United States of America to the stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice welcome to the Zoning Board of adjustment meeting December 7th 2023 adequate notice of this meeting of the Oldbridge Township Zoning Board of adjustment has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act at least 48 hours prior of the commencement of this meeting by primarily posting in the municipal complex an announcement giving the time the date the location and the agenda of this meeting mailing such announcement to the home news and Tribune filing a copy of such announcement with the the municipal clerk and posting the agenda on the municipal website Mr Pell could we have a roll call please certainly chairman Sullivan here miss Andrews here miss Chevalier here Mr scagno here miss tester here Mr Victoria here Mr dasty here Mr dargy present Miss Savant here and myself Miss portelli thank you uh if we could take pause for a moment uh to commemorate this day in history uh December 7th 1941 82 years ago was the day that would become quote a date which will live in infamy end quote after the attack on parl Harbor uh we should always remember the US military personnel and the civilians numbering 2,43 who lost their lives as well as an additional 1,178 wounded all gave some some gave all moment of respectful silence please thank you additionally I'd like to wish you all here at at home a very uh Happy Hanukkah that uh has begun this evening on housekeeping issues I'd ask everyone please to silence your phone here in the courtroom so we don't interrupt any of the testimony won't be picked up by the TV or by the microphones thank you uh simultaneously this is being broadcast over obtv channel 15 here in the township and it's also being uh simcast on YouTube live you can refer to that if you'd ever want if you want to see the meeting all of the meetings are there planning board zoning board all the township meetings you can go back and look on the dates and find them uh we have a shortened agenda this evening for the sake of uh people who I don't I don't recognize everyone here I recognize many of you there are two applications that are not going to be heard tonight and I'm just going to read them quickly 50-22 Z OB NJ LLC uh that's in the econom uh Edo one zone that application the applicant proposes an addition to the first floor of an existing two-story building and an addition second floor for additional Apartments the applicants made a request for an adjournment the public hearing for this application has been scheduled to March 7 2024 if you're here for that matter this evening it will not be heard it will be on our agenda next year March 7 uh the other one is 55- 2023 Z that's uh David marwin that's in the R5 Zone that's a 111 Bay View Drive for a d variance the applicant is proposing to legitimize an existing three family home uh the applicant has made a request for an adjournment the public hearing for that application has been scheduled for December 21st 20 23 without further notice that'll be our last meeting for the year that'll be in another two weeks if you're here for that matter tonight it is not going to be heard Mr chairman Miss saan has advised that the obnj is going to be is is going to be re noticed because it's going to be a new year so there's going to be new notice sent and We'll advise the applicant accordingly right I will and uh chairman I also I I know we're announcing a date for uh Mr mervin's application I just wanted to check with the board uh our agendas are pretty booked we are booked until April so if the board is okay I want to start opening up the C nights for D applications because uh people are getting a little frustrated because all our nights are booked I think we have to and I think it's our responsibility to do so right and especially with uh Morin application is started this year I would like to conclude it this year so that we can start scheduling fresh r applications for next year understood thank you thank you all right we'll move on the agenda as is uh written we have resolutions uh to start first one is 34-223 z Elizabeth Truck Center of mwan that was a major preliminary and final site plan C and D variances Mr Dy thank you Mr chairman the resolution uh before the board tonight memorialized the approval from November 2 2023 granting D3 and C variant relief for Elizabeth Truck Company uh which uh helps to convert the existing property to an automative automotive repair facility for fleet trucks have a motion to adopt the resolution uh board members you've heard the resolution is written uh someone want to move that for adoption please I'll move it is there a second second scog please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Miss tester yes Mr Victoria yes chairman Sullivan yes 61-20 23z uh Sega Kumar MJ mudar was a c variance Mr Dy exactly Mr chairman uh this matter was uh heard and granted on November 2 2023 granting bulk variant uh relief for the in for excuse me for the insulation of or development of a single family home on undersized lot so the resolution before you memorializes that approval from November thank you Mr Dy board members someone move that for adoption I'll move it scog now is there a second test the ver roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Miss tester yes Mr Victoria yes chairman Sullivan yes uh finally 64- 2023 Z Saul Annie uh abnc see variant thank you Mr chairman another one from November 2 2023 which granted a bulk variance relief to uh for the placement of a pool um on a corner lot board members you've heard the resolution someone want move for adoption Andrew move it is there a second second Scag please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes m test yes Mr Victoria yes chairman Sullivan yes we move to completeness waivers and I believe we have three of them we'll do them in order uh the first one is 46 just 2022 Z 1799 realy LLC this is a seeking major preliminary and final site plan with CN variants uh this physical location is 1799 US Highway 9 the block is 10258 lot 111 John Sullivan Esquire representing Mr freem I'm just going to read into the record uh what we have on that feel free to be seated well I try and find the resol one the you have one candy uh this is memorandum board from uh Mrs uh Miss Venus Swant is dated December 1 2023 subject to 1799 realy LLC subject property also known as block 10258 lot 11 is located at 1799 Highway 9 in the economic development opportunity Zone edo3 the applicant is Seeking a D1 use variant relief and major preliminary and final site plan approval to replace a former gas station slish Repair Garage with a 40 room Motel our office has reviewed the waiver request by the applicant for the following item item 39b profiles of all streets adjoining the project site contains a former gas station and convenience store and has access along Northbound New Jersey State Highway 9 the applicant proposes to retain uh to retain the existing access no additional access is being proposed along schulmeister Road our office therefore recommends waving item 39b Prof files of all streets ad joining the project the applicant should be advised waving of any completeness items does not constitute approval of any portion of the application and that any information found to be necessary during the review process must be supplied Mr want I don't have any further comments I think it's pretty straightforward uh they're using the existing driveway uh there's no additional driveway being added on Shu Road um so I'm comfortable recommending to the board to approve the VOR yeah and Mr chairman we had the this discussion at the last thing that I was here I know that you were not but as the board's aware the waving of of um completeness waivers complet the waving of completely waivers uh just allows the application to proceed to a public hearing so um it helps finalize the application so I don't believe we'll need any testimony but you've heard the um the recommendation of Miss Swan so thank you Mr chairman you can ask Mr Dy U Mr fredom anything micone just if it goes green okay no we don't have anything further to add thanks board members any questions on my right on my left okay uh I see a no reason to open a public on this no it's very administrative Mr chairman you can just ask for a motion to approve the completeness someone want to make a motion to uh approve the waiver as written for 39b I'll move it is there a second Andrew second roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Miss tester yes Mr Victoria yes chairman Sullivan yes thank you counselor thank you enjoy the holidays the same to you sir thank you uh the next one is 39-22 3z jcpnl First Energy I have it okay Edo one zone major preliminary and final site plan with a d variance for removal of an underground storage tank uh counselor good morning Mr chairman good morning board my name is Russell Anderson of bton Pacini Hasbro Heights New Jersey on behalf of the applicant J Jersey Central Power and Light all right thank you sir I'm going to read into the record the same uh there's a lot of them here do you know how many there are uh it's a prodigious list I'd say there's probably close to 35 or so I can count them if you'd like um I have the uh waiver request form right here there 23 in the front there 45 I believe what is it 45 in total I believe 45 total okay actually I count 50 but okay we're somewhere in the neighborhood we split yeah split it Round Up Round Up uh the following memo was authored by Venus Swant on December 4 2023 in reference to this matter subject property known as block 26001 lot 1.11 is located at 1345 Englishtown Road in the edo1 zone the applicant is Seeking a D2 use variant relief and major preliminary and final site plan approval for the removal of an underground storage tank for fuel and Associated piping and Mechanicals and the installation of an above ground storage tank for fuel and Associated piping and Mechanicals currently the property serves as a fueling station excuse me location for the jcpnl vehicles in the area it then lists our office has reviewed the waiver request by the applicant for the following there are 45 or 50 somewhere listed here that run up the checklist I'll continue with the final paragraph the site is fully developed and therefore the applicant requests numerous waiver items the applicant is proposing minor changes to the site that involve limited site disturbances initially uh waivers were requested for items 3 a b c e 30 11 26 and 27 however the applicant later submitted these items items 14 18 28 29 and 37b do not apply this application involves an expansion of an existing non-conforming use the applicant is proposing to remove the underground storage tank replace it with an above ground storage tank and some minor site changes our office therefore recommends that all items listed also be waved applicant should be advised waving of any completeness wavers does not constitute approval of any portion of the application that any information found to be necessary during the review process must be supplied Mr want um board members as I stated in the memo the act the site work that is proposed is very minimal um they're just replacing the underground tanks with above ground tanks it's part of their upgrade and um they'll be delineating the parking lot as part of the site improvements so there's very limited site disturbance and I support the wavers that are being requested thank you Mr Dy yeah and and and once again there's no sight improvements and you know a lot of these waivers would be if there was an actual development application uh this is just to remove the oil tank so as the board knows it's it's very uh administrative in nature so move the matter along let me see if the board has any questions counselor of course board members on my left board members on my right counselor we have nothing to add in light of Miss Zant's memo we looked to the board's guidance thank you sir uh board members somebody inclined to move for the uh waivers as listed on the memo December 4th 2023 by Mr move at scogna there a second Andrew second thank you roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Miss tester yes Mr Victoria yes chairman elevant yes thank you counselor thank you to the board appreciate your time happy holidays and finally we have uh 54-22 3z conserva irrigation this is in the R20 seeking major preliminary final site plan with c and d variances location is block 12301 lot one physical location is 4291 Count uh County Road Route 516 this is for an office for an irrigation company uh the following memo was authored by Miss Sant December 1 2023 the subjects is conserve irrigation subject property also known as block 12301 lot one is located at 4291 Oldbridge mwan Road in the low medium density residential R20 Zone applicant is seeking D1 use Ian relief and major preliminary and final site plan approval to replace an existing dry cleaner with an office for an irrigation company the site is presently fully developed and mostly impervious there's a number of items that are listed uh I don't know in number but it looks like probably about 15 or 20 the applicant conserva irrigation proposes to replace the existing dry cleaner with an office use for an irrigation company offices are not permitted use in the r 20 residential Zone therefore D1 use variant is required the site is fully developed and therefore requests numerous waiver uh items the applicant is proposing minor changes to the site uh that involve less than 5,000 square foot of site disturbance the existing parking lot will be restriped the application involves a use variance our office recommends that all items listed Al above be waved except for the traffic impact and Community impact statement the existing use of the building is for dry cleaner and so the applicant should provide an environmental impact statement and or provide information of any mandated REM remediation work required by NJ uh Department of Environmental Protection was performed on the site applicant should be advised the wavering of any in completeness items does not constitute approval of any portion of the application and that any information found to be necessary during the review process must be supplied M so this is a site on 516 it's fully developed it used to be a dry cleaners like I mentioned in the memo uh they are actually not proposing any addition to the existing building there's minor site work uh but again the use is not permitted so they have to come back to the board uh I think eventually the site will be cleaner I have been uh in communication with the applicant the applicant attorney and the engineer about the three items that I recommend not be because generally when it's a used variance involved I uh always require applicants to submit a community impact statement it's a change in use here um in fact I I believe the the the traffic may be lesser because it's office use but again um because there there is some large Vehicles being parked I do want them to submit traffic and back statement um it's a dry cleaner we need some sort of letter uh that DP has issued regarding the cleanup or remediation and they have agreed to submit uh those three items thank you Mr Dy nothing to add Mr chairman uh it's administrative waivers and certainly they'll be back before us with all the requirements uh from the zoning ordinance and Miss Swan's uh requests thank you uh board members on my left any questions about this W I have a couple questions I'd like to ask you don't um you're going to restripe the parking lot is that correct how many how many BS are you that will be testimony when we get to testimony okay yeah Mr Victoria at the public hearing on the actual application that's when um the applicants professionals will be sworn they can answer those questions and that be part of their affirmative testimony at that point anything else Mr Victoria no that's all was there anybody on my left on my right none councelor uh Peter clauser uh filling in for Larry saaks we agree with Miss Swan's report I think it's important what you point out that um the restriping of the parking lot sort of like the limited uh Improvement so I think that's why we're asking for the waivers that are requested and the applicant will agree to provide the three uh reports in the uh that are requested thank you well members anybody interested in moving this for the waiver requests as written on the memo December 1 2023 test already move it Andrew second testver and Miss Andrews roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Miss testy yes Mr Victoria yes chairman Sullivan yes thank you thank you councelor we move to the applications for the evening your s right first one is 37- 2023 Z Oldbridge Properties LLC uh major preliminary and final site plan with the variant this is in the uh Zone uh edo3 block is 6302 Lots 2 co210 2214 physical locations 1324 US Route 9 John marmura Esquire representing the applicant sir thank you Mr I will say that yes I was not here at the last hearing I have watched the meeting in its entirety and I have some of my own notes great thank you very much good evening members of the board uh you recall hour I would just hit hit that green okay it those green there we go thank you uh we were before the board on the October 5th hearing and presented the entirety of the application um there was an objection not ra raised ahead of time so we asked the board to hold uh its vote the objection was by the Raceway parcel which is on oldport Farm Road immediately adjacent to us on the corner and the um the objection was that there were aspects of that site plan approval that were inconsistent with uh the uh site plan that we were presenting the two issues were cross access uh and uh a tie into our drainage basin in the rear of our site the north quadrant of our site we subsequently worked that out with uh the Raceway petroleum owner uh the Raceway council is here Chris Vitali uh I don't think he needs to enter an appearance but would like the record to reflect that he is here but we did submit the revised site plan there really insignificant changes it does show that connection we also submitted a supplemental uh traffic report we pre-marked miss Masterson has pre-marked as A5 the revised site plan and A6 the traffic update basically the traffic update merely says there's no impact whatsoever um and Mr mono I would just ask you for the dates of each of those exhibits if you don't mind okay the revised updated traffic report is dated November uh 30th 2023 and the last revision date on the revised site plan [Music] is December 5th uh 2023 um so uh and the other thing there a question raised whether there was any fencing or obstructions for the access and there is not there there's some fences out there now but they were put there for security reasons one's Lowe's abandoned so um with that I I would turn it over to the board's professionals because we had a technical Review Committee um with Miss Sant and Miss Dari on Tuesday after or Tuesday morning I guess it was with our professionals I will represent that our traffic engineer John pesi is here the site engineer Ryan mcder is here and also uh the principal of the owner Old Bridge Properties LLC excuse me Robert berer Is Here I don't intend to call anyone unless the board has questions and then I would be happy to but with that I would turn it over to your professional staff yes I'm going to call on Mr Dary uh I did make a note one of the items that Mr Dary had spoken about during that was pedestrian con connectivity so we'll see if he's going to mention that again and thank you Mr chairman uh at the the last hearing for the application the applicant did agree uh to work with our office with regard to the the connectivity uh and we actually re uh iterated that in in our meeting that we had with the applicants professionals this P this week uh so I'm confident that we'll be able to work that that out to our to mind and Venus satisfaction um the applicant provided all the testimony that we had requested and agreed to all of our comments so uh with regard to our review we're satisfied the only outstanding issue was this uh this cross access uh with the previously approved um application at the corner of uh poor farm and and Route 9 uh the applicant uh actually you can see the exhibit uh I believe illustrates that cross access and we don't have any any objection to to that cross access uh the appin has provided a traffic statement which I do concur with uh with regarding the Minal minimal impact the uh only vehicles that really would be using that cross access is vehicles that are coming to the uh to the Raceway petroleum uh site which was previously approved and want to return North bound on Route 9 those are the only folks that would actually really Traverse through the low's now Tesla property to make that turn which would only be about maybe a handful of vehicles in the peak hour so it really has a negligible impact on Route 9 there's no real generation of traffic and and that was also all covered as part of that application so uh with regard with respect to this application there's really no impact so I have no no objection to that thank you Mr darg Mr what so and I believe uh Rakesh there will be a clearance bar on the Raceway petroleum part when when they come in for their permits we'll work that out and probably handle that administratively uh that doesn't have to be a part of Tesla's application uh so we don't have any further questions and yes uh when they come back for conformance review we will definitely revisit the uh pedestrian connections because that is important to us too yeah I I I was I was remiss in not mentioning uh the actual construction of this cross access that we're speaking of is is not going to be part of the the Tesla application it will really will only be constructed when the uh the previously approved Raceway site on the corner is constructed and at that time those details will be provided for administrative approval um to the township engineers's office and that includes a uh like V alluded to a height bar so it it'll limit the traffic that goes onto the Tesla site to just passenger vehicles uh no gas delivery trucks will'll be traversing through and all that thank you uh I listened to this in its entirety I'm glad to U see that someone's finally going to repurpose that property in that building it's that b far too long and uh I couldn't think of a better way to attract business to the community here than by a car dealership so I'm glad that you're I don't know how the Bo's going to vote but I I certainly hope that it does go favorable we do need uh business in the community and it would certainly be a welcome one that would probably bring financial gain to the township as well from I would also add it's going to be one of the largest Tesla facilities in North America did that was put on the record and I and and I was kind of shocked to hear that but we'll put Oldbridge on the map for Tesla anyway for good things right right um hopefully I have one question Mr Dy sure Mr chairman Council spoke about there's another attorney here that they conferred with and is his word good enough that we or do we want this forward statement the record Mr Vitali a chance to stand up if he has anything to say or anything to add or if he can just fair enough fair enough there's no objection and Mr chairman I would just note that obviously this is a use variant there's five members here present tonight so uh it may be um uh beneficial to pull the board just to make sure before any votes I want to make sure that anybody if there is any questions before we go forward with or if you call for a vote this evening then I want to make sure all the all those items are deal dealt with beforehand and not at the last minute I'll go to my left uh Mr Victoria you were not here for it but you watched it right you have any pressing questions that you would like to ask Council uh not offand I think it's a great use of a pretty rundown Raceway so no correct no Mr scagno anything okay and on this side Pat do you have anything no I Echo your sentiments all right and Rosanne no question anything else from the professionals I have nothing Mr chairman I am gonna have to go to open to public yeah that's I'm gonna have to go to a public portion um but I just want to see if you had anything El say no no I just wanted to make sure I oh we're going to cover we're going to we're going to cover the six qualified votes no I believe it's taking in my no I believe it's only five Mr Victoria was unable to review the um the original application Mr raro so it's going to be five be five of five so that that'll be your Christmas cheer that's right um I'm GNA open this matter to the public this is uh this is 37- 223z this location is the old uh Lowe's uh property on Route 9 South at uh just pass po Farm Road and uh they're looking to put in a Tesla dealership there now anyone in the public want to be heard now would be the time please raise your hand or come forward no one ha in the room has raised their hand nor have they come forward I'll close the public portion final comments counselor none whatsoever other I would ask for the straw vote first that was it you heard it okay okay uh nothing further from the 10 uh yeah no personally I I thought it was a great idea and I'm I've been longing for someone to move into that lot because it really is an isore when you go when you're traveling down there and it's a misuse of the property so I'm glad you're going to try and do that having said that I'm going to see if someone will uh this is for uh D3 right yes sir we'll start with D3 and then I I believe there's uh there's book variances and a preliminary and final correct okay so this would be D3 for conditional use correct yes sir uh someone interested in moving this in favor of a d That's the Vero movement is there second second scagno roll call as the D3 Miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Miss tester yes chairman Sullivan yes and as to uh the bulks can we take them yeah you can do them all at once we can do all the bulks as a as one package anybody interested to move those chevier move it Chevalier moves it is just a second Andrews M Andrews uh second roll call please Mr Andrews m Andrews I'm sorry yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Miss tester yes chairman Sullivan yes and preliminary and final preliminary first you can do preliminary final at the same time together yes major preliminary and final site plan someone want to move that Chev I'll move it is there scog moved in second roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Miss tester yes chairman Sullivan yes counselor thank you very much for thank you for the presentation I did get to watch it uh so I was impressed and I wish you guys good luck thank you very much very anxious to get started I'm sure you're here for much short thank you very good sir happy holiday happy holidays to you as well and all your professionals that are here happy holidays thank I'm here just in case okay right we need a recess else uh before we go to the next application uh I'm going to ask for a recess short five minutes please come back in five minutes time 807 all right we're back from uh recess to the Zoning Board of adjustment meeting uh I'm going to call in the final application for the evening this is number 60- 2022 Z abilio and Elizabeth tashera zone is the low density severe environmental block 24204 lot 26 physical locations 2075 Englishtown Road for a storage building requiring a de variance Peter claz is representing the applicants this evening uh thank you Mr chairman good evening evening members of the board and your professional staff uh for the record Peter clauser with the firm H Pap on behalf of the applicant you'll see Mr pressler's name on the agenda um I took over the project a couple of months ago uh sort of bring it to the the finish line here this is a bifurcated application so this is a use variance only that we're asking for this evening and as I'm sure the board is aware the bifurcated application means that if the board granted the use variance uh relief we would have to come back in front of you and present a full site plan application for you to review to make sure that same was consistent with uh the use variance relief that you granted uh that to Shar has purchased this property in and around 2009 it is improved and was improved then with a small uh masonry building and some gravel areas the sharers began using the property as a second site for their Construction Company um in 2001 the use of the site uh came to the attention of the zoning officer um who through his review and some of it is outlined in in vena's report could not confirm or or determine that this is a pre-existing commercial use on the site based on the tax records and previous uses um but there was a tax designation in the 80s of a commercial use on the site so summonses were issued for utilizing the site without site plan um and fortunately you guys have a very good zoning department they worked with the applicant the applicant put together a professional staff uh in order to present uh the application before this board but more importantly we were given the time uh by your uh zoning department adjournments of the uh Municipal Court cases to work with the DP to get approval so we actually come in front of you tonight with uh three different D approvals that I'm not smart enough to talk about but Brent will speak to um which is pretty nice uh to be able to present to you uh the actual conditions of the site and not speculate as to what it is or what it will be uh but we actually have approvals from the D for what we could do and that really comes from uh your staff here in town working with an applicant as opposed to just beating us over the head uh with summonses uh so it speaks uh grade volumes about how this town works with its applicants um so now we're here this evening we have the application for use farance we have a concept plan that was presented um and the purposes of the application are to legitimize the use of the property let's bring it up to date um get it on the record construct a building on the site um to store the equipment uh that's part the equipment of materials that are part of the use the building's 6550 Square ft um obviously part of that construction we have an architect here this evening is to improve the visual aspect of the site um to identify environmentally sensitive areas on the site it's in your r120 Zone and to remediate if any historical uh damage to those environmental uh sites uh with your staff and with the D uh and to visually eliminate virtually all outdoor storage there storage containers on the site get rid of all of them put everything inside of a building uh that the tax office can look at and that um uh is a nice uh building that serves as that that storage I have it's a succinct presentation but I do have four Witnesses uh Mr and Mrs tashera this is their family business Liz tashera Elizabeth but Liz is here to testify as to the operations uh of the site so you can get a sense of how it's used as the secondary location uh and then we have Brent papy um who is the applicants engineer he'll take you through the concept plan that he designed Joe Highlands the architect um he's worked with v uh to create a building that we think is appropriate for the area and will continue to do that and then finally Mr pesano is the applicant's uh professional planner and he'll testify us to the variance relief that we require uh so if I could I'd like to swear in a very nervous Liz uh to have her testify in front of you I told her that none of you bite no one's here to get her um but I just wanted to talk about her business a little bit her family business uh and her use of site um get some of the operations on the record and then we move to Brent and Joe and then Mr pesano thank you mras ma' will you raise your right hand you do you swear affirmed to testify truth in this matter before the board I just speak into it I great and I'll just have your name for the record your last name my name is my last name or my first name all of them okay Elizabeth and my last name is t x e i r a thank you you're welcome remember Mark the sherff played first base for the Yankees that's how I remember relation no relation um all right Liz this is your what's what's the name of your business and what do you do so we own a company it's called Prestige Construction it opened in 2001 our main location is in South River we own our own uh office building and yard okay that's our primary location I didn't get the first name is it Precision Prestige Prestige Construction okay Prestige Prestige okay thank you you're welcome what is the business what do you do we do masonry and we're a concrete sub subcontractor so I said to the board that you purchased this property in9 is that accurate yes January 9 2009 there's storage that's going on the site in containers and there is Storage on the site what types of items are you storing on the site and and what ultimately will be continue to be stored on the site inside the build so I made a list of the stuff that's there but it's basically construction material and power tools small power tools I can go through the list if you want it's like wire mesh I don't know if it's if you understand the terminology but it's wire mesh the word would like to hear what what's there okay so there's wire mesh there's concrete blankets there's concrete finishing tools like brooms and TRS we have some saws blowers generators mixers and light towers light light towers what are the hours of operation on the site when is it utilized so on this site we only go there when we need some stuff our main location has most of our stuff but we outgrew our main location so that's why we're storing stuff here um we work from 7 in the morning till 6:00 at night doesn't mean we go there every day but Monday through Friday we work 7 to 6 and Saturdays 8 to 1 we don't go there every day but when our guys need stuff or my husband needs to go there he does go there there deliveries to this site um we had deliveries but then when we got summons we stopped the only we only go there to pick up stuff because we're trying to take stuff out of there since we got the summons we've been trying to empty these containers right now there's no deliveries do you anticipate that there'll be deliveries in the future should the board act favorably on the application so we do we think you know we might need a brick or block Sandstone rebar those kind of deliveries and it'll probably be a flatbed that delivers the block or the brick something the board's probably familiar with they've seen out on the road long flat beds got big straps over yes um what kind of vehicles would be stored at the site or utilized at the site I would think a pickup a truck or an a dump truck we're not keeping a lot of stuff there because we have our own location I'm just thinking of what could be there I'm thinking maybe a pickup truck a van a dump truck is there anything used on the site equipment like to load material I actually I don't know if it's there now but we did have a backo there to load our own trucks with the stand and the stone the vehicles the materials that you discussed would they be stored inside of this building once it's constructed I know that Brent on the proposal location he has bins that are supposed to store I think Stone and sand correct that's all outside the other stuff will be inside and Bren show the board but those bins are to the rear of the property shielded by the building to the rear and say that again I'm sorry oh yeah don't testify yet I'm sorry I I should have caught that I apologize um the vehicles that are on site is there a possibility to store them inside of the building yes okay and there's none on site now no in the future in the future yes I want to make sure that if the board grants this that they know what's going to be on the site and that you have the ability to have some pickup trucks and I think the pickup trucks and the Vans I think that'll probably be on the rear it won't be inside I'm thinking it'll be bu correct okay um and then the goal is that other than the stone and and rocks that are stored outside is to get rid of all the containers and move all your storage inside yes my husband actually already got rid of five containers we've been trying like we have one in front of our property now for sale I mean it's not easy I've been putting on Marketplace and it's not easy just to get rid of them but we have gotten rid of five of them already we're trying to empty them out and get rid of them so that it's we are trying we're trying to show we're trying but it's not easy to get rid of them um but yeah we we don't want them there that's why we need a building and the storage outside in the bins would be the Rock and the sand not millings or no we don't product no we don't we don't do that we're masonry and we're concrete okay Mr CH I have no further questions for Liz she's available to the board and your Professionals for any questions that you you may have thank you Mr claer Mr one this application uh we started working with Liz for almost two years now it's been a long uh process uh I have to be honest I was not happy when I first uh came across the violations but um Liz has been working with the zoning office and has been cleaning up um the site the one of the major concerns that we had or the zoning office had was some of the trailers were being rented out um to uh other tenants and that was becoming a concern for us because now you have individual tenants that are occupying the trailer spaces um in numerous conversations and I think liist should put it on record too so that it's part of the testimony they have agre agreed that they will not be leasing any uh space on the property it will be purely used for their business and they're trying to clean up the site um there won't be any trailer parking everything is going to be parked within the building we did have um I think two pre-application meetings with um the professionals over a period of 2 years because they there were summons issued there were Cod dates and uh we had to keep going back to the court and telling them that they are working I think the good part was what came out from the first meeting was Mr papy reaching out to D and getting all the permits because Nicole and I had concerns originally uh about the wetlands that existed on the rear portion of the property and we weren't sure how much of it encroaches into the already Disturbed gravel area uh with them getting those permits I think it's a much cleaner application now so tell Liz can you just put it on record that you will not be leing um the property for somebody else it's solely for your business it it's it's for our business and when we were doing that we were not aware that we weren't allowed to do it so we had a landscaper there who's my brother-in-law he wasn't paying us he was cutting our grass and we were allowing him to park his stuff there we weren't getting paid but we didn't know we weren't allowed to do it until we got our summons right moving forward this property is for your business you're not going to lease out any no no it's for our own business the app would agree if it was an approval to be part of the resolution it should be part of the resolution absolutely and the one more thing we uh I mean we tried but our older records are not as the way it should be like in the sense that we have been trying to digitize everything there was no way for us to uh find any approvals that were granted on the commercial use but yes the tax classification always had it as commercial use but uh the building records or the zoning board resolutions I couldn't find anything that shows that there was a prior approval so we thought this was the best uh course of action that they come in front of the board they legitimize the use as well as clean up the site anything else that's it for this witness you have anything nothing Mr chairman is your home right next door where do it I live behind I live in Monroe I live in I live in not next door not the next adjacent Pro oh no no no I don't live yeah I live in Monroe okay um I thought this project was this address was was going back a number of years I thought where there was a there was a construction outfit who stored Stone sand and it was very close to people's backyards it made a big it it was a big Todo over that I don't know if you were on the board at that particular Point uh Miss Chevalier uh and and that got cleaned up I thought this was the right next to it was that New House was built correct next to it on that it was all part of that yeah no that's not us all right so you don't own that property there all right uh let me go to see if the board has any questions of U of Mr share that she could uh Aid them in and I'll start with Mr Victoria I do if that's okay go right ahead sry um this is something I do have vast experience in coming from a masonry background I do have a couple questions um do you do any decorative concrete no applications no so no colored concrete no exposed aggregate no anything of that nature okay so no chemicals or colorance being stored okay we're actually a Commercial contractor we're not we don't do houses we're commercial okay but no no no color absolutely no colored concrete just we don't even know how to do it got so you're not mixing anything of any Source all right um and then the containers how many containers I don't even know now how many containers there will be none there they will all be removed from the site you're just going to have the building to go inside the building yeah yeah everything will go inside saying just right now I'm just curious like how you how many you have on the site now 10 maybe my husband got rid of five these like 20 yard dumpsters with an open front like you can open they swing open yeah okay all right but all two be removed yeah definitely definitely make it more appealing to the eye we didn't even know we were not aware that orridge did not allow containers I found this out when we got the summons we didn't know any we didn't know we were doing anything wrong we bought the the property we thought it was commercial that's what we were told and we were using it as commercial so we didn't know we were doing anything wrong or else we would have never started doing anything we wouldn't have stored our stuff there if it wasn't allowed to be there um but we're trying to get it done now so we can use it yeah I just want to make sure there was no you know with houses closed by if there was any chemicals or anything no no we have no chemical I'm satisfied thank you there's no chemicals Mr scog know anything what about the landscap he had to move when the when we got the summons and we were told I explained to him he was my brother-in-law and he said you're better off removing him so he rented I don't know he went down by gasos or something he rented a property in gasos no no he did not leave anything behind brother-in Miss Cher sorry brother yes he's my brother-in-law okay uh I'll go to miss Andrews now you've had this business there since 2001 no we own our business Prestige Construction was open in 2001 how long I bought we bought this property in 2009 January 9th January 9th yes okay thank you you're welcome m test verting no question your main uh business is located in South River South River we own a we own a a building an office building where our office is and our yard is behind it um the property there do you remember who you bought that from the one in South River no oh we don't have any jurisdiction over South um I don't know because I didn't bring the paperwork it's not that important um I'm sure we're going to hear that there's going to be new fencing and new Shrubbery and we're going to give a curb appeal to this guy over there okay um the the containers are going to have to go you have some I guess there would be storage not not so not I think Mr Victoria you were thinking to make rolloffs or something I think these are more these are they look like they're uh they're boxed box full box similar to the one you have out front for sale yes yes they have a bunch of them in there you can see uh but all of those are going to go and that's obviously correct and you said the vehicles if there are any we'll try and determine a number at some point uh they are going to be stored outside correct what is going to be stored in this 6,65 going to try to move whatever is in those storage containers we to store them inside so we don't have the containers okay so we'll hear from somebody that what's in there in those storage containers yes that's now the materials that she described uh the one tools yeah it's tools it's the construction material whatever we don't have we haven't been putting anything else in there our guys have been going there and trying to take it out so that we can empty them out so we haven't put any new stuff in there okay so anything everything you have in there belongs to the company it's ours it's PR and you want to organ organiz it into one building correct okay I'm good and then let's you're the one to talk about the vehicle so let's get let's get some ideas some vehicles I think you know typical with your maintenance with your masonry business that might we might see on site is it a pickup truck a dump truck I'm thinking the biggest thing you're probably going to see is our dump truck it'll probably be a dump truck because the other stuff I don't know I'm saying a pickup like if someone if one of the guys goes there to pick something he's going to go in a pickup I don't think there's going to be a lot of vehicles because we have our own our main our primary location is in South AFA that's where all our vehicles are but if they go to pick something up they might go in a pick up the biggest will probably be a dump truck is that a tandem or is that it's a tandem it is a t yeah and you would agree that that could be parked behind the building well yeah the way I saw the building the way it's going to be built yeah it'll probably be behind I don't see it in Fr sheld Mr chair yeah understood okay and probably a backo I would think to move materials correct it's not going to be in the front that's not you know we're not going to put something parked in the front they wouldn't have uh employees parking on on the property probably no maybe one or two maybe the guys that are there to pick up the stuff move stuff onto a truck yes I think that was the idea the test yes there's a limited amount of any any vehicles and and the only probably construction equipment would be the back ho that sits there to probably load the truck correct that's correct okay and no there's no uh why we're on this subject there's no uh public that comes here you don't have customers coming to this no no no no no we don't noil whatsoever no no we don't even have customers going to our primary maybe a Salesman or two but no we don't have customers coming I'm good okay thank you Mr chair thank you Liz you're very welcome have a seat thank you listen breathe good job we don't bite Peter was right so now Mr chair our next witness is Brent papy um with East Point he's the engineer responsible for the variant sketch that's up here so if I could I'd like to have him sworn and place his credentials on the record Mr papy can you raise your right hand please you swear airm to testify truth in this matter before the board I do and can we have your your name and spell your last Brent papy spelled p a pii for those watching at home would you give uh your credentials so people at home know who you are and what you absolutely um I'm uh partner with East Point engineering of a Bachelor's of Science and civil engineering from Rucker College of Engineering I'm a licensed professional engineer in the state of New Jersey I was the uh planning board engineer in Spring Lake Heights for six years I'm also a c certified Municipal engineer I've been practicing for over 25 years and you've testified before this believe I've a test whether it's virtual or in person before this board and Edison matachin New Brunswick Woodbridge other boards just so those people who might be watching know you're a professional engineer thank you so much thank you thank you very much Mr chair let's get uh there's a an exhibit on the board there are small versions of the exhibit that you handed out to the board I'm assuming we'll mark that A1 and if you could describe what A1 is uh for the board absolutely A1 is a u color rendering of a concept plan that I had prepared uh based on input and meetings we've had with the town um information that we've obtained from uh topographically from a surveying company that was helping us with the project and also shows delineations of some environmental constraint mapping that we've been preparing in combination with permits we file with the D which I'll get into so let me get out of your way take the board around the site what's proposed and and and discuss those those permits okay um as everyone might know the property's address is 2075 Englishtown Road uh it's tax lot 26 block 24204 it has approximately 540 linear feet of Frontage along Englishtown Road and it's uh size of a lot is approximately 56,86282 7 Square ft which is 11.6 acres in total area as we've already gone over in some detail the front portion of the property is currently um developed with a small commercial building uh there's some gravel parking surrounding that building at the front and the back uh there's some trailers parked on the property which are being removed and there's some fencing around the property um and the building currently is served by some Public Utilities for water source and gas already um the remaining portions of the property toward the rear as you see on the exhibit in green are all basically forested um areas that were uh that since have been delineated as Wetlands by the uh njd New Jersey Department Environmental Protection and um we filed for a verification permit under file number 1209 d22 D z11.1 and that uh freshwater wetlands Loi was dated December 2nd 2002 uh the verified Wetland lines are depicted on December 2nd 2022 2022 did I say 20 you said 2002 I'm sorry about that um the verified wetlands are depicted on the on the exhibit um as lines with triangles they're shown going around the border of within the green area of the map around the border of the green area and then um associated with the Wetlands is a 50ft transition area buffer which is depicted as a black dash line you can see that buffer coming into the property the importance of these uh wetlands and getting the delineation done was to show what area we could um develop and areas that might need to be restored in addition to the Wetland permitting uh there's a small drainage feature to the north northwest top corner of the property uh which borders that North norly border property line uh which required us to apply for an njd flood Hazard verification permit under the same uh file number and uh that permit was dated November 2nd 2022 uh the permit confirmed that the on-site drainage feature that runs along the Northerly property line is associated with the bar clay Brook which is located um offsite to the north and east of the property across the uh roadway um and the design flood elevation associated with that Brook is elevation 41 ft navd88 um the only area on the site that's within that flood area uh which is located on the property is that small northeast corner there's a little blue um on the concept plan you can see it on the very top northeast corner of the property that's the flood zone it's that little tiny sliver of blue which you're looking at so it's it's nonetheless it was delineated um as a small part of the small tributary and uh we also confirmed in filing that permit that there's a 50 foot riparian Zone associated with that uh which is uh off the top of bank and it's shown on the plan is a yellow dash line and you can see it going across the the plan to the north um the concept plan depicts also the proposed improvements that the applicant has been discussing uh with the town um the fully intend on filing a site plan application if the if the board votes favorably uh for the use variants uh they're proposing to completely remove the existing building and the storage trailers and to construct a new uh storageoffice building of 6,550 square ft that building shown in yellow in the area on the exhibit um at the same location basically of the existing building and offset slightly uh they're proposing to remove in combination with that 9,000 square feet approximately of gravel where they're going to install uh grass within those areas that were previously Disturbed and that's shown in a lighter green color you could see it to the North which we were discussing there's a b a tree border landscape border that we've been discussing with the D and with the town to help add additional buffering and screening uh between this property and the residential um and that's very important to plant that buffer uh the area shown in blue are the limits of existing and proposed gravel the rear of the building would have five bin blocks which would be for storage of materials as we just discussed uh and there's some employee areas dedicated for parking whether it's employees or whomever uh there's about 10 parking spaces there uh in the back of the building uh which would all be screened by the building itself and uh some proposed new fencing and a gate which is to the if you're facing the building to the left side so there's a a gated entrance if you will and and screening all around in addition to the Landscaping the applicant um also you know um proposing to landscape some of the areas in the front and the building Frontage just to clean it up a little bit um you'll see in uh in areas that are shown um on the plan which are in a lighter green um that are going to be restored English Town Road County Route 527 also has a 60t RightWay per the tax man uh the applicant would propose to widen that right of way to match that of the U RightWay to the north of the property and they'd be widening that right right away by 10 feet to make it a total width of 70 feet um and that matches the current like I said before the current width to the north um in support of the future development of this property uh we also filed for additional njd permit um we filed for a flood Hazard area individual permit we've also filed for freshwater wetlands it's called a special activity transition area waiver permit because as you can see portions of the property are being restored that requires permits and portions of the building are in that small area of that uh transition that 25 that 50 foot riparian zone so we are able to get an A DP permit to do so and we have that permit it was dated October 20th 2023 which permits what you're looking at on that concept plan it's identical um the applicant if granted approval here tonight would agree to file any other required permits to the county or any other Outside Agency that may be needed um in order to um meet all the requirements of site plan approval and um in response to the township planner's comment regarding the existing and proposed traffic which is mainly the only I don't think it was one of the only engineering comments um it was my understanding that uh in speaking with the app applicant that the existing um uh the s's current the existing use of the property would remain the same and therefore the traffic patterns and the traffic the use of the site would remain the same the same number of vehicles they uh expected maybe two to three trucks uh deliveries per week and they explained to me they only they may only have one to two employees arriving at different times to monitor the site and the office um they don't anticipate any changes to the traffic patterns that are there there today thank you um so I what's most important of all the work that you did you've established um the environmental constraints associated with property and you've established them both by your on-site investigations as well as verifications from the D through approvals that's correct and you're working within those environmental constraints to not only um rehabilitate certain areas but also to locate your improvements within uh permissible areas and outside of those environmental are absolutely correct and um I think you might have said this but should the board Grant the application you're prepared to uh fully engineer the site plan and you're confident based on your initial investigations and the permits you've received so far that that's feasible to do so consistent with the concept plan absolutely and you spoke a little bit about the traffic obviously as we heard from Liz that it's the the use of the property is light from a traffic perspective but uh as was pointed out in Miss Swan's report if need be um we could uh Supply a traffic statement uh at the time of site plan that's that's correct we would do that I have no further I have one more question when you look at the bulk standards here we're and and this was mentioned in Miss Swan's report everything is centralized on the property and you're not violating any side yard setbacks or impervious coverage standards or anything to that um not that I'm aware of we went through the zoning um compliance table and the only there's some exist existing non-conformities that were not exacerbating uh but most everything on the site complies because just due to the nature of the size of the property thank you Mr chair I have no further questions for Mr papy is available to the board and of boards professionals thank you Mr plazer uh Mr what Mr papy did I hear that the building encroachment into the riparian buffer uh has been already approved by DP that is correct okay uh the one comment if you look and I I'm I know it's going to be a part of the side plan but just so that when should the board act favorably when you come back something for you to look at is the bins that are back right the northernmost bin and the parking lot it's too it's kind of when you're trying to back into the bin and unload it might pose a challenge so you might want to slide the concrete bins to the South so that there is no um interference with the parking spot I know I heard uh Mr sherff say that there will not be the you're proposing 10 parking spaces but you really don't need them but at the same time I think you have room there to move those concrete BNS slightly I would agree with that and we could absolutely do that there's there's a lot of room for us to move some things around out there and make space for uh turning the other thing I would recommend and again it's only should the board act favorably when you come in for site plan something for you to look at is in the front of the building um if you don't need as much gravel because most of your parking is at the back try to landscape it and give it a pretty look because this is going to be an upgrade to the site so working on the Landscaping in the front would be uh critical especially when you're asking for use very you're trying to show that any negative impacts it may have are going to be nullified by the uh improvements in the site right I know I'm uh stealing some of Mr Pano's um statements we will soon hear but I think that is something important that should the board act favorably the applicant agrees to work on the Landscaping we'd be pleased to do that and and comp and then the one last thing since uh it's a bifur application have you started any process with the county we have not okay I would recommend that you at least get a pre-application meeting and get their feedback prior to coming to the board so that you know what to expect the other thing is I will be happy to join you on any of those pre application meetings with the county so that I get to hear what they have to say about the improvements um the one thing that I always hear the county emphasize is on sidebox but again uh it's just to use variants when we go to the site plan is something that we might want to look at be more than happy to do that as well sure that's all from my side would you tell the board what the reparan line is the yellow line what what what it represents so I think Bren is the most qualified to actually explain it when you're dealing with flood Hazard um areas and flood Hazard permitting uh certain tributaries certain streams and whatnot have an Associated riparian Zone depending on the classification of the stream this particular stream has a 50 foot riparian Zone associated with it so in the that's measured from the top of bank so the surveyor went out he delineated the uh the tributary uh the center lines and top of Bank along each side and then we offset that uh that 50 ft to to delineate that for the DS review and then in in combination to doing that the DP said we put a another 25 ft inside that 50ft line because that's the limit where you're allowed to disturb so if you see there's another line more or less within that but beyond inside between the top of Bank in that yellow line which is that 25 foot Mark which is why that building's allowed to was permit it to be in there and you have a permit which actually says that that's correct put that building in that 25 this plan you're looking at almost identically was was filed to the DP aside from some Landscaping notes we had to add to the plan sheet I have a copy of the approved D permitting plan with me like sh and just to add to the board actually board's knowledge any encroachment into a riparian buffer has to it requires DP approval and um they scrutinize it based on the flooding based on the type of tributary that you are uh the setback requirement is so they already have that approval it's a big deal for us to be able to have that yeah we have uh the loli here but I just wanted you to put that on the record so people would would know what that was I think what has happened is when we met for the first pre-application meeting and between the public hearing um it has been lot of months but it has worked in the applicant's favor because that time has enabled them to get all these DP approvals because those are the ones that take the longer time so I'm glad Mr papy had filed for those uh earlier so today when they're coming in front of the board it's a much cleaner application versus they being uncertain whether DP is going to you know allow certain encroachments or approve the side plan thank you I'm going to go to the board on my left for Mr papy any no questions am I right Mr Dy no sir thank you very much thank you Brent thank you all very much than papy I'm going to call Joe Highland the applicants architect building's important the building looks like on the roadway is important so if I could let's get Joe sworn and get his cred on the record Mr would you raise your right hand s you swear or affirm to testify truth in this matter before the board yes I do can we have your name and spell your last yes Joseph Highland h y l a n d thank you you share with you board your your license yeah for those at home that are watching uh it will entertain them as well I'm sure I have a Bachelor of Science degree in landscape architecture from marus University and a MERS of architecture degree from Virginia Tech Tech uh my office is at 77 miltown Road in East brunwick I have been Li I'm licensed as both an architect and as a planner I've given testimony between before this board and Boards in South River East Brunswick New Brunswick Rumson except Mr Highland he has testify before this board uh but maybe some of the newer members may not have recognized if you could just briefly take the board around the building that you designed what your thoughts were and yes I came in on the team just recently past couple months so the footprint of the building was was given to me um the existing building will be taken down uh what is proposed is the U 6,550 square foot building it is a pre-engineered building we're thinking will be designed by Butler Building Systems so it's a WID span steel structure um the plan isn't up here but the U the way it was designed is that the car the trucks in the first two Bays can drive all the way through exit the rear um so there's the first two we just lost the plan okay the first two bays are you want to see a floor plan I'm sorry yeah sure the floor plan might be good that's that's good we just want to see the bottom drawing though so we'll mark this A2 this is an elevation and floor plan of your building yes correct so it's the one-story structure that's the first floor plan the bottom drawing so there's a garage door to the far left and you can see there's another one at the top of the building uh the trucks can drive through so the first two bays are you can drive through the third one you can just pull in um the uh again it's a on story 21 foot ceiling 27 foot building height uh this building has an office space the client said they don't intend to use it but they want to design the building so in the future it could be salable they thought it was prudent to have an office so you'll see to the right there is an office even though they're not going to be using it um two Laboratories and um just a utility room uh the building the exterior of the building um was designed to blend in as much as possible with the residential neighborhood um the U there are Gable roofs added above the garage doors the uh the siding is cement stucco on the bottom there is manufacturer stone at the at the very bottom of the front um at the top there's a metal board and bat and siding you can see on the rendering and um so the rendering will Mark a three crop too so on here you at the bottom there's the manufactured Stone then there's the cement stucco at the top there's a board and batten siding the idea is that the finishes would be neutral colors uh and the roof is standing seam uh metal roof um and there's a shed roof added over where the door is into the offices so the intent was to try to break up the uh scale of the building thank you and moving forward you have no issue working with with Vena to make sure we end up with a building that she feels is and the board feels is appropriate for this area absolutely we can we can modify the building as as being a se's fit absolutely Mr chair I have no questions for Mr one thing would we be looking at the front of the building facing Englishtown road or are we looking at the back of the building that's that's the front of the building I have no further questions for Joey's available to the board Mr one so I did have a conversation with Mr Highland uh when we had initially met like almost a year and a half ago uh Mr Highland was not in attendance at that meeting and there was a comment that was made that because there are some residences around uh you know why not try to treat it residentially but now over a period I noticed that there are some newer looking buildings commercial buildings on English toown Road and uh I recommended Mr Highland that when they come for a side plan approval we should revisit the style of the building because maybe they can mimic some of the modern looking buildings that are coming up on English Town Road um and uh Mr Highland has agreed to work with me uh adding Landscaping because I understand what Mr Sullivan is trying chairman Sullivan is trying to say that we have the front of the building with the garage doors like the overhead doors so I think adding Landscaping in the front was will kind of buffer it slightly um and it'll give it uh an aesthetically pleasing look so um I'm sure we'll work yeah we have no issue with that yeah and while that's just the rendering obviously there'd be no parking in the front of the building all the parking would be behind no further comments I'm gonna go to my left Mr Victoria no questions scagno is there any signage on the building there is no sign signage proposed as part of this the road side or on the building there is there were no signs proposed no this is okay thank you uh actually Mr sagno you I'm sorry I that was one thing on my list and I forgot to ask um I think you should when you come from the side plan you should think of a sign because even if you don't want to put it right away maybe get an approval now so that you don't have to come back in front of the board or you don't have to go through through any uh permitting process separately so maybe a small wall sign that's certainly something then we consider as part of a site plan sure or some small identification for the yeah it might be helpful yeah because I don't think I've gotten we didn't get a report from the fire department yet you know so I have that to deal with and what you know they want rather innocuous when you you can go by there You' never you'd never see it uh even with the building with a new building I it's hard to catch because it sits back so far from the road so certainly something to consider I would agree that with Mrs want that you may want to ask for some identification I know there's not going to be a lot of deliveries and it's probably only their own people who know where it is so right now there is no no identification if you haven't seen it I think that's easy to put in as part of have a great security camera system I can tell you that there's cameras all over the front of the building now and I hope they'll do the same thing uh Mr Victor you had nothing and we went to Mr scagno Miss Chevalier miss testver and miss Andrews no counselor yes sir okay I already asked my question let's get the planner up here thank you very much Joe thank you Mr Highland you good okay good evening everyone good evening so Michael pesano is the applicant planner if I could ask uh that he'd be sworn and get his credentials on the record sir do you swear swear or affirm to testify truth in this matter for the board I do can we have your name and spell your last gladly my name is Michael J pesano that's spelled p SS o l a n o can everyone hear me yes sir uh licensed professional planner in the state of New Jersey business address 14 40 Elmwood Avenue agota New Jersey um rolling right into my qualifications I uh before the pandemic I was before this board on an application if you I recogniz thank you um and I've served as planner in town surrounding uh the community Aberdine mwan uh South Amboy number of others I can't think of off the top of my head Ser you sir we'll accept your credentials okay thank you let's before you get started I want to make sure that you have access to to everything I think we have some planner exhibits that we had uh submitted to the board to bring up and you want me to hand some stuff out yes if these are intended for board members to have them right in front of them we have 14 sets here I don't think we need that many but uh I could do that to do it oh that's lovely of you thank you so that is a packet Mr sillo maybe we could just call that A4 plan or A5 planning exhibit no A4 planning exhibit Mr DY for the record Mr dasty a A4 is uh planning uh what would you like to call it the planning planning exhibits sorry about that consisting of uh five pages yes prepared by myself yeah get a little closer to the mic please let just bend down you can bend it down yeah the front end is is uh the very end the tip is bendable there you go that's got to be better that's perfect okay thank you all right um let me uh touch on the exhibit just distributed U because it provides the foundation for my planning analysis to reach the conclusions that I'll be presenting in my testimony uh on sheet one of A4 uh simply an excerpt from the Township tax map showing the the subject parcel uh in a bold yellow color U clearly identifying it as a very very spacious parcel um just the part that's within the the the angled Notch if you will on the Northern portion North is facing uh the top of the page generally speaking um top to the right is where the uh used portion of the site exists but the rest of it is unusable uh Wetland area on to page two of A4 an excerpt from the current uh Township zoning map showing now the subject parcel in a red outline and uh couple of takeaways uh from this particular uh view one is the U you can see that the R20 Zone wraps around this particular site which is a a projection of the r120 district that goes across Englishtown Road just in this particular location um you can see uh faintly that there are um development tracks subdivisions in the R20 Zone but none come close to the the subject property uh except the back corner because the the subject property is surrounded by Wetland so it will be that condition uh moving forward unless as a society we determine that Wetlands can be built upon I don't think that's going to happen um hopefully uh not anywhere else either but the second takeaway uh and the more important one is uh the lavender color uh of the ed1 district shows up uh directly across uh English Town Road from where the existing building is and where the proposed building would be so uh the net effect of that uh point of information is there would be non-residential facing nonresidential in this particularly situated portion that's the only usable section of this uh site moving on to uh sheet three we get further detail in an aerial image on which I've added some notations annotations excuse me um starting with the the lay of the land U basically North and South uh commercial nodes by virtue of that edo1 zoning are continuing to fill in and flourish as the Zone plan wants them too uh that provides for a very uh unwelcoming location for more residential between those commercial nodes the associated with them would be traffic of of All Sorts uh and types so this uh site that is the subject of subject of the application while it's zoned for residential single family it's not a particularly appropriate uh location for that uh particular use I've noted that Wetland areas exist not with any specificity but generally um in the wooded areas uh to the north west um south and east of the subject property uh or Wetlands the effect of that Arrangement is that this is a pretty isolated piece of property separated kind of its own neighborhood I will say U there is uh residential use adjin adjoining adjoining excuse me the site immediately to the north uh on English Town Road but uh that is its own little Enclave of same era homes um built uh in the 80s I believe um next to the the subject uh building sheet four uh of A4 contains four ground photos that were taken by myself at a time when it was not coat wearing weather obviously the the vegetation fully uh in flourish there uh we can see a a very dated um existing uh non-residential building on the site in in image one um the uh screening fencing actually is very effective at uh disguising the the storage containers behind it um however the U 6550 foot proposed building will be much more effective screen but of nothing behind it because all of the the purpose of this building is to bring it in all that needs to be stored on the site to the inside in a um in an enclosed building so with that plan in mind uh I think it's a an appropriate transition from the existing uh fairly um unattractive looking uh building to be um replaced with something more modern and functional and safe um alog together image two shows the view of from the gravel parking area in front of the building in in image one looking directly across Englishtown Road into a wetland uh type of configuration image three on the lower left shows a portion of the 550 ft of Frontage that Mr papy testified to uh starting uh at the gravel parking area in the front gravel circulation area I should say it's not used for parking uh by the company uh I parked there because I couldn't get through the gate so I could take my pictures uh and not be parked on the street but image four in the lower right shows a fairly dense uh Wetland wooded Wetland area uh that lies between the developed area of the site and the nearest uh neighbor to the South which is residential very very well uh buffered by distance and by the the vegetation in my opinion going on to the last page sheet five of 84 image five in the upper left uh shows A View From about the edge I'm standing at the northern edge of the gravel area in front and taking a a photo of the the nearest dwelling that's seen through the tree line there uh as Mr papy indicated and I think the board is fully prepared to to do is to provide for a more dense uh screen that will make that visib visibility impossible uh moving forward uh Image six in the upper left uh shows uh one of the two dwellings that are uh this one is diagonally across the street uh to diagonally to the um Northeast I should say which is in the ed01 zone and then in image 7 the on just to the south of that are dwelling also in the edo1 zone both of these now non-conforming by virtue of that um edo1 Zone do designation image 8 uh simply shows emphasizes what I was speaking to before uh the site pretty well uh screened today by virtue of the the solid fence so that information we can come back to any of the images as you wish but uh that provided a nice foundation for my analysis I spoke extensively with the applicant and its professionals uh looked at the Township's master plan materials and applicable zoning uh for this site and area and came to uh make reach some conclusions uh we are here for a use variance that is bifurcated as you heard from the site plan part of a use variance application which uh may or may not have a site plan associated with it uh applicants in New Jersey may elect to separate the the use consideration from the detailed site plan and that's what has taken place here and so the focus is strictly on the U criteria for the granting of a D1 use variance a use not permitted in the zone uh the r120 Zone being a a large lot of single family residential Zone it permits some other non-residential things I'll come to that in a in a moment but uh does not permit uh commercial storage buildings so uh with that introduction and background information um I want to focus now on the basis for why I think this uh application is worthy of approval um the standard of of review is the medich analysis which is a four-part test that looks at um special reasons including particular suitability that's one and two and U the negative criteria uh substantial public detriment and any uh impairment to the intent and purpose of the Zone plan and zoning ordinance so getting started with that um evaluation um special reasons I identify associated with this proposal are as follows I think that purpose a of the municipal land use law uh squarely Advanced by uh what has been described before you tonight uh it promotes the general welfare by putting the land available for economic development uh to productive use this is compatible with the edo1 use uh directly across the street when it gets uh established there of course uh purpose C is to promote uh adequate light air and open space we have a generous uh development uh envelope if you will on the site without being too close to anything so there's plenty of of room for separation adequate light air and open space purpose G uh promotes the idea of providing for adequate facilities for a variety of abuses to meet the needs of the needs of the state citizens in this case um a commercial use to house uh storage uh on a site that has been used commercially uh for several decades now uh purpose I I think is really the key uh Municipal land use law purpose that's being Advanced by this application should it be approved and that is to promote a desirable visual environment um the site clearly needs an upgrade grade uh and what is possible here uh can make a tremendous transformation of what you see today to what it can be with all of the elements that have already been uh touched upon by various people uh in this discussion so far tonight uh it's the intention of uh the applicant to work with the board and its Professionals in establishing a very aesthetically uh appealing outcome here and finally purpose m is Advanced uh for the efficient use of land and uh this commercially used land already there already Disturbed already established uh upgrading it and finishing it with a nice modern building uh certainly repurposes the land in a in a positive manner in my opinion the uh medich analysis wants um to hear about particular suitability uh what makes this site so particularly suitable for this use and and I I find that it it does by virtue of its condition and by the context that the property sits in as to the condition we have a longstanding utilization by non-residential use here uh the last use said to be a landscaping Contractor Yard not not the brother law of the applicant but a prior uh owner of the site um but this site has the natural capacity to accommodate the proposed use that's part of this application address prior environmental disturbances provide adequate buffering and improve its appearance thereby upgrading uh the neighborhood around it as to the context I mentioned this be earlier the site lies between an area characterized by various non-residential uses to the north and to the South along Englishtown Road uh it's expected that more intensive utilization in fulfillment of uh the Zone plan's vision for economic development is anticipated to occur on the these lands currently zoned ed01 and that uh zoning District as I said lies directly across from the development site on this property making the property particularly unsuitable for uh residential use so that points to what is the best thing to do here then that is to make a a better uh use of the land better appearance uh with what exists there today and it's roughly in its same um utilization since the balance of the the subject property is wetland and thus will not support any development or human occupancy uh in a very wide area to the west and south of the existing building on the site or the proposed one for that matter it's effectively isolated and not part of a traditional residential neighborhood um so the when the Edo use touches down across the street it will even further orphan this site from any sense of being in a residential neighborhood uh from a practical matter in my opinion so moving on to part three um of the analysis as to Neighborhood detriment is there a substantial detriment to be expected uh from U embracing this this use here in in this application um I took some uh effort to try to find out what happened here how how did this property come to be what it is and sent um verify that the records are scarce in any kind of documentation but there is a resource that anyone can access it's called historic ariel.com and you type in the address under the aial aals tab and it goes back to 1931 um the I looked at at all the the screens that were provided images from that time to the 2019 which is the last um image available and found a that roughly in 1957 uh the property went from Green Field of nothing on it to hosting some type of structure that had what looks like a gas pump in the front I don't know that it was a gas station but the configuration it's like a circular drive around this thing that's kind of blurry in the image uh that's it's pretty grainy imagery but um that's when U use of the property I believe it to me it looked non-residential so as far back as 1957 there's a suggestion that this sort of grew organically into uh what it became uh today over the years uh the the current configuration where there's a a a fence in the front and a building just behind it first appears in 1979 in again in the historic areial imagery available online so I I can skip the the the chapter and verse about what I saw in the other screens but the main takeaway for me is it has a long history of being non-residential um excuse me Contin with the the evaluation of the question is there a substantial detriment to to the neighborhood the the two properties across Englishtown Road are now uh in non-conforming residential use are slated for more intensive commercial utilization with which our use as proposed would be most compatible and in no way posing a detriment in my opinion the residential Enclave to the north was established and occupied with the non-residential nature of our site plainly evident um so no basis do I find for a substantial detriment for continued non-residential utilization under improved conditions um the the neighbor to the South is well buffered by both distance and mature Woodland as shown in my exhibit so again no basis for a substantial detriment to continued non-residential use under the improved conditions that will evolve should this project uh go through site plan reveal the applicant intends to construct a building to fully contain all the durable items to be stored there except for the the bulk storage bins as you heard uh clearly an improvement for the neighboring uses over the existing condition the bins for the bulk materials deep at the rear of the existing uh non-vegetated area far from any any dwelling also you heard testimony uh as to infrequent utilization visitation during normal business hours is expected security measures will be deployed to continue uh will continue to be deployed at all times excuse me so by virtue of of the proposed containment of storage within a new building and upgrade of the site's Environmental Quality and appearance effectively the use is being improved in its impact and overall public benefit in my opinion rather than increased in detriment excuse me during site plan review measures for optimal buffering uh and improved Aesthetics I'm sure can be applied uh with the willingness of of the applicant uh to gladly do so since a interesting uh thing I I uh conjured here in my analysis since no site plan approval is required for the permitted single family use should one be proposed here the township through site plan review will actually have much more say through its site plan review and enforcement powers and what measures are implemented on the ground for the long term here important aspects of buffering Wetland protection and restoration and overall Aesthetics can be most optimally controlled through a formal site plan review process another Plus for uh doing it this way it's also important to note that other permitted uses could touch down here that would be more impactful more intensive utilization uh and more continuous activity and traffic due to the very large size of the site 56,86282 allow a building of up to 4,549 Ft uh of floor area within the 40% maximum coverage we have an 11.6 Acre Site so that's why uh 40% gets you to such a a large uh potential building area uh and there um that would be a maximum of 079 F we propose a building coverage of 6550 Square ft or 1.3% building coverage and an F 0129 three of the uses that that could uh attain those kind of Dimensions that would be permitted here house of worship uh school and daycare center the permitted uses across the street in the edo1 could be actually highly incompatible with the residential use on the subject property as I I stated so finally those last uh step of the four-part analysis is to look at the impact on the Zone plan um The Zone plan as you know depicts R 120 use here on the land today um it is a mixture of residential and non-residential but the Zone plan vision is for realization of two Economic Development nodes one North and one south of the subject property and in fairly close proximity and I must again point out I conclude that the setting is not conducive to additional single family housing here uh a modified non-residential use here supports uh the Zone plan objectives to improve the jobs to housing ratio slightly moving the needle in there in that direction it's not a huge employer as testified by but it moves it in the right direction and uh that's and minimizing nitrogen in the groundwater as articulated in the Township's planning documents uh the development site here is a very small part of the overall 120 Zone despite its large size so it's not in my opinion tant amount to resoning uh through this variance process um we're proposing really no change to the existing land use pattern so I see no basis for a finding of uh any impairment of the Zone plan and zoning ordinance uh purpose and intent let alone one rising to the level of substantial as to the uh required enhanced quality proof which is the tail end of the um negative criteria in the medich analysis um clearly this board has uh far more information today in front of it for its consideration and the governing body which typically utilizes a very broad brush approach for its zoning uh designations on on the zoning map the unique characteristics of the subject property and proposal will be harmonious with the Zone plan results on the ground and thus more consistent with the overall vision for this area in my opinion so in conclusion that the site obviously needs Improvement approval of the use variants uh followed by the development of an appropriate site plan will provide a unique opportunity to make for a good Community Asset in this particular location the applicant is very willing to work with continue working with the township to achieve the optimal outcome for all stakeholders the application satisfies uh all four elements of the medich analysis and on balance I find that the the positives of the overall application uh greatly outweigh uh any negatives and therefore submit to you that your approval is there thereby warranted I rest there thank you thank you Mr pasano Mr chair it was a rather thorough presentation and I have no questions of Mr basano he's available to the board is it Friday yet good job to the board and the board's professionals we got an overtime you know tonight this one I don't have any further questions you know the only thing I wanted to say was uh I had a I had a writing here and and you got to it at the end and I said how long has this been operating as such and then you went and you told me about historic Aerials and so I think that tells the whole story and when I see your exhibits I'll point to page one where you carved out the the lot in yellow correct yes okay is it conceivable that someone would come in and buy this up and put homes up no and why because of the wetlands exactly okay and and the area it's really not calling for more to page two of five when you look at cutouts of the Zone plan why do you think they stopped building up here when it got down to there I think the same constraint uh Wetland uh pervasive throughout the area why would you stop if you didn't unless if the land could be used right so it's probably inconceivable that they would never put homes there we're on the same page with that exactly Mr chairman I just want to make sure that's your opinion as well yes okay um we can't accurately say when this was used as a Contractor Yard we cannot but we know that 2001 was the was the year no 2009 is when it was purchased by by them right by by your current applicant yes and and when they were when they first put that what was there basically the same thing obviously the bill building was there yes that condition that's there so when I asked earlier I wanted to know who was there who did you buy it from but we can't answer that question so I'm curious if it had been an operation as a contractor's yard or if it was what was going on obviously it's never it was never a residential home I know there's one to the north and there's a fairly new one to the South but they're constrained too by the to the rear of their Lots it's all it's all wet plans am that correct yes okay let me see if any of the board members have questions I'll start on my left chairman before anybody ask a question um we do have records that 1982 it was classified as a commercial property okay and that would go back with him with the the planner saying that in 1979 he saw a building there that is correct which looked commercial in nature yes it's probably the building that's there it's probably the building that's there right now yeah okay thank you uh m not to my left I just have a couple couple brief ones uh Mr pesano thank you for your uh your dialogue um you're welcome it was very thorough um you mentioned the jobs to residential ratio how how many how many employees does this business have um I do not know Miss to share would be the person to answer that okay any ballpark idea well I I think if I could I think the testimony earlier was it probably would be one to two employees at this site but I think Mr pesano I don't want to speak for you but you sort of you pointed that out that at least it moves it in the right direction but you acknowledge that it's not a great number of employees yes I thought gentleman's question was about how many employees for the whole business both locations or no well well at that location I mean how many how many employees will be working out of there yeah the testimonial ER was about two what I heard in the testimony and that's what we've discussed all along in our um strategy sessions and then your the photos that you provided um the first one image two on page 405 that's that's directly across the the street correct yes okay and then if you're facing that direction to your left or to the north that's Image six on page five of five that's the zone for non yes generally pointing northward up English town road towards the uh Tractor Supply what is that dwelling used for right now I think it's a a mixture of the living space and some elements of business activity I couldn't I didn't study it extensively but there was equipment and such in the in the yard area and if you're face that direction to from the front of your your lot to the right or to the South that's a residential house yes and that that the one in image 7 is well shielded by extensive vegetation along Englishtown Road can't see the house um in the front of the building it says removal of gravel and install grass approximately like 1,53 Square ft is that correct so the the concept site plan is uh speaking to that but I think that's an open uh item for optimal optimization during site plan review so I wouldn't say that's the only option grass or is there any type of landscaping we haven't gotten to that level of specifics but I am assured uh that there will be a a very nice finish with the Landscaping uh in the front you want to explain yeah no I just I think your depiction of uh unattractive is an understatement to the current building so I just like to see something yeah you know Mr Victoria I mean certainly if if the board would Grant favorably they would come back for site plan review and that that's when you would see all of the vegetation the how the layout of the land would go right now they're just trying to to uh get over the hurdle of of the board being okay with the use and then they'll come back with a full site plan review and that's when the board would be able to ask questions about you know vegetation in the front how the layout would be and all the rest of it so it they are excellent questions but the planner is correct you know you really can't comment on that yet because they haven't really gotten that far into the plan yet they want to make sure that the board would uh would welcome the use first understand I was just curious can I can I tryone go ahead um Mr Victoria I know you still have to take U your classes but something you should know right um when a developer comes in any developer he has New Jersey gives them an option when they're not certain whether the use will get approved or not they can always bifurcate the application and this is what you're seeing so traditional applications like Tesla you uh you will see a site plan approval associated with the D3 use variants wherein there's one presentation for the use as well as the site plan but it is at the developers discretion how he wants to present they can choose to bipoc the application just come in front of the board for a use variance if the board approves the use variance they have to come back with site plan details slow Landscaping uh the building design the parking the design standards and the compliance with the ordinance all of that gets covered under the site plan review and they they they have to present all those details at that level but when when an applicant comes for a use it the presentation is mostly focused on whether the use is compatible or not with the surroundings thank you no no I understand that I was just curious if there was a vision you know go U that would lead to the site plan yeah I think thank you Mr W and I think too it's it's a good question and Vina had asked earlier uh when Brent was up testifying is there availability in the front area could you conceive that you could work with our office to enhance the landcaping that's part of the use variance testimony that you should consider that the engineer said yeah I have room there to work with you and and to make that make that area look nicer okay sir Mr scogna this time M Sher yeah I have one question on page five um image image five you have the house there with the vegetation yes it's a single family dwelling what's the distance there because the hours of operation are 7 a.m. that they could be coming in which means technically they could be loading the dump truck with the sand and gravel that's going to be located there it's kind of like an early hour I know it's during the week A lot of people are going work but there are some people who aren't what what do you think the sound ratio would be for that neighbor right there I think I I had consider that in my evaluation and because of the the distance of the bins back from uh the the closest dwelling which is the one immediately to the north say um sound attenuates over distance it's also blocked by solid structures too but and and vegetation to a lesser extent uh fencing can also solid fencing can also uh cut down on noise transmission but the main thing is distance um and so I recognize that as a a healthy distance for uh these bins to be uh the board May set a condition as to the hours of of loading from those bins if it wishes I was just curious would they be willing to start at 8 for if the if you know someone were to stand up and complain about the ti you know the hours starting at 7: a.m. I I defer to council to respond yeah yeah no no problem yeah if that was something that would concern the board that that was too early of a of a start time then yeah yeah we just don't want something coming back later on and biting us you know because they're complaining about I know I totally understand and I think in addition to that that was an area that um I think Mr pesano and Mr papy both pointed out that that was a particular area that was ripe for uh enhanced Landscaping there and maybe additional screening it's available and it's easy to do there I just wanted to make sure and see if you know they were willing to you know hours operation I want to be good neighbors I did see that in the writings that uh there was plans and I think they only show on the uh this a on A1 where proposal I would that's where that is right because the house is right over here and I think if you look at that Mr chair and and Miss Chevalier that house is up in that area and that storage work is is in the rear and that's the distance that Mr pesano is discussing right no that's fine we're talking numbers in the hundreds of feet and if that's something the board wants to do now or if you want to reserve it for a site plan let's see what happens with the with the bifurcation we give if we Grant the use that's something we'll we'll talk about I'm sure right greater detail at uh site plan and I think Vina can probably and uh Chris the um when we come back for site plan should we we still have to keep up on that um negative impact we still have to keep proving that even though we get over the first part the positive criteria we still have to keep demonstrating that right and we haven't even had a public portion so I don't know what we might hear or might not hear uh Miss tester miss Andrew I don't know I'm just I'm so sorry how is it they're able to put up homes in non-residential areas that's well I think if you look at the [Music] yeah I believe they're in the R20 the the home to the but it says it's zone for home to the north I believe is in new20 okay because it says says zone for non-residential that's why I was curious I think some of the ones across the street were were were in residential a long time ago okay and then you moved through probably your various CN zones ogs and now we're at Edo ones right and I was Mr Pano's testimony that those properties can now be taken over and become commercial so we don't want to put a house here because it doesn't make a lot of sense right okay anything else M no just curious about that Dy you have anything you have any more witnesses no further Witnesses I have no further questions we um public yep thank you for your courtesies this is uh 6 60-20 22z the location 2075 English Town Road for D variants is there anyone here in the courtroom this evening wants to be heard I would ask you to please raise your hand or walk forward there will be further opportunity I don't know that there's going to be a vote tonight I don't believe there is is there no I don't think there'll be a vote well we could talk about that okay uh so there may be another open there will obviously at any any hearing there'll be a public portion no one has come forward tonight or raise their hand I'm going to close the public portion so Mr chair the board does not have a full compliment of members this is a used variant the applicant requires five affirmative votes out of uh the members that are here uh so In fairness to my client I want to give them their best opportunity uh for that vote um so I would ask if the application could be I'm going to ask that the application be carried to the December 21st meeting without the requirement of any further notice or publication um I don't intend on presenting any additional evidence at that time you have opened it and closed it to the public we can in my humble opinion go to that meeting for me to make a a quick reminder statement to everyone and then ask for a vote um so I'll ask now does the board intend at that meeting to open up to the public again and should I bring professionals back again my only comment Mr clauser is you're going to have other board members here that are just going to read the transcript and they may you know in F to them if they have questions you might want to have people here to answer them then I will have the people here on the 21st if that's that's okay with you I mean the one thing you would not want to happen if someone who reads it has a question and there's not someone here to answer it so I want the client to hear that as far as the opening to the public if you're not going to present anything else I don't think we have to I think we're done I think there's precedent that we don't that's correct I that's corre testimony yeah then we have to if a question's asked and there's testimony then that may confuse the issue but it if there are if there's no testimony then you're correct seemed like a good time for us to just get the ground rules down that's all so with that I would ask um I thank everyone and and before you end let me just ask anybody if they got any questions for you tonight now that we went uh to the Final witness is there any questions that you would like answer tonight for any of the witnesses here no Mr scog now miss Cher okay on this side no ladies okay I'm sorry now no so if I could then I just would like uh for you to make an announcement that it's been carried to the 21st without the requiring of further notice for publication it's my intention just to ask for a vote that night but I'll be prepared uh to field any questions if we need to 2 1221 of this month 1221 this month well I get to say Merry Christmas closer to the dates right I know don't bring any presents I won't oh that would be bad uh if you're watching it home or if you're here here this evening this matter will be carried to the our next and final meeting of the 20 23 and that's on December 21st we commence at 7:30 if you're interested uh there'll be no further notice thank you very much thank you very much thank your Witnesses thank the property owner for you you weren't timid at all so you got through it thank you very much uh and to all good night you're gonna have to bring them or I'm not a very good cook so so general public I don't see anybody here uh seeing as there are no there was no one from the outside uh for questioning uh I don't see us opening another public portion so we have finished our business I would ask all members to please stay behind because we have to turn in our laptops okay so I'm going to ask uh for someone to move for adjournment but please don't run out of the room right away someone interested in adjournment test uh seconded by Miss test roll call please for an adjournment sorry yes and happy holidays Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes M yes Mr Victoria yes chairman Sullivan yes we stand adjourned all