okay good evening everyone here at at home uh in compliance with the open public meeting law notification of this meeting has been sent to our official newspapers and other publication circulated in the in the Bureau of alapan and notice posted on the bulletin board at bur Hall please note that these meetings are videotaped and posted to our website and not our fire exits are at the rear of the council chambers and at my left your right um uh the doors that you entered today um call please here here here okay please rise for pledge allegiance i al the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all please remain standing as councilman voice let us have a prayer tonight thank you Mr Mayor Lord as we prepare to begin our meeting we recall the promise you made to be present when two or three are gathered in Your Name Lord Inspire us with your spirit of wisdom plant seeds Ron BAGI of your vision in our hearts and Minds give us humor and give us humility as we work together help us each realize the unique gifts you've bestowed upon us and recognize and appreciate those gifts in others a partial reading of Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd I have what I need let me lie down in a garden p in Green Pastures he leads me beside Quiet Waters he renews my life he leads me along the right paths for his sake for his name's sake even when I go through the darkest Valley I fear no danger for you are with me Lord help us bravely go down the right paths and the right policy paths for our community of old Japan and Beyond in Jesus's name amen amen amen okay I'll entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public so move second would anybody Sam from the public like to be heard motion to close second okay all in favor okay uh next order of business is a staff appointment and that is for councilman Boyce oh boy um so at this time I'd like to Appo U Evan kson as the Fire Marshall for a two-year reappointment um we open that public no just uh a second okay any uh any comments any discussion okay seeing none roll call please yes yes yes yes yes okay next is a um public hearing this is for councilman voice as well uh ordinance 1248 d24 tree preservation and removal adoption um okay so this is from the bur clerk's office ordinance number 1248 d24 second reading fin approval i' to open it to Second reading it's a second reading so I'd now like to yeah do I say open it before I introduce it wait it's been introduced so it is do you have amendments um so that's what I was going to ask um there are amendments that went to the attorney from so would you like to table this till next meeting so the burough attorney uh yourself and I'm guessing the environmental commission perhaps can get on the same page yeah I'd like to take this opportunity to bring you up to speed on where we actually stand with this so the planning board meeting at the last uh planning board meeting last week we had a lengthy discussion about the let's table this and then under your planning board report you could sounds good bring everyone up to speed perfect okay yes I don't need a second the table something do I no no okay all right thanks Bill you're welcome um next is our consent resolution for uh Council BAGI thank you Mr Mayor resolution be resolved that the following resolutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion and the same having pre having been previously reviewed by each council person B and are hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and Council of the Bal toan bills and claims release cash bonds and escrow Mutual Aid and assistance agreement spark Hill Palisades fire department a second on it second okay any discussion seeing none roll call please counc yesc yes counc yes Council yes councilwoman M yes okay let's move on to our Council committee reports um first one for councilman Guan you Mr Mayor um yeah a few comments here so concerning Finance as you know the budget meetings were very fruitful um went pretty smoothly I know we're waiting for final approval uh last week uh for OEM actually had a my first meeting uh it was a meeting with the police Fire EMS and it was there as well uh we had a discussion about uh communication systems right and and as we talked about the budget in terms of of uh new mobile uh Communications Etc we wanted to be on the same uh wavelength um but uh being on the same digital channel Etc we wanted to make sure that the police fire and EMS could communicate uh when there was a situation in Old toan right so making the communication old toan Centric I know the police have separate system fire separate system EMS separate system to communicate with other towns uh but this was a coordinated effort to make sure that we as a town could communicate with each other uh during something if something happened in town uh obviously we discussed Kenwood versus Motorola in the budget uh as well as during this meeting I think they came up with a cost effective solution which I think and and if you can confirm uh within the budget that we've laid out uh for this year the problem was that everyone's on the same channel once they go to fire fire once they're there the problem with the DPW the fire and DMS was getting there they did not have because they're on VHF not the Apex uh 800 is it or 700 so it's an easy fix um fire the fire department can just get to kenwoods which is a try band and they could put them in the the apparatus so that um even they've responded to you know Mutual Aid and all that stuff they can then get get in touch with DW should they need to be in front of them for anything um or street is closed uh em also uh was planning on getting uh radios and now they will get the same on so they they are on the same page and then also the um police will be on the same page they they already have um and as far as emergency Ser uh uh office of emergency management they will get the Portables um and they will put a um docking station at the fire department the uh police andw and that's for emergency purposes so other than that I mean they they pat it out everyone's on the same page and uh communication should be like some of the current mobiles for example can be converted uh to the new system so we don't have to buy new ones Etc so it was a very cost effective meeting um so I thought that was very uh very good um Library uh had a library board meeting uh this is post uh budget presentation Etc uh I led the meeting kind of at the beginning and talk to them about uh expectations for the upcoming year I kind of view this and and most of you are individual investors uh what I told them was that mindset has to go from being sort of a value company to more of a growth company right and and looking at new programs and really giving a good return on the investment that the town and the council has given them for the upcoming year right and so instead of just doing the same old thing and doing it more efficient and looking to cut cost obviously they're cost uh very cost aware but really um uh assigning responsibility to the board to come up with new ideas new initiatives I said that each board member should come up with three new ideas and and they discussed actually a few of them right there during that meeting so I think that mindset remember uh there's been like 20 to 30% growth in terms of customers and and an increase of population so uh that mindset has to change here um and they will be accountable for a solid return on our on the town and council's investment in them um three no ideas uh they had fundraiser ideas as well uh so beware that uh anyone coming to your door to uh bring you to jail like previous years might be in play this year uh there's also discussion of the bylaws uh and secession plans um just in case so the head librarian turns 70 next year uh in my company our board you know our c CEO or CIO was 6062 years old and the board made uh you know the company come up with a secession plan uh we have key man risk as they have keyw wom risk and so they're just going to the bylaws to see in case knock on wood either something happens or she decides to retire that they know the procedure in finding a new library headl good idea yeah great um and you know so they were discussing about qualifications you know uh Susan was mentioning you have to have an undergrad degree as well as a master's degree and they discuss the qualifications of the current employees at the library whether they have them Etc so that was on the table as well um okay and then uh new carpet colors were discussed and uh that's my report Mr Mayor thank you thank you councilman um councilman Boyce thank you Mr Mayor I'd like to take this opportunity to let you know how the uh conversation with the planning board went at regarding the tree or so at the meeting we discussed um everybody on the planning board pretty much weighed in on the the tree ordinance that had very many questions but it just came down to one subtle detail um I believe in the tree ordinance it was whether we were cutting down two trees or four trees because the language was a little uh conflicting in in one of the uh um areas so can I ask a question just uh the review by the planning board my understanding that this was to make sure it was consistent with our master plan that's correct were they to pick it apart and say hey I think we should have this in there or take this out of it I didn't think that was the intent no they appreciated the thoroughness of the uh actual ordinance they uh more just had questions so they would know how to respond to it okay um and I don't mean that they're value I mean yeah love all their opinions I think they're they're a great board just you know we're so far into it you know sometimes to many CLS in the kitchen kind of thing know they were referring to us they also uh Dave Keel was at that meeting as you know he the chairman of the environmental commission and he supported it as well the trade ordinance fully um in fact the planning board voted on it they all agreed in the new update um with modifications the only only modification that we know of without having writing thus far is that you know two tree versus four tree conflict in that one bit of language there so I called Brian Brian's reviewing that to make sure it's not a substantially different change from what we had so we don't have to reintroduce it I leave it to Brian to guide us on that okay that's really it we you weren't here we tabled it oh okay till next meeting because just just to get those couple things done plenty of time yeah okay yes we table one I'm moving on to the veterans uh committee we had a meeting last week we're continuing to uh Envision the memorial additions in Oaks Park they're very excited about that um and that pretty much concludes my report okay thank you councilman corazza yes thank you Mr Mayor um I spoke to our superintendent of DPW today and asked him for a a small report and he told me that the lights have been installed at the pickleball courts and Stone Point the electricity has been upgraded and the project there has been completed the only thing is we still have a little snow on the ground so we can't play pickle ball um in reference to construction um I have new construction of 71,500 one uh two new additions at $732,500 alterations 9737542022 year to date I don't okay just one thank you BAGI thank you Mr Mayor police report before we do the police report I have a letter here from a resident to the ultan police dep Department there are not enough words to express by the way very nice handwriting there is not enough words to express our gratitude for the care and support offered to our family on Sunday I am one of our in one of our most difficult moments you helped us all feel safe and cared for we also want to thank you for all of Ben's gifts that was the child who was helped uh which you helped him pass the time from home and school today he is feeling much better and his doctor cleared him to return to school tomorrow thank you for all that you do from your neighbors anyway Sergeant Weaver Sergeant Wilkins officer Moore and officer Kim they assisted on a medical emergency and really went out of their way to make this young man feel comfortable so which is what we do here in alapan and it is appreciated I don't want to think that it just we expect it I just want to think you know make the note that it's it's a nice gesture and I'm glad they did it police activity report for January 2024 a total of 1,717 calls for service and special details were attended 337 Motor Vehicles were stops were completed 194 Motor Vehicles summonses were issued 183 radar details were completed 153 traffic enforcement details were completed 60 security awareness cards were provided to Residents I'm assuming everyone else that is Christine you know what that is yes okay good there security cards yes yeah I got one in my mailbox okay good I left my garage door open one night and right pleas and good for them that's what they're supposed to be doing um the officers patrolled 13, 366 miles within the tomorrow um I guess we need to know that eight firearm ID cards and permits were received 59 school safety checks were conducted one arrest was made for DUI eight traffic details were completed for outside contractors Suz and psng the gross total to the municipality for the month $2,200 $2,221 $810 in permit and Report fees was turned over to the burrow Treasurer um all also I got a text from our police chief just about a half an hour ago and it said giveing you a heads up looks like car 603 may have a blown transmission waiting for Next Step from Steve Steve is our one of our mechanics they are going to start removing the engine in Norwood's car to put into 602 on Friday so I am not down to cars I will let you know once I get the final diagnosis from Steve but normally once they think it's the transmission it is a transmission so just my my two cents that uh the car issue never stops it just goes on and on and on whether we're leasing buying repairing it never never ends um that's all I have unless someone has a better get that quad out of the garage there you know start patrolling with that get going they would mind that I bet that's all I have a little warmer out yes all right thank you Ron um Council one thank you Mr Mayor uh Recreation uh next meeting is Tuesday March 5th at 8:00 p.m. opening day for spring Sports again that date is April 27th Stefan with Linsky will throw out the first pitch for baseball and mayor Gallagher is invited to throw out the first pitch for softball my pleasure shoulder yeah a nice day um Jesse Gloria and I worked out a new payment system for officials and coaches using a Google form that will be autop populated into a master spreadsheet which will cut checks every two weeks uh which will be a much more Speedy turnaround for repaying officials uh paying officials I should say in reimbursements the commission discussed Town day possible dates discussed were September 7th or September 14th um the 7th was the preferred date uh but that has not been finalized so either September 7th or 14th for Town day um just on a note there I know the 14th is the firefighters convention okay so I will so if they you know I know the hamburgers and well grilling went over pretty big last year you'd probably lose that labor that's and also just the Peron of having everyone there so I will bring that back to them it's Annual issue and actually the seventh was the preferred date because that's the first weekend back after everyone's home school starts and things so um I'll make a note of that so soccer likes to soccer likes to start the weekend after the 7th right so everyone comes back the first weekend they're like Distributing uniforms and all that so the 14th would be better for soccer to start which would be 10day on the 7th would be better so I will definitely make note and bring that uh to them so that's wck um uh the uh Board of Health mon monthly meeting is tomorrow night I'll be attending that um there the mental health book book club will meet uh Thursday February 29th 7 p.m at the library they're currently reading outlive the science of Art and Longevity and all are welcome to join this discussion on Longevity if you have the energy for it this what I've noted um they would like to know if their Book Club flyer could be posted on the signboard outside of bur Hall I have the information that they sent me so I'll talk to Anna P them up times send me the information I'll I will I'll make not to send it along to you speakers all of that yes to know that and uh the Board of Health submitted their application again this year I believe for uh New Jersey's healthy towns as part of the mayor's Wellness campaign that was due in January and they got it in before the deadline so that's very good and last historical committee meets every 4th Thursday at 7:30 but this month's meeting be held on the bonus 5th Thursday which is February 29th at 7:30 p.m. in the senior center basement um and we're looking forward to new members and uh ongoing activities and that's all I have Mr Mayor I I have a request um so for the Youth Council I you didn't give an update but the library is losing their youth member of the board she's a senior and graduating so they requesting another student to be on the library board and I thought that would be a perfect uh opportunity to tap into the youth Council who do want to have say in matters here and probably at the library as well good idea and I think I have two people in mind for that so when um I'm meeting with them uh in two weeks uh in March for our monthly meeting so I will I will bring that up perfect thank you and that's all I have okay thank you uh councilman you is not here just thought it was the timing was interesting so last night here's fire department uh they had the fire department had their annual Hazmat awareness refresher course they do that every year and lo and behold sometime midf afternoon I think I was at work they had a Hazmat incident in town they had a garbage truck that I think had some issue and a spill and so they're they were very refreshed the one down yeah close to riverville they closed yeah so that was a a minor Hazmat issue and I just felt the the timing of the training last night that was interesting was that planned what's that was that planned I hope not yeah um so my brief comments so um I know bird administrator havill attended last on Valentine's Day attended the ribbon cutting of the United way home for unit home um representing the burough was a little confusion I was planning on be there but I didn't I couldn't or I missed it uh but from uh from Bergen County Executive uh James Tesco honoring ultan mayor and Council in honor and recognition of your new affordable housing project and an appreciation of your ongoing commitment to provide safe residential housing to Residents with developmental disabilities throughout the county of Bergen all depend Supportive Housing ribbon cutting so nice note from our County Executive on that and thanks for representing ult pan giving a shout out to Old Jaan you know all right good um I had a very romantic uh Valentine's evening with the Mayors the pasic valley Mayors it was my turn to host their uh monthly uh dinner meeting we had it at Aurora and most made it everyone said in January they're going to make it but three or four bailed uh got a little pressure at home I guess so uh um but we did have a u we did have uh uh uh informative meeting it started off talking about budget processes uh the uh CFO from Westwood came in and spoke for about 45 seconds or so on budget stuff and all of a sudden the whole conversation morphed over to affordable housing so we spent the rest of the evening talking about affordable housing and and and I have a little bit more of an update a little bit later on uh tonight um also attended this morning myself and and uh Anna attended the Bergen County League of municipalities and they had a gentleman I don't know if you know him Jeffrey seran um seems to be the resident expert longtime involvement with affordable housing as well and he discussed at length the assembly bill for and the Senate bill 50 changes to the COA which are going on right now and how it was really really really uh jammed through they wanted to get it done during their lamb Duck Session didn't they pushed it out but my understanding is that the assembly has already passed it and it's sitting with this with the Senate now so um more on that in a second so that that's just um couple of things that I've been involved in the past couple of weeks or so uh that's the end of my report next uh action on the minutes for Ron action on the minutes minutes to be approved Clos meeting January 16th 20124 regular meeting January 16th 2024 special meeting January 2 2024 regular and executive meetings February 5th 2024 second okay any discussion on the minutes seeing none roll call please Council yes counc Bo yes coun yes yes s yes okay next back to U old business and COA updates um just to kind of continue what I mentioned just a minute ago is that um a lot of discussion of late on assembly Bill 4 and Senate bill 50 uh I'm not the resident expert to go over everything but really being challenged I know last two weeks ago I think I forwarded a a copy of Westwood's resolution I had Brian take a look at that he found something that kind of lined up a little bit better with old thean I think it was settle River upper upper settle River um that uh a resolution kind of opposing the the the quickness the changes eliminating COA and again I I can't speak to all of the the fine details of what what these what these bills are but they're really really really changing uh the language of Kaa getting rid of Kaa and it could actually uh really have an adverse uh uh reaction on a lot of small towns they mentioned something I think I found interesting out of fourth round 212,000 uh closings or or cosos and uh 97,000 were going to be affordable so the 8020 rule that we're used to was going to be more 46% yes um part of that what I found interesting this morning at breakfast is that they keep all right we need this number so we have to get to that number by backing in to the 2080 well ultan and some of these other town they can't support the market rate unit the 80% of them we just can't support that so we're just the state is just looking at this so backwards and has been weird um yeah so uh a lot of discussion there I think it'll continue forever you have a sample resolution that uh is going to be coming in from this gentleman yeah I'll send it to Brian so that he can look at it yeah and if we can look at it like the upper side of river one I I read it you know cover to cover and it looked it looked good to me um so once we do that what I'd like to do is send that out to the rest of the council so that they can read it and then in the next I don't think there's any hurry right now but in the next two weeks month or so we can pull that together the big thing was that you have to get to your legislators and and tell them because the Senate is the one who's going to do it you have to try to get them to understand the points that you want to change because if they pass this it's it's deadly um the one thing I I don't know I mean the one thing that I noticed because we have to do we're going to do our um master plan right now uh the state is supposedly doing the master plan and once they do that it's going to supersede ours so it's kind of like and there's going to look nothing like ours yeah everything we're doing they're they're super they're they're doing their own thing and the numbers were crazy I mean they gave us an estimate and the we have like 226 uh um which is Affordable which is um our unmit need right there was another 193 on top of that and and again that's a all the low and moderate so now you take the 8020 Rule and it's a th it's this you know and what I'm what I'm scared of is that our our our really good and tight zoning laws are are 35 foot height our setbacks um they're going to start going after that and they're going to say what's 55 versus 35 and we're going to start losing those battles the other thing too is they're going to question what you haven't whatever you said you were going to do they will now question did you do it so say Builder did not build what was going to be in your housing element that's your problem you should have think you know yeah I don't think we're faced with that right now but we kind of were on the United Way project where they ran out of money I think the only thing we're going to be questioned on is the uh we had for 10 units we couldn't use ,000 rehab okay that one that one I don't we call that part of it yeah there there's a rehab program I think we did the drive around though where you can drive around town have the construction official drive around and if there aren't any they're going to look at that and say why haven't you done that even if we say to them oh we didn't have anything to do they're going to say well you should have done it so we got credits for something but we haven't done it and I think they're going to question that that's a potential yeah potential that's the only thing the rest of it was all done that's what we did but you know the example was that if you know you you you put an overlay Zone you you know you had a project that was developable if you will and then for some reason the developer just didn't do it they're pointing the finger at at the municipalities saying we did everything we could but it's our fault that the developer said that's not the right time I can't get windows I can't do certain things um so it's just it's a mess and I think we I think we have to push back uh I am going to certainly put it in my monthly I want to get a few more facts and figures but put it into my monthly uh blur about to the residents and have them call you know the legislators and try and educate you know everyone a little bit more and it's it's not us you know demanding this stuff so I'd like to as best of possible get get everybody done understand a little bit more what what towns are faced with a couple questions maybe a comment um you said maybe getting rid of COA they're looking to get rid of the COA and replacing it with a committee okay or so with retired judges and and okay because it's not that much different than what happened when Christy was in he got rid of COA and we all thought yes and then the Supreme Court ended up well that was V courts discussed a little bit today that in charge of it really should have appointed those people to keep Co alive and they the I wasn't involved in it so much back then but the uh chrisy forced the hand of the Supreme Court to get involved because he didn't put people on the Council of affordable housing okay so he's no I'm not saying he's R I'm trying I'm trying to St out of politics and just try to practical we thought at the time it was going to be a good thing and end up being a for lack of a better word a disaster it just fair share housing got involved and then and it became a debacle and it didn't reduce our numbers it just made us lag a little bit you know and and I see that same thing coming again well that lag it's like we've we've had lots of conversations on when things get lagged out fire trucks sure all a sudden you're buying three in five years when you don't have that time where you had to develop now all of a sudden 229 26 who knows what's next it's like whoa you know what's going on you know who knows what's going to happen to 244 so it's all of a sudden everyone's like wow this is this is staggering so so much so quick but they forgot so my next couple questions is we have besides the golf course and and my farm what else what happens when we run I mean we physically run out of room any Town any Town what what happens you actually apply for what's known as a vacant land adjustment they're but they're trying not to have that in there that was one of the things that has to be changed because they don't want you to have that vacant lands um adjustments so if you don't have vacant land sufficient to support the housing zero you can you can prove that and if you can prove that to the court they will adjust your number downward to take into account that there's nowhere to build it however what normally happens in most towns that I've been familiar with is somebody comes in and will redevelop their property even if already built they'll redevelop it a lot of shopping centers are adding got it Apartments we've had this discussion yes okay so that's what normally happens okay um but I mean is there is there a point is there a I mean excuse my back is there a legal point where we we might lose our golf course I don't they might come in and say no no no you have the golf course you have 60 Acres they have no power all right no but they might have I'm just asking the question they might have an eye on your Farm saying Hey what if you know it's almost like you know we put an overlay Zone over that right you know what if you know right and just so just for the record so everyone knows there's a some of you know and some of you don't there's a program in the state called the Farmland preservation uh I'll give you the Reader's Digest let's say your farm is worth $9 million which our farm is probably worth uh as a as a development as highest and best use development and it say it's worth three million as a farm somebody's going to buy it and make it a farm and keep it as a farm the difference is $6 million the state of New Jersey will give you that money here on here's $6 million or 80% of that uh or so so they'll give you let's say $5 million but now they adjust your deed and they own you have What's called the deed of eement they I can no longer develop my farm no longer in perpetuity has to stay with like you can buy you can buy anyone can buy it but you can't develop it it's the the the deed goes with the property forever the reason I bring this up is because we're in the middle of that process we just started the paperwork they will not give me they will not go through that process if my farm is in under an overlay Zone okay or or is it if it's targeted it's not that's what you say today if it it's targeted for Co for affordable housing the state of New Jersey will not consider my application oh so would be a problem for me I wouldn't think everything is is is not not saying just your farm I don't think anything is off the table when it comes to the state look at land you're you're you're talking I mean you're in the process Now is it going to take two years maybe oh because your next housing element is until the wheels of government you know working on it next year I guess there's money there's money ear marks for every County there's money in place that doesn't mean you're going to get it it means a whole process and it might come down to the very end where they might you know they give you an offer and if it's not enough you know I ask the guy in the state who's who I'm working with you know how long can I go along and then say no he said you could say no at the closing table you can say no said okay but I'll have to pay for the you still own you still own the property that's correct deed restricted that's correct okay it's DED restricted exactly but I just want to make the council aware that if you're thinking about Co say oh we got stok swarms available it's it's not in my mind y i just that I mean that's not hard and true and fast because we're not we're in the process now we're not there's nothing signed but we are I just want to make sure you're all aware of what's where we're at I would love to preserve it and have it be open Spa open space let's call it a farm imp perpetuity my grandkids which are now getting older they're Seventh Generation you know to live here and great grandkids who knows what's I don't know what's going to happen nobody knows prise is not for tomorrow so okay that's all yeah a lot a lot I think it's going to be a topic for the next 18 months at least it's been for 18 years so okay I'm more to come on in um anything else under old business not [Music] listed new business uh councilman Boyce ordinance 12 49-24 thank you Mr mayor I have a first reading of ordinance number 12492 to amend the loap ordinance for the fire department resolution whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending the code of the buau of ultap pan County Bergen state of New Jersey entitled an ordinance amending the losap point system for the fire department originally created by ordinance number 68199 as amended by ordinance number 8554 ordinance number 104-1 10 and ordinance number 1245 d23 was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 20th day of February 2024 now therefore be resolved by the mayor and Council of the B of the buau of ult depan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 12492 4B and the same is hereby adopted on first reading and be it further resolved that said ordinance number 1249 24 will further uh will be further considered for final pass Mage at a meeting of the May said mayor and Council to be held on the 4th day of March 2024 at 7:30 in the evening p.m. in the evening or as soon thereafter as a matter can be reached in the council chambers at Burrow Hall 227 oldan Road alapan New Jersey at which time and place all persons who may be interested will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance number 12494 and be it finally resolved that the buau clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the introduction and notice of hearing as required by law got a second second anybody second okay any discussion on some it just bill I mean I know what it's about but just for the council's edification what's this exactly being changed or adjusted it it takes away the 10o minimum for the additional uh training the bottom of the ordinance I forget what it's what it's called that was a miscellaneous 10 points said 10 points minimum Four Points maximum get rid of the you can make every fire call and every training drill throughout the year but if you didn't have 10 points from this funerals or parades or something yes so um it it um you know especially some of the the newbies you know who will show off for every fire call Under the Sun but right as you mentioned it recently at one of our you know senior members funerals that can't get the young folks out so it's it's they they get they're they're involved in other way so by some of them who are very active it uh it it hurt them so right so did we increase the point that we did we get rid of the maximum for regular fire calls wasn't there talking about I think we raised it mean you can get more eight go by memory here but where it used to be maxed out at 60 points right you now can maybe make 80 points right that was my other I just want to make sure the council was aware of that that's not in this one that's in the last one that was in the last okay this only changes that minimum it only changes that yeah they missed I think it was missed in the uh for first go around six months ago or so all right so the fire department is happy then I believe so okay we have copies of that will there be copies of that copies of them being happy no you know that's what I would have said oh no copies of the what is somewhere it'll be codified somewhere right yeah okay thank you I just want to see it okay uh roll call counc yes councilman Boy Yes councilman caraza yes counc yes councilwoman Miss yes all right I'll a motion to uh open the meeting to the public second second anybody from the public like to be heard no okay uh motion to close so move all right um hey one other thing I just forgot to say before we close I know uh either the last meeting or the meeting before that I wanted to really get a date on the calendar and I think we targeted the March 4th is to kind of hammer home the EMS um um word am I looking for options okay uh there there's maybe three options on the table and I want to you know kind of get that uh C can want add that to the agenda you have that already okay all right I I just wanted to go start thinking and Anna did you get um you got the proposals no yet I'll TT supposed to get them like right away okay if you could yeah okay we can see them ahead of time yeah yeah like to be able to chew on them for a bit you when you bring that up Tom did anyone I I know this came up at our meetings but I'm trying to recall right now uh somebody said uh we mentioned Hillsdale and what they're doing um it just so happened that my My Limo Driver to the airport the other day was ex-chief fire chief in Hillsdale and he knows a lot about what goes on in Hillsdale and he's say oh yeah they're their EMS is working good it's coming out of the hospital and they only hired two people but it's only per DM it's only it's only hourly they were going to go with the hospital now they hired EMS we said there was some something that we brought up here about because they're in the same building as the fire trucks or same property was different or do we do we know he said it's working good is my point my understanding is that Hillsdale has gone 100% per DM I think it's 25 bucks an hour an hourly um and that's and the weekends they're they're covering with their own volunteers I think the volunteers are covering a I think that's what he said to me I don't know I I've asked numerous times on how things are going how Emerson's going and you know trying to keep the spirit of volunteerism but at the same time having someone get emergency medical care quickly when they need it um so I you know I hear different things on on Emerson I hear them toned out during the day sometimes maybe that's that one you know we're going to go once nobody calls in we're going right to the hospital kind of thing so this there's a lot of moving pieces so I'd like to have as much data as we can so we can make an an ed riverville have they uh discussed it so riverville has but we're we're in limbo and this was going I was I was going to ask um I was going to ask Brian after the meeting but I'll ask it right now um so we're gonna have a discussion next uh March 4th and we're going to say this is a direction we're going um at the end of at the end of that meeting hopefully can we can we I know we did this recently for like the police cars can we have a a resolution prepared and and saying it's contingent upon River veil's activity in this so we we are don't quote me and this I don't want to lead anybody but let's say we're prepared to go higher higher 4 EMT 6 a.m. 6 p.m all that kind of all that kind of stuff uh but it's certainly contingent upon a shared surface agreement with Rivervale would that that might push them I was told by river they're going to go within a hospital see I was told by riverville just recently that they they haven't made those phone calls to the hospital yet Jan then I have no idea so the mayor's telling me one thing the bur administrator is telling you another thing so I'd really like to pull the pie and and if this forces the familiar if that type of resolution forces the hand hey we can we can say this is what we want to do collectively okay collectively this is what we want to do but if Rivervale says nope we're going on a hospital route okay that's an option off the table for us then that's how I look at it it we just seem to be going in a circle who's saying this who's I like like to tie a few people's down we work well with riverville I we have police we have fire for years I mean since I was a kid but I'm thinking the more I think about it the more I think why would we not go with the four sending towns to the High School bpan Norwood nor Northville H Park and make some kind of packed with them that we have two ambulance services one is in alapan and one's let's say in Norwood I don't know we pick your town we just happen to have a nice building because the high school is there's a ton of money that and taxes that go to that school you know everyone has a vested monetary interest in that school and by also besides the the money spent at the high school it also goes out to all the other communities that that base of money and that base of responsibility that we all have when everyone complaining about their taxes we know here on this day it's where 70 something per of your taxes go most of the residents don't I just think it would be it would be I just think it would be a good idea to I don't disagree I I think logistically I think the riverv veil thing just is logistically it works good it always has radio communications and now you netive to say about River Valley and what radios don't we have now kind of thing you know some of them are on a county system and I think it's a good idea um but I think logistically it's harder on the surface and I'm saying can't be done it's worked well with with riverville we've always had a good working even if you had Harington park there riverville Harington Park ult all border and have have one service we all split it Ron I appreciate the practicality in this and the need for the sending pwns to the high school to all coordinate but are you also suggesting that somehow the Board of Ed has a a financial stake in the game no I'm thinking the the people who pay their taxes have a financial stake in the game I was I wasn't sure what you're and you know our high school is are our property values are what they are a lot has to do with our school system you know people want to know where are the best schools where should I where should I bring in my kids where should I live well Bergen County well where you know well dep pick a town here you can't really miss with any of the grammar schools or high schools here good educ ation and that that starts at the seed and that grows to other things industries and shopping and I don't know about Norwood and Harington Park but Northville in our Zoom call with Rick sper they have an agreement with Anglewood Hospital Anglewood hospital has an ambulance in one all time yeah I think that the underlying question is what's best for service to our residents right if is it locality right being close to River Veil and and having that or for Town coordination maybe there's more volunteers I don't know right but whatever it it takes it it to me it doesn't matter right the number one thing is make sure we're servicing our residents with timely and good service exactly um from whatever said because they were saying if they were going to they want to go with the ambulance well what I heard they want to go with the ambulance service but they wanted to choose if we were going to go with an ambulance service like the same one because it gives you know like the more towns they have the more rigs they will have around this area so right now Emerson uses holy name so if Rivervale and ultan went with poly name now there's a chance that fly name will bring another rig there or use one of our our centers so that's what how what Riverdale was say well I'd like us to get a definite answer from The Brood min ministrator from the mayor from the secretary from a council person the police chief or somebody what they're doing Riv does dictate our Direction absolutely I think the problem with River they they have so much going on right now they have cell towers being built they have um what is it the police fire department so they building a new police building but it looks like they're going more towards the golf course too with all buldo other stuff done I think tow good for them we know how much money that makes so so anyway I didn't want to get off on a tangent T I just want to I want to be prepared for an educated discussion uh in two weeks that's that's the only reason I brought it [Music] up uh motion to adjourn second second [Music] favor to know about our