e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we have yeah we have enough people okay I'm going to start the meet uh we I don't have my Mallet here so pursuing to the New Jersey open open public meetings Act njsa 10 4-10 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided and advertised such notice in the home News Tribune the Asbury Park Press the board office and the schools and on cable vision Channel 118 and Verizon files 24 and filing by such notice with the Township Clerk this meeting was scheduled for Tuesday March 12th 2024 thank you would everybody please R for pledge thank you the Oldbridge Township Board of Education acknowledges that the law of the state establishes that members of the public including members of the board have the right to record public board meetings using audio or video recording devices provided that the act of recording does not interfere with the business of this public board meeting therefore the board makes it known that any such recording is to be considered the private recording of the individual and in no manner represents the official record of this board the board therefore takes no responsibility for such private recording and completely disavows any future use thank you Mr weell roll call please miss duno present Mr gardano here miss jodry here miss Francisco here miss lent here Mr Marquetta miss mazone here Mr Slade here and Mr solowski here we have a quum thank you okay code of ethics I'm looking for a volunteer for next week I will come up with somebody on that one okay thank you you're going to do a lot more than that because we have a lot of recognition okay approval of amendments any questions no thank you okay we have some new hes that are here this evening and uh we would like to recognize you folks okay so we'd like to uh welcome and call up as new hires um Marissa Andrew and Nelson uh to our school staff so come up and I guess turn around well we'll take a picture we'll have you come on stage okay just St onage picture we need a picture and then just turn around right there you'll get to know Scott very well he takes all the all your pictures thank you very much thank you and congratulations and good luck I need your job here okay welcome okay can I get a motion to move recognition J move Mar seconds one through one through five okay we're not voting yeah a superintendent's report uh Mr Seno called me up he's going to be a little late progress goals correspondence any correspondence Mr wiell any any correspondence no correspondence uh special committee reports we'll have next week any school or agenda items I'm sorry any items that are on the agenda no ERS okay we have anend okay okay policy not nothing on policy curriculum and 1 through six we won't be voting discussion no you okay okay Finance we have action on one over here payment of bills can I get a motion to move number one jel second any discussion no Ro opys lent yes maretta yes maone yes Sade yes Dan tuno yes gordano yes jri yes Francisco yes solowski yes resolution Finance or resolution one for finance passes thank you okay Finance one through through 21 any discussion no Athletics one and two any discussion no noncertified personnel office we have one item any discussion no non-certified Personnel operational there's nothing here non-certified Personnel other one through one one through eight any discussion just I guess the question uh number eight Jean danky uh is do we not know when she's returning or that's to be filled in for next week we're waiting for the additional documentation to confirm the return date certified [Music] Personnel uh we have action items for number one two and three any discussion just again welcoming all the the new hires to Oldbridge and looking forward to our journey together thank you what what programs are you going to be teaching F that all three of you oh okay I didn't see the paperwork so we have two speech as psychologist and two for gem for thank you again congratulations okay I did a motion Miss we motion it second Francisco we second roll call Slade yes danant tuno yes gordano yes jri yes Francisco yes lent yes maretta yes maone yes solowski yes uh resolutions 1 through three for certificated Personnel passes thank you any discussion on certified Personnel 4 through 14 none non-certified Personnel one and two any discussion no okay yes so I do have a question um so number 10 can we just talk about any particular one is that fine okay so for the um subject area supervisors for over the summer and I'm just curious and would like a little more information um on exactly what they will be doing over the summer and what you know what type of types of tasks and that we feel are necessary to provide for over the summer so each one has um different responsibilities uh this upcoming summer um all of the ELA curriculum and all the math curriculum has to be Rewritten due to new standards from the state so Mr Santano Miss Winters and Miss edin Ali would all be reviewing curriculum um making sure those curriculum guides are on for August and then um having them voted on first the start of school year so they'd be accessible um Miss Hicks oversees nursing so she would be assisting in nursing she does the Perkins Grant um which uh is a grant that we have for CTE it's due in September um as well as her other professional responsibilities that could be allotted to in the summer and then miss dhy Dr dhy excuse me newly Dr dhy um she is overseeing esy program uh so that's 20 days it runs from July 8th to August 8th and Miss edof is also overseeing our preschool program so she has to get the buildings up and running for the preschool program in September okay so those things are really um helpful to know anyone else no non-certified Personnel transportation we only have two items any discussion no uh Transportation one and two any discussion um just a quick question um I just just want to make sure that the proposals that we got for these three custodial are just custodial nothing else correct yes we are you just said it no oh same thing all right supplies one and two no one through four I'm sorry yeah action on one and two correct okay any discussion yes so that's my question soone need the motion can I get a motion please miss only will motion it well to move it to move it d one second thank you okay now any discussion yeah so I just wanted to make sure that um the proposals that we received for these uh for the custodial services are just for custodial services and um like nothing else besides custodial correct this is uh for custodial services within the contract is for uh supplies as well that they provide over a 5year period but we are we did receive proposals um on the second item is to reject all of them there was a um a miscalculation within one of the proposals but it really impacted the ability to squore them correctly so we're working with our um consultant to fix the RFP and and make sure the specifications are true going going forward um we're in that process right now so that is the reason for the acceptance of the three and the rejection to revise the specifications okay thank you thank you okay let's do miscellaneous let's vote okay lent yes Marquetta yes maone yes Slade yes Dan tuno yes gardano yes jri yes Francisco yes solowski yes resolutions one and two for supplies equipment and services passes thank you okay any uh discussion on three and four no miscellanous how many items we have miscellanous one through five any discussion any questions are all the committee is uh proper look at them so the date for personnel was March 11th if we want to fill that in these are just for February meetings right these are the February meetings right we did I gave that information I'm not sure um she just didn't put the date in so we'll correct it and put the date that'll be filled in later all right okay board secretary and board business none at this time nothing hearing of residents on any school district items hi my name is Vincent fella I'm a parent of a child in this uh in the school um I just want to speak about an incident that we had that you might or might not know about that happened at the uh UniFi basketball game we had one of our players collapse and uh we had to perform PR on this on this player um I want to speak about the response time on of the ambulance the ambulance took at least 12 maybe to 14 minutes to respond to the incident and we just like to bring more awareness to first aid CPR and also to somehow figure out if we can possibly have an ambulance on standby for for events when this is a unified game so it's special need and typical uh children also in these games and um we'd like to know bring it out there discuss it if we can get an ambulance on standby for when we have any kind of events like that we can look into it I I do want to add that our athletic trainers were on site and did respond in the immediate to the student um but we can look into the ambulance and additional carot they did respond but I'm the one who did the CPR first aid on the sh all right and I'm a parent I'm retired from conedison almost three years and every year at ConEd you you had to go for CPR training over and over again you know we certify every year and I I have that training and uh I ran across the the court know knowing that parents are not allowed to run across the court and I I took care of this child and he's here with us tonight right now and uh we're glad you're okay and thank you for helping it was it was um the trainers did respond but uh we just we just questioned that if we had more first aid CPR equipment there there was an AED on site it was in the hallway by the time somebody went out to get it bring it back but thank God we didn't need the AED but we needed more CPR training stuff like ma face masks possibly pumps uh um uh latex gloves anything to protect anyone that's going to you know administer CPR now I was told that the coaches and the trainers are all trained in CPR first aid CPR okay my our only biggest problem was is that the ambulance response was terrible okay and this if this was a worse situation it could have ended differently okay does our ambulance come from mwan or from Oldbridge they came from Oldbridge okay I mean they they're not that far away for 12 14 minute respon time is totally unacceptable I thank you I I just hope that you know we can do something about getting an ambulance on on uh standby for an event like this I also want to know let you know that I am a coach at Just for kicks the special needs soccer program and uh this Thursday night we're doing we're getting first aid CPR training for all the coaches or and whoever else wants to be trained this Thursday night at the Elks a police officer that's uh firstage CPR uh trained is is doing the course and we're implementing it into the J for kicks program and I want to see that being implemented into all special needs programs anything you know having to do with any kind of games that we do have in the school thank you very much thank you the board want wants to really thank you for what you did okay if you weren't there things would have turned out differently again thank you I would just like to say something real quick um again like just to follow up with Matt I want to say thank you not a lot of people will be would be able to jump up at you know when something like that is happening and have the courage to do something so we want to thank you for saving his life potentially so thank you anyone else on any school district items anything I see no hands oh we have one more okay my name is Ron Mack I'm from Resident of Oldbridge right uh thank you for coming and you uh the student honors us with his presence so thank you um I just want to say uh uh thank you all for what you do again and uh I want to hand out uh the US Constitution it's actually very small I read it last week again on uh on my plane flight from uh Atlanta airport to Tampa which is very short flight it takes 30 minutes but especially on page 21 is the first amendment and it overrides everything and uh Matt with your permission I'd like to hand this to you these are just copies of the USS US Constitution thank you thank you thank thank you very much anyone else I guess we're good okay uh yeah old business first though any old business any new business um I have a question go ahead um I had noticed that um and this might be for next week the calendar options for the 25 26 school year when will that be discussed tonight actually that was going to be the next thing under new business that I would like to introduce Stacy sweter Stacy sweter is co-chair she's one of our our actually this year an instructional math coach and she also serves as co-chair of instructional Council and instructional Council has prepared these calendars and Stacy is going to go over exactly what they mean and what the options are okay hi good evening to the Board of Education Central Administration and the Oldbridge staff and community members in the audience and watching remotely my name is Stacy sweder and I am the district secondary math coach I here with anahita Keeler director of arts and culture we are the co-chairs of the district's instructional Council committee which meets monthly to work on projects which bolster the district's educational programming through research and data analysis the committee is comprised of four teachers one power professional two administrators one director and two supervisors every February we meet along with parents of Oldbridge students to develop school calendar options for the school year that is two years from now we are so appreciative to the parents who took almost 4 hours out of their day to provide input three weeks ago we analyzed the 20 25 2026 school year and we are presenting two options here are the details behind the calendar development process contractually there are 181 instructional days for students plus two emergency closing days therefore 183 days for students will be represented on the calendar there are three professional development full days for staff from the first day of school to the last day of school on the calendar you will see 186 total days which include 183 instructional days for students to be present there are several limitations we must consider When developing the school calendar at the beginning of the school year the contract requires that we do not start before September 1st and two staff inservice days take place before the first day of school for students during the school year students will not be in school on election days because of the safety concern created by the relatively new law PL 2021 c459 which states no police officer whether on duty or off duty in or out of uniform shall remain or stand within 100t of an early voting location or polling place during the conduct of an election that results in no school for students on the first Tuesday in November and the first Tuesday in June logistical limitations at the end of the school year are as follows graduation cannot be before the last day of school and it cannot be on the last day of school graduation must be at PNC Bank Arts Center due to the size of the graduating class and is therefore limited to taking place on a Monday or a Tuesday as Wednesdays are difficult and Thursdays and Fridays are unavailable many elementary schools do not have air conditioning many schools are also used for summer camp and summer school programs the custodial staff needs at least one week to prepare the buildings for those programs that concludes the logistics we must consider When developing the calendar we would also like the Oldbridge families to be aware that if your child is absent from school due to a New Jersey Department of Education school year observance you are able to make the attendance office at your school aware of that when you call to let them know your child will be absent that day would then be considered an excused absence school year observances can be found on the New Jersey Department of Education website and we have also added a link on the Oldbridge school calendar in consideration of the logistics I mentioned regarding the end of the school year the committee including the parents that joined us have come up with two calendar options and that is what you have in front of you thank you thank you so we will be voting on these next week and Matt I have something yes uh just a reminder um the Oldbridge Education Foundation their second annual casino night is April 11th this Friday is the deadline to get your tickets early uh a regular a regular ticket will get you $500 of funny money at the casino night if you buy your tickets by this Friday the 15th you'll get a $1,000 worth of funny money again the money that's raised for casino night goes towards grant money for teachers so just less money that teachers had to go out come out of pocket for uh it's a great cause it's a great night again April 11th 6:30 at the Palms um from the orridge Education Foundation thank you you Mr Slate anyone else yes me um once again I just want to thank uh you uh Vincent right for saving that child's life yes thank thank you again for that Christina did you have any questions about the calendar or just no well I was reviewing it before and I was I noticed that um on one of the options we had added three holidays um and bringing that would be bringing our school year to end later so I just wanted to see how the community felt about that I don't know if they saw it and that's that's why I don't know I was actually going to jump in and say the same thing I would love to hear from the community whether it be here tonight or you know through email or phone call um what they think on on these two options so that that we have some input on how the community feels yeah are these on the district website for the community to review I don't know that they are I think they were provided to the board um but I'm going to ask Stacey if you could provide any insight into the conversations that surrounded the two calendars and coming up with the addition even just a summary of the conversations I know they were very lengthy conversations and and going back and forth over you know being respectful of all of the holidays that are celebrated in the district and what that means to our students and our staff and and being here for some and not for others and how they impact the calendar so I know you can see in the one calendar of the year we get out much later but that's in relationship to adding some of those holidays which can be difficult so if you want to add anything else uh right so we have had uh community members um approached about Dali and Eid alfit and E alada and uh we have looked at absence data and things like that um so we did want to make everyone aware of the NJ doe school observances um in the conversation we talked about surrounding school districts and what they are doing um regarding those holidays um so we decided to present two options um other school districts have different situations than we do um but we felt that it is important to have those included um but it is a change from what we've done in the past so there you have two options no and I agree I I do think it's important to be able to uh celebrate you know for everyone to celebrate their holidays I just wanted to see how the community felt regarding School ending later than usual and I mean technically it's not that much later um I know I see on one option it would the last day of school would be the 19th which is a Friday and then if we add the three holidays it would be the 25th but that's including the Saturday and Sunday and then you know the three holidays would be Monday Tuesday Wednesday so I just wanted to get some feedback from the community and see how they felt about extending the school year those three days right and um it impacts graduation and I think mostly elementary schools so you can see on the calendar where the 25th is the last day of school uh we recommended that to be half days in anticipation of heat um and then on the calendar so then to talk about graduation the calendar that ends school on on the 19th graduation could be on the 22nd or 23rd however with the calendar where the last day of school is the 25th graduation would be on the 29th or 30th I just want to add to that that even if in the calendar that ends on the 25th even if we didn't utilize the snow days and we were able to end early um graduation still would not end not be until the 29th or 30th so you would potentially have the last day of school um be the 23rd if it was if it ended up to be the 20 if we remove the days from the end of the year which I don't know that it says that on here um this calendar actually notes it does not remove them from the end of the year because it creates another issue of taking those last days off on the Wednesday and Thursday you have three days before you have graduation which is too long two days are built in though two days are built in and I see the note on the bottom that the days if we don't utilize them they we additional day is 19 no it says be returned at the end of the school year okay so it it does create that as an issue that you have all these days off and then graduation yeah I know when I've talked to Administration in the past and said from the community that they feel inequity as far as what holidays we have of what don't um fall break tends to be around some of the Jewish holidays and things like that I was told it was mainly more of the staff because the students can take off excus and it doesn't affect anything um I know for some of the the honors class and the AP classes even though they're excused those kids are still missing work so um and I don't know if staff have the same freedom to take off on their religious holidays as well so years ago and I don't remember within the last 10 years we had one calendar where we were present on the area the days near the fall break which one of them was the Jewish holidays that in that we do have a significant number of staff that it impacts we ended up making it an in one of our inservice professional development days so staff needed to be here students didn't um and we ended up having a significant number of staff that were out so if it had been an instructional day it could have been problematic for coverage and I believe it was between 65 and 70 staff members who were out that day um so that would if that was in addition to our normal number of absences that would be significant anyone else Matt can we because this is a little more informal and not voting on some of these things can we go back to one of these items for discussion is that something yeah we can do go ahead okay so um before next week I was kind of hoping to get a little more information on um this is under forgive me one for one second here Finance it is number 18 the travel and related expense reimbursement so I'm trying to just figure out exactly um what this resolution is saying um about the $150 per staff member um for travel and related expenses so is it just the travel piece um is it the actual workshops or professional development that the staff are attending so that's my first question and then I'll go from there so this is an item that's required with um budget submission so this is just saying that um there's a maximum expenditure which is is usually set High 250,000 saying you cannot exceed that total cost um but the per staff member is for mileage for um conferences is this something that we've always had in place or is this something new you have to put this every year okay so this is okay thank you you're thank you anyone else yes I one more thing um good I do agree that it's a good idea to put both options on the district's website and uh the people could uh send me their votes and I'll consider it see what happens so thank you you mean with the calendar yeah let people get involved and yeah let us know what they want right we have a uh executive close session tonight and I need no you do need a motion to go into EXA yeah but I do need a motion to go wait I'm sorry wait one second I just want to thank the schools who had invited us to read last week um and I want to thank our little preschoolers first of all your son is your twin he's so cute and so sweet but um they gave us these little thank yous for reading to the class and and um yeah so I just wanted to say thank you to the schools that had invited us out to read last week it was the highlight of my week to be in front of kids and reading again and one of the classes basically had to kick me out because I just wanted to stay so thank you thank you to all the schools that invited us to come and I will treasure my little Dr Su hat so thank you Mr silaki I just want to add one thing too go ahead um way back when we had the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School school um myself and the then chief of police met together for approximately three and a half hours to try to find a way how which school students staff and residents can feel safe sending their kids to school after that tragedy and that's where the birth of the um special twos and then eventually special threes in our schools um started it started off as uh a few rotating special threes at the elementary and sro's at the middle school and high school and can you explain what a special two and special three is so a special two is an officer who um either has just retired from the police department and or someone who's placed themsel a a person who has put themselves through the police department um through an academy and paid for it themselves but they're not assigned to a police department full-time so that could be uh like the Jersey Shore Community where they hire a number of special twos because their population over the course of a year is limited but their population escalates um during the summer months so they hire um these special two officers to keep the community safe um and that's where the um and I have to give uh a lot of credit at that point um to Captain Weiss who was our school liaison at the time because it was a great way to employ special TW is our partnership because they were needed in belmare Seaside during the summer months but they weren't needed um during the fall and winter months and that's where he went actually out to those police departments and recruited their summer employer their summer officers to come work in our school so they would have year round of year round employment now um and we were the first ones to do I'm not going to say like someone else could say we we definitely were the first ones to do it because I was talking to him through those recruitment phases and then sadly you know the world is a dark place at times Parkland happened and we knew we knew that we needed to continue with that process and we needed to expand our security force and then we the state put out legislation for special threes which allowed officers to work in schools just after they retired but they can only work in schools they can't work at um community events or so forth but only within schools so our officers that work in our schools are all um either retired or graduates of the academy and um they keep our schools safe every day but through that process I've been through a number of Chiefs and a number of uh police department Liaisons who've worked with my office to ensure we have the best um trained and supportive police staff at our schools I just want to congratulate that our most recently aison um who was Lieutenant Montagna is now Chief Montagna and he was selected tonight by Town Council to be the chief Department it's nice that one of our own who was uh instrumental in protecting our schools is now overseeing the entire department so I'm sure that he will always keep an extra K good eye on our schools as well as the entire community so congratulations to him thank you Mr Seno anyone else before I close up okay we're going to go into executive close session I need a yes Jan will make the motion lent will second thank you good night folks