Welcome to our regularly scheduled commission meeting February 28th 2021 the time is now PM Madame clerk roll call commissioner baz here vice mayor Irvin here commissioner Kelly commissioner Williams here mayor Taylor here commission commissioner Williams can you lead us in pray please all by the Pledge of Allegiance Heavenly Father Lord we thank you for all the many blessings you bestowed upon us this day and every day Lord we continue to ask that you be a covering over our city our residents employees and everyone that has a have a vested interest in our city continue to build us and continue to let us be the city of bright opportunities and these things we ask amen amen I pledge of allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of AM stand indivisible andice all right mam clerk I see that we don't have any awards proclamations or acknowledgements all right moving now to our consent agenda do I have any pools deferrals or deletions from the consent agenda Mr Mayor um Madam clerk the city manager would like to defer 1311 1312 and 1314 so 11 12 13 all right any other POS deletions or deferrals from the consent agenda Mr Mayor commissioner Williams it's Mr Mayor 134 not 13 14 okay so 11 12 and 14 oh okay so 11 12 and 14 all right commissioner Williams you had the floor I'm sorry okay um I would like to pull 132 133 134 and 1315 all right anyone else Mr Mayor commission Kelly uh thank you I'd like to um pull number nine okay that's it commission you 11 uh 12 and 14 we already deferred correct yeah they've already deferred okay um and also number 13 thank you Mr Mayor commissioner bar would you allow commissioner Williams to repeat her pools um sure commission Williams okay it's um 132 133 134 and 1315 thank you okay Vice anyone else you good all right so for the record I have we're pulling 2 three 4 9 13 15 that's 2 3 4 9 13 and 15 the Deferred items were 11 12 and 14 right six you want to number six okay so going backward we have um on the pull list 2 three four 6 nine um 13 and 15 is that right all right can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda move it move by commissioner Williams second second by um commissioner bass Madam Clerk I'm sorry Mr Mayor who pulled number six VI Vice May and the motion was made by commissioner William second by commissioner baz commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right can I get a motion to approve tonight's agenda move it move by commissioner baz second second by vice mayor Madam clerk commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 all right um approval of amendments we don't have we have any district one District Two reports seeing none all right public presentations we don't have all right we're getting ready to go into our citizens form Madame clerk can you please State the protocols for participating in citizens form yes thank you Mr Mayor good evening city of opaka commission meetings are held in person at the opaka government center Center City commission Chambers 780 fisherman Street opaka Florida members of the public wishing to address the commission may do so in person or virtually those persons wishing to participate virtually should register part to the schedule meeting time on the city's website at www. opaka atf.gov when speaking before the commission please make sure to give your full name and address for the record there is a three minute time limit for public comments please adhere to the decorum policy which is part of the commission meeting agenda City commission meetings are aired through Liv stream at www.youtube.com user city of opaka and at this time Mr Mayor I do not have any virtual public comment okay citizens form is open evening good evening good evening my name is fernan Russell and I'm here representing the Lewis family I reside at 13985 Northwest 22nd Place immediately to the west of the canal the canal is essentially my background I'm writing to express my concerns regarding the development plans for the 22nd Avenue Canal particularly concerning the Canal bank restoration as the homeowner in the area recent restoration projects have been incomplete leaving significant portions of the canal neglected it's crucial to address this issue comprehensively to ensure the entire area benefits from restoration efforts additionally I kindly inquire if construction could commence on the West Bank excuse EXC me on the west Frank which has been neglected in previous projects starting there would ensure that the project reaches us in a timely manner in conclusion I respectfully require that the opaka City commissioners provide clear and comprehensive updates on the Canal bank restoration any reclaim maintenance easement and slow protection initiatives as stakeholders in our community homeowners deserve transparency accountabil and mean and meaningful participation in decisions that impact our neighborhood's future thank you for your attention to these important matters thank you citizens form is still open good evening good even evening my name is CA PR I reside at 2350 Northwest 141 Street the reason uh for me being here tonight not to make any trouble or anything like that uh first ID like to commend all of you all on the podium for a job well done thus far um you have uh put the Citizens First and we've had a good time last year was awesome and I'm so sorry that I missed the 7th uh uh bash because I was really could have showed y'all a little something on the floor but uh anyway but job well done thank you um I'd like to give Mr Leonard um um his props we had um about two we're going to three weeks ago now it was a homeless guy uh um he he just he made such a mess of things I felt bad for him but where he was located it was such a eyes saw right there on Northwest 26th Avenue that warehouse right behind Northwest Seafood and he had his buggy he had can he had some of everything going there and I know if I seen it I know others had to see it but you know it was just frustrating that I needed to call the the uh the to make a complaint and but they sent someone out but uh they they directed me to call Mr Lenard and he right away got got some of his workers and they cleaned it up properly so I just want to get him props for doing that um also too I notice on Northwest 22nd Avenue and Northwest Northwest 135th Street the grass and the hedges need to be manicured need to be cut we have incoming traffic and outgoing traffic into city of opaka so it it just need to we we're going into the spring and it's time for spring cleaning now we need to get back to business and and I'm available uh commissioner Kelly because you know we do our thing here so just I'm I'm waiting to get some flowers and you know and get things beautified for our city so that way it can be appealing to uh potential uh uh business businesses to bring you know their business to us so that we can pay patronize them but we need to clean our house up you know the holidays are over now you know so let's get things back in order and and I'm available for that that's something I love to do I love to put my hand in the dirt cuz I'm praying at the same time so that's no problem for me so let's just get busy with that the three minutes up yes ma'am y' already know I got my back up let's go not done yet lisy block of Florida 13815 noest 23rd Avenue thank you I have since talked to Mr Leonard uh off the Record uh we're going to work together to see about getting the debris and at at the edge of the canal Banks to see about getting a a pole net so that we can get that debris pulled up from out of there and get things cleaned up you know I'm I'm I'm a stickler for cleaners you know so we just need to be able to get things straighten out get some more stuff painted and whatnot and just do the upkeep because uh we're going to be having April shower soon so we just need to get those flowers and different stuff what we need to do and have our city workers to go out and pick up the trash along you know within the city you know if you see something like that pick it up and and just kind of keep things clean we can't invite people into a dirty home and you can't invite them to your table if your kitchen clean let's get things where it needs to be but other than that I'm good you all have done an awesome job so thank you thank you thank you okay I'll go sit down okay thank you Miss PR citizens form is still open man commissioner Brian Dennis address 2140 York Street I'm I'm here now about the car about my truck that the tree fell on and it was a nice meeting with the manager's office when I bought it up last week when we were talking about the the Music Fest so I was told that it was a great area because of the SR supposedly belongs to the property owner which I was right around the city and I'm going to give you a great area the canalo 141st Street got trees around it the canal belongs to the state and sometimes the state or the county cleans it who's responsible for the trees gray area so what I've done which I'm going to upload to you all tomorrow is an estimate of what the car was valued at it was valued in between eight to 138 to1 13,000 all I'm asking for is for and I have the case card in which officer harb and officer Tibor if I'm if I'm pronouncing his name right Tibor he gave me a case card and which the Chief came by and basically you know was like you know they apolog they apologize but they sympathized with what had happened and all I'm trying to do is just get the money back that I just paid for C that I really didn't have to pay for you understand what I'm saying so um I would definitely make sure that you all get this um in your emails tomorrow and hopefully we can get this done soon with with some type of resolution that's it for this evening oh yeah y'all look the nice and y' little sen with Y get stuff on citizens form is still open good evening Audrey Dominguez 11:4 7 gen Avenue I wasn't going to speak on it because I saw that some an item was pulled which is the resolution regarding the city's monthly food distribution program and I always gear to the citizens and the citizens needs and I see every time I pass by there when the food is being distributed the people are there from early early in the morning these folks need that food they rely on that food and a lot of them are elderly so I just hope that this doesn't get pushed back and it is approved because we have funding if we have millions of dollars sitting around we need to invest especially after our taxes were raised so Payback thank you okay citizens form is still open citizens form is closed all right quick recap with um Mr manager um the lwis family brought up about the canal restoration project and how they're requesting it to start on the West Bank and how they would like to be AB breast of what's going on on that can you speak to that please yes sir uh we've already had Randall Robinson a great presentation by the way um very well stated by our resident uh we appreciate that we thank you for that we've had Randle Robinson our city planner from our Community Development Department already preached uh excuse me already addressed them get their contact information we will be providing them with updates and any information that they need regarding that project and also seeking their feedback as we move forward okay so the only thing that I'm going to ask and suggest that if there's addressing it I'm sure others in the area are as well so maybe we need to do a campaign and go door too and let the residents know what's going on when who what when where and why and get everybody's feedback so that everyone in that area is on the same page as it relates to the canal restoration and when is that project set to start I can get dates from our uh one of our department heads if you want me to pull them up Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly thank you um my exactly normally with uh major product projects such as that um the surrounding neighborhoods that are impacted would be notified in advance um that it's even coming whether it's sidewalks whether it's pel eou or in this case which the restoration so have did that take place already I know we're saying we gonna get in touch with them now but does that take place or has it taking place the residents were notified it was even coming because if they've already started and have a date to start and the residents are asking can they start on a different side I'm wondering is it too late to even do that now or can it be changed because usually on the front end you notify the residents business owners whoever is impacted about a major project so I'm just curious if that take place as well uh to the mayor to commissioner Kelly yes sir that did uh notice did go out to the residents uh for the binging Street Canal project Phase One Construction uh the notice was hand delivered to Residents and businesses in the area um and also the project included the scope uh in the notice dredging Bank restoration and stabilization with slope correction the project did start on Monday January 22nd 2023 and that was also provided in the notice okay so that means the residents that came tonight I guess they didn't either get it or um not aware of it because you said 2023 correct Mr Man my apologies 2024 sir oh 20 well it was noticed before it started yes okay so that means they didn't get the notice whatever because they're asking can it even be started on a different side and if we noticed it that far in advance I'm sure the planning has already been done am I correct or yes sir so I don't want to leave you with no false hope because apparently we sent out the notice Accord to the manager to everyone and impacted area so there there's your answer there U okay thank you Mr Mayor thank you Mr manager all right Mr man just asking to do a maybe another another round to get everybody on the same page and Miss pu thank you for Shouting Out Mr Mr Leonard he does an awesome job keeping our city clean and you are right you do love cleaning and I'm sure we will be calling on you for all of our projects that we come up when we do our cleanups um Mr Dennis talked about his car Mr manager you g to address have a meeting with Mr Dennis but he left so yes I'll request another meeting with Mr Dennis in case he needs clarification on and commissioner Dominguez I guess your your um issue that you brought up we'll discuss further when we get to the actual item all right so citizens forum is closed thank you all for coming out and um expressing yourselves so we're going to move right along to our consent agenda Madame attorney 13 two a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the interim city manager to allocate funding until September 2024 and fiscal year 2023 2024 budget for the city month for the city's monthly food distribution program Services provided by feeding South Florida providing for incorporation of recital providing fting for an effective date this is sponsored by commissioner Kelly all right can I get a motion move it move by commissioner Kelly second second by commissioner Williams commissioner Kelly you can go to introduce your item thank you um this is an item that um I was hoping to have last meeting of course it wasn't here so I had to have it deferred if you notice in the package we've been doing here in the city uh Farm share one location and feeding South Florida um the third Friday over at um seagull Park um on un fortunately we were notified um last year towards the end that um they were no longer going to provide the free um service if you will for bringing the food for our um residents and so what um I hoped to do was try to find initially um some sponsors every month but that became kind of challenging to get commitments so what I decided to do is to bring It Forward to the commission and as the resident said we've got money for a whole lot of things so I decided to bring it forth and let it become if necessary a commission sponsored item because initially it was just being hosted by three but it could become a commission sponsored item for the rest of the year we've already um lost two months of January and February without the feeding but I did not want to take it upon myself to make a commitment because these are um City dollars that be requested and as you see in the uh breakdown information according to um their calculation the anticipated cost um for 200 families so that is the reason it's there for the commission to make a decision on whether they want to continue it or not there are opportunities to sometimes do it maybe quarterly or as a part of a special event um and obviously that cost will be Beed by whatever is going on but for a monthly uh distribution like we're doing um that is the cost and I would just add um and my colleagues can attest we do have basically two separate types of items that come normally with Farm shars more canned goods um meat things with bread normally with um feeding South Florida is more healthy items you know a lot of greenery that a lot of our elderly and folks need that they need to have for you know the doctors want to be healthier so that occurs as well but it's before the commission and to make a decision or however um we decide that's the reason for the item thank you Mr Mayor okay so this item was pulled so okay commission William yes thank you Mr Mayor um yes I pulled the item because I did have a few questions and and also concerns um let me start off by saying that um one thing we know needs to happen is um we know that our communities our food desert and continuing to sponsor or have food distributions throughout the city is always a great thing to to have what gave me a little pause was for $40,000 a year or three $3,333 a month only vegetables no meat and I think to me um I'm and and this could be to the sponsor or um to whoever want to answer but I heard um the sponsor say that you after seeking other um opportunities and and some of them and I I'm sure some of them were effective and some of them weren't but I also know that after the pandemic a lot of other cities um including the county had to pull back I'm sure we saw feeding South Florida uh a lot more places than we do now there were a lot of uh areas that had feeding South Florida uh so we know that the largest in entity our County also had to shut down and close some of its um distribution sites as well so that's to me it's the amount um I'm wondering if that could be negotiated or brought down or what can we do with that price and then um or maybe it's not just a month but every other month then my next question is is the food distribution only for residents or is it open for everyone and how if it is residents or do we collect do we collect their addresses is there a clipboard how do we know that we're I mean the assumption is that we're providing for our residents but then on the flip side we're purchasing a bus for our seniors because they don't have transportation so if our seniors don't have transportation specifically from you know our our neighboring nursing homes or to even get involved in senior activities well are these the same seniors that are going through in their own cars driving through the monthly distribution or are these seniors from outside of our city so are we really how do we have any quantitative data that we're collecting that we're providing this for our seniors or is this just you know a like visual um and and third um we have multiple food driv in the city like I don't know if we all know that but there are multiple food drives in the city so I'm just wondering can we not put together a quantitative list of all those food drives that are happening in the city and support support through us through that as opposed to um you know paying $40,000 just to say that our city host feeding South Florida which I can tell you the larger governmental enti ities are closing down feeding South Florida in their own that have multi-billion dollar budgets so those are my questions thank you Mr Mayor commissioner gy thank you thank you commissioner for your uh concerns let me Begin by saying this resolution deals with uh nine months which is 29,700 the legislation calls for the commission to take a review um at the end of the year and that's probably where you can get your quantitive data to see how many residents are being uh served and whether it's uh worth it to go forward the way both of these programs work and all of those that you see all over the county the cities and dayen Broward you cannot say your residence only because the funding comes from various sources both state and federal so you can't just say opalak of residents just like our folks go to other agencies outside of opalak can get food or whatever they're getting so you can't just limit it to our citizens what you can do um as we already do we take the names we take the um information uh matter of fact feeding South Florida actually has a database because they started last year um doing it on the computer system with the iPads so they can have a pulse of how many uh folks are being fed but in terms of the city we can quantify that data um if the commission decides to go forward uh with the program at the end of this fiscal year um it could be analyzed to see whether it's worth it to continue or maybe every other month I don't have a problem either way it goes um I just know that if we can find funding for a lot of these other things we're doing we can find funding to uh feed our community and although it may be half of our residents and half not that's still our community that's still our residents and to the other point about the seniors um the part director is here my colleagues are here they here they could tell you the seniors come over in the bus and pick up their items um some of them drive but the senior's bus actually comes over and they get their items um every time we have feeding whether it's Hare feeding South Florida they're getting the items just like everyone else is in the um Community the other point about the meat versus vegetables the reason I I said that because usually with Farm share there's always going to be at least one uh meat item that does not always occur with feeding South Florida but they do provide meat in some cases just like they did for Thanksgiving time where they had um you know gave us an additional well they gave us 300 or so turkeys as a part of our distribution and other times they do have um meat but most of the time it is vegetables canned goods grab bag so my colleagues can tell you because they've had to work out there um you don't never know what's in the bag you never know but it's items that can be used by uh the community again um it's up to the commission I don't I don't have a problem with not doing it all I have a problem with doing it every other month but I thought it fitting to bring it before the entire Commission because I'm going to say this again and we can find money for everything else we can find $29,000 to finish the program that is start started this year and then the commission wants to look at it and decide this is not worth it it's not enough or we can find some volunteers or we could find some you know organizations to come in and fund it I have no problem I've been doing it a long time my desire is just to have the programs the reason we have them on both side because some folks can't get to one side of town we would took that excuse Away by having one on each side of the community and I would also say to my colleagues I know you know you're working you can't get there it's not just Community but our employees come too our employees benefit from this feeding program as well and the manager can attest because I always would send him a uh email correct Mr the manager May to the manager um saying to the employees to come over and get uh food um items am I correct Mr manager uh to the mayor um through the mayor to commissioner Kelly that is correct uh we do send an email during lunchtime um to allow the the employees of the city of opaka to go and pick up items if they so choose so it's not just um a few but again it's before the commission however the commission wants to do it if they feel they could find sponsors and not take it out of the city's whatever fund U that is fine it's before us in whereas as creating through a budget amendment too which we get into these budget amendments um stuff that we're doing I'm quite sure we can find $29,000 for the rest of the year and then the commission decides they don't think it's feasible doable or worth our um effort because it's not servicing enough of the community then they can make that decision but that is I hope I answered your questions commissioner if I didn't please ask again I'll try to clarify thank you um to the Mr Mayor oh go ahead go um commissioner Willam you are correct um I know you stated several times that we find the money to do the things I um and and that fact I'm sure and I would agree with you with that I think the only question and again I don't I I'm I don't want it to be looked at in a light of I don't want to feed our community or not continue the program because again I think the program which um which is it's needed in our community I think again it's the fact that these are it's taxpayers dollars so when it was feeding South Florida or Farm share those programs were free and they were given to the community but now these are tax dollars that we're now saying we're now going to use to for nonresidents and so because there's no database that's again and I'm just going to just say that it it has absolutely nothing to do with um not wanting or not wanting to provide because as I've stated before we are in a food desert and of course providing vegetables in and of itself is always a great thing for our community but again if there's no database and we have um as commissioner um Dominguez stated a long lines of seniors that are waiting for this food but we don't have a database because we know that farm share and feeding South Florida can't do a database because they don't have um because it's not um taxpayers dollars those are mostly nonprofit dollars that are given to them by companies and organizations as tax write offs but this what we're asking for is now taxpayers dollars going to non residents so what I would like to see and not to but what I would like to see just moving forward if this if we do if we do um vote this in is that we can we we create a database during these last few months or nine months or um how many months it's it's um act to to continue that we do build a database to see is this viable for us to now pay $40,000 or you know whatever if we aren't reaching our community and like it was stated before yes I agree reaching 50 50% of our community but I think our tax dollars should reach 100% of our community not just 50% and so that's the part that kind of gives me a little pause but I'm done thank you so much Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly I want to um say to my colleague I really tried to address that in section two because it says the city manager further directed to evaluate the feeding program and make a recommendation as to where whether it should continue for the next fiscal year so I don't have a problem with your suggestion or your recommendation if you want to put it in there as um part of section two the attorney can tell us where it goes um you want to use the term database or whatever that's fine but that's what section two is intended to do to evaluate to see if it's something that we should um continue to do in that sense section two of the resolution and I'm going to go one step further um and just say this I think because of food insecurity particularly in our community as we see and we heard Miss PR talk about the the gentleman that's um out there and homeless and I get a lot of those um at meet me Monday I'm quite sure all of us see folks who are in need um and all of them um have challenges sometime with food in security I would like to see at some point one day where the city has its own food Pantry so that we can get the food get the items and be our own keeper of being able to assist our residents because when you have that then you can make it specific to your residents to your community because you're in charge of the entire program and I think that's something uh futuristically that the city needs to look at a pantry effort uh we did have that at one time many years ago over at um Ingram Park in the senior City building because those back two rooms were actually designed for Pantry big freezers the whole nine yards uh because food insecurity is something that is not going to go away so I would hope that's something as we look at the data to see that may be viable or doable but I hope section two captures your concerns but if not if you want to make an amendment to use that language the database I have no problem with that Mr Mayor to uh my colleague all right thank you commissioner Kelly Mr Mayor commissioner B I agree with uh my colleagues as it relates to food insecurities in our in our neighborhood um however I did some research as it relates to how many feedings we do have in the city of opaka monthly and if my research is correct we have between 11 to 18 feedings per month in the city I believe that we should have a collaborative effort with some of these feedings to um secure you know more food for our residents but as commissioner Williams point out we will it's not a good thing for us to use our taxpaying dollars for non-residents um you know we go to Miami Gardens don't matter what it is we going to pay we pay for it we don't drive through Miami Gardens for free you know we pay for it their swimming lessons their after school programs what have you their football basketball baseball we pay for it um and I know um it might sound a little heartless but let truth be told we are responsible for our own residents we are responsible to do what's necessary to help them with food insecurities but at this point seeing that we have between 11 to 18 feedings in the city ly I believe that there's sufficient right now um as it relates to having enough food I mean you never really have enough but something to start with and take a moment and revisit um this item you know put our ducks in a row get it together and then move forward but as of right now I will not support this for the main reason we have so many feedings in the city monthly between 11 to 18 and that is a lot thank you commissioner B um any I wasn't gonna say anything but commissioner bash you said something I'm I'm a little challenged by the statement that we're not taking care of our residents and we question on the social services side of it but when we do entertainment the people that are patronizing those activities are not always all opaka residents so we can do it on the entertainment side then we can definitely do it on the social services side so that's why I'm a little torn by that statement because we have things and it's packed out there though there are some parameters in place when we do certain certain entertainment things right like the toy drive we take data and stuff like that but those open those open um entertainment I'mma say use that term that we have we're not collecting data we're not saying if you're not overlocking you can't come so I I I that's why I'm challenged with that statement because if we can do it on the entertainment side then we could sure do it on the social services yes ma'am commissioner um bass I understand what you're saying I do understand what you're saying because we do have that issue in some of our our um events that we do right I mean it's it's blatant our Bingo whatever we do have a lot of people show up that it's not our resident and if we were well that's another subject but um right now like I said before because of the amount of feelings that we already have in the city it's not like if we don't have any or we have one two or three we have but 18 per month so I understand what you're saying but 18 is a lot if it's 11 it's a lot okay Mr Mayor commissioner Williams um um so I think I think for me what I wanted to do is build build the database because we know this this of course as we continue to move away from you know the pandemic and everything all type of services I see it in the school system with Esser funds um intervention funds and I can go on and on and I'm sure um if you have children you see it too so as we move away less funds will be taken from cities um in in in these um or social services but what I what I want to say is it's not that I'm against the item I would just like for us moving forward during these last few months to build a database I know commissioner Kelly said it would be through the city manager's office but if that language which could just be a little bit more clear that um that database will be collected through the through the the last few months so that we can ensure moving forward next year we we know that we're if this is a viable thing to do because we're reaching our residents and then if it's not because and I and I totally understand the activities versus um you know this this is different you know we're talking food and toys and and so those are things that you know are needed so I think for me that I can swallow it a little bit more if I know moving forward and I I love the idea of having our own pantry and maybe that then would be our next step moving into the future and Beyond thank you Mr Man Mr May no problem commission to to um my colleagues point it says for the manager so you have another alternative in terms of how it be evaluated is that what you're recommending I well I think because it says for the [Music] manager that means that we're leaving it in their hands the manager's office hands to create to think of whatever evaluation system I'm saying I want to be clear in the language that the manager's office will collect a database um of residents as they go through because our employees are are actually out you know there handing out and distributing the food but even moving forward I mean we should even be we've had we've seen food distributions where people actually have to RSVP or actually have to apply before they come so we're just going you know we're handing handing handing no problem but just to make sure moving forward we know um we have good data so that we can um go to the next step I I don't want to continue I just want to just the commission can vote it up or down how they feel um but to my colleague and I don't I don't want to yeah let me correct the misinformation city employees no longer pass out food that was stopped and it was just stopped it wasn't even emailed it was just all of a sudden one uh feeding for feeding uh Farm share they came set to the tables and they left so they don't even do volunteers Do It um to come in and help and assist the staff does not quote unquote pass out uh food anymore but if the language you prefer is to have the manager to do the evaluation bring it back to the commission for final recommendation approval I have no problem with it um however the commission wants to to do that's fine with me I'll accept that commissioner commissioner Kelly I think and I agree with commissioner William I think what she's saying is that she want a detailed layout of what the data is so I'm going to um make a motion that the data that's collected through the manager's office includes name address um phone number email and then also we provide we do account of everyone that is there and then compare that to the opal Locker residents that actually received at that time and that goes on every feeding and then at the end of I think this is the nine months this is just nine months nine months at the end of the nine months if if this is to pass then the manager will present this data back to the commission where we begin to discuss and see which way we're going full um going in the future be it a pantry which I do like the idea because South Florida does that a pantry um or if we're going to continue with the feeding is that perfect okay so Madam Madame attorney that is my motion on this item and I think you said it was in the second where ask Kelly what where ask well I guess the attorney can put it where she feel being sit yes Mr Mayor um I will add it to that um that authorization section to Clause okay so can I get a second on the motion made second second by commissioner Kelly um let's vote on the motion Madam Clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass no mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 One on the amendment okay and now we can actually vote on the actual well I'm sorry I'm sorry Vice okay uh Mr Mayor I'm I'm I'm torn over here with the the whole thing um do we have to use feeding South Florida because we have other nonprofits that give um food as well so that are we stuck with feeding South Florida Mr Mayor to commission G uh we're not stuck with them the challenge we have is we're in the meeting of in the middle of feeding when they so there was no other way for us to continue and I wasn't going to sign nothing saying continue so I had to bring it to the commission um what you're suggesting people that may donate meat May donate bread donate vegetables they do to a lot of nonprofit that's why I brought up the idea of the pantry because that's where the pantry would fit in you would have a pantry where and I know you've done this people donated meat well you would put that in the pantry as opposed to maybe you couldn't go out in your golf cart that day and pass it out you take to the city's Pantry whatever the parameters we have it's open 9 to 12 5: to 7 in the evening that's that's where that would fall into line um but no we're not stuck with them but they're the ones that that are doing it at this point on this wholesale level to do what you're suggesting we got to actually go out reach out to them probably get and I'm not an attorney get some us done that says they agree to do whatever give it to us this date because once we say for example we're giving out whatever we're giving out people gonna show up now as you know and you've probably seen and all of us have sometime people have surplus of this I know at my church I we used to get bread sometimes got a lot of bread some sometimes public had no bread so this allows us to finish the program for the rest of this fisol year then the commission can evaluate what they want to do going forward but it's not something that I could do on my own um I is I told some residents because we haven't been doing it um it has come before the commission because it's $29,000 to finish for the rest of the year if the commission decides which I hope they do do go to Pantry route after collecting the data and seeing it's more beneficial put a staff person there put whatever uh uh volunteers or whatever there um going forward that'll be fine but right now to even go out and get those M us and get would take us a while and I mean I don't know how long maybe um attorney or even the manager can say how long does it normally take to get an mou done to maybe what the vice mest invting going out to get agencies or entities um Mr Mayor to the attorney and the manager because the both of them deal with M us how long does that process normally take Madam attorney or the manager you want to weigh in yes I'll weigh in since it's my office that normally negotiates those uh M us and then they're brought uh to the City attorney for legal efficiency before being approved by the commission and it really depends on the the subject uh it can range uh easily 90 days easily yeah and and that's one because I actually thought about that too because I know you've been out there and I've done it at through my church but the time to get it done and it's got to come to the commission because it's a city project it's a city initiated um goal so I thought this was the simplest and easiest way to continue the program and then the commission could reevaluate and I'm still going to go back to what I said earlier this is 29,000 $700 all of us up here know we spend way more than that on stuff that we're not even sure what takes place and I didn't want to get into that discussion if the commission has a pause I like the idea of doing that but as the manager indicating 90 days so if it takes us 90 days to get meat the bread or some of our produce folks that could give us whatever that's something I think we need to look at for a pantry I think that'll work um really good but to question okay and if and if I may um I know that I have given out food and the food that was given out was only for opaka residents I know that that happened because I was there and I volunteered several times so what make this different that we is it something that says we can't only serve our residents well because we're getting you talking about ffing South Florida yeah if we're paying for it if we're paying for it they're not giving it to us we're paying for it well if we're paying for it um we can we can ask that question if we want to limit it to opaka Residence I was just trying to get it on the agenda for the commission to make a decision we want to go forward because there's still a process even after doing this um you know it's got to go back to their office and what have you but I definitely can you know raise that that question that since we're going to pay for it can we limit it obak of residents cor I don't have a problem doing that either and the other this my last question the other question or thought that I have is I know that with um feed um oh my goodness feeding South Florida they give us paper for them but they do they collect it or do we keep it South Florida is done on the tablet before they went to the tablet they wrote it in so somewhere we have data as to how many opaka residents opposed to others that we served at feeding South Florida well we have yeah there's data from I guess prum collecting now I don't know what what's on the numbers but yeah we used to write the name the address and what have you on it but then they discouraged us from doing that because you know it's not just it wasn't ours personally but then they came back and start doing the same thing basically so it's kind of a cash 22 but if we can you know they we're paying for it and we want to limit it I don't have a problem with that um either um I will direct that to the um City attorney and when we reach out to them to their legal department or whatever um we can do that I don't follow with that okay okay I'm going to go ahead and close the discussion on this item because we've been around this mountain long enough and we a ways to go so Madam clerk let's go ahead and call the questioner and then we can move on to the next item commissioner baz no vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes as long as we have a um a detailed list of residents mayor Taylor yes motion passes for 41 all right as we move on to [Music] 133 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida directing the interim city manager to submit an improvement plan to the city commission for both seagull Park and Ingram Park further directing a detailed report on the utilization of the allocated American Rescue plan Act of 2021 arpa funds for set Parks no later than March 31st 2024 providing for incorporation of titles providing for an effective date this is sponsored by commissioner Kelly all right can I get a motion move it move by commissioner Kelly second second by commissioner Williams commissioner Kell this is your item you can go ahead thank you um this item came about and I mentioned it uh really over the last months of last year uh what we doing in terms of our oper funding because I know it has a suspense date of 2024 at the end of the year I had not heard heard any kind of plans or what we're going to do and so I mentioned this a while back and then um still hadn't heard anything in terms of a document of a plan I've heard a lot of things in the wind heard a lot of things in the air but nothing concrete and I did not want us to get to the point of like we do a lot of things in this city last minute and then we got to pass something and so I brought it up a couple of times to no response so I said well let me put in legislation and it will get movement and when of course when I mentioned it things start moving as all of us aware we got a whole lot of stuff happening at Sea Park all of a sudden but nothing was really happening after we put the gate up and I might add we put that gate up even the one at Ingram Park that was not even approved by the commission so I said let's find out what the plan is or what's being recommended are thought of by management for the Improvement for both seagull and Ingram Park um because I don't want us to get to the end of 2024 and not have a concrete plan what we're going to do with oper dolls we know that they were allocated as part of a process for uh Ingram and seagull and so I wanted to know I want the commission to know what plan is being out what's out there to to spend the dollars I know there's some bigger picture and want to do major things but for the funding that's allocated for the the arpa funds we need make sure whatever we're going to use them for now I'm quite sure um there are some plans now because as we know when it's on the agenda we um I'm quite sure been told about them some things for Seagull Park um but I really hadn't heard a whole lot about Ingram Park and again we're only talking about um I think it's $250,000 or whatever the amount is so I wanted to know what is the plan to utilize those dollars to bring it before the commission so that we can vote on it so we're not here in October November having to uh have come up with a plan on how we're going to spend those dollars and I say that because remember there is a park master plan that the city um invested money on that I still haven't seen that have something to do with whatever plans we're going to to do or can at least complement it so that is why the resolution is there to direct the um manager for a report on what we're going to do or what is being proposed for those funds for Seagull Park and Ingram um and that's why the legislation is there thank you Mr Mayor okay this item was also pulled um thank you Mr through the mayor um quick and not to be be later the time but um I think where I was needed some clarity it it appears and this is just to me that there are two things being asked in this legislation one what is where the what are the plans the Improvement plan for Seagull and Ingram Park under arpa funds and then it also and this could be subjective on my part seems as if it's asking for what are what have we done with the arpa funds themselves and I think I needed some clarity is this legislation only asking for what have we done with the arpa funds for Seagull and Ingram Park or is this asking for Seagull and Ingram Park as well as all of the arpa funds in itself Mr Mayor commission Kelly no this is really just for Ingram and C as relates to the OPA funds not for the rest of the city or any other allocations this is strictly for the parks um for those two parks for that amount of money that was allocated via the workshop the community came out they voted on four or five different things they wanted to see and this was one of them but I had not heard a plan as to what we were going to do with the $250,000 so that's why I put the legislation forward but it has nothing to do with all the other oper funds of dollars I just know that whatever we're going to do from what I'm told by staff and the manag office has to be encumbered um by the end of this year and let me be clear on that Mr M can I get that Clarity from the manager's office to be clear because that's what I was told Mr Mayor oh um Mr manager yes through the mayor to commissioner Kelly yes that's correct okay so to my colleague that's why it's here because we got to encumber the money not necessarily spend it per se but it's got to be encumbered uh before the end of this year and we're already at March so whatever the plan is and again I'm pretty sure some of the things that are happening or going to happen at Seagull are going to be utilizing some of those funds um no no let me not speculate I believe it probably will be but it may not be but it might be used last for some of the improvements that Seagal but to my colleague it has nothing to do with the other oper fund projects or whatever just seagull and Eng and commissioner Williams I know you was going to way back in but um commissioner Williams question was the same question that I had and the only thing that I'm going to request is that the report that is generated for the OPA funds I would like to see how the money is allocated for all the yes that's what I'm and I also would like to see it adopted in legislation form because we have not done that yet and we're we were supposed to do that by the end of the year and you know I've been screaming about oper for the last couple years so I would yeah I understand the seagull and Ingram and I appreciate you bringing this legislation but I would like to see the complete utilization of oper and not just for the park but complete utilization I I I have no problem with that Amendment or that item um I was just trying to make sure this was n you know so and and and through the mayor that's exactly where I was going you read my because I I do want to and and I want to separate church and state here so um because there that money was allocated for Seagull and Ingram and then you know asking hey what's the plan no problem because that we know 250,000 was allocated but I do think that I um we the the voters voted there was a workshop the largest Workshop that was ever attended um by our by our residents um maybe having a in in my mind I'm thinking maybe next commission meeting or something we can have something where we're sharing out to the voters um you know I'm going to say PowerPoint prey I can go canva but something that our voters that attended the workshop they know and they can see that that money is being moved and how it's being used as well and that's the the whole all of the funds um as well as um seagull and Ingram thank you so that's my Amendment to the item and the only other thing um commissioner Kelly asked for a plan so the plan by I guess March 31st but I think we need to put a date on the second part as well and I'm I would dare to say by the first commission meeting in April that it comes back to the commission and legislation form detail every dollar every penny so that we know where the money is going and I will also further suggest well we have agenda briefing I going to say that you sit with the commissioner but we have agenda briefings so those would those would be my that would be my amendment to this legislation if the sponsor does not my problem with no problem okay I'll second your motion on your Amendment thank you and Madam attorney and Mr manager you were understanding of what we're asking okay all right we're good all right Madame clerk on the amendment commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes Vice May irvan yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes on the amendment okay now we can call the question Madam um clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes vice mayor urvan yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right um next item um 134 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida amending resolution 23-12 to authorize the interim city manager to allocate funding of up to $2,000 per month in fiscal year 2023 2024 until September 30th 2024 in order to continue the city's monthly Bingo event and to cover expenditures from the city's parks and recreational special ation special events budget providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by mayor Taylor can I get a motion move it move by commissioner Williams second second by vice mayor Irving this is my item and I don't mind introducing it simply put I'm asking for money so that we can continue Bingo me commissioner Kelly and vice man Irvin usually take on the brunt of this event and most of the times it comes out of our personal pockets and say that most of the time it comes out of that's I'm say out of our personal Pockets so so I'm simply asking that for help to offset the cost for Bingo and this is another item that was pulled so we can open up the floor for discussion and then we can move on Mr Mayor I pulled the item and since I became the queen of pools tonight um you said it nothing me go ahead commission Willam tonight tonight um I I pulled it only because um although although I may not be at all being G but I would um love for all of for this to be an event for all of us to sponsor and the reason why I pulled it is um because this the Bingo grows and grows and grows and is one of our largest um events or activities that our residents and others enjoy I just was wondering what's 2,000 enough 2000 is actually enough oh okay that's I was well no because because I know that like you know certain months um I'm trying to see this fiscal year you know does this include like holidays and no it's it's actually it's actually enough it's a good number okay no I just want to yeah because don't try to buy um 50 inch TVs and and and people's cars and well I think that's what people like so that's why I'm asking was that but if you say it's enough that when I saw the amount I I thought you all were kind lowballing yourselves but okay no problem I'll go in that's the M okay he being cheap y'all know I'm cheating so I would like to um and only because I do know um that vice mayor does um and others all of you all did an amaz have done an amazing job with um the being go and everyone talks about it um um I I just I would like to raise it to 3,000 only because I do think that it is um especially when we feed when we feed our our our when we do real food so you don't like when I bought a pizza that's I mean it but not so much that what you're saying because I'm offended so I'm just I'm just offering to increase to 3,000 um and then just you know um include and just the whole commission involved that's it Vice tell me I accept for minut I I Mr Mayor I I have a problem with the the increase we won't see no more pizza no more that'd be good but um I would hope with the three with if it goes to 3,000 that's approve the sound microphone we need to have a microphone system cuz this is one of of our biggest and one of the reasons is grown but trying to hear numbers and all of that so we're going to really do it we need one like manager got that say everything stop there um that if you can find within it probably just the first month um what do you call it I know the vice may had bought one herself but we need one for the for the building for Bingo since we know we're going to be doing it and a possible a little mic or something that the folks you know giving out the numbers around because you know that could be a challenge when commission Williams call the number they don't hear him I know they hear oh yes I know they hear so I would you know support whatever number you're going up but that could be included well at least initial the agenda is open Ed so we I get what if it passes so pass I get with the manager and see what we can order to make sure that everything that was disced discuss up here is passed I mean is purchased Mr Man Mr Mayor commissioner bass okay I know I'm sticking out like a sore thumb tonight but that's okay with me um I got an issue with it and my issue simply is going back to the other resolution as it relates to the food we are don't get me wrong I love Bingo I go to bingo I actually got kitchen towels from Bingo because I won but we are still using using or we will be using taxpayers dollars to have Bingo where we know that at least 40 to 50% of those persons that attend Bango that are not from the city of opala I will support it if there's a way that we can develop where show me your ID do you live in opaka come in if you don't live in opaka if you still want to come in hey you got a service fee $10 whatever because I am not going to sit here and agree for us to have a open bingo with taxpayers dollars and again I'm not against bingo I love going to bingo I love the food I love the company but again it's the dollars and how we are spending our taxpayers dollars that's it okay well commissioner baz I hear you and if data is what you want to collect then we can start doing that but again we have a lot of events in the city of opaka and we don't know who's coming a lot of people patronize the city of opal lock events events why because they say they're fun like some of us patronize other people's events because we say that they are they are they're fun interesting but if data is what you want because we can't prove that over 40 to 50% of the people that are there if data has never been collected that's not opaka so that's not a um judgment but again going forward we can collect data but I'm sorry the whole show me your ID um I don't agree with u Mr Mayor commissioner b i um I'm okay with you feeling that way because we're all entitled to our feelings but again I will not support it for the mere fact that you know we all talking about we we we spend money on everything else and we and I got that I got that but purposely knowing that you are doing something it's different from doing it and not really knowing we would know that we are are spending the money knowing that a number of these people are not from opaka that's all I'm saying if we're having something in the park and residents from elsewhere come that's the park it's open that's where being is a park and it's it's indoors and we allow them to come indoors and we give them well not yet but if this passes we will be giving to them items there that are purchased by our tax paying dollars that's all I'm saying that's all I'm saying okay thank you commissioner B and I I understand your sentiments on that issue again we've been around this mountain too long so let's go ahead and call the question before you call a question go ahead are we all gonna be a part of bingo now yes ma' okay thank you I don't want to be treated like uh you know who in our sister State I don't operate like that that's not me so and I will publicly say so B cler the Bingo fire remove all pictures or ADD all pictures so either one you can take all the pictures off or you can edit them so it's up to you Mr I was just oh I was just trying to say and I I 100% um agree and understand I'm wondering just the and I don't know if this is a offline conversation I do know that maybe maybe if we do collect the data at bingo maybe the the big ticket items are raffled I don't know big ticket items are raffle for the residents only and then the the smaller items are open open kill open whatever you call it no I think that's a that's a a fair compromise and I actually like that idea so we'll do that um will set rules and parameters she's saying like the the the Raffles in order for you to receive the raffle you have to be a part of a resident of a um city so the big tiet the TV in so well we'll go with that well I I I I'm let me just say this let me just say this pick this up I I understand and all of us entitled and it's taxpayer dollars and we need to be stewards of taxpayer dollars and I could stay here for an hour talking about Steward of taxpayer dollars that we're messing up and it's our dollars but I'm not GNA go that route right now I'm trying to figure out because we have people that live in the city bring family members who not necessarily um residents but they come with them so we're saying now at this point in the raffle the resident can get it but the other one can't so we got a special ticket for the resident is that is that the intent that was commissioner that was I was I was trying to meet in the middle I no I mean we can can continue I was just trying to I don't have a problem collecting data I'm just I mean as you all you all pointed out probably accurate I don't know if it's 40% but there is a percentage that attend a lot of our events activities that are not City residents I just don't know if we want to go you know but collect the data I would probably where it go I think right now Bingo is very popular it gives us a lot of positive press a lot of Goodwill from the community in and out so you know I I don't know if you want to just diminish that okay but collecting the data and then come back the end of the year the see I guess you could do that Mr I'm good way if I may say I also get donations like right now think at parks I have like 750 inch televisions that's for Bingo that's waiting to be waiting for us to get back the TV that I got since you got that's up to you I got mine donated and you heard that return the and I would like for those to be for whoever shows up okay okay question we can go ahead and call the question Mr Mayor two things um in terms of the flyer can you direct me in terms of pictures and no pictures we'll do that offline okay because I don't want to make that determination we'll do we'll do it offline okay and then secondly I have a motion to amend to increase to $3,000 by commissioner Williams I don't have a second on that are we still moving forward with that Amendment we approved that Amendment no we did not okay let's then let's redo the whole process over so commissioner Williams made a motion to approve the increase of 3,000 and now and it's going to be second you said second second by vice mayor so let's vote on the amendment vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly I was trying to catch the question he was so fast that's includes getting the sound system although that's a one time thing no but the um the the the resolution is open in so we just order it okay uh yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz no mayor Taylor yes motion on the amendment passes 41 and then the question you commissioner bass no vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 41 All Right Moving On We're Going to item 139 is it item 136 May 13 six a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida directing the interim city manager to review the water San sanitary sewage and storm water billing agreement with Miami day County related to Water and Sewer meter readings billing and collection Services providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsor by commissioner Kelly move it move by commissioner Kelly second second by commissioner Williams commissioner Kelly go ahead and introduce your item Mr Mayor yes sir thank you um this item is before the commission because in order to um get information to make sure it comes to us or I'll say you know that I feel is necessary and needed I want to do it through legislation one of the things I constantly hear is the weekly or uh Friday call with the state oversight where we're updating them and they're okay with this and okay with that I I've also been told that you know elected officials uh um can sit in on the call hit up on the Friday I did get one finally other week from the man's office ask if I want to sit in but I I could not sit in at that one but what I'm concerned about is um [Music] being um privy to having information to know what is going on because all of us can't sit on those Friday calls and I'm concerned when I hear about um the state is okay with this or the state is not okay with that uh or they got a problem with that but we never get specifics on those particular uh causes or what the concern is and the latest of course was the one that has happened here recently um where the state had no problems with our budget issues even though we had to come back and pass it because they had been notified in advance on one of the calls um but yet the commission hadn't been notified and I I brought it up before so I said in order to be able to really know what's going on on these calls whatever they may be that the commission would receive a report um however short however long from the manager's office uh the Tuesday following just to say here's what was discussed here's the challenges here's the okay here's what's going on so that we wouldn't know um what's going on with those calls um this legislation is just for asking for a recap of that uh week meeting because I I don't like getting sometimes well the state is okay we talked to them and they're okay we met with them in our Friday briefing and they're okay or they don't have a problem or they do have a problem we heard that before in the past so I said rather than trying to just ask the manager myself I bring it before the commission because maybe others may have concerns or want to know what's going on with those calls what's taking place so that that item passed the item we're referring to is um number six the water bill the water um I'm sorry water billing agreement I'm gonna blame the clerk for that because they notated my thing wrong I'm so sorry I apologize and y'all let me go on I that means I was saying nobody saying nothing even the manager smiled y'all okay uh well let me make this brief um this this item is going back um even to last year want to know about what's happening with the water water bills I was getting to meet me Monday and of course we've had residents that have come up talking about getting two bills I've had business owners saying that they've gotten a bills that they felt were not correct and when they you know told they got to pay them and so what I wanted to do and I mentioned before was to have the manager's office look at all of Theus related to the water collection all of those things dealing with the meters and including um even with um Code Compliance because as we know the county gets the the money from residential collections we don't they control even the transfer station we had you know shut that down and went out I think now we did get that back on track so this legislation is requesting the ICM to look at all of those agreements and come back to the commission with any recommendation suggestions uh whether we need to tweak this or we're okay with that or it's good for now but we need to be on the lookout for when they do expire um because I still have some concerns about those complaints of folks getting water bills utility bills um some of them getting too right back to back and even the process of communication I think the manager I said at one point I think he said he reached out to him and was trying to get some kind of clarity because we don't really control water bills anymore you know it's a county function but when folks go down to talk they can't really get anwers down there and in their mind it's still a water issue for the city so that's why the resolution before is asking the ICM to um review all of those agreements the one I have a real challenge of course is the code um compliance in terms of we don't get to collect any money off of it but it's an eyesore and sometime those pile out there for 14 days and eyesore um and the county gets that money we get none of that Revenue so um that's why the legislation is before you um to review all those thank you all right this item was also pulled so any questions for the sponsor on this item I pulled the item because in my briefing um I remembered the manager's office working on something that was before you got there and I asked um City manager shamea Lawson were they already working on that and she told me that that indeed they were already working on on this so I was just wondering why the resolution well I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you like this Madam vice mayor there are a lot of things we working on but I never get the answers to this is not a new issue this issue you've been at meet me Monday were supposed to talk about water bills and duplication and I bring it to Management's attention and I hear they're working on it but I never hear anything but here lately over the last couple of months I've I've had a lot more residents complaining W to know and again we don't really control the process so what I want to know if we're working on it where are we in the working on process is there something that the commission needs to get more involved because if they've been working on it you said you met with asking wi how long ago um just just at my briefing on oh just okay and how long have they been working on how long they tell you been working on oh I didn't add the question yeah I've heard they've been working on it but how long we gonna work on it because it's ongoing and it's been going on really since last year so I said let's look at all the agreements because you know we were in a tight we understand we were in a position we had to go to County and and do these agreements but now that things you know we gotten a little better I just want to review them to see and again the biggest one I always have the challenge is the cold compliance and the transfer station I know let me ask this since you brought that up vice mayor um since part of you're working on it is part of working on it um dealt with the transfer station too absolutely uh through uh through the mayor to commissioner Kelly we have been in active negotiations um uh on this issue um for several months uh we began the negotiate I'm in charge of the negotiation for code and transfer station uh the Director of Finance uh Naima walker uh she's negotiating the water building and utility building issues uh and and we're supported and advised by both uh Mr anathan and also uh for uh budget Administration and also Mr AR Austin for Public Works uh for the transfer station we've had multiple negotiations on it our negotiations hit a standstill when they were refusing to uh allow the city of opaka to move forward with our own transfer station uh they went back to the mayor's office and now we are still negotiating uh the position that we're we left them with was um you know all transfer stations that you're offering the city under this contract are outside the city limits uh their concern is uh one competition from uh another outside Source if we if we open up our transfer station will we form that work out and they have a competitor or will we be collecting some type of fees by uh how we uh dispose of it and what we clearly stated to them in that negotiation is that you know we're not looking for this to be a profit center for the ca Locker we're looking to provide the residents of the city of opalak an opportunity to dispose of their Wass inside their city limits that contract does not have a transfer station within the city limits now if they want to uh now they're looking at if they can offer to the city of opaka the opportunity to we set up that transfer station and then they will man it as part of that agreement uh that was the last conversation that we had approximately two weeks ago uh we're supposed to have a follow-up meeting uh next Wednesday to see what their responses to that um and Miss uh and Miss uh uh Miss Gant I'm sorry I was about to say Mrs Walker Miss Gant can provide a response on the update on the water billing um negotiation well it go Mr Mayor thank you manager it goes to to the point you're making you you request you ask now everything the manager said I I'm glad we're doing it but I've been asking about that since last year and the residents have come before us the only thing they've gotten is we're working on it we need to they need to know we are working and where we are and whatever the process and I I want to know where we are in these process just like I'm sure my colleagues do so that's why the the resolution is there uh you know to see if we're at a standstill does the commission need to get involved or do something uh does it look like we're making progress because again when the residents come before us and are asking with these concerns about water bills and whatever we need to have an answer so what is the answer from the county on these concerns we can't just keep saying you know it ain't it ain't the city it's the county we need to have answers for our residents just like the part you said you're you got someone dealing with the cold side of um not getting the money which has always been a big one for me because it impacts we got to pick up all the legal stuff and pay the Tipping fees but then we don't get any collection so I want to know uh where that is because those are big items that I think the commission needs to be aware of so that's why the item was on the agenda so if they're working on it um you know I just would say whatever date just need to have a date uh that the manager's office or whoever is going to be able to come back and provide us with that information in some kind of documented form I don't problem I can I can um pull a resolution long as we gonna get a date when we'll get it okay any other questions to the sponsor on this item all right Madam clerk I'm I'm sorry I thought I heard M um commissioner Kelly said that he would pull it if he gets a date from the manager when he would receive this info am I correct commissioner Kelly the I'll proba get some date but I didn't get a date so um I wasn't putting a Time certain because there in negotiations in three different areas I just want to make sure it comes back to the commission I wasn't trying to say it needs to be done by a certain date because as he indicated they got three different parts going on the reason I got the legislation is the same one I've been hearing for a while going back to last year and the same one that the vice mayor raised where are we where we're doing so now that we're doing it I don't have a date certain just pass the resolution and whenever the manager office um finishes their review they'll bring it to the commission I'm not trying to tie their hands U Mr Mayor sorry um Mr manager thank you uh and to commissioner commissioner Kelly and the commission if it be the will of the commission since these are active negotiations uh Administration would be more than willing to provide monthly update on all of the mou negotiations at the uh uh in the city manager report if it be the will of the commission I'm fine with that all right I'll pull the take the resolution on withraw so this item has been Updates this item has been withdrawn all right so we're going to 139 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the city manager to picky back the city of Miami contract with H&R Paving and Inc for qualified Professional Services for pavement resurfacing City of Miami ifb number 111 5382 28 and enter into an agreement with hnr Paving Inc for the seagull Park parking lot Improvement project in an amount not to exceed $3,586 providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the interim city manager all right can I get a motion move it move my commission Williams second second by vice mayor Mr manager thank you Mr Mayor so this is an item that is coming from our Capital Improvement projects this is uh one of the items that has been funded by our arpa funds which we are vigorously uh looking to encumber by all of those by the end of this year this was a project that was selected by the residents for the city to uh move forward on it was actually a two-part component the first component was passed at the last commission meeting with included the repair of the Trails um at Seagull Park and now we're looking as promised to expand the parking uh the parking lot to add additional spaces there and we have the the uh the manager for Capital Improvement projects Miss Adelina gross uh and myself available to answer any additional questions that the commission may have okay um this item was pull mayor commission Kelly um thank you as I said in the briefing and I I'm going to re it again it's coming from arpa funds uh um out of out of the 250 allocation so at least that part I'm sure of the question I have is really twofold um we passed at the last meeting well the commission passed the last meeting for the new trails because they're cracking Etc um to do that and the initial design of that was I guess given um for the new concrete Trails we got a revise one now because we're adding in this legislation we're adding eight parking spaces to the trail and we kind of reconfigured it a little bit um my question still goes to the same one ask in the briefing and I'm challenged by um those eight spots are not going to take up for those 20 that's lost across the street because when this item came up before to vote and the commission decided to swap whatever you do with the land one of the things I raised was where folks going to park that rent seagull Park Andor hel Miller Center because they use that parking lot we're going to create the spots cross you know inside of our um structure so what I'm told is we have 26 um spots in there uh without you know and we all know that go over there those dumpsters over there in the corner so you don't really have that total but what concerns me even more with the eight additional spots is that still not going to offset the number that you're losing across the street for parking so the question begs where are those folks going to park when you're renting the building when you're renting for the park we're going to have East egg hunt over there um in a few weeks and I hope it's you know going to be packed over at the park because you know we would have have that seagull like we've done in the past we have to use sometime to parking lot um for vending but we're having an in so that's not issue but what are we going to do to offset 20 and I'm using 20 those eight spots for parking the second challenge that I really had that brought up in the briefing and I thought I would have got a response before now was the drainage the drainage so I know I got an answer for that because um Miss gross is smiling but I asked for that in my briefing I didn't get an answer as to what about the drainage challenge that's over there at the part so I'm gonna get that answer now I'm assuming Mr Mayor so let me uh let me uh through the mayor to commissioner Kelly or to the commission let me first thank you sir uh so let me first state um we work very very hard to get you your responses it's very difficult sometimes when your your briefing is always scheduled the day before commission meeting so that gives us less than 24 hours to get responses from you uh get responses to you but we work diligently to get those um for the uh for the parking spaces we did a study on the on the lot I'd like for Miss gross to first to address your first question uh with regard to the placement of the of the parking uh the new parking spaces and how many spots estimated by our engineer were lost if you have that information readily available Sor good evening mayor and Commissioners um Mr manager I will get back to you I do not recall those numbers and I don't have them readily available right now but I will send the report to you for those numbers uh tomorrow morning so you can share with the commission fantastic so I know that our Carlos did do uh did do a review of how many spots were at the previous lot and we look to replace them in their entirety we'll provide that uh we'll provide that information to the commission as soon as it's readily available Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly um my briefing is when my briefing is and even you don't have the information just say you know it's tough to get it all but we're working on it and we hope to have it at the meeting or whatever but not to get it all I I don't I don't appreciate that second thing is even when y'all come out with this study I am challenged to see how and everybody's had functions of been the seal par you know you can get a whole bunch of cars in that lot across the street way more than eight that we're proposing in this new configuration I appreciate the eight but I I raised that question because again we're supposed to also put some parking on the east side of the fence and the open lot and I said that then because when you're doing this we rent out that park park is very popular and there are a lot of folks not just Park activities wakes memorials what are we going to do about it but again the second second part of that the drainage and I know you mentioned me you didn't wasn't really aware about the drainage problem but there's a major drainage challenge over there so if we're doing all these improvements with the trail we're going to repay it we're going to resurface it you know and then we're going to do the parking things the drainage is still a challenge we're going to have the same challenge in my opinion that you've had in a lot of our streets where we repaved them resurfaced them they look good on the top give about eight months and they're going to start to me that as my colleague said earlier we want to expend tax dollars wisely so what are we going to do to try to mitigate the drainage challenge so I'm going to answer both of your questions for during the project we are going to be um Trying to minimize the impact for the rentals so I have already asked Miss Miss Ray the director of parks to provide us with a schedule so we minimize the impact for on rentals and how the pr is going to be affecting those areas and we can Mo mobilize according to to the rentals and giving enough space not utilizing the parking space or not closing certain areas during the project that's well that that's for the Mr Mayor to imag that that's for the construction when you start working yes but I'm talking about the actual drainage concerns no themselves how are we going to address the drainage that was my second part okay uh the drainage we are addressing that right now with the PO works department there is drainage that is already installed on in on on the Helen Miller side there is not drainage existing on the actual seagull Park Side so we are already working on that with the with the public works department as well as my department to bring forward to the commission uh an an additional project so we can address those concerns as soon as possible but you you you hear my concern I raised the briefing so there not do we're doing all this Paving we're going to be doing all of this new stuff which is good but the drainage for Seagull should have been like the first thing on our mind if we're going to upgrade anything because it's it's a ongoing long-term issue we're going like me going backwards in the process and again you're working with public works and and I know what you're talking about even the drainage on the Helen Miller side is not the greatest because that used to be the racketball court and I can tell you although they fielded it it still has some Challenge on that side and that's why I'm raising that question so I look forward to whatever you're going to bring forward to the commission and how you're going to try to mitigate it and um you're still going to need more parking even though you're going to coordinate with for the construction of when you're doing this project I'm talking about even when you get it finished you got eight more spots sometime you may have 100 people over there depending on what the event is where they gonna Park yes where they GNA Park thank you Mr Mayor no problem any other questions for the manager or Mr Mayor commissioner Williams um quick question Miss gross how are you um I I do have I do have one question just to lack of a better word piggyback behind commissioner um Kelly when we resurface a pavement and there's um a uptick of of water or um flood does that water then go back and crack the pavement does this does that water build up now like are we now putting a Band-Aid on a problem um or that I think that's where I'm Cheng depends how the project is we can create a slop that can that can reduce the floting we also can Elevate the Elevate the the pavement or the area so there is a reduce a reducing on on the on the floting as well however the first project that we are going to be approaching is not the the surface of of the pavement is actually the trails for us right now that's a safety issue and since we are approaching the trails first the second part of the project is basically the the Milling resurfacing and addition of the of the of the parking spaces so we will be bringing to Commission a solution for drainage and mitigation of flooding before we can start well so but is there flooding on the trails there is no floting on the trails right now however there is a lot of tracking of cracking there is there are up seen so there's not a lot of there is some areas of the trails that they do flood and they do um get water accumulated due to the to to the existing problem of drainage that uh commissioner Kelly was mentioning but yes we are going to be addressing that as well because the change the pattern of the of the trails is also going to be U modified okay that's so will will the plan B part of the project which is mitigating the the drainage and everything do you now have to break up the trails and now to in order to to do that plan B project or that can happen that can happen seamlessly without okay that's I just don't want to like we're starting a project and now we have to that tends to happen unfortunately especially on our roads we band-aided and then we look up and it's cracked and all these things are happening because of flooding and we're just constantly going back to to Band-Aid so I'm just wanting to make sure that we're not going to pass something that I'm going to see in six months come back because now it's a problem okay thank you all right if there are no more questions for the manager Jo Miss gross um Madame clerk commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right last item on consented I'm sorry two more items on consent um what is this 13 13 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the interim city manager to approve a change order request for damante con construction and development Inc for the police department security access surveillance and network infrastructure for the new police station within City Hall in an amount not to exceed $999,990 providing for incorporation recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the inter city manager all right G get a motion move by commissioner B second by vice mayor Mr manager thank you Mr Mayor so very excited about this particular item because after this passes uh City vaka be will be one of the few uh City Halls in Miami day County that now has a hardened uh space uh like uh like many of the county spaces uh so that we will be able to determine and check and and make sure that uh security is maintained in our building and and that we can also provide boosted services for our Police Department this is an item coming from our it department and I have myself and also our director of it uh Mr Phil Walker here to answer questions that the commission may have all right do we have any questions to the manager for this item Mr Mayor I again I raised questions at the briefing I'm sure I get the same response didn't have a chance to get them all uh answered so I don't know if you're coming to answer them or they're going to be answered later um yeah I'll just wait to the manager you you have a question or I raised questions to brief guy he came up so I thought he was coming to address the good night every man okay so commissioner your question was about the the lobby area and uh the safety of the civilian um sitting inside the lobby um from my conversation with the chief um the lobby area is a public area and it has to stay um open they have to have access to that I can okay I I don't I just remember I just raised the question you said you wasn't sure there has to be open area so the Bullet whatever you call it the thing that we have down there now okay the metal detector right okay that will there will be an enclosure where uh there will be someone sitting there monitoring the the metal detector so when someone pass through it they will check and um see if they're clear to go on Beyond so the the metal detector will move forward a little bit it won't be all the way down there where it's where it is right now the it's going to move forward a little bit from where it is right now well whereas well when I came in it was like further up so you're saying move forward where back to the door to the entrance closer to the entrance so it's Des to catch anyone come in before you go anywhere before you get into before you get into the city Side yes sir okay and the police door is like really right there at that entrance so I'm trying to just picture my mind how that's going to to work and again I raised these questions when I first saw the design and I'm asking again because I understand going to police department and they're all insulated except for the lobby area you got to be buzzing I got that part cameras I got that but I'm challenged with the metal detector how that's going to really be impactful when it's way up you're already in the building so now you're tell them it's going to be pushed back further closer to the entrance Door yes sir um Chief you could good evening Mr Mayor Commissioners so the intent is for residents entering the Ingress portion of the building to first pass through the metal detectors the two the second axis the second entry will be secured will be locked once they pass through and they're proven to be not carrying anything or nothing of of a of a danger then the door will be buzzed and they'll have access into the city into the building currently there's no security measures they can walk right up to the security uh desk and have even in some occasions walked right past onto the elevator and made their way up into the building so this provides a secondary security Point prior to entering into the building and uh accessing the elevator area so is there going to be a divider there because I'm trying to just picture I I I got what a door is I come in the building okay I come in the building the the metal detector he he just indicated is closer towards the entrance so now I'm going to go through that and then make what a U-turn to come back to the building because I don't see enough space to put the metal detector open the door and come to your come to the police there's enough space commissioner we we checked it out with uh with the contractor it was there uh for the um uh the grand opening of the of the police station of the police headquarters it was there as a show how the process was going to work so there definitely enough space from the metal detector to where the double doors and it'll only be one door that will be open opening it'll be the the right hand door that will be accessing while the secondary door will be will be closed so once that's accessed they'll enter the building that door will close and lock so he just indicated somebody would well you or he indicated somebody's gonna buzz you in correct buzz me in where to get into the actual police station oh you're speaking of the police station I'm trying to figure out how this is all going to work because these you know through the uh through the mayor to commissioner Kelly I think I understand his perspective um you're answering about hardening the building I believe his concerns about the entrance to the police department and the entrance to the cashier's desk which are immediately to your left and right I'm not talking about inside I I saw that once you get inside there you gotta be buzzed in I'm not I'm saying I come in the building or the parent brings their kids in the building or the citizen comes in to see one of us they come through the door would you say to right cuz that's normally the only one open they come through there where the metal detector sits even if you bring it up as he's indicated to me is right on the door of the police department now you're saying it's a little room to to get through there and I'm trying to picture my mind I think and then I'm hearing buzzing in so I'm hearing all these different if I could if I could if I could respond I I understand uh what the where the disconnect is they're discussing hardening the building and you're discussing the space to the left which is the police station right and the cashier right correct well I don't know who's going to be out I was told security or somebody would be there I don't know who's going to be I would assume it's not police going to be our security we got now but I don't know so we will have a security there for the hardened space for the building you will be able to enter the building and go to your left which would be a a a room where the you can Engage The Police Department behind a u a secure bulletproof glass and you can do the same thing if you were uh those are considered what we are considered retail spaces so we don't Harden retail spaces like to you don't have uh metal detector to go into 7-Eleven but the person working at the 7-Eleven might be working with you behind a bulletproof glass and so that's how our setup is downstairs and I I hope that Bridges the Gap okay um and again the other point I made this is a budget amendment item so this was a change after something after you already originally did whatever we were doing in terms of our security knowing you're going to be there um I guess that's more of it question than police question and again I raised these questions at the briefing so they're not not new I know you weren't there but so the intent is if I'm hearing correct Mr manager and it you come in the in the building you can't get to the left you're going to go through the metal detectors and I'm still trying to picture is the manager saying coming around a little bit to go in there I'm not telling about once you get in there I know that's hard and to go through the door I'm just because I see kids come in their parents people come in there all the time I'm just wondering that traffic of just coming in there that something doesn't slip through the cracks so maybe the cameras are going to catch it maybe that security person that's going to be the closer that's going to be their responsibility I'm just trying to figure it out cuz we're spending a lot of um money to make sure it works I want to make sure it does work uh most cities you can't get anywhere until you go through the metal detective you can't even get to in our case because our entrance for the police department is so close that gives me a great um concern especially with the way folks are acting now you know it's just I I totally understand that and I I felt the same way we actually went there yesterday about me and the chief and look at it again and it will work okay I'm glad to hear it glad to hear thank you thank you Mr Mayor no problem Mr manager and well you all pulled the item so I'm kind of glad you did because the issue that I had not issue but the concern that I had is are all the access points secure we'll have all the access points secure okay that's because I understand we're hardening the front but we also have to take into consideration that we have access points that they will all be we won't go into detail publicly got it I got it I understood all right we're good on that all right any other questions [Music] to Mr Mayor I just want to put on the record that we're going to you don't see it here as a part of the backup we're going to um add legal is going to add the amendment to be consistent with how amendments are supposed to be done for this contract so this will be you don't see it as a part of your backup but it will be we will um add an amendment to this it's not really a um the way the way that you have it it's not not really a change order so much the contract requires an amendment so we'll be adding that to this item okay all right any other concerns or questions on this item all right Madam clerk so before we vote Madam clerk Madame attorney so what are we voting on tonight this you said this is not a change order it's actually Amendment to the contract right it can say change ORD so it the F the way that's title is fine but it does require article 9 which changes the um scope of work requires that you state specific things like um the description the estimated cost the um these are things that we can pull out of the but we're just going to put it in a more formalized way than what you see you see a lot of the strikethroughs that was done by our office because we were redacting things consistent with Florida Statutes allows you to if it's um security issues and things like that it allows you to strike through those things so that they're not public records so that's why you see all the strikethroughs but I'm saying I didn't want you to think it was going to just look like that right we're going to have a little bit more meat on it and and it's going to be a little bit more um information that will look more like the um what's supposed to be what it's supposed to look like for a contract Amendment okay so then I'm a little torn to support this because if we're not voting on what we see here today then I would rather this is pulled or tabled to a date certain and then you all update it and then bring it back the way it's supposed to look but as it stands today because what we're thinking is we're voting on it's not what we're voting on well you are voting on it and you all allow in many cases where this um it will be done in a form to be approved by the City attorney I mean that's essentially what I just wanted to bring to your attention it's not just like you're going to have blank things here when once we do do the contract with them it will be you know in a more detailed format to comport with contract amendments so it it's not changing anything it's still fine to go forward but I didn't want you want you to think it's going to look like this you the attorney once it's go wrong you have to defend us you're absolutely right I will lean on you thank you Mr May so we can go ahead and call the question I'm sorry Mr Mayor I just so I'm clear um to the attorney um you're saying basically that some of this is being redacted because of public whatever but however once it's done it's basically going to be what it's going to it's going to have the detail once the once you sign it with the contractor it's just not it's not available to the public because there are certain things and places that you're going to put things in and you don't want the public to be aware of they're going to put cameras in a certain room or you know whatever you know so there are things that we can legitimately redact under Florida Statutes but I want you to know that it's going to be more in a form once it's executed that will be you know consistent with how the contract is supposed to be amend it okay okay thank you madam attorney um Madam clerk commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right so we're moving on we don't have any Planning and Zoning items we're going into 1681 Mr Mayor commissioner Williams I think I P 15 15 you want me to go ahead and read it Mr Mayor oh yes ma'am I thought we were done with a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Obaka Florida authorizing the interum city manager to execute the consent agreement addendum attached here to to correct the issue of an open sewer permit and F and further clarify the timeliness requirement to rectify deficiencies and Pump Station basins number five and number seven within the city providing for incorporation incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the interim city manager all right um can I get a motion on this item move it move by commissioner bz second second by commission I mean vice mayor Irvin Mr manager this is your item go ahead and introduce it please yes sir uh this is an item coming from our public works department um it is very public worky so I'm going to have Mr Arya Austin uh available to answer any questions the commission may have all right any questions for the manager of Mr Austin on his item this was pull commissioner Williams well before uh the king of Zamunda comes um and speaks um look very nice today very very nice I just need the limo with the the flags in the front um I can keep going like so much I a go question okay um it was really quick it was a quick question I have nothing um no questions about pump stations and basins and Etc it was just about the consent agreement I know um because we failed to add something in the consent agreement does that mean that moving forward we will add the long standing open permit or was this just isolated for disagreement for disagreement and this sendum the county neglected to add a permit that was opened back in 2011 for some sewer work done on Port SED Road um this they're allowing us 90 days to close that permit with all the required uh paperwork in addition to that since they were bringing that back for an addendum item we provided them with date certain for Pump Station number five and pump station number seven to close that it open item out okay it was and it it was really just about the consent agreement I had a question there thank you so much you okay any other questions from Mr Austin or Mr manager all right Madam clerk vice mayor irvan yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right okay now we're moving on to our ordinances 1681 first reading Madam attorney an ordinance so the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida amending Article 2 Division 2 section 2-45 of the city of opa's code of ordinances to add the placement of future agenda items to the city commission agenda requiring a majority vote for placement of set items providing for severability providing for conflict and repealer and providing for an effective date this is sponsored by commissioner Williams all right can I get a motion moving move by commissioner Williams second second by vice mayor this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed M commissioner Williams thank you um Mr Mayor so I wanted to when I started on the commission I came into the commission with uh the future agenda items already placed and didn't have the other um lens of what we do now and because of that lens of our process now I believe it is in our best interest to return back to Future agenda items and I'm GNA just lay out a few things so one of the things if you noticed what we did with several items tonight so be exact is we flushed out deleted needed deferred and made amendments to um each other's items and I know with future agenda items we will save time because all those things will be flushed out and amended and everything based off of the commission's thought process before the item comes to commission so we don't spend and of course now that I have both lenses spend so much time flushing out each other's items um but we do it on the front end that's one number two I do know and going back to the previous commission meetings before I was on the commission that this was a recommendation by the Florida League of cities and the Florida League of cities recommended that we go through future agenda items to ensure that we actually move through our items um and ensure that our items are corly flushed out when we have them done so one of the things that I noticed since we took out future agenda items is we have directed the manager to do to do certain things we have placed several no we have placed an an enormous amount of items on the agenda that unfortunately our city our departments have not been able to really um push through and so then on the back end we then come back to commission meeting and then we hear um spank on the hand I don't have this done you have 30 days to do this well we're flushing out so many items that we're not giving our our support staff the time time to actually work through them and so that's what my opinion and this is an opinion that if we return back to systems good systems and routines and processes that we had in place before that we will allow our staff our city staff to catch up with items now I do know that others will say um the opposite and it's okay but we we're not seeing and I myself have said Hey where's this item I haven't seen this well if you go back to look at all the agenda items that we've had so many of them have been I need a report I need a report in 30 days I need this I want this I want this I want this and I myself don't even know how you can even keep up with everything that we're asking so I would like to see a better system put in place I know everybody on the board um specifically vice mayor was not here when future agenda items took place so um it is my hope that vice mayor and I'm only um speaking to you because I think we all had a taste of it um that you see both sides um and if future agenda items is not where we need to go then it's okay for us to revisit again but I think as a board we need to see and we need to all experience some good systems and processes in place that's going to allow our staff to really push through our items and and make sure that we're not seeing all these incomplete items that we're seeing because they're being rushed to be placed on the agenda so that's my piece thank you okay um well commissioner Williams you allow me to weigh in on the things that you said I understand the flushing out but I don't think that's a because remember now future General EMS we only briefly State the intent we don't dive into it at that moment the only time that we can dive into it is during commission meetings when we have the discussion items and we already have systems in place as it relates to when we send items that we want to go on the agenda to the manager or design in order for staff to have time to you know do their what you said um to work on it to work on it but I don't feel that a future G item is necessary and I said this before we got up here to legislate and this only would Min neutralize the commission as legislators and the only person or people that will be allowed to put things on the agenda without a barrier and also a lot of the items that came up tonight that we fleshed out were management or staff items so the only persons that would be allowed to move things forward is the city manager the City attorney and the city clerk when we were elected to be the legislators and the policy makers of this city so if you're neutralizing ing that power I I I don't understand what we're up here to do and I don't I don't know if that's your intent and um I'm I don't mean to say it that way and I don't I don't know if that's your intent but those are my feelings on the item which is the reason why when we when I first got on the Adas I asked for this to be removed so that's that's where I'm at with it and because I don't think it's going to accomplish anything it didn't accomplish anything before and I don't think it's going to accomplish anything now the only thing it just says that hey I want to put ice cream feed all the employees with ice cream we have to vote to whether or not is going to go on the agenda and then we work with staff to bring it and then discuss it we still have to discuss it on the DI so to me it adding an extra barrier doesn't accomplish anything in my opinion and I understand you said that the league of cities say this is good practice but there are not a lot of cities in South Florida or in Florida that utilizes this practice I understand it was brought to opaka but not a lot of cities do this practice well that's my take on future gender items we know how I feel about it I can't support it I can't support it commissioner Kelly um I I've seen it both both both ways as well I I won't I really was surprised to see it an agenda um but as my colleague said after looking at both sides she felt that um compelling to bring back and I respect that the challenge I have with the legislation is we're here to set policy and set legislation and putting that in the hands of the three appointed officials is not what we're elected to do and I've watched prior to um where folks don't want something on the agenda and they just won't vote it even get a a look not even knowing what it is and so it just sits there it could be the best piece of legislation but it never even gets a review or a look depending upon the Dynamics of that day you have a process in place which I'm not even thrilled about this process but it's the one that's being utilized we have to submit items to the city manager by a certain time frame he and his staff have an obligation to do their research and do their due diligence make a recommendation to the commission the attorney has a role obviously and prepareing a legal document and if it doesn't meet those time frames it can't get on the official agenda unless it's added on to and again a lot of the items that are coming forward um do require a lot of flushing out that's not going to take place in that initial vote so I'm really um not supportive of the item the other thing is when you talk about uh reports and and overwhelming um it would be great and I think a lot of items that we have on the agenda and my opinion wouldn't be there but but for a lack of communication and not getting information in a timely manner so you have to create a resolution I've set up here many times and I've sit here over the years and it could be good or bad where the commission would give a directive and it was kind of understood that the majority or at least the entire commission kind of felt that way um and the manager's office would look into it come back and I understand that's no longer the case so that's been a resolution form for a report and many things that I've requested going back historically I've never had to do and I always go back to meet me Monday I've never had to do that but I had to do it just to get information some of the reports that we see or asking we did it tonight please bring it back in 30 days PR doing you know give us report and Glory we had to do it through legislation rather than just simple communication but I'm trying to figure out the way this is structured you have to bring it forth three of us have to agree to even talk about it then it still has to go through that flushing out process come back to us for whatever review or whatever but if I don't think it's a good idea I may even have all the facts because we're certainly not going to be able for the future agenda item as you're proposing it pass out information and here's why I want to do it that's not the setting for it that's going to be time consuming in itself um but I I understand you're you're wanting to bring it back I have to look at it both ways I think the process in place we have to turn it in by 12:00 noon or whatever the time frame to the manager's office they do their due diligence and in some cases they may come back and say we need more time we still researching it so we can't get it done as quickly um and that can happen too it goes to the attorney legal sufficiency come back to the commission and then we vote on it but a future item may not even get on there because we're not going to discuss in detail whatever we're proposing because it comes as the end of the meeting we all been here probably two or three hours we're not going to listen to another 15 to 20 minute discussion on why I should put this on the agenda because we're gonna ask more questions then that the sponsor the item may not even prepare to answer and so it's going to require us saying no I can't support putting on agenda because I don't have this question answered I may not have been prepared to answer that because of the complexity of the issue um but you know you you indicated one person was really new um to it but um I seen it work both ways but I would listen to my colleagues and we could just vote it up or down thank you Mr Mayor no problem any other questions or concerns to the sponsor of this item all right Madame clerk commissioner Kelly no commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Tay no motion passes 32 first reading all right next item 16 A2 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida amending article 10 of the 10.5 of the city of opalak code of ordinances to establish the city of oba's Housing and Social Services Department providing for severability providing for conflict and repar and providing for an effective date this is sponsored by mayor Taylor can I get a motion move it second by commissioner Williams second by commissioner baz and I'll introduce this item um simply put we don't have a department that directly speaks to the needs of our community and I want to create something in opaka where it's a resource center where our residents can go to get and receive help so that's why you see this here before you on tonight and I'll take any questions as it relates to this item all right hearing n Madame clerk commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z first reading all right 1683 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida amending chapter 2 Article 2 Division 2 section 2-6 five of the city of balak's code of ordinances entitled state of the city to add a requirement that the mayor consult in a workshop setting with the city commission city manager and City attorney no later than 15 days prior to the state of the city address providing for severability providing for conflict and repealer and providing for an effective date this is sponsored by commissioner bass can I get a motion for this item move move by second vice mayor second by commissioner Williams commissioner bass this is your item thank you um I brought this item for the fact that well first let me just say thank you to our mayor for the work that he has been putting into securing a wonderful state of the city for the last two years um but as it relates to our Charter it says that I'm paraphrasing that you you should consult with us before um writing your your state of the city address so I just wanted to make sure that happens going forth that are voices I heard during the um the uh the state of the city address written by you and I know that you have the office reached out to us to put like what we thought about certain things but that's not to hold shebang so again I just want to make sure that we all have a voice as it relates to the state of the city okay um when when you say voice what's the intent of this resolution CU I I I hear voice of what do you I'm not because I'm not the first and only mayor that has ever sat in opaka and the state of the city has been done this way for many many many many years so clearly and I'll just say it straight it's a targeted resolution it is w and I don't know where it's coming from I I'm sorry that you feel that way and you should know me better than that let me finish my question please so are you asking for the planning or you want the speech that's what I'm a little no I'm asking what is in the um the chart itself if you read it it says that you're supposed to consult with us I read the charter so that's all I'm asking that you consult with us when writing the state of De seity address now if you want to add for us to also be a part of the the core I don't have a problem with that either okay okay commissioner V any other concerns on this item Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly well I'm not the mayor so it's not really my challenge but there are so many things that this city needs to address so many things and we're at the point now about how we're preparing the state of the city address we are and then we're going to fall back on the charter because the chart the charter says certain things should be spent a certain way we don't do we come back in a budget amendment the charter says anything over $25,000 the commission approved we've allowed it the charter says a lot we don't follow through but to bring up a legislative item basically saying consult with the commission the manager attorney before because the charter says so so guess what I this passive everything that's in this in the chter word for word verbum it better occur it better occur because we're going to go steep down to this level if you got something you want to put in there just say to the to the mayor That Ain't That Ain't No Sunshine violation he tries to Encompass all of us of what we're doing he asks you to you know have your own little statement piece to put in the address he acknowledges us at the meeting so I don't know what more we want to include as a part of this report or this presentation that he doesn't see because basically it's come from the manager and all the things that have occurred over the course of the year he's the figure he's the face of the city but I'm I'm just amazed that we're at this point with every everything going on in this city the challenges we have infrastructure everything we've got going on that we're reduced now to a charter changing ordinance here basically to say you got to consult in a workshop setting with the city commission basically before you give the state of the city no later than 15 days prior I know uh as a mayor sometime I've been working on that that speech for a couple of months and I'm encompassing what has taking place 15 days before I'm not even sure the manager's office has all the stuff they're giving that quickly earlier because things are changing I would implore my colleagues please don't reduce us to to this requiring that the mayor consult in a workshop and even if the charter does say it it says a lot so we're going to go that route and we're going to follow the charter to the letter to the T I don't a problem with that either I don't a problem with that either we can do that but I think this legislation is something that is not really necessary or good for the city as a whole given all of our issu isues and challenges that we have going on that we got an ordinance on requiring input we can't be reduced to that I'm quite sure the mayor does not have a a office a position that you can't you know hope you include this hope you don't forget to mention that I'm quite sure he's trying to be inclusive of all of us he even asks us to write something that goes into the pr program and I'll tell you as mayor when I was mayor I didn't do that I tried to accomplish what folks were doing I had them stand mention what projects they were doing what things they were doing but I never actually said write it down and put it in there he's went as far to say whatever you want to include these are your thoughts these are what you want to say I'll put it into the official program I think this is not good at all and I would implore you not to pass this because it sends a bad message that we're reduced to now basically saying to the mayor before you make the state of City address you make sure you consult with with the the commission as though I I I'm really disappointed to see it but I appreciate everybody has their own opinion and I respect it so however the commission votes we will vote thank you Mr Mayor and I want to say this for the record to the sponsor because you said suggested and alluded to that I violated the charter um and you also said that I didn't read it um for the record I reached out both to the manager I reached out to the commission through the clerk's office I also reached out to the attorney's office and I went a step further and actually reached out to the clerk so that assumption is not true so I just want to say that for the record well first let me just um through the mayor to commissioner Kelly I respect you as one of the senior person sitting on this Des but it bothers me right now to in my opinion for you to basically belittled an ordinance that is brought forth based on the city's Charter um yeah uh and to the mayor again I applaud you for your work I'm just saying that as a member of the day um my voice counts um all our voices count maybe some of us don't care but I care I care I care that my voice is is heard or my thoughts are are that they matter um I'm not going to pull this item because and I and I hate the fact that you would think that this is targeted against you it is only come on I hate the fact that you really believe that that that just cor to Williams give me pause that you would even think that bass you just sat up here and and I don't want to argue about this but you just sat up here and said that your voice matters and you're pretty much saying that I didn't give you a voice and in that state of the city I never said I I was very inclusive and for you to sit here and suggest that I ignored you or some kind of matter I'm sorry um if you're there's no I know question so the question this is it is targeted and I I'm sorry it's Target it let me what it is Mr I'm sorry okay no no I know my mic check um so maybe for the first time in opaka history or maybe any commission history um three three members that sit up here have done a state of the city right three of us have done a state of the city so we all have um some context behind um we have a lens and and the state of the city kind of live and breathe into you know what we're doing at the time and of course um you know and the mayor as well because that that's the [Music] um the chart says that our mayor is our figure the the person that's out front um so that's why the state of the city lives with the mayor but I I do want to say that I I hear I do hear both sides and I do think that um as EV every turn of the way inclusion inclusion within the state of the city um is always a good thing I am going to and I know I heard commissioner as say she wasn't going to pull it but I am going to request a pull only because only because let me say the thought process of what where you may want to go could reside in um next the the next state of the city and having that conversation with the mayor and having um conversations I don't know necessarily if it has to go on legislation but having that conversation um each of us I don't know if it needs to be in paper and pencil but if this is the direction of where the next state of the city is going to go then maybe having a consultation um having and I can go all these different routes of what we could do but um and I do see the mayor's point of view because I myself didn't do it to be honest it was based off of what the city was doing all the positive things that the city was doing and all the things that um that was going to move us forward at the time so I think that um I know commissioner bass said she wasn't going to pull it but I I think that a pull would be great U only to number one so that there's no disjoint on the board and number two I'm I'm I'm sure that if you and the mayor have that consultation based off of what you would like to see and what all of us would like to see in the the next go around maybe that could be I'm just trying to you know come to a happy medium so that we're not disjointed on the board that's it if I may commiss um commissioner Williams thank you for your words of wisdom I I'm not going to even say I'm torn because I'm not because I know what I want I believe if the mayor had not stated that he felt targeted I would have been more convinced to pull it I I just don't like that you really think that I targeted you that really bothered me the legislation bothered me well I understand and I respect that but it's not a Target resolution it's a more inclusive resolution that I would like to see you talk with us more let us know what you're doing within the the um state of the city address because truth be told last year we couldn't even get into this room it was on lockdown we knew absolutely nothing nothing at all St of the city this year we knew absolutely nothing but we're all here yes we know you are the head of the city you you're the face of the city I respect you for that I don't want your position it's too much pressure for me so let me stay where I am I'm just saying you need to be more inclusive and if this was the route that I had to go for for me to be more inclusive then this is the route when it comes to having the um the open Forum that was suggested just so we won't go against our VI have violations and having those conversations that was the only reason why that occurred and I'm still at the point where I'm just going to let it go it it votes down then it votes down if it's up it's up Mr Mayor can I just correct the record on just a couple of things you all are referring to the Charter you're not in violation of your Charter it's an ordinance so that's one thing and I just wanted to make sure if anybody were looking at the you know because Charters obviously would have to be passed with a referendum if it were a change so we're not talking about a charter we're talking about an ordinance that's all thank you thank you madam attorney all right we've been around this mountain too long so can we please call the question commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin this is crazy um no commissioner Kelly no commissioner Williams no mayor Taylor no motion fails all right we have no second reading ordinances no resolutions Mr manager you can go ahead with your report thank you so unfortunately uh as many of us aware we had a scenario where a young child uh was struck in our city uh first and and to provide all the details first by a a bus a County bus and secondarily uh by a u a SUV um so the scenario is uh when a death occurs uh those cases are immediately taken over by uh Mii day County uh homicide division uh for investigation and processing however if uh uh if a def does not occur and the child thankfully would survived uh the child was airlifted to ryer Trauma Center at Jackson uh and is now in stable condition that case remains um the city of opaka police department's case so I want to bring to the commission's attention and highlight the efforts of our Police Department as the vehicle that uh the second vehicle that actually struck the child and ran over the child and uh departed and left the scene that our police department has now identified the vehicle and we are actively uh looking to apprehend the driver so uh I want to bring that attention to uh our community about those efforts uh on behalf of our Obaka Police Department um next um and and also it's not discussed enough that our crime rates are are down uh lower than our sister cities uh and and as vice mayor will say as she's out in the community uh and the trime we do have it come from them sister cities so most definitely there is actually uh there is actually data that actually supports that so we are at a 10year low and our crime statistics uh we're doing very well and and we're continuing to see our our detectives uh do tremendous and our and all of our offices do tremendous work out there um next I I continue to have some additional good news uh for the first time uh and we like to tout our first for the T first time of the history of the city of opaka the CRA will will uh audit report will be published with the unqualified opinion so we're very very excited about that uh to position the CRA in that in that manner to have an unqualified opinion means that uh uh uh an external auditing uh accountant has reviewed uh the financials balance the books uh checks and balances and for the first time uh we're able to establish that uh and to um I I'll save the rest of my report for the uh uh for the uh mayor's mayor's report on on that um and since the time is nine I will hold uh hold my additional items and send them to you in writing okay any questions for the manager Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly this is the only form I have so I have to do it here I asked um last year um on several occasions documented about the properties on Lincoln and Magnolia North and also the Jackson North property of 27 I see some Demolition and some things taking place uh but I have not received anything from the manager's office on what's taking place in terms of what's going to happen at both sites and what do we know is being proposed for um development um and again this goes to that other item so I'm bringing up again um because I've requested that previously over the last uh year um I also want to mention about the park system um we had said we opened up the park at Ingram Park that there would be programs over there U there still has been no programs really present the community I noticed now we have a soccer club a program over there um and I had a couple of citizens reach out to me because I was actually out of town I guess when they first was over there um how was the community notified that they're there and is it a city program is it uh uh another entity using the facility so I was by there Road through there um yesterday evening last night and it seems like it's the club that used to be at Shandi that's over there so I want to know if we have anou with them um to provide the program of the service and how was the community um notified that we have soccer over there and what other programs we're going to have I'm going to stay on that I'm going to stay on that and I'm going to stay on that the next thing that I want to um ask about is um you know what I'll say that thank you Mr Mayor okay any other um questions or concerns to the city manager I'm oh commissioner Williams U Mr Mayor did you want me to respond or oh I'm sorry to us a writing Give It All To Us writing okay okay commissioner Williams okay um I did have two two things I um I know we talked about um the communication and everything last Saturday there was a bike ride that was happening in our city that I happened to be riding um driving by um this bike ride it they everyone had on University of Miami um shirt and I thought to myself wow like we have a I mean the what's the what's the police cars with green what's the police cars with the green is that the county right the county so like the county cars blocked streets oh cancer research cancer resarch okay I I know I saw so they blocked streets within opaka and I thought it to be strange that the board didn't know that this bike ride was happening that streets was being um because I'm sure we would have like been a part of it so I was just like what why didn't we yeah know what was going on Mr Mayor Commissioners one said finish commission um yeah well no I'm not and then um that and then also piggybacking on what commissioner Kelly said I did also see um see a you know big I don't know what you call that thing what did you call that the machine over by the old Jackson North so all yeah so you I see all this movement happening but you know I don't see I don't see what there was no communication of what is happening at Jackson North there's also um streets being I know I see the the there's some closures happening on the sidewalks of 27th Avenue um along 151st leading up to Let's I don't know if it goes all the way down to the train tracks but I'm like what's what is this work like I don't know what that work is about either so I'm just trying to curious just want to know okay chief so Chief I I'd like for you to address uh any now first I'll say as the city manager um um we were not provide I my office has not provided any notification of a road closures for a bike ride uh and had we received that notification or authorized such an event we absolutely would have informed the commission um if there's any additional information that is not received up to my office and I hope that hasn't that's not the case I'll defer to the uh chief of police for any information he has on a a bike ride going through the city of opalak yes sir Mr Mayor Commissioners I am absolutely unaware of a bike ride that came had any anything to do with the city of Obaka traditionally what happens the county Mi day police department has through their special events Bureau uh sponsor or our contract to monitor these types of bike rides throughout Miami D County um if this came through our city then it was all on them and I will check tomorrow first thing find out how we were not notified and for the fact that the County vehicles are were there blocking and providing security for these bikers be it um or anyone and at times it happens it covers five or six miles throughout different areas of the county but the fact it came through Obaka and we were not notified as troubling to me so I will find out and report back to the manager tomorrow Williams yes can can I take a pen right there please sure I'm challenged by that because the signs for the cancer walk I mean ride were out there two or three days in advance they they put them out in advance they're they're out there a day or two to let you know they're coming so you're saying we weren't notified at all about them coming to our city that would have been that would have come wow to my office from special events via the normal channels to let us know to notify us that this was happening in our city and that absolutely did not happen wow well I'll be glad that what response y'all get thank you thank and and chief I'm telling you it was a lot of County cars that cut off um 151st like where we did our MLK walk they cut off traffic like for like we've done bike rides and the other lanes can continue they cut the lanes like no one could go northsouth east west as those bikers continued and then um we've had um the mayor has had bike rides before and of course others have straggled in the back they continue to close these roads all the way down to 27th Avenue and I thought it was just so um completely disrespectful to be honest that here it is we're closing down streets in opaka people cannot pass 27th Avenue and 151st was was a gridlock all the way down to the paletto because these bikers were passing over 27th Avenue to go down up into 22nd Avenue and turn back to come back through opaka that was definitely a special events special events County yeah for the fact that we weren't notified that we were open for the off-duty Pro process to work with them we definitely weren't notified because none of our officers worked off duty on that project and I was definitely not notified by miate police department and so I did take a picture because I really was I was like we weren't invited to go to the I would have taken my bike out of storage but um I'm sorry but the the um the sign was there okay and I did take a picture of it because there was a sign um right on the corner uh before you get to Amazon on the North and the South it was there the signs was there I was I was shocked that no opaka police officer drove or saw this like it was okay thank you so I'd like to add to that commissioner Williams uh through the mayor um we take that very seriously you used the word that you said disrespectful uh and I happen to agree with that and I want to bring to the commission's attention that this is not the first time it's a ongoing issue not particularly with this bike ride that um we as a city do not always gain the respect as a self-standing self-governing city as we do uh the ongoing issue is there is a standing you that if a if a police department from a neighboring City or even the county is conducting an operation even a covert operation within the city limits they are supposed to inform uh the chief of police uh I have personally as city manager have found operations of vehicles from uh that do not belong to opaka Police Department actively engaging in police forcing without the knowledge of the chief of police it's an ongoing issue uh we do find it disrespectful and we shall address it forcefully and report back to the commission thank you Chief um and then if we Oh no you're good um thank you um and then just wanted to get some information on what's happening at the old Jackson North as well I'm just curious what's going on over there that's an oper that's actually um gone through the process of the uh pad board and approved by the commission it's a senior housing development project that was approved by the commission is now underway okay thank you I'm done any other um concerns for the manager Mr Mayor commissioner best thank you um Mr Man Mr Mayor I'm sorry Mr manager Mr manager um I had a couple residents inquired about what are we doing U with our infrastructure um also pointed out they were doing a lot of events but they wanted to know what's going on with infrastructure so are you um able to share with us a little bit and as well as email us you know what you are currently working on yes absolutely um one of the projects that we've been run uh we were working on with the previous company uh media and PR Company is a slideshow slide presentation that the members of the commission can post on their social media Pages Facebook Instagram that talks about what the city of opalak is doing as far as infrastructure uh four projects off the top of my head that I recall it had the uh had a slide presentation of historic City Hall which is an infrastructure project uh the historic fire station uh we are uh moving forward with a very high demand call from our residents to repair Sesame Street Bridge which you know has been an ongoing effort and engaging conversation uh with the city commission and we're now entering into phase five of our uh sidewalk program where we're looking to install sidewalks throughout the whole city so we are uh aggressively uh moving forward on the infrastructure projects and we can uh provide that to the entire commission for documentation think what one more um one more observation um driving around the city I've noticed that there are several signs um with the police department's logo on it that is dilapidated colors change actually there's one on a mod street it's basically flip upside down in midm so I'm I'm just hoping that you know as our officers or even employees are us as we're driving around the city and we see these things that we can point it out to you so I would like for you to please kindly have someone to look into that as well as the one right off Ahad Street in the medium it's it's fli upside down and the colors change and it really doesn't look good and also the signs that says that opalak is um a bird the word Sanctuary those signs are done so if you can look into that we will appreciate it thank you yes ma'am okay and Mr manager yes sir for me I don't know if the same person spoke to me that spoke to baz but they wasn't so much talking about CIP projects more or less the flooding issue in the city of Obaka and this that that person confronted me all y'all do is events and we flooded out over here so that's again I don't know if this is the same person that spoke but the person that approached me that's what they said like all y'all do is events and our we're still flooding so I don't can you speak to that and you don't have to do it now but maybe in the future okay like what's the the the mitigation plan for the plan for mitigation of flooding in the city of opaka and we're about to go into hurricane season well if I may Mr Mayor uh we will provide through our CRP uh Department a flooding mitigation plan but I want to talk about the progress that we've made and and we've discussed this before if you and last year during the rigning season if you recall previous years that was the first year that we were actually dry uh when other parts of we had a very severe uh weather event and we were actually dry uh because of all of the work that we've done and all the progress we've made on flooding mitigation uh the area that we're has as I've reported to the commission the area that is causing us some consternation and we've now put in three separate projects I I think two and now we're working on the third project to try to fix the flooding over there is by ashwan Village uh and that area as I've reported to the commission several times we it's not because we're not trying uh we're now on our third project uh to try to figure out how do we get this water to drain from here so we're going to continue to work on it uh the other areas that are are are um really impacted by flooding or commercial uh one of them being Carol Lane and we're also looking we're about to turn our attention there as soon as we get um um asan village cleared out okay and I'm going to you need to add two more to those Hot Spot areas because you still I believe it's 133rd which is where Ingram Terrace Apartments are that's a county project but the street belongs to us that's why it floods there because of the county project so they have to we're gonna at some point have to engage the county because the water is dumping into our road that's fine as long as we have a plan to mitigate it and the other area is I believe that's Aladdin Street which is um what is that south of Burger King by the Bell South and going towards a senior citizen building it would be on your right that Archbishop McCarthy no that's that's that's um that's on the east side of the city right behind south of Burger King I think that's a Latin street I'm not mistaken it goes into the um it's that in the KAC with the U the town homes with the different colors I don't it's Aladdin I'm almost certain it's Aladdin they're saying three different streets there's a senior center if you're going east there's a senior center that goes to your right and there there a CA set around um it's just tow houses one way in one way out we'll find it sir okay and the other thing is on 37 151st Street the welcome sign is on the ground like someone it's not one 21st and 37th Avenue okay and last but not least I've been driving through the city and I brought this up to um both your assistant city managers um I love that you have finally changed the seals on the bus stops as well as I know we're getting new signs welcome signs but most of them have already been changed so thank you because I kept saying why do we have two different seals in our city but I I love the fact that it's now changed so thank you for that um any other questions from the manager on his report all right we're moving along um I don't see any boards here um okay no boards here to do their official reports as we move on to the mayor and commission report um I'll start and then I'll come back to do my report but under my report it's the financial oversight update Mr manager yes sir Mr Mayor very very excited to say that opaka is perhaps uh if not the first and only City one of the few cities to have ever uh as of tomorrow completed three annual Financial reports in 18 months so uh we will be timely submitting um tomorrow or okay we are waiting I think the only thing we're waiting is a sign is a signature that we need from uh uh Jason Walker from the CRA that's the only item left on our 2022 annual financial report uh so we will be turning as we get that signature from Mr Walker we'll be submitting uh that document to the state uh as planned as agreed on and as requested uh and then turning our attention immediately uh to um the 2023 report so we are making uh great strides uh with our finance department with our team uh with moving forward and addressing the the financial stability of the city of opaka okay that's great to hear and I'm I'm really excited to hear that Mr manager um sir any other questions about the financial oversight because I do have one question Mr manager yes sir because you said we're gonna do we have a time out of when we gonna have 24 232 no 22 23 the minute because I know it's due March with the extension of June June uh yes with the extension of June so we're GNA start working on it um tomorrow March 1st and probably give us just a few weeks to get a timeline and to do a review of when we can have that delivered and with that being said will we be penalized that we' missed the deadline and have submitted by the extension date no sir uh we've actually been behind for 10 years now so they're not they're they're they're supporting our progress all right and last but not least I think it is time for us to one and I know it's not this conversation probably will not go anywhere because it's premature however we need to engage with the state to figure out what we need to do to get on the off Financial oversight and then we need to explain that to the residents so that they are aware because a lot of people they they know that the governor is you know we gotta beg for permission to buy toilet paper but they don't know the next step so I'm asking you to engage with the state to say what do we need to do to get out of financial oversight and then prepare that in a report form and that way we can put it and blast it out so everybody's on the same page yes sir all right um the next is the glor of the gardens update yes sir so um the county has taken the lead on the um enforcing the rights of the residents of Gloria to Gardens uh they filed a lawsuit um and to I was reported to that uh Gloria and Gardens engaged the county and now they have um settled uh they have a settlement agreement in place I do not have a cop of that settlement agreement I'll be sure to try to get a copy for it to our City attorney for her review and as as uh as to the commission uh so progress is being made they are uh looking to move forward uh we did their water bill now um unfortunately is up to uh $1 million um they have not according to our records they have not paid on their water bill since July of last year um so we have had uh two meetings regarding um when we can get a a payment and when we can get a payment plan uh as of today um they made an offer to do a 5% deposit which would be about uh $4 to $50,000 uh in the 48 48-month payment plan I told them to submit that in writing uh so that we can review and discuss uh how that gets moved forward um and that's the progress that we''re making with Gloria Gardens okay is that specifically for building 8 because I don't know about everybody else but a lot of residents have been calling because the rent office has been closed because they say that there's no water in the rent office so as a result they had to close the rent office okay and then the residents also saying that the bill was paid and we just won't turn on the water again this is coming from residents I don't know but I'm just telling you this is what is being said okay so again um they owe the city of opalak a million dollars they have not made a payment since July of last year uh the water is shut off in building number eight and also to uh the office spaces it be the will of the commission that we turn that water back on we'd be more than willing to do so um the the community that Community office is being utilized by Gloria Gardens management um that has been successful and bringing them to the table because as long as the um as long as it was only impacting the residents there was been no discussion to date uh about a payment plan or making any payment because they know we're not going to shut the water off to the residents uh but the moment that that water was shut off to for the use of their employees to uh wash their hands and and flush the toilet and and I guess cook food or whatever they're do in there uh now we're having conversations I would hope to continue those conversations and and I've always said to the management team we'd be more uh uh make a good faith payment uh at least make a payment uh even if it is the 40 to $50,000 that they profer today and we'd be more than happy to work with you to get that water cut back on commissioner Kelly I I only have one concerned about this process um getting to the table I have no problem with I just when these kind of things happen that impact residents even though it impacted the office you you have to let the commission know so we're at least aware of why that water is off and whatever the purpose we you know we they haven't paid a bill we're using the leverage or whatever you want to have a conversation because you don't want to have a email but so we will know because otherwise we don't know the water is just off and the city turned the water off and how am I going to do whatever again it comes back on the city so if that's the the the um determination for management we're going to shut it off to bring them to the table and it has work or that was the process then just let us know because I got some of those same kinds of calls and I wasn't even in town the water is off we can't do this can't do that the city shut the water off and I'm pretty sure I didn't reach out to you cuz I was out of town but I'm pretty sure there was a reason why I was off but I didn't get an email cuz I looked to see so you know I know he just said do we want to turn it on they owe us a million dollars uh the question I have is you ask them to submit it in writing to you by when yes ma'am sorry I asked for them to submitt it today so I'm hoping that I'll they'll submit something in writing uh tomorrow and if the commission okay so is that something that uh would have to come back to the commission or something that could be done managerially so that so if it's not appealing or it doesn't work or whatever um the next recourse what is going to be well if the commission would like to weigh on that I'd be more than happy to bring that as uh I'm not sure if that would be a a resolution or how we would no I'm just going forward because you haven't even got any agreement or whatever you propose they have to agree to it I just want to make sure end of the day it's still residance water getting cut off so there's a threshold here 48 over 48 months or whatever works that's fine but again um these are residents who are affected so I guess as soon as you get your so agreement or whatever I want to be clear and I'm not sure how residents would be affected uh they still have total access to the community center they can utilize the community center there's AC in the community centers there's still program in the community in the community center if if that's the concern the water shut off to the office spaces of the uh of of that are utilized for you know flushing the toilet and is in the office space in the community center in the exact same building it's in the same building yes yes so if kids are utilizing the where do they go to the bathroom in their homes but again if it's the will of the commission that we turn the water back on I'd be more than happy to do that but I'm not no that that's why I'm that's Mr that's why I'm raising the point I understand the pressure on them because they have to use it but the kids use Community Center I'm just saying let us know we've shut out the center the community center and their offices but the residents have their units available so it's not a bigger impact because remember what we get is the water turned off we don't know the specifics now you just explained it a little clearer uh that makes more sense it's not actually some units toilet that they can't flush or whatever but when all we get is the water is off we don't know so if you could just communicate to us going forward uh that agreement works fine long as it's not the tenants units you know they can work around the others I think we're all in agreement that yeah do what you need to do yes sir please yeah do what you need to do but also also provide an update on building eight because we're also getting those calls that we're ready to go back home so please so again with building 8 we have provided them every opportunity to repair those buildings uh outside of going in there and doing the the repairs ourselves you understand just when you get a minute just get an update of what's going on and once's the timeline of when they're going to return I guess once they pay the word well no no they're operating that's why I said they're it's a private fun we've done everything we can outside of actually doing the repairs ourselves uh the time that they're taking is the time that they're taking um we provided them provisional permits we've actually sent officers out there to um do the permits for them they didn't have to come into City Hall uh we inspected the work um we are pushing them as fast as we can Poss as hard as we can possibly push them and I'm not sure this I'm not sure if it's a funding issue or why they're moving so slowly but the city of opaka has been over backwards to get them to complete the repairs at building a I'm not blaming you at all that's why I said just figure out what they're doing on their end okay to give us a report to say this is what we're going to do we plan on having them back blah blah blah blah blah and just that's what I'm asking um the last thing is the city city manager search update by before you go there I just want to um put on the record each of you should have in your email um the settlement agreement I did mention to one of you today because you wanted to put forth an item regarding the um Glorietta Gardens um that was settled last Friday uh the settlement agreement is attached in the email and as I told you in the in the um in the memorandum that I sent to everybody we have been monitoring that so I have been in contact with the county um we spoke um the county attorney who was handling the settlement document we spoke just recently and um and so next steps will the manager will need to look at the settlement agreement he's copied on it and determine um where the gaps are in terms of what was being requested previously and what kind of things have already been um taken care of pursuant to the settlement agreement and I think a lot of things will be addressed so you'll you know need to do some analysis with your staff so I just wanted to put that on the record just so you all were aware thank you thank you madam attorney all right and um last the city manager search update by the human resource director Miss Adams good evening commission good evening um so my update is as follows and at the end I would I would um ask you to please consider um a recommendation suggestion that I have uh to complete the search I know you like the word complete right uh the interviews with the three shortlisted applicants were completed uh late Monday this week Monday afternoon on the 27th the same thing I submitted uh at the same time I submitted a process to have the level one background checks uh and the level two background checks for the three shortlisted um applicants the issue was we could not uh have background checks done when someone didn't agree to interview and then what if they decided not to interview so it's kind of uh information as needed you don't want a back a level two background check in your in your records on someone that fell out of the interviewing and uh because of a lot of scheduling you you all are very busy you have full lives not just being our commission um we did interview and thank you so much for interviewing on Saturday and Sunday thank you so much um and getting all of those done so further resolutions associated with the recruiting process for the position both the level one and level two background checks are being done by independent outside sources meaning our Police Department is not including it is is included in not being part of the resource um following that resolution by next Wednesday March 6 uh the background checks are expected to be complete uh I've spoken with both sources and they are very sure that it's okay for me to use that data in public tonight um so what I suggest is to have a special session slw Workshop next Wednesday and uh have a format to close out uh based on a poll from you all at the end of the interview process who you would like to receive the written job offer as our city manager the format would look like the following I would moderate interview questions and ask each applicant questions we would put a timer um with with the IT department assisting uh so that each applicant are given the same amount of time to answer the questions I would like to invite uh the employees the commission and the community to S uh submit to me potential questions um they may be co-mingled in ones I ask or they may not be used depending on um the issues or how they are phrased uh that is what I suggest in the format I would think that this total process should take no more than two hours um because you all have already spent time interviewing the applicants we've gone through their resumés and you have asked me oneon-one any questions that you have when we set through the interviews I was present within each interview which was a total of 15 interviews um that completes my report are there any questions please um any questions for the HR Director on this commission bass thank you I don't have a question but I'm just thinking because we're supposed to meet on Monday with the attorney um and you want to meet with us on Tuesday Wednesday on wednes can we kind of combine the same do it on the same day only if the background checks are done they told me they may be ready on Monday but I didn't want to use that date so that's why I would love to com I love combining meetings absolutely um um how late would you want me to give you that update what time is your meeting it's 5 PM right let's find out if manag man from the attorney the the um the cler would need at least 24 hours to post for posting and the attorney has already set the meeting Madam attorney can you move that meeting to Wednesday you cannot okay okay Thursday no no we ask her because she moved the curent announced maybe Thursday maybe move it no no no she yeah okay so that's okay well I guess at this point we do a poll whether or not we can do Monday or Wednesday and you can go through the clerk now the the only question that I have mam attorney because I know we passed a legislation form that by I think commissioner Williams that suggested it that by the 1 March 1 March 1 yes so will we need to prepare something or make a motion or to move it to next week Wednesday if you amend it um we'll make a you know the your Amendment would be to change that to amend that resolution I don't have that number in front of me but it would be to amend the resolution that or was it done as a motion Miss Adam okay well it would be to amend that motion it was done as it was done a resolution form no it was a motion okay perfect that's even better okay yes all right so um I think if we' not had to interview into Friday Saturday and Sunday we would have kept our our uh March 1st deadline but SCH in just precluded that from happening okay so I'm going to propose and I know we said that Wednesday is the date but I'm going to say that by Friday just in case absolutely because you said you may have it or you may not have it back so that'll be my motion that by Friday we will vote so between now and the that would be March 8th which is also Bingo night your on a Friday no no no no by Friday before Friday before Friday on a before onor before Friday onor before Friday yes sir Mr Mayor quick a quick question um well wait one second because commissioner Kelly said I'm trying to understand the date she's proposing the six you're proposing the eth the reason why I said the eight just in case we can't do it on the the eth on the sixth because they didn't come back in time so but we have it by the seventh I just want to give us a window but you're trying to set the meeting date for the eight no not set the meeting date no on or before the eth anytime between now and the eth thank you okay that's what I understand as well and commission you had the um I was gonna thank you because I I was going to say I know we need to move the needle a little bit more um based on the timeline of the interviews uh my question you want to meet Wednesday with the candidates Wednesday night is that what you're saying yes have they already been physically be here have they already been brief to be here no because I have to get your permission so I'm just wondering is that okay I mean I don't I don't know but I guess they want the job they be here right yes ma'am okay that I just didn't know if that yeah okay because that just it just seemed little a little short but I do know our window I don't want to push it um anymore so we're saying the eighth what after we after this um Forum I'll call it Forum a q&r forum will we then come back um we would say that night do we give any reference that night how we want to move forward or we wait for the the next voting that are voting yeah that's what just as we did for the short list okay we will poll and I will collect your poll results so we're voting on the manager who will receive the written job offer got it okay so now what do we what so what's the push to the eth for the background check back she said something about it may be back but it may not be that's why I said but do we do don't we wait don't we get background checks before we then I feel like we're putting a cart before the horse a little bit I'm confused we want to have the background checks done I review them I submit my report on the night of the meeting so are are we to assume having um you know forward thinking that background checks will be completed by next Wednesday yes okay that's what I was wondering I don't know the process of how long it takes so I've been told they may be ready on Monday I buffered into Wednesday okay that's that's what I want to know because I don't I wouldn't want to have a Q&A town hall and we're missing or everybody's back ground check isn't there so now when the background checks come how then do we receive them or how do we go through them before Wednesday night so uh thank you for that um there is a resolution on how the background checks should be handled um is it okay if I walk you briefly through that process um is the commission I think is it same process that that we're gonna open it in yes can you give us the 30 second version yeah I I will bring copies of the level one that you can open however I will open my copy and write a report this shouldn't be a surprise to all of us but I do want you to have a copy now legally you cannot review the level two without going through the three types of training I had to go through to get access to the system um I'm sure Chief Oley knows all about this uh so I will uh view the results as soon as they are available and I will write a report that I will sign off on so what I am requesting yes is your report is the cliff notes of the background so that because since we have a very small window from the time you receive it to Wednesday if you just give us that brief synopsis a cliff note because truth be told none of us are um you know we don't know how to read background checks so either you you walk us through it you know or you go through it um muddle through it and then give us that brief syop I prefer that okay all day every day in my work now well that's that those Cliff Notes include the level two or you can't okay no yes you can't see the actual database but I will give you a summary of the report um and I will give you a copy of the level one report with a summary as well but you will have to give those back let me let me pause I'm sorry let me refer to Madame attorney I think I'm saying something maybe I'm wrong so I asked for Cliff Notes but now that I think about it if we're talking about a background check maybe this cannot go on paper this information what I'm hearing um Miss Adams say is she can give you a summary of the level two background check she can give you the level one background check the information in entire in its entirety okay yes but what I'm saying is I don't know how to read a I don't know how like I'm saying she's saying she's going to give you a summary so that you don't have you said summary for level two and give us level one that's what you no I will give you a summary of both confusing me okay so now we're gonna get a summary of both yes okay so there is there's a piece of information I'd not mentioned which you may not even want and that is do you want a copy of the level one report you don't have to receive one you can just view my report of the level one and the level two and we can use that time to discuss any questions you may have from the report I can have the level one report with me to refer to based on the questions you have okay um okay so I think that if you do do that it you should also collect it back from so that we're not taking that information must take outside as well um so if you receive the background checks on Monday the level one and level two yes then um I will inform the clerk immediately immediately so that by Tuesday and really you would have to make yourself available the throughout the day and I'm not trying to give you a directive but I'm saying um on Tuesday so that all five of us for Wednesday are able to have either a zoom with you a conversation some type of um process where we speak with you so that we're prepared Wednesday night with you know accurate information and not um what we think we saw or what we think we read um type of information if that makes sense to the board I I agree with that I'm sorry oh go ahead I'm done thank you commission C I'm trying to follow the time Le my my timeline of my colleague you she suggested which I would agree we need time to look at it but you just referenced you confident you'll have it back by Wednesday I've been told yes but she's referencing Tuesday um to be available assuming you get it back on Monday what she what I've said is as soon as it's available and her her um I think theory in theory was so if it's Monday you would yes in theory and I said immediately I would okay so that that goes to my question my point I guess if you're confident it's probably Wednesday more so than the other days I got if you get it it early but that's why I guess the mayor is offering that window of all the way to the eth yes okay all right thank you all right thank you Mr manam all right so to reiterate yes ma'am um I get the I get the report I I draft a summary of of both reports I get that to you all and I'm available immediately for any one-on-one um Q&A is this correct correct correct thank you are there any other questions no other questions we do need to make a motion yes all right so Madam clerk my moot Madam clerk Madam attorney my motion is to extend the um the um the intervie fin intervie from instead of you call it commissioner Williams you called it um Q&A what did I say Forum Forum yes forum and vote on or before March 8th that's that's fine put that in a motion for all right so the motion is on the floor can I get a second second okay everybody said um oh I don't okay commissioner BZ and Madam clerk so was moved by may tay second by commissioner bass G call the vote vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 Z all right and so we don't have to come back to me Bingo is coming back on March 8th we're really excited also Bunny Jam will be at this year not a seagull but at Ingram Park on May is it the 23rd the 23rd of March Saturday at 12: p.m. but we'll put it out on Facebook and send out fers via email and information to the commission so that we can put it out in the community what who the place of Bunny Jam bunny jams The Bunny Jam is all of us I know it's all of us but I mean it's going through Parts but the host of it yeah I hosted it oh you host saying yes sir um so I'm done with my report we can start left or right okay I'll be quick um say the day it doesn't it's on the same day but it does not go into Bunny Jam because I be both um women's history month is is uh fast approaching we're excited about um I'm going to call it women's celebration month because this is our month ladies and we're going to be celebrated all month so March 23rd from 6:00 to 900 p.m. we will have the sisters Suare the sisters Suare um and sisters is all women we are inclusive here in the great city of opaka so save the day for the Sisters Suare thank you March 23rd I'm sorry isn't that spring break yeah that's Saturday the week before it's the week before actually spring break is the last week of March um commiss oh I'm sorry so the sister Suare on the 23rd at 6 6 PM of me me and commissioner Kelly because I know y got this girl power thing so are we invited y'all should be yes commission you have a report no report um commissioner vice mayor you have a report um a few just a couple things because I'm tired I really want to thank the manager and his office for um helping a long time res a long time resident remain a longtime resident um as she was at the her complex was trying to evict her the manager saved the day I thank you sir she's texted me several times she's so Greatful for what happened with her thank you so much um and if I may um we did not forget black history this year we did Black History 7s um party which which was good dance I'm sorry which was good and karaoke was great and um I know they say we have e uh events yeah we're gonna have events um March 241st I'm planning to take um some kids to the Youth Fair uh free of charge and also um we're going to do I'm going to be doing um kickoff to spring break pool party the Friday that there's no school um March 22nd so if you can join us please let Jaylen know it's Gonna Be Good Friday Good Friday it's GNA be a good [Music] Friday is the but is the no I think that is GID by no it's not good Friday I'm sorry it's not good Friday it's the week before all right you finish yeah thank you all yeah okay not meop commissioner Kelly uh yes briefly thank you Mr Mayor um we had our DMV Outreach at Helen Miller Center um the other week and of course it's always successful working with the um with the community part and I say like that to hopefully support um this effort going forward they're um want to partner donate I got to figure it out with the legal department how we're going to do it and the manager Office how we going to get their assistance but they want to be able to help out residents in the city who have uh driving license issues ETC that they have to pay a fine to get them back on the road in case they need to help so we working on that um that that's it that's short report tonight thank you Mr Mayor all right so so we're moving along um to our official board appointments I have one um Vic man yes I would like to my appointment for the charter review board missel Edwards okay all right thank you all right um as it relates to the boards Mr manager I'm a little we appoint people to board but none of our boards are meeting outside of the parks and rec board the youth Advisory board has not met the financial oversight board has yet to meet the try to review board they have a qu and they have not met but none of our boards are meeting p app is meeting um but none of our other boards that have appointments are meeting so can we please figure out where the breakdown is and get these boards off the ground because residents are calling you all appointed me but I'm not hearing anything and I know we said we were waiting on a board clerk um for the the young teen and young adult board but they're they're not meeting there's been a board clerk appointed for the young teen and adult board for months now and I believe that's uh Ashley Walker and she's actually even come to the commission and presented an update on her challenges with getting the Quorum um I have her available here tonight and she can also provide an update on that board as well so maybe we can flesh out uh what the what some of the issues are and we can get some guidance from the commission on how you all want us to move forward and address those we just want the boards to well I just want the boards to me we all do and I don't want to go back and forth than that because it's just a he say sheay type stuff and we don't need to go there so yeah let's just let's reach out one more time yes and if these boys are not working then bring us back a report so then we can move forward or maybe move in a different direction okay um any other concerns all right can I get a motion to adjourn oh Mr Mayor commissioner sorry Mr manager yes sir um I we do have a PAB board scheduled for March 5th I do not see it here on the calendar uh so I wanted to make sure that the community is aware and the commission commission is aware there will be a planning and zoning board meeting on March 5th uh here in the commission Chambers at 7M all right please out board March 5th m mayor um M I may I sure so it's not on the agenda I know I spoke to planning and Community Development about setting up um the actual agenda on Civic clerk so that they can upload the documents to create that agenda but I don't recall receiving that notification for that meeting the actual notice okay so Mr manager can you please ensure that the clerk gets the meeting so that she can probably properly um advertise it please yes sir all right thank you can I get a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn the audience said it move commissioner Williams can I get a second second by Vice man this meeting is a journe have a great night