okay welcome back everyone as I mentioned it would be short and it was um I just want to make one uh note that we were not recording prior to going into executive session uh but at that point I had just called the meeting to order and I had uh stated the uh statement of compliance we taken roll call and salute to the flag is is all that has been missed on the recording um so at this point we will continue to move on and we will go into the minutes so I'm asking for for approval of the regular meeting minutes of November 15 2023 I'll make motion thanks second perfect thank you any discussion okay roll call please yes Dr George yes rary obain EST yes Frank Weber Frank see connecting oh you're on mute Frank all right let's go to the next person abstain she abstained okay yes Frank I'm here yes yes okay very good thank you okay moving on to Personnel um do we want to take these items separately each of these a through I think we can take a and b together we me do c separately okay so do do I have a motion for A and B I'll make a motion thank you a second a second thank you any discussion okay roll call please Dr George yes Ray yesd yes Z Frank Weber yes yes yes okay Raa yes and Kevin yes thank you okay item C do I have a motion I'll make it thank you second Roco second thank you uh any discussion we name in there I have a name in the next one do you need a name in the in D can you put that louder uh this is C Joan this is the uh memorandum of agreement with with the okay no problem yeah we the heat is on and it's quite loud in here it's making it difficult okay um so roll call then please sure Rosemary yes Estee yes Z obain obain Frank Weber yes yes sorry brocco yes Dr George yes yes Kevin yes thank you okay um toing up came up okay item D do I have a motion I'll make it thank you and the second I'll second thank you any discussion my question is do do you need a name there uh this is a general removal of the the stien is that correct yes and it was um shall I say it no um no just and all staff who were getting it will no longer get it okay is that is that the situation yes y then that's fine you can you don't need a name okay does does that satisfy your question Dr George I guess so okay all right um roll call please Roo yes Dr George yes Rosemary yes EST yes zanab yes Frank Weber yes and Kevin yes thank you and lastly item e uh do I have a motion I'll make I'll second thank you uh any discussion on this one okay roll call please Dr George yes Rosemary yes EST yes Zan yes Frank Weber yes yes pass yes pass pass pass okay Roo yes and Kevin yes and go back Frank that was a pass do you want to uh Vote or you abstaining I don't the copy of the agenda I have doesn't tell what the item is please tell me what it is sure it's to approve a 10% outof tile work stien for Lauren parnagian to assume additional building opening closing duties Lawrence Harbor Branch effective January 2nd 2024 yes okay thank you okay uh moving on then we have um so Frank you don't have the latest version of the uh agenda did that that went out uh when was the last one that went out was that today or yesterday yesterday it was yesterday today Frank if you want to check your email because there are some items that are going to be coming up that I want to discuss as well on there okay all right yeah okay so let's move on to finance um action the December 13th Bill listing in the amount of 266781 51 I did speak uh to Maria today um who mentioned that she had several questions they were answered and she's okay to move forward with the bill list so uh um that's just my statement on the review of the bill list from our Treasurer so do I have a motion I'll make it thank you a second a second thank you and any discussion on this okay roll call then Rosary yes estd yes zed z yes Frank Weber yes Roo yes Dr George yes I me St and Kevin yes okay now we have the transfer of 55780 to the capital fund as specified on the 2023 budget so do I have a motion for this make a motion thanks second thank you any discussion yeah I'd like to know more about what the transfer is and why it was done or is being proposed um it was uh when we approved the 2023 budget um the under spending was specified that it would be moved into Capital because in order to do a responsible job with those funds um it wouldn't be trying to just spend them before the end of the year so they will be moved into Capital as we know we have a capital projects plan um that has more than we could afford to do um for the next five years so that's why we had said when we approved the budget that that amount would be moved into um capital and this is that movement before the end of this fiscal year all right U toward that end I'd like to see a more defined plan there money attached to it so and I also want to make sure that the money that was generated and donated to the township when the Southwood branch of the library was closed in 198 87 uh and it was given to the Town Council and the Town Council gave it to us I believe the AAL that is in place it says that's the only thing that can be used for so we don't have to go through this every time we have new people and they understand that money is not touchable uh and I would ask possibly that Chris would riew that and confirm uh what I have said is accurate yeah that that money is Untouchable it was uh given to you with that condition it is separately stored away in a separate account I believe and it can't be mingled or used for anything other than that purpose uh you don't need to change this particular action item to facilitate that this action item is more of is more of a protective action uh given your budgetary constraints as far as what you can have in a ring Sur plus this speaks for that money and avoids it having to go elsewhere all right thank you okay any other discussion so then I'll ask for a roll call please sure estd yes Dana yes Frank Weber yes Rocka yes Dr George and Kevin yes and rosemary yes okay thank you okay moving on to Old business um I don't know if anyone has any old business they want to discuss I'll just bring up that uh on the old business Lawrence harber update um we will have expanded hours right um at starting January 2nd you want to cover that a little bit just give us a quick am I putting you on the spot sorry no not at all not at all um I I'm just seeing if there's anything to add to what's in the director's report um and I wanted to have our meeting tonight before I have signage changed and I've done a a press release for the board president to review before I send it out um that our hours um we decided to do Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday um 10 to 6 on Tuesday 12 to 8 on Wednesday 10 to 6 on Thursday that gives us the evenings um and then um Saturday from 10 to five so that we can have weekend and and family programming um and then the person in that position would have one day a week where Friday when they're back at the main branch okay great and we had an official uh grand opening if you will this evening at six o'clock uh I thought it was pretty well attended um we had some members of our Council here our mayor elect was here um quite a number of members of the community that we're very happy to to have the the new Branch down here um we we had some very talented individuals playing some holiday music for us uh I thought it was a nice event I'm pleased yes it was very nice yeah okay so let's move on to new business um so before I ask for for any motions on these items I want to discuss a little bit uh I think we should table some of these if not all of them um several of the items seem to be technology related um I don't know that they came out of the technology committee meeting um so I'm just wondering where the um where these are coming from for I know that there's been some discussion on the technology Tower and the internet access and so on um so I'm going to ask for a little uh background on some of these items first so a few meetings ago I submitted a special report on technology that included all all of these items so that we had said that um especially before replacing public computers we need to deal with the technology infrastructure which is the tower which is extremely outdated um and um the the cabling as just to help you understand what cabling means does everyone know all of those electrical boxes in the floor of the library those are wires so it's it's there's data lines in there in addition to electricity that's great because we've got so many spots but the problem is we've got like one line come in and then it's splits everywhere because that was the easiest way so in order for us to expand our technology capabilities we have to have people come in and do what's called Running lines pulling wire and it's pulling them instead of being at that one line that comes in that splits all over the place it means that we're moving more direct lines in so that we've got a greater capacity for the data that's coming in and that's something that it's it's sort of a precursor to moving forward just putting computers in if you don't have sufficient data and power coming in it's not going to make any difference whether you put a new computer there so this is replacement of that Tower um and then pulling of those lines um into that area and then we talked about everyone wanting to get up dated computerss so this is um starting off with circulation and the creation of a high powered Computing station for staff so that they can use our data heavy software and those things were in that special report yeah so um I I'm going to ask you know if anyone wants to make a motion on any of these items or if we want to make a motion to um table them as I stated um my concern is I don't want to we we have a policy and a practice in place that these types of things go to committee first and then the committee brings a recommendation to the full board I understand that a report was put out um but I think that the the the technology committee uh perhaps should have looked at that report together and then come back with a with a recommendation one way or the other to the full board um that's where I I stand with these items so I'll leave it up to the rest of the board to decide how we want to move forward with with this I I'd make a motion to table it um until we can get some information at the committee level for example what advantages are the newly proposed uh computers for staff going to be is what we have adequate or inadequate I'd like to and I'd also like to see all of the inventory of all of the computers because I know there is some discussion about changing some of the things on the floor as well so I'd like to have all the inventory documentation and uh something that's uh going to justify all of it I certainly want to improve it I'd like to see a bigger uh projection area for our site so some people can get on the side even if they are not as close as to sh they should be we're I think we're pretty much at the extent of the the end of the parking lot we do get a fair amount of people comeing to use it but I think that can possibly you look at the thing to be improved as well I have no problem tabling it if we have some kind of a timetable I don't want this to sit around for months and months and months I I I agree with that we need to this if if we're tabling this I'm okay with that I understand that technology committee should have a have a right to look at it and report back to the board as a whole I get that but I don't want this laying in a committee and us talking about this in March let's get this done if as long as it's going if we can table it to the next meeting I am okay with that Frank do you want to revise your motion to specifically table this until the January 10th agenda well with all the holiday coming in between I'd prefer to do it until February what did he say he said with the holidays coming he thinks it'll be difficult to get together U so he thinks they should be tabled till February well when do they meet they can't do something early January it won't take how long does it take to have a one day meeting it's an hour meeting though two hours three tops it's not like it's an ongoing meeting is it I'm sure they can find some time before January till the next meeting what's our next meeting we January 10 I would like to see our new employee technology I'm sorry I don't know his name I believe it's Adam be to answer questions too you want him to come I think he would to be at the meeting where we discuss this it's it's okay for dor to explain it to us but I think we really should have the employee who's the technology expert that's right on the scene be so Frank you're you're the chair of Technology um is there any way you can do a meeting via Zoom either next week or the week between Christmas and New Year's the information that I require I can't give you a meeting date and I I would require chis that the uh uh I'll live with the month but that's you know that's going to be a month from now was a couple of weeks out of it where everybody's not going to be around possibly I would just I would just like to add that there are components on the tower that are two generations outdated that are no longer serviced and when they go down we have a a big problem when were they installed uh preco and and this is not just our technology person but this is also we've been working very closely with the gracious assistance of Stan Wilkinson who is the um manager of technology for the town and he has worked collaboratively with Adam and myself every step of the way um and I look forward to an opportunity to be able to share that with the committee um I'm just hoping as I said these the the Imp imperative here has been stressed To Us by people from outside of the library you're you're saying that there is potentially a physical emergency that's not not being dealt with already and this is the first time we're hearing it it isn't it was in the Special Report said there was an emergency there hasn't been an emergency yet there is a potential emergency with outdated equipment that is no longer serviced right outdated equipment is one thing say an emergency thing is not something to be used casually if that's not by not replacing equipment in a timely matter particularly when a need has been identified I didn't say that there isn't emergency I said we're at risk so here's my thing we're we're looking at we're looking at $35,000 here which is not just a a small drop in the bucket so I I do think that there is a level of due diligence that needs to be done I I don't want to go outside of our normal process of of bringing things to a committee um at the same time I understand the urgency and that's that's why I'm in agreement with Roco motion or or suggestion of motion to table this out one month so that we we have a date um that's fine you're you're fine with that Frank for the month for one month okay so that that will be items b c and d do we need to vote on that Chris yeah you need vote on the motion to table but you need a second okay so we need a second I'll second it okay Rosemary will second it so this is to table items b c and d we'll talk about item a separately um so any further discussion on tabling these items okay roll call please Shera yes Dr George um abstain I think you need two months okay Rosemary yes ese no Z that no Frank Weber yes and Kevin yes what's the vote there two noes one abstain and three yeses or four yeses four yeses it carries that carries okay thank you so now moving on to item a um I I have questions regarding this before I I want to uh uh think about a motion on this um so looking at this um I'm my question is why are we making a full payment for the full year in advance do we typically do that with with vendors or people that come in to provide programming we're not paying in advance um we have a schedule for doing monthly payments but we want each time so I'm sorry to cut you off so each time so like there was one where it was two things for you know in the month of February was $500 yeah so then we'll make a payment of $500 so do we even need to make a motion on that because then those expenses are within her her capacity correct because it's a recurring it's it's like a performer agreement Don and I talked about this at the time of this contract coming up because it's a recurring thing and it Aggregates to a larger number number okay it is best to have board approval but it's similar to passing a budget you're not actually doing out the money right now you're approving the structure you're proving there's indemnification language things like that and then it is paid through your billing cycle and we'll hit your bill lists and be voted on 12 more times okay so we're not making a motion not we're not making a motion for her to write a check today for $7,600 correct correct okay okay um so with that I'll ask for a motion then I'll make it second thank you all right any discussion on this a further discussion then are there any plans for the totality of that that place or we just going to have so um there there are um but this was our sort of soft opening for the idea Farm the idea Farm needs furniture it needs updating there are a number of things and we're working on uh all of them we purchased also uh updated 3D printers and what we're looking at keeping for the idea Farm at this time the 3D printers we already know that we can manage those ourselves um there's a vinyl cutter that with enough staff we can get to that as well um we have robotics equipment left that I think would work very nicely with the schools um that we're going to be pursuing that um the only thing that was done before that we're I'm not looking at opening up again is the soldering um which is where I think I think a lot of our liability came from with the safety courses and agreements and things like that um but focusing right now on the 3D printers the vinyl cutters the sewing program and the Robotics and then once we can get a better idea and like I said with Staffing on the um the idea Farm well I think that when you set an annual fee you're kind of putting things in motion if other people are come and be Consultants they're certainly going to look at that fee and want something like it I don't I don't understand it can't we do it monthly or less than a year um if it makes it administratively extremely unwieldy to do this is a person whose schedule fills up quickly um and if we can plan it um then it's much better for us to be able to promote and to be able to administrate and build the expectation from the community that this program exists do you have some idea of what time this covers of what pardon me what time I mean how what are the courses going to be I have no idea of what you're doing so if the schedule is in there and I can open it up and look at it and go through it but there was several there was several items on there um you know one was making a a bag out of denim or something and um it it was it's a it's a great idea so uh February 2nd and 9th intro to sewing for adults March 1st 8th 15th and 22nd uh these are from 6:30 P.M to 800m intro to sewing for kids um April 6 from 1: to 3 upcycle jeans tote bag making April 27th from 1 to 3 three oh uh that's for teens and adults and the same thing on April 27th upcycle jeans topeg making for teens and adults May 3rd 10th 17th 24th intro to quilting in June intro to embroidery July intro to Embroidery For Kids uh August 9th fabric collage denim jackets uh that's also in August 16th September sashiko stitching October intro to sewing for adults two sessions and November four sessions intro to sewing for kids and in December uh Needle felted ornaments for kids teens and adults thank you Kevin okay what are the youngest people who can take the sewing sorry was that the the youngest people who can be in the sewing program um honestly Frank I thank you for bringing that up because it's not something on the children's programs that has been determined yet my assumption would be seven um that that would be um an appropriate time just with fine motor skill development um and that's something that we would also um run past uh Chris Parton um to make sure that we're taking um all of the precautions that we need to for safety so um my daughter used to take sewing when she was younger at the library and it used to be parent child of course so uh in order for the child to take it a parent or an adult had to be with them I don't know if that's something that you get considering or whatnot children aren't allowed in the library under the age of 14 without a parent well but what if they come into the library and then the parent walks him into the room and says I'm going to look for a book I I would I would raise an eyebrow but I appreciate you bringing up the possibility we can certainly insist that parents stay with the with children yes and are they going to be using machines our these or is this going to be hand sewing um I am assuming that that's going to be hand sewing we don't have enough machines to accommodate an entire class yeah what how she saying she has a maximum I think of eight in the class yeah I think it was eight yeah I don't know much about sewing so I can't tell other than uh needing it but uh you know I I would be impressed if one person can handle eight of those people at the same time a short period of time I'm sorry what was the last part I'm saying I'm questioning or i' like to observe that she's had she's booking classes for eight people at one time yes and uh the question that I'm raising is is it conceivable that somebody can re uh keep that successfully given uh you know the potentials and all the questions that may be thrown at especially when they're starting and I also I don't have the schedule in front of me I did read it uh she's got something about us you know I mean she's got different rates on there so this number that she supposed to get a mon $500 or okay than I believe that the librarian who arranged the program has her hand up yeah that's that's what I G say if yeah if if if it's regarding this then I would say yes okay if she can provide some Lauren I'm sorry hi she unmuted oh there you are okay you hear me okay um hi yes so I've been working with Joanne um scheduling the sewing program and the agreement with her um she actually does own a Sewing Studio in Oldbridge um so she regularly teaches classes for kids and adults um of a greater size than eight participants so it's definitely something um she's managed before and has plenty of experience doing um she's also worked as a teacher and administrator so she is on the ball with all of that um as far as the sewing uh pricing um it's based off of the presenter fee she has as well as per participant um and that's how we structured it so for different pricing for the programs that's what it's based on um and they will be doing a combination of using machines but hand sewing as well thank you Lauren sure just there aside my uh my wife's father died when she was seven and she my daughter definely not my daughter my wife who was the daughter at the time she learned how to starting at the age seven so she could make close and I'm sorry Frank we're having a hard time hearing you can you speak up or yeah well I have a problem with my voice the kids are thr I can't yell at them okay okay all right any other discussion on this so I'll ask for a roll call please sure Dr George yes Rosemary yes esie yes Z yes Frank Leber yes Rocco yes and Kevin yes okay great thank you I'm excited so that takes care of all the new business I think I think people are gonna be really excited about it so all right let's move on to Direct's report does anyone have any questions about what was contained in the report okay um I want first if I'm not putting her on the spot Rosemary did you go to the were you at the workshop I couldn't see actually no I couldn't because I wanted to put my daughter she had to get injections last minute and beg me to go with her okay I actually did miss the workshop I sorry no worries I am scheduled for the one in January okay so I haven't been sending to everyone the um the state offers monthly um courses for trustees and directors both so I went as we're going to be starting state report our state per capita Aid report um starts in January and it's due in March and uh so I went just for a tuneup on that and I thought maybe you were there because they were saying that there were a lot of Trustees there um understanding that but it does count towards um the trustee training requirement um so that was good and one of the things that came up as I mentioned um the State library has given us basically a a reprieve from the um transfer calculation form in this year because we've had so much transition um and I really I really appreciate that and I appreciate the time that they've taken um to really make sure that we're doing exactly what we need to do um they did point out that a current strategic plan is um a part of that so I know that that's on the the board's radar to get um an updated strategic plan but that's something that like I said they'll be looking for around this time next year with the transfer calculation form so just to put that on the radar um the AARP tax AIDS if any of you need a talking point um the tax AIDS are going to be coming back to the library in uh starting February 1 that is something that fills up very very quickly and it's by appointment only so the ARP tax AIDS will be at the library starting in February um one other thing uh let's see Town El engine okay um Northstar libraries there is a program through the state um where we have a lot of libraries in New Jersey that are part of the Northstar being Northstar library and this means that you are given assessments for digital literacy for a wide variety of um abilities from Seniors to younger people and it has very distinct courses I'll be giving you more information as we move forward with that but we are now going to be in Northstar digital literacy Library um and I'll be learning more about that let's see we have a lot going on and I hope as long as no one has any questions about what's in the director's report um I appreciate uh everyone and thank you for a wonderful first New Year the doors are really nice the doors do look exceptional if anyone has time the new doors that have been installed they really do change that front entrance quite a bit they really do um and I have to say that I was looking at getting a quote for the interior um doors because they were installed at the same time so um the interior doors would last longer but um honestly we haven't had repairs so since we have so many other um priority facility projects um I'd rather focus on those first and I like to say because I wasn't here last week but the cleaning outside looks great every day when I was going to work I would look at the progress and it really they did a great job yeah and I want to thankie for that because I would have never it wasn't even on my radar until you mentioned it oh and there is one other thing I started um talking to everyone about renovation I know that it's something that Maria's spoken a lot about um with just giving the library a a a visual refresh from signage to Furnishings to things like that I started talking about it in the director's report um I brought a map of the Library when I talk about there being um six bays in the library does that make sense to everyone where you see each distinct area of usage from the quiet area what was called the living room then we have h a group area where people like to play games and cards then we have one that is currently audiovisual equipment um and then the young adult and teen area and then children's so those distinct are areas what I wanted to do was to find an approach to starting the renovation where we can do it in stages and we don't have a big disruption to the public so one of the problems that we have right now is that um the second Bay which is next to the quiet area is not at all a quiet area that's where maang is played that's where Scrabble is played all those kinds of things so one of the first things I look for when I come into a building just knowing how people are with sensory issues is having a quiet space and that accommodates learning styles and all those kinds of things some people need absolute quiet so one of the first things that we can do is move that maang louder area over to where the audio visual things are and just move that other bay over and that's going to create a difference in our traffic patterns that I think would be extremely beneficial I've also with uh taking a look with creative Library Concepts they've given us really beautiful ideas that we can start to talk about that I just want staff to do some leg work on before we bring it to the trustees and and form a committee for that but like I said being able to do it in stages ensures that the library is going to kind of have a a continuous update if you will and I told them currently our prior priorities are the circulation desk and the idea farm and they've given us some really beautiful ideas of how to get that updated um so that's the first that we'll be bringing um to the board and I'm assuming that there is this facilities or is there an additional committee needed for renovation so for for renovation I I'd say it should probably go under Strate buildings grounds yeah yeah okay yeah um and then I'll I'll look forward to working with you on that um they just they sent us some really exciting ideas designs and things like that but I like I said I wanted to take a look at the idea Farm because that is kind of critical and the circulation desk because that's a high high traffic area and then the next place that it makes sense is to go write down and do reference and computing an update to that area and then we can look at the other Bays um which it's mostly Furniture um there I don't think we need to change up all of the shelving I think we can do a really nice job just with furniture and I think the one that's take going to take the longest is children's because we really want to be careful with that um that we're creating kind of a destination children's area and they've given us some really beautiful ideas with like Big Trees in there and all kinds of things so we will we will dream in January sounds exciting since uh I am the I guess I'm the chair of the buildings and grounds and I think I'm the only member of the buildings and grounds committee uh we can even meet next week if you'd like fantastic if anyone if anyone is interested in uh joining us uh please let me know and then I'll try to set schedules up accordingly so okay I would like to come me too tell me in welome all right you're in all right okay uh anyone have any questions or comments on director's report all right so we'll move on to committee reports buildings and grounds there's your update there you go um Finance Maria's not here I I don't think that anything is uh Gone on with Finance other than the items that we uh move moved earlier today Outreach of marketing uh Frank I I don't assume any any update there well the only thing is obviously we have a new a new mayor and uh uh we will see if she's more approachable than I one seem to have been about moving on the idea in South ald because I think I still my personal feeling is that we still we have a site that's uh a number of members have already viewed and it's it's located properly and I think we just need to do a little homework on it and then sell it uh because we if it does go on the the land that's on Malvo a road that's already uh is a pretty decent size spot where we could put a building that's probably as large as the one but not just with the7 million cost uh on malvar road is got enough parking and that would make a difference as traffic continues to grow in or because of all the towns that are around us uh 56 is a nightmare in the afternoon going either way so kids get home from school and the parents want to take them to the library by the time they get home they have a snack and they get changeed they leave they're leaving at maybe 4 o'l 4:15 and the next the nightmare to go to and from so uh hopefully we can uh you know we can make some progress yeah I I'd like that if we can do that in 2024 um okay Personnel negotiations Dr George I assume we we covered it all earlier anything else not that I know all right um policy Roco nothing nothing yet all right and Technology Frank we'll uh we'll look forward to getting a technology meeting together um so that we can have something for January meeting um so with that does anyone from from the board have any uh other comments they like to make before I go to public comments yes hi Kevin um when I abstain for uh number uh point a was that to approve the individual employment agreement for Linda yes can I change my vote on that I I thought we were still dealing with the minutes I'm sorry I was settling down sure and that would be it would be a yes for A and B I assumed I just want to make sure okay thank you me thank you okay all right so with that I will go to public oh sorry you have something you so I went to the ESL graduation yesterday okay um and it was really nice like the people are really really happy they had a number of um the graduates I don't know what you would you know like the participants like speak and they're like so grateful for the program and there was like I met so many people I met a lot of the tutors and a lot of the students and they all brought like food from like their country and there was so much food like it wasn't even like it was ridiculous um and it was really good and it was really nice I don't know I wish more people would have come like from us like the mayor something like nobody it was six o'clock was a little difficult yeah I I couldn't get there yeah no I'm not just you know I mean it would have been nice like even for like a council member like somebody um to have been there it was just I was there um Pam was there and Cheryl who is the library ESL coordinator I guess is her yeah and then the people who like run the program are great and we were in the senior center which is beautiful and everyone was really happy and they're hoping maybe they can even use some of the space I don't know like to to try to like have bigger classes or I don't know but they you know they they're excited and they continue to be excited and um yeah one of the things with the ESL program the ESL program I think I put this in last month's report or was it in year they're they're um outgrowing our facility yeah um and that's why we've had discussions on um limiting the number of classes it is extremely popular um we talked about now we're going to be prioritizing Oldbridge residents and and also I can assist them with Outreach for other libraries um and also other um yeah facilities and departments in town may want to come in and use them so I'm certainly not against expanding and growing the program it's just a matter of what the library can commit space once no of course yeah they they want there's there's such a need for it I think they were saying that there's going to be like a Google form now to like sign up for it and it'll automatically prioritize the Oldbridge residents and they yeah it was really it was just really nice I was really happy to be there and they were H they like you know pointed me out as like a you know important person or whatever who was there like that was nice and and Tom and Janet are tireless um in the work that they do in their support for um ESL and I I also do think that it's um you know a a feather in Old Bridge's cap that um you know we have this available so we're extremely grateful to you for going and for Tom and Janet for for all the work that they do and and Cheryl and for Pam and all that they commit to it as well so just going forward if there's events like that that we're hosting and did you want the mayor and the council to be there you just need to send them an email to the administration office I was told they got an invitation or at least the mayor did um being on I think we all got invitations so I think the mayor also got one sometimes sometimes their schedule does not allow yeah in the event there yeah no I just I wish that someone else could have seen like how happy they were and they had their families there and like one guy was there and his daughter was like taking a video of him talking and it was so cute like I mean you know it was just so nice I yeah it it's an incredibly valuable service that's difficult for people to find so um and and it really is it's helping newer residents to the United States to really become acclimated and to be able to participate so it's an incredibly valuable service yeah do we use any of the uh kids that are in a high school potentially bilingual uh let's say Juniors and seniors are do any of them ever teach in the program um we don't have uh they don't have kids in the program now one of the is issues that we have is the safety um in exposing kids to tutoring with uh adults that we don't know the students don't have background checks um the tutors do um but we are looking at having uh additional programs that are slightly different like a language lab like just conversation for volunteers who want to come in just to speak to people and practice their English so it's absolutely reasonable that we can have um the the teen library and include some kids maybe in some teen events thank you okay so speaking of um diversity and and uh what um some of us were talking about uh January has been designated as a Muslim Heritage Month by the governor so there was a group of people from the Muslim Southeast Asian Muslim Community from orbridge reached out to to me and they wanted me to bring this up I totally forgot to have them join this call I've been swamped with my work but they wanted to do some sort of a movie night 101 inventions um uh at the library it's called 101 inventions uh secret something I'm just reading the text um and then um an exhibit or an art show if possible one of the weeks um and they can also do if it's allowed at the library like some sort of food festival sort of thing food tasting event and the food will be provided for the for the public and this is in January this is in January yeah is it possible for you to reach out to me tomorrow to get more details so that we can get started because if we're going to do it in January which we'd love to but we need to get on it very quickly yeah I've asked them to create a some sort of a plan and then you know uh send links to the movie and things like that so they can provide it to to the board okay yeah sounds good okay thank you okay any anyone else so with that I'll go to public comments is anyone from the public wish to speak you can take yourself off mute or raise your hand going once going twice anyone all right with that I thank everyone uh I wish everyone a happy holiday season we look forward to great things for 2024 we have a lot uh coming our way I think which will be great and uh exciting so thank you everyone with that I'll ask for a motion to adjourn no move thanks F can second it or either way all in favor I anyone to close no thank you all right good night all thank you by bye good night good night good night