##VIDEO ID:bQNE7rutJs8## e e e e e e e e e e good evening I'd like to welcome everyone to the August 13th 2024 Oldbridge Township council meeting please rise for a pledge of allegiance and please remain standing for a moment of silence I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all as is customary in this chamber we stand for a moment to remember those who are protecting our freedoms both here and abroad for our First Responders for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for everyone who is suffering around the world and this this evening mayor Wala would like to also acknowledge someone I would like a moment of silence for Frank stefanelli Frank was a employee of Oldbridge as a dispatcher he started volunteering here in Oldbridge in 1998 as a member of Cheesequake first aid Squad he continued to serve with passion and compassion as a lifetime member of the green and white first aid Squad his commitment to the town only grew stronger when he was higher her as a police dispatcher we served for 24 years and 6 months guiding those in need with kindness and expertise his tireless efforts didn't stop there he joined the Oldbridge Township office of emergency management in 2010 where he worked his way up to Deputy coordinator further solidifying his impact on our community Frank was more than just a dispatcher or colleague he was a loyal friend to many here in town hall and a trusted voice in times of crisis his presence will be deeply missed but his memory will continue to inspire his colleagues to serve with the same level of love care and devotion that he embodied every day May Frank stefanelli dispatcher 24 rest in peace moment of silence thank you our prayer Mr PES gidy oh Lord bless thy servants in the ministry of public Affairs who serve thee in this chamber give us quiet minds and hearts that we may hear your voice help us to know when to speak when to be silent give us strength to oppose the wrong and uphold the right grant that we have a good conscience and a soul at peace with thee and with one another amen amen thank you please be seated roll call councilman auli here councilwoman dear here councilman dep here councilman Desai here councilman Garcia here councilman Murphy is absent councilman Pas gidy here Council vice president Dr Greenberg belli here council president soar here this meeting is being held in conformance with the open public meetings act notice has been given to the official newspapers of the township on January 6 2024 has been posted in public places next open public meeting of the township Council will be held on Tuesday September 10th 2024 at 7:30 p.m. thank you very much everyone welcome to the meeting and we'll begin this evening with the proclamations presentations the mayor's 5K check donation to Oldbridge High School junior Roc good evening mayor good evening we had the mayor's 5K health and wellness run back back in April and it was a rainy cold April day but it was very well attended and first I'd like to begin by thanking David Hernandez who worked tirelessly to have this event the success it was I also I would also like to thank our Township employee Rosemary roli Rosemary dedicated many many hours off hours to help us with this event to make it successful as well as our many sponsors that help sponsor the event also our public parks and recreation department our public works department our police department and all the many many volunteers who helped it was very successful and it was the uh race for Hometown Heroes so tonight that enables us to be able to give back to our community and tonight I would like to uh recognize our uh junior RCT uh with the check donation but first I'd like to begin I um was at the ball for the ROC this year and I heard that they had reduced funding they didn't have enough money and some of the parents were saying they were going have to pay for things so I had that in mind when I was when we got the final numbers and I found out that we would be able to donate so I I first thought of the RC so I'd like to call forward Colonel dittle and I see he's here with a bunch of members of The Roc and they don't know that tonight we're presenting them with a check for $6,000 all right please come forward [Applause] we're really hoping that this is going to help you in your in need congratulations what a wonderful thing okay so first off I want to thank you very much mayor and uh members of the commit uh Township that um this donation is incredibly generous way more than anything we were expecting we will certainly put it to good use and um just to toot their horn a little bit uh community service is the way that the RTC programs judge the uh the success of these of these local programs and how each individual group is doing our guys here have won What's called the SilverStar community service with Excellence award which is the highest award that the ROTC can give to a unit and it goes to the top 5% of all the units nationally so that's the top 45 out of of 900 units and these guys have won that award four years in a [Applause] row so again on behalf of the core I want to thank you very very much we want to thank you for all that you do they're always there for our community at all our events for the uh present of the colors and they're always there for us and we want to give back to you thank you so much [Applause] congratulations okay ready okay next will be an introduction of our new police officers Christopher Schwarz and Tyler [Applause] machnik hello everyone my name is uh Tom Montagna I'm the chief of police here at oldridge PD uh tonight I along with mayor Walker have the privilege uh of introducing you to the Oldbridge Police Department's two new police [Applause] officers Christopher Schwarz and Tyler macknik um Christopher and Tyler took their off off oath of office on August 6 2024 and I'll read a small bio uh in ref ref to both officers uh Christopher Schwarz badge number 302 Christopher previously served as a sheriff's officer with the orridge uh I'm sorry the Ocean County Sheriff's department and as a special law enforcement officer class one and class two with the Seaside Heights Police Department Christopher holds an associates degree in homeland security from Ocean County Community College Tyler macknik uh BGE number 303 uh Tyler received is basic police training certification from the Ocean County Police Academy he served as a special law enforcement officer class one and Class 2 with the Seaside Heights Police Department Tyler hold Tyler hold Tyler holds a Bachelor's of Arts degree in criminal justice from Rucker University please join me in Wishing Christopher Schwarz and Tyler macknik much success as they begin their law enforcement career with the orridge police department [Applause] yeah the the funny thing is I started in Seaside in 1991 uh so that's how that's how old I am and uh I actually went to Ocean County police police academy uh in 1992 uh so if you if you my name's on the wall for the Fitness Physical Fitness Award but uh that that's why these guys started where I started so it's great to have him here [Applause] I'd like to welcome Tyler and Christopher to Albridge uh police department we're continuing to grow our Police Department we have a wonderful Police Department here in town and with Chief montaga is getting better okay very nice thank you chief that was a very nice introduction and congratulations from all the council we wish you only the best thank you so much you have a great evening next we have another presentation mayor Walker yes tonight we're very proud to have two students here that happen to be the children of one of our employees we have Zoe I'm going to read a little about them Zoe and demitra I'm going to chop up your name melanopis I okay moved to Greece at six months old and resided there in 2012 at the age of seven once back in the United States they discovered softball to start it was just recreational but their fondness grew which led them to play competitively they speak highly of obridge high school for the impact it had on their journey and for helping them achieve their dreams the twins are now focused on the 2028 Olympics where they aspire to compete for the Greek team they are currently preparing for the upcoming qualifying tournaments and many World Cups we are so proud of them both and wish them the best of luck on their exciting incredible achievement I'd like to read one of the plaques they're identical with just different names on them and recognition of your great achievements and soft B and for your upcoming participation in the 2028 Olympics congratulation Oldbridge is proud of you 2024 please come [Applause] [Applause] up oh thank you oh thank you they're going to say a few words let them know where you're heading to college tell them all about you know so I'm Zoe and this is my twin demitra demitra okay and I want to start off by saying thank you guys like so much this is such an honor but um I've said it once I've said it to everybody I've met and I'll say it again that Oldbridge coming back to Oldbridge was the best decision we've ever made go um I wanted to say a couple thanks to some important people that really helped us through our journey we have Dr Sasso amazing principal at o high school we have our athletic director Mr Domino he believed in us soed our coaches coach Angela Deo and Joe Deo both of them have really helped us and the fact that they were able to Believe in Us really helped us find our love for the game again but [Applause] take some pictures yeah okay watch they put you well congratulations ladies what a wonderful honor and thank you for sharing it with us we really appreciate that thank you so much okay yeah it is Oldbridge proud correct okay next we get into a little more serious note um we'll be we'll be discussing the 2023 Municipal audit good evening no Olympics for you guys no okay come on up okay oh there she is Olympic dawn hello good evening la la la yeah oh yeah yeah very nice wor they'll clean it up okay thank you ladies have a good night everyone thank you bye now thanks so much okay good evening Mr Allison our Olympic auditor okay we go um we complete our audit at the end of June um and uh once again uh good I guess boring news is that we had a clean opinion a very good opinion on the on the basic financial statements which is the best opinion you can get it that's unqualified and we also have a clean opinion on the audits of specific grants which the state and federal government um require that those specific grants this year was the Corona virus uh recovery funds from the federal government and do we have a we had a state audit this year no State no State audit this year so um uh but that was a large a large Grant and we needed to really look into that and and everything came up clean there um as far as the result of Financial uh uh of finances uh again I'm happy to report that you're in strong shape your uh Surplus or fund balance grew you're up about maybe 24% of your budget um that will that will uh make you look very strong in the eyes of the rating agencies um they like to see that around that percent and uh um it's it's is very strong it's up probably a couple of percent from the prior year so you continue to do a very good job as far as as far as the stewardship of the taxpayer monies um and there were no formal comments or recommendations um and is there anything else you think D did a great job thank you for all your help too Bob any questions yeah I'm going to say on my left is does any council person have a question for Mr Allison no all right anyone on our right a question okay so obviously everyone is very pleased and uh thank you for rule that you do as well and for this team that really is really following it's a good team we work together all year long it's not just you and the ladies here I mean this is a that's not that's not a hit and run auto we come in and we advise all year long good yeah no no you follow a very good path so we have a great track record since uh' been doing this you know yeah so we're very pleased I just want to thank VI for all the work that they do all year because the budget is a year C it's not just one month like we think and I want to thank Anna she stepped in for hamu U she's doing a fantastic job and I want to also thank uh former mayor Henry and homacho put us on the right footing and we're going to continue to do that continue to keep the town financially stable yep it's a very good plan so thank you all I want yes absolutely thank you Bob okay and everybody's good all right well thank you so much and you have a nice evening thank you so much okay approval of minutes resolution approving the regular combined meetings of January 1st 2024 February 6th 2024 April 9th 2024 May 14th 2024 June 11th 2024 June 25th 2024 and July 9th 2024 do I have a motion move it second okay move by Dr Greenberg belly second by Mr Desai yes Mr roll call councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Pas gidy yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg B yes council president soar yes and it shows how the year goes by Boy Next is the bill list um Mr Garcia please yes thank you Bill list as of August 133 2024 counts payable August 13 2024 8,812 1827 payroll July 19 2024 1,297 $ 7,225 payroll overtime July 19 2024 32892 187 payroll August 2nd 2024 1,374 2549 payroll overtime August 2nd 2024 34,7 19668 that completes my report thank you than thank you and can we have a breakdown of the overtime please Anna thank you there were no major Optics in our payroll overtime for July 19 2024 uh police sworn police overtime was $2,115 199 the duck 3,000 the duck grants $3,673 31 the duck etto 8,681 for a total of $837 457 and a total of 147 hours the August 2nd 2024 payroll also did not have any major uptakes in its overtime the swor police overtime was $22,800 77447 the duct etto $615 545 for a total of $1,785 77 and a total of13 half hours thank you okay okay thank you very much do I have a motion move it okay moved by Mr dama second by Mr auli roll call councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Pas gidy yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg belli yes and council president soar yes okay I'm going to change this up a little bit the um the agenda I'm going to put the discussion ordinance down and this way we can move forward with the with the balance of the um the agenda I'd like to do the ordinance of first reading F fr1 an ordinance of the township of Oldbridge amending chapter 250 of the code of the township of Oldbridge entitled Oldbridge Township Land Development ordinance by amending various sections of the same do I have a motion move it okay move by Dr Greenberg belli second by Mr auli roll call councilman auli yes Council dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman pasti yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg belli yes council president soar yes uh second reading in public hearing set for SE September 10th 2024 okay thank you all right next will be cons ENT agenda I'd like to get a motion in a second and then I will ask for separations do I have a motion second okay separation move by Dr Greenberg belly second by Mr pasky uh any items for separation councilman auli no thank you councilwoman dearo any items for separation no thank you councilman dama any items for separation uh just see 25 c25 councilman Desai no thank you councilman Garcia I have none thank you councilman Pas gidy no separations thank you Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes C2 24 and council president soar uh I have none thank you okay so we'll take a mo we'll take a vote on the balance without c24 c25 councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman pasti yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soar yes eight gues okay next will be c24 Dr Greenberg Bell yes this um yes this litigation um settlement to the Ron Bay slag sub um fund site down at the beach in Lawrence Harbor it's very frustrating when we get to this point this many years later and the town is held um for $8 million um when we did not cause the problem um there is a responsibility obviously it's our property but I think the the uh responsibility really should go to the federal government because the um core um Army Corps of Engineers gave permission for them to put this lead there encapsulate to put this lead here so it's very frustrating this many years later that if it was remediated x amount of years ago nearly 40 years ago the cost you can imagine would be much smaller and now this is such a burden on the township of Oldbridge and I certainly hope that the federal government will revisit this so the taxpayers are not responsible for this but we need to get it done it's been going on for a long time the litigation so I understand it but it's just mindboggling thank you thank you do I have a motion or anyone else would you like yeah just for on that that resolution um well it's it's a not to exceed amount so um I'm very confident we won't be hitting that number the $8 million number so it wasn't I in talking to our bond counsil we just did that for safety purposes but I'm I'm 99.9% certain that it won't be at 8 million it'll be less than that in what we had discussed closer to what we had discussed previously we just wanted that for this purposes establish that right yeah no I agree but just just so we know correct agre that this is it's difficult but it's a decision that has to be made I don't think any one of us really feels comfortable you know in the sense of that we had responsibility but unfortunately after much you know deliberation there really is very little we can do other than what we've done I mean I think you've done a very good job U Mr relli trying to get us the best possible scenario and it's never easy so something that we really have to finish we can't continue on like this correct I agree you know one of the things that the town was facing was you know potentializing ability of because of the environmental laws it gets complicated yeah you know you're looking at a potential $100 million liability scary so given what has gone on last couple years and been able to get reimbursement and we're still still working to try to get more reimbursement some of our carriers uh you know then the number is uh drastically less than that now as I said it's going to be between the six and $8 million number and it won't be8 million I know that for I think I think you know the town has done its due diligence has really tried to get the best out of a really bad situation it's not something that was taken lightly or done in haste we really have traveled every Avenue and tried to get any any help we could get so it was something that was done very very meticulously so thank you for that for all your you know looking through everything and well like you said we really have no choice in but it has to be done okay so do I have a motion Mo okay okay motion by Mr auli second Mr damad second roll call councilman auli yes councilwoman daro yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman pasidi yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soar yes eight guesses okay thank you next will be C 25 Mr dama just um one quick question yeah sure uh the money is it what is it exactly for is it for 911 or something different so it's for quite a few items in the police department and I do have Lieutenant doctors who's here who can give you a little bit more of a a breakdown um but this was something that we submitted request for funding last year uh to the federal government to upgrade all of our Tech uh police technology in May in March of 99th of 24 we found out that the grant was awarded so we've been working over the last few months um in finalizing the details of the grants and we have been notified that the grant is officially ours so umen well that's good news I mean it's nice for you to let us know exactly how this is going to you know roll out so uh yeah we put this together we had the 911 p app uh Grant a couple months ago so that's something separate okay uh this is all technology grants uh we're getting new mobile data terminals for the cars new incar cameras for the cars uh we're updating the emergency Operation Center which is upstairs the where we meet for the budget and everything that room so that's 15 years in the making to revamp that room um there's a ton of basically what it says technology issues portable radios car radios all stuff that we desperately need you know with the growing Force um so that's basically everything that's Encompass but we had to break it down to to the last penny on what we plan on on using the the grant for okay and that's great that we were able to have these grants and apply for them and be able to be successful because it really does help in this time when money is really that's a that's a nice amount of money over million that's yeah it's going to help us out great the only thing they wanted using for was drones which was disappointing couldn't couldn't buy drones with a technology Grant but we'll find another way yeah but in the meantime that is a positive ever y thank you thank you you make a motion I'll move it okay second okay moved by Mr and second by Dr Greenberg Bell thank you Mr joh councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman pasidi yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soar yes eight yeses that's very good one thank you okay I'm going to do the administrative report and then we'll go back to the discussion items okay good evening Anna hello again hello so our 2024 annual curb replacement program has begun on Wednesday June 31st 2024 at 1M bids were received open and read in public for the 2024 annual curb replacement program contract number 20244 bids from 13 contractors were re received with lancha Construction Corporation being the lowest qualified bidder the project will include Ada sidewalk improvements installation of new Under drain Drainage Systems some pump connections curb replacement on Ritner Lane Mercer Road and benley Avenue the award of this contract has been included on tonight's consent agenda and work is anticipated to begin late this summer senior Police Academy the obridge police department will host a free senior Police Academy applicants must be age 65 or older and be a resident of orbridge the classes will be held every Wednesday in September at 9:00 a.m. for about 2 to three hours per class attendees will learn about popular scams that Target seniors traffic stops fire safety first aid and will attend K9 demonstrations drone demonstra demonstrations and a tour of the middlex County police training center limited spots are available and for for more information and to sign up please contact orbridge PD Community police detective denafo at 732 721-5600 extension 3170 Parks and Recreation vendor applications for orridge day are now on our website it is scheduled for Saturday September 21st from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. for more information and to download an application please visit orb bridge.com Recreation or call 732 721-5600 extension 4999 and just one more addition to our report this evening uh we are inviting everyone to come out to National Night Out tomorrow night it was rescheduled from last week's uh rain week that we had um so it will be held in the complex here from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and we hope it looks like it's going to be a beautiful night come out bring the kids and we'll have a great evening thank you thank you does anyone have any questions for Anna okay then I will take a motion to accept second move by Dr Greenberg belly second by Mr pas gidy roll call councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Pas gidy yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg belli yes council president soar yes eight yeses okay is there a report of the Township Clerk no report of the township attorney yeah Madam president just uh I want to bring up another um favorite topic for governing bodies um we are approaching uh our next round of affordable housing requirements so um I've been talking with v about it and um you what probably do is maybe in meeting in September there certain things that we're going to have to start hitting but I know should already started working behind the scenes but um the the way as you know they adopted a new law the laws changed way it used to do it um now what's going to happen is is that um come late October probably November uh the state's going to come out with each municipality's number right um and then and then um the town has the opportunity to um complete its review come up with its uh housing element fair share plan and to uh to come up with the number it believes it is and and that um eventually by next year early next year a resolution will be be have to be adopted by Council I think it's the end of January that basically States you know where what the number is and how the town's going to accomplish it and then uh I Believe by mid 2025 ultimately have our plan in place right but um I just want to put that on your radar because aside from all the other stuff Ena has been working on this is going to be another item that's significant correct yeah that's a big undertaking right it's changed and and um the issue always is or again we've talked about this you know when they come up and they they determine the number exactly deal so uh I just want to put that on your radar so that that stuff will be out for Council okay thank you so much okay you good all right so what we're going to do now we'll go back and we'll um have the discussion item that I held off on uh discussion ordinance an ordinance amending chapter 27 three of the Township Code entitled lunchwagon mobile thank you um council president so we're revisiting our mobile lunch uh lunch wagons uh ordinance to make some changes to uh streamline some of the requirements to have um food trucks within the township so some of the major changes that we made um were was was the 350 ft radius for notification purposes so uh it used to be 500 and it was from the property line of wherever the complex was now it will be 350 ft from the location of the food truck um so it tightens up the area so that some places have issues where it um falls into some residential behind large complex um so we wanted to try and tighten it up a little bit we uh also took away um the ordinance used to be read as you needed to send a letter to all the property owners and get a positive consent that it was okay for this food truck to be within 500 feet of um their location now we just have where we have to notice any residential and that if there are any food vendors within that 350 feet that they would have to get positive consent from any food establishments within that 350 foot radius um that was the major changes I I didn't if anybody has any questions I'll be Mark and I would both be willing to answer any questions you have Okay so I don't know if anybody has yes go ahead so just to clarify as far as um being close to residential I I was a little unclear with that um we're allowing it to be closer to residential or is it can you explain that a little bit more because we went from 500 to 350 so I want to make sure that we're not getting closer to residential right we went from 500 to 350 because it was from it used to be from the entire property perimeter now it's 350 from the location of the truck so if Mark help me out here so so the the difficulty I guess the issue that was that was presenting for some of these um lunch food wagons is that and typically everyone's more familiar with the 200 foot list right that when you go to planning board zoning board applications you generate 200 foot lists well it's a it's a it's a um program that municipalities have and this is one of the difficulties though and I've talked to this I talked about the radius situation the the program works it's two it's it measured from the property line right so you have a site and here's a property line so that what would happen is they would generate a list of all the property owners within 500 feet of the property line so it could be an extensive list now let's say you happen to be on Route N9 and the establishment where you want to place your truck is in a retail establishment but there's a Housing Development next to it that would be 500 now so you it's a business on route nine but because the housing developments within not 500 ft the property line then the the the the uh person who wants to run the truck would have to notify all those owners in that development uh so most of whom they wouldn't even know the truck's there I think that's the thought it's a sort of an honorous undertaking for them to do that and then a lot of the times is that they would send the notice out but they wouldn't get a response back uh because it required them to be affirmative statement for all the people that they sent saying hey I don't object and I think that the thought was to okay uh let's um let's while we're going to provide notice and and and but the individuals that who are most concerned for instance if in you're in a because it applies to private property there happens to be another food establishment in the area where they are well now you have brick and mortar versus the food truck so there's competition so naturally you want the property owner has to give you written consent and then any food establishment who would be within that 300 foot radius of where the truck is located would have to be consent hard part is um having a program you know measuring that 300t radius well I mean you know you could somebody could have a plan say this is where my truck is you know it's geometry do a do a 300 foot radius you can figure it out on a on a on a map but we don't and we're the the when I say we the township is the one that generates the the uh the list for notice we don't have the technology currently to devise that that list right because it doesn't measure it from a spot it's me meas from the property lines so we'd have to come up uh and that was one of the discussions I I had with um with Kate and and you know and had talked about it before that that's just you know technology it may exist but we don't have it uh so that's one of the things that we deal about so so it that that was the thought I believe um by trying to capture the uh people most impacted which would ideally be uh those businesses who would be in competition on site rather than like I said if there's a residential neighborhood that happens to be within 500 foot of the property line who most times wouldn't even see not being able to get their written consent that's right is that why this um this kind of got Revisited because the food trucks were having trouble uh getting responses and and things yeah so so I mean k can answer that but that was one of the things right because you you know you know in like when in in for planning board all you have to do is send a notice out you don't have to as long as you mailed it it's good but the way it was was affirmative consent by everyone you sent notice to so now the affirmative consent was changed to the well still the property owner and then anyone who's within any food establishment within that 300 foot radius from where the location of the truck is would would also have to um okay now there there's also other conditions in there that we added I mean while you still have to get the approval you know one of the concerns you have with the mobile food trucks when you a lot of times if they're trying to go into a development or site that already has site plan approval sometimes those areas already may have a parking variance so typically you know you know most of them probably don't take up more than than two parking spaces but they could because you know maybe they have I don't know they have signs or whatever they have near it so so you don't they they shouldn't be placed on areas that already receive the parking variant because the parking already compromised and you don't want to create additional issues so so there's language in the ordinance that says that to that that if if a site received already received a parking variants then they wouldn't be able to go on that particular site um because of the fact that someone already asked for it so um you know you have to there there's a lot of balancing uh acts that you have to deal with uh relative well you know it's U and and I explained the Kate I think the important thing to remember is that it's sort of this is sort of it's a privilege to to issue this it's like a driver's license or used to be a driver's licenses right when they didn't start giving out to everybody but hey that's another story um it's a privilege to get a driver's license right so it's a privilege to have a food license because most towns don't allow so so therefore to the extent that somebody wants to have the privilege to have a food truck in your town then you need to look at it and say hey all right fine you'll be here but you need to meet these requirements um and I think that was the idea to to try to balance all those different interests okay left Mr jaom and I'm actually the one that asks to to put this up on for discussion I think this came up in 2020 or 20121 and it kind of got lost and I I I was looking back at some of our ordinance that we needed to visit this was one of them and it just it was overly burdensome on the individual all it needed was one person not to consent one person to be a snowbird right I mean let's just say for instance you were in one of the Senior Communities and there were snowbirds and you were trying to put it into development that would go to their home they would never consent because they may not get it for two or three months right or by the time they would have gotten it to their second home it was too late so so what I wanted to do was to look at this and you know we need to be business friendly we need to draw the the businesses that want to come here we need to draw it but make sure it's done in the right way make sure that folks understand what's going on not just have one individual not answer or one individual say I don't want it and then you could have a thousand people say yes one person say no how's that fair for a business right we don't have those restrictions on a brick and mortar to for some to say I don't want that restaurant we shouldn't have it for here you know I know a few of my my close friends have owned restaurants in the past some of them own restaurants out of state and they've told me like this is where a lot of higher end chefs are going so they're not just saying I only want bricking mortar they want to bring these because they could do a lot more you know I don't want to say fancier stuff but they could do things in a way that they can't necessarily do it in a restaurant right and it's also good for upstarts people who want to become chefs they have a family recipe they have it we had the Empanada truck in town we have a couple other things that we've had in town those folks get their start at some of these smaller venues right going to going to a fair go to Old Bridge day whatever that might be and then hey people love it great they want to go into let's say Fairway Plaza on Route n where the old shopright was our current ordinance the way that it's written 500 ft from the back of Fairway Plaza goes to mcdot so I mean that's a giant Circle and then it goes across route n right how's that fair to not only the the business owner that's trying to bring a food truck but what about the landlord who wants to to bring that in to supplement maybe some of you know the money they're losing because that Plaza isn't full because maybe they have a lease agreement coming up with somebody so I just thought that we needed to start to look at this and I thought this was an easy get right now because we w substantially changing a lot but really just make it a little bit more friendly not only for the business owners but also the landlords too anyone on my right Mr P yes Eric thank you very much for bringing that forth because um it was few years back we had this discussion and I'm really happy that everybody worked on this ordinance because it did need to be adjusted and the 350 foot sounds more reasonable I know a lot of people in Oldbridge love the food trucks you know they're they're just they offer a different variety they're fast you know you don't have to go in and sit down in a restaurant it's a different environment so I'm really glad that we're making an effort to make it more um attractive for folks to come in with food trucks cu it's been too restrictive okay anyone else on my right Dr Green yeah you could always look at things from both ends so you know it's attractive you know um as far as like you say for startup someone starting there for for a food truck but you always worry about the brick and water whether it's going to take away any business from them so my question is also in say like um one of the shopping centers are say like one food truck goes there can you have more than one food truck at a time that's I think based off of how everything is written you have to abide by parking regulations the zoning and stuff like that so if thetically you put one food truck and that causes it to you know take two three four five spots away and now they don't meet the parking requirements then you could only have that single food truck right and plus in here you have it written where the other food establishments have are okay it's not so you are allowing know first rer refusal for for those businesses as well and my thought was you know there are a number of places where I might go to get something from a food truck and there's other restaurants there but my kids don't necessarily eat what I eat it's hot spicy foods they're not going to eat that they'd laugh at me but if you're in another where it's a pizzeria or another establishment at least then there's options for me to get something or my wife to get something and then for my children to get something as well or whoever else is with us and I don't think people realize that these um food trucks also um are under Health inspections also so I want to make that clear for everyone anyone else mayor did you have anything you wanted to add no I don't have yeah I mean originally we thought it was 200 ft which was not good we were originally told that and we're like no that's too close but the 350 uh I understand the Restriction of the property line cuz like I know one of the vendors it was Gateway which is a very big piece of property so if you go 500 feet from the property line you're pretty far and then you're across the highway on the other side so that is restrictive but the one thing I do like about this is that the other food establish brick and water do have to say yes that was very important because if they didn't say yes because it's not fair because they pay taxes you know um also something we were thinking of considering maybe have a location like the shop right where maybe the food trucks could all go one location like that like a yeah a mobile food court like you said yes and Anna do you want to add something sure just one more thing I know council person the car about this up before the the ordinance does state that no launch wagons or food trucks are permitted in any residential zoning District so at Le that's right all right anybody else no okay I guess it will just close by saying it is a balance and we're trying to do you know what we think is best for for everyone in the situation so hopefully this is again a work in progress thank you for bringing it up Mr dama and um I think we have that's how how we have to look at things as things change we have to work with it and try to you know make it a a good thing for everyone okay so do you want to make a motion to the one thing I know normally we move this we have these discussions move at the first reading I know this is something that we may want our planet to look at so instead of moving it to First reading today could we have Vina would you be able to take a look at it and we could have it for first reading for the the next council meeting on the 10th I know we typically do that but I'd much rather you or Nicole possibly could take a look and maybe even just a quick chat with the zoning officials make sure what we did I think I know things but I don't know all of the zoning right I know this stuff from planning but not all from zoning I just want to make sure that you know even though Mark looked at it wall are okay as well very good okay so motion to well no well I think we going to leave it at we leave it at this the discussion was a positive discussion we and we all I would ask is that it on the September 10th meeting we have for first reading after 10 after our planner had a chance to review y okay that makes good sense I'm glad you thank you okay everyone's good with that correct president actually thinking you probably should take a motion right that's to that to for for next time right I make a motion for first reading yeah second it so a motion by Dr Greenberg belly a second by Mr dama roll call Council auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman pascy Kathy counil vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes council president soor yes eight yeses God I need a timeout chair all right now next we going up public comment next is public comment the public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments this section is open for any topic or items in the consent agenda in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-12 in the Oldbridge rules of council the council ask the public to limit their comments to 3 minutes or less only one member of the public shall approach to speak to council at a time the council will respect the Public's Time by refraining from any comment until the speaker is finished with their allotted time it should be further noted that the public comment portion of our meeting is not structured as a question and answer session if a member of the public has questions they seek answers to an appointment can be made with the corresponding Department's office during regular business hours Township Clerk will regulate the time during the comment portion of our meeting as you approach the microphone please see whether you are a resident of Oldbridge no names Andor addresses okay thank you very much is there anyone in the public who wishes to be heard this evening good evening come forward please good evening ladies and gentlemen how are you today good uh I know you said no names but I will say my name is Michael I am a resident here I'm a proud resident here of Oldbridge um my family lives here my children go to school here um I myself have been through and since I'm here and I refuse to leave so you're kind of stuck with me um I am a veteran of this country and very happy to see everything that's going on you have the two officers um I come to you tonight and Mr dep I hope you don't mind if I quote you just quick not bad I love how you said this is a business friendly town and to we're looking to review older ordinances one ordinance I want to have considered to possibly review was uh ordinance 2021 D15 uh that specifically speaks to to make it easy dispensaries and medical marijuana and recreational use here in Oldbridge I know this was uh put into effect in 21 I am looking to possibly bring it being myself a business person and trying to understand how things work I see the benefit but I also want to see how people's opinions and Views May differ from mine so I can see them and I want to see where we're on the same page as well I've reached out to some of you on this Council I've reached out to the chief I've spoken with quite a few of you some of you haven't had that ability um some of you have flat out told me they can't meet with me because they have no interest in hearing anything I have to say um my only ask is that I get to sit down have conversations understand from both sides both points and make it clear that some things that are perceived are not always what they are things have changed not just in the last 30 40 years things have sign L changed in this world in the last two three years I think taking a second look and having a conversation from a different view is the best that we can do to progress forward I appreciate your time thank you very much much have a great evening you okay is there anyone else in the audience good evening good evening thank you for giving us an opportunity to speak I come to the council meeting to request the council launch an investigation of unacceptable be conduct of one of your appointed appointments no you know I'm going to stop so this been brought up multiple times excuse me no no no no no excuse me brought up multiple times Council you you've made your voice heard you worked at the zoning board it's about PL the individuals we all know who it's about you've directed to them they decided that member remain on the zoning you can can I just finish what I'm I I understand what the only reason the concern is and and and there a warning is that some of the statements while the township cannot represent individuals in in in uh uh liable actions or slander actions certainly an individual can and and uh to the extent that there there are things that are ledged that I've heard over the last couple of weeks about this individual um I don't know if they're true or not well you could see the video it's on the police but there there are recourses that anybody you could take the other individual could take right so so again so you you've brought it forth before multiple times Council Council obviously the individual still on the zoning board so unless there's something new yes yes first of all can I can I can I interrupt you the the the council president actually has to stop me no disrespect I and hold on wait can can I can I just I know I know no no I understand that and I appreciate that I understand I don't want to do a reparte what I do want to ask you is that Mr Sullivan from the zoning board said that the council actually had to take this up what I'm asking you to do is to have a public commentary time or private I don't really care where you bring in the people who were assaulted who the bring in the people so again stop so again allegedly assaulted how's that allegedly do you like the word allegedly better no so so no it is better but no they're not going to do it because that's not what it's about if in fact someone was allegedly assaulted there's recourse it's not for that type of action it's not this board the only thing this board does is appoint M actually actually what I was told by Mr Sullivan who's the chairman of The Other Board understand that and his lawyer so again to the extent that you have to do it I mean the board when I say you I I I wasn't there well I don't know what he said but I do know what this board does the aboard appoints members to the zoning board what you're talking about has nothing to do with the Appo okay then I have a second I have another request we'll go on I'll go on I have another request back a couple years ago and no you could start again that's okay back a couple years ago there were several members of the council some here still and some not here who were brought up on ethics charges and were asked to um take training you know on sensitivity training what I would like you to do so again hold on no no no no no no you you made a statement I've been here for a while and and I don't know when you say they've been brought up on ethics charges to my recollection the the Ethics Committee has never made a recommendation that people take the course I I read the recommendation I I it's it's public had nothing to do with ethics charges you're right I apologize misuse of language but this is the point it had nothing it had nothing to do with ethic no no but see see the pro here's the problem the problem is is that you make a statement and most people don't know what you're you know where you're coming from so it's so facts are important do you want me to do you want me to bring up rehash the whole part no you don't because it has nothing to do with ethics it had to do with they unilaterally brought something forward that they weren't asked to do and it wasn't a charge that was filed against any individual okay that's the back that's that's what happened sir what I am asking this board to do and I don't think it's Out Of Reach of this board is to consider training ethics training sensitivity training Dei training which I'm sure that every single person on this board can attest makes your lives better because and most of the people on this board work in a professional position and they have to take these courses so while I'm asking you because you don't want me to bring up everything about the individual to consider that the entire community of people who are appointed take the training I don't think it's such a bad thing to take the all boards when you're appointed to a board they under they undergo they require to have training because State requires it and I believe part of that trainings deals with ethics as well right so that that is part of would you look into it for me I I I know that for a fact okay and but but to the extent that that occurs it does occur and they're required to do it so that is addressed really ethic ethics training is part of Okay so if I Oprah it I can find every single name from every single person on every single board in this town has signed a document having taken the training it's training for they should have it's training for the board the zoning board and the planning board so when you're appointed member you're required to undergo training the training includes what do you have do you have a syllabus I do not have a syllabus but you they review the the placement on the board and part of that training because I've given is to include as a member there's ethical considerations when you're in Conflict when you shouldn't vote when you should recuse yourself because that's an important part of any board member whether it's here planning board or zoning board so you're really you're really trying to push the threshold up right is that what you're asking us to do I'm not asking you to do anything I'm just stating you know what's supposed to happen and what the state requirements are okay well listen thank you very much for your time um besides the the get out uh the night the what is it the National Night Out which is super fantastic on Saturday morning there's an Indian day uh a celebration in the morning at 10:00 at the count right here on on the township on grounds which I hope everybody's going to be in attendance for it's a super day having grown up in South India by the way for those who don't know I think it's a fabulous opportunity to meet people in our community that you may otherwise have not met and enjoy great food and great great time 10 o'clock on Saturday morning thank you very much there anyone else that wishes to be heard good evening good evening I'm here to correct misinformation misrepresentation about a former retired New York Police Department Sergeant Patricia Chester who was being so that that don't you shouldn't name names I only named it because the lady that I'm talking about mention this lady's name so that's why I mention it I'll mention it once and I won't okay thank you uh who's being viciously attacked by one Nina jock nowitz she mentioned Patricia testver before all complains against former retired police Sergeant PAT test DTI were exonerated unsubstantiated and unfounded you casually forgot to mention that in your rant about her retired Sergeant is a decorated law enforcement officer with many awards and citations for her outstanding work as an nypg officer you didn't mention that Pat was a 911 first responda your problem with retired NYPD Sergeant is that she represents everything you can't use to push your agenda of using name calling for those who do not abide by your demands Pat is an openly gay woman a practicing Catholic a law enforcement officer who was not a Dei hire nor receive promotions as a Dei she does not consider herself a victim of her lifestyle Pat is a bright intelligent diligent member of the Oldbridge zoning board who has never shown a bias toward anyone you and your Pary are the bias name calling crew who label anyone who does not buy into your agenda you call people racist trans phobic homophobic anti- this anti- that because you maliciously feed on division for your agenda you know nothing about who are members of other people's families you planted Flags without permission and when they were removed so again right the whole idea is as I said right you you everyone just calm down right so let's again you can disagree with what's stated about the the me the member so again it's not about making it personal about people that's the problem trying to make not to make it personal I understand what you're trying to say you're trying to speak on that that person's behalf and and trying to clarify the record from that perspective also to mention things that people in the public do not know so there were three members of this board before they were presently the mayor the council president and vice chair who were harassed coming into and leaving the meeting their cars were surrounded they had to park in safe places because of harassment I get that so I I think the important part is again as I said to the extent that those types of things occurred there's processes for that and I think the individuals in this Council would know that right there's you can file police reports you can file complaints with the police department that's that's the process to be followed well I'm tired of listening to this woman go to every single meeting and have things to if they don't go her way then you are you are I understand that so that's right so that's why tonight when was going that direction there's there is no name calling I we get it I know you're un clarify the record there's no reason this Council appointed the individual that individual's still on the zoning board I think that's all you need to know right I understand what you're trying to do to the extent that they wanted there's things that they however they receive it what they do I think that's the bottom line is that member still sits on the zone board individuals still there right so the issue is not coming up here the comments have to do with government business and it really gets you position where people are you know pointing fingers at other people I understand they need to clarify record because right somebody can say anything I don't know if it's true or not right I don't know uh many people don't know that's why I caution people when you make statements someone else and I know it's you know lawsuits are expensive but they're not protected you mean they somebody could sue somebody for liable for slander things like that right down won't do it but those individuals have those rights so that's what we have to to be cognizant of this is not going to be a situation where you get up she gets up it's not not going to happen I whether people come now they're listening it's not going to happen it's done that issue's done right we're moving forward thank you for your time I appreciate it and I think a food court would be wonderful for trucks there's actually develop who's talked to us about that oh really okay yeah okay good evening is there anyone else okay good evening hello Council can you hear me okay my name is Kathy I'm an Oldbridge resident um this past Sunday I had uh my neighbor had a medical emergency she came to my house she's okay it definitely was an emergency the police were there within 2 minutes ambulance within five paramedics within seven or eight it was great thank you all the volunteers we're very proud thank you Kathy thank you very much is there anyone else who wishes to be heard seeing no hands I will close the public portion and now um post um Council next will be council member comments councilman as ay I do there's a difference between a disagreement and disrespect when you disagree and I can disagree with my colleagues and that's okay but when we disrespect someone we don't talk a couple of weeks I was leaving this meeting and I was stopped outside and as I was walking a bunch there was people outside that wanted to talk with me no problem nah Janowski as I was walking she put her hands on me which was not cool and I told her that you can talk we can speak but don't it is not cool to ever put your hand on anyone for that matter and she knows I told her don't do that and then we proceeded to have an hour conversation with everybody which was very productive and I enjoyed it immensely but in this environment no one has the right ever to put their hands on anyone is such division just hurts my soul to see the hatred that's going on just in this country in towns and then after we proceeded to talk and we had a great conversation and I was thankful for it and I was even asked to go for a cup of coffee so we can further have a good conversation but we can't get to a point when someone puts their hand on someone else that is totally uncalled for no matter who you are not cool and I said it and she knows it and then we were cool I'll leave it right there she knows exactly what I'm saying my first eight months up here have been on a positive note has been fantastic I'm working alongside of my colleagues and honestly I've learned a lot and I want to thank all of you for mentoring me over the last eight months you know people get into politics and they say you know it's about you know pocket picking and who's making money and who's doing certain things but I have to tell you my experience has been nothing short of amazing they care about the people and they put people first a lot of times you may have a good conscience and get into politics and think some people don't but I believe up here we totally do and it makes me feel good to work alongside you because I believe that when people get involved they have a good conscience and they don't see good things and they give up but I truly believe that Oldbridge is worth fighting for and I want to thank the engineering department Public Works Finance every the mayor everybody on here I've asked for things quickly for the residents Casey calls me back in two minutes Fred engineering back in one second Anna I need something done the called done this is the party of GSD we get stuff done and I'm thankful and blessed to be part of it and hopefully I continue to do good things alongside all of you in the future to come thank you all because for us it's all about you thank you councilwoman darara thank you Kate um first and foremost I just want to to uh express my deepest condolences to the family of Frank stefanelli um I didn't know him personally but I knew his face and I knew his name and I have heard you know what a wonderful uh human being he was he was way too young and um my heart goes out to his family so um I just wanted to say that first of all um I also wanted to say congratulations to our girls uh the girls Zoe and Demitri I'm going to screw up their name mil milonopoulos um you know I'm I'm thrilled that they came from Greece and they came here to Oldbridge and they are thrilled with our Oldbridge schools and how wonderful our schools are to um you know to embrace them and you know she gave a shout out to Dr Sasso who is really One of a Kind he's one of are one of the best principles and uh he really can relate to our kids so um I wanted to just congratulate them on on such a great job and I can't wait to see them uh in the Olympics hopefully um with regard to um what was going on here I just like to say first of all Michael um I don't know if you reached out to me I don't know if I missed an email I didn't hear from you at all so I apologize if you did and I didn't respond um so by all means reach out to me I'm always available for discussion I will never tell you that you know I don't want to talk about something um I very much always hearing one side both sides you know hear both sides of an of a of a situation and then make a decision so I would be glad to speak with you no no problem um I don't I don't know enough about either side of the that debate to have any decision or have any uh comment on it right now um as far as what just went on here um I'm just a little disappointed um you know names were mentioned and you know we have this whole thing Daniel's law and we don't let anybody come up and say names and we even had a council member say someone's name and that just was not right and um you know we purposely have this Daniel's law for a reason and you know I don't know why that was okay that someone's name was mentioned um you know Mark I just don't I don't understand time out well can I just finish yeah but but Daniel's law doesn't apply globally it only it only applies to a class of people that if you're former police officer judge now they extended it well what class of people well then it doesn't apply to anyone that comes up here to speak it shouldn't apply to anyone then here's the well here's because that's what I thought I thought it only applied to elected officials and things like that the problem problem the reason why you do that is because you have to have minutes and if you post minutes and then let's say at some point uh that they have a family member who becomes a police officer it extends to their family now you have to go back find all the minutes redact those individuals names so it creates the issue of H for the clerk that's a nightmare so in order to avoid that to occur that's the reason why we don't have individuals come forward to give their name just resident and non-resident because of the onus that comes with respect to the of the law if it applies to an individual that that's the reason because otherwise you're not going to post minutes there was an issue that we you know when this first came out you know we had to go back and pull minutes uh because there there may been individuals that appli to you have to go back through years and years and years of minutes in order to decipher that all right I'm still disappointed that that um that a name was mentioned it shouldn't have been from an elected official it should not have been that's all I'm saying You can disagree with me when I do the minutes I do not put any even if the name is mentioned I do not put anybody's name in I appreciate that Kate yeah I appreciate that I just think it was wrong and it shouldn't have been last month um that same councilman said wonderful things about how he went out into the parking lot and met with everybody and you talked about how you went out to have coffee and they offered and you know now all of a sudden today you have a different story so I don't know which is it that's all I think we should allow I and personally I think when somebody comes up to speak and I I believe this you know you should let them speak for their three minutes and then and then speak to what they said you know I don't like I don't understand how there's interruptions and there's back and forth and there's stop the timer start the timer we shouldn't be doing that we should just let the people speak for three minutes and then correct the record if you need to correct the record you know I mean and for both speakers for both speakers you know I just don't I think people should speak let them speak for three minutes regardless of what they say you know and then correct the record afterwards but otherwise it goes on for on and on and on and on and back and forth and back and forth that's all I have to say thank you councilman deama thank you um again I think like everyone up here our condolences to Stephan Elli family um he was a volunteer dispatcher a loved one you know family man so you know our condolences 47 years old 48 years old is way way too young 46 years old oh that's that's either way right um way too young to lose anybody especially someone who is active you know with our volunteers our OEM um I know a lot of people in town have been um pretty bummed about this um so our hearts go out to all of you um congratulations to our new officers welcome and stay safe you know as you go through the academy um and you get on the streets please um stay safe and thank you for your service to our Township one of the things I did want to mention uh Anna did bring this up in her administrative report uh the senior Police Academy um I'm encouraging our seniors to sign up I know my children were bummed that they couldn't go because we were on vacation the week that they had the junior Police Academy and I know everyone a few people that went it was a great time I'm sure our seniors will um love it as well if I'm not mistaken I think it's every Wednesday in September so please um reach out look on our B PD social media site our uh Township site as well has all the information if you need it uh and then finally just I hope everyone enjoyed this summer um I know we're getting to that time of year where it's the dreaded back to school for our children the next time we meet those children and all of our children will be back in school so I hope that everyone enjoys the rest of their summer as well as um get off to a great start of the school year you know thank you all and uh have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend councilman Desai thank you as I have said in past two three meetings happy independ 78th Independence Day to India Indian Community of great town of polebridge has celebrated from 30 plus year when mayor Canon in her was in her second term by raising the flag of India the largest democracy population is 1.2 billion and we were raising that plag 30 years now even this year when I asked and apply for permit Etc it was approved and all of sudden Administration said no we cannot allow you to raise the flag on the pole three po outside I was keep talking to them that there's a large population in this town and we are a peaceful people and I think I represent not only South Indian Indian Community but South Indian Pakistani South Indian Sri Lankan South Asian Bangladeshi we should respect each and every minority either it is white black Hispanic or any other from Eastern country I still after talking to mayor council president and our attorney who is always like no you cannot do it he never wants to talk clearly and understand my position or anybody's position and he flatly says that some other group are asking for the permission of flying their flag and we could not allow them and they are threatening us to sh possible but this is 30e grandfather cause and how can you disrespect the largest democracy in the world see us is the oldest but as I say India is the largest democracy cons population 1.2 billion people and in this town itself I'm not sure exact number but there are more than 6,000 ,000 Asian Indian living in this Township so I said this and we already announc as soon as we were given permit we announce to our community and member that this is a date we are going to do and we have fixed dat every time Saturday after August 15 we do this event and many Town piscatway Edison Woodbridge Union all other Town including Malo many town is doing our attorney told me some Town cancel due to this controversy I understand but the solution which I arrive with mayor with the help of Matt at the recreation department we order the PO what you call mobile poll and I check with Matt today I came to the recreation and it doesn't seems to me is appropriate because you need somebody to help raise the flag thanks Matt for your willingness to come Saturday morning and help us out but see the beauty is to pull the thread and bring the flag up now as usual every year mayor does the flag raising now mayor will stand there with folded hand and Matt or I have to just raise the pole up and up I please request to the mayor our attorney and Council to please allow us to do at least this year and next year as I told to Mayor that we will find alternate venue maybe at a Lawrence Harbor area where we can raise the flag so one more time I invite all of the resident of Oldbridge to be attending to attend the India Independence Day celebration by raising the flag of great nation old civilization please come and enjoy with us and have a light lunch all council member has already received the email invitation so please do come stop also is invited thank you I do not want to say too much because I'm not happy person because after 30 years under both Administration Republic and Democrat the community was recognized for the contribution this community made to this great land of free so one more time please join us Saturday whatever abated function we will have I assure you at least food will be delicious and enjoyable thanks thank you everybody councilman Garcia yes thank you I as well want to offer my condolences to Frank stefanelli and his family I didn't know him as well but like everybody says he was a young man and it's so unfortunate so my condolences to Frank and his family and the two new officers them as well I'm hoping they have a long lengthy career 25 years plus and hopefully they make it out safe so congratulations to our new officers and uh I'll see you guys guys tomorrow night uh National Night Out 6 o'cl 4:00 6 o'cl I'll see you guys tomorrow night thank you councilman pasidi no comments thank you Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell yes I would like to start out by saying Oldbridge has many positive activities and events going on at all times first of all I would like to thank Chief monang and the Oldbridge uh Township of police for having the youth Police Academy it was an honor to be at the grad graduation and observe everything the program had to offer to expose the kids to they seemed very excited and it was very informative um it was also nice of Mr nassie to invite us to the why to see the programs that they have for kids because it is so critical for kids to learn how to swim it's tragic when you hear about some unfortunate accident so it's very important and also the Elks they had their 25th um anniversary Miracle run and I just always like to thank the Elks for all their do for the community I've been getting many calls about the tax increase now that tax bills have gone out um based on the board of ed um with the 9.9 increase um we get we collect it we get yelled out for it but we didn't do it so we need these people to call go to board you know I refer them if they ask about it to go to the board of ed meetings please call the administration building 732 290 3976 or 732 2 293952 now it's unfortunate that we do have to speak about this but I find it amusing that people can come up here and say other people's names but when their name is said they go bananas so I I just I just had to say that for this back and forth here um I I find it amusing actually but on really I do have to go over this because this has been going on all the time you can go back at different meetings all the time there's always accusations about this board and you don't know if you don't go to vent oh you don't know whether they're on a a vacation or a funeral you make this presumption that they don't like the thing that's not true and you don't know anything about our personal lives so stop commenting on but the thing that I want to say I'm a very tolerant person but has gotten to the point I can no longer be silent while hearing this outrageous costic rhetoric spewed from this individual not saying names I can say in initials and J okay I've listened to her demonized people and spread falsehoods long enough she's makes false accusations disparage individuals as she's an agitator and an instigator causing public alarm this conduct and behavior and lies does not serve any positive productive purpose this is character assassination spreading falsehood comments with a sole person per um reason um purpose to incite peoples the words and lies are offensive when you get less votes in a general election for Senate than many students receive for student council it speaks volumes insulting volunteers and board members with false allegations is nothing more than dangerous and being malicious and setting yourself up for a lawsuit in my opinion opinion also the post and crazy statements is not productive also these posts in the past with about this pasta was ridiculous you never told entire story and equated it to having bulk pickup obviously if there's 500 lbs of pasta in someone's house there's a problem and yet you don't put that you and it has nothing to do with bulk pickup once notified the township had had it cleaned up with one in one and a half hours I find this amusing when you received a citation for putting garbage in Neighbors um garbage bins themselves also if you look at the middle sex County Board of election they've received complaints about this individual but based on their activities at polling uh locations on a personal not personal note in January 2021 after a council meeting I was met I met with the mayor in his office afterwards to discuss something for approximately 30 minutes afterwards I was walking to my vehicle I was a CET and being yelled at where's your mask move to Florida and surrounded my vehicle so I asked why were you in a municipal parking lot 30 minutes approximately 30 minutes after the meeting ended on a cold January night is it normal to tailgate in the municipal parking lot were you stalking me these are the questions that I had to be asked in that time so I urge you stop making false statements I'm tired of this narrative and I want wanted to set the record straight please everyone be safe and enjoy the rest of your summer and let's have peace thank you council president SOA yes um I also want to naturally congratulate the new police officers we were very dedicated to making sure that we hire as many officers as we can the town is growing and we would like to make sure that safety is an absolute priority so I'm very happy to see tuned new police officers um also there was some retirees I believe Addie spinola retired uh good luck to her congratulations and a job well done Addie will miss you um also the ROC again a great organization and those children really do deserve our support um there's so many things that went on there was the Elks as Dr Greenberg said the miracle run they do so much for all our special needs children that we're always so so grateful for them um there again everything that has gone on in the last couple of weeks today I had the pleasure of seeing a mural that was made for uh mayor Walker's office by the senior citizens it was amazing each one made you know a square and Matt's sing because it was so the unveiling we couldn't even reach the top thank you Matt but it was really nice they were beautiful you know squares and then each one was put together to make this really incredible mural that will be in the office for years to come and they were so proud they said they will do others but now they want to get paid little different but uh it they really it it was so beautiful if you ever have a chance please stop by the office and and see it it's amazing what our seniors do and the programs you know that they're offered at this at the senior center so tomorrow night hopefully we'll see everybody out and about it'll be great I'm excited I think my grandchildren are coming so for me it's really special but um I just want to wish everyone really a good evening and the rest of the summer since we don't meet as often in the summer everybody please enjoy and and be safe have a great evening thank you very much council president I just want to say a picture that mural is on our Facebook page they each did an individual picture and they hadn't seen it all put together so they we did the unveil and they were very amazed at how it all fit together and how beautiful it is and it's really made the office so much livier and it's kind of looks like a farm scene so it's like reminiscent of Old Bridge in the old days so it's on our Facebook page yeah very nice it really was thank you all all seniors who did that it was a great really great thank you okay I need a motion to adjourn motion wait motion to adjourn and enter executive session for contract negotiations for Crossroads potential purchase of property 403 Ty toown Road and litigation lepry versus the township U Madam president I just want to add another item to the executive sessions litigation testino versus Township of wridge okay thank you thank you all right so he made a motion Mr auli second second by Mr dama roll call councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Pas gidy yes Council vice president Dr Greenberg belli yes council president soar yes eight yeses executive session 90 907 and we're not coming back this sir can just e e e e for