[Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh e e e e e e States welcome to the uh Township of Albridge Zoning Board of adjustment meeting March 21 2024 adequate notice of this meeting of the Albridge Township Zoning Board of adjustment has been provided in accordance with the open public meetings act at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of this meeting by primarly posting in the municipal complex an announcement giving the time the date the location and the agenda of this meeting also by mailing such announcement to the home news and Tribune filing a copy of such announcement with the municipal clerk posting the agenda on the municipal website Mr belli could we have a roll call please certainly Miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier here Mr ISO here Mr scagno present Mr Stoner here miss tester here chairman sulliv here this is a matter of housekeeping if you have a phone I would please ask you to silence it at this point so it doesn't interrupt any of the testimony I'm sorry oh I'm sorry oh she did excuse us we also are being televised uh live on the local cable channel 15 as well as YouTube live if you want to see the meeting again you can always go back there and look it up uh we have a probably a shorter uh than usual meeting tonight because we have a adjournment I'm going to call that first one in and I think the I know the attorney is here representing the Gant 79- 2023 Z Barbara Robinson Ramirez it's block 2283 lot 85 the physical locations 85 Bennett Road uh alridge requesting a c variant Jared paper representing the applicate Mr P it's yeah you hit that one green on the bottom yeah you're in the right spot spot y there you go better okay uh good evening Mr chair board members Jared Pap on behalf of the applicant um based on our office's conversation with Miss Swant earlier today we are requesting that this application be um adjourned to I believe the April 8 April 18th meeting with no further notice requirement good uh we have we did receive notice of that we thank you for your representation and for those here what that means is if you're interested in that matter it's not going to be heard this evening and if you are watching at home that matter will be rescheduled to the April 18th 2024 agenda once again thank you Mr P thank you that'll move us to uh the first application for the evening now resolution well I'm sorry I passed right over those didn't I let's go back to resolution 69223 Z candido Carrasco design waiver Mr Clancy yes this was um design we oop by the right one in front of me no I don't yeah I got it here thanks This was um design waiver that was requested for 214 Cindy Street uh This was um a uh a driveway application that we heard back on um January 18th and March 7th um the uh 5 foot 5 foot setback requirement the waiver was to have it go to zero um and that matter was approved the design waiver was approved by the board um no specific conditions or anything along those lines uh Mr chairman it's on for approval tonight for memorialization thank you Mr Clancy someone want to move that for memorialization Andrews move it is there a second second ISO roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes chairman Sullivan yes uh the next one is uh 52- 2023 Z Extra Space Management major preliminary and final site plan with C andd variances Mr Clancy yes this is the extra space application block 4185 lot one known as a 101 uh US Route 9 in Oldbridge we heard uh this is on for uh several D variances D2 D3 D4 D6 use variances and there were uh also a number of bulk variances that were uh heard along with it uh we had public hearings on this on February 1st and March 2nd uh it was approved at the March 2nd meeting the resolution has been provided to the board um the conditions are listed here um on pages eight and nine and this is on for approval tonight for memorialization thank you Mr Clancy board member someone want move that for move it goog is there a second ISO roll quote please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes chairman Sullivan yes thank you thank you Mr Clancy now we will go 78 2023 Z vaita delisi this is a medium high density Zone r five this is block 8 lot one 8 Cliffwood way Oldbridge new single family home requiring C variant applicant proposes to demolish an existing single family dwelling and construct a new single family dwelling Joseph Coronado Esquire representing sir thank you I got to give you one more thank you Mr chairman Joe cornado J on behalf of the app sorry Joe corado Jr on behalf the applicant plural Vita and Fernando who are here behind me today and the purple and purplish colored shirts um appreciate you guys taking the time to hear the application tonight um I also have with me to my left uh Mr Mark rer who's going to be our engineer just a quick in front of you what you have marked as um this has been pre-marked in front of us here this is a an updated plan um as A1 um the black and white photo of the house which I apologize for my color printer um decided to go kaput when I was printing out what is A3 um an aerial photo of the surrounding uh area from Google um A2 being a an architectural print out of what the house will look like we're asking for a couple variances here tonight um the the object is um the house will be eventually torn down and rebuilt U by Statewide modular um it'll be raised so that it's compliant with FEMA um it'll be basically a brand new home um and U we're trying to best as we possibly can to bring it into compliance um given the size of the property um and U yeah I'll let Mr R introduce himself his qualifications and um get going on it so we can be hopefully quick swear them in thank you can you just um you solemly swear any testimony you provide before this port will be the truth and the whole truth I do and just state your name for the record please mark R can you spell your last name please r o h m y e r thank you sir regarding my qualifications I have graduated from Ruckers University in 2012 the bachelor's degree in civil engineering I am a professional engineer and professional planner in good standing within the state of New Jersey since 2018 and 2019 respectively and I've appeared before and and also am am appointed as board engineer to uh dozens of municipalities throughout the state of New Jersey we'll accept his credentials thank you Mark if you could just take us quickly through um some of the variances that we're requesting sure I did print out a display board um this has a revision date of 11222 23 I believe there's it's a one revision newer than the one that's up on the screen the only updates have been uh to for the architectural plans and the footprint of the deck is shown and some notes have been updated you want to mark that as A1 Council yes we pre-marked it as A1 okay and that's plot plan right plot plan so I did not personally prepare the plans or survey but I am familiar with the application I find it to be to accurately represent the existing and proposed conditions the subject property has an address of 8 Cliffwood way in Oldbridge New Jersey also known as block 8 lot one the existing conditions include a one-story single frame dwelling a wood deck a PA driveway and Patio and wood shed there are uh six existing non-conforming conditions which include the minimum lot area where 5,000 ft² is required and 2,850 square ft exist the second is for minimum lot width where 50 feet is required and 30 feet exists the third is for minimum front setback where 20 ft is required and 18.5 ft exist the fourth is for minimum side setback where 9t is required and 2 feet exists on the left side the fifth is for minimum landscape area ratio where 0.45 is required and 0.09 exists and the sixth is for Max dwellings per gross area where seven is permitted and 15.38% 20 ft is required 18.5 ft exists we are now proposing 20 ft which conforms and the second is for the minimum landscape area ratio where 0.45 is required 0.9 excuse me 0.09 exists and we are improving this to 0.42 to almost meet the requirement there are seven proposed variances with this application the first is for minimum principal side setback where 9 ft is required 4T is proposed on the left side the second is for minimum principal side setback where 9 ft is required 3.4 fet is proposed on the right side the third variance is for minimum principal combined side setback where 15 ft is required 7.4 ft is proposed the fourth is for minimum accessory side setback where 23 ft is required 3.9 ft is proposed on the left side to the deck the fifth variance is for minimum accessory side setback where 23 ft is required 4 ft is proposed on the right side of the deck the sixth variance is for minimum accessory rear setback where 23 ft is required 18 ft is proposed to the deck and the seventh is for the minimum landscape area ratio where 0.45 ft excuse me 0.45 is required and 0.09 exists and is proposed regarding storm waterer runoff we have addressed any concerns through a combination of notes on the plan directing any roof runoff to be directed to the street and the grading of the yard and also providing additional landscaping area therefore it's my engineering opinion that there will be no negative impact to the neighboring properties from a stormw runoff standpoint regarding parking which is governed by the New Jersey residential site Improvement standards we meet the required off street parking spaces through the driveway and garage the property is located within the flood zone and therefore is required to be elevated above the flood zone where the FEMA map preliminary firm indicates a flood elevation of elevation 13 the dwellings first floor is proposed at elevation 15.6 which allows for approximately 9 ft height of the first floor for garage and storage within the flood zone finally we have architectural renderings um which illustrate the proposed home it includes a garage and storage on the first floor and a one-bedroom dwelling in living area and deck on the second floor if the board has any engineering questions questions um I'd be happy to take them at this time and then after that I have uh some planning testimony Mr holl questions for the uh I have no questions at this time chairman board members on my left am I right the engineer when you're are you using the same uh footprint or once you're knocking this down you're extending out right a little bit um well it it won't be quite the same footprint um I think Mark you might be able to to address this a little bit better but I think we were 4.7t before and now we're going to be about 5.6 feet maybe does that make sense yeah can I just see that yeah we're trying to bring it more into compliance is the basic idea um if if you guys went out to the property you'll see that it's literally almost right on the property line um you there were similar builds over there uh very similar to what you're putting up right in nature elevated because of U right Zone if you look at the um what I think we have marked as A3 you guys can see that um the properties on on either across the street or adjacent are on similar size Lots um and they're I'm not going to say that they're modular homes but they look pretty close to it I'm trying to look for that this is it's not in the packet so it's part of the plot plan and it's the uh it's towards the top center of the plot plan it's called location map that's the aerial and it it does show dwellings with the approximate same footprint oh yeah and then I will point out the proposed dwelling is slightly larger in its footprint however we are reducing the impervious coverage of the lot currently there's the majority of the lot is covered in pavers and we're reducing that just to the driveway where we had an existing 91 1% of the lot was covered in impervious and we're now proposing 58% which is a significant reduction okay uh Mr Clans you have any questions um I don't have anything in front of me that actually lists out the variances and I know you went through them so I know there's the two side setbacks there's the combined side setback there's the landscape area ratio and I believe the remaining three were for accessory um uses right accessory structure there was two for the accessory struct structure which is the deck and can you just read out what they are one more time if you'd be so kind yeah um the first was for minimum principal side setback 9 ft is required four feet is proposed on the left side second was minimum principal side setback 9 ft is required 3.4 ft is proposed on the right side for the dwelling the third is the minimum principal combined side setback where 15 ft is required set .4 ft is proposed the next three are for the accessory side setback which is the deck where 23 ft is required for a side 3.9 ft is proposed on the Left 4 ft is proposed on the right the minimum accessory rear setback 23 ft is required 18 ft is proposed to the deck and then uh the last one is the minimum landscape area ratio 0.45 is required 0.9 0.09 exists and excuse me I didn't write down what was proposed 0.42 is proposed which almost meets the requirement excellent I have it thank you you got a total of seven right yeah yeah yeah if you count the two side setbacks as separate variances which I guess we need to because each one's not conforming so they are also listed on the plot plan got it thank you all right you going to change hats now yes okay um from a planning standpoint I think this is you could qualify yourself as a planner right yeah yeah on the record as well so the subject property is located within the R5 zoning District the existing and proposed use of single family residential dwelling is permitted within the Zone the area in general is comprised of the same single family residential use and also wooded to the rear um the the purpose of the zoning board is to consider the individual application and decide whether it's appropriate to stray stray away from the municipalities ordinance requirements so as a planner it's my opinion that we can use the C1 criteria to Grant the variance for the reason of exceptional narrow narrowness shallowness or shape of a specific piece of property which would result in Practical difficulties and undue hardship to develop in other words the proposed dwelling in my opinion is appropriately sized and situated however there's a hardship for anyone to develop this property due to its physical size and layout um and should the application be denied it would effectively Zone the lot into inutility regarding the negative criteria it's my opinion that the relief can be granted since the proposed single family dwelling is appropriate in its use location and size therefore I see no substantial detriment to the public good and will not substantially impair the intent or purpose of the zoning plan or zoning ordinance and further I believe the argument coulds be made for the C2 criteria to advance the purposes of the New Jersey municipal land use law goals a b and I and outweigh any detents which I feel would be none that's it thank you you got it any questions guys I'll go to my left again to the planning testimony none nothing to I right and Mr clany M Mr Holland that's it that's it I mean I'll summ summarize real quick let's go to public yeah sure go ahead uh once again this is matter 78223 Z the location physically is 8 Cliffwood way in Albridge it's block eight lot one anyone to be heard uh anyone want to make comments or ask questions on this particular matter please raise your hand or stand no one in the courtroom for the record has stood or raised their hand I'll close the public portion thank you Mr chairman just just really briefly um I've gotten to know uh V and and Fernando pretty good here over the past couple months I know they've um um this has been their goal to to bring this property into into better condition than what it what it currently is for a very long period of time now I know it was damaged by Sandy um they've they've um they've made substantial efforts it's going to be a beautiful home it fits in with the neighborhood you heard Mr romer's testimony about the surrounding houses um and I I look forward to it to going to see it when it's a finished product to to hopefully be uh better fit with your um uh you know your short Community here so with that being said we'd like to have a motion to um uh to approve yeah I I would agree with you that uh certainly the township would rather see uh properties used and used properly and used in in good standing and a new home is exactly what what probably is needed there um I did see others that were down there that had been built within the last couple years that had come before the board as well uh they worked out fine and uh I'm hoping if the board votes in favor that the same thing's going to happen to this piece of property Mr hollan would you say that the uh in your opinion that uh everything that's been stated um is true and uh that would fit yes absolutely um yeah I mean this is definitely part of the Shore Community that was heavily damaged by Sandy and a lot of the homes need to be either you know rebuilt reconstructed however so um yeah I think it's a great application that you know they're proposing home that's going to fit within the community thank you for your comments uh and I would agree with you that that property is a C1 I think it's a hardship there it is an unusual those lots they are very unusual in particular anywhere almost in the harbor down there that many many we see applications many times that they just can't do anything without you know getting relief so uh I wish well on that if in fact the board would vote in your favor thank you Mr chairman would you like me to call for a vote absolutely all right board members absent any comment I'm going to call for a vote and I no one has raised their hand would someone be in favor this would be there there's seven uh bulk variances related to this they've already been forementioned on the on the record uh if someone we could take them as a group Mr Clancy yeah well as the bulk Varian as we've as as have been placed into the record seven of them and if someone care to move them for approval test Miss Chevalier has moved it um Miss test verie has second roll quote please miss pelli miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss testy yes chairman Sullivan yes it's going to give be a great home for send someone with a a nice view too great thank you thank you guys very much appreciate the opportunity tonight you have a resolution by the next meeting I brought that uh thank thank you for your appearance counsel and U you're welcome sir you're gonna make me cry best of luck all right thanks for staying in Oldbridge and not building somewhere else thank you sir right good take it easy always yes it is all right second matter on the agenda this evening is 81223 z it's Marina pelino this is the uh medium high density Zone R six block 15584 lot 598 physical locations 218 Cindy Street in this is for jacuzzi shed and bar applic seeks to legitimize a 7.5 by 7.5 jacuzzi 5 by 11 bar and a 16 by8 shed all requiring see variance Ma I assuming you are Marina pelino board attorney will swear you in you going to be the only one to testify this evening yeah okay is that light it's not green there's a little button in front it'll turn green when you push it if you push it hard and long enough I guess there you go there you go if you'd move that mic just a little bit closer it's a Direction that's perfect could you just raise your right hand for me you solemnly swear any testimony you provide before the board will be the truth the whole truth yes okay you can put your hand down and um state your name for the record Marina pelino okay that's p l l e g r i n o correct yes thank you Miss Belo when uh applicants come uh in as homeowners versus commercial entities uh they're normally representing themselves whereas bigger projects would use attorneys and and professionals uh obviously what happened here is you have some things there that need to be legitimized that were were done what the board needs to do this is a quasi um judicial uh hearing so there are certain things that need to go on the record okay uh the board attorney may may try and pry them out of you or help you a little bit if need be but really all we want you to do is tell you who the who what why and where is you know why did it happen what are you going to do uh how's it going to work out uh tell us about your neighbors Etc where you live in your own words and you can go at your own pace okay of course thank you so much for having uh me here and the opportunity for me to speak on behalf of my property uh so we have moved into our home of May of 2019 when we first purchased the home um it was very much needed a lot of help and support and some TLC uh the backyard was a complete swamp there was termites uh the whole front shingles roof so we thought that this would be an opportunity um to be able to one be closer to our family and then two to be able to start our own family uh so we took the opportunity and then eight months later Co hit so we started doing some work uh we also had a child so therefore um we needed to get an outlet and the outlet was to try and do better for our home and for our baby so we um added some stuff to our home I do have some paperwork uh just to show a bit of before and after I'm unsure of what the protocol is if I could bring it up to the front just for just visibility we'll pass them around okay thank you these the same packets B so as you could see the front of the home needed a lot of work uh we did receive um feedback that there was improper grading around and dwelling in the yard was a huge concern there was excessive water on the property it started to cause damage um our inspector also indicated to seek expert advice for proper grading Solutions uh the driveway had a widespread settlement cracks uh which had developed throughout the driveway for numerous of for the four or five years um additionally to add on to that our neighbors are a bit older so it was never Our intention to call a Township but they've been having a broken sub pump for the past um four or five years so their clay uh you could see on the second page um and rust has started coming onto our property so we uh sought to build a bit of a driveway um that would help uh it started becoming a mud patch so we just decided to extend the driveway I am completely sorry I was unaware that there needed to be permits pulled for this I just thought that it was just going to be an improvement and we were making it a better place um as far as the backyard we included a shed just to add some extra space again we used contractors from Oldbridge um so we asked in regards to permits and nothing was told in regards to the spacing of the shed being closed to the home um there's still a bit of a gap but I understand there needs to be a certain requirement which we learned uh when we started to pull the permits in addition to that there's a concrete slab that we built in the backyard which is too close to the property line of our neighbors our neighbors um and I are very close with one another they had no issues with this um they actually wanted to appear here today but I'd let them know that it's a little bit too late and they have children so please to stay home um so overall my uh story is that we really are just trying to improve our property we're trying to make this a better place for our family um and I would really hope that um you all see that we've made improvements to the home and we love Oldbridge we don't want to leave and I would hope that you all just take this into consideration um and see that this is just improvements that we've made thank you uh that did happen a lot during Co MH I would agree with you and the board's familiar with a lot of these situations that did happen when people let know where to go and they they wanted to have their entertain their family and uh friends in a safe environment so we're familiar with that let me go to the professional and see what he says what's going on in the property okay Mr holl thank you chairman um yeah as as I say they are requesting a couple variances for a couple structures that were built um probably around 2021 um one speciic specifically for the the shed the Gazebo um um and the the the bar that's attached to the shed um the Varian is that they are requesting um for the shed um because it's over the 150 foot Mark set back is I apologize to interrupt is that the correct one or is that uh because we don't have a bar attached to the shed so I just want to that's the next applicant sure we get the next one I apologize to interrupt it's okay thought sending scene thank you got you 81 gotch you yep yeah so this one was a covered bar with the concrete pad um that was installed 28 in from the sidey yard property line where 3 ft is required the jacuzzi with the concrete pad 16 in from the sidey yard where 3 ft is required and the 6x8 shed that was inst 0t from the dwelling um where at least 3T is required um not really many comments that I have to make on this application um look at the wrong one did you take any note of the drainage there so when I was out there I think August of 2023 um I did notice walking up the left side of the property it was a little soggy I was probably there I think about 2 or 3 days after rain um it it definitely was a little bit more wet um pretty comparable to the pictures that they had shown um these structures um although constructed um were constructed obviously without prior approval from my office and the Construction office so um the applicant wasn't aware of any setback requirements when those um structures were built um anything that they put in didn't really affect uh drainage going off their own proper not not that I know Sherman no where's the um where's the shed located on the on the plan it's the left side of the property line have that shed I think there's a separate Mr clency okay all right it's just a little unclear on the um on the survey and uh the roof is like pitched up to the side of the house correct correct and the entire backyard is fenced correct okay yeah chairman the only comment that I do want to make uh specifically with the shed uh the zoning office requires a three-foot setback from the house um to realistically prevent from it becoming part of the main dwelling and creating a doorway between those two structures to use as living space um the building department and Construction office require a 5ot setback for fire requirements and and fire safety um this shed 6x8 that one it wouldn't require a construction permit so the minimum required setback would be 3 feet instead of 5T um are you planning on using the uh shed for any kind of living space at any time absolutely not it's storing all of my daughter's bikes and trampolines and everything else so it may be helpful for the for the board in making a decision if you would agree ahead of time that as a as as a condition of approval that we would actually list in the in the approval that you would agree that you're not going to use it as living space is that something you would be of course anything the Board needs I'm happy to adhere to yeah is there Electric in it now no are you plan on putting Electric in it uh if it's illegal then no it's it's not illegal but anything I don't want to come back here I I apologize I I don't know what else to do I want you to we we we would be happy if you agree uh that it would is not now were going to be in the future a living space to the house so that it wouldn't be as a mini addition to the house yes it will never be the official was saying that when it's right up against the house you could put doors through right it's interesting I mean there is a bit of a gap in between so yeah you can see that on the picture yeah you're under oath we want you we just want you put that on the I whatever needs to get done chairman I'm happy to do thank you very much Mr clany again um I think so and it looks to me like there's there's three variances needed it's an accessory setback for the bar and the pad 28 inches is what's proposed 3 feet is what's required then we have a second variance for also for an accessory side setback the jacuzzi which is also those are both on concrete pads correct concrete pads uh 18 uh 16 in is what is proposed 3 feet is what's required there and then the final one would be for the um for the shed and it's the accessory uh distance from the principal structure for an accessory structure three feet is what's proposed there's effectively zero feet um or zero feet is what is proposed and three feet is what is required there do that sound like the three things that need to be corrected and then in addition to that would be the driveway okay don't tell us tell us a little bit about the driveway the driveway was just expanded just given that there's a bit of clay coming out of my neighbor's backyard and sub pump um so we tried to eliminate that and avoid that so we as you could see in the last picture um we put a pile of rocks which I was unaware is actually considered part of a driveway I just thought that it could be a Decor or a design and obviously I was completely wrong so I apologize there um so we just extended it a bit and then there was a dirt patch that used to be there so we eliminated that because the dirt patch then started building up all the clay from our neighbors property I don't see it called out at all in the um in the denial letter um Dan do you know if there's an issue with the with the driveway as far as the um if it needs if it needs variance relief so yeah Mr clency um I don't think at first the driveway was made part of their application I think it came up after um where during my review I although I didn't note it on the denial I did note that it eventually will require variance um based on the survey they provided it looks like it's relatively on the property line plus or minus um about a half a foot or so so that would require separate variance for the driveway set back I think that's actually last time we I think that was done as a weight yeah we did it as a design way correct yes yeah so um if it's not in compliance and you're already here and you're under oath m is that something you'd want to add on to bring it ask the board if you can bring that into compliance yes please so design waiver for the driveway yeah so for for design waiver for driveway um minimum should be five feet I think there it's presently five yeah and is it it's about uh what did you say it was uh basically on the line yeah just for the board's kind of information the driveway that existed kind of going back through Arrow images in 2014 was relatively the same size it was just extended more towards the right inside of the property um but I think why while the applicant is here they should probably also seek that variance for the sard setback for the driveway do we know about what the distance from the line is I would say zero feet maybe six inches but zero feet to be okay so for purposes of the uh of what's being asked I it would be a design way 5 foot um from the property line where zero is basically proposed yes I don't see the property line anywhere near it chairman there's a second survey I believe in the packet one that highlights the improvements I think they I think they went over where it says wood tie I got it you know what I'm looking at oh the original survey which is up there yes this thing so if you look if you're look if you're able to look up at the board you'll see on the bottom left it says like wood tie there's like a little box there that's since been it's been expanded over that now correct okay so that's the that's where the confusion was so we're at zero on that Mr holand yes okay and you're GNA ask for design waiver on that yes please uh Mr Hen anything else you want tell the board uh no chairman not does the yard having been there I'm assuming you have been there right yes yes I was there once does it seem to uh work uh the uh items that they put back there I mean uh I know that they're too close to the fence but uh it doesn't you say it doesn't seem to be it doesn't water there's not going to be any runoff onto the other property no it it doesn't appear so it's I'm from what I recall there's a heavy amount of trees in between the the property lines that could provide some relief for any drainage concern should they occur um um I mean should the board act favorably possibly add any condition that should any drainage concerns occur maybe it should be you know um the property owner's responsibility to mitigate any of those concerns that should arise it would be anyway right but but we could we would certainly we could highlight that in the resolution you would agree that if that that does absolutely does cause a problem it's something that you have to deal with not not your neighbors correct thank you let me see if there's any questions from the board I'll go to my left no the shed was a nice shed the shed conformed to the the siding of the house thank you so much anybody else it gotta goes in through a PVC pip where does that drain out um interesting question I am unsure so I cannot answer that but I can get back to this board on that anything else Mr scog thank you like to put it on no okay I'm May right yeah M Andrews yeah I I've noticed you you've uh closed off the garage there's no longer garage so correct but we pulled a permit for that and that was approved and that's closed out already oh okay thank you m test I would just make a comment uh because it's happened to me right now um I have a permit for uh pavers and this does happen um the people that I got to install the pavers said I didn't need a permit no correct so it's good to know you know you knew better however I knew better that was my issue as well so it was a bit disheartening but I'm here now and just trying to make my property a better place all right have you any other direct testimony no thank you I'm GNA go to public go ahead I was just gonna say to for purposes of the record is it fair to say that if you were to had to if you were forced to bring this into compliance it would constitute a hardship does that sound right absolutely because both the the the the um accessory structures in the rear of the yard are on concrete that would have to be busted up moved over repoured um is the shed on concrete as well it's got a little slab underneath it there's no slab there okay but it would it would it would still be a hardship because we'd have to shift shift everything over and then redo um the flooring and the landscaping and same thing with the driveway you have to bust up the driveway as well I would cry a little bit but so it sounds like hardship variance is what a very hardship in my heart okay all right any other direct testimony before I I have to open up a public portion on this matter okay this is 81223 z uh the location is 218 Cindy Street this is for legitimizing a uh jacuzzi shed and bar uh or setback issues if anyone wants to be heard in this matter please stand or raise your hand at this point there for the record there's only two people in the courtroom neither one has raised their hand I'll close the public portion any final comments from you ma'am no sir thank you let me just check board members any final questions or comments before we're go nothing on and Mr Clancy nothing it seems that you've uh established uh all the right uh explanations and what you did and why I agree that it would be a hardship probably for you to do this so so uh we'll see how the board uh votes in favor or not would you like me to take a vote yes please okay uh board members this is uh there are one two there are three C's and a design waiver so we can do them all as one right yes we would vote them on them as a as a bulk uh pack someone interested in moving this in favor of it please do so now ISO ISO beat you it's Quick Test the ver is still second roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner yes Miss tester yes chairman sullon yes and as I said earlier on a lot of people did did these things under the when Co happened they weren't really they were ill informed or non-informed and as a result wound up coming back here but obviously a major home livable for you and your family that's great and any Improvement to homes better improve impres your home improves the community thank you thank you so much be a resolution for this by our next meeting thank you so much I appreciate the time and for all of you listening to me and thank you again you sound like you work and and it's not your first time testifying before board it is absolutely the first time and I've been petrified and building out talking points since a month ago okay well you did you did a great job thank you I'm a little crackly still but I very much appreciate the time and um for the consideration and hopefully everything get approved uh and again a huge thanks to all of you here best of luck to you thank you for thank you all right we're going to go to list one of the evening nobody needs a break right we're going to move right through 80- 2023 Z Michael Scara z uh medium high density residential Zone R7 block uh block 26028 lot 53 the physical locations 177 Park Avenue in Albridge uh applicant seeks to legitimize a 10 x23 shed with an attached p that was installed two foot from the rear property line where 10 is required as well as a 3 foot from the sidey yard property line where 10 is required the applicant also seeks to legitimize a 10 X2 gazebo that was installed two foot from the side property line where three is required Mr Scara yes sir board attorney will swear you in that's it raise your right hand uh do you solemnly swear any testimony you provide before the board will be the truth and the whole truth I do excellent you put your hand down and uh state your name for the record Michael Scara okay that's S C A RP a COR correct thank you Mr scarper anyone else going to be testifying tonight with you no goodby no just me obviously you just watched the previous uh application yes somewhat similar to yours so pretty much spot on yeah yeah thank you for raising your hand yeah that's you wait uh we're gonna ask you to do the same thing to tell us the who what wise okay so um from the neighborhood been here 43 years in April a whole life um around the corner ended up around the corner from where I grew up um so um Life Time in Oldbridge and um uh we bought the house in 16 no garage no basement So within a couple years you can imagine you know I'm uh I do highways and bridges construction so I have a lot of tools so that kind of EDS up we end up getting the shed when Co hit and uh I was working um on the approach to the Holland Tunnel 14 AB andc uh and there was 70% less cars on the road on the turnpike and we were going Non-Stop and over time over time and making a lot of money and uh and then you start reading like uh kids getting like depressed and like missing stuff and I kind of seen it in my oldest stepdaughter and and I was like you know let's let's um build like a outdoor we could watch TV outside we don't got to sit in the house we'll at some couches and then it just kind of snowballed and everything was during Co and um um it it was it was a 10 X6 with an attached roof and um we did the work and then the Gazebo came uh I did kind of like a um outdoor kitchen without you know you could probably spend 150 Grand on an outdoor kitchen mine was a makeshift you know my imersion and it was um one foot too close to the to the to the to the fence I think it has to be three I was two and of course the shed is um more than the 100 um Square fet so you know I'm asking for um you guys for the variants for that as well but everything was done um you know in that stretch of Co where uh it was crazy you know in in in in in this country and and and people didn't know you know people wouldn't leave their house you know we fully understand that you heard me say that before this is not the first time you know people have come in after that which was a I agree with you very scary time right yeah and people were pretty much hit my family hard as well I'm sure and and and they were you know sheltered in their home and afraid to come out so we do understand that we do have to however as I explained put things on the record to justify 100% how you did that and then and I appreciate we'll see if the board is in favor we need to talk to Mr hollahan first okay Dan thank you chairman um yes so the applicant is here seeking a couple variances for structures that were previously um constructed uh one being a gazebo um 10 by 12 that was um that was installed 2 feet from the side yard property line where 3 ft is required um a 10x 23 shed with an attached bar um 2 ft from the side yard property line where 10 ft is required and 3 ft from the sidey yard property where um 10 ft is also required um I'll kind of let the board discuss before I make any additional comments at this point um I I do maybe want to add Mr um Scara um I think the previous conversation we had when I had first reviewed this I had pointed out the rear yard deck um was a construction ever pulled for that deck no uh that was also done um I didn't I I was under the assumption and and and obviously I'm wrong um but um that the the permit did they need to be pulled for the deck is doesn't attach to the house is that is that true or false no there there well that I'm will to go through all the right steps to um to make everything okay you know um just kind of for the board's information although he didn't include the deck as part of the application um kind of based off the survey that was provided um I'm not sure the exact variance that's required um but I do know that there's at least a minimum 7 foot required from that side yard property line um where it appears to be probably somewhere around a foot so I don't know if it's maybe at at this point if we want to include that in the application and is this for the deck yes the deck on the right side yeah well the issue that we run into with decks is there's also a height uh issue which correct comes a little bit of a math problem when you uh when you're uh when you're close to the side depending upon how high it is it actually dictates what the setback is if we don't know exactly what that is at this point yep I don't know that it would be appropriate because I just don't think we can put the correct proofs on to the record to to get there I agree so I would recommend you know that it sounds like the applicant's willing to follow up with construction obviously the Township's aware of it do you think it would be appropriate to just at this point you know let him do obviously he has this application here we can certainly hear what's been proposed but just direct them back maybe to construction have them tell him exactly you know what's right and what's wrong and then uh if he needs to come back one more time to uh to legitimize that if that's what he wants to do I'm okay with that right like a good plan Mr scarper you understand what yeah I understand if it was me requirements the higher they go the the the it's pretty low it's one step yeah well uh again we don't have the we don't know right yeah uh figures so we couldn't say exactly what it would be but you would probably want to we we would put that in the record that obviously you're going to handle that matter and I will go through every correct procedure you need me to go to to make it legitimize you're going have to see the construction uh building department to to to figure out okay you need to do get the proper permits uh and let's we'll do with the other ones the other matters tonight I'm assuming you're going to ask me for a vote tonight right on these other matters I would appreciate it okay uh so one thing at a time but okay you will we will put you on the record to say you are going to handle that deck not full approval but I will address it absolutely full compliance yeah all right um Mr uh did you have anything else Mr Clancy um the only thing other things I was going to put as far as questions relating to proofs obviously this is uh 10 x 12 Zebo is a pretty good size is it on a concrete um base or is it just right on the ground right so I actually um built it into the frame of the deck on one side and then footing on the other side okay so there a footing and it's also attached right so it's not it would be a hard Shi if if you were required to remove that and relocate it to bring it into compliance correct if I need to move it I can move it I just got right but it it would be a hardship because you'd have to deal with a footing that you're relocating and it's attached to a deck so correct it would be a project if you were trying to bring it into compliance that's what it would take right it would be difficult yeah right and then um regarding the shed is that on anything it's on six uh eight footings it's on footings as well right so again we're kind of in the same realm if you were forced to bring it into compliance you have to dig up footings and Reade it would be yeah substantial I pretty much have to take it down all right so it sounds like C2 variance is what they'd be asking for let me see what the board members have comments yes sir I'm G to start on my left Mr Singh Mr Rizo good Mr Stoner I have a question for you you said you're in construction correct right and you're not familiar with permits at all in your field of work so I I buildt highways and bridges um I'm familiar with permits um it was during Co and I'm not going to lie Li you like so I know things have to get done a certain way and um I you know pretty much we were a part where everything was shut down and I thought I could dress either dress at a later date or catch up to me and I'm sitting in front of you today I'm not going to sit here and tell you I'm a 43y old man and I'm blind to the world because I'd be lying to you right but I'm here now so yeah that that answers your question yeah I appreciate John Thank You Cher Andrew test anything else you want me to hear no sir I have to open up a public portion okay matter 80- 2023 uh Z location is 177 Park Avenue this is for legitimizing a gazebo a shed and a deck that's going to be handled in the near future future right absolutely legitimize that it's not being legitimized by this action T can I say something um say whatever you want yeah actually so the um building department knows about the deck and they I've already had conversations with Kevin and he's going to go through it and if I'm out of compliance either gets fixed or gets ripped out so yeah thank you for putting that on the record I'm glad that you've already undertaken yeah okay um public anyone in the public want to be heard in this matter okay there's only one person in the room other than the applicant and they have not come forward I'll close close the public I'll close the public portion thanks $10 I gave her before paid her uh all right uh final comments from the board or questions all this would be C2 hardship for the Gazebo the shed and uh just the Gazebo and the shed uh am I correct yeah just yeah and there's three variances there's the on the on the shed they there's two of them because there we also have a rear so side setback re side yeah 10 10 feet on each twoot proposed for the side three three foot proposed for the rear and the Gazebo only has the one variance three foot is what's required there he's a little short two foot is what's proposed board members you've heard that is someone interested moving motion to approve scagno there second test of verie still second yeah yeah that's life yeah roll call please miss Andrews yes Miss Chevalier yes Mr ISO yes Mr scagno yes Mr Stoner so Mr scarber right right you know it's easy to ask for permission didn't ask for forgiveness but since you being honest my answer is yes thank you sir Mr tester yes chairman Sullivan yes uh again we heard many of these uh and people tried to do the best for their families they could at that particular time whether or not they thought about permits at the time they probably didn't they probably had a lot of other things on their mind but uh I'm Glad You Came forward and make sure you get the deck matter and all all your permits absolutely and best of luck than you so much thank you to everybody on the board I really appreciate you guys thank you all right there'll be a resolution by the next meeting I'm sorry the resolution will be drawn up by the next meeting which authorizes it gotcha okay Mr scar when you get that resolution keep in mind you have to refile zoning permits for the Construction office so if you come in the office and pick up a copy of it come St by my office we'll talk appreciate it yeah I'll be okay once again thank you very much thank you so much I appreciate it good night thank you good night right general public comments uh other than if you're going to say anything we don't have any tonight right okay having people here that's okay okay we like an audience okay all right so there are there is no one here in the public tonight for any general public comments I would ask attorney anything you want to advise the board of at this point no we'll have resolutions for the next meeting for the applications for tonight okay Morin our next applic our next meeting is our next meeting is what month are we in March uh April 8th April 8th that's and I believe that's a Monday correct yes it is okay so it's will not be the first Thursday it will be the I guess that's the second Monday okay April 8th April 8 Monday evening Monday yes all right uh any other comments from the board anybody want to put anything on the record okay I'll ask for an adjournment someone want to move it move it test the vo second second again all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed we stand a jour for e