okay all right this meeting has been advertised in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act and is publicly accessible in accordance with law roll call please Kevin here Rocco David cadino Dr George yes here Sarah Maria here Rose Marie Zan she's here I'm looking at her sorry here right yeah that's right looking good and Frank Weber okay pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty justice for all you okay all right so we are going to need to go into executive session um for matters of personnel so I'll ask for a motion please so moved thank you second I'll second it thank you all in favor I I anyone oppose no thank you so please all in favor I I anyone oppose no thank you okay so go back to recording please y oh we are okay great adj just yes thank you all right okay so we are back so let's move on to the minutes the approval of the regular meeting minutes and the executive session minutes from April 10th do I have a motion I'll move to approve them thank you second second thank you and any discussion okay roll call please Dr George yes Maria um I stain Zain and mie yes and Kevin kin yes thank you okay moving on to Personnel we have one item to add on the Personnel Chris will you read that please sure it's a motion to acknowledge and approve the termination of employee number 1450 effective April 25th 20124 do I have a motion so moved thank you second many seconds thank you any discussion on the basis of it no roll call please Maria yes Z yes Maddie yes Dr George yes Kevin yes thank you finance the bill listing in the amount of 273,000 any questions or concerns no everything was in order Kevin thank you any anybody with any discussion okay roll call please sayain Maddie yes Dr George abstain Maria yes K yes thank you okay accept the proposal from sub and Company to conduct the 2023 audit in the amount of 8500 do I have a motion thank you second I'll second it thank you any discussion how much is this over this years $700 okay roll call please Maddie yes Dr George yes Maria yes and zanet yes and Kevin yes okay before we move on to Old business I just wanted to bring up for item of discussion that Dr George has made a recommendation that we look uh that we go in search of a financial advisor consultant consultant and it's not me I am uh speaking on Maddie which mdty was smart enough to bring it up I wasn't but I think it's a a service that we could use so I I I'll go to Maria on that being the finance chair Maria do you want to discuss that in finance um I spread the minutes and I watched the meeting from last month I don't agree with it um I understand what Dr George is saying about the interest and that has always been the um the job of the director um previously directors would come to me and ask me to do a report I give it to them two directors I don't remember the directors who they were they board it to the board and said you know this is what we're getting an interest and the board all said okay and they let it go so nothing was ever done I just don't understand why we would pay for a financial when we have a director because I'm not a financial adviser absolutely why do we pay for a lawyer that's she has to know so well that's this is just my opinion Ken asked me and I gave my opinion so and and I I'll you know I can see both sides of it right um I think that it's always great to get the professional advice to Dr George's opinion um you know I can certainly ask the director about a lot of law as it pertains to libraries um but if I wanted you know to ensure that I had the most professional uh opinion I would ask Chris or if Chris was here I would ask him uh first so you know it would be something similar to that effect I think that we need to start by look I think that where this is coming from is the fact that interest rates have gone up and some banks are starting to reflect that while other banks are a little bit slower at the process of uh raising their interest rates on savings and CDs and things of that sort so I do think that somewhere an evaluation of our accounts needs to be looked at and determined if we have any CDs and such that are coming due that if there's a better rate that we can get somewhere um that is probably something that I believe that the director can certainly do um by looking locally at local banks and speaking the people um but if we go further than that if we want to talk a little bit more like different types of money market funds and so on um we may want to reach out to someone uh more along the lines of a Financial Consultant so that's why I think that not realistic to expect think that this is something that maybe should go to the finance committee Maria to look at how much money we have in how many accounts and if we even felt that moving one or two accounts to a higher interest fund would be beneficial enough to actually offset the cost of a Financial Consultant Kevin that brings me to my next observation the reason why I pass on the bill list until I get it transparency on this issue I'm going to do that but at any rate you gave me the information on how much money we have in different accounts you gave me the information on what interests were being paid. N9 oh I'm not an expert but I do have money in the bank and I know what you do when the interest rates go up but at any rate there's no transparency on our bill list with money in the bank all it is is a little number on the side that tells us the big amount the amount you gave me I think would to be as part of our monthly report and that's what is our interest payment for that and then when I looked at last months these interest payments that are you know $50 come on and the the biggest thing is not in a CD the $4 and A5 million dollar is in an ongoing account I I again I'm not a financial person I don't know why they can't be in a regular money back or whatever it is and you take the money out as you need it but I think the library has three over $3 million in a money market account yeah well you know what but that's not indicated as such and it's paying yeah it's on the it's on the receipts and dispersement uh report every month at the bottom a list of all the accounts when I asked for the information on what interest is paid on that account I was told N9 now you know that's what 1% you know I don't know I just think we need to be transparent about money where it is and I don't think we know where we can make more money on our money and that's what a consultant would tell us I think it's not realistic to expect any director to know everything about every area that's not how they're trained okay so that's where you have Consultants that come in they don't have to be full-time when you have a question they come in and they Auditor in my is the other end of it the ordor can't be your financial planner I don't believe but anyway those are the concerns that I have I haven't made them up they were aroused in Me by me being asked questions I couldn't answer and when Maddie came up with what she said the last time I said you know how the hell could I be so stupid I've been Treasurer I've been chairman of the finance committee and I never asked about that and if it was done with Maria and inhouse well I knew it was obviously we didn't have questions on but I think we need more transparency so that's the end of my speech so whatever so does that mean that I'm looking for a consultant or am I just pulling interest rates I think we need a job description of what you how you think a consultant would help you would be helpful I don't think you'd have a job description for that you it's it's an external vendor consultant so it wouldn't be a job description so much as you'd have a an RFP just saying you want a financial advisor right right whatever you know again whatever is needed um I think you need before you do the RFP you have to know what you want the person to do so I I would also start with you know certainly raises a good question of we getting the most out of our money and I think that we need to look at what interest rates we're getting and can we find better Alternatives out there right um and then at the same time What would a financial advisor cost us and then determine if listen for the small amount of additional money we're going to make it doesn't make sense to go to an advisor where we know that we can get higher interest rates by going into a different fund or or or different account somewhere so for now I'm getting 5 and a half% on a just you know a bank whatever and they're not fly by night or credit union they're regular Banks if we're getting 99 and you can get 5.50 that's a lot of money on four and a third million right so I I think that the directive should be to the director to look at Alternatives out there and come back with the report uh and then we'll discuss if we want to go to finance committee further with it to see again if there's just better opportunities out there or if there's a uh a service out there that's available for us okay um and maybe liaries and find out what they're doing financially okay I'm sorry would someone say something Maria I was going to ask um don't I would suggest also starting with the bank that we use right now you know she could call them and say the board has a concern this is what we're getting on each account can you do any better since the interest rates are increasing so we get an idea maybe they'll maybe they'll up it so this way we have a place to start I I agree Maria and sometimes they'll they'll put you in touch with someone in their in their organization that right can can help us so and provide us some information and and make sure we're getting the most out of it so that might be a start so I'll ask the director to come back with you know do a little research and come back to us and uh we we'll discuss this further next month or the next couple of months can I ask some other questions Finance so I submitted a draft budget in December and I don't yes I know do I yes I do and I do apologize I've been sick um I I I was in the hospital for a couple of days I never got in touch with Frank I'm hoping to get in touch with Frank within in the next few weeks I mean the next few days I've just been um have not been well and I'm sorry to hear that um and I just didn't know at this point if you wanted me to send it to the full board for consideration okay oh we'll get we'll get it believe me we'll get it done okay and my concern is that the numbers that you're seeing on our spending report for the month are based on last year's budget we had stantial increase this year that's not been accounted for and what I'm concerned about is that we're at about a quarter of our appropriation almost halfway through the year and I understand we don't just waste money or throw money I appreciate that but I do think that there's a sense of urgency with the Staffing and with the spending that is extremely important with the projects that we have sort of I call it engines on the runway with all the projects that we have lined up I certainly don't think that decisions should be made arbitrarily but I do think that there's a sense of urgency um to getting uh things done and the underst Staffing contributes to the understanding because we simply don't have enough people to get the things done that we need done well that's something that warrants a lot of debate and a lot of thought and I think we'll be doing it uh when you said about the finance committee you have two people serving it three with Kevin uh if you need a fourth I would volunteer to serve one the finance committee okay all right so we can move on Old business PMC Associates Wireless Communications keyless entry so um what I did here um thank you all for the questions um last month I know it was a lot of conversation but it helped me to shape this a little more clearly so what we have are three proposals one is the original eight doors that PMC proposed um that people had some questions about the proposal taking that eight doors and pulling it apart we have two we have three options I don't think we'd go for the full eight doors I don't think anyone was fully in favor of that we have three doors which is sort of just the start to this project and then we can build onto that as time goes on with adding more doors if we want to the other part if we're looking purely um at the safety and one of the things that the ventor wanted me to mention is that um there was a lot of discussion about convenience and security not being related and he said that in that particular profession it's very much seen to be related so what the the middle proposal would do I clarified that mystery door we were wondering what that is so now this is the seven doors on Administration there are two doors at the entrance and then on Administration there are four doors that would create a safe area in the back that if there were an emergency where we had to shelter in place or something like that the we would be there so that's the the mid proposal um he's still waiting on the final details of that that one was 48,500 which is um only about 3,000 less than the eight doors um and then The Proposal with only three doors was reduced um not by that much from 32994 to 31386 because he had applied the state contract pricing so I just thought that it was worth a discussion with things made a bit clearer into these three different proposals so with the eight doors it was how much the eight doors was 51,9 165 the seven doors is a limit uh he gave me the outer limit of that being 48,500 but it would come in under that um and then the three doors which is just the staff the two at the staff entrance and one emergency for uh Personnel to come in that way uh that price is 31386 and I do want to add with consideration of this proposal we saw with last week's um unfortunate incidents um a very clear demonstration of why it's important to have better control of the keys we had a couple of very uncertain days not knowing if someone would be trying to get into the building and then if we potentially had to Rey then you have to distribute all of those keys to all of the supervisors and administrators so it's just it was so let me ask a question going with let's say the three doors that's the two doors is coming in the employee entrance and the one emergency door yes and what does staff have keys to currently some staff have keys to the two outside doors okay some staff supervisors do administrators do many staff have no keys at all okay and they have to buzz and someone's got to walk around from circulation look down the hall to see who it is and let them in but those staff that have keys if I'm a staff member and I have keys I'm a supervisor or whatever I can go through those doors at any time of the night if you know the alarm code okay so supervisors could get could get into the and so for those doors we could recode them so that we would have keys and then if for some reason you eliminated my position immediately you could shut off just my card yes but Linda for instance would still be able to get through yeah I can set it to where Linda can't open the building on Saturdays and Sundays because she's not scheduled to be here you can set individual permissions for everyone well what I'm saying is so the doors that I I or anyone else let's say a supervisory position would have would only be those three doors anyway or actually two of them the two over there where they actually have keys to now is to the two doors of the staff entrance okay so we we could change those two which would be basically like giving everyone a key right but being able to turn off anyone's key and not have to re rekey the door in case there was an incident with an employee and then we would have the one additional for the emergency service like if somebody like just leaves their position leaves their position or whatever yeah right right yes I I'm not clear on the doors are the doors the two doors in the front no no the two you know where where the employees come in Dr George back right that's where we get deliveries too when I so there's the first door and then there's an inner door and then you're it's those two doors okay and then the one door that's all the way over by the police station whereas if there was an emergency the police could use it to come through that door rather than coming around through the main entrance so the only thing that's elimin ated from the top is the inside doors is that correct the ones where you'll be Sheltering in place the shelter in place doesn't affect the outs the exterior doors either those front doors the shelter in place would only be the administrative and Technical Services office there are one two three four five six doors for that area is that what makes it more expensive I I don't know what the differ between 32 and 52 is so um it's the number of doors but those are the doors we're talking about correct not I'm talking about the lowest cost right now which is three me both Kevin I think that's how you start right right so I'm talking about the three doors that's the lowest cost and that's the 3,000 right uh that's the 31 31 I'm sorry 31 and then the 51,000 is doing eight doors yes but eight doors to out outside because I don't know who uses eight doors to outside so no it's not all outdoor so it's the two the employee entrance and you said several other doors on by Administration what it would do is it would create a sealed area in administration that in the case of an emergency all of those doors would only be accessible by someone with the code so that means staff and emergency service would be the only ones able to access that area that's all the St or just the people in those in that area it it would be all of the staff because you can program any staff members for particular doors so you would give any staff any internal doors because obviously they can they can float anywhere within the building okay you might not give a uh you know a junior employee you know certain access to other other doors outdoor doors or something but certainly you would give them in in internal activ you know we have a lot of doors like I worked in schools where there was a door outside door in every room okay so it's a whole different way of life that you have to look at but um my own thought you know would be to go with the the 32 or whatever it is find out how it works and then add to it when you see the need to add to it so well that's my question my next question and I don't know if this was asked to him but if we went with the 31,000 and then we decided hey you know what there just there's makes some sense to do all eight doors so now we want to do the other five is that only going to cost us 20,000 to do those five or is it going to cost us another 50,000 because he's got to come in and do a whole another job I mean I have no idea um I mean that's yeah you know they've been very accommodating with our request for information um with with breaking that down the only thing uh that Dr George asked last time was can we is this a buildable system can we start with this and then move on whether they have to start all you know how that impacts that cost I have no idea yeah I I assume that it is well he did say that it was a buildable system and we can build out further however we want and I imagine that once you have the ability to code the cards and so on and manage it that is part of that big first initial expense right and then that's why it's only a $20,000 difference between three doors and five door and eight doors right um but because they have they may need to come back for something I don't know if they're gonna wind up wanting to go more than 20,000 if we did five like yeah no I I certainly understand like I said we' invested a lot of time in the conversation last time so I was just trying to make this a little bit easier with three options and Maddie you had a question yeah no I'm just thinking like so now the three doors I feel is more um for convenience purposes and then maybe waiting room sorry oh it's Esty I'm sorry so I feel that the three doors is more convenient right and I feel that then with the six doors or more that is more like for purposes right so I just I have to say I don't feel especially after last week's situation that that the exterior a message at 5:45 saying now I just have to sit tight and hope that HR join my call with showe at three o'clock where are we yeah okay okay so I do think it's as much about safety I know I just feel like the three doors is like okay you know these people can get get in but I mean the purpose of doing this I would say is for safety reasons right so why why only three doors if it's not going to you know do anything as far as safety that that's doesn't make sense I agree my my thought to doing it was really for the two doors on the employee entrance so that the convenience of not having to buzz somebody and then somebody having to stand out there in the rain or in the dark in the winter particularly if they working in the evening um um and waiting for someone to let them in right um so it would be safer for employees coming in right that they could just quickly swipe their card and get inside the building um it was mentioned last month that you know Library unlike a school is more of an open facility where schools now they are very very closed off and so therefore you can you you know if we were a school I would certainly say let's lock down every door and have have and and have cards but being that we're an open facility those front doors are going to be wide open so if someone that wants to come in in the middle of the day that we don't want we can't just simply hit a button and lock the doors and and lock out the public right I mean we would have to call police and let them handle it sure absolutely and I mean there there's no way to account for every situation during our open and public hours but there are a lot more hours and the the door number eight is also if there was a situation where someone's looking to prevent the police from coming in they wouldn't know that there's a side a direct entrance for the for the police to come in through that way agreed so the police would have additional ways of getting into the building yeah um we talk about the shelter in place which I think is terrific my concern is how do we create shelter in place for other people within the library so in children's services is is complete opposite side of the library from where we're doing the shelter in place like if there's that door the access to that door they would go outside do depending on the situation do they want it's all about training it's all about training and there's no solution that's going to count for everything so it's either just start with the system get used to it get experienced with it see how we're going go for creating a a you know a safe area which is not 100% safe or it's go for the whole thing so I mean personally I think going with just one two and eight for now gives everyone more time to think about it get used to it get the system implemented and all of that and I think you may get suggestions that are different than the plans you have now when people start using it and it gives you that flexibility I think if they gave you three plans then they know that you're going to be talking about three plans you know the company I gave them them Direction yeah so when when we were all kind of getting caught up in it I talked to the vendor and I had him make a change because there were some doors that didn't make sense so I asked them to give that more structure well I I think you start have to start somewhere the the last discussion that we just had was about money and you talked about Staffing and expenses and then the next thing we talk about is well should we spend 30,000 or 50,000 I I think I'd start with the 30,000 and keep my eyes open and make whatever changes you know we need to make thank God we're right by the police station Maria did you have something I don't know if you were saying something oh no I I my and I would go for the whole thing I would like to see one project get totally done so the director can move on with maybe doing things with furnishings and upgrading our public computers I don't see why we have the money we have over $3 million in the bank let's let's get this done let's get something done well I agree I disagree with Maria and that's okay we're friends and that's allowed um I think you start small because I think even if you went for 51,000 you don't say that's done this is over on to the next you're going to make touches changes improvements I mean that that's part of the job so we all entitled to our own opinion and I I again I would start small and keep my eyes open and you've start I'd be interested to hear your thoughts so I agree I think I would I would start with a few exits and entrances and then and then go with with additional ones later on like the major doors so you guys gonna leave it up to me to make the deciding vote well and I just want to add one thing for Maria um Maria just so you know all of those plans are ready um with the buildings and grounds committee we've prioritized certain projects but the phase one all I've already phased out renovation for for six and and that is I was waiting until we got through we've obviously had some big issues that happened and getting people in the building is incredibly important and then just so you know I am making plans for all of that so that you have all the information once we get past these last hurdles it' be good to have the budget done then too so we know what we you know what we're working with so all right so um I I I see the argument on both sides my concern is that if we go with the 30,000 and we decide that we want to expand it it's going to wind up costing us more in the long run um so I I I so the the 51,000 is just to review through that that's those two doors how many other doors in in the administrative area one two three four four four plus the other two so six total and six in the administrative and one for the Emergency that's seven I thought there were eight doors no it's here seven this is the seven doors in this one okay so it's seven doors versus three doors yes emergency so the with the question that we had and the vendor originally had that swinging duror in circulation on there and that doesn't make any sense it's the door between circulation and administration that seals off and makes that whole administrative area complete this figure is the upper limit as the contractor is obtaining additional okay so it's that's the 48 oh that's a 485 and wait a minute wait a minute I'm confused so I know you said this so it's so there were eight doors that was 51,000 right so 485 is the seven doors but it may be less than that because of the pricing that we get so it actually probably will be less than 485 yeah so it's a difference of uh so this is a difference of 16,000 um and if it's less than that you're talking maybe 15,000 well wait a minute it's 51,000 to 48,000 no no no no three doors is 32 and the seven doors is 485 so it's a difference of 16,000 yes uh which should be less than that difference because they have to obtain additional information for and it's four doors yeah okay all right so with that and I think I'll agree with Mar and Maddie on this and just say you know what I think for that minimal amount that it probably makes more sense to just go with the full plan creating the the safe area um are we prepared to vote on that tonight is anyone uncomfortable with that you can vote however you want to so okay all right so then uh we will make a motion to um go with the seven door option not to exceed 485 right because it should be less than that yep so not to exceed that um for the keyless entry for 7 Doors correct yep I'll make the motion second I'll second it thanks all right roll call please Dr George no Maria yes yes CH Maddie yes and Kevin yes okay thank you all right so let's move on to new business awe proposal so I don't know if anyone's ever seen these there are self-contained learning stations that are very popular in public libraries we have them in the children's area we only have the ones that are designed for early literacy so basically our are preschool students um and the age on them is 2012 and 207 uh 2017 respectively they get used an average of 300 times a month for 30 minute learning sessions so awe um the we we definitely need an update because these are are well used um and awe is having a sale we keep hitting sales so there's a savings right now of 10% if we update them before June and then this week I got another email saying that they're putting an additional 5% off so the two options that I've put forward are just replacing the early literacy stations for a total of 6520 which would save us $724 or right now when we have in this area the two early literacy stations which are pre programmed with hundreds of learning activities then we have two computers that have access to the internet so when our older students come in and I still mean elementary just above prek they walk in they see these computers that are fun they want to go use them and then they're very disappointed when they see that they only have the preschool activities on them so my suggestion is that we purchase two of the after school Edge St stations they're called so that we're providing our elementary school students with a Computing experience that's not being Unleashed on the Internet it's pre-programmed like I said with hundreds of learning activities but it still gives them the sense that they're on the computer they'll still learning Mouse and computer skills but they're in a safe space so parents can come and do that and I really want to focus this year on giving our Elementary School students um more attention I think we're doing a great job with our preschoolers and our babies and our teens have um some devoted attention it's our school AG students who I believe need more assistance so if we were to buy those four stations it would be a total of 133,134 which would give us a savings of over $1,500 with those stations so it's replacing the two old ones and adding two new ones if that's what we want to do because I think that you're addressing what a library is about and are you ready for a motion I mean I would certainly vote to go along with your recommendation because I think that's what we're about and uh sounds like a good investment I don't know did you say that one of them is in Spanish or two of them is in Spanish so actually I didn't address that um so we have the bi there's a bilingual Spanish and there's a bilingual French um so we can change one of the after school Edge machines to be a bilingual Spanish um it's only a difference of $100 I think it'd be interesting okay and you work with the ESL program and with the ESL program that you have with the adults I I think you get good attention with that absolutely and and yes um and even those students who are studying would be able to get a little practice on there so all right excellent thank you so the four stations in yeah I just want to give you the to 13234 including the one yeah biling Spanish yeah so Dr George you made that motion I will make it yes do we have a second I'll second I'll second it thanks okay any further any further discussion on this or other questions okay then roll Maria yes zad yes Maddie yes Dr George yes yes so just staying on that note for a minute um I think that we may want you know we've we've spoken a little bit um and probably not enough about doing more for the schools um and getting the schools involved and so on and uh unfortunately as I was me mentioning before the meeting um with the budget issues that school district is having um we we may want to have a a meeting with Rocco and see you know after decisions are made at the at the schools um with what's being cut and so on if there's anything that we can do to provide resources and availability for school age children high school children whoever is going to be you know greatly affected by it and and just so you know we're already having those discussions um about doing book book club kits for classrooms how many we want to do it's just got to be budgeted and I just need staff to have the discussion but getting book club kits done that can be borrowed even with other towns for adults is one thing but then classroom kits of because we do have people asking us can um can you buy these books it just so happens that the last one Rocco needed we have already had like 10 copies of that book so we're we're already starting it but that's my plan once we're fully staffed is to have at least one person who's just dedicated to the Outreach and the programs and the visits right okay okay moving on to director's report um I just want to let everybody know um the catalog transition I'm trying to be as diplomatic as possible about this this is within lmxac so our entire circulation system how we check materials in and out and our catalog system how people are accessing all of our materials is transitioning to a new system um it's taking a lot more time than we anticipated and from a lot more people um we're talking about our head of circulation Technical Services Public Services and Technology all being involved and I'm extremely nervous um about what's coming um they're talking about having holds on being able to bring in new materials having holds for being able to check out materials for a number of days and it's all being sorted out I just want you all to know that it's not transitioning smoothly um and that it's taking up a lot of our time but hope to be done by the end of June I think many of you will remember the difference of opinion we had with limix over fines and we kind of felt that they were moving into areas that they weren't designed for and to tell you how to check books out or checkbooks in or I just don't understand it and uh if you look at the makeup of that group they're they're supposed to have anybody that works in the library but they're all directors they there's not not anybody else um I don't know how they reach out and do things that are not what they were designed for I don't I think if you see problems you have to speak up let us know what's happening because and I I don't want to be negative because I'm not um I'm not a huge fan of the impact that consortia have had um we do get the benefit that our all of our residents get to enjoy these 39 other libraries and that really is fantastic because some people like the experience here some people like a more intimate feeling of of mwan and they people are free to go to those other libraries and to move around and do things when it comes to so there's a lot of benefits to the Consortium to me the catalog sharing is not one of them because you're not able to negotiate the the best functioning of the catalog with the vendor directly you're going through this other party and the more distance we put between the vendor and ourselves to me the less functionality we get but I certainly will be vocal did we ask for help with that with I me did we suggest it or whatever we're doing now is that sufficient why are they changing it so the catalog that we have is called um Cersei and if you were allowed to completely customize that yourself with the add-ons that you can purchase it's a decent catalog collectively the Consortium made a decision to move to a different product and this product is called Polaris and they had a vote and everyone decided and people a lot of people agree that the user experience that we currently have is going to be greatly improved um and and this is unfortunately the way it is within the Consortium um you know our choice is to maintain our own catalog which means people can't search the 39 other libraries and see where materials are our actual history is we lend out more books than we borrow am I wrong on that that's what I've heard uh and it it you know I have a relative who did work for a library and they were told they didn't worry about their budget they could get books from oldridge and uh they borrow from Oldbridge you know their budget would which is okay I mean but if we're spending 80,000 or whatever else we spend till the nextx or something like that and then it's going to cost more and when we don't need it or we're not benefiting from it I don't think that's being Steward of our money I don't think it makes sense now were you you a representative were you included in the vote to go to this you alone I mean were there other who thought maybe this catalog was not needed or no they they have uh um we have the meetings where we vote um and I was not able to attend that meeting but I reached out to the head of lmxac so that I was able to to um vote and I abstained quite honestly because I didn't feel that I had enough information to move forward with that um but the majority of the Consortium is very happy with the Polaris catalog that it'll be improved and I have to say it's going to be greatly improved over what we have because what we have is the product with zero customizations for Oldbridge on it if we were able to customize it the way that I would it would be a very different experience interesting yeah so um I also uh the the next two big projects and Maria I do apologize I just want to make sure that the the board's aware because I know that there have been issues preventing meetings um but when we can also have the it meeting um I have the proposal for the website um the complete upgrade of the website and the servers I've gotten a message from the head of it for the town that our servers are on their last legs and when they go down it's going to be an issue they're still currently functioning but they're not functioning in the way that they're supposed to anymore but those proposals are ready for review okay I would suggest you um email Frank or get in touch with Frank since he's the chair yeah and I did send those out I'll send them again and ask them to have a meet you know see what he says yeah I'll reach out to him as well okay I appreciate that um and uh I I just want to say that I know it was a slight thing but we did the move with the help of DPW I just want to thank them again it's tremendous with them moving the shelving you know that we have six different areas of functionality in the library from the quiet area over to Children's I moved two of The Bays one which is not normally quiet and just created a buffer for The Quiet area um and it's been extremely welcome and now there's a direct sight line from passports to circulation which is much better for safety um and it also allows people the the passport office is much more visible so that was Zero cost thanks to DPW getting that done um we also had the garden has has been completely cleaned out um things are still growing back again already but I need to also work on a proposal for that because I want to at least share with the board the potential for um having pavers out there creating a story area and perhaps some tables so that we get a better return on investment for that space um with people being able to go outside and use it um The Garden's a great idea but having one Scout Troop be able to go in and work on it is only 12 people if it's open to the public and also those root systems um are impacting um leaks in the area and where water's coming in and the whole thing's got to be leveled so that's another proposal that we'll be working on okay and that's all that I have okay does anyone have any questions or any they want to discuss in director's report okay committee reports I'm goingon to be honest I'm just going to fly through it because with Roco who handles buildings and grounds and policy out and Frank who handles Finance technology and marketing um we have Personnel that's that's Sarah she's not here tonight I know Finance we quickly discussed uh that Maria had mentioned that she's going to be getting meeting together soon with Frank I don't know if there's anything else anybody have any anything on any committees that they want to raise I'll just approach it that way no okay with that then I will move on to public comments anyone from the public like to speak take that as a no um anyone from the Board of Trustees have any else that they want to raise before we adjourn just one comment I would like to see the fact that our meetings are on can be re looked at on YouTube it's not anywhere on any anything we have I put a a comment on I don't believe there ought to be multi spokesman for the library I should think there's one but I think it's unfortunate that people don't know they can look at a library meeting if they want to and I uh I think we need to advertise that I think we also need to tell them if they want to look at our minutes you can look at them back to year 2000 on the orridge Township site I don't know if you'd know that I didn't know it I found out about it but I think transparency is important and uh I'm not sure that there isn't more we can do about it okay so until you tell me not to do it I'll put on that there you know about the television thing if you tell me not to do it that somebody else is doing it that's fine but it's I'm going to have the no I I think uh you know we're we're working towards getting someone that's going to be doing a lot more the marketing and the website so on that's going to make a lot of those announcements newsletter all of that right so that's that's coming um but in the meantime if anyone else can get the word out there I think that that's helpful and and I'm creating lists of deliverables for all of the positions that we're hiring for so that we're going to have concrete outcomes that everyone can measure and look at so things aren't left um one thing that I do think um with YouTube I I have to say that I I really question um there's a lot of towns using YouTube and YouTube is a for-profit um entity that tracks people's personal information that's how they make their money um and we do have a resource that we're developing for staff it's called Niche Academy and once we have everybody in place we are going to be creating tutorials for the public and I already checked with the length of our meeting we could actually post them on the library's website on Niche Academy rather than having to go yeah yeah I think that's a much better solution to but the only place I know is YouTube and whatever the the problem is well you better tell the zoning board the planning board the Board of Education the Town Council they're all on YouTube all of their absolutely and the people at nich Academy I've talked to them and I've told them that they need to roll out a municipal product um because they be saving a lot of people's privacy and information MH yeah okay with that I'll ask for a motion to adjourn so moved thank you second I second thank you all in favor I thank you everyone have a good evening