all right good evening everyone thanks for coming to our meeting tonight um for all who celebrate I hope everyone had a nice uh and very happy Easter uh over the weekend so roll call please may here here here here miss here councilman you here you please rise and join me for solute to flag I alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all so it's always very nice when we can start over meeting recognizing individuals for hard work determination and teamwork tonight only one day removed from women's History Month I get the honor to recognize several young ladies for outstanding accomplishments accomplishments over the past several months I have a feeling that several of these ladies once they finish high school and whatever life takes them next will put their mark on women's history someday so my first Proclamation tonight is the varsity competition cheerleading team whereas the northern Valley Regional High School at ultan Varsity competition cheerleading team made nvot history by winning first place at the New Jersey cheerleading Championship on Saturday February 24th 2024 and whereas the team continued making nvot history by winning first place at the mcda cheerleading Nationals on Sunday March 3rd 2024 and whereas a northern Valley Regional High School at alaan Varsity competition cheerleading team has distinguished themselves with character athleticism displaying the very atune of sportsmanship and team ideals truly the most enthusiastic ambassadors letting Prestige themselves their school and the entire Community now therefore I Thomas Gallagher mayor of the burough volan County of Bergen and the state of New Jersey on behalf of the mayor and Council and our residents honor the spirit determination and success of the northern Valley Regional High School at epan Varsity competition cheerleading team to hereby proclaim the admiration of our entire community and congratulate coaches Dana Sedano and Vivien Stamos and the team Victoria Ashan Carolyn Barry Hannah cologne Melanie cord Leah diamore Michelle Del Roso adelene Krauss jenim mararo Skyler Meadows Eva Murphy Lizzie anabin Sophia redus hi Rodriguez Presley son Kyra Samos Ali Tama and Alina timotha congratulations [Applause] ladies here up here she does love the middle first one of the middle next you right we're going to fit yeah that's a one some people come in the front two rows ladies get that a lot what are you going to be doing in there always pretty people and then you I know you that the grandpa back you good all [Applause] right I hope I got right it's better than C my niece actually yeah go pH sure congratulations good job congratulations you're welcome good job John I'm [Music] sure hey how you doing all right good to see you how are you sir calls me Mr Chanel they a lot closer to you okay read them I'll yeah I'll read them all right so two more 're here they're here come on in perfect timing yeah Chanel right welcome okay perfect timing we have a proclamation for your uh for for the things that you've accomplished uh recently so we're as Chanel is a member of the class of 2026 at the Academy of the Holy Angels in Demis and is the founder and president of aha's secure eats organization a nonprofit that hosts events to support food insecure women and children and whereas she is active with project Greenhouse where she grows vegetables and donates the produce to local food pantries and whereas this summer Chanel will represent Holy Angels at the 2024 Q O'Brien youth leadership seminar where she hopes to further develop her leadership skills and whereas the AHA Varsity fencing team hosted a 13 in1 record are the reigning League champions Bergen County Champions and district one state sectional Champions whereas they finished their season with the team best second place finish in with a team best second place finish in the New Jersey state inter Scholastic Athletic Association team tournament finals and where Chanel a valued member of aha Varsity fencing and part of the foil and part of the foil Squad was one of seven members who qualified for individual state level events now therefore I IE Thomas G mayor of the burough of ultan County of Bergen in state of New Jersey on beh on behalf of the mayor and Council and our residents honor the spirit determination and success of the AHA Varsity fencing team and do by and do hereby proclaim the admiration of our entire community and congratulate Chanel Wang for her job well done [Applause] congratulations [Applause] I know that up okay [Applause] congratulations was a CP ring I have one up read yeah thanks okay okay one more this is a proclamation honoring Lauren Tong whereas Lauren Tong is a member of the class of 2024 at the Academy of the Holy Angels in Demis where she is a member of the National Honor Society Math and Science National Honor societies an active member of the robotics team and is currently captain of the AHA Varsity fencing team whereas the AHA Varsity fencing team posted a 13-1 record are the reigning League Champs buron County Champions and district one state sectional Champions and whereas they finish this season with the team best second place finished in the New Jersey state inter Scholastic associate Athletic Association team tournament finals and whereas Lauren was one of 17 members who qualified for individual State events and whereas she was one of 36 H EP qualifiers did I say that right um in the field of 180 and finished 13th in New Jersey repeating her success from 2023 whereas Lauren joined the team as a sophomore aha's fencers had not won a championship in nearly a decade and when asked to State her goal for the season Lawrence said the Angels should go first place in the state now therefore I Thomas Gallagher mayor of the burough of oldan County of Bergen and the state of New Jersey on behalf of the mayor and Council and our residents honor the spirit determination and success of the AHA Varsity fencing team and and to hereby proclaim the admiration of our entire community and congratulate Lauren for a job well done would you please tell her um what we said here tonight okay thank you [Applause] okay good night congratulations okay um continuing with uh honors tonight uh it is my honor uh I don't think there's a better person for the job someone that knows the town better than everybody I think um um my my appointment tonight for the uh planning board uh John Kramer former mayor Kramer alternate number four for a 2-year unexpired term ending 1231 2025 couldn't stay away John welcome back all right all right next um next we have a public hearing on oh PL no won that's my appointment okay properly vetted I mean what goes on yeah we did all that backgr some guy all right now uh next order of business tonight is uh a public hearing ordinance 1250-1450 to open up to the public for comment or questions second all in favor I okay anybody oppos motion to close would anybody like to hear uh have any comments or questions on this pending ordinance motion to close second so move Okay resolution whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending the code of the buau of alapan County of Bergen in the state of New Jersey titled an ordinance amending the losap point system for the fire department originally created by ordinance number 68199 as amended by ordinance number [Music] 855-4440 and ordinance 1245 d23 was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 18th day of March 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and councel of the buau of ultan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that set ordinance number 1250 d24 B and the same is hereby adopted on the second and final reading and be it finally resolved that the buau clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of adoption as required by law have a second on that I have a second on that second second any discussion on set ordinance seeing none roll please counc I'm firan so I'm going abstain Council Boyce yes counc Cara yes counc yes councilman you I must abstain too all right our next order of business tonight is our consent resolution and that is for council president you as well thank you Mr Mayor I'm sorry I don't seem to have a copy of that no I still don't have it he's looking for consent but we skipped the budget for some reason oh I did all right I'll go back to that that's what you're talking about no found it what we doing the budget doing the budget or the consent we get let's do the budget first and it's also for council president you resolution 2024 Municipal budget introduction thank you Mr Mayor introduction of the 2024 budget be a resolve that the following statement of revenues and Appropriations attached here to constitute the local budget of the Bureau of ultan Bergen County New Jersey for the year 2024 be it further resolve that the said budget be published in the in the record in the issue of April 5th 2024 and that a hearing on the budget will be held at the municipal building on May 6th 2024 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as a matter may be reached a second on that second any discussion on the introduction of the municipal budget tonight seeing none roll call please Council B yes councilman Boyce yes councilman Kaza yes Council yes councilman you yes okay now we'll move on to the consent resolution that council president you found his paperwork I actually did not sorry all right do you have a copy read off of this I have the copy also I think's he's got it no I don't you read off the res resolution be it resolved that the following resolutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion and the same having having been previously reviewed by each council person B and are hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and Council of the burough of ultap pan bills and claims release cash bonds and escrow temporary emergency resolution temporary capital budget amendment amend tax lean Redemption Verizon Wireless RightWay agreement Bill award cell tower use lease second any discussion on our consent resolution none roll call please counc yes counc yes counc yes counc yes counc yes all right we'll move on to new business um my understanding is that uh on the agenda is meer for all it was a presentation tonight and U they are unavailable tonight so we'll skip over that do we know that's about uh it was a high school student that uh started a uh a nonprofit I don't I don't remember all the details from a couple of months ago and I think he or she wanted to come and give a um a presentation on what they're doing and um talk about the organization and okay see if there's anything that they could work on together with the with the community looking forward to it okay um okay next on to new business or is uh ordinance 1251 -24 Capital ordinance and that's also for council president you thank you Mr Mayor this is the first reading of ordinance number 12512 Capital ordinance various improvements and Acquisitions resolution whereas an ordinance entitled Bond ordinance to authorize a making of various public improvements and the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and Machinery new communication and Signal systems equipment new information technology equipment and new Automotive Vehicles including original apparatus and equipment in by and for the burrow of alapan in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of$ 2,95 2,915 th18 to pay the cost thereof to perate burrow trust fund monies and a county Grant to make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to Pro provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds was introduced at a meeting meeting of the mayor and Council on the first day of April 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and councel of the buau of ultap pan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that number that ordinance number 12514 B and the same is hereby adopted on first reading and be it further resolved that said ordinance number 1251-b of the said mayor and Council to be held on the 15th day of April 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the evening or as soon thereafter as a matter can be reached in the council chambers at burough Hall 227 ultan Road ultan New Jersey at which time and place all persons who may be interested will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance number 1251-b it finally resolved that the buau clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the introduction and notice of hearing as required by law second second any discussion saying none roll call please counc Council Bo counc yes Council yes councilman all right next order of business on the new business is ordinance 1252 -24 Capital ordinance at is for councilman coraza thank you Mr Mayor this is the first reading it's a resolution various sewer improvements and Acquisitions whereas an ordinance entitled Bond ordinance to authorize the making of a sanitary sewer Improvement and acquisition of a new additional or replacement equipment and machine Machinery in by and for the the sewer utility of the burough of alapan in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $69,000 to pay the cost thereof to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such Appropriations and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes and anticipation of the issued of such bonds this was introduced at a meeting of Mayor and Council on April 1st 20124 now the be resolved by the mayor and Council B volter pan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that Ence number 12 52-24 being the same is hereby adopted on first reading be it further resolved that set ordinance 1252 d24 will be further considered for final passage at a meeting of said May Council to be held in the 15th day of April 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the evening or there soon after as the matter can be reached by council chambers at bur Hall 227 alapan Road alapan New Jersey at which time and place all persons may be interest who may be interested will be given the opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance 1252 d24 and be finally resolved that the bur clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the introduction of notice of hearing as required by Mo second second okay any uh discussion on 1252 d24 seeing none roll call please counc BAGI yes counc Bo yes counc yes yes Council yes councilman yes all right moving right along uh for council president U ordinance 1253 d24 and another the capital ordinance thank you Mr Mayor this is a first reading of ordinance number 1253 d24 Capital ordinance various improvements and Acquisitions fully funded resolution whereas an ordinance entitled a capital ordinance appropriating the sum of $234,800 for the making of various improvements and the acquisition of various equipment by the buau of ultan and to appropriate $89,999 from a New Jersey Department of Transportation Grant and $ 47,1 from the capital Improvement fund was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the first day of April 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the buau of ult pan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 1253 d24 B and the same is hereby adopted on first reading and be it further resolved that said ordinance number 1253 d24 will be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the said of said mayor of Mayor and councel to be held on the 15th day of April 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the evening or as soon thereafter as a matter can be reach reached in the council chambers at Burrow Hall 227 alapan Road ultan New Jersey at which time and place all persons who may be interested will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance number 1253 d24 and be it finally resolved that the burough clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the introduction and notice of hearing as required by law there a second on it second okay any uh discussion on ordinance 1253 d24 seeing none roll call please Council yes Council yesc yes counc yes counc yes okay another one for council president you ordinance 1254 d24 thank you Mr Mayor this is the first reading of ordinance number 124-page and establish a cap Bank resolution whereas an ordinance entitled burough of alapan Bergen County New Jersey calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank njsa 4a-4 d451 14 was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the first day of April 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the buau of bapan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 124-140 and the same hereby adopted on first reading and be F further resolved that said ordinance number 124-in councel to be held on the 15th day of April 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the evening or as soon thereafter as a matter can be reached in the council chambers at Burrow Hall 227 alapan Road ultan New Jersey at which time in place all persons who may be interested will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance number 1254-induced 12 54-24 seeing none roll call please yes counc yes counc yes counc yes counc yes all right our final uh new business uh ordinance uh is for councilman carazza it's ordinance 1255 d24 thank you Mr Mayor this is the first reading of ordinance 12524 elevator inspections resolution whereas an ordinance entitled an ordinance transferring jurisdiction for the administration and enforcement of elevator inspections from the state of New Jersey to a private entity to be selected by the bur of ultap pan was introduced at the meeting of the mayor and Council held on April 1st 2024 now therefore be resoled by Min Council bur volan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 12524 being the same is hereby adopted on first reading and be it further resolved that set ordinance 12552 will be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the said May Council to be held on the 15th day of April 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the evening or there soon thereafter as the matter can be reached in the council chambers at bur Hall 227 alapan Road alteran New Jersey at which time and place all persons who may be interested will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance number 1255 24 and be a final resoled that the burough clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the introduction of notice of hearing as required by law second second okay any comments on 1255 d24 none roll call please counc yes counc yes Council yes counc yes yes okay our next order of business um is School traffic we have our chief of police here tonight uh and councilman BAGI uh our um yes Mr Mayor if you recall um we had an accident involving pedestrians dad and two children a couple weeks ago on K Street um just recently as yesterday we had an accident on Central Avenue on OT Road it seems to be increasing um from my from my experience it's sometimes just just as much his fault of the Walker as it is the driver uh but we can't ignore it we have to somehow be proactive about this and especially at the school right which has been an ongoing problem uh not not the most not the worst problem in the world but it's ongoing and something needs to be adjusted so uh I asked the police chief to come in tonight to give his thoughts we can discuss it and maybe give him some direction or maybe he can give us some direction sure and Jo thanks you really quick history on on the area uh for the last two weeks we've been monitoring that area in the morning in the afternoon we spoke with the superintendent we asked superintendent brackenbury to take his drone give us an aerial view of the traffic in the morning and in the afternoon so both schools were probably built in about 40s 50s maybe for was built in 65 okay for two first class students uh we're now at 767 and believe it or not 20091 was the highest at 873 I thought we probably had more but that was 9 10 was the highest for the students in there and surprisingly we found out is the morning is really not the issue that we're having there uh it will get worse as the weather gets warmer with people Now parking more on Charles Place and at lonard drive but the biggest issue you have is at 810 to 812 superintendent tells me she has about 20 students in that in the building so the bell rings at 8:25 we're now trying to get 767 students plus the staff into that building in a very short period of time on from Charles Place and out from Washington the issues that we're having we're seeing over on Charles place we're also seeing over on Washington with the backup out off the Washington Avenue um we placed no Park ass signs on K Street to try to bring down the congestion on K Street because when you have the line of traff that's coming up K Street even though we put the the no turn on K Street from Lona drive we still have cars continually doing it and it just adds to confusion on trying to get into uh Charles Place if the officers are sitting there nine times out of 10 maybe they don't make the turn but for the most part if an officer isn't there they're making the turn which is creating one of the problems and the congestion at that intersection the afternoon is a much bigger issue for for us we have cars lining up on Charles Place on the east side and we already have cars parked on the west side so it leaves us one lane of travel down the center of the roadway we do have cars they don't want to wait we try and move those cars along prior to the bell ringing it it it doesn't work then we have cars coming up the Middle Lane now we have three lanes of traffic the whole roadway is blocked up they get up they want to make that left turn on School Street they can't do it because that's all backed up and on three instances I saw cars now enter School Street against eastbound traffic on three three separate occasion and K Street now with the cars coming in from lard Drive creates more of that confusion for us on Charles's place um again like I said if the drivers are there mostly they they try not here by the rules but for the most part the issues we're seeing on they're really not adhering to the rules the traffic laws in that area everybody's in a rush and that courteous to the other drivers um they're distracted you see they dropped their kids off and you can see them drive past you on their phones a lot of them will cut in the corner when they're making that left turn on Cas Street we had one car came two to three feet off the curb line as they were cutting that corner had one woman trying to roll down her window to yell to one of her friends to say hello Ash she's making the turn on the K Street um parents aren't using the crosswalk where our guard is if they're parking Down by K Street now they're just crossing Charles Place exactly where they are which creates more uh issues for us so some of the things we thought of um we have increased our enforcement down there especially in the afternoon trying to get we have cars many we have teachers we have the school bus everybody's making a left turn out of school street and don't know when we passed that ordinance that you can't you're not allowed to make a left out of school you're not allow it's been like that for before my time and everybody can you know it's surprise to everybody when we stop them so we are trying to get better with the enforcement down there the problem is if when you have that congestion down there and you only have two officers working and I I have one officer down there he's stuck in that area with all the the traffic that's down there so one thing we thought of is putting the Jersey barriers on K Street just to prevent people from making that left turn and even the people that are going to still make that right turn from let a drive they can't go anywhere they're not going to get out on Charles Place it Li Ates that crosswalk for vehicles coming across now the few people parents that we see are coming up from the end of Charles Place it's it's not a lot but it's still it's still rather cold once it gets warm I anticipate us getting more people coming up there um and the other thing is I talked to the superintendent is maybe getting a traffic study for that area for us where the town and the school could kind of come up with an idea you we we have a school and residential Zone with almost 800 people coming in there and there's no parking in there for every time they added and put an addition on I think they've only added in my time 20 parking spaces up in the front of CDW right just just there's no parking now the TBT the prek kindergarten first grade second grade third and fourth really don't have to every parent has to pick up their kids so which means every parent has to park somewhere they can't park in a school so they're parking in all of the side streets which is now creating a problem I don't let it drive we're going to have to look at doing some kind of ordinance at want a drive similar to what we have on Charles Place so I'm looking at least now temporarily putting those Jersey barriers up with your guys approval on both sides just Cas you be CL we're going to do both sides but we come to realize that new house has a driveway on K Street that one house on the corner we could put a barrier up past that driveway maybe but if we at least put it on the Charles play side anybody still makes that turn in they're not going anywhere yeah but they're not going anywhere but now they're creating more problems backing out right yeah technically they're not supposed to make that turn anyway CU we have the ordinance in place there's no left or right turn on the cas stre but they still do it those barriers would stay up all the time or just for school just for school season for season Once the schools is not daily not moved not mov sign on Old depand trolls yeah I mean you you can do the the barricades there they can be moved um the parents want to move it the Jersey barriers aren't going to get moved we put no parking signs out there and the the I'm sure some of the residents just keep stealing there no parking like moving them like they take they're gone they gone they don't want them in front of their house so I'm sure if we put a barricade there those will disappear too and then you'll have to keep putting barricades out there Jersey barriers if they fill them up with water and that they're not going anywhere they have the pl and he has the plastic ones okay but that would be a per like the Jersey barriers would be up yeah until nine months of the year so for the residents in that area it's a it's a cut through if you remember on the opposite side of leard we had almost the same thing when the residents bought those pieces of property right it's I would almost say do the same thing just get rid of it so Chief I got a couple of notes over the past two weeks um you know some were concerned that you know they've parked they didn't think parking on K caused any issue you know what happened uh you know some said it's terrible but it was a tragic accident what happened and probably I don't know I'm not in law enforcement but maybe distracted driving all right um You me you said it yourself earlier you know cell phones looking out the window you know whatever um what you said earlier how you opened is that it's it's increasing problem and and the number 800 or is the number I heard close to that in that neighborhood is is tough early on before tonight's meeting I I would have kind of said yeah unfortunately it was a terrible terrible accident thank God that you know the the people are okay but I'm taking more note of of what you said about the the the sheer volume of people in vehicles in that neighborhood in in 20 minute time in the morning and in the afternoon afternoon is a bigger problem because parents like to get their road so at 20 to 3 or so they're already lining up on Charles Place and it just cuz I didn't think it was that much of an issue out there I went out again I've been going out for the last two weeks watching it I literally can't believe what's going on there in the afternoon it is crazy yeah Hey Ron years ago um many many years ago I I think when TBD did their Renovations or so I mean they actually considered drop offs and pickups in the in the rear we did about thir and four we did we talked about that that's a long time ago and it never went anywhere it was they also talked about having all um teachers doing a parking lot off the bird teachers would park back there give you the parking spaces up front for parents why couldn't we why couldn't we stagger times that you start one school starts at45 one starts 8:15 that's a contract issue with the teachers when the contract up the set time that they have to start they stagger even 15 minutes would work I think but I'm not a traffic guy but they stagger dismissal which kind of helps a little bit right um she I think she starts dismissing prek like 8:48 then 2 minutes later but you know most of the parents are already arrived and they're waiting right in the area they're parked already they're just waiting so and I and I get what you say you can't dismiss everybody from TBD at one because you have to you know you got know where the prease are go and where the kind go as the first second you have to give them off to a parent you can't allow 100 kids to go out in front of your school and just hope Mommy and Daddy pick them up yes so they all have to park somewhere Davenport Court they're all that that's all lined up with cars as well that whole area during school time is packed packed you know maybe with the traffic study they just purchased that property um to the right of Charles of wolf yes who knows maybe you can do a driveway coming in into the back and dropping mhm you know maybe somebody else has some better ideas for us what we can do you know having the cars now come on to Charles Place I know it creates some problems for the residents but we don't have the backup on ultan road anymore mhm and when it rains it really backs up like tomorrow the rest of this week that area is just going to be a nightmare because of the rain it really Stacks up and we used to have them out on oldan road so then when they were out on Fair Road you had cars passing the stop cars coming head on with cars going Westbound at least now now we're off the main road and we're into the side street you can't get into CDW unless you're passing kind of past TBD right so from the East end of town the wolf so walk me through they they come down Leonard or Russell letter okay Le to Russell Le to Russell make a ride on Irving make a ride at my house um go right past my driveway uh and then stack up I mean I've seen it I try to leave for work before or after uh and then they make a left into school street and if they're dropping someone off if they have kids in both schools supposed to come in through the her drive they're supposed to come in through herck a lot of them don't what they'll do is they'll come in off the school street come right there and drop off the TBD student and they're not supposed to and then up to C and then up to CDW the other problem you have is TBD parents I don't I don't know why they do this they should just go right out School sheet make the right on the Charles but a lot of them come into CDW line up to to go home yeah just if you don't have a kitty you're not dropping off at Charles W school you're just coming up there and adding more to the so they would they would come straight out they would make the right onto Charles we don't want them making a left on to K anymore they'd go up to Irving and left or right and Away you go and look we have to watch do we not get the backup now down at Irving you know yeah yeah cuz they'll be making a left now everybody's going to make a right right my driveway yes everybody's coming down that way so now are we pushing the problem down that way we might be because there are still drop offs behind TBD yes there are I wish more would use so if you make it right if you make it a right there you're throwing more Vehicles into that equation but I wish more would use the back of TVD and there's a Crossing Garden the back of TVD yes yeah we have two two Irving um we have one there and then one right by the back gate right to but you do I I didn't count how many cars but wish more would use back it would be great if third and fourth all would exit that way but so what do you so I I love the traffic study uh idea there and we can get with the school's uh School the school be on that or would the burrow have to be responsible I spoke with Danielle and talked about it maybe both of us could could chip in and sure it'll benefit both entities yeah yeah maybe somebody has a better idea for us I I don't think it's going to get any better because with the enclave and the 116 apartments and the 41 Apartments over the commercial uh and then we have 20 tow houses of rentals and on Central there's going to be more kids going to Enclave um what did she say I think we have about 60 students that added to us really that me our said 50 So He pry yeah that's a local that's full 99 town homes are full okay the low and modor right they're not they are not the low and moderate above the commercial is not full but the other low and moderate I think is full right and the apartment building is yet to open I don't know how many kids we're going to get out of an apartment building CBD added 15 CDW added 19 that was added this year yeah because I think they end B increase she said was right after Co all the moving out of the city that increased 60 60 students I think I read that they're still up to 790 when you said you know the top enrollment was in 20 2009 2010 that was like top almost 900 right we've had surpris but we've had that many I mean exactly what I said when I went to school when you went to school there was when kids rode their bikes right I rode my bike everybody that's true I my somebody called us a bike in the bike rack anymore no oh no no we had resident calls from sundon Court complaining about the traffic on Washington Avenue of her sitting in the traffic she lives on sundon court right everybody gets in the car yeah Chief what do you suggest short term again I like the traffic that we'll talk to the schools shortterm I just like to do the barers for now and see see how that because of that driveway on K you'd prefer to do it just on chars yeah and monitor they have another driveway no they don't they have one on they moved it yeah they moved the curb cut is still there but no they only have one when we spoke yeah both sides you could also ask realiz was dway they might for that you could bring the we could also ask just it's only one house that has a driveway there might want to bring just them in on that because if they say yes to it then could happen the one thing I was thinking I was going to speak to attorney is like if we put him just in on Cas from Leonard you know you get that guy that makes that quick right turn into a barrier where we you know yeah I'd rather leave it out I mean like think I like there leave it out and leave it visible you mean I like Council woman maso's idea maybe have a conversation I mean a lot of a lot of times you can get past these barriers anyway if you really wanted to well the Jersey that's why I want the Jersey barer so you can't they're just going to go curb and curb hopefully they don't drive over somebody's grass but if we go curve to curve out the end of okay but Charles they did they can't Mr Mayor as we did at the high school remember we changed our ordinance and made no parking but we also invited all the residents in uh that lived in that neighborhood I think it's only obviously obviously it's only fair that we talk to that Resident who Christine mazaro would be glad to go with you because she is personal friends with that person who lives in that house with that driveway and my brother's on that corner I can walk around the corner too and I know I just I'm just I'm trying to give her a job to do CU she's a rookie sooner or later you're going to have we're going to have to look at Lenard drive to do the same type of ordinance that we have on Char's place right but I me what I mean is we should communicate with we couldn't just let's not just put barriers up and say you know hey here they are we should engage those people just to say what do you think we're going to do this and we're going to try it if it don't work we'll figure something else out but let's put this on the agenda for for next next meeting and let's advertise it that we're going to have further discussion um look at Jo the only place the guy with the driveway can go is he's going to come out he's going to go right and then make a right come back on to Le we'll come back out to letter so what if you put the barrier on on the other side where someone would actually make the left into there and he still has a way to get out that way you're eliminating anyone going in but you can keep putting it just past his driveway up the no no no on the the street mm but closer to the sidewalk where someone would turn left to go in so he could still pull his car out that means somebody else will get in though huh that means somebody else will get in they going to go in the wrong way yes M yeah yes sorry are you I know they're making a turn so I don't know the difference between Jersey barriers and regular barriers and stuff but you know I'd like to see him be able to be I'm just personally I'm not sure I want him up there 24 4 S maybe during school time um not that I want your your department moving them every day like they do at the top of both at the top of Charles there [Music] um I don't know if they need to be so permanent and if if people really want to get around them they'll get around regular barriers but I think you have to with more of a presence I you know I I see uh I see your patrol cars there a lot you know at that time as you as you said uh in the morning I'm not around in the afternoon um I don't know I I don't I I sort of agree the permanency of it is rubbing me the wrong way you know you just try the regular barricades for now they'll move them in regular barricades with a good sign with a couple of good signs yeah I would 3x4 signs or you know what on the on the yeah on the barrier M the barricades by the no turning no something breathing electric sign not not those barel with the electric sign for a while the big one that there for I don't know just right on right in on the almost on the sidewalk so it wouldn't block traffic the big electric sign that say because to your point I worry about what if someone's driving through not from here and make Google map says make a left it's 8 o'clock at night it's dark and they you know because it's it's still a road it's still a pass through permanency is good point you can try the so horses hopefully they just don't disappear like all my signs yeah that's well they got cameras Soze your brother he's got they got cameras keep an eye on the good idea on the corner I i' I'd prefer to see that but you so you're you'd like to see K kind of blocked off yeah no matter what that's that's the first it just adds to the confusion people they Park on both sides that's down to one lane it just it's more if they do do make that right and they're trying to get on the Char people don't let them into the line of traffic it's it just adds to the confusion down there what about making the street one way would that help out at all which K Street have parking only on one side make a right or left turn from one of driving to do it anyway one woman pulled up right behind me and parked today this morning she pulled right behind me she felt safe back there I should be surprised when I got the car but like I said if you're not sitting there if they don't see the police car they make that doesn't matter now they're trying to squeeze in Charles place where kids are trying to cross it eliminates that cross that dangerous cross on K Street if you put barriers there no no cars can't come come through it any longer it's eliminated you know people said they'll put a guard there we have a hard time finding guards as it is yeah nobody want we advertise we got one one guy in in his 80s nobody wants that job anymore and then how far from the school are we going to keep putting guards want that job that job yeah yeah I can do that and you also Point made a point that it wouldn't have didn't you say that that even with a guard there that day that driver would hit the crossing guard too correct that's there's from what I've seen in the morning three to four sets of parents with with children and the parent is with all them so even with the guard there I take like the guard would have been hit anyway that morning I believe so I believe so so I'd like to make a suggestion that we use the the the barriers not the Jersey barriers but the the SE horses um let's get this on the agenda for next meeting and for everyone that's got ulten Mom connections Let's uh let's see that it gets somehow posted and we get people here and give their but if we post it on Monday you know by Friday it's I mean Ron you brought up let you know I certainly want the the the neighbors to know what's going on there and it is inconvenient I I was troubled with the the Howard Drive U ordinance uh because of the back gate of the high Schoop but it created you know that safety issue so you know we were you know we had to make we had to make a move there so Hey listen the the number one thing is is the safety of of the children the parents the teachers in that neighborhood so um let's figure it out and let's talk to the school about a traffic study that won't happen overnight but let's uh let's open up dialogue with that is that a grant net may be available you think for the grant writers but are you talking about like traffic stud that could be can you check with uh thank you school school could find out also you know I'm not trying to minimize what happened but it we don't have a lot of pedestrian accidents there over the years I mean no considering how many cars and how many people are in the same place if you go down look I'm not on the road an awful lot of inside I've gone the last two weeks the afternoons there is a nightmare any neighbor will tell you down there yes I know I've heard from them and it's more of the problem because nobody follows the rules of the traffic laws and be patient are we writing summonses yeah don't get the message hope so but again if they're not there they just make the turn same if that guy's not sitting up a TR place they're making the turn and there's only two you know there two Patrol men on the road I know you you got an ambulance call and you got some other little call and then nobody's there it's just the way it is no but they're there those those 2025 minutes do you so don't do the saw horses right now wait till after them next do the I do the keep K keep K closed and uh we could just do the saw horses to the end of the year and just see how how it works and then if you feel we got to do something more permanent right to the end of the school year yeah yeah I agree yeah me too and see how it works so when are we going to do the traffic study soon we've already altered the traffic well let's see if we can get a grant if we get a grant I mean we've been doing traffic studies there since three Chiefs are gone yeah there's been so many different ideas everybody had a different idea each police chief had a different idea superintendent had a different idea I know it was there's been a ton of ideas we still the same problem we do good luck with the soles on well Andy's really right yes dpws yeah all right anybody else have anything for the chief chief thanks Chief uh next under uh old business uh council president you you do you have any comments on first aid core thanks I do have comments it'll probably be um um a little lengthy so please bear with me we're going back on the topic of ambulance SC services so I had prepared a brief statement I all like you um appreciate if you listen so historically our first a Corp has had um seen strong membership and active participation in providing Emergency Medical Services in town um for them it's a point of Pride and it's a legacy almost 90 years in the making um and it's a legacy of helping a neighbor helping their uh their neighbor even up to 2020 pre-co times the volunteers were able to respond up to 80 to 90% of their calls but recently the core has uh witnessed a change in the makeup of their membership that makes it pretty difficult for them to respond at those rates that they used to now the composition of the core is made up of a lot of high school young high school students and those who just graduated uh High School uh who became EMTs or it's made up of the uh those that are no longer able to do that strenuous work anymore so those in the middle say the stay-at-home moms and dads seem no longer available to volunteer you know for whatever reason they're busy uh they work two jobs or other economic reasons and while the cores evening and overnight hours are well covered very few of them are around during the day most of the cors EMTs actually work per DM at other paid agencies around the area and they come back home to volunteer in the evenings and night thus that's why they made their proposal that alapan in a surrounding town like like Rivervale create a daytime paid service now these EMTs would not nothing more than to provide uh the service to their Community you know that they call home I know it's been suggested on this day is that um um Contracting with a hospital paid service may be a solution but with discussions with the core and others with experience on the issue um makes me believe that it's not a great idea for several reasons a contract with an outside service would diminish our volunteer ageny uh ability to actively be involved with Emergency Medical Services in town also I don't believe paying for services puts us in any better situation than we have currently uh through our mutual Aid poll system now at a recent meeting with Bill and Court uh of the EMS committee we all decided that you that money would be far better spent in some kind of a stiens program for volunteers but that's going to take some planning and we're not ready to move ahead with the idea now um instead going back to the original idea it was dependent upon River Veil making the commitment with us and while they haven't made any decision yet I do have reason to believe that they that some on veils mayor and counsel do believe the otx pro uh proposition is a viable way to provide the level of emergency medical care that the residents expect so at our next meeting I'll be presenting a resolution that we'll all be voting on uh one that states that the burough of ultan recognizes that the ultan first day course proposal is the best path best path forward for our residents and I'll I'll be uh writing it up as with as an open invitation to riverville or another adjacent town to to join us in this endeavor you can have my vote now it's no we're not voting yet I'm telling you in advance you don't you don't need to vote not it's discussion only right now until you see it I wouldn't I didn't think it was just a discussion he said he's going to introduce a resolution oh wait you should read it first why should I read it I know exactly what it's going to be I learned something he wants to hire two EMTs that's why we'll be voting next meeting that's I'm voting now okay noow well Jen did you just say that it was an invitation it it's a or is it a proposition it's going to be a proposition yeah it's going to be a proposition um contention upon River veil's involvement and would that proposition be developed with the um sub committee that was formed here meaning yourself me and which is the EMS committee yes we'll all work on it together okay so I I just have one question and I know I know the history of this U um I know the history of it all uh I believe last meeting and I believe there was some interest uh the further discussion on not necessarily having paid full-time benefits pension all that stuff and there was some discussion on per DM um whereas you could I think work up to 24 hours a week or something 32 and a half 32 and a half so have have per DM it gets harder to manage I would think moving someone's got a schedule of that and they would be paid an hourly right um to be determined um is that could could that be part of your I would I would explore all those options I'll let you know that uh Hillsdale does a prum system now and their costs are pretty high who'd you talk to on Hillsdale the bureau administrator okay well I believe because I've heard that they're successful over there that that's what he tells me also he said they filled their their their um their schedule of per Dums but they're also again I I don't want to get a I don't put the Caron for the horse here they're also doing it on their own and they're covering the the whole gabit if and I'll just say it's a big if if Rivervale were to say I mean we work we play nice in the sandbox with them we have a lot of shared service agreements with riveral if they were to look at this perdum so you're really splitting the costs you're not paying the benefits you're not paying all the other things that you know we were provided the numbers on uh that could potentially drop that number substantially it technically should very much so we'll eagerly await uh further Direction okay Jen can we also invite Jesse to that me that we have our chief Jesse hoer Jesse Hopper but also our B CFO she's always invited I know I'd like herend as well Chen I just need some clarification sure what we have currently right now if the if the alarm goes off right now XYZ happens if we have an ambulance service that we contract with doesn't the same thing happen that's what I need clarify ific ation on if we signed a contract or if we didn't you mean if we signed a contract well let me let me get down to the let me cut to the chase what I have heard is that if we hire an ambulance service we're going to pay them whatever let's say 20 $30,000 right uh we have that now someone told me why should we contract with them when we have that now because myom is going to go to riverville they're not available West with Den out available okay hack ATT attack hospital so we have that in essence we have that now am I wrong I mean I don't pretend to know everything here that's why I suggested that that Contracting with a hospital um wouldn't give any benefit to us it's exactly what we have now like if we contract with h name they're not going to be sitting around here in by state no they're they're going to respond if if nobody else responds from from TK yep or wherever they happen to be in the they might be they might be in W off you know they I'm I'm more concerned with I mean many of us here on the St have have need for call the ambulance okayy uh no when you're 10 minutes is an hour when you're waiting exactly I I've done it and and coming from Teck you could imagine how long that would take yes and like I said in past meetings people pay a lot of taxes to live here this is a beautiful Community there we should not be waiting for ambulance service there's nothing like the Peace of Mind in knowing that a rig is 5 minutes away from wherever you are the older I get the more I understand that so I I have more to report uh under my uh ambulance core report uh but that's what I'll suggest if that takes you another meaning after that let's let's maybe weigh out it I'd like to see it happen weigh out that original proposal and perhaps the PDM which I did think got a little bit more attention two weeks ago here so let's let's let's not rush something through okay let's let's propose something that uh makes the most sense for Ultra payment residents thank you no that's it Mr Mayor that's it okay um all right at this time uh a motion to open the meeting to the public so moved second okay all in favor would anybody from the public like to be heard tonight on a non-agenda item please sir yep right up here your name and address for the record yes uh Robert you want it w n a t 19 stonate Road okay I'll be your house on Friday oh you were over there no I'm going to be picking up your kids oh that's right yeah my wife uh yeah she she said we made a nice donation to get that you mind if I sit down pleas do thank you um uh so I'm here uh to read something I put together about uh the playing fields and the Improvement that I'd like to see happen within Town um I well I'm new here my family that I I married into has been here since 84 I don't consider myself new in that regards you know I have friends and family they have friends and family so there's been a lot of history here but it what I'm presenting and what I'm asking is just what we can do to consider this this as the next step right that's uh that's my main thing so uh I'll just start reading it just to make my life a little easier so go through it uh and it's not too long and I apologize if you do think it is so uh dear mayor Gallagher and ultan Council thank you all for priting me the opportunity to speak here tonight I want to thank you all for your time and commitment to building and maintaining the quality of life within ultan I believe our town sets a standard for our neighboring communities which is a great source of Pride for many I also want to congratulate the members of our Council as well as existing members for their terms I am learning that volunteering at Kinder Public Services is a full-time job and one that comes with both High admiration and many hours of serving others um my name is Rob wet I am resident town as I mentioned from 2016 uh my wife Justine Greenwald grew up in town she went for TBD CDW andb right uh her parents are Dr Michael Greenwald he passed 2015 I don't know if any of you knew him uh as well Elizabeth Greenwalt uh she still lives in town um active every day with her uh they helped a lot with the sports and other recreational activities over the years and I myself am also participating in Youth Sports programs now uh as a volunteer as a coach a member under the Recreation Commission this year and as a father of two children so I'm here today to ask you to review what I'm going to say about the playing condition of our Fields um I'll skip the next part about what the benefits of Youth Sports I believe this is well known for many many people right I'll let you read that there um that's not really well it's very important it leads to their success you know I I just don't want to get lost on that subject right now um so in short I believe that there's been too many years past since the initial Fields developments which is affecting usage in terms of quality of play and loss of play I recall the the Improvement performed about 5 years ago at St point which transformed the area from an unusable bot Court to a vibrant basketball court which is provides a summer recreation basketball and usage via ultan camp this is something I want to see Revisited for our other fields to further expand on the first issue we have limited and sometimes no option following field closure subject to rain uh the fall 2023 soccer season lost many Saturdays which is our only game day furthermore we do not have an option for midweek games as we do not have any illuminated playing fields baseball softball also has similar issues with rain cancelled from the 2023 season losing opportunities for games and practices because a field condition is a problem that I want to remedy um the old Japan DPW is a great Ally for our sports program uh I I speak to them weekly the beginning of the Season we've been in touch we've had Zoom meetings with them we've had countless calls and emails they've been a great service um their service has been and is fantastic we speak with them regularly to ensure our fields are playable there are countless times and hours last year where we needed them to resurface fields for baseball games following rain swims I want to note that their service is respected and greatly appreciated to summarize I'm here to request by Our Town Council to address the field upgrades um from the meeting with the OT DPW a program was developed to address the infield rework at galgar field I believe this is a scheduled for fall 2025 I believe a repurposing of chestnut field and upgrades at the fields behind CDW need our attention as well this will address field availability and achieve the standard of today while I do not have all the plans and specifications nor the budget in mind I believe the first and foremost important step for all of us is the first step forward together that's it thank you you mentioned uh if I at the very end I think the the school Fields yes behind CDW yeah that's their game that's not us but is it Town property no school properties school property unfortunately your taxes go there but it's not Town property so how I don't want to get hung up on that but that that would be a school but how so then how does that get fixed if I don't mind because it's a scho there yeah yeah I we we couldn't if we wanted to really yeah embarrassing so Mr W what kind of upgrades were you suggest well so Gallagher the discussion that we had before which was a very good one we went back and forth with Andy um Court was on it guy was on the initial part I had a miss out I was I was at a work meeting and we that one what we ended up understanding was that just the infield itself over the years you know there's there's the the dirt moves you know compresses it and just by daily use yearly use the field needs to be re basically reskinned they have to grade it all out and rebuild the infield just level everything yeah yeah I mean I I had practice there today and there's some divots that the ball went from hit it to second base and it went all the way to you know deep and short in the ho Short Stop like that's part of skill building it is it challenges them they got to read a bad hop right that's that's I personally I love Gallagher fieldin and you can ask any other kids that are in the northern Valley Baseball League what field they want to go play at and his scalar they they love that field see that's what I've always heard too I've always heard that our fields are the best around it's I mean it's got the Americana feel to it right so what we understood is that that one the best program would be just to redo the dirt on the inside right to to re regrade it do new pitch Mound and just get everything back to where it was and and that seemed to be you know a manageable budget talking to Andy I I don't know the exact numbers I would have to defer the how he was presenting that um stor Point's in really good shape you know it's been a few years that I know of since since some of the stuff was done there so it just over time you know things just it settles and that was I Poli don't Point most of that was wetlands area at some point or another and you know that's going to need time my big thing what I'd like to see at Chestnut is that converted to a Turf area where we could do full soccer field and the end a side by-side soccer field and then have baseball fields there and why is that that that would give us the opportunity for for rain day Mak ups for all those activities um it would it gets more use than any other that that field while it plays very well it you know we we become Limited in how fast we can transition from one sport to the next because how it's set up once you have soccer set up it's soccer once you have baseball set up it's baseball but if it's put to that type of use it it could really work well and then you know a luxury item you know I think it that's the prime spot to put lights up on the field there's Limited uh houses on that street um L you buy a house by a park you have to understand you're going to have people playing at the park and that's just a fact of life um let me give you a little bit of history in the 25 years I've been here I've been charged of a recommission for 21 years 18 years ago I brought lights to stonepoint park I got a grant for $150,000 and if everybody was certain people there weren't here then but you were here I was here there were 400 people in this Auditorium here screaming at me that they didn't want lights and when we voted I voted for lights and there was a contingent that wanted them very small would he face I I know that one would be a huge undertaking it would be an amazing facility to have it it has the most parking it has the additional facilities right to it you know it I I I think it's the a natural progression and what the new standard is I mean you go around to to neighboring towns they they all have a a Turf setup for for that reason for for the extra play time for for the residents and which town um that's Turf well we just went on recently I went over it was when we played Glenrock over there it's a brand new facility that they you said neighboring I'm just wondering because I've been at most Fields I've coached for a long time I don't I mean I consider that neighboring orang was playing the town I grew up the town I grew up was 14 miles long so wow so it's different in compar that was only Eastern Connecticut it wasn't so that's fine I could travel to a friend's house in town it would take 15 20 minutes to get there it was so for for me when you know like I know around here they're they're very secur as roads and no I'm not saying I'm not saying I'm negative I just want to those standards I know recently Oro has updated their fields I don't believe they did a Turf over there uh but they did have a program I know speaking with people under Northvale uh recognition uh the under baseball the baseball parents that they're they're pushing and program through over there to get one started to redo their I think collectively and and this would be the probably the best way to go about it it's it's a regional program over here right we have ultan Haren Park Northville at HP I think there should be some type of group facility between that all the town can to work together to address where I grew up in Connecticut it was a Regional High School similar to this um three towns and they created a in this in the town I grew up they they made a sports complex for all the all the boosters and it it gets split up amongst the towns and they all have rights of access to it and they and they were able to make illumin Bas illuminated baseball fields they had new soccer fields B their parking cazos and everything for that I know that's a huge you know that's a of a different color but it it took off and now their sports program through the high school has just accelerated that much more because of it I know we don't have all that space around here but you know Norwood's done a lot with their fields over there recently they did a new 690 baseball field um you know things they've had lights for a long lights long C fields had lights forever I i' like I said I've been here since 16 I Dave my wife started in uh end of 2003 they had like I haven't really seen the baseball fields until you know it kind of affected me with with myze right so that's seeing that but that that's something I'd like to see you know I think it's something that we can do at a minimum but the first thing that you know I really want to do is just take a look at when the the improvements were done to the fields and what what the program is for that going forward because you know we we had a work hard with Andy this year to get it going and not not no no fault of his own it's just sooner or later you have to do a complete reding so can I uh can I jump in please so um you were here early tonight we introduced our 2024 Municipal budget so we're kind of set for 2024 understand um but I but what you said I I took some notes there um you know Fields need to be upgraded uh you know we had a lighting question 18 years ago you know there new technology and lighting I'm not saying I'm for or against lighting and where it would be but there is new technology uh with lighting there's uh a lot of new families in town and maybe today that vote would be completely the other side not saying it would wouldn't be but I think I think what you bring up tonight is is starting the process so I think you're a newer member of the rec commission correct yes yeah so uh have those conversations with the rec commission keep your conversations with uh uh with Andy brackenberry our DPW supervisor and I think we start and have more conversations as we go into next year whether it's the fields or first uh whether it's lighting as part of that as as a long-term plan so um you know I I thank you for coming in tonight and just oh this approaching the subject you know bring it up and and I think uh as as the rec commission throughout the year get as we get into next year as as uh first quarter as as budgets are introduced and and this Council kind of all right listen we don't have unlimited where you know what do we want to do you know with EMS fire DPW Library you know everyone has has fantastic ideas so it's it's it's our job to you know put them together so um that's that's how I feel I would say you have a lot of supporters up here also my kids his kids went through wreck Sports in town you know we all probably coached in town also most most of us here so I was coached in town and I coached in so we're we're big supporters of Rec I know well I live next to cour I know I know a guy from my mother-in-law's side yeah so believe it or not we've been in your position before way yeah so so we want to see the best fields for for our kids also and you know there you know I know there's there's generation changes that happen right and there those are those come with good good things and bad things but a lot of good things that people say they they want to see it so and that that's what I'm hearing listen there's there's going to be people who are going to say that they don't want it that it's fun and like I'm not saying that uh chestnut's in bad condition it's not I just think it you know there there could be something amazing there that I really maybe I'm biased but I think our you know our fields are compared to surrounding towns or yeah because we've had people at that desk asking us about this and I I always ask have you have you driven around other Town well yeah but at the same time you know go to go to Hogan field when it's drizzling just what is drizzling I I know but at the same time I don't want to use that as a standard you know like our standard just because we there Fair Fair Point you're right but I you know we appreciate the you know what you what you brought here tonight and and I think further conversation um please keep going okay all right well thank you for your time thank you thank you anybody else from the uh public sir [Music] please I'm uh William that's lowercase d space capital c r dova um 28 wolver Ro I please I'm sorry Wilbur Wilbur okay yeah I may have missed my chance because this is actually I was coming I was one of the people who wrote to you mayor about the uh traffic situation on K and the UN fortunate incident um and it sounds like K is now going to be Clos but I just wanted to raise a couple of thoughts for micros is my family has been since we live in Wilbur we've been driving parking on K since uh you know for my entire son's school career the p k we moved to town seven years ago so it's been about seven years um and I guess the the you know if not if I had been maybe five or 10 minutes later on the day of that accident could very well have been me and my two sons who were that at and I see the problems with traffic on Charles every day on Leonard people making that turn on Tok which they shouldn't um and as has happened with this incident I believe it least people making that screaming left in between the cars lined up on Charles um to go to CD uh to go to CDW cars coming down from TBD screaming around that left and in in fact um the morning of this incident I 5 minutes maybe 10 I don't quite know exactly um earlier had been dropping off my children so I had parked on k um so I was pulling out after having dropped my children off pulling out looked behind me no traffic coming or anything started to pull out and somebody came out of my blind spot who made that very same left turn screaming on to screaming on to Cas so hopefully if there is a traffic study that would be great um happy to contribute my thoughts on it personally I think eliminating that left turn um from Charles onto K would go a long way towards doing it I think making k a one-way street from Charles to Leonard not just eliminating the turns but as is right now the turns are limited between I think 7:30 and 8:30 in the morning and 2 and 3 or something I I don't know the exact maybe 2:30 and 3:30 um which as as the chief uh mentioned and I completely agree people ignore all the time they're always going but I think it's a little easier from a psychological standpoint to get used to making a turn during the short window it's not allowed and just making a turn that's prohibited completely and IFK we a oneway street with do not enter signs on the on the other side I think that would be uh a better option frankly and it would prevent some of the people from making that turn anyway um but my biggest concern about this and why why I feel passionate about this is because in the past couple weeks since it's happened we've seen um a lot of the parking taken away um the parking on K streets taken away there are no parking by order of the police department signs all on Leonard too and the end result is that families like mine that are you know driving across town to drop our kids off we don't want to wait in the TBD or CDW Carline because it's you know for environmental reasons you know we've got these signs that say idling is fuelish and I've seen cars waiting on those lines for up to a half hour with done and as a commuter into New York City I know that traffic is horrible and i' ever willingly sign up for uh for additional traffic um but by eliminating all of this parking it's just forcing families like us further away like now my wife and I have to park further down on Leonard we have to now cross Leonard to get to back Decay and then walk there are no crosswalks on lard either so it's basically taking the closer parking that we've been using where we could just walk in the cross across Decay and then walk up to the Crossing Bar it's now forcing us to cross at a couple of other uncontrolled intersections um which I just think is is more dangerous whereas if K were made a one-way Street you could also just eliminate the parking on the you know then right right hand side but keep parking on the left hand which now would be the opposite direction of after which would mean families could park there would not have to cross k at all would not have to cross letter because be on K and then make their way right to school so it's just one of the things I thought of as somebody who's gone through this for seven years now le a side yeah the note I wrote to myself is um yeah there are a lot of families that want to walk especially the younger students you know kindergarten first second graders into school into the to the front door if you will yeah TBD so if I'm hearing you correctly is that parking now is you know has been pushed further out so that's that's a note I'll share that with the chief how many parts cars can park on K now maybe 10 on each side no no not too many maybe four no I would say six kind of yeah yeah I I drive Wrangler so I can depart I think you made some very valid points and we are having meeting our next meeting we'll be talking about this again right yeah I wait yeah I think that yeah we are going to talk about advertise it and get you know more opinions but I think again my note that about parking because there a lot of families that don't just want to leave their kindergarten at the front door though yeah and it's it's just you know it's one of those things where as as we've seen this go um you know again the incident that happened a couple of weeks ago was was tragic but what I've seen happening is the victims in that and potential victims in that have been punished more than whereas the people obviously if K is closed completely then the left turns can't be made okay thank you thank you very much for coming in anybody else from the public like to be heard tonight motion to close second favor I any motion to adjourn so move we Jour okay let's get right into our executive meeting um roll call please may gager here here here okay first order of business uh Tom our engineer report how you doing Tom Tom there's one item listed on the agenda under my report so I'll mention that first and then I just have a couple quick updates um Carriage estate's Bond and escro release request that's cot Lane I'm sure you're all aware um you also are aware of the history of that project they took forever to get it built out you think um they're now asking for for their full release they've submitted as built plans all the infrastructure improvements are completed um typically at this point we would get a 2-year maintenance Bond um to cover I think it's 15% of the original bond amount um the only question I'm here to ask tonight is do do you still want to do that just because of the amount of time that's gone by why would we not uh I don't have a great answer to that um how much money we talking about I mean if they want their escrow release how much are we going to release if they well the escrow I think you can release it's more about asking them to go out andal bond is there a developers agreement yes isn't it called for the developers agreement it's called for absolutely then yeah I would think we need it leave it whatever the agreement says that's a quick discussion then I was hoping that you going to come up with a great answer to this question but since you said you don't have a great one I like this one I don't have any agreement we have an agreement it's we have an agreement that's fine I was bringing you up on behalf of the developer who's they've had a rough time how long's that it gone 10 years I mean how long it's 12 12 or 13 is it that long yeah okay so the other items I wanted to mention are this year's Burrow road program we met end of last week and Roads that we'll be doing this year is Fred Street and that's just the culde saac Churchill Buckingham Stokes Farm Road Hampton Ridge Court hilcrest Court Todd Lane then there's two small repair areas one on the burg one on Birchwood and there's a little piece of the Stone Point par Park path that now serves the pickle ball court area right um that was never updated when the rest of the path was so so that would be the burrow program there's four 400,000 budgeted for that this year um or Grant I'm sorry Grant do money no this is money this is Town Money okay thank you yeah and then the final thing I was going to mention and this is Dot money this is Fred Street drainage improvements um plans have been submitted to the state um part of that process is to go through you know a detailed construction cost estimate and we're definitely going to be more than the Grant um what we've done in the past in that situation is just break the bid up into a base bid and an alternate bid um in this case the base bid would be going from the river through the Watershed property to the street that's where the main problem is the bottom of Fred street at the bend 90 degree Bend um there's one house there that gets water in the garage all the time um the street floods up to you know halfway up to fire hydron sometimes so that's really your problem area the overall project included all the way up to Walter um we would increase the pipe size um all the way up to there so my recommendation would be to get to Fred Street those first two catch Basin in Fred again right at the 90 Dee Bend upgrade the pipe Downstream of that if for some reason the bids come in better than I'm expecting um we we could then try do some more um but I don't think in any event you're going to get all the way up to Walter you said the 90° Bend that's that that the gas easement right there I think that's a gas easement it's a storm and Sewer easement that's what we're going through you're not talking about that very end of Fred that's closest to the river in the culdesac no no no this is the first B so you come off a forest make the right come where the new house is being right so we currently have an easement we don't have to go through people's backyards and buy property or anything we have it okay easement actually goes through where the new house is being they're well aware I know where the is is and that's it at this point we're just waiting to hear any comments from do um I tentatively have it scheduled to receive those feeds in May so we'll give do a little bit of time to make their comments there's typically some Provisions that need to be made and then we can go after to bid on that project you want yeah I was I had a question yes we just got for phase two I think it's $186,000 um so my understanding at the last meeting is uh the owner of I think it's number six came in I think first house on the right I think yeah they're and they're not interested in having the drainage extended correct in in that second there's an easement all the way at the end of the culdesac and then there's an easement two lots in two lots closer to White Avenue okay um we were going to extend pipe through that easement as well as connecting from the work we already did off of westcot to the culdesac end of Perry um now that that owner is not interested in that that that does save us a little bit of money so what we're going to look to do is do all the connections at the end of the Colac because that's critical from the dpw's perspective that's where they're having all the problems the pipe um gets root infested all the time there is actually a separation in the pipe um that's what causes the cold act to back up during even you know moderate to heavy rainfalls so that needs to be done so we'll use the $186,000 to do that um and hopefully there'll be enough left over now that we're not doing the other easement work to in include the paving of milling and Paving of Perry and that by not doing that as as the woman suggested last meeting that there's no adverse effect effects on anything else only them that area was yeah I think she didn't want trees and you know she was just I think she was just fed up with the process understood and they'll they'll live with there yeah she seemed pretty reasonable whole Pond that you know and the area is always ponded if even if we were to get a pipe partially in that secondary easement with an open grate they're still going to be ponding on their property they would then have to spend their own money and come to the mayor council and say can I connect a pipe from the middle of my lot yeah to your easement so they were going to have to spend money even if we were to do this work and it's just a difficult problem to solve that was literally a swamp that was developed okay so that work you want to do in Phase to how much of the like trees or land is going to be disturbed from her point of view well this is only so from the end of the Cold sack if you turn 90° and look down along the the driveway of the last house on the right as you pull in to the cold R right there's going to be a you know a 20 25t wide swath of of land that's that's clear and that's absolutely necessary in your view you can't build it without it yeah you can't build it without it we probably going to have to notify that Resident we're going to have to yeah yeah go over once he wanted to get everything set up yeah now that we have the concept kind of nailed down I think that would be the next step because no sense spending money designing it okay and putting the bit spec together what type of restoration occurs after the installation of the pipe and what can you we don't that area typically the burrow has not done anything because there trees in our easement and we have the the right to take them down um that's one of the things that the the owners on westcot were looking for uh for the burrow to to reforest it essentially um and at that point the mayor and Council wasn't interested in doing now it's 25 ft wide but how long it's about 350 ft I'd say like that if if it were to be reforested would that have an adverse effect on the new pipe that's being put in if you keep a healthy distance from It Well we'd have to keep a distance from it yeah because otherwise it would yeah it would kind of defeat the purpose to some extent how you doing you just starting to process all over again root infiltration yeah I mean right now the trees are literally on top of it if that pipe's been there so long so you would gain there would be benefit for an extended period of time where you wouldn't have a problem if you set the trees back a reasonable distance and you could pick different species and all that but it's it's grant money now that you're either you're coming up with your own money or you're spending you know a chunk of your grand money okay also I think uh Russell's going to be paid soon yes that's the week school's closed um the 15th to the 19th precon Tuesday PR April April 15th to 19th yeah and we we're doing another precon with the Emergency Services invited on this coming Tuesday not tomorrow next Tuesday yep I think I'll be there and Wolf Road D wolf he I spoke to PO clean up who was the contractor they were looking at they'll be comfortable with like four weeks of settlement um so we're pushing it toward the end of the month I realized that there we have four weeks already um no from when I spoke to them which was like last end of last week okay um and I don't really want to push it we certainly don't want to get into a situation where the burrow pushed them and then there's a settlement issue and they can throw it back at us so it's going to be tight with looking at toward the end of this month so they going to PVE just that section well I would rather not I still want to do the whole thing if I whole street yeah of like from Orangeburg all the way to t r yeah I want to do the whole thing if I can and I'm obviously going to be in touch with with you and the golf course right so milling and Paving you think two days three days it's if it's sunny two days of each if it's sunny and 70 yeah two days of each right that's that's going to be a hardship for us if we don't and the contractor's aware if we don't fit it in this window we're going to do some repairs and it's going to wait for a while yeah I mean at that point I'd rather wait till November right I I know because it's really going to be hard and it'll be I mean not only me it'll be hard for the golf for a golf course too you know it's their prime time let's get going yeah that's those are the criteria I've been operating under from the get-go I know that if I don't make this window now and I know we're pushing it but we need to a little bit um that window closes and we the next one isn't going to be for several months I get it okay like before May if it's not done before May 1st I I would really have a problem with doing it after May May 1 is our that's my that's our drop dead date it's got to happen by then or November right yeah I was using the end of the month as my my deadline all right we'll be in touch I I'll talk to you anything else for talk no I'm good thanks than all right let's move on the council committee report we'll start with councilman voice thank you Mr Mayor you um I'll keep my comments brief tonight um Thanks Jen for taking the entire time so with regard to the golf course we finally gotten a qualified bid for the irrigation pump and panel that seems to be within you know what we have in terms of grant money for that effort the new electrical upgrade that has to Traverse the course is approximately 600 ft long and with the help of our DPW and the Inu Ingenuity of the balc superintendent will'll be cutting out the sod flipping it over digging the trench flipping the sod back so we don't have the expense of the sod um and hoping to accomplish this in one day meaning getting the conduit laid in one day um there I asked the superintendent how we stand with regard to our memberships compared to last year he said currently we have about 7even or 8% more memberships than we had last year and we're waiting for the snowbirds to come back um interestingly he said that the makeup of the Golf Course membership had been 59% last year uh in town residents 41% out of town this year so far it's about 5050 so I just found that interesting um this promises to be a kind of slow week for golf it's going to rain so with the exception of the weather challenges we are off to a good start Golf Course uh the orange the environmental commission has some something really opportunistic happening we Orange and Rockland as you know they're taking down the high tower wires through that go through town um those Towers go right past the chestnut community garden and we met with an environmentalist from Orange and Rockland and they want to mitigate the removal of those towers and since they're not going to go and try to defeat the frag mighties that are adjacent to the stream over there at Chestnut field they're offering to put in a giant pollinator Meadow next to the the community garden which is a win-win for everybody it'll look great and it'll function to bring in the pollinators to help with the production of the fruits and vegetables in that Garden so that's really cool and then um we went over to Wilbur and as you know there's about a 50 foot wide by maybe 600 foot long uh pretty much lawn area with some trees along the road that have been cut down because they died um I think they were Ash uh area so again 50 ft by 600 ft long and we're hoping that they will come up with a good uh environmental Improvement for that area which is just it just depends on the DPW to mow every week in the summertime so that's silly and uh there's bamboo encroaching on that from a neighbor so that would hopefully be removed so we have some good ideas over there um restoring it with native plants and uh reducing the dpw's need to cut that every single week in the summer time so um that pretty much concludes my report okay thank you councilwoman masara thank you Mr Mayor I'll be brief uh Board of Health will be hosting a guest speaker Dr Shan wartner uh and the topic will be vascular Health this will be uh in April the date and time to be determined but um the Recreation Commission meets tomorrow night opening day is April 27th and we're hoping for good weather for that Mr mayor's invited to come throw out the first pitch for softball um make us proud uh Stephan wilinsky will be throwing the first pitch out um for the baseball and uh they haven't determined yet who he who will catch for him but that that would be a nice uh very nice touch uh for the for the r commission uh the historical committee will meet on Tuesday April 9th um this is a change up from our usual Thursday date but we were able to reschedule so next Tuesday April 9th at 700 p.m. at the burrow Hall um our new meeting place and um thanks to Anna and the group they're planning for the upcoming guest speaker May 7th at 7 pm at the firehouse the presenter is the tavern Keeper of the 76 House Rob nordon and his topic will be 315 miles of Revolution very interesting all the local history uh so all are invited um to that and interesting guy I've heard him talk he's really very engaging and that it's uh I'm excited for in the sense that it's it's more than Ju Just ult you know it's local history Beyond ultan but it also puts you in the context of tan and outer Japan or old Jaan as it is um so the history teacher and me is excited for that so looking forward to that and lastly the youth Council continues to meet twice a month and discussed Community projects involvement and at the request of councilman you we are working to set up technology lessons for our senior citizens provided by the volunteer team members of the youth Council and that's all I have Mr Mayor thank you Council BAGI thank you Mr Mayor um I don't have a report from the police department because he did the report tonight in front of us tonight he'll have a have a formal Report with statistics for you at the at our next at the public meeting coming up uh I did want to speak about the Oaks house and I'm uh I'm here taking credit for it when Bill did it so so you know uh in front of you is a rendering of a building that bill designed and if you see the the first picture on the left is looking from the street in it's more like from the parking lot in and the picture on the right is looking like from the fountain towards Central AV that that tree is on Central LA you notice the garage door on the right side coincides with the proposed overhang in the sketch which is top left so if you look at the top left um the sketch there's storage on the on the back there's storage on the side there's store it says office on the front but we can call it storage also and then the Pavilion and the bathroom underneath the bathrooms there'll be um a small basement to house our utilities he light water gas electric whatever has to go there so it doesn't freeze and the meters or whatever is required maybe there's timers for water timers for lights will be in that basement area obviously the bathrooms will have to be ADA Compliant uh this is sort of what I envisioned and what Bill envisioned when we started a place where you know we we Picture People already walking from The Enclave to Starbucks down to the park walking there I could see you put some RW iron tables or something underneath this and people Gathering to sit uh even when there's an event going on at the Stone Point people could gather sit older people younger people whoever maybe there's a face painting event when we have something that Gloria has going on you can go underneath if it's raining you could have underneath um now bill was I was talking to bill today we and Anna was involved but not yet about the Green Acres if they're okay with this are they going to give us if you guys are okay with that I will submit this and see that I don't see why they wouldn't be okay with it okay but they have to okay right just so just everyone's edification I think we brought this up before but if we we built this park a Green Acres money so we have to follow their parameters even though we're using our own money to build this building we still have to follow their parameters because this is a Green Acres project and it has been since 2002 I think we did this I'm not sure when we did the park something like that uh more parking is needed I I know there's a there know some property that may or may not be available that's down the road and if that's available good for us it'd be great for parking uh if not here we are still so open the comments or questions or how big is this Building compared to the current one that's a question for the interior space is smaller than what we had the Pavilion makes it a little bit larger a little bit yeah I don't have the exact I could picture Gloria or Rec commission meeting in that front office instead of meeting at yeah no not the base we're not no I'm saying we're currently we meet we historical would be terrific historical could meet right in there this parking you meet right there plenty of storage it would be nice if W went there and then Pantry would have more room to sure go to the downstairs of the right and on the left there's storage of the senior center yeah yeah storage with a garage door so Andy could have storage Gloria could have storage let she she's putting all her stuff for Halloween could all go in there and even the second floor we have to have the second floor because we need to have the Pavilion roof go up into something so we need a second floor right that's geometrically and that could be the storage as well right um I'm much we don't know yet we have $300,000 budgeted get a we have $300 on Y in capital right now budgeted let's say budgeted the people smarter than me have said that's pretty close to what we need so so if everybody people agrees that this is a good direction to go it may not have all the exact layout that we want we can flush through those details a little later and we can give it to Anna to then send it to Green Acres and they sign off on it then my proposition would be that we hire a licensed New Jersey architect to draw plans and then we can have different um contractors bid on it for us to do U blending in their services with our own DPW to save money in some places sounds like a great plan to me thank you yeah I thought so and bills you know Bill's not taking CR for this but he he put this together not me I mean we chat about it but is uh an you'll send to Green Acres yes sir so what makes this approvable according to Green Acres the outside space yeah uh the outside the inside Space because you only had a certain amount that you could use it has to be used for recreation so he he knew the paramit is so he put in as much as he can use and it's fza yeah the storage is used for recreation it's all Recreation and the outside is still outdoor recreation so you're okay I love outdoor space covered outdoor spaces okay gentlemen both of you and and I thank you for uh getting this concept closer we got to get it over the finish line Thank okay uh uh councilman corza thank you Mr Mayor um with the use of time tonight I am going to make my both reports very short because we have some very important information we have to discuss after this meeting so in reference to building in the month of uh March we did $933,000 in year to date we're at $17,800 in reference to DPW We performed $3,214 um we had several after hour calls for high volume of flow and sewer pump stations due to the heavy rain that is the end of my report Mr Mayor thank you councilman council president you thank you Mr Mayor I'll be as quick as possible uh oh report of the schools both the local and Regional high schools have introduced their proposed 2024 2025 budgets the ultan schools will be holding a public hearing on their budget on April 29th at 8:00 P.M I'm unsure of when the high school uh budget hearing is but I'll let everybody know once I find out report of the seniors on April 10th our seniors will be taking a trip to the Brownstone and Patterson for a lunch and a show on April 24th the advisory committee will be hosting a lunch of learn at the firehouse starting at 12:00 p.m. a guest speaker will be talking about wills and Estates and just an example of our committees great committees working together councilwoman masaro talked about the youth youth Council working with the senior advisory committee to set up some kind of Technology class for them report of the fire department concerning the light rescue truck we made Appropriations for last year um the co-op bid for it went up from 350,000 to 396,000 so that's that's the that's the state contract bid uh rather than increasing Appropriations on for this year's budget uh Jesse myself and the board of fire officers decided to uh move money from this year's Capital expend expenditures to fully fund that purpose I have a question yes um how did the state contract increase your order for the fir Tru $46,000 how did they do that if we had a contract and we had a purchase order so this purchase what it was hadn't ordered it yet it was approved last year but not yet purchased why is that is is that the the reason is going to be like you could ask that who do you want me to ask your fire department they did not order the vehicle they didn't order the vehicle because they didn't order the vehicle there's a $46,000 increase in the purchase everything went up it it don't go up if you have a contract once you give a purchase order for any vehicle it doesn't go up okay if you don't have a contract a contract yet they never put put in the purchase order but they were approved who thought was that again we're going to get the eyes in the still really they they were working how we going to do this now it takes a long time to it doesn't take a long time I do it all the time I get purchased for police cars dump trucks it's not a fire truck what do you mean it's not a fire truck Gentlemen please what is the end result so it went up 46,000 because it was not ordered I don't know why it wasn't ordered but what is the end result you say it's fully funded you and I had a conversation about deferring some gear where did that go so there were there was a capital line item that we approved uh the junior firefighter gear they decided that they could hold that off so that was $35,000 and then there were some items I think SCBA they cut $111,000 out of that line so so I'm I'm not condoning that it wasn't ordered but are we are we net net on what our bu what what what our budget was for fire department Capital Zero Effect on the budget Zero Effect just reappropriated okay I to as councilman forz I'd like to know why it wasn't ordered uh was approve 2023 Capital so you could dive deeper into that but if we have a net net okay yes anything further no sir okay report of the ambulance core for the month of March the crew responded to 32 out of the 37 calls for service so those numbers are actually pretty good they're up in the 90 80 80 85 percentile range I want to congratulate Chief hoer and Lieutenant Thompson for a CPR save in the month of March I want to thank the crew for responding so quickly to the scene of the pedestrian accident yesterday and it was actually a very well-run scene where the police resp responded followed by Chief Hooper in his first responder vehicle who Prov was able to provide immediate medical service and the crew sh the crew in the ambage showed up a few minutes later and I also want to thank the fire department who also were returning from a call actually blocked the L of traffic at the scene of the accident and that concludes my report Mr Mayor thank you uh two brief comments for me tonight is uh one is um I attended the um services tonight for former Hillsdale mayor Thomas msaga I hope I'm saying that right he was mayor of Hillsdale from 1976 to 1979 and his son is the current mayor Keith of uh of Parkridge so I uh uh stopped there before tonight's meeting to pay my respects uh my only other comment is I want to thank everyone involved Jesse our Pro administrator uh all of our Council our Professionals for U what I think putting a very responsible uh Municipal Budget on the table which we introduced tonight so I just want to thank everyone for their for their hard work pulling that together that is the end of my report and I will a motion to motion okay want favor we're closed