7:30 yes good evening everybody Welcome to uh welcome to the meeting uh in compliance with the open Public's meeting law notification of this meeting has been sent to our official newspapers and other Publications circulated in the burough Hall capan and notice posted on the bulletin board at burough Hall please note the fire exits are located um in the main entrance to the council chambers and the of the council chambers and please be reminded that these meetings are videotaped and posted to our website within the next couple of days roll call please mayor Gallagher here Council BAGI here Council Boyce here here Council Guan here councilwoman here counc here please join me in the solution FL I pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for [Music] all okay our first order of business tonight is we have a couple of Staff appointments and the first one is for councilman corazza thank you Mr Mayor um I'd like to a part-time temporary building department technical assistant and that person's name is Tracy Keegan second any discussion did she come with any recommendation from somewhere she is um uh she actually has done a couple of days with us when um Jennifer had to be out so if really is not she's not doing all of Jennifer's work but if Jennifer has to be out she has his calls she knows how to deal with and but she's in another town she's a taco in another town she's one a taco in another Taco Okay taco she Taco step below conru all right any more discussion roll call please Council yes councilman Boyce yes Council carazo yes Council gu yes yes counc yes okay our next staff appointment is for councilman BAGI thank you Mr Mayor at this time I like to enter the name of dawn kisty for Municipal Court sound recording secretary second second second any discussion uh just that I I know her personally and I think she's going to be a great fit okay all right roll call please councilman vagi yes Council Boy Yes Council caraza yes councilman Guan yes Council councilwoman mum yes councilman you yes okay next order of business are uh we have a couple of public hearings and the first one is for Council and voice thank you Mr Mayor so from the burough clerk's office I have ordinance number 1248 d24 this is a second reading final adoption second for the tree preservation and removal ordinance i' like to open it to the public second all in favor I meeting is open to the public if anybody would like to comment on our um our proposed treat preservation and removal ordinance motion to close second okay all in favor I I okay so resolution whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance to repeal and replace sections 2348 through 23418 of the code of the Bureau of ultap pan entitled tree preservation and removal was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 16th day of January 2024 now therefore be resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough of ultan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that said ordinance number 1248 d24 B and the same is hereby adopted on second and final reading and be finally resolved that the Baro clerk's office is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law second any discussion on this ordinance mayor there's actually two um minor changes they're not substantive uh one is in um paragraph 23 4-9 A2 uh in the first part of the line it says two trees and the last part of the sentence it says four the actual number is two so we'll have to correct that it's just the scrier error and then on 234 d2b where it says construction official after that it will say or his or her designate so neither one needs reintroduction of the they're both very long okay uh councilman my understanding is that um not only the environmental commission the planning board had to look at it a burough engineer had to look at it our construction code official had a look at it and this has been as we all know this has been a a culmination of a lot of different back and forth and stuff so we're pretty confident that this addresses uh the needs yeah yes very much so and in fact the last uh planning board meeting we had they actually went as far as to vote on it and with those modifications that we mentioned they H felt very comfortable with it okay thank you any other discussion on this remind me why it was delayed from the last meeting because of those changes needed to be made just those and that's it okay we're all good okay roll call please counc yes Council Bo yes Council caraz yes counc yes Council yes councilman you yes all right moving on to our next public hearing is on um for council president you thank you Mr Mayor concerning ordinance number 12 4924 second reading final adoption amend low sa ordinance fire department I still see that there are some changes that need to be made in an ordinance and there are substantive so I'd like to move to table this to our future meeting second okay any discussion on tabling this so we can get it completely straight now I just had a question I have press a question for Brian can fireman vote on this I'm sorry can fireman vote on this but there's a bunch of them up here well how many is a bunch because three so you have mayor four with the May well three with the mayor mayor this there's two voters vote two who vote unless it's a t he votes I would suggest if they don't need to vote and if there are four eligible members of the council they should recuse the members should recuse himself I just want to make that clear all right I need a roll call please Gan on tabling this councilman yes counc yes counc yes Council yes Council yes Council yes okay moving on to our consent resolution as for council president you thank you Mr Mayor resolution be it resolved that the following resolutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion and the same being having been previously reviewed by each council person be and are hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and counil of the Bureau of ultan bills and claims release cash Bonds in escrow temporary emergency resolution resolution opposing overhaul of Fair Housing Act certification of of loab lists Bond anticipation notes bid advertisement sell Tower use lease confirm part-time temporary building department technical assistant deployment confirm Municipal Court sound recording secretary appointment for a second second any discussion on our consent resolution yeah I I do um Can somebody bring me up to speed I mean I know how our cell tower works and what it does for us it's cash cow for us um where where is it now like how many like it's Verizon still on is T-Mobile on it where do we sit is that and is that who we're waiting for this is a lease that's expired okay when did it expire I'm sorry it's expiring in about a year and a half and they need that much lead time if they're not going to get the lease renewed so sure they were looking to get it done ahead of time and that's why we're going we have like a 25 year lease or 20 it was 20 Al together it was long yeah yeah that's who was on it sure right but we all didn't we have like three carriers on the poll have at& we have T-Mobile Verizon and castle c Castle okay right I just want to yeah make sure the just talk about this is over we have to go out to Sure understood are we is it going to be the same term of a lease the that four five year terms oh that's all okay thank any other discussions on our consent resolution yes Mr Mayor just for the benefit of the public um I just wanted to discuss a resolution of the mayor and Council the B alapan opposing assembly bill number four Senate bill number 50 um this bill proposes to overhaul the fair housing act uh in Trenton and we believe that it creates uh unrealistic obligations with unrealistic deadlines based on owner standards so basically we're opposing The Way Trenton is approaching this entire uh fair share housing um fair share housing building everywhere um we this is pretty much along the lines of what most towns in New Jersey are doing um and hopefully it'll catch some ears in Trenton is there an alternate proposal to replace my understanding is OB tweaked some of the language uh uh I believe the assembly has already passed it yeah and it's in the house say it again it's in the house right now but no one likes it and they're trying to push it very quickly someone likes it but yeah they tried to get it through somebody likes it we've sat here and talked about this for years yeah this is this one's really bad it's get it's eliminating COA uh and it's it takes it away from the courts yeah it puts two planners for the entire State and they will come up with your number uh and the number is going to be vastly um increased over what it was in the last round yeah it's it's not good for old Jaan so I think they were going to eliminate open uh land what's that vacant land adjustment will no longer be available correct so your vacant land that you would use they could still use that so this is essentially just taking away all local planning power yes yeah so why do we need a master plan then yeah uh that was discussed at at a breakfast we went to that was discussed okay is as we look to earmark money to do our master plan over it might be overridden by the state st's or the County's master plan and that's a little scary it is so that's a really good question I also heard there's movement in Trenton about a bill that um requires large land owners or prevents planning boards from allowing somebody that wants to build another accessory structure on their lot essentially they could build another home on their lot and they'd be allowed to and there's nothing local planning boards could do about it I read that somewhere um there was a legislation that was passed and signed by the governor that allows whether it's permitted by zoning or not permits a an apartment in your yard in your rear yard or to convert for example your garage uh into an affordable housing unit yes that's already been adopted so that's New Jersey Law yes you do in California is there they still have to go to planning board and get a variance correct no they just can do it I I believe so or maybe they just funded it to the tune of you know several million dollars but I thought I thought they overrode the the ability of a town to prohibit it through zoning I have to look at a little more carefully it just happened that you wer Z that way didn't we have an issue on ultan road something like this recently that was more like boarding house boarding house all the rooms that's been cleared up I know councilman you suggested a large lot is there an actual like minimum lot size to afford this luxury to these land owners not in the version of the law that I was made aware of no so so we don't know if large is greater than an acre or greater than five or no yeah large for you might be it's a little blurry yeah it's a lot blurry I can get more information on it and have it for next meeting okay thank you well that is the the reason that uh this council is um putting forth that resolution that we are opposed to some of these radical changes uh and the potential effects they have on small towns like like oldan so anything else on the consent resolution thanks forar all right roll call please yesc yes counc yes counc yes councilwoman Miss yes men you yes to everything abstain on certification of low app lists sorry yes oh yes thank you okay thank you uh do we have any new business tonight see nothing listed on the agenda uh let's move to Old business and uh council president you thank you so ongoing uh discussions on our ambulance services how we want to move um to making sure that we provide um the services that our residents expect and deserve I've asked well first I we did receive two proposals today an email I'll just briefly describe each of them uh one proposal was by hackensac um hospital and basically they just propose that um we just sign an agreement with them and they'll provide services whenever we need um and there's no cost associated with that this dis agreement is 175 okay this prioritizes this is like a contract if you want no plus it's like a mutual all right and that was hacken sack right that's okay and there's another one we receiv received through um holy name and their proposal was coverage from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. um Saturday uh Monday through Saturday um and that would come at a cost for $20,000 a year that includes Saturday that includes uh six days a week but not nights but not nights correct um what okay so I'm I'm assuming that since you just got these today that these will be forwarded to the council to look at the fine print I am going to look in depth into all these proposals and I will forward a report and I'll forward the originals to everybody but uh honestly I'd really like to hear from our leadership at the core that's why I invited them in today to talk about uh where what they're thinking about all this so if uh hold on we'll we'll open it up after uh after this chin just a comment on that um you said you're going to look over the proposals Etc I think it would be wise and this Council has always done this in over the years not only look over the proposal call another dis another town hey how'd that work out with Holy Name hey how'd that work out with XYZ company to see if there's some practical you I happen to meet the ex-chief of Hill exire chief of Hillsdale I mean I'm talking about actually back in the ' 80s when I was Chief and we had a conversation about that he goes yeah it's working pretty well for Hillsdale they said they said it wouldn't and uh just so so you get a better feel you know what I mean I think in a way we could hear from the horse's mouth through them because they they're they're in this business you all the time they they hear about what what goes on in the background that people that you and I uh maybe like you and I don't get information agreed so yeah I'm uh I'm okay we had this on the agenda so uh Chief if you'd like to come up and no no Chief if you want to uh tell us from your angle abolutely thank you for um giving me the opportunity to speak tonight I'm Jesse Hopper chief of the Alan first Daye um I'm going to speak regarding our budget request for the pmts I understand that the dollar amount that we proposed is high but I feel the benefits of Hiring Our Own EMTs to serve ultan outweigh the price concerns um hiring EMTs to serve the burough Volta pan allows for a quick response time within the burrow rather than waiting for an ambulance to come from another location while Contracting with a hospital does guarantee that ambulance will respond it doesn't guarantee where that ambulance will be when it is requested to respond um further even if it contracts in place if emergency arises in a neighboring town if that ambulance is the closest it will respond leaving us uncovered until another ambulance can move into its spot to cover us if a call occurs during that time we would have to wait for that ambulance to arrive from who knows elsewhere next having a contract with the hospital means residents will have to pay for the services they receive while specifics in a contract do May state that the burrow would cover those costs there are situations where they wouldn't um residents would still have to pay the bill if the ambulance that shows up is an out of network provider for their insurance um the holy name ambulance was just messing um mentioned tonight if Holy Name EMS shows up and that person's insurance is out in Network for Holy Name EMS they will still have to foot the bill even if the burrow says they pay for it holy name cannot just not Bill them in addition if a resident has not paid their full deductible to their insurance they could still be responsible for paying that bill out of pocket since their insurance won't pay for it because their deductible is not fully paid off yet alpan EMS obviously does not charge for our services so these aren't concerns for us we show up and we will provide our services and not bill in any case uh besides billing concerns if a hospital is contracted with the town there is is the possibility of not allowing our agency to respond to emergencies um even if we can provide an ambulance at the time there are contracts that have prited prohibited a Town's volunteer agency from operating during the time period that a contracted ambulance is in service so to say this only really has negative effects prohibiting our members from responding to calls and gaining the experience as well as causing our residents to receive a bill for services that could have been provided them at no cost lastly paying for a contracted Hospital service is paying for a service we essenti already receive when alapan is not in service when our agency does not have an A to provide we ask for Mutual Aid to respond from neighboring towns or Hospital resources Hospital resources will respond if they are available whether there is a contract in place or not paying to have a hospital contract does not really make sense as there are only downsides to having one as mentioned previously we feel that hiring EMTs to provide services through the ulpan first aore is the better choice over other Alternatives why would you pay for a new limiting service when we can pay to boost a service that we already have that's my I have to say on that and I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have as well but your last two sentences there yes you know why would we do this if we can do that because we're we represent all those tax dollars absolutely that's why absolutely um not that I would ever want to compromise our our safety in Alpin it's number one uh but we also have to weigh you know if we're going to get the same service for a lot less money what I'm hearing from you we're not going to get the same service am I correct I would believe that if we funded our service we would have a top-notch service compared to a contracted EMS service and what experience have you what experiences have you heard from other departments other towns that that contract bolster your argument like we talk about Emerson a lot right we talk about Emerson a lot I feel like there a special case as their agency only had one night a week that their agency was available which is why they did turn the Holy Name they didn't have a volunteer core to rely upon so I feel like we can't really look for them as in our case we have all of our nights covered currently we are taking weekend calls our call stats are much bolstered now than they were last year so Emerson was only able to do one night about yes so Hing fills in everywhere except that one night yes that was last year this year it seems they are doing sort of better after they've fully restructured their core um I can't say how many nights there up now but I believe you know the reason they had that contract is cuz Emerson essentially did not have an ambulance court at that moment did I hear North fails with Holy Name are you aware of that or I'm not aware of that no all right I did not hear about that so you guys are part of a mutual a agreement um one thing I would encourage you is to maybe make I don't know if you talk to Hillsdale much anymore they seem to be the F besides creskill who did this many many many years ago uh Hillsdale seems to have from what I hear be the kind of the next in line they hired some perdm people I don't know how that's work they seem to be doing very well from what I've heard their response rate I don't have specific numbers but I've heard that it's so they're handling their daytime Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. with perm per dm with per DM okay I have a question if um we used to have mutual Aid and we covered many of our adjacent towns Rivervale right Hillsdale yes um Northvale Norwood if requested but they have their own Mutual Aid group so if all of these adjacent Towns now have hospitals serving as their EMS provider there's no Mutual Aid Ro to P right other than the hospitals that's if those hospitals are contracted to be up during a specific time and they limit their volunteers from being in service then yes but the only towns that I do know of that have those contracts is Emerson I'm not sure about Northvale I don't believe Norwood or Harington Park do can we get that information AB I can when you say that limits our EMS what do you mean by that if so as the Holy Name proposal was Monday through Saturday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and the the and I looked into the Emerson contract it limited if Emerson had a crew but holy name was contracted to operate Emerson was not allowed to respond okay well in the three cases that I was involved in there is no limitation if we can't our volunteers can't make it then they come in that's number one number two in reference to the cost when you first made your proposal here you remember the numbers that you gave the the council and there's a gentleman his name is Jeff Bliss uh I asked him to to go out and look at those numbers again and those numbers changed drastically did you know that I did not know they changed drastically again we sort of proposed on what so nobody in the first aid quot was given the proposal that Jeff Bliss gave us Jeff's are orderer okay maybe you need to look at that so well I think Jesse correct me if I'm wrong with the hourly rate with the vacation time with the holiday time with Benefits perk all that fun stuff it came to about $1,000 per EMT all in right yeah yeah I'm sorry just that include the coverage of the um holiday P I want to say it was 125 I believe it did check those numbers yeah yeah can we trade notes with what did you say we have four full time at 362 right and again any I'll say it right here that you know if we were to even consider I think the the ambulance corp's proposal it would be contingent upon uh River's involvement right I'll say it here there there's no deal if if Rivervale says no thank you and we've had conversations then there that that's a our proposal was for River or if another town was to want to yeah we we we work well uh it doesn't mean we can't work well with others but we we uh we work well there I know that uh councilman you has had conversations I know that our bu administrators had some conversations with r perhaps councilman corazza has had some um but that was I think from the GetGo that was the that was the Crux money wise Tom is that what you mean you mean because we're going to be splitting the cost yeah if it's 365 was all let's call it 400 for easy math it's I think it's 200 for RV 200 for OT you know and I don't know if we have we haven't met yet with you know what I'd like to know and we might not know that now so I don't want to guess is like what is that per average home assessed you know I don't I'm not even looking for guesses so until till we till we get to that into that point so what I'm hearing is we got some proposals tonight uh most of the council all the council uh hasn't had a chance to really look at it um you might want to or through through councilman you send Maybe updated proposal maybe Jesse coward and and Jen you can get together to hone in on that number if it was 12 sound like 365 divided by four is less than 125 a person take into account the ums you would have in place to cover to cover the V to cover the holidays probably to that we'd have to Let's hone in on a number just as a sorry just as a reminder I think we had a a small discussion before about allocation of costs it doesn't have to be 50/50 right be past number of calls could be population so remember when looking at this overall number maybe we could pick a metric which is good for us more reflective of the calls in Al Japan Etc so it might not necessarily be 5050 yeah I think we have to get to the table first right um if in theory riverv says no thank you um then doesn't matter what the breakdown is yeah so I haven't been successful in getting past that initial stage of talk talking to them and introducing them the idea to them but I always imagine this to be a a maybe a three town three town thing also which would reduce cost considerably so I'll I'll try to reach out to riverville again to see which way they're leaning I don't know what they have in mind but uh I'll try to get an answer in two weeks you consider I'm sorry considered it's a big huge undertak going with something like this and working on the future I'm sorry I didn't understand that well you have to talk to riverville you're talking about another town joining in and this and that that's a a lot a lot of homework um and a lot of numbers but if you're hurting now isn't the best way to go with a a suggestion that doesn't hurt the town because it's a lesser amount still gives you the response time that you need or the the um people the ambulance is coming in and then you take the time to actually do that homework about putting the towns together and getting those numbers the response time is that you know that's kind of the the million-dollar question you know there everyone has spoke to someone about unfortunately sit I'm not saying it's the norm but I've heard of too many but that's what from what I understand from all the people that we spoke to basically that's why they don't want the volunteer service to work during those hours because when you tone out the volunteer service to see if they might get someone you are now listening you are extending your response time whereas if it doesn't tone out volunteer AMU service and it goes directly to who you're paying for you don't have that La so Jesse you could go over the numbers of February right how how did we do in February as a before you give me a moment to pull those up yes I just did those today our response um it was average month right absolutely yes I have all of those here and well he's looking at it what what was it what's what's the hackensac University Medical Center where there's no cost it's just simply a that's a mutual Aid with them you would sign a mutual Aid with them I didn't get they didn't send it to me unless they sent it to me recently um but as long as you sign with them they would prioritize your your calls but this is more as you kind of working with them I don't see that any difference between what we're doing now with them they are on our mutual Aid list good point yeah I think by law sign they can then but then they prioritize sign with them um they're going to charge insurance no matter what the only thing that depends is the co-pay BAS on if there's a contract the town pays it through what they pay the contract one of the things I was very surprised about when you first made your presentation was the amount of calls and I think it was 784 calls total for the year so I asked Ulta pan how many of those are ultan and how much was Mutual Aid and I think it was under 300 calls were ultap pan everything else was Mutual Aid and I was surprised that we're giving out Mutual weight to all the rest of the towns around us including now Anglewood with Rick exposer he's the director of EMT there they don't have a contract they just have an agreement Mutual Aid and they'll come to the house and to help either all three of them have no limitation telling us what we can do with our volunteer ambulance call if we get there first we get there first but they they're looking to help us but Anglewood doesn't sign anything they'll just do Mutual rid as they do right now they're part of myom I get myom find my is the hospit way and even with holy name in regards to all those they are all under the myom if a holy name ambulance is in Emerson and we need it it will still come with or without a contract to councilman gu I correct me if I'm wrong out of those I won't quote is 780 is I don't remember what he said there and 300 plus in ultap Pam probably the line share of those Mutual Aid calls are probably to rivervail I believe so yes so if it's uh councilman to your point is it might be a 6040 type split and if we ever get to that point of a negotiation then that comes into play so that those numbers yeah I just don't want to put in everyone's head yeah it was never intended to be split 5050 and I don't know where River I mean I know they come help us as well they're kind of we're a we're a dead end you could talk more about that than you know when Hillsdale or Westwood or somebody else needs something they're closer so they're get pulled out more to some of those other Mutual Aid towns but being that we're two towns away from them they they're looking for the closes there so um yeah uh you know I don't know you can you go over your February number so our February numbers we were dispatched this is all based off of our IM am responding data if we're out of service we don't get dispatched so those calls that if we were out of service and it went immedia to Mutual Aid aren't in these numbers are we ever out of service for the month of February I don't believe we were so this is most likely pretty which is commendable in a way but so for the month of February we are dispatched a total of 49 times and we were able to answer 38 of those calls with a total of only 11 calls missed um in town was we were dispatched 28 times and we responded to 22 of those calls so we only missed six in town calls um our overall response rate was 77% and our in town response rate was 78% do you know what the response time on those calls are or is that hard to calculate I don't have it right now but I could um do some numbers and attempt to get that yes that take some time and pretty much all the mutual call were to riverville right yes there was a few I believe one to Park Ridge one to Hillsdale possibly but just one to Park Ridge yes the rest okay Jesse I don't know if you've seen the contracts that councilman you has but if um generally speaking if we were to sign on with hackin saac so to say does that then say the Holy Name don't come here does it like the county don't come here no so again with the contracts no matter what you're getting the closest ambulance available no matter what no matter what from my understanding so if County ambulance is driving through alapan and there's a call and we don't take it they should be dispatched next okay and Central knows to dispatch the closest um ambulance so I've heard I've been to a couple seminars on this I've been to a couple seminars on this nobody recommends that towns go through this route of Contracting with a hospital ambulance Serv they said it kind of destroys the core the volunteer core can you give us reasons why that would happen um I believe mainly because there are situations when in the contract it does say we can't respond if that were the case we're missing calls where if we have two new members and two experienced members they're not getting experience to pass down those members and we're missing those calls if the contract stipulates that during the time we can't take standby such as sporting events if Town Day falls on a Saturday and the cont says they're in service they go um we can't respond to a call if it's in ultan and we're standing at Town day ready to respond um it just I feel like it would reduce our morale and being we're Standing Here Helpless why volunteer could we drive that bus I mean could we could we adjust that contract there stronger I think it be up to the negotiating of the council I just know from looking at the Emerson contract a few months ago that was what was in theirs okay um I believe we could probably negotiate that out but um I feel like just you like that if that's the route we went if it's I'm I'm I'm not putting words in your mouth no of course if it comes to that point and it seems like the most feasible option I would support it um I feel though it would sort of kill our morale knowing that oh we're around or there's a hospital going around and know they're relying on them more and who knows how that would turn to the community like oh I'm getting a bill CU most of the time with Paramedic Services they bill when they're on calls they'll reach out to us and ask why they got a bill even though we didn't bill it was through hacken saac paramedics and we have to be sorry it wasn't us billing it was right hacken sack so if there was a holy name DS and they're asking my will sorry it wasn't us that was a whole another agency I would also I would also point out that the hackin sack EMTs are all getting paid they all have jobs they all they're getting an income maybe that would also hurt morale because they're coming to to a scene they're paid and you guys are not yes now did you ever discuss any pum where the volunteers that are here for 84 years can get paid a pum to do something like this we haven't run the numbers of a pum but if it was believed that I mean Hillsdale appears to be doing very well with their pums if we put numbers together on how much the pums instead of full-time employees would cost and it appeared to be much better we'd be willing to definitely look into that and if it worked out we going for DM could be a possibility yes no now I heard in the past and maybe it's changed you say Hillsdale is doing well um you know the pool is only so big you know I'm told the county can't hire they can buy all the ambulances they want but if they can't staff them it's it's no good my understanding is they have three on the road you guys took a nice picture with all three at hackin several months ago means nobody was close to oldan um so are we running out of uh able bodies with maybe everybody doing per DM um in regard well the hospital is probably fulltime but yes um it appears county is doing well because they've gone very competitive with their pay I believe their starting per DM rate is 30ish I believe um they've been gotting very competitive they are taking a lot of the EMTs now I believe we're still lucky that we do have mbot in our town we have been getting a lot of Junior applicants we just oriented for tonight actually prior to this meeting um I saw your applications everywhere they're at Bosa they're at Dairy Queen everywhere I went I saw the application I was going around with both of my daughters how come you didn't fill your out lot of a 72y old baldheaded guyy I don't know maybe maybe why is she smiling she's smiling like she rolled the eyes the the one area of concern I have about morale is of the core let's say everyone is interested in the two new positions and maybe you have seven applicants and two are selected um that's that would affect the ones that are because currently you're colleagues now you're all volunteers and now two are going to get paid you know kind of doing the same thing right Etc so I I don't know if you want to address that but I I don't know the court s and if it would affect the relationship every seven or eight of them would all get paid if they work that yes that's something I never thought about the two were getting paid the other five are not yeah so if we did go the full-time route I'll start with it would have been the two would selected if they chose to be and the rest would be also if they wish to go perum so if the full times were up they would be able to ride um but as you mentioned if we did go up per DM route all seven or eight would be able to apply and then obviously shifts are given based on availability and that's manageable I mean Brian I'm sorry just when when we're hiring it has to be open to everyone correct it's not just open oh absolutely no absolutely of course absolutely yes it were required absolutely yeah it wouldn't just be open for us Mr Mayor another question about you we throw this per DM term around all the time but we also talk talked about benefits like uh you know pick your your number to me pum always meant you get a 1099 is that not what PDM means now are we talking about PDM but they're getting full benefits no no no noit I didn't think so but I heard both terms in the same sentence work you don't get paid yeah you don't that's is there sick time with per DM no cuz it's just shift work that's why um okay that's why the um hourly rate is higher than a full-time because there are no benefits Associated there's no guaranteed work with a set schedule I also know a paid EMT who says you're not going to get anybody pay 25 bucks an hour that's what that person told me and they've been in the business for quite a while they said it's 30 it's 29 and up yes and no I don't know who that person is it's I guess if it's a career for someone say it's 25 and say it's 2% you know every year or something like that and it's benefits you know we we could limit it to s I'm not leading it any down any but I think if it's a full-time position with Benefits holiday pay vacation pay all the other great things that old thean provides their employees uh how come Jesse's rolling her eyes over I'm sure the nature of the work I'm sure the nature of the work also has something to do with it you know one thing I want to look at these contracts proposals a little bit more closely I don't I don't want to um uh I want to keep this conversation going uh I am looking forward to sitting with our auditor I don't think we have I don't have a date yet anyway um so I'd like to keep the conversation open and I'd like you to come back especially Hill sale has been mentioned a few times tonight I really really want to know I'd like you to make a phone call to your counterpart on EMS in in Hillsdale and ask the question how's it going and if they say they don't know I ask them to get an answer for you and please talk to the chief or Captain whatever right they go by over in Hillsdale these days but and find out how it's going ask what North Veil is doing you know find out what you know I think Norwood is pretty much self-sufficient these days I believe so um I'll tell you what I'll try to reach out to Anglewood and hackin saac both directors find out what agreements they have with what towns so we could start there then we know that they have an agreement they're working with certain towns and let's see what happens from that point that'll help but I mean I I personally thank you for this is an important topic for us uh someone's life uh you know potentially there so uh to councilman bag's uh point we have to we have to balance you know we have to be fiscally responsible but we certainly have to weigh in response time and you know you know those minutes turn into hours when when you know someone's you know wife or husband or child or grandparent is is you know on the floor there or something so we we we have a we want to we want to make sure that we come up with uh uh the right solution and we're willing to talk about it for several months to make sure that we we get there and talk to whoever we can Mr Mayor one more thing and this is probably for our B attorney and our B administrator so if we go with a perdum that pum can't go to our volunteers that are ambulance core people right now we have to hire outside no it can go to you're hiring you have to open we can't exclusive hire them we have to open up but but no but there's there is another problem you can't go over um 32 and a half or 35 hours with a volunteer if they're also an employee because all of those hours count and then they're in an overtime situation whether they want to be or not so we can't permit that to happen unless we want to pay them overtime do you envision and if you say I don't know yet that's fine we can come back next month or so two weeks you envision you know if we said all right listen we get the insurance and the vacation time that's that adds a lot to it could you see a perdum Arrangement 6:00 a.m. to 600 P P.M Monday through Friday Monday through Saturday knowing that that that crew is going to be a mix of people that are not members of the ultan volunteer ambulance Corps think about is that an issue I don't I don't believe so in my opinion I don't see that as an issue a lot of our members do it because they live in town and they want to give back and it's their way to volunteer whether it's at night or whatever that's their way to be able to give back during the day they can't and I feel like a lot of our members understand that you know we have to bring someone in to cover our days because that's when we can't V could that strengthen your nighttime core I believe so we with we had members riding paid during the day at least for the hours of 3m. p.m. to 600 p.m. especially for our junior members they can ride with those paid Crews they can get the experience from them guaranteeing that we'll actually get out and given to them and including if someone has a random day off and they're willing and they want to ride with that pay crew it will also give them more experience because they're taking more calls as well guaranteed rather than being the only person around during the day and having to drop it unfortunately during those cases where they went per DM who manages the schedule I believe would just fall upon us as the the core yes do thee or or would would your office manage how do you manage so if there's someone who's not a member of the core how do you manage how do you manage them when they're not part of you it almost seems like good question who the boss who manages the per DMS in Hillsdale yeah that I'd like to know so that's a good question is who's manages yeah who manages the crest skill for DMS it is just a another EMT who rides and gets a stien to do scheduling I believe okay there you go side okay for managing for I believe so I'm pretty sure that's how it works those are the little things that we kind of need to know all that stuff I said another comment before you go Jesse um I don't want to hold you up but I I do appreciate you know there's a lot of people sit in that chair and don't have every answer you have every answer that's right either that you're making it up really confidently I'm not sure but I'm impressed so let me tell you that to start um we always talk about we've been working with riverville since I've been a kid you know uh forever and it's always been good we're part of the Pacific Valley Fire Department is also part of the northern Valley by because this is where we sit is there a reason where do you think it might be I I brought this up before with the with the mayor that is there a reason we shouldn't be going the other way like the for sending towns to go to the high school make that an ambulance Squad with two two different you know one in nor one house in nor one one rig in Norwood one rig in hington park oral to pan full-time because you know that the high school a lot of things go on there and the towns are all there and their tax dollars are all there and everything works a lot of things works out of there is there a reason we're not going the other way and asking nothing that I can really think of I just don't think anyone has we've been comfortable in the past Valley understand a comfortability thing yes I just put that thought in your head that maybe going the other way I think anything is possible I think corre for wrong Harrington Park Norwood are are still pretty active I think North Phil has had some some issues um I think it's different radios I think they're dispatched by the county now so I you probably we've heard enough about radios budget sessions um so I think some of it I think is logistics doesn't mean you can't get past Logistics some of it is home rule type stuff I get it you know but it's doesn't mean it can't it's I think you said it best that we uh we understand Rivervale we've we've had various agreements in place right now oh absolutely you know fuel pump sh shared Service as well so uh it's probably just easier to get off off the ground there but um I just think we should continue the conversation and uh Anna you'll see that these proposals get out to out you if it's riverville Harington Park and all depend they all touch those those towns all touch and that might be a thing I I don't know I mean you'll say hington Park's doing well but I remember two three years ago you guys were sitting here I don't think you were here Jesse but whoever was sitting here saying we're doing really well and and they didn't have any pipe dreams thinking that that's going to continue but they said at the time all these other towns are falling apart and we're doing really well so I just think at at any moment any town could all of a sudden have a problem and I don't want it to be us especially daytime yeah Mr Mayor one related note if I could um I don't know if if the council knows but uh yesterday um and I want to make sure I'm not breaking any privacy rules but one of our super volunteers and head of one of our commissions spouse had a heart attack uh at our house he was volunteering on on one of our fields and was notified by a police one of our police officers names please what that don't no names yeah no names so but the but an ambulance they said the ambulance got there and and she was on her way to the hospital so wanted to thank you you know for that um yes I assume it's our Ambulance Corp that that uh did that but again related to and getting there you know the response time in time and that person is well not well but in the hospital and recovering so appreciate it thank you that's a success anything else all right we're gonna we're gonna keep talking about it that was great information by the way thanks for coming in questions okay um I'll entertain a motion to open a meeting to the public second second anybody from the public like to be heard say something push as well please want you got to you know how you know how it goes R um just regarding the letter to about the fair housing is there any place to look for information so like an intelligent letter can be written you know what things were were standing against or is there enough information what you sent out today in the newsletter there's not enough in the newsletter but I can email you um I would on well we have our our ordinance how many pages long is it our resolution our resolution yeah about three pages I think um our resolution website and then have um you know put put it so that you click it you can see that I would also research assembly Bill four okay and State Senate bill 50 if I'm saying that right y um and see what they're telling you all right I just some people just see WR letters and just want to people okay thanks all right thank you anybody else from the public motion to close second all in favor I Mo to adjourn move so move all right our our executive meeting uh uh right now um roll call please mayor Gallagher here Council dagi [Music] here [Music] can you hear me now thanks Santa thanks for pointing that out I appreciate that roll call please mayor G here here here coun coun here here coun here okay engineer report Tom good evening everybody thank you um not a ton going on um just two quick projects I was going to mention we had a pre-construction meeting a week or so ago on Russell Avenue improvements which is a DOT project um basically what that includes is some handicap ramps that are either missing or deteriorated we're doing new um drop curbs in front of the burrow properties which is Mayor and Council parking lot the police station DPW Firehouse ambulance core um there's other curbs that potentially could have been done but you know there was limited money in the grant um so we decided to do those the Emergency Services curbs first um and then it's basically a milling and Paving project beyond that uh that was ajm contractors who we had for the 2023 Paving program they were fine um no real issues with them um they're looking to start the concrete work relatively soon um and then we scheduled them to do the milling and Paving during spring break week for the schools um so that's one project that's about to begin um the other one I wanted to mention is the Wolf Road that started today actually um they're just doing the drainage work now because we then need to let that settle a little bit before we come back and do um the Milling and Paving work um so there's relatively minor drainage improvements in front of the Farm standand property um and then that project also is essentially a milling and Paving job that will do all of dual frow Milling Paving and striping and that is also uh NJ doot funds um other than that we're getting the Burrows Paving program kind of rolling there's a lot of streets on the list right now that we need to whittle down um we did we got one other dot Grant phase two for Perry Street drainage um that is just getting started we just got noi notified on that money uh recently and that's it if you have any questions I'll try to answer um the the wolf the the one by my house um are they going to be working in the rain tomorrow they're not working tomorrow they already called on called off tomorrow um Wednesday weather is actually gotten a little better what I saw just showers in the afternoon is what I'm saying so my guess is be back on Wednesday okay and when they gave us the schedule for the road closing he said all of this week into next um but it just didn't seem realistic to me and I pressed them on it a little bit today it's it's really only three or four days of work so depending on whether uh we could still be done this week or definitely beginning of next Tom is the intent of that project to alleviate the water that flows across the wolf from yes and is there a place for the silt to fall out of the water like how far is that pipe going towards dak's run it ties into an existing I think it's 36 in pipe I could look it up 30 or 36 inch pipe that runs all the way down to Wolf and ties into door Tu right on the other side oh by axon right yeah so there's so several hundred feet of pipe Downstream of where we're working so what's the receptacle of the water the catch Basin close to uh the the Farm Stand side of the road we going to put a newe I'm sorry yeah there's going to be basins on either side long long story short we're putting basins on either side of the street and we're recreating the crown in the road okay uh the crown was lost when the the county did their improvements whenever that was um when the road I think it was in conjunction with when the road was the intersection was realigned um basically the road the the curve became a super elevated Bend yeah um rather than a typical Crown Road so the water under certain conditions runs across the road I I don't know if you're I mean I'm sure you have but at times the water that runs across the road is a little bit you know Laden with silt I've seen is there a part of the design like that allows that silt to settle out before it goes into that multi 100t stretch between there and the the short answer is no um a little bit longer answer is because it it doesn't work in that type of situation unless you have a settling Basin it just doesn't work for a while um catch basins with sumps at the bottom were kind of in Vogue right but they fill up after a couple storms and it's just it's too much that I've seen the flows are like I don't know how it would even work maybe at the other end of the pipe the parks end of the pipe or something yeah maybe there's a way for it to spread out and slow out and then go into you need to create a really large flat space exactly that you're going to maintain and retrieve the silt from it's unless you have a Regional Detention Basin that a bunch of properties are are sharing in the responsibility of and ultimately it would come down to the burrow to do the maintenance but I think you could set up agreements where where people were responsible in some respect for it um unless you have that that large type of agreement it just doesn't it doesn't work on a small scale and we don't have the space for that and the water flies through there so it's not going to okay it's actually dangerous there when if we have a 4in storm it'll be up to the curb I'm going over the curb in front of my house and you know how people drive on Dual Road right it's a Speedway yeah and they come down like it's the middle of July you know and it's sunny and it's not and man it's not safe hydroplaning all over the place and this will definitely make it safer that's great it's nutty it's going to at least keep the water in the gutter where it should be and then you're disposing of it the same way but at least it'll keep it in the gutter rather than running across the middle of the road Tom is there a way we can right now they have steel plates and once again people coming down to Wolf Road as usual and somebody's going to get hurt there's no sign that says bump something ahead you just they just get up to it and now you hit the brakes and plates bump there the plates was not the plan um it was supposed to be paved on a daily basis no um they could not get asphalt today so that should not be the case on Wednesday or Thursday when we we get back um and that's kind of a standard contractor bit I don't know if you're familiar with that or not that the plant broke down or the truck broke down I mean it happens all time I watched him make the phone calls with his driver who was waiting in line at the plant and so I believe that it was legit today but I'll make sure that he's the first guy in line just some kind of signage that's all it's you can go over it just I drove it tonight it's they at least they put all those cones up it does slow you down yeah okay um but yeah that shouldn't happen again Tom the Russell a project um would uh fire department or ambulance Corps have any access issues to the building yeah we had a preconstruction meeting and talked about that in a lot of detail um we will make sure everybody's aware of exactly what's going on and they're going to get the rigs out of the building okay um for probably overnight one um somewhere where they can respond from all right um exactly the details of that uh Andy was was involved and knows better where to put it um I honestly don't know what the exact plan is but I know there is a plan okay just I just want to make sure that they're informed they can I volunteer my ccel parking spot I remember few months ago we talked about reconfiguring the front end of the burrow Hall entrance and possibly the ramp going into the second story of the firehouse and reconing some parking spaces have we made any Headway on that concept there was a real rough concept on was money budgeted for the pitch everything is just the slope is so bad that it cost a fortune to get anything done yeah you'd have to take the firehouse handicap ramp basically all the way down to kind of the middle of the building oh boy um with some switchbacks just because you're fighting grade the whole time you never chasing grade you're chasing grade and you can the ramp can only be at you know 8% um so the ramp in and of itself gets to be really expensive um I I I don't know any more than that though sorry but Tom can we still because one of the parts was to move the entrance a little over can we still do that so that way the ramp doesn't go right into the the driveway yeah for sure I mean for safety reasons yeah yeah especially when it's snow end and you're right drive so if we move the driveway over which move the bur hole driveway driveway over with the bur and we can but it's still it's still yeah you can holban road is essentially the same so you don't really gain anything there but by moving it over you extend the distance between the firehouse ramp and the Cav so you can make that situation better do we have to have County approval for something like that yeah but it's a simple one it's just a Road opening it's a road opening permit yeah I I don't think that would be an issue maybe we could start revisiting that whole concept think about it again I know the T W is definitely going to take that tree down and open it up so at least you're out that spot and I think if we at least change the driveway you're not you don't have that ramp coming right into the the driveway you need a permit for that tree do you think I'm just it's only one the diameter of I don't know what's the species all right do we have anything else for our engineer tonight J no thank you Tom all right Council committee reports uh Council Guan thank you Mr Mayor uh try to be very brief there haven't been uh many meetings in the OEM or Library since the last time we met uh for OEM I know Andy's been talking with uh what are known as mass notification uh platforms for emergency alerts uh and sort of normal day-to-day Communications for uh residents and employees a few companies he's been speaking to are everbridge code red and Rave so I think these are and and it might you might know more but uh that's what he told me today uh in terms of the library the library board doesn't meet till the 13th of March uh I know we spoke last time about a potential student board member uh he will be invited to speak to the board at that meeting so I'll get to meet him for the first time I remember he came out of the youth Council right so thank you uh councilwoman masaro for the recommendation uh February just ended as you know uh even though we had one more day uh than last year last February due to LEAP uh leap year uh in 2023 last year February there were 3,736 visitors this February 2024 4,766 visitors that's more than a thousand than last February an increase of about 27 to 28% year-over-year uh there were 117 uh people that attended adult programs and more than 300 uh attended kids programs this month uh and then uh Susan wanted to extend a special thank you to the mayor for mentioning the library staff uh in the monthly newsletter and that's the end of my report thank you no voice thank you Mr Mayor uh we had our last veterans meeting and we're still working on the memorial um f also Fred Pugi has been uh finding options and Hardware to mount signage on some of the polls we would like to acknowledge Steve um our World War II veteran in town prior to Memorial Day so we're just looking for the best hardware for that to make that happen and Andy is looped into that as well um let's see what else is this the gentleman Steve that lives on Walter yeah he's an excellent answer um we've been looking at other towns at their banners and they're exceptional including Ridgewood paramis um and Loi the cost is not prohibitive and like I said at least we want to get Steve uh up there this year for Memorial Day they were in Northfield too Bill yeah go far away exactly um one other idea that we had was to create a Dropbox for used flags and then have a ceremonial flag burning um occur possibly under the watchful eye of our old Jaan fire department um you know once a year and it could be a potential Boy Scout project Scout I heard Scouts used to do it yeah yeah years ago yeah they did there are boxes information I think somebody's working on that for their Eagle project as we speak good I'll coordinate with the Eagles Scout um and then um the environmental commission had a very exciting meeting last uh February 21st um one thing I was supposed to bring back to the mayor and Council was to suggest that the tree any gen any funds generated from the tree permit uh requirement might go into a stien so that the um it's the burrow um the building inspector or um design so maybe we could compensate that design whether it be an arborist or a Forester that was uh thought up by our environmental commission so we can start to consider that and then not sure I understood that sorry I'm sorry so the idea was because if you want to remove more than two trees on your property per year once we establish a fee associated with that th those fees would go into a fund uh the shade tree replacement fund but also that could fund the salary or a stien for somebody to be the person looking at people's property if they want relief from the tree ordinance in any capacity so it would be to hire Forester or an arborist of some sort um to help the building inspector because build building inspectors are knowledgeable about trees but maybe a Forester or arborist could be more knowledgeable wouldn't the homeowner the applicant um to Heist and I like to have these three or four down and wouldn't they come with their expert witness if you will whether an arborist or something else that their dime could be and then it could also be somebody on our side you know on the town side looking after that you know they could shorten the process and we could just checks and balance okay on there so that was a that was a suggestion and then another suggestion for the environmental commission was that we make it a 501c3 so that we could um bring in donations I don't know how that works I would require a lot of Jesse's assistance on that they have to form their own club bring what make what a 5 I think you can do that environmental commission I'm sure Jesse knows about it you could right well you can do a dedicated trust by Rider and people can donate to that and that's tax deductible well there you go they would like one of those have to get approval fromis excuse me what are they fundraising there's an infinite amount of creativity in the environmental commission so you just nice way nice way creativity form the trust and we will figure out ways to deploy the money for the betterment of the environment in Old Japan um okay and also if everybody could watch the biggest little farm it's on Netflix I heard it's great that lose my report thank you thank you councilman Bo um we'll go where do you want me to go next I forget I start with guy or Christine who going by looks definely Council misso hey we work back right I'll keep this brief uh Board of Health uh we met uh last uh w Wednesday I'm sorry Wednesday February 21st I think that was two weeks ago um there was a discussion about organizing another townwide walk like they did a few years ago at Stono once spring has sprung to get people up and about and walking around at Stone Point uh the Board of Health has asked if there is a way to offer when we change the clocks this weekend I talked to Jen about this uh a way to check the batteries for seniors in town who may not be able to reach their uh smoke detectors to change the batteries out when we change the clocks forward and the results of the healthy Town New Jersey will come out this month Rec commission is meeting tomorrow night nothing new since our uh last mayor and council meeting and historical committee uh met last Thursday I was unable to attend but Anna uh got me up to speed with the minutes looks like they were uh waiting for the Heritage tree sign still uh to be made so that we can have a presentation at Bonnabel park for our heritage tree um they're working on set up a historical guest speaker in May and former mayor John Kramer brought in some ultan artifacts and since we do not have a town Museum you guys decided to put them in the firehouse is that correct which is nice yeah pleased to display them and lastly the youth counil will meet this month again and the numbers and the interest are growing the school newspaper the Lance is writing an article about the buzz about the newly formed youth Council so if anyone has anything they would like to add to uh the article please let me know that's it for my requ reports thank you Miss May any volunteers want uh I actually there's a few kids who I had mentioned to so okay thank you BAGI um I will have a formal report for police at our next meeting uh as of right now it's pretty quiet um cars are car uh tahos are getting back in shape and on the road and that's good otherwise there's really not a lot going on I'll have my report for you next meeting thank you one other thing Oaks Park uh councilman Boyce and I were going to get together but our work schedule is would not allow that this this week last week it's getting busier and busier for both of us um but we will have a report for you in writing next meeting thank you councilman coraz thank you Mr Mayor DPW Branch collection and several wind and storms uh wind and snow storms uh this is a synopsis of what they did several several hazardous trees were removed without any permits several hanging branches were removed new lights were installed in the pickle ball courts they installed a new panel and the controllers at stonepoint Park new aeds were installed in the upper firehouse and Senior Center they did not exist before this damage bch was removed and replaced at Stone Point Park damaged from uh a town day contractor uh several classes were attended by uh different DPW employees OEM ethical organization tree installation recycling outdoor acrt five employees recycling seminar asphalt repairs Pooles on various streets hatch at the golf course from a waterline repair was was cleaned up and done cleaning and triming of sewer easements new new lights installed at the police department garage new lights installed inside the wood shop at DPW jetting sewer lines at standard uh was maintenance fixed various street signs due to damage from storms removed filing cabinets from ball fire room set up and cleaned up rabies clinic repair of more ceiling tiles in the golf course clubhouse ground stumps at the golf course cut up and Chi several trees at the golf course no permits thank you uh disposed of two loads of logs from the tree removals new windows were installed at the upper Firehouse maintenance began on the tub grinder for the mulch program equipment and material prep began for the baseball and softball field programs a new heater was installed in the police department sallyport Hydro excavated ground to find out conditions of wires for the golf course pump power to the pump house answered 336 calls for residents request for service and continued work on compliance and Regulatory paperwork in reference to the building department in the month of February we had no new construction no additions we had 33 applications for alterations totaling 430,000 $57 we have a total for the month of February 58 permits 20 905 was collected uh in reference to the building department the DCA runs the elevator safety unit which registers all elevator devices in the state of New Jersey right now the state has jurisdiction over Al alapan but it would be prudent for to have a subcontractor to the attached third-party agency if the state has jurisdiction in the town the ele elevator safety unit coordinates inspections between the owner the elevator company and the state and it takes forever so the the building department is asking or making a suggestion to go to this Municipal inspection Corporation in bom they would come in they would do the inspections we would charge our building department inspectors would go along with them and we would charge the permits to the resident of town There's a few things that have to be done we have to pass an ordinance and in elevated inspections as local level is found on New Jersey AC council president thank you Mr Mayor um our seniors are getting more and more busy now that the weather is getting better so some of the upcoming social events that'll be participating in include um St bad's day par uh party on March 14th a bus trip to the Brownstone on April 10th and a lunch and learn at the firehouse on April 25th report of the schools the high school just finished up their uh production of cats um I had the opportunity to see it last Friday it was a great uh great performance I'm surprised I'm shouldn't be surprised but compared to those plays that I went to when I was younger the these guys are super talented and it was a lot of fun to watch and for 20 bucks it was a cheap date night for me and my wife um I'm proud to announce that the nv's winter fars City cheer leader team won the state cheer competition for the first time in mdot's history is that right Christine yes and yesterday they won Nationals for the first time out at Hershey Park first time in school history national champions so for those reasons I would like to suggest that we invite them to our upcoming meeting on March on March April on March 18th when mayor galgar can uh read off their names for a special Proclamation recognizing their great achievement you want to do March we do uh the following uh April we just say we're kidding we take it back I already talked to him tonight um that's fine we could do the 18th if uh sooner than later okay yeah okay you get the names and all that some of I have the names I just the extra information okay I got that for and I haven't um seen anything on the school's website consent earning their uh budget proposals yet but I'll be looking out for it I don't anticipate to be any there being any surprises um fire and ambulance I want to thank both organizations for participating in Em's um uh in Northern Valley ultan's EMS Club openhouse a couple days ago um a lot of different organizations were there where club members were allowed to go around and talk to each agency find out what we do how to join things like that I have to say it was very very well attended there I heard there were probably about 110 members of the club now in previous years there were less than 20 or 30 so just goes to show you that a lot of kids these days in high school are looking to do something more for their town and thank you for the members of the ultan EMS cord to come tonight to help us out with our decision-making process and that concludes my report Mr Mayor okay thank you uh I don't have anything specific tonight to report on my news newsletter went out um so I'll unstain a motion to adjourn so move second faor