e e e e e e e e e I'd like to welcome everyone to the June 25th 2024 Oldbridge Township council meeting please rise for a pledge of allegiance and please remain standing for a moment of silence I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all as customary in this chamber we stand a moment to remember those who are protecting our freedoms both here and abroad for our First Responders and for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and for all those who are suffering around the world a moment of silence please Mr PES gidy our prayer dear Lord bless your servants in the ministry of public affairs who serve you in this chamber give us quiet minds and hearts that we may hear your voice help us to know when to speak when to be silent give us the strength to oppose the wrong and uphold the right grant that we have a good conscience and Soul at peace with thee and with one another amen amen please be seated thank you this meeting is being held in conformance with the open public meetings act notice has been given to the official newspapers of the township on January 6th 2024 and has been posted in public places next open public meeting of the township Council will be held on Tuesday July 9th 2024 at 7:30 p.m. roll call councilman auli present councilwoman dearo here councilman dama here councilman Desai is absent councilman Garcia here councilman Murphy here councilman pasky here Council vice president Dr Greenberg Bell is absent and council president soar here good evening everyone welcome to the meeting our first will be public reading is this second reading right no no but it's for second reading okay all right H1 performance guarantee reduction Oaks at Glenwood Phase 1 c-k hnan at Oldbridge 2 LLC AA Circle block 7111 711 9- 7123 Lots 21 1-42 1 n 11012 application number 15 54-17 P good evening was a mouthful good evening thank you council president Council this was an application that was in front of our our planning board in 2017 um they had come um in front of our planning board for a subdivision approval they had broken up the construction of 256 residential homes that are located off of Astra Circle um which is also located off of schulmeister Road um sort of behind where the new shop right is um everybody's familiar with the kavanian development um they have completely built out 1 a and 1B and now they're here for reduction on 1 C if you notice the memo that was prepared was prepared by environmental resolution Inc who are Consultants um they are inspecting the property um and the construction and they're under the direction of Rakesh dargi uh Chuck's Chuck Potts is our inspector that's out there and he's out there daily checking in with construction and making sure everything's being built accordance to plan um they were going to be with us tonight but I had asked them not to come because we're intimately familiar and we work very CL closely together on the inspection and so they have briefed me on what is going on with the site and um and their recommendations going forward for tonight's reduction um just so that everybody is aware the total performance guarantee for this section was 1 uh 2,734 7360 um in the form of a bond was $1,866 I'm sorry 1,866 $26.24 the 10% cash portion was in the amount of 27,0 $347 36 um at at this point when this memo was prepared it was March 2024 um over 70% of the work had been completed and so when we're doing a reduction we could we could actually recommend a maximum of 70% and that's what in environmental resolution had prepared um during this phase I just want the council to rest assure that well over 70% of the work has been done in Phase 1 c um and so we do recommend reduction of the performance guarantee um so the bond would be reduced to 55983 787 representing the remaining 30% and then the cash deposit would be reduced to 62,000 , 2421 um representing 30% of the cash portion um and we are um in good standing as far as our escrow account so there won't be any stipulations on the reduction um so long as we do have um enough in the account to cover um our inspections going forward okay thank you very much Nicole and for the record I uh good evening council president council members Peter clauser with the firm hbr uh Pape on behalf of um kavanian I agree with uh Nicole's analysis although it's beyond 70% that we've created that we've completed the law is the max that you can reduce it to is that number so we're we're fine with that and I would just ask that the council act favorably on the reduction okay thank you very much does anyone from the Council on my left have a question anyone on my right anyone from the public wish to be heard on this seeing no hands from the public I'll close public portion I'll ask for a motion motion move it okay mve by uh Mr Murphy and second by Mr auli roll call councilman auli yes yes councilwoman de Caro yes councilman dama yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman pascy yes council president soar yes seven yeses okay thank you very much have a good evening thank you H2 performance guarantee release Wood Haven Village section two phase 7 application number 14-16 PF good evening once again Mrs Shapiro thank you council president um Atlantic realy um was a developer on this project and they came in with an application called Wood Haven Village section 2 phase 7 under application 17-16 P they were in front of our plan planning board um they had actually started construction on a on a community called the reserves at woodhave and under their preliminary approval um once they received final approval they came to us we set up a bond for them the total bond in the amount of 13705 18036 of which in the form of a bond was 1,233 52232 the 10% C cash deposit was in the amount of $137,500 and the community as sure I'm sure everybody is aware is off of Wood Haven Boulevard and located on McCormack Avenue South and R Court um and they were for the construction of single family homes um because there are public roadways that would be involved um after we would take over we would ask that the applicant post um maintenance Bonds in the amount of $412,500 N4 for a period of two years which represents 15% of the original construction bonds amount um we also ask that any outstanding escrow fees be paid if any and then we also ask for the PO posting of an inspection fee in the amount of $5,000 so that when the two years have elapsed it gives us the ability to have have either the engineering department or our inspectors go out and then do that final inspection for um the items that are on that um Bond so we make sure that everything's in place before we accept the roadways right and that's that's very good that you know you put it that way there's always some you know back and forth about the roads so it's good to see you know we're coming to a good conclusion and for the record you are good evening Brian clocker from The Firm of H it's in yeah please thank you Brian good evening Brian plocker from The Firm of Hutch Mano it's in plocker in Woodbridge on behalf of the developer The Reserve at woodh Haven LLC Miss Shapiro was spoton in her analysis and the conditions she just uh reviewed are acceptable to my client all right very good thank you very much is there anyone on my left anyone on my right okay I'll take a motion move it okay moved by Mr Murphy second by Mr Uli roll call councilman culi yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman Pas gidy yes Council vice president soar yes seven yeses thank you thank you thank you next liquor licensees renewals with conditions resolution granting application for plenary retail consumption license renewal for Jersey Girls Route 35 Associates LLC license number 129 d33 d035 d007 for the 2024 2025 license term good evening evenes please thank you got it hold on one second sir council president I just wanted to let Council know that there are are the recommendations from the chief of police on the day for everybody to review and that no restrictions are being changed from prior years on this particular license okay okay all right is everyone comfortable reading that everybody good okay all right so is there any questions from anyone this is Jersey Girls correct that's correct Route 35 jates no no it's called Jersey Girls It's Route 35 you have it in front of you John there's a yeah it's not open right we're open for private parties yeah private yeah yeah we agree to the conditions to yeah yeah Okay no Okay anyone else no okay so we need a motion you go ahead uh Route 35 right next to pass Lisa pizza right on the right hand side yeah was di I think diamond yeah that's what it used to be correct yes yeah and the the address is actually in the resolution also okay does anyone have any questions no okay then I'll ask for a resolution for a motion motion okay second second okay motion by Mr auli second by Mrs dearo roll call councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy abstain councilman Pas gidy yes council president soar yes six yeses one exstension okay thank you right thank you you're welcome next will be resolution granting application for plenary license consumption license renewal for sari Corporation license number 1209 d33 d01 9-7 for the 20 24225 license term good evening good evening and can you your name and all for the record please uh first name is Barat last name is Kya we are at 345c mavan Road mavan New Jersey right behind Walgreens okay okay and I do want to mention that there are no new restrictions placed on this license they were the same as um prior years restrictions as the by the recommendation of the Police Department police okay does anyone on my left have a question on my right then I'll take motion move it okay move by Mr dama second by Mr auli roll call councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman Pas gidy yes council president soar yes seven yeses thank you and have a nice evening resolution granting application for plenary license consumption license renewal for grillstone LLC license number 1209 d33 d005 -19 for the 2425 license term there anyone here no okay and it's always been the policy that if they're not here well we we we did tell them that that um they did not need to appear the um the license with restrictions as long as they were in agreement with whatever the restrictions were on the license and again this license has no new restrictions um from it's the same as prior years that they did not have to appear okay well then I guess no questions anyone no well okay I have a question yes is that going to set a precedent now because we always required them to come here they're not re not requ to be here but the council always said that we want them here to vote on it right so if they were advised that they agreed with it and they don't need to be here you can't hold that against them right I mean that okay so who who's making that decision if the council had made a decision want them here I understand that but the clerk advised that she advised the applic excuse me the applicant the clerk advised the applicant that was not as long as they agreed to the conditions they aren't required to be here so at this point if if that would they were given that advice we can't how are we going to now you know delay them I mean they need their license if everything is in order and you know there's a certain time frame that they need to you know to have this done I mean you can't expect them then if we if the police and all agreed that it was okay what would you suggest oh I'm just saying are we setting now up new president because we've always right we've the council has been the one to make that decision that's what you're saying right so I want to know what what changed I just made the decision de ision and told them that if they were in because they had a a traveling issue where they could not be here for this council meeting and they were not ready for renewal at the first meeting in June because they were having some um tax clearance issues so they weren't ready they weren't going to be around for the second meeting so this is their last chance for Renewal okay so then I'll move it okay moved by Mr second and second by Mr Murphy roll call councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman pasti yes council president soar yes seven yeses now this next license um the gentleman had requested a waiver for appearing because again um he is a disabled veteran and could not appear so I told him that as long as he is in agreement with the uh restrictions placed on the license that uh he did not need to appear okay and the police department concurred with you yes and the police department did not make any additional um restrictions on the license okay yeah that's important okay thank you so this is resolution granting application for plenary retail consumption license renewal for sideline Lounge Incorporated Club 516 license number 1209 d33 d004 4-2 for the 2024 2025 license term do I have any questions or can I get a motion I'll move it okay moved by Mrs Caro second by Mr auli roll call councilman acet yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy abstain councilman pasidi yes council president soar yes six yeses one abstention resolution granting application for plenary retail consumption license renewal well we we'll do it now with the next roll call he can be on the yeah that's yeah noted for the record Mr jiah is here it's at 1028 good evening okay resolution granting application for plenary license Li consumption license renewal for red zebra LLC a gentleman's club license number 12 09- 33-9 dxxx for the 2024 2025 license term so now this license is receiving um the recommendation from the police department is to change the restrictions on the license there is a uh Memo from the police department regarding what the what they feel the restrictions should be and they are a little less than what the uh last set of restrictions were uh they want them to Resort back to the restrictions that were placed on the license in 2022 okay and there's someone here from Red Z but come forward please and then who's representing for the police Jess Cathy okay good evening uh Lawrence Rosenberg manager of red zebra good evening the the owner is here as well so so you've gone through this with the clerk as far as what the restrictions are and and you understand fully what it is and you agree with the restrictions okay we just want to make sure for the record that you so the restrictions that were on the license continued active use of the digital sance system from inside the bar and the exterior parking lots and deferred maintenance as outlined by the health department and must be Abad and must abide by all regulations of chapter 2 27 sanitation and Retail food establishments and food and beverage vending machines dated January 2nd 2007 those are the only two restrictions okay does any of the council members have a question Mr jaama are we going to still we are not going to require them any longer to come every 90 days correct correct right that well that was the imposition of the conditions last year that the applicant agreed to and the recommendation by uh Chief montagno was that those conditions will no longer apply okay thank you okay anyone for a question no question I don't have a question I just comment you know thank you guys for you know following the procedures and uh appreciate that you've really done your due diligence and really yeah followed all the restrictions so I just want to thank you guys yeah took the residents in mind because they were really very concerned so thank you okay we're good is anyone want to start with a motion a motion okay I'll second okay motion by Mr auli second by Mrs dearo roll call councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dep yes councilman Desai yes councilman Murphy uh Garcia yes councilman Murphy abstain councilman pasti yes and council president soar yes six yeses one exstension okay thank you very much all have a great summer you have a nice summer thank you Bill list uh Mr Garcia yes thank you uh Bill list as of June 25 2024 accounts payable June 25 2024 11 milon 375,000 that completes my report thank you okay thank you Mr Garcia can we have a breakdown of the overtime please thank you as councilman Garcia indicated our pay our overtime for the 624 payroll was $ 38,7 3311 we saw a slight uptick in um overtime due to the uh primary elections and our police overtime breaks down as follows swarm police overtime 227777 the duck grants $447 192 deduct etto $ 7,627 42 deduct ACC accreditation $4,625 46 for a total of $611 1694 in19 men and women hours we have one officer um that was injured on duty thank you thank you thank you Anna so seeing like ask for a motion Mr Desai a second Mr juli you want your roll call you want to open to the public no not the not the payroll I'm sorry I'm sorry councilman auli yes Council councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman pasidi yes council president soar yes eight yeses a next will be public hearing adoption for second ordinances for second reading H1 ordinance number 24-11 ordinance of the township of Oldbridge amending chapter 250 of the code of the township of Oldbridge entitled Oldbridge Township Land Development ordinance by amending various sections of the same any council person have a question or comment I'll open it to the public anyone have a comment or on this on this second reading ordinance seeing no hands I'll Clause the public portion and I'll ask for a motion motion second okay motion by Mr auli second by Mr pascin roll call councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dep yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes Council counc man Pas gidy yes council president soar yes eight yeses H2 ordinance number 24-12 ordinance amending certain sections of the chapter 388 rental property Article 1 rental stabilization of the code of the township of Oldbridge does anyone from the council have a question anyone in the public wish to be heard on this ordinance for second reading seeing no hands I'll close public portion I'll ask for a motion second a motion by Mr ASI second by Mr pesky roll call councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dep yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy stain councilman Pas gidy yes and council president soar yes seven yeses one exstension consent agenda I'd like to get a motion in a second and then I'll bring it out for separation move it second okay mve by Mr pcti and second by Mr Tama separations please councilman councilman ask any items for separation no thank you councilwoman dearo no councilman dama no thank you councilman Desai no councilman Garcia I have none thank you councilman Murphy no thank you councilman pasky no separations thank you council president soar no thank you okay roll call for the entire consent agenda councilman auli yes councilwoman daro yes councilman dep yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman Pas gidy yes council president soar yes eight yeses report of the Township Clerk I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everybody um all of the township staff who helped out at the election um again a very uh quick night for us here uh everybody did a wonderful job from Casey's staff to um we had some people from engineering helped out um to name them team effort great team effort everybody did a wonderful job thank you good okay report of the attorney nothing to report Madam president thank you okay administrative report thank yous thank you um number one Kell Farm gr cell Farm Park Grand Opening mayor Walker and I would like to take this time to thank everyone who attended the grand opening of cell Farm Park on June 20th it was great to see our department heads and our directors even some of our employees as well as the public out on that day for that um wonderful occasion the children and attendance and their families were so excited to finally enjoy the splash park and playground we ordered that heat wave to come along so that way more people would come out it was a beautiful day and a perfect way to kick off the first day of summer the park will bring Delight on hot summer days for years to come the splash park will be open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weather permitting through Labor Day there is no fee to attend the splash park Parks and Recreation vendor applications for saltwater day and Oldbridge day are now on our website saltwater day is scheduled for Saturday August 10th and O day is scheduled for Saturday September 21st for more information and to download an application please go to or.com Recreation or call 73272 5600 extension 4999 Public Works the next paint and flues fluorescent bulb day will be Saturday July 13 2024 at the recycling drop off center residents can bring bulbs paint cans oils stains latex and more between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for more information visit orb bridge.com recycling orbridge Township receives a Greenacres grant for $750,000 the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the Garden State preservation trust have approved our application for a Green Acres matching Grant of $750,000 contingent upon the passage of a leg legis legisl legislative appropriation for our GE Park inclusive playground if you remember a few month months back Nicole f our engineering department was here doing the presentation in their award notice the DP noted that they appreciate the Township's commitment to increasing inclusive Recreation opportunities this funding gets us one step closer to breaking ground on this new inclusive playground we'll make sure to keep you posted as we progress on this project thank you and I just want to add one more thing um this application for these grants you you know is a is a team effort our engineer department works really hard to seek out these grants prepare these application Works handin hand with our other departments the catell Farm Park we just talked about teamwork that that's a full teamwork our public works department is maintaining that Park be beautifully our parks department is overseeing its operations our engineering department is going to be seeing the next phase so it's it's quite the team effort so we really appreciate everybody's effort thank you thank you anyone have any comments for or questions okay how about motion to approve second okay motion by Mr auli second by Mr jaama that is so wonderful Anna that Grant unbelievable it's a work in progress It's when we're done Katella is going to be a really really beautiful place roll call councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes councilman Murphy yes councilman Pas gidy yes council president soar yes eight yeses public comment on any subject matter for a maximum period of 3 minutes the public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments this section is open for any topic or items on the consent agenda in accordance with njsa 10 4-2a and the Oldbridge rules of council the council ask the public to limit their comments to three minutes or less only one member of the public shall approach to speak to council at a time the council will respect the Public's are refraining from any comment until the speaker is finished with their allotted time should be further noted that the public comment portion of our meeting is not structured as a question and answer session if a member of the public has questions they seek answers to an appointment can be made with the corresponding Department's office during regular business hours the Township Clerk will regulate the time during the comment portion of the meeting as you approach the microphone please State whether you're a resident of Oldbridge and please no names or addresses okay all right so good evening is there anyone in the public who wishes to be heard good evening [Music] sorry resident I quickly um wanted to acknowledge the pride flag raising I hope that you uh reconsider for next June it's important to uh uh remember that the pride flag does not represent the the need for you to be gay but acceptance of people second I want to address a comment that was made a long time ago that I never addressed that was uh made by Mr petti uh all Democrats being murderers I took this very personally as a Democrat who chose life and I think that it would be a great idea if everyone shared the prayer if you all took turns I'm not trying to take anything away from someone but I am asking that we share values rather than dictate our own thank you thank you very much is there anyone else who wishes to be heard this evening I'm a bit smaller or shorter I'm vertically uh challenged I want to start with it's okay that's good enough I you can hear me although Mr rosoli I I sorry that I speak spoke out if I don't hear you on the microphone I know it doesn't come through to the system just so you know but that's said first I want to thank you sir council president the police department over here because they protected us as always and supported us in our pride valy outside and I think that again it showed is every time we get more and more people it shows that this town needs to be more accepting and respecting of Pride and that's why it's a whole month because we try to change your minds if you're not in the in the mood that said I have a question for you councilman um petti why do you have a flag upside down in your yard it's offensive to me you we spoke last time about the American flag the American flag the American flag and yet you have a flag upside down facing the street I find it kind of offensive it's a it's it's it's an insult to all Americans in this room and all over the to the town that said I want to thank the police department because you guys are fabulous and I'm hoping that next year you guys are going to reconsider and have a whole month of Pride because we do deserve it and it'll bring everybody together and that's what this is all about right bringing everybody together thank you again okay thank you is there anyone else in the audience who wishes to be heard good evening I'm an Oldbridge resident good evening good evening it's ironic and truly disheartening to hear slanderous misinformation publicly voiced by some council members at these meetings relative to recent decisions made by Board of Ed members such negativity only Stokes dispersions about the difficult but ethically wise actions the Board of Ed took to rectify the school budget issues and ensure the students and the teachers and the community of Oldbridge are better served I know it's ironic because some council members said the Board of Ed should have done due diligence before taking actions to address the school budget deficit but if these council members had done due diligence themselves they would have discovered that the Board of Ed met many times with state state politicians including senator Henry to lobby for more state aid and the Oldbridge I'm sorry and the Board of Ed held many public hearings about the school budget and the Public Public response was overwhelmingly in favor of the tax increase via public comments and emails to the board of ed rather than face distra uh drastic cuts to programs staff and the length of school day most important the reason the reason spurring the board of Ed's reluctant but necessary action was The council's Perennial avoidance of residential reassessment I know this firsthand because houses similar to mine in my development recently sold for over four times their assessed values I don't like paying taxes but I understand it's what citizens must do to perpetuate a good and Equitable democracy the public should know that the longer the reassessment gets kicked down the road the worse it will be for residents finally definitive responses to the disparaging comments by said council members were given at the last board event meeting I strongly encourage everyone to watch said meeting which is available on YouTube thank you very much thank you sir is there anyone else in the public who wishes to be heard this evening good evening good evening um I am not a resident of Oldbridge I'm a resident of Keyport um but I'm here today because I heard about the actions of um a zoning board official who said some very negative things about the transgender community and I also heard that you guys recently in this town had um a flag planting ceremony where um they planted all the different Pride flags and this same official or whoever she was ended up pulling up some of those flags and I just wanted to say that I'm from kort which is a very conservative town and we just had our first Pride um flag planting and it really meant so much to the whole community so that really offended me that this person would do that I know I don't live here but this is something that is so important to us so I just I don't know why anyone like that would work or be appointed to that position that really affects us thank you thank you very [Applause] much good evening good evening uh I am a resident a lifelong resident of Oldbridge um I'm a transwoman I grew up in the Oldbridge school system I've been a resident here for the majority of my life I'm going to skip the rant about how trans people should be treated with respect because quite frankly I'm tired of having to justify my Humanity to folks who disagree this isn't about whether I agree with Patricia test or not this is about whether her recent behavior is appropriate for her role on the Oldbridge zoning board [Music] I'm in her rant which proved to be greatly misinformed and illiterate in terms of lgbtq History Patricia stated that you're supposed to be impartial and you know what I actually agree but it is clear that she's not impartial it's clear in the bias that was demonstrated in the video of her removing Pride flags and ranting about how there isn't discrimination for gay folks even as a gay woman herself or as a transom uh for instance in Florida I can be charged with fraud for carrying my current legal state issued ID here in the state of New Jersey um this is one of the many discriminat laws that are happening in our country and I say this not to Garner pity but to demonstrate how misinformed and bias Patricia is a government board is required by law not to discriminate against applicants on the basis of sexuality and general identity you guys all know this um but Patricia test I don't think we can trust her to uphold that standard lastly in her rant on June 11th Patricia quote praise transgender people get the mental help they need as someone who has two degrees in social work I have spent years studying the diagnosis treatment and history of mental disorders I find it ironic that the woman who had such a big inappropriate reaction to legally placed rainbow Flags started berading folks in public is claiming that trans people are the ones who need mental help Patricia can keep her empty prayers but she can't keep her Ro on the zoning board thank you thank you good evening good evening I am a resident of Oldbridge and um have been my whole life so I am coming to speak to you about a petition that I would like to read to you on the evening of June 12th a group of orridge residents temporarily placed a number of small lgbtq plus Flags Pride Flags into the planners outside of town hall as part of a demonstration in support of a proposal for the town to host a public pride flag raising these flags were confirmed to have been permissibly placed by an officer of the rbridge police department who had consulted with his superiors that evening about the legality of their placement upon arriving to attend that evening's Town council meeting Oldbridge zoning board member Patricia test Verde uh noticed the pride flags and began pulling them out of the soil she then walked over to the nearest trash bin and threw the flags into the trash while yelling at the residents who had placed them there there is a video Linked In the petition and there's also a few of us who are actually eyewitnesses to that um later at the council meeting test Verde went on a rant in which she stated that there was quote unquote maybe anti-gay oppression in the 60s and 70s and even part of the 80s but that it's function non-existent today Pride flags are part of why the country is in the mess it's in and there should be no pink police cars for breast cancer awareness because you're supposed to be impartial which makes Absolut no sense and she prays that the transgender Community gets mental help um Patricia test Verde Patricia tester's rep reprehensible behavior and insulting on the record comments have made it clear that she should not be on any governmental board let alone a government board that's required by law to not discriminate against applicants on the basis of sexuality or gender identity expression um and then it goes on and it asks that Patricia test be removed from her official position at the on the Oldbridge Township Zoning Board of adjustment um there's video of her wildly irrational Rants and it's funny that she mentions you know being impartial because how is a person in a position of power who publicly feels this way and is doesn't even goes on record to say this how how can anyone have faith in that person to be impartial when she's making decisions on what happens in Oldbridge and I mean it's wildly obvious to me I I don't understand like I I just don't get it um she should not be appointed to any position of power in this Township in any Township and um you know I hope that you all do your Dil due diligence and do what's right because she is she's harmful so thank [Applause] you good evening good evening hi council members I'm actually from perf Amboy but I wanted to support um what she just spoke about earlier uh Patricia I believe that's her name that she had taking out the trans um flags from the ground and I think as a public official I don't think that she should be doing things of that action especially when residents did get permission to do this and it's incredibly harmful to even say that there's no anti-gay or even anti-trans um hate in the world right now because it's very it's not true and I actually wanted to speak more about the people who were killed last year just for either the suspicion of being trans or were trans so in 2023 there were 29 transgender and nonbinary people that were killed and I think a lot of this is fueled by the actions that this woman had done and a lot of microaggressions and just hateful comments I think it's okay for someone to disagree with how LGBT people live their life like myself who's a gay man but I also don't agree with um especially elect officials doing actions like that that are creating harm for the community that could is not only harm in their words and their language but is harm that is through action so this is either stabbings or fighting or violence and it's not right because we all want to live in a world together uh as human beings and we all have Humanity so I I hope that you do listen to the Past speaker uh before me thank you thank you very much is there anyone else in the audience who wishes to be heard this evening okay good evening good evening m there we go good evening Madam council president um I didn't prepare anything in particular this evening but um you know I I I was upset by comments during Council uh comment section last time um I did I didn't prepare statements but I did pull up a photo um this is last last week uh Council vice president Anita Greenberg belly said that um in response to Pride flag raisings we've always gone to the county for that um I was there at the county pride flag raising okay and nobody else was you know I that's just not fair it's one thing to say we're not going to have a pride flag raising in town it's another thing to say oh we've always gone to this particular event that nobody's ever shown up to that's not all right um I I I I I have not wanted this to be a partisan issue I have not I I went last week and I listed off all of the out historic out Republicans who have have been in our state um and just this this concept this this new wave of just anti-lgbt anxiety and we know what sparked a lot of this right it's it's a lot of just leaning on to anti sentiment um and in town you know I never felt like I needed a pride flag raising until stuff started coming out people started coming out hateful people started coming out relating to the 5756 repeal the repeal of you know transgender guidance in the local school district and then now it's it's it's starting to get completely out of proportion of what we would even expect in an otherwise socially conservative town it's it it it you know I I grew up here my I was here my whole life and I dealt with you know homophobic bullying when I was in school I I thought about taking my own life when I was when I was a teenager because I felt like who I was was not okay um you know and and I'm B ual too so keep that in mind you know even just as a bisexual person I felt like I wasn't uh okay to be who I am and I I want to see this town do better you know we we we talk about we have an older American recognition we have uh the Indian flag raising I like that I hope we have an Indian flag raising and I'm I'm going to go to that um you know when that if and when that happens again um but I uh I I want to see all groups be represented I want to see all groups be represented and I don't want there to be let alone public officials that are you know throwing out Pride Flags I mean you know Madam Madam council president you said we have to remain neutral about this because there's there's different you know different uh reactions on on on both sides but it shouldn't be you know we shouldn't have to be neutral about saying that people who have historically been discriminated against matter in this town that these people deserve recognition that's your time sir thank you very much very much is there anyone else who wishes to be heard this evening I'm an Oldbridge resident um this is going to be probably the shortest speech tonight not prepared at all but I just want to say to the residents that are watching that if you are celebrating pride and you identify as LGBT q i a that there's nothing wrong with you but there's a lot wrong with the ignorance in the world and people who don't take the time to get to know you and the human being that you are so thank you that's all happy pride is there anyone else who wishes to be heard okay seeing no hands I will close public portion I will go to council comments councilman auli no comment councilwoman dearo yes thank you um first of all I'd like to thank all the people that came out to speak tonight um you know I I saw you guys as I was walking in last week and this week and um and um you know the one thing that I do want to say I mean whether it doesn't it doesn't matter what the issue is um we all have the First Amendment right to free speech and um we have the right to peacefully protest and that's what you guys were doing and um so there shouldn't have been any problem with it and I'm sorry that that there was um someone that that ruined that for you um and I apologize to you for that um definitely support you guys um tried to get a flag raising um thing going here it it didn't work maybe next year I'm hopeful um but that's okay it is what it is um but I appreciate you guys coming out um next thing I want to do is I want to uh say thank you to Casey lenning um for for my con listening to my constant nagging about the one resident and and you got that done and I appreciate that um and he appreciates it so I wanted to thank you for that and uh I also wanted to to thank um Chief Montagna and um sergeant medonis from um traffic Bureau um I had some question about some some traffic issues and I did you know receive an email recently um forwarded from Anna and um they're going to address the traffic issues because I really feel like Oldbridge the one complaint other than taxes is speeding and and traffic issues so um I appreciate that they are on on top of that and we're going to keep working on that um uh and um just real quick and this is not to be controversial or anything um the one thing I wanted to ask is um I know that our the the ba from I think I might have asked this before the ba from the Board of Ed uh reached out um to have a meeting and I just wanted to know what the status of because I know one of the things that was said last last meeting was you know uh Board of Ed didn't come here or whatever so um one thing that I've always been an advocate for is combining like let's let's all get together and talk you know we're all one we're all Oldbridge um and we should all be supportive of each other so on that vein um I know that there was an invitation that went out um from the ba um I was wondering what the status was of that and I would really love to to participate in that if that was you know something that yeah was happening well we did we did Kate received a um an email not to me it was sent to her okay so then she forwarded you know she shared it with me but the question that I asked was I called the council uh councel the Board of Ed president and asked him if he was aware of this potential meeting and he said no okay so so I said to him well if you can you know find out the particulars then let us know because I'm sure there was more than one council person you know that would be interested and what what we possibly could do because I have to be honest with you I really feel that if this meeting is called he should the coun the Board of Ed president I keep saying councel Board of Ed President should also be aware and have some input too as to you know what we're going to discuss and how many of us are going to meet how whatever we have to figure out the logistics so I have not heard back from him in terms of a meeting so doesn't read his emails I'm sorry I from what I he does well never mind we did it's okay I mean you know I it's okay I'm sorry I you know maybe I should go to the board meeting but I just figured you know I really felt that that the board of members should be made aware that the business administrator had asked for this now now I don't know if some board members were knew about it and I you know I don't know but he when he reached out he didn't I mean he didn't say that all the board members not half the board I didn't know so I reached out to the president and like I said he was not aware at that time so if since then that you know the ba has reached out to him then we'll see you know where we'll go from there okay but we you know I think they have to know to all of them all of them yeah oh awesome okay well that's great um I'm just glad that that door is open oh yeah it's fine like I said that's fine I just wanted to make sure I followed the protocol because if RBA can I can I add to this you know I mean if RBA had asked for a meeting with the school board I would hope that she would tell me first and say Mary I want to reach out let's see what we can do okay I just add one thing that sure you know I have met with uh the new ba David school earlier this year we kind of establish our our working relationship are in contact with various things we're having a meeting in the next couple of weeks regarding the school security uh a shared services agreement so I'll make sure to keep our line of communication and we've established a good rapport so we'll continue that as well but if the council chooses to have this meeting I'll make sure to facilitate and and assist in any way I can absolutely that's awesome okay no that's good to know yeah no I just wanted to because I know that they had talked about it at one of the meetings and I wanted to make sure because that was one of the things you know when you're all on the same page it's better I mean all nine board members from there and no nine council members from here and that's how you open it up for discussion you know we don't want it to be that know half the council knows half the Board of Ed knows that that doesn't make sense either no absolutely right oh that's good oh good well thank you app no worries yep appreciate that very much um and last but not least I just wanted to send out a big congratulations to our 2024 bir high school graduates um you know uh yesterday was a beautiful day um I had three graduate at the PNC um and um always always such a wonderful day um and I I did have the pleasure as past Board of Ed member I did have the honor of sitting on the stage which is really an awesome experience especially knowing other bands that have played up there and and whatnot you know so it's kind of cool sitting up there um so I just wanted to wish them uh wish them well this was I guess the last time that they were going to see each other going off into the world and uh um I just want to wish our amazing Oldbridge high school students well and congrats so that's it thank you councilman dama thank you I'd like to congratulate the alberge high school graduates as well on their commencement yesterday I had the pleasure of sitting um on the stage for the Sandberg graduation and I've never felt so old in my life uh to be totally honest there were I didn't realize how many of the little kids that were little a long time ago are now big kids and some of them do need haircuts some of the boys I will say that um I did joke with with some of them um it's amazing to see all all those all those students grow up start to move on to the next stage you know whether it's grade school middle school high school and and even college so congratulations for that you you all are now in for the most part day two of your summer so please enjoy it have a wonderful uh vacation for those that are getting ready for college enjoy that experience it truly is once in a-lifetime experience um getting into college and and growing as an adult um I would like to also thank the recck department so right before Father's Day we had the father daughter dance uh I brought my my little one you know thank an Lisa Matt and all of the staff for setting it up it was bigger than last year it was a great time walked into a sea of pink my daughter and all our friends loved it so I just wanted to make sure that I did recognize them uh on a wonderful job that they did um also I just want to give a special thank you to the police Fire EMS and OEM in town lately there's been a lot of craziness let's just say going on whether it's accidents fires you know the MS responding um I'm always at a loss of the professionalism and and awesome job that you all do want to make sure that while we're up here and while we have this opportunity that we do thank you on a regular basis because I think a lot of times yes we we thank police when they come to our aid but we want to make sure that all of our First Responders are are thanked on a regular basis so they know that they are you know oh I'm sorry I to ask you something sorry Mary um want you to know that that that we do see you we do appreciate everything you do for us in town and I don't think I stand up here alone I think everyone I could probably speak for everybody on this Council and just saying a big thank you very much and then finally just uh happy for the July to everyone please be safe um drive safely please do not allow the folks that I just come out to your home on the 4th the 5th the 6th the 7th or any day through July and August uh and have a wonderful summer thank you councilman Desai good evening we are approaching July 4th next week which is a 248 birthday of this great nation I come from India which is the largest democracy in the world to the oldest democracy in the world and I'm proud when I became citizen of this great country 1984 so I'm so proud and I always want to celebrate with my children neighbors and family the July 4th holiday so I wish this July 4th will be a great weather day and we all can enjoy and then next thing what I'm going to announce we are going to celebrate India's Independence Day right here outside near the flag pole by raising the flag of India and that will be August 17 India's Independence Day is August 15 but it comes always on a week days so we select the Saturday after 15 so it will be at 10:00 in the morning we will raise the flag with some patriotic Indian song and then after then in Civic Center we will have a light refreshment so all of you and everyone whoever listen this are welcome welcome to join with the Indian Community of this great town of Oldbridge and also I invite you to join for a light Indian snack uh lunch so one more time enjoy the July 4th holiday if you are going to use the fireworks be responsible so nobody can get hurt or even yourself that's about it I think I already said last time congratulation to all graduate not only high school graduate ker Garden primary school middle school and the high school and also the college graduates there are many college graduate where from mbridge in rgas so congratulation to all those graduate and moving toward the new life or new environment as councilman deama just mentioned college is a different appearance I have a three children and all went to the college and they did the master and it was a different life and after graduating and getting a good job or a business I think I as a Indian Community our believe that children should get the best education so they have something to fall back if they join in my own retail business they can survive but if they have some problem and if they are educated they can fall back and find a job again enjoy the rest of the summer and hope to see all of you participating in July 4th and India's Independence Day on August 17 10 a.m. thank you have a nice evening councilman Garcia H yes thank you want to thank all the graduates whether it's kindergarten 8th grade middle school I don't know when I was when I was in school it was eighth grade now this is Middle School so really congratulations to all the graduates high school college uh congratulations again uh also the fourth Fourth of July everybody be safe like cman the side said everybody be safe please be safe first aid everybody be safe cuz it's it's a crazy day everybody's out there partying having a good time but unfortunate things happen so be safe uh also I want to thank the residents for coming out tonight and speaking we hear you on behalf of the council I'm sure we all hear you we voice you we hear your concerns so don't think you're not being not being listened to we hear you so thank you uh that's really all I have and I want to thank you have a safe summer and again happy 4th of July to everyone be safe thank you councilman Murphy I just want to wish everybody a happy 4th of July uh school's out now so everybody please drive carefully and I want to congratulate everybody from any school that graduated thank you that's all I have to say councilman pasky yes thank you um I 100% support the residents being able to speak I'm totally in favor of freedom of speech so thank you um Madam uh president I'd like to address the attorney have a question it's just a quick question it's an easy one last last Council last Council we um voted on a density ordinance and it's not on this week's agenda I was wondering what was the reason my sense we moved it up to First Reading had to be referred to the uh planning board and planning board had oh I see okay yeah I just didn't understand the process so the oh okay counc the just indicated that the meeting is on Thursday so they'll review it THS thank you very much appreciate it all good okay council president soar okay um I just first want to thank everybody for the um helping me with the HOA day of giving the home associations we collected food for the food bank and I have to tell you from Society Hill to Lake Ridge to Country Place and all over they were fantastic in what they delivered and put there for us I want to thank Matt he's not here tonight but he did help me collect all the food and was it was really very successful and I'm just very happy because the summer is a really sometimes a difficult time for people if they have young children in their home so this was a this was a really good initiative and Oldbridge always always steps up and and delivers in terms of being so so good with it with all of that I really do appreciate I just wanted to give a a thank you to the library because they did a great summer kickoff for the children it was really nice the library board the library director now was excellent and it was really a nice day they had a they had a lot there for them and it was it was a great time and I want to congratulate naturally all the you know all the um graduates I hope people will partake a catrell I think it's going to be really really nice I think the more we move forward every year I think it's going to be a wonderful place for everybody to enjoy so everybody have a safe 4th of July thank you very much for coming tonight motion motion to enter s please second okay move my Mr asly second by Mr dep so the motion to enter an executive session is for matters regarding litigation uh National lead roll call councilman auli yes councilwoman dearo yes councilman dama yes councilman Desai yes councilman Garcia yes no councilman Murphy yes councilman pasky yes council president soar yes eight yeses okay let's make sure the room gets done so we can leave e e e e e