##VIDEO ID:aJV9fKhowvI## [Music] good evening everyone hope everyone is having a nice summer went from very hot to very wet but anyway um in compliance with the open public meeting law notification of this meeting has been sent to our official newspapers and other Publications circulated in the burough of alapan and notice posted on the bulletin board at burough Hall please be reminded that all meetings are videotaped and posted to our website within the next couple of days and our fire exits are at the main doors of the council chambers where you walked in and at the rear of the council chambers uh roll call please mayor gallager here Council BAGI here Council Boyce here councilman caraz councilman Guan here councilwoman M here councilman you here join me and uh to the I pledge alleg to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy justice for all please remain standing as councilman Guan leads us in prayer tonight uh let us pray to the Holy Father or to whomever you pray to and dedicate your life to to bless us in our town to give us the strength and knowledge and all the information to make good decisions for not only ourselves but our town this weekend I went home to visit my parents in Boston visit my parents and sister and an annual ritual of celebrating my birthday in the same exact way as when I was a kid growing up we could not afford my favorite meal Lobster uh but on my birthday my parents made sure that I had one whole lobster to myself despite the cost of affordability so every birthday I got uh one whole lobster this year was nothing different I enjoyed fresh M Lobster boiled with butter a reminder of not just giving but continual giving which turned into to a tradition of giving so as a reminder as we get back to our busy posts summer schedules to give back to someone whether family or someone in need and make it a tradition let us pray for those in our town and Community who are in need in need of support companionship and purpose and let us find the time and strength to help them amen it's time I'll entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public for a non-agenda item motion second second all favor I I anybody from the public like to be heard on a non-agenda item tonight seeing none please uh come on up and uh name and address for the this for the record my name is Martino um I was previously at 12 L police in old tpan and now now I just purchased 20 Greenwoods um in Old I had a couple of questions I had actually sent an a permit to for tree removal um which I actually had just found out that there was a new policy in town for all the trees to be removed um I want to be a little bit forthright it was a little confusing I wasn't given all of the accurate information that I really needed um I did notice on the front page of the website that uh that documentation was actually taken from Ridgefield Park just so you know um I highlighted all the areas um that it didn't even pertain to old toan but it is on the front page of the website when you go to Shad Tre advisory committee um which I thought was a little bit interesting um when I brought it up um with all of my questions um basically I was told that if I did decide to remove 19 trees um that I'd have to plant 57 trees um that would my total estimate of that would be $453 15 um or I can make a donation to the town um for I guess tree plantings where you can make a donation for $ 7,375 so when I look at this and I think about all the questions that I had asked at weren't answered so my first question was how long did I have to actually plant these 57 trees that is a big obviously it's a financial situation for us because to take down 19 trees cost an exorbitant amount of money and then I have to pay to plant 57 new trees um that are completely over the whole proximity of my house we actually have over 75 trees on our property so I really just need a better understanding about how can find a better way to obviously take down these 19 trees but also appuse the town at the same point um I actually did come to town today because I filed another permit but um I was instructed by Lady be right here to ask for a waiver um basically I'm not exactly sure what that means when I looked it up I assume that the waiver is um that we can kind of find a medium of what we can do here because I just cannot obviously take down these trees and then plant these trees right away and then there um I was told well bring in your new um what we're going to do to the property well I don't know what I'm going to do to the property because I don't know how many trees I could take down I have other things to do there besides just worrying about planting 57 trees I really wasn't considering this exorbitant amount to take on um but when I read through all the policies in the town um there were a lot of things that stuck out to me and one of them was The Cutting or destruction of removal of trees which are diseased or dead or which endanger Public Safety or threaten damage to private property that's um itemized item 23410 I'm in permitted activities with respect to private real property trees so this is my question it's a hazard to my family if one of these trees falls on top of my tiny house it's going to wipe out the house we have trees that are over 80 ft tall on our property so majority of them a majority of them are well over 40 I mean well over 40 feet I know where it is yeah so so Bill yeah um let him finish okay I mean he was going to answer some of your questions as you went but go ahead I'm trying to write them down because there's a lot right I mean well because I'm just trying to find the best solution here and when I came here to find out all the information I was it was vague and I was really told that they hadn't really they absorbed this policy at the end of May because the whole state of New Jersey absorbed it I totally understand but they couldn't give me that detailed information so now I'm at a hold up I can't even move into my house thank God my family lives in town and they're giving us a room but I can't even move into my house because I would like to get this done before I move in so I can paint my house and do the things that I get property you can't get a CO to move in no I have a CO but I'm just say I personally don't feel comfortable moving into my home because of what's happened there all right so so you do you are one of the first applicants to go through our tree removal application process so congratulations congratulations that's a you're right um I'm sorry that it's in you know so challenging at this time that of the 19 trees that you want to remove are they hazardous are there broken branches that are hanging over your home yes you know and those things are things that naturally have waivers you're allowed to remove those they don't contribute to the tree replacement that you're discussing well they right and also our building department is now trying to look into finding a suitable person to come out and assess the trees to make to you know verify that they are a hazard to you and of course they would not say that you can't remove those trees we we're not in the business of creating danger or maintain that that is the exceptions that you're talking about yes um that's one of the things we have to put into that was not there no there are exceptions in the ordinance if they're dangerous but um maybe it's not in the in the application oh okay but it's definitely it's definitely in the ordinance there and I read it and it and Hazard but this is the point it really the hazards don't pertain to private property the hazards pertain to you know if somebody does a subdivision or other areas there's a poll adjacent missing to the private property part and I know I'm not the only person that felt this way and that was my biggest where I'm like well what information do we get um I mean we can refer to our Council here but he also reviewed the ordinance and I'm pretty sure that in somewhere in there there is a amidation for residential homes that need to REM need to remove dangerous trees yeah I was sure that it was in there I mean I haven't looked at the ordinance recently but I look at it again have a copy of it who would make that determination well that's I was going to bring it up at my count my comments but um because I spoke to Bob rush today and he said they need somebody qualified to make that determination qualified meaning an arborist orist would need to do the owner I mean if they had did you you said you have someone look at well so obviously we're not just hiring anybody we have a tree person that's coming in and he felt that the trees a lot of them were diseased but if you I mean you also don't know even an arborus will tell you that you don't know until they actually cut down the tree so basically the tree roofs could have totally saturated um you know into the soil and we know that's a fact because we can't even grow grass in certain areas of our property so I think it's a little bit bigger and if my biggest concern is you know obviously just buying this house wanting to try to do do this before I move in and do everything that I paint and you know waste all my time and my money like to fix this property but I mean I think that it was very vague and I'm not just going to just write out a check to someone I'm also not going to you know for me they're like oh of course we'll sign your permit right but I need to know what's on the other side of that permit and that was my biggest question here tonight why should I just say oh okay sure and then I don't even know what I'm responsible for at the end who can we hire or who can we find to authorize something like that that a tree is going to be you know danger very least you need an arborist but even arborists aren't foolproof right I've I've known a lot of arborist that are not that good and would the would the homeowner do it or would the burrow hire our own we we need I believe we need an arborist on staff for a few hours and this is new Jersey D regulating that we have a new tree ordinance because of the storm water ramifications of removing all the trees right so it's not something that we're just saying hey we need a tree ordinance um but we need somebody qualified to go out and look at the permits and walk the sites and say okay you know they've marked Seven Trees five of them are dangerous the other to they're obligated to replace with either funding but I don't know if it's fair to you either to have to um pay to replace trees that are dead right right and I think that there's a distinction in the ordinance that covers that because you have a waiver to remove the dead and Dangerous Ones that's very true but you do need an arborous but in what I found out through this process for the last like four weeks now of like going back and forth is that an arborous can say oh yes this tree is is damaged or lightning struck it and it killed it to the root but it's really the damage that it does to the soil so basically if the tree is damaged and it damaged the soil below even if I replant a tree in that area it will not grow it's just a known it it will not grow because what happens is the soil is damaged in that area depending on the tree could have also damaged based on your water easement there's so many different things so could that so and I don't know if that's true or not I'm not a arborist I'm not an environmental scientist I'm not any of that so but a testimony from an orborous that says Hey listen this tree is damaged we feel that this tree when it comes out putting a tree back in that place is is not going to be any good because of exactly what you just explained how do we and can we then accept that some arborus is putting his license on the line or a certification the Plumber's not going to do a job sign off on something if it's not done right but I believe also Mr Mayor that there's flexibility in where you place that tree on the site so if you have the building in the middle and you have a periphery that it can be wooded not endangering the home in the future then you're allowed to plant in those buffer areas around the edge you get 57 trees were 19 were I mean that's that's what that's how we get to that number I'm going to I guess you could I I personally can't afford I mean we replaced our last address 12 Glenn we replaced a green giant which I had planted 60 along the perimeter of our property one died after a few years that was $800 just for the tree itself for a 10-footer oh my God when I planted them they were 120 for 5 to six Footers the price just so as soon as she told me this I'm like nck I don't know if we could afford to live in this house because we want to make it look as nice as possible I mean the work that we did at our last house the property was spectacular we're looking to do it here it's a beautiful location love the area love the town I I work a town over in in New York love it here it's in in I love it here it's home I just want to make it look right but it's just all these things that she tell me like oh my God Nikki I can't do it it's impossible you said something earlier just you you weren't sure what you were going to do yet with the house and that just led me to believe one of the intents of the ordinance and correct me if I'm wrong bill is that we didn't want developers coming in just wiping it down and and starting with a clean canvas if you will so we didn't want that to happen because of the reasons in storm water and things like that so are you expanding the house or you don't know yet or we're keeping the house the footprint stay the same the we want to paint the outside we want to you know OB we don't know how we're Landscaping we we just don't know what we're doing with the exterior yet because of the trees and they're just in such close proximity like I want to paint the house I can't paint the house until I take down some of these how do we get how do we we want to assign a inim person to review trees in the before we can hire somebody permanently thank you are you looking maybe they need an i they don't need an for example I'm a vegetable guy I not the property okay um it's not just a tree they the root system of the trees is all over the front yard so they have no grass on the front yard I know even Bob said on the other side on the side of the house those trees I mean you could just look at them and they're dead so someone officially saying they're dead they should come out at no well you got you have to remove them on your property but we're not going to we're not going to hold that count are hanging over toot they're hanging over we we didn't want to have an issue like I said as soon as our trei came to us and he said oh there's a new we were like all right let's do it the right way the the other side factor is though is that when you look at the big picture of this it's just obviously an issue it's not like I would think that any person coming in here today and your answers can't even really be properly you know your questions can't be properly answered that to me is a little bit nerve-wracking you know when I went to thinking I'm buying this house yeah like like the mayor said you are the first customer we have with this so we we'll get this right it's just um this was never it was never intent to be a money grab or anything like that it's actually here we I mean a lot of we share a lot of it's actually on the front page it says Richfield par that's bizarre I I highlighted it thank you you're welc sorry I mean sometimes instead of Reinventing the wheel I mean Wood Lake may have a great U right I get something and they take it from us we I mean I only know I grew up in that area so I was like God Rich Park I out here seven years ago you said you hired a tree company already we well we we wanted to you know we spilled up are they a certified rbur not anst not not that Weir believe not an R which means tree uh I mean we had several companies come out just to spec our property obviously to see if we could get a a better deal but everybody was like God half of these are dead they're hanging over this is going to be an issue one tree actually fell on our neighbor's fence and we had to have it removed the town actually came and took one of our trees it fell into the middle of the street um about a week before our closing and and there was another one it's still on the property so every time there's like a little Windstorm like a joke an inside joke we'll drive by to see what came down today and sure enough three three instances one of which the to so a certified tree company a a tree company I didn't play hard I didn't very hard enough trust me I think I know where you're going a certified tree company removal and you know spraying whatever should they be they they're licensed right or certified or something they have a license AR on staff yes they well I'm not asking if they have a license arborist because they may or may not right uh there are tree companies that probably don't but are they all let's say under the Department of Community Affairs are they all licensed to do business in Department state of New Jersey Affairs would require tree companies to have a license to operate yes and so they're licensed they can't be the answer to whether this tree is good or not good or this or that going too far with who's really going to look at that tree and say it's good or bad I'm not sure we have building inspectors and are licensed contractors building homes yet we have building inspectors so not sure do any ordinance allow you to take non buffer trees down a certain amount for a year in the buffer zone non non buffer zone we spread work out a little bit non buffer zone I think is four a year and in the buffer zone it's only if they're diseased or danger correct but I don't think you have to replace you don't have to replace those so it's 19 minus 4 you don't have to replace so that's now you're down to 15 if half of the 15 are dangerous then you're down to seven and a half I mean I just found a lot of little polls obviously that official call it's that staff member that we don't have because we just started say here just so you know it says in uh 2 34-12 tree removal permit application procedure the construction official shall have the authority to wave any or all of the below listed conditions one of those conditions in uh itemized G is H Hazard trees may be removed with no fee or replacement requirement so what I'm saying to you is is that I'm obviously taking down 19 trees not because I just want to kill the trees they're obviously a hazard it's a hazard to my family so if that could be overlooked for this that would be amazing because I would like to plant grass so my daughter could run in the yard freely I mean I don't want to have any Roots we obviously just want to do the right thing is that your op I'm sorry is that your opinion that the 19 are or is it someone like a tree company say these 19 should go for this reason well I'll tell you what on the next storm you come over to the house and no I'm just I'm just trying to get we were there for one of them and I was like there's no way that I well but honestly getting back to your question to be fair I would say probably half sure okay no would say half I would say half and I'm not saying I'm not going to plant another tree I just can't tell you yet because I don't know how many I can remove I don't know the condition of the soil so I can't give a plan and I'm not going to paste the soil don't make it seem like it's a The Roots it's insane it's insane ve on these everywhere so corre I would I would agree I mean when using the term Overlook I kind of don't like that I like the word waiver better right um but I think we should make accommodation for because we're not all clear because it's a brand new ordinance and it's not fair to them so who from the Bro can we authorize to look at the work that they want to do and see if they could authorize it or not does Bob have to come back to us and then the council and he can issue a waiver might does he need our approval to do a waiver okay that's what I figure so Bob could can we get a report from Bob this week or so and then September 3rd this this Council will say yeah it's a it's it's a legitimate request and we'll wave it or I think so we think we should put for you know whatever we put the reason as because we have yet to hire an arborist so in other words just that precedent right like when we have an arborist there might not be this waiver right I I think using this waiver because when we hire this person then then that person should have been going to the property but we we're just not set up for it yet so that's why I would say you know what we were actually set up before the resolution that's where we're sitting now until we actually have an arist in place based on I don't think we even decided to hire one okay right well D has also had a moving Target of this too D was changing rules as they went along too okay all right so that's so Bob's going to give get a report to you Anna um and then uh we'll uh discuss that report at our September 3rd meeting and we'll we'll give you an answer by the 4th okay fair enough that's very fair thank you really appreciate okay thanks for coming by thank you when anybody else from the public like to be hi hi name and address please my name is Anthony patriarco I live on Ford Greenwood Road for the past 66 years uh I was in process of cutting down the trees on July 31st I had seven trees that I wanted to take down Bob drove by the 31st and I just got down three he told me to stop so I got the permit and I got a burst report and all seven trees that I want to take down called t t trees enormous trees and over the years I lived there many have fallen knock down my power lines damaged my roof crushed my car so I finally saved up enough money to get the last seven that I feel that would crush my house and perhaps maybe got forit kill somebody in the house okay and summon them were by the generator they ever hit the generator the gas line by the generator whatever so I gave the report to Bob he told me no that I can't take the other Street trees down without paying I know be thousands of dollars of planting 28 trees and I don't have the property plant 28 trees for first of all the whole idea is to give it to these trees so I have the report here from an arborist from an arborist stating that the trees are in various stages of Decay the roots are showing and if they would fall we don't know if they're going to fall but I i' I've seen them for mhm over the years and they they would crush the house they would go right through the house and uh I gave him the report he told me no and that he's going to charge me for the three trees that are already to take him down I mean he already got a price this morning and I and I have report stating that these trees are dangerous okay so back Phil yeah so I had the report and you still G me all time time um we we'll talk to Bob um but that's in conr with our Orin he supposed to call me today gave me a price he already has a price in his mind that he wants to charge me for the Three Trees the size of these trees is going to charge me at least two grand for for the three I already taken down thank God I took him down you're talking about Bob charging you two grand or the tree company charging you two grand I'm not going to put the I'm not going to you know more trees there if I'm not mistaken the ordinance of for the potential to remove four trees per year without being charged and Dangerous Ones beyond that charging right here if it's a danger to your home or your pro private property they are no doubtly danger to this property I have to have it taken down In fairness to to him as well the ordinance is new for everybody well if it's so new why is he so eager to to charge him he's not eager to charge I'm just suggesting he may think he's following what the ordinance suggests he has to do again it's the first time he's looked at it so you know we can talk to him about what the ordinance is intended to do so well he's got the same report I have here tell me not so a permit is still necessary even though it's one of those four buffer per I already applied for the permit so you applied for the permit after you cut down a few didn't not is there any any way that I would know that there was well I mean part of it is our our there was no way I would even know also I think you started like you had started yeah I got I got a PR watch 11 to get these I had no idea didn't have it I no idea and I've been cutting down trees for the past you know 60 years living in the house well well I wait till they fall down but no and I just I hope that both the conversation tonight the intent of the of the newer ordinance was to one comply with the state regulations M and two so a developer doesn't come in and cuts everything right down so that's that's that's the intent of the ordinance so whether it was whether it was communicated properly we've heard from some folks saying it wasn't so we we'll take we'll take responsibility for that and it's working brother Bob off my back for the money we'll talk to we will we will talk to Bob uh and and he still has my report saying that you know that these treets are yeah those again back to my original question to to Bill licensed arborous if he's licensed he's an arborous he says they're no good that's kind of good they just have to be dangerous right that's legit that's it's just it has to be I can't I didn't hear you he just you know they're very the dangerous that's that's the reason why I'm here I've never been in this room and I hope you should come more often thank you that's all I got to say we'll talk we'll talk to Bob same kind of thing uh you'll get a report back from from Bob Anna and we'll okay thank you gentlemen I appreciate your time thank you good night thank you to see you Tony see you one time yeah you too anybody else from the public like to be heard on any other matter seeing none motion to close second second second okay all in favor I all right our next order of business is uh couple of public hearings uh first one ordinance 1263 d24 for councilman voice okay thank you Mr Mayor um this is a second reading um from the burough clerk's office for the veterans Banner program and as the second reading I'd like to open it up to the public for comment move second all in favor I I anyone from the public like to be heard on the veterans Banner program motion to close so second excuse me all in favor I okay uh councilman thank you whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance creating a new ordinance 300 to be titled veterans Banner program was introduced at a meeting the mayor and Council held on the 15th day of July 2024 now therefore be a resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough of voltean County of Bergen state of New Jersey that set ordinance number 12 63- 24b and the same is hereby adopted on second and final reading and be it finally resol that the buau clerk is authorized hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law and with the within resolution was duly adopted by the bur burough council at a meeting held on the 19th of August 2024 second any comments seeing none roll call please Council B yes councilman boce yes Council yes Council yes Council yes okay next is ordinance 1264 d24 also for councilman Boyce thank you Mr Mayor again this is a second reading for ordinance number 1264 d24 Capital ordinance Golf Course irrigation system fully funded so I'd like to open to the public some move second okay anyone from the public like to be like to have any comments on the golf course irrigation system motion to close second all in favor I all right councilman thank you Mr Mayor whereas an ordinance in entitled the capital ordinance appropriating the sum of $50,000 for the golf course irrigation by the bur Vol to pan and the appropriate $50,000 from General Capital Improvement fund was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 15th day of July 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough of old Jaan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that set ordinance number 1264 d24 being the same is hereby adopted on second and final reading and be it finally resolved that the burough clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law second any comment see none roll call please counc yes coun yesc yes yes yes okay next is our consent resolution for council president you thank you Mr Mayor resolution be it resolved that the following resolutions placed on the agenda by require no discussion and the same having been previously reviewed by each council person B and are hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and councel of the Bureau of ultap pan bills and claims release cash bonds and escrow refund liquor license transfer fee refund 2024 property tax overpayment tax lean Redemption cancel thirdparty lean payable balance cancel additional prior your sewer charges green cancel additional prior year sewer charges pikio contract award Timberman Equipment Company Inc Sewer Department camera system shared services agreement special Law Enforcement Officers three renew Bergen County Municipal joint Insurance Fund membership and vehicle auction second okay any questions on our consent resolution I just had one question the refund liquor license transfer fee who's that BOS um okay the one guy owns 80% the other guy owns 20% and the guy who owns 20% selling to the 80% so it's not if it was um any other ratio like 80 20 20% is a threshold if it's more than that then you have to do a the girl license transfer but they just met it so it's really okay it wasn't much anyway right thank you it wasn't much anyway what what do you mean the fee well no he's transferring his 20% ownership over it but according to ABC they don't have to pay the fee thank you okay anything else all right roll call please councilman Bady yes councilman Boy Yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman M yes councilman yes okay thank you uh next is our Engineers report Tom thank you good evening couple items um The Wolf Road is essentially done for the time being we have one more round of funding from dot where we will work on drainage near the the golf course right opposite Calwood and finish the road up to Orangeburg Road um reason we didn't do it this round is just because we live literally ran out of money um but we do have another round of of dot funding so that will easily be taken care of within that um this I think is section seven of D Wolf Road um 200 oldan Road the apartments across the street you're probably all very well aware that tcco was issued U people started moving in over the weekend so that place will start to come alive and uh we'll see how it how it functions I'm I'm interested the apartments which ones Department the rental building right yeah the rental building behind yeah quick yeah and the last thing I was going to mention is the Burrow road program um it's currently underway um we're probably 80% complete at this point um Hampton Ridge Court uh a couple other small areas are left that'll be done in the next two days weather permitting and the weather looks good so we should be done by Wednesday and that's all I have okay Tom yeah Tom if I could just say I mean I don't know about your end but as my end as as a resident as a business owner on the Wolf Road those guys were the they were the low bidder they were fantastic they were which we don't often say here on this day as far as I'm concerned they were more than accommodating for me and uh professional they said they were going to do it and they did it I you know I don't work on your end of it so I don't know what you know where where you lie but as far as sitting on his stas for 25 years or so we've had nothing but complaint about low biders these guys were yeah good to hear clean is the name of the company yeah four number four cleanup we had them 20 25 years ago and it was a nightmare wasn't good and they made that very clear when they won the bid like we're not the same people anymore we've obviously got a lot more experience and and you're going to be happy and and I was happy also professional job and the communicated correctly and I was happy good Tom with the all this rain in the past two weeks three weeks including 6 in yesterday Etc have there been any new issues around town not flooding anything yeah I think things are moving in the right direction um we don't have a ton of issues compared to a lot of municipalities our infrastructure is not in perfect shape but in better shape than most I would say um so we've got certain things we've got to attack and we're doing them one or two at a time um ajm is a contractor who's doing the road program this year again low bidder um and took care of a couple of those problems where where they're not drainage issues but they were ponding issues that are just aesthetically not pleasing and it's embarrassing when you pave a new Street and it's it's got a big puddle on oh I know one um and they're they're really working hard at it uh and everything we asked them to do they've taken care of so far okay Birchwood Birchwood is the hard one and that's we're saving that for last so we'll see what happens which end 151 Birchwood is a is a ponding isue in the middle of Birchwood there not was there one at the bur at the intersection the bur they did um today okay and I drove by it tonight to see if there any puddles from the rain you know 5 or 6:00 whatever that was and there's nothing there so look good owner of herps and Ulta pan still pwns where the east corner northeast corner of alapan and herst oldan and herst yeah part of that issue um it's it's the county thing there's no infrastructure there they don't there's no drainage infrastructure in the county roads I mean it doesn't Pond a lot it's just that corner is there storm drain and an timate Road not that there's none there's not enough I'm sorry yeah there's not nowhere near enough uh so you know you've got to run huge distances and it doesn't take much to mess that up okay thank you Tom thank you thank you Tom Tom good night okay uh Council committee reports uh start with uh councilman Guan thank you Mr Mayor uh I think it'll be a short one uh it's been a summer month so not much activity uh to report um the one issue that I did want to report is on August 9 at the library uh there was a a leak in the roof uh one of the ceiling tiles fell uh into the library so they had to close the library on that I think Saturday um they've called the roofer uh they had obviously buckets under the leak and this actually was be it was during a rain but um before a big storm also so uh so this was August 9th uh Susan just texted me uh for the uh update uh the cleaning guy replaced ceiling tiles this morning uh and one of them was wet from the rain they were supposed to come she says basically it was a it's still a very frustrating situation um uh they came they sealed all the seams they had a 7 175 kids registered for summer reading program um so you know a big number is for summer and unfortunately uh they had that leak um and you know we spoke about this right the library is getting older and you know money should be U put more towards kind of repair and maintenance um and we we did that for this year's budget um so that's it on the library uh the board is supposed to meet on September 11 so that's the next time uh we'll meet as a group uh in terms of Finance our CFO Jesse has passed her tax collector test um thus an increase in salary which I think is already budgeted uh it's going to give us a little bit more flexibility right uh in terms of tax collect uh collecting season Etc I don't know um and if you want to elaborate on anything else on the plan was when we hired Jesse she didn't have her tax collector certific so she went for and she passed it um we have Kelly uh who is our temporary tax collector she'll be here probably next year just so he can get comfortable with all the sewer um because we have sewer utility so it's a lot more than tax though and um uh Joanne who is parttime right now is also going for her certification so she will become our Deputy tax collector so we will have in house uh tax collector and but due to the fact that Joan went part time now it's going to her her test she can't take till June so she wants to go back fulltime in January which is nice to hear um you know family issues have settled down so she's not better now and um it'll give her time to be able to take the test and by mid next year I think we'll be tax collector and Deputy tax collector in house and it's the the money is flat it's the same thing I mean it's all budgeted that way thanks Anna and then uh OEM uh Town day uh pre-planning meeting is August 28th at 3m. right here in the chambers okay and that's the end of my report thank you thank you uh councilman Boyce thank you Mr Mayor uh the veterans would um I spoke to Fred Pugi and read something that he wrote to me very quickly I me said he just wanted to say that he's looking forward to having old Jaan designated as a veterans friendly community and the continued work on Oaks Park this fall and that our Banner program is up and running and um I don't know if you've seen but Steve Petrelli's uh Banner is up and it looks great um regarding the the new Memorial um I walked the site again with Andy brackenberry and we are going to do that but since the last meeting I did secure the pavers that we need for that space at a very discounted rate from xtec building for a$1 60 a square foot which is about a third of what they usually cost so we're going to secure those and stash them somewhere till we can actually do the work so that's really good news um the environmental commission I was going to discuss the trees and the permitting and the need to hire somebody to that process but uh uh I think we heard enough about that so I guess I'll be seeing Bob uh this week yeah the thre is could work out what especially these two residents sounds like there's some relief needed there yes you they're the guinea pigs yeah okay um and then lastly there's a golfer um who is asking for a little relief as well um we've have a senior golfer in town that um paid their dues for 2024 due to health issues that unable to play in the past we've allowed them to roll that over into next year if there's a marginal increase of a few percentage points um our golf you know I think that we could either absorb that or just ask them to pay the difference but roll that into next year if the council would agree the past he wasn't able to play at all not at all he hasn't played one he didn't play at all he he is a golfer for many years one of the ones that is always on the on the golf but he was not able to play should we have a policy on this or should we just want every it seems like we have a lot of these conversations and if we have one or two a year I'd rather do it that way but off yeah I would say Case by case there was somebody we said no to we say we're moving to North Carolina or something remember yeah we said no you're moving you're not sick or you know break your leg or something leave it on the counter you move leave leave your C on the counter yeah we've been pretty accommodating I think one that came through and when I checked was supposedly his wife um wasn't able to golf and so they weren't golfing and I checked and they had golfed the week before so I didn't even send it out right all right so we're comfortable with the way we do it okay I am so so are we comfortable with giving this person some relief and foring I am I would recommend we do that where we're crediting him for next yearing him for next year I think I you need a roll call on that Jean there was no motion well if someone makes that motion I make a motion we give this gentleman some relief I'll second that motion some relief okay all right any further discussion on giving this gentleman some relief no all right all right roll call might as well do it officially sure councilman yes Council voice yes Council gu Council yes yes to roll over so no fun yeah is that okay we vot on perfectly fine thank you Spirit of the motion yeah that's yeah that's what you said and that concludes my report okay thank you uh councilman BAGI Mr Mayor thank you uh from the police chief first I have a a note that was written today that came into the police building it's a it's a happy one I am writing you today to say thank you for coming to my age Saturday August 10th I lock my keys in my car and I was frantic thank you very much for unlocking my car and doing so with kindness and a smile two officers came asking to offering a helping hand also they were also very kind and with a smile you are appreciated more than you know thank you for serving and thank you for putting others first ultap pan is blessed to have you P.S I forgot the name of the officer who unlocked my car his name begins with an R I think that's all all she said sincerely Patty I cannot say her last name freden sense that's what it looks like anyway it was a nice note uh the activity report total of 1,525 calls for service and special details were attended by ultim police officers 281 motor vehicle stops 147 motor vehicle summonses were issued 202 radar details were completed throughout the burrow 134 traffic enforcement details were completed throughout the BAU 143 security awareness cards were provided to Residents three firearm ID cards were received one arrest was made for outstanding warrant one arrest was made for operating mod a vehicle while Under the Influence 12 traffic details were completed for outside contractors meaning Suez and psj total for the month was $3,107 year to date 17,000 724 uh 4 $450 in permit and Report fees were turned over to the burrow Treasurer um there's a list of sick days Etc you're I'm not going to read them but you're welcome I'll glad to send them to you if you need there's a community Initiative Program officer recognition and Community functions they give out free Ice Cream coupons and they were handed out for bike safety helmet if they catch somebody doing good you know hand out bite hand out uh Dairy Queen stuff for anybody they catch wearing a helmet thanks uh the officers also participated in the First Responders day at the Town Camp I told you about the arrests one more for recognizing this is one of our borrow sheets that you fill out if you if you're happy we're not name of the employee employee was patrolman antonucci the date was 7:21 2024 and the name of the person who filled this out was Anthony borzone 46 Charles playet right down from you Tom on the overnight of 72124 our garage door unbeknownst to us had not closed completely patrol officer Antoni discovered the open door and left a note card in our mailbox making us aware making us aware of his finding I was glad to see that a small thing like this was reported to us and was happy to discover the courtesy Cur security awareness crime prevention program that our PD had in place just want to say thanks to police officer antonucci and the entire PD for watching out for all our citizens thank you Paula and Anthony Bo out uh that's all I have for that the new hire is currently pending uh psych exam which they all have to do pending at the end of the month so that's all in order if things are moving forward the there's a little backlog in the exam because evidently this one therapist psychiatrist he's under contract for most of the state so there's a lot of he's busy so anyway things there are moving forward as correctly we hope to uh we hope to app point in September but I don't want to be I don't want to jump first that's the plan right now that's the plan that's 10 of the plan that's all I have okay thank you um councilwoman misso thank you Mr Mayor uh the concert in the park series ran on Wednesdays in July thank you Anna and Liz for coordinating the great series of concerts in the park and one at the firehouse du durine good job with that sure um the historical committee met last Tuesday here and we discussed upcoming events such as Town day on September 7th and prepared for the town birthday party on October 20th by organizing pictures and artifacts for the town Time Capsule um we are progressing in our collection of pictures and artifacts we're asking any residents who wish to contribute pictures and artifacts to drop them off at the Historical table on Town day the mayor and Council are also invited to do the same before where we Clos the capsule at the Town birthday party in October special thank you to Anna for scouring the town archives for pictures and newsletters and Maps um the recre commission is meeting tomorrow Tuesday August 20th at 800m summer basketball concluded at the end of July with playoffs thank you to Kristen ziles for organizing summer basketball five out of six OT teams were in the championship with four of those teams winning the outright Championship so congratulations to teams Rec Soccer is gearing up for the start of The Fall season um they have roughly over 250 um children who were registered so thank you to Craig mer for all of his work organizing the rec soccer program we're excited for that town Day committee has been uh meeting virtually and then met in person uh in July so first of all thank you mayor Gallagher uh for filling in I was away that week so mayor Gallagher attended the meeting but he also um contributed his ideas and his time and service so that's appreciated um so again that will be September 7th from 1 to 5: at stonepoint and we thank uh Gloria Weisner and Michelle Lor for heading the committee we're very excited about that um Board of Health is preparing for a table at Town day and is still looking for applicants to fill our open membership roles uh and last two things the burough hosted its first family movie night on on Friday July 19th at stonepoint it was a good turnout and we we look forward to hosting again in the future Stone Point was a great location for this event and we thank the DPW especially Shan for setting it up and Tom for his help and staying to uh break everything down after we will have a a future movie Nights on August 24th and then Friday September 6 with the night before Town day and then possibly a dual feature at the Halloween festival in October and it was really fun we we watched sing too I was singing along um sorry if I kept you up late um and then lastly the youth Council met on Thursday July 18th to discuss the group's vision and our agreed upon goals of increasing youth involvement in the town through volunteerism I encourage them to attend Town meetings and events and to create a positive connotation synonymous with their group they will have a table Town day as well and are asking for their website to be listed on the Burrow's website I'm currently working with them to migrate to a free website service via Google sites so that they don't incur any more fees for their current web design and that is all I have Mr Mayor thank you thank you have a question are we going to invite the championship teams from summer basketball here I don't remember I know we do winter in in the past have we invited summer I don't remember you've ever done that we usually do school teams yeah yeah R we do we definitely do rack those remember all the soccer teams that came in that's wreck and then winter basketball sure we'll get our I don't know I mean our for meeting so invite them in it's four team four four is a lot I don't think I don't remember the last time I mean I have the list of who I don't remember the last time that four teams won summer basketball championships you want to do you let me know because we meet tomorrow night so I can tell Christ second if we can get well I we would need there all the information so if they can get it I don't know if September 3rd is a good kind of quick meeting so they EMA me like if you just have to email me I what I need coach's name is yeah all right thank you yeah so aim for 16th if we can pull it off September 16th yeah that should be good I I don't think I think it was the summer ones because because it was summer we might not have done them to get them in everybody's back everybody's back in school then so right okay all right thank you uh council president you thank you Mr Mayor welcome first I have to say um please excuse my absence last meeting thank you councilman Guan for providing the council with my updated report and anybody else that might have filled in I have nothing new to report for schools they are out on summer vacation seniors there will be participating in a senior festival at vanon Park on September 12th other than that there's really not much else to report other than they're anxiously awaiting their grant money for their trip that usually comes out next month maybe or October we should be getting contract okay first day core not much to report other than they had a pretty busy four or five weeks I know cuz I was getting all the all the uh all the calls on my phone in Korea I'll will provide official figures at our next council meeting fire department also had a very busy few weeks um something I know the mayor attended last uh Town day meeting I know uh fire department will be providing hamburgers and hot dogs at Town day providing or cooking I am not sure I didn't get the details whatever it's yeah I've been in touch with Gloria okay at the very least cooking all right and we'll we'll be providing that to attendees at a charge they have it worked out um they have a ID system all right you know so I mean it's it's our intent is to provide the food and you know other things to town residents and maybe not the pasak valley it is Town day that's the intent one thing I just want to make sure the seniors that are be be attending that day they get U some kind of a voucher for a hot dog or a hamburger they just need ID right yeah they just have to be residents yeah okay y you know them all anyway I know yeah and to finish up um in August 1974 a 16-year-old Glenn Fifer joined the old p fire department as a junior firefighter he worked up the ranks and served as Chief company trustee and all the positions in between he still serves as an active fireman so on the behalf of ult toan I want to thank him for his 50 years of dedicated service to our buau that concludes my report okay um oh I'm sorry one last thing for fire there have been uh I've been notified by our chief that there's been a lot of illegal parking in their parking lot especially during town events I'm going to try to figure out a way to get maybe better signage or better striping up on the parking lot so that's prevented in the future so I'll be working on that in the future that's it thank you okay thank you uh couple of points uh tonight so since our last meeting uh some of these things have been brought up already tonight but uh I attend attended the uh canas CIP uh First Responders day uh team number three was the Kickball Champions and happened to be the team that I was on so uh happy to report that um I did uh I did uh attend the uh the town day meeting that uh that Council woman mro mentioned before uh what a great group uh doing fundraising getting things together they really seem to have most of the details kind of buttoned up and let's pray for good weather um there uh concerence in the park shout out to uh Janet Manning and and Anna DPW setting things up um I was able to attend two out of the four um and they're great and uh I said that I would uh discuss it with the U with the with Janet that she'd love to see more Council people at the concerts so next July I'll be reminding everyone to uh put your Wednesday evenings as side and come listen to some good small town bands and have some small town fun um our master plan and uh uh housing element committee has been hard at work uh kind of championed by uh our planner John Zabo uh collecting data they had one meeting we we plan to have another meeting I guest in early September we've been doing some some uh collecting some information the committee members have been sending it through uh through our planner to kind of Buton everything up together so we've been um uh pulling that together so that we can be ahead of the uh our our mandates for round four of the uh affordable housing legislation um I attended the uh just last week the pasak valley uh pasc Valley mayor's meeting I was down in ell and uh our speaker was Senator Holly shapi and what else is the Hot Topic to talk about these days but affordable housing so we went over affordable housing we reviewed a lot of things there we all kind of commiserated that uh uh it's somewhat unfair on the process uh no one will argue that affordable that we don't need affordable housing or that we don't support affordable housing it's just that the some of the mandates are just um kind of irresponsible uh briefly spoke about Senate Bill 2103 and assembly Bill 971 uh which has uh it it rolls into the able housing uh legislation is that there are 62 I believe Urban Aid communities that don't really have to participate in New Jersey's uh legislation which we feel is wrong and not only do we feel that it's wrong that they don't have to part partake and spread their their commitment it's not saying that they haven't built any affordable housing but they don't have to be counted towards it so if you counted it you can kind of spread that out amongst the other towns that really are being somewhat overburdened by it and another point of the legislation is that um um somewhat unconstitutional that if you're a member of an Urban Aid community and now you qualify or you want to get into affordable housing the fact that the the city or town that you live in where you go to school where your friends are where your where where your where your job is at you're really telling this person will leave the community that you're comfortable with to go to another Community because they offer afford housing and we don't so we just think that's that's just backwards thinking good point so um uh I will probably bring next uh next month um asking Jean or someone to put a something together that are our support for uh Senate Bill 2103 and S Bill 971 I probably bring that next next month um that is all I have under my mayor's report okay um action on the minutes uh council president you thank you Mr Mayor I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes our closed meeting on July 15 2024 and our regular meeting July 15 2024 second on that second okay any comment on the minutes roll call please counc yes councilman Bo yes Council yes councilwoman yes councilman you I did um review the minutes but I was absent those meetings so I will [Music] obain uh I'm sorry I'm going to go back so you got to go back I'm going to go back for one thing that I miss my report so this uh this Wednesday uh as previously reported uh we we got on board with uh with legislation that that montf b of monfil had started uh challenging the the fourth round um model has since hired the uh the attorney that's going to take this to Federal Court to challenge the fourth round and some of the stipulations that are in the fourth round and there's kind of a kickoff meeting on Wednesday at noon um hopefully Brian's going to be able to jump on that call I am not going to be able to and I was going to ask council president in my absence to jump on that call I already put it on my thank you so uh you report back uh next meeting and just to um um just as a reminder on June our June 17th meeting we resolved to move ahead with this um to join this lawsuit we resolved to um intern agreement with monfil and the other towns so this uh what the mayor received today was the letter and the agreement I'm hoping we could pass that around to the rest of the council to review and for our attorney to review before we take any action the attorney has it has to be submitted before you before they'll let you participate in this fall okay did they give us any oh that oh really yeah this is just a Joint Defense AG resolution and in that resolution it authorized the mayor to sign any agreement so we have to agree on it tonight and we have to commit we've already committed to it we have to Comm to that $10,000 payment yeah it was all in the resolution so they sent the agreement today okay yeah we we've committ signed it tonight because you can't they won't even send you the zoom link for that meeting on Wednesday all right I'll scan this to them tomorrow how many municipalities were involved I don't recall the goal was to have 62 municipalities to to to mirror the 62 Urban Aid communities that are kind of exempt from it uh I think to date they have 13ish and I know that the mayor of Montville has probably meeting scheduled for the next several months and uh I don't know if he'll get to 62 but I think we will'll get quite a bit throughout the state this is not a northern buron County thing we've got Mars County and Union and ex Essex so this is um um he's he's gaining some traction there and um we just like to see some of that changed it's it's uh we're not even done with round three yet and and they're telling us we have to get into four it's you know again nothing against affordable housing I think some of the language should be changed uh some of the formulas you're you know uh dual income family on making minimum wage I think you over qualify for low income which is crazy so there there's certain things that got to be tweaked you know that the the right hand's not know what the left hand's doing so okay thanks Jun uh where we old business uh first one is the difference card Anna were you going to chat about that yeah I think I think we have to wait on that I have not gotten anything back from the police or the DPW I know they have presentation the Burl Hall has had their presentation everyone listened to it um it sounds okay I have to to Jesse and go over some how much this is going to cost the town um because it does have costs to it and you know even though they're telling you you're going to save this much you have to put it into their deductible to cover all of the employees and and it just is this newer information that was left out of the initial presentation it's not clear enough okay um but like I said I have not heard back from the police or the DPW to tell me how much they're interested so we we'll have to wait up all right so we'll yeah we have to I think open enrollments October so we should know by okay uh while you have the floor you want to talk about our noise complaint ordinance right well you asked me to check with the county okay so I did check with the county and they do have um the uh noise uh Machinery what's it called sound pressure meter s yeah um they do come out and do inspections but it's on an appointment schedule so not on Saturday night at 10:00 at 10:01 10:01 but she did say that there are towns that uh either a policeman or someone can get certified to use this so someone could get certified and you could and they have the machine you can use it uh you can they'll lend it to you or you can purchase it and you can change your word to have someone who's certified to use it is that what you sent us the that Ruckers was offering that course that someone in town could someone on the fire department she just mentioned that that they bought a down level meter and they have someone who is actually certified in their fire department is is this more for you know I think of like construction sites and things like that that that's what the Cal Fire Department is going out at 10:01 on a Saturday night CU someone's having a Lou party in their backyard I think it's for Contin I mean if they continuously yeah if some Factory decides to change their operating and they put a new piece of Machinery in and it's making all this noise but how often do we have this complaint but but this you have you have complaints at 7 o'clock at night saying my neighbor's making too much noise so that's true yeah but what if your neighbor is consistent may maybe your neighbor's kids have a band and they're consistently playing for a whole week at night I don't know does that make a difference but a lot of work to be able to do this if you're going to pass the ordinance you're going to have to have someone who can actually go out there and um check I know I'm dreaming in color a little bit but I'd like to think that you know if if it's once in a while that someone's got a rager in their backyard or something that you can kind of knock on the door and say Hey you know it's if it's every night yeah I'm going to have an issue with my neighbor but if it's once in a while well yeah I know it's summer the kids the teenagers they like to play music loud and swim in the pool problem I might see G photo is like we have we had somebody certified right and then they have the meter and they go and check something and it's you know it's it's out of bounds and they'll and then the other attorney and Brian you probably back me up the other attorney is going to say when's the last time you calibrated the meter would your records on that you have the records for that and who calibrated it was that person certified and we lose so I I just feel that coming I think it's unnecessary I've talked to a lot of cops I said nine times out of 10 they get a call for a noise complaint they knock on the door they said hey can you turn it down a little bit they're not saying no I've heard the same from the police here I always said that yeah I I think for now we but then we have a specific gentleman that needs an answer I'm sorry didn't he send us an email he sent the letter at um requesting that it be looked okay I haven't heard anything from that someone that might be able to talk to oh yeah okay I'm sorry that's I haven't heard anything from that gentleman in a few weeks but uh I'm sure if something happens maybe he'll he wrot it'll be uh Bill Bill what he wrote made sense you can tell him I said that it made sense yeah all of it but he's a very reasonable individual so possibly if the police went over we could have that nine times out of 10 it'll work out are these um when J when you said the the police get called are these Anonymous noise complaints from Neighbors can they keep it Anonymous when they called in or is it of course they can please don't knock on the door and say hey number the guy acoss town is complaining few that have come in they know who it is your neighbors know who called I mean if we happen to find a unicorn like an arborous that knew how to use this meter we'd be arous noise sound techan too loud but if the tree fell in the woods would he hear it yes two different meter all right so we're gonna uh we're going to sit tight on what we have in place right now all right um next old business um so joint feasibility study ambulance services so um we might be able to talk a little bit about this but so there was a meeting there was a meeting called in Hillsdale late June um to dis and I think the invite went out to numerous towns to discuss um the future of ambulance services in maybe the pasy valley or so Hillsdale I think and and uh we have our chief in in house tonight uh Hillsdale earlier this year late last year went to a daytime per DM Squad uh 6:00 a.m. to 6: p.m. Monday through Friday and they say it's working great it should work great that's that that's that's a great plan it it should work really well except Hillsdale it's an expense it's expensive to do that um so I think they they wanted to get this thing going and then they said um well some after that initial meeting I still don't to this date know how the follow-up meeting was called but myself and Anna the mayor of Rivervale mayor and and the mayor of Hillsdale and the burough administrator of Hillsdale sat in Anna's office we had a meeting um Hillsdale was really pushing going into this this study to see what the future could look like they but they wanted some Partners to do it together um we said we bring it up at our next meeting this was probably just before a July meeting it wasn't time to get it on and I said you know we we'll bring it up and talk about it um my feeling and my feeling alone I just want to start the conversation is that um um they want to kind of establish some sort of conglomerate um Washington Township supposedly uh signed up I think I forwarded riverville as has officially signed up to participate in the study and um they're looking for old Japan to come up with 4750 or whatever uh whatever 4350 whatever it's under 5,000 4350 43 50 4350 it's a 17,400 study with someone called MTP group out of Sparta don't know much about Mt MTP group out of Sparta if you Google it's a someone's house uh it's not a lot online not not a not a business I'll say and they're uh want they're offering to do a Consulting agreement for um to study this fourtown conglomerate um you mean like like we formed the GIF 100 years ago like self-insure like we we'll make our own first aid squad for five this is a study that that Hillsdale is looking to Champion in with some Partners to see what the future of ambulance service specifically daytime Ambulance Service could look like we've had a lot of conversations over the past year about Hospital involvement we've had conversations about what the County's involvement um lot of not not a lot of answers there I know I know originally uh the old depan volunteer ambulance Corps pushed a program uh or not pushed it but introduced a program to us last November uh about having some paid people on there with benefits and and I think the council was a little bit squeamish on benefit costs and all that and there's been some conversations about maybe mirroring what Hills there was was doing um after Hillsdale got started I've said it be I I can't tell you what the study will come back and say but I think that the flavor of the run that day is that they're looking to form a some sort of a conglomerate maybe four towns maybe five maybe it grows maybe three if if if someone doesn't like what the study says and that the volunteer core will be will be changed um because I think that they will want to do billing whether it's balanced billing or not they will they they will want to do billing I've publicly said that I am against um billing our residents for Ems for BLS service um we don't Bill them when fire truck shows up we don't Bill them when a police car shows up and I just personally I think living in ult toan and the taxes we pay that uh I think if in near time of need I don't think we should be Bing but that's a council decision that's not mine I'm just you know giving you my my opinion there so tonight's decision really is does the council want to uh fund $4,350 to go into a a study uh with Hillsdale with riveral and with Washington Township to see what the future of the daytime Squad could look like that's that's the question there um I don't want to get off on a tangent but if it if it does go billing it changes and Jesse could kind of talk more about this it changes the you have to have two ambulance you're governed by the Department of Transportation Health Department of Health versus the EMS Council someone that gets per DM during the day can't now volunteer at night for us so we we're maybe cannibalizing our nighttime Crews um by doing things but the the the question tonight is um does the council want to get involved and and do a study with Hillsdale riverville and Washington Township I would I would would be in a favor of that for sure I mean in the end whether we're billing not billing not having pum at night the same people whatever whatever it is it takes to get that ambulance to somebody's grandmother's house quickly and efficiently I'm for that and and if that includes billing I'm okay with that if that's what it has to be of I I I I agree with what you said Tom we shouldn't have to pay for bilding but if it has to be that way to make this work I'd much rather see an ambulance in in 4 minutes be at somebody's front door and and I I agree but I'll let the other Council yeah I just want to say Hillsdale I know they did a great thing with this perdm program they did it on their own for me I just working with Hillsdale just never came to any discussions that I've had with anybody from EMS it was always with Rivervale it was always with maybe Northville Norwood but Hillsdale is kind of like um separated from us so I don't see in any circumstance that we'll be able to get a a workable crew with Hillsdale maybe with Rivervale but not Hillsdale is Hillsdale a member of the GIF yeah so are we and that's how the CH started a bunch of towns got together and said this is nuts this insurance we should self-insure yeah I'm just talking about practicality you know it's GNA be Hillsdale Township us and then it'll be Norwood and then it'll be somebody else and it'll be somebody else and I think the correct me if I'm wrong the study will show that it's good or bad to do these things that's what I'm thinking yeah wasn't there grant money for this too they they they will pay for it and they will apply for the grant so hopefully it will be covered more information is better for me it should be covered uh and then I think what happens is if you follow the feasibility study it shows that they um offer you money to um started out but it it all depends well just the town's listed on this right I don't know if they can they well we met it was only three now it's four I know I don't know where how Town Washington Town got into this he just made a phone call and I to I'm not necessarily opposed to um studying these things but do we have an example of a study that MTP group has produced to date like a like one even if it's a town in South Jersey or somewhere else so we could say oh they're studying distance from you know our facility to the furthest point in Hillsdale to understand the Practical like do they study routing money Staffing what do they study uh the first time I heard this was down at the leag at one of these things the DCA said that they do this Le program and basically is a feasibility stud it's not specifically they'll do it for ambulance but they'll do it if you're going to do a shared service to something else also so they send or you do it and so I don't know where this company came from or I'm just curious to see what parameters they judge the feasibility by if we could understand those maybe before we sign the agreement I'm not opposed to an agreement I've never heard of them i' kind of a couple of people I know from the core baby did some research and really couldn't find anything on them you know what I would almost guarantee also we have the professionals right here they could tell us if it's going to work or not they can they can it's a different study this is different this is economics to follow up on both of them right is it a study for just the general program of all towns or is it specific to Ulta pan so we know the specific in ultap pan four towns yeah okay can we have our who uh got this company I mean who it sounds like Hillsdale Hillsdale so do you want me to uh cont could try and get some sort of all right let me see what information on them but there's really not a lot out there um now keep in mind also and again I don't I don't know what the study will say I have a feeling I know what it's going to say but but um now when we had the discussions Hillsdale has twice as many correct close Hillsdale run has twice as many runs as ultan EMS Rivervale has 50% more roughly I think using 2020 or 2021 data so now I don't know what township has so now in order to have just think just logically think about this so you need you know if you're going to have four towns involved Hillsdale will be in Hillsdale um are you going to need two or three crews you're going to need a minimum of two Crews absolutely on all time minimum of two Crews um are you better just you know us thinking more I I promise the chief an answer by budget season of next year I said you're going to have an answer on what we're going to do one way or another because we've been floundering we've been kicking this bull down the alley so we we have to come up with something and Ron I agree with you and uh you know I was a little squeamish on the on the benefits and the pension and all that stuff but um you know I think I did some quick math on on a per deem crew and it's what is it 20 it's up at 27 * 2 * 12 hours a day 5, 175,000 you know is is the nut uh and and what's what's the end of the world let's say you have let's say you go into this thing eyes wide open and say Hey you know we're gonna we're going to do this we're going to go first of all I think that if we do it I think River's got to hey this that's you guys got a better plan and you know if you build a day will come right [Music] um oh so I'm sorry just one other things so let's say that that's the intent right now is you come in and you say we're going to we're going to do this 6:00 AM to 6 PM 5 days a week the our volunteers are going to cover nights and I think you got every night covered right and most week I don't think there's aable call that goes um that that uh goes goes missed on a weekend let's say for some crazy reasons that we can't fill a Tuesday Thursday crew one we don't pay as much as a town that 7 175 comes down by you know by two fths okay you got the hospitals you got Mutual Aid and you got the county so it's not the end of the world you're just more I think you're guaranteeing that 4minute response versus 2025 or Beyond so that's you know so tonight's question is do we want to for 4350 um do we want to say okay Hillsdale we'll uh we'll you know we'll do the study with you I would say yes for me it's know because I mean like I said if it was with one of the groups that we originally talked about which makes more sense geographically I would say yes but I don't see any any a world where we work with Hillsdale and Washington Township I have a a my nephew works for a company called GS4 they um they provide security service like a all over Florida you know you have a a booth that you have to go in the into the residential Community well they'll provide security they'll provide security at the Super Bowl they'll provide security at hospitals and here and there he he was he has told me that like a situation like this you say that somebody some big bigger company or somebody with a bright idea in a light bulb is going to say wait a minute I'm gonna I'm going to put together this company we're going to have 150 people that are all EMTs and that's going to be our company how you need Alp you need three on these nights you need two and they're going to days be an agency oh whatever it is like a Salesforce you know there'll be an agency that will provide this service to us as a as a service as a for lack of a better word 1099 you know we wouldn't be paying we'd be paying them a flat fee and they they would provide us with it might not be the same person all the time but it would be and they'd take on 10 Towns and all of a sudden they'd have 20 towns all a sudden they have 30 towns and they would provide all this service that's what I picture because I know this is what he does every day and he said he said you want he just said off the cuff he goes anybody anytime you want to get rid of your police force or your police force decid to disband let me know I'll give you a price we'll send you we'll send you a police force you you pay x amount per dollar per man per day you almost just described keer keer Sports yeah I was thinking we're doing that there you go we doing it at the golf course it's working nicely um so something like that I think is a future you trust that better than having 2 EMT sitting across the street there 6:00 a.m. to 6 PM her DM like creskill like Hillsdale well that's what we would have you know what you got you know what the people you have Fair Point you have the Integrity of 85 Year Legacy with the core okay I don't want to go against anything the core don't want I have a feeling that uh and the chief could talk better to this is that certain touch a Rock events and Memorial Day that just like let let them do nights too then I don't know it's I don't I don't know that for sure that's why we need to study I'm pretty sure working with one other town as opposed to working with three other towns the Clauses are going to be same be working with an agency okay that's my before before we make any decision I just want to ask uh our chief to come up and talk to give us his thoughts yeah he's been through this a lot over the past couple years a lot of lot of smarter than I am on it um name and address please oh no no is River um I don't really have anything planned to say right but um at least to going to a study with our two with us in Rivervale we know we'd only need one uler in the day that's easy the call volume makes sense looking at when we get dispatched to them it makes sense there's it would make sense for one ambulance for the two towns and we've done it we've been doing it the whole time yes we've been do we have been doing yes exactly um once you bring in Hillsdale and other towns then it goes from one ambulance being sort of not centrally located between us and River but we're pretty much you know equal distant between the two sides of river as a war verse Stone Point whichever way you go um to now having Hillsdale which is massive where would the ambulance be placed you would need probably two to cover the three towns alone we can't guarantee if we probably wouldn't run it since is running the study they might run the whole agency what not we don't know where the ambulance will be stationed during the day probably in Hillsdale especially if the Washington Township's now involved then the foran response could probably go up because there isn't an ambulance in our town um of course that's all Logistics that would have to be worked out I can't say what would happen um in terms of pricing it probably would be the same you're paying one town or two towns for one ambulance versus four towns for two ambulances it's the same price just split up more but you're still paying the same amount two to one four to two and they got more of call loads and they have more calls so you might even have to add a third ambulance between the four towns um I don't know what Township's numbers are but I know they have they have the parkway even running in there so there's crashes that they respond to there Hill that will raise it Hillsdale as well yes exactly so that could also raise the call volume even more um it just sort of exponentially goes up the further you go that way um which in terms of the study I'm sure it would probably cover that um but I just know in terms of what sort of makes sense for a small town and whatnot having one ambulance just right here and it working and then maybe if they figure something out we see it works nothing's stopping us from going through our progress of a year and being like Oh there's is working let's talk to them and figure something out new or just you know eventually trying trial and error nothing says we can do one thing and then never stop it um doing all the research we've done we know that the one town or the one ambulance between us and riverville would work for with the pum model 175,000 and if it works for a year and we see something better don't fund it again and we move to whatever else could possibly work I mean I tend to agree with Jesse on two on a few points first of all when you're talking about now with the parkway there was something i' had written down but increase in cost volume there's a few things if we're talking about people who are in the community who know the community who've serviced the town for however many years we want to want to I don't want to say reward that but we want to show our our citizens that their their care means a lot to us their safety means a lot when you're talking about either shared service or the one town per GM that's you know they're there within a few minutes and they know you they're at our high school they're at every football game Washington Township that's that's you know that's my the couple notes that I made to myself and I didn't mean to interrupt you but I I tend to agree with you on that first thing is Hillsdale held this meeting and is asking for our money I I I don't know I don't feel comfortable with this because and I did like a quick search of this group anyway Mt MTP group Jesse knows our town in our ambulance needs more than this this group and this group just for the record there's an open Oprah request from South River um to their Bureau asking for the full name of this company full address the contact information the contract information all these things it's listed items a through U and a through U and the response was for items a through you no documents exist and this this is an open open request I'm just not comfortable that's a fair point putting money to if this if this was our Ambulance Corp brought this to us and said no we know this guy it's someone we've worked with I'm not comfortable just saying yeah I'm going to throw the taxpayer dollars towards this group that another that Hillsdale came up with and said oh hey we want you to join of course you want us to join because we're going to help you offset the cost they had a good model with every well it's just I guess they and as Jesse said if we see something that they're doing okay maybe we can emulate that and kind of mirror it on the side thing but joining the four towns just I I don't know I mean the I Washington Township River Rail ultan Hillsdale it's just that like you said like we haven't worked with them how there would be a lot of Kinks I don't know in my opinion I think fire department works with all them fire department the fire department works with all those towns like backup and you know yeah it's mutual L agreement there seven eight seven eight towns we I'll play a lot I'll play a little de devil's advocate here right so it's not like there's going to be one ambulance for the four towns you're talking about multiple ambulances and so both ambulances or all three are not going to be centered there we would probably still have one ambulance here right of the three servicing mainly ultap pan and Rivervale it would be the second colon alapan that would then come from the Hillsdale uh Washington Township right so at least you have another one available that's the secondary the primary primary is still probably going to be here if both are sitting right and you get a call in Old toan geographically you want your ambulances spread across the four towns ours would probably still be here you wouldn't lose time right they would get here it's that second colonal toan that we don't have a resource now that would come from a uh the Hills hillst right so the more it gives it just gives you more flexibility right if all if they were stagnant and one only served Hillsdale and we would you know Wasing Township and only one then you wouldn't have that flexibility this just giving more flexibility right now I haven't I haven't decided I know this is I'm playing Devil's Advocate so we just understand the geography of this right on the flip side of that now if there is an accident on the on the Parkway and they're pulling Washington Township and H Hillsdale and something happens here' be gone for hour we're now out and we don't have an ambulance I was going to say that they're now at three of them County model I say Township and hills are going to use up most of the resources there in this model so that's why I'm little the population alone 10,000 people I just wanted to ask you Jesse your research I know we work with Rivervale well we've done it for a number of years are there any other towns that you think ultan can work with I in my opinion anything bordering because Geo geographically it makes sense if we if it was just a partnership between us and in Hillsdale it doesn't geographically make sense cuz the ambulance is going to s in Rivervale in the middle descending Town High School sense said in the best North Norwood any Border Town makes sense in my mind okay which means nor Norwood northv they'll have a vested interest in the school and in other things here so if those TTS were involv in the study I would say yeah I would agree I would agree so we we have uh we do have a resolution prepared right Jean no oh it's not just for discussion t for discussion well somebody uh you know going by what Christine just said I would I would probably say no I was in favor of it but have to hearing that I I'm wary put it that way what happens if we just don't respond to this I would want more detail that's all yeah more detail why don't you make a motion on whatever you want to make a motion on and I make a motion that we that we don't that we don't move forward with this uh joining this authorizing this um study that alapan doesn't join in on authorizing the study do have a second on that second any further discussion on this you mean at this time at this at this time yeah I I would say say that any further discussion okay we have a motion in the second roll call please Council yes Council Bo yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman Sarah yes councilman you yes okay I will uh I'll reach out to uh I know he's anxiously waiting to hear from me the burough administrator of Hillsdale so I will let him know and uh we move forward and I I'll say right here on a public meeting that I promise this gentleman here some sort of a concrete decision by April of 2025 so that we can plan properly and whatever we're we're going to do we we owe you an answer and your we owe your core and answer on what direction we're going to go forward we've talked a lot tonight about the enclave and other buildings we have round four of our affordable housing obligations coming up we're not getting any smaller we're going to get a lot more people so I think we we have to uh we have to have an EMS plan for all toan so we'll um I promise you we'll give you an answer by April of 2025 earlier earlier but I'm saying that from from a budget standpoint okay thank you so thanks for coming tonight and giving your your input thank you Jesse thanks Jesse thanks Chief okay fun never ends new business uh ordinance 12 65-24 council president you thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted to mention that this or that's this um Amendment corrects some towns that were emitted from the original ordinance resolution whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending chapter 27 of the code of the buau of alapan titled departments by repealing and replacing 27-15 titled officers was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 19th day of August 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and councel of the Bureau of wapan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 1265 d24 B and the same is hereby adopted on first reading and be it further resolved that said ordinance number 1265 d24 will be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the said May and Council to be held on the third day of September 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the evening or soon thereafter as a matter can be reached in the council chambers at Burrow Hall 227 alapan Road ultan New Jersey at which time and place all persons who may be interested will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance number 1265 d24 and be it finally resolved that the burough clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the introduction of notice of hearing as required by law second any questions or comments on it everybody understands it okay roll call please councilman bag yes councilman Boyce yes councilman Guan yes Council yes councilman you yes okay next uh ordinance 1266 d24 for councilman BAGI thank you Mr the mayor this is a a first reading were amending the filming ordinance the people who film an end whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance to repeal excuse me ordinance to repeal and replace chapter 125 of the code of the borrow of alapan entitled filming was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 19th day of August 2024 now therefore be resolved by the mayor and Council the burough of volan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 12662 24 being the same is hereby adopted on first reading and be it further resolved that said or number 1266 d24 will be further considered for final passage at a meeting of sary council be held on the third day of September 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the evening or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached in the council chambers at Burl Hall 227 ultan Road ultan New Jersey at which time and place all persons who may be interested will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance number 1266 d24 and be it finally resolved that the burrow clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish introduction and not of hearing as required by law second any questions or comments call please yes councilman Boyce yes Council Juan yes Council M yes councilman you yes all right this time I'll entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public so move second all in favor I anybody from the public like to be heard on any matter tonight see none motion close second fa do a Jour wow