uh we're calling to order a meeting of the uh Oldbridge zoning Board of adjustment uh meeting for January 4th 2024 the time is now 7:35 um we're going to begin with a salute to the flag if everybody would please rise I pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America the stands nais thank you we're going to now have roll call uh Mr Clancy present Miss Savant pres Miss Andrews here miss Chevalier here Mr scagno here Mr Stoner here miss tester here Mr ISO here chairman Sullivan here and myself Miss portelli we do the uh open meetings Act oh excellent thank you sir the open public meetings act uh statement adequate notice of this meeting of the Oldbridge Township Zoning Board of adjustment has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of the meeting by prominently posting in the municipal complex an announcement giving the daytime location and agenda of this meeting and mailing such announcement to the home news uh and Tribune and filing a copy of such announcement with the municipal clerk thank you the first uh order of business tonight this is our first meeting of the year so it's a reorganization meeting is uh nominations and appointments um the first nomination will be for chairperson do we have any nominations from the board I'll nominate James Sullivan second do we have any other nominations then we will close the nominations roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes i' like to thank the board for their confidence I'd like to thank the board for their confidence in allowing me to uh chair the zoning board for the year 2024 we'll move on to the next nomination nomination would be for vice chairperson I like the nominate Doren Chevalier for vice chairperson I'll second that nomination is there any other nominations for vice chairperson I'll seconding it you'll second yeah hearing no further I'll close the uh nominations roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss seser yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes uh nominations for the position to secretary anybody I'll nominate Leon second the nomin second is there any others uh I'll nominate Mr Stoner is there a second to that see none I guess it would fail right correct okay roll call Miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes uh for vice secretary I'd like to nominate Moren pelli hey I'll second roll call please I'm sorry is there any other nominations by the board for the vice secretary all right hearing not I'll close it close the nomination roll please on Miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes you notice we didn't ask you if you wanted the position right yeah that was a thank you very much uh board members uh for those watching at home the uh in a reorganization meeting there's a necessity to Appo on an annual basis uh certain Consultants that could Aid the board uh when they're could be conflicts uh or other issues so I'm going we're going to go through a list of them now we'll do each position but in uh some I'm going to name uh two different uh agencies or uh um firms that would be placed in nomination so if anyone has an objection you can do so after before we take a vote okay uh for nomination for the board attorney uh I would like to nominate Dy and Associates PC second any other nominations by the board none I'll close it roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes uh for planning Consultants nomination I'm going to name two first one is environmental Resolutions Inc and also CME Associates there any others by the board hearing none I'll close it anyone have any objection roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes uh the next would be engineering Consultants I'm going to nominate two it would be the same firms environmental Resolutions Inc and also CME Associates we hear any others close the nominations roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes uh traffic Consultants I'm nominating the same too and environmental Resolutions Inc and CME Associates do we hear any others I'll close it roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes uh forestry Consultants nominations I'll put one in for nomination Chestnut AR uh aricultural and forestry services we hear any others hearing none I'll close it roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes board members you all receive the 2024 Zoning Board of adjustment rules and regulations hopefully everyone has had a chance to look at them uh I don't see any changes in them uh I'm going to ask someone now to move them for adoption for the year 2024 I'll move it chier is there a second second scogna roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes this point we're going to continue on uh with the actual meeting itself those are all the nominations and appointments so we'll continue on the agenda on my number six I'm not quite sure if anybody has anything different it's going to be resolutions and we have one this evening board 37223 Z it's allbridge properties Tesla that's for a major preliminary and final site plan with a d variance Mr Clancy uh thank you Mr chairman yeah this is for uh an application for 1324 us uh Route 9 Oldbridge uh block 6301 Lots 2 and 2.1 um the board heard testimony on this back on um meetings in October 5th November 2nd and December 7th uh 2023 um they did hear testimony from a number of professionals including um uh engineers and a uh professional Planner on this this was an application to um uh install a car dealership over at um the the existing site that was over there it's in a was it is in a ed3 03 Zone there were um it was a conditional um conditional use variance with a number of um number of bulk variances that were attached to them the board did um as I said heard testimony did vote on this and it was approved we here tonight to be approving the um the resolution um with the enumerated um conditions set forth in the resolution that you all received in advance um Bing any questions uh Mr chairman this is on for approval tonight thank you Mr Clancy uh I don't think unless the board has any questions uh I'm going to ask for someone to move 37- 2023 resolution that's the Oldbridge properties for the Tesla dealer uh for adoption Tesla already move it is there a second Miss Miss Andrews as well roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes uh the next one's a little laborious board but I'm going to have to say this five times uh minutes of September 7 2023 meeting hopefully everybody got a chance to review absent any commentary i' ask someone to move them for adoption move it second scogna roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes uh the same applies to the minutes of September 21 2023 would someone move them for adoption chier I'll move it second scagno moved in second roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scogna yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes uh did you catch up already I see you're yes okay break there we'll all take a breath I'm good okay uh same applies minutes of October 5th 2023 meeting someone move them please CH I'll move that one too second scog no again roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scogna yes Mr stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes we're up to the last two here October 19 minutes of October 19 2023 meeting someone move them please I'll move it second scogna second by Mr Stoner roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes finally on the minutes it's the minutes of November 2nd 2023 same applies someone moveing for adoption Andre is there a second ISO yes you're voting tonight yes roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes okay made it we did that brings us to our uh only appc application for the evening board members and this is a continuance we've heard the entire application this is 60-20 22z abilio and Elizabeth tashera this is block 24204 lot 26 physical locations 2075 Englishtown Road this is requiring a devarian applicant proposes demolish an existing building construct a larger building continue storing construction equipment and supplies Peter Claus is representing the applicant sir happy year good evening good evening happy New Year uh good evening uh Mr chair members of the board your professional staff um Peter clauser with the firm h p for the record uh this application was presented in full to the board at the December 7th meeting at that time there was not a full compliment of board members uh to vote on the application we were carried a couple of weeks later I think your agenda fell apart that night and we weren't going to be the only reason that you came out during the holidays to vote um so we carried it and and it was very nice that the board would allow us to have a vote on the reorg meeting so we're here tonight for a vote on the application like I said it was presented in full it's for the construction of a commercial building uh you know be used as part of a second uh location for their um for their existing business and just to be clear it is for use variants only um so if there are any uh concerns about the the the physical condition of the site or the layout we have to return to the board for a site plan your professionals really haven't even reviewed it from that perspective so there'll be an opportunity for them to fide any comments uh to make sure that the design and the geometry we even discussed a little bit about that with the circulation and the rear that all gets taken care of uh when we come back in front of the board should the board vote favorably on the application um it's my understanding we have six available members to vote um and so we would ask if the board uh would take action I can query the board if there's any uh questions that they may have I know you have witnesses here and I didn't know Mr clauser whether you were going to do a summation uh I don't know if the board wants to hear one uh I'll ask uh I'm not asking you to bring any Witnesses at this point but just so we have it clear uh yeah I'm glad you did that we should put that on the record because it goes on paper the all of the witnesses had testified last time including the applicant are here this evening should the board have any questions I don't mean to be dismissive of any of the board members that weren't here we do have everybody here we brought them here just for you if you have any questions I do not have any evidence uh to present I think the application's pretty self-explanatory it's one of these uh instances in orridge where we have a chance to brighten up another piece of property along 527 and to bring uh a little more development in town commercial development small mom and pop stuff so I think it's a it's a goodlook application but we do have everybody here if you have any questions and I recall that as well and I know that was one of the points they were making about the beautification there that might might occur certainly on the front and on the on the sides I know how we closed off on that that that night but let me just check we before you call for a vote board members on my left do you recall everybody recalls the application on this side okay on this side we do does anybody have any questions no okay I see no reason then for you don't need a summation from Mr clauser you've heard it already right yeah I'm okay you satisfied that we're good to go here yes I am all right uh board members this is simply for a d variance you heard Mr clauser explain it still has to come back before uh the professionals and perhaps the board if there were other issues that came up but this this would be for the use variants for the building to be taken down and the new one to put up compartmentalizing everything on that property is someone interested that's a D1 someone interested in moving D1 variant I will is there a second is already I'll give it to uh I believe Mr ISO was in on that you didn't get to participate enough tonight what he didn't get to participate in that's right it's okay uh it's moved in second roll call please D1 use Miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testver yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yeah I think it's I think it's a good application go ahead point of order I don't think Mr Stoner was allowed to oh I'm that's right he was not because of death in the family he he had been out of the states I that it's necessary but um it's already passed is a point point of order though right works well enough okay yeah U and my my vote was yes as as well obviously thank you very much everyone forward to another year of doing this with all of you uh have a good evening happy New Year good to see you we thank the uh all your Professionals for uh coming tonight I'm sure none of them had anything to do anyway it's the first week of first week of [Laughter] January never waste of time for all right Mr claer and dbby nice to see you happy New Year again we'll I'm sure see you through the rest of the year uh I would have call for general public comments but there is no one here in the public uh this evening other than us so there's no reason for me to do that I will we can close it I close the public comments uh before I call for a uh adjournment is there anything from the township uh that uh Mr W might want to say no I just want the board to know that we are pretty busy we are both until May um so uh you have a lot on your plate for the next few uh months but yes we are really busy and last year was like a record uh year when we received almost between the planning board and the zoning board uh the department has processed almost 120 uh applications so uh it has been a very very busy year for the planning office as well so hopefully uh i i w I won't say things slow down I don't want them to slow down but um we might need some specials to uh shorten the weight time because right now we are in uh may already so but when we reach that point I'll reach out to the board well listen it's uh I want to thank the board as well for for the efforts that everybody puts forward and uh gives up of their time to to donate that time basically to their civic duty here to help out in in the community I will note that if you didn't watch the uh inauguration uh there was comments thanking by the senator elect and the former mayor um Owen Henry as well as comments from Council and from uh Miss Walker the new mayor uh also thanking uh the the many volunteers that come together in order to uh make all this work because this goes by law we can't have professional boards you have to have people from the town to to to do the zoning and to do the planning so I want to thank you all and hopefully hopefully we all can be together to make all of our meetings I know that's that's very tough uh sometimes there's other family issues but I know you give of your time I would ask you again please try and make as many as you can having said that any comments on my right no sir okay any Mr answer anything on the legal front no no happy to be back yeah we're happy to see you anything on this side no happy to be here well I wish everybody a very healthy happy new y call for an adjournment someone test verie Miss test verie Miss Andrews I see the hands our hands are up roll call please us the easy one yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes Mr ISO yes chairman Sullivan yes We Stand adjourned next meeting is January 18th January 18th 18th