e e e e e e e e e e e e e I'd like to start the meeting please rise pledge allegiance the United States of America and to the stands one nation indivisible and justice for please be seated good evening everyone welcome to the uh tach of alge ly Board of adjustment regular meeting July 18 2024 adequate notice of this meeting of the old Township Zoning Board of adjustment has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of this meeting by prominently posting in the municipal complex an announcement giving the time the date location and the agenda of this meeting also by mailing such announcement to the home news and Tribune filing a copy of such announcement with the municipal clerk and posting the agenda on the municipal website Vice secretary pelli could we have a roll call certainly Miss Chevalier here Mr scagno here Mr Stoner here miss tester here chairman Sullivan here uh if you'll notice on the agenda we have an executive session this evening going to go into for a legal issue uh that matter is only going to be probably no more than five minutes and then we will resume and uh start the meeting with uh our minutes and resolutions and follow the agenda as it is so I'm going to ask the board members is there a second go into executive session second second roll call please M Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes chairman Sullivan yes all right I'd ask all those from the public uh obviously not the police officer because he's entitled to be here uh to please exit the room uh we will open the door and bring you back in as soon as we finish our legal conference thank you very much e e e e e e e e e e all right the board has reconvened from executive session we're ready to continue with the business on the agenda uh before I do so I'm going to ask for another roll call Mr pelli miss chalier here Mr scagno here Mr Stoner here M testy here chairman Sullivan here Mr Singh here item four is the minutes board members minutes of June 20 2024 hopefully everyone's a chance to review them as written uh absent any commentary for additions deletions I'd ask someone to move them for adoption motion to remove it second test verie moved in second roll call please M Chevalier yes M Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes mrti yes chairman Sullivan yes Mr Singh yes okay we move to resolutions we have quite a few this evening so we can sit back uh Mr Clancy has his work cut out for for here I'll call them in in order 50-20 23z allamerican Ford it was Major preliminary and final site plan with CN D variants and a design waiver Mr Clancy yes this was for 61 Old ambro Road in Old Bridge this allamerican Ford This was um a lot that they uh were looking to supplement their primary dealership with um over there we did have hearings on this on March 7th June 6th and briefly on June 20th um the uh application was uh was revised from its initial uh iteration there are some C variances that that go along with it um this was voted on and approved on June 20th as as far as conditions are concerned there are um the usual conditions and also the conditions that were agreed to um by the applicant which are thoroughly enumerated in the resolution um this is on for memorialization tonight thank you Mr Clancy board members you've heard the resolution someone move it for adoption please test verie is there a second shovel a second roll call please miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Mr TTI yes Mr Singh chairman Sullivan yes 10-2020 forz uh bum Ary C variants Mr Clancy yes Mr chairman this is for three Caren Court we heard this uh application back on June 20th C variant this were the folks that uh they purchased the house they had a sun room uh that was on there was like a covid type of deal and um they were looking to legitimize it because it was not um it was not uh did not receive variance relief so it has been approved um it was approved on on June 20th um with some uh additional conditions specifically to replace the gravel clean the drain pipes uh on the proposed structure uh it's on for memorialization tonight thank you Mr Clancy board members you've heard it someone want to move it please T second scno roll call please M chalier yes Mr SC agno yes Mr Stoner yes M testy yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes 13-20 24z uh satar Singh C variant yes Mr chairman this is for 49 Shirley Boulevard this was for um uh folks that were adding a shed to their backyard they needed some variance relief in order to accomplish that due to the size of it um the application was heard on June 20th uh it was approved by the board there were some additional conditions uh apart from our usual ones they will not install Plumbing in the structure they will not install any electricity in the structure the structure is not going to be used for living space this is on for um approval tonight board members someone move that for adoption please I'll move it Stoner is there a second second scagno thank you roll call please miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes M testy yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes 14-h 2024 Z Lisa Lynch also a c variance yes Mr chairman this is for 202 Morganville Road this was for a pole barn that was going to be installed we heard uh this application initially on May 16 they came back on June 20th with some revisions um this is a 1,200 foot uh square foot 1,200 foot pole bar with a maximum height of 6 and 1 12 fet it's only going to be one story so um the revised application is what was approved on that night um June 20th the additional uh conditions on this is that that they're going to demolish an existing shed on the property this new structure won't be used for living space they won't install any Plumbing they've agreed that there will be no commercial activity um associated with this and this is on for memorialization tonight thank you Mr Clancy board members someone move for move it scog second please second Stoner mov in second roll call please miss Chevalier yes Mr Scot yes Mr Stoner yes M tester yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes uh 17-22 4z Jonathan Plains C variants Mr Clancy again thank you Mr chairman this is for for Yale Road um in Parlin this was an applicant that was uh replacing a shed on his property and due to the size he needed um some setback relief um this was heard on June 20th and it was approved by the board um with the usual C variant um conditions on there the additional condition being that he's going to demolish the existing shed that's on the property so this is on for memorialization tonight thank you sir someone move that for adoption please Chevalier I'll move it second please second scogna call please miss Chevalier yes mrag yes Mr Stoner yes M testy yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes uh finally on the resolutions 18-202 24z Taran C variance Mr Clancy thank you Mr chairman is for three pedmont Drive in Oldbridge This was um an application that was also heard on June 20th PR installation of a six- foot vinyl fence this was a lot that uh would have kind of been treated as a corner lot where they probably wouldn't have needed variance relief because the the street the same street uniquely kind of wraps around the house they they needed to come in and get variance relief so it's six foot where 4 foot is required um the application was approved on that night by the board with the usual C variant um conditions placed upon it and it is on for memorialization tonight thank you Mr clency uh board members someone move that for adoption please test is there a second chier roll call please miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr Singh chairman Sullivan yes uh we come to item number six on the agenda uh Mr uh Clancy our Council I would ask you please to swear in our professional uh the zoning officer Dan hollan thank you can you just raise your right hand do you solemnly swear any testimony you provide before the board tonight will be the truth and the whole truth I do thank thank you thank you both that brings us to our applications for this for the evening uh the first one on the agenda is 50-20 21z it's obnj LLC uh that's an edo1 Zone they're seeking a major preliminary and final site plan with c and d variances uh for apartment addition that matter has been adjourned I see that there's no uh okay we do have it on the next page it's been adjourned to uh September 5th we're going to have to give further notice on this I would think uh this has been on our calendar since 21 or 22 I think yes and it looks like the the minutes reflect that it it should be it should be require additional notice for the September 5th okay uh so if you're here on that matter it is not going to be heard this evening it will be on the schedule on the agenda September 5 there will be further notice for those in that zone uh next on the agenda is 60220 3C that's pension Road LLC that's uh block 2300 L 5.12 and 5.13 the physical location on that's pension Road and 351 pension Road it's for self storage and flex space Warehouse uh that matter it's a bifurcat matter seeking deep variant has been adjourned the applicant seeks to build a One Flex space warehouse and one Self Storage warehouse and an ancillary parking area the applicant has made a request for adjournment the public hearing for this application is to be determined uh this application is adjourned with further notice so there's no scheduled date if you're here on that matter this evening it is not going to be heard next matter is 75- 2023 uh Lewis berio that's uh R six Zone block 15586 lot 706 physical locations 243 through Morton Lane in Oldbridge for driveway expansion that's going to require a design waiver uh that matter is adjourned uh the applicant uh proposes to legitimize an 11 by 53 approximate driveway expansion the driveway was installed 1.5 foot approximately from the side yard property line where five is required application has been adjourned uh to the public hearing will be on October 17 2024 there will be further notice once again if you hear on that matter at 243 throck Mor not going to be heard this evening 15- 2024 Z Salvatore tineri uh this is uh R six medium high density residential it say block 26007 Lot 37 physical location 23 steinhardt Avenue Oldbridge covered front porch requiring SE variant applicant proposes a uh 5x 26 en llarge front yard covered porch the covered porch is proposed 20 foot from the front property line where 25 is required is uh Mr tineri here this evening come on up Sir is the lady with you also going to testify that is the lady with you GNA testify as well okay she can come up and she can be sworn if she'd like to join in on the conversation that's up to her all right before you sit the board attorney is going to swear you both in okay i' just ask if you could walk up and just pull pull those chairs out you're GNA sit down in front of the microphone and um there's a button at the base there just press just press it down till that light turns green at that little ring push it and hold there it is there you go one more time all right and I'll just mention to you that thing is super directional so when you speak you can turn it too it moves move it wherever you need to so um just when you speak whoever speaking just speak into it because we're we got to record this it's picking up on it all right can both of you just Raise Your Right hands do you solemnly swear any testimony you provide before the board will be the truth and the whole truth yes yes yes thank you and um one at a time I just need your names for the record Salvador treneri okay that one I have Patricia treneri thank you so much all right um Mr Cheri uh I know that uh you want to put a covered front porch on this is the C variance and SE variances would be what we would consider consider more the local homeowners uh additions or or seeking variances for various relief uh so while it's not as complicated as a d variance or a use variance it does require certain proofs to be put on the record um you don't need to be uh need an attorney for what you're seeking and the board is very familiar with all of these so what we're going to ask you to do simply is to tell us what you want to do why you want to do it how you're going to do it uh and if we have any questions we're going to ask you them first we'll go to the board uh the Township's zoning officer he'll tell us why you're here and we may have some questions of you you may have some questions of us uh after we go through the direct testimony I'm going to open a public portion to see if anybody has a comment on your application absent that we're going to come back I'll give you the final words and then I'm going to ask you if you want me to take a vote or not from the board okay so it's pretty simple if you have any exhibits other than what you've already submitted you'll give them to miss pelli our secretary all right continue so you can start at your own pace or tell us what what you do just going to tell you why yeah just put that right next to you you can move that uh yeah so I want to have a porch in front of the house place to sit relax um place to put some decorations during Halloween that I don't need to get wet um I want to be able to step outside my house and not step into snow I could have a nice covered area so I can get to my shovel and then shovel as I get out um and I'm going to have a contractor take care of all the work we saw out of the plans I think that looks like what you're going to do there you're going to extend it out to the sides and up to the front right yes how long you liveed there in that home sir I bought the place in 2005 200 anything else you want to tell us at this point I don't think so it's not don't it won't be your last words you can you can if something else comes up you can bring it up okay ma'am anything you want to add no no it's just something for leisure not you know okay so you wouldn't have any plans on closing it in to make it used used for uh another living room or and you can't see the Halloween decoration and you you're 100% correct see I knew I knew you should come up and testify I'm GNA go to Mr hollan okay thank you chairman um yeah so the applicant um is here tonight sing seeking one single C variants um their covered front porch is proposed um it's actually 19 ft rather than 20 that was stayed on the denial in the agenda so it's proposed 19 ft from the front yard property line um where 25 ft is required uh so once again just seeking one single C variance Mr Hollen we've seen this quite a bit right uh where people want to put either a short porch on for coverage or in this in this case for leisure yes the the board has seen similar applications um plenty of times um uh does anybody else in the neighborhood have that similar setup yes there's one around the block uh on the other side of English Town Road which I saw and I was like that looks really nice I'd like to have that too Mr Holland does it look like it would be fit in the in the neighborhood uh be fitting in the neighborhood and not cause any problem but by the uh I I would agree with that chairman yes I don't think it would stick out per se um within the exist neighborhood thank you I'm going board members to my left any questions no none no board to my right Mr Clancy anything um so it sounds like this is a like a C2 benefits uh there's two different ways you can do a um uh a variance of this type one is has to do with something unique about the property or or the conditions on the property that doesn't seem to fit the other way is you're asking the board to to make a determination that the benefits of allowing this variant outweigh any detriment and it sounds like you would agree that that based upon what you've placed on the record and what we've heard from the zoning officer that this would not substantially cause any kind of detriment to the neighborhood or any of the uh ordinances that have been enacted there correct yes okay um so it sounds like C2 C2 um is this going to match the house right you're going to do this so it it reflects it Blends I plan on doing an addition as well I already have in the works so everything's going to be put together right now we're just heing this matter correct that's correct chairman yes any um plans any plans of running electricity out to it uh yes I'll probably have like a ceiling fan or two on uh that'll be hidden in the ceiling area okay no Plumbing correct no what Plumbing no no and it's not going to be enclosed no so as as a condition of approval you would agree that you're not going to close in the porch and that there would be no Plumbing run out there yes okay that sounds sounds like where we're at Mr chair okay thank you board member any any questions I'm going to go to the public no I'm going to go to the public on this matter this is uh location 23 steinhart Avenue it's 15- 2024 Z or a covered front porch anyone here in the courtroom this evening want to be heard in this matter please raise your hand understand no one has I'll close the public portion final comments any uh no okay want me to take a vote sure okay uh board members we've seen this before for the extension of porch actually it enhances the homes uh I think it gives it a better curb appeal as well so in my opinion you're improving your own property and I I will stand behind it um having said that someone interested in moving the C2 variant for approval Chev I'll move it second scagno roll call please miss Chevalier yes Mr scog yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes uh we'll have a resolution ready for you at the next meeting so you can't do it until then and make sure if you's any permit that you need done anything yet has to be completed within one year remember that okay it has okay yes one year has to match the match the design of the home so uh get any building permits that you need it's great when people do this and improve their own homes it makes it beneficial to you enhances your property and makes it better for the community so thank you that's one year from the resolution date which will be next next uh meeting meting two weeks or something like that okay thank you luck thank you both for appearing for the board all right thank you all right only have one other matter before the board this evening uh 16-h 2024 Z it's Clyde serum uh I'm sorry yes serum uh this is R7 medium high density residential this is block 55 lot 280 uh physical location here is 280 Bay View Drive in Lawrence Harbor driveway and Patio uh paver patio C variants and design waiver applicant proposes uh to legitimize a driveway and P patio the driveway was installed uh Zer foot from the sidey yard property line where five minimum is required the paver patio was installed Zero from the sidey yard property line where 3 foot minimum is required total improvements bring the landscape area ratio to 13.43% where 45% is required Mr seran come on up [Music] Sir once again you can take a seat and the board attorney will swear you in okay yeah if you just push that it'll turn green there you go right just you raise your right hand for me please do you solemly swear any testimony you provide before the board will be the truth and the whole truth yes I do okay just move that microphone like right in front of yeah pretty close to you yes we'll pick you up better and can you just place your name on the record yes Clyde suram thank you you heard my explanation to the previous applicant uh what you want to tell the board basically is what you did did why you did it uh and I we know you're here trying to see variance relief for that so you may have some questions for us I'm going to ask the board professional why you're here uh we may have questions for you we're going to follow the exact same procedure but there's certain proofs you need to put on the record so I'm just going to ask you to go at your own pace uh if the board attorney feels we need more he's probably going to Pride me or you to to seek some more information so tell us where where you're at now and how it came to there so we we repaved the driveway and did the pavers to the front and the side of the the property when was this sir I'm sorry when was this um let me think I can help I can help with that all right go ahead that's okay he'll give us that information um so the driveway was done roughly around May of 2023 uh with the front yard patio done roughly around uh March of 202 for okay all right so go continue so um yeah we we pretty much did it the guy was doing some work in the neighborhood and said hey you know we can do this work for you I had no knowledge that I needed a permit um this is actually my first home that I owned where it's it's a house I've always lived in town homes and condos so you know I had no knowledge whatsoever had I known I would have you know applied for the permit prior but I just basically went on the word of the guy who was doing the work there how long youve uh have you owned the home sir I bought it in 2019 2019 so you're unfamiliar with uh procedures on the whole process absolutely so all right uh anything else you want to tell me now other than what we've seen we've seen a picture uh a survey and yeah the survey pretty much shows the boundaries and and you know and and doing what we've done improved the you know one of the problems that building had when I purchased the property was water getting into the basement you know by putting down the pavers and doing the driveway we've been able to seal that and prevent water from getting into the basement like it did before so it definitely helped with that in the drainage piece of it okay let me see what the zoning officer has to say okay Dan thank you chairman um yes so the applicant is here tonight sinking uh seeking a designed waiver for the driveway uh which is proposed 0t from the property line where 5 ft minimum is required um along with a c variance for the P patio uh that was installed 0t from the sidey yard property line where also 3 ft minimum is required um and then a um third variance for the minimum landscape area ratio uh which is 13.43% uh where in this Zone the r 45% is required um so two variances and then one design waiver the design waiver being the driveway correct correct yes one of the reasons that they have what's called setbacks is off the property line it's so how could I explain it to you you have a home here somebody else has a home here somebody else has a home here well if you build Too Close uh it would be unfair to that property owner to that your house would be so close to their so that's the reason for setbacks and there's side yard setbacks front yard setback and rear yard setb now in this case uh I know the homes in your in your area are very tight they're small there small Parcels of lands so what we worry about most is you any homeowner allowing rain water or storm water to go on to somebody else's property does it look like that's going to happen with that driveway being at the almost the zero foot line I I don't know if I'm prepared to speak on that is maybe an engineer would be better off kind of speaking that but what I can say is that the driveway that was existing before it was repaved also appeared to have a zero foot side yard setback as is is common with most of the homes in the harbor yeah what I'm asking you do you know you could tell me you're under sure I I can tell you so the way the way the driveway is done yeah the guy did a really good job pitching the driveway so the water flows to the Street okay and also on the side where there's um we took the fencing down it was a chaining fence so we took that down and there's um a border that's put along the side of that so this way the neighbor's property the water from my property doesn't go onto her property and her property doesn't really infringe on my driveway because she has dirt over there so it kind of like protects both properties to some degree okay none of that water is going on to the neighbor's property right and and the the thing the positive thing about doing this the water now on from my property flows directly to the street there's also um piping that got laid under ground that runs the storm water from the building all the way out to the street so it it's a plus to where the water just you know leaves the property and runs towards the drainage so by doing what we did improved the the drainage in the property like I said one of the issues when I saw the property when I purchased it was the water getting into the basement and I saw where you know I mean I have sort of an engineering mind so I know where the problem was coming from because the way the gutters were and the water was coming down and just going right into this Foundation I knew I could have fixed it so that's pretty much you know by changing what we did with the okay the P it seems to have worked for you yes 100% neither of your neighbors have complained about anything do you right no as a matter of fact I walked around and had their signatures because I didn't okay um certify mail the documents and everyone really loved what we did actually people commented tremendously about it that's that's good that you went the extra mile and you check checked with your neighbors as well yeah let me see if any of the board members have questions okay sure I'm going to start on my left Mr s Mr ster Mr scogna no on my right uh Mr Mr Clancy um on the setb uh the design waiver we know uh this has happened before uh while we don't encourage people going zero uh it's a design waiver issue and not a c variance so the board's familiar with that and they may vote in favor of that again I can't guess what the board votes uh so you understand that I'm I'm one vote and everyone else gets one vote uh as far as the setbacks uh Mr Clancy um yeah I mean it seems like this is a C2 request benefits uh benefits outweighing the uh any detriment think there's a hardship here for the uh the property and those are pretty tight Lots how how big is the lot do you know how far it is across oh Dan do you know 50 feet 50 so it's a very narrow lot yeah yeah as is typical of those houses that's where you're going to run into a problem though I think on a on C1 because if every lot in the area is similarly you know okay I think I don't know that that necessarily constitutes a if it was the Lone lot that was that small gotcha so I think uh this is more a benefits uh versus detriment um obviously it's it sounds like your neighbors are very happy with it you're you're saying that it beautified the property you're saying that it helped with drainage control on the property absolutely so despite the fact that uh it runs up to the to the side and you've put you've mitigated that with some Cur being correct if this would help you here's a picture of what it looks like when I bought the property you're going to give us that because you show us the exhibits we're going to do you want do you want the board to take a look at that oh sure if you would like to see it sure if you want to bring it up I'll mark them for you certainly never hurts to have more of a uh a view board members is anybody have any problem with the C2 issue versus C1 because I would agree with the attorney it's not a hardship so this will be A1 this is the before and the other one will be A2 which will show the after certainly shows some some changes and some curb curb appeal there I think right so oh yeah see and you just continuing my line of thought even though this goes up along the the side of the of the property you would agree that with the curbing that was installed along the side that's that's mitigated any drain off into the neighbor's property correct correct and as far as uh one of the things they always worry about with landscape area ratio is they want that some of the the concern is that we want some open space to be able to soak up some of that that water and and mitigate some of those drainage issues and despite the fact that you'd be well below at 13.3% well below what the 45% you've been able to mitigate that by the way you've pitched it and graded it and corre it correct correct I think that's our our benefits uh analysis there right it seems to be uh wrapped it up in a nice package Mr Clancy uh if you don't have any else anything else to tell me right now I'm going to go to a public portion okay sir okay this is matter uh 16- 2024 z uh 280 Bay View Avenue in Lawrence Harbor seeking U Varian Us in design waiver does anyone in the room want to be heard in this matter please raise your hand or stand no one has I'll close the public portion any final comments sir I assume you're going to ask me to take a vote right yes please do okay any comments no no comments thank you all right I think your your testimony was succinct I think you probably did improve your property greatly by the by the by these pictures and I'm I thank you for showing the exhibits to the board uh absent that I'm going to ask someone if they'd be in favor uh do the C and then the design way chairman if I if I can just make two comments I think um the main concern that I think that I have is with the p patio being directly adjacent to the existing driveway is possibly people parking cars on there and it being treated as a driveway um so I believe if the the board were to act favorably adding a condition that if the applicant's in favor to not Park cars on that paer patio or or to treat as a driveway um second I know that I I haven't been made aware of any drainage concerns from the neighboring properties um but should there be any drainage concerns that arise those should be mitigated between those homeowners okay sure you understand that sir so we would we would say that you cannot park on top of that and I I first of all my wife you spent a lot of money I was just going to say you probably spent a lot of money yeah yeah there's no way there's I can't even do anything to that my wife will kill me okay well that's good so that's going to be part of the resolution if we if we agree to approve this sure and also that that the drainage issues will not impact the neighbor so in other words if you if if it find out that it is it'll be your duty to mitigate that to be in compliance with this okay absolutely all right so that would be a condition he would agree to having heard the conditions board uh someone in favor of C2 variants test the verie is there a second scagno second roll call please C2 Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Mr testy yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes uh design waiver for the uh zero setback on the driveway Cher I'll move it is there second test roll qu please design waiver Miss Chevalier yes Mr scogna yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes thank you very much sir it's been approved the resolution will be prepared uh and be ready by the next our next okay okay thank you thank you for appearing thank you for the exhibits okay uh board members that is the end of our applications the evening we do have one final item on the agenda that's general public comments as to any of the applications this evening anyone to be want want to be heard please raise raise your hand or come forward yes come on up if you want to be heard it is public portion as to uh applications oh as applications yes ma' as to the applications as to the zoning applications okay that's it that's it oh no no that's okay there you go yeah I pressed it twice though um I by the way the last time I saw you uh chairman Shan it was virtual because we were still virtual that's true um but you're now in a nice space that's super cool I came to this meeting to request the board to launch an investigation against the unacceptable Behavior one of your members Patricia test verie um ma'am I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to stop you for a minut this is general public comment on zoning board matters if you have actually this is a zoning board matter sir and and I do understand that what I will say to you is that there's been police reports against her for spitting on my son my my' I'm going I'm gon to stop you this is for zoning matters the zoning board does not have any control over appointment or investigation of any of its members so ma ma'am ma'am they do not have control over that that is a Township matter that would be something that would be addressed with the township okay can you schedule a meeting with me tomorrow sir I I can't schedule a meeting with you tomorrow this is ma'am this is not a matter for the board the Zoning Board of adjustment to handle if you have a zoning concern well I do because because on this committee you may see people who are trans and non-binary and she has made public statements against them she has spit on two brownin men I'm gonna I'm going to tell you again do not this is not for this board to engage in okay the board hears applications and hears about zoning concern understand if it sounds like you have an issue with a zoning I actually have an issue with the fact that my concern is that your zoning board is biased due to members on the Comm it sounds like you have a problem with Personnel that gets handled by the township okay okay who would you recommend that I speak to in the township the township committee they're the ones that Township committee the township Council I'm sorry the township council is the one that makes appointments of zoning board members if you have an issue with that you can take it up with the the township Council but this is not for there is no Committee in this town that deals with a racial or sexual bias not the Forum ma'am so I'm I'm I'm going to I'm going to have to stop you this is not the forum for that so so you're not going to address a sexual or racial bias this is not the forum for that well I didn't say that was the Forum this is not the forum for that this is for zoning issues only this is not a zoning issue well thank you very much you guys have a lovely night right thank you for appearing seeing no one else in the audience this evening close the public portion uh before we adjourn any legal matters uh further legal matters that you want to bring up to us Mr Clancy no we'll have two uh resolutions ready for next meeting for adoption and um that's about it okay Mr want anything other than and Mr P what's the agenda look like on our next meeting you don't really want to know I don't want to know okay okay waiting very busy our next meeting is not terrible okay and the date is 81 I I'm sorry date 81 for those at home 81 was our next scheduled meeting thank all the board for appearing tonight and I thank you Mr gelli for your help as always Mr Clancy thank you for being of counsel thank you someone move for an adjournment please test birie all in favor I any opposed We Stand adjourned e