, I could, I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna pick out how people, I mean places that have, they don't have five feet from, from the, from the, the, the, the property line. I could bring up some, some i, I could bring up some addresses. The, the, the, the shed is not five foot from their house. So why, why am I be penalized for a five and 10, five by 10 shed? Where am I gonna store my stuff? I don't have no space. I have five by 10 and I have five foot away from the, um, from the property line. Where, where do I have any space to do anything? I don't have any space. I'm figure when I finish with all this, I'm moving out koi because I'm, I think I'm been harassed. This is starting to be harassment. I'm trying to live a nice, decent life with my three kids. You understand? One of them is handicapped. You understand? I need to live a, a comfortable life. I'm 54 years old now. I don't wanna go through this. So again, where do you, if I could have somebody at the house to show me exactly what I need to do, I'll get it done. Yes, I'll get it done just so I could be in peace. So when you live my life, when you've asked them to come to the house, what, what have they told you? Make an Appointment? We don't, they don't have anybody that comes, they don't have, they don't do that. They say they don't do that. I have to submit my paperwork and then they'll go through it, they review it and then they go from there. And have you done that part of it? I did. Okay. And is it being under review at this point or? Uh, It was, it's been rejected. Oh, it's been rejected. It's been rejected. Alright. Do you know why it's been rejected? Because of the Remedy one we plant, um, three trees. Native tree. I got mango tree. I got avocado tree. Mm-Hmm. I got nice feet tree that's gonna feed my family. I don't want no oak tree or nothing like that in my yard. I want tree that's gonna feed us. I want a garden. I have a garden, you know, native food. I want that. That's what I want. Not that tree. We, they want me to plant a tree, tree trees in my yard. I you go around, nobody have tree native trees. Uh, Floridian trees in their yard. So there was a clear, um, delineation in terms of, um, impervious services. It says we allow 50, the property was at nine to one, right? That was the first measure. I'm sorry, I didn't, I didn't, there was, um, for impervious service services, we you're allowed 50. The property was at nine to 1%. So Yes. Yes. So, uh, can he provide a drawing that shows I did That already reduction. I did submit that. That shows the impervious, The impervious area. It was 60, I think it was 64 or, or or or 57. I can submit the paperwork. Right. Can you identify more areas that you can remove to get to 50? I sure can Have. And you have submitted that. No, I haven't, but I submit that, you know, I figured that, oh, I could get away with another 3% or 4%. Oh, 50 and 69 is still a waste. We appreciate the effort you're making. Yes. And since we have a defined area of 50%, I do believe we can continue working if you continue showing that. So we've gone from nine to one to six to nine mm-Hmm. So can we show the city zoning department how you can get to 50 and that will, and that I, I mean that's just a part of it, but if we can continue to see progress with you. I Am, I am. But it's, it gets costly too. At the same time, I, I'm not doing this by myself. I got a back problem. This is concrete work. I, I understand, but the city has provided a clear nine to one to 50%. Okay, so let's, you know, we provided clear a clear definition there. So for that one, if you can, you know, show the city, here's how I can achieve a 50% permeable surface that that would address one of the ions. I'm willing to do whatever you guys want me to do. I'm willing to do that. But it takes time and money. You're gonna get what you want, but it takes time and money. And I need to know exactly what I need to do. If I have somebody physically over at my house to show me what I need to do. I mean, listen, could I take out this piece, gonna make it right? Could I take out that piece? What, what, what do you want me to do? Alright, so here's another question. So when you get, And then I have palm trees. Do I need to plant these trees too? I have palm trees over there. Mango tree. I have, well, Let's, let's find a path forward. So yeah, when you, when you present, we can get to 50%. Would that reduction in space then allow you to plant the three plants in that area where you've now come to grassy space? We we're gonna take it step by step. You know, let, let's, let's, let's have a path forward. And it's not me, it's, you know, it's a city requirement. This is where we live, so we get you down to 50%. It increases your green space and therefore you can plant three trees. So that's, you know, chipping away At, so the palm tree is not, um, acceptable. The, the magnet trees on all these trees are not acceptable. She doesn't have that information. Neither do I. So the city's a, a recommendation of 30 days or a fine amount of $25 per day. If, if the board feels comfortable with 60 days that he might be able to get all this done. The city has no problem with that. But it has been going on so long that we need to have some definite orders and a real compliance timeframe. This Is not a threat to anybody's life. You know, we got time, Right? These are materialistic things we talking about. This is no threat. Nobody, life is at risk. So you can't time that. Well, actually you suggested more time. Yeah. Impervious surface. I need, I need more time. I suggested Water has to have a place to go. So it may not be life impacting, but there can be long term impacts from water that can't absorb, absorb, absorb into the ground. I already have the 10, the, the five feet on the side and the eighth in the back. Right? There's water, there's enough flow for water. I have grass area. I think I'm being targeted. I tell you the truth, I think I'm being targeted for 29 years I've been there and I, I don't have to need to go through this. Alright. Is see any of the members they would like, I'm a family man. Yeah. I'm not a criminal Officer. Loeffler, when was the last date of, uh, reinspection? Um, reinspection was very recently, um, just prior to this hearing, even driving by still seeing the, uh, pavers in pro in place and looking at the zoning, building comments for a rejection on the permit. That was as, as recently as June. Beautiful Place. Look at that. And Officer Loeffler, the, uh, the, there was an issue with the shed, right? Uh, five by 10 or whatever it is. Uh, he needs to have that permitted or the zoning department told them, tells them that it doesn't fall within a permitting. Right. Um, any, anything you build falls within permitting. So, Okay. Apparently he may have moved the carport and put the shed there. We're still at 51 dash 13. Understood. Alright, so you understand that you're gonna have to have zoning involved with regards to the shed two that you moved. Okay. So those, those nine items that, that the, uh, that were brought up by zoning are gonna need to be addressed for this to completely go away. Okay? We're here to work with you on this too. We understand your situation. We remember you from the last time you were here. So, um, you know, obviously the board is gonna make a recommendation, a timeframe, and then, uh, go from there. Alright? And Mr. Serum, I think if you're having issues with any, you know, city department, I would suggest reaching out to your city commissioner and maybe if they can assist you with liaisoning or, or anything, that might be another option. If you, if you're feeling you're, you're hitting a roadblock, you might wanna reach out to your city commissioner too, and I guess we'll bring it back to the board. Um, I think I'd feel more comfortable with 90 days or 60 days. I mean, clearly there are some, a lot of, some issues that he needs to, to get fixed. Um, but I don't want to make a, any, any further burden on him. Um, I'd be in support of probably 90 days. Um, don't know if I'm okay with the $25. Um, I, I, I don't want to be a burden to you. We all have got our issues, you know, so we've all got our bills. Um, so I wanna work with you, make sure that you get to where you, you can be. Um, those are my opinions. I'd like to hear the rest of the board. Thank You. So are you, uh, looking at a continuance or a, uh, a compliance state kicked down the road? Look, looking at a compliance state, I think, I think, I think we need to come to a compliance state. It's almost been a year. Um, but I, I'd like to hear the other opinions if there are any. Personally, I feel okay with an extension on the compliance state, but a motion still needs to be moved. Okay, well, Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. Yes. Member Fernandez, I move that in case 20 23 2 8 9, the compliance date be set by the board, be extended to October 21st, 20, 24 90 days. I second the motion. Oh, what about the client aspect For a fine of $15 per day for the violation. I second that motion. Alright, Just to, uh, confirm what date in October did you? 90 days. Which is October 21st. 2024. 2020 first. Got it. Alright, we have a motion on the floor made by Member Fernandez. Seconded by member Lewis, that the in case number 2 0 2 3 dash 0 2 8 1 9, that the compliance date, uh, be set by the board, be extended to, what was that called? October 21st, 2024. And if it's not meant by that day, a $15 per day, uh, for the violation, Uh, board, you can't really extend the complaints that you haven't set yet. I had a complaints. You're supposed to be, you have not set a compliance state, so you can't, there's no order to extend the So I made the wrong motion. I apologize. Um, I withdraw my motion. Um, Wasn't there a compliance state? October. Okay. I, all right, Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. I think I have the right one now. Hold on one second. Near compliance date said before though, it says that it had A compliance the October. Please Speak into your mic of 2023. Please speak into your mic. I can't, I'm sorry. On our paperwork, we have a compliance date of October 1st, 2023. That was the compliance date the city gave the respondent. I see, um, your, that motion you made would be to spend extend the compliance date the board made. The board has not made one. Uh, this should be the in violations, that compliance date and fines. Uh, the third one on page three, or that's what the city is asking for, I should say. Okay, So I'd like to make a motion Mr. Chair. Yes. Member Fernandez. I'll try this again. I'm still kind of new. I apologize. Um, I move that in case number 2023 dash 0 2 8 1 9, the respondent be found in violation of code as cited as of October 1st, 2023 and be given until October 21st, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $15 per day per violation until fine. And compliance Second. That motion? Okay, we have a motion on the floor made by Member Fernandez, seconded by member Lewis. That in case number 2 0 2 3 dash 0 2 8 1 9, that the respondent be found in violation of the codes cited as of October 1st, 2023 and given until October 21st, 2024 to come into compliance. And we find $15 per day for the violation until founding compliance. Any discussion? Nope. Let's take a vote. All those in favor, press yes. All those opposed press No. All votes are in it passes unanimously. Thank you guys. Thank you. And nobody's here targeting you, we're just trying to help you get through this. Yes, I want to because it's been very stressful. Alright, thank You guys. Appreciate it. You bet. Alright, the next case coming before us is case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 0 3 9 4. Officer Loeffler, Officer Leffler, city of OCO Code Enforcement case number 0 0 3 9 4 is three 30 little Spring Hill Drive and this involves an unpermitted shed on February 5th, 2024. This officer did observe a shed that was not previously at the location with the prior occupants. The upper portion of the shed clearly visible above the fence line visible from the street and extremely close to the house. Additionally, window air conditioners are visible indicating electrical work performed as well. And I have an exhibit, You can see the back of the house on the front of the shed and window air conditioners on the same date, a violation notice was issued to the property owner, Julie Cook of the same address as identified by official records for violation of ordinance 51 dash 13 regarding the requirement of permits the owner was given until March 5th, 2024 to remove the structure or obtain required permits from the billing department. And that includes application review, approval, payment issuance, and in possession posted permit On February 12th, 2024, the o owner contacted this officer stating that the shed is not intended to be a permanent structure. She did say there's electric. She conveyed that she will be moving out to the, the shed will be moved out into the countryside as soon as a property she has in Apopka sells. As the closing was pending, advised her we'll see any, if it's any closer to selling by the compliance date of March 5th. There were a couple more contacts about the property sale and still a closing pending. On June 12th, 2024, this officer noticed that the shed was still present and on June 13th, a statement and hearing notice to the June hearing, this, uh, was posted and sent out certified service by the clerk on June 19th. The owner contacted the city and an extension until this July hearing was provided. On July 17th, the owner contacted the city and asked for an additional extension as they're moving to Polk County and will be taking the shed with them. As the case has had several pre pre-hearing extensions, the owner was advised that the hearing would be, would document a definite compliance timeframe based on the city and the owner's testimony. As of this date, the violation still exists. The city is recommending a compliance tam timeframe of 30 days and a fine amount of $25 per day for every day, not in compliance with any issued orders and somebody's here to speak. Alright, does anybody have any questions for the officer? Okay. Uh, whoever's here to speak on this behalf, please approach the podium and speak your name clearly for the record. Hi, my name is Julie Cook. I am the owner of this residence. Um, and like this officer said, my intention was not to keep it here as long as we have. We had a, a secondary home in Apopka that took a little, it took about six weeks longer to sell within that six weeks. We also found out that the property we were buying in Lake, it was supposed to be in Lake County. Um, we couldn't buy because it was in a flood zone, so we couldn't ever live, live there. So that made us have to find a different property. Now we have, Um, We have a house under contract. It is set to close on August 22nd. I have contacted a moving, like a moving company to move it. Um, and as soon as our closing happens and we have possession of the other house, this will no longer be there. Um, but to cover all the bases, I, um, drew up blueprints. I got a survey, I got all the paperwork that I need. Um, I just never Wanted to put it in a permit because it wasn't gonna be permanent. And I know permits are a permanent part of your residence. Um, the electric was already there from when we had an above ground pool. Um, the electric was already there. Um, yeah, now, now there is something that, getting the survey we found out that the neighbor next to us has a fence built on a portion of our property, which does, which is like it, the easement. They have totally encroached on it. Um, and um, the fence that they built was so that they could hide a, uh, mobile home. I think that's what it's called, um, which houses at least two to three families. So I, I mean, I, I didn't intentionally do anything wrong. I'm trying to correct it in the best way I can. I don't know what the best way is at this point in time. Like I says, in less than a month it's gonna be gone. Right. But I, I do want that this house is gonna stay part of my property. My son's gonna live there and someday I may wanna sell it. I want, I want you guys to do whatever you need to, to take care of this problem with the neighbor. Alright, Mrs. Cook, we appreciate you being here and speaking on your behalf. Um, it sounds like you've cleared things up. We appreciate that. Uh, how much time do you think you're gonna need to, uh, you said there's a closing on, uh, August 22nd, correct? Of 2024? Yes. Uh, how much time do you think you're gonna need to Oh, oh, we went out so bad. August 22nd or 23rd. Okay. We, We, we wanna be out in the country. So if we gave you like another week after that closing date, that should be sufficient. Yes. Okay. Alright. Thank you Mr. Chair. I'd like to make a motion. Yes. Member Lewis, um, Mr. Chair, I'll make I move that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 0 3 9 4. The respondent be found in violation of code as cited as of March 5th, 2024, and be given until August 26th, 2024 to, to compliance to be fine. $25 per day per violation until found in compliance. Do I have a second on this Second for discussion? Um, I'm sorry, I might've misheard. When, ma'am, when do you expect to close? August 22nd, 2024. And, and the motion was for The 26th. Looks. Okay. Okay. Sorry. I heard the sixth and I was confused. Okay, second. Yes. Okay. We have a motion on the board member made by Member Lewis, seconded by Member Fernandez that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 0 3 9 4, uh, that the respondent be found in violation of the code of cited and be given until August 26th, 2024 to, um, remedy the violation or be fined $25 per day until found in compliance. Any discussion? No. Okay. Um, I do have one question only because we live in the state of Florida. God forbid, I'll probably be praying about it. If we are under a hurricane watch, that could be the only thing that would prevent them from picking up the prop, the shed and moving it. Um, so maybe we need to think about a 30 day window rather than a week window, just in case mother nature plays tricks. I'm sorry, but I, I mean, I have to think about that. Okay. Uh, since a bo a motion has been made and seconded, uh, we have to vote on that motion. Um, if, uh, if that information, um, that you just brought up, uh, changes the board members' minds, then we will redo a different motion at that point, but okay. As it stands right now, we do, we are giving you the extra week and, and I I'm sure if, if, you know, if there's a, a hurricane or something out there, I'm sure the officers don't wanna be out there anyway, so, but okay. Let's take a mo uh, vote on this motion. Uh, do I need to repeat the motion or do we know this? Yes. Do you Wish to amend it? Do I wish to amend it? Amend The current motion. Uh, that is always an option. Okay. Uh, does anybody want to amend the motion before? Okay, Mr. Chair, I'd like to amend the motion. Okay. Member Fernandez, we move The compliance date to September 23rd. 2024. It looks like that's the day before our board meeting. Next board meeting. Okay. Alright. Um, a, a motion has been made by Member Fernandez to, uh, amend the compliance date to September 23rd, 2024 in this case. 2 0 2 4 dash 0 3 9 4. Do I have a second? Second. Second. Okay. So we have a motion made by Member Fernandez, seconded by member Schultz, that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 3 9 4, that the respondent be, uh, found in val violation as of March, uh, fifth, 2024, but given until September 23rd, 2024, um, to come into compliance or be fined $25 per day until the violation, um, is no longer any discussion. Okay, let's take a vote. All those in favor, press yes. All those opposed say no votes are in it passes unanimously. Thank you Chairman. Now need to vote on the vote amendment. Okay. What he said. Do, do we need them to, um, no, no, you, Everything's there. Just call it for request. Okay. Uh, regarding case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 0 3 9 4, uh, uh, the, uh, the motion has been amended, uh, and uh, we need to take a vote on it. Those in favor, press yes. Those opposed press No. Thank you very Much. Okay. In that motion it passes unanimously. Thank you. Alright, thanks Council. Thank you. Can I just ask one question? Are you gonna follow up with the neighbor? Um, something I can't see from the street, you'll have to go. Alright. Okay. Moving on to the next case. Uh, case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 1 6 6 9. Officer Rodriguez, No, the person's not here. They did not make any motions to change the order of the agenda. Yeah, I know we're not changing the agenda. We're just gonna go Through, okay, we are here. Okay. 50 Lee Street. Oh, okay. Good evening case 2024 dash 0 1 6 6 6 9. Officer Rodriguez for the City of Ocoee for the address of 50 Lee Street in Ocoee on June the fifth of 2024, we receive a web form complaint on permitted tractor trailer parking dash storage yard with no site improvement on the same date of June the fifth of 2024. I observe on the above-mentioned property, various semi trucks trailers parked overnight in the, in this residential lot. Let me get the pictures. This is the first time, um, I observed the, uh, trailers, semi trucks. I think this was the second time that I was there. Um, we still have the semi-truck parked in the area on June the 11th of 2024. A notice of co violation was mailed to Crystal's Anthony and Deborah L. Anthony Trust at 5 32 North Blue Ford Avenue in Ocoee, Florida 3 4 7 6 1 as identified by the Orange County property appraiser for the violation of the ordinance number chapter 1 6 8, section 1 68 dash six C. They were given up to July the fifth of 2020 fourth on July the eighth. On 2024, I reinspected the property finding not in compliance with the city on July the 10th, the property and the city hall was posted with the notice of hearing for this meeting. I also want to show pictures. These, these are coming from the Orange County property appraiser aerial photos when this started. Uh, okay. As you can see here, this started in 2018. This is the way it looked first, then after that, each year it was added up in this parking lot. It it's a residential lot of course. So we have pictures here since 2018 to 2024. I, as of today, is not in compliance with the city and is the city recommendation of 15 days that I will be in August 7th, 2024 to come into compliance thereafter, be assets to $25 per day, if not in compliance. Does the, any of the board members have any other questions for the officer? Okay. If not, um, we understand there's someone here to speak on behalf and come on up and, uh, to the podium and, um, state your name clearly for the record As well as your relation to the property. If you wouldn't mind. Ed Williams, Williams development services 29 East Pine Street, Orlando, Florida. I'm representing Mr. And Mrs. Anthony. I'm a land planner. Uh, we realize the property is not zoned for this use. We are getting all of the trucks off it. It will take at least till the first couple days in August and that's why it isn't completed as of today, but it will be completed by that day getting every one of them off of there. If you had an aerial that showed the whole area. There are other properties with a lot of trucks that were on it. This property is one of Mr. Anthony's properties. He owns a large piece to the south of this where he has run a landscape business, uh, a sodding business for a number of years. He raises buffalo on the property. There are other uses there. Um, this lot is not what I would call a Prime residential lot, but it is residential zoned, so we can't have the trucks there. So we are getting them off and it, it, we ask that it go to the seventh and we'll be sure that it's stunned by then. Okay. Thank you for being here. Appreciate that. Mm-Hmm. Uh, does anybody have any questions for, uh, I have a question. Mr. Williams, Mr. Chair, um, are there any intentions to, to seek a, a variance or a change in zoning for the property? Not at this time. Um, we also have some violations from the county on the other property to the south and the county. The county has a zoning moratorium on where we can't rezone that property. So the, the bigger issue is there. We will clear this property of well vehicles and address it as we address the other one. Understood. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Okay. Any other questions for Mr. Williams? No. I will entertain a motion. Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. Yes. Member Lewis, Uh, Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion at an, um, case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 1 6 6 9, that the respondent be found in violation of the code as cited as of July 5th, 2024. And we give him 15 days until, Octo until August 7th, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $25 per day per violation until found in compliance. Thank You. Do I have a second on this? Second, We have a motion made by Member Lewis, seconded by member Schultz that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 1 6 6 9, that the respondent be found in violation of the code as cited and the compliance date of July 5th, 2024. And be given until August 7th, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $25 per day. Any questions? Alright, let's take a vote. All those in favor, press yes. All those opposed all votes are in. And we have three yays and one nay. Member Fernandez motion passes. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for being here. Okay, our next case for the evening, case number 2 0 2 4 dash 1 8 8 5. Officer Diaz, Case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 180 8 5. Officer Carmen Diaz for the City of Ocoee. Address of the property is 1 4 1 Lyle Street in Ocoee on June 3rd, 2024. On June 20, 24 fourth, I received a complaint about the above-mentioned property. I inspected the property and I observed miscellaneous junk and debris. Tree limbs from the trees that had been cut down. Tires, recliner chairs, camper top from a pickup truck and trash from the food containers. Um, littering the property. Also found syringe needles from homeless drug camps in the back of the property. So lemme show you. And it was hidden by the overgrown grass and weeds. The house is vacant Pictures. This is in the back of the property. I can show you what was found in the ground out there. Um, see if I can get a p. That's all the trash, um, that is on the property. Um, behind the fence, these are the trees that have been cut down and the lips, the limbs are just laying there. The brush from the overgrowth and the fence down trees. And this is the house there you see the camper on the side of the house. Um, just a bunch of debris. There's the recliner. Ground Grass is vacant and an attractive nuisance. Um, the house is vacant and an attractive nuisance to the homeless drug activity and or squatters and is not being maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. On June 10th, 2024, notice of code violation was mailed to Hadaway Virgil Estate Clark Sylvia h in care of Ruth Hadaway at 6 7 0 1 Sawmill Boulevard in Ocoee, Florida. 3 4 7 6 1 dash 8 1 1 1 5 8 1 1 5 as identified by Orange County Property Appraisal for the, or for the ordinance number of 51 dash 13 a permit is required for the tree removals. 1 0 8 dash 35, the public nuisance, 1 1 5 3 for the junk and debris throughout the property. 115 dash three a declaration of a nuisance in menace for the excessive wheated and grass growth. And they were given until June 24th, 2024 on July 2nd, 2024. I reinspected the property finding not in compliance with the city on July 10th, 2024. A notice of vi um, the property was and City Hall was posted with a notice of hearing to this board meeting. And as of today, the property is non-Compliance City is recommending 15 days to come into compliance, which is August 7th, 2024 or $75 per day per violation. City requests the right to board and secure the property and abate the nuisance if not brought into compliance after the 15 days. Huh? Why? And the lien and the lien be applied to the property for the abatement and the boarding. Okay. Do we have any questions of the officer? Any contact with any home, any contact with any? Not at all. No contact. Any other questions of the officer? No. Okay. Do we have someone here to speak on this issue this evening? Yes, She's right here. Okay. Can you approach the podium and, um, articulate your name for us for the record? My name is Ruth and my last name is Hattaway. My husband Virgil Hadaway, he is the owner of the property. He passed away in 2018. Um, and as I was the faithful property owner, I appreciate everything you just said. Um, I found out, you know, I was going and checking every month. It was getting the long care done. A friend of mine was going every month, but then they started noticing things were messed up and I don't know who's been messing it up. I'm not sure how that all happened. Um, and, uh, it was the middle of the month that we found That It was one of the, these situations where I don't know who. And then, you know, they brought me up there again in May. So I Decided to file a report. No, No one No had contacted me. No one had let me know. Nobody had asked permission for any of these changes to be done. All of the damage, the everything that's been done to the property is without my permission. Okay. We appreciate you being here. Uh, Ms. Hattaway, uh, are you taking any steps to try to remedy, uh, any of these violations? Who, I don't know who cut down the trees. I don't know how these, nobody's emailed me. Nobody's contacted me, so I don't know who caused all the damage. Um, but I do have a plan to get a lawyer for probate on the property. Um, you know, I've been stuck isolated since Covid, but I promise I am Getting A lawyer to deal with the land and then we plan to sell it. Is there an amount of time, um, Ms. Hadaway that you would need to go through that process that can be allotted to you? Not a guarantee, but the Time got my, I need to sell myself because Virgil had away, he had the land of in pro, so it's been stuck and he's passed away. He's gone. So That is Born when this is done, you know, my pro my plan is to get an attorney very soon to deal With. I have a question on the respondent's, uh, side, and it looks like there's also Sylvia h Clark. Um, has this person been notified and involved in this issue? His sister, That would be Virgil's sister. Oh, wait, no, I'm sorry. Call Sylvia Sister-in-Law is Virgil's sister-in-Law. Both, Um, Oh, brother Sylvia, his brother and sister-in-Law in another property that's right down The road. Virgil and I lived in the property that's in question, but not just down the road. There's the other property as well that needs to be sold just down the road. That's where they live. But they both passed away. Yeah. So Sylvia and Clark has passed away. Sylvia Clark And her husband, They both passed away as well. Um, can she make any arrangements to clean up, um, just the garbage and the trash. And the debris and take care of any of the weeds? I try. I I can try ask a friend to help me. I'll try to get some friends to help you clean it up. Possibly. Question for the officer. Um, for the recommendation for boarding is that, um, billed to the, to the property owner. Okay. And is that what the lien was? Is for, for the Okay. That request once The property is secured? Yes. And it's not only the house, it's also the land, um, that goes with the house because it is, it's overgrown and um, it's being a nuisance because they're the, the homeless and they're just back there. Um, just making a field day back there and using it for drug activity and stuff. So the people there are complaining, um, of that because it is so overgrown back there. Okay. Oh, okay. I realize. Can I ask a question? So do I have to put Cords off, key up? I have, there's only one key for the lock door and that's it. Do I have to put the cords up, Um, to secure the property from people breaking in and going into the house? If she can Say Okay, if, if she can, um, secure the property where the people are not breaking into the home and using it for homeless activity. Those, that chair, I have no idea who put that. It's been there for while. I don't know where those came from. We have tree. Yeah, because the tree is so big, I, I've never seen it, you know, I've not seen any of that tree like I was going by regularly, you know, and, but then all of a sudden somebody cut the tree down and take the sign that said no trespassing, that was out. Now that's all gone. And I don't know how all that happened. Ms. Hadaway, do you live close to the property? If, if not, where do you currently reside Live? One, I live 67 0 1. Um, I've been living for a while. 1, 4 7. The 1 4 7 that that house is in, it is not healthy for me to be living there. So I knew, uh, with a roommate who helps with my help. Understood. Have you tried trespassing any of the, um, trespassers the homeless, working with the police on that? The neighbors have called the police and there are reports of, um, them being out there, getting the homeless. Um, but yeah, they say there's not much the police do when they go out there. Okay. Well that's good to know too. Like that the tree used to be beautiful and full and you know, we get the yard all trimmed and now everything's grass. Like I said, the tree got cut down and everything's got overgrown, but I was cutting the grass on a regular basis. Well, the grass where the house is is being cut, but everything else is not, like behind the property is not being cut. Well, it's not Ash. Virgil wasn't really active in keeping up the landscaping. And so after he passed away, I guess it just kind of went like that. Yeah. Um, you, you mentioned that the, uh, Virgil passed away in 2018 and that you, you said that this house is tied up in probate. Um, do you have any idea where it is in that procedure right now or in that process? COVID-19. Um, with COVID-19, I was stuck for three years and so now it's gone away and I am soon going to probate, uh, to get it all settled very soon. Yeah, that tree, that tree on the other side and all of a sudden it was down really puzzled me. I had no idea what happened, who did it. Damn. Okay. Um, and if I could add cab, the camper, um, I know my husband, like he knows how to do all those kinds of things and then all of a sudden he passed away and he knows all the rules, he knows all the different things we have to do. I've only lived there for two years and then he passed away after that. And so he's been able, been able to keep up with all this stuff and then all of a sudden he passes. I don't, I feel bad like the tree fell down and all these things that I am unaware of. Okay. I guess the bottom line is that house needs to be secured and the, uh, property needs to be cleaned up at the end of the day. Alright. Um, we appreciate you being here. Does the board have any other questions for, for, um, Ms. Hattaway And we are allowed to re reduce the violation amongst, per, per violation, right? Yes. Whatever, whatever is made in the motion, um, the board will consider. Can I have a question for council? If we do set a violation and the property owner cannot get it done in time, the city then takes care of it and then the, uh, bill is sent to the homeowner, You, you, them x number of days and they're unable to complete the work within that factory and they can return and request an extension on whatever the time may have been. Now if they don't, it becomes a violation. Recorded becomes their obligation then to keep track of the timing so that if they're running late, they come back and say wage month, whatever it might be, And she can't sell. And if there's a lien, you, it Basically means you suspend bill X number of days or months. If it, if there's a lien placed on the property, they can't sell. Prob can probate continue if there's a lien or, Well, it, it depends a little bit. If they've got the property for sale and the sale, the purchaser is sophisticated, then they'll be able to address this. The work required to come into compliance, not all that sophisticated itself. It just needs to get done. So if you have it under contract, I'm the buyer. Let's say as a condition of closing, I will want to make certain it's clean and if I have to do it myself and the cost of that comes off the purchase price typically, or it can be part of the overall arrangements that are made for sale. We'll sell it to you for x number of dollars. Provided you clean it up on or before the close becomes a negotiable item for the buyer and the seller. All right. Does the, any of other board members have any other questions for, um, Ms. Hadaway or counsel? If not, then I would be willing to entertain a motion. What was the recommendation from the city for violation? 75. Objection Is 15 days or $75 per day per violation. Thank you Mr. Chair. I'd like to make a motion. Yes. Member Lewis, Mr. Chair, I'd like to make a motion that I move, that I move that in case number 2 0 24 dash 0 1 8 8 5, that the respondent be found in violation for the code as cited as of June 24th, 2024 and be given until August 22nd, 2024 to come into compliance. Will be fined $50 per day for violation until found in compliance and in the event the property becomes vacant further, move to authorize the city to abate the property and assess the cost to the fine. Would, would you be willing to amend your motion to lower the, the violate the, um, per Decline? The fine per violation? I just, I feel like, um, Lower to, she might Struggle with that Per day Of, I think I'm $15 per violation. Make it six to total. I'm sorry. She said $15 per 15 per violation. Per violation. Make it six To, I don't have a problem with moving it today. Could amend it to, um, okay. Mr. Chair amend the fine violation to be $15 per day per violation instead of $50 per day per violation. Second. Okay. We have a motion on the floor made by Member Lewis, seconded by Member Fernandez. Then in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 1 8 85, that the respondent be found in violation of the codes as cited as of June 24th, 2024, and be given until August 22nd, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $15 per day per violation until found in compliance. And in the event that the property becomes vacant or remains vacant, the property Is vacant. Yeah, it's vacant. Um, I further move that the, uh, to authorize the city to abate the property and assess the, the, the fines, um, to the property. The fines. Sorry. Abate the property. Yes. Abate the property. Yes, sir. Abate the fines outta the property And assess the cost to the fine. Abate the fines, um, and assess it to the property. Right. Alright. Okay. Any discussion? No. So This would be a vote to approve the amendment. My understanding, Well, I amend the amendment was never seconded or the, the initial, uh, motion was never seconded. Correct? It had not been yet. So we have a motion with that. Did not have a second, but was not canceled yet. And that motion was amended and then the amendment was seconded. So I'm assuming this is an approval of the amended motion, which then needs a second. The motion maker made the amendment. I think we're, We're fine Until the, a motion is amended. It doesn't belong to anybody else, just mine or whoever made. Once it's seconded, then to modify it, you must have another motion passed in this case. I don't think there was a second. It was not, I think all the adjustments were made by, uh, the, uh, individual Initial Making the motion. That's correct. Okay. Oh, you're okay. Right. Perfect. Okay, we're back to the voting now. Uh, all those in favor select? Yes. All those opposed select No, the votes are in, it passes unanimously. May I ask a question? Yes. So the, the, that's the $15 after August 22nd. It's the $15 Her fine. Yes. It's $15 per violation. Per Violation. And there's four violations. And if the respondent corrects one of those violations, then the individual violations $15 would be removed or stopped, I should say. Okay. And so before August 22nd, if I get it cleaned up and there that I don't have to pay, I, I'm sorry. I'm learning. This is new for me. I'm just trying to figure it out. Okay. There's a permit that requires to be for the tree removals, The interpreter. Can I clarify something? By removal you mean to cut it Down? Because they have to remove it From the Property to, because they have been cut down and, um, there is a permit required for cutting down trees, although she has a lot of trees on the property, but she still is required, I think Cut it down. I I, so how do I get approval permit for a tree that I may cut down Because, um, her name is on the property appraisal as owner or responsible owner as the property Building department? Yeah, it's through building department. Building department. Okay. It'll be an after the fact. Okay. I'm Just learning. This Is my first That's okay, that's fine. It'll be an after the fact permit. I, okay. So if you can get with me out there, I will help you with this. Oh, great. No problem. Sure. Thank you. Alright, thank you. It's been a pleasure. Moving on to our next case for the evening is 2 0 2 4 dash 0 1 9 9 3. Officer Loeffler. Oh, And thank you members. Thank you. Quite welcome. I'd like to say very quickly thank you to the interpreters as well. Thank you. Thank you. Officer Loeffler case number 0 1 9 9 3 is 4 77 Northern Durango Avenue. On June 11th, 2024, this officer observed an SUV parked upon the front side yard. Grass is covered in a film of dirt and leaf debris with tall weeds and grass underneath and around it on the same date of violation notice was sent out certified service by the clerk to the property owner, Maryanne r Zaccaro as identified by official records for violation of ordinance 1 65 dash three A regarding a vehicle with evidence of non-operational condition and 1 68 dash six B one regarding a vehicle parked upon the non-face, non-approved portion of the front yard grass. It should be noted that a prior case involving the same vehicle occurred in March of 2022 that resulted in compliance and no code enforcement hearing. The owner was given until June 23rd, 2024 to remove the vehicle from the property or repair it, make it operable, including the attached display of a valid license tag and relocate it to surfaced parking and to discontinue parking upon the nons surfaced front yard, dirt grass and that's the vehicle. Property was reinspected on June 24th and found non-compliant on July 10th, 2024. A statement and notice to this meeting was posted and sent out certified service by the clerk and it was signed for by a person at the residence on July 12th. As of the date, the violation remains, the, the grass directly under the car has been cut. However, the vehicle has not moved and is still parked upon the grass. The city's recommending a compliance timeframe of 15 days and a fine amount of $25 per day per violation for every day, not in compliance with any issued orders. And I believe someone's here to speak. Alright, any questions for the officer at this point? Okay, and whoever's speaking, could you please state your name clearly For the record? My name is Anthony Zaccaro. I am the owner of that vehicle. It is operable. I just don't drive it. I'm in the process of trying to sell it to a friend of mine and unfortunately he doesn't have the funds yet for it. I've had at least a dozen other people try to buy it, but I'm honest and and loyal to my friend, so I'm trying to let him come up with the money to get the vehicle. If I put the key in it right now and turned it on, it'll turn on, it'll drive. The only thing that is not compliant right now is the registration on it. It's fully insured. It has 100% coverage on it. It's just not registered because I don't drive it. So for the officer, if he would move this to a, a driveway that would remedy that violation? Yeah. If it didn't have the appearance of non-operating and it it was tagged and, and parked on the impervious surface, the driveway, that would be fine. Okay. We have three people that live in our house with three different vehicles. That's the fourth because it's mine. I have two cars, but I only drive one. My mother takes the driveway because it's her house and my brother and I park on opposite sides of the house. That's, that's where it stands at the moment. I, I believe that the member was trying to give you an option Oh. Of where to move, move the vehicle. But it's your choice. I and I park it and I can't really park it on the street because it's not registered, but it is insured, like I said. Any, any possibility of taking it to your friend's residence and relocating it there, getting it off your property? I would want payment for it. That's the reason why it's still there is because he's got half of the money right now. But are you gonna just give something away for half and then leave to chance something? Can you register the vehicle and park it in the street? I could do that. I mean, I didn't wanna register it again since I was gonna sell it, but if push comes to shove, that's what I might have to do. I think that'd be cheaper than the, the fee per day per violation. I was just trying to give you an out Probably. It probably would be, to be honest with you. I think that's a good recommendation. Alright. Does any of the board members have any of the questions for Mr. Karro? Did I say that correctly? Karro? Yes you did. Alright. How, how many days do you think you can get this registered? Mm week? Maybe two. I worked during the day, but everybody works. Yeah, sure. I'd just have to schedule some time off to go and take care of that because the DMV is not an easy process. I hear you there For sure. Okay. Uh, you'd have to identify yourself. I'm Maryanne Zara, The property. Okay. Ms. Zaccaro, if you could speak, uh, into the microphone. Thank you. There are other pro, there are other vehicles in the neighborhood that are parked on the grass of their property. I don't see why this is a problem. This car is operational. It can be moved. It does work. It's just parked there because there's no other place to put it. Okay, thank you. Does any of the other board members have any questions for, um, either Anthony or Marianne Zaccaro? And if not, I would be happy to entertain a motion. Can I ask one more question? Yes. Um, the only violation I would remain then is 1 68 6 B one. Right. If everything else is being taken care of, Can't Hear you. Yeah, I don't understand. Um, 1 65 3 A seems to have been updated. Didn't, If he gets the tag on it that complies with one and, and it doesn't have the appearance of non operation anymore and if he moves it to the impervious surface, that would cure the other one. I would like to make a motion Mr. Chair. Yes. Member Fernandez. I move that in case number 2024 dash 0 1 9 9 3. Uh, the respondent be found in violation of code, uh, cited as of compliance date of June 23rd, 2024 and be given until August 22nd, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $10 per day per violation until found in compliance. Second, We have motion on the floor made by Member Fernandez, seconded by Member Schultz. Then in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 1 9 9 3, that the respond that the respondent be found in violations of, of the code cited as of June 23rd, 2024. And be given until August 22nd, 2024 to come into compliance or fined $10 per day per violation until found in compliance. Any discussion? None. Let's take a vote. All those in favor select? Yes. All those opposed select No, it passes unanimously. You have 30 days to take care of it. Thank you Very much. You're welcome. Okay. The next case before us 2 0 2 4 dash 0 2 0 1 7. Uh, officer Loeffler, you May need a second, uh, finish up with the previous owner. He's, he's explaining it to them. Oh, You may need a second to finish up with the Previous owner. I didn't realize he wasn't there. Okay, sorry about that. We're Getting getting there We are. Uh oh. You are. Goodnight. Geez. We're only down to one in the audience. Who brought that kid? I'm kidding. Pardon me. Oh, Okay. Alright. Officer Wobbler, we're we're calling this one. I have some respondents coming if we could just wait. I'm just kidding. Um, officer Loeffler case number 0 2 0 1 7 is 1201 Russell Drive on June 19th, 2024. In response to a citizen complaint, this officer did observe tall weeds and grass at the location and piles of sand now eroding onto the sidewalk, making a use unsafe and difficult for pedestrians and causing pedestrians and children to use the roadway. A condition constituting a public nuisance. On the same date, a violation notice was posted at the location and sent out certified service by the clerk to the property owners Paula and Angel Matos same address for violation of ordinances 1 1 5 dash four regarding the tall weeds and grass and the responsibility for the grass and the easement. And 1 0 8 35 regarding the public safety nuisance of the erosion blocking the sidewalk. The owners were given until June 30th, 2024 to mow the tall weeds and grass and clear the erosion off the pedestrian sidewalk. On July 8th, 2024, the location was reinspected and found non-compliant. On July 10th, a statement and notice to this hearing was posted and sent out certified service by the clerk. It should be noted that, uh, official records require notices to be certified service to this address because they're on the property appraiser as their mailing address. However, the property is vacant and these both mailings re remain unsigned undelivered by the post office. So we're going strictly on the property postings and the posting in city hall. There's a brief history, there's actually a big history of other actions at this property, including another sidewalk erosion blockage they were complied with from somebody seeing the postings these ones did not comply with. As of this date, the property remains non-compliant. The city is recommending a compliance timeframe of 15 days and a fine amount of $25 per day per violation for everyday non in compliance with any orders issued. And also as provided an ordinance 1 0 8 35, an additional order allowing the city to abate the public nuisance if it chooses to do so with the cost recorded against the property as a lien as well. Um, do you know how long, sorry? How long it took the last time to abate? Usually, almost immediately. Do we have any other questions for our officer Loeffler? If not, I'll entertain a motion Chair. I have a motion. Yes. Mr. Lewis. Excuse me, Mr. Chair. I have a motion. I move that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 2 0 1 7. The respondent be found in violation for the code as cited as of June 30th, 2024 and be given until August 7th, 2024 to come into compliance or be fine. $25 per day per violation until found in compliance. And if in the event, um, uh, I further authorize the, uh, authorize the city to abate the property and assess the cost to the flying if the property becomes vacant. Second, We have a motion on the floor made by Member Lewis, seconded by Member Fernandez that in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 2 1 7, the respondent be found in violation of the codes as cited as of June 30th, 2024 and be given until August 7th, 2024 to come into compliance or be fined $25 per day per violation until found in compliance. And in the event that the property, um, is found vacant or remains vacant, uh, I further authorize the city to abate the property and assess the fines and the cost, uh, to the property. Any discussion? All those in favor, press Yes. All those opposed press No. All votes are in. He passes unanimously. Thank you. Okay, that takes care of, uh, our part of our stuff. Now we got to, uh, do the, uh, case resolutions. Alright, first of these is case number 2 0 2 4 0 0 2 6. Officer Loeffler, What's that address? 4 66 Little Aspen Court. What was that? 4 66 Little Aspen. Oh, that is, uh, non-compliance unfortunately. Order imposing fine. Oh yeah. Did chair, I have a motion. Yes. Member Lewis, Mr. Chair, I moved it in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 2 6 The board imposed a fine as of, um, should be July, February. Should be July 11th. July 11th. I'm sorry. As of July 11th, 2024 and $15 a day as previously said by the board. Second, We have a motion on the more board motion on the board made by Member Lewis. Seconded by Member Schultz. Then in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 0 0 2 6 The board imposed finds as of July 11th, 2024 as previously set by the board. All those, uh, time to vote yes. No, everybody knows it passes unanimously. Next case. 2 0 2 4 dash 0 1 4 3 9. Officer Loeffler, Um, please do announce full compliance. No further action required. Excellent. Next case. 2 0 2 4 dash 0 1 4 6 6. Officer Loeffler, Unfortunately Noncompliance City's requesting an order imposing fine and lien Like to make a motion Mr. Chairman? Yes. Member Fernandez. I move that in case 2024 dash 0 1 4 6 6. The board imposes fines as of July 11th, 2024 as previously set by this board. Second, We have a motion on the for floor by Member Fernandez. Seconded by Member Lewis. Then in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 1 4 6 6 that the board imposed finds as of July 11th, 2024 as previously set by this board. All those in favor press. Yes. All those opposed press no Thank you. Missing one. All votes are in passes unanimously. Okay. Case number 2 0 2 4 0 1 5 2. Officer Loeffler, Uh, this is the house with the 22 broken windows facing Lakewood Avenue and that is unfortunately non-compliance city is requesting order imposing. Fine. I make a motion Mr. Chair. Yes. Member Fernandez. I move that in case number 2024 dash 1 5 2 1. The board imposes fines as of July 23rd, 2020 as previously set by this board. July 11th. Yeah, I believe it is July 11th. Um, here it says given until July 22nd, 2024. You on the right case? I might not. Yes I am. Nope. You back? Yes. Okay. Apologies All No worries. I will withdraw and make a motion. I move that in case number 2024 dash 0 1 5 1 2. Uh, the board imposes fines as of July 11th as previously set by this board. Second, We have a motion on the floor made by Member Fernandez. We're, uh, seconded by Member Lewis in case number 2 0 2 4 dash 0 1 15 2, that the board imposed fines as of July 11th, 2024 as previously set by this board. All those in favor press. Yes. All those opposed press No, all votes are in it passes unanimously. Thank you. Alright, case number 2 0 2 4 dash 1521. Officer Rodriguez, We're gonna end this on a high note. Officer Rodriguez, let me know that there, this one's in full compliance, so no, no further actions. Excuse me. Excellent. Alright, that takes care of our case resolutions. Uh, let's go into board comments. Officer Schu, uh, officer Schultz, I've just promoted you now. Uh, member, member Schultz. Um, is No talk close. I'm trying not to. Oh, if I'm getting sicker. It's just allergies. Oh yeah. Yell loud. So, um, many of the cases that came up, a few of them said, well, the neighbor, the, the neighbor's doing the same thing. Is the, is the officer obligated to also check all the properties when they go or it's just Yes and we generally do. He, he's not just gonna go pick on one person. Oh that. Yes. All the cars on that street are very familiar with me, so, So he has cited them on that same Street. Okay. Just everything. It's a never ending battle. Alright, member Fernandez, No comments. Thank you. Alright Member Lewis, one Other question to follow up on that. So since the law had changed and you have to have someone that identifies as the complainant, are those considered, um, in, in plain sight or something generated by the officer or how are those cases Recorded? Yeah, self-initiated is still us being proactive, so. Okay. Not, I mean anything we can see from where we're supposed to be. Okay. But complainants have to identify themselves? Correct. Okay. Alright. Alright. Thank you Counselor. Nothing tonight. Nothing tonight. You've already heard. Thank, thank you for being here. Uh, uh, Mr. Meez, Uh, I'd just like to remind you all would please, um, respond to the emails or if you don't get one, send me an email, um, on the weekend before the code board. Um, just so we know, we have Quorum. Uh, we are down to four at the moment. Um, member Small did say she's unfortunately still on family medical leave and Member Mann expressed his, um, upsetness that he's still having issues, was not wanna make it tonight. Uh, and then we have one vacant spot currently, um, 'cause a member Brendan's resignation. Thank you. Officer Loeffler. No Comments? No comments Mr. Gaines? No comment. Alright. Any from the peanut gallery? No. You sure? Okay. Uh, well thank you everyone. What a wonderful board meeting this went through. Actually was went faster than I thought it was gonna go, so, um, appreciate everybody being here and everybody being committed to be here. So as of that meeting adjourned, We should put the record.