e e e my check e e e e e e e e e e e good evening Welcome to our regularly scheduled Commission meeting I do want to apologize for our tarting this we're just coming out of our budget Workshop the date is now 7 um 24 2024 the time good evening Welcome to our regularly scheduled commission meeting I do want to apologize for our who is that just coming out of our budget Workshop the date is now 7 24 2024 would you like me to start over Okay so good evening everyone Welcome to our regularly scheduled commission meeting um 724 2024 um The Time Is Now 7:17 I do apologize for our this we're just coming out of our budget Workshop Madam clerk rad call Vice May Irvin she's here commissioner Kelly pres commissioner Williams here mayor Taylor here can we stand for invocation Eternal God our Father we thank you for this day we thank you God how you continue to watch over this city continue to bless us guide us and direct us in Jesus name we pray amen amen I pledge of allegiance I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for y want me to sing Oh Say Can You U Madam clerk do we have any awards proclamations or acknowledgements at this time no Mr Mayor all right we're going to the approval of our consent agenda do we have any pulls deferrals or deletions at this moment yes Mr Mayor Mr manager um I would like to defer items number nine number 11 and number 12 9 11 and 12 all right any pulls or deferrals or deletions from the commission Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly um I I I don't think I got it but I'm pretty sure something the manager can get to me had a question number two so I'm not going to pull it um but I do have something number seven and number um 10 those you want to pull yeah those want to pull I want pull too all right no no I wasn't pulling two I just had a a question but I can get that uh from the office so just seven and 10 you're yes pulling all right anyone else all right can I get a motion to approve Mr Man I mean Mr Mayor M this is just for the manager to consider it's something I brought up uh earlier number item number two is really encompassed in item number eight because it is an RFP for um Engineering Services there are CCNA services that are being sought it's also um and the manager is putting out for bid item number eight for a library of competitive um Consultants competitive negotiation act Services which are which will Encompass these Engineering Services and so it's something he may want to consider because he would be able to get through that um same process since it's going to be traveling at the same time um it wouldn't make sense to incur additional expenses to put out an RFP so I did put it in writing and I'm saying it for the record in case the manager wants to reconsider that issue so um so you're asking the manager to combine I'm assuming because you never in other words if he were to pull item number two it would be unnecessary because there's also an item number eight on here where you're going to take out for a whole library of these of services that would Encompass number two you see what I mean so the Engineering Services that are being sought would Encompass number two okay so the only challenge that I have Madam attorney that the language is different so should should we pull two and eight and combine and then vote you you you you may want to pull two and eight and then the manager can explain if he believes that I'm inaccurate okay um and then we can combine at that moment well okay we have no um since the question was put to me Mr May Mr Mayor um City Administration has no problem combining removing number two as the City attorney saying it's Incorporated in number eight but we will still need but the problem is that the language is different that's why we need to pull it if if the if if he is if he is pulling it if the manager is pulling his own item number two you don't have an issue because it's not it's it's inconsequential in other words pulling or deferring two different things pulling his item to discuss or to defer well he's pulling his he's you're pulling your item right I'm following your recommendation am I pulling I believe well whatever you think is best Mr May if you believe it should be pulled and maybe voted down the language is where I'm confused at the manager deferring it or pulling it for discussion because we use the term pull to discuss so if he's going to defer then and I'm using pull as in pull from the agenda pull from the okay sir pull from the agenda yes sir all right got it so Mr manager go ahead commissioner KY yeah and that's the reason I didn't pull it because I received something from your your office because I actually my briefing about the language so that's why I didn't pull it because I was under the the assumption that it would be captured into whatever so I'm I'm confused now um because I thought it would be just automatically put as a part of it will it will be now it's uh we're going to pull it um we're going to pull it from the agenda the City attorney saying that all the services that we need for item two we can capture and item a correct yes okay okay so I'm GNA use this language delete delete delete right Del pull thank you all right because that's what those are opanka terms all right yes sir oh exactly so um just for clarity sake I have um we removing or deleting from the agenda item two commissioner Kelly pull seven um we're deferring item nine commissioner Kelly pull 10 and 11 is also being deferred and 12 right right all right all right so can I have a motion to approve tonight's consent agenda move it move by commissioner Kelly second second by commissioner Williams can I get a roll call Madam clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 zero all right can I have um approval of tonight's agenda a motion for it move it move by um commissioner Williams second by vice mayor Madam clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 zero all right approval of the minutes regular commission meeting minutes June 26 2024 moved by commissioner Kelly second by you said vice mayor um Madame clerk commissioner Williams yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor motion passes 4 Z all right Madam clerk any district one District Two or state reports no Mr Mayor all right um I see we do have a Public Presentation from the manager for Opa and then follow behind that um Prime statistics from anal Mr manager oh okay thank you sir the unfortunately uh Liza erid our crime analyst for the opaka police department uh has had a uh illness in her family and won't be able to present tonight so we'll be deferring move this one yeah moving this presentation to the next uh regular scheduling commission meeting no problem all right go ahead Mr manager okay so we will start and Jump Right In with the Aver brief arper presentation um if I could have the arper funds distribution expenditures Workshop uh pulled up on the screen um we'll run through very quickly with the most important page being the page with uh update on the timelines again we have the uh the same distribution that we had in the last presentation uh a million dollar in community selected projects uh about $5 million in water resur projects uh $2 million in roadway and construction uh and about uh $7,000 spent for already spent for Consulting fees uh next page cost of projected capital projects That Remains the Same uh there's a breakdown of the projects of the $5 million and how it's planned to be spent um in the water and sewer projects uh we've gone through those those haven't changed I'll pause for any questions hearing none uh move forward next slide please uh these are the community projects that we've already had expenditures on the rental assistance Pro uh program has been extremely was actually captured in the rental and Mortgage Assistance programs have been extremely successful uh with the expenditures of about $241,000 uh the Consultants Fe fees we had budgeted I believe uh $70,000 uh dollars for that but we've been very uh judicious and only spent about 7,000 water and store projects uh $700,000 and park Renovations about 200,000 and these are for projects that are already ongoing so our total is probably to date about $1.2 million next slide and the most important slide that the commission said they wanted to update and see and I'll spend a little bit more time on this one uh as it talks about the projects that have not U been approved yet what were those timel lines look like so we'll start with Artscape uh this was one of the projects that was selected by um the members of the community something that they wanted to see and we're put together RFP that will that a vendor the vendor that selected will actually Outreach in the community work with the members of the community to make a determination uh what it is that they want to see uh the procurement process takes about approximately 90 days so um if we are able to bring this back the week of September 23rd 2024 uh looking at 9 months after selection uh pending adoption of ARA recommended projects any questions regarding the timeline for Artscape moving forward um trees medians and swells uh this is very very similar in fact it is exactly similar uh to the artskate project it was selected by the residents um we have a RFP pending that's actually on the agenda tonight uh procurement would take about 90 days um so we look to have that back uh to the commission the the week of September 23rd 2024 which is our second Commission meeting of that month that process takes 6 months for installation and about 12 months and in the contract for we have an RFP as about 12 months maintenance and that's pending adoption tonight of the oper red recommended projects uh any questions regarding the timeline for trees meting and swells wonderful moving forward our beloved Helen Miller Park and Ingram Park renovations uh that was selected Again by the community for expenditures of about a quarter of a million dollars uh 8001 188,000 has already been encumbered uh in the TRS Pro in the TRS project with $121,000 um needed additional parking um more than likely coming from the general fund and then back at uh the back eight for 60 $67,000 uh the hel Miller trails and additional parking um has already moved forward and already been engaged under resolution 24-25 and resolution 24- uh 035 so pending adoption of the arpa recommended projects modification of scope and removal of playground will commence uh that will take about four to six months pending adoption of arpa recommended projects modification of scope or removal of playgrounds uh yes sir thank you under the um improvements for this uh you've already encumbered 108 and 88,000 of the 250 and you um have a contract engage you say for eight parking spaces um and of course the trail is part of that um what i is the the is the um how would I want to put it the trail that's being coming is that going to Encompass the addressing the flooding and the drainage of that ISS of that area but it does not does not address the playground equipment or anything around those Pavilions where that water is that's correct it will address the flooding there will be storm water drainage included but it will not address removal of the playground sets Okay not only the playground set but you got a pavilion over that side that floods pretty heavily as well so this funding will not Encompass that either no the storm water drainage will Encompass that area no no the The Pavilion part not not the underground I'm I'm talking about the Pavilion area over there where that flooding tends to take place kind of like with the same issue child with the playground itself there's no funding for the playground or that area really it's just the funding corre the drainage itself yes sir okay uh I would suggest that staff look at some kind of um recommendation on what that would be to um deal with that if not now because it makes no sense to do all that new whatever and and have the equipment and whatever that's really outdated and um Antiquated so I would hope we look at that um going forward as as well yes sir right thank you Mr Mayor thank you sir um and as we discussed already the rental assistance program has been uh extremely successful uh we have appreciate the commission allowing us to actually amend and utilize and continue to provide that program the ARA fun Opa all allocated funds are now 257 with Amendment uh We've assisted 100 77 residents as of June uh that's an ongoing project it's 95% completed um and and I'll open the floor to any questions regarding the timeline to the rental and it should really say rental and mortgage assistance program it's the same program okay um I do have a question Mr manager % so how much we have left in that uh we spent the total 250 and now we did it and requested an and now we're requesting an amendment to add additional funds there that will be coming for you coming before you next commission yes and what's that amount I believe it's uh it's in the budget amendment for I believe 50,000 yes oh that's in the agenda yes okay we can go okay great uh and then now we have the commercial we uh did a small business grant uh for our commercial um uh our commercial properties here uh in the city of opaka uh that was also selected by the residents for amount of $125,000 uh we have drafted the guidelines and criteria created for that uh that will now be before uh the commission and upon execution of the RFP that will be out for about 90 days uh pending adoption of arpa recommended projects right any questions regarding that timeline okay fantastic hearing none uh we'll move forward to the final item which is the fire station and HR building uh which again was selected by uh the the residents for a funding of about a quar of million dollars it's underd designed pending additional feedback uh construction specification and cost analysis so uh we do not have any uh recommendations for the commission of how you want to see that so at this time our only plan is to gut it make it workable as something for the commission to decide what it will be in the future and as requested we're going to paint it so that uh all of those properties that are adjacent to the historical City Hall uh look fresh and new and in align so we don't have dilapidated buildings uh beside our brand new historic City Hall any questions Mr Mayor I I did have a quick question the fire station and and thank you for that um what you everything you just said about that if it looks like that is the only project that may um just kind of overlap I'm not sure if it'll reach um the actual timeline is although we know this was what Community voted on could is if we can't seem to get to the Finish Line with this one is there a way or I don't know and this could be a question to the commission if we want to rethink or look at this particular project and maybe um allocate funds somewhere else if we can't get this done or make it happen by then and another idea but I don't know if this is a possibility is Monday night we talked about the the social service and is this a possibility to be the social could this be the social service building so that um we could you know use this and use this These funds and have that as our our parking and everything but but that's two buildings I'm glad so I I guess it could be yeah we'll flush that out I I guess I'm just thinking I agree and then um lastly and I was going to wait till you finish um Mr manager is this the backup for item number one because on the agenda the backup is the May 22nd is this presentation the new backup or no no uh these are all the same items uh these are all the same items so um but what I know but what I'm saying is it was deferred so what since you're presenting tonight this yes this is the most updated okay so I was just trying to put that on record that this is the most updated from what's on the agenda thank you yes ma' okay thank you okay so just to follow up on that with this then when you all um vote on this you need to vote on that being the attachment to it yes but I think we already passed vot we voted to we voted because that on conern well well you you should pull you should pull that I mean you should go back to that and open it yes sir okay so let's let's continue with the presentation and well Mr manager to commissioner Williams Point what she talked about reallocating these funds yes um but this includes the designing and the the the the report that we're waiting for right yes okay and this was for both buildings so we would need to add more eventually if we're going to outfit one of the buildings for correct Human Services Department correct yes this is just to gut it and make it look pretty so then let me ask you a question if we were to do the outside of one but put the the the remaining into the interior of the other what are we looking at there um I mean outside of both you know the exterior of both but focus more on whichever one is going to be once the commission decides the um Human Services Department we start with that one for and then maybe next year right do the other one corre or the budget amendment in the middle of the year is that something is that enough funding or would we need to add you would still need to add um need to add we still need to add and I want the commission to consider something as well uh we will be taking you on a tour of Miami Springs to see our sister facility and how they're operating and how they're running uh The Identical facility that we have here um more than likely since uh having spoken to all of you individual individually we're looking at having that location the historic City Hall uh the most popular uh U uh utilization is at a rental space a premium Prime Time rental space for you know highend weddings and things like that and if that is going to be the the will of the commission and the direction we really want to consider that admin building that's right in the back adjacent to the Park outfitting that as a as a place for the Caterers and the food deliveries and all those other type of businesses to Service events there so that's the HR building yes that's the HR building so so I I I bring that up because you were looking at moving you know just painting the outside of the HR building and perhaps moving some of that funding over to um um uh to the historic fire station if we do that we're still going to have to find money at the time of if the decision is made by the commission uh to turn that into a premium rental space uh for events uh we're still going to have we got to have some space to service it so if you're going to have a wedding there where you're going to uh where's the food going to be stored where's the wine going to be stored where the caterer is going to be coming in and out and the best uh the recommended location for that would be the HR building okay me personally I would would do the opposite I would make the fire station the annex to that that historical um city hall because the HR building is already built for offices and has on parking it's ideal for an office building make that the human services department but that's just me Mr commissioner Kelly thank you can I suggest because this is really just the funding side yeah I.E the gutting it's nothing really what you're going to put there um that we go ahead and passes going to take some time anyway but I think after you get through the budget process that um we direct the manager hearing the feedback that have been given to um in a workshop setting to give us what those possibilities would look like what the cost would be since it be more and the commission can make a decision at that point so by the time you get to actual um construction and get all the stuff and Analysis done it'll be clear what the commission wants to do with the buildings so they'll be running in tandem so you don't you'll be already ahead it's going to take a while anyway and I think he hears the concerns of possibly Social Service building versus whatever and he can bring those numbers back and then the commission can decide um what they want to do and he would be clear on having to find funding to do that or whatever ultimately you want to do um I just a suggestion yes sir the only reason why I I went more in depth into it commissioner Kelly because um commissioner Williams um her first response was to reallocate the funding so that decision would need to be made tonight if we're going to vote on this item pull number one and vote on this item so we need to decide where that funding is going unless you're going to keep it open end it and allow for the manager to gut and redesign the outside the exterior of it well I think that Mr Mayor I think the challenge was this was one of those I believe that the community is one of those Community sat right yes yes correct and I know that's why she brought it up I I think the manager hearing the concerns or the recommendation that you wanted to be uh looked at as um Social Service I.E switch it around so I think you can do both I don't think you need to reallocate I think it's just letting the manager know um tonight what You' like to see and he can come back with the numbers but this would allow the gutting and the um initial stuff to take place without um anything else I don't think you want to reallocate because the community passed it as such um but I think you can do what needs to be done hearing you all right so I'm gonna yield to commissioner William because it was your well your ID yeah I I just well I was throwing out both because the the the to be determined um had me a little um on on pause but I did want to say the reason Reas why I said that is because it was a community the community voted and I didn't want the community to feel as if we were hijacking their particular project I don't if um maybe um Madam clerk can go back and um I don't know if that maybe that's not you I think that's the manager's office that had that had the community um Workshop um we can go back and look at those notes what was the thought process I don't remember honestly what was the thought process behind what the community wanted to do with these two buildings and and if um and if it can't happen because that's what it's looking like right here with this timeline then I think for for us the commission and the city to explain to the community that we are still giving these buildings back to the community as well specifically the social service building and I think at the end of the day it was a community building but not sh sure on what particular but I just really want to see what if they had any specifics that they wanted to see for these buildings and that was it all right all right Mr manager we can move on to the next page okay and now we're going to jump into our water and sewer projects um to give you some updates on those timelines and where those things are at uh the Northwest 135th Street water main relocation um we had 500,000 in funds allocated for that uh the RFP is under development in the um in the U in the public works department I believe that that's about 85% done there's a couple more items considering that we've looked at uh that we need to put in that RFP considering that we've looked at moving this a couple times and we want to make sure we get it right this time once that RFP goes out uh that process takes about 90 days uh we so we are looking to have this to the commission by the week of October 14 2024 uh and once approved by the commission that process takes about 6 to n months uh after the notice to proceed uh any questions about that project and next we have the Rutland water main and meter relocation project uh We've allocated approximately $200,000 for that project RFP is currently under development uh that process is going to take about 90 days once it's out on the streets um but we have a Target date as well to have that back to the commission the week of October 14th uh and that process also takes 6 to n months after the notice to proceed is received by the by the selected contractor any questions about that timeline okay very very similar uh Sesame Street water main relocation this is actually uh started off as just a um city of vaka project but we ran into some issues and concerns um with the bridge and uh the relocation of the bridge and the water main which was uh property of Miami day County so we had to do uh come to some understandings of negotiations of who was going to put what where uh we believe that we've got that 95% worked out now so that RFP should be completed and back to the commission um by October 14th 2024 once out on the streets that process is going to take about 90 days once the commission makes a makes an approv uh the selection of the vendor uh after the vendor receives a notice to proceed the Sesame Street main relocation should be completed in 6 to9 months any questions regarding the timeline for that project okay and um those are some of the more uh active and painting projects the rest of the projects are uh have pretty much have been underway on some level as the sewer tele Telemetry system these are those smart covers and the City of opaka is going to be one of the first cities that's actually executing these smart covers so the uh Miami day county is very very excited about working with us on this this project is already started um the allocation is $280,000 the contract has already been approved uh and approved by the commission and executed and we only have N9 months to be completed uh and this was adopted under resolution 23130 any questions regarding the smart covers thank you uh and next as I've always said uh the next four are pump stations uh um you know for our residents are here um we have some very old pump stations but pump stations um are very very important to the vitalization of a city uh because if a pump station goes out the Miami day County puts the area of serviced by that pump station in moratorium uh once area is under moratorium that prohibits the city from allowing any new business to come into that area so we're constantly looking to update our Pump Station so that we can continue to allow new businesses to come into the city of balaka um and it's not as you can see it's not necessarily a cheap undertaking uh Pump Station Number Four relocation and replacement we've allocated $413,000 77 $ 43,7 se5 for that project it's already under permitting it's already under permitting uh 45 days to be completed so we anticipate that having been completed by September 2nd um and estimated day for the contract execution um week of December 9th 2024 that's going to take about 12 to 18 months after the contractor receives the notice to proceed uh pin and this is pended adoption of the arper recommended projects that's on the agenda tonight any requ questions regarding Pump Station Number Four okay um pumps I'm getting the indication is speed it up from commissioner Williams so and second by the mayor so very very similar for all the pump stations uh let me just go through the pricing uh $725,000 for Pump Station number nine uh $800,000 for Pump Station 16 Pump Station flow meters about $900,000 which is a little different uh from the actual pump stations but a very very similar process uh and all of those are going to take about 12 to 18 months to complete once we get the notice to proceed to the vendor any questions about the pump station uh Rehabilitation group uh hearing none we'll go to our final page um of water and sewer projects which is the sewer system hydraulic m the North District water distribution um um the Northwest 133 Street uh sewer main relocation well we've already gone over that one it's been that's a duplicate and the carolan roadway um as it's been the will of the commission for us to move forward with something with Caroline for a long period of time it has been uh a huge challenge um however we believe that we are 85% done with a negotiation with the county to allow us to move move forward with uh a revitalization or vitalization some would say uh there are parts of carolan that have never been paved um and that is allocation of about $1.9 million uh we want to have that to the commissioner for approval by the week of December 16th 2024 and that project will also take 12 to 18 months after the vendor rece contractor receives the notice to proceed okay Mr the manager the only thing I have for you is Kyro Lane yes once we complete and fix it we need to look at and I brought this up to you before turning that into a special taxing district yes absolutely because if they break it they need to fix it it's not fair for us to to um you know we're looking at that now actually sir because in order to million in order to we're in order to receive the srf funding that we want to get for this project they absolutely want to know how's the city going to pay it back so we're already having a discussion about creating the special taxing district so that we can demonstrate that we will have the money to pay it back and that they will feel comfortable you know supplying us with the loans all right any questions on commissioner Kelly I don't have a problem with the special taxing district but if you're going to do that make sure you look out throughout whole city yeah so you don't have you know we're going to do theirs and you're going to charge us and then you got other areas where we're funding because that's part of the challenge why those folks didn't want to pay in the beginning because we were doing isolated improvements in other areas and other industrial areas and um they were very um not amable to any taxing districts but if you're going to do them throughout and I believe there was something done few years ago on looking at taxing districts throughout the city for our infrastructure challenges probably outdated but may need to revisit that um the questions I had really deal with timelines because I'm still seeing it on the the new shei um that was given to us tonight versus the other ones that's under development under development and some of them um I thought would have been backed by now um RFP to be developed and then there are a couple of them that the RFP has been created and has to come back um to us so on all of those that are created and pending approval uh I guess from tonight when will we get those back and turns to the commission so those the all of the dates in the uh all of the dates in the red column are the dates that they would be presented back to the commission all of these October and December yes okay and the ones that are under development that have been under development for a while is there a reason why it's taking so long we we're waiting approval to move forward from the commission so so uh there's a pack there's a item number one uh on the agenda tonight no no I see that but I'm saying on the project it's been there for a while on some of these projects the 135th Street the Rutland water corre RP to be developed and under development which project are you looking at sir I'm talking about 135th okay Street water main and Rutland water just those two particularly it says that the RFP was under development so I've been waiting to see the RFP but it's still showing the current status is under development I thought we'd be much more with it being created and and waiting to to come back like the pump station and some of the others I did direct uh I had Direct department heads to create the rfps without having approval from the commission um and then we started bringing those forward and then those were getting deferred and the agenda was getting really heavy with uh rfps uh awaiting approval so we thought it best in our best interest to allow the commission to say hey we might like this project we might want to change this project because that would also impact the art P okay so what you're telling me is the rfps already done you just pulled them and didn't bring them back to no no um the ones that are on the agenda tonight those were done and they've been put on the agenda and they've been deferred uh but we have a you know as you know we have a long list of of rfps that were being deferred and so I didn't think it would be in uh in the interest of the commission to continue to put items on the agenda that you for projects you haven't approved and then we have to keep deferring them okay so well the ones I'm looking at still showing the same thing so I I'll wait and I see the estimated uh date for contract execution but it seems to me that the rfps themselves uh the development of them should have been much further even if they didn't come to the commission the RFP had created in your offices somewhere so I thought they were already done just a waiting okay no problem thank you Mr Mayor all right Mr Mayor um commissioner William okay first I'm I want to start with a positive thank you for giving me this um what I wanted to see from the beginning is um an executed plan and where we were and where we're going um so I want to thank you and your staff for um for presenting this um this new arpa presentation my question is those projects that are under RFP or under development or uh pending a pending a commission approval this 90day timeline is that the 90 days from from the RFP to the completion or the RFP itself like what's the what does that that's the time it takes for us to put it out the street have the evaluation committee make an evaluation a recommendation and for me to bring a recommendation back to the commission so that would be 90 days to do that that total that total process could take up to 90 days yes so then okay so the October hypothetically let's just talk about the first three that are under development correct so that means that the RFP is going to go everything the um assessment everything that needs to happen will go out that's going to take 90 days and then come back to the commission so it would be 90 days from today correct right then on uh on October 14th let's look at these F these first three uh we would have something on your agenda for you to go I'm going to bless this or we're going to send it back I want you to do some changes or or go in a different direction and then once that is executed and approved by the state this next column is how long it will take for the vendor whatever vendor selected and approved by the commission to complete those projects I think um so but won't we then don't we then or will we go past our December timeline because that's where I'm looking like that's what it looks like right now so when the RFP comes back I'm just like just you know humor me when the r we passed the RFP correct correct and we know it now has to go to the state what's that timeline from the time we pass an RFP to State approval Max typically maximum two weeks okay so two weeks now typically when that happens does are there issues that can develop because we've we've heard like we'll hear oh this happened to this company this happened to that company we're negotiating contracts and contracts change and you know so we've kind of heard that before so if that happens I I'm just I'm a little just kind of gives me pause because we're so close to the December timeline now I do know in terms of the arpa as maybe Madame attorney can tell me as long as the RFP is out correct well actually it has to be obligated which me you have the RFP out you have a contract secured you have um a longer period of time to get the work done but um but you do have to obligate it prior to the end of this year could that in your professional opinion the and I'm again I'm only speaking of these three projects there are others that are you know in December and I think yeah so just from October to December the obligation period is that enough time I would defer to the manager okay one second because I and commissioner Kelly touched on it you you really fleshed it out we're not bound by the 90 days of the RFP can't we shorten it Mr manager um that's not a 90day RFP time that's for no the turnar around I'm talk about the turnaround yes so we could actually have a shortened period of time that 90 days was placed in there for as commissioner Williams said if anything happens and we want to it's a cushion it's a buffer no that's not what I said oh that's not what I said that was my question to you I didn't say it my question was in those 90 days yes is were you saying or did this presentation where we saying everything from start to finish will take 90 days meaning start to the obligation or from commission approval to the RFP will take 90 days that was now I'm confused really so we approve okay so let's say tonight okay okay hypothetically we're going we'll approve RFP correct so what I'm saying is is if we approve it and then now it needs to go out if it goes out in RFP that's the 90 days correct that includes the 90 days yes that includes the 90 days yes so now after the 90 days of the RFP and now evaluation committee yes all of that Bingo now it comes back to commission October 14th correct so the obligation period you just said two weeks it goes to the state it comes back the obligation period after it's obligated the minute the contract signed the minute okay but that's what I'm saying my fear is we have heard multiple times that we'll have an RFP and and now signing the contract there's problems There's issues there's this things come up and that's I think that's where I again it gives me a little pause the timeline is so close well I don't know will we make all of this well since the the timeline is so close it doesn't give me pause it makes me want to run well should have been running already we've been running as you can see a lot of these items already on we're running like but we're we're running a marathon like I mean like right now together all of it is running a marathon and if it was you know broken up into small pieces two years ago we would be it would kind of be a Sprint not a marathon now everything is that's all I'm saying it's you know October October you know a few December so I'm just I just want to say July 24th I just want to say it just gives me a I'm just nervous that's it okay okay Mr manager I'll say this to commissioner Williams point because I totally agree um if we our next commission meeting would be if we take a recess hopefully we do we'll be in September Vice May we'll be in September if we so decide to take a recess would be September 11 could you have all of these rfps by that time completed I think it's like four or five yes so that means you will have the rest of this month and all of August to prepare and present okay and then back to the commission by let's say the first meeting in October yes that would shorten the time frame yes so because we can put RFP for 14 days or something like that okay and then I guess it'll be back to the commission for approval and contract sign that answer your point by the end of October which gives us a two-month buffer yes okay you good with that Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly the manager is saying yes yes yes I'm saying no no no and I'm only saying that because that's why I've been bringing this up for a while my my concern is it has be encumbered the main thing has been cumbered before December 31st my concern is with this this this um fast pace and again I I kind of agree that it may not take 90 days you give yourself a buffer my concern is that we we do this put out on the street come back and try to get these things encumbered and not really select the best company for the job because we're trying to do it so so quickly um I understand want to take a break break in in August I I got that part you want to take a a breather but I'm I'm concerned when you have all this going to come back really you know you could be looking at what eight nine things at one time coming back oh yeah that's that's quite a bit and and again you're making the Assumption um that you're going to get responses enough that are going to be quality responses that staff is going to review and say yes this good but I'm concerned we're going to get maybe responses and because of our Hurr not get our due diligence what we need um that that's really my my concern but if the manager saying he can do it um sta think they can do it um hopefully they can but I don't want us to be sitting here um at the end of October or December 10th or something you're sitting here and trying to pass encumber something to be the deadline so I would I would really if we're going to do that or get that suggest to the manager that he provide us with some kind of update by uh mid August for example as to where they are and they're assured that they're going to be a to have everything ready by that first meeting in September which is what you're suggesting that's what I'd like to see some some kind of update by mid August to give us a comfort level so we don't have pause that we are kind of on track and they haven't hit any major hiccups that's going to push us back even further when we come back in September um I just want to add that caveat to it and we're going to go that route okay and I know we're going to re um discuss this when we go back to the item but I want to make an amendment to this document Mr manager because I noticed you didn't even consider this do RFP or piggyback because a lot of this stuff we probably can piggyback you consider that yes that's all when we say RFP we usually that's usually consideration we need to add that language no sir I'm looking at the attorney okay mne they they are two different um that's ways to procure all right so then let's I would like to amend the document and we could discuss it once we get to that point to do RFP or an an or piggy bag for these items because some of this stuff we probably could you know speed it up with a piggy bag as opposed of RSP all right so we're good all right so um we're going to pause right here I need someone to make a motion to reopen the um agenda consent to pull item number one add this document as back up Mr Mayor I make a motion to re uh resend the agenda so that we can open the consent agenda for um item number one can I get a um a second the reopening of the agenda all right Madam clerk this is to vote on the reopening of the agenda vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams mayor Taylor motion passes 4 Z we're going back to item number six and post deletions or deferrals I'll pull item number one which is the item we just discussed um we know that we deleted item number two um commission Kelly item number seven dearl item number nine um um commissioner Kelly pulled item number 10 we also deferred item number 11 and 12 all right so can I get a motion to um approve the consent agenda move it move by commissioner Williams second second by vice mayor Madam clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right since we amended the agenda can I get a motion to approve tonight's agenda move it moved by commissioner Williams second by vice mayor Madam clerk approval of the agenda commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes vice mayor urvan yes mayor Taylor motion passes 4 Z all right so I'm going to jump down to our citizens form Madam clerk can you please State for the record how to participate in citizens form yes thank you Mr Mayor good evening city of oblaka commission meetings are held in person at the oblaka government center city commission Chambers 780 Fisher Street third floor opaka Florida members of the public wishing to address the commission may do so in person or virtually those persons wishing to participate virtually should register prior to the scheduled meeting time on the city's website at www. opalocka fl.gov when speaking before the commission please make sure to give your full name and address for the record there is a three minute time limit for public comments please adhere to the decorum policy which is part of the commission meeting agenda City commission meetings are aired through live stream at www.youtube.com users city of opaka and Mr Mayor at this time we do not have any virtual public comments thank you all right so citizens forum is open for those inside of the chain for Citizens form is open Mr hi my name is k Roberts 4050 Northwest 135th Street and I would like to give my three minutes to Brian Dennis hello my name is taan Williams 1820 R Street I would like to give my three minutes to B Dennis give it to the um Commission mayor Commissioners Brian Dennis address 2140 York Street the proposed items that you are that could be nine minutes please the proposed items that you looking at is the contract of the city of opaka between our current city manager and the City of opaka the next would be a campaign Treasures report concerning Miss Powell who's a candidate for office in the city of Miami Gardens and the next item on the agenda I mean on in this package which would which would be exhibit B would be a picture of Miss pow seemingly taking her campaign picture inside opal loock City Hall now when we look at the campaign report and we see that Miss power has campaign dollars coming from businesses with within the city of opaka which each person has a right to do what they want to do but it looks real suspicious that these business these businesses are all located in a flea market and these businesses were just up for approval on the item just at the last commission meeting when we go back and we look at section two of the manager's contract and we know that the manager shall carry out the city's ordinance and resolutions and everything that's pertaining to the city's Charter in a professional dignified manner but if you look at things that have taken place going to be back again to section three turn termination and Severance pray manager is the chief operator of the city of opaka just recently as we go down and you look at these items and you can see that clearly this is the city's chamber that I put in for a public information request now allegedly not sure but I also put in one for Miami day County that a city employee hit the back of a Park metro day bus now if a citizen had hit that bus and drove off that citizen would be arrested for leaving the scene of an accident with property damage nothing has been heard nothing has been said and this was all done in the city vehicle now why am I bringing this up it is an arrestable offense the manic manager controls the daily day-to-day operations of the city and yet it still no one has been arrested if you leave the scene of an accident in a damaged City vehicle that means that someone should be arrested you supposed to stay on the scene when it comes to an accident and allow the officer that pulls up to investigate it now why are you breaking this up cuz there's a pattern that consistently runs here with the city manager for former Chief Michael steel couldn't do his job what did the city manager do interfered in office Chief Scott Israel couldn't do his job what did the manager do interfere with Chief left we know what time it was now we got Chief Arney sitting here can't do his job because the manager got his hands tied but I again I'm emphasizing that that been a cities a citizen of the city of opaka that hit that bus and drove off the police dep Department would have been in the position to do a job without any type of interference so now we're looking at these campaign contributions we're looking at these pictures that's in here that is an abuse of power a negligent abuse of a power in my opinion I can't tell you all what to do or how to do it the manager shouldn't never been hired I'm going to consistently say that and the manager needs to be suspended without question the back and forth between the Commissioners and the managers at this last few meetings that we have have been very contingent been very contentious and you are in your due right and doe on due diligence and suspend sending the mayor and doing proper investigation to find out what's going on we know that August is a month that Commissioners across the country I me across the state I mean across the city take August off a vacation now is not the time take it off because again the director of parks and Coach Ki wasn't given due process they were not giv due process and when we know what's going on with this incident that happened with the bus allegedly till I get the documentation put in my hand due process the manager is pulling WS over y'all eyes and again I'm going to reiterate this I know you in the school system commissioner Williams but you've been doing a real good job as a private eye for the last few meetings been watching you while been in class Chief ay you can use commissioner Williams on your staff I'm just leave that right there citizen form is still open good evening my name is Carolyn address is 1106 Berry Street I'm here today because two weeks ago I was here to voice my opinion nothing was done I didn't hear nothing back I get a surprising phone call for all from all of my sponsors they were saying uh Miss Mr Williams sent a private investigator to investigate all of them the money how the money was given to sponsor the kids at the park um yesterday surprisingly one of the properties that I manage I also get another private investigator to investigate me and how the money was sent to me and how the money was spent I do have all the receipts they were asking for receipts they were asking how the money was spent they were also asking me if I'm aware of the time that was stolen by employees that were um released from their duties they were asking me did I ever seen the buses um in any location outside of opaka which I did see we go out of town on the bus with the kids um they were asking me if I know if if krie Griffin has another job somewhere else um sorry I'm I don't speak and cry house but I'm very upset opaka has the highest crime rate and it's sad that it's my city I'm ashamed to say I live in opaka but you guys have a city manager that's doing things and it's not the correct way it's really not for one you're sitting a private investigator all the way to pompo beach to a company that sponsor opaka you're running those sponsors away and they're not backing down now they all want to come together and we want to put a formal complaint because it's not fair I didn't get a private investigator when Mr William was at the haunted house and punching my daughter in the chest he just said oh my bad I'm sorry I was scared I didn't get a private investigator then I haven't seen a private investigator across the street from my house opaka has no Secrets my neighbor across the street HD and run he's still going in he's punching in every day he's still working but the Ki Griffin is laid off no pay Miss Ray was given a day to quit resigned so there's a lot of red flags I'm not sure if you guys are seeing it but there's a lot of red flags and it's sad if you pass by that Park it's barely kisss there I also coach at the park this year we may not have a team 14 you barely have kids 12 you a couple 10 you only have two kids citizens form is still open good evening 1216 Burlington Street my name is Ian William one second one second what is that going on it's the um the B for the the timer yeah she got it could you turn the alarm off and reset the timer please just unplug it good evening 1216 Burlington Street my name is IA Williams I'm I'm here to speak to speak on how I am very unhappy and how this supposed internal investigation is being done we have opal lock of detectives going as far as pompo Beach to each sponsor questioning and investigating them when there hasn't been no update or change with the legal actions taken against parks and Rex STA and how it has affected our community extremely bad this has become harassment towards my mom when all we want is answers for example on two occasions my mom was extremely embarrassed to see opaka out of their jurisdiction trying to find information on a non-employee this is the reason why the city is in the shape that it is in because your management doesn't respect anybody or anyone it seems as if he's in a dictatorship if nothing is going to be done being that my mom is being harassed and intimidated we will go to the US attorneys and fed's office thank you citizens form is still open good afternoon Audrey Dominguez 1147 Jan Avenue um I saw the budget workshop on Monday and I was in shock but not in shock because I've been talking about the arpa funds for quite some time in all the projects that have not gone through from 2022 and now we might not see it until 2025 which I heard Sesame Street bridge and that has been one of my babies since 2022 I think and I keep on getting different responses and I do not blame the directors the director of uh CIP the finance department because they all report to the city manager okay now I wanted to thank the the mayor for giving that math um explanation I actually brought $2.50 and I did that math with my grandson that's only four and I said Jackson if you had $250 cents and I took a150 how much money you have left and he takes a minute to think because he's that he's a thinker and he goes Grandma you get you have a dollar left so my thing is how is it that we don't know or we have a $5 million deficit and we don't know what this money's at I mean we've been in financial oversight since 2016 that's eight years we're going on nine years in 2025 now to be honest I don't think that the state is going to wait that long for us to get a financial oversight um we might not even have a city by December so I hope and pray that you guys do the right thing and remember that the budget is your responsibility everything you vote on falls under you guys because your name is behind it so I'm happy to hear you guys questioning everything and requesting documents and putting your foot down because if you don't do it they they're going to continue pushing the buck and we already know that we're waiting until September until we get the the next fiscal budget in to move all the projects that were presented I mean it's it's sad oh and by the way I have the annual budget report if anybody wants to borrow it from 2020 it's got a lot of interesting information citizens form is still open Chris Roberts 640 dad Avenue opaka Florida 33054 okay I have a issue the employees of the great city of opaka was supposed to get $200 or $250 for a bonus they never received the bonus but it was budgeted for and approved by the state it was never budgeted the other issue that I I also have is is we have a vendor here in the great city of opaka suing the city of opaka for $5.5 million for being harassed with the code enforcement department that they're not doing anything we have a business on 135th Street and 44th Avenue us Jim that they're trying to close down and move out of the city of opaka because they won't allow them to get permits and they keep on harassing them down now when does it stop it's really really sad to live in a community that the people are being harassed the other night someone put on Facebook I sent it to the vice mayor um complaining that they tried to open a business here in the city of opaka and all they're getting is harassment when does it stop taxpayer dollars with they're being wasted every week the the senior citizens of this great City get a free lunch with the city of opaka through the city manager why because they do everything he says that's not right we're a struggling City let's get these things together we have we have organiz we have four lawsuits in the last week prior to that two or three more when does it stop next year our insurance for legal city is going to go from $3 million to $4 million if we keep get getting sued we're not going to have anything to take care of the residents of the city of opaka we have a lot of time to do things that we have no business doing here everybody be harassed here if you're not like you're going to be harassed if they don't think that that you in the circle that they're in you're it's really really bad Manny hit that bus why Manny was not suspended or Terminator for hitting that Metro day County bus citizens form is still open citizens form form is closed um Mr manager this bus incident what what yes it was reported to the city Commission on flash traffic I was copied on that and the individual was cited at his home cited at his I'll can the I'll call the chief of police to provide all the exact details with the the commission one second Mr Vice May what I refused to see happen is this city go back 10 years ago not not I'm sitting here that's not going to happen I got that I did get that flash that spash information so I started doing my homework I'm from a family of Law Enforcement Officers I called them all they said if you hit a vehicle and you leave the scene and there is damage to the vehicle or injury that's an automatic arrest that's it's a felony it's automatically arrested I didn't ask any opaka officers the question I asked some more of my friends outside of opaka that I know to be officers and the funny thing is they all said the same thing we fired or have a three four whatever's going on with parks for something I felt is not was unfounded but somebody that's it's called a hit and run the last I check it's a hit and run and I I love the employee that's being affected but I also love them other three or four that's being affected in parts so what we not going to do while I'm sitting here is pick and choose who we go to love and who we go like and and fire and whatnot we not doing that here we did that 10 years ago and we had so many lawsuits needless to say we lost every last one of them every last one of them I was in City Hall raising hell at the podium every two weeks about that stuff why did this person get fired why did that person and it all found come down to they don't like me you don't have to like me let me do my job if I'm doing my job rather you like me you like me you like me it don't matter or don't like me long as I come here and do my job I should be treated with respect just like I'mma give out respect I'm pissed about it I'm pissed about it we don't we don't do that we we don't bend laws to benefit some and then don't let others slide it don't work like that now I was told it's a gellable offense because they left the scene of the crime if the chief have something different come let's hear so leaving the scene of an accident with injuries is a felony leaving the scene of an accident with damages is not it's citable and he'll respond have to be respond to that to that citation in court so whoever you spoke to vice mayor I'd love to speak to them but as far as I know and I'm I'm not I'm not a traffic Guru I'm not a traffic hom homicide person however when you leave a scene of an accident with injuries that in fact is arrestable there were no injuries uh Mii Dade Transit Authority came out and began their investigation we will receive that investigation once it's completed but as of right now we cited him because the the situation was that he fled the scene went back to the the uh motor pool dropped off the vehicle and went home we couldn't find him initially so we kept going back out until we found him and then the officer cited him with the citation that's where we're at right now but I will I will I will check with my media traic homicide and I will bring bring back more information to you ma'am but as of right now now uh it was leaving the scene of an accident with injuries would be a felony and arrestable okay Mr Mayor may I speak to the Mr manager yes this employee is still employee right now yes so he has been cited there's been a lot that's been said about due process right uh I I intend and I have always and I shall continue to put down discipline on all employees to the full extent under my authority as necessary without hesitation as to who's my friend who's sleeping with who who cares about who who I like or who I do not like I promoted people that are not my friends I've hired people that are not my friends I have hired PE I I have given raises to people that I know that don't like me I've terminated people that are on my side and I promoted people that wanted to see people in this terminated people that wanted to see people in this very audience that continue to attack or say uh things about me so I do not discriminate I do not discriminate and I will not will not discriminate if that citation Bears out he will get the full brunt of discipline that is that is allowed that's the process I'm I'm not sure if I have faith in it I'm being honest with you well I I I intend to make complely honest and I believe you but I intend to make you a Believer okay we going see cuz right now my belief in a lot of things that's going on in this city is down to zero zero and that's sad it's sad it's sad we go one one subject I'm I'm um I um through the mayor Chief I just have a quick question for you so yes sir I I'm looking at the flash traffic that was sent and The Way It Was Written the way when I read it it made it seem as if this was a opaka vehicle that probably was sold off not that it was because it does not say involving at a city of opaka employee like I was thinking it talked about the vehicle and it said a older model pickup truck with opaka markings that reportedly struck the transit bus and so I I re I recall in my mind I was thinking because I know that cities sell off their old Vehicles so this could have been like oh so you know it was a scratched off and the way I read it was this was some this was an older model with someone like a private citizen that's exactly how I read this yes commissioner so I'm going to be honest I am in shock yeah I'm I'm I promise you because all of this is new I have not this is the very first time and so maybe I'm late May respond no okay because I'm I'm serious I'm sorry I'm so not like like I'm so completely flabbergasted that all of this just laid out I did not know it was an employee I did not know who the employee was until it was just named right it was not told to me again again I'll say it again we have two assistant city managers but we never get a call okay so I am confused if you're telling me that I as a private citizen hit a police vehicle and flee and go home no no no put my vehicle in my auntie's garage and go to my home you're telling me that the police will come to my house and only give me a citation it's a misdemeanor it's a misdemeanor traffic violation so the answer to that is yes I will not the answer to that is yes commissioner I will not be arrested for parking my car when that I hit and I'm saying hypothetically a police because these are City a bus a police vehicle these are City property hitting a police vehicle and leaving and parking my car that's not hiding that's not hiding the the the crime that's not that's not hiding the evidence okay so you're talking about going into a garage just two different two different scenarios you just you just said the truck was then turned in public works fa that's the garage now it didn't close but similar and then I and then and I go home I don't get arrested the misdemeanor is the arrest it's a misdemeanor traffic violation not a misdemeanor criminal violation so misdemeanor criminal violations are arrestable immediately on the spot traffic violations no so if if it let if it was something egregious as if it were a chase that led to uh several violations of so as we okay if you could allow me to back up a little bit when you say you didn't receive the information the flat traffic that I sent out initially is sent out to immediately notify the commission and the manager of an incident that occurs in the city and that's what it was at that time that was the information that we received that we were dispatched to when we got there opaka signal I thought the same thing I sent out criminal investigation division to go out there and start pulling video Once the video was pulled and we checked the GPS's the GPS to that vehicle it led to a particular vehicle that was at that Point signed out of the motor pool uh to a particular individual employee and uh he then that employee was learned that that employee then left the motor pool and went home we went by the employee wasn't there and all was the intent to allow the Metro Transit the bus company to complete their investigation pull the video from their bus provide that to us so we complete our investigation at that point all we did was cite will site him depending on the severity of it then something else may happen if it splashes out to that but at this point he got it he got issued a citation because that's what we could do at that moment so is that considered an investigation yes the person the employee is being investigated well the traffic violation was being inves yes that so so I'm telling you I'm flat I'm completely just speechless so throughout the years I have been told it has been stated to commission that this employee specifically police is being terminated because there's an active investigation this employee or that employee is being terminated because not the outcome of the investigation but there's an active investigation is this considered an active investigation not by the city the I I'm telling I was listen I'm telling you the commission has been here FL doe is investigating this employee and we we found that it is our best interest to part ways with this employee now we never hear the after of the investigation we never hear that FL doe um said they were guilty or not guilty or whatever I'm trying to think of my order terms but we have fired employees based on active investigations is this considered an active investigation I can't comment on what happened in the past what I can't tell you is that this was a traffic crash that led to a citation and that is what we did we cited him if your off one of your police officers did the exact same thing would they be suspended or fired they would be cited they would be relieved of Duty and pending an investigation but we're held to a different standard uh commissioner we're held by the uh by Florida State Statute 112 and based on that we have certain responsibilities that we must cover during based on the conduct of that officer during the performance of his lawful dut duties so there's no comparison between okay I'm done I have a question really quickly policies and procedures our policies and pro cedure says that when a employee is in an accident or have some kind of accident be it car anything that they are to be immediately drug tested alcohol tested whatever it is has this employe done that I don't know I guess it's to the manager I don't know who who answer that question I'll get an answer to that question for you uh vice mayor I do not know the answer there is no way that nobody in this building this Chambers know the answer to that I believe been years ago in I mean I hate to throw shica but when we had that child that was left in the van that employee went IM well first of all they arrested him and he went immediately after the arrest to take his drug and and test to make sure that he wasn't Under the Influence I think the time period between when it happened and the time period when they found him uh it was 48 hours later yes I I could tell you that so then yeah we didn't immediately know who was driving the vehicle that required an investigation because that wasn't even the vehicle that that employee assigned to he was not driving the vehicle that was assigned to him so it took us a while to figure out who was driving that vehicle so the employee didn't self-report uh no Madam attorney I'm so sorry no this employ did not Madam attorney please help us let me know if the if a person leaves a scene with bodily injury damages what could happen to the city I'm trying to protect protect us at this point because can you tell me what I don't know enough of the facts um I believe that if damages are involved it is a misdemeanor um I'm not sure the difference between a traffic misdemeanor and a regular misdemeanor I just all I know is misdemeanor um it's either misdem or a felony felony is if injuries are involved um and then if citations are given when it's neither Miser nor a felony so um you know in in terms of what happened in the this with this set of facts I have never heard of it I don't know about it and so I can't comment on the so you didn't know about it and you're our City attorney cuz this could potentially because according to the flash traffic it says passengers were departing the bus when it happened and so if passengers were departing the bus we already know those chiropractic clinics I they about to go ham and cheese all those passengers could this come back to bite us you know I guess anybody could file anything okay so um commission VI all right the issue that I'm not going to be that you all said what everybody was thinking but Mr manager we talked about communication before and this is a this is it could have went another way if the news would have gotten it we would have heard about it on the news and like commissioner Williams said when I read this it was misleading it was extremely misleading but to hear that it was one of ours even if how when did you know the details of this that let me ask that I I received IED The Flash traffic and I Iden I immediately called Chief outley at the same time to find out is this a c vehicle or um you know what's going on with this vehicle I actually found out more information than the police did uh because I was ini initially told that this was like a uh a CD vehicle and we weren't able to identify the person um and then I saidwell I called Public Works find out this vehicle for me um So within So within hours they gave me one name and so then I then I directed them to find you know this person's and then we found out that that person actually that was assigned that vehicle wasn't actually the person that was driving that vehicle because that person that was assigned that vehicle had another vehicle and we checked that GP we checked that GPS and realized that that person had a perfect alibi couldn't have been driving two vehicles at the same time so at that time um I believe by the next by the next day um by the next day I said well if that person was not driving his vehicle that he was assigned I need to find out who was driving uh the vehicle that was actually in the accident I got that name from public works and I gave it to I gave it to uh the police department and I said you know arrest citation or whatever is required uh go out and execute I'm conf I said you double check the work that the the information Public Works is giving but I said I'm certain that this is the correct employee and none nothing click with you to say let me call the commission for a potential news story or a potential lawsuit a potential anything that's no this is what come I mean we are we have now instituted we have now instit instituted a model where you get the information the exact same time that I do if there's anything I'm always available 247 at first any no no no no no no no thank you no we I can't we are your boss you're not our boss absolutely you are but I I think but that's the way the charter says it it says okay so let me can I get it out absolutely yes sir so here's the issue that I have okay if you got all of that information and you got the flash traffic just like you said got and this new policy that you instituted that I did for future agenda item but all of a sudden we have a new policy that hasn't been passed by the commission but we'll go you can't you could have picked up the phone and called each and every one of us and said this is what happened this is the um this is what I'm doing blah blah blah blah blah blah blah but the mere fact that we got to wait that happened on last week Thursday we are almost a week later I didn't even know the details of this um of what happened and we're just now hearing about this in detail like that from residents not the manager from residents you don't see nothing wrong with that sir let me ask you don't see nothing wrong with that may I answer your question go ahead sir there are at least a half a dozen issues that happen just like that just like the one that has been brought to the brought before there are at least another 12 issues with employees happening just like that just like that uh so it is impossible for me as your city manager to determine what it is that you want to know and what you don't want to know obviously I am horribly failing at that despite my best efforts when we first started this journey together um I was railed upon just as I'm being railed upon now because a resident died in the city and the commission was not notified I wasn't aware that was one of the functions of the city manager we implemented a policy and procedure that moving forward anytime a uh anytime a resident dies within the city of opaka the commission will be notified that was put in place we started doing it next uh next then a non-resident died and the commission wasn't notified well okay uh wasn't aware that you wanted to know when a non-resident died in the city of o so we put a policy in place anytime anybody dies within the city of opaka notify the commission um next we had um next we had a shooting um and we and every time we have shootings some sometimes we go months without shootings and then we can have a few shootings back to back to back uh we had a shooting where no there was no injuries nobody was harmed um we we went out we did our investigation um but that information somehow got back to the commission that there was a shooting somewhere in the city and the commission wasn't notified so now we created this flash traffic to where and let's keep in mind this is a special thing that we're testing out for the commission of the city of opaka uh in accordance with recommendations with FDLE all other elected officials aren't getting this information um one of the things that was asked I Believe by commissioner Williams was or was was either you or commissioner Williams find out why the commission was removed uh from flash traffic so I reviewed that uh there was a recommendation put in place and new policies and procedures by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement that elected officials was not to get this information so I met with Chief Atley and I said well if we can't keep them I I said if we can't allow them to be register to this information can we provide create something for them where they get their own information that we create for them that they're allowed to have and that system went in place I believe last Monday uh even before that went in place it was Chief Atley and I manually typing and texting and emailing each one of you every single time anything happened in the city of opaka and I was hoping that that would be a s I was hoping for that would be a success and so uh and that's not successful so I'm going to ask as your employee as your your employee my ask is is just this if you see us failing to get you details uh details on something that you may know please don't wait uh we are here to serve you anything that you want to know we I will get you the answer uh as soon as I possibly possibly can but what I see happening is the ball keeps moving we keep failing at knowing what it is you want to know okay Mr manager first of all number one I read the Miami times so I've never asked you to send me who dies in or outside of opaka my thing was if there is a major crime in the city of opaka a shooting anything major a potential news story make sure that the commission is aware this is big and the fact that you got all of that information and did not share it with us and then you're sitting here trying to trying to justify it by quoting that FDA Le Crea a policy that I've never heard of then you said um cuz I know other cities who have never stopped getting flash um um flash traffic information so I'm not and I would love to see that policy then you talked about we should provide it you talked about answering questions and getting um responses quickly I got public records request that I sent you emails for for a paper that you showed me and you still have not given it to me so I don't know what you're talking about that you give me give us information but but I can speak for myself I don't get it I don't get it at all but I go back to my same issue you don't think this is a problem that you got all that information regarding this if if somebody wouldn't on that bus would have gotten hurt if the county sues us a lot of things can can take place from this we we hit a County bus with passengers from our city vehicles and the manager want doesn't think it necessary to call the commission for potential litigation you didn't even call the attorney I would answer that sir my answer that sir with any time that you have less than $500 in Damages which is why this was a misdemeanor you're also unlikely to be able to sustain any litigation thank you Mr manager do we have any um any other question I got something I want you got you any yeah let me get a bite of this small app let me Begin by saying this of course flash traffic um reporting has been around for a long time it's nothing nothing new and even if there is a new FDLE policy uh which I like to see too flash drives you know getting the commission information whether it's uh the hard hardcore or just something that scal back that the commission could know is nothing new I asked about that when I first got back that I wanted to be informed about things what really challenges me at least in in this particular um situation with the employee is like my colleagues I I got the flash drive it was very vague I didn't think it was an employee either um I got an information from the community which is you know Commissioners do you know some employ said no I haven't gotten that I just know it was an accident and I left it that no it's an employee so for and so on two things challenge me number one according to what we all just stated the chief just stated uh two days later is when you I guess found out and actually went to give a citation is that is that correct okay so they got a citation two days later and now you're waiting on an investigation to determine if any future um disciplinary action is going to take and who is doing that in investigation number one the the investigation being conducted by miid day transit uh they'll give that to me the employee was also given a misdemeanor traffic citation that would be going to court and when he's if whatever the determination from Court he'll be charged with a misdemeanor at that point and provided his uh and at this at this moment what is our policy on uh in a vehicle hitting and leaving the scene what's the city's policy I don't believe we have a specific policy on leaving the scene I I believe we have a policy on hitting a vehicle hit anything you got well hr's right there but um public work so okay what is our policy right now if you hit a vehicle I don't care which department it is or what vehicle a city vehicle that hit somebody hit something I'm not getting into the felony or the misdemeanor part what's the process I'm quite got something in place good evening city manager may I thank you sir so our current policy is and we did have this occur we had an employee that was literally electrocuted last week and he he had the drug test he informed HR his director did and so it is my understanding that all employees would know from their manager that that is the process I don't know of a different process other than if you're on if you're conducting City business anything happens you are supposed to notify your supervisor and manager or your director whatever that title you refers to them as and they know to contact HR if it involves an accident or incident and HR will have them go to the medical facility the com the agency pays for and we have this posted all over the place um and you know I've told the some of the workers that take pictures of it and they're open late they're not open on the weekends but they would go to a hospital otherwise were you contacted in regards to this so commissioner Kelly uh no sir I'm not aware of this incident Comm if someone in my office is I am not aware is there anything else sir um okay I've been around this city a long time and it must changed if you hit something hit someone hit whatever in the city vehicle it's really structured you notify your immediate supervisor director do whatever the title and action is taken I I'm first of all I I'm just not even going to get into the issue we're waiting on day County for an in investigation before we do something that that that's mindboggling to me that we would do that pardon me no sir we are not we are not this this employee is being considered for disciplinary action as we speak well that's not what the chief just said he said he waiting on Investigation for yes the speak was the chief was speaking toward uh uh crial citation okay well then I'm going to refer back what the mayor mayor just said if we are investigating or doing something the commission never got that we haven't we didn't get anything that other than what we got off the flash drive so if there's further action being taken or been taken okay or being contemplated we haven't heard that either and so for us we're having to speculate so if there's something going on some process going on we've not been given an update on that and I'm I'm going somewhere with that okay for the simple fact that uh I think it was last week we got an email that a police officer was terminated yes sir okay we got that from you was terminated for whatever the reason was yes sir didn't know about that before but that made the radar that got terminated okay but yet when the parks folks got terminated I heard that in the streets I didn't get that from the man's office whatever reason I'm not getting into why they may have been or whatever I didn't get that until we got here and you said in the meeting uh they've been terminated there was a there was criminal investigation going on ethics whatever going on and so I didn't say anything else because I wanted to wait give you two weeks for that but nothing was said to us even that they were terminated that came from the streets now obviously not seeing them they were terminated so if we're going to have a policy or a process then all of them have to follow the same grid I'm not asking for specifics of what the yes sir at that point but we got that terminated for I guess probation whatever the reason was we got that from you directly yes in an email but yet with the park St we didn't get anything may I respond sir so this is a learning curve for us to understand what it is that you want to know so from my perspective reading the charter the charter doesn't the charter has all of the Personnel decisions under the manager so if that's something that um that the commission wants to be a priz we would provide you that information um so just like when I come to a commission meeting and the commission meeting says um yes you're now going to get informed every time someone is going to be terminated because I don't want a repeat of what we experienced before and I don't want you to be disappoint OED or I found out in the street or an a resident told me so yes moving forward every single time a a a employees terminated you will be informed and what I'm hearing is you want to know about investigations we can do that as well to extent that that that's permissible under HR policies and and uh police department policies if you want to know all employees they're being investigated we'll provide you a report on that and give you that information as well sir yes sir Mr manager yes sir I don't want to get into a play on words no sir I want to clear what I'm saying you can't move the ball in certain situations either you have a policy as the manager you're going to notify us of things occurring or you're not I said the employees at the park that got terminated we didn't get anything we got something on the police whatever then you come back with this situation with the employee um hitting the bus yes we got nothing any disciplinary action nothing is pending uh nothing is in process until tonight when you just said something is being or he's been investigated or it's being looked into not the criminal or whatever the police is waiting on but you just said you're somebody you just said you're doing it or somebody you have looking into the to the matter um it it seems to me that there needs to be a consistency but because I'm going back to the fact that the policy unless this chain y'all tell me it has it's really simple you hit something whatever you notify somebody correct it's that that's really simple and we didn't we didn't get that again as some of my colleagues said they just found out specifically uh tonight or whenever through the streets that that's um unacceptable that really is but let me go to the other appointment Mr Mayor and I I don't know um how you want to look at it or how you want to address it because I know this was the first thing that came up in this discussion about the employee I don't know if you're going to go further with some of the other citizen concerns okay go ahead no I just I wanted to read one thing if yall don't mind um this is from this is from the Miami D website hold on I was searching Criminal Traffic Violations a Criminal Traffic Violation is issued in a case where a person is suspected of committing a traffic violation which is punishable as a misdemeanor offense a driver can be arrested when charged with a Criminal violation examples of the most common Criminal Traffic Violation are one driving Under the Influence two reckless driving three driving with a suspended license knowingly and four leaving the scene of an accident with property damage that's a criminal traffic violation you kept saying misdemeanor it's a no I get it but that's the the it's the play on words because that's that's serious that's pretty serious and so what we're saying is leaving the scene of an accident with property damage could potentially be because there's property damage that's that the bus is damaged potentially be a traffic a criminal is Criminal something major could happen with the employee I don't understand how because I know in my organization that if anyone does any of these they have to self-report to an administrator that's HR and it is in policy and procedure they have to self-report we generally sit them down with we call teacher jail or whatever in at the region or whatever until the investigation is over and pending the outcome because we do this I do this pending the outcome is when we will tell the employee if you can return back if you need to get a lawyer lawyer up go get your union this is what's going to happen and then if it is this serious depending on the investigation then more than likely they will be terminated so I don't understand because I get it I work for the third largest school district so I'm not trying to compare but this is a private organization we are an organization correct Miss uh HR U manager this is this is of organization with hierarchy with I'm sorry I don't mean to be looking at you Chief I don't have my glasses on with hierarchy with a structure with systems that should be in place this system is broken because to to tell me that this particular and again we love them we know but this particular employee felt emboldened to go this far and it's still waking up and going to to work without sitting in opaka employee jail sitting down either paid or unpaid either this or that A or B that's a that happens in every single organization there is not an organization alive that does not have that particular policy and procedure and right now it looks like we're cutting pting cutting p and cutting pasting what we're saying is going to happen and again you are so right Chief I I do understand with police it's a whole different but I'm telling you it's not just the police it's always it's been active investigation fire active investigation F doe fire what's the outcome and so here we are have two thing two people two people two people who I would think the city manager would have told that this is happening this is come this is this is a thing this could be potentially I'm going to give you the heads up down the pipeline because I'm looking at the flash traffic it happened on Thursday last week Thursday of last week so if two days later all the information um came out that's still more in time for the commission to have been called two people the HR Director and the City attorney had no idea until tonight that this was a thing and then I'm gonna say one last thing and then I'm G to be off of this CU I I know I keep and I'm not trying to beat the dead horse and I am not trying to talk about the employees you have a higher Archy of City assistant City attor uh managers and under one of those hierarchy it says police under one of your managers it says police I saw it Monday night it says Public Works it says this it says that everybody has is falls under someone shem's Park so you're telling me that you're you can't do it you can't do it all we've had this conversation times you can't do it all but one of your assistants couldn't call whoever this falls under I don't know where this falls under couldn't call the two most like main people that need to know this we got a communication breakdown that is horrible I've tried to just say I just tried to be so it is the most destructive thing I've ever seen in my life because I can't understand how this is and it just keeps happening and happening and happening I know it happens with us we already say we say it a thousand times and we don't get this communication we say it but oh my God potentially lawsuits potential this potential that we gota we the bus now the county may have to call us and we have to call our insurance company and get the B all of that could happen and they don't know we got I don't even know how to fix this I'm done thank you well thank you Commission Williams but the manager said this was a learning curve however we talked about this last meeting that's why I felt that our intelligence was insulted by that statement because you've heard this over and over and over again so this is not a learning curve you just chose not to call period you just chose not to do it so we're okay now my um another thing we citizens form no we a okay go ahead who you have something no I said I'm not okay so you speaking for yourself oh no no I'm not okay with that I'm saying said you okay I'm not okay I'm not okay okay um who authorized who authorized the usage of the city Chamber by a candidate from our neighboring city did that go through Parks as a rental and was paid for because he brought that up too I ain't know that about that I see the picture and that is our chamber bright and clear we often allow people to come in here and take pictures that is not anything that has ever this is not a rental facility that's not the first time that's happened Mommy day police department has done it uh other organizations has done it that has never been a requirement for a rental that the city can engage in political campaigns Madam attorney is this is this best practice because I don't I have not heard of that prior to tonight and if any if because I know from experience Madam clerk if I wanted to take my campaign photos in the city Chamber would that be feasible I mean not feasible would allowed would that be allowed you are the um elections um Guru I say that's correct um I would have to look into that Mr Mayor specifically but um yeah I I I don't want to speak and and you know give you incorrect information so I would have to look into that Mr Mayor okay Mr Mayor um Mr Williams yes Mr manager uh yes so for the record that candidate who I know quite very well all of her campaign photos that are being utilized for her campaign were taken in the city of Miami cartens there are no photos taken in the city of opaka that are being used for any political purposes or campaigning this picture says City Hall Miami Gardens with opal loa's campaign I mean with opal's chamber honored to support her campaign so quote providing road to council woman of it just says Miami so this is a campaign photo because it talks about the candidate being elected this is a photographer's Facebook page excuse me Instagram page this is not a political ad you m man you you are good this is the truth sir you are good the play on words are good and not a political hold up let me I got a question yes sir how was this photographer paid was this paid through her um not so this photographer was not paid absolutely not absolutely not it was all his idea we she hadn't even uh she had not even so none of the photos that he took that this person took was used on that campaign absolutely you can go and look not one photo not a single photo we should move on Mr Mayor Mr Kelly why was this allowed was what allowed sir you this photo that we're seeing is not in this chamber that's what you're saying I've never said that no I'm asking yes why was it okayed and who okayed it so the campaign came to pick me up well not the campaign that came to pick me up they came to pick me up and I was working here on City Hall on a Saturday right and the photographer said can we do some test shots to see how she looks uh for when we do do uh we were test sit so there's test the sites first test the camera test the lighting um we didn't even actually do her shots that weekend it was a subsequent weekend that her shots were done so I said sure if you want to do some test shots in here you can take some test shots in here that's how I know that they were never utilize for any campaign purposes I know that for a fact Chief um who who was that Sergeant at Arms Mr manager you want to continue yes well no that my response H somebody need to know yeah someone having an argument next door oh okay um campaign or not it's not a good look it is not a good look okay sir it is not a good look to have pictures taken because while you're saying it wasn't used for the campaign whoever posted this and whatever site it is obviously it comes across as campaigning and I'm quite sure if anybody else wants to come in here and take photo shoots photo shots just to test out we would not just allow that because number one that's something you wouldn't see in the chamber of the of the commission out in the Foy area but not in the chamber and I was looking at I mean this is like a full setup it's got all the camera I mean the cameras got the lighting or whatever so it's not something that just was done half hazly but it's at at worst at worst very poor judgment understood sir very poor judgment um but it goes to the bigger Narrative of this occurring and then again we're finding out tonight I mean to me listen took some pictures want you to know o block a small town and people interpret stuff different ways and so to let the commission know what transpired you authorize to take some pictures whatever so we be out front anybody that looks at this will get the impression that this was used for campaigning so it's poor Judgment at best that's at best is poor um poor judgment to even allow that um but again okay I'll Cate there thank Mr Mayor uh we're investigating our residents and Parks which the park sponsors I have I I have no idea what no so who authorized that investigation uh I have I cannot speak anything on that well they said that they she said that the person said she said that I hired a private investigator in Senator Papo Beach that is not true then she also said it was our people that did it so so so then do you to the chief come who is that okay can you Chief can you speak on that commission uh the detectives that went up to pompo beach were my detectives from Criminal investigative Division and they're investigating an open investigation uh that has something to do with uh information that we received uh relates to incidents that occurred in the city of oblaka um I can't give you any more information on that because it's an ongoing investigation um but that's where we're at there is an investigation going on my detectives did made contact up in pompo beach so I have a well actually Mr manager you did know about it because at that commission meeting you st that there was a ongoing investigation and a possible ethics violation I I I believe that what you said so how would that mean that how would that translate to me knowing that officers were in pompo Beach you knew about the investigation you said I'm not aware of any investigation in fact and then and then furthermore I also stated there multiple agencies so I am not getting hands involved and the other this agency or any other two agencies and what their investigation looks like so investigation go in the city of opaka you are unaware you don't know I'm aware that there's investigation but it would probably be unethical for me to be weighing in on what they should be doing and what they should not do that wasn't the question I that's what I asked were you aware are you aware that's the statement is I'm what I've shared I'm aware that there is an open investig open criminal criminal and ethical investigation involving multiple uh law enforcement agencies Mr Mayor Vice May okay I can't sit act like I don't know what's going on because last night I received a visit at my house from Miss Carolyn whom I know personally because I work with her at the parks with the children the letters that she gave to us the letters that she of donors that she gave that was for the commission how those letters became in uh a part of the investigation to ask if these people are giving donations we investigating Miss carollyn that's what it seems like the people that we're we're investigating the people that give donations to our children asinine when those kids are are away at uh field trips or games they are sometimes with us 12 hours their masas don't send food the park the city don't send money the city don't send food so we got these nice people that own hotels that's willing to give us money for our children donate water to our children we send three police officers to their businesses to ask them to Au to authenticate the letters that they provided they didn't they she didn't provide those letters to the police department she provided those letters to the DI to the dice I asked for them I asked to see the letters and instead of us sending the the business owners a thank you thank you for providing goods for our our kids it's ridiculous right now we're asking $50 registrations just this week we lost about 12 13 kids because their parents say they could take them down the street for free at Bunch Park and that's where those kids are it was me that called out to the the um the coach today and say see if you can get those kids back I will pay for their registration because we can't lose kids we can't lose anymore but now it's like we're going to lose some sponsors because if you come to Obaka and sponsor the children the detectives coming to give you a a visit who does that who does that we can send officers to pompo and dur cuz they went yesterday and a few days before that we can send them there but we can't even return a man telephone call a resident telephone call that's crazy it doesn't make sense to me this lady volunteers her time the city doesn't pay her anything and we go and question her like she's done something wrong there's money missing when somebody donate the money and and the people are content they're not worried about money missing because they see what they they see where they money go at the park so all of this stuff that you're making up don't make sense admit that the people were not giv a Fair shake and they were fired just cuz people got their feelings and that's the way I feel and I'm entitled to my feelings I see them people down there working 12 16 hour days I live right across the street I see that I see that I was told to tell commissioner Williams it's not that they don't have the staff for the basketball team they don't have the children they don't have the children ain't nobody running opaka to give donations nobody remember opaka got a pass and there's a lot of people still opaka oh no I'm not doing that but it seemed like that pass is coming back to the Forefront and I'm not going to stand for it I'm not and I said it like I said it again when I ran for office I said I'm standing up for what's right what has been going on in this city in the last time and last two years hold my tongue L I almost said the wrong thing it's dead wrong it's wrong so to me the investigation should be switched from the employees to the city manager's office that's what that's what an investigation need to be to the city manager Office the police department whereever maybe we're investigating the wrong people it's wrong and now we going to be once again lawsuits lawsuits lawsuits lawsuits we supposed to start football season in a few more weeks what the kids go do or maybe that's maybe that's the God dang it maybe that's the plan maybe the plan is to kill the program so because the streets of opaka and Kelly can say it they rarely get anything wrong in the streets or opaka say there's a bit there something brewing for the parks you're trying to to bring in a separate entity and all that kind of stuff the Parx has been working just fine just fine you lay somebody off until you find out the right thing you you we fired somebody and now we're doing an investigation why the previous conversation the guy wasn't fired while we do the investigation come on being the city manager is like being a parent I'm a parent I raised five kids one wasn't even biologically mine and anybody that know me know you couldn't tell the difference because I didn't treat them no different if I bought one a pair $100 shoes all four all five got because you can't treat people different I have a hard time with playing with people's livelihood I have a problem with that show me in writing when I'm doing something wrong wrong and I'm going to correct it if I don't correct it then you have the right to do whatever you want to do to me whatever the parks has always been the most underappreciated department and op locker and that's my personal opinion because I see it I have gone to games out of out of town and have to feed children out of my pocket cuz the kids are hungry they have to eat they thirsty they have to drink and we get sponsors to help us with that and the thanks that we give our sponsors is by showing up three de we got questions for you we need to know if this letter that wasn't even given to the police department if if it's authentic did you write this and I am so glad that those sponsors stood up and told them what they needed to tell them all of them all of them the lady even gave them another one watch while they were there hey this is the owner that gives me water for the kids y'all want to investigate him too because it seems like they're being investigated and that's dead wrong it can't get any wronger than that it's dead wrong we go turn the whole city upside down because we didn't like what somebody said we didn't like what was said it's wrong you cannot operate a City on your feelings you had to put your feelings in your back pocket as a parent I did it all the time and I always told you as long as I felt that you were doing the right thing I'm there for you I couldn't have been more in Darin's Corner than anybody else because the city was moving everything was going and then came that date where you signed your contract and everything to me went in a different direction it's not how you work it's not how it works it's not how it works because right now I know your seat is hot and I know it's hot because I'm hot for you I'm hot for your seat I wouldn't want to be in your seat right now I I I don't and you made the you you you make sure that you let us know that you're the only one can hire and fire in the city well let me make a correction to that the commission can also hire and fire we got we got three people that we're in control of I don't like the investigation Miss Carolyn I do apologize I really do I really do and I thank you for all you do o work all day and then go and over to the park and help coach and do all I do thank you for that from the bottom of my heart and I apologize for the behavior of my city I do thank you okay um and I think miss our commissioner Dominguez talked about the tax rate I know we're going to discuss that commissioner Kelly I I I have ask one question um Mr manager to the chief you indicated that investigations were going on criminal investigation going on I want to know can you initiate or do you initiate criminal investigations without the manager's authorization and I'm not something I'm not referring to something coming down from FD where they telling you you can't say anything because this is higher up I've been a city employee I've been a director so I know how these work so I'm going to say in advance please just if you don't know the answer not sure whatever but can you or do you have the authority to initiate a criminal investigation and you do it without letting the city manager know that's a broad question commissioner Kelly uh if it's I we initiate criminal investigations all the time literally every day and the manager doesn't know every step of every way of every inv that I do no ICT with step when you're doing criminal investigations do you let I didn't say the details I didn't say get in specifics but when you initiate criminal investigations that's not coming from somewhere that that holds you to some secrecy is the city manager normally notified he would know the the the found the basics uh but not the in depth or no yes so the criminal investigations that you're doing now the manager was aware of yes Basics yes not specifics not specifics I stated do that don't do that don't do that I'm trying to okay you know just I'll let you respond when the mayor gives you the opportunity so these investigations that are ongoing that you went to the f business or what have you the manager mentioned at the last meeting that there were investigation going on that he couldn't talk about he didn't know any specifics he just knew was something going on yes so in the two weeks that has transpired since that there's been no information the manager had no idea you went up there and did whatever you did he has no he never knows any of those things no sir in an investigation no sir that'll come out in the report some things change so I can I can answer you that uh he doesn't have all of those all that information ask had all the information I'm I'm asking a very direct question because when the manager said two weeks ago that there was investigation going on that he could not get into um because it was being investigated commissioner Kelly yes um through the mayor you all may want to make a future agenda item um to come back as a resolution to ask about some of the things that have come up in the meeting that have been said so that you're compliant with your um your code of ordinances and your Charter so I would um invite you for the things that you have questions about and you want to make inquiries about you can do that you all can do that under your Charter you need to do it as a resolution so one of you as a future agenda item ask for those questions through the resolution and have the manager go back on the tape and pull the different inquiries that you you know asked about here and uh and then report back to you on those things that you want to know about they may be how how investigations you know whether the manager is aware of Investigations you may have a question about um how how arrests are made or how um how Personnel decisions are um are are determined when an employee is involved in an accident or how you know some of the things that have come up tonight um I'd invite you to do it through a future agenda item as a resolution that bring back to you on the next uh City commission agenda thank you commissioner K have the floor okay thank you Chief I'll go one better because I'm gonna go past the inquiry okay I I understand I can do an inquiry I understand it Madam attorney you can do an inquiry or or investigation inquiry sir um I know I can do that I was hoping not to go that route but we'll see what happens and the rest of the discussion of these items go ahead Mr Mayor thank you all right um commissioner Ming I already said that we talked about the tax rate but we'll bring that up when we get there also the Opera we already discussed it we pulled it and I think Miss Chris um talked about the 250 bonus not being budgeted but will you good will you discuss that during the when we get to that portion no no it is budgeted and it is in this fiscal year we're just waiting for the evaluation period to complete and then we'll pay it it's in the budget correct okay when we get there you got to ref this fiscal year not for next year for this fiscal year was in this fiscal year yes sir okay all right also hold up one second go ahead I'll you to you the the manager and I recently talked about that but I also talked to the attorney about it and she said that that time had expired that they can't receive because you told me they would get it in about 90 days but she informed me that that had is that still a thing yeah so what you have to do is um look at what the resolution calls for because it was a certain period of time it was they um the manager was supposed to do the evaluations within so much time you then have a time to notify um you well you have to notify of it you have to say what the criteria is going to be I mean it's all in the resolution then you have to do it actually perform the evaluation within a certain period of time and then it and then um the decision is made so there's a process it's a statutory process that I've sent the manager email about and you about commissioner um vice mayor several times so everybody is aware even and it even outlines it in the resolution so if there's something different being done and it's outside of whatever the time period was that needs to you know be looked at by the manager's office and it may require a comeback but yes um I don't have the resolution in front of me I can get it from the clerk and make sure that everybody has it so that you're you you can see it for yourself but there's a there's a process for it right and we did the process so if with this information that the City attorney is providing I if if that period is is not going to be sufficient we don't have all the evaluations for all the employees completed so if if it be um uh if it be the direction or the advice that we need to amend that resolution so that the all the employees can participate because we don't have evaluations for all 166 employees at this time mayor one second why is it taking I remember this coming up way beginning of uh of the Year almost yes sir why is it taken so long for evaluations there was some confusion about um employees and department heads were confused about what evaluation period they could use so uh we generally do evaluations once a year and sometimes twice a year um we're trying to get consistent to doing them twice a year so when this passed uh when this passed and since it was you know we promoted it to them as a Christmas bonus they were under the assumption that the evaluation period the evaluations that they had just completed they could utilize those and so uh the City attorney did clarify no you cannot uh uh utilize evaluations that have been done before the posting uh I believe I'm correct on that uh Madam attorney before the resolution correct correct so that means that we have to do new evaluations for all city employees and it has to be for period certain that is posted which was also another also another issue so we said okay we're going to use the midyear evaluations uh but then that period was not posted uh was not posted so we had to go back again and post okay you're going to be evaluated from this period to this period and then you can get your $250 so I would like to we have a special commission meeting uh we've already got the posting out um I just like to make sure the um I'll ask for an amendment to that resolution so that when that current posting ends we can we can give bonuses to all of the uh all of the employees all right commissioner Kell I I appreciate the answer but again it goes back to what one of my colleagues was saying that would have never come up we wouldn't have known it unless was brought up by a citizen I remember the bonus I thought you know um I know it was in the budget for this year but I wasn't aware that the evaluations had taken so long or taken so long because of not knowing midy year versus whatever yes um okay thank you Mr Mayor all right um and um they talked about toing but I guess Madam attorney we can I guess you can have one-on ones with every commission or do it in the the way you do it any possible litigation cuz I don't I don't I am only aware of the things that we get copied on from the clerk's office that go to the league of cities and the manager has all of those same um things so we can um I can certainly have those pulled for you but they go you know to the league of cities we don't have any new cases um that my office is handling the ones that we're we were handling normally we initiate or they have to do with the foreclosures or you know things like that so I can give you a list of of the cases we're handling and I can also give you a list of what um has gone to the league of cities so that you all have at least some summary of those things I'll do that within before the next meeting okay and Mr manager the same request sir the same request because she said there was some that she's not we have no cases that the City attorney does not have all right okay if we're done with citizens form we can move on to our action item I mean I'm sorry uh AC consent General Madam attorney 131 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving the recommended list of projects attached here to as exhibit a to be funded by American Rescue plan act arpa Grant funds providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager this item was deferred from the 710 2024 regular commission meeting all right Mr manager we already discussed it so um you don't need to present unless the commission has questions all right Mr May mayor oh I'm sorry go ahead Madam attorney yes just to clarify that the only reason this is pulled is to add the presentation that the manager um made tonight to attach it to this um item as an exhibit so that just about okay that was my question as well so okay um but the only thing I would like to add is to amend this um document to leave room for um piggy bags yes sir every for every um for every item that is going out for RFP or RFQ yes sir all right so Madam attorney do we need to vote on the amend the amendment of the document just it would not exclude that right now so it it's not necessary to do that we because they each have to be brought back to you and they can be brought back either as a piggyback or whatever it is it might be a soul Source it might be a RFP RFQ and then my next question I want to be right um do we need to vote to add this item as backup documentation that is a part that's yes you need to when you make the motion that should be a part of um your motion so I make the motion to add the um documentation presented during the Opera workshop at this meeting as backup documentation for this item can I get a second second okay we'll go with vice mayor we go vice mayor um Madam clerk on the motion commissioner commissioner Williams yes vice mayor irvan yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 zero all right so now can we call the question do we have any other questions on concerns hearing none ad I'm cler was there a motion in a second on the original it's been a long night um think so can we have a motion yes um a motion we move it so um move by um commissioner William second by vice mayor Madam clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 zero all right thank you moving on to item 137 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving issuance of a request for proposal RFP for native tree and plant installation and initial maintenance services providing for incorporation recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager this item was deferred from the 710 2024 regular commission meeting all right can I get a motion move it move by commissioner Kelly second second by um vice mayor um Mr manager um yes item number seven is a um is a project funded by arpa uh the are that was just approve in item number one by the commission this is the RFP to put that uh um to get a vender contracted to provide these services this was a project that was selected by the residents um and we're available to answer any questions that you may have about it okay um someone to Y to commissioner Kelly because he told this item yes thank you um I didn't see it initially I think it's part of uh the addendum that I I saw with the areas that that are going in the maintenance so is this one going to be 12 months maintenance after they're put in as well yes sir it's the 12 months uh maintenance in the contract yes sir okay and I notic um some of these tree well some of the locations are some of the same places that we have sidewalk challenges I you be like that so I would hope as they're you know you're you're um going about this process that's you know kept in mind especially when as it relates to timelines um since you're you're approving for the RFP that's the only reason I pulled it so that's the case thank you thank you sir all right any other concerns on this item all right Madam clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right moving on to item 1310 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the city manager to piggyback Source World contract number fl- r10 dgc 03-11 11821 dtci with Team Contracting Inc for qualified Professional Services for building infrastructure repairs alterations and restoration sources Services sourcewell ifb number 11821 and enter into an agreement with Team Contracting Inc for rehabilitation addition and replacement of the city's Gateway entry signs in an amount not to exceed $260,000 $ 26,35 providing for incorporation recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the C city manager all right can I get a motion move it move back second by vice mayor Mr manager uh thank you Mr Mayor uh so this item is to uh do a piggyback contract to for for us to work with the vendor so that we can uh gauge approximately $260,000 for the uh repair and construction of uh identified gateways within the city of opaka uh this has been an ongoing project the previous uh the previous vendor was selected by RFP uh however was then terminated due to lack of performance so uh we wanted to hasten this as fast as we can so instead of going the RFP route we found a sourceb contract to piggyback and that's what this item is okay um commissioner Kelly you pulled the item yes I pulled the item um I support the item but but my question is um because a couple of areas that signs have been damaged or hit was um from I guess from my understanding uh due to poor lighting Etc so and I'm looking in your backup it says lack of Illumination proper visualization so you know two of them been hit by Vehicles yes sir so I'm I want to know as a part of the um Pig pgy back is that something we're going to do to make sure we improve the lighting before it gets put up because I'm quite sure that's not going to be part of their piggy back or is it oh yes there's a lighting package included with all the Gateway settings inside but I'm seeing we're going to tell them specifically the type of lighting because it's lighting there but it's not very good so are we gonna ask for let me ask Miss gross for spef V lights as opposed to 60 or good evening um commissioner Kelly we are going the spot of the restoration of the of the signs and installation there will be lighted so and since we have the assessment we are going to improve the lighting in the area as well that's what I'm okay that's what I'm really asking not just the lighting on the sign but because it's apparently in couple those areas it's kind of dark so we we're going to improve the lighting around that yes okay all right thank you Mr Mayor all right any other questions or concerns on this item all right hearing none Madam cler we can call the question commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right moving on to our ordinances item 16 B1 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida creating a new article 11 of the city code of ordinances ring the following sections specifically adopting certain provisions of Senate Bill 102 the Liv local Act relating to affordable housing providing for the administrative approval of certain qualified projects containing affordable housing units authorizing the city manager to take certain actions providing for incorporation of recitals providing for conflict providing for severability providing for an effective date first reading was held on June 26 2024 this is sponsored by the city manager all right can I get a motion move move by Vice man SEC a second second second by commissioner Williams Mr M I apologize if I could if we could amend the agenda a request was made uh to defer this item which we are uh happy to agree with so we would like to defer this item um Madame attorney please um provide the process by which we need to do that all right so um you are the sponsor so you can defer yes thank you all right all right moving right along to are you deferring to date certain is that um no let's just now because a request was made to Workshop it got it all right so we're moving on to item 16 B two an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida amending the annual adopted General proprietary and special Revenue funds budgets for the fiscal year commencing October 1 2023 and ending September 30 2024 adjusting revenues and expenditures as reflected in exhibit a providing for the expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing the city man manager to take certain actions providing for appropriation of all budgets and expenditures providing for fees consistent with Appropriations and Amendment providing for incorporation of recital providing for conflict and repealer providing for severability providing for an effective date first reading was held on June 26 2024 this is sponsored by the city manager all right can I get a motion move it move by vice mayor second second by commissioner Kelly Mr manager thank you Mr Mayor uh this is amendment number four and we have our financial services director Robert anathan available to answer any questions you may have all right this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed any questions from Mr anathan on this item all right hearing none Madam cler we can call a question vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z Mr Mayor if I canion because I I um was the one who asked on the and I guess the attorney can give us Clarity on the deferral of the um 161 which is an ordinance um I know the manag say is deferring it um until a later date because we're g to have a workshop but I was I was hoping um we could give maybe a Time certain first meeting in I don't know September or something so we don't have to re-advertise costs because that or do we I may should ask the clerk maybe that's a question for the clerk Madame clerk in terms of read vertisements if we say tonight or to your attorney um if we say tonight the manager defers it but he defers it to a Time certain first meeting in September so we don't incur additional cost of read advertising Mr Mayor Madam Madam so so yes commissioner K Kelly it's my understanding if we provide a date certain for the deferment that we will not um at this meeting okay well I suggest to the manager I know he's deferring it and we can um I don't want to put a date um whatever day he want just put it in so we can provide it for the record so we don't have to pay extra money on read advertisement um to whatever date it could be the first meeting in September second meeting in September first reading of September which would be September 11th um September 11th 2024 so we need to um make a motion on that Madam attorney or just it's not yes that would be appropriate all right Mr Mayor I'd like to move that the item that was deferred uh be deferred to time certain the first meeting in September all right um can I get a second motion second all right um Madam vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z okay moving along to um our city manager report and at this time you said you wanted to Mr Mayor oh yeah continue with our budget Workshop we have um I'm sorry U Mr date town center and then we'll go with the good evening Commissioners mayor D schwar senior budget analyst uh I know it's late so we'll try to get this done quickly but efficiently and answer all your questions um so we left off on Town Center uh Town Center as you're aware of is the facility that we are sitting you give us the utilizing now so there's any questions regarding the budget the fy2 budget for Town Center I'm happy to answer them can you give us the page number yeah uh 15 9 161 uh yeah 161 thank you all right any questions we want entertain any questions at this moment as it relates to Town Center all right hearing none we can move on to our addendums Mr manager I mean Mr D I'm sorry yeah so with the addendum if you just bear with me for one minute you know what I got home late on Monday night and my wife said oh I you know I saw you on YouTube I didn't quite understand one aspect of it and I know you all understand that but it made me realize and understand that or or think about it that perhaps the citizens didn't quite understand an important point that I I was talking about on how or one of the aspects that the state is looking for to get us out of state oversight and so I sat down with my spouse and I kind of Drew it out for her and it made more sense to her and I said it's this notion of sustainability the city being sustainable and so I said think about it this way if you make $30,000 a year and you spend 27 you're saving $3,000 a year you're doing great if you're trying to save for a new home and maybe we have a savings account of $12,000 we're heading in the right direction but let's look at it this way if I make 30 and I spend 30 I'm not saving anything we are sustaining ourselves but we're not thriving she said okay I get that we went a little deeper I said honey what if we only made $30,000 but we spent 35 we have a deficit of $5,000 now if I have a bank account of two of 122,00 ,000 and we're losing $55,000 a year how long before that bank account is depleted that's unsustainable over a long period of time and I said honey think about it even this way what if I don't like my job and I want to go get another job that pays me less but yet we're spending more because of inflation maybe because you know we want to keep up with the Joneses and we're going out to eat and I've got a friend who's rich and they want us to go out to eat so now we're spending more but I'm making less that's even more unsustainable so I wanted to clarify for the residents of opaka the next page I tried to build it for opaka where are we well we have revenues of $30,000 we're spending about 35 we have a deficit of $5 million we are at that unsustainable threshold which means this can't last for a long period of time because I asked about that specific word and I was told that it was not said deficit so we are in a def def okay deficit is the wrong word thank you no no great oh I appreciate that you said I know that thank you thank you thank you it's okay we're utilizing fund balance to pay for our expenses so we are in an unsustainable part just like I was trying to refer to our home you make this much but we're spending more than we're making that's not sustainable all right so so that's that's why I wanted thank you Mr Mayor it shows that you understood it but I wanted perhaps you know some people are not always into finance and they don't quite get it so um but I knew you would all right here here here Mr D I'm sorry here's the challenge that I have because now it sounds like mismanagement of the budget because if you said that we had a revenue of $30 million but our expenses was $35 million that means we are in a deficit of five million well we're spending more than we have coming in in Revenue so we are spending more than we have coming in Revenue I mean we can it's not sustainable over a long period of time now to answer your question oh c can we go a little further because I I have it I want to hear it yeah can we go a little further okay so you know part of this is has to deal with the milit rate okay and yeah I okay I was just trying to relate it to the community so that they understand where opal loock is I don't want the alarm Bells going off I just hey you know we're at a point where we need to be careful on what we are doing and how we're doing it okay that's that's all that's it okay so the millage rate has been at three uh excuse me 9.35 since 2023 if you turn to the next page and I and I apologize it's pretty small on the screen here you have a much bigger uh on on your page so if you follow on the page what we did was Mr anathan and I and the and the city manager's office we put together your requests that you had from Monday night and please if we missed anything let us know uh so we started with our fund balance at the very top which is currently this proposed fy2 fund balance would take us to $7.1 million okay uh you actually gave back some you said Mr D yes sir if I can make a recommendation since you're trying to break this down for residents yeah instead of using the one word fund balance how about savings account savings account savings account yeah you've got $7 million in your Sav you're gonna end up with $7 million with in your savings account at the end of this budget year correct we we went from 12 to seven okay so anyway I'm not going to go through every line item but there's give backs like Ingram Park uh mobile office thank you commissioner Kelly and then here here are the additional line items that were requested so there was some additional funding for cheer uh for basketball cheerleading Christmas uh commission travel thank you by the way that was great information I was able to do that far right hand is the new budgeted amount okay so taking into account all of those are new proposed fund balance uh Arabian Knights is in there for $150,000 as well I want make sure that that was there uh the new fund balance would be $6.8 million in the process savings account sorry for the for the residents so in the process of lowering the millage rate each 1% of the millage rate is about $167,000 so that would take our fund balance down to you know you see it there at 1% 2% 3% would take us down to $6.3 million if you look at the chart on the next page that is at a 3% reduction in our millage rate and remember the green line is kind of our uh threshold uh where our fund balance needs to remain based on gfo standards and I did also hear the mayor ask for What's called the roll back rate and the roll back rate is receiving the same amount of Revenue that we received last year and make the adjustment for the millage rate based on that that's called the roll back rate and the roll back rate so in other words no increases even if you're property value increased no increase that would put us at a millage rate if you look down here in your sheet of 8.5 022 Ms our fund balance with that will go to 5.3 million so I want to kind of stop there real quick because this is general fund and I welcome any comments uh okay questions um I have a couple questions Mr yes sir very familiar with the RO R thank you for explaining it oh however um and you did ask right I want to go back last year too yeah I want to go back to the sustainability yes sir because you talked about we budgeted 30 million but we spent 35 it's budgeted to spend 35 budgeted to spend 35 yes sir which will it in turn um make us go into our what the manager just said our savings fund balance it's savings I know I know I know TR to help you out yes thank you thank you our savings so I still on what I said about the mismanagement of the budget so my question is how did we get here where we're tapping into our reserves how do we get here and why didn't we notice this prior to now because especially if you all are keeping up with this throughout the year we should have been said okay okay commission listen we done spent this we're we're we're we're here so we need to so if you look the budget amendments that we do on a yearly basis uh we always try to find uh any kind of offset so vacancies perhaps we have additional Revenue coming in so those budget amendments will helpfully balance that out if you will so even though then our budget maybe increases we have some revenues that will also increase over the year how did we get here we have spent an exorb amount of money on CIP but we are also spending money on operational things where we need to figure out or find more Revenue what you just said is what you all said Monday that CIP was in a deficit that's a quote what okay CIP doesn't doesn't hold any money in its account it does not have a fund balot we always zero it out so the project across the street if it's a million dollars a million dollars is transferred from the general fund to pay for that no we okay but there's no deficit in that the deficit and mean that we budgeted to do $5 worth of CIP yeah but we spent $10 worth of CIP no uh no what I'm trying to say is if I saved for going back to my initial example if I'm saving TW uh $112,000 for a new house hold on and I construct that new house I'm going to utilize those savings for the construction of the house or for the purchase of the house and so therefore that's a one-time expenditure that's a one-time that everybody agreed on we knew we were going to be building across the street we knew we were going to be building a police station which by the way was heavily funded by a grant uh you know so those kind of things those one-time payments are expected and they do affect our fund balance or our savings affecting our bottom line yes of course of course but we have to start turning the ship and start looking at trying to be more sustainable right we have to spend what we say we're going to spend and not ratify and add additional funding to everything so you said everything I just said just tried to pretty it up but I love it what I wanted what but here's where I want to go was it commissioner Kelly brought up a point on Monday he said how come nobody told us well I'm trying to make sure that it's understood that we're at a reflection point right now and we have to understand where we are so commissioner Kelly I I appreciate your enthusiasm yeah I'm quite sure your wife appreciate you too she got to um I've been saying this for almost six or seven months every time one of those budget amendments come up I've mentioned the fact that we are spending money what are we're doing transferring whatever obviously we know the water insurers in the whole we subsidizing many cases from general fund and borrowing from the other uh Enterprise fund so I'm not I'm not surprised at where we are I'm just disappointed because I felt the same speech you're making now should have been made like four or five months ago and I've said that to the city manager in the past as well um the same thing because every time I saw on those budg vacancies vacancies vacancies but we took that and put it somewhere else usually that's money that you save you put back in the in the account and you just keep it there we didn't we kept spending it well you all kept finding it because of things the other part and and I don't seen a specific number for it but I know when you mention CIP uh projects um and that's one of my pet pees of the engineers and contractors that we use to give us estimates and numbers are always or have been since I've been back totally off and to me that's where we also have Mr Mayor to my colleagues challenges because we're saying the project is going to cost you know half a million and then when the low assessments come back they're 700 they're 850 and I always use the uh Bridge uh project over there because the the estimat we had even all of the bids came back much higher and even the company that we W up selecting we still had to go higher just to retain them am I correct I would have to defer to CIP for that but I I well she wants to get up some exercise come up and say yes I don't want you know I'm not making up because and and that's got to be frustrating with her Department too but go ahead on the records you can say yes it is frustrating yes a FR stream thank you and and I'm I'm saying that because going forward while we do need to tighten our belt um in terms of what you're saying that component there needs to be really looked at because we're going to be spending more money if we're not careful because we're doing more CIP projects so a 100,000 here 200,000 there especially when you're trying to get it done eats up a lot too it eats up a lot of money and so when you're getting these new set of contractors engineers and the number projections they're giving you that's what's concerning to me because that's what I've seen since I've been back having to go back having to find money out a general not find but reallocate money out a general fund or somewhere else to either finish the project or to get it started because I was very disappointed with the whole um project because those numbers was so different and we still had to I think and I want but number I think we still had to add another 100,000 or something for the company that did decide they'll do it because it's just you know I guess the bids were where they were and all the companies were much higher so how how are youall going to deal with that um or what's the plan for dealing with those kind of situations going forward I know I suggested something legislatively and I know you were you sent the attorney something on maybe we can include but that is a key component too Mr Mayor we got to make sure these projects don't have these kind of overruns to that degree that is eating into money that we otherwise should be saving and or putting into something else so do we have a concrete plan or you still working on it um we are still working on the on the plan but we will be presenting that plan all right thank you all right um okay all good men you sir thank you Mr Mayor okay so Mr dick I have one question yes sir you talked about the roll back rate yep the new fund balance with the roll back rate the millage rate would be 88.5 which will leave us with a savings and our reserve a 5.3 million that is our fund balance would be 5.3 million 5.3 million yep so if we met in the middle what would that number be so I tried to give you a couple examples of different areas uh a 1% reduction we'd be at 66 at a 2% reduction we'd be at 6.5 and at a 3% reduction we'd be at uh 6.3 uh 6.3 million that would be on the first 6.3 million yep yeah yes yeah I'm sorry I didn't put page numbers I should have I should have yeah yeah okay I have to make notes to myself well you know how I feel the milit rate needs to be reduced our property values has gone up so the city is taking in more Revenue however what's the percentage of taxes paid average like so we run on 95 95% is what we 94 okay 95 95% we do our projections based on we're going to collect 95 % is that the question you asked what we collect yeah very good about 95% so and that is that is taking into account in our we we before we even give you the budget that 95 is already adjusted okay it's in our budget it's reflected in the reflected in the budget yes okay thank you great so if the 95% actually paid I know where I would like to be but what do you think a middle ground I can't answer that I think you should get a consensus amongst your peers sorry the rest of you're the budget guy so the reason why I'm asking you is if we because if we went down to 8.5 can we sustain if we went down with the roll back rate using the rollback rate can we sustain that's why I said you're the you're I've already stated we are on we're in a point right now where we're unsustainable for so so we need to think Beyond fy2 what happens in FY 26 if we have if we're spending $5 million more and we only have 5 million in the savings account but that's what commissioner Williams brought up we don't look ahead so we always do things for the for we need to look ahead but we should have been we should have done I haven't been here and no you were here last year I was here last year we did a five year plan we did A Five-Year Plan and I also said that we our CIP projects are very minimal for the fiveyear plan I did say that I'm on record for saying that okay so I have a quick question goad um just a h i love hypotheticals sure um if I took my savings account and hired a financial planner and that financial planner told me to diversify my savings account correct and perhaps put some of my money in um stocks or bonds or whatever Etc and my financial planner who is supposed to see my finances let's say if I say I'm sure um your financial planner may say um what do you want to save for what do you want to build and more than likely I'll say retirement college for my children etc etc so if my financial planner cannot direct me to A Five-Year Plan let alone a 30-year plan what I mean you're a finance guy as a as a person outside what do I tell my financial planner is that a is that good finances if I now have to go back and my savings account is now let's just assume I'm I'm a millionaire is now $5.5 million in the red or I'm sorry because deficit is wrong and all these words are wrong okay unsustainable unsustainable but the way I see it is you're telling me that in one year not three years or five or 30 but in the following year I'm going to rob Peter to pay for Paul I've said this several times too to to now figure out how my I've lost $5.5 million out of my savings account so now I have to go into my checking account and my maybe Florida Florida whatever child child's uh college fund to figure out how to peace meal to make up the5 m.5 million I'm going to tell you the truth I would fire my financial planner if I if you can't give me a vision I'm and I'm only talking to me please understand I'm not talking I'm not making any this is me commissioner Williams if you if my financial planner cannot see that vision for my money that's a problem maybe I need to rethink financial planning maybe I need to go to another company maybe I need to figure something else out but there's a problem there's some type of mismanagement of funds and it's up to my financial planner to come back to me and say stop spending because I see you spending at a rapid rate and if you don't stop what you're doing now there's going to be a problem down the future and I think that's so I'm I'm trying to be like your wife I'm trying to put it in terms where people can understand right at least that I can understand I like to break stuff stuff down so I again buy I buy in no means of saying to fire hire go in a different route I just said me commissioner Williams with my own money financial planning so we got to figure out and I'm sure our finance director because if you know money you know you have to look in the future and figure out benchmarks and checkpoints to stop the spending so you have to say to me don't buy that purse don't buy those shoes because because if you keep buying those purses and keep buying those shoes you're going to be broke so yes if I okay I just okay thank you I'm done by the way I told my wife don't buy those purses don't buy those shoes so and that exactly where we're at uh we have a surplus of 12.2 million right now right now so the notion that there's been a mismanagement of funds is hard to perceive re or hard to sustain or hard to solidify but it is now time to have that conversation if the the budget if one of these budgets uh one of these reiterations that's going to be selected will reduce that that savings that Surplus that $12 million and it's just a how much so we're going to be I don't I don't want to go on the record to say this okay I'll see it um we put everything that you ask for in the budget uh you've got $150,000 uh Arabian kns in there we've got a reduction of our income which is a a reduction of the millage rate in there just don't know which percentage you're going to be but he just went through we're still going to with that budget we'll still end up with somewhere between a$7 million to5 point something million doll savings Surplus so you'll still be good but now is the time to conversation to say hey if this happens again now we're going to be in trouble now we're going to be in trouble because as he explained on Monday the gfo standards uh for cities is to maintain at least $5 million in Surplus for a city this size right and the private sector is actually about 7.5 million so I'm already a little uncomfortable which is why we're having this conversation say yes we can do this we can do that we can look at this we can have a ver version of that but looking to the Future right if we keep spending like this you will have some serious problems we you will be the opalak of 2016 not being able to meet payroll and some other very bad things happening and then going back to we talked about CIP because that's another one that was another one I've been hammering for a while the CIP I know when it comes to a lot of our rfps I cannot remember the language maybe Madam attorney can remember there's this language with a plus or minus or they can go up it I think about so much percent or something the that particular company if they come back for accidentals or something do you do you recall Madam attorney what I'm talking about are you referring to contingency contingency I thinking so could the contingency and I I asked this a few years back could the contingency be one of the things because I do know that that if I'm a company I'm G break it down again and I'm saying $50,000 but there's a contingency of 10,000 or contingency of 15 I'm gonna get that 15 you all do that now all the time is that is that a standard practice I'm just at in most cities I I just well I think it depends um but uh you're right and I and I've had this discussion with um staff and I think they they agree that the vendors do um tend to meet that contingency amount whatever it is um so is there a comprehensive I didn't did I cut you off I'm so sorry go ahead is there a comprehensive list um Mr manager of every time that contingency is hits the threshold how much in a year we've spent in contingent contingency to all these particular companies is that because sometimes you know you contingencies are budgeted for so it's already in the budget um and if they don't meet the contingency yes and we don't just give them contingencies uh particularly Miss gross doesn't uh she challenges them let me go out in their SE let's have a meeting uh I'm not just approving this in fact yes um yes those options are there but we don't just say oh there's a contingency there you can use it no I'm I'm not so I want you to know we we challenge them tooth and nail to verify that those expenditures are valid and that that that access to that contingency fee is necessary and I and I only ask that because sometimes I just think there's this money that floats around we just keep writing these checks here and there I'm not saying it happens I'm just saying there all the all that adds up and it adds up over over years but I will say and I go back again with when it comes to CIP reason why and I hammer it because it has appeared specifically this year or the last two years that CIP projects needed as they are needed as they are have come first over any commission projects and I've said that before we it's when you say commission projects um I'm trying to understand because we see ourselves as tools like where're your pens your where your paper where your laptop so we write your vision so no no not we haven't done that yet we haven't done that yet those projects are not all our vision the CIP projects correct they are not all our vision they are they they live and breathe in other places but they are not we don't breathe we have we have not created any future agenda items or vice versa for any of those CIP projects so if we're saying all of if we're saying that this could potenti have been one of the things that soaked up the budget and I like we've said before ratifications then so how do we stop that bleeding okay so let's have that conversation um I can see your perspective of why you won't while you don't see um Capital Improvement projects as commission projects I have to say that's not what I said there's okay well I'm not trying to play on words I'm try not I said the the items that we bring forth okay they don't get as much Zeal and zest is what I'm saying well I'm certainly disappointed to hear you say that and we will definitely I will definitely address that with staff we've said that before I'm sorry Mr we've said that before that there has been legislation that was passed that hasn't been enacted upon so there's no need to address it with staff we're addressing it to you and then I have to address it with staff because I don't actually perform those projects so I definitely will I hear you I'm disappointed that you feel that way I would only thing that I what I know for sure what I know for sure is that all the staff that are here including myself are here to serve we are here to serve we there is no hidden agenda that I want to put this CIP project or before a commission project only way rational reason I can give it a CIP project like four of them are pump stations right we know the we don't get those pump stations done uh really really bad things can happen for the city really really bad news and press can happen for the elected officials and commission so if there's some extra Zeal to you know uh make sure that pump station gets repaired before it is destroyed and the county puts us in a moratorium again or we get some more fines which we really get riged over the C when we get fines and rightly so uh I would put it uh uh I would explain it that way I I would be hard pressed to I would be hard pressed to be convinced that we don't feel that your things are important you know Mr Williams I mean Mr manager okay here here's the thing number one the Departments don't move without you saying go everybody knows that you run the city correct if you want it let's just say playgrounds for example if you wanted the playgrounds to happen it would have happened you would have made it a priority and I'm only using the playgrounds just as an example okay but it seems as if those are not I'm just going back what she said those are commission projects are not a priority however I want to go back to this budget situation because here's where I'm challenged this this budget was created by you your staff and it is mismanagement of the budget you can't tell us two months to the end we have August September October three months to the end of the budget year that we are here now we're here now also you also told us that there was I think it's in the I don't know the exact amount but we have in for the offer funds a 500 and something um for the what's that um interest interest interest if we were to lower our taxes using the interest that would not come out of our savings yet yet we're still in a a deficit in our savings so that that believe Bing that bleeding came from something else not going forward reducing the millit rate so that's where I'm like don't don't sit here and say things like that this happened because we kept every meeting ratifying this that wasn't approved initially in the original budget this budget you created you got to own it mismanagement so if I may Mr Mayor this is absolutely not a mismanagement of funds or to say I why are for a city such as with the history of with the history of opaka to be sitting on$ 12.2 million in Surplus uh as we speak at this moment to be characterized as Mis management of funds is hardpressed to be convinced from any financial planner any Finance director any banking services any uh we are being reviewed right we've gotten ratings we've got the highest Financial ratings in the city right now for the city of vaka in probably two decades so to be stated that is a a somehow mismanaged it's I I don't I don't know how you validate that and any Benchmark if we started with $12 million yes live today right now if you were to open the bank account how much would we have on the reserve well this um what's the fund that you keep saying the the the fund balance 12 million 12.2 million is the fund balance so we have so there is there is no deficit in CIP we we are correct dollar for dollar this with this budget yes dollar for dollar so we're now having the conversation well well apparently he wants to hear you say it D yeah I G hear somebody say it because you can't tell me that there's projects that we did not execute um um we got more money because the land value went up we did not reduce our millage rate however we're we're our SP okay hard to believe so here's what we can do we haven't had a financial report in years here's what we well we have to send we're not they know we'll start copying the commission on the monthly financial report yeah uh we'll do that um that's not that's not a problem uh we under State financial oversight um um every penny that we spend has to be reviewed uh we have had a we just came out of last year a a state uh op operational audit report not a financial which is limited to how you're spending your money we had an operational audit an operational audit is an in-depth review of all of the operations of your city um we have had the same team of operational Auditors come to the city of opaka every single year since we've been under State financial oversight in 2016 upon their evaluation those Auditors and they go to every single department for weeks at a time they look at our policies and procedures or lack thereof uh which that is a challenge for us right now okay let me let me finish sir let me let me finish let let me finish let me finish sir that this is a stick a pin right stick a pen right there thank you so if we're if we're even dollar for dollar dollar for dollar and we reduce our millit rate by taking it from the interest of arpa then we will not go into the new year with uh fund balance reduction sir you're not understanding so let me please you're you're not is he correct me if I'm wrong by that by that statement you're not understanding I mean I understand exactly what you're trying to say but that you can't say that we're dollar for dollar but then we're going into the new year and we're going to be um with a negative fund balance from where we are today it's not a it's not a negative fund balance it's a reduction in fund balance we have $12.2 million if you spend if we with this current budget if it passes without any changes that next year instead of having a $12 million in savings you're going to have $7 million in savings if you reduce if you reduce the military rate that's even going to be even further down and you'll still be able with those numbers you would still technically be able to pass State financial oversight if you sto right there but if you reduce if if you go one penny below $5 million in your uh in your Surplus in your uh General fund balance you're no longer even eligible so that might be that might be 24 months 48 months in the future but as commissioner Williams said to be a sound financial planner I got to tell you that now so yes sir you could pass everything you you can pass everything uh that you want to pass and we will still be in compliance with this with the GFA GFA regulations will have more than $5 million in Surplus let me ask you this really the budget that you presented to the commission is a balanced budget without any changes the book that you presented to the commission is a balanced budget with no with no reduction to the fund balance which that's not true that's not correct that's not true that's not correct no that's why we that's that's not true and so you can't sit here and say that if we use the the um general fund balance the um um um no it's not the fund balance what's what's the the Jesus Christ arpa interest the arpa interest to lower our taxes then that will then say that we will go into a five million so you gotta choose either we're going we're going into next year even balance budget or we're not either we are or we're not that's what I'm asking but but it doesn't seem to be coming out you want to try okay we are not going in on a balanced budget we are utilizing fund balance for fy2 Budget which is allowable as long as we stay above certain thresholds yes so that's pretty much what I just said okay so remember we're at a $5 million loss less than what we are generating not 500,000 so arpa will take a bite out of that but not I think what you were thinking like to get balance no I'm not yeah if we use the budget from last year period we should not be tapping into our fund balance at all because it's a balance but what we said what we told our residents last year what we were going to spend is what we should have spent if we made changes then you should have reported to us like commissioner Williams said and said well hey this is blah blah blah this is where we are this is what we'll be in September but here we are in July and you're telling us that if we move the way we're continuing to move we would be in a $5,000 so let me let me say let me say this million dollar sorry this is really really really easy really really easy is not that complicated if you spend more than what you bring in you got to make that up from your savings account right you got to you got to and here so in order to you just answer my question you just answer so you spent more than we took so that's what I'm saying this is not we come on I'm not sure what so so so what's the question it's a mismanagement of the budget this is that is not a mismanagement of the budget a mismanagement of the budget is if you continue to do this for two years even if you pass everything that you have let me finish sir because I've been trying to expain this even if you pass everything that you have here you'll still be technically okay but that subsequent year is going to hurt that pain is gonna be the pain like you ain't never want to feel so we're doing what commissioner Williams said tell you in advance right this what a financial planner supposed to do but y'all bought the purse and y'all bought the shoes prar the purse and we don't see the receipt we I definitely did not want to have the blame game so I we will do that I I I will bring back as uh in fact it's an extensive project that the mayor requested um as of public records uh is probably about uh 90% complete where he wants to see where all of the uh override expenditures are for for these expenses and there so we'll provide you that information and uh we'll provide you that information Mr manager may may I make a comment on this please thank you each year we budget a use of fund balance each year we use less than what we budgeted the budget we put in place is trying to meet your needs it's a balanced budget each year only because we're using fund balance I ask that this graph be put back up the green line is what a sound organization has two months of expenditures going back to 22 the city was just trying to get back on its feet the commission at the time wanted to spend money to get back on its feet it is perfectly acceptable to use money that is above the green line each year we use but fund balance but we use less than the commission approved so that's it's not a question of mismanagement it's a question of the commission seeing a need to strengthen in the city and we it is allowable to use money above that dotted green line so it's not mismanagement it's budget that the commissioner wanted to put in place to put the city back on its feet all we're saying is in put it in terms that have been used in the economy we're asking to bring it into a smooth Landing so that we flatten out along that $5 million line that's all we're saying Mr anathan yes' Quick but just because you can do it doesn't mean you should do it can't do which ma'am you said that cities are allowed to tap into their fund balance they're encouraged to encour okay well because all best practices says you don't go below the green line you can spend anything above it that the city sees a need for so we probably should have stayed above and way above I'm I'm saying we're million above oh I get it I I I understand we're two two point 2.2 correct that's where we are okay 12 I'm sorry 12 correct 12.2 what I'm saying is is once you start the dips once you that dip I'm it's you know it's pretty relatively easy thank you yes but when you see the line going down and now you're saying if we're stick with the same budget that we've been using albe it budgeted at 100% % then you're now going to eventually not now but eventually cross that thres hole of the green line and can't do what you need to do correct saying something slightly we're saying if you if you you can as long as you grow start to grow your revenue and moderate your expenditures you're going to come into a smooth Landing along that $5 million line okay well Mr B let me ask you this and I'll say it this way if we're 12 Comm correct that's correct 12.2 million in fund balance at the end of this year at the end of this year that's our forast but if we go the way we're going whatever that term you whatever you all keep saying will'll be um a negative 5% from the fund balance so where uh uh $5 million if we spend $5 million more the fund balance we'll come down to seven 7.2 okay so my question is where is that five million doll coming from fund balance you're you're I'm sorry going to be used for uh the whole range of things we've been talking to you on the workshop a whole range of things every one of the divisions you've seen them all and they all seemed reasonable expenditures but we're saying moderate it be careful what you do with your military you know to your point if we took if we did the 3% reduction that would take another $500,000 out of the fund balance we're not saying doing that not do that but we're saying take that in consideration with what you want to get done so if we use the $500,000 from the interest then the millage weight would not affect the fund balance right if you if you use that $500,000 which you're already approving $1,312 I'm sorry say again please the $513 if we did the 3% that's the total number correct and if we took that from the interest we still be left with interest that would not come from so where would not and therefore 6.3 is I don't think well okay let's use a 6.3 that would not the 6.3 you would save $500,000 because you took it out of your ARP interest so the 6.3 would go up to 6.8 you'd still come down from 12.2 to 6.8 but you wouldn't go down to 6.3 so again Mr Mr anathan yes sir if we use the interest to reduce the tax the military yes sir that would have nothing to because that's money that the city has not tapped into no that's just what I said if if you use because it's not sitting in the general fund right now so if you use that money the 6.3 you see on that chart would be 6.8 at the end of of FY 25 so the $5 million that is coming out of the fund balance is being used to fund what that that's still my question everything you've seen throughout the workshop every division every CIP not every CIP some of cips is funding all the divisions that are in the general fund we so my point is that the the taxes has nothing to do with the millage rate the reduction of millage rate would not have anything to do with this budget that's what I'm asking you if we would to use the interest it again the chart we're showing you right there instead of going down to 6.3 you'd go down to 6.8 but if that money is coming from arpa which we can use you you are saying the same thing I'm saying you can use that you're still going to have to fund at least uh 6.8 12.2 what is that 5 point 5.4 what is the $5 million being used I keep asking the same question because you you're you're you keep blaming the millage rate for the reduction no sir but that's what we said with the sustainability and the revenue received and that's one piece of it we're saying but I'm removing that piece I agree with no so then what is the $5 million going to be that's that's what I'm asking you so maybe we can cut in other places that we can go back and we can show you the entire general fund and that's a discussion we hope to have over the past two nights but the way you all are explaining it now is not how it was explain sorry and I still don't agree but it's it all right any other questions yeah real quick I want to go back to the line graph so because I'm not I have to I had to you know do some subtraction what in fiscal year 21 to 22 of what based on what you um you said Mr anathan is that we have to um bring in and I think I'm might be I might not be quoting you correctly that we have to you know subsidize or bring in bring in funds bringing money to grow this account correct the fund balance we I think that's just that's just about the time that Amazon came in and we suddenly had a lot more money and the city was not yet ready to start spending it so the fund balance went up but we but we did okay so be so what I'm saying is is we we got a shot of money right between one year or another right and what it looks like to me perception is reality so my reality is could be wrong it's the just my perception is that we got this shot of money and we then started spending because it went from 4.7 million difference to now 4.4 million so we basically zeroed out what we made you use the money available to get the city back on its feed yes ma'am okay so we used that we we we we gained 4.7 million can I ask switch 4.7 13.2 fiscal year 21 to 17.9 that's how I use my calculator I you could do it faster okay now thank okay so we gain 4.7 million we we uh saved 4.7 save okay I'll go with that we saved we had more Revenue than expenditure in that year by $4.7 million yes ma'am but but if I'm saving and I'm I still have to add for it to that line gr to go up not just if I'm saving right I put in $100,000 in my savings account yes then it's going to stay at $100,000 if I'm not adding but if it goes from 100,000 to 140,000 I added correct so isn't that what that line going up mean you added to the yes ma'am that's what I just said you spent 400 you spent $4 million less than what you hadm you added to the account to the savings account and therefore it went up to 17.9 so if we add it to the savings account and then to get the city back rolling what you said we started to use we saved correct yeah so now we basically took we basically went went right back to 21 our fund Bal our savings account yes ma'am okay so what I'm saying is is somewhere down in this little threshold right here y'all is the perception down the street what could happen What could could it be because okay we got the city going but what happened what did we do what do we need to do to keep ourselves somewhere between that maybe 15 and 15 to 177 million threshold because that's when we were doing okay but gfoa says you only need to have two months to keep out of trouble I mean if you wanted want to be that we don't want to be you don't have to but then then would offer you a budget this year would take out $5 million of expense so so we we we it looks like somewhere you know in 23 24 okay we slowed it down a little bit yeah we slowed we stopped the bleeding a little bit started putting some Band-Aids on which was less uh that was less than what was budget I would had that decline yes ma'am okay and then so here we are in the future looking ahead yes ma'am and so now the line is just going back to dangerously close to what it looks like in fiscal year 19 uh Dangerously In we're clearly that's the whole point of us being here tonight we're trying to say it because I have to I have to say it in length so everybody understands that's what I'm saying you have to like you got to let me just break it down because if you don't everybody's not going to understand so what I'm saying is is it somewhere in the past we needed to stop as a city and recalibrate ourselves and said said to ourselves if it was Amazon if it was this and if it was whatever it was how then do we continue to stay on that trajectory to to make sure five years from now because that's kind of like a five less like a fiveyear thing going on here that we don't get to this so what we didn't do is we didn't look at our best practices that happen and those best practices could have been bringing in more larger um entities that would have given us more tax base more something Planning and Zoning anyway so what what I'm saying is is how then how then I'm sorry because um people are being ruled so how then what should have happened is we should have just kind of recalibrated and figure out as a city if that was one part of it tax uh an increase in taxes or etc etc etc coming together all the Departments trying to figure out how then do we make this happen so that we're not in this position because I do hear what you're saying Mr anathan but now the commission just slashed our budget so we are we are kind of feeling like we're upside down we are feeling like we're about to hit a because and I get it everybody slashed we all slashed to make sure this didn't happen but we should not have needed to slash because we didn't have to do this last year just a little but we didn't have to do this last year and the year prior and the in the four years I've been here we didn't have to do this this type of slashing the budget for 23 if it had been fully fleshed out probably instead of the 122 would have probably been around somewhere around 10 so that that's what the commission approv that's what the commission wanted at the time the fact that it it flattened out that is a function of a lot of the vacancies as commissioner Kelly said and so forth but uh you know this what we're trying to do here this is an early warning sign it says you know if you if you go full bore uh you're going to start to approach the line that you don't want to cross that's all we're trying to say okay no I got it and I'm done thank you so much okay so I'm assuming that right now we're at this page and you want us to you're getting trying to get a consensus on where you want us to land with the military exactly exactly all right um Mr Mayor Mr while you while you're Gathering your your thoughts um since we are in the middle of this budget um commentary um because it got deferred so while you got your thoughts let me just put this on the the record um and the manager's office staff can get us the answers or whatever hopefully by Friday um that the questions I have regarding the budget as a whole from last the other night to to the questions now including the information gave us inent um fix assets fix assets what do we sell in 2024 the amount in the budget was $280,000 what did we what did we sell and what happened with those particular dollars uh in the special uh law enforcement um fund and you mentioned about the rented vehicles that undercover users um of 75,000 I'd like to know how that work how that works out I think you got four people in that department I'm trying to figure out why they need $75,000 in a line item for rented Vehicles okay um I don't need answer why I'm giving you because I know the hours spent um the other police vehicles you indicated that they're on staggered um purchases and the first was be coming off the lease in 2026 but some of those Vehicles were bought before are back in 2021 so I'm trying to figure out why some of them are not coming off now or in 25 as opposed to 26 if it was 21 it's five years it's 26 no some of them were in my understand bought in 20 or at least encumbered in 20 now whether they you got them in 20 I don't know not sure if I may the first Vehicles were obtained in December December of 2020 20 yeah 2020 they'll come off in December of 2025 which is FY 26 Mr Anem it's too late to to to do you know I'm just going back to the dates and time that you gave so y'all can give it to me in writing and clarify it I'm not trying to get into a debate with I just want to get them on the record because the hours far spent I also want to know what's the oldest set of the modern vehicles we have and when did we purchase them regarding the um City commission I know you did put some additional dollars in there for the trip to uh Tallahassee um I also see in the city manager's budget why is a budget analyst listed in the manager's budget that's on page 44 and HR page 6566 you have 4,000 for furniture that's on page 65 I wonder know why I need that much Furniture uh expenditure for HR uh um and you have 21,500 for employee recognition that's an hr2 I don't know what that's about what what exactly that is because I see the other line items for employee um Awards what have you so I know that 21,000 specifically is for uh in terms of employee recognition and also the funding for Helping Hands that's in there who is that what is that what is that about in finance page 7172 um how many currently on staff I know the finance director mentioned she'd like to have 10 and um I want to know exactly where we are on that I did ask about it I know you're supposed to be interviewing but when I look at the analysis I didn't see a um additional funding in there for the folks if you go to that bonus and extra extra money where would that be coming out of and if it's going to be coming from a budget amendment um just say that as well when you give me the information um travel in finance as well is proposed um to be um 58,000 that was a typo sorry sorry I did yeah yep I but we'll correct it it will be corrected in the book we velopment 75 76 and 78 are the pages other Professional Services very high 87,000 why is that and miscellaneous is very high 15,000 and since there's no planner um who's signing off on plans now again I don't need to answer right now for the sake of time just getting my questions in for the brevity of time um and I also within the community development there is a line item for creating a chamber of commerce not so much the creation but is the intent of the city to run the chamber or have an outside organization because it seems like we're going to fund it to get it started I think it's over excuse me $20,000 in that line item in the police page 92 to 97 um other uses very high um and when you go to budget uh Workshop book it's in page uh 97 I mentioned this other other night Public Service AIDS um the line item for um PSAs and where the money is what it was utilized for because you haven't had PSAs on the street uh I know the mayor and the manager were going to meet on housing and social service and flush that out and some other ideas will come up tonight so I won't I'll wait on that one um the commission decision um in terms of third or fourth floor to plan out for the use of town center to offset that expenditure so I know that's a work in progress our property insurance went up by how much did it go and um why such a high you know High increase in should have gave us some reason I'd like to know what that specifically is went up to 4.2 million and page 86 building a license um who does the building official um I'm looking at the flowchart and it's kind of unclear how that works you're adding a building um uh clerk in that department but the you have a minimum housing inspector but I didn't see a building inspector so that person doing both of those jobs uh the last part that I have again um in the other line on page 51 other Professional Services 15,000 I to know what that's about and also um you have in there storage units 45,000 for storage that we're going to be paying I know I'm sure that's hopefully the whole city exactly what is that and is that a year to year or what have you I don't I don't know um yeah in Parks page 106 and then of course the other book page 60 you have other improvements obviously you have additional staff and as I mentioned the other night um you're you're proposing to add two senior uh have two senior coordinators and then you also for two drivers um I'd like to get clarification on that because I know the statement was made that the coordinators on vacation so somebody has to do it the coordinator on go on vacation but maybe once a year so I don't know why you got to hire an additional person just to do that and also hire additional uh driver as well um when other staff can be cross train especially when you have money in the line item with CDL training that that's a place to me where you can save money because I doubt very serious with our new bus with 40 or 42 seats whatever it is you're gonna have more than that on a given day for seniors and if you have special occasions you can always pull apart um staff person assist with the other van so I I did all those that quick Mr Mayor because I know the time you can get me the answers um for that I mentioned earlier about the beautification when they were up here and the sidewalk so I won't go into that uh my final part on on this budget I I know some of my things that I had in there um for um various things I'm willing to get those off as you indicated the Eng par trailer 225 uh feeding South Florida because the commission still has to wait on the analysis and all of that that's 40,000 that can be saved um right there so you just take those two that's 64,000 so that's um where I am right now I want to put all that on the record and you can get me the answers hopefully by Friday uh since we're going to probably be meeting on Monday thank you Mr Mayor okay all right so Mr date um my what I'm asking can we do 9.16 that's just me 9.16 9 the 2% reduction the 2% reduction 2% I guess you have to get the a consensus consensus right that's 9 point um Mr Mayor I'm sorry no yes no no I see the number so based on the analysis that they're giving you would have to uh find an additional 32 some thousand to we would just use an additional um amount that amount you just said commissioner Kelly out of the fund balance so the new reduction would be down to uh fund balance would be reduced after a uh 2% reduction of millage rate to 6 five million M Mr Mayor and that oh I'm sorry I'm sorry go ahead um okay again all right so it would be down to 6.8 you said 6.5 oh 6.5 if you went down to the two and again that that other question to the mayor and I think my colleague asked the $500,000 uh interest from arper you're not factoring that you couldn't factor that is supposed to taken from straight from fun balance since that's money we weren't anticipating it's you know but it has free use so that she wouldn't have to go down Mr anathan is the AR is that an arpa interest projection or is that money in the bank it's all but the way it's been coming all year it's all but it is Money in the Bank yes sir okay then yes okay well if that's the case I need to put my um put my trail in Fe trying to help you all out um okay I I don't have a problem with the um 2% um because actually you're taking it out of from the interest so it doesn't really have a impact I do understand need to want to save uh money um from the other things but um just 6.8 and all the things that you've listed in this page of Workshop is the things the commission had mentioned before correct correct corre correct okay um all right I don't have a problem with the the two if it's going to come out of that interest okay so that's that's two we just need so I'm I'm um um I think I'm on the fence with two I don't I even know if there's a middle ground like 1.5 but I know we need a clean number but I think it's so there's so I you know we had a lot of commentary and of course you know it's just it's commentary but I still I I like to always look at things globally and the big picture and I still can't act like I don't see the train that's about to leave the station down the road and so as much as I know we want to as much as I know we want to do certain things and um help specifically our residents and homeowners and everyone to you know stop this bleeding but I also don't want this to come back to the commission albe it all of us or whoever that commission is down the road um so so that now we're 3 years from now um dangerously close to that green line and so that I'm a little I fear that right now and so I know I can we can you know we we we beat up beat up everyone I get it everybody got beat up on so we apologize but at the end of the day the numbers are the numbers so we can't they are what they are and so um I just I keep thinking about that financial planner our financial planner told us what can happen and I I don't want us to get to a position where we potentially can't make playr or potentially can't do certain things that we you know down down the road so I know what we're saying now because we want it and I get it but I am a little I'm trying to be a little B bit more liberal so um I don't know I want to say two I do want to say two but I'm a little fearful that it's going to come back because that line is going to drop even more well commissioner Williams you still have the floor but I just want to say this this is what I was saying I think and commissioner Kelly also said it too we have $500,000 from the interest what I was proposing and commissioner Kelly also said it that we take the deduction from the money that we don't even see that's not even in our that's what I'm saying but that's what scares me because we're saying it but we have not seen it from the city on from our city Side well we're gonna have to trust we have to trust our budget team that says that we're in a um def that's what that's all I'm saying that's may do like it Mr Mayor Mr manager if we take the ,000 to accomplish this two meals and use it so the millage rate goes down 2% we're not taking the whole 500 it's 300 whatever that number you said because that's Opa which was interest that's not money we were didn't know what it was going to be for example so that doesn't really affect the bottom line in terms of coming out of money that you had to do something else and you got to switch it over Opa was totally you wind up not having having to use it you save money to Consultants which was a good thing so that that's reason I'm supportive of it now I know as a manager you might want to hold 500,000 do other but the reason I'm supporting the 2% is because I am looking uh forward uh to my colleagues and the reason I'm looking forward is because those water rates are coming they're coming and I know we want to say it's going to be 1% or 2% but I'm more realistic that it's going to be an increase that are going to hit our homeowners our taxpayers and so to give them a little relief uh in this to offset what is probably going to be coming November December whenever I think the the thing doesn't come back in until September right in terms of their analysis then you got to look at it look at the tear bring it to us so they're probably not going to get it on a bill or something until December January and so that's why I'm willing to do this because it's going to be a increase remember we already through our staff has told us they're basing it on 9% based on some preliminary information so just imagine a homeowner getting that 9% rate increase on their utility bill um and no tax relief so at least we give them 2% that's not really you know going to impact really a CIP project because it was money we didn't know he was going to have I I think that's doable and that's why I'm supportive of it because those rate increases are going to hit and I and we're going to be able to say well I know it's high but we gave you a little break on your taxes to to kind of ease it hopefully lessen the pain and that that's the reason that I'm supporting it thank you Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly based off of what you said I I will I will go with the um 2% but I do encourage my my statement to the manager city manager is I encourage us to go Look Backwards kind of a forensic audit of what did we do to get that increase and what do we do need to do moving forward to sustain ourselves back on a a upper trajectory and so that I'm sure could be a brainstorming session between you and all of the um directors or you know however because I'm sure so many facets and so many um ways that that you know that money that fund can grow but I think that that could be you know on one of your agenda items when you do meet not to tell you what to do as okay thank you so I I agree with it so the 2% you want to hear from you she winked already all right so any any any other questions uh the next slide is just our water sewer uh I heard hold sorry sorry sorry any any other y are we good oh no I'm good on that good on yeah all right thank you okay thank you we're done we're gonna move on to um city manager report are you done no we still haven't finished the yeah I thought because we just wanted to make sure that the we still haven't finished going over the items that you correct well that's why I asked if anybody have questions you said you took okay yeah so no quick uh instead of doing the 9% projection we went ahead and adjusted it to a 3% projecting projection uh I also included a little graph on what Miami day county is projecting and or increasing their rates on uh the next one is our special events uh small on the screen better if you look at it but I think it's important to know uh there's 63 events um scheduled for fy2 so there was an event that the mayor mentioned that was not listed um you mentioned it earlier oh City Hall yes we need to add historic City Hall make an amendment why are you doing that Mr Mayor that would have been FY 24 yeah that's a 24 not a 24 before October Let Me Be Me Clear um you based you're basing the budget uh analysis um you reduced it from the nine down to three on the water rate yep increase yeah it's just it was this was based on the information that the the commission the Das gave us you you felt like 9% was too high and it's a projection and if we go on the lower side and it's higher okay but it how it affects us put the 9% back in there no well I I'm I mean when we asked this question you said you had some preliminary analysis that indicated why you uh prefer the 9% correct and so now to see it going down to three that's a big drop if you got some that's why I asked the question and I think you know we didn't want to put you in a position where you felt like you were being pressured into a a specific number so I mean that's why 3% was on the lower if it's the will of the commission we would like to go back to the 9% we think that is a more accurate number we did calculate that number I mean it's it's a little bit more technical than this but if you average uh 1% increase over nine years uh we did not have uh this was not done for nine years and if we had kept track of it at a 1% we would have that 9% that's kind of it's a little bit more Pentacles than that but that's kind of how we came up with that number and commissioner Kelly as you said it might be higher so if it is higher than 9% and we have 3% then we're looking at a hurtful budget well I I know the commission I mean I know you wanted to lower it I I'm concerned with it being three because if it's three um I I don't even think is commission you said the planning it out that that's not realistic I just we haven't had one since 2015 it's 20245 I mean with all the reality everything went up to say it's only going to go up 3% given that that fund is in such a a def that's the one that's in deficit that's correct I I would have felt more comfortable at least with 6% um but I only it was going by the analysis you said you had anal a preliminary analysis that suggested that to me that's a concern to have it the three if it if it comes back lower than six let's say that's fine but I I think it's going to be way I think it'll be more than three that's that's easy to say that's just my opinion so I wouldn't want us to do a budget um concept based on three and you haven't had a rate study uh increase of any kind in you know uh nine years or whatever that's just unacceptable unless you know I thought y'all might got some new data some new analysis but it's still based on the other analysis yes um yeah I think you might want to revisit that number from three at least to six meet it halfway okay um but that's just one person P but but see the the challenge that I have with that you said that the information that you got from the county said that the County's going to seven right correct so then that means we're reducing it even underwea County well but that's why I I was comfortable with the nine I think you should stay at the nine I was com with the nine but um because of the analysis and what have you but I see it here that it's adjusted to three which is really you know I think we have a we have a consensus we would be happy to return it tonight me we'd be happy to return it tonight all right I'm just hoping it's only nine me too yeah me too moving on moving on is um special events like I mentioned prior 63 events uh the city hall would be fy2 24 so yes okay y uh that's the shot any questions on the special events make sure we have what Arabian Knights is an add-on there you will also see gun buyback program in there as well so I have Mr manager I have a question I'mma keep this as real as I can why do we have to have $10,000 in gun buyback so um typically what is it about 100$ 150 $150 per weapon and last time we got how many four or five like two two we got 10 yeah it was like 10 I can adjust absolutely the will commiss I'm happy to five yes okay yeah thank you thank you um Mr Mayor I it's funny because I was going to say the gun buyback there are matching funds out there so if it's five I'm telling you though there I know that the county and there's different entities that match those funds so um I'm I was going to say I think we need to decrease that I still think that we should decrease the state of the city to 10,000 um and um the okay the problem with the state of the city um madam commiss commissioner Williams we went over last year and the year before but what I'm saying okay but that's what I'm saying then budget it for what it is don't go over what it is it's not hard you don't over but I get you actually mine didn't it was 10,000 but okay so nonetheless so what I'm saying is is if you just y'all want me to be the entertainment for St I cut your cost that's it that's I'm just saying C like even the the commission inauguration why do you we need that much for an inauguration I'm okay with splitting it in half let's go half for the commission inauguration where that at very bottom last one 5000 I mean I'm what I'm saying is is we don't have to have these big dinners and we don't have to do all these big caterings for you know I get it but if if and when I get inaugurated again I don't need all of that I don't need the pumping circumstance I get it other some maybe but I I I don't think we need to do Pomp and Circumstance for every single thing there are things that we we need to just do what we need we came to do which is the inauguration do the state of the city X Y and Z and get in and get out because that's the purpose the goal so that's just you know um and then going back really quick so okay I don't know consensus at 2500 for the inauguration and then 2500 for the inauguration yeah thank you and you had another one what was the other one um the street lighting improvements that's here I thought we talked about that in another um departments yeah so yeah so what we were doing is we're adding to uh beautification King's budget so that he doesn't purchase any replacement bulbs that are inferior if you will or lower dimmer or anything we wanted him to get uh quality uh replacing the light the street lights is a CIP project it's going to cost about $300,000 that's the poles the lights the whole the whole thing so this is to get us to that point so that uh beautification is replacing bulbs with uh quality light bulbs I guess is what we heard from the commission okay yeah but then earlier that was that it said the finished product and remember that right I said that was yeah no no no I know it wasn't finished but what I'm saying is is but it's budgeted to be some to for those street lights to take place but that wasn't in CIP when when I I don't know the page where yeah uh Mr Anan says you're correct correct I know okay so I I'm just trying to figure out like if it was somewhere else and it's budgeted for it's not it's you're saying it's not as we speak right but it was there it said that it's a future project but it's not a future project okay alrighty thank you so okay all right Mr anathan um I mean Mr dat gun by program we're cutting to five state of the city we're cutting to 10 and the it was something else um the swearing in down to 2500 correct thank you all right uh last page is dealing with the uh oh sorry not the page but this is uh perhaps the city manager wanted to weigh in on this this is dealing with the uh code enforcement officer for the CRA uh just want to State for the record that the CRA is being paid through the city and therefore it needs to show up on our budget so I know that that's not what you said I did change that so there is nomenclature in the new book when you get your new book that will say a CRA code enforcement officer but I think um this map will show you the zones that the officers so there's four zones currently and then there will be a CRA Zone um we've had some discussions in the city manager's office that perhaps we would have a weekend or an evening uh additional code enforcement officer uh so we did you would see that uh in those additional budget line items uh there is an amount for them uh on average a new startup up for code officers about 95,000 and then there are about 80 89,000 ongo includ cars uniforms all those things Mr Mayor thank you so you you saying some additional money in the line for them to work on weekends you talking about an additional officer which one of you reference an additional officer but I did not see uh the cost for the vehicle is the cost for it's built into that number that 90 you're going to get a new vehicle and an employee for 95,000 the least vehicle so it's like 15 yep all right so now this is this is a a officer for the regular city code zones Etc yes sir would be a day or night okay and that's and this is not the one that has referenced for Public Works correct this totally separate correct okay um okay all right um that's interesting and I'm looking at I don't know we were given this I'm assuming this is the information from the need of a um code officer for Public Works yes sir yeah I'm trying to read it real quick when I read it I didn't see where it's a requirement it says it may include certain Personnel so we've just decided that we want to do it because of the Dynamics of what entails in these zones that was the recommendation from the from the um from the Department probably works no no no from the from the state Florida Department of environment we asked them what is the least expensive way and the fastest way that we can build an inspection program to keep our ms4 permit and they said put a code enforcement officer in public works and you can be in compliance is there any way because you said in the past there were workers that used to stand as code enforcement officer and I think you referenced Mr Johnny and you okay it was a team so it was multiple officers Department yes so is there any way that you can cross train one of your um code enforcement sorry um one of the Public Works public as a code enforcement offic code enforcement offic absolutely to do dual roles sure because it doesn't say here that it's required you just need one so if they can stand both as a their job is to be the Public Works um code enforcement officer and public works I don't know whatever you want to call it but I gave you my money right there Mr D you did thank you now that's a storm that's a storm water fund so we're gonna take so we're gonna take an employee from public I'm sorry I misunderstood I misunderstood I'm say he wanted to train a cross train one of your employees now where from public works right right now who was already doing the job job anyway no so you just said Mr Johnny and we don't have we don't we don't have that team manned anymore remember I just said it was uh it was a multi-department team Paul was one of the members uh a code actual code enfor was assigned and and a police department officer so but I just want to be clear um we're going to take a a public works employee and cross Trin him to do this code enforcement work because all they'll be doing is making sure that things in the what you said the job description is to they'll drive around the city and check all the businesses storm water drainages to make sure that there's no uh no violations so is that something that they can do during their duties well they won't be able to they won't be able to be in pump stations at the same time that they're doing that uh we'll be pulling them from an actual public work duty and we did make some significant cuts to public works department not in Personnel we streamlined them yes uh there were uh several positions that had been vacant for more than a year and I eliminated those positions all right and last is a little CIT information and we're not gonna I'm not I don't have it all on the slide but that that was in the addendum uh should be about five pages long and uh want to make sure we covered everything that you I've got commissioner Kelly's questions we will do our best to get it back to them by Friday Frid and with that um thank you Mr D thank you thank you all right so we're going on to the Mr manager are you done with your report or you have more um no sir with the time being what it is Sir we'll allow the U all right the agenda to move forward um I don't see any board chairs for our board reports do we have any future agenda items all right hearing none commission um as I mentioned earlier you all may want to take this opportunity to um put into a uh a future agenda item a resolution that would address some of the inquiries that were being um made earlier so that you don't fall outside of your um Authority in terms of some of the inquiries that you are making you can make them um but they should be made by resolution okay and we need to all right um Mr M while you Gathering your thoughts um I I'm looking at some of the past um requests and directors so I want to go back and put them on the record for the the manager in this setting um I mentioned about the England Park sprinkler system that um I still did not get a further um update on also um you mentioned about the the bonuses so I won't mention that we received several um emails and or letters um not letters emails from businesses with concerns about um being able to get assistance in some of the Departments um that is kind of concerning um to me um and also um things I'll deal with that in the lean in my under my report um but I know I've been concerned about um lean and um how we're dealing with those leans that we have and and what are we doing to um to address that so I don't need to answer tonight you can get it to me or to us but those I wanted to put um just back on the the record because we we get these emails from various uh businesses Andor folks um and so I want to get a Clarity on where we are on them and one we got uh recently about lean and supposedly trying to do something and they can't so where we are on that I have it under my report as well so Mr Mayor I'll go into that when you get to that point okay thank you through the May to commissioner Kelly sir could you for that email to me so I may address it if you haven't done so already yeah I'll go back to and and and find it thank you sir all right so the attorney said that we would need to do an inquiry resolution regarding the you were making several um requests that had to do with employment matters and um my advice to you all is that you put it in um the form of a of an inquiry a resolution that we can bring back to you for approval okay um I don't remember all of the the inquiries but I guess it can be a commission a commission future gen item and I guess we have to require the manager to go back and listen to the tape how does that work you could do that make that um a resolution things that were for items mentioned inquiries um mentioned in the during the commission meeting on you know this date um what I'm trying to guard against is any um future statements that you all were uh trying to meddle or interfere in to the um the manager's purview of things that he's uh he has control of you can do that um but you have to do it through an inquiry that comes as a resol solution you can inquire into the conduct of any office Department um of the city you can make investigation as to any you know Municipal Affair you can um you can um you know you so you have some wide Authority so we'll say this so it'll be sponsored by the entire commissioner that the manager will respond to all inquiries made during this meeting is that that's BR but you could do that all right yeah because I don't remember exactly what angues were we all said so I just want to I make it broad so just you just have to go back and watch it and bring it back to us all right can I get a second on that second second um Madam commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes all right so we're moving on to our May and commission reports we can start left to right I don't have any no report Vice May it's late um I had a long day I I will say that I did have the privilege of going with the children last week to the skating rink and then today to the zoo I'm tired um I do need to get Madame attorney I do need to get with you it could be on the phone it's fine I need to get some legislation um in place so if I can get with you um yeah okay um I will thank you guys for being so late because y'all faces look like mine should look like I'm ready to go thank you all right commissioner K wait I forgot one thing I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I also had the privilege of fishing for the first time in my life on Saturday had a barall had so much fun I never made it to the picnic portion of the event um I have to thank commissioner Kelly for warming up hooking a worm and whatnot uh very nice time I had thank you so much sir Mr Mayor commission Kelly thank you uh I do want to thank uh everyone that was very supportive of the fishing and fund day it was really a great um event um coming in the community and being in the community I certainly want to thank uh all departments um manager's office and everyone all departments that um work to make it successful I really want to highlight the um clerk's office and um that clerk yeah that Clerk and and also the new I don't know what a title is event something what is she call I don't call it PR and events coordinator PR events coordinator for um her hard work and I know she's not here but also miss modkins and um her team for being out there and capturing things as they um took place and speaking at residents I want to just um give out a thank you for that as well under um my uh report um the Civil Service Board um Mr manager the way it's set up the way the legislation was proposed and the commentary because I went back and looked it requires the HR Director to um weigh in and do some things for it to come back in legislation so um that needs to occur needs to give it to clerk whatever and get a date uh after after you all have done Y part whatever because the um items that I'm referencing are things that the HR Director is responsible for according to way our Charter Works regarding uh resetting up the Civil Service uh board so I need to get that done and um that's only reason why I didn't mention anything about a future agenda item for it I'll give y'all two weeks to to meet and whatever and then need to get moving on that um the other item that I have is uh leans on homeowners properties um there there's a a great challenge to me uh what are we doing to address this I see a lot of properties that are just um overgrown either abandoned whatever you want to call them I have no idea um but I do know um some of them probably got some leans on them and I need to know I want to know um those that have um at least $25,000 or more and I'm saying that because if they got that many or that amount of money on it we need to pursue something else than just letting those fines accumulate I remember before when I was in office we uh for some reason allowed one property to get up to like almost $100,000 in leans and then of course the person came by and it and was crying about this that the other so I see some properties around have been vacant or abandoned whatever you want to call it for a while and I'm pretty sure they got leans on them and so what are we doing to um to mitigate that because I get complaints from residents because some of them will buy uh their homes and they're unattended nobody's living in the properties um so I want to know what we're doing to address that and if it requires some additional legislation I know years ago um we had the program where we went in and cut it and lean the property Etc um I'm not saying that's to the Cure but we need to do something about that because it's really becoming an ISO for some properties and I know there's some leans on um some of those properties I've inquired and some of them had some very uh large leans on them which probably still not been um been paid so I'd like to get that um information as well hopefully by the next um meeting if possible or as quick as you can that's all I have under my um report Mr Mr Mayor Mr Mayor can I just tag on there is a on a lean issue I did bring it to all of you all's attention by writing you it has to do with um and it's titled urgent at the top written to Mr Williams and I do need to um have that have the manager act on that because it uh could cause legal liability and it's currently clouding a title so I'm concerned about it and I don't really know you know I can't direct the manager to do anything but um but I did send it to all of you and and we need to have that um released yeah M Mr Mayor that that probably was the one I was thinking of it's just so late I can't I wasn't remembering but I know I saw some kind of email about an urgency on a lean so all right Mr manager so can you please work with the city attorney what I sir what I'd like to do since that would be result in a I we have no problem executing I just is as I responded to the City attorney uh um to do a write off of that amount uh I would be most comfortable uh we're having a special commission meeting on Monday I'd like to bring that as a resolution for the commission to give me the authority to do that's a $600,000 write off uh so I don't want myself or any city manager to feel comfortable just uh executing on items like that so I'd like to bring that to the commission as a as a on as a item agenda item at the next special commission meeting which we may be having on Monday let let me just say commission it is not a write off it is a foreclosure action for which there is an order that's in place where a judge is telling us to release it where other people have priority leans before the city's lean they are not code enforcement leans they are like mortgage type leans that pre that are um that that take precedent over the city's lean it's like any other issue that we deal with in any other case where the city doesn't have a priority lean it is a court order it would be it would be unprecedented for us to bring something it's not a write off and so ABS so we have been trying to communicate to the manager because it doesn't clearly doesn't understand if he's calling it a write off is a foreclosure action that needs attention immediately this is a court order yes sir it's and I sent it to each one of you so you can see yeah it's in it says urgent is from me writing so that we're not in violation just go ahead and we all right if it be the will of commission and this is on the record it's not the will of the commission the will of the courts that's so don't let's not will of the courts to follow the the court we I don't want the commission to get into that this is not the will of the commission it's the will of the courts you and the man you and the attorney um fixed pure that issue um that's not fair to put us in that predicament um moving on to my report we usually do the financial oversight and glor of the gardens we can you can just give it to us in writing also um um through the manager to the budget I asked for the clerk raised to be it's in there I didn't see it it's in there yes okay and the other thing is then I think I'm done all right we're good this the clerk's raise all right so the only only thing I'm asking you all to do is to keep commissioner baz in your prayers keep her in your prayers and do we have any board appointments I'm sorry before we leave can we please um celebrate Stephen in his 90 day because he keeps because as of yesterday it's been 90 so is that okay we're done he made it we're good now I just I want to give um a shout out to the um um HR director for the great job that she's doing with the summer youth internship program and all the kids clap it up for her she's doing an amazing job I see the growth and um um and then of course I got to shout out to the clerk's office um the um the board appointments Madam clerk I I think we I had asked you could have emailed it to me but I don't know I wanted to to know like who our appointments were for some of the um and and I'm sorry commissioner Williams so I do apologize with regards to the planning and zoning board members but we did have the last appointment nikisha Williams I was informed that she also serves on the histor preservation board and I believe there's a section in that ordinance that indicates that members of the historic preservation board shall hold no other public office or position in the city of opaka and I have asked um legal to chime in on that is she going to resign or what is so so I'm not sure but I'm I'm trying to find out if she can serve on both if not at this point let's reach out to her and have that conversation and then you can have it with legal okay yeah I just I just wanted to know what because it like the other like here we see I've seen my name like and I know why but I've seen my name a few times and I know I need to put you know a person there and that's with all of us but I do not recall Planning and Zoning like is there and I know you told me like there's a large appointment no no no yeah I want to know who my appointment is so I can just you know fix this can you provide a a report of all of the boards and who appointed them and email it to the commission yes we'll do and in in addition to that um in terms of the Teen and young adult Advisory Board um your appointment um commissioner Williams has resigned um she did go away for College correct and then also your appointment Mr Mayor has also resigned Germany yeah he's he's gonna um do a fellowship in Germany so he is also um away from the state of Florida so also just send us the report we be ready I will I'll send it in the morning all right um one last thing um I want to make a motion to cancel all meetings in a second however I do know we have to have one meeting for the benefits so if we have to schedule that meeting Madam clerk for me can we schedule it early as early possible in the daytime if we can get a quarum because that's a fem minute meeting and we're in and out um okay also um Mr Mayor go yes that's fine for the August meeting but I also need confirmation on the special Commission meeting that's gonna be held on Monday I believe it is that's was my next thing to say okay but let's do this V take that away let's do this vote really quick for um so who moved in second I'm G the motion is to cancel all regularly scheduled commission meeting I mov it second everybody second but VI commissioner Williams and then you want to pull us now for Monday um let me do the roll call on the cancellation okay um commissioner Williams yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor she said yes was commissioner Kelly said yes she voted for yes all right so um Monday um it should be a short minute because we just have to show um vote on the millage as well as the the the budget right so can we can we do it as early as possible please available Monday you're not available Monday um because this just just is setting the the ceiling for the um millage so we'll do theill we'll do the millage and the budget and there may be uh let me check on there but there might be an additional item or two that we need to I I put an email out to the Department heads there were some couple urgencies in a couple departments but I haven't had a resp all right can we do um 5:36 what you say you're not available um we could do uh with Tuesday I got take my grand baby back home oh like what time oh I can't do during to day you can't do oh that's what I was trying to ask what day Monday I was trying to do as early on the day as possible you do 5 5m four o' oh God I'm trying to get out we I got Camp pickups and okay oh no five five yes okay five okay you you want no I was trying to keep you I was trying to keep you at five he kept moving I was trying to no no no no no I am but I'm trying to do it as early as possible so we can get out I got it so and come on let's they go home at 5 so we go at 4: we be done by 5 that's why I ask be as early as possible y'all asked me before y'all ask my wife ask me now what time my darnest I'll do my I'll do my best so 4:30 okay I can 4:30 4:30 no oh okay all right 4:30 4:30 Mr manager no no addons please that if it's not urgent and necessary on Tuesday or Monday Monday okay but so can I vice mayor won't be here no she won't be here at all that's not fair okay I'm just can I get a motion to adj motion to adj Second move by commissioner William second by Vice may this meeting is the Jour have a great night you all