Amica States Nation welcome everyone to the township of Oldbridge zoning Board of adjustment meeting February 1st 2024 adequate notice of this meeting of the Albridge Township Zoning Board of adjustment has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of this meeting by prominently posting in the municipal complex an announcement giving the time the date the loen uh the location and the agenda of this meeting mailing such announcement to the home News Tribune filing a copy of such announcement with the municipal clerk and posting the agenda on the municipal website before we have a roll call this evening uh for those who are here um I'm going to swear in um a reappointed member whose term had expired he's here tonight Michael Victoria I'd ask you to come up stand next to the township attorney please and be sworn attorney attorney okay all right hi Mr V Victoria uh State I State your full name I Michael Victoria you raise your right hand do Solly swear you SW solemnly swear or affirm or affirm that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of New Jersey and the constitution of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully and partially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of my position perform all the duties of my position of zoning Board of adjustment alternate to member of zoning Board of adjust adjustment alternate to member alternate one alternate one alternate one scratch that alternate one to the best of my ability to the best of my ability go so help me God thank you M congratulations thank you sir can sign Michael was previously a U alternate member which was designated as alternate 2 his term expired and he's been reappointed by Council to another term as the alternate one if you follow us uh Mr ISO who's Seated on my far left your right uh was an alternate member he's full member now so just for a quick edification for those in the audience there's nine members of a zoning board seven full members two alternates two alternates vote only in the absence of the other members so that's how the Quasi judicial body acts the people that are sitting on this other than the gentleman next to me and the two on the end the three on the end I should should say uh this is the board attorney who's representing us and keeps us out of trouble all of these people are homeowners in the town just like yourself and volunteers that uh provide this uh our time to take uh participation in in the uh in the government to help uh along with other boards wck boards you might hear of planning board boards some of them have more professionals but everyone here is a a citizen of the community that sit that sits as members having said that could I have a roll call please miss pelli sure miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier here Mr ISO here Mr scagno here Mr Stoner here chairman Selvin here Mr Victoria here Mr Singh Mr Cheney here missant and myself Miss portelli thank you uh Jeff Jeffrey Cheney is sitting next to me he's from The Firm of uh Dyan Associates he's of council to the board this evening one of the things I want to say and I know there's a lot of you here and I don't want you to waste your time if you uh aren't interested in the rest of the applications this evening there's only one if you're here on the matter called Vision Oldbridge the location of that is 516 in Higgins Road that matter is not going to be heard tonight the applicant uh proposes I'll tell you I'll read it into the record it's 27- 2023 Z Vision Oldbridge LLC it's in the uh town uh Town Center District The tcd Zone it's block 12261 lot 64 the low physical locations 3963 County Road 516 applications for multif family residential uh units requiring de variant the applicant proposes to demolish the existing Garden Center and construct a single multif family building consisting of 68 Apartments including 11 affordable housing units the public hearing that's tonight for this application has been adjourned to May 2nd 2024 without further notice without further notice means that if you were in the 200 foot Zone you're not going to get another mailer all of these agendas as I read earlier uh on the opening statement on a public meetings act are open to the public you can find information on as I said the Township's website if you look up Township of Oldbridge go to the Zoning Board of adjustment you can find the agenda for each and every meeting it's usually posted several weeks before the meeting itself so uh there was some questions that I fielded it earlier before the meeting started that they thought maybe the people could sneak in the meeting in the next month or two and not May 2nd as I read uh I'll defer to Mr Cheney who's the of council to explain how that cannot happen yes Mr chairman as you've said it would has to be noticed and that has not occurred uh so in that vein there will be no public comment on that application this evening uh out of both fairness to the residents and to the applicant themselves uh so everyone is feel free to stick around but I I don't want you sticking around hoping that something's going to be set on the application because the application is not be on the agenda tonight it's put off the agenda will not be discussed this evening thank you thank you uh Mr cheny and as I said rescheduled at at the present time May 2nd 2024 all right if you're here on that matter and you wish to leave would you do so now so I'm going to move on with the meeting you won't be wasting your time feel free everyone if you'd like to stay and and watch the zoning board meeting we do have an application on this evening um I'm going to defer this isn't a public portion but uh because you said just to keep checking the website so my question is you said that you have to notice can he resched it for March and if we just don't happen to see it it he shows up I don't know I'm just if if I may uh we are booked until April there is no room to fit that application in that is correct that is correct there is there is a possibility when an um applicant can ask for a special meeting uh if they want to be heard before but to do so they will have to re notice they cannot proceed without sending a notice that is correct and um in with my communications with the applicant uh I don't believe the intent is for them to ask for a special meeting they might they need some time to work on some of the issues that were raised so uh I don't believe they will come before May 2nd but should there be a request for a special meeting then it has to be Ren noticed so you will be notified yes that is correct let missan who's the township planner okay well some people may not thank you Mr one okay we'll move forward uh we have R uh resolutions uh next on our agenda this evening I have three of them 58- 2023 Z Ralph Edwards that was a c variant Mr Cheney yes we have a resolution at granting bulk variance relief to Ralph Edwards for 14 Jupiter Court South ambo New Jersey block uh 400016 LW 40 uh Mr Edwards and uh real quick sorry uh saw variance relief as a patio and fire pit uh to legitimized installation of a patio sorry paper patio fire pit uh and en llarge shed seeking side setbacks of 7 ft on the left side and 2 feet on the right side where 3 fet is required and 33% landscape area ratio where 45% uh is permitted I further sought it variant relief as to the shed for side setback of one foot on the right side where 10 ft is required uh testified that the he's owned property since 2004 in the improvements beautify the area and create space for the enjoyment of his family and replace a former deck uh further testified that he obtained perent for the pavers however the contractor exceed the scope of said permit so he was uh legitimizing it and further testified that the fire pit is wood burning and not gas and has no gas hookup and he uh that he had had changed the dimensions of the shed to conform uh with the law boundary and they have no storage in their house because they lack of a garage uh no public tment was uh provided and although was offered uh and the board determined that hardship existed uh regards to uh granted a c variance regard to conditions on the lot find the granted variance will not be a detriment to the public good or substantially impair the intent of the zoning plan right so that is the first uh 58 2023 Z thank you Mr Cheney board members you've heard the application the resolution uh will someone move that from memorialization please CH will move it is there a second second scog no Andrews has second um Mr Victoria votes tonight uh there's uh only six members of full members okay yes you can take the role Miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Mr Victoria yes chairman Sullivan yes 65- 2023 Z marjerie JRE C variant Mr cheny yes sir resolution of zoning board adjustment of Township Albridge County of MX state New Jersey granting bulk Varian release to Mar to margerie jod for 34 exitor Street Oldbridge New Jersey block uh 15548 lot 138 uh Miss jod uh testified and and her husband testified in support of an application proposing the construction of a covered porch on the front of their home uh she specifically sought variance relief for front yard setbacks uh of 23.4 feet where 25 ft is required uh M testified that uh they have owned the property since 1998 the pros improvements beautify their home and will create a small covered seeing area for them to enjoy uh and uh the proposed Improvement is of similar character of nearby properties and promotes uniformity within the neighborhood uh no uh no public comment was offered or no public uh testimony was provided rather and uh the board finds that variance can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and will not be detrimental to the zoning plan or zoning ordinance and forther findes the granting of variance relief will further purposes of the zoning and Municipal L Municipal land use law thank you Mr chy board members once again someone move that from memorialization ISO Andrew Zan who second second is Mr ISO roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Mr Victoria yes chairman Sullivan yes 74 dish 2023 Z that's Mel leben uh C variant Mr cheny 74220 3z resolution of the Zoning Board of adjustment of Township of Oldbridge County midac state of New Jersey granting bulk variance relief to Mel and lyanna lean Trustees for 11 Winchester Court mwan block uh 12360 lot 26 uh applicants uh testified in the support of the application proposing the construction of a composite deck in the rear of their home they sought variance relief for rear yard setbacks of 18 ft where 23 ft was required ired uh they've owned the property since 1997 and the proposed Improvement is part of a larger backyard renovation project seeking to beautify their home in backyard while providing immense entertainment to their children and grandchildren uh further they are replacing an age wooden deck of similar height zoning officer Danny Holan noted that the height of the rear deck terms the requisite setback in the properties in the area of the R20 Zone however the particulate particular development in which the properties lies is subject the more stringent requirements of the R9 Zone uh thus typically no variance relief would be would have been required in the R20 Zone uh Mr lean further testified that he notified his Home Owners Association however the they did not file an objection to the application um zoning officer Danny hollan also noted that shed lies 11.5 ft beyond the rear property line of the property and Mr lean agreed to remove the shed as a condition of any approval uh and uh it was subject to public comment however no testimony was offered uh the board finds that uh hardship exists uh regarding to the current conditions of the law and find that granted the variance will not be detriment to the public good or substantially sub substantially impair the intent of the Zone plan and zoning ordinances as the property falls within a highly destructive zoning area thank you Mr chiny board members someone want to move that for memorialization I'll move it Stoner is there a second ISO Mr Rizo those seconds roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Mr Victoria yes chairman Sullivan yes there was just two housekeeping items that I wanted to mention that I would have mentioned earlier uh first uh we are on live on uh channel 15 here in cable TV in the township uh as well as YouTube live uh that broadcast will go on as long as we are here this evening and we do end at 10:30 also if you have a cell phone which I'm sure that everyone does please silence it so uh it's not uh interrupting the meeting and we appreciate that uh your courtesy on that matter next we'll move to the minutes board members uh we have one that's minutes of January 18 2024 meeting hopefully everyone has had a chance to uh review them uh absent any commentary I'd ask someone to move them for approval and adoption move it scogna is there a second Chevalier Chevalier seconds roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Mr Victoria yes chairman Sullivan yes that brings us to uh a completeness waiver we have one this evening that's a matter 5 uh four excuse me 542023 Z conserva irrigation this is the low density residential Zone R20 block one 12301 lot one physical locations 4291 County Road uh County Route 516 Albridge this is for an office for an irrigation company uh major preliminary and final site plan with c and d variances Lawrence saaks representing the applicant Mr Mr saxs yes good evening Mr chairman Lawrence saaks on behalf of the applicant conserv irrigation uh block 12301 lot one uh for the record I am in receipt of Miss Swan's uh uh letter of February 1st 2024 uh and she's recommended the granting of uh a number of waivers there are still five or six items which we will have to provide in order to have it deemed complete and we expect to do that very shortly all right if you don't mind I'm going to read that into the record uh this is a memo uh dated February 1 2024 reference to this matter application 542023 Z it's authored by Venus San uh uh AIC PPP administrative officer subject property also known as block 12301 lot one is located at 429 Oldbridge mwan Road in the low medium density residential R20 Zone the applicant is Seeking a D1 use variants relief in major preliminary and final site plan approval to replace the existing dry cleaner with an office for an irrigation company the site is presently fully developed and mostly impervious our office has reviewed the waiver request for the applicant for the following items item 37b finished floor elevations of all buildings item 39a profiles of proposed streets item 39b profiles of all streets are joining the project item 39 C plan of all pavement improvements item 39d name of all streets item 39e designation of whether streets are private or public item 40D the limit of clearing in any areas to be protected or preserved item 42a storm uh drainage facilities item 42c water and sanitary sewer utility structures item 42e soil erosion and sediment control 42g lighting facilities and finally 42h mailboxes and other Street Furniture Miss uh San continues the applicant conserv irrigation proposes to replace the existing dry cleaner with an office use for an irrigation company offices are not permitted use in the R20 residential Zone therefore D1 use variance relief is required the site is fully developed and therefore requests numerous waiver items the applicant is proposing minor changes to the site that involve less than 5,000 square feet of site disturbance our office therefore recommends that all items listed above be waved the applicant should be advised that the waving of any completeness items does not constitute approval of any portion of the application and then any information found to be necessary during the review process must be supplied Mr one I I don't have any further comments I just want to remind the board that this application was scheduled for wavers uh prior to this one as well uh it's just that we U missed asking the applicant and missed asking for waivers on this one they are mostly construction details but when there is nothing really proposed in terms of storm water or drainage there there is no requirement to have uh construction details for the same and a few of these items uh related to the streets they're not proposing any new streets uh so uh it's really not applicable so I recommend that the board Grant these favors thank you Mr want board members any questions on my left no no and to my right no someone in favor of u u moving these waivers for approval Rizo second Mr Rizo and second is Mr Stoner have a roll call on that please miss Andrews yes Miss chevier yes Mr ISO yes Mr skogman yes Mr Stoner yes Mr Victoria yes chairman Sullivan yes thank you councelor thank you Mr chairman thank you board we'll see you shortly on this one thank you all right we'll move on to our only application of the evening uh you need a few minutes to set up do it on the Fly you want to do do it on the fly yeah do it on the I can start I don't need to set any we know that I'll read it into the record how's that that'll take some time this is matter 52- 2023 Z Extra Space Management this is the zone is the regional commercial CR block 4185 lot one physical locations 101 US Highway 9 Oldbridge M this is a self storage facility major preliminary final site plan with variant John uh wi whala representing the applicant sir good evening everyone John wcala on behalf of Extra Space Management Inc pleasure to be here this evening uh my client is the applic applicant and the operator of the existing ex uh Extra Space storage facility it is located as a chairman indicated 101 Route 9 uh its affiliate entity uh is actually the owner of the property uh property is identified ified as block 4185 lot one on your tax map and it is located in the Township's CR commercial Regional Zone District a little bit about extra space uh it is actually the second largest operator of self storage facilities in the nation uh it's been in the business since the late 1970s uh they currently operate over 3500 of these uh facilities around the country in 43 States as well as the dist District of Columbia uh and it is a company whose focus is on providing Clean safe secure and professionally managed self storage facilities uh subject property and I see it is something's up on the board uh it is approximately 6.3 acres in size it's currently developed with a three-story approximately 10 12,300 foot climate controlled self- storage building with Associated improvements my engineer will speak to to the existing site what's there and the like uh this uh this existing facility was actually originally approved by this zoning board I suspect not all the same people uh it goes back to uh 1998 uh was the original approval it was later amended in 2001 uh project was constructed sometime shortly thereafter in the 2002 time frame it was originally a storage USA uh for anybody who may remember that uh extra space acquired storage USA and with that the property and the business and the operations uh in 2005 so they've uh actually been a member of your business community and operating here for probably about 18 years 18 plus years now uh we are before you tonight seeking preliminary and final major site plan approval with variance relief to permit the development of a second climate controlled self- storage building on the property uh the the new building proposed is three stories in height and it's approximately 71,500 Square ft uh and one thing I do want to be clear on when we talk about climate these climate controlled buildings uh this is not a refrigeration facility or a type of facility that would be intended to uh store you know perishable items uh these types of facilities the existing and what's proposed here uh what we do is we typically maintain a a temperature a minimum temperature in the winter months of 50 degrees uh and a and a high temperature in the summer months of about 80 degrees uh and why do I say that uh it's not a type of facility U we do get questions about this uh where people could be living in these self- storage units or operating businesses out of these self- storage units uh in fact those items we we do provide for it in our lease uh it's prohibited and our lease standard lease prohibits you know flammable hazardous materials and and all that type of stuff uh Self Storage is permitted as a conditional use uh in the CR Zone District uh now the reason we're before the zoning board as opposed to the planning board is we do not meet all the conditional use criteria that are established in your code uh and as such we have a D3 conditional use variance uh we have additional uh D variance relief as to maximum floor area ratio uh Building height uh and to the that necessary uh expansion of an existing non-conforming use again this was approved there's some nuances on the way the original approvals uh uh were granted uh so you know we're covering it in that regard as well and we do have bulk Maran relief and you know our engineer will go through that as well as our planner uh as you are going to hear from our Witnesses over the course of this hearing uh you know one of the major advantages of this type of land use uh is that Self Storage is one of the lowest impact land uses and by that I mean from the perspective of traffic generation parking demand Demand on uh Municipal services and the like uh it is far less impactful than many of the other uses that would otherwise be permitted uh in your CR Zone District which does allow for a broad brush of of different commercial uses uh we are very much cognizant of the fact uh we're located uh directly adjacent to a multif family residential uh project uh we have been for uh for all these years um in terms of the land use itself can't think of a better if your commercial AB buding uh residential can't think of a a more um appropriate land use or one that at least is compatible and again that's just to due to the quiet nature and the low intensity nature of the business uh the design of this project you'll see it shortly uh has the building on the Westerly side of the site not directly adjacent to those residential apartment buildings and I think actually the existing building three-story building for the most part I think Shield it I wouldn't say entirely from view but mostly uh so we're excited to be here to present this application uh an opportunity for extra space to uh to expand its footprint here in Oldbridge uh really without changing the nature of its operations we have secured today County planning board approval we've got SD approval your Municipal utility authori is uh you know withheld anything pending this board but but this is the most important approval of all of them so uh we're glad to be here I have four Witnesses uh to present our project engineer Matt cman uh from bowler engineering he'll be providing an overview of the existing site what we're proposing uh what the improvements are he'll touch on operations as well got Paul going with Atlantic traffic he's our traffic engineer prepared a traffic impact statement that was submitted he'll speak to that uh Richard Ben senga uh he's our project architect with toao uh Tao design architecture he'll go over building design layout Etc and last but certainly not least our project planner Christine cfone uh and she's here to address the project as a whole in the variance relief we're seeking uh and I would also note that I am joined we're joined as well by Clint pley he's a regional development manager uh and and asset strategist uh for extra space and while I don't intend to call him for a direct testimony uh some questions come up along the way that we can answer through the other professionals he'll be available so with that said I'd like to call my first witness to be sworn and I'll have him put his qualifications on and go through things make sure his microph y just push the button sure good PT attorney oin good evening I say say stay your phone name Matthew kman the truth of the testimony for which you're about to provide yes and just for the record can Matthew can you spell your name sure my last name is spelled k u NS M an thank you Mr cman can you please provide the board with a brief summary of your educational and professional background and licenses you hold sure so I have a bachelor's in science in civil engineering from Syracuse University I'm a project manager at uh bowler engineering located at 30 Independence Boulevard in waren New Jersey I'm a licensed professional engineer in state of New Jersey my license is in good standing and I also been accepted as an expert witness by various planning and zoning boards in the state we'll certainly accept Mr cman thank you would you be able to zoom out just a little bit thank you welcome and Mr gunsman as we go through things if you could just um if if if anything we're looking at on the board is a new exhibit color rendered Etc I'm not sure if they all are as you go through uh just make note of it because we need to start marking them uh as exhibits and uh the first one we'll start with will be exhibit A1 when you get to it and uh when you get to that you'll need to just describe it give a date and overview for the board sure so this is the aerial exhibit it's prepared by Bowl dated February 1st 2024 and North is to the right side of the page for your reference so the uh this exhibit shows the property and existing conditions um the site is outlined in red in the center of the page the property is known as 1001 US Highway 9 block 4,185 Lot 1 and the property is located within the CR Zone Regional commercial and the total lot area is 6.31 Acres so the property is located on Southeast of Route 9 and the ramp so you see um along the curvature of the uh Northern property line is the route n ramp to the property which is approximately 9 ft higher than the site and there's also some additional screening and uh Landscaping between the property and the route n um ramp as well so surrounding the property to the north which is to the right side of the page is some commercial uses along with the uh border between the township of Oldbridge and also the burough of sville um beyond that are additional commercial uses in ernston road to the east is to the bottom of the page is the AF Zone with the Parkwood Village Apartments just beyond uh the property and to the South which the left of the page is the BJ's whole sale and other commercial uses and additionally to the the West again is Route 9 and other commercial uses beyond that so moving into this site um there is no direct access to Route 9 UM from our site um there are private driveways with Molita way which is labeled in the center of the page um that allow access to the site so um to access the site you either come from uh the East near the apartments uh which goes out to erston Road or uh through the BJ's uh shopping center as well which we provide access to Route 9 UM once you access the site the site consists of a three-story self storage building um the the floor area is 34,1 5 Square ft so with a total gross floor area of 10231 square feet um under existing conditions there is an F variance um with 37.93% where only 0.2 or 20% is permitted um additionally there is outdoor storage which is on the Northern side of the building um which is a perier use in this uh Zone and within that outdoor storage we also have um 18 storage units along the northern side of that uh um outdoor storage area as well so with that um outdoor storage units we are also requesting um as part of our application um they are set back 57.3 ft U to the Eastern property line which does uh require a variance and with all this uh existing improvements there's also a lot coverage variance of 30% uh or 52 .4% where only 30% is permitted um the subject area of our application really is the grass area located between Molita way and the existing uh self storage building and there's also a uh billboard on the western tip of the property um near uh the route 9 it's 60 ft high and is permitted use as well excuse me for one minute does anybody have a pointer I have one would you want me to point audience yeah why don't you just uh sure I wasn't sure how to do it with all these screens one and you have screens in front of you thank you sorry yes so there's a billboard located on the western portion of the property um that I'm pointing [Music] to the where the build is going to be would you Circle that with the pointer billboard building building sorry the building is well the proposed building will be in this area so everybody has idea where situated on the L sorry about that um access to the site will remain in the proposed conditions relatively unchange I'll get to that on on my next exhibit um but access to the building is this strive a along the western side um from Mita away and uh you would turn in in this area on the western side of the building where it's uh where there's parking spaces available and then there are a few security gates located I guess the Norther northwest corner of this building and also the southwest corner of the building uh which provides security for this outdoor storage which will be maintained in the proposed conditions as well uh lastly um in the proposed condition or existing additions there's a residential buffer um requirement as well 50 Fe is required where 222 ft is uh provided in existing and proposed conditions so that'll remain unchanged and and for storm water management and Grading purposes the uh the Eastern side of the property slopes towards the western side of the property um with the approximately 6ot uh grade change and there's no storm water basins on the site and existing distance it's maintained with uh inlets and pipe conveyance so with that we'll move on to my second exhibit A2 so this is a site plan exhibit prepared by bowler uh dated January 26 2024 and again North is to the right side of the page same orientation as the last exhibit so this exhibit is a colorized rendering of the site plan that was submitted as part of our application um we have made some modifications um from our original site plan um which are shown on this exhibit um based on comments that we received from your professionals so uh we are proposing a three-story self- storage building located on the western portion of the lot that I'm circling uh it's 24,179 Square ft on the base floor on the first floor and has a total gross floor area of 72,9 square ft so with a total of both buildings there is [Music] 174,175 ft is required but again one thing to point out is you know there is no access from this route uh ramp or drug handle area and the ordinance at least I believe the intent is that the setback is more measured from the route n uh main roadway and not necessarily the ramp so that's why we're proposing the building 34.2 feet away from that property line um additionally there's a a similar requirement for minimum setback to Major artillary Frontage it's the same idea that we're proposed 34.2 feet where 75 ft is required um again that's uh to the to the ramp of Route 9 not necessarily the main artillary roadway of the rout n uh we are proposing um increase of lot coverage to 62.1 12% where 30% is permitted um we are utilizing you know underutilized portion of the lot with the grass area there's nothing there in existing conditions and um we didn't want to locate the building on the the northern side of the existing building where the outdoor storage is because it is being utilized by you know residents in the town for you know RV parking and other you know maybe boats or whatever larger Vehicles they want to park here um and is permitted use so with that that's why we propos the building on the western side of this property along with uh separating it further from the residents to the Eastern side as well so that's why we're increasing the loot coverage requesting a variance for that similarly with the floor era ratio um we are requesting a variance as well where 20% is permitted and we're proposing 64.1 5% um and with the Self Storage which our traffic expert will testify to it's a less intens intensive use than say an office or other commercial uses so that's why we're requesting the floor area ratio variance as well and we're also proposing um a three-story building similar to what's out there today existing buildings three stories as well um but we are requesting a building height variance of 40 feet proposed and again it's on the western side of the property the site slopes down from the East to the West so um relative to the existing building it would be similar height so moving on uh to the for the billboard located on the Western Port uh we're not making modifications to that billboard um but we are providing access in the landscape area for them to be able to maintain change the sign at their frequency I'm going to interrupt you for a second and I've been remiss um you don't have a court stenographer here correct why is that uh we require one and I my fault I should have picked up on that I thought we had called and we were told we did not need a court reporter for this rules the rules require one but no I just said that we don't we don't um Supply One how are you going to have a record uh taped I thought well can you bring that up to the suprior court if you needed it I mean I I don't know but I I I think we need a we need a court reporter here I'm very sorry that I didn't pick up on this later earlier I should have checked we'll take a quick recess please all right I'm sorry we took a a brief uh recess to check on a legal matter I'm going to ask for a roll call please uh certainly Miss Pell Miss Andrews yes Miss chalier yes Mr ISO yes here Mr scagno here Mr Stoner presid Mr Victoria here chairman Sullivan uh here we were working on matter 52- 2023 Z that's Extra Space Management uh located at 101 US Highway 9 Oldbridge a matter came up to my attention uh and I was remiss and I apologize for it uh that I I thought I had a stenographer here and I look back over and there is none uh that was part of our rules and regulations but I'm going to turn it over to you Mr Wick escal to put on the record uh and and I'm sure miss Swant and Council for the board will speak sure chairman thank you very much um I had the opportunity to speak with councel during the break uh this is being uh taped via YouTube Etc so we will have a transcript prepared uh based off of of that and we'll make that transcript available to the board uh for uh for further review and and and review before you take a formal action on same right so there'd be no formal action at all this evening regardless whether you finish or not right right Mr want I'm okay with it we have done it in the past on um an application with the planning board as well okay yeah it is unusual and once again I apologize um Mr cheny yeah uh I mean two of you essentially summed it up I don't want to you know want to reent the will here but uh yeah so no no formal action tonight uh once you have that transcript ordered we'll have the chance to review it make sure everything's clear and then we'll go from there but everything else will testimony ET will will proceed accordingly tonight thank you Mr chair everybody on the board okay with that questions I appreciate everybody um just just before we start Jacob can you make sure if there is any technical glitch to let us know right away so that it's everything is being recorded thank thank you thank you Jacob just to be on the safe side uh I'll go back to you Mr wll okay thank you and I'll turn it back over to Mr cman somewhere all right so I was about to describe the access to the site so similar to how the site's accessed in existing conditions um we'll be maintaining that so to access the self storage facility uh the new building you would enter um lead away either um either Direction come down east to the site and then there's some parking spaces located between the two buildings um so you can either go into the office which is located on the Eastern Building and the existing building and then rent a new space or you would access your new um storage unit as well there are two uh loading areas for the new building so they're 20 ft wide by 20 ft in depth um which requires a a variance because of the the size where 10 fet is required 10 ft wide is required and 60 ft uh long but with these types of facilities we're expecting um people to drop off their household goods or maybe it's a a contractor or something like that that would store their um um their goods um so they would have smaller Vehicles such as a truck a car or a small van or something like that um if they did have a larger vehicle um such as like a box truck or maybe even a larger vehicle as well um similar to how the site operates today they can maneuver around the site um which they are currently doing and uh without uh prohibiting other people from utilizing the facility as well for parking uh we are proposing a total of 25 parking spaces uh this does require a variance uh due to the number 154 spaces are required for uh proposed new building and the existing building so there there will be approximately 849 uh total proposed new units or storage units in the new building uh or sorry there's 849 units in the existing building and 652 units in the new building and additionally there's 18 uh units M just point out where the parking is so the board understands that lays out uh so I'm circling the parking it's in between the proposed building and the existing building so there are 25 parking spaces um located between the two buildings there are additionally other parking spaces and larger uh spaces as well that are striped located within the fenced area um in the outdoor storage area but those are rentable spaces so they don't count towards our parking count but and I know we're going to hear more from our traffic engineer uh Mr cman but your office does designs of these self storage facilities uh and do you believe that's ample uh un ample amount of parking uh for the existing and new proposed building uh yes it is okay um we do have two Ada parking spaces as well to meet the ADA requirements uh for this facility can you just point those out just located here so with all this just going back to the lock coverage we are requesting a lot coverage variants um but with this all these improvements we're proposing we are not um Pro providing any adverse impact for storm water uh purposes we are a major development um however we are proposing an above ground infiltration Basin uh located in the western portion of the property which uh takes the water that from the pavement areas and also infiltrates it so it recharges the groundwater and then also reduces the rate of runoff as well while providing higher uh water quality so with that we are not proposing any adverse impacts with um you know the lot coverage or in the increase in floor area ratio all right moving on to utilities we do have uh all new utility connections for the new building new sanitary water connections we have um made an application to the obmua they are deferring their review until we have a a motion from the board um but we have made an application to them and we also have gas and electric connections as well uh we're not proposing a generator for the existing building or um the new building for the site it's part of you know Extra Space Storage is operations uh throughout you know they operate throughout the country and they rarely have uh generators or need them for their facilities um moving on to lighting we are proposing um LED wall pack uh fixtures for the new buildings along all four sides uh we are requesting a variance for uh for the minimum in a pavement area does not meet the oneir average of the lighting uh requirements so 1.4 foot candles is the onethird average um and we're proposing 0.7 foot candles within some of the parking areas in the drive aisles uh with that though um we are are still providing you know adequate lighting levels that meet the IES standards um therefore it provides you know safe uh lighting for the site all right so moving on to landscaping and I also forgot to mention about the Molita way uh realignment so Molita way which is along the um you know the western side of the site as part of comments that we received from the township professionals we are um realigning it slightly to um provide more separation from the proposed building uh providing at least 5 feet along this uh Northwest elevation also this Western elevation as well um that way there's more room for traffic um and provides a little bit more buffer and within that area we do have Landscaping proposed as well and then along you're able to scroll to the bottom of the page please sure thank you um for landscaping um the revision we made to this plan was we added 11 new evergreen trees um along the this the Eastern property line so provide additional screening in some of the areas that have holes in the existing screening between the the Residential Properties or the condos or yeah apartments condos um to you know our outdoor storage area so those consist of Evergreen trees um you know they grow they can grow one to 2 feet 3 feet depending on the species a year and provide a nice screening for those neighbors as well with that though we are proposing as a total package a total of 241 plantings for the property so you know significant increase from what's out there in existing condition conditions today and it is a compliant Landscaping plan as well uh besides the existing nonconform of the um buffer requirement um the distance but with that we are providing uh additional Landscaping in that area even though we're not uh providing any impact to the Eastern property line as well so with that I think that's everything I have can you speak to business operations are they going to be changing as a result hours of operation uh there will be no changes to the hours of operation um the hours of operation are uh to access the site 6:00 a.m. to 10: p.m. so anyone can access the site that has a that has a current renter of the facility and then for the office it's 9:30 to 6:00 p.m. um Monday through Friday and then on Saturday it's 9 to 5:30 p.m and S Sunday they're closed so if you're a new tenant or you want to rent a unit those are the office hours you have to go um rent a new unit and um number of employees is that going to increase what what are the total What's the total employee count there are two employees and there won't be an increase um now uh trash that's that's all handled by way of private tra uh waste all or correct that's correct and uh people are renting this facility they can't just uh you know empty their their unit or storage uh uh unit they have to bring it with them and that's a part of their lease agreement as well so the trash is mostly just for the office use and it's handled privately thank you um you've had an opportunity to review the uh reports that have been received is that correct that's correct and um and only because it's a little bit shorter I'm going to just start with the uh report from the fire department uh and I'd like you to address that and discussions you've had and resolutions you've made if you would sure so we have um we did receive a common letter from the fire department and we have met with the Fire official Mr Miller as well and uh we have agreed to um satisfy his comments and he did actually provide us an email back saying that he's satisfied with our um revisions that we will make okay uh so why don't we turn now chairman would you like us to roll through the rep U the report or do you want to just ask questions on it by and large we agree with a lot of the technical comments um there are some items here that ask for Testimony which we've tried to cover along the way I don't know if there's anything missing that you want to hear direct testimony on I just like you to say you're going to agree or not agree if there's if there's a difference then we can come back to our professional perfect so why don't we just roll where you meet in the why don't we just why don't we just we'll roll through and then I'll kind of lump some couple of the pages we agree with everything on here there so and I'm what I'm going to do is just flip ahead to page five of 12 which is in general comments uh and I can just uh represent to the board regarding the uh the billboard uh there is no change proposed in that regard uh that billboard has been there for a long time outfront media is a current owner and operator they have a least agreement um and as far as I know actually I heard from out front uh you know they they go and change the sign type on that sometimes once a month sometimes every couple months sometimes it's up a little bit longer than that so uh so nothing's changing in that regard um I think two is you know two is I think has already been testified to we do think um and we'll speak more to the floor area ratio and and so forth as we go through uh we've already touched on three and and our reason for placing the uh the building in that location um item four speaks about uh granting an easement and we do not have an issue uh granting an easement uh as long as we have the cooperation of our neighbor in that regard so four we're in agreement on as a condition five is just a statement uh item six uh those one those outdoor storage units there was a comment what's the history on that history of approval I can represent to the board hat and hand here there is no history of the approval those popped up sometime uh years past they contain lockers uh that you know customers are renting so we would like to to keep them as part of this application and it's why we noticed for that as well uh number seven we'll just clarify that the traffic impact statement had some different numbers slightly different numbers of uh on it and Mr Going's going to speak to that uh number eight we already spoke to hours of operation uh number nine I think Mr kman touched on already uh you know uh mostly cars and stuff larger truck would be an sw30 typically is that correct correct uh and I will tell the board who been through this before uh we'll never say never on tractor or you know like the larger moving trucks they do not typically frequent these places but it's not something that doesn't happen it's not something we we prevent either in the room the site is is sufficient to cover it uh number 10 is uh spoke to climate control and I did speak to that and Mr kman U mentioned that uh um we're not going to have an electri a backup generator we don't need it uh item 11 testimony on restrictions uh we have our standard lease I actually have copies of lease and I can mark that in as well uh it's no different probably than most of the other professional Self Storage operators prohibitions as I indicated in my opening comments uh flammables hazardous explosives those types of things are are are all prohibited uh by our lease um security measures uh can you speak to that Matt sure so um in existing conditions and proposed conditions it relatively uh stay unchanged um but there is a gate located where I'm pointing on the Northern side of in between both buildings and there's also a gate located on the southern side of the existing building um and it's also fenced in so the outdoor storage area is fenced in as well um so that's the security provided and we're also going to extend the fence so it closes off the corner between the northeast corner of the proposed building and the existing gate Great uh 13 to 16 speak to architecture so we'll defer on those uh down in site layout we agree with comment 17 Mr cman just spoke to number 18 in terms of gates Etc um number 19 we agree there's a gap we'll close the gap off uh some Gap in uh in fencing uh number 20 uh Mr kman already spoke to uh to to the trash the dumpster location maybe you can point that out for the board that dumpster is not accessible to tenants uh it's for office use only and use of the business yes so it's located in the northwest corner right outside the the office which is one I'm circling in the corner of the building and that uh dumpster is in the fenon area as well of the the lot um number 21 speaks to uh the uh the the access to the building for loading and loading unloading activities I think you touched on that Matt but can you just remind the the board sure for the proposed new building um there are two areas um they have arrows on the Eastern facade of the building so I'm circling one here and then on the aess southern side of that facade so there are two loading areas that customers can uze a facility um can you speak to uh truck turning access ability of uh fire vehicles and other vehicles to uh navigate the site yes so we provided a fire truck template to the Fire official which we agreed um on circulation and also generally we're we're not altering the site access um L connection but uh box trucks and other larger Vehicles can circulate the site in existing and proposed conditions number 23 we're going to just defer until we get to our traffic engineer it speaks to volume and traffic on AET away um number 24 you already spoke to uh to to the shift uh with respect to the road correct uh yes um we we agree with the comments 25 and 28 and will comply 29 um we agree with that comment we were that the we have a six foot chain link fence provided uh and we are going to modify that to go with a picket type of fence uh a top the Basin wall so nobody can climb it's really just for for climbing [Music] purposes and if you could speak to 30 speaks to easements we're okay with the temporary construction easement and there is no easement that has restrictions that would prevent us from uh constructing storm water pipes Etc correct that's that's correct we're connecting storm water to existing uh Network on site and um we already agreed to providing the easement on Mita away where there there is no easement provided existing conditions thank you uh grading and drainage all comments 31 to 40 are acceptable correct uh yes uh in storm order management uh 41 to 44 those are all acceptable as well correct correct landscaping and lighting uh we agree with 45 46 and 47 correct yes uh and one thing I just want to add for number 45 I forgot to testify to we did add um per that comment shrubs between the BJ's lot and our proposed building um so there are shrubs proposed in that area and that leaves traffic uh which we'll defer on and we agree obviously with the permits and approvals and any of the administrative comments and with that I have nothing further to ask Mr gunsman chairman just a circle back there to the fire um kind of glanced over that yeah is there going to be an agreement with the fire marshall as to everything that he found unsatisfactory on 842 uh yes that is correct and I think there was a discussion we we received an email um as well that we covered he said he's good with the adjustments just make sure we testify to the board uh since they have to make the final approval and I think you you spoke to all of those uh you want to I can why don't you just why don't you just clarify have it on record yeah yes maybe we could just address each of those for the record sure so additional hydrant added um will be added to the plan which is close within 100 ft of the FDC fire department connection so we'll provide that um the fire lane striping so we we will provide fire lane striping at his Direction um we will provide a key box um as well emergency radio communications so um after the building is constructed Ed there will be a test post construction to see if there needs to be a signal booster and we will provide if needed and uh we are providing access for the emergency vehicle as well through mulita way and [Music] um and he's he also wanted clarification on the refuse uh container for the garbage which be provided okay uh he was here I believe and and I guess I had to leave yes okay but I was pre to all the communications between the applicant and the fire chief and uh yes uh the the recommendations made by the applicant are acceptable to uh Mr Miller I just wanted to represent him in his absence and and if there's any further comments that go down the line you go uper with him as well correct yep okay uh you're done direct here so is it Mr McCarthy I'm sorry Ryan Gaby correct McCarthy Ryan McCarthy uh I think I can't read my own writing that's pretty bad isn't it want it is McCarthy so I just want to make sure I think we missed one two items actually uh it looked like there was for the security for the site uh not pulled up anymore but there was one section of fence that was missing um as far as access we close the gap in that area okay yep and then there was one other item that uh we had previously talked about just before the meeting the plan showed just some sheet flow from the parking area that's going to go directly into the Basin so we just wanted to make sure that something was added to the onm manual to talk about how we're going to manage trash uh any sediment and debris just to make sure that the Basin uh works in the future so that was just one of the other things that we sure we will provide additional info on that Mr tetr anything from you now are you gonna wait for the traffic engineer yeah I don't think there's any wait for the traffic engineer thank you sir Mr so um Matt um when we had a meeting a prep meeting before this one we I had pointed out that there's an area along the northern boundary line where the brush was removed and trucks were were being parked there and that you guys would go back and replant actually that area for the birds um understanding where you see malleta Drive ridden vertically the area to the north right you see um the plant Plantation brush is being removed that area was used as a staging area at some point so I have requested since there is an L variance that is involved and also this um property is like a Gateway entrance to the township um I would want to see because there are bigger plans for the entire area in future and I'll fill you in with it I just want uh to give Chris a chance to come and testify and then I can chime in but um I think that Landscaping is critical so wherever you can add Landscaping to beautify the site or make it look nicer we appreciate that so do you have a problem with working with me at at the compliance review stage to fix any Landscaping issues that may exist we will work with you for whether it's there or anywhere else you know sure um with mleta I think I believe you agreed to Mill and pave right because there are cracks in the roadway and mleta drive is in poor condition in certain section uh yes that is correct I think Landscaping was my priv primary concern MTO Drive was another one I'll hold off for the variances um I think I'm good good thank you I would was curious about the end of that malat way too it's like no man's land when you get out to I didn't I didn't break an axle yesterday when I drove drove through there but I think it can happen is who owns that so mulita way is a private Drive I believe to the the East there are there's an easement for the allows um you know cross AIS for all the developments so it's all private um but once you get Beyond um really to the east of our site then it's like a transition to sville as well so jump in this whole boundary chairman and board members if you look at uh the memo the review memo page 7even um there was a reason why I included that tax map sheet because the easen stops at the property line the southern property line and I myself 10 15 years ago I have used that cut through to go to BJs and I know it is in bad shape and that was my first question who maintains it and what how does how do people because everybody gets to bej through that parking lot and so we had discussions and uh we were like we need a cross AIS easen and the roadway needs to be maintained uh in a better shape but I'm hoping that with future Development coming in that area um things will get better and there'll be better connectivity well everyone goes that road to BJs except me because I didn't find out if they connected until yesterday when I drove through there so now would go all the way down to Downing and come around right but thank you for that and uh and I found out I can cut through there um is it it's it's in such poor shape is there going to be you mentioned curbing uh I guess that's closer back to where the the rear Matt why don't you just show what the extent is what we're doing and what V had spoken about in terms of Milling repaving Etc sure so the Milling or the the full depth payment maybe if we can zoom in we can it might be easier to see on like the top uh yeah so there's a darker gray hatch so where my laser pointer is right now that extent to the western side where we're providing a new pavement um that's because we're realigning so some of it may be M and overlay where it overlaps existing but we're also Shifting the road 5T so that'll be new pavement and then to the the property lines will provide um the Milling at Mill and overlay as needed so Matt what about the other side sure to the so uh the northern side can you just Pan the screen so that we can see the bot no the other way going to the northern side of the property there's uh we'll we'll provide the Milling overlay as needed okay but again it it does end at the proper line I don't believe we have um you know we we can't pay Beyond I think till the property line is what we expect yeah how do those big vehicles that I guess motor coaches and the rent spots back there they access access that to the back sure there's only one access to the to the facility really it's through this drive a on the southern side um so there's two gates whether um to access the back or the outdoor storage but we have run truck templates going both ways depending on the vehicle size uh they can make those maneuvers uh most likely though I would assume most the larger vehicles are coming from the path mark side or not path mark BJs side doesn't look like a lot of the move at all or very infrequently almost almost like the stuff that's in each one of the cubicles within the facility as well once somebody puts it in there that's understood uh let me go to the board members uh as to the uh engineer questions on my left start down at the end Mr Victoria I I do have a few just B just on the numbers on the lot coverage uh variance that you're lying for sure the current building you said is 102 square feet 102,000 Square fet correct yep okay so that represents 37.1% coverage sorry just fli to my table um so for coverage we have F so we'll start with coverage and then we'll clarify the f as well sounds good so the loot coverage that's just um impervious area for the site um the permitted is 30% um in existing conditions it's 52.1 14% And then proposed it's 62.1 2% what what is the total square foot because I I have 2,7 27486 3.6 square feet is that accurate let me I I have an Acres so let me do a that's 6.31 Acres times 43,560 which is for lot coverage I have 3.92 Acres 3.92 I thought you said 6.31 total total total that's total lot area okay because I had the coverage of 37.1 you're saying 62 is perent is Mr Victoria maybe I'll try to help you I think you're looking at the building footprint right uh we what Matt is talking about is the lot coverage which is inclusive of the parking areas and any paved areas too so it's not just the building footprint it's the full building footprint plus the paved areas and that is what is 62% right but just just the building footprint I was I'm getting 63.1 I'm not even taking into account the I'm are you looking at I'm just guessing because I don't I can't see your calculation are you looking at the entire square footage of the building or just the footprint well 102,000 Square ft is the proposed building that's the gross Flor I mean is the is the current building that's existing that's total with the existing three stories so the the building footprint is much less than the total square footage the building just to clarify the existing the existing building footprint is 34,1 square ft the proposed building footprint is 24,179 square ft so with that total it's 58,221 282 okay and then the site you said it's not 6.31 it's 3 the the site is 6.31 Acres so 274,000 squ feet okay so with the new building the proposed coverage is is is how much what percent uh approximately 21.2% the total it's 62% you said right so that's that's a little more than double what the standard is so that fair to say for lock coverage impervious coverage yes it is double but again we are providing storm water mitigation U so there is a detriment for storm water purposes for the site okay I just wanted to make sure I was understanding the numbers correctly thank you Mr Rizo Mr Stoner SC employees two employees that's correct yeah can you turn your mic on gentleman was asking yeah two employees that man the office operation that's not going to change we don't actually need more employees for this purpose so they'll be working um at complete hours of so so the way it works so our our customers have key code access uh into the building or to their to their units uh between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10: p.m. that's what exists today and that would continue uh if the board were inclined to Grant it with respect to this other building uh our staff is there and I 9:30 to 5:30 Mondays to Fridays 9:30 to 6 on Monday through Friday and then 9 to 5:30 on Saturday and Sunday they're not there no security that's the employees of the security well they're they're not they're not really there as for security the employees are there during the week to well meet new tenants work it out I mean they obviously walk the facility they keep an eye on things when they're there but our customers do have access uh to come in and within that hour they they cannot get into their units everything shuts down from 10: a.m or 10 pm uh to uh 6 o'clock AM 559 amm so um yeah and the employees get a lunch hour and they leave the premise um I don't know if they leave but they they may run out the lunch they stagger their lunches so during those hours we we'll always have somebody there we we we don't want we don't want to miss an opportunity during those those hours that the office is open uh if we have new customers that are coming in to to sign up or change you know maybe change units or whatever else they they may need to do okay thank you than you Mr EV not at this time Ren yeah uh no no no security cameras uh after 10 p.m 24 hour 24 hour I'll I'll answer that since he's not hasn't been sworn in and but I can repeat U we do have 24hour security we've got a number of cameras throughout the facility it seems like a desolate area after a certain amount of time right thank you I'm good okay well then I'd like to call our next witness and Mr kunsman is is not going anywhere so uh I would normally take a break for the stenographer but I don't see I don't see a need exactly the fingers see it worked out perfectly chairman exactly your name Paul going P L yes and the last name is g i n just like the word going g i n thank you do s inspires to the truth of the testimony for which you're about to provide yes thank you sir thanks Mr can you please provide the board a summary of your educational professional background and licenses you hold sure I'm a 1993 graduate of the Cooper Union for the advancement of science and art where I earned a bachelor of engineering degree in civil engineering since that time I've been working as a traffic and Transportation engineer I'm a licensed professional engineer in New Jersey licens in good standing and I've been accepted as a traffic expert at numerous boards uh throughout New Jersey including here in Oldbridge he's good thank you chairman Mr going uh you and your office prepared a traffic statement uh for this proposed Expansion Project is that correct that's correct it's been submitted I think it's dated June 26 2023 that is correct uh why don't you please provide the board uh with your thoughts relative to traffic generation uh associated with this land use uh as well as somewhere along the line I want you to touch on parking sure uh so as was previously testified to the s's developed with a an approximately 102 squ foot extra space Self Storage our our report incorrectly identified the existing building area at 98,000 Square ft so about 4,000 ft short um but it doesn't change our calculations or findings uh the sites served by about 20 parking stalls right now um those were in that area that's between the the existing building and the proposed building uh there's also as Matt testified there's outdoor storage of RVs and boats and and things of that nature uh the site does not have direct access to any public roads the uh the frontage we have along Route nine is uh what the do calls a denial of access uh we do not have access rights to to Route 9 uh we do have access to and from Mita way it's a 20 m per hour private road that runs through the site along our Southern border um where The BJs is we have an easement that allows access along Molita way to the intersection with Downing Street to the South Downing Street is a public Street provides access to Route 9 along our eastern border we have an easement that allows access along Mita way to its intersection with Westminster Boulevard um I think Matt had earlier said from Malita away you get to ernston and and that's true but you you have to take Westminster between Malita away in ernston um there's there's presently no easement on the subject property along the lead away that allows shared access to any other party and as was previously stated we're we're uh proposing to add an easement to to provide for that in the future uh in the proposed condition an additional building would be constructed a three-story 72,0 99 foot self storage building the parking would be increased to 25 parking stalls access would generally work the way it does today the only change is uh the improvements that were Pro proposing to Mita away and the easement we're proposing on Mita away um just in general having the ability to travel between properties off the main public roads is a general goal of access management it reduces Demand on those main roads and helps them operate more efficiently it also reduces driveway turning movements onto those main roads which contributes to safety uh we don't need an approval from do for for our project uh we access route n via that Downing Street Downing streets public road so we we would not affect an access permit uh on another property and we don't need an access permit for our property so as as was previously stated um the use is a very low traffic generator uh from a traffic point of view Self Storage has very low impact um we we like to have this use because it it does generate very few trips we calculated the traffic that's generated in peak hours by the the existing and proposed condition using a reference called the it The Institute of Transportation engineers trip generation manual and based on the it using the square footage of the existing and proposed facilities currently the existing site generates nine weekday morning peak hour trips that's nine total entering and exiting uh 15 weekday evening peak hour trips and 17 Saturday midday peak hour trips the proposed new building would add an additional six weekday morning peak hour trips 11 weekday evening peak hour trips and 12 Saturday midday peak hour trips so to to put that in perspective in the busiest peak hour We're generating 12 additional trips which is an average of one car entering or exiting every five minutes um in addition for comparison purposes the adjacent Shopping Center and BJs generates about 329 weekday morning peak hour trips 1,391 weekday evening peak hour trips and 1,665 Saturday midday peak hour trips and that's that's again using the it to calculate those trips um in addition Route 9 carries about 6,000 cars per hour in the peak hours the weekday morning the weekday evening um So based on the additional 12 trips generated by the project um our finding is that there's there's no increase there's not a significant increase in traffic and uh there's far fewer than 100 additional peak hour trips the it and njdot uh consider a significant increase in TR traffic to be over 100 peak hour trips So based on that 12 those 12 additional trips my conclusion is that the proposed project would not have an impact on air Area traffic um in the conditional use criteria uh it requires a written report and it requires findings that the project will not result in a VC ratio of point8 or greater will not increase peak hour volumes by 10% and will not result in a level of service F and in in my opinion traffic volumes this low which are are in fact less than the daily fluctuation you might find from a peak hour to a peak hour if you just counted today or yesterday um that my finding is that we we would not trip those thresholds I did as I stated earlier we had the wrong uh square footage in for the existing building I I recalculated and uh the numbers that I I just gave you which are the numbers in my report for trips those are the same whether the building is is uh 98,000 squ ft or 102,000 Square ft so the addition of 4,000 square ft doesn't actually result in any additional trips um moving on to parking uh so the ordinance requires one stall for every 10 units and two stalls for employees which for this site uh I think Matt was giving these numbers there's 867 existing units um there are 600 up to 652 units in the proposed building our our architect is going to testify uh right now his layout doesn't include 652 but he he thought that in the future they could possibly uh change up the unit size it's a market demand you the most popular unit size is a 10 x10 um sometimes we have people that want larger sizes we kind of see so we've got architectural plans that have a layout and I think it's got a 500 something number which will speak to it uh but it's possible you can do you know more smaller units within those areas uh there is a certain amount of flexibility that is built into that so we've taken the Assumption of the most uh uh units and I think it anyway is really just based on square footage as opposed to you know how many lockers there are in in a given area yes that's correct um so the the parking requirement is for 154 stalls and uh as you might G guess when the traffic demand for use is very very low the the parking demand is likewise low if if any members of the board have ever rented Self Storage um you you know what I'm talking about I have it's very unusual when I go for there to be more than one other customer at the site uh so to get an idea of the actual parking demand we expect at this use I used another publication of the it called parking generation so per the it the average maximum parking demand rate for self storage is 0.1 stalls per th000 square ft um so that would be 177 stalls for the the existing and proposed buildings we're proposing 25 stalls uh so I that's more than enough to meet the demand for for the use and that's that completes my direct thank you Mr tetr did I say it right yes you did okay yes um responses sound good uh the only comment I would have was just about the requirement for um traffic impact for the immediate area it doesn't really you know so it almost I mean I don't have a problem with not doing a turny movement account I was just pointing out what was in the ordinance there so I mean the numbers are so low that it probably is not really you know something that could be waved um everything else it looks like you you're going to revise the uh traffic report to corre make the corrections in there and and U so I don't see any issues thank in short you would agree with the testimony of Mr going yes it would thank you thank you Mr McCarthy I have uh no comments I'll agree with thanks Mr one I have no comments start over on my left again for this witness please on the uh you said 154 spaces are required correct correct opposing 25 that's correct how many are currently there there are currently 20 okay and then um you said currently there's nine existing peak hour trips and you're adding 12 peak hour trips is that correct uh hold on a second it was 15 there's there's nine in the weekday morning peak hour which is the lowest of the the three peak hours that I'm giving you numbers for and then the 12 that we're adding that's in the Saturday peak hour when uh why don't you just why don't you just go through Paul so just correct me if I'm wrong so we've got uh nine existing uh in the AM peak hour uh six additional associated with um the new use for a total of 15 correct correct and then the PMP again PM it's 15 uh existing 11 additional trips so in the PM peak hour it's 26 correct uh and then the Saturday Peak goes to 29 it's at 7 17 presently you would have 12 more what's that Saturday Peak by the way it's typically in the midafternoon early afternoon so 29 total on the Saturday Peak correct correct that's shown incidentally uh for any board members it's in table one on page five of the report thank you thanks Mr Rizo numbers are staggering BJ is going to make a toll for you to go through be maybe so don't give him any ideas membership's high enough for right yeah I'm good can't share that membership anymore no that's true Mr Stoner yeah I have a question you mentioned 6,000 cars if I'm correct on on right yes how do you come to that conclusion or how do you calculate that I uh so what I did is I got information from NJ doot on their website they have so the dot collects traffic data all over the state mostly on state roads but sometimes other roads and then that information is available on their website so that's based on a direct count of actual traffic oh so you guys didn't actually do it we didn't do the counts ourselves no that's just background information that our traffic engineer secur from okay okay thank you thanks Mr scogna on top of that what year was this 6,000 count I will tell you in just a second yeah 2016 yeah that's what I thought yeah yeah I know I was I was on that road coming here it seemed like there were 10,000 cars on it as driving pretty busy Miss Andrews yes you mentioned that Molita Drive is a very uh bumpy rocky road are you planning on fixing that road up yes we're going to fix it within our property uh boundaries and Mill and repave some of the areas Mr kman said are just going to go full depth but we're going to we're going to fix it Mill it repave it'll be a nice smooth Road and I believe there are no sidewalks or curbs in in that area that is correct yes yeah that also going to be taken care of well we're not proposing any new sidewalks through there we're just GNA you know pave the road just just asking yeah thank you just a thought yeah I appreciate that Mr trainy you have anything no nothing nothing on my end thank you okay another witness or do you need do you need a break uh I do not need a break but if the board anybody on the board needs a break no no appreciate it okay let's move forward we do stop Mr wcala at 10 for for uh public portion now no one's here tonight if need be I'll extend you a few minutes I appreciate that chairman you can set up oh I'm sorry where do you like we're good we're we we have the chairs that swivel up here so we can we can go either way whatever is convenient for you thank you we have a hand mic there for you sir just roll just why don't you just roll through them rich just mark them as you go sure good evening good evening sir board attorney will swear you in do you s my swear it's the truth of the testimony for which you're about to provide I do can you state your name for the record Richard penyangga b n c i v n g a one more time sorry b n c i v v n g can I approach thank you thank you thank you thank you your sworn yeah uh can you please provide uh uh educational professional uh background and licenses I have a Bachelor of Science and architecture technology from New York Institute of Technology I graduated in 1989 I received my first licensure in New York state in two in 1994 uh my license in New Jersey uh 200 and uh 10 so license is valid it's it's current it is current and you're testifying as an architect I am testifying as an AR I've testified in front of numerous boards in the state of New Jersey has been accepted I know your name sir so I I'll certainly accept your credentials thank you you prepar you plans before the board is that correct I have looks like you have a a board up there uh as we go through we going to be picking up at exhibit A3 just uh mark it put today's date on it explain what it is and can roll so what I have here is a rendering um of the uh proposed new building and it's a view looking down um malleta way towards uh Route 9 what you can see here is what we're proposing is a building that's going to be constructed of a combination of metal panels concrete block some glazing some uh simulated Stu over or ephas um composing in different uh patterns and colors to to provide a really visually interesting building um I'm going to run through them quick uh we're proposing uh two signs on this facade one here and one here and that's Facing The Jug Handle this will be A4 this is a view as you enter the site from the BJ's property and again it's the showing the same uh combination of materials in different Shades of Gray um it's a horizontal variated uh box rib panel so we've got a combination of uh thicknesses as well as depth and what it does is it gives a visual interest to the building and what you see here are um these are imitation doors F doors we call them display doors is kind of to demonstrate and give clue what the type of building is and we're also proposing a sign on that facade and the facade that faces directly towards rout n this will be A5 now this is a view of the Interior Courtyard of our our uh complex so this this here is what the new building looks like as it faces opposing the uh existing and you can see here we have two signs showing uh our customers where they're going to pull up and unload their their their items into the building we're providing a small little canopy for rain shelter and when a customer comes to the building they'll come in there's a keypad at each of these doors and only if you are renting a unit in this building will you'll be able to access this building the keypads were also monitored 24/7 by uh security cameras that that's that concludes uh that concludes M unless you want safety features Etc just just touch on that sure the the the building will be uh fully sprinklered it's a non-combustible building uh we'll have two elevators fully ADA Compliant we're also going to we also pre-engineered the building to for future solar just in case um the client decides to go forward with that right and we were talking before I I was addressing it but I can't provide testimony um the the building does have a certain amount of flexibility just in terms of the number of units that are proposed to the interior de so the the the I'll pull up a floor plan it's easier to demonstrate this will be A6 this is our first floor plan and what you can see the self- storage buildings are designed on a 10x10 module the 10 x10 is John stated is the most popular unit size that usually however the markets do tend to shift so um and over time extra space may decide that the 10 x10 is not really the optimum size it may be the Market looking for 10 by 20s so we could easily remove a wall one some of these walls between the units we can move them there it's like a director said it's a kid of parts thank you have nothing further to the professionals Miss Swan we'll start with you this time uh I just have one question I know there was a comment in the review memo that you may require a variance for uh the sign since you have the floor plan up can you show me which facade has the uh signs we have a sign right right there and here one each there's one here okay and there's one there and then over the entrance we have two wave finding signs those are re finding right yeah they're like wave finding signs called loading um I think the sign that is right there on the souly proper souly side of the building will require a variance yeah and we we actually noticed as well we did include signed variances in the notice and we'll address it so I believe uh because that was uh a question in the member so uh should the board act favorably on the application we should include the wall sign as a variant thank you no problem I have no further questions Mr McCarthy uh no no comments Mr tet no comments counselor you know just to the record uh just with obviously with how this is going to be handled uh for the transcrip wise you're talking for the western side right if we're looking this is North this is North is this this is southernly side actually southernly side sorry the southernly side uh will require variance the sly side sign that is correct good I'm going down to my left again Mr Victoria is this building typical of uh Extra Space Storage it's of the hundreds of Self Storage this is very typical that I've design I have to say it's probably for as far as self storage spaces go it's probably one of the most beautiful self storage buildings I've ever seen well thank you extra space does a good job almost looks like something out of the Jetson now you're showing your agage Mr Rizo oh I'm not gonna say nothing after that okay Mr Stoner you didn't mention anything about lighting is it well lit the area so outside of the building um the civil engineer touched upon that there is lighting throughout the facility inside the building is well lit um it's all it's all on motion sensors so as you walk through the building the lights will turn on and turn off so we know because in your pictures I didn't see the lighting that's the reason why there is some lighting as show um and does it come with the Landscaping too that tree is here in the front we try and model the Landscaping per the the landscaping design so as close as we can so you'll see we have lights here here here down the building then there's lights down this side of the building okay that's why I didn't see and then you can see some more lights as well now is it timing on these lights like for instance you know come question time one second 247 aren't they they're they're 247 the exterior lights okay okay thank you Mr scog now yes Mr Cher this new building would be wouldn't mirror the present but it would look very same colors right it's corporate so to the to the average person coming by most after it's built it there was two yeah it's an extra space and the materials and all are basically the same on the outside facade they similar to both buildings yeah similar not entirely but that's all got one more right one more thank you hello can you set your name for the record certainly it's Christine c h r i s t i n e cfone c f o n e business address is 125 Half Mile Road Sweet 200 Redbank New Jersey 07701 all right phone you saw where the truth the testimony for what you're about to provide yes thank you you're welcome I know you've testified here before but want a brief summary of your educational professional background yes good evening chair and members of the board for the record Christina zaro cfone I have testified here before it's been a a minute because i' I've not been here since the room has been renovated so it looks lovely and it's nice to be here I'm also happy the court reporter is not here so I won't be admonished for talking fast like I always am so um I have been here as qualified as a witness in Oldbridge before for both your planning and zoning boards on numerous occasions I've been practicing as a licensed professional planner for about 28 years in the state now I've been qualified before Oldbridge and over 450 or so other planning and zoning boards I teach Planning and Zoning courses for the Rucker Center for government services and I also serve as a court appointed affordable housing special Master our for Firm phone Consulting Group is appointed as the casino Redevelopment Authority planners in Atlantic City uh but by and large our practice is devoted to representing applicants before boards Mrs Miss kon's name is very well known in in this before this zoning board I don't think I've seen you since pre pre-co I don't think uh and I thought maybe you took took it back to the office and you weren't coming out anymore but we'll certainly accept her credentials she's appeared and testified before this on numerous occasions thank you chairman um so you've heard a lot of testimony tonight and uh Mr cozman went through the variance relief that's required it's also properly outlined in um your planner Miss want has reviewed all of the relief that's required this is a bit of a complicated application with respect to a planning because we are seeking we're going to put the proofs on for four separate D variances um so that's four of the six right as the board you know there's six D variances we're going to hit testimony on four of them we were asking for a D2 because a D2 expansion of a non-conforming use because the use was originally established by variance years ago when it was first approved it was a conditionally permitted use and it needed some variances so it was originally established by a d variance so we're asking for a D2 expansion of a non-conforming use because we're expanding it we're asking for a D3 variance because we don't meet um five of the conditional use standards this is a conditionally permitted use in the zone which means if you meet all the conditions you go to the planning board as an as of R use if you you violate one or more you go to the zoning Board of adjustment for a D3 variance we're asking for the D4 variance for the floor area ratio those numbers were already testified to by U Mr konsman but the existing f is 3793 and .20 is allowable and we're at 6415 um and then we're asking for a d variance for height the height requirement in the zone for the CR the underlying zoning allows a height of 65 fet and five stories however the conditional use requirements restrict you to 40 ft so we are asking for a D6 variance because we're violating that additional use requirement by more than 10% so each of those D variances have a little bit of different burden of proof with them starting with the D2 uh the prevailing case there governing D2 variances is the Burbridge case and when bbge asks you to do as a board is to when you're dealing with an expansion of a non-conforming use right the use is already there so the area has gotten accustomed to it but how can you do make improvements to it to make it more integrated with the surroundings as Vina pointed out earlier this is a gateway project project right and the the sites as as you know from driving through it is a little bit um lacking with regard to the paving so that creates two opportunities for us as an applicant to work with your professionals to provide some additional landscaping and to improve those those access ways so still a non-conforming site but we're certainly taking the opportunity to integrate and make it better for its surroundings so I think we certainly substantiate our burden of proof with respect to the D2 with regard to the D3 our proof is not to demonstrate that this site is particularly suitable but under the Coventry Square case it held that you have to demonstrate as the planner as the applicant's team that absent compliance with those conditional use standards this Still Remains an appropriate location for the use so Mr konsman went through them and I'll just I'll refresh your memory as to what they were but it was for the V the front yard setback of 34.2 feet or 75 is required and as he testified that's to the the ramp of Route n and we don't have access to Route 9 so I think he provided the reasoning for that the minimum off street parking 139 spaces required where we're not meeting that that would be a wild amount of parking my office has done dozens amounts of these facilities all throughout the state that would be literally a travesty to the environment to provide that much parking for this type of use you just don't need it maximum lot coverage I know we had some questions earlier as to the coverage so restrict in the zone were allowed 30% for the conditional use requirements currently today the site sits at 52.1 4 and we're providing 62.1 two but most importantly the testimony that Mr kunsman offered is a couple things that relate to that because as planners right we look at why do we regulate lot coverage you want to make sure that the site isn't creating any excess adverse drainage impacts or runoff or putting too much intensity on the site so some of the things that he testified as a planner that I thought wer important was that he is introducing storm water management onto the site if you saw that that he was proposing a basin um up in along in the area where the um billboard is but he also told you that he's improving water quality and he's slowing the rate of runoff of the site now he's yes he's he's a great engineer and he does these things but the law actually requires he has to do these things as well so certainly when you as a board are looking is this still an appropriate location and this is going to tie into the f as well you can be comfortable that the site's going to accommodate that excess coverage with no detriment right or no substantial detriment we'll wrap all this up at the end with the negative criteria because that's what we have to get to is that no substantial detriment so and then the other two um conditional use are the the driveway requirements that we don't meet the driveway requirements and we're not providing perimeter fencing while we do have fencing on the site we do have some areas that are unfenced so absent compliance with those conditional use standards I think the board can certainly be comfortable that this still is an appropriate location for this storage facility uh chair asked is it going to look similar and I think if I had to tell you from a planning point of view I said it's going to look a little campus likee it's going to look like you have two buildings that certainly look like they have a symmetry in our synergistic so I think you're going to find it if the board is so inclined to prove it that it looks campus likee so those are two of our D variances the third one is the D4 for floor area ratio so the prevailing case there is the Randy Town Center case and what Randol asks us to talk about from a planning point of view is is not that the site can handle all of the intensity that we're proposing but it can can it handle the excess floor area that is being proposed by the applicant and one of the compelling things I heard tonight and I I can't think of a whole lot of other cases where you can introduce an additional 72,000 square foot of floor area onto a project site and not increase the amount of employees so I think when you're doing a floor area ratio case a lot of times you could have a much smaller building and it would have much more of an impact not only to the peak hour traffic but to the parking demand to the employee demand so self storage is a pretty sleepy use and I think we can be comfortable that the site will handle the EXs F and then the last D variance is the D6 that we need for height now again we are in the CR Zone which has a height of 65 fet and five stories as of right so you could put a building here as of right but it's that conditional use requirement that restricts us to 15 ft now the existing building on the site is 33.7 roughly feet so not only would I think it would not look quite campus light if we met the height requirement of the Zone it would look very different than what's out there today so um Gro is our case when we're dealing with height variances right the gro says when you're dealing with a height variance what you want to avoid is allowing for a structure to be there that's completely out of character or with the landscape that changes the landscape than what's existing today and I think that certainly when you look at what's on the ground today and what's in the area and certainly what's contemplated as of right by the underlying zoning you can be confident that we meet our burden of proof with respect to the D6 variance for height so in addition to those D variances we are asking for a number of C variances and Mr kunsman did go over them and we're certainly asking for the C variance um for the sign facade signage on our Southern elevation so just again so the record is clear the SE variances that we're requesting are for the buffer area along the arterial Frontage the residential buffer we are not meeting that that's an existing condition the loading space sizes the landscape area ratio and then again the signage uh so that's the the variance relief that we're asking for the bulks now the board can grant C variances under two criteria you can grant variances under the C1 statutory criteria and that criteria relates to a unique shape or size of a piece of property or the lawful existing structures there on so I think the C1 and C2 are applicable here this is an irregular it's almost like a flag lot where it's got that little Gore of land that goes out and touches the um the access ramp to Route n and then it widens back up into a somewhat large and irregular shape that doesn't have any access to Route n direct access anyway so and it's got existing structures on it right which that's the third hardship and these are not unique to overbridge Township venet and I didn't come up with in our Decades of planning it's right out of the land use law statute 40 colum 55 um D that talks about unique features on a piece of property or the lawful existing structures that are there on those are the mechanisms for hardship so even if you weren't convinced and you didn't agree with me that you think this site is applicable for hardship you can still Grant the bulk variances if you find that one or more purposes of the land use law would be Advanced and I'm going to talk about them globally because there is a case called the Poland V South planfield case that says when you're evaluating these cases right we do it we don't have to cherry pick them out and we go one by one we can evaluate them all in a totality and look at the application and the benefits um and issues with it derived totally because that's what we do we want to not just look at one isolated aspect of it so I think that we advance criteria G which talks about providing sufficient space in a variety of locations for for a variety of uses um this is a really permissive zoning District when you look at what's allowable in the CR Zone I looked at6 64 separate and distinct uses that are here um allowable as of right when you look at um that I think and the fact that there's an existing storage facility here particularly um I think you could rely on criteria J I agree with you I think that this is an attractive building which allows us to rely on criteria I a desirable visual environment also I think allowing if the applicant accepts a condition of approval as they indicated they would earlier to increase the Landscaping I think that that also allows us to uh rely on criteria I which will allow us to increase the curb appeal of the site and then of course right you would be remiss if you didn't testify to criteria H which talks about the free flow of traffic on a self- storage facility because I think collectively all of our professionals agreed you're just not going to have a huge impact on traffic and then the last one I think is criteria M an efficient use of the land your master plan which was last looked at in 2022 actually encourages you to look at those sites and those opportunities in existing commercial areas that can support additional commercial growth and development so I think that this site certainly does that which then gets us into the negative criteria and that's what I like to wrap up as a planner because the land use law does not ask you in order to Grant these variances that you hold us or any other applicant to a standard that there be no detriment the standard is that the benefits of the grant of the variance outweigh any detriments and that it's done so with no substantial detriment to the impact on the public good or the Zone plan and here the stated purpose of the CR zone is is to establish at several locations within the township within which major shopping centers are permitted providing the full array of retail and service uses designed to serve all residents of the township as well as the regional population so this to me is a service use designed to serve all the residents of the township as well as a regional population so I think we are quite well aligned with the um Envision and the master plan as well as the stated purpose of the CR zone so statutorily I believe we meet our burden of proof for all of the 4D variances which we discussed and are identified in your plannner review letter it's unusual I have to say I haven't had a lot of cases in my 28 years where I've had to put on testimony for all four variances all four D's but I think um here it was appropriate and and I agree with your planner um so we've addressed all the D's and I think we certainly meet our statutory burden of proof for the grant of the D as well as C variances in conjunction with this application and we'll have have no substantial detriment to the Zone plan or the public good if the board were to move favorably on this application if I left any out back got him I think we got you did that in 14 minutes I timed you yeah it would have been 17 if we had 25 you started I know I know and that's almost covered all the D's almost I almost got rid of all the them you can throw another one in if you want you still a couple minutes I'm going to start down with u Mr one so I don't have any questions for Chris but uh something that I wouldn't want to share with the board and I did share with the applicant when I first met them at U A pre-application meeting right so uh what I mean there are some people who attend the council meetings have heard me say this before but the this area is special to me it's my baby because was uh I have been pursuing Transit Village designation for uh this area because the Oldbridge commuter parking lot has the highest ridership on the bus uh in the state of New Jersey that route and so I have been working with NJ do NJ Transit uh unfortunately when I started with the preapplication meeting uh covid hit and uh the nobody was taking the buses or traveling into the city things so slow down but I am back on track um the uh ngj Transit last year received a Federal grant to develop a bus rapid transit system along Route 9 and uh Oldbridge uh is the last stop or the first stop Which Way depends on which way you go for the bus rapid and they too are supportive of a Transit Village or to type of developments what that means is uh at some point if we uh do apply for the designation there will be an area investigation that will be conducted for this area after the area investigation is conducted just like you see in the Redevelopment planning process the same process follows and a Redevelopment plan will be written for the area generally with uh Transit Village designations you have higher fa s higher densities uh more impervious coverage because you want compact design now talking about so that's the future it's still not being adopted it's work in progress but at some point and just to keep that vision in mind I think this use is quite apt because um when you uh if you notice the existing use is successful and that's why they're back to expand it because it's closer to Apartments it's closer to homes where people need more storage space when you are going to develop a Transit Village designation where there might be uh there will be more residential kind of development mixed use commercial and residential there will be a need for more storage space so I think the timing is right in that sense um if you look at other applications that were heard by this board for this CR Zone whether it's the Gateway Shopping Center or um the other side of the highway most of them went through the F the lot coverage you will see very little in fact this is the only property that has so much landscaped area compared to the other properties in the CR so those are the things that you have to keep in mind when evaluating a project so although there are variances s and you see a bunch of them um some of them are consistent what is being asked is consistent with what exists in the CR Zone C currently and that should be a basis for evaluating it too um and I lost my train of thought there was one more thing I wanted to say and I'm I'm just I lost it but um I can take any questions actually so what would would would it be your advice to the board that uh in Miss kon's uh uh findings that she's put on the record that she's finding with all the D's that she satisfied those requirements and then as to the bulks she's also satisfied that is correct it is correct that is correct that's your professional opinion as well that is correct thank you I usually and what you will notice is when I write my memos I usually put in the proofs that are required that's uh a it helps the planner come and testify and hit all those points but at the same time it's more importantly um it's for the board so that they can evaluate based on the testimony that is provided thank you uh as the other professionals any any uh comment no additional comments no additional comments thank you counselor no additional comments all right let me go down here and see if anybody wants to bring something up Mr Victoria no questions or comments Mr Rizo Mr stoner Mr scagno Miss Cher I'm good and miss and okay um we know at this point we're not going to take any vote because you have no further so testimony do you we do not have any further testimony thank you m and I guess I would just if we might just revisit that that concept for a moment chairman just while I while we're talking about it uh we are going to have a transcript just as if a court reporter was here so is there any reason and the board couldn't go to a vote this evening that we know we're not going to do okay no that's fair no ask I can't I can't do that no it's it's in clear conscience I can't do that no that's it's i' like to I just thought I would ask I was kind of think about it doring would you be coming back with any further testimony so our expectation is not to come back with any further testimony we'll have a transcript prepared and I probably wouldn't be bringing back all Witnesses then I want to do something then yes then I want to ask any board members as to each and every witness if they have anything that they'd like to question tonight if you're not going to bring them back that that would be terrific so I believe we started with Mr cman yes Mr cman as to Mr cman when he testified as professional engineer any questions that you can think think of any problems that you might have had you can just raise your hand if you none okay um Mr going Mr going traffic when he spoke about the traffic issues none okay uh Mr uh Ben senga the architect he gave a nice presentation too he he really walked us around around around the building there I like that um and finally miss cfone any questions while she still here well I think the board has said that they would not have any further questions that doesn't mean anything in and of itself no we understand um and if anything and if anybody were to have anything as long as messaging can get to me uh before we come back and I guess what I would Envision is I I won't bother doing a closing statement now perhaps why don't you do that at the next we'll do that at the next meeting and I think it'd be a good refresher yep um if you can just hit on the high points make sure everybody remembers anything yep uh I'll do a summary and yep uh if you do a summary or making just a closing statement I will not open up a public portion but I will open up one tonight obviously yep understood is that Mr CH anything think yeah just want want to so real quick so you know March 7th would you be able to get the transcripts by then I'm certain of it 17 perfect good on your okay all right Mr wcala let me just go to the public uh there's not anybody here but I certainly have to offer that uh this is 52- 2023 Z Extra Space Management physical location is 101 US Highway 9 Albridge for uh expansion of a self storage facility is anyone here in the courtroom wish to be heard for the record the only people here are professionals that came as part of the application I'll close the public portion uh we do have a date that would be March 7th anything else obviously no further notice you'll come and you'll make a you'll make a closing statement that on that evening and we'll correct if there's anything that comes up with the transcript in between obviously there'd be conversation that uh the profal conversation just let me know that email or reach out thank you and all your Professionals for your presentation we appreciate it thanks for everybody for hanging in there and uh well we beat the 10 o you still beat the clock too so thanks everyone there you go uh board members that brings us to uh public portion comments and there are none tonight we've already established that any board members have anything that they uh need to speak to Mr wannab about Mr Cheney go ahead go ahead V I have a request I have a request so we have a meeting a zoning board meeting scheduled in the first week of April I believe it is 5th April right is that what it is can you check I think it is 5ifth didn't tell me you were bringing this up tonight April April is uh April 4th or and 18 yeah okay so that is the meeting of spring break most of the professionals are uh away including me uh so I had a request if we could move that April 4th date to the following week we could do it on April 8th 8th which is a Monday the reason I don't want to cancel the meeting is we are really backed up we are very zoning board is very busy I am already uh booking and assigning dates into May in fact I gave the May date so now I'm in June already so I don't want to cancel but if we can uh just have a a meeting instead of the 4th if we could have it 8th on Monday that would be really helpful Moren will read reach out to the board via email if you could please confirm your availability it would help uh instead of the fourth Thursday the 4th we'd move it to the Monday night would we conflict with any other meeting that might be going on I don't believe so uh because usually council is Tuesday night and planning board is Thursday night Wednesdays is Court um I will make sure with uh and I Jacob I might need your help to to find out if there's anything else on April 8th but I don't believe so okay well so you should be hearding back from planning office in a day or two regarding moving of that date because um please confirm as soon as you can so that I can send out a notice since the date is changed I will have to send out a notice in the newspaper okay fine by me anybody have an objection no okay let's hope we can pull that off then anything else I didn't know anybody want to bring anything up no no Mr Cheney thank you for being here this evening thank for having me and yeah we welcome you that's okay um if there's nothing else someone make a movement um a make a motion for uh is you did you want to bring something up Ros did you want to bring something up Valentine's Day oh okay all right oh that's very nice happy valentine all righty someone make a motion for an adjournment Chev I'll make a motion I'll second it all in favor say I I any opposed thank you well we stand adjourned