you think of it is it the paving Paving avue something all right good evening ladies and gentlemen um in compliance with the open Public's meeting law notification of this meeting has been sent to our official newspapers and other Publications circulated in the bur of vol Jaan and notice posted on the bulletin board at burough Hall please be reminded that all meetings are videotaped and posted to our website fire exits please not the fire exits at the rear of the council Chambers and on the door that you entered in in today so uh roll call please an roll you're supposed to say je mayor gager here councilman BAGI here councilman Bo here councilman paza councilman Guan here councilwoman maso here councilman you here please stand and join me for the uh slute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing as councilman Juan leads us in prayer tonight thank you Mr Mayor let us pray to the Holy Father and or to whomever you pray to and dedicate your life to to bless us in our town to give us the strength the knowledge and all the information to make good decisions for not only ourselves but for our town let us pray for those in our town who are in need in need of support companionship and purpose let us reach out every day and do one good deed for someone in our community just this Saturday at shopright I helped an elderly man who was walking with two canes to his car helped him to the passenger side of his car and fastened a seat Bel for him his son who arrived as I was fastening a seat belt was oblivious to this and thought I was a malicious person but then I real then he realized what I had done and thanked me much as he pulled out of the parking lot I look forward to the next time I can assist someone and if we all took the time once a week to help our community we would be a more loving and caring Community amen amen thank you C all right this time I'll uh entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public so moved have a second second all in favor I would anybody from the public like to be heard tonight on a non-agenda item sir please come to the front name address got serial number I got to do that hello everyone I'm Brian Morgan ultan fire chief at 231 ultan Road um I'd just like to discuss the work that's being done on Russell and um just the the communication aspect of what's been going on so I'm sure all of you are aware Russell's being scheduled to be paid they're working on the um the curves the drop Curves in front of all of the different departments that are on Russell La um as the head of the fire department and one of the largest emergency services in the town I was unaware of this until the day before the work was scheduled to happen um we had to bring our apparatus to the DPW for the weekend and make altered arrangements and things of that nature to keep the apparatus and the department in service um I'd just like to request that going forward there's more notice there's more information sharing because if we had time we could have figured something out we could have made different Arrangements but it put the town at a limited capability for response so um that's all I just want to bring that to everybody's attention the work is is still going on it's not complete yet um they will have to do the paving at some point as well so I hope that we can all get together and figure that out ahead of time and do we know what Comm what communication broke down is that an is that an engineer thing or no we had a um precon uh Andy had said that he would get in touch with them unfortunately some of the information we got was a little late because all of a sudden it was something we were going to get done Andy did get in touch with them and tell them but and it was more than one day before Andy called me Tuesday or Wednesday last week and the work happened on Thursday they all right fortunately they were I'm not pointing any finger contractor really was not great at telling us when they were going to get done and when it was going to still done especially with weather because it was going to rain and it wasn't kind of rain so we had a little bit of a problem with contractor but the DPW was more than well help absolutely yeah no nothing to do with the DPW it's just in general typically a precon should have happened and involved all of the agencies that were involved I mean well the precon happened they just said you weren't invited and you should have been no question Chief thanks for rallying on short notice uh keeping the residence and thank you to Andy he definitely stepped up and gave us his entire building for the weekend so definitely he deserves um you know all the thanks from us as well but unfortunately it had so noted okay also as construction sequences go the next thing would be milling and paper so and I'm not sure Andy said he would let me know when that was scheduled I have I have no information about that but we do need to talk about that as well because that will again impact for a less duration because the paving takes less time to be drivable than the concrete does but it will come up again well they'll do the curbs first they're doing them now they're like 99% yeah um but then I don't know when longer than they said it was yes he his original information to me was not what we have now it wasn't not what we had I'm sure I'm sure they look like really nice curves like currently there dur there's why big piles of of um of QP of of gravel basically in front of the firehouse like making the base half the base still unusable and we were told that all the bays and everything would be usable today and again not on Andy or anything it's just I'm sure we hold some funding back we have a bond I'm assuming so they'll wait for that money until it's done the right way so I understand the you know construction is complicated plans change quickly but who would could have been notified to invite uh like departments that are affected like the ambulance cor or uh fire department to the preconstruction meeting when we P the pre when did that happen anyway I I I don't know I wasn't I didn't know that there was going to be this part of it were going over the paving I didn't realize had that we probably would have um contact the fire and the ambulance to be there because if it does affect them they should be there I think I think the am removed too right the Ulan removed also and I don't think anyone realized at the time because it wasn't just one thing we were talking about at pron it was the Wolf Road and then this came up and then all of assignment was like go okay so let's let's just learn from it and keep everyone this day age with emails and things it's very easy to keep everyone in in the loop and the radios between DP okay thank you Chief thanks Chief anybody else from the public like to be heard pleas I'm Lisa bu Greenberg I actually know a bunch of you on here um some of you have gone I've known through the school system I has four kids and you're all really I'm just so happy to see you on here and I know you or Par Street and I know Anna I've we met with you a bunch of times with the prior mayor um so I just wanted to I know you have to sit or understand okay have a few things that were dated from minutes from October and November which were brought up to you guys for Perry Street drainage and a bunch of issues um we've been dealing with Tom scrael for years now but the most important thing is I I just kind of wanted to follow up I noticed the last dated November 6th from the minutes was that we were that you guys were we were awarded part of I guess the grant money that was there was only a certain less than half that was requested for this drainage issue that we've had on Perry Street for since I've been there since 15 years um and like I said I've been going back with we've been going back with Tom scrael for very long time um so I'm just wondering I don't know if you guys are familiar with the situation or not but what have you guys do do you know if there's a decision Anna or can I can I um that first grant was done as you know yes that and that money was used up yes we part one and part two we ended up buying and not getting a but we do have and there are plans being done now and I think it's going to run cross carrying and um hook up to so it's actually on my property so the part of the project which was worded by Tom specifically which he doesn't hesitate to make himself very clear in a lot of these minutes um so the amount of less than half was the requested there's an easement on the south side of for parisit which is my property which is a since I've move there it's it's a pond it's been like that forever we geese we have mosquitoes we we have the worst so we've been told for years this was part two of the project so he States or Perry Street has no pipe in it between the houses that front on White Avenue and Perry Street there's an easement that work needs to be done we have to decide what the priority is so so we saw what part one did which wasn't on my property but it was at the end of Perry Street and kind of went around to didn't it go through to Westcott it went to wcot right it was an awful J the trees and all that the trees a lot of finger pointing yeah yeah yeah okay it was pretty bad yeah I know um I mean we we've acknowledged that the job was what North fa didn't want to take you know they didn't want to sign off on it they didn't want to sign off on it I mean it has helped we have not had huge thing but that could have easily been just cleared out and we like know Andy personally now and the DPW I'm telling you has been fantastic they're always on our street so but the problem is is all our properties in that area now the trees I mean we have pretty large properties but the there's no privacy now it is what it is it's a done deal but so the the whole issue is is I I'm kind of here tonight to say the part two that has to do with our property we really we don't want it because of what we saw what happened with the part one so I know you guys what happened with the part just help trees is that what what happened do even that it must have taken over years it was a very long job it's very soupy mushy Swampy the contractor having a hard time getting in there contractor also did contractor what was the end result of part one I guess as far as I know Tom was well satisfied yeah wasn't Overjoyed Tom was the only one who was satisfied okay all the residents dissatisfied we've been in touch with him many times and has been on the meetings done but at the end uh if you recall there were residents I'm not sure who it was oh yeah my my neighbor there were the contractor left logs here oh yeah was I kind of remember that Andy provided us with drone video said those logs were there before the job started so good on film still not cleaned up it's a bunch of it's so bad it's terrible we' just let it go but um so you're saying you don't want part two no no but is part two part two is not the one that comes down carry it's um this easement that he's been talking about which is right on our property and we don't want any of this happening because it's going to be like a huge disaster like the last time because you haven't been given the full amount of money so we know what's going to happen you're going to go to the lowest bidder just like we did the last the way the you do that's what you do so we're going to have all our trees taken out it's going to be a big disaster so if we don't do part two which affects your property just I'm just trying to understand it we'll deal with it does it affect other people we have your neighbors it might affect people on Orangeburg huh it might affect people on orange no Orangeburg isn't that where a lot of that water comes from those three new homes they come down past to Migos I has no drainage it it just goes down B Road and at some point new houses that were said you're right so the situation is we went we hired a our own engineer from a surrounding town so the what he told us and and he was in touch with Tom which none of nobody knows about this but um he told us the bottom line is is you know Orangeburg is a County Road M the drainage from Orangeburg it was never done correctly so on our little Perry Street which we only have four houses there's two catch basins like in the front off of white and there's one down by rosin yes I know where it is that's why the street was flooding all the time and where does that pipe go though is that phe it goes to wcot is that phase two where that water drainage situation and they finally opened it up on westcot and now it drains into we had a problem with the other town too because the other town was like wait a they want our water we don't want to take your water want watery much anything to do with us so it's it's been an ordeal well I I think at this point I I don't know what the plans are for this amount of money before that it's done call a meeting with everyone again and make sure this is not it I have to understand phase two I guess if Tom was here would be a lot easier so is that a different meeting the only one like he hasn't done anything yet for this he's I know the thing I understood was that it was going to be a pipe going down Harry Street to hook up [Music] what is that white white no so it's supposed to go through my so there's like an easement okay our house and then so we're like the second house into Perry and then there's all these white houses we all have a huge pond in between us but but that that's been there I mean that's been since I've been a kid and you've been here forever that's been there since I've been a kid oh yes exactly everybody's told me that and we're perfectly fine like granted we have mosquito company we have we're dealing with it but we don't want to get rid of nobody wants so what you're saying is you you don't want any further no so that money that you guys were given give it back give it back so I guess I mean I can talk to the rest of our neighbors but none of us want what Happ one thing we have to do is we have to understand that do that that it's past your property I don't know what it is so let's let's assume it has to be done my yeah we had we had some very we would have uh we had quite a few meetings where all of the residents came here and discussed what was going on so they knew what you know what was happening we took down what what their Pro problems were and we kind of came up with it was for a while so let's get back with Tom and say hey what exactly I mean my note what exactly was Perry Street Phase 2 question mark for me thank you doing and if it's not doing anything thing but draining the SW fix the problem honestly we'd rather all we want is a because we thought we were going to be so we're hoping just skip out phase two you actually can do whatever money you wanted we get a paved road because we I don't we our driveway make it no that's you can't take that money because no it's Mark for but the paving has the paving program has not been finalized the pending phase because I know Andy and the rest of the DPW is out there all the time filling on our potholes and they're like this is the worst Street in all Japan we just want to pave it but okay Tom keeps on saying let's do phase two and we can't do that the truth is even with phase two I don't think it was going to be what we were thinking it so it wasn't enough money we got to hear from Tom yeah need kind of removed from so if you guys the easement I mean like you said it's your easement it's actually the Burrow's easement um you're right it's not mine the burrow so mean the job might be for the greater good yeah not just specifically for someone who doesn't want it no no disrespect I'm just saying an overall greater good I don't know like you said I don't know yeah have to talk that's really so our next step we'll get with with Tom Tom will be at the next meeting uh he couldn't make it Monday I'll reach out to Tom between now and then just so he's aware of oh wait a second now I'm sorry he's not going to be at the first one in April he's going to be at the second one okay all that work because if we are requesting like maybe our P our road to be paved isn't that that being the I'll send him an email tomorrow and then have him update us um and keep bill in the loop too Bill said he wanted especially work that's being done here Paving is a do Grant it's not in our budget right you're right it's not I don't know if that's one of the streets that's your mark to be paved but I'm assuming it is so if you have U do money down in 2023 and whereas for many many years Bill Weeden made the unselfish commitments that true volunteers make serving his community to the very best of his ability giving up endless hours making difficult decisions and always basing his decisions on what is best for ultap pan and its residents now therefore I Thomas Gallagher mayor of the burough of ultan County of Bergen in the state of New Jersey on behalf of the mayor and Council and all of our residents do hereby honor William buddy Weedman for his exceptional service to the burough of ult depan his lifetime commitment to serving others and most especially as friend to all who have known him so buddy thank you for everything that you [Applause] done bringing it to he you got to come up come on buddy thank you sir thank you okay yeah come here just congrats [Applause] buddy people not you specific but yeah on the planning board that's a good okay next um uh we have a public hearing on ordinance 12492 to amend the losap ordinance the firef that's for council president you thank you Mr Mayor at this time I won't be taking any action on ordinance number 12 49-24 because we have a revised version that I'll be reading in under new business as long as it stays on the table okay all right thank you council president um next we have our consent resolution and that is also for Council res than you thank you Mr uh mayor resolution be it resolved that the following resolutions placed on the agenda by consent require no discussion and the same having been previously reviewed by each council person be and hereby adopted in their entirety by the mayor and councel of the B buau of ultap pan bills and claims release cash bonds and escrow refund 2024 property tax over payments refund 2024 property tax over payments Verizon cancel 2024 property taxes new Concepts for living addition of Prior year sewage charge sewer charges tax lean Redemption new firefighter Hooper new firefighter Han new firefighter H Lan second second any discussion seeing none roll call please councilman BAGI yes councilman Boyce yes Council M Guan yes councilwoman masaro yes councilman you yes okay thank you uh next we're going to our Council committee reports and we'll start with councilman Guan thank you Mr Mayor uh just a couple small updates uh first being the library uh remember I gave the update uh last meeting about the February numbers so there's no update there in terms of um patrons Etc uh we did have a library board meeting last week one of the topics was reti in you know as you know they're going through uh some of the maintenance projects Etc um one of them was retiling the men's room they got quotes anywhere from 2,800 to 12,000 I think they're going to use someone that's closer to the 2800 uh someone from town Bob glicken I think um so that's uh that's underway uh also remember we were talking about new programs and having uh board members propos new library programs one of the proposals was for a museum program uh and they were going to bring in someone to uh teach about museums as well as possibly give Museum tours uh maybe in the city and then obviously New Jersey uh there was also a new proposal for to bring in someone to teach about Lawn Care organic lawn care um so those were kind of two new proposed programs uh there was also uh the student that's on the board now is going to college in August so she won't be on the board anymore so they reached out to the youth Council uh to see if there was someone that wanted to represent uh the youth from that group uh they did get a very well qualified uh young man but the issue here is that he's actually from the town of Norwood and in the bylaws of the library a board member has to be a resident of ultap pan so since this is a new sort of relation reltionship also with a new group uh they decided to create a position for liaison uh from the youth Council just the way I would be a on from our Council so uh where they can still do admin they just don't have voting power um but they can voice their opinion and I think that's one of the um what you know being member of the youth council is to have a representative to talk uh representing the Youth of our community in library matters um so that was uh decided then terms of Finance um been thinking about this for a couple of months now now that uh kind of the budget season is almost over I'd like to actually have it on paper because then I know I'll work on this I was wanted to do a more comprehensive kind of multi-year budget analysis um I know obviously we have our auditor um you know he leads us through the budget process and Municipal Finance is different right than most most of us or most of you guys own small businesses very different I'd like to take the budget do kind of a multi-year like pnl right versus say cash accounting uh where it adds things like depreciation right when we buy a new fire truck you know we depreciate across 25 years what does that mean to a kind of the fire budget Etc um yeah so that would be first second I'd like to look at Trends right over across the year um in the different departments or you know have have we've been increasing 5% 6% 2% Etc you know kind of the same way I do with the library um and then third I do a comparison against some select towns right so as you are doing finances for a business you want to see yourself versus competitors or we kind of in line like the percentage of the budget to a certain department is it in line with other towns Etc so large project I'd like to undertake um since I was given finance a couple months ago I'd like to wait for the budget process to be done and closed before even starting this because I don't influence anything from this year's uh budget but that would be my next major project sure awesome okay that's my report okay thank you hman boy thank you Mr Mayor um in a recent storm near the golf course we had a tree that took out a telephone pole which was actually on Golf Course property um that poll has to be replaced and with that the underground um service all the way to the golf course pump house so that seems like it would be a expensive Endeavor to dig through two Golf Course holes I believe it's seven and eight right um and nine seven eight and nine and put a new panel in at the base of the pole which cannot be attached to the pole but has to be separate and it is but fortunately for us we're allowed to use the grant money that we had earmarked for the irrigation upgrades for this work U Anna has checked on that and it is some something we can do so we will not be out of pocket uh just we'll depe deplete a little bit of that grant that we had earmarked for the uh irrigation upgrades um Andy is working on that um coordinating onr and a a professional electrician to do that work Andy will probably be doing the trenching it's a 18inch deep minimum trench um and the old one will be abandoned in place because it's not up today to today's standards uh the environmental commission uh we had a we had a meeting last Thursday um with one of the members Larry weer and um he's looking to spearhead as assist some additional sustainability initiatives and then as a whole the environmental commission would like to weigh in uh on the master plan and review it with uh through the lens of sustainability so that'll be uh one of our next topics at our next meeting which is this coming Thursday an official meeting um in addition at that meeting we will be working on developing the new tree ordinance uh information packet so people know how to interpret that and uh you know what to replace trees with and U just how the whole Ordinance Works so that'll be handed out with the the permit application um and then lastly uh the veterans we had another meeting at last Thursday last Thursday with the veterans um it was very interesting to find out that we have another group of veterans that have been under uh memorialized here um and acknowledged and those are from the Revolutionary War so we've contemplated having a eagle scout create and develop a new plaque for the Revolutionary War veterans and add it to the beginning of our plaques uh in the in Oaks at Oak Oaks Park so uh we're looking for a eagle scout or a girl scout Gold Award um person that that would like to undertake that challenge also there's a there's an an epan girl scout who's very interested in creating a box where you can retire Flags to for ceremonial burning and that that will likely become a Girl Scout silver award uh there's another interesting thing that happened at the veterans meeting um apparently there's a an income tax rebate for veterans which is pretty significant which uh we'll have more details on at the next meeting but it's it's either three or $6,000 it was is that state state state state yeah so um our chairperson figured that out and shared it and everybody was very interested in that sure I can't believe more people didn't know about that oh that's a I've now told two other veterans that didn't know about it either so no I'll find out more away the planning board meeting it was cancelled last month uh because the applicant is continuing to prepare from what I had heard and that concludes my report I did send uh a woman reached out to me about veterans and I gave her your contact information so I don't know if you're if she's been I'll check all right all right Mr Mayor find May yeah just a question bill that telephone pole that was knocked down that storm on the golf course why wouldn't GIF take care of that why do we have to spend uh well I think Orange and Rockland is putting the pole up we're providing the underground service to the pump house which was our service from the pole because our service was needs to be upgraded especially upgraded for the new demand irrigation system the electric is not in an accident it's not something I mean that was the way it was built at the time Ian maybe the PO would about it because we had to move the ELC I think the electric Revolutionary War I was that long ago well 50 something years right yeah that's how how much is this project going to cost we don't have an estimate for yet and he's working on that I to me it sounds like a gif issue but okay is that pole AR Pole or their pole their pole their pole you sure well I've been told okay because it's not always I mean I have a poll on our property that's connected to o r from the farm but it's there it's it's our poll it's your poll so if it falls down it's on us you know I heard this was our poll okay I'm sorry I heard it was yeah yeah it was on our property so they have replaced the pole well they have an easement to the pole onr has an easement so they can get to the PO I mean essentially we it's it's I mean it's unfortunate but it's fortunate that it happened now because now we have the ability to upgrade the service that goes to the irrigation uh which was part of the plan which we needed to anyway so it's it's good that we're getting this taken care of okay thank you very welcome all right uh next councilman BAGI thank you Mr Mayor uh police uh there's the the prerequisite things that I always read about police about how many things how many stops we had I'm just going to skim over that and I have a couple other issues I want to talk about uh a total of one , 668 calls for service and special details were handled by the elpan police department 323 motor vehicle stops and 186 motor vehicle summonses that's quite a few uh safety checks the usual safety checks they do with homeowners and School uh one of one item to note is that we we received 1800 for about 1,800 bucks for uh uh what were being being paid by Suez and psng for details right and I mean like my dad used to say it's it's our money anyway we're just giving it to PSG so they can just give it back to us it's really it's the same it's a residents money in the way uh year to date it's four about $4,000 in those types of things uh $920 in permit and Report fees were turned over to the burrow Treasurer uh couple of the things that that Chief wanted to talk about was um the accident that happened uh with the school kids on K Street um I'm sure all of you know what happened but to explain how it happened maybe you know maybe you don't know um car is going south on Charles towards Gallagher field let's say from the school it's going to make a left on K gets there there's cars coming the other way car stops flashes his lights which I can't stand why people do that but anyway so this person can go so this person goes oh I better hurry up goes hits the People hits the three and he stayed on the scene it was the whole thing they're okay they went to the hospital uh so there's been multiple multiple emails to the school and to the police chief about we should have a crossing guard there our police chief made it very clear to me and I agree if the if we had a crossing guard there there would have been four people went to the hospital because that car would have turned and just hit all four of them would hit the crossing guard too so having the crossing guard there in this situation wouldn't have cured anything uh there is a crossing guard by School Street which has been a post there for I bet 60 years and they're supposed to cross there but kids don't they cross down by not by your house but you know closer to the school between your house and K Street they cross with no guard nobody they just cross because you've driven through the parking lot you know why people do what they do that's what they do uh so the police chief's recommendation as it was years ago is to put they're called Jersey barriers uh and block off kave Street for the morning and afternoon so you can't go down kave street at all uh I said I would bring it up here tonight he thought that would be a good safe thing you know and I and he said people are asking for a crossing guard down by your house Tom uh down that end get out of the driveway in the morning what it'll help me get out of my driveway well he doesn't see the need for that but you know because I my comment was well then now you're going to send people there going to be more people on Irving right yes so what if what if we do this then there's an accent of Irving or we gonna are they going to say well you did that now there's an accent on Irving I want to make sure we're proceeding in the right way this is his choice this is what he'd like to do and I said I'd bring it up here if anybody had a comment or you know I think it's what happened is a is a very very very unfortunate accident accidents happened and I'm not going to speculate you know phones in hand I'm not going there at all it just it was it was an accident an accident and all the crossing guards down Leonard down Charles Irving Street I don't know what that's going to fix when accidents happen right he say says that if the chief and and I defer to him yeah that's what I my opinion if the chief says those J Jersey barriers and close off K Street if he thinks that's an improvement um sure I mean he said why don't we do it for a few months to see what's up if it doesn't work out you know it gets some weird traffic I don't know what that will change cuz I know that cars leave TBD if you will they make a right and then they make the left I don't know if they can make another left to get back to ultan road yeah you can I'm pretty sure you can you're not allowed make a left out of school Street on onto Charles you have to make I'm just now thinking of that same pathway so they can't now go down K and make a left on Leonard and out back towards the east end of town so now they just thinking through this they go down to Gallagher field right and I guess now they're making a left onto on Irving maybe up to Russell up to Russell and then going past the high school in the middle of all the high school but they probably wouldn't they'd probably go down Leonard because all the high school traffic just my opinion that's what I would do about I just just trying to think through the the new traffic pattern mhm Joe said uh police chief said in 38 years he's been here that's the first accent in that spot right he go what we don't want to have a knee-jerk reaction but on the other hand we don't want to be unsympathetic to a possible accident that that may happen we don't want you know of course not so that's his answer so he's he suggest putting them in during school and then taking them out afterwards M I know a lot of high school parents Park on K Street to pick their kids up from high school really Street Why Us on K Street you know where K you know where the high school is right yeah okay good just sh there's no other parking anywhere else you know that's a walk you might as well walk the rest of the way home then anyway I have two questions so one is so so I feel to your point it it is an accident I think the flashing lights is the difference here right is the flashing lights gives you that sense of oh coast is clear I can go and you're probably accelerating more than you would if you didn't have those lights flashing and at the same time you're looking at that car that flash that you're not where you're making the left right at least for another second you know now if there were close calls there or something like maybe the speed limit is too high and like then that would be an issue but this sounds like a oneoff although my again my kids are a lot older so I haven't driven during school hours now someone making a left onto k at that hour I'm assuming might have to wait for a few cars are they causing traffic behind them like are people waiting for them to make that left on K question I I don't know so then this new solution might create better traffic flow is to just get them down get everyone out of the area and then you know there'll be there'll be just less congestion I don't know and again I haven't been there in 12 years or whatever but the flow of traffic to me would sound better if you don't make a left against you know what traffic is coming at you at that hour you want me to have the I'd like to talk to Joe Tracy you want want me have him come in next meeting before we do anything sure yeah it might be better to just hear right from Joe yeah I I just told him I'd bring it up tonight so we could all Le be a prize can I give a thought no sorry sorry not right now later later yeah yeah at the end okay so that's one thing um we got uh an email well the police chief got an email she said she sent it to the town but I don't see the address on here um a lot of emails going to the high school into the town about the side gate being locked again the you know the G the gate on Howard Drive um the woman who wrote this lives on Howard Drive and she said uh I'll try to shorten it down down for you that when when we did meet in November when we passed this traffic thing it was said that the burrow said so she says the borrow said that after we passed the ordinance and move the traffic or um restrict the parking excuse me restrict the parking that um the gate would be o opened and we may have said that but I don't think we said it like it'll be open 247 I think the but and and she's urging us to reconsider our decision about to keep the school Gates closed where I think it's pretty common knowledge now that it's the school's decision not ours that gate is the school's decision it's their gate 100% although if it was up to the police chief he would have it closed and locked all the time unless it was a game then they you know unlock it just for security um and that's what he did get a phone call from this woman and uh Jo he told her that so it was up to me that's but this is a not a burrow we did what we had to do for safety we had to do what we did because I felt that the school kind of didn't in a way and went back and forth so we had we had to improve the safety in that in that neighborhood with um the parking and I was listen I have parking restrictions in front of my house right and you know it's an incon I didn't want to inconvenience the residents in that area but that was one of those difficult decisions that we make for the for the betterment of oldan and that's the the reason we went that way right and if it doesn't work after a year like I said at our meeting gate gate you know but it's their gate yeah that was our position all along whatever they do with their gate is up to them right and anyone you talk to should should know that it's you know it's not our decision so don't ask us it's I also seem to recall that they suggested they would put up a camera and have somebody Patrol that area and that was the police chief's idea if I recall please one I thought I had recalled him saying that the town that the school would do that make would take those suggestions seriously right but moving forward taking it seriously and moving forward are two different things so they do have the police do have problems there as we've discussed in the past I don't want to keep going into that um okay so the last thing he he we met for quite a while today the last thing he wanted to impress on me today was if you recall the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School shooting which happened February 14th 2018 I gave everyone a copy of what this a 500 page report we got it down to two that I I gave to you guys the bottom line is the shooter got in through a side gate that was unlocked at the school am I saying that that's the Cure All here I'm not but the police chief is saying if the gate is locked is one less thing to worry about because the gym teachers are also concerned that they're they have a gym class they're on the track or on the field and there's random residents who they don't know who they are and joose said we don't know who these people are I'm I'm sure they're residents of the local but we don't know that and they shouldn't be there you know during school time right when the kids are there they shouldn't be on the school property when the kids are there and so I thought you know if you want to hang your hat on something this this a huge report done by a lot of people who were a lot smarter than me that researched everything and they said if the gate was if that gate was closed and the gunman didn't have the wherewithal to jump over a really high fence he'd have to come through a spot that was had a camera on it and it was monitored all the time so does he did he give a copy of this report to uh to the school board chief of police I don't know yet I don't know it's a good question I will see I will talk to him in the morning but it's it's just something else to to think about you know that's we were all we're all very concerned here about saf in security and uh if you think about it I was thinking about it just the other day and I was even going to walk it myself if you drop your kid off let's say you live in Hing to parking you drop your kid off at that gate and he or she walks through the unlocked gate past the the stands of the football field makes a left goes up the hill Goes to School how much further is it to walk up the sidewalk make a right and walk through the back gate it's maybe uh 20 yards more it's the same you got to go the same distance but everyone has it in their head that it's this gate thing and you know there there's a lot of social media comments about it and they're all everyone's up in arms about it again so I just want everybody to keep that in mind that you know there are reports out there that are that kind of verify what the police's been saying the whole time and he just wants it was up to him he' had it locked so that's all I have at the end of the day it's the school's decision correct at the end of the day it's up to the school to S property so the minutes in November the only thing mentioned here is that councilman carnaza and chief Tracy met with the school to discuss locking of the gate and the safety concerns but the school does not want to lock the gate which is now forcing the mayor and council's hand to enact this ordinance for safety purposes that's from the November minutes November 202 it was translated into the email it said it was there was a promise that it would remain open not didn't come us not in the minutes not in the came from them you know they said they would leave it open but the hours of leaving open I don't know I got a recent email a recent notification that it would be open between 7:15 and 8:15 and then 2:15 3:15 oh for school pickup and then it'll be locked the rest of the day that's what the note said so I saw that on social media it was a picture taken of the gate it was an actual sign so like I said I'm not I'm not there I'm not on school board uh but I think if you talk to anybody about it make sure they go to the Schoolboard meetings not our meetings that's where they need to go and notify so that is all I have Mr Mayor unless somebody has a question for me nope thank you uh thank you councilman uh Council Miss Arrow thank you Mr Mayor uh Board of Health next meeting is uh this Wednesday March 20th at 7:30 um I'll be attending that uh on Zoom for uh some time uh the mental health book book club will be held Thursday March 28th at the library um at 7 pm. and that's all I have for Board of Health Rec commission uh our next meeting is Tuesday April 2nd and the rec commission has discussed the scholarships that they give each year and they have decided to move on to an application process where each uh baseball softball soccer basketball each uh group will be reading through applications from graduating seniors who are um graduating high school they do not need to be from nvot they just need to be someone who played U ultan Recreation sport um any of those or all of those and um the final discussion they have to be from town though they have to be from town but they do not have to attend we Angels or yes and that was something that we wanted to make clear so that will be something that uh the final discussion that we had was it about how best to advertise the application to let ultan residents who are 12th graders know about that um so that's something that I wanted to uh run by mayor and counsil how best to to advertise that usually each School each School advertises like you have the guidance and you have all this the other schools will also advertise yeah but how do that like let's say you know one of the pario schools or so uh I think whoever runs your I know the fire company that does an application chaires out to all the local schools and I think once you do it the first time they know that this is coming every year so whether you're you know from any of the local schools as uh as leison I would be comfortable with reaching out to all all of the local schools of Bergen County and some rocken County schools there we also have residents who attend there so I I'll I'll make sure that we work to advertise that um but I think it's a a great process uh to have so I I created four separate Google form applications one for each sport so that will be um due at the end of April and then they will award them at the nvot senior night um uh senior Awards I should say and then if if an applicant from another school gots the same thing someone would go and represent at that school and nothing else from uh Rec commission right now and then historical committee nothing new since our last meeting they're still waiting for the Heritage tree sign to be made correct correct so that we can have the presentation at bonabelle Park um that's the last I heard and youth Council excellent things to report back uh we met last Thursday at the library meetings are held twice a month this is a very um organized group of very busy young people who make time to to be at meetings twice a month and um I was very impressed with their um they had their minutes and they had topics of discussion they have their president their secretaries they have um a Google drive with you know agendas and minutes and um you know I told them they could certainly you know they're self-sufficient in the way that they run uh they were asking me for some suggestions and some ideas for things their big thing was they'd like to get involved in volunteering for town events they they were talking about town day and uh specifically creating events for their age group for the Youth uh in in town uh such as a spike bll tournament at stonepoint Park that was something that they were very excited about um mental health was a key topic that they mentioned frequently and how to best utilize the great resources that our town and schools have getting outside they talked about going outside at lunch last week how that helped them so much and the the parks that we have here um we we were discussing Oaks Park and Stone Point Park and you know going for walks and meeting up and things like that so they they have their ideas for how to do those things they were just asking about what best resources to have but they they were very uh they were very happy with what our town offers including the fact that their meetings are at the library in this gorgeous new room that I have never been in in uh since it's been newly built um so that a lot of their discussion though is about they they attend the Board of Ed meetings they are an active group and they go and they take notes and they ask questions and they speak at the uh public opportunity to speak and they're they're engaged with with what um what affects them so I was very just very impressed I wanted to report that back to the group that they are meeting twice a month with all that they have on their schedules I was just so impressed with that and um I'm looking forward to continue working with them and that's all Mr Mayor quick can I ask a quick question it's a 30 second comment and after this meeting it's going to be probably a two-hour discussion indoor soccer yesterday it was an incident where and actually I was there because I knew there were going to be some sort of issues I didn't know there's going to be this issue Norwood this is Recreation soccer right and all the players are registered in the towns and insured by jff and Brian this is probably a question for you Norwood brought a girl that lived in Rockland County uh put on a Norwood shirt had her lie about her name and her birth date and we found out it's a whole big thing between two towns Etc this you should report this back to the recreation ask this was who was it Norwood versan no Norwood versus North Val at but it was at NB in no at nbde okay At Dem right but I was there as you know head of the league just an open question about liability right and and and using a player and then you know this coach is going to go in front of the commiss their Recreation Commission I think uh Wednesday um and obviously he's not going to be allowed to coach any sport in the town they they're assuming Etc but just if that happened in our town and coaches do silly things that you know to they're super ultra competitive in what situation are we liable um for something like generally there's no vicarious liability for for something that the council um didn't know about you're not vicariously liable for that that seems to me it would have been a criminal act probably and you're generally not liable for criminal acts taken by others um so I don't think there's much to worry about it was it a wreck um function it's a recreation function so it wasn't involved with the school at all the school makees sure that we have insurance um you know cuz I was just insurance no no no it's it's school and school and Recreation right yeah that was just an open question about if something happened either to that girl does our insurance get canceled because we used a player from it no okay criminal act thank you it's crazy that's serious um okay council president you thank you Mr Mayor really not much to report tonight our seniors enjoyed uh St Patrick's Day luncheon in PE River last week I'm told it was very well attended um the advisory committee also organized a new activity for the seniors they'll be bowling once a month on Friday the third Friday of the month at Montville Lanes uh report of the schools I'm happy to announce that the nvot cheerleading squad will be visiting our council chambers on April 1st where mayor Galler will be reading off a proclamation congratul them on winning the state championships and I'm told their budget wasn't released yet but I heard it's going up 2% how much are they illegally allowed to go up 2% I just wanted to bring that up sorry I'll correct myself 1.99% right uh report of the fire department two weeks ago I hope everybody had the chance to um witness the their extrication drill last week in the parking lot it gave everybody a chance to get Hands-On training on new extrication equipment that that the town bought for them a couple of months ago um tonight they'll be doing their annual recertification on scva equipment uh SCBA equipment is the self-contained breathing apparatus equipment where firefighters used to go into uh um you know a hot environment where they don't have to breathe in Smoky air um um they have to do that annually uh on their schedule in the upcoming weeks the volunteers will be picking up students and dropping them off at TBD and CDW in their fire trucks to benefit the PTO with their annual fundraiser the kids parents and teachers all have a great time with it and I understand that it raises uh quite a bit of money for them so everybody's happy excuse me we're for of the first a core they are very busy as usual responding to just as many Rivervale calls as alapan calls um when the pedestrians were stuck struck a couple weeks ago by a car they were were able to respond within minutes to provide immediate Medical Care and um actually both rigs went out so they were able to take two two of the children to the hospital uh I give a lot of credit to the line officer Chief Hopper deputy chief Rich our premium Captain Carl wer and Lieutenant summer Thompson for picking up the line share of the work and that concludes my report Mr Mayor thank you councilman uh I have a few comments tonight um kind of a busy month I attended the uh the Bergen County Legal municipalities breakfast down in hackin saac um last week I attended the pasc valley mayor's Association uh they have a monthly dinner meeting um and the topic of both those uh discussions were the pending at the time unfortunately um uh affordable housing uh update to their legislation my understanding from today is that Senate bill s50 was passed uh in the Senate um changing the affordable housing formulas and things along those lines I know that the league of municipalities I know that the U Pacific Valley Mayors and many many others um uh were concerned about the bill and voed their uh opposition towards the bill this past Saturday uh afternoon with beautiful sun in the sky I took the opportunity to write to 40 state senators and uh I guess 80 assembly men and women throughout the state of New Jersey voicing uh my opposition uh to the bill and the uh what it will the effects it'll have on Old Jaan other small municipalities and especially Bergen County there's just so many things that are wrong with this bill um so I'll be drafting some sort of um talking points to our residents probably my next newsletter uh spelling out all the things that that are wrong with it and I don't know what kind of recourse uh we have but it's uh it's it's really it's really not good um my understanding is that somewhat positive news and I don't know if it was voted on today I heard it may have been pulled the Oprah uh do you know anything about the look at uh that was to um that was to be discussed I understand that that that bill um was favorable to municipalities the open P public record act really has um been taken advantage of over uh over the past several years and there was some legislation to kind of uh clean that up and I thought I heard on Friday afternoon that that was going ahead but it may have been pulled from this morning's U um vote and discussion um the only other thing on the good news is I did uh regarding the youth Council I think the uh the editor of the Lance is it the Lance yes uh that reached out and and asked me for comments on the council and some thoughts that I had on it and uh answered her email and yeah she was very happy I'd like to i' like to you're going to print this we I'll bring you a copy yes make sure I was quoted properly yes no yes I actually talked to the I talked to the adviser also to make sure that you know but he said same thing that it'll go to this week I'll bring it to you so uh and then uh just one last thing is this past Friday night I uh attended the planwood Derby at TBD school for the the cub scout racing their uh I got to uh tell them to start their engines and uh um it was a it was a fun event for the for the young Scouts so that was uh that's kind of the fun stuff and that's the uh end of my report Mr Mayor speaking of Pineway Derby is pine derby in Washington Township is this this Friday and my son-in-law is the Bo scout leader for them and after the race they have the old man's Race So if you made a car when you were younger I have all four and uh uh one year in 1972 I won the whole thing so I brought that car last year I lost horribly I think I think they were cheating technology you know come on must you got to oil the I saw money going back and forth between some of these guys anyway it's just Friday night at the Washington Township uh well if you hav I told Katie and Ryan Weaver who kind of run the scouts the cuup scouts um there's a movie I think I I Googled it standing there that night in 2005 there's a movie about the pine wood derby really and it is it's pretty funny on what goes on in certain households leading up to thewood Derby so know I know I did it I did it with my own son so they they said you to find it and watch it um but it was it was a pretty funny movie was interesting the old gra what leads up to the yeah it works oh yeah okay Mr Mayor all right yes I'm sorry I can we just talk about the um affordable housing legislation a little further sure so what can the town expect in the next coming what is it about a year they're going to give us a formula is 2025 yeah so they're going to tell us how much more affordable housing units we need to build in ult they're going to give us a actually going to start the end of this year yeah they're going to give us our number okay uh in December yeah we have 30 days to say we accept it or we don't and uh we have to file all sorts of paperwork uh in 30 days no but January and January is a you know a lot of things are moving around in towns because new mayors new Council people this and that but in January we have to kind of answer them and um you know other urban areas are exempt from it and these are some of the things I just scratched my head uh you know someone like a Jersey City who's in urban urban a Urban Aid Community uh has last time I checked highest around she steal all my thunder sorry you know they have some of the highest rents okay but no affordable so it there's just um you know they're they're not concern you know I've asked the question on you know what does d have to say about some of this property that's maybe underwater or will be underwater when the next big storm comes through and there's a lot of concern so to ask you what the recourse is I don't know I honestly don't know what the recourse is for those of you that were around last uh last uh negotiation rounds I think they expected us to build what was it 300 units yeah unmet need so our unmet need was 300 units in alapan I right now our unmet needs about 260 unit even that that's same inity where are we going to build this year the estimate is 191 more okay 19 on top of the 200 that's right now so we could they're expecting us to build up to 500 additional affordable only units in alapan yes and we all know that it doesn't work that way a developer will come and buy a large plot of land they'll set side a portion of a percentage of it as affordable to build that many you need to build about a 3,000 and that's one of the complaints too is is anybody studying what the moderate Market is all about so you're going to build 3,000 to get your uh what we say 400 um are we doing the math and what concerns me the most is and I don't want to knock any Community okay hackin saac is a great City in Burton County but every town Norwood Northville ulten Harrington Park riverville Westwood every town doesn't want to be hackin saac so we don't want 8 n 10 story rental properties we want Suburbia we also are not I'll go on the record here we're not against affordable housing at all I wish they Chang some of the the figures I my my boys 25 and 22 um they can't afford to stay in town and a lot of folks that win one of these units up here in the lottery system they kind of don't want to be here either because it's away from family it's away from their jobs there's no train there's no bus there's no train no bus who expensed it for them and granted and there's other programs outside of the affordable housing you know free lunches you know at the schools that ultan doesn't offer because it's based on certain demographics of the town and things that they miss out on by being in ultan so the whole the whole thing is just crazy and I don't know about today's vote but I do know the assembly vote that happened back in February was completely along party line and this is not a a a a partisan discussion it is not at all it is in Trenton it is yeah but it's it's I don't know our recourse I think that's the question you asked yeah um I don't know so they're going to give us a number next year we're we're going to look to prove our and and that's where I went about the high I'm my biggest concern is on how and that was one of the questions I asked this attorney you might know him Jeff something and I said are we wasting our money doing a new master plan and he said no but the state now is coming up with their own master plan they going have their own and if ours doesn't look like theirs guess who wins yep they do yep so uh he said no you have to you have to fight uh to protect what your what Your Community wants um but my concern is zoning zoning is going to be up but to zoning Point Brian there's another law that they want to pass where you can add an accessory affordable housing unit on your property oh yeah I looked into that it's actually not it was proposed in the governor's budget to put I think $10 million into a fund to help people do that but it wasn't suggesting that the state was going to change the zoning only they were going to make money available if a town chose to do that either turn your garage into a living unit or put small town has yes town has to change the zoning and then they'd be eligible for the money but that doesn't go against our count either I'm told so let's say we all change our our garages into into into mother daughter something that unit I'm told does not count now under under this scenario it would because they had to deed restricted for at least 10 years and then it would count towards the municipality's fair share obligation okay all right but I don't know how many people are going to do it if for 10 years they're going to have to keep artificially low rent I just got to take the lawn mower and stuff out of my shed back and who knows how what money I'll get for that rent it to one of your kids yeah I was going to say then your kids can afford you got running water back there learn of some responsibility um so it's not it's not good and I I think we we're in for a battle um over the next several years I me one thing that you made me think of was um all the pieces of property that we have in town that are unsuitable for developing because they're underwater between now and December we should probably document that on GIS with our drone because we will have frequent flooding in certain areas that may be demarcated as appropriate okay and usable open space whereas it really isn't so we can check the soils we can create a map that way we have some environmental commission can kind of combined with the D the DPW we can work on some of that okay well maybe we could do overlay zones on top of those since you can't build on them anyway and get the credit for the overlays Z can we but if you can't build it's buildable it's not buildable no unfortunately so more to uh I'm I'm I'm guessing this will be a Hot Topic over the next year and a half sounds that so okay uh action on the minutes uh council president thank you Mr Mayor you're welcome I'm sorry I got to pull it up I'd like to make a motion to approve uh the minutes our regular meeting on February 20th 2024 and our regular executive meetings on March 4th 2024 second any discussion on the minutes roll call please councilman Ben yes sir councilman Boyce yes councilman Gran yes councilwoman MSO yes councilman councilman you abstain February 20th 2024 meeting yes to regular and executive March 4th 2024 okay thank you uh next is old business uh we have first aid core listed do you have any uh updates or any further comments on first aid yes so I just want to get everybody up to speed on what we've been working on and what we talked about where we got with um talking to riverville about this issue um I hope everybody got the proposals from hackin sack Medical Center and uh Holy Name everybody get a chance to look it over basically both of them say the same thing um they'll cover daytime hours from 6 to 6 six days a week Monday through Saturday expect our volunteers to cover the rest of the time one came in at about a 20 $220,000 and the other one was 175 I've said it before that I really don't think that's a way for us to go um um our volunteers have been doing this a long time what that's it sends a wrong signal to them basically they're going to they're told you can't respond during those times now because we we're paying somebody else to do it it sends a wrong message to them and from what I heard every single Town that's gone through that has lost volunteers and lost their lost their um their Ambulance Service volunteer Ambulance Service over the next few years um um Jim if I could Aren't They isn't it isn't the first state suggesting we do just that wasn't it their own words it will be within the department so this well something like this be clear for me because okay you just said seem to be we would have a lot more control over that that proposal um that would be only for to serve old toan and riverville right this this had con serves how many different towns in ber County all over buron County 70 in B County same with holy names so so the issue is really having a dedicated service to serve our area okay that's what this doesn't serve essentially we have the service already if our volunteers can't respond these guys the uh am uh the hospital ambulance services will respond why would we lose members it just sends the wrong signal to them this it's happening right now we're we're we're telling them okay like if you were a volunteer you're a volunteer in the fire department right say we hired somebody during the day would you ever respond to a daytime call anymore you don't need to right right but but they're the ones who brought it up they brought it to us the first aid it's it's like the fire department bringing it us bring it you know they brought it to our attention said hey we know we're kind of doing ourselves out of a job but we have a problem here I think it's or am I wrong I I can I yes sure so I think what uh I I think their their plan a was um was that was that joint Rivervale thean thing that I don't think is I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen I spoke to the mayor of Rivervale uh the other night and he says no we're you know we're not going to go that route and I think I said it last meeting here is that if we don't have uh we don't have their cooperation it can't happen for us with that's you know it was about $100,000 per EMT 200 200 River make it work but I don't think rivervail is is ready to go that to go that route so so that means that I said it that's that that program is dead in order as as I see it it seems that ship is Plan B and I think that's where okay Council I'm more clear now okay sorry Plan B Plan B going down this route of using a hospital uh ambient service I would rather see a typen program in place in alapan to help these volunteers encourage them to to keep on doing what they're doing and maybe uh a little more I've said it before that you know four four of them really do the line share of the work I mean they probably respond to 75 80% of the calls if there was a stien program available they wouldn't they'd be more encouraged to show up and that other people probably uh encouraged to show up what that stiping program looks like I'm not sure that's something I'm going to have to talk to them about whether it's Duty crws or per call um J who else is on your committee you know you're the chair you I don't know off top of my head who's the co-chair or second and Alternate I am not [Music] sure well going on that chin um what are you going to tell Brian Morgan when he comes in ask him for the same the fire department not fire department is actually working through the uh uh a Federal grant to get a stiping program going just like other towns have that will grant that on or no I think it's a fiveyear grant he gives for a little bit fiveyear Grant and then the uh burrow would be expected to pick it up after five years or when the money runs out I think given stiens is slipper slope yeah but we're at a point where they needed a little encouragement let me add to this discussion do you think volunteers would increase or decrease because of stien do you think it will increase actually it was in in my opinion increase if the if the stiping was enough I mean I know like a town like Fort Lee they offer quite a good stien for fire fire uh volunteer firemen but like we have maybe 300 calls a year they have like 300 calls a month personally I think it it could only help could only help maybe decline rate would be less you're saying also it like if we're in secular decline of volunteerism in general coaches I've been forever I mean at least the last 10 years this slow the decline that's what I would expect it to do okay in reality this I I would rather propose a stipid program rather than going in this Hospital route that would have been my main point that I wanted to make J you have uh councilman voice and councilman one okay so aren't you lucky so I'd like what I'd like to say so now that we've somewhat eliminated option A okay I think I said that a minute ago like so I'd like uh I'd like the committee to meet with the amulance corps leadership and ask what I look at things a little bit different so you know we attended a seminar down a couple novembers ago and say don't go hospital don't go hospital they were kind of referring to if you go all in you sell the ambulances you get rid of the building the volunteers are gone never to be seen again my thought doesn't make it a right thought is that if you if you had a hospital program during the daytime hours and then your nighttime hours just got better just got stronger and not the same four people are doing all the heavy lifting 247 you know could could that work could we make the nighttime crew stronger maybe there's some sort of a you know I don't know about the word stien but some other uh incentives that that we can throw at the night crew to uh uh to get more people involved but my opinion no matter what kind of money you throw at someone at 12:30 in the afternoon I'm not going because I'm somewhere else and a lot of the students are in school and a lot of other people have other jobs so I don't think it's a money issue during the daytime um you know plan a was we're going to have two dedicated people they're going to be sitting there they're going to be cleaning out the files they're going to be updating training records they're going to be doing everything uh I I just don't think that uh for what for whatever you're going to you're going to be able to staff during the day my opinion only that's why I'd like you know you and and uh uh Bill and and Court to sit down have a a spirit Ed discussion and say what's what's right what if we pursu the other towns like I mentioned before from high school sending towns four towns that sent to the high school same kind of deal we were looking for with riverville I I would uh I would agree to that only four towns yeah four towns together so this thing with Rivervale was just started it was with one town I I I always envisioned it being more more than just two towns well we picked them because we we well together the police work always work well with them back and forth fire department and you know what this is the way the TR uh the the industry is trending the you know the uh Ambience Corp I spoke to the Hillsdale buau administrator um they went all per DMS initially they said they were having a hard time but they said they filled up their schedule is fine but they're they're actually paying for it I think he told me their cost all in is about $260,000 a year at this point I think that's like 30 an hour daytime hours no benefits you prum so you probably do the math pretty quick um yep so me I was I only brought up the point about this stien I'd rather see money go to a stien program rather than go to this Hospital uh so I got a question I don't think you know the answer to so so Hillsdale doing what they're doing let's say it is 260 why did they go I'd like to know why they went that route versus what Emerson did what norfeld you said they did uh what riverville says they're going to do why would why would they do that and I have a few theories but I'd like to I really don't know the answer to that but you could imagine they they needed that service so for for the next meeting or for the committee meeting can we uh get more detail on the stien program like how much estimated you think it would cost like is it $100,000 is 20,000 I would might I only propose a stien program cuz that's where this um the hospital ambulance services were coming at they were coming at 17,500 $220,000 to me that is pretty it's nothing more it doesn't serve anything more than what we get now from them okay if we're not available the hospitals are coming to pick up to pick up a patient that is true that is true if we kind of do nothing and and they they tone out all to Ambulance Corp at 11:00 in the morning on a Tuesday and no one shows up they go right to mom who does dispatching and it could be a holy name it could be an Anglewood it could be a hackin sack it could be a County ambulance yeah does delay in in theory it does delay response time you know so as you wait three or four minutes for olda pant to either not to not show then you go to the next step it it it it could compound and become a 15 20 25 minute wait as someone's potentially lying on the floor yeah so even that we made suggestions maybe we should take um the core should be off duty more often where we would be skipped on the on the uh on the cad system it will go directly to uh a hospital service so let's so we can talk about this all night let's let's get together uh the three of you guys um please along with the uh um the the cores management if you will and Che want it for 30 days or so and you know maybe at the end of April we come back and what however long it takes you know it's we're not we're not bound do something next month but if we want to get into the budget we should talk about this now right Jesse how much you 20,000 I know our meeting with Jeff is uh March 28th weeks so we'll get together uh within that time to discuss the merits of a stien you said 260 being a lot of money it does sound like a lot of money but you get the library triple that the library I'm not discounting the libraryies value but it's 260 is the sticker shock wore off yet is it that much money it's up to us to weigh what's important and where where to spend the taxpayer money you spending milon on a fire truck there a lot of things we spend you know put our priorities where we put them you know like I said I'm not anti- Library I'm not anti fire department but 260 is kind of wearing on me a little bit now yeah I mean we've expressed that this is an important service too important service very important I mean not about anybody here but I certainly have used it I know the previous mayor has used it you've we've all had some dealing with it when you're waiting for that ambulance oh man seconds turn minutes yeah response time you can't you know M I know it Ron said this last uh previous meeting that two things one when you call for an ambulance it's not a false alarm right when you're calling there's never false alarm um we can look at you know plenty of instances where we've gotten positive Communications back to Mayor and counsel commending the the first aore for being there as quick as they did which made a difference in you know some really serious situations and you know just look at what happened last week as an example of they were the first on you know they and they knew that location because they they're from town and they know where that is they know what K Street is and Charles Street and you know I think there's something to be said for um response time and prioritizing you know safety of our residents um I don't know that you could necessarily price that out not saying that we should just just throw money at it but I think that's something is that's what we are entrusted to do is to make decisions that are best for our residents you're exactly right that's why we're talking about this all right so let's let's get uh the the core's input on we'll call it Plan B I mean I we know what they they preferred they preferred that partnership with Rivervale uh doesn't appear that that has any juice left in it so let's let's let's see what they have to say on on plan they are not for the the hospital service I know that I'd like to hear that from U as as the the full committee okay one person all right um all right on a new busis we have the gariz and wireless RightWay use agreement and Brian you're going to yeah talk about that the um this was started when we wanted to put a um a single poll with um internet service or or a sell service down on stonepoint field right yes and we got back an agreement from the telephone company that would have allowed them to put um these small cells they call them on utility polls anywhere in town and I told them I didn't think that the council wanted that I think we just wanted one poll there because of the cell service that and so um we went back and forth a couple times I did have them change the agreement but before I present it to you I just wanted to make sure that that is in fact what you want to do you just want to have one focal point down there and if they want to come and make application for anywhere else in town they can do that because right now would not be permitted anywhere else so this is going to be um because the cell service stinks down there right there's going to be a small cell right by um the parking lot there on the right of way putting in a pole and it should cover that whole okay might I ask the timing of that because with spring sports starting there they that was brought to me through the recreation department that they need the ability to be able to God forbid there was a medical emergency make phone calls and things like that well 911 will always work if they dial 911 no matter what service you have we were told you it will always get through but supposedly they want to get this done as soon as possible okay the we didn't talk about construction scheduled so I don't know that okay but uh I I got the agreement back quickly I I think they're ready to move on it I just don't know cuz this will also enhance uh I think there's been some discussion on um some wireless security measures down at Stone Point yes so this would this would play into that okay so we want to go just a single yeah where at Stone Point would it be visually impactful would it you know look terrible from Road it actually Park the parking it's on the right of in the middle across from that White House kind of thing you know big white house across the street it's like right way there but it's it's um there's a piece of grass there with a tree so it's not like someone could pull up and go right into it okay so Andy Andy and the chief were there and they felt this was the best spot it's a typical telephone it's Ty so it's near the road not step back from the road no it's near the road near the road near the road yeah than thank [Music] you okay thank you Brian uh next uh new business is ordinance 1250-1450 ordinance 681-9987 d04 ordinance 104-1 0 and ordinance 1245 d23 was introduced at a meeting of the mayor and Council held on the 18th day of March 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and councel of the buau of wapan County of Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 1250-1450 d24 will be further considered for final passage at a meeting of the said mayor and Council to be held on the first day of April 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the evening or as soon thereafter as a matter can be reached in the council chambers at Burrow Hall 227 ultan Road ultan New Jersey at which time in place all persons who may be interested will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding ordinance number 1250-1450 and how are we for voting is there a conflict Brian between firemen voting for this uh you shouldn't no because there's enough members of the count is there enough here tonight I'm just going to call the three okay is okay all right so Council and voice yes councilman Guan yes councilwoman Sarah yes okay thank you all right uh last for tonight is uh I'll entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public so move second okay all in favor anybody from the public like to be heard be thanks for waiting no no this minutes Bob Scot the father 29 LA court so I was here for the recognition for buddy but when you started talking about the um accident with the with the pedestrian and I think it was his father yeah was his dad two kids I you may not know this but I'm a Subs to crossing guard so I've done every Post in this town many times and in particular on Charles Street and School Street um that section and I guess K is the next street down right cut through that cut through go through letter people would come out of TVD make the right go down make the first left okay okay every day that thing is backed up and and in the mornings in particular the parents do Park on those streets on um K Street and the next street over and they walk their kids but I would say 75% of them cross instead of coming directly to the crossing guard they cross the street I don't even know if there's white lines there do that some go to the middle of the street and they cross there so I think one of the solutions would be is to make maybe have a police officer kind of or somebody get the message to them that there's a you're not saving any steps you're really that's what you said before yeah and here's the other thing that's really wacky every day morning in afternoon the car is queue up on Charles Street waiting to turn left onto School Street every day there are cars that come on the wrong side of the street and are trying to p the KE up cars a good portion of them also turn to go to uh TVD and they're on the wrong side of the street and there have been many a time we're not traffic guards there are many of times where cars come face the face on the wrong side of the road so that that whole section is out of control but I think I I know the easy thing is to cross off that and say don't turn left anymore but that'll only make them speed faster as they because once they drop the kids they're ready to go and so um somebody flashing the lights you still have to control your own car that's no excuse for somebody hitting people that are crossing the street but it there is a problem and it starts with the parents because you know the kids at some point are going to be Crossing themselves they have to know to come to the crossing guard not cut off in the middle of street so that's that's all I wanted to say all right well we'll bring when the police chief comes in I mean you're welcome to come back what at our next meeting he'll be here yeah okay and yeah and like I said it's it's to me it's a very very unfortunate accident that occurred yeah and I was in crossing guard that day but I got home for whatever I was doing and it was on the news yeah it was on channel 7 and I was like holy crow is that a post you know that I typically do but it wasn't so that's all good night every anybody else from the public like to be heard close second all favor motion toour we move second see next Thursday when me two Thursdays when are we meeting you guys around MC for the