##VIDEO ID:0iD1kZ-BVQE## [Music] okay good evening every buddy sorry make your wait okay with the open Public's meeting notification of this meeting has been sent to our official newspapers and other Publications circulated in the burough H Pam and notice posted on the bulle board at burough Hall keep in mind that all meetings are videotaped and posted to our website within the next several days and our fire exits are at the rear of the council chambers and the doors that you entered into the council chambers here um roll call please mayor gallager here Council B here Council Boyce here Council caraza here Council gu here here here rise and join me the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all okay our first order of business tonight is a staff appointment and that is for Council Guan all right thank you Mr Mayor uh as we know our CFO uh Jesse has passed her tax collector test so congratulations uh and we would like to make her the deputy tax collector so I'd like to make a motion uh to appoint Jesse coward as the deputy tax collector second second okay any discussion on that roll call please counc councilman Bo counc counc excuse me Juan yes councilwoman M yes Council yes congratulations congratulations okay next is a u a public hearing that's that's ordinance 1265 d24 and is for council president you thank you Mr Mayor resolution whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending chapter 27 of the code of the buau of ultan titled departments by repealing and replacing 27-15 titled officers was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 19th day of August 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and councel of the Bureau of ultan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that said ordinance number 1265 d24 being and the same is hereby adopted on second and final reading and be at final resolved that the buau clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice to publish the notice of adoption as required by law second uh this uh should have been open to the public I'm sorry yes yeah so would anyone from the public like to uh do I have any comments on ordinance 1265 d24 regards the fire department ordinance seeing none and you read it already yes so any discussion from the Council on this VOC please councilman BAGI yes councilman Boyce yes councilman caraza yes councilman Guan yes Miss yes councilman you yes okay next uh public hearing is um ordinance 12 6624 and that is for councilman BAGI thank you Mr Mayor this is a second reading on we're changing the ordinance entitled filming so at this time like to open a meeting to the public second all in favor hi would anyone from the public like to uh be heard on this um amending this ordinance seeing none motion to close second second okay councilman whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance to repeal and replace chapter 125 of the code of the burough of volan entitled filming was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 19th day of August 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of burrow volan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that said ordinance number 1266 d24 B and the same is hereby adopted on second and final reading and be at finally resolved that the burrow clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law second any comment on this saying none roll call please Council BAGI yes councilman Bo yes counc yes counc yes yes counc yes okay next is our consent resolution and that is for council president you thank you Mr Mayor resolution be it resolved that the following resolu Solutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion and the same having been previously reviewed by each council person be and are hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and councel of the buau of ultan bills and claims [Music] release Ava guy good yeah I think you were up to bills and claims bills and claims release cash bonds and escrow release performance bond Central Square o LLC refund 2024 property tax overpayments homeowners refund 2024 proper property tax overpayments lenders forfeiture of loap award contract award Academy electric contractor Inc standby generator replacement confirmed deputy tax collector appointment new firefighter Roto new firefighter Smith a second on that second second any discussion yeah what is the uh generator we replacing Academy electric I'm sorry sewer sewer pump it's for a sewer pump okay didn't say that just we have a it's a generator back up this yeah yeah I mean we have a lot of generators in town I just wonder which what it was for that's all thank you um Jean just one minor thing on the forfeiture of loap award if you can just uh notify the EMS Chief because that pertains doesn't pertain to to the fire department it pertains to an EMS member I actually contacted that member I didn't get a response okay but just as long as it0 yeah yeah it's too late yeah yeah it's too late um do you know if the person has signed up for the 2021 202 okay so just 20 simply notifying that the EMS Chief Do's no other action just instead of the fire chief getting that notice he's going to say what do I do with this it's not even my member send it to the EMS Chief that's it okay yeah okay okay that's it um roll call please Council B yes councilman Boyce yes councilman caraza yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman yes councilman yes do we have any new business uh old business uh requests this was brought up last meeting and do you have an update on that you uh I just spoke to the woman was here and uh she just wanted to clarify what the building department has and I said just she's going to get a letter from the arborist uh stating that the trees are de so and that they can be taken down with no trees going back and all that so this is kind of the waiver process that's well it is but there there are I I think uh Bill Bill and Bob are working on something because there's a couple of questions on the enforcement of it so yeah I'd like to just let the council know that Bob is having a hard time enforcing it uh only because he's not an arborist so he would really benefit from having an arborist maybe with a very limited amount of hours per week so that that person could review make site inspections and either agree or not agree with the arborist or somebody uh applying for a tree removal there's also a question in the the um ordinance because a lot of it pertains to going to the planning board and there's no distinction in it so if there were a couple tweaks so that you could see okay this is where you go planning board what triggers the planning board could uh possibly our Council bar and also Bob discussed that to clarify those yeah what does it take to become a certified AR I mean the easy answer is training and a test there's a test that you have to take get one of our ucation you have to climb a 100 foot tree can we just get our one of our DPW members that's kind of one of the ideas that we have going forward um which we can reveal Mr Mayor if I could yeah um did submit a name actually to Mr Boyce and and to you mayor about uh an arborus that I know I've known him I've known him for 30 40 years uh and sometimes being an arborist it it can be subjective a little bit you know that tree is sick how do you know well I think it's sick you know things like that it's not cut and dry it's not engineering it's it's arborus can be more art sometimes than anything else anyway just for reference he sent me some he is an arborist at uh the town of I guess Ry in across the river he's also upper niyak he's arborous there and he charges $125 per request up to five trees $25 for each additional tree he local lives in uh that's just a reference if if we needed to add someone we would don't to add someone on the payroll but it could be a pum you know 1099 guy and okay this just a I don't know if we need to have someone on DPW train I I think I don't want to s in all that I think down the road we we'll have more bite with if somebody takes a tree down I think if we had to go to court also this person would who independent can say can lot cleaner yeah yeah I I put more faith in that person who does it every day for a job and I think the courts would too if we ever end up in court all right I think as we move this tree ordinance um you know we we've had some tweaks brand new we're trying to line up to to uh conform with New Jersey regulations and things like that so we'll continue to put our thinking caps on and make sure that if it's a d person that we need there to look at the trees but we want to make it right and we' had couple of missteps along the way but nothing major and uh we had two residents last last meeting and I think both left okay with uh are they coming back to request a permit I mean I'm sorry to request a waiver I should wer waer right now okay so okay thank you okay so more on that okay all right thank you um monel affordable housing litigation update um council president uh Brian I know who was on that call so we were both on the meeting and I was on the meeting also a lot of the things that were discussed just under attorney client privilege so I'm hesitant to you know give details in a public meeting but um Michael Collins attorney Michael Collins from Collins King Munch and Collins was retained to represent the group um they have experienced dealing with municipalities and the state government um so so just I'm sorry in a nutshell this was and this was part of a public meeting two meetings ago or so we this this Council authorized to join a multi town uh New Jersey multi- toown lawsuit to challenge some of the aspects of the uh fourth round affordable housing legislation again reiterate we I'll say it every time we're not against affordable housing but we're kind of against the way it came about and some of the major changes that came back came out during the fourth round eliminating COA and all sorts of things so I guess the message tonight is that uh you know we're fighting to we want to build our fair share okay I hate to use that word fair share housing but we want to build our fair share not our unfair share and we want some of the other communities that are exempt from having their affordable housing counted we want it all counted so we you know maybe build less so I sum that up okay you did and if I could just update you mayor um late this afternoon I actually got a draft complaint from the law firm that uh council president you was talking about I sent it I sent it to Jean she sent it to all of you uh and they're looking for response from us so you can't discuss it obviously amongst yourselves but if anybody has questions please don't hesitate to contact me and that'll be an action item certainly for the next meeting and they need a nod to move over cor yes okay is that um that's just we don't have will we act on that next meeting or is that just considered they wanted they wanted it by Friday they're not going to add any municipality's name to the complaint without their consent well we've already consented well yes maybe they're looking for consent to the actual complaint so the draft so you want us all individually reach out to you with any questions or comments yes please okay individually no reply HS right okay okay thank you uh next item is I'll entertain a uh I have old business oh you got old business I do okay house demolition it's been on the back burner um and I don't where we're at anybody have any information I was told by the DPW that they have gotten um free quotes for uh the demolition okay and uh the one seems to it probably will be under 20 to take it down and it the the most it depends on how many loads the take to give it out got it but the delation was not bad at all I think I don't remember but they had the three for that okay so we're poised to move forward then we have money in place correct money in place and I think a lot of going to look at an architect uh so we can get going so what about Green Acres getting in our way uh I say that in a good way once once we get the architect and we have that I there will be on the agenda a hearing on this so that um everybody knows that it's going to get done and that's what Greenacres wants well Greenacres says it's okay to take it down oh yeah yeah and they're okay with what you want to put up oh okay that's really what I wanted to talk about unless bill has something else it's along their their lines but you still have to uh do public hearing and all of that yeah but we'll be in place for like putting a shovel on the ground spring and get it put up get it down by the end of the year down done finished and then next spring go to work so the general concept plan that we came up in that 3D model drawing that we had prepared Green Acres accepted in principle okay I've given that to three different architecture firms I've gotten one quote back I'm waiting for two more at the minimum so that we can compare the bids hopefully we release it within the next month or so they start drawing they prepare the bid package as I discussed this with Tom they would prepare the specifications and bid package and then we would secure bids from various contractors M prior to putting that shovel in the all right great I just want to make sure we're moving forward and not being stagnant that's all thank you great thank you any other old business anyone has okay uh I'll entertain a motion to uh open the meeting to the public so Mo second all in favor would anybody from the public like to be heard on any item tonight hi I hope I'm Sher hono 256 oldan Road and I hope everybody had a good summer and we're all be really happy to have at least for this year no more 100 degree days in humidity it's been brutal um I did I put my notes down so I could try to keep really focused and sweet um over the summer for the past months people have been asking me a lot of people have been asking for updates on 244 Old toan Road as I've been a conduit of information in the past but obviously um there's been nothing to share with anybody so I think it's public knowledge at this point that Capital senior housing has withdra withdrawn their development Bid And I want to thank councilman Guan at actually his research and insight and objection he did he looked into the financials and funding that CSH had and what the costs at the time interest rates were going up and the cost of building and improvement with skyrocketing and the concern was very much that we'd be sitting with a disastrous isore in the center of town um left unbuilt and we'd be destroying the site the forest and a house of you know his historic significant importance that really I don't know if really anyone knew it was on the federal registry and state registry and is considered historic property um so we want to know where where the town is with conversations of course what you can share uh where the town is with conversations with the owner of the property or the principal who if it's still the same owner or if it's transfer hands um it's been obviously long battle and the courts are jammed with other priorities so I understand that's taken quite quite some time but just to see you know has there been any conversations and meetings you can discuss or just proposals or uh offers that the town possibly would buy the property um and there and there other options because I think as everybody knows there was a significant uh amount of people in our community and in the surrounding communities that mobilized to show support for maintaining the open space and maintaining the property uh with the goal of preserving it as a nature preserve something useful to the community whether the schools and children can use one of the building for some outdoor classrooms but really to keep a make it a Cornerstone of the town like you know Japan and some other towns have done with these type of properties and that not let it fall into yet another huge construction possibly going unfinished like we see in Emerson um so that was my first question is there discussions or things that you're able so I will defer to our attorney uh it is in the courts and we probably you should not talk about I'm not an attorney under litigation active litigation okay uh the mayor and Council were updated very recently on where the litigation stands and that's really all we can say so we just know at least they're talking to you know at least there's some updates and it's not just sitting for the next court agenda and put out for a later date is there any idea or talk about timelines on this or it's it still I mean the longer it goes on the better but just again the next the next meeting before the judge is September 17th okay all right thank you for that um uh you know we basically want to know what we can do to help and while we might not be able to talk about anything concrete or anything that we getting you know interfere with this lawsuit or compromise anyone but if there's ideas that the town that the council and the town have of what a goal would be and how the community how people like like myself and colleagues can help you whether it's fundraising efforts uh dig digging I mean you just any you know planting trees we appreciate that but I think it's got to I think at this point it's got to work its way through the courts and and open conversations and but right now it's there's there's probably nothing that you can do from a from a community standpoint well I I think really it's just to reiterate that people are willing to support I mean you and I have had conversations about that just as far as what can we do to help you know we all live here we want a nicer Community we don't want to our property values to go down we don't want you know more flooding and problems with the environment you know so you know we got a little Community we want to protect it um the other side of that too is to just be aware that Bergen Swan who is a million plus that's been sitting year marked for a project like this I don't know if there's been conversations I don't need to know but if they've been contacted at all because other communities are looking for that money now and I know yeah I can tell you that we we've really looked at every option that's that's out there and even options that weren't considered before so uh yes and I will I will compliment uh councilman boce for really champing that that movement there but where we are right now is as as our attorney said it's we're going to have another discussion with the courts on the 17th and that'll be the next baby step I didn't know the legalities of at least them knowing yes all depan is interested if we can apply for it we don't know that we can uh obviously conversations I've had going back over the past couple of years with State officials um and with Swan you know I'm just a resident who lives in town I have no authority to have such conversations other than in theory what we'd like to see and what possibly we could do the other thing too so you know the other thing too regarding the tree ordinance um it was really just a coincidence Channel 2 News just had a whole feature literally as I almost walking out the door what costus my caught my ear in West Orange that they're going through their own little local crisis because a a developer they somebody acquired property and they just cut 250 trees down and they started doing coverage and talking about the importance of the trees and the slopes and the flooding and all this stuff that we heard and I'm sure you're aware of so you know I was like oh this is ironic seeing this as I'm walking at the door because I wanted to ask too um it seems that there's still a lack of awareness in the community that there is a tree ordinance I think we all Drive drive by and all of a sudden there's like a big truck and trees are coming down and some of them are old you know I mean they deserve they give us a lot of positive to maintain it and you know a lot of people just don't even know that there is a tree ordinance so I just wanted to bring up some suggestions I didn't know what's been done to make well still being finalized you heard you know you heard earlier tonight that you know we had a couple of residents last last meeting and they they had questions and they kind of said the same thing we didn't know and you and and and there's are trees dead what does the arborist say are they good trees bad trees uh they're good trees you got to replace those trees because we we don't want you know a developer coming in and just clear cutting it so the intent of the of the of the updated ordinance was not only the uh get in line with what New Jersey what their regulations are saying but a balance between a developer coming in just clear cutting and the right to personal property uh you know there we've had a lot of conversations on the other side of the aisle if you will saying hey it's my house my trees you know you really shouldn't be telling me what to do with my trees so I think what this ordinance is it's a balance between both that and that was our intent we have a little tweaking to do uh to not only get it advertised better we put it on our website a lot of people don't you know go to the website uh we've come up with a new notification system more for emergencies stuff like that but we're we're trying to get that out our building department is well aware of it so if we see a bunch of big trucks show up and the guys come out with Burly guys come out with chainsaws we you know our building department uh is is aware and they're kind of saying hey wait a minute you know do you have the right permits in place and and things like that our property maintenance uh officer is is running around he's Keen to what's going on as well so yes it could be advertised better we want to finish it first and but we're looking to work with residents who have questions saying you know I I I don't have room to put 50 more trees up because I'm taking down six or so and then we get to that conversation that half of them were dead you don't have to put dead ones you know not put dead ones back you don't have to replace the dead ones so there's there's still open conversation uh going on and anything new that that's that happens well I was I was actually really referring to like I drove down in a house on ultan road two guys that weren't even in a fancy truck they were like broken down truck would just cut down all the trees on sides of the driveway and they weren't big trees or this and that but it was just it it didn't seem even like a reputable company um so it was more just it's really just awareness for people knowing there is a I don't is the tree ordinance so then is not final I thought it was Final it's final yeah okay it's final so this we have the opportunity to always change something that just one part of it's new it's new so you know there might be somebody might bring something up and say oh we didn't think of that well my my really my hope is to just be helpful with from the marketing background is to just Market it quite simply besides the sign obviously in front of our wall that people can see that there's hey there's you know save trees you can't you know this new tree ordinance with the URL um but to do a separate email blast which really doesn't cost us s anything specifically hi there's a new tree ordinance here's the URL maybe just a bullet point a few things and just please reach out to us I think it's been my the past several months it's been in my monthly update saying I think it was just went out today Hannah um I got does it have the URL that tell that people can just click I don't that's the other thing too again sent contact website yeah and advertising and people are so burnt out on emails first off everybody in town which anah had told me to not everybody signed up for emails I love everyone sign like when they see it it's like all Japan news it's like not a priority in their day um but another suggestion was just to do a post Direct Mail campaign to every resident that has a QR code they get expensive click it it just sends them to the site just did you know updated it's really to keep old Jaan beautiful and I guess this goes back to I remember old enough to remember the crying Indi and you know watching watching the destruction and litter and all the other stuff so so he wants to send paper out I think I think what a mail paper a direct mail paper made from just like the SE the sewer bill she's not listening um the sewer bill came I came and paid my sewer bill H cuz I like to come in person to pay it and it wasn't in an envelope this time it was just like you know mailed out because it costs less because I know cost of postage is expensive in direct mail but a postcard campaign could be very cost effective because even the money that comes in from permits that we need and just to have some some relationship between the homeowner you do live in a town I know everybody wants to do what we want to do but it's not the wild wide lest we do live in a town other towns like Sher last last year this time we didn't have a tree ordinance I know now we do we're working on my point was you guys worked so hard on it and I looked up three ordinances from other towns to give input and try to help give provide information that people just need to it's just so people know about it that's all we appreciate that and we're trying to get the word out okay just an idea thank you thanks so much barobo 31 nicker Lane at the Pam I was going to touch on some of the points too because I was a little confused with the tree ordinance cuz I thought it had passed but then I was wondering what the questions were as it came up and stuff because I think that's very important and for me personally I mean my house my backyard has been flooding like crazy with these rain storms and last year I came home from vacation and I had to get an emergency plumber to you know fix it for now but then I replace my Su pumps which I have two French drains everything else and in the last two weeks with all the rain the same thing you know what I mean like it's just it takes on so much just so active so with the tree ordinance when people question it's like okay if you want to rip down 100 trees on your property you know that affects the guy down the road and that's a big problem like in Harrington Park and and when you have big projects like that going up all the time you know cement doesn't absorb water you know and and I just feel like you know I know you work with the surrounding Mayors and stuff like that but to get the word out yes affordable housing is very important but overdevelopment is a disaster now I mean you can look at Hack and Sack in all these storms you can look at the the news and people are being their homes are destroyed because of greedy developers and that's what it comes down to you know what I mean and I just want to stand up and say that I think there was something we did discuss at the environmental committee the last one and I actually offered to do it it was going to create like a Google Document and if anybody had issues with flooding or problems with you know what over development can you know of how they could affect their property I would have taken those complaints and built a Google Document I don't know if it ever came to parition but I'm still willing to do that because I know I'm not the only person in this town or the surrounding towns or you know that are being affected by this so I don't think you're going to have any anyone up here tonight saying that we're for all this development that's going on you heard tonight that we just joined a uh you know with tax pay your dollars you know we're going to fight it we're we're going to we're going to go down swinging and I do read your updates time so I am the person that clicks you know thumbs up every time your update comes out all thank you so and too like you know I went with Wendy King we give out the saplings at the the school every year we talk to all the kids AES the importance especially now of you know putting trees in the ground and every time something goes up I take those saplings and I put them in my own backyard it's like I'm going to keep doing it you know what I mean and hopefully I have a bunch of you know nice trees in my backyard to take on what's affecting my house what flowing your way yeah exactly I mean literally you can look down the street and I know there's sewer work everywhere because it can't keep up storm water work storm water yeah it just can't keep up with what's happening now and it has to be address and I know you're all doing your best to me personally I mean it's affecting my house like sometimes I'm afraid to go upstate because I'm like you know what what am I going to come home to you know so we hear you yeah and we're again on the development side of that we're doing everything we can good okay all right thank you everyone thank you thank you see you at the next EC meeting anybody go do yes anyone else from the public come on up [Music] Sam hey Sam hello 6 Charlotte please I items uh so the first one is kind of like almost useless to talk about but no maybe not uh with the deer so um I don't know what's your [Music] opinion you don't want to hear my opinion so no so all seriousness I um I had a discussion recently with some other Mayors riverville uh and Westwood and then then some others I attend a meeting every month PC Valley mayor Association and every couple of years I'm I'm brand new sitting in this seat here but every couple of years this comes up and I brought it up myself you know being the rookie and they said Tom you know we've we've gone round and round and uh I actually think Saddle River may have just rehired like the the h b Hunters Association Hunters um it'll be their last year in office and I'm not um so much concerned about that but the deer are a problem there you know a lot of people say Well they're cute and this and that my wife will complain that you know they eat all their flowers we can't have anything in the front of our house but I know we've had you and I have had Lyme disease discussions and uh car versus uh deer insurance people getting hurt uh there's a lot of issues with that uh I don't unless someone a lot smer than me up here has a solution to that um we squeeze out there habitat um you know we talked about overdevelopment and um they got nowhere to go they're they're hanging out in Suburbia now so I don't yeah have a yeah no I wondering if anybody's like actually interested in in like you know trying to handle that you know in I guess in not word I don't I don't believe I don't want to speak for the rest of I don't believe we've had some discussions but I don't believe that um as as a governing body we're we're looking forward to getting into a a hunt whether it's with the bow hunters or sterilizing them or other things I I don't I don't think I I I think as the planning board moves forward we've had people asking about higher fences you know to keep out you know at least to be able to have a a Haven in their backyard or something but I don't think anything besides that is is being considered right now yeah I mean cuz the real reason I'm asking is uh um you know a lot of people complain about their shrubs flowers things like that getting e um but you know that's just part of living you know in nature is that we have to adapt um but I think the thing we can't adap to is the health risk that comes along with it like there's no like it's unacceptable which health risk what health risk well so like disease Lyme disease happens to be on deer we don't if there were no deer we'd have lime disease right it's not about necessarily about the deer they're attracted to do people freak out say oh I saw a deer we must have Lyme disease not true other animals are vectors for the tix as well the ticks are just in the grass too I mean it's not necessarily coming from an an I'm sorry go ahead yeah I've seen an uptick you know I like that and uh people getting um bit by takes like you know I've lived here my whole life never knew really never knew anybody that was bit by a tick um and now I've had several people including myself that have been uh in my family that have been bit by ticks and you know I got a very rare disease from a from a tick um you know car carried by Deer uh and it's it's debilitating um and you know and now my wife was just just bit by a tick in this last week uh you know besides the fact that they defecate all over our long all the time oh that's um uh so it's it's a health risk now uh yeah Sam I think I could make a recommendation maybe you come to the environmental commission meeting and we come up with a strategy at the next meeting does that sound good just I doesn't sound Environmental so we could we could we could discuss it further there there is a grou there is a group uh build that um a group of hunters and I I forgot their name they have an Acron um I forgot their name but they work they have a butcher that goes with them mobile and they they're bow Hunters they kill deer and they they're butchered on site and then the meat is donated to the food pantry food pantry is through Newark and Trent MH that one uh it's pretty in in New Jersey yeah yeah not to talk but you know it there's there's like a lot more people getting good by tick now uh you know I spray my property with deer out and it does work but but you know then it rains and then the deer comes because I forgot to spray again um and yeah can I ask all on the why not you got to come up and take your name and all that Patrick Gamby 16 Autumn Lane why not sterilization I mean other towns have done that I don't know the answer to that but it would be something you guys would be open to discuss I went to a seminar a couple of years ago about sterilization it costs a lot of money and it's I heard it's only 50% effective so cost wise it doesn't make sense there's no way to track the data afterwards yeah you're still going to have a deer problem after after paying tens of thousands of dollars for sterilization if you do it year after year to try to the only way to deal with this problem I've learned or I've heard is by calling that's the only way only way to deal with this but that is a very unpopular Choice obviously yeah yeah very I mean I wouldn't care personally honestly is there a way for us to take a poll in town honestly we should because I I like the deer I think look nice you know and everything but again it it's uh I'm afraid that like one of my kids is going to get get by deer is it is it me this year is really bad this year is really bad it's really bad I've seen deer walking around town that have broken legs yeah you know and they just keep on trying to survive with a broken leg and it seems like every year they're less and less afraid of you yes oh yeah very much so it used to be very rare that I'd see a buck I see bucks all day long they're they're also now used to us um it's really changed all right Sam would you attend the meeting and uh maybe talk with Council voice all right thank you on that point because there's less open space that where they used to live we didn't see them yeah we mentioned that because I don't know that they're procreating any quicker than they always did and no question to Habitat it's just and there's also all the backyards and fences now if you drive through town yeah Trenton's not considering that onbody FR lawn we see them that's not part of Trenton's thought process on the housing mandates exactly all right Sam number two okay number two uh it's like all the little uh electric um bikes and scooters and things like that someone's going to get by a car uh they are cruising around in my neighborhood um there was one on Russell Avenue yesterday on this little tiny electric par going up and down the street at like 7:00 at night yelled at the kid he told me to call the cops you know and uh no helmet no nothing he was going to get hit and you know but it's also when I was in high school there was like a select few kid guys who had mopeds but you had to have a license plate on it and you had to get a permit people now just go on Amazon they buy an electric bike and they can cruise up and down 30 miles an hour around the roads and Ryan could you ask uh could you take that to the chief of police well I'll ask the chief I know you have to I know they're allowed I know they have to be under 25 miles an hour good luck with that uh because I see them going past my house probably should be working towards some sort of policy I I agree so maybe if you can get with it's not getting better right it's getting worse all right so we'll I I will take care of that commissioner we'll take that up with you know we had the whole thing step line like it's going to happen yeah it it's yeah anyway and then the last one uh another unpopular one is uh no one brings popular stuff here yeah what happen tayor Swift or something the like noise levels with one equipment um yeah yeah the I don't know seems like uh nobody really wants to M their lawn anymore you know and the landscapers are really just after uh whatever equipment is going to get the job done fastest it's all about just like get there get it done as quick as possible and get out of there and I completely understand that and I'm not saying like they need to buy all new equipment obviously not realistic but like um you know even my father who's like worked his whole life in construction there's a there's a crew coming to the house next to us now the and the lawnmowers are so loud even my father who's like basically you know L is hearing at this point is like he can't stand it he's it you can't have a conversation when the stuff is running outside um and I've had to go outside a few times recently because I think it's 8:00 you're not supposed to start before 8 we have an ordinance we we actually updated our ordinance uh couple years back where I think it's Fridays at 6 o'clock you're done with uh commercial land you can't tell a homeowner you can't cut his grass at 8:00 at night um but commercial I think it's six o'clock and it ends earlier on Saturdays too and no and nothing on Sunday no you know per no For Hire landscapers and so on Sundays yeah so I just um I sort of wanted uh we got a lot of push back on the six o'clockish or so because it's it's it's still daylight at 9 o'clock at night in June so well it is what it is and but you know we have like necessary construction like roads you know we need to drive houses need to get built all this stuff um Landscaping having you know your lawn cut by somebody is a luxury like you don't need that and that's that's Up For Debate you know be honest I'm just saying like it's sort of like a luxury construction I think uh and you don't cut your grass you get a lot more ties yeah what are you suggesting no no no I'm saying so I think it's reason able to limit it to 9 to5 like this are standard business hours a lot of people work from home now I work from home so I hear it all day that's that's like a valid point there and you know we'll uh consider that it's again it's just hearing for the first time tonight but it's yeah it's a valid point with work from home and I I get that you know more you know we did we did change but the landscapers I mean I know like I work I'm quasi in that business and the landscapers I know they're they're not these guys aren't these guys aren't living in $2 million homes these guys are trying to make a living so they start at 7 and they got a guy cutting at 7:05 a.m. and they got to get through nine Lawns that day otherwise it's going to rain tomorrow so they got to maybe do 12 Lawns today and they're just trying to make a living and they're well then maybe they having their own issu little bit more to UL you know $2 million homes I get it uh I'm not disagreeing with you or or just like you know maybe just limit it to the number of active equipment that are running at the same time like you know you have two Le it's not double I understand but how would you enforce it we could we could make all the laws we want up here yeah but how do we enforce there's a guy with a leaf blower on anothers two how how do we enforce that um write a ticket Well if I knew if I knew that like for example I went over to the guys they they started up at 7:30 and I was like Hey you're not supposed to start till 8: you know like my babies are sleeping like and they they waited till 8 if I saw a bunch of guy you know what I mean like if we had a thing where it's like okay no more than two leaf blowers at the same time um you know I would go over there and be like hey I would just tell them you know for people that care you know are are bothered by it you know I hate leaf blowers I do to anyway that's it thank you one more question certainly can I saw in your update a little surprised deto 31 nicob bakaran hold Pan um so I noticed that you you said that um the mayor council opted to opted out of a survey not a study a study which I was surprised that because you would think that all the new people coming into town there's obviously much more um burden to EMS fire department all that so I'm surprised that so the core so one the management of the Ambulance Corp was against the study um it was a it was kind of to it was led by Hillsdale M uh right now what they have in place they have a perdm they they pay their EMTs from 6:00 am. to 600 PM um Monday through Friday and um it's costly for them right so they wanted someone to share the burden M so if you're just a geography so you got Hillsdale which runs about twice as many daytime calls as oldan you have Rivervale who opted to get into the study that runs about 50% more daytime calls than old depan and I don't know the on Washington Township I think they just said yeah we'll jump in you know we're not sure what we're doing there it's probably it's definitely more don't want to speak for them but we just felt that uh whatever the study might come out with ultan was going to be uh one we're at a dead end compared to those towns so where was this ambulance going to come from was it going to come from Hillsdale or or Washington Township so we just have we've been an open conversation with uh um with with our volunteer ambulance Corps they've presented some things last year uh they had some good points some things we're a little uncomfortable with so it's an ongoing discussion but we didn't feel and I can tell you that the amulance courp was not in support of some sort of conglomerate if you will with Hillsdale Township riverville and ultan we felt like we would get the the short end of the stick if you will so we opted not to take that taxpayer dollars and throw it into a study that we felt we knew what the answer was but you'll get the benefits if anyway CU my feeling is too is like if the they keep developing and more and more people move into town these are volunteers and if Nobody's around who answers those calls those those are things that so the county has a program now the hospitals run a program and we're in discussion with uh with our core on other incentives that could get if you're a student or if you're uh you know a professional you're not you could you could throw a million dollars at someone if they're a volunteer at night they're not available during the day so we are having other discussions on C certain things that we can do during the daytime hours but whatever we do we want to make sure that the benefit is to the ultan residents and maybe not to the hills that Resident okay can I follow up on that mayor please okay it just came down to Geographics it just didn't make sense to kind of have a partnership like that we are much more interested in in forming some kind of partnership with neighbors to our West directly to our West directly to our South directly to our east east maybe the four maybe the four sending tools four sending towns to the high school yeah so we had discussions like this some that in my mind would make a lot more sense in forming a partnership with Hillsdale Washington Township and River like the DPW like right don't you work with the other town you work with all the other town then okay thank you but we didn't do anything that the court didn't want us to do okay okay okay would anybody else in the public motion close second fav all right okay motion to adjourn so move okay uh we'll move into our executive meeting um all call please mayor gager here Council Bard here counc Boyce here coun here Council here coun here councilman you here okay uh Engineers report Tom than mayor good evening everybody Tom just a couple brief updates uh Road program for 2024 is recently completed they they actually are still doing some of the cast iron frames and grates um this week but the road paving Millian Paving aspect of it is done um went smoothly couple minor issues nothing having to do with the road just having to do with um you know resident type issues um that will be addressed and frad Street drainage will start next Monday um that as you probably recall project was scaled down just because we didn't have uh the funding to do the the larger project so it's probably only out in two weeks Max worth of pip workk so that one should go quickly um and that's it do you have any questions am one the Wolf Road M mhm what happened it didn't go all the way to the end R out of money no yeah that was just money we have one more round of do where we're going to do drainage at the golf course opposite Candlewood there's an issue there off the road and we'll finish the payer all the way at the end of duel yeah Tom do you know uh I believe residents are moving into the um luxury rentals at at at Old depend road yeah when are they going to reconfigure that intersection by by state and um I believe that was part of the plans where that yeah there's really not much being done there they it's all signage on site so you can still go in the funky entrance right next to by that's a double in yeah it's in Inc coming in heading west and in from like the high school Direction so you can make a left coming from from the west from riverville let's say into yeah you can make a left in there on a green light yes you're in the left hand you can it's you got two options by state or yeah the far one yeah I think there were some changes to the signalization maybe the timing of it but that was it nothing else more okay I thought they was going to be bigger no and if you're coming out of the site using that road you're forced to make the left into the retail area you can't so that you can't at that light right but that's the only difference okay all right so therefore the light doesn't need to be somewhat adjust because you're not coming out there yeah there was a lot of discussion at the planning board level yeah and the county kind of overruled on that it's a little funky okay that's WR Tom I know we talked about uh the pavers um the paving program their performance last time you said you were I think you said overall they did well performance-wise yes I've heard one or two complaints from residents that they were very inconvenience I don't know what that means really but have you heard anything like that I think you can't do a Paving project and not get one or two complaints consider that way impossible they were always properly noticed and everything like that absolutely absolutely were a couple people who were upset well not even a couple people one was upset that there was sub on the B Road for a little mile okay but from what you saw nothing out of the ordinary no they were conscientious they tried to keep people out of trouble some people will just blow past somebody who's waving their arms and then they get themselves in a predicament that they shouldn't be in and they get tack coat on their car and put it on their driveway um it's really difficult to to eliminate that stuff um did you have an opportunity to speak to the commercial building in front of uh The Enclave regarding the tree sizes they had installed yeah they're not up now because Brett from creative pavers is the one planting those um couldn't find them MH and was trying to get them from some other nurseries but he knows to install yeah it's 4 and a half to five yeah they were pretty W thanks for looking into that y anybody else thanks Tom thank okay thank you all right Council committee reports we'll start with Council Mo Guan thank you Mr Mayor uh fairly quick report today uh in terms of Library last time we met remember the uh roof had leaked uh the kids' room in the library had flooded uh that roof has been repaired uh and then DPW and Andy came to replace the ceiling tiles so everything is fixed there uh terms of the summer reading program 175 kids were registered that is a record uh in mid August like on the 19th Story Hour I attracted a record 52 kids in the middle of the summer so that also is a record so Library doing well uh the board meeting is on September 11 so I will be attending that uh next week in terms of OEM on the 28th of August we met here in um council chambers uh to prepare for Town day uh there was a tabletop exercise uh some scenario analysis you know what uh in the case of something happening how would uh each you know the police Fire EMS DPW how each would uh react to that situation um who would take the lead Etc uh so that was successful uh and then uh terms of Code Red the notification system they finished their training and then there will be a table at Town day to help uh residents sign up for that notification program and uh mid Monon this month there's going to be a County uh OEM meeting which uh Andy will attend that's the end of my report thank you Mr Mayor thank you coun Boyce thank you Mr Mayor this be brief as well um the veterans are again looking to make it a veterans friendly town by having parking veterans parking signs in various Parks there'll be a new one at Stone Point Park I think this week the banner program is going well although we only have two completed applications we have dispersed I think 18 or something along 18 or 19 of them and the veterans also would like to have a table at Town day um to introduce the organization to the town I think it's a great idea very excited uh for that the golf course also had a leak in their roof uh at the clubhouse uh which having Court just brought up the library leak maybe we should consider Roofing both buildings at the same time maybe economies of scale I don't know what that would cost Jesse um maybe that's something we should look into thankfully the Golf Course Le leak was fixed by our own DPW oh nice thank you to the DPW um and the environmental commission meet is reconvening meetings this month so I know we already have a few things on the agenda as discussed tonight I'm looking forward to that and um that concludes my report thank you Council councilman corazza thank you Mr Mayor um Construction in the month of August um we had new construction of $500,000 in addition of$ 29,500 alterations were $683,000 148 in the month we collected in permits $24,885 year to date we've had construction and alterations and additions of 9, 9,170 and we've collected $250,000 in permits in reference to DPW we already talked about the golf course about the water problem they fixed the roof meeting the rec the recreation director about town day meeting with soccer about the field layouts multiple meetings with AGM contractors in regards to Road repaving meetings with sidewalk contractor about work to be performed a meeting with Pump Station software company in reference to the work that DPW did it's a lengthy list but in the LI of time tonight I'd like to uh count the first two and the last two just so I could speed it up un unlike thank goodness the council president Jim hu when he says it's going to be short it gets long I promise to get that into the rec catch baser repairs were completed for the year 19 catch bases were repaired on the burrow roads Pavilion and Fieldhouse at Stone Point were pressure washed and resealed end of my report Mr Mayor uh Council update on the um we're in conversation with u DPW contract yes okay um myself uh councilman BAGI and Boyce met and we talked about the uh ideas uh that we had Jesse and Anna gave us a couple other things in reference to the budget instead of doing $10,000 increments on each U step we decided to come up with something simple uh Bill Boyce was supposed to send Court talk no specific uh Bill Boyce was supposed to send Court some information bill got a little busy couldn't do it I asked Court about it the first thing I said tonight Court uh was ongoing yes and we'll have a meeting sometime next week okay thank you ongoing I like the way you speeded at me up all right coun BAGI uh yes police um we we had a new hire that didn't work out in the end so we are going back to the drawing board with our previous interviews and we're going to come up with another candidate within a month awesome that is all I have for police I'll have full report next I sent you uh you and uh council president you just something on the County 911 and just I sent saw I saw it really late so I didn't really you know something that maybe a conversation with the chief and I don't know why we don't use the County 911 I don't know just using Central now yes and we're paying for that Jen yes how much I don't know how much okay you know read the articles see what now supposedly you get 911 I skim through it looked like it was and you pay for Fire EMS and other stuff so I didn't understand it I remember hearing a lot of reasons not to go with the county okay I I've heard that too from our July 1st it became free to the county so or to the towns in the county so anyway just if you can dive in and I will look at that see what your counterparts with EMS and Fire have to say about that you don't want to buy more radios y so so all right thank you uh councilwoman misso all right thank you Mr Meyer um commission is actually meeting tonight right now so I'm trying to get over there for the end of that meeting but um we met uh Tuesday August 20th to discuss um the upcoming soccer season that's actually now uh started so thank you to Craig mer for that um the group discussed our updated updated payment system for officials that follows uh government regulations so I wanted to clarify this with Jesse tonight actually that all officials must submit a W9 form for the season we'd like to implement that because if something happens it be hard to get them to turn something in yes to it's harder to track them down so I just wanted to make everyone aware of that uh that I have two of them right now from soccer just so I say it's so as my role in the soccer league I've asked all the refs to get w9s I've gotten two so far so it's it's in process the season starts next weekend you're trying to she trying to roll into into the spreadsheet you have to drop down you can only pick people have providing the proper yes and I think that's that's a safer way so that we're not chasing people down and that we have it on it's also only for ultan games so they can be assigned somewhere else and not have to submit a W9 to Ulta pan so I just wanted to clarify pay if we're paying the coach for someone they have to be on that list they have to be part of that's what I'm saying if that referee never if they never come here then I don't if they never referee an ult toen game then they don't need a W9 yeah correct so thank you uh Jesse for guidance on that and congratulations by the way um Rec commission's hosting a guest speaker John O salivan October 15th to speak to coaches and parents to emphasize the focus on each child's development and enjoyment of Recreational Sports his Ted Talk is called changing the game in Youth Sports and it's been viewed over half a million times um so they're going to have a morning session with parents during the day and an evening session at nvot uh pending approval uh and I just have to talk to you about that uh separately about getting the firehouse possibly during the day I know there was something else scheduled but I'll talk to you separately um the burough is having a movie night this Friday night as a kickoff to town day so if anyone's around uh the movie is Back to Future 7:45 at Stone Point um so if anyone's around to attend that it it was fun um last time we had that town day of course is the Saturday September 7th from 1: to five 5 at Stone Point the rain date is Sunday just be aware of that cuz weather's looking not so great Saturday but great Sunday so if that's changed you'll hear from us uh we're busy working at planning great day with rides activities and refreshments and just reminder to invite your friends and neighbors and hope to see you all there I know mayor Gallagher will be flipping the burgers and uh about flipping yeah no but thank you for your contribution I I got to do that so yeah good see tomorrow um and then uh Board of Health I'm going to just make this a lot more concise um they were talking tonight uh there was some questions about Lyme disease I just wanted to report the number of Lyme disease cases this week actually remained level and is below the the average number reported in the past two years um and several other tickborne diseases are lower than in 2023 but the county department of health services said that there is a press release forthcoming from the DP regarding mosquito born illnesses particularly EE and West n virus but nothing has come from them um yet thankfully Bergen County has not had any ee cases because we don't have much of that hardwood Cedar Swamp habitat but there are surrounding counties that do so they just wanted us to know that they're keeping an eye on that um NJ dooh reports eight human cases of westnile virus have been reported in 2024 from Bergen County and multiple other counties across the state and thank you to the burough uh Anna for sending out the Bergen bites back program for information for our residents to see the resources and checklists available to Residents and lastly historical committee is hosting the town's 130th birthday party on Sunday October 20th at the firehouse reminder to drop off your pictures and artifacts for the time Town Time Capsule at the Historical table at Town day and that is all have Mr Mayor sorry thank you thank you for that thorough report council president thank you Mr May mayor as the mayor alluded to earlier today schools will start up again tomorrow please use caution when driving around school zones I've learned that Melissa Del Roso a longtime School Board member has resigned her position and she be seeking a seat on the high school board her vacancy I'm told has been filled I'm looking forward to working with the new board see what the burrow can do to help our school children our senior citizens a few of them will be attending a senior Fair on Thursday September 12th at vanon Park and a lunch and learn is planned for Thursday September 26 I want to thank the crew from the fire department and the first day Corp for participating in paddle day in Lake Japan and Camp Serendipity for Camp day with First Responders and please be sure to visit them in town day uh will they'll be serving up burgers and hot dogs to our residents our fire department responded to 20 calls for service in the month of August one of the calls involved putting out a small kitchen fire and the other uh involved a car accident on Orangeburg road and mapan road our first a core in the month of August uh received 54 calls for EMS Services responding to 38 of them 23 three of the 54 were in the buau of alapan and seven of the calls were during the day when the when they were unable to staff an ambulance those seven seven dropped calls were picked up by either the county or hackensac medical center and patients waited on average 12 to 15 minutes for medical services and just to highlight that point again 12 to 15 minutes it may not seem all that long but for somebody that's that's injured or in need of help that that is does seem like an eternity so we need to um bring up the discussion of how we're going to solve this for our residents I plan to talk to more people around the area and come up with a solution and I invite um Bill and Court to join me I'm sure we'll come up with something real soon that concludes my report Mr Mayor I have a question um School Board Melissa Del Roso is getting off of the local school board going they resigned her position there and you said they replaced how what's the process don't don't they have process they it's an opland application process and they had one applicant and then they're appointed they're to run for election they to run for election in November okay and who is that person I do not know the name yet okay I don't know I just didn't know the process it's very similar to what we do here it is very similar okay so I know Melissa's been here a lot of times all of us know her she decided that her she'd better serve the school kids in the high school yeah I'm sure she'll be great Mr Mayor on a lighter note I just let make make an announcement my daughter got a job five weeks ago on Happy Gilmore 2 she is the costume wardrobe coordinator they put out an advertisement now you know about Marist toown New Jersey because all the background well 27,000 people showed up for that casting call but they put out another one they're looking for a body double for Adam Sandler 5 foot n 5 foot 10 dark hair I took Andy brackenberry pictures and I submitted them to Casting yesterday and I did on Friday I gave them to another casting agent and I called Andy today to give me a couple more updated pictures and I'm hoping he gets a casting call because I believe he looks like Adam s he know he doesn't did did Andy approve yeah no he didn't approve did Andy approve he sent the pictures I may have been off you couldn't refuse is this a body double or a stunt double body double does the GIF approve of that the GIF answer approved of him being he's not jumping off no golf carts it's a body double okay thank you Mr Man all right body dou okay thank you for that uh I have no additional comments tonight uh August was a a light slow month we'll get back to more real real real tough business come up ahead of us so u a motion to adjourn second done