okay hello everyone welcome um so this meeting has been advertised in accordance with the New Jersey open public meetings act and is publicly accessible roll call please Rocco here David sadino absent Joan Dr Joan Dr Joan oh Dr George Dr Joan George you're on mute Joan Joan you're on mute yeah oh I'm on okay I took her off Sarah she's on mute she she's on mute I'm here Maria is Maria not abent uh I call my name out Rosemary Pres she's not going to be here Maddie okay uh mayor Walker absent okay Frank I'm here okay did you get Rocka oh you got is everyone okay with volume flag I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic Nation Justice for okay all right okay so welcome everyone thank you um we are going to go into executive session real quick just uh to discuss some matters of Finance uh anything else nothing else right nothing else nothing else okay um so I need a motion to go into executive session we move okay we and yourself second there you go all in favor oppos okay thank you so we will put the public into waiting room and I'm sorry we shouldn't be long just few minutes put in waiting room there we go and I'll pause record please okay that's this one yes okay I think we're back so we are ready to go on with the rest of the agenda so I will move on to uh the minutes you can move those together let's yeah let's move them together the approval of the regular meeting minutes and the executive session meeting minutes of February 14th do I have a motion I'll motion thank you a second a second thank you any discussion okay then roll call please Roco abstain uh Dr George yes Sarah yes I am a yes Maddie yes Frank yes kin yes okay uh moving on to Personnel approval of job description of Branch services manager um this was the information was sent out during the week um do I have a motion I'll make the motion thank you I'll I can second it thank you any discussion yes um what is the proposed salary for this position it's a supervisor salary which is I believe 72 and what is the uh the portion of it down at the end that says in in uh your absence this person assuming that they inance you're going to be part-time is that correct I'm sorry I didn't understand that is this person going to be a full-time employee or a part-time employee um it's a full-time employee um and that's why when I submitted this job description it fleshes the job out to go beyond um the management of the lawen harbor Branch um and it's full-time and it's a supervisor salary the librarian who's there is currently receiving a stien because they're being asked to do supervisory duties um so that they are compensated and the previous person in that position was also a supervisor know am and she was a library assistant Tye Le when Amy was there with this Sten and Chris do we have any concerns with this position uh as far as the union is concerned does no this is just another managerial position supervisor being paid according to the collector bargaining agreement so okay it's routined to that extent okay who will be Lawrence harber that will be this person a librarian and a library assistant yes three people no no a librarian who is this person is a librarian and a library assistant staff M we always have to first of all there's a library assistant and a librarian there now we are now adding a supervisor or would this be instead of this this would be instead of instead of the librarian yes okay so the librarian could apply for the job of supervisor and we would interview and decide whatever we're gonna do all right I understand that then yeah I have another another question okay um are all of the uh responsibilities that this proposal indicates aren't the majority of these things that are now done by the director such as um let me get to the minutes I have to open my minutes follow mixture Frank okay the disc we had in the past was to create a position cool I don't remember what the name of it was but it was another supervisor who would do all the non- librarian supervisor things that the director wanted to give up that's why we never discussed the branch manager um I'm not sure that we had branches because it talks plural I don't know what the other branch is um it also in the job description specifically mentions Lawrence Harbor somewhere um I would assume this would be for any branches that come in the future I it's just unclear as to what the organization is and it's not that we haven't discussed it we discussed this in June in July and August we created other positions that were never filled so it's kind of unclear at this point this person is going to uh oversee and manage the branches Branch right any additional branches that may may not ever come but also Outreach Services is that correct so yes as we start to get the van service back going and visiting senior centers and and daycare centers and so on correct it's all of our off-site services outside of the main branch so it's the that was the other job description that we had was going to do that also what I don't completely understand is if you have a program for adults at the under at the main library under adults and this person is doing a program for adults at the branch is it a different one than the one you you have the option of doing another program at that Branch or they could do different programming and in that way we can start to increase our programming like right now we're seeing people outside of the Lawrence Harbor area who are going to the Saturday story times so it's creating another opportunity for event and programs where we don't currently have the space so if we have two people doing programs and they disagree you're over them the director is over them and we make the decision as to what happens I would assume all programming goes through me anyway okay uh let me get to my uh agenda who's getting to i Frank that's me what is it you want Frank I want the list of the uh all the duties of this job I don't have it in front of me behind so that was very cute thank you I know where I I know where I want to put it the new job description is very similar to other ones we have Frank I I don't think it's so very different but yeah but these are things now that uh do the other supervisors all do any of these they don't manage offsite Services no everything on the list is that only offsite services or is it you consider managing the Lawrence Harbor Branch to also be an offsite service then I don't consider it the obviously why would I do that if as a as the building everything outside of the main branch is referred to for this discussion as offsite so it's all services outside of the main branch so Frank the the first bullet States works with Community Partners trustees and staff to determine and develop facility and service opportunities in Greater Oldbridge area in parenthesis branches bookd drops satellite locations Etc and then further down it says cooperates with schools businesses and relevant Community organizations for Outreach Services so that's something else that we've talked about as well and Roo has been part of those discussions being that the schools no longer have Librarians Librarians um doing more services with the schools and so on eventually getting to that so I think that that person will be working correct me if I'm wrong closely with the schools and stuff in seeing how we can get into the schools and help the the the students with the library Services correct all right okay any other discussion okay roll call please Dr George no Sarah yes I am a yes Maddie yes Frank no Kevin yes Rocko yes okay thank you all right moving on to finance uh action the bill listing in the amount of 180,0 44622 um I did speak to Maria today who is unfortunately unable to attend the meeting she did review the bill listing uh she has no concerns and is fine with us moving it so I'll ask for a motion I'll make the motion thank you second second thank you any discussion yeah I'd like to know if the um payment for two to time for $8,000 is on this bill list for for which I think.com Tor time what is it uh tutor.com I believe it is well I like to know because I really don't want to vote for that so well I'm sorry I I sent to you I have it here it up well you can just you can say it's onor l it's to be you vote no for I think don't like to put my name on something that I don't agree with understood don't do that but I we had a long discussion on it and I just want to know if yeah it's on this list it's on page Bo this is a crappy P page five toa.com $8,000 vou listing and did anybody call them and see if we could pay the half heas we talked about I did and we can't so that's just my question so it's just that's all my vote nobody else I also have another question and I don't know where to ask it and it was asked of me and I can't answer it of the savings accounts we have where are they and what interest does each one pay now about two meetings or three meetings ago I believe estd asked the question and it wasn't answered uh all we have is total amount of Interest we got total amount of money I think the question is for each account we have what interest is it paid and who much monitors that the figures are in my desk um Allan started monitoring them and it looks like they've been uh looked at about quarterly um as esie was the one who wanted to review them with the finance committee and I've not heard from the finance committee I haven't provided that to them well I'd like to have some kind of an answer because I just went through a period of time as I'm sure some of you did of moving things out of One Bank that was paying 2% to another bank that's paying 6% so do we do things like that or not and if we don't on $4 million so I I I think that that's a question maybe we we should bring up to the finance committee uh so I'll take note of it and speak to Maria who's chairing the finance committee that we can look into that but sticking with the bill listing um I don't see toa.com on here well page I'm looking at page five of the R&D not the bill listing that's where I am listing for February 14th I'm looking at page five and it's the one two three fourth item up on it says tut.com $8,000 so at the end of the discussion um Frank you had asked about holding off uh to see if we could suspend the subscription and they would only allow us to suspend the subscription if we had a closure of the facility since we don't they're not um they're not they don't function that way so whichever at the end of the conversation the board had said move ahead with it for now so that was the only reason why I moved ahead with it for now um whatever decision the board makes is what we'll do so I wasn't going against I was following instructions so so I I believe that the decision was there was 50 some odd I'm gonna guess 56 people that are using it whatever it was 53 okay and we said perhaps those those students need it and that's their only source of tutoring we didn't want to take it away from them so we said if we could suspend it great and we'll look into it but if not let's pay it this year and do the research before next year if there's a better alternative and exactly what we said last year so we'll hope that next year has a different outcome last year we were not pleased with people using it we were going to test it for the last year and then decide whether we renewed it can you you know what it's not worth talking forever about it but just so that we have a follow through on looking at that because $8,000 for 53 people is a lot of money uh it also we have no idea whether one person went four times or what I have no idea what the program is so can I can I make a recommendation if we're bringing in if we're going to be hiring a person for branch and Outreach Services right we're getting near the end of this school year and that was part of the discussion as as well we're getting near the end of this school year let's go into to the next school year promoting a lot of our services such as tutor.com and see if that increases the activity that we see on there so can we make sure that when you finally bring someone in for that position that that's a priority going towards the summer so that by August and September as the schools are getting in that person has a plan to get into the schools start promoting Library services and getting the word out for for resources such as toa.com and then let's look in six months to see if there's any additional traffic and we can start to you know take a note maybe you know six months down the road to bring a report to the board and we can look to see at that point are we going to consider getting rid of it or pushing it even more yes okay and and that's also why in the database report that I sent I made sure right now all of our administrative software all of our databases all of it is put in one category I saw that report was good that was very clear thank you but I just want to add one thing this is why I've started breaking it out so that the board has a better understanding of what we're spending if you look at that instructional Services category that instructional Services category is heavy so this is why I broke it out the way that I did so we're starting the analysis as my point okay all right one more just one more comment I'll shut up who decided that to to time is worth the money that we're spending on it I I believe only one of you on the board is an educator Rocco and I believe are new person is a teacher true yes I'm sorry I we weren't M uh but the whole idea of tutoring and how it should be done whatever we need somebody to look at it I don't only think that it's because we didn't adverage it to people that nobody is doing it I know I have talked to at least three people who have used it and said it wasn't worth it it educationally for their child now the whole idea of tutoring is something we could talk for three more hours about but it let's not all I want to do is spend our money where it's going to make a big difference and this is obviously hasn't done it for the past let's make sure it does it the future but let's find out how often they get they say they tutor from kindergarten up what are they tutoring in kindergarten I mean come on guys uh so anyway I just want to get what we pay for $88,000 is a significant amount of money and we'll get a report for next year and then we'll know what we're buying i' like a little more flexibility parents have the opportunity to pay for a tutor so that was part of you know yeah but tutoring you know a teacher I teach math one way I teach it there and L Chris doesn't get it so we call up to the time who has a teacher in Wisconsin and tell tutors him I'm not sure that that's efficient I just want somebody to tell me who's us is because it isn't the what I would want done as well to each his own because the other the other issue is if you're a single parent and you have more than one child and one child needs a tutor and you can't come home from work and find the time to drive that child over to the library to get tutoring Services uh it might be easier to just allow them to use tutor.com while you're getting dinner ready for the other children for other tutoring there there's different there's different scenarios for everyone and everybody's got a different case so um I I think that there are people that probably you can use it should use it maybe they aren't and others are um but we'll see did we use did we Kevin before you finish did we use the uh do you have the numbers doing on the other service the state service the one that we have the state service the second this brain freeze or whatever it is I forgot the name so here's the thing um that's not a brain brain fuse is not currently brain freeze yeah um sorry oh brain fuse is not free we're also paying for that no I understand it but how much activity have they had and what are we Char what are they charging us um so we also the numbers there weren't great either um that was so all right what's give me a number a whole number please numbers on the report that I sent it was 25 life help sessions and two writing lab sessions meaning you can submit a paper to them for them to review uh Rocco a question for you is there another there going to be any more parents things coming up between now and the end of the school year well I would imagine there's going to be PTA meetings in all the schools throughout the district um yeah because because uh do we re do we continually if teacher wants to recommend somebody needs if they can get some extra tutoring do they know it's available here even yeah I'm not sure on how much people know but we could definitely send it out through the ptas there's also probably at least one more curriculum and instruction committee meeting um this is a time we could actually if we wanted to promote it at the next curriculum committee meeting I think that would be a great opportunity to do so yeah I just those are the places where I think it would be the most effective well one of the scary things is there's a a new paper that came out from a couple of universities we just read it today and it says basically a lot of the parents are not capable of tutoring their children because the changes in math and the way things are done so uh and historically if you go back to the math students in uh mostly in the farm towns because these kids are up at five o'cl doing chores and they had to know how to measure they know how to add they know how to know how to subtract if they were bring a product to Market to sell it uh so most high school could students could not pass uh their eighth grade math test so part of it is obviously there's a lot of things that are a we got a lot of parents I guess that are out there that don't have the skill sets to teach some of the way Masters to it now well let's find out more about it and uh have another discussion especially especially with the amount of loss that we've had of learning and uh you know we don't seem to be making it up quickly yeah I would like to hear from teachers on how they found this some teachers whose students have used this are they pushing it I don't know we're saying that the reason why we haven't advertised it enough we don't even know what we're advertising I don't know what we're advertising maybe it's just me but anyway for older students I'm my apologies brainfuse actually belongs up with the instructional so um that's the the tutor.com is OnDemand tutoring so you contact them with a specific question right so I absolutely want us to make sure that we do a very indepth not only analysis of this but comparison of all the instructional databases that we have there's one that we don't have that's called udemy um but we have Universal class we have tutor.com and brainfuse are the main instructional um databases and I we have someone on staff whose child used tutor.com and the issue was that you don't go back to the same tutor every time you ask a question you're going yeah you're going into a different person and I absolutely agree with Dr George I don't know that there are a lot of teachers who are going to recommend that and I do agree that getting their analysis of it is extremely important to seeing how we continue but this is a a start to that that database usage report so I have a question you have the team group here why don't we create like a focus group and have them try out the different programs and get their input on it because they would be the ones that are utilizing it it's better than us trying to f figure out what it's about and guessing and reading reports and data if people aren't using it so your team groups here are phenomenal and I see that there are all different spectrums of learning too so it would really give us a nice idea as to what their thoughts are and then we can look at it and then maybe we can look into the other local uh facilities near us the different libraries and see what services they're using and what their success rate is and that's how we really can determine for next year what would be the best route to go yeah and this is what the library does constantly and the librarian should be doing with making the recommendations yeah for the the purchases for databases in the same way they do books and other materials okay uh so moving on then any other discussion on the bill list okay roll call then Sarah yes uh I am a yes Maddie yes Frank yes Kevin yes Rocco yes Dr George no okay thank you thank you all right any old business does anyone have anything for old business no I'm sorry you gonna say something it's something for new business okay so new business let's start with item a first uh accept the quotes from PMC Associates Wireless Communications totaling 51,9 5 23 for keyless entry um so I'll ask for a motion first I'll make a motion do we have a second I will second okay discussion I don't know you know $51,000 is an awful lot of money uh we spent 40,000 on a door so that's 90,000 um and I don't know if the value of it unless it's mandated by the municipality or somebody um that we if it's not broken and we haven't had a problem over all these years I don't know what the advantages it brings to the to the library or the town for since it's their money $51,000 therefore I'm a no so I'm going to ask what's what's driving the need for it because like I understand that the schools have it right but the schools is a closed environment not open to the public so for teachers when they go out on their lunch break and need to come back and so on uh you need to have some sort of keyless entry that they can access the building um but we have an open door right throughout the day um is this like keyless entry completely like every doorway or is it specific doorways that we want to keep closed and and provide access to so in The Proposal I believe it's seven and the impetus for this proposal so I just want to go back for one second the door being replaced the door wasn't working anymore it was original to the building and it was broken so this is something completely different this is the way that security has been evolving in municipalities around the country the keys still work so you're absolutely right I mean we can get in the building um one of the issues that we have every single employee who's not a supervisor or a full-time so all of our part- timers they Buzz at the staff entrance someone has to all the way in circulation has to look down at the other end identify the person and let them in doesn't seem very complicated but in the morning that ends up being Linda if Linda's not here that ends up being Irene or it ends up being me getting up to answer the buzzer every time so that's that's just one issue of convenience anyone else who rings that buzzer is um a dely person or somebody who does have to be vetted when they come in so what this does is if you have these key Farms they're they're um set up for each individual employee so you can see exactly when the employee is coming in or out of the building so it's an issue of security um a couple of weeks ago we had uh the master key go missing here um from the reference desk that's an issue where technically if you really had a descri employee you could have to go around and rekey your entire building um with with a key like that going missing so it is um in the long run it's um promoted as a potential cost savings I don't know how true that is but our keys when I got here were also a mess um I have people with master keys that could get into almost any office um the you know there's an issue with that but this proposal is only for six or seven of the doors when they came in and with the police officers I went over and the suggestion was from the town and from the police department we recently had the active shooter training and during that time the police heavily promote the use of the keyless entry systems in preparing for those situations so so that was the impetus for this where it came from in addition to the rest of the municipal complex being done this way so at the end of the day we're using the library but the library is a town building so it's it's just out there but it's supposed to be for security um it's supposed to be for uniformity with people getting in and it wouldn't be every single one of our doors it's the ones closest to the police station it's the staff door um and a few others that they picked out from a security standpoint so it's not every one of the doors and we can program each card individually yes so somebody only works Monday through Friday so on we can program their to only be able to work from 8:00 am to 900 P p.m or whatever it might be absolutely and and what happens if there is a power outage or something they have at the beginning of kilus entries there were there were issues with that but they've worked around them now to where there's manual overrides and things like that like I said the whole Municipal complex has done this transition we're the only building on the campus that does not have it we do and then the other thing is if you have an employee and they are disgruntled and they leave they may be giving you a key but you don't know if they have a copy so by having the fob you they turn off the fob so manages that I I I would want us to manage it who's us uh the library no no no but like who's who whose job responsibility would it be that's what I'm saying I would like for us to administrate it we can have it do that building layers of Separation in communication I prefer us to do it it will absolutely do it for us um if we would like them to that's another decision for the board um but the other part of this is that we are getting a portion of their server for our information to be stored on there so that's an additional safety um because it's not physically on our server in our building it's from the town so everything there is kind of centralized with regard to security thing that's hard to understand sometimes hard to wrap your head around this we don't own that building so if the whole Township does something one way why isn't the building they own included in that plan to do that that way and they pay for it I'll pay for it I don't have a problem with that but I don't think that we pay for everything if I rent an apartment I don't pay for the front door I mean it's part of it I don't think we understand things and that's what makes it so talkable this sounds like it's a convenience thing but a convenience thing is okay um but you know the township telling us oh you really should have it blah blah blah blah blah and they pay for theirs and we pay for ours that's theirs well the the difference is we don't we don't pay rent so it's a different kind of an agreement out your bank account Kevin no matter who you send the money to yeah well but the township also gives money to this board too well they're required to by state so the money and then the building to building as needed so it's not the township themselves saying that we should do it here it's a police recommendation for safety I think that's the difference so I have more questions the cards it's not your identification card correct we don't have identification cards so this is an excellent opportunity for us to move to identification cards but it would not say Oldbridge Public Library on it correct because you should you should not have the name of the facility on the card because then I drop it on the way out to the car somebody else picks it up and they wait until 10 o'clock at night and they swipe the C get in so th those are details that we would get into as we do the setup those are specific choices that we would make um you can just do a key fob you can do a card those are all variables that we would have to decide moving forward and that's where I had kind of thought that buildings and grounds would be in on those discussions and I just want to add with regard to the finance when the state calculates Library Municipal Appropriations they put in Building Maintenance in there that's why our appropriation is higher and I know that it creates kind of A Dysfunctional situation but that's the the setup but this is going Beyond maintenance if it isn't something that's broken I mean you know what about is's a an enhancement that you're making which is okay I I don't have to look at the state formula you're talking about I I really don't know how you know that works it's onethird of a mill with the I know that I've been around 20 years I don't know what they put into calculating what the total amount is I thought it was onethird of a mill of the money you get in the third of the mill comes to us do they tell us how to spend that to some extent to get our um state aid there are certain standards that we have to meet I'm finishing the state annual report this week but not entirely now again I don't think we were ever schooled on all of that I think that this is as I see it is there a way you could do the staff entrance door where people line up and you got to look down there do one door see how it works and then expand it what about the few doors that are still going to have keys who's going to have access to those um basically so our building we've got like 12 doors it's it's not ideal for security because we've got doors that go around the whole exterior of the building so those that are not in regular use would not be included because there isn't any point um in in doing those those are only emergency exits so none of the emergency exits would be covered it's the doors where we regularly use them or if we had a situation where the police needed to come in through a side door or something like that so like I said they went through and took a look for safety reasons to just give us a starting conversation I I the only doors that I thought people used was a staff's door and the front door what other doors are people using to go in and out um at certain times the meeting room doors are used um during voting when we're open before and after hours We're not gonna do that anymore are we anyway after this year gota gotta get through that we got to get through this year um but yeah um most of those doors are not used so this is where it was the staff door and it was safety and then something up at the main entrance like I said you know if we want them the the person from um the the company that the town has used I'm not an expert on this and we could certainly ask them to come in to get answer the board's questions yeah well I good move but I again I it's something else that we're buying that really don't know what we're buying well my my only thing is so you you mentioned seven doors right yeah and I'm just wondering do we need all seven doors right I think that's a question for them for who for the for the police okay and for that company um to give the answer to that I'm only taking a recommendation from the um experts on that um so I didn't tell them how many doors to to do I didn't make any recommendation to them they came in to evaluate our building from a safety standpoint which started when we did active threat training right and that's where these recommendations are coming from so I I think that that might be helpful then uh to provide a report to the board on which doors are being included and why so we know obviously they're used you know these people are coming in they're not here all the time so they're getting information seven doors that that who's using those doors maybe well well so again if if if it's coming from if the police department is involved in this I think that they might have done some evaluation by the layout of the building and access points that would be most appropriate to have this this type of access so I'd be interested to understand that you know do are they recommending certain doors or are they just saying yeah can go with these doors but you don't need to type of thing so yeah and no one said anything like that to me um I told them that we wanted I we weren't interested in doing all of the doors they gave me a recommendation based on their expertise and the others DPW the police the town everything I've been hearing is saying that this is a good suggestion and then I present that to all of you I'm not an expert on doors neither are we I I think the the number of doors that's been determined is probably the fire code more than anything else all those doors open out do they not talking yeah which means they're emergency exit doors uh and uh they have no locks on outside do they I think you just have the emergency bar but yeah so um my question is if we have seven doors 11 Doors 12 12 doors $4,000 a door I just don't know if that numbers even make sense now we didn't we don't have to get a quote for it because it meets the state you know and and you you mentioned earlier when you first spoke that uh part of the money that's allocated the 3% uh the 3 mil rather uh has line items so how much is the line item for security there is an align item for security there are standards in the annual report that I have to meet in order for us to get our state aid there there's no is there a question in that report asking no is the $50,000 going to be in this report when it whenever it's due to hit no so I I I question the fact I mean personally I I don't think I think we should be getting a bid on anything that's over $10,000 whether it's required by uh the state law or just as a matter of uh you know proper purchasing I think it's a very different project if you depart from the municipal complex on this particular feature well how are we depart departing from them if we're using a different um system if we're using a different vendor if it's something that doesn't get seamlessly managed um I think that it loses its utility so uh it can lose its thing within the you get three bids and two of the bids are better than the one you want to buy independently right but I don't think I don't think that addresses the point I just made um which is having a different vendor and having a different system undermines the value of undertaking the project at all I disagree strongly that and I don't follow that okay ke okay yes so I'm done are we are we done with this discussion um are we ready to take a vote is there any way we could table it for more information well we can make a motion to table but well we can make motion but choose to yeah what I I just I this whole thing is again I I'm thinking it from a school perspective like Frank the way you're making it sound is it's almost like as if the high school is going to run its own security system while Shephard school is going to run a different security system and for well the different the different settings between a library that's got 100 people coming in a day and the opportunity to lose cards and do all of those things and to my knowledge we haven't had any incidents that I can recall Jones can you recall under the current system that we're aware of my feeling is I don't have information you say we have four doors that I used a lot where and for what so that that's kind of where I I I stand as well right so I I can think of the staff door I could think of two doors just right here alone right going to the Garden so if somebody goes into the garden then they got to come through the door I know right now somebody would go in there you kind of have to leave the door open or have somebody else let you in correct and then there's one that goes into the conference room right so that's three and then I don't know what other doors you're you're mentioning but um you know like I said I didn't make this up no no I know I'm just trying to understand like what the seven doors are and why they would why they would chosen um over like what wasn't chosen right so is the right number seven doors is it five or is it 10 I don't you know I don't know has to be on the usage the what I included is is the proposal that was sent um there were and like I said there were also discussions with the town it manager um where he was supporting their recommendation and when I was at the safety meeting is this was discussed by all of the department heads at the safety meeting as being a desirable project so that's why I'm bringing it to all of you see I understand all of that door the thing I don't understand is there are people who are not in the building all the time determining usage of the what doors and identifying which one we have to pick out you know if somebody has a door near them and is in and out and you didn't approve that well that's a waste of money yeah no no but but you know Joan that's they're they're an expert I would I would I would probably go with their well I definitely would go with their opinion over you know someone that sits at the resource desk no offense to them but just because they're I'm not questioning their opinion I'm not questioning information where what information is being shared why can't we look at it maybe if we had a map with the doors identified on it it would be logical I don't know I don't know that much about the library but I think this goes back to your question of whether you're ready to vote if somebody makes want to makes a mo wants to make a motion to table this would be the time and if somebody wants to call the question and get a vote this would be the time but I'm not sure if people are ready to vote or not uh make a motion to table I'll second it okay vot on the motion so if we I just want to understand so discussion on discussion on tabling it first there's no discussion there's no discussion on the table well can I ask as to why why we're looking to table you're saying table I just want more information okay for more information and and possibly a secondary and third quote even though it is not required well see so that so that's a different question right so that's that's where the question is if we're going to table it let's say for one month till next month's meeting just to get information and then the director provides us a report on which doors and the and the recommendations made by the police department and the and the the company that uh is is is handling this and did we I can't I'll talk about it after that I think is different than you know coming back and and and saying that this isn't sufficient we want to go table it again and so on so Frank are you motioning to table for more information as Dr George said or are you making a motion to table to redo the process I want more information I agree with Dr George okay so that's one month time so we're we're looking the table for one month time whatever time is necessary to get the information to us if it's not ready next month one month I I'll find a way okay so roll call on that please me no Maddie I'm just um you can pass it you and come back to you I'll say yes Frank yes Kevin yes Rocco yes Dr George yes Sarah yes okay so that kills our motion for the action then correct the motion is table till next month okay so we're tabled okay and new other new business I think you had something so I do okay so um on April 20th uh we are running the mayor third annual health and wellness 5K in kids Dash it is a Township event it's in collaboration with all around Oldbridge and this is the third annual one however this will actually be the second one that we're doing in person because of covid uh we had to do it virtually so with the first one that we did because we're utilizing the Township's um complex we're parking here and we're using the parking here the race starts here and it ends here and the health and wellness Fair um is over at the John Piccolo parking lot so alongside of where the libraries grasses we set up we rope it off for the runners we have food and water for them after the race um that's where the mayor does the medals and then we run the trophies and the awards ceremony in the health and wellness Fair section the event starts at setup is at 7:00 a.m. but we are finished by 10 am and that is when we're breaking down because we're utilizing this entire space I would like to make a recommendation that the library um opens a half hour later where we will be able to all of us advertise this all around old bridges the newspaper everyone is aware they would put an ad front page letting everybody know that the um that the library would be opening up a half hour later this way will give everyone enough time to come out of the parking lot and now allow the patrons from here ample time to come in uh employees if they come in a little earlier to open they can park in the police parking lot so that would give them the opportunity to come in what day of the week is it is a weekend or so it's a Saturday it is a Saturday morning but we are done by 10: that's when everyone is starting to come out so I know we've done this in the past and is that the way that it was I I don't know if Who would know how the library handled it I I know I do believe that they opened late they did is a half an hour sufficient and is the is the staff going to be able to have sufficient parking to be able to get in an open Library so so how much St would you normally have on a Saturday morning so um I I don't even know a number I would say like 10 people about 10 people so we would make arrangements where they would be able to park in the police parking because no one else from the public is parking there yeah so we would make arrangements for them to park there and that would not be a problem they can come in whenever they need to they'll be able to open up here it's it's also an invitation um for the library to come and also table and hands out information of upcoming events and programming and whatnot the first one that we did we had 528 Runners and with them were family friends and community that came out uh because again we have the health and wellness Fair it's a wonderful thing it's a run for our Hometown Heroes all the money that is raised then mayor Walker will then decide how she would like to dispense it out um what mayor Henry had done in the past was our veteran groups had received a donation from that and then we had First Responders that were in need uh they service our community so this was our way of a community coming together to service them back so it's a it's a very nice event for the town as a whole and we have so much participation again it is a wonderful opportunity which is why I always do a health and wellness fair with it because it gives other organizations and businesses in our area uh an opportunity to exhibit we're not selling anything no one's making money there's no food or anything like that it's literally just Community coming together um that's it and and I personally I think the half hour is just a little awkward like one hour if we were going to do it makes a little more sense to me so that it's even so by like by 11 o' we're going to have no problems with anything so we're not going to be adding to the congestion I just know that whenever there's a change in schedule the Board needs to approve that so doesn't like I totally agree with uh D because uh if you have what 600 people running and it's a little warm after three hours they may want to go into the library cool off you know especially if they drove themselves so I I was thinking that too and when we usually do events such as Oldbridge day on the complex a lot of people use the library for the restroom facilities and so on where to just get a break and sit down for a few minutes so so you we can so here's the thing if you open and that's fine the only thing I need to put out there is we're closing the parking lot come a quarter to 8 because our Runners are then coming into the pathway we start the race here but we also end it in here so we can't have we have to be very careful that we have no vehicles moving so this parking lot is shut tight yeah until the last event is done so what's your recommendation I mean patrons can't come in and staff can't come in so my recommendation would be to close for one hour for one hour makes sense makes sense okay do we need a motion on this yes okay changing so then I'll ask for a motion so moved second I'll second okay any further discussion no Maddie yes Frank yes Kevin yes Rocco yes Dr George yes Sarah yes I a yes thank you thank you anybody else with anything for new business okay director's report um did anybody have any questions about the database for report okay did anybody have uh questions about the rest of the report okay so I'm a little I'm a little a little confused about the section that was listed as funding yes so what what what is I know it mentions the friends group and you said there's some uncertainty regarding funds in the gifts and grants and how those funds are to be used right yes what's what's actually the question there so normally when you have a gift or a grant that's deposited um it comes with attachments people don't just say here's $30,000 you there are very specific requirements of how that money gets spent um and and results because of of covid because of History it's been researched that account has like I think around $20,000 in it and there's no strings attached to that right now like there's there's nothing we do know that in the past the friends would make a regular deposit into that account of you know $5,000 a quarter whatever they raised but there's no record anymore of where that money came from and we want to spend it we want to spend it on programs the funds are now the funds sorry the friends are now up and running again and as an example uh to kick off the summer reading program they want uh there's a program that's $1,500 where they bring a bus in the parking lot would get closed off and it's a petting zoo on a bus for families to go through that would be here for 3 hours the friends would like to fund that and it used to be that what was kept in the gifts and grants was money given by the friends to the library for programs I don't have any documentation of that right now so I'm just asking can we move forward with spending that money on programs number one because there's no other purpose for it right now um and then in the future I believe the friends are going to hold on to and manage their own money because normally you have your gifts and grants deposited to the friends not to the library because then it counts as income for us so you have all of those things managed by the friends um and that's the way it's normally done in most libraries but right now we just need to EXP spend this $20,000 and the friends want to use it for this to start by using it for this program but I can't tell them that that has to come from the trustees right because that money because it's here with no strings attached it's not a conditional gift that is now Library dollars correct so it's subject to this group not to the Friends correct and that can change in the future if they if they move it elsewhere or not if they move this elsewhere but if they move move future deposits elsewhere than the friends are in control of that yes this is Board of Trustees control money so with that with that it being Board of trusty money we want to utilize that as she's stating for a Summer Event summer reading event we can instruct her to pay for this the whatever she requires for The Summer Event the petting zoo and whatever else if they want to do a bouncy house or whatever and that would come out of those those funds right what I think what we're being asked here is to move the money to the friends and then let the friends pay for it that's just adding is it that's one option and this is where it really has to come from you you could give that money back to the friends right now when we wanted to spend any of that money the trustees have are writing the checks so it necessarily goes on our bill list but normally the trustees don't have say in what the friends are you know of course they get a report but I just I don't want to set a course and go Rogue on this um I would like the trustees to be presented with the options where did the friends get the money when the friend I know where they got it I've been here 20 years they got got the money because people donate books to the library for services we have a donation policy or whatever and then we let the friends have access to it they didn't raise the funding we don't say anything about it but that's how I think they got to how it got dispersed that the library had something to do with it because when people donated books it was to be for Library Services it wasn't to send the friends to Las Vegas you know what I mean so that was never clarified also we don't have a clue could we have a list of who the friends are because we don't know who they are we've we haven't met them we don't know who they are whatever I think it keeps us to separated we always had liaz on from the trustees to the friends I served Mary Chamberlain served whatever and we've had a lot of money a lot of problems with money over the years and friends and I'm not going to go into talk about that we don't we don't need to go into all of that now but I'm just my question just is what is the the the best way um to fund this event right and I I don't know that moving money from one account to another organization to then pay for it makes any sense yeah I think you have to look at it as two things first three things the first one is passed forget about it it doesn't matter right because the money is yours it's in it's there doesn't matter who did it or what they thought they were doing because now it's just basically cash on hand for the trustees so with that money that's on account now and you're GI some grants funds the best move there is you pay directly for the bouny HS correct right once we have expended all of that money yes or even while we are still expending it new things that come into the friends they should hold on to that and they can do as a 501c3 they can do things for the betterment operational Sound Library yes and that's their decision but all the dollars that are in now are your decision and it's best to not you know the only thing more boring than the attorney is the auditor but were I the auditor I would say please don't do that yeah uh so I think it keeps you cleaner that way for these funds that are in there with no strings attached no ear marks sure it makes it a little bit cluttered in terms of the past but in terms of the present it's just the money you guys can spend and and the friends are just to be clear also getting direct donations in Memorial we knew who they were pardon me it would help if we knew who they were one of them is on right now esd's the treasurer I know she came to the meeting so that's we know her for that but I don't I don't I think that they we were to either meet them or thank them or whatever Canon is the Baran is the president uh no um that's Gary Cole Johnson who's come to our meetings did yes he did um and then Barbara Cannon is um I'm not sure if she's the secretary okay but she's an executive member she is a member of the executive the friends for longer than I have so that's okay okay great um so I'll make sure and like I said we'll go ahead and pay for the bouncy house or not sorry Theo out of out of that okay it's within the amount for the director's purview I just wanted to be sure that you all were aware of the conversation y um and that also the friends get clarity on what that is because you know at one point they were told that that money was theirs and it's not anymore so um okay okay great friends in the past when they had the big book sale we used to have annually they would give us $225,000 that's they would raise that kind of money I think that's a threshold it becomes taxable or something after that then it it went away and we had all kind of problems with the friends leaving and whatever and uh so you need to set it up so it's faultless but you should be able to work together pay for and they're doing an amazing job I mean I just want to acknowledge ESD with the speed at which she got that 501c3 all of them but um the way that she was able to get that Financial stuff sorted was really command and I and I think that as they get rolling and they get moving right I know they had some time where they had to establish uh an executive committee and so on I'd like to think that they're going to start to come to some Library events um such as that reading program you know the summer reading program thing that we're doing and maybe be at the table when uh the libraries table for Oldbridge day and so on and we'll get to know them next oh and they're welcome to come for the 5K yeah yeah and they 5K more they had a Treasurer in in the past I don't know Tommy trouton was their Treasurer there wasn't a lot of conversation between us and the friends it kind of wore out but it's good to see new faces well new faces and it's a new organization I'm I'm I'm hopeful that they're going to be very involved and get to know us and build a good strong relationship so would it be um would the board like for me to arrange um for next month's trustee meeting for a representative from the trust uh from the friends to be here to talk about I think that's great I absolutely all right perfect uh I got another thought on the uh we're paying $8,000 to tutor for a year and there's $20,000 there how much is tutoring could we pay for among our own teachers in the district particularly if some of the teachers made recommendations for certain students that would give them uh direct tutoring with somebody they know and uh see if we can get enough people that we can get more than 56 already tutor and what we P them is covered by the union I assume no that's that's independent contrac and but you don't want to underwrite that but you know the the other thing I don't want to keep eating this to t.com thing to to a p but um it sounds to me when you were talking about it a little bit as well right that if my child is home and struggling with their math homework and they need someone to help get them through it tutor.com is a quick and easy way to say log in and you'll get a a tutor on there that understands it and can walk you through at that time whereas some of the tutoring programs we have here and I know because my daughter was was doing a uh was tutoring some younger students um they set up a time okay I'll meet you at the library on Thursday at 4 pm or whatever yeah but I might my my child might need homework help with their homework right now right yeah and you can also upload a paper like if someone asked brain fuse and then and then they review a few yeah yeah so there's different different kind of uh reasons for using some of those and and what I really need is the Librarians doing the evaluation I need and teachers but the Librarians need to do the evaluations and then they need to train each other on the products and then that needs to be combined with the promotion so again and totally beating us to a dead horse but if we had a branch Outreach Services manager and that person would then take the time to go into each of these websites and see what each of their cliche you know their their their niches are and then start to go to the PTA meetings and so on and September and say if your child is struggling with their homework toa.com is the better one if your child needs someone to read their essay and and provide feedback on it brain freeze is the best one to use and I I bet you the 95% of the parents probably don't even know what any of these websites are right be honest I I didn't and I I'm Dr George was saying before that I believe it was Dr George a lot of parents don't like to teach the math because it's different than what we've learned I'm not a teacher so I refuse because I'm afraid of teaching it incorrectly or teaching it undoing what the teacher already started had I known a lot of these Services were available I would have taken advantage of it for my children instead of them waiting for their father to come home late at night yeah and I feel like tutor.com is a misleading name because it's really you know number five on the homework I don't get this and yes homework help.com makes much more sense but realistically we need all of the Librarians and all of our staff engaged in knowing and selling resources yeah yeah okay okay so um I just want to get into some really good news because I'm really excited um about a number of things the technology Tower is done it has been replaced immediately internet speeds and Wi-Fi speeds were increased until just now what we just got a week oh well um so the Wi-Fi is still another project that has to work on but the actual internet speed so when everybody asks about the computers and where are the new computers there's no point in putting new computers on bad technology so that Tower we came in on a Sunday at 7 o'clock 8:00 in the morning and replaced that Tower and it went seamlessly four hours it's done so I'm so incredibly excited about that um our next project the technology committee will be getting I wrote in the director's report because I want a hard date our servers are in Peril as I've been told by the technology manager for the town so I want the proposal and the estimate for the servers um to be ready for the technology committee by March I believe it's 22nd so that the committee has time to review and ask questions so once that project is done our technology infrastructure is completely updated and by the way on the documentation for that Tower the last notes were from 2014 and in 2014 they said that the tower was outdated so it's now fixed so I'm really excited about that um we've started recycling because we weren't I don't know why but we are so that's back um we have three um promotions in all around Oldbridge this month so I'm really excited that that's becoming a regular habit we have a color AD for the Lawrence Harbor um story times in there we have a full events list in all around Oldbridge and then the monthly article that I write um brief article is about our streaming services that so many of our patrons are never going to walk through the doors of the library so we have those three and then every month so this is where we have started um to get some of the promotions going again so that's why my time's a little strapped because to find time to do all that anyway um next I mentioned in the director's report um it's well below $1,500 which is within the director's discretion we don't currently have a room scheduling software we don't currently have an event registration software and we don't have um sorry it does room scheduling uh event registration and there's one other piece um it's a company that's called uh Plymouth rocket it's replacing a software that I've had in other libraries it's much less expensive than what Demco Demco was selling this product like $55,000 and eventually it's a lower price for our museum pass software and that museum mum pass software can be used to update our passport scheduling software so this whole Suite of products I'm extremely excited about um right now when you try to look at our our events calendar that's the other piece it's an events management software right now if you try to look at that on your phone it doesn't work our calendar doesn't work on the phone so it's going to be an improvement all around I'm really excited and I was extremely impressed with their responsiveness and how inexpensive it is so that's uh another one and um we're changing our discards protocol on the books I won't belabor that um one full-time Library this morning okay that's just um another issue so I believe that that's all I have for you now okay anybody have any questions or anything on the director report just one under the um Co cooperation with the cultural arts and we have displays could we reach out to the schools too because they have very large art uh departments and things and use them to show kids work and ab know it's a central location and it people don't go to the schools to look at it I've already been eyeballing the hanging soft so we already have the equipment to hang it and I've already been eyeballing it it's just getting somebody to do that Outreach and then get it scheduled that's all we've got to do good but I think no I was just gonna say because I'm my Cultural Arts also and we're doing an Earth Day event we have the schools um participating with recycling projects so maybe we can you know do something similar yeah and and um we've had a discussion right now we're collecting newspapers for the cultural arts committee's project um but we have those um those wires that come down which there's a lot of them that are empty and there's also a display tree so Cultural Arts is not using all of our display spaces we still have a few left and I've kind of felt that those would deliberately um be for the schools we can reach out to the schools for okay all right committee reports buildings and grounds Rocco anything yeah we uh have a couple of things uh we had a meeting last week uh couple of things that we just want to bring up and mention uh first is the atrium cleanup area um we got uh from the town contractor we ended up getting an estimate of removing the spruce and cleaning up that whole area for a cost of 18850 uh there was a lesser estimate of 850 but that's just to remove the largest tree and leave the rest as it is I think it would be much better for us to to completely clean out the entire area have the contractor clean out the entire area for $ thousand dollars more so and then what's the plan once it gets cleaned out we I think there was mention of Scouts groups and so on doing planting that's what we've been doing and I think it's gotten us into the situation that we're in we've got um leaks coming in with some of the meeting room we've got soil up against the windows um I met with the people from ruers um from the Master Gardeners and they said we don't really get enough light because I'd thought about doing a native plant garden or or what could we do we're still in the beginning stages of discussing it when we have scouts or someone go out to take care of it that's a very small group of people people who get to use that area I'd like to look at some solutions that would allow more people to utilize that space perhaps creating a storytime area out there uh perhaps having some tables and umbrellas where people can be outdoors reading um having snacks where they're at the library that's just one idea that will obviously be brought to buildings and grounds yeah just I definitely think that one once you clean it out if you do any other kind of landscaping in there some thought has to be done about something that's easy to maintain because I think that's what happened I know there was some Scout groups that did it and they took care of it for a while but then you know Things fall off or you know and then it just gets overgrown and then you wait for the next group to come in and pick it up and and the thing is that you know the cleanup and the kids that's great but unless you have an expert landscaper it's everybody experimenting with with what's going on out there I think we just need to take a look at it as we go for um let's just get it cleaned up first that's the first step uh so next thing the bathroom Renovations um Dawn sent out four uh estimates for or four calls for estimates from Architects uh we only got one so that was and that came out over $20,000 um we're going to continue working with uh DPW to see if we can get some more Architects and get some more quotes before we move forward with anything uh that we're going to bring to the to a voter to the committee for information so the search continues uh and then finally uh the roof as seems like a thing we talk about every month let's just talk about it again we had some really bad rain last month um it seems like we've got more leaking all over the place uh Patron complaints have been logged um and and so far it's it's we you know Dawn keeps talking to DPW and we keep getting no answer in return so I mean if you would like to expound on that a little bit more but it seems like we're doing everything we're can we can to get to try to get somebody to do something about it but it seems like the town is not is not really cooperating yeah so it from what I understand the discussion that we had the last time um you know I I know that those of you who have been here longer were talking about some of the history and some of the attempts that have been made to rectify the situation I think people are just fatigued with this issue and with the solutions that have been put forward and I think that um you know I I've said let me talk to the contractor let me look at the um at the warranties um most things I mean I'm not an expert at my father was a commercial roofer so I was writing you know estimates when I was 12 doesn't make me an expert on this one what I'm saying is I at least have a vocabulary um I understand that people feel that they've exhausted everything that it's design flaws that it's all of this it still can't continue so I appreciate that DPW has reached out Casey has reached out talking to contractors talking to all these people I've still you know we're putting staff every time we have these storms they have to go throw tarps and set out buckets I have to write a protocol for them because it's also an issue of safety um there you know are physical issues involved in it and the leaks are getting worse so I I I'm asking for help because I don't know what else to do okay okay I think I think that is something we as a board need to discuss though in the future we have to have a conversation about this what are our next steps we had a patron ask us to turn down the sound of the dripping because it was disturbing her um we we also had a patron who said I've been coming to this library for three years it's it's leaked the entire three years what's going on I could have fixed this in a weekend I don't believe that I I don't believe that but the public you know it does have an impact on how people see us and how they see the investment of their tax dollars again it's not our building so doesn't this have to be a con an effort of both of us together we can't Mak the roof and we were lucky when we had Owen Henry because he knew ruls and he would go and tell us what was wrong and what wasn't wrong but I don't it's not going to stop raining guys so we better come up with something so we we have a new Administration we have a new mayor with a a new business administrator um this was this came up recently as well I think that we need to reach out to the uh business administ administrator and let them know that we want to sit down and have some conversations let's let's make up a list of what we want to talk to them about the roof being priority number one um if there's any other items that you can think of that we can utilize the um Township's assistance with shared services type of stuff shared services we were talking about Personnel uh for the for the maintenance how do we want to go about that so let's let's get a couple of things together let's reach out to them and maybe meet with uh the business administrator and the mayor's office and see what we can get going forward I think one of the things you need to do first is see if you can go to town hall and get the legal action that was taken when these floors first developed I believe the building opened in 1991 and the architectural firm that the town used uh was hot at that time and they did five or six libraries with similar Roots all of them leaked and uh we were part of the lawsuit so um I don't know where that went if there was any money gotten out of it but I would I do that as a starting point because it's my understanding that there's a major floor in the design and I don't know how it turned out for all the other libraries they were all a lot smaller than our rooms were uh and over the years when the new roof was put on four or five years ago which we donated to uh believe it or not as wet as it is now it's a lot less than it was then it's not acceptable the way it is but uh it could be a very expensive project and uh I assume at this point we have as a matter of fact the roofing contractor when he put the roof on and we still have leasing he said he would honor the guarantee for 20 is to fix the leaks as they were discovered so if we're not giving them that at least to take a shot at wherever it is identifying it um I think we need to try that first before you know this is it could be a very expensive Capital out and it's as you said it's their building and this is the only building that has the kind of roofs compared to the rest of the compound so it's it's time to revisit it and then see where we can go okay who needs to be at this meeting with the business well I I I think we start with uh um obviously I think buildings and grounds needs to be there because I think um obviously it's the roof and we we talked about maintenance right and seeing if we can share in on their maintenance contract um and I don't know if there's any other concerns that we want to bring up with them so I would say I would say building I would say buildings and grounds and and and um I would like to be there and then um if there's anyone else that feels a need just let us know but um I don't want to overwhelm them but you know certainly a few representatives from the library to sit down with them to start the conversation and is that would I be reaching out or is that you would be reaching out I I I think we'll start with you reaching out to the business administrator yep right and seeing if we could set up a meeting we could do it here we could do it there um and we'll start with that and uh one just one last item uh Furniture Renovations uh we have some estimates uh for phase one circulation desks and the idea Farm uh we're going to take a look at them next month and we we think we are going to bring something up to a vote for next month but we want to look it over some more before we move forward as a committee so I I was talking to the director about uh Furniture Renovations and so on um and I think that if we were to start to move forward with the Plan before we did that I think it would be good for um us to for all of the Board of Trustees to be invited to kind of do a walk through and get a vision of what is you know what what furniture are we looking at replacing refurbishing and so on so if we can do something like that um within the next you know whenever next month two months whenever before you guys you know really start to move forward with this before we take any action um and maybe do it before meeting or something and then it's an opportunity for if anybody wants to come they come if they can't make it or they're not interested then they don't have to agreed all right anything else that's it all right Finance uh Maria is not here but I will speak to her about the bank account stuff and uh ask her to bring that up to committee and I've not heard anything about the budget and the budget okay I I'll speak to about the budget Outreach marketing Frank anything no all right Personnel the negotiations Saturday was a meeting do you want to just kind of recap real quick y we had a meeting thanks Kevin um we had a meeting a few days ago or maybe last week already at this part Point um and we discussed obviously the job description that we approved today um but we also talked a lot about that coordinator strategy and Communications job description so um Don presented the possibility of creating kind of this position it would have no direct reports but she did we did discuss like the roles and duties um and Dawn thinks that there are staff members that are ready to move up um but that obviously we would not make any promises to staff right but that the the potential is there for somebody um potentially so we are going to review the job description we agreed a little bit closer as a group and then we're going to discuss it at the next committee meeting which I'm going to try and get before our board meeting in April that way we can um either move the job to motion at the next board meeting or not um but I don't want to hold it up anymore um we also talked about the manager of Branch services and a van driver um there are we we we're just you know there needs to be I think people to help handle Outreach um and and the deliveries right now um our custodian has has been making those deliveries and bookd drops and stuff to Lawrence Harbor and it's taking a little bit of his time which is why we kind of wanted to move forward um that manager of Branch Services position and then we also talked about her DMS um and so Dawn is going to collect a report for us um showing how each department is being staffed um we may need to re like review how this how staff are being scheduled um because right now there's a number of hours that are being covered a little bit higher than probably we want um and am I missing anything I think that was the pro without going into too many details thank you Sarah uh one thing I will add um the director's evaluation I've sent out uh looking for feedback I've received some but certainly not as much as I'd like so this is uh will be a last call if you'd like to provide feedback please send it to me um Sarah I will be including that and speaking to you to bring that to the Personnel the next Personnel meeting so we can that and then we can get that delivered to the director okay perfect so it's not today it's not I'm sorry it's not that's okay I just wasn't aware yeah I'm sorry I will keep you updated and posted as when I believe it's going to come okay okay okay um policy anything for policy no on policy all right and then technology Frank I know there I reached out to you I know you were going through some things uh but we think we need a conversation for technology coming up soon okay well uh I'm not going to be out until my foot heals and then I probably as soon as that's done I'm gonna have to get my knee replaced so uh I can do certainly do it via Zoom right yeah yeah yep yeah the the big things um that we have coming up and I wanted to wait to to do them together so just for economy of time um the server is the most critical thing the website is the second thing and I've been collecting estimates and creating a strategy for that because that's that's key to everything we're doing the promotion everything and our website's messy right now so I want to make sure that I have a report for you um like I said by March 22nd so so that you'll have an opportunity to read that and to um have a meeting okay yes uh would you be kind enough to include the uh the servers all the technical information on what we're using now and uh we you know take it from there as far as uh what we're going to need to upgrade to and what what is our goal exactly just yeah okay um yeah that's all okay all right anybody have anything else to add before we go to public comments I actually want to say one thing okay so today Linda handed me the roll call book and I love old things and I can see how old it is I think 19 yep it's one year younger than I us but I have to say I love looking at things like this because I realize that each page is a year represents a year so there's so much history here that's gone on in this building and it's really nice for us to all be part of it it's almost almost it's almost finished I know it's almost done I hope to retire by the time we get that but I just wanted to mention that because I think it's really neat nice part of History all right uh public comments anyone from the public like to speak um sure I actually have a question and I'm not sure if you addressed it already or at some point um um I have brought up to Dawn um having public access to like the director's report and possibly the bill listing um because it's not posted anywhere um like when there's a council meeting you get a whole packet of um stuff uh and I have you know we have no nothing like that for the library and I don't know if that's been discussed yet um we we did disc us that and I think we said that um the agenda and the bill listing are public records and could be made available correct yes so but you want to hold off on that because the trustees should have it in advance in case there are any questions or revisions or changes so corre so like the day of the meeting typically and we can post that on the website um and I know yeah I didn't realize the director's reports won't be available to the public the director's report is not available to the public corre can choose to make it available to the public but just seen it not available to it depends on what the contents are what the attachments are if there are attachments that you wish to not broadcast you can exclude them from what's posted I'm trained to write them and then typically I would send it to the board president beforehand to see the contents of it before it would go out but obviously whatever the board wants to do it's just I personally believe that a lot of institutional knowledge has been lost here because the director's reports weren't um part of that record yeah it's perfectly legal if you do it day of to uh post that on your website it's just a question of what you're actually putting in it and if there's any executive session type stuff in there yeah attachments draft budgets things like that would be certainly excluded from the public yeah I guess I agree that the uh director's report is general information so um the agenda the bill listing the director's report does anybody have any opposition to those three items being posted the day of the meeting I have are we not go ahead John I think it's would be extremely frustrating to read the report and not be able to question the director you know as we do you're just reading it half of it you won't understand because you don't have other explanations I don't know what the point of it is well is not a chose to read it report under public comment they could certainly ask it and and that's if they chose in in other libraries the reason for the director's report being shared with the community was so that they were able to ask questions about what was going on in the library well I think it would raise more questions at this point than we were able to handle my own opinion um I also I didn't think the director's report should be part of the minutes if I look at minutes I thought it was our actions considered our actions taken who votes blah blah blah but our bylaws have the director's report in the minutes as part of the minute so I don't know I just think the director's report is to the board so that they can vote sensibly blah blah blah blah the minutes should be available after they've done their business the public can look at and have whatever opinion they want but either we serve a purpose or or we don't so I will be voting against making the director's report vote on this correct okay now are we Kevin are we also um we we are putting all the uh meetings on YouTube correct that's correct so that if anybody wants to hear what goes on at the meeting they should there should be some not if you care to see the meeting list you know tell them where they can get it because that gives them an opportunity to read what took place at this meeting tonight and possibly write something to the directors or to the board about what what they think and so on if you're putting it out there on uh YouTube everything is available except closed sessions we don't advertise due respect um it's not I've I've been on the board so I know what is in the director's report and the director's report is a summary of things that have gone on in the library over the last month or projects that you're taking on or whatever and then and Don doesn't go through that whole report uh in the board meeting she she might pick out a couple things that need clarification but she's not going over any of that stuff that's true yeah so how is that fair that that the public doesn't have any record of of any of that I just it's not the same thing I'm watching the meeting I'm the only member of the public who's here so you know clearly I'm the one who wants the access to this stuff um and it's unfortunate that I can't get it so I'm frustrated you know I mean the agenda wasn't even posted for this month so that's you know another story but um it's it's completely different information it's not the same it's not the same information that is in the meeting so all right how is the director's report if it's a compilation of things that have happened the last month how is that different than the newsletter that goes out you know that that all of the we get notices on there about what actions are happening I thought the director's report was material that we have to look at because we got to vote on something here and we might need her input to that and that's what I thought it was for okay so so I think you have to decide what it is I I I think I think part of the issue is um because what I've heard was that the agenda is not available but I hear that the agenda is available so uh is is I I'm not sure where on the website is there like a board section or something like it's on the library website and it's on the township website okay okay I mean I send it over I can't help when they post it it just posted today I right but maybe what we need is a like for instance the board of Ed has you know a tab on their website for the board and when you click on there it gives you all the board members their email address or information if anybody wants to contact them and then underneath it has the agenda for that night's meeting that month that monthly meeting and so on and the bill Lis thing right so we can do something similar posting it the day of the meeting did they not didn't Elena told me that she posted yeah it's there yeah it's there it's on Town what I'm saying is if we a specific section that maybe I I don't know where it is but maybe if you could just look into seeing if it is easy to find or if it's something that is a little bit more difficult to find so that the information is available and then we could also on that section post the links to the YouTubes so if anybody wants to watch a meeting they can watch it they don't have to go into YouTube and search for yeah and eventually I'd like to move us off of YouTube because we don't want to be putting the public uh on a commercialized database that that's tracking their information in order to get things and that's something that Maria brought up and we do have Niche Academy which we can start doing that but we need to make the changes to the website first okay can I get a point of clarification uh Dr George did you say that the director's report has to be included in in the minutes you want anyone bylaws read the bylaws of the library and uh when they discuss what minutes are they have the director's report in there okay so people would it a month late well I I don't know what they meant by it I think because we have a section on the agenda that says director's report and so therefore we're discussing it yes so so the minutes should be anything that we've discussed in the meeting right Y no really the minutes just have to be things you've acted upon in the meeting if you vot that discussed and voted on it yes otherwise no right remember that lawyer and the cat meme remember that Zoom video with the cat yes I don't think she was talking about I was like no I don't okay all right um so with that I will ask for a motion to adjourn so moved second second thank you all in favor I oppos no thank you good night everyone good night good night