and how we um how we pay for those things over the years so um this is so what we've done we've done that in what we call inventory Port portion of the process and now we're in the public engagement section and so there's a diff couple of different ways that we're going to be doing that obviously a workshop like this um we'll probably have another maybe public Outreach but we're also going to be doing uh surveys that you can actually give input in I saw you had a little draft survey there that you were starting to fill out but actually bringing in some uh information that way too so we've given you some choices some things you'd like to see some things you don't like to see um and the improvements you'd like to see so so that's another part of the the process and then from that we roll into doing recommendations presenting it to the city reviewing it with the city and then ultimately preparing the final document there so like I say that will finish up over the next six months so we hope all of everybody here stays engaged and as well as more people we keep getting more people engaged in in this process to make it really um effective and efficient for the for the city so I'm going to turn it over to Lumi Fuentes and she's our project manager running this project for us um and she's going to talk you through a little bit of uh where what we've been doing and then we'll start going to do some activities and stuff so it's a little be more fun than just listening to us so thank you so part of what we've been doing was we visited um each park right so we took an inventory of not only how many amenities you have in there but kind of the quality right so we could actually make the right recommendations for there so you do have you know a great amount of space you are meeting pretty much the the standards for the city on the comprehensive plan um for the amount of green open space um now in the future with the population growth is right now you're around 16,000 um of of residents you'll be growing in TW in 2035 to almost um 20,000 residents right with that um you will need a little bit of more open Green Space so we'll we these are strategies that we're going to try to think and look at bacon areas that we could propose something in there as well um but currently you are fulfilling those um and apart from that we looked at we take a look at the state comprehensive outdoor recreation um report where uh you do meet some of them but we're falling a little bit short on some of those um other ones with the state in which there we'll we'll focus on making sure you know if it if it makes sense for the community right because we're not always going to prep uh propose more baseball if the community's um needs are not there um so if we need more artificial turfs or multi-purpose Fields that's what we would um propose apart from the scorp which is the the state one we looked at the national Recreation um Parks uh standards and which is nrpa and with that um you are fulfilling some of them we are short on some but real realistically speaking you know what fits the community or Baka so um one of the ones that's kind of stuck out is is the connectivity and the walkways and Trails um so we we're going to look into that and how to connect um some of our parks and and improve that aspect of it so those are kind of the inventory kind of analysis of it um so now really that big input that we need is going on is actually the workshop that we're currently right now um and we kind of need want to know more of your needs and wants um what you envision for the future of opaka and then we will be um you'll be seeing the survey out so if you could please spread the word um you'll see that you know uh possibly we're hoping in in the next you know within the next month to have have all that out so I'm going to have some fun now I know a lot of you guys um did uh where do you live in opaka so I appreciate that if is there anybody missing I believe somebody else come in if you guys could come and fill that out where you live you're just going to get a little yellow Dot and you're going to put it in the map place it on the map up it and the reason why we asked um kind of where you live in the map um where you live in opaka is kind of to know where where are the needs and wants and sometimes we work here sometimes we come and actually use Recreation here so it is important to kind of know that aspect of it um and it is a question that will be asked as well in in in the survey and um the following activity actually is is quite fun we're going to rate you know what is our our most favorite par and what is their least favorite Park and the reason for that um as well as where would you like to see a new facility so if oh going to pass these out and and have if you guys want to come over here um and grab some common cards so we could think about um what that new uh facility would be so they're going to go right over here yep so fa okay you [Music] we give you guys want to participate playround so that's what 14 that's good AB [Music] me [Music] know to s that's was you got little comment in there fac okay so you good how are you good y ain't scared [Music] of want they got a whole [Music] gymnast should right [Music] right [Music] baseball right right all right so the next activities we're going to be doing is I'm going to give you uh five orange dots each person gets right and what you're going to do for me is that you're going to pick your top five favorite activities now now this doesn't if even this is is something that might be currently offered at opaka right in in Parks and Recreation or something that is not and this is um a big need or want from you as well so everybody gets five opportunities for the top five so [Music] that's spe break you [Music] said fo for for who didn't get him so the next one that's the one there you go all right so the next activity we're gonna have soce okay so let her finish do oh pictures yeah pi is gonna take some is gonna be oh oh the board's coming down we're just going to let our our our one of our youngest members of the community fill out the favorite activities okay so we're gonna go move on to the next activity which is going to be your top favorite programs now so pick your you're going to get five green dots and you're going to pick your top five and if there's not a program that you see up there we're going to have another card that says other we're going to put a dot on the other and we're going to fill that out thank you for coming in time let okay so now get them caught up I you so I'm going to just repeat real quick um the backboards are your five favorite activities five favorite programs and then the last one we're going to do is your five favorite facilities okay and remember if there's an other and it's not uh listed there we're just going to fill out the little common card me that okay what e okay play okay so I'm gonna move on to the next activity which was our last activity but this is kind of fun um what we're going to have you do is I'm going to have some postcard like little Post-its and we're going to go take a look at what you would kind of Envision for Sheri Park we're going to put put little Post-its you know even if if you want um you know a football field in this location if you want that improved we're going to put it in the location and then if you just want something in general you could just post it everywhere um you're going to do that for Shandi we're going to do it for Seagull Park and then we're going to do that for Ingram Park okay and I'm going give you pens if you can right in the round circle um table come over here and I'll I'll guide you I'll give you post sits and and pens y oh can I put remodel so this is the all over everything oh yeah yeah yeah and then the other extra space [Music] so sorry we don't need that thing don't need no Shard okay I'm right here okay what's called a playground over the playround no shade structure okay shade remod remod know yeah I did my want I need put I about when we put right by oldr [Music] I need a walk let see I got one just got [Music] got oh that's right in the front right by in the back here just so a lot of people out there fish [Music] on there you go all right so I'm I'm sure everybody has signed in but if you haven't um signed in and you came in can you please do so we're going to have okay oh perfect all right so we're going to follow up um if you would like to speak up and kind of kind of provide a what of your vision or just make any comments of the Parks and Recreation uh please uh fill out a little speaker card and we're going to take turns uh talking and if you you know do not want to speak up but you do want to leave a comment we have a comment box um you could just drop off your comments and stuff let me let me more so closer to my home front which is I grew up down the street from seag Park but I'm going to focus on on Ingram Park situation uh requesting a multi-purpose facility um similar to over near shabi park with the um capacity to have events and everything listen is if we don't do it right and there's no excuse to say we don't have the funds the funds will always be there what has happened is this over at Shaban Park as you know they had the multi-purpose center with a gymnasium I'm only going to give the one example and I'll take my seat the gymnasium situation which I just shared with someone one they told me that that gymnasium was built incorrectly okay and this is this is the your decision makers in the city of opaka um who was involved with this situation where some Conners were cut uh for whatever reason economically if you do it the right way for the citizens of the community the children that are watching the young adults that are watching our senior citizens that are watching we could have over 10 years ago had a legitimate size facility basketball court Done Right correctly which would have led to the Miami Heat using that as a practice facility in the Heart of the City of my hometown opalak so now you're talking about generating um um millions of dollars possibly or whatever commercial whatever coming in or whatever filming movies or whatever when the Miami Heat would at it at its height due to the fact we have all of this get the suggestions now it's time to execute someone decide to cut Corners it will cost so the money is there and therefore we have never had a college um final four that comes of Miami day County every year to have their facility NCAA tournament um Christmas holiday they could have been using the city of opaka as one spot for the teams to practice which will generate interest College interest scholarships money and the whole work so again if we're going to do it it have to be done right um starting with the leadership City officials in the community to carry out this what is being asked for my only thing is do it the correct way and do a regulation size whatever you get whether it's Community Center or the other um amenities that come along with it including a um track and field olympic size with the surrounding track where it could be multi-purpose U football soccer field with a track going around it with eight Lanes nine lanes and not no six lanes and cut short like what happened at Miami North Western Senior High School okay if you do that you cannot invite people to come in with their tun tournaments and bring in money for the city and the coffers because you cut Corners so again all of these right here is excellent it just a matter if we're going to do it we must do it correctly thank you uh my my concern is basically about the funding and um I know uh you like most of the time when funding come to Parks and Recreation you like to hit us with the property tax you know and um I want to know who could answer the question for me how can we change uh Ingram Park into a boys and girls club to be funded through the United Way you know and um through uh employees they uh filled out the CFC the combin federal campaign and give the money in the in uh donations back into that facil facility but also uh like the gentleman just spoke on is that uh we can't like undercut this here and not put and not and try not to put the cost on the residence not not like raise the taxes okay uh it could might it may go to a referendum vote um grants I don't know I don't know who the bagman is I don't but um I wonder who can answer that you know and see if it could be done you know like especially with England Park it's a it's a vast Mass Land and um you know it could it could be uh boys and girls club for opaka and I know uh we have we have put produced a few athletes at opaka yeah we have and um and I'm quite sure they would be even willing to give back do Paka you know uh thanks for let me share I just want to say um everybody always mentioned about what opaka can't do opaka can do just like Miami Gardens got Bunch Park up and running we can get our Parks up and running as well a lot of people don't know that Bunch Park is an open park for Miami day County residents you do not have to be a bunch res to go to that par why we got to push our people down there we can have it right here so all we need to do is get our heads together Bunch our ideas up until one go to our commission meetings let them know what we want and what we expect for them to do for us and let's make it happen right here in city of opaka my clients are Mii heat yes they did bring that information that you said to me one of my clients are there we have yodanis and I'mma tell you right now we have one of those ex players now that's up high in office said he would never do nothing in opaka but let's change their minds and we can show them that we can have our activities and we can do things right here in the city of opaka thank you but you know I'm short right okay um I think everybody in here know who I am Knows My Name you know who I am sir okay my name is Natasha Irvin I serve as your vice mayor here in opaka okay our C which to my knowledge all of our parks are in the CRA as I stay stand here today before you ourc has about $7 million in it I have been in office for about a year and four months and at every meeting I'm asking can we do atra Bundi because that's the one that's kind of part that's ready to go right now if we could get the kids a playground set oh yes oh yes we can do it however I've been like I said I've been in office a year and four months that playground has not come into parition yet and it's a little bit more than a playground last year I wanted to have a playground and an adult fitness center that was last year now that we have new Tiff money that has come in I also want a splash pad in the shundi area I wanted for all the parts to be honest but because that one is ready to go and it is the most used right now and the children don't have it but yet instead the CRA has not yet approved it I would love for you all to help me to help the CRA know that they cannot those dollars are our tax dollars but instead we just bought the Chinese restaurant on 27th Avenue with no idea what we're going to do with it 700,000 700,000 is what they've spent they gave me a they said it was 200,000 or 200 50,000 that they could um give us or put towards in the budget for a playground set I think that opaka we we're selling ourselves short the money is there it's for the it's the money is there to put back into the community and it needs to happen I'm not really sure when our next CRA meeting is it's next week I'm being told next week to Tuesday at 6 I think you all should come out and help me raise s because I'm going to uh yeah I'm I'm excited about next week's meeting if they don't cancel it because they do that a lot too and and I would like to see all of our Parks up and running to full capacity we have to get these kids outside and away from the television so that they can see the outdoors is wonderful I love T this um Workshop today I a lot of you all want the same things that I want and that's for our park to Blossom sherbundy Village lowkey I hate it because Parks and Recreation is outside not inside so to have another building like shundi Village in opaka don't want it don't want it I like it back in I I've been in opaka since 1975 I was about seven years old and when I would go to shabi to play we had a Hut we had a little Hut and [Laughter] um we had a Hut and we would in a lot of you just went to the park and you played there was no uh there's going to be a um you have to pay in order to stay at the park during spring break and christas you just went to the play granny I don't know how many y'all remember granny they would pull out that uh those pool tables and we would play pool and when you finish you went home I would like to see that come back to the city don't know how we're going to fund it because you know kids got to have water they they're they're they're touched they got to have water they got to have a little snack or something but I would love to see it comes back where kids can just come to the park and check out whatever they're going to play with that day tetherball I love tether ball be able to play those kind of things on the park without saying oh I got to stay in the house or my mama went to work it's nothing I can do I got to stay in the house and watch TV till she come home I would like to see that for Parks and Recreation actually be more physical out here in these opaka streets keep our kids good keep our car weight down that's what I would love to see happen all of the ideas when I was up here reading all of the ideas are wonderful and we can make it happen there's grant money out there too we go find some more of that grant money to make a lot of this stuff happen but you see got plenty money I just want y'all to know and I remind them that all the time thank you anyone else all right anybody else last call okay all right we're good so wonderful thank you so much everybody for for coming this afternoon and donating your time and it is critical for the vision for opaka to make sure that uh you know the Next Generation here is even better than we've what we've experienced so again thank you so much for coming out for this uh Workshop we look forward to coordinating with you and collaborating with you throughout this process and uh we'll make this a vision for you so yes sir yes yes so just keep an eye out for the public survey that's going to be coming out within the month okay uh please spread the word we're going to have it on social media as well but and hard copies as well throughout um the Shandi and all the parks but we just want to make sure uh you spread the word there's nothing more than telling your neighbor and telling all your friends in the community thank you all for your time