yes right good evening everyone compliance with the open public meeting La notification of this meeting has been sent to our official newspapers and other Publications circulated in the burough of oan and notice posted on the bulletin board at bur Hall please be reminded that all meetings are videotaped and posted to our website and please not the fire exits located at the main entrance to the council chambers and the rear of the council chambers roll call please mayor gager here counc BAGI here councilman Bo here Council here counc Guan councilwoman here councilman you here okay please join me and salute to the flag i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing as councilwoman misso lead us in prayer heavenly father in this Gathering we seek your wisdom and humility thank you for the signs of spring and rebirth all around ultap pan grant us the grace to approach discussion and decisions with Open Hearts listening to our community with empathy protect our residents and First Responders keeping them safe from harm thank you for the Comforts of our hometown and the company of our neighbors help us to act with courage and unity always mindful of the greater good May our choices reflect your will for our Town's well-being amen amen okay will entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public motion second all in favor hi hi he the public like to be heard it's been a month since I've been here so I just wanted to kind of come back and follow up so for Perry Street um and I I know we had discussed like this phase one and phase two of the drainage issue so I just wanted to follow up with that and see if you guys do anything about it and then I was also wanted to just talk I maybe mention something about the possible Paving because my sister who was driving down the street this past weekend got a flat ti so I have pictures of the street so we did have a we have discussed it we have discussed it knows that you you know Tom and Andy know that Tom scrable Tom scrable pH two is dra a there there is one portion that has to get done and that there's no way around since we have the grant they'll do that and they're hoping the paving will P into that and they'll do whatever they need to do and take at so that little piece of drainage was if I understand if I remember correctly was at the End of the Street in the cold act that we had a tie something together and and that has to get done and we were hopeful that that money saved in phase two if I'm saying this right would cover Paving yeah so they're going to they're going to um put the plants in with that and the paving along with it the worst I could say is no and then we do it ourselves but hopefully with everything going on they'll say okay let the whole thing go through so how soon do we think that might be happening uh he's working on it now but I still want to have a meeting with everyone before s great cuz Tom said that he has to talk to the other neighbors so we can't just randomly just yes so I bring the other neighbors with you know it's going to put we meeting right all right so good thing you came in last time yep easy breezy right it's actually easy because we didn't we actually save money and you're happy so so this thiss out okay thank you so much welcome all right very welcome okay anybody else from the public like to be heard motion to close second all in favor I okay uh next order of business is a board appointment and that is for councilwoman missar thank you Mr Mayer I'd like to bring forward a name for Recreation Commission uh 5year unexpired term for Christine mosart a term ending 12 3128 second okay any discussion who is she replacing Doug Zimmerman why is he leaving um he resigned uh last month uh to make room for a softball to have a spot on the commission okay there was two baseball and no soft yes counc yes coun yes counc yes counc you yes okay next we have several public hearings the first one is for council president you on ordinance 1251 d24 thank you Mr Mayor so this is a second reading of ordinance number 12512 Capital ordinance various improvements and Acquisitions at this time I'd like to open it up to the public for comments or questions second second okay all in favor would anybody from the public like to be heard on ordinance 12514 moot motion to close second anybody second on that anybody say second second second you all in favor hi hi all right announc thank you ordinance number 1251-1299 [Music] new Automotive Vehicles including original apparatus and equipment in by and for the Bureau of ultan County of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $2,915 one87 to pay the cost thereof to appropriate burrow trust fund monies and a county Grant to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to Prov provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 1 day of April 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough of ultan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that set ordinance number 1251-b and the same is hereby adopted on second and final reading and be it fin resolve that the burough clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law a second on that second thank you any discussion seeing none roll call please counc yes Council Bo yes Council yes counc yes yes okay next uh we have an ordinance 1252 d24 and that is for councilman car a thank you Mr Mayor this is the second reading and final adoption on Capital ordinance various sewer improvements and Acquisitions at this time I'd like to open it to the public for any comment second on that second okay all in favor all okay would anybody from the public like to be heard on ordinance 1252 d24 seeing none motion close second somebody Bill second okay all right all in favor all all right Council thank you Mr Mayor whereas an ordinance entitled Bond ordinance to authorize the making of the sanitary sewer Improvement and the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and Machinery in by and for the sewer utility of the bur Volta pan in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $69,000 to pay the cost thereof to authorize the insurance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the insurance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds was introduced at a Mee meeting at the mayor and Council held on April 1st 2024 now therefore be resoled by the mayor and Council bur alteran County of Bergen state of New Jersey that said an ordinance number 12 52-24 being a Same by is hereby adopted on second final reading be it finally resolved that the bur cler is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law second any discussion think none roll call please yes counc Bo yes counc yes yes yes okay next we have for council president you we have ordinance 12 53-24 thank you Mr Mayor this will be the second reading of ordinance number 1253 d24 at this time I'd like to open it up to the public for comments or questions second okay anybody from the all in favor I anyone from the public like to be heard on ordinance 12 53-24 seeing none motion to close so move move okay Council thank you Mr beay ordinance number 1253 d24 second reading final adoption Capital ordinance various improvements and Acquisitions fully funded resolution whereas an ordinance entitled a capital ordinance appropriating the sum of two $2 34,848 189,900 from the New Jersey Department of Transportation Grant and $ 47,1 from the capital Improvement fund was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the first day of April 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough of ultap pan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that said ordinance number 1253 d24 be and the same is hereby adopted on second and final reading and be it finally resolved that the burough clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law second on that second any discussion saying none roll call please councilman BAGI yes councilman Bo yes councilman coraz yes councilwoman M yes councilman you yes okay next order of business is U ordinance 1250 1254 d24 and this for council president you as well thank you Mr Mayor so this is a second reading of ordinance number 12542 at this time I'd like to open it up to the public for a comment or question second all in favor would anybody from the public like to be heard on motion to close ordinance number 12542 second reading final adoption exceed Municipal budget Appropriations limits and establish a cap Bank resolution whereas an ordinance entitled burrow volan Bergen County New Jersey calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank njsa 4a-4 d45 14 was introduced at a mayor meeting of the mayor and Council held on the first day of April 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and councel of the buau of ultan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that said ordinance number 124-b and the same is hereby adopted on second and final reading and be it finally resolved that the bur clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law second okay on fa all any discussion on this okay roll call please councilman BAGI yes councilman Boyce yes councilman Kaza yes councilman Sarah yes councilman you yes okay uh next ordinance call 55-24 for councilman carazo thank you Mr Mayor this is a second reading and final adoption on elevator inspections at this time I'd like to open it to the public for any comment second okay uh seeing none motion to close motion to close to close okay all right uh counil thank you resolution whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance transferring jurisdiction for the administration and enforcement of elevator inspections from the state of New Jersey to a private entity to be selected by the buau of alteran was introduced at a meeting at the mayor and Council on April 1st 2024 now therefore be resolved by the mayor and Council B alter pant County of Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 12 55-24 being the same is hereby adopted on second and final reading be a filing resolve that the bur clerk is hereby authorized to director to publish the notice of adoption as required by law second any comments on our elevator inspections s none roll call please Council B Council boy councilman caraza yes councilman yes councilman yes okay moving on to our consent resolution is for council president you thank you Mr Mayor welcome resolution be it resolved that the fing resolutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion and the same having been previously reviewed by each council person be and are hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and Council of the buau of ultap pan bills and claims release cash bonds bonds and escrow temporary emergency resolution tax lean Redemption authorize a a sheet of tax sale premiums performance bond rele release Equinox developers LLC shared services agreement tree removal services bid advertisement Golf Course Pump Station upgrades contract award Fisher and Sun Company Inc contract award huitt Landscaping Inc authorized Grant proposal sub submission local Recreation Improvement grant program and new firefighter park I get a second on it second second any discussion on our consent resolution yeah I do um who are we sharing the service for tree removal with the county I believe y okay and they'll do it okay um and uh Grant proposal for recreation what's that for new equipment at G field and another playground equipment at St okay thank you that's all okay roll call please councilman BAGI yes councilman boce yes Council yes councilwoman yes coun yes okay thank you moving on to our Council committee report and um uh council president you would you like to start you can catch a breath between yours want to touch on I will be very brief tonight Mr Mayor every time oh every time he time very brief report of the schools the northern Valley Regional High School District public hearing on their 2024 2025 budget I thought you were going to take thought I thought you one me going to go all at once I'll go all at once finish it up all yours the northern Valley Regional High School public hearing on their 2024 2025 budget will be held on Monday May 6th at the northern Valley Demis high school media center at 7:30 p.m. as previously reported our local schools will have their first budget hearing on Monday April 29th at 8:00 pm I encourage all interested parties to attend as this is where 70% of your tax dollars go report of the seniors lunch and learn on will and estate planning will be held on Thursday April 25th at noon the V can iend that one sure the venue will be uh the venue has changed to the ultan senior center as we're doing work on at the fire at the firehouse that week and I have no new reports on the fire department nor the first dayc but I will have comments on the um open session later and that concludes my report Mr Mayor did you you volunteer I will volunteer to read uh Council councilman uh report is way too uh councilman guan's report on the library the library board met on April 10th a few potential board members attended the meeting two newer residents who moved to Al within the last 5 years who freak in the library and a new student from the oldan youth Council the men's bathroom renovation to be completed soon cost will be under $4,000 versus other bids that came in at 8,000 and 12,000 new program such as adult art program was launched the art program has a $10 cost associated with it and it got Ray reviews solar glasses were offered to patrons about 127 during the solar our solar eclipse year to date the door count is 15, 2081 Library thanks DPW for helping with conduit pipe issue causing water to enter the library the conduit pipe closed from the telephone pole to the library and Susan asked the DPW for advice on how to proceed with the telephone company instead the DPW fix the solution and councilman guan's OEM report Andy met with the company in March to look at our existing fire sirens the ones uh um the ones that we're looking to upgrade in the future we should be receiving a quote from them this month Andy attended the quarterly o County OEM meeting the county has added more ambulances and is now a 247 operation with hopes of of expanding further this year they're looking to start ramping up with the news of some of the World Cup games being held in the metal lands in 2026 and he also met with representatives from the Red Cross who talked about all of the services they could provide in times of emergencies he invited them to visit alapan to take a look at our shelters and review our plans we have chosen a mass notification platform that meets the needs of the buau and we hope to have that up and running within the next few months the platform is named code red and will provide emergency notifications to our residents as well as everyday non-essential messages and that concludes his report Mr Mayor thank you uh Council boy thank you Mr Mayor so the Boy Scouts had their crossing over ceremony last uh I think and that's a ceremony where Cub Scouts cross over to become Boy Scouts and this year we had five crossover uh the veterans are have decided that they'd like to install 24 in by 48 inch Banners at Oaks Park um the first of which would be unveiled at the Memorial Day Parade um for a town resident and World War II veteran I'll keep everybody in suspense um they also would uh humbly request that a a um parking stall be assigned to Veterans at Town Hall so I would like to uh present that to the council for consideration and then I can report back to them at the next meeting so how does everybody feel about that my only concern is we're Limited in parking spaces can we put up a sign that says something like U veterans only but must be vacated for a veteran or something like that to be enforcable it would have to be who's gonna who's going to enforce it somebody's going to call the police and they're going to come and ask to see if you're a veteran and then make you move your car I don't see that happening in Practical I I understand I mean I I appreciate the the gesture and I think it is a gesture that would be nice to have that sign up they wanted more than just here they want it everywhere but well practicality though I don't see it I don't see it flying uh I would find it very difficult to yeah that's an honor System I mean is there any any putting up as an honor System I mean parking for veterans only they do it at lows yeah Low's veterans only so but no we're I don't think someone you're not getting right so I think ceremonially that's yeah ceremonially that's a word could be nice I think so too but again not enforcable it's let's call it an honor System could be an honor System sounds good to me oh I'm it's up to you you guys and gal but I feel started so that's not an ordinance or anything like that it just put up a sign put up a sign up there in front we're missing something do you need a motion is it going be just a resolution then know I mean it's a veterans I can't see someone else coming in and saying oh you know we want a parking spot too no you never know but we can always just get rid of them all in the end if we have to so no I I will I will entertain them otion which space will be marked one of them the one near the near the ramp what's the difference the space you want you you you're going to depend on Anna put up a sign somewhere in the parking lot furthest one fromet believe me chin you're going to be there watching it so I'm sure you're going to pick the correct spot front row with Andy front row over to the left right by the elction voting box you want to be close to the the walkway yes there's a walkway over there walkway yeah so all right I will again entertain that motion to your mark okay a parking spot for uh our veterans at B Hall so should I make a motion yeah you should okay so I would like to make a motion to earmark a parking spot assigned to a veteran at the burrow Hall the location to be determined and coordinated with our DPW director second a second any further discussion on the matter roll call please councilman B yes councilman Boy Yes Council yes councilwoman yes Council yes awesome thank you very much for your consideration um the the planning board um is reviewing the Professional Service agreements with Burgess Associates to prepare uh the master plan reexamination report uh between now and next the next planning board meeting and at that point we'll uh will vote on it and then lastly the environmental commission is tasked with determining the fees associated with the new tree ordinance uh and I am working with the building department to see what adjon towns charge uh for things such as fines and tree removal beyond the allowed amount as defined by the tree ordinance um I have a meeting with Bob Rush this week and that concludes my report Mr Mayor okay thank you um just back to are we confirmed May 5th or 6th the Monday meeting with um John Zabo yeah okay so uh you okay with that no no I'm good with that yeah just with planning board and afforable housing legislation so he'll come in and give us an update on basically our timeline of things that we have to do and he'll give us a you know anate what the okay good can I ask a question who who has input on who what goes into the master plan can a resident come in and make a suggestion yes um we T talked at the planning board meeting of having a committee just assigned to the master plan um that hasn't been voted on yet or assigned but there would be a committee and then of course we would take that input from residents okay that that'll occur at a planning board meeting I guess yes it's open every planning board meeting is open to the public uh does our Council have any other direction on that the mayor and Council have to authorize and direct the planning board to um undertake a reexamination of the master plan the planning board does it then choosing their own um U professionals but then yes it is an open hearing and citizens are allowed to comment then it comes back before the mayor and councel who sets a so good question is uh on on who you know I would think environmental Comm a representative from the environmental commission should be on it um things like that I mean who uh who determines who is it simply a planning board it is um yeah it's just a planning board I mean the planning some planning boards I know we have an environmental commission person on the planning board statutorily there's a liaison from the environmental commission was also on the planning board okay correct and also Mr Mayor the um I recall being on the planning board a couple times when we did this and uh the professional will give his report and it's not cut and dry you know somebody from the plany board say who I don't like that one part and they could change it or not so it's not just we hire this guy and it's done input is sought actually it's much better to have input you know by other different perspectives last time we did a re-examination was in 2016 so okay good no progress there anything else uh councilman no sir okay uh councilman kazza yes Mr Mayor um construction I'll have a report at the end of the month I thought Jen was going to send me something today for the 15th but uh in reference to permits and tcos and cosos DPW um the tub grinder and the 95 tractor International in 1993 Rivervale and US bought this tub grinder and we in '95 we bought a 95 International Tractor to tow it around and have it working recently about three months ago they had a problem with the clutch and they sent the clutch out we disconnected and sent it out they wanted $122,500 to fix it Andy and the crew decided that uh they don't want to put any more money into this tub grinder because it's a 93 and we it's about $20,000 to do our chipping and grinding and so forth and so on so next year we're going to look for a new tub grinder so I took the tub grinder and the tractor and I put it up on Facebook I put it on eBay and I put it on commercial truck paper and uh I'm very glad to say we sold it for $144,000 the tub grinder it doesn't work but we gave them all the parts for them to do what they want we sold it to Nassau County Superintendent out in Long Island he came here with his with two guys to take a look at it so now I have the tractor and I'd like to ask Jesse you received the wire today okay so I can release the tub grinder tomorrow or Wednesday I got cash you got cash okay so I'm going to release it and uh work on the tractor okay good the end of my report Mr Mayor thank you question on um Anna you were involved in this a little bit um I just want to get back to the resident they there was a question on and last night in the middle of the earthquake I spoke to Bob Rush about the septic the list of who's um yeah set up on our on our sewer system right and then who's not and so you can cross reference to say these residents are not these residents are you know this resent had concern we have the list Joanne went through it um they pulled the list of everyone who's on um because we can get a list of who's on and then you can just go backwards and find out and did they finish looking at so not done they're still going through it the issue is that many years ago the permits weren't getting handled yeah no I I probably know most of the backstory and no way us determine if you're on or not kind where we started need go door door Bas yeah so we had we had some properties that slipped through and that's not right so we're doing our due diligence to correct that and that's I think what the resident was just concerned about so so Jennifer is going through the list of the ones that we don't have on sewer uh and looking and seeing was there a permit that was brought up for that was there because we got everything back from uh Northwest who used to do our H right uh and that was a mess I mean that was crazy Rod PRI and John Goldie it was I mean it was one big mess but it was put into lot block and uh all of that should be so so I I assume that once this list is complete if this resident wanted to know if a particular address was hooked up or not that's that's probably operable that's such a word and they they have the right to know that right correct yes we created it huh I said yeah because we created it okay on the website that's how she that's what broke the question up she was wondering why a person her neighbor wasn't being buil because you can see the oh it is okay yeah it's on the website your tax bill and your sewer bill all that is on the website you are on sewer she wanted something that showed who wasn't on sewer which was something we didn't and I understand why she was asking yeah so okay but progress in gathering that information for for the right reasons okay thank you I just want to be able to get back and say we're working on it we're close to done whatever you need to know about sewer hookups go for it okay thank you uh councilman um councilman BAGI thank you Mr Mayor um police report normally I give it on the third week but I happen to get it earlier I mean I mean on the first week excuse me but I got it later that's what I meant to say so the for March following police activities reported a total of 1,612 12612 calls for service and special details were attended to by police officers 310 Motor Vehicles were motor vehicle stops were completed 173 summonses were issued 177 radar details were completed 150 traffic enforcement details were completed 45 security awareness cards were provided to Residents I'm sure you all know what they are seven firearm permits were received 58 school safety checks were conducted two arrests were made for outstanding Criminal Traffic warrants during several motor vehicle stops two arrests were made for driving while Under the Influence two arrests were made for Criminal Trespass one arrest was made for causing risk and widespread injury or criminal mischief eight traffic details were completed for outside contractors that would be utility Suz or PSG total to the municipalities for the mon would be $1,648 $345 in permits and reports were turned over to the burrow Treasurer um that's all I have I want to talk about traffic but that's coming up later on the agenda yeah that I spoke with the police chief about and we'll talk about that we'll talk about that yeah unless anybody has any questions for me right now for the police chief okay thanks um councilwoman misso thank you Mr Mayor uh Recreation spring Sports registration numbers there are 135 registered for OT baseball 67 registered for OT softball and 68 registered for t-ball which is a big big number uh opening day is April 27th thank you to the DPW for getting the fields ready um burrow parks and Fields will be closed tomorrow Tuesday April 16th uh while the DPW applies fertilizer um and that's all I have for recreation historical committee met last Tuesday April 9th in our new digs here um a guest speaker May 7th 7 p.m at the OT Firehouse the presenter is the tavern Keeper of the 76 House Rob nordon and his topic will be 315 miles of Revolution uh there was also a new discussion brought about about a town birthday party at the firehouse each year um we will be 130 is that correct this year around it uh and so that would be yes so we would be 130 this year you remember you're there I was I was just a kid I was inth fourth grade um so that would be in October uh and then Board of Health our monthly meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday April 24th at 7:30 I'll have more to report back after that meeting um and the youth Council will meet next Thursday again and the group has been asked to help plan a senior field day in the late spraying at Stone Point and that's all I have Mr Mayor thank you uh question comment on um probably historical so we opened up our time capsule three four five years ago and I just had a thought i' like to bury it again even though we never put in the ground we put it out in the in the vest there um what are your thoughts on like a 20 to 25 type thing a lot of stuff has happened from covid to an earthquake to the solar eclipse and to everything in between there um what are the thoughts about Gathering some information over the next huh I still have glasses I have my glasses they go into Time Capsule so just a thought on um you know maybe it's you know late this year or or early next year is that we you know we we buried again for all things great and and maybe start thinking about you know just on your own what should go in a tax bill cost of a fire truck you know I'm going to put a cassette with my voice on not going be all play a cassette an track an eight track even better that's a great idea great idea so let's start thinking about things the whole recording system the old one oh sure you know maybe a tub grinder and it's already sold it should still be good if in it depends on how long we uh last years we already got this uh anyway so start thinking about that and uh you know however we do it uh what kind of ceremony we have but it would be good to you know start that up again I could see that being at the Town birthday party that could be one of the things yeah that would be great and that's October you said yeah you would want it next year the 25th or well actually we this is a this year's one Milestone birthday this is the third is 130 this year yes we should do in October then yeah there's a lot of towns thought over the past several years again Co comes to mind there's a lot of towns at 130 this year it was terrible they brought me up on stage open up I think my father you know was was around when they buried it if you will and there was there was nothing in there and the papers were like all over the place so kind of anti-climatic so do something different so all right thank you uh you're finished you gave your report I have an ambulance report to get put on on under old business okay all right so move on to that so my comments just have a couple of brief comments um over the past uh uh three or four weeks I attended the noron valley mayor's association dinner uh Burton County Clerk John Hogan was there he presented talk about the upcoming elections the ballot issues and other things and then he just uh uh talked about the the other services that are through available through the Bergen County Clerk's Office passport renewal things like that so he kind of just reviewed what goes on there uh I attended the pasak valley mayor's association dinner and the president His Name Escapes me but the president of the New Jersey League of municipalities uh attended unfortunately we had it in a very noisy restaurant so we really couldn't hear anything uh so it was more of a gathering and kind of oneoff talking to the uh uh to the president of the league talked about communities that we could get on and and really talked about uh making sure that uh at least the the 10 Towns of the pasek valley Association are represented well uh at at the league so we talked about people serving at different committees and things like that uh I did attend the councilman Boyce referenced it I attended the blue and gold the scouts blue and gold dinner celebration where five uh Cub Scouts kind of transitioned over to uh uh to Boy Scout so that was uh kind of quite the ceremony on how they how they how they do that and finally uh councilman council president you and myself had the privilege of attending a birthday party last week um Friday for Netty Diva devie and she turned Davi DAV and she turned the the very young age of 108 years old she's a resident of Sunrise and I tell you she looked great she did she really she you know complexion she she looked great and uh her she had some family there and all the all the residents of Sunrise and it was it was a um it it was nice to be there you know and I read some things off that many people didn't know pictures uh they took some pictures I never got they said they were going to email to us no I don't they they took all right uh we'll see if we'll ask we'll reach out um but we talked about some of the things besides Net's coming into this world in 1916 all of the other things that happened in 1916 voice CS of America was incorporated all right first woman elected to the US House of Representatives from Montana in 2016 Boston Red Sox won the World Series and the game two winning pitcher was bab the winning pitcher game two who 1916 world I knew he was a pitcher he pitched yeah so anyway and then I guess he went to the Yanke maybe she has something and that's uh that's all I have Cur the all right uh action on the minutes council president you thank you Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes for our regular meeting March 18th 2024 and our regular and executive meetings on April 1st 2024 a second on that second okay any discussion on the minutes none roll call please yes yes yes counc here yes okay under old business councilman BAGI um School traffic yes School traffic um since I saw this on the agenda I did contact the police chief just today and we had a conversation about school traffic and if you recall our last council meeting when the chief was here he couldn't be here this evening I asked him to come if he had another uh engagement anyway uh we talked about putting barricades on K Street on the west side of K Street so when you come out of TBD school you have to go right because you're not allowed to go well you're supposed to go right you're not allowed to go left and then usually people make an immediate left on 2K Street that's how that accident happened a couple weeks ago now you're not now you got to go all the way down to Irving and make a left or right when you are coming down Leonard the sign says no right turn on to K he says they still do it they're trying to police it as best they can um but that sign's been up there he said forever uh no it's recent but it's still been up there that's what he said doesn't matter there there is a sign there yes uh that hasn't been an issue the reason that they did not block the other side of K the Leonard Drive side of K is because there is a resident there that has a driveway on K so that would make a hardship for them so that being said I my question was are there problems is it better or worse he said actually better we haven't had I said there's no clog up down like by the mayor's house and a and it's nuts down there he goes it's nuts there all the time for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon sometimes a half an hour he goes but that's that hasn't changed he goes nothing's really Chang it's gotten a little better so uh you know baby steps let's see how this is working and he's going to come up with another proposal down the road I mean my proposal was to stagger the openings of the schools but there's contractual issues with the teachers to with unions to do that I understand so we can't really do that even though they are staggered a bit but just not quite enough so that's all we got unless anybody has any questions for me so if I remember from last meeting um we were we're going to put up the the barricades through the end of school year correct okay and and then take them down take them down in correct late June and you know uh and then maybe have time to my only concern is that uh and I don't live there your brother does I don't I don't like I wouldn't like barricades sitting on my lawn I just wouldn't like them right well they're on the sidewalk I'm assuming I don't know they're yeah they're not honest they're in by the sidewalk in the right away yes the town own is the first 10 ft uh but but I still wouldn't like it so uh don't be planting that scene cuz then he'll come my only uh if it's an improvement in the short period of time that's great um and I'll just kind of be Devil's Advocate a little bit is that was a very very very unfortunate accident that happened thank God you know the the the the father and the two kids are fine right but was that what it is uh a very unfortunate accident a distracted driver I'm not sure and I just it was but if this is an improvement then personally I'm all for it course but let's monitor it then then we'll go from there and I I I value the opinion of the chief this is what he does his traffic department you know does things like that and you know they know so I just have a question and a comment um the my question was last meeting we had a resident come and express that now that K Street and part of Leonard didn't have parking spots if he had to park further and walk further with his kids creating an issue so my question was a happy medium if we could come to maybe a compromise would be to allow parking on Leonard but not on K uh because the signs like even Saturday night when I I was visiting my friend at 40 Leonard and there were signs there at night that said no parking you know right in front of their residence no parking right the temporary ones yeah yeah so um you know I spoke with the residents at for 40 Leonard they're okay with uh the the driveway um as long as they know you know if it was like a half hour time period they would just move their car but my question would be could we get rid of the signs on Leonard that say emergency no parking to allow for more parking for people who are driving their kids to school just not on K but on Leonard open those spots back I believe Leonard a completely different subject um Leonard is probably underneath that 1 hour parking and that was a high school related issue so I think Leonard just like my house you know I have the 1 hour parking only during during school hours so I the emergency signs are the I ask maybe Council BAGI to bring it back to the chief yeah send me an email text him I mean it sounds sounds reasonable and he did I think that gentleman spoke later in the in the meeting after the chief had left and I I actually made a note of that is yeah now he's parking three four five houses more away and you know he had a good point he did yeah so if you could talk to the chief about that thank you I was remissed before in the police report I forgot to bring up one more thing if I could M please um some of you have there's been rumors and this and that about this person who was uh disabled the gas pumps at the DPW maybe some of you have heard about this I'm not sure there's been an issue anyway there was an arrest made I know you have uh there was an arrest made of a local resident who no names who purposely disabled the gas pumps at DPW and attempted to damage a wire harness at the side of the building same defendant was charged October 2023 for stealing defibrillator pads from the stonepoint park Fieldhouse on camera also there was an arrest made for after an investigation of two subjects who were located inside the high school we talked about this briefly last time uh during school hours without permission the two subjects were foreign Nationals as we discussed but there was actually an official arrest now there's an arrest uh and they knew a student inside who let them in through the rear door so goes I I also discussed about that rear door thing also goes to the Locking of the gate or not this of that so that's another thing that we should think of so uh kudos to detective uh Di Maria who is who are running this you know the detective show and he should uh receive the honors for that what was there any motive to that high school I mean I I don't yes the high school thing was there were two I believe they were from France am I correct uh people and they were friends with someone in our school they met him on a mission trip okay and hey we're going to be in the states hey we're going to be in your area maybe you can let us in and they let him in the school they just walk around yeah they just the security guard who noticed it but from what I understand that happens quite a bit kids let their friends in come back from college well I'd say much less now because they have eyes on the the the security cameras are at the the doors so does alarm go off when the door gets open no no that's only those because teachers use I mean I I use that like when I go out to my car to grab something like those are the doors that we use but they're locked so um thank you to otpd for assisting and what at first was a shelter in place and then became an evacuation so thank you to them for assisting yeah cuz you know they didn't know who these people are right so they did the right thing all right thanks for the update all right so School traffic I guess the put a pin in this uh we're going to run with what we're doing now to the end of school year and um as long as everybody's okay with it I am okay okay um open is the first a Corp council president thank you Mr Mayor so I just want to I want everybody to consider some facts before we move forward with any plan for our Ems for our residents um there's been a concerning decrease in the number of volunteer EMS around town during the daytime hours between 6:00 a.m. and 6 p.m. and that's usually Monday through Friday in 2023 the old bapan first day cors received roughly 600 dispatches for Emergency Medical Services approximately 40% of those calls were in Old toan the remaining 60% were mostly in riverville I say mostly because there are times that Mutual Aid calls them to other other towns like Hillsdale or Northville Norwood things like that the call volume has only been increasing with our population size and the Aging demographic in town it is my opinion as well as many experts with whom I've spoken to that there is no added benefit to ult toen Contracting with the local hospital to provide ambulance services a dedicated ambulance service within our borders would cut response time from 25 minutes for a hospital based service to under 5 minutes if we are local many municipalities in New Jersey have chosen to provide their residents with some kind of paid service paid Ambulance Service and the list is ever growing uh there are towns like Elmwood Park Rochelle Park Maywood bagoda and Hillsdale they have decided to go with the perdm EMT staff during the day to uh provide services to their residents and uh that number is ever increasing at our last meeting uh I provide the provided the EMS committee which whom I met with with an outline of what a per DM daytime service would look like in ult Jaan in a partnership with just Rivervale it would cost the burrow roughly $770,000 a year adding another town to the partnership would decrease that number down to about 53,000 yearly for me and I'm sure many of you here feel the same way the cost is far out laigh by the number of lives the dedicated service could save and in the eyes of our residents I'm sure they'll appreciate that we're taking a proactive approach to this issue rather than a reactive one therefore um I will be working with the EMS committee to draft a resolution to be read at our next meeting May 6 2024 that'll State the following we the mayor and Council of alapan recognize the import of having a timely dedicated service for the lives and wellbeing being of our residents and having such a service will be dependent upon having one or more of our neighboring towns to join the plan and to State the obvious funding such a service will be discuss must be discussed and approved by the governing bodies of all parties involved once a partnership is made and I'll take any comments or questions I have a a just a comment uh not just kind of a fact here so doing some quick math you know you mentioned we we haven't been able to pin down that's kind of the right word any other neighboring town they sure let's talk about it uh you know is at the northern Valley dinner as I mentioned earlier a couple weeks ago and oh yeah we should talk about that and guess we guess we should in a way and there there's logistical problems with some Northern Valley towns versus paciic Valley towns radio communication etc etc shared service agreements you mentioned I just want to check your math um I did a little math of my own and if you had um 5 days a week from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. okay that's 12 hours you have to have two EMTs on that on that uh crew you got 52 weeks in a year and again this is Monday through Friday I'm I'm just quoting times $28 a per DM hourly rate going rate y going rate comes to 174 we'll call it 175 just to uh um just to go with that with that math there so $175,000 uh without any help just so everyone understands and digests the numbers without any help uh gets us a in town 6 a.m. 6: p.m. Monday through Friday uh crew not saying that's a good thing or bad thing I'm just laying out the out the facts there and then what that does is it keeps it keeps the I think one of the scary parts was of the original plan was pensions and and paid holiday time and all that other stuff that adds to a cost of a uh uh to a paid bur employee so just by thinking about the per DM rate I just want to give everybody a number what that what that looks like um it also keeps and and again I will I will put it in your hands to talk to the core depending on how this Council goes the importance of really making sure that our weekends in nighttime crew is stays as strong as possible and and that core who we we owe 85 years of gratitude towards you know continues to Memorial Day football standbys and all that kind of stuff but there's no question that the we all have jobs we're all in school and it's hard to get that those those daytime Monday through Friday people so I just basically wanted to have everyone have that number in their head and where we go from there that's where we go from here so that's all my comments Mr Mayor yes sir has anyone I mean I I know I keep beating the same drum has anyone contacted any of the four sending towns that go to the high school I don't know the answer to that my you know High School's a central location once again I know I keep saying the same thing but we don't seem to be moving or or getting an answer either way I mean I picture a substation in alapan substation in Norwood or one iron Park one in North I don't know wherever it happens to be on either side of the valley and those two would cover the four towns and Rockley I don't know if rockley's covered by the county now not sure where they're at but I know rockley's o ascending town to our high school there's usually a few kids from Rockley that being said uh has anyone contacted them should we pursue that is that something we should do so if I could speak to that I guess that's for there's this kind of like a strange dynamic between um uh local cores just like the fire department understand who works well with who this company works well with that company same thing with ambulance cores traditionally I don't think we've ever worked with hering park or very rarely Norwood functions pretty well by itself so they aren't really interested in talking to anybody about shared services North you know that you know that how I heard that from the core members okay you know a few of them are actually members over there also right and Northvale I heard they're having difficulty Staffing me too and they're looking for other ways to uh to to provide amb they are not under contract with any hospital they are not yet someone may have said that they but they are not under any contract and before you said our you said a lot of things Jen in in one paragraph our response time will be five minutes for What from the perum for perum who staff our ambulance C during the day they don't have to come from home to go to the amb to the building they'll be going straight from the building to to the patient so response time should be under 5 minutes at that point okay I mean I'm I'm in favor of paying someone to do this but I'd like to make sure I mean maybe we just do this as a Band-Aid until we get some sort of uh shared service some money I don't know if they they're always throwing money at shared services exactly so that's there shared service money in the state available that we can combine four towns they would actually towns they would absolutely love funding some other this I'd imagine VAR and before there is a the DCA will do a study for you but you have to have the two towns going into it we cannot stud by ourselves sure okay you have to have a commitment at the time do you want to do this study they were not interested at all because they did not want to go to P okay so that let River Veil out got it um but if you had another the DCA will do this and after if it's if it's what they find that that should work they help you get that in and they they give you money can I ask who who' you speak to from riverville very Wishy white yeah J doesn't make the calls there yeah he's not an elected official agree Tom he's not an elected official he's the one who told me to that's what the mayor I saw the mayor 10 days ago and I'll use the word Wishy watch He's non-committal I said to get all your facts and figures talk to your own core I i' like to grab them I know I'm on but say Hey listen that's tell me no this is nut but he won't tell me no he won't tell me yes but he won't tell me no and it's like so this resolution would invite them do it it's it's kind of a no-brainer if it if the study comes out that hey that's not a great idea then you walk away from it if they do the study and they say wow this really works they help you get it together and riverville can still walk away if they say if the DCA says great idea they could sure yeah so this invites them to the to the table for conversation so unfortunate that I mean we heard tonight I forget who said it I think when you read uh Council guan's report about the county and their service but the you know they got two more ambulances but you know 70 towns 72 towns in Burgen County you know I know they start their day up here uh on Emerson Road but they can go anywhere from there so it it is a it is a it's a lot of money it's a frustrating process and I know we've had passionate discussions about it um we're going to have to make a decision sooner than later on doing something and I'm not saying what that something is but we're just going to have to come to something and but I don't think to run 's point I don't think we're ready yet because whether it's Rivervale or whether it's the northern Valley towns we have I think our DU diligence has to be so I view can you get the mayor to at least say hey let's do this V Lano so I I imag I Envision this resolution as the invit official invitation to invite them to to the table you could do something contingent upon but this is contingent right right yeah it's this invites it's a public statement inviting them to the table to discuss this because we had a lot of offline conversations about this and it seemingly went well from my my view then I hear other things what is the what is the core thing so you have a core now um you know we've been all over the place with you know do nothing because the H why pay for something when you're not going to get you know the county or Mom the the question question is I'm not comfortable with 12 18 25 minute response time uh when someone's coming from T-Neck you know to to get up here uh that that's the million-dollar question is what's the value of that time frame yep you know when you live in alapan and you hit 911 you expect a police car you expect a fir truck and you expect an ambulance and honestly whoever's been through a call like this no minutes feel like hours literally I just don't want to rush it I'm not I'm not saying don't you have the right to bring anything to the table uh I I just think there's there's more research pressure if you will with with a potential partner to uh to go and I think it's uh I mean to your point we we've talked to the core I mean I I I wish I wish some residents would come in and say Hey listen I I I had an experience and I don't want to spend that kind of money that I just mentioned or I do want to spend that money if I knew i' get somebody in three or four minutes so now someone told me once before that you know we're elected to make the decisions for the town okay and we're going to we're going to make the right decisions for the town and if I make the wrong one then I'm out something and I'm not afraid of that okay it's just that um that's what that's what we signed up for that's a good point Tom so anyway didn't want to steal your thunder I appreciate that's perfectly fine Mr Mayor okay I just think that we're moving at Glacier speed here but as long as we keep kind of moving it's and getting to the right plan that's that's what's important to me we will try to get them to the table to discuss and Jen when do you expect to have another committee meeting we'll have one next week all right thank you okay where were we we were moving on to new business and uh Mya for all presentation is uh they are not coming uh I think in the future if they want to come they'll um uh just have a chance to speak during the Open session of the meeting uh move on to ordinance uh 1256 d24 for councilman voice thank you Mr Mayor um I'd like to present ordinance number 1256 d24 is first reading to amend the golf course fees this resolution is uh whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance supplementing chapter 119 fees of the code of the burough of ult Jaan to amend the fees charged for the use of the oldan golf course was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 15th day of April 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the Bureau of Old depan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 1256 d24 B and the same is hereby adopted on first reading and be it further resolved the said ordinance number 1256 d24 uh will further be considered for final passage at a meeting of the said mayor and Council to be held on the 6th day of May 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the evening or as soon thereafter the matter can be reached in the count uh council chambers at burough Hall 227 ultan Road ultan New Jersey at which time and place all persons who may be interested will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance number 1256 d24 and be it finally resolved that the buau clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the introduction and notice of hearing as required by law second any discussion seeing none roll call please Council yes counc yes counc yes counc yes councilman yes okay um for council president U uh ordinance uh 1257 d24 thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 1257 d24 this is a first reading 2024 salary ordinance resolution whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance to fix the salaries wage and compensation of the officers employees of the buau of alapan County of Bergen state of New Jersey for the year 2024 was introduced at a meeting of the the mayor and Council held on the 15th day of April 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and councel of the Bureau of ultap pan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 1257 d24 being the same is hereby adopted on first reading and be further resolved that said ordinance number 1257 d24 will be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the said mayor and to be held on the 6th day of May 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the evening or as soon therea as a matter can be reached in the coun council chambers at Burrow Hall 227 ultan Road ultan New Jersey at which time and place all persons who may be interested will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance number 1257 d24 and be it finally resolved that the burough clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the introduction and notice of hearing as required by law second second any discussion see none roll call please counc yes Council Bo yes Council yes Council SAR yes councilman yes all right thank you uh I want to go back just one second it's we can call it new business we can sneak it in there I received a letter from the ultan public library and I'd like to read it it'll only take me a minute or so here mayor gallager we have had issues with minor Flooding at the library mechanic room for the last year or so due to heavy rainstorms during our renovation conduit pipes were installed from the pole next to the parking lot entrance that run underground to our mechanical room aside from a squirrel using the pipe for as grand entrance into the library a few years ago we hadn't had any issues the conduit pipes were never capped when we did our renovation currently the conduit pipe that has cables running through it has filled with water so when it rains it overflow the mechanic room and Beyond I contact an electrician and Verizon several times they put baggies on the top of the pipes to no avail after pulling out more soggy carpet tiles last Friday I emailed Andy from DPW and asked for his advice we met on Tuesday and I explained that I wasn't asking the DBW to fix our problem but rather that I needed some direction regarding who to call to repair I came back from lunch break yesterday and two DPW guys were sizing up a solution within an hour they sealed the pipe in the mechanic room and I believe and I believe the poll I have always praised a remarkable job that Andy brackenberry and his DPW team do in the burrow but Andy's Speedy diligence to resolve our water issues was truly exceptional our bur is so lucky to have Andy brackenberry and his DPW team take such pride in maintaining the beauty of our community and reaching out to our residents when a helping hand is needed I can't thank them enough uh kind regards uh Susan mki so just wanted to read that into the into the record impressive as always yes are a good group okay uh I'll let a motion um open the meeting to the public so move second would anybody from the public like to be heard tonight yes sir please come up and state your name for the record and your address yeah come on up good evening mayor and board I'm Rich Perez um I had reached out to the Bur clerk Jean inquiring regarding um which what I'm sorry address did we catch your address I'm sorry I'm in uh 72 Riverview Drive in Harrington Park thank you uh so I was inquiring regarding parking uh in relationships to the high school my do my my daughter's a a student there um and I was just trying to understand the ordinance that's in place I've been inquiring about kind of the situation what the high school's going through and doesn't seem to be much of a solution at the from the high school standpoint so I wanted to understand from from the town's perspective the ordinance I know it's been around forever according to the chief or someone at the police department that I had called um so really just wanted to understand a little bit more about the background I had sent an email um to Jean I'm not sure if she had fored it so just ideas I'm not really here to push any may I Mr Maya but I would really just want to opening statement I guess go ahead please I'm going to try to make it as short as I can the on Howard Drive the entrance to the school where the gate is in the back people drop their children off in the morning uh because they don't want to sit in the in the traffic in the front of the school and we've always had a problem with that gate and as the police commissioner last year and over the last 25 there's always been a problem with that gate asking them now we've had I had five meetings with the the James Santana Ted Lorenzo uh the police chief and myself and we've talked about the gate being open and the gate being locked and the parking issue came up with We Believe locking that gate at all times is the safety issue especially in today's Times They believe a little differently and at the last meeting we were there the athletic director had his uh DPW maintenance guys they would open the gate at certain events on Saturdays and Sundays and they're supposed to close it and lock it up after that and it wasn't being happen so we tried to tell them that our concern is locking that gate for a safety issue they don't believe they should they want to open it so that teams and and people can get to games at all different times I I think if I read this correctly I think it's another issue that Mr Perez may be referring to paring spots is I'm sorry the number of parking spots yeah then the high school number of parking spots uh and and our ordinance that says and I live in the neighborhood so it's 1 hour parking uh in the school zone to prevent and and there are various reasons you mentioned some of them in your in your email um to not overflow the neighborhood with high school parking we feel we felt uh I don't know if I was around when it when it came on on board but we felt that you know a park your daughter is a senior junior junior junior so I believe correct me from wrong I believe seniors you can park on campus there's no issue it's Juniors and we see this as birthdays come so L latter half of of U you know they become 17 in December January February it's it gets it gets tighter there um but part of it as you mentioned there that we had uh overflow we had traffic concerns we had uh um we had trash uh on people's property a lot of um I I walk my dog every day up up and I know he counted the spots on Russell there uh and there's there's quite a bit of McDonald trash you know fast food wrappers Starbuck cups and stuff and we were finding years ago is that wherever they were parking they you know the the whoever where they are they were there was an increase in in trash um on people's properties so we felt that that was one we felt that the the Safety and Security of um um emergency vehicles as you mentioned in your email and kind of a quality of life thing if you live in your in that neighborhood there we reluctantly um passed the ordinance that councilman Kara just referred to because of the back gate situation uh but it was necessary so Factor all those things in that's just kind of my memory of how it came about that's why that ordinance is in place it's to limit the school parking on public streets and um for safety safy our main impetus was safety and there's three firemen up here and three drivers of trucks of fire trucks and it's not safe how we drive is not safe it's safe now yeah my personally was safety with the again I TRS and right and Irving and we don't own the gate we have no influence over the gate that's up to the school that totally up to the school it's not our purview as we found out but parking and safety is and we made it safe in my opinion the last thing James Santana said was that they were going to put up a light at that gate and they were going to put up two cameras at that gate I don't know if that's been done yet yeah my my inquiry was more about parking so not not about the gate or the safety but I think to your point about safety you know my my my um rebuttal would be during football games we do have we do allow parking on one side of the street it's always parking on one side of the street not during school hours oh not during school hours yeah but I'm talking about during games that's when we have the problem and I'm talking yeah and I'm talking about school hours you're talking about school hours so school hours is where there's no there's there's no flexibility for sporting events all of a sudden there is flexibility so my inquiry was if we're allow we're allowing it after 3:00 for football games and for other events High School events why not during the day when when kids are looking for parking you and you can limit as I explained you can limit it in certain streets you can rotate it on Mondays on this street Thursdays on so it doesn't become a burden on actually we could Brian right we could not do that we couldn't limit it like during games or no because it it it needs to in order to be enforcable and and you don't know what the schedule is ahead of time so it would have to be done on an emergent basis by the police department I think Mr Perez's comments I mean I I think I get it he's said he's got a a daughter who goes to the high school she's a junior so next year I got more kids too so I got more all right so it doesn't go away next year this is just the first com so he he's you know she's 17 now I'm assuming and she got a driver's license and she doesn't she gets squeezed out as a junior of the high school parking lot and she wants to be able to park on in the neighborhood and and attend school I think that's the my yeah and and maybe there's other Solutions but I just threw out one I would like to see the high school I counted uh and I sent everyone an email I the day after I got your email there were 23 staff parkings uh where already lakes's house used to be run yeah yeah right on Central there were 23 vacant spots on campus that may have said staff parking is this a school is is are they using all of them I you don't know the answer to I've reached out to I've reached out to the to the uh vice principal inquiring about what are they doing to help given the school the class sizes in the school continue to grow grow so this this issue continues to become you know what happens is PE parents get frustrated but it come come May once the seniors do their service day it opens up and the issue kind of goes away and then all the Juniors become seniors and it becomes this issue kind of goes away so I just wanted to raise it as like you know I was hoping the school could work with the town to come up with something whether it's this solution or something else I'm not saying this is it but is there something to kind of help with this overflow that's safe that's not instruct you know impeding on homeowners like I understand that as well but it feels like there should be some kind of effort being done that it's not problem is not going to go away I drive past Stony uh Stony Brook in Hillsdale and um the the swim club and I drive past uh pas Valley High School quite a bit I my my granddaughter lives in Washington Township and I take her to school twice a week I'm by there all the time there's kids that park at Stony Brook and walk to pasc Valley walk right through the woods no no not not the ones on Hillel Avenue yeah Stony Brook then they come down to come down to pymont they walk all and it's a good quarter mile they're walking I don't know why they wouldn't park in the back of by state and walk it's shorter than you got to see them with shorts on and snow and private property what it's also private property their point so I'm not saying that's not a good thing to someone open up work than those kids are doing it past Val no no my get because that was the first thought and I've had other people tell me but my State's empty it is it is but it's private Library if he carves out I'm not sure if the library can carve out a couple spots in the library the library's tight okay actually we had a problem there with by state if we could when I say we it's really not wouldn't be up between the town the title 39 doesn't happen in by state because it's it's Plaza public whatever it's called but if the high school had an arrangement with by State Plaza but that wouldn't involve us you know but that's the quickest fix I've gone down a school I've gone down then they come up and they have their coffee at Starbucks and it's renovated and life is good um how many spots would you say are at the back gate for juniors um 12 minor standing it's 17 right across from the library yeah yeah 17 and that hasn't and that hasn't increased oh no no I know I graduated 2002 and that same thing I used to just have to the solution is well get there early but then what about the kids after yeah that they still have to go to school kids like she car the right thing and it's like there hasn't been an increase in that and I mean I know that they're raffling off like one spot in the in the senior then the issue becomes at the school is that Juniors Park in the senior lot and then there's you know other issues but um I see what you're saying on on Russell at least that there there hasn't been an increase um but that can't that's not from the town that's really you know the school I would say should be addressing that because I know at the other camp at demr there is a correct there's a junior lot uh I'm not sure there but the difference also is they have bigger they have a bigger lot they also have the the Board of Ed offices there so they have they have more designated parking whereas if you look at the the thumb the you know where we are is there's two other schools there's a library there's you know we have the Emergency Services on this on that street so it's it's hard because it's not a I see you're saying if you want to come up with a solution and people to work together just that Russell in particular there's nowhere else to come up with spots there you know because of what the other buildings are but um at least something to to think about you know with like you said the football games there's a certain time allowance of it um it just would have to be something that is not imped on the the residents there you know that that's something to consider you recall we made that ordinance and it was actually me who said let's do this for a year let's see what happens we could always resend it get you know next year we say this is a bad idea we might say hey this is a great idea so it it was our best intention to to you know make it safe and uh there was there were some comments from the audience that were both pro and con and I I think we made the right decision but let's see how it all out my opin I understand Mr is uh uh that you can look at it a couple of ways that parking on campus as a senior is a privilege and it's not I'm not saying I'm not taking either side of the the argument here um you know I looked at um you know demoris Lane I don't know if it's fair now now we have an ENT uh an entrance exit to our DPW garage where fire trucks and ambulances and big trucks go into to fuel up I don't know if it's fair to increase the Russell Avenue type parking onto demerist along the path I guess that cuts through by the tennis courts there and there's one two three houses back there I don't I don't want to they would be upset would on the surface I would think so but you know these are just things that have gone through my mind you know after reading your email what does it say now the no parking there now it's a 1 hour school same as a school same yeah Mr PR what happens when your does your daughter drive there every day yeah where does she find parking if there's no parking on Russell she parks on the she parks in the in the parking lot and she gets these stickers she got a sticker and supposedly after a certain number of stickers I don't know there's an escalation okay right my daughter's an honor roll student and she stresses out more about parking than than physics AP so it's like so Dad gets involved tries to figure out what what's what creativity can we come up with with the school the school really just put their hands up so I was just like there's a lot of parking right there right on the street my yeah you're close is there not is there not an area down by the baseball field if we open that gate we if the gate was open by the baseball field isn't there gravel it's sort of parallel to nicobar gravel area you got that where the entrance to the Fieldhouse is though that's where the you see wouldn't work for parking no and that's where the um have not DPW yeah I know it's wet animation deficit there is I don't you know it's here say the school would probably have a better idea but you know they could do a little analysis and see how many kids you know they you know when they get their license and do some kind of approximation they could do an annual analysis you know it's not the but the issue continues to grow as the classes you know as the class size continues to expand this issue is just going to continue to get is it like 20 or 100 it's not 100 it's like but do you have a better S it's closer to Christine yeah I mean the past few years it's it's been substantial I wouldn't say a 100 but over the course of the last like you know seven or eight years yeah you have trending upwards yes like I said I'm not I'm just hoping that school can start maybe work with the town to come up you know some of these ideas that I wouldn't have no idea you know I just kind of see the street parking as like it's right in front of right in front of you it's not you know I understand some residents could be upset but I thought I thought it could be kind of circulated or kind of in a way that it's it's not a big burden but I also don't live in in this area so uh listen I but if people parked in front of my house I would be fine with it for the record so I just really sure I'm not expecting else I just want bring this bring this it's on our radar and you know we talk to the school all the time about many many many topics oh boy yeah I I would appreciate if you can just continue to see what what can happen so we'll continue to dialogue and see if we can yeah figure out something else yeah appreciate the uh time thank you very much anybody else from the public like to be heard on any topic motion to close second aor you move we're