e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e believe please be seated welcome everyone Township of alridge Zony Board of adjustment regular meeting April 8th 2024 adequate notice of this meeting of the Oldbridge Township Zoning Board of adjustment has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act at least 48 Hours part of the commencement of this meeting by primarily posting in the municipal complex an announcement giving the time the date the location and the agenda of this meeting also by mailing such announcement to the home news and Tribune filing a copy of such announcement with the municipal clerk and posting the agenda on the municipal website M pelli could we have a roll call please certainly Miss Andrews here miss Chevalier here Mr scagno here Mr Stoner here Mr Sing chairman Sullivan here for some housekeeping issues uh the meeting is being televised live on OBT obtv channel 15 here in the township and simultaneously it also goes out over YouTube live you want to refer back to the meeting you can find that on the internet uh I would ask all people here in the in the courtroom this evening please silence their phones uh so we don't interrupt uh any of the testimony appreciate that uh on the agenda tonight there was four scheduled I want to alert if you're here for any of any of the two that I'm going to read are not going to be heard tonight uh and for those may be watching at home uh item number 60- 2023 Z pension Road LLC that's uh pension Road and three 351 pension Road that's for Self Storage uh the public hearing for this application has been adjourned July 18th uh I see no further notice wouldn't it be with further notice Mr Clancy uh if yeah they're going to notice again and as long as the board's okay carrying it with without further notice that's fine I would prefer that notice okay yeah they haven't been in yet uh okay that's going to be with further notice uh if anybody's affected by that in that area you will get re uh Ren notified and the other matter that's not going to be heard this evening is uh 46-22 toz that's $1799 real LLC uh the location of that is physical location is 1799 Highway 9 inridge that's for a 40 room motel that matter will not be heard this evening the public hearing for that application has been adjourned to June 6th without further notice uh I think the same should apply there and that that's going to be with further notice okay they have not appeared yet so I believe that they should uh further notice uh those affected by that all right so that leaves us with two this evening I'm going to take it out of water uh that if you happen to have an agenda and I'm going to take the last one first you want to do the resolutions first uh that's right we should move there's only three we could do those later uh we'll do the resolutions and then we'll get right to the application 78- 2023 Z vaita Deli was a c variant Mr Clancy yes this was for um Cliff 8 Cliffwood way over in Lawrence Harbor uh we heard this application back on March 21st at our last meeting uh This was um uh C variant relief for minimum side setback minimum combined setback minimum accessory side setback minimum accessory rear setback and minimum landscape area ratio um board did act on this matter and approve it at the last um meeting um the usual terms and conditions for um for uh approval it's on for final approval memorialization tonight thank you Mr Clancy Board of members you've heard the resolution someone move it for adoption please moved it is there a second Andrew second roll quote please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes uh 81- 2023 Z Marina pelo SE variant and design weiver Mr Clancy okay there another one from last meeting this was 218 Cindy Street in Oldbridge This was um uh installation of a Jacuzzi a bar and a shed to legalize um those that were covid project that was put in um the board did hear the application did uh approve it with usual conditions but uh adding that the shed structure will not be used as living space no electricity to be inall installed in the shed and that the applicant agreed to resolve any drainage issues which may uh arise as a result of the Improvement um that was approved and it is on for memorialization tonight board members you've heard the resolution someone want to move it please for adoption Andrew move it is there a second second Stoner okay moved in second roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO I'm sorry Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes uh finally 80- 2023 Z Michael Scarpa C variant Mr Clon yes this was the uh last one that was approved from last meeting on March 21st this is for 177 Park Avenue in Oldbridge um this is for legalization of a shed and a gazebo structure that was constructed during the pandemic um there was uh some side setback relief and mini minimum uh rear accessory setback the Gazebo had um accessory side setback um this was approved with the usual conditions um and the additional condition that the uh the applicant should apply or shall apply for per through the Construction office for deck improvements and ensure that the structure is in compliance with zoning requirements this was approved and it is on for memorialization tonight thank you Mr Clancy board members once again someone move it this for move it scog is there a second second Stoner roll call please miss Andrews yes M chalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Mr Singh yes chairman Sullivan yes now we will move to our applications and the first one up is going to be 73- 2023 Z sha DeLuca this is a low medium density R20 Zone it's block 24 lot 39.7 the physical location is 10 red Shore Boulevard this requires a d variant for a sun room on the Second Story deck applicant proposes a 16 fo1 by 18 foot1 uh sun room to enclose an existing Second Story deck bringing the total floor uh area ratio to 17.88% 19% would be is permitted sir there's um there should be a button on it that turns you have to hold down it'll turn it green and then you can let it go there you go you you can be seated sir and I just want to give you some information number one this is a d variance Now by you're going to need the microphone in front of you they're directional thanks uh D variance by rules of the board requires a stenographer and the reason is because you'll have no record of what happened if if in fact you're not approved and you needed to go further with this uh there is the availability uh of YouTube uh and you could I guess get a I know you can you could uh have a uh a transcript made from that viewing uh it's up to you whether you want to proceed the board can wave it if you so desire but that's on you uh before I even get to that was the board attorney was kind enough to advise that um uh there's not a I don't want to say a full board a complete board here tonight we'll go to that next okay I just want to know whether you want to wave the right because we want to put on the record what you're going to say I we could wave that right yes okay uh the second thing I'm going to tell you is that in a Dev variance it requires a a majority of the votes so it's five of seven uh boards are comprised of nine with two Al seven and two alternates so tonight we're seating what six uh you would you would have to have five six tonight yeah we got we have another we have Mr Sing join uh you would have to have five uh votes uh not a plurality but a a majority so I just want to advise you of that when we get to the point where I'm going to ask you after your testimony uh I'll give you the right to uh ask for a vote or not ask for a vote you could always continue this matter on where uh to uh allow the board you could come back there would be no more testimony but there might be more people to make a decision that'll be up to you at the end and I'll give you that right okay okay now before you testify I'm going to ask the board attorney to swear you in okay all right can you raise your right hand please do you solemly swear any testimony you provide before the board would be the truth and the whole truth yes sir okay you can put your hand down just state your name for the record sha deluka D capital duu is anyone else going going to be testifying with you do you have any Witnesses Builder okay bring them up we can have them come up have them come take a seat and we'll do this all at once sir same thing's going to happen the board attorney is going to swear you in if you're going to testify before the board okay yes okay can you kindly raise your right hand do you solemly swear any testimony you provide before the board will be the truth and the whole truth I do okay you can have a seat can you just um put your name on the record for us please sure my name is Dominic Ronco last name spelled w o n KO o and I'm the project manager for the proposed sun room Builder okay all right uh while you're now represented by an attorney uh obviously you have someone is going to testify so briefly what I'll tell you what needs to happen if you've never been before board before the board judges things on what they're informed of so we're going to ask you to tell us the who what why and where's uh and and then we may have some questions of you you may have some questions of us in this case I know that your uh professional uh the uh project manner is probably going to do some testimony as well uh again the professionals may have some questions we'll find out when all that's settled we have to open a public portion okay I'll invite the public if they want to weigh in on this matter positive negative there may be some there may be none when we close that that's when I'm going to come back to you and ask you if you want to V vote un all right so you can take your time uh do it in your own manner if you have any kind of uh proofs or something pictures you're going to give us or show us uh other than that you can go at your own speed you can have Mr Ronco join in whenever whenever you want okay but only one testify at a time obviously because you want the record clear and it's being recorded obviously for you okay okay okay would we give would he give the photos that we want to submit uh for evidence to the zoning board secretary or bring them to you guys or can the the board attorney can work yeah you can bring them up to me you have a copy for yourself so you can ex explain yes yeah that would yeah that's okay and as you go through each one the board of attorney going to probably say A1 A2 but we'll see how that moves forward okay you're on you're asking me why I want the what I'm looking for tell us what you want to do you live here in the community where do you live uh what's surrounding your house Etc you know give us a description we'll walk through understood uh thank you very much and thank you everyone for your time uh essentially we would like to build a a sun room uh on our deck um we've been in the house probably about uh uh seven or eight years or so maybe a little longer um and right now we have a a deck uh the house came with a deck we had a a bigger deck built um got all the permits did everything supposed to um and now we have that bigger deck which is uh which was great um we uh liked it you know we we're behind our house uh we have um easement Wetlands property and it's very nice back there and uh we got the deck had breakfast outside with the kids it was great sometimes the bugs would want to have breakfast with us and whatnot and we didn't utilize the space as much as we wanted to and then now we finally have the chance to have a uh the sun room which my wife wants um I can go into detail the reason she would really want it if you really want to hear it um but basically um she always kind of wanted one and her sister got one and she realized it is what she wants it's a it's a family room it's a family room that there's no TV in it there's no nothing it's just it's just a room that's quiet and her I kind of what she was here her because I don't really know I'm not gonna this is on the record I don't want to say anything bad about it she really wants something to the effect of you know sitting out there listening to the rain you know with the kids there you know sitting on the couch with blankets and and that you know not being bothered by the outside world and just looking out and seeing everything and not having the bugs or anything bother her and uh being with kids and just have that quiet event that's what she's looking for um quite honestly if I had known better um we would have done this all at once um when we had the deck built um we had the deck built because that's what we could afford we we do things as we can afford them if I we could have done everything at once we would have done everything at once and I don't know maybe Mr Rono could explain a little better but I understand the issue is um the sun room would be too big for the deck um but that's all we my own ignorance is while the deck is there just put some walls in a roof up what's the big deal again I don't know what I'm doing that's why I have other people do stuff um and now I know that it is an issue um but essentially if we had known we would have had a deck built along with to fit this all so um I don't know I feel at this point I'm just kind of rambling it's it's really just it's something that we would really want we really hope to have my wife is it would be a very nice family room and that's what she wants and quite honestly I don't want to go back and not can it um but that's that's that's what it is it's right free from the mosquitoes free from the noise let me help you out a little bit here thank what you said there's I can see from the pictures and I could see from Google Earth that you're surrounded by Woods all the homes there look like they back up to Woods yes essentially my um where Pi is it cuts across my yard my question is are those is that Wetlands that are preserved that can never be built on that's correct I yeah the the the survey reflects that as well all right so no one no one's going to build back there I can't do a thing back there so the only thing the only uh effect this may have on someone if it was a neighbor on the left or the right I guess right correct um you do know that I told you this is on YouTube live and your wife is probably watching so don't don't make don't make things up because she'll call in you know I'm joking Mr chairman she's too busy well she's too busy saving lives but at at the so essentially you have a deck there but you when you after you bought the home you made a bigger deck correct okay so this bigger deck is what you want to enclose correct the deck that's there okay and is it going to go beyond we'll get we'll hear hear from I guess the project manager it's probably going to be just enclosed with glass there yeah walls and a roof that's how I and you're not looking to make it into a living space living in a sense of like another bedroom it it won't be conditioned okay no that's why quite honestly I figur it's walls and a roof you know all right why don't you let your project manager tell us what's going on so we're under contract to construct a 16t 1 in by 18t 1 in three season sun room not to be conditioned on the existing deck that's there as Mr deluka had uh expressed uh that deck was built with permits supplied by uh Oldbridge Township and all inspections were completed and I'm assuming that you got a certificate of approval on that as well what have be supposed to while I understand that the FL AER requirements are very stringent in this community um we are going over very minimally and as you had stated before chairman um the uh there's not to be anything built behind the deluka property because it's stipulated to be not only a conserv a conservation area but Wetlands it's not affecting any setbacks either right no it's not no no setbacks have been affected it's only the floor area ratio that's uh of concern before the board Mr SW do you have any comments this is like 200 foot right over on the on the uh floor area ratio 290 Square ft and uh I just have one question because since the request for the variance is very minimal had you considered shrinking the size slightly so that you could totally eliminate the D4 could I answer that for a little bit and you can expand when when you do that so Envision that you have I don't know let's say 40 square feet of that deck that's not enclosed it it really becomes kind of a difficult thing for those children that are young who are going to feel safe being able to climb out onto that that exposed area and we really could be a um a safety detriment I think that's what the concern is and the access to this sun room would be from the the the plans reflect an existing deck and the photos that we submitted to the board also reflect that that door there's a door oh okay from where where does that Runway from where the second inside the kitchen kitchen area from your kitchen area correct that's good let me see if any of the board members have questions at this point I'll go down to Mr Sing anything any questions Mr Stoner um this ston you going to have AC and heating as I had stipulated before it's not to be conditioned so now no it's a thre Season room you said correct okay yeah scogna I'm concerned about the weight I'm concerned about the weight uh it's true that you apply for a permit for the deck and you got a approval they didn't know at that time you were going to add we we supplied plans in our application which led to this variance from a license engineer that designs these uh these sun rooms and uh it meets the requirements of the 2021 uh International residential code New Jersey Edition what is the weight going to be uh specifically well can handle it the deck you only have one two three um and and then I guess it's tied into the back of the house structurally I don't know if that could support it um are you looking at the sealed plant looking at this oh okay did the board get supplied with sealed plans or or copies of such not have one no I'd be happy to supply that showing that can we go by can we look at this you sure can yeah so you you only have three columns supporting this deck correct and then you tie it into the back correct right yes so what's the weight going to be on top of this deck I don't know the specific weight but I can tell you that a licensed professional had signed off on the proposed weight wait to go on this deck live and dead loads and then we'll have an um a chance to look at that with the permit correct yeah yeah we we wouldn't be able to be supplied with a permit unless we supplied Signed Sealed Plans by a licensed professional in the state of New Jersey okay um and most of it's glass right um yeah it's a majority glass it's a sun room um correct can we um okay thank you I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt no problem um can we I know you handed out some photos I'd like to get them marked so um because you were nice enough to provide them to the board so um this one here you take a look at that okay yep I'm going to call this one A1 all right what can you just describe this for the board so they know kind of like what they're looking at here all right so the uh well the circled house is my house and then you're looking at the uh backyard and basically all the trees and Wildlife and animals whatever that hang out back there okay so this is basically like an overview of the area right correct sir all right and then let's look at your other photos real quick we'll get them marked um I guess we'll start with this one okay we'll call this one A2 can you uh describe for the board what's being shown on here sure that essentially shows the uh deck that's there as well as the door that would lead out to the sunro from the behind that door is the kitchen will that be the access point onto the yes sir on into the the proposed room yes sir okay and then uh a two and then um this one right here I'm going to mark this one as A3 can you describe that for the board uh that's uh looking from the ground up at the deck that already exists that's where what would be enclosed okay and the the proposed development is going to go right on top of that kind of like where that fence structure is now that get uh what you call those things call the fence that's going to that's going to come down it's going to be glass and that's kind of whatever the material is yes okay and then um this one here this will be I guess A4 can you describe um what we're seeing here uh again that's just uh from the ground up looking at the uh existing deck and where they requested the room would go okay it looks like there's like a Stairway going up there now correct sir is that going to remain uh we we're actually replacing that because by code when you step out of an enclosure you have to have a landing to walk out onto service that door that door has to be the width of the door that it Services as well as 3 ft in a Direction of travel so that wouldn't me code and we would get told by Old Bridge township uh come back to us once you propose um a landing and stairs so we're redoing that to meet the code okay and that all that'll be I guess included in your plans if you get approval correct uh from this board yes okay there will be another entrance though or an exit I there'll be an exit from the proposed room uh onto the first floor correct the stairs you said are going to remain right but you're going to put a platform in so you will be able to it'll be it'll be the same design as the stairs now just with a 3X3 Landing to meet C so someone can walk in from outside and they could also walk outside correct correct so there'll be another door that's correct yep there's two doors proposed Mich did you have any questions Andre no concerned one more one more my main concern was that there should be something to get outside cor from that room not have to work to go through the kitchen no in case of anything no you you you can enter the backyard from from the enclosure what is going to be is there going to be storage underneath that St that deck because as I see it now it's all empty going to be it's going to be closed in that's for you to answer but we're not under contract um you on my honest opinion I can't afford anything else it's enough I'm not I want to meet your wife no I no honestly it's it's that's you really want to know what it is it's going to be for the kids to be under and do whatever sport or fantasy thing they want that's that that's enough no that's the sun room is it hopefully and and this is uh this it's going to be no heat and no air conditioning in there at all correct it's not to be conditioned so it's not really year round living correct okay yeah they may throw a little oscillating Heating in there to get another month during fall but I that's completely up to them but the heater in July so I don't know there you go anything else you want to tell us um I'm just reading through my notes you think this will have any negative effect on the on the neighborhood or the Zone plan uh I I can tell you on the record uh because I'm sworn in as we were discussing this matter he received a text from one of his neighbors that said good luck let me know if there's anything I need to do you've got our backing basically yeah know all the neighbors said you know good luck hope it works out and nobody seems to do you know if uh any of the other neighbors have done similar projects like this um I know well some people have done expanded decks some people have done you you mentioned that one person has like um they they put a this this nice um they have a much bigger deck than me and they have um the roof and whatever else it's not enclosed though so this would fit in contemporarily with with the rest of the neighbors well I would think so I I would agree in color and and design okay and and you don't think this has any negative effect on the Zone plan do you I I don't and I I I think what really gives um I guess a little bit of support to what he's propo what we're proposing is that there are wetlands back there and there's never going to be any more construction to occur right uh how many of these have you involved yourself in sir I've appeared before over a hundred uh variance boards uh zoning boards of adjustment and and in this particular project have you ever done similar ones yes I have okay and of course we do have a signed plan right yes sealed plan I should Sign Sealed plans let me see one more time if the board wants anything or the professionals and then I'm going to ask then I'm going to go to the public okay I'm going to go one more time down to any questions on my left none my on my right V you good Mr Clancy um I would just add on if if you were to make this and I know we talked about if we made it smaller to conform to the to the variant it would cause a safety issue because you kind of have that additional area around it and if you were truly going to make it conforming and actually bring the deck in you you almost have to build a new deck there more or less right yeah all right so I would agree with that statement are you planning on um putting any electricity out there just for lights or anything like that by code you have to have uh a certain amount of receptacles uh per uh lineal foot um basically the way the code is written is that you you'll be able to take a standing uh light lighting fixture that has a 6ot cord and be able to reach a receptacle uh with that which you know it's 12T but really they want 10 and you can't cross a door with that extension cord so we have one on each side of that of that exit door okay yeah they proba you probably already have one out there right I think I think they have one outside the immediate door but what I'm saying is that like where that exit door is leading to the first floor we have one on each side and any Plumbing out there no okay no great great question never the Cru I think so all right anything else you want to tell me at this point I no let me go to public portion this is uh 73- 2023 uh this is uh location is 10 Reda Boulevard this is for an enclosure of a sun room on an existing porch anybody here tonight in the room would like to be heard on this matter please raise your hand or stand last chance I'll close the the public portion uh board members any final comments uh this seems pretty simple we've we've handled these applications before that are very similar uh I can see in the back that you're not going to disturb anybody because there's never going to be a build back there and uh it looks like it would be contemporary with with the with the neighborhood I don't think it's a disruption of the Zone plan whatsoever and I believe you've met the burden of proof so uh if you'd like me to take a vote I will warn you again that you'll need five of the six members SE seated if you choose not to I'll allow you to continue this at another time when other members will be seated you will still need five votes so I don't know that anything changes other than the odds so that's totally up to you sir if you'd like me to take a vote I don't see that the board has found any kind of problem with this again we've handled these many many times and all the board members who are sitting here have sat on similar applications so that would be totally up to you whether you want me to take a vote or not this is only for D variant right there's no bulk it's just the D the floor area floor area Vari D4 Y and 0.17 is what's permitted there and he's at 0178 it's a very minimal going to go for the vote sir right uh yes sir you go home and make your wife happy that way right that's or or let's not go any all right this is H this is for a d a D4 variance for the floor area ratio as Mr Clancy said maximum approved is 17.00 you're at 17.88% yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner my answer is yes yes Mr Sing said yes okay yes I said yes I'm sorry Mr Sing yeah chairman Sullivan yes best of luck all there'll be a approval written on this for the next meeting I would I would assume please contact uh anyone in the building department that you need to I'm sure you'll take advice from your project manager thank you for your presentation this evening and you as well sir reinvesting in your home makes it better for you makes it better for the community so I'm happy that that you're doing this for your family you made it better for me and my wife so thank you very much thank you very much for your time have a great night all right thank you very much for your thank you guys need any time for setup for the other one no I'll call it in 44-h 2023 Z MCB Landscaping uh zone is low medium density residential R20 block 1 1257 Lot 4 physical location 4244 County Highway 516 this requiring Dev variance for homebased landscaping business applicant proposes to operate a landscaping business in the rear of the subject property the applicant owns that property and resides in a single family home on the property Michael Collins uh representing Mr Collins thank you Mr chairman and board members good evening I am Michael L Collins uh my Law Firm is King mention Collins and I represent in this matter MCB Landscaping Incorporated uh which is the business entity of my client Mark boo who was seated to my right uh Mr boo is the owner of a residential uh property just uh down down the road from us here at 4244 County Route 56 which is identified on the tax maps as block 11257 Lot 4 if I could just give the board a little introduction into this application Mr chairman um my client purchased this property uh during covid um in 2020 moving into Old Bridge um I would submit that while many people worked from home um on their computers like myself uh Mr boo owns a small landscaping and snow plowing business um and upon moving into the property um stored some some of his construction equipment to the rear of it um during the course of um his home ownership um the town reached out to him he was cited and informed about uh the zoning issues presented by the storage of this construction equipment and maintenance of a homebased landscaping use um and as a result immediately thereafter he made application uh to this board after he was able to hire the appropriate professionals he's also since abandoned uh this use so the property does not have any equipment on it at this time and he is well aware of that he's submitting to this board's jurisdiction and its discretion on on its adjudication of this matter um tonight we're here on a bifurcated deep variance basis uh the reason we did that was to come to this board first to determine if it would deem the proposed use uh appropriate which we believe uh will be able to establish the de proofs after hearing from both Mr boyo and his planner this evening um and then also by proceeding on a bifurcated basis um if the were approved by this board it would allow us to come back with a site plan application um and we could fine-tune that address any uh compliance issues such as D and also take into account any comments from the board tonight um the property is a bit unusual um it does front on County Route 516 it's over two acres large actually 2.33 acres and it's very long and narrow and on the side uh to the West it actually adjoins municipally owned property uh which has high tension power lines and then uh the museum at the other end of that property so uh we will submit that given uh the nature of it it is suitable for D1 relief and finally I will note for the record uh that we have worked with uh certain neighbors that have reached out to our client in order to answer questions and resolve some issues and we've had uh very effective conversations which we'll bear out tonight um as Mr boo wants to be a good neighbor and and work with uh those around him who are willing to do so so um if they're um with no further Ado I'd ask if we could uh swear in my client Mark Boo for Testimony abolutely can you just raise your right hand please you solemly swear any testimony you provide before the board will be the truth and the whole truth I do okay you can have a seat and just state your name for the record please mark C buo thank you spell your L sa sir Bo y KO thank you right thank you chairman uh Mark could you please share with the board um when you moved to Oldbridge where you moved from and the nature of moving to we uh we moved to Oldbridge in April of 2020 uh former resident of sville okay so you've been local to the area Okay um I I hinted at it earlier in my opening but could you please describe the property that you reside at the property is a long narrow lot um located on Highway 516 um to the corner of one property is a local Firehouse um that I am a member of and also an officer there and then to the right of the property is a um municipality owned Museum building okay and it's along the County Route 56 yeah it's along County Route 516 okay um Mark when you moved to the property can you describe um the condition that you found the property in and and also the neighboring properties when we moved to the property you know the property had a little bit of neglect and we did some Landscaping improvements cleaned up the property we noticed a lot of neighboring properties had you know equipment and on registered vehicles and items stored on the property so we didn't think by moving some landscape equipment it would be a issue okay so you weren't aware that by putting the equipment there you would be committing any violations no okay based on the area and what we saw okay now can you describe for the board um as I mentioned earlier you've already abandoned the use is that correct yeah we abandoned the use and took all stuff with the landscape business off the property okay so we're obviously here talking about the future um could you explain for the board uh what equipment you're looking to store at um in the rear of your home for in support of your landscaping business um we're looking to store landscape trucks and trailers um in the rear of the property and in doing that we're looking to construct a pole barn to store all this equipment inside the pole barn and so by constructing it um would that conceal the equipment from public that would conceal all the equipment inside the building yes okay and I would mention that uh we have submitted a site plan for the board which is evidentiary here but also we would fine-tune that if if um we came back for site plan approval at a later Point um are there any other um improvements uh that are contained within the site plan that you intend to create if the board gives you relief Mark we're we're also looking to install a fence along the property lines and a screen screening of staggered evergreen trees to help screen the property and beautify the location and also the neighboring properties okay um now um in terms of the operation of the Landscaping use um could you explain for the board if um the equipment were stored on site um when the equipment would leave the property when it would return two to three employees would arrive to the site in the morning they would get in a company vehicle two to three trucks would leave this would happen between 8 and 8:30 a.m. in the morning um they would return between 5: and 7 at night the trucks back to a property one additional truck may come back during the day around lunchtime but that would be it and that would that be yourself that probably be myself for the for lunch okay um can you describe um the size of the trucks the all the trucks are single axle non-air brake trucks so um so they're not big rigs or anything of that nature okay and the storage again is intended to be within the pole barn that would be constructed within the pole barn and a few storage bins on the rear of the property okay and would you have any equipment or any materials outside of either the pole barn or the storage bins no the everything would be encompassed inside the pole bar okay so the improvements fully address the the uh the proposed use okay um besides um the equipment storage and the commutation are you proposing any other commercial aspects as part of this application there would be no signage there' be customers on a property all all of our work is done off site okay all right um unless you have any questions uh Mr chairman and board members um I don't have any further direct for Mr boo we'll go to the uh planner Mr DOI thank you Mr chairman uh just a few quick questions regarding the the testimony about the number of trucks and number of employees um how how many trucks could you just give us a a we like specificity so specifically the amount of trucks and other equipment that that you have so we we own four trucks okay um and two two trailers um and employees we have two to three depending on the season so the employees typically you know the landscape crws that I'm used to seeing you have a truck and there's usually a few employees on that truck so if you have four trucks I would imagine that should be like 12 to 15 employees so different trucks are used for different things okay um so if on a mowing day we may go out and a mowing truck and you know on a landscape day so that's why we have four vehicles because we also do snow removal okay so some of those vehicles are used for that as well hear that last word yeah just make sure you're might want to pull that microphone a little bit closer right the there you go so I'm sorry go ahead some of those trucks are also used for snow removal it's not every every day that we're using every truck okay so how many employees do you you said two to three employees but then you said two to three trucks leave during the day and then one comes back so that's the reason I'm wondering how many employees that there actually would be we have um one employee that they they come together in the same car so okay so so how many employees actually would you had two or three trucks leaving are there how many people actually in each truck about two so so really would be like four to six employees then right closer to four okay I'm just really I'm not trying to get get you in a gotcha I'm just trying to get the number the actual numbers so that we can document it and everything because should the board act favorably all this stuff is actually what gets documented and given to the zoning officer and they'll be checking up on this stuff that's why okay Mr chairman I don't have anything else for the applicant Mr one I don't have any questions for this particular Witness um when we talk about specificity um you're talking about trucks why don't you describe the trucks are they pickup trucks are they dump trucks two pickups two Mason landscape dumps a single axle single axle non- a braake you have any payloaders or any front end loaders on the property uh we do have a skid steer yes one yes uh and you said you're talking about bins on the property right yes bins three bins Y what would they contain uh mulch Stone and top soil are they actually in the building or are they no the bins would be outside in the rear I think you said in the rear yes okay thank you H how do you acquire that material um it would be you know if we do a job we have some left over it would go into the bin for the next job or if we have a big job coming up we would have a a small delivery come to the site the delivery would come to the site you wouldn't go out and get it depending on on the material mostly it's left over from a job okay well this is the time of year would do mulching you would you would probably fill your bin with mulch at correct at a certain price and a price point and then you would use that so you load your trucks with a skid steer yes and unload them I would assume yes so it's two pickups one Mason dump two Mason dumps two two Mason them one two of each yep and no other equipment there there's another truck that's commercial but that's my personal vehicle commercial in the sense of what this it's it has plates that it's a pickup truck that's what I meant yeah so that would be a total of seven no no two pickups two Mason two Mason and one other pickup y okay and let's get correct Mr chairman if I could just ask one clarifying question the personal truck you referenced would that typically be parked at your house not in the back portion that's being proposed correct correct yep and that's onlet truck we're going to hear from somebody I guess as to the size of the pul barn whether or not this equipment's going to fit in and Etc um you have other Witnesses I'm assuming Mr chairman we do have our planner who could certainly speak to those dimensions and the suitability to D1 uh given the nature of the we did this on a bif forg basis also because of um you know the cost associated with getting the engineer um the plans are in the record which hopefully the board has the has in front of them but it does have a 60 x40 pole barn which the engineer has put on sealed plans as being suitable okay so someone to speak to what can fit in there right absolutely okay let me see if uh any of the board members at this point have a question of the owner going to my left Mr Stoner yes I have a few questions so what time do business start in the morning for you what say that again what time does business start that you you your operations the employees would arrive to the property between 800 and 8:30 in the morning and what time do you guys finish for the day between 5: and 7 and there's no activity in the evening on their properties no okay thank you Mr just scogna yes what equipment are you putting on the trucks is it daily you load them and then unload them at night um they they would have weed whackers blowers maintenance equipment lawn mowers yeah that would go on the trailer yes but they stay on the trailer overnight but and the push mowers they come off or they stay on they stay on for probably half of a week and then if we do a landscape job we would leave that trailer at the site yeah and fueling would be done off while it's on the truck yeah fueling will be done off premise on the premise off premise we' buy our fuel at local store and that fuel will be in containers kept on site and 5 gallon gas can per truck um what about starting it up the the equipment making sure it's running fine I mean you get on a site and all of a sudden the thing is not working don't you normally uh start it up usually Che it out in the morning usually we put everything away you know at the end of the day and when we get to site that's when we start going through the equipment yeah and sometimes these machines go down while you're working and then you get back to home yeah and now you got to work on them that's if we had a garage that would be done inside that'll be done in the pole Bond yeah and that pole Bond will be in the back correct and beyond your property in the back aren't there homes back there there are it's I don't have an exact measurement but it's pretty far back and still a wooded buffer yeah so you're going to have the mulch bins the dirt and rocks whatever else and then you're going to have the pole bond in front of that yes and so beyond that is the homes right uh beyond that is a very uh development is a dense wooded area before the homes yes yes and then to the right and to the left you have homes we have a neighbor on the right side facing the house and to the left is wooded area there's no home on the other side there is no home on the other side okay thank you Cher yeah explain the bins are they just a back and two sides and left open correct they're they're concrete made out of concrete bin blocks okay so when you're f them with mulch when you fill them with mulch are they smelly we use a clean mulch you know so but not a lot of mulch stays on the site actually right now there's no Mulch on the site so and just go back to the five gallon gas cans yeah that a truck would have a 5 gallon gas in the truck in every truck that's going out to do maintenance yes okay that's it now is Andre anything okay uh the trailers are how long standard yeah standard landscape trailer about 15 to 16 ft yeah okay and where's the equipment being held Now operate at another location offsite why do you want to move back once we have approval and you know we get all the beautification done to their property okay want to follow Mr glancy anything the only thing I I don't think we actually got a full clarification on if you know even is you mentioned occasional deliveries of of stuff for the bins do you know how often or any sense of how often I know yeah you're not running the business right now but maybe once a week okay okay thank you Mr chairman if um if it would please the board I'd like to bring uh Miss Kate Keller forward um who is Mr boyos planner sure hi good evening chairman Sullivan members of the board evening attorney will swear you in thank you do you solemnly swear any testimony you provide before this board will be the truth and the whole truth I do okay and just place your name on the record first sure my name is Kate Keller last name is k l l r and I'm a professional planner thank you put our credentials on the record please thank you Mr chairman um Miss Keller if you could please share your credentials sure hi everybody um as I said my name is Kate Keller I'm a principal with the firm of Phillips price GLE Laney Hughes LLC based in hobok in New Jersey um I'm a licensed professional planner in New Jersey my license is in good standing and I'm a member of the American Institute of certified planners um I've been a licensed planner since approximately 2015 um and have provided testimony in a in about a about for about a hundred boards throughout the state including this board accept your credential thank you thank you Mr chairman uh Miss Keller as we begin tonight um could you please I know the board's already familiar with it but provide an overview of the D variance relief that that um Mr boo is requesting sure sure absolutely um so I just and please let me know if this is all right to do if I noticed that before I think the concept plan was up on the screen would it be would you be possible to put that up because I just want to be clear on a couple things that I just want to you know just for some clarification um so what we are what we have on the screen um right now is the concept plan that was submitted as part of this application this is not new and if we just go to page three of that please um yes page yeah three um so excellent thank you so I just wanted to clarify a couple things one is that first yes the applicant is here tonight seeking D1 bifurcated use variance approval in order to operate a uh landscaping business on his the property where he resides um again this is something that was sort of gradually took shape over the covid pandemic and once the applicant um just learned that he was not able to continue doing this he retained the appropriate professionals so the one thing that I just want to point out before we you know get started on the testimony is I just want to draw to everyone's attention to this concept plan so this is not a fully engineered site plan and anything any fully engineered site plan would be a condition of approval but I just want to note that um if you look on the left that's the proposed concept plan and that rear area there um is approximately um I believe it's about 230 ft from the fence to the rear property line which is property that is shared that is common space for the Condominium Association to the rear and then there is Township owned open space to the West that would be to the left when you're looking at this so you know I just want to orient everybody as to you know really how this is located in the center of the site um and when as I go through my testimony I'll point out again also um you know for example where the bins would be proposed things like that um because really you know what we're trying what I'd like to show here is that there is a residential property to the east in another long narrow lot this will be located substantially behind that house um and also substantially behind the applicant's home which is honestly kind of so small it's difficult to see be given the length of the property um so just for starters um just to not not to go through all of the testimony that Mark just put onto the record but you know we just want to orient ourselves here which is that we have a lot that is located on County Route 516 it's something that I would describe as almost like an outlier type of lot in that it's at the very end of a strip of long deep properties um all of these properties are oversized for their Zone they're located in the R20 Zone which has a minimum lot size of 20,000 Square F feet this lot for example is 101,000 square ft um it has 125 ft of Frontage on the roadway and it measures approximately 816 ft deep so what you're seeing there is a property that's almost about seven times as deep as it is wide um so the currently the front 300 ft of the property and you know we're measure kind of you kind of look at the property in thirds not quite thirds it doesn't even out exactly but if just just generally the front third of the property is currently developed with the applicant's home his driveway his shed and his garage and that will ret that will be that will stay that way the middle third of the property is where the applicant was previously keeping his landscaping business and that's where all improvements are proposed only in that middle third of the property and then the rear third of the property which to be to be more precise at this time on the concept plan is approximately 235 ft um that will be um that off fence is proposed there and that will be either maintained as existing mature tree coverage which will potentially be supplemented with more landscape coverage there so what we're really looking at here is development within that middle third of the property um so you know again to the to the east we do have a single family residence to the rear there's common open space in the buffer areas that are associated with the development which is the Commons at Oldbridge um and then there is the township owned open space to the West um just to go through one proof item Miss Keller uh have you been on site at the property I have I have been on site several times thank you Michael yes I've been on site and I have consulted frequently with the applicant and the entire team over the past year and helped prepare the application that's before you tonight um so you know just to go into you know more just just really to before I get into the proofs here I just think that o overall I just want to reiterate that we are seeking a bifurcated D1 variance um and the intention here is to provide a number of improvements that would allow MCB Landscaping to continue functioning on the site in this limited scope the uh the applicant's not trying to to grow his business beyond the number of trucks that he testified to um and this is a manner that way by providing the pole barn and the additional landscaping and fencing this would eliminate all of the outdoor storage except for what's shown on the plan those three bins and provide additional screening from the neighbors um I'm not going to if you know I'm happy to take questions as to the operation you know once we have that Mark testified to is then I would like to incorporate that as part of my testimony I won't reiterate you know but basically this is a small number of trucks that will be entering and leaving the site every day um I guess just to put a finer point on Miss Keller um is it your your testimony and also your client's understanding that these the representations that are being made about the number of trucks and the frequencies would run with the land essentially yes you as as this spard is aware you know use variances run with the land if if he were to approved for um you know four trucks or find and his personal vehicle five trucks total for a home-based business that's what would be permitted here it would have to remain exactly the same or else he would be in violation of his of his zoning ordinance do your point have his zoning approval and to your point about a homebased business um that would mean that if the property were sold essentially the owner of the home needs to be the the operator of the landscape business under the relief that's being Reed that's the approval that we're seeking tonight we're not seeking something where this property will no longer be residential in the future and he'll you know just be running a business out of it this is for the combined use tonight um so just what we you know we we've talked to a little bit about um the sorry let me just catch my place the proposed operations and the site improvements um but essentially you know this is the concept plan that's being proposed it's a little hard to see the details at this scale it's blown up on the right on this sheet that's a um little just just just blowing up the proposed concept plan there but you can see a number of evergreens are proposed um I believe Green Giant Arbor vites are shown here but that's up up to review by the board and site plan Etc um that would be along the Eastern property line that's shared with the resident with the resident there um applicant is amenable to additional Landscaping throughout the site um as you know we can and we'll talk about that if needed um a fencing fencing is proposed along the uh the rear disturbance line I'm not going to call it the rear property line but just to be beyond the the containers and fencing is also proposed along the easterly property line um so that's really you know the extent of what the what new construction is proposed along with the uh the cleaned up gravel parking area and circulation drives and you know we the aant would be willing to stipulate that um that all of this that that any site plan approval would be substantially similar to what's shown here tonight as far as much as that's feasible so um so just in terms of just to get into the variance proofs and the zoning compliance this property is in the R20 residential Zone R20 Zone permits single family residential uses that includes home occupations and home businesses contained inside the dwelling as well as some Agricultural and institutional uses so a a landscaping business that requires um you know activity whether it's even though it's it's not not the primary work but activity that's taking place outside of the home in the backyard is not permitted in this zone so that's why we're seeking D1 variance approval um as the board is aware this is a um this is a type of variance that has a specific burden that has to be met the applicant has to um the board has the power to Grant this variance for permit a use in a district reg restricted against such only in particular cases and for special reasons and that's known as the positive criteria special reasons here which will which will will discuss um for a use that's not considered inherently beneficial would be we have to show that we can show that it's particularly suitable for the proposed use um the applicant must also show the negative criteria as well um so you know so we are seeking D1 variants for um the use and I would also just note that um your planner would probably raise this if I if I didn't mention it so I just want to clarify that technically the um the pole barn May constitute a second principle use um excuse me second principal structure in which case if that is a D1 variance as well that I would submit these same proofs to permit that as well um so basically you know I think that you I hope that I provided some context here as to the location of this this um this site because it is it is rather unique the first time I visited the property you notice that there are a whole variety of uses in the vicinity some there's an there's an equestrian center a couple doors down there's um there's open face and it's it's a unique situation in this area um and I think that that's what part that's what makes this appropriate and particularly suited for the proposed dual residential and Landscaping use um the lot is oversized for its Zone and because of that we're able to provide this enhanced setback and this enhanced buffer um particularly because there is a Township owned property on the other side um this considerable depth which 800 plus feet allows for the use to be located Beyond both the neighbor's dwelling and their own dwelling which really keeps it as a the character of a residential neighborhood when viewed from the front um the rear most 200 plus feet of the lot will also retain its existing mature trees and um we have had some discussion with the uh the neighbors to the rear which we will we will um which I think that everyone's in agreement that there's that there's um a lot of improvements that we have uh proposed here um this new this New Concept plan will allow the applicant to provide sufficient parking and storage for his Vehicles inside this new this snood building um and again the building is 40 by 60 feet um that's what's proposed and per my uh to answer the Chairman's question per my discussion with the applicant and our you know brief conversations with our engineer this is appropriate to hold all of the equipment that is being that has been discussed tonight and that will obviously you know be confirmed at the time of any future site plan approval um especially as far as circulation goes but from my discussions that's my understanding and on that that note Miss kellerer um obviously we would get into this more at the site plan phase but can you describe some of the considerations that were taken into account in the development of the site plan uh the location of the pole barns the location of the bins in order to try and mitigate any impacts yeah absolutely so if you look at this um this concept plan the bins are at the upper left of the right hand side of of the right hand blown up version of the concept plan and the idea there is that those will be as far away from any other you know the neighbors's property and the res and the homeowners property as possible um in a manner that they can be accessed easily for both drop off and pickup and will not interfere with any other circulation or parking uh in terms of the location of the pole barn you know there were really two two things that we had to balance when we were trying to decide we were looking at the site layout one is that you know do we want to try to keep activity away from the easterly property line or or you know have a building there which would really in turn screen that activity so that's the idea is that the pole barn and the adjacent Landscaping will be significantly off the neighbors's property compared to um you know what's what's currently there um and we'll also provide actual screening via the building as well not to mention the fact that activities will be taking place in there and there's additional screening as well I believe in terms of landscaping yes mhm yes a fence along that entire property line as well as um staggered uh Green Giant Arbor vites and additional uh plantings as needed if if desired but that's that's basically how we ended up with this and this this well this is a concept plan this was prepared by um a Consulting engineer and so the idea of the circulation and the the sizing was done to that nature um so yeah so I think that you know just that Segways into my next comment which is really just that we are providing s sufficient parking inside the storage building and it's really you know the idea is to keep this a clean neat site and to that extent Mr boyo is going to continue and his family are going to continue to reside in this lot and intending on operating a homebased business um so I think that that really more than anything speaks to his particular interest in maintaining high quality conditions on this property um especially if this were to be approved and would put that type of investment in here um in terms of advancing purposes of zoning um in my opinion this advances purpose a which is guide Municipal action um encourage Municipal action to guide the appropriate use or development of lands in the state to promote the public safety morals and general welfare this is applicate is seeking to formalize his home business use um which is you know part of the fabric of the of the municipality and he serves um clients in and around the area and especially with when it comes to snow removal services he really is is helping out in the case of an emergency um applian has agreed to comply with all Township regulations and and and all Outside Agency regulations regarding the use as we will discuss tonight um it also allow it also uh promotes purpose C which provides adequate provide adequate light air and open space really that just in that the large size of the property allows for this continued use without um impacting um you know either his own home or the enjoyment of others um finally it's provides sufficient space in an appropriate location for a variety of residential and Commercial uses um while this is a residential Zone um this is again this is a unique situation where it's able to be very isolated in my opinion um that also speaks to um as this is a D1 variance that is not uh considered inherently beneficial we have to provide a Reconciliation under the mediche case which basically we have to prove you know why should this you know how how can the board Grant this approval you know even given the fact that the um the town that that the council does not permit this use in the zone via the zoning ordinance and again you know this is this is what we call almost like an edge case it it's located kind of at the end of a stretch of residential dwellings it's Unique lot sizes and the R20 Zone covers a substantial portion of the township and that's especially in this Eastern portion east of Route 9 and you know it really it it it Zone cannot address every single case here and I think that um you know this the as a lot that's very oversized for the Zone especially in terms of the depth the particular suitability is also um speaks to the fact that we can meet all the existing setback requirements everything that is is is can be maintained but still we I think that we provided a substantial buffer on on the applicant's personal property um and just briefly because I think I've touched on a lot of these to to we need to address the negative criteria IIA which is that we have to show that the variance can be granted without resulting in substantial detriment to the public good or substantial impairment to the Zone plan or zoning ordinance so in terms of the public good um this is the applicant is seeking to take this this this property and he's seeing to modernize and upgrade the use he's going to screen it from Neighbors he's will be clearly demarcated from both the on-site and neighboring residential uses where everything will be in this um this pole barn and the applican also agreed I would note that um sorry and it would be in the the pole barn which will allow it to be clearly demarcated from the residential uses which will help the area in the property maintain its residential character um so you know in terms of neighboring properties I address that the fact that there are a number of different uses in this area and I think that that plus the idea of the Zone plan and zoning ordinance me that plus the regular shape speaks to the mitigating the impact on the Zone plan and zoning ordinance so in conclusion I would say given the small number of employees the fact that most services are not performed on the site The Limited number of trips in and out and the uh benefits of all the new structures uh the granting of the use variants would not cause substantial detriment to the public good or substantially impair The Zone plan or zoning ordinance and I believe that the variances can be granted um so yes so thank you Miss ker for that testimony just um the last point I think we're going to touch on Mr chair chairman is that as I alluded to in my opening statement um uh our client through his professionals has been working with the neighbors to the rear of the property uh there's a homeowners association um subdivision that uh AB buts the property to the rear uh we were contacted by uh attorneys for the HOA who are present here tonight um and they we also uh consulted with a planner that they retained specific to this application um and I'd like to just put on the record um some conditions that were discussed with them and that uh they had requested and that our client is agreeable too again in our effort to uh work with the neighbors be a good neighbor here and try to figure out what could be amable to those who contacted us to express their one second before you do that okay okay all right Mr Collins you can continue thank you chair um if it's okay with you U Miss Keller actually uh consulted directly with uh the association's uh planner so I'm just going to have her address uh these specific conditions which I think have already been established in testimony but I just want to confirm them for the record and for their benefit as well okay thank you thank you than uh yes I we we spoke with our client earlier today and we we agreed upon all of these and some of these have been established but I just want to be clear here um per the request of the association they asked that hours be limited from 8 to 6 um and whether weekends would be included and the testimony that you've heard tonight and that we would agree to is that trucks will leave no earlier operations will will begin no earlier than 8 and will typically return by 6 however during summer days that may be closer to 7 um or in or maybe five in the winter no work is done on the site during the day or after trucks return um and no weekend hours are proposed the only exceptions to this would be for a snow emergency situation or of course if Mark and his family using their personal vehicles but those would not be coming out of the pole barn um they the applicant uh asked for excuse me the the association also asked for limitation of to four trucks to be stored overnight in the pole barn um and that yes uh as Mark testified to there will be a maximum of four work trucks in the pole barn plus Mark's personal the commercial vehicle which per or which per Township ordinance is permitted to be parked in his rear slide yard and would continue to be um and everything would be stored in the pole barn except for that pending site plan approval um next is trucks they asking for trucks to be parked back in so there would be no backing alarms in the morning and the applicant has also agreed to to that to Vehicles will be parked in order to minimize the use of backup alarms um the association also asked that on-site outdoor storage be limited to the three bins shown with no freestanding piles to which we absolutely agree um rear yard area to M remain in woods um this in which we have agreed that it will show um it's shows approximately 230 to 240 feet on the concept plan and that's the intention that that would all remain wooded area and be supplemented if needed um they've asked that the pole barn be a neutral color that is generally non-reflective to which we agree um there were some questions about storm water management to which we agreed to direct storm water away from their lands um and you know this has not been finalized but it will all be reviewed in depth during a future site plan approval and would be subject to All State and Township regulations um finally uh just a couple more concerns about General morning noise which um you know and all instructions and anything early would be focused within the barn which is no issue given the small size of the crew um number nine is regarding they'd like to to review the landscape plans which we've provided testimony as to our conceptual plans tonight um but we again this would all be part of a future site plan application and would be subject to boarded and review um finally um they had a note on any tree clearing in the area and whether we worked that out with Township staff which there will be some testimony I think you know from um we can we have uh we are aware that there has been clearing on the site and the applicant has agreed to work with the concerns work with Township professionals to address any concerns including from the tree expert and also from outside agencies um and then finally the the association has requested an 8ot fence along that back um the rear uh area of disturbance which I believe May technically require a a sea variance but um we are absolutely willing to provide an 8ot fence if the um if if that is if that is the the request if the board is comfortable with that okay thank you Miss ker so I think uh board that uh is our case in Chief and uh M Keller certainly happy to answer any questions and otherwise we would rest there sure when would we hear I read that uh while you don't have a traffic engineer the U planner is profer the uh testimony for traffic are we going to hear that now are we going to hear that at site plan what are we going to hear um the the planner did provide a traffic impact report which I think was deem sufficient for completeness so she could certainly speak to that sure I I would I again you know as noted in your plannner letter that's not something planners typically do I would look at this you know I proferred that more in the context of the use um as then I'm not doing analysis of traffic conditions or traffic concerns I um but you know based on the factual evidence provided by the applicant of the number of trucks in and out in the morning and the number which uh would range as he said from two to four um and then that same would be returning it's my opinion as a planner that there would not be a substantial impact on um on on the area um you know we reserve the raid and we would be happy to provide a more formal traffic analysis is looking at conditions but you know based on those numbers um I don't I don't foresee any any uh uh negative impacts thank you uh M uh s um Mr Dy sure I'll go first because I I know ven probably has more planning stuff to talk about but uh real quickly um with regard to the traffic I'm being a little too loud I'm sorry um with regard to traffic we do have quite a few comments regarding traffic is it your assertion that those can get addressed at site plan is that because typically traffic is something that this board take you know takes into consideration quite a bit as part of a use variance application that's why I was kind of surprised with all due respect I know you're you're a wonderful planner uh but as far as traffic goes I was surprised to not have a Traffic Engineers uh summation sure um and I agree with that you know I'm on the municipal side often as well and and and from both aspects traffic is inherently part of a use um our assertion is that based on the small number of vehicles and the fact that there will not be any public coming to the site at any time um as Mark stipulated Mr boo stipulated you know many of his employees carpool um you I can't provide a detailed analysis I'm not a traffic engineer I'm not even a transportation planner but in terms of you know so if if but but I'm am willing you know I'm SA under oath and per to the best of my knowledge that I I don't believe that there will be any substantial impact I mean I guess our our concerns which again to summarize the comments that we had in our in our memo were really with regard to the impact on the roadway and safety concerns at at the road it's a very busy roadway to have commercial vehicles where where it's not anticipated because most of traffic issues are with regard to driver expectation right so you have drivers on the roadway users on the roadway that aren't expecting commercial vehicles to be entering and exiting uh I understand the number of uh trips is is limited based off of the size of the operation but really has to do with some of the safety concerns has there been any contact with the county at all because I imagine there's going to be improvements that are going to be required at that driveway because now it's a commercial driveway it's a 10ft wide driveway going back 200 over 200 feet to the to the home so again that that's something that's not typical of a of a commercial driveway which I'm sure venina will get into why that's sort of in congruous with the with the residential nature of this area I think we would agree that you know the County planning board could would have jurisdiction but they do they do that's not that's not up for debate but but but the question is has has there been any contact with the county as far as what you're going to be looking at because a commercial driveway again is kind of in congruous with this neighborhood we have not uh to answer your question spoken with the county but we certainly anticipate and know that we have to do that and our client is is prepared to make any necessary improvements that they would request to accommodate the use yeah and I would also you know just just I don't know if you I don't think we need to go through each of these but just for example just to give you an idea of what our thought process was do you have a comment here on page seven of your report which indicates you know um will the driveway be able to accommodate two vehicles entering and exiting and so you know while from a commercial site plan perspective um that that's typically something that you look at this is a case where Mr boo will be full control over who is entering and exiting the driveway and controlling the timing of all of that um so you know the the idea is that it will be you know with an operation of this size it is it is much more controlled I mean what what about like materials and things like that that are delivered to the site you what size trucks would be accessing the site that I cannot answer that I cannot answer getting on and off of the site and all that I mean and that's something that I think that we can discuss with our client about how to best make that work for the site because those are again those are things that as you know those are things that we the board not we the board will consider as part of the use variants that's why it's kind of important that we have that information how is the commercial what what size are the trucks that are delivering the materials how are they getting onto the site how are they turning around because we certainly aren't backing out of a 200 foot driveway and and and and just again to note something on here no one will be parking no one will be doing any loading on Route 516 just to Bear yeah that yes I mean just to clarify that what note in here yeah but my concern is how are they getting in and out of this site right that's a concern um just to moving on from traffic traffic I think is an open issue that that I think the board's going to want a lot a lot more testimony on um as far as the um outdoor storage and everything I just want to make it clear um other than the three bins there will be no outdoor storage of materials or equipment of any kind the the the reason for this this pole barn is to store everything in the pole barn just making sure other than the pins there will be no Act only I only say this because I've I love landscapers I've been working with landscapers for 30 years they they do a great job with everybody's property but their own um and so the question again is other than the three bins there will be no outdoor storage of any kind of any equipment or materials no there will not be and that's and that's partially the reason for the size of the pole barn that that we're asking for here he's asking we looking for the three bins here and another thing is that you know I would note that a lot of that that space will be needed for turnaround and things like that so not trying to take up any of that space outside because that that area I'm sorry again that the area between the stone and the house that fence area seems awfully tempting to put stuff in um yeah I'm certainly not an engineer but I would submit that the engineer did have to take into account turning radius radiuses I'm not I'm talking about I'm talking about the lawn area oh and and that's Mr boyo's backyard you know his family lives in that house um and I think you know part of the reason that it's first of all you know we're stipulating on the record that nothing's proposed there and I think that's part of the reason why you know we have those additional Evergreens that are new those are proposed underneath there it really is intended to Demar the rear from that because okay I just want to state that for the so I appreci if the board does ACT favorably that would probably be condition 1A uh and the other question I had with regard to and I know I told you wouldn't be very long I'm sorry that's okay that's okay the the other question I had was regarding the what's Lo noted on the plan as existing limit of outdoor storage so that's where I'm guessing that the applicant current prior to vacating the site had kept some equipment and materials or whatever exactly that's not going to be a storage area in the future either no the applicant is proposing to actually reduce the overall size of this you know maybe if you take or I I should say is is is proposing to pull that in from the rear property line okay so that area there's currently um you see almost like if you look on the concept plan you'll see kind of like a half moon um that's cleared between the with the proposed fence and the area that's um mature trees that will be out that will be not touched that will not be part of this application that whole rear yard will be would again would the applicant be willing to to vegetate that area and then the fence last question the fence that we're talking about you said an 8ft fence there's a fence that's labeled along the back right behind the bins that's labeled as a six foot fence is that going to be the 8ft fence that's what has been requested by the neighbors and that we'd be willing to do that and I would also note that you know we probably would have some kind of door in there to be able to maintain anything go back there that's just want to clarify that Mr Jim uh I don't have any other questions at one one last thing on storm regarding storm waterer management this is again this is more for for the record more than anything else what you're proposing as far as disturbance and amount of Motor Vehicle surface it's going to qualify as a major storm water management project so you'll be required to meet storm water quantity uh requirements and stormw quality requirements which are going to require you know again probably some sort of either bu a retention Basin or some sort of water quality Basin um has any thought been given to where that would be our it's not from me um our engineer had a limited scope at this time but you know if he he he's aware of the current standards and what would have to be met and I would also note there's a language in the review letter about getting an Loi and we're well aware of the steps that would need to be taken between now and site plan and that would absolutely be addressed okay so should the footprint of your work of your of your your actual work area changed from what's being presented this evening then that would probably subject you to an amended use variance should let's say you get into the site plan stage and realize hey we need to put a biobase and based off the Topography of the land and and what have you if your site has to expand for some reason that would basically require you to to amend your use variance application yeah I I would say you know either site expanding or you know if something had to be even reduced in size and it's up to the bo you know it's at the discretion yeah I just wanted to make sure yeah you know we like I said substantially similar is usually the term that we use because things do change um but you know that would be up to I just want to make sure that stated for the record for the applicant edification as well that you know if the board does go and Grant this use variance if during the engineering of the site things change appreciably yeah you you basically would be back before another use variance and this whole process all over again and to that point we're well aware that you know the board has a second bite at the Apple essentially and so you know if we get positive feedback here we'd want to take that any feed back into account and make sure it's properly addressed in the site plan thank you Mr CS that's all I have Mr chairman thank you you sure I'm I reserve I reserve I think I uh agree with rak's comments on the traffic I would really want to see more testimony and I think um if the application were to be carried then uh maybe it would be a good idea for you guys to reach out to the county and get their input as well um because a this traffic is going to change um the land use pattern or is going to set a proceding because you have to the easterly side residential homes none of them have home businesses um there is a dry cleaners uh they have filed an application with a zoning board but it has been a dry cleaners uh it's a pre-existing non-conformity so uh with introducing a use which has not really been permitted before you're changing the residential character I think traffic or having traffic testimony will be critical to the granting of uh the use variants the other thing which I didn't hear in the testimony is when you seek a D1 use variance the most important is your site suitability but the other aspect is um is the proposed use for this site beer over what is currently um permitted in the zone and I didn't hear that because it's very hard that you have other residential uses in the neighborhood and now you're introducing a mixed use um concept the I'll just list all the things that I I want you to uh elaborate and the board I'm sure would want you to elaborate to um when looking at near maps and the areals I have not seen anywhere uh within the neighborhood a residential home having an accessory structure as big as this to me this is not an accessory structure it's a principal structure uh because accessory structures and residential zones are limited to 600 ft your uh square feet you're proposing something that is four times larger um again the should the board act favorably I would recommend that one of the condition would be that no outdoor storage um again the deliveries goes back to the traffic I would hold off from making any comments uh until I hear a traffic testimony but uh I do want to hear sight suitability I do want to hear the land use patterns I do want to see hear from you about the size of the accessory structure sure so you know um just I I think I I will just read a couple things I'll go I thank you for pointing out where I may have been deficient um first of all I did notice that in your review letter that you addressed that you acknowledged that this may be a second principal structure on the site and I um I you know B on the reading of the ordinance I would agree with that um and I think that you know if the board SE to the extent that the board would have that you know we would ask for that as part of our D variance approval so did in your analysis did you find any other property that has a second principal structure um within that area I did not I did not find one that in specifically but no i' also I have to admit that I did not specifically on I just want the board to understand that the granting of the variant sets a precedent for um I I would disagree with that Miss SW that you know every application stands alone I'm trying to understand whether the land use pattern is consistent I'm trying see when you're when you're defending a D1 you're there sight suitability there's also consistency in land use pattern and then there is why the permitted use within the Zone cannot be uh why is the site not suitable for the permitted use and why do you have two uh principle uses on the property right so I would want I'm asking you in in terms of that question sure um so yes I think I acknowledge that you know this for D1 you have to show you have to show particular suitability that's really the Crux of a D1 that's not inherently beneficial um the price versus hedi case which was decided in 2013 is when the court really established kind of the direction for that and you have to show that it's especially well suited for the use in spite of the fact it's not permitted in the zone um and you can show that there's things that distinguish the property from surrounding sites um Etc you also I would just note that you don't have to show that there is no other potential this is the only only place where this can be built this is the only suitable property so you know in that context I would just go back to some of my earlier testimony which is that you know this is you have a row of of lots residential lots for the most part um you know I would argue that some of them are not completely residential in nature um you know there's an equestrian facility a couple about four Lots down while agricultural uses are permitted in this Zone um you know I would say that that it means that you know that shows that the character is not specific residential here um there is also the unique situation where you have a large buffer to the rear and you have um common open space further to the rear so it's really isolated in a sense especially given that it's 816 fet Deep in a sense that you're not going to see in most R20 districts throughout um Oldbridge you know for example if this was a 20,000 foot lot I don't think we'd be here having this conversation um so you know this is It's a unique setting here um and especially because there is the open space further on the west side so that's really you know when you talk about just the physical location of this property that is what you know I think shows particular suitability um you that is you know it it's it's it's it situates it within this location where it's at the end of a row of residences and I think it's Unique in its character especially compared to both the underlying zoning and the surrounding area um you know when you take a ride down this road you know you see residences on the right side um but you also see a variety of you know you see some some there are some trailers or some commercial vehicles parked outside and it almost really has like a in a way like a quasi rural character in my opinion um and it's just in this this small area here um so I think that that is really when I say the particular suitability this is not something that's being proposed within a a compact residential subdivision this is not something being proposed on the edge of a called a Sac this is being proposed on a site that where it will be really hidden in a way that it cannot be on a smaller property um so that you know will add to spe particular suitability um and again you know this is this is a zone that has some certain limited commercial uses only in the sense that they are homebased businesses are are permitted as accessory uses and you know those are limited here that what the what the ordinance allows and that's really to encourage businesses that don't operate outside the house so the applicant you know is is an entrepreneur he has a business and he is trying to do to take this property in its unique setting and you know comply the best that he can with the townships the intentions of the Township's ordinances to to for the all the performance standards that are required to screen these uses as much as possible and to provide um significant amount of landscaping in an area where um you know it has he was operating it without um you know with with he did not have any issues as far as his operation was concerned previously and while that has since been reduced he's keep he's proposing to keep the scale small which will in my opinion um you know help keep it more cohesive with the residential neighborhood so miss Keller I still didn't hear maybe I'll reframe the question one of the sections of the suitability or the law requires you to justify why the proposed use is better suited for the site over what is proposed by or what is permitted by the zone and that's where I'm a little conflicted because um I I didn't hear that like why does the board and I'm not trying to um INF I just want it to be on record in your testimony that why is it that the site is better suited for the Mixed use like this residential home and the uh commercial use uh over just a residential use why why is there a special reason why the board should uh allow that type of a use when in the neighborhood there is none so that's the question sure I mean I I would I would you I have a slight disagreement there and that I don't think that part of the D variance criteria is that you have to show that this what that one use is better than the other I think you have to show that it's particularly suited for the use that's being proposed that does not mean that it's not suited for another use um it's okay it's okay um and I think that I I think I've put my testimony on the record as to why I think that this is a use that is uh particularly suited for this joint um residential you know almost like a commercial aspect of the um commercial a a res excuse me a resident operating a commercial business on his property and in response to that if I could just ask Miss Keller to kind of place on the record you know you've observed the current conditions of the property which we haven't discussed in significant detail but can you discuss how those would be modified um under the proposed site plan sure I think that the I think that aesthetically the property would be upgraded um you know it's also this is kind of a this is this is a large piece of property for people to maintain um as as just as a resident as as a residential property um you end up with a lot of area in the rear that um you know that that is is really not not necessarily really going to be able to be maintained by a typical residential homeowner and I think here what you're proposing is a number of of high quality new screening along the side new fencing and um basically enhance enhance cleanup of the site especially because they'll have to meet a variety of um of Township and Statewide approvals that would not otherwise affect um residential property like for example uh anything with storm water related to storm water um residences typically are not subject to the same type of um requirements as preliminary and major site plan major developments so those are the kind of improvements you would see on this site one last thing um have I don't know who's going to answer the fire chief's uh letter because there was a letter issued uh on March 6th which says that I find this plan unsatisfactory at this time Mr I think he requires a fire hydrant and um I don't know who's going to cover that part you want to testify to the fact sure um we would testify and we have photographs which we can I don't think we've entered any other exhibits um it's there it does not have a distance on it but there is a fire hydrant within um do we have a a have you reached out to the fire chief after you receive the letter we we did not because we brought photographs that would demonstrate that there is a fire hydrant within immediate vicinity of the driveway uh which we thought would address that concern uh regarding you know the test Tony that you've proposed for the board uh that is noted and um we will take that into account I spoke um with the board attorney prior to tonight's meeting and given the lack of full membership we will be uh taking the board up on a continuance at the conclusion of tonight and so we certainly could take under advisement any additional items that you're asking for right I think it would be uh beneficial since it's going to be carried that you reach out to the fire chief happy to yep um you offering the picture uh certainly Mr chairman uh if we can make this A1 sure is it to scale uh yes it is this is a photograph of the um the frontage of the applicant's property thank you and we'll we'll provide additional details and you know as our our client is a a volunteer I mean I I have the the actually the fire prevention Bureau letter in front of me and I think the the the hiccup on it was that it wasn't shown on the on the plan that was submitted so um but I think I think mr's right I think the best thing to do is just reach out to fire department and let let them sign off on it before next time if that cleed it might just be a matter of updating your plan absolutely we're happy to get that cleared up anyone depicts the front of the uh applicant's property that's not the applicant's driveway at the top right his drive here from right the point of view is from his driveway yes so be to the east yes um based on the you know Ju Just based on the the lot widths it's Pro that that fire hydrant is probably about 150 ft from the driveway 300 foot long roadwi um you're resting your case now I am Mr there is subject to the right to on the continuance to address the the issues that you're resting for the evening that is correct I do want to clarify yeah uh there's an OB attorney here I believe cor correct uh I believe yes we didn't even get to the public portion yet and I you're professional sir are you testifying as attorne okay so you you want toor you're not you're not part of the objector case in a sense I'm objecting he's well be public versus the obor's case so at this point if if you're asking for a continuance is that kind of where we're at with this um I would ask that we hear from any objectors uh since they're all here tonight and um typically they finish the case in principle first before we would move on to an objector case what ordinarily would happen at this point since you've put two witnesses on is we would allow questions from objectors public in general um and kind of take them in in turn as they come up um that'll also obviously will provide you a tremendous amount of feedback knowing that you're going to come back and it'll give you you know if I'm hearing you're right Mr Mr Clancy the board would recommend we continue our case in Chief and then the obors can be heard after that's concluded well I don't want to put words in your mouth it sounds like your plan was to continue your case in chief after you come back or no are you I I think that we have a couple comments but I think I think what we and I'll let Mr Colin say this but I I believe the intention was that we would like I I'd be happy to take questions from the objectors if that's the board's procedure or however that works uh I think if you're done with what you're presenting for tonight we are noting that you're asking for continu obviously you're not going to be calling for a vote tonight you've already placed that on the record uh and there's some additional work that sounds like you you want to get done in the background here I think the appropriate thing is to to to stop the or to have them have them stop for the evening but we open it up obviously for for public questions limited to the testimony that's been put on because we do have both Witnesses still here um if that's the board's pleasure no objection it would be normal to to do so want respect those Norms my only question is is the objector the objector case will not come until until until they till they're done and prior to obviously any so just clarify is this just regular public comment not subject to I'm going to open it to the public right yes it's public it's question Yeah question for Witnesses it is open to the general public including the objective okay so these are questions of witnesses not testimony li no limited to the to the testimony from the witnesses tonight the Witnesses are not providing testimony of their own they're asking questions of the of of the W correct yes correct questions of your Witnesses absolutely understood okay uh this's matter 44 Edition 2023 Z MCB Landscaping uh this for homebased landscaping business requiring du variances uh I'm going to open open this up to the public we will have a microphone placed in the center um we'll try to get to everyone we have plenty of time uh I would ask when you do come up uh you would state your name please the board attorney will swear any witness in or any uh uh one wants to ask questions question yes good evening uh my name is Alan Gorski I'm with the law firm of Gorski Nolton um I represent the Commons at Oldbridge uh on the photo up there they're uh in the back okay on the top back I also have with me Cay ramp who's our planner um we had a very productive discussion um 7 o'clock on Friday um unfortunately my clients did not receive the um the notice of the March hearing until the March date and despite the fact it was dated when it was dated but we chalk that up to the post office and not to uh Mr Collins uh I did have productive discussions with Mr Collins when we heard the concerns of the residents uh with our planner present um our planner contacted Miss Kelly and we had 11 concerns that were set forth uh Mr Collins addressed our concerns on the record before and if each of those were made part of the record um we're relatively satisfied still reserving the right to um to object to Future site plan application because each of the concerns that we have uh when they were addressed by uh Miss Keller all said well subject to the Future site plan things um we're less concerned about the traffic upon uh route 516 because we're in the back um we are concerned more about the buffer because we understand the trees have been removed from that buffer not necessarily by the applicant I don't know if they were by the township but um even though this landscaping business has been um operating there since uh 2020 when he moved in we did not notice it in 2020 and 2021 2022 there's been an uptick in business since then so um we have some concern about the growth of the business but those concerns have been addressed by limiting the number of trucks and the number of employees so that really addressed our concerns um I do have concerns um about the hours they indicated it would not be uh weekends so that made us pretty satisfied I know that if you're doing uh Commercial Landscaping a lot of weekend work there um residents don't want people mowing their lawn during the Saturday and Sunday so as long as they um don't expand into doing a lot of commercial work that will limit the amount of weekend traffic and maybe evening traffic they would have um we are concerned about the water and the runoff and the point that was made about the detention Basin is of deep concern to us I'm not sure where you would put it on this property you're not just going to put it in the backyard between the house and the gravel I think you the intention here would be to put it in the back near us and that creates another set of problems there it's already pretty wet in the sail between these properties and I just feel that you know way you put the dep pension Basin is very um concerning to me um I do see that this may be considered an inherently beneficial use and that um they've already stipulated this is not an inherently beneficial okay well I mean snow removal would help us out if if they would do it and not we've been having problem with our snow removal contractors so that's that's why that's why I mentioned that provide some benefits so so I really don't have any other questions except just reserving the right to object to the Future site plan application and I do have my planner here in case my planner uh Mr ran Camp has any questions okay excellent and I do have the president of the board Anthony valz if you want have anything you want to say no so I would just just reiterate uh generally speaking I thank the obor's attorney for placing his appearance on the board and let us let us know that they're in on this and it sounds good that they've had some conversations that cuts down on a lot of usually the back and forth but just limit any questions at this stage in the game to any testimony that's been placed on the board there'll be time for General comments usually at the at the end of this and if the objectors are putting on an affirmative case they'll get the same process they'll put their Witnesses on their witnesses will get to be questioned based upon their testimony and anybody else can put a a general comment on at the end so just I would just ask that we limit the questions to what has been placed on the record by the witnesses today knowing that we're not done tonight sir Yeah by all means uh yes my question I have so many questions is pertaining to the credibility you representing yourself as an attorney to law yes I'm my Jonathan Michael Kik Senor I'm the neighbor on one thing at a time yeah just state your name place your name on the record please Jonathan Michael KCK KZ l i k o z i sir and we'll um um we're going to place you under oath I guess right oh this just general question yeah general question go ahead uh yeah so this this portion is being limited to the testimony that was here cuz I I would very much like I really would need a long time I really would like to put an entire opposition case together against this so we can do that another time because this is getting continued would after the case in principle concludes okay so this is going to get continued and I can St CU I have much more to say than this but I would just say the the general testimony here was not credible I've lived next door to this man since he moved in I've seen it go from one truck to I get to respectfully object these are question again we got a there will be time for General comment um at the end okay so just questions as to what was put on to the record tonight okay so why would you say two employees when I see on your coronavirus loan application six employees and seven employees that would be that'll be my only question before if anybody wants to sounded like a statement rather than a question to me um I would ask are you asking how many employees there are yeah why on the 20 why in why on the coronav virus loan applications does it say seven employees when I'm hearing that there are two or three employees that's from 2021 I believe 2020 was emplo Mr boo was under oath and he said uh what the amount of employees was four correct extra than yourself that's what he put on on the record under Ro sir that's on my own okay gentleman next to you you want to be heard step up please once again sir would you state your name please Robert vernachio can you spell the last name for me please V is Victor e r n a c h i o thank you sir go ahead sir I've lived here for questions I've lived here for over 55 years it's been a quiet good neighborhood and then this has happened he's brought in and I I heard testimony how much equipment he has it's wrong I walk my y times a day objection these are not questions pardon these are not questions what you're doing is you're making you're trying to make a statement about what your opposition is to this this is a question period there's a later time for question for them if you have a certain question of the planner who testified under oath or Mr boo you can put them through us you can ask us okay I can question them satisfied for you I can question a pole barn can you question the pole barn they're seing that doesn't conform to anything in the neighborhood okay well they're seeking an application that would include a PO well I'm I'm against it okay you know that's that's fair and as far as they're going to hide the trucks in that pole Warr maybe I I might be out of but anyway they're building a pole bar to hide the trucks you're doing one thing to do something else Contin objection again if you're going to put on an injector's case and is if you're with the attorney I guess as a neighbor of yours our neighbors okay uh that would be at the next session probably when the uh Condo Association I believe uh that is behind is also going to present an obor's case so that happens if I do this say this legally after they have presented their case so once the applicant presents their case and finishes then we listen to the objector case just like we listened to the applicant's case okay all right yeah I just I want you to understand I don't want you to not think we want to listen to you it's just not the procedure been jerking around for two years now well it's the first time we've heard it oh okay so I understand you're angst but this this board has heard this for the first time tonight okay thank you sir anybody else want to be heard before the board this evening please raise your hand or come forward I see no hand so I'll close the public portion final comments sir uh no uh Mr chairman I think you know uh In Sum just to kind of sum up today's testimony um you know Mr boo is has his own small business he's simply looking to uh keep his equipment at the property um in order to allow his business to operate uh the proofs have been placed on the record concerning the uh proposed considerations in terms of the site plan cont concept to mitigate any impacts of that and in fact to improve the properties uh which both uh meets an engineer which we'll get into with the engineering standpoint and we've duly noted the comments and U concerns of the board planner but also addressing the planning proofs uh we do ask for this continuance so we could address some of the specific comments that were raised um and we believe that in the end even in spite of an obor's case uh that Mr Boo has in fact met the proofs to obtain the relief and we greatly appreciate the board attention in time to this matter thank you Mr Collins let's get a date yeah that would be great our next D night is August 1st August 1st yep is that see popped out okay uh this will be August 1st with no further notice uh anybody here this evening on this matter case you didn't catch that it'll be on our agenda for the August 1 meeting which starts at 7:30 p.m. unnecessarily it will be on at 7:30 but you will not receive further notice in the mail so please mark your calendar you can also look at any time and just go to uh on the internet and go to the township of rbridge put in Zoning Board of adjustment and everything is listed there as to agenda and what's going to be heard so I would recommend that to anybody who's interested in anything and I'll say this to people who are watching at home if you ever have any interest all you have to do is go to the website look up Township of alridge zoning Board of adjustment you'll see the agendas and the dates if you can't if that's not satisfactory by all means call the zoning department in the township and you'll get that information but it's readily available okay Mr chairman if I could just interject on the date um I want to be mindful of the board's time and I know all the board members put in a lot of volunteer time to uh administer this process um my client um has been trying to effectuate this relief for over a year and I'm just curious if the board ever considers a special meeting or some other whether there's some other alternative to have this come back the board doesn't have the power to set the set the agenda we have the power to listen to the agenda I am told that we are backed up through the end of the year um Mr W could probably verify that as the planner uh and I'm sure I'll refer it to rather than Miss belli um they'd like to move it move it up but I I'm told that we're full to the end of the year we we are we are really packed and the problem is just putting like four or five application one night is not helping I tried to help developers by putting in more applications but we're not able to anyways finish them and we're carrying so there is nothing really um available before August I really can't help okay once again I don't have control over the over the schedule I understand I would just say um to missan to the board if there were an opportunity due to cancellation or anything def please let us know and we consider Ren noticing in order to try and move we definitely do that because sometimes what happens is and I have allotted a date and the applicant doesn't want to proceed because I don't want to have a backlog either but at the same time uh Marina and I have been brainstorming how do we process we have so many applications coming in I I think what you know I think basically if if there were you know we're willing to go to the first August without further notice but would it be basically acceptable if a date were to open before then if we were if we were to reot I typically reach out to the attorney and so just if for if you had enough time and everything okay right we'd certainly be glad to to sit and listen to it but uh we have to go by the agenda that's set by the township okay I want to thank Mr Collins thank you thank Miss Keller and uh Mr buo for your representations here tonight in your testimony thank you we look forward to seeing you again sounds good all right summer thank you all right that is all that's on the AG agenda for this evening I see people in the courtroom we do have an open public uh I mean we will have a general public comments if anybody wants to be heard we'll entertain him at this time if you do want to be heard I'd appreciate if you would raise your hand because I'm going to move for an adjournment very shortly no okay I'm going to close the general public portion comments uh anything Mr uh Clancy that you want to tell the board no we'll have the resolution from the early earlier application ready for the next meeting and that's it okay M or Mr Dar anything good and M portelli our next meeting is our next meeting is where are we now it is it is next week April 18th April 18th okay we're back to th we're back to Thursday Thursday probably full all right someone move for an adjournment move it Andrew all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed We Stand adjourned e for