my stuff stay safe too e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone Welcome to our our reschedule Commission meeting March 13 from March 13 2024 today is March 18th 20124 the time is now 6:07 Madame clerk roll call Vice May Irvin he here commissioner Kelly presid commissioner Williams here mayor Taylor here as we stand for our invocation led by commissioner Williams followed by the pleasure heavenly father thank you Lord for all the many blessings you bestowed upon us this day and every day Lord we ask that you continue to be a hedge of covering over the great city of opaka and continue to allow us to be a beacon of bright opportunities amen amen iedge Al to the flag of the United States of America to the rep stand One Nation unto God indivisible with liberty and justice all right um Awards proclamations and acknowledgements we have none so we're going to go into the approval of the conscent agenda do we have any plls the ferals deletions on the consent agenda May commissioner Kelly I'd like to pull number three okay anyone else on the consent agenda all right can I get a motion on the consent agenda move it move by commissioner Williams second second by vice mayor Madam Clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Zer all right um do we have any add-ons for tonight's agenda Madam yes Mr Mayor all right can you to the record yes we have one item that would be included as s 141 under new item a res olution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving the serving and or sale of alcoholic beverages for the women's history event at the ark within the city to be hosted by commissioner Veronica Williams on March 23rd 2024 providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this item is sponsored by commissioner William and again it will be included at 141 okay um can I get a motion move it move by commissioner I mean vice mayor Irving second second by commissioner Williams Madame clerk commissioner Williams yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly I'm thinking the same thing since we not invited do me commissioner Kelly have to support this yes commission Kelly says yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right so can we have a motion to approve tonight's agenda move it move by Vice May second second by commissioner Kelly Madam clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right so we're going into the approval of the Minutes special Comm commission meeting minutes February 9th 2024 can I get a motion move it moveed by Vice May second second by commissioner Kelly Madame clerk vice mayor Irving yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z rescheduled commission meeting minutes um February 15 2024 moved by commissioner Kelly second second by vice mayor Madame clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes for zero okay continue regular commission meeting minutes February 28 2024 motion moveed by commissioner Kelly second second by vice mayor Madam clerk commissioner Williams yes vice mayor urvan yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 4 Z all right so we don't have any district one or District Two County reports Madam cler do we no Mr Mayor all righty so we're going to have a Public Presentation the update on the fiscal year 2022 audit by Markham LLP and cabao on the audit you can have the floor thank you good afternoon honorable mayor and City commission my name is Mo re I'm with the firm of mar mop and we served as your external auditor for fiscal year September 30th 2022 and um earlier to earlier in February we issued the results of the fiscal year 2022 audit that was released in late February um that included not only the city's annual financial report but also included the CRA financial report so bringing that uh that was the the last financial statement that the city had that was passed due the further statute deadline now the new the new Endeavors to work on the 2023 audit um but just to notate that on that day on February 29th when it was released not only did we release the city's financials but we also released the the CRA financials and um wanted to mention that this was the first time that the CRA in a standalone financial statement received the cleanup opinion and a clean opinion is the only opinion that you want to be associated with um in regards to any financial statements of the city or the CRA so congratulations to to the city and the CRA um and showing the the improvement from years past I also wanted to take the opportunity to um thank everybody at the city that was able to help us throughout the audit process from the city manager's office and the finance department there was a lot of information that was requested in the fact that it was historical 2022 information um and they were very helpful throughout the audit process um not only um is my colleague Brandon here but we had a team about eight of us that were auditing the city and Performing audit procedures on site um a very robust team not only looking at finances looking at compliance with rules laws and Regulation and also looking at your it processes so um again thank you to the city and the city manager office and the finance department um our job doesn't end here today if there's any questions regarding the document it's a very lengthy document we make ourselves available not only today in future months but throughout the fiscal year our audit relationship with our clients is not just to be here during the audit process but to be advisors throughout the year when you enter transactions contracts and agreements we're here to help and help you digest those documents so open up to any questions you may have regarding the document that was released on February 29th right any questions or concerns through our auditor all right mayor commissioner Kelly thank you um thank you for your uh remarks I will want a meeting individually with the manager staff whoever because we have some some questions um just one note um that I wanted to ask real quickly as it relates to um Staffing because it was always the issue of having no staff in the finance department itself so in your opinion now are we bully staff not only for now I know you've had a lot of folks as you say in here to help us and to get us where we need to go but do we have enough staff currently City staff going forward to make sure that we don't run into any challenge we've had uh previously in the past correct so um I'll let management talk to it from our perspective it will be that at the moment we we truly believe that um for years past in the current year the finance department has been supplemented by an outside accounting fir firm that accounting firm has allowed the city to have a more robust um team of individuals preparing the audit schedules um keep in mind that your finance department not only do they have to record and transact the day-to-day activities but they have to make themselves available for historical audits um we were able to do three audits for three fiscal years in a term of 18 months so you're asking um the finance department not not only to be responsible for the day-to-day activities but also to pull that historical information um from our perspective um I'm not going to opinionate if it's fully stacked but what I could tell you is that we definitely saw the benefit of having that extra resource in that outside accountant because they were able to help us and provide answers and schedules and responses to our information that we requested and also they also helped Miss Nema Gan the finance director prepare this document not only do they have to prepare the city document but they also have to prepare the CRA document the CRA given the fact that it has met a certain reporting threshold has to also have a separate audit um and next year um although I do know that the city is fully capable of um next year you're going to have three audits you have a CRA audit a city audit and you have a federal audit you have a federal audit because you received arpa funding and now the federal government wants us to perform an audit regarding those arpa funding to make sure that you used it for the proper expenditures and program activity um which is a brings a whole new Avenue of responsibilities from the finance department to provide us all that information again I believe that the city is fully capable but um that is an extra layer an extra audit that has not been performed in fiscal year 2022 so your answer is what my answer is that I believe that the city has has benefited from having external accountants system and be prepared for the financial audit so it's your opinion I'm straight to the point that's that you and also with the c that's totally separate you'll make that speech to them when they they meet so that's a separate so I don't want to get in a s part um so is your opinion then that we will need the extra layer going forward um as well and I heard you mentioned arpa which is extra layer but also because the dayto day and I understand that too but in most cities when you're up to date you can do um everyday stuff and that because you're only dealing with the prior 12 months so it's your legal opinion you're saying we haven't gotten there yet so we need that extra layer of support in order to make sure that we meet all our deadlines and thresholds cor so this moment correct so throughout the audit process we were in constant contact with the jayl lag they asked us for information we provided them updates I could tell you that next year's audit inclusive of the arpa federal funding the city of opaka received nearly $8 million that are going to be audited we're going back into time and testing $8 million of expenditures um that is a a heavy uplift for for any city um and I think that if there's a resource that has been helpful to the city and um there's shown progress that this is the first time that we're up to date with the audits um I don't want that to be in Jeopardy but I'll leave that up to management to decide um if there's a benefit to keeping the outside accountants but I believe we're going in the right direction given the fact that today the city of opaka is up to date with the further statute deadline of the filing of the audits again the answer is yes thank you for thank you for your uh your presentation um Mr manager I will look forward to a meeting there do a lot of questions particularly with responses that we've given and and some of our uh as you indicate deficiencies that are still ongoing so but I want to take up time in the meeting but thank for your report and I would just say the look forward to um keeping the progress going thank you thank you okay again we just want to say thank you for all that you you and your firm as well as cavier did to bring the city current the only thing I'm going to ask is that you connect with the manager to connect you with our CRA director as well as chair so you can do this presentation in front of the C as well and the chair is actually here tonight so that you can we'll do thank you thank you all right thank you sir all right so moving along we're going into our citizens form Madam no f do not here um citizens form Madam clerk can you please State how to participate in citizens form yes thank you Mr Mayor good evening city of opaka commission meetings are held in person at the opaka government center city commission Chambers 780 fisherman Street third floor opaka Florida members of the public wishing to address the commission may do so in person or virtually those persons wishing to participate virtually should register prior to the scheduled meeting time the city's website at www. opaka when speaking before the commission please make sure to give your full name and address for the record there is a three minute time limit for public comments please adhere to the decorum policy which is part of the commission meeting agenda City commission meetings are aired through live stream at user city of opaka and Mr Mayor at this time we do have one virtual public comment Mr Mark Cooper should be online okay citizens form is open we're going to start with our virtual viewers virtual Citizens first and then we'll go into no no okay I'm being told he's no longer on so citizens form is open for those of you that are in the chamber at this moment good afternoon mayor commission um audre Dominguez 1147 Jen Avenue last week I attended the CRA meeting it was very informative good project coming to the city um it was stated by the director that they have set aside $200,000 to help with the parks within the CIA area and myself and several other residents vice mayor Commissioners have all been asking about getting a Parks playground okay um for our children it's going on over two years now and we get the same answer so now I'm asking the commission to work together to draw draw legislation um with the CRA to match up those $200,000 funding okay to get the parks you can get at least two or three Parks done with that funding if you have $400,000 because I am aware that they did get a quote from several uh companies um in order to get these um playgrounds done and you know I know we have funding in the Parks and Recreation either we need to get it through the general fund through um arpa fund I'm pretty sure we have some money left in that account okay and like commissioner Williams is always saying in the meeting she stated before not that I knew but she said this is what we want want want want want but we don't get so let's think about our children the future of our children I have grandkids when they come I can't take them anywhere because we don't have a ground so please think about that thank you thank you commissioner um citizens form is still open it's working my name Vicky Howard um one second Mr manager can we get somebody to adjust the mic please Miss Howard yes hey how you doing put it in my face Vicky Howard okay my address okay 14225 Northwest 22 Court I've been there for 70 years I got a a problem with the the trailers back here on every street we have trailers and that five sections five blocks where I'm at and on every other Street you got nothing but trailers trailers trailers and you see my next door neighbor got a blue extension cord going over here you know I'm saying they got trailers do do they have to pay tax or do they pay they make my light bill go up you know my light bill is really high now you know and the it's hot and and I need and the light bill is so high you know it's it's very hard there now with these trailers y'all got going on y'all supposed to make them pay tax at these properties you know all these trailers is extra cars some of the people take the the gate down the front gate down where they could park them 10 cars in that front yard you understand and then they put the high gates up and they got a whole new city in the back yard y y'all need to do something I'm here all my life not just came in I've been here every day where I'm at right now for 70 years and we never had this before they trying to do better in opaka but this is too much this is too much we got too many people as it is but we got trailers on every block every block is trailers Okay so so let's try to fix that yes ma'am thank you thank you Miss Howard oh look at thank you Miss Howard citizens form is still open good evening good Janie Russell 1210 Perry Street to Mayor commission everyone um I'm here this afternoon to talk about uh just heard the previous uh citizens say trailers well I'm here to talk talk about the legislation that we have on the books I support it because um I live in a single family home District it's not an apartment District it's not multi family homes is single family homes before I came today I spent my day at home today looking at my taxes that I pay uh homeowners pay a lot of taxes our milit rate might not have gone up but there are other things within our tax report that has increased and we shouldn't have to pay for everything and get less homeowners are just as important in this community as everybody believe me I understand the problems of renters I have family members that's renters if my husband will let me I probably would be a renter too it's expensive to own a home and homeowners for the most part we have to upkeep our homes we have to add on Plumbing get messed up we got all renters don't do that some do keep their rental property up if you ride by rental properties all of them need another garbage can they're always overflowing and then on on top of that you allow the trailers to come in what's going to happen when the hurricane comes and the sewer blows out of the ground we gonna have stuff everywhere everywhere it is not the time to um uh what would I say let me use a politically correct word to to to play with this it is long overdue and I have a property and in the back of that property they have tra trailers ouse so where the people that are riding the the with the RVs where's the sewer going what are they doing with the SE so I looked up RVs today in uh the State of Florida that's why they have trailer parks they shouldn't be in resid cral areas everybody needs a place to stay we all do but don't make us as homeowners be the burden of the other people everybody should pay their share fair fair share and on top of that our renters do they pay taxes they pay sales tax right but please I support this legislation I support it from the front to the to the every bit of it 30 90 days is too long citizens form is still open all right um Madame clerk the virtual citizens are they on or before we close don't miss the mayor all right citizens form is closed all right so um commissioner Dominguez we hear you we're all in agreeance when it comes down to the playground so it's not falling on deaf ears um Miss to miss Vicki and Miss Russell um we're actually discussing that item tonight the RV legislation so once we get to it we go into discussion and then we'll go from that uh so we're gonna move on oh ask yes I wanted to respond to um Miss Dominguez because I spoke with Mr Walker today and I'm going to be working with him to help with that um issue okay all right so we're going to move on to our action items Madame attorney [Music] 133 item 133 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the city manager to picky sourcewell Cooperative program agreement number 081416 dshi with Shi International Corp for the provision of various hardware and software products and equipment in amount not to exceed $75,000 in providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right move for discussion move by commissioner Kelly can I get a second second second by commissioner Williams Mr manager this is your item you go ahead and present it please thank you Mr Mayor so this is a a purchase for additional software uh such as Microsoft uh for Citywide functions and this is coming from our it department and we have our director uh Mr Phil Walker from it here to present this item should the commission have any questions okay thank you commissioner Kelly you P this item before any discussion thank you Mr Mayor under the seventh whereas that talks about um the agreement um extend the contract the agreement that we're going to have with with this um entity is going to expire in October because the expire with piggybacking so will it expire in October of 24 correct so good night um this agreement is just to get the software and this will be um for a renewal of the Microsoft um software that we're using for the city and also for the police department this is actually um uh straight from Microsoft we're just using that uh agent as a rep no I understand we're piggybacking off of um sourcewell but their agreement goes out in October 30th so you're saying we would have we would have had all the software we need before yes sir this um renewal is due by the end of this month oh the renewal is due before the end of this month yes sir okay so we don't get this then we wouldn't be able to access the software we really need to continue for Microsoft everything Microsoft sir that's what I'm saying we'll be able to do it until we come back to Microsoft if we don't renew no I'm saying we have to renew because that's our provider right okay um and you said for the police department and where else in the city so it's yes it's it's two separate um contracts one's for the city one's for the police department okay all right um well we we got to have the software and Tech I I would like to Mr um manager just have an idea how much money we're spending on technology software because they keep coming up in various things now I need to answer tonight but um you know we spent a lot of money on software at piggyback I how much we're spending on software and how much that overlaps so you can get that to me and the commission at some point thank you yes sirate okay thanks um any other questions on this item all right hearing Mr manager commissioner Kelly brought it up I don't think it was really answered that last line that says on um November 17 2024 Shi and um sorts well agree to extend the contract for additional period with a new contract expiration date um October 30th 2024 so after October this is coming back sure what it says it expires on October 24 October 30 2024 we would already have it at that time Mr Mayor so it will it won't come back for a renewal no more okay yes so how long is the contract for so is is it one forever or one year one year from today well from from the from from the effective date effective date okay yeah that was my concern too all right so we're good any other questions on this item hearing no we can call the question Madam clerk commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5- Z all righty we're going into our ordinances first reading um Madame attorney 161 1681 sorry an ordinance Mr Mayor we have the add-on item 141 Oh I thought we were skipping that because we wasn't invited I honestly forgot about it I'm sorry all right Madam attorney 14 one I do apologize yeah a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving the serving and or sale of alcoholic beverages for the women's history event at the ark within the city to be hosted by commissioner ver Veronica Williams on March 23rd 2024 providing for incorporation of recitals providing for an effective date this is sponsored by commissioner Williams all right can I get a motion move move by Vice May second second by commissioner Williams commissioner Williams this is your item yes everyone is invited and as Jaylen says grownup juice will be served thank you all right any questions to the sponsor on this item all right hearing none Madam clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass well the grown-up juice yes mayor Taylor I need VI I mean commissioner Williams to say personally commissioner Kelly and mayor Taylor personally commissioner Kelly and mayor Taylor and all males are invited then then the answer is yes motion passes 5 Z all right so now we're moving on to 16 A1 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida amending article two division two of the city of opa's code of ordinances entitled rules of procedure and more specifically section 2.45 F pertaining to preparation of agendas to amend submission and completion dates providing for severability providing for conflict and repar and providing for an effective date this is sponsored by mayor Taylor all right can I get a motion move it moved by commissioner Williams second second by commissioner Kelly um this is a public hearing item but I present it um me the manager the clerk and the attorney met to put some new rules of procedures or calendar scheduling I'm sorry of how we present legislation and put it forth um through the agenda process I got choked up by my words I'm sorry but rules and procedures so that's what we are here for with this item so public hearing is open public hearing is closed any questions on this item all right Madam um commissioner William I mean commissioner bass I'm sorry thank you as you can see I was late I don't have my glasses and just go a little bit into the um ordinance for me sure um what we agreed upon amending article just bullet point I'm trying to get to it um so all items will be presented to the manager of the managers designate no later than 12:00 pm on the Monday 12 days prior to the regular commission meeting um the manager then or the design will have 24 hours to give give it to the City attorney uh which it the Monday 25 hours from that Monday receive eight days prior to the next meeting uh okay by 12: pm on the Tuesday three days prior to the agenda that the agenda is disseminated it will go to the clerk Madam attorney and clerk if I'm I'm skipping stuff just let me know I'm trying to read fast uh any items for that has to go on the commission for for what is this emergency items has to be a for vote and that's pretty much it it's Bas the only thing we did was gave it's the same process that we have now we just gave the manager one more day to submit it to the attorney and the attorney one more extra day to amended to the cour that that say Mr Mayor the nutshell yeah in the nutshell I I don't know why staff and that's all it is because that's what they was asking for a little more time all right so any thank you no problems any questions on this item all right Madam clerk commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irvin yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes first reading all right we're going into 1682 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opalak Florida amending chapter 19 Article 1 Section 19-9 of the city of opaka code of ordinances entitled streets and sidewalks to create a new section entitled school zone speed limits to require enhanced enforcement of speed limits within roads properly maintained as school zones in accordance with chapter 316 Florida Statutes and authorizing the placement and installation of speed direction systems on roadways maintained as school zones providing for severability providing for conflict and repealer and providing for an effective date this is sponsored by mayor Taylor all right can I get a motion move it with discussion move by commissioner Williams second for discussion second for discussion by commissioner baz um simply put the state recently passed a law that allows cities in the state of fla to regulate school zones by putting an extra layer of safety in school zones to regulate speeding so it's been done in the county and a lot of cities are following suit in order to make sure that our children are safe when they're crossing the street and that people are not speeding in school zones simply put that's what this legislation is so um this is a public hearing item public hearing is open Christina Banks 2470 Northwest 140 Street uh I'm here in regards to this ordinance because in the back of Pride choice and there are a couple of other areas as we have accidents signs get knocked down and in that particular area it's a really bad area I'm sure if someone was here from OPD they would know it because when you get ready to come out of price choice you have three different ways to come out to the road we have kids going in the morning going to school kids coming home the sign got knocked down at the Burger King right there which was a stop sign oopd know the stop sign was taken down so when you're making a turn and you're coming down that street it gives them the right to come straight out and then nobody knows who has the right away so if we're going to protect our kids and enforce these people that are speeding we do have to adhere by putting the signs back up so people will know what is the policies in our city people are beginning to come where thatb where Pride choice is usually and I've been here 54 years it's one way in and one way out since the sign has been removed it's any man's thing they're coming in and they're going out on both sides of the road the other day we had children that thank goodness there was some people there who actually helped some of the children children as the traffic was turning in I I'm just here to bring it to the attention of the commission and the city manager and his staff because it's very important because once they do that the city is going to be liable for it too because it's our responsibility to make sure that these signs are up and right now that particular area and that area where Burger King is where you turn it's not I've seen many of people come head on to each other there so the the commission I'm asking you to just look into that city manager I'm bringing it to your attention so that we don't get sued because we can get sued too with them coming out and going in in a one way one way in one way out and I'm sure all of our commissioner knows that particular area okay you got traffic coming out of price choice right there three different ways we have the the the fence which is a blockage so if they're coming straight out from the store or you don't even have an idea they're coming we have kids coming from that way just want to bring it to your attention thank you thank you Miss bangs um public comments public hearing is still open okay public hearing is closed so this was open up for discussion commissioner Williams you ask first um yes through the mayor and before you do that um Mr manager can we bring Chief up to answer any technical questions if you don't mind yes absolutely sir okay um so there were a few questions that I asked during my agenda briefing that wasn't clear so that's why I wanted to um actually move it um have have a discussion on it because um unfortunately um assistant chief didn't know some of the answers that I that I asked so my concern was during so we know that we have a school zone that is 15 miles per hour of course if you break it and most schools have a uh school resource officer that's already there at the schools that also if you go to fast will'll ticket you they're they're able to site you where I was confused with this legislation is is it over 15 miles is no one can seem to tell me if because so where so we know Alibaba specifically Robert Ingram and I'm not going to we know commissioner bass is is Robert Ingram but there is a pretty long stretch of of uh of road that you have to go 15 miles per hour and I'm almost sure all of us at one point tapped accidentally our accelerating uh our accelerator and it went 18 or maybe 20 until we figured out hey I'm going a little too fast let me slow it down are we saying the minute we go over 15 the camera system will automatically spot us and send us a ticket I can answer that question the chief can verify if I'm right it's 10 miles over the existing speed limit so it's 15 if you're 17 miles an hour no but if you're 10 miles over the 15 which would be 25 right it's actually at the 11th mile 10 mil hour over is the Grace So at the 11th M hour over that's when the camera triggers and so that'll be 266 so that no that was my one that was like my major question because I do know that we all go through school zones and accidentally tap um from time to time then my next question that I had um on my briefing is we also know that specific schools have heavier um based off of where you know um just the surrounding Community as well as the roadway I'm almost sure um as um Miss Bank stated Nathan B Young probably gets a lot of it's just very congested and so I'm sure there's a lot of speeding even though there's speed bumps here and there but I'm sure it doesn't really you know the ins and the outs but I'm just curious are there have we done an assessment to know what schools have more violators um than other schools so the traffic study is being conducted as we speak okay uh what would be interesting to know is that 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after the schools Z timeline um the uh the cameras capturing the violators will not be capturing for Speed school zone speeding but for actual speeding so they'll be registering and ticketing those violators are conducting that are traveling faster than than they should at the speeding rate not at the school zone rate and lastly um what if the principes and the employees of the school consistently get ticketed that's that's real if it's true because if I am an employee at that school and I am constantly I mean think about it I go to work there every single day right and if I I'm late for work or I see a little hole and I or I got to go out for an appointment and I might see where I can you know do a little speed out of the gate because we all do it and employees we do it so what's the plan for when we now have all of Nathan B Young and Robert Ingram employees sitting here saying I'm getting ticketed frequently I mean what's that plan because I'm I see it's gonna happen well C can I say this I have no remorse for employees that speed in school zones because they should know better no but I'm not but I'm not talking about those that I'm not I'm saying I'm saying sometimes we are late we are late that is true need to wake up earlier you you just got you're going to you're saying your and I I'm a little offended about it but anyway you're saying as an employee I am you're saying that the the SRO can ticket which we know they have that power as well which they do I mean they ticket left and right so now we're also saying you're gonna also receive a ticket in the mail right is that what we're saying at 25 so if I hit 26 myself and I go down I I love how everybody want to act like they never went over 25 in the school but it's okay I'm saying how do well but you know what we could do and I I think I okay we're going to provide education to the community on the legislation so what we can do is take that a step further and put that education and that Outreach as in the school system so for the employees to let them know hey this is what's coming down the pipe so those of you that are late to work and those of you that like to speed out of the gate you need to that's true on the gas so so if I if I may Commissioners um obvious you know I'm retired from amid day County uh when this all began um marked police units and undercover Vehicles unmarked units who live in the county and outside the county uh we were forced to pay if we got caught matter of fact I came from internal affairs uh Captain John Ryan he came from internal affairs and all those citations would go to Internal Affairs and those vehicle numbers would be documented and that would go through the chain of command as a as a Personnel complaint and those tickets would be paid by that officer if it happens more than once disciplinary action would follow so we're not uh we're not you know we're we're held to the same standard well I know yeah I know you are but I'm what I'm saying is is we're saying we're saying three schools two schools I'm so sorry two schools in our community I'm I'm I'm okay with it I just foresee that this is going to bring a little bit more um now we're saying there's day County Public Schools you have SRO we're ticketing we are they are out there doing that too now we're double we're double ticketing because now this is we're saying give I would I would tell you this that Lake Stevens uh Middle School on 183rd Street in 40 uh 50th 1st 52nd that 52nd Avenue somewhere around there uh they took a huge hit within the first month after that first month everybody learned their lesson they slowed down and I I believe in Miami Gans I believe just today there was a child that got struck by a car by a speed so yeah there's there's no chart there's no qu I'm not I just wanted the answers I wanted the answers I'm just you know okay yes sir thank you and I think commissioner bash you I'm sorry all right commissioner bash you're also open up you ask for discussion as well I'm kind of lost for wordss right now after that conversation but I would ask where would those cameras be placed for instance my school where would they be placed there're it's east east and Westbound on Alibaba for your school um the exact locations I can't tell you off the top of my head but on alababama on for every location at uh North Park East and Western Alabama at your school eastn Western Alabama uh those locations are going to be yes so I don't have the exact locations but I can let you know as soon as the traffic study is identified okay so it won't the cameras won't be on Amad Street just Alaba ex I I can't answer that because a traffic study will determine the best location based on a traffic study of where uh where those cameras should be placed I'm thinking should we get our our traffic study first and then bring this back we don't have all the details so so in order to to think it has to be passed and traffic study be done in order for it to move forward the company isn't going to conduct the traffic study unless they know that it's gonna done it's a it's a necessary evil but it it's it something that must be done um Mr Bass s could you y I want to talk about that point could you y because I up course thank you aren't we doing Mr Mayor to the manager aren't we doing traffic study throughout the city right now to enhance our whole um traffic patterns and streets Etc aren't we doing that right now not necessarily throughout the city uh there are pocketed areas and I'm actually going to do a report on that tonight um with some of the challenges that we're having with the contractor because I thought one of the areas we were doing was Alibaba um as you mentioned because I I kind of torn between um putting it out there too and not really knowing what the studies show and then some of the areas because I would even want to I'm sorry commissioner I'll wait for my turn I just want it's okay it's okay um the because there are other areas as was mentioned that are not necessarily right in the school zone like you talk about down Alabama I'm thinking for example Nathan young coming from the fish market coming down but you also could say 143rd you could say comeing other way so where you know how many um how would that work and then we keep talking about those two schools we got other schools here in the city as well so I I'm trying to figure out logistically where these cameras are going what you're saying is the company will not get that far down the road until they do the traffic study in order for them to traffic C we got to pass this yes sir so there's four schools identified um and all four schools have the areas where the cameras are proposed but until we identify exactly where they are based on the flow of traffic uh they're going to hold off on saying yes it's going to be here yes it's going to be here so our traffic study or the information we're Gathering will not only come from the traffic study U that would come with this initiative but also in conjunction with whatever the police uh school police are doing because they can write tickets too so we would have that information part of this I can't comment on school's police uh commissioner Kelly I can only comment on what the on the work that we're doing based on based on this initiative I can find that out for you I just can't tell you that right now right at this moment okay um all right thank you Mr Mayor um Chief an important note commissioner Kelly because what you were saying is this I had a concern about that too putting in it other places outside of this is what the conversation man Chief had outside of where they're already the hotpots so I brought up the concern about around the Nathan B Young area as well so what we did find out is that we can add camperas and no cost additional cost to the city so if we identify areas that our police chief or Police Department or even the commission decides that is a hot spot they will add a camera in that area that is correct at no additional cost to the city because I thought about when I brought up to the in in front of um what was that the the um Helen Miller hel Miller I thought about Helen Miller I thought about the back of Nathan bong the side of Nathan bong but what they were we can add it that that's what we got to you got well you got the back part is Commish B him out of of um inam no we brought that up too but I was just saying B on what you were saying about the Nathan bian area so we we were all I'm on I'm I'm on board with that as well okay um all right and the other part oh I'll wait my time sorry thank you Mr pass no you can finish my only other question I had was on the public relations getting it out the campaign said you're GNA not only I guess 30-day campaign to get the word out and as commissioner Williams was saying about um employees so now that would be extended to the employees in the school system or around those areas um okay so 30 days PRI to us actually starting will be the public awareness campaign and who would be doing that because I guess right now we the pr firm thing come back so who would be doing that would that be the police department is that a part of the entity that you're engaging for the traffic study who who would be doing the public engagement that would not be the company that they were engaging that would I don't have the answer for that right now I could find out for you you my what I Envision is the commission social media door to door through the schools our Police Department whoever we can to get it in the hands of our residents so we will all just have to take on that heavy LIF because as you said we don't have a PR fir okay well all right we I know it's out there I guess hadn't come back yet for the pr firm um so and and your what you're saying Mr Mayor is that we just do the lifting ourselves as a city as a city okay all right um all right thank you Mr Mayor thank you all right commissioner B you still have the floor yes thank you so my question is are our intentions to reach out to the principles and have a conversation with them as well and this is not only going to affect the employees but our parents and not just parents opaka residents and I I just it's kind of a catch 22 for me honestly I I don't know where I sit with this one because we don't have all our questions answer so once we have all the questions we can have an open Forum through the city manager we can uh have a meeting for everyone to come and ask the questions have question and answer session and get all these questions answered um but we have to have the answers first before I can answer the questions and we will get the answers we will have the answers I just don't have them right at this moment or the mayor was it I was waiting I was waiting thank you okay will there be some kind of signage to let people know that yes ma'am okay yes ma'am okay I'm not a speeder got one speeding ticket in my lifetime and I've been driving since I was 14 chicken I got one speeding in the golf cart I was 14 exactly right um it does go 30 miles an hour so it's possible but not with me driving um I think that we really have to protect our children true because our children don't always make the best decisions but I cannot imagine that parent that got that phone call this morning about her child that's never coming home again never so as long as we let the people know that they're they're being watched and could receive a fine through a camera system I'm I'm fine with it and thank you thank you Vice man Chief and through the manager what we can do is if this is to pass first reading before we bring it for second reading because by that time they'll know that we're serious about it we can do a workshop with the commission to get all of the questions answered that they have and then they can present the study at that time and then we'll bring it after that for the second reading if this is to pass so Mr Mayor are you want a workshop after and after this reading and before the second reading yeah because remember we can't we got to move this forward if if this is the P to do it through the mayor um what I would before and and again I have no quorums for this passing because I 100% believe in the safety of our children but the cart test before the horse is no one have spoken to any of these principles to let them know this is coming down the pipe this is happening in at their schools they're going to I'm not saying they're going to disagree with it I'm speaking from experience I would be upset that the city is passing something that they have not consulted so that I can be prepared to cuz I'm telling you the phone's called are going to happen to those schools those administrators are going to have to going to have to be able to answer every question unfortunately the parents will not show up to the workshop they're going to descend on the school and they're not they're going to want answers and what all that and that's my that's my quum that I have is that we have not spoken oneon-one make a a meeting personal meeting Chief with you the manager who clever with the principal and the administrative team of those of these schools and let them flush out all the answers that they have so that when these calls come they're able to answer it and and that's what I'm asking well I agree and what we can do one second Chief we can put that Outreach in the interim if this is the P first reading so not only will we do the workshop but we'll also go out and do the Le work with the principles and I'll go with you Mr manager and the chief and we'll sit down with all of those principles and we'll tell them what's coming down the pipe and then we can go from yeah because we would have to send out School Messengers like there's there's a whole layer that I think there's things that I don't know that you all I don't know if you've consulted with mdcps on this there's a lot of things we send out School Messengers all the time those have to go go out at a certain time to let parents know so I'm just saying that's why I'm asking that you please meet with the administrative team before this goes to Second read sure and I commissioner I I think school board knows because the county did this is they already passed this so it's in County school zone so but our but we met with the county like the schools knew that this was coming before they even went to the commission before it went down to the County Commission so we we yeah all right so Mr manager we have all right we got our marching orders sir marching orders and commissioner Kelly you had no I'm good we're good all right any other questions or concerns on this item for the chief all right there's no Amendment needed Madame attorney there's all that stuff administrative so I'll work with the manager and we'll figure out and put a calendar together if this is to pass tonight Madame clerk roll call commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes first reading all righty we're going down to 16 A3 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opalak Florida pertaining to the storage of recreational vehicles amending Article 5 section 22-16 of the city of poaka Land Development regulations providing recreational vehicle storage is prohibited on property Zone residential amending chapter 7 Article 1 Section 7-6 of the city of opa's code of ordinances to establish a civil penalty for non-compliance providing for separability providing for qualification providing for an effective date this is spons by commissioner Williams all righty can I get a motion move it move by commissioner Williams second second by vice mayor this is a public hearing item oh I'm sorry commissioner Williams go ahead and um introduce item then we open up the public hearing okay um I'll introduce it pretty fast it's self-explanatory but I will say this a year and a half ago I went to a a mayor Summit with uh mayor Daniela LaVine Cava and at the time the mayor of H Alia Steve boobo mentioned over a year and a half ago how his city was being overran by boats and RVs and how those those people that are living in the boats and RVs which I couldn't believe people were actually living in boats but that is a thing um that this and he said Mark his word this was going to overtake not only hiia but all other surrounding cities as well and lo and behold here we are a year and a half later and it has happened it has happened and so we know that the city of haia if you drive through haia it it is an RV park 100% an RV park and and we know that hiia has passed this legislation already um and others as well one thing we know is that opaka is the neighboring City to high so when their legislation gets kicked up and their residents begin to get fined where do we think those RVs are going to go right to opaka they're here and they're coming and so this is in response that we must do something so that we do not get overran we are overran but we're not going to allow them to push out the RVs out of hiia and then come to opalak this is not a racial problem this has nothing to do with anyone's background this is homeowners that are saying enough is enough if you don't know like me I have to buy a brand new AC unit you can imagine I'm broke and so we're wondering how is it that AC units are in our houses are going down so so fast why is our water pressure so low why when we flush our toilets correct our water is our water pressure has gotten lower and lower and lower and that's an issue that we need to start looking at when I said a year and a half ago where are those Services going when we talk about garbage we talk about SE we talk about AC etc those are services so when we have not only a single family home living in a house we're talking about two single families living on one property probably upwards of 10 people or more living on one single family property taking up one taking up one AC unit staking up at electricity taking everyone's waste so something has to be done thank you Mr Mayor all right this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed all right any questions or concerns for the sponsor of this item Mr Mayor commissioner bass I just want to tell commissioner Williams thank you thank you so much on Saturday I actually saw with my own two eyes I think I was wearing my glasses some baby four eyes um a home that had four trailers in the yard with a potty that is the little toilet thing um p a potty I saw it with my own eyes on Saturday in opaka so something has to be done um I'm all in support of this thank you so so much Mr Mayor commissioner sorry Vice may I too am in support of the item but for those that do have RVs if it's legitimate or whatever Walmart you can park at the Walmart for free that's it Walmart accept all travelers for free Mr Mayor I didn't know I didn't know that either Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly Target don't do that just one let let me let me let me ask a couple of questions I I support the intent but I need to get some clarity on how this would work um if it has passed when I look at the legislation it says uh 90 days from the past is there I mean there would be a community campaign to let folks know Etc so forth um would that be done the same we just talking about before we have how would that public information campaign to educate the uh residents and I'm saying that because a lot of our folks will tell you they don't know anything even though they've been there forever um you know so how would that work number one and removing the recreational vehicles the the cost in terms of um the fines what what would they is it just $500 automatically um the first time I think that's what I'm reading and then subsequently it goes to a different level um to the sponsor because I'm trying to Envision because we as it's been stated there there a lot of them I've been dealing with this for almost two years and meet me Monday so I'm glad to see legislation but how would it work because I I mentioned and I've heard the same comments that mayor Boo and his big issue even now even though they passed it how to implement um how would it be implemented that's I guess that's the question I'm trying to understand we pass it 90 we have 90 days we're going to educate our residents then after that their non-compliance code enforcement will um take the necessary actions um ESP specified in the Land Development regulation I got that part over code of ordinance so when they see it does that mean now they they're going to site the property until they do it or is there provision here eventually um we will just have them remove or be running fines to the sponsor okay I'm going to defer to the manager thank you commissioner uh through the mayor to commissioner Kelly uh the way this is going to work is uh we will have 90 days to outreach to uh the residents of the city of opaka how we're anticipating doing that right now is to put a notice for Workshop in the water bills so that all the residents when they get their water bill they'll see the date and time that they're going to have an opportunity to come and discuss that with the administration answer any of their questions and explain how it works but it's fairly straightforward and simple uh after the 90 days uh code enforcement if they find a RV on in residential neighborhoods they will site them that will be a $500 fine after you receive that $500 fine residents will then have 30 days to remove the vehicle before code enforcement comes back to check to see if the vehicle's gone if the vehicle if the RV is still there uh then code enforcement will have the authority to bring uh that property owner to the special magistrate for additional action okay thank thank you so that's RV so that includes I heard my colleague mention about boats so it includes any kind of recreation entity that's in the backyard or whatever because I I I hear RVs but I see at the little Home Depot houses in the back and I see a whole lot of other things that people would tell you I have our you know so I'm trying to does this legislation cover that or is that you know separate from this because I see that as well I see both of them in the same yards I mean the same backyards or whatever but this legislation is specifically for the RVs well you're welcome to bring that legislation um at the next me this is for RVs this is not for boats actually over a year and a half ago I did pass boat legislation already um and Miss Flores if you can send the commission that legislation so everyone is aware um that legislation didn't go as far as the RV that one had every boat owner register their boat and pay a registration fee to have their boat um in in their yards um because that wasn't a thing that wasn't a thing over a year and a half ago um actually it was um not a favorable legislation as well however this only is specific for RVs and um we can clearly go further with any other um legislation moving forward thank you Mr Mayor okay no problem any other I have a go ahead thank you Mr Mayor my question is and I guess this would be to um code enforcement how are we identifying those sheds or um trailer homes that has permits or those that are placed illegally how how we distinguish distinguishing you know what I'm saying yeah yes yeah uh through the mayor to uh commissioner bass that is a challenge uh right now I received a a message uh from a resident on Facebook on last Saturday uh with that exact issue um I went out to the resident's home on Saturday met with the resident she showed the neighboring property uh which from since she had been there so long she knew that that at one point in time was a garage that had been converted into a home dwelling um when I met with uh when I met with our code enforcement uh Department uh and our uh other adjacent departments that work on these type of issues we pulled up all the records that we had and uh as far as we could go back they had permitted it as a uh had listed it as a dwelling of the home and we didn't have any pictures of when it was a garage so there was no way for us to take additional action so um we are looking at that um and then in addition we're not able to get onto the property to look on the inside to see exactly what's going on is it being used as living quarters uh so it's a very challenging issue oh one question do we have any idea of how many trailer parks that we trailers that we might have right now in the city yes uh once this uh legislation was proposed we began code enforcement began uh counting RVs in the city and I believe the last number that I checked with it was over 80 but I can also bring up Mrs Wilcox do we have an update on the number of RVs she's said 160 she that 80 went to 160 80 went to 160 16 okay yeah I'm good thank you okay so the only the only and not issue but thing that I have with the legislation is that it only speaks to residential areas and if you drive through the city there are RVs that are parked in non-residential areas so I think we need to put a little more meet into this in this sense by saying that hey you cannot not offer for occupancy for sleeping living cooking um any life sanding activities you can't do that in the city of opalak so those RVs that are parked in non-residential areas you can't live in because it's only speaks the residential because the loop fold to this if I park it on a car lot there's one I can live at it so that's what I'm asking the only thing I'm asking that you add language in here that you you are not allowed to live in an RV in the city of opaka no matter what zone it's parked in so that's the only amendment that I'm asking into this legisl I'm gonna ask Miss Willcox is that Mr manager Miss WX come to yes sir we want to see your beautiful face Wellman welox code and compliance I agree with the mayor but I would like to go a step further and add the illegal sewer connection yes and electric and electric so um and I pulled up because you you you you talked about haia so I pulled up ha Alia's um legislation and they have shall not be offered for occupancy or use by any third parties are occupied or used for living sleeping cooking or any other life sustaining activities or for storage purposes by the owner tenant person in possession or to any third party who is not the owner or tenant of the residence but obviously that doesn't apply here but some language like that to include illegal sewage hookup as well as illegal electrical hookup so and I that's the ordinance that was passed in haah that's the only thing I'm asking that you add um to the sponsor if you don't mind language that speaks no I don't mind at all but this is only for the 90 days correct correct I think after the after that it's not going to be I just want to be clear we're gonna prohibit them at all together well what what the the new language would be residential and non-residential M and then include the hookup to sewer and elect electric illegal sewer con illegal sewer connection the challenge with that is we have a lot of car lots and because this talks about storage so you have a lot of car lots and um what do you call those not junkyards but um mechanic shops so if they say oh it's here because we're working on it or it's here because we're selling it how does that work so that I think we need to flesh that out a little bit more for nonresidential and maybe you work with the attorney for second reading to end end the the well right now currently you already have an ordinance for prohibiting um them from living in the BET trailers I couldn't find that and I looked you you you do have that they cannot they cannot you do have that that language um where they cannot live in they're prohibited from living in the trailers or the RVs we've actually cited several of them once we can get in like the manager say it's very challenging because if they tell you no you can't come in my property we can't go on their property so we have found some that we have been able to and how we do identify it is the legal sewer connection because that that gives you the knowledge to know okay you should not be connected in any way because this is only supposed to be for you to go in and out when you're on the road travel with your family whatever so we have been able to do that and there is a ordinance and don't quote me on the top of my head right now but there is an ordinance prohibiting them from living in the trailers okay or the other the RVs well if if that's the case I'm good with it but I would still like to see but I still see it put because I couldn't find it when I I searched all through M Cod and I could not find an ordinance that speaks to no I would yeah add it in there the push would be we're eliminating RV's per period that's the difference correct I just want to be clear that's the difference okay commissioner Kelly let me ask the the question that we we we that needs to be answered how are we going to enforce this we know we need it done I have no I no doubts and and I see it too the gate open we can see the gate we can't see so I really my question really is more to the attorney um Can the city or is it legal to employ a drone ask a question nobody wants to ask because the only way you're gonna see in some of these property you got to go over the top unless you know somebody like somebody said the manage a picture and he can maybe see through their property but everybody's not like that because a lot of time you got people living two or three homes together they all got RVs so they ain't telling each other so are drones possible is illegal or whatever how are we going to really enforce this um and can't get in there that something that um we'll have to research because I've not I'm not aware of municipalities that enforce in that way there are very specific requirements under uh Florida Statutes I don't know if that's something the technology is aboring that the law is changing or evolving with that so we'll look into it and we'll get back with you okay because the only way I know and I'm just going from my my knowledge only way you get it to a property is what they used to do years ago um where when you went out and did an assessment looking at every prop in your your city to see what's supposed to be there versus what we have on the books like the manager said it's supposed to be a shed but now it's a house you know the county used to have that program where they went out um especially in in certain areas unincorporated you're supposed to have three bedrooms they looked you have four now they know you done done something um and that was because they you you know you could come on to the property but I don't see anybody letting us on the property so asking about the the Drone how are we going to make folks really comply and I know legislation how live but they got the same challenge of the enforcement unless they can see it or get in there to see it so now we have this educational Forum to let folks know it's coming I can see I don't know how how you can go with a gate but you know you go six feet well I I think some of them higher than six I don't know how they do it but like some them gates are higher than six feet right now so as we're putting it together and we all want the same thing we need to keep in mind how we going to actually enforce it so Madam attorney we can look at the technology would afford US a drone or or whatever means because just knock you on the gate saying we think you got a trailer back there or RV looks like you shouldn't have or like you said nobody's living in it because that's what I hear a lot it's there but nobody's living in until late at night when you see the court running you know um so I think that if you could research that and maybe um look at that won't hold the legislation up but I think that's something at some point to really enforce what we're trying to do is going to be needed thank you Mr Mayor no problem um so any other questions for our code enforcement director or Mr manager okay um for the sake of time Madam attorney the friendly the amendment you can work with um commissioner Williams on the amendment because it's a lot and Miss Wix because she added to it as well but I just would like to see something that speaks to that in all zones not just residential um so we're good we can call the question on the item without the amendment and then second reading please work with each other to add the amendment would this be after um excuse me Mr Mayor would this be after you all have the workshop on it and talk through it more or from what we're ready to move forward with it the only thing I'm adding asking if the sponsor is okay with it that you add the Amendments before second reading okay thank you let me work with the sponsor yeah work with the sponsor however yall put play it out all right so we can call the question commissioner bass yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes first reading all right um we're going to our last item of the night 16a what support a resolution of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida authorizing the city manager to execute an agreement with Cal bero Beerman and Lorina Garcia Lop for independent consultant audit Support Services to provide the city with audit preparation Services Madam attorney yes 16 A4 first reading ordinance I'm looking at the wrong section thank you an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida piggybacking the sourcewell Cooperative program agreement 10221 dbtr with environmental products group in to accept a four-year Capital lease agreement for the purchase of a VOR model 21151 mounted on a new 20123 Freight freight liner model 114 SD truck chassis in the amount of 5 524,000 at an interest rate of 5.69% providing for incorporation of recital providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the city manager all right can I get a um motion move it move by commissioner Williams second second by vice mayor Mr man this is your item you can present it then we'll open up for public hearing thank you uh thank you Mr manager excuse me Mr Mayor so this is an item that is actually a vehicle for our public works department uh however we've had extensive work on this lease agreement through our financial services uh with the budget administrator Mr Robert anathan so after public hearing we have Mr anathan available to answer any questions that the commission may have okay um this is a public hearing item public hearing is open hearing n seeing n public hearing is closed all right um do we have any questions for Mr anathan on this item Mr Mayor commissioner Kelly um just one question after this um is over um would we still own it through the mayor yes sir we would own it yes sir okay thank you Mr for your capital leas thank you okay um no other questions from Mr anathan Madam clerk we can call the question vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 first reading all right we're going down to our city manager's report Mr manager you have the floor thank you Mr Mayor the first announcement I'd like to make is a great and positive one uh we are continuing to make extensive progress on our historic City Hall in the rehab uh and shooting for a date now on May uh when all Renovations and Rehabilitation will be complete uh next uh my office will be reaching out to the clerks office to uh coordinate uh responses uh from the commission with regard to paint color uh we have some options for the commission to look at and make some decisions on so really excited to get that uh in your inboxes or however way that you want to review that um next I want to oh I want to give a response from earlier question from commissioner Kelly uh with regard to uh the park studies we do have a grant uh the Safe Streets grant that does do uh the traffic studies uh throughout the city now the that is separate from the traffic study on Alibaba that's that one's just for the parking meters um so we are looking at that Grant it's a 8020 Grant 80% from F do and 20% from the city so that will provide us some traffic study information Citywide um with regard to the uh the other traffic study in Alibaba um we've been having some delays uh with that particular contractor that would awarded that contractor uh awarded that agreement um they just sent back after months of having the contract and um um CIP Department following up City manager's office following up to find out what the status is they just sent back um um recently u a list of concerns uh with the agreement um to be handled by the city attorney's office from their attorneys um and it was seemed like it was some extensive revisions that may um may require that agreement if if agreed to be brought back to the commission so I wanted to provide you an update on that uh while I'm providing updates on rfps and bids I also want to provide you uh an update on on one of the most important projects to us is the uh Citywide entryways we've had extensive delays from this particular contractor that uh was awarded this contract uh they've come back with numerous revisions they've come back with uh they've been non-responsive uh weeks on in with no response uh and now they are seeking uh significant changes uh in the presentation what was agreed upon uh so we will we will be asking the permission of the commission uh to terminate that agreement and we are currently looking for a contract where we may be able to we're looking for a piggyback contract which we will be able to execute immediately finding no uh piggyback contract uh we would like to go we would like to get the permission from the commission which would be Broad in resolution to select the next uh uh the next company from the from the competitive bid Mr yes sir um the question that I have on that you already have identified a piggyback or you said you're looking over what we are searching for a piggyback contract at this time so that is our first option if that option doesn't come through we're going to ask permission from the from the commission to go to the second uh bid option and you're looking to bring that to us obviously not the next meeting but the meeting after that yes sir guess have to be the second meeting first meeting April we'd like to yeah well if we find the addon contract we're going to bring it back as an add-on item to the next meeting yes sir yeah you know I've been screaming about those gateways for a while now and yes commission Kelly wait until he finish this whole report before we ask questions no no I'll if you have a question I'll take questions on this item you mentioned about the company that's nonresponsible in the traffic study on Alibaba you said the the uh changes or or whatever they want they got to go back to Legal because they're proposing um yeah I'm trying to understand that I'll call Mr anathan up um if you to discuss the request uh in the contract as you can recall that the company had made evening evening commission Bob Anan at financial support services uh I did not read the contract I just forwarded it directly to the City attorney for their action so it was a whole list of items that um regarded um Indemnity uh how the indemnity would work uh who would carry the different indemnities and certain things like that but don't when we sent out um for these kind of things that's part of the pack P isn't it yes sir it is so when they submitted their bid or whatever they knew that was part of the package yes sir they did okay um so Madam attorney I guess it's in your hands now since it was sent to you I'm I'm really trying to understand two things number one they got us on the lake because that should have really been finished by now for that part and number two um I guess when you're looking at it if if the manager or you all decide that it's not working going forward I I want to see about going after them for for pain and suffering I don't know what you call it um because we've waiting a long time and if if if those are the issues and again you're the attorney so I guess you can let us know as a commission um and the manag office know but we've been waiting a long time for this and if that they got questions about the agreement um and they were fully aware of the parameters so you can get back with us on that I I have a real Challenge on that and the other one with regard to the company that no longer seems to be viable for the entryways um I know you're hoping to piggy back but I will say this if it's going to be a long time and I've said this before please do something through the bation division for the entryways we got now and the signs we got now it seems like it's going to be any length of time to piggy back to get a contract to get them working to get whatever let's at least spruce up flowers Etc whatever we could do around the entryways that we have um already in place because they're definitely and I so I had said a lot about it because I thought we were going to be changing the whole thing pretty soon but it seems like that's not going to happen um overnight so we could at least do that until then um but yeah I like to I like to know they holding us up thank you yes sir Mr manager commissioner Kelly I agree with you on it needs to move move forward but I I don't want to I rather putting a Band-Aid on it let that be our last resort because if we put a Band-Aid on it I don't want us to Kick the Can down the road and we get comfortable so I rather us exhaust all of our efforts to ensure that we have a date certain that it's GNA happen so if you're going to bring that piggy back by next meeting then make sure whoever it is that hey we want it done by June we want it done by we want it done and and because and I to me You' already put a band date On You' put in seals and some of them you already paying it but I don't want to invest my opinion I'm only one of five to invest more resources in existing structures and because to me it's just going to kick the can down the road because it's gonna yeah delay it even even more Mr Mayor what I what I was saying it's going to be a long time no no I agree with you yeah I agree with you but it's going to be a long time we got to do something very Mr Mayor Mr Mayor I'm sorry commission commissioner Kelly you done no no I'm good commission okay um through the manage or question did they pull out of the agreement because they wanted to raise the cost and was it clear what what did they give you the reason why we they've been non-responsive well it's been a very a long and uous tral I can give you a brief synopsis but if to really provide you with some significant details as we've had some extensive conversation with them uh please allow me to call up Adelina gross uh our CIP manager and she can provide some specific details and while she's coming forward uh one of the issues that we identified is that uh one of our uh one of our ENT ways was hit on a car accident and so we were able to ascertain there that they didn't have the concrete bases so uh that is no fault of the RFP the r contemplated you know redoing the facade but we began as a city first to look at okay we need to probably redo all of the bases uh of uh of the entryways which will incur some additional costs uh nothing significant nothing certainly that didn't require uh them to be non-responsive for you know six weeks at a time in between um um responding to us I'll allow Miss cross to give some uh kind of blow blow details good evening mayor was yeah okay so to give more um information regarding this company we have been requesting uh updates and progress reports from then since January this year they did provided some information we won't say they didn't provide all not information at all however not not all the information request that was provided to the C City we kept following up with them uh we need a schedule we need uh calls we need and they provided part of the information again but nothing uh concrete that they will tell you hey in the next two months we will start the project or this is the actual cost for removing and remodeling all the all the signs at this point we have had several meetings there are several emails requesting information no response uh no response has been received actually we had a meeting last week Wes say last week they were supposed to send information Friday they didn't send anything we haven't heard back from them we are still waiting for information from them okay so well thank you for the update because that tells me that we I wouldn't even want to to continue to go um to work with a company that's not going to work with us but my question and I'm not sure this may be to the um the attorney if we put out an RFP and we do bids and companies win those bids and this happens how is what's the fail safe shouldn't they be able to if they're they've been allowed to you know string along a city with nothing we can't recoup we can't the city could through the through the vice mayor yes it's okay the city could have some language that requires um um putting up money for like a you know something similar to a bond it wouldn't be a bond but something like that um the city could um require that you there probably some other things legal things that we can do but that's you know that's something if the I know at one time it was difficult to get um um bids in for the city right and so um that could be something that you may want to look at the flip side of that I think city is getting bids in now but um you know and so the city actually wed down contracts and did different things in order to make it more appealing um if things are going well now and you know the pendulum needs to swing back we can certainly look at that based on you know the manager's um um guidance uh we can structure language that would be um that would address some of these things that you're bringing up now okay yeah because I don't I don't technically also want to run people away um to do work in the city but there should be something where we never do work with them again or that they should never be able to be allowed to bid on anything else again in our city if they you know there has to be something in some language in that contract that says if you do this then you cannot bid for the next five 10 years something like that you know H you accountable for exactly it hold you accountable for why go through this process and have us waiting if you're not going to be accountable to to seeing the project through so what we'll do is we'll work with our procurement officer to draft some language to uh submit to the City attorney for approval that that accomplishes that okay thank you all right any other con questions or concerns to miss Adelina gross or the manager on this hearing n m maner that finish just have some more a few more items um so we've got a lot of feedback on our Parks um and uh we are going to be requesting an additional Workshop um to look at Ingram Park and also to look at um um um not Helen Miller shund my apologies um to get some guidance from the commission about how we lay out uh some of the competing uh um task uh do we want to have uh uh where do we want to place the baseball field do we want to have uh uh racetracks uh uh running tracks uh do we want football fields at both locations to kind of get some guidance from the commission on how we want to move that forward um in addition U we're looking at um going to be requesting a development Workshop as uh how we develop the properties in the in the in the city and how those lands to get some guidance from the commission uh we've got some unsolicited proposals for uh senior housing and we've got some rfps we want to put out we want to uh bring those to the commission and get your feedback on them if you want to change the language or uh add some additional things to them before we put those out and bring them for a resolution um in addition I want to address uh some concerns for commissioner Kelly uh with regard to the finance department it is the intention of administration to continue with the uh supplemental organization while we are continuing to aggressively uh hire accountants for our finance department uh it is a very very very competitive field right now uh we're competing against uh the county we're competing with all the other cities and and we've actually included u a bonus structure in there to try to hire attorneys excuse me accountants so we're aggressively trying to uh hire and retain additional Talent uh and it's Our intention until these all these audits are completed uh fer one included uh that the current supplemental team will remain in place Mr Mayor I brought it up when they were there because I I know we had an agreement with them I don't remember how long the agreement was and since they are going to be working going forward that's why I brought that up so the agreement um already extends for how long or is that something has to come back that's something that has to come back and it will be at the at the next commission meeting uh we're going to do some we have about two to three works of wrapup work uh to kind of prepare for the next um audit so we're hoping to get that pass to the next commission meeting and they can hit the ground running okay thank you yes [Music] sir you have more Mr manager just a little more no no you stop talking that's why move on so I do have the uh unfortunate uh responsibility to again make your aware of some of the issues that we've had in our uh police department um although we continue to have the uh lowest crime rate um in the in the city and I have 10 years on my data I think the police chief has 12 years on the data I haven't seen his updated data yet so I'm still going to go with 10 years uh since I know that to be true um but we've had some uh incidents at our Parks uh over the weekend we had a couple we had a wake where we had a situation where a fight broke out unfortunately uh police were called um and no arrests were made uh we also had at an apartment complex another fight broke out that was even significant more significant and larger uh and arrests were made uh and then and an individual was tased um and we've had some um we've had a significant increase in in traffic issues um we've now had our second uh traffic accident uh in in uh less than two months um we had had a resident we had uh two vehicles crash uh one vehicle caught fire um we had a uh one of the vehicles drove off uh but we were uh we were able to find the driver at aventur hospital sedated um and uh proceeded to you know make an arrest and this has just been something I want to make the commission aware of um as you as you may know when these things happen I do send out the alerts uh but it's definitely something I want to bring to your attention um should we need to uh look at more legislative uh responses considering the increase in traffic violations and traffic issues that we've had um this concludes my report Mr Mayor okay any concerns or questions to the manager on his report um through the mayor Comm Williams I did have one question and it wasn't in the report um I know that we talked about the marketing firm and the RFP I wanted to see where were we with that and if there's nothing if nothing has happened um I would like to make a motion but if you can tell me first so the um the RFP is out it has not closed yet um I don't think we have any additional updates um on that besides that Mr Anon you want to provide us update on that close April 10th okay so that's a little far out well not that far but um do we know if any do we have any um bids right now have people been putting in or we don't because I know before it was we no one applied so I'm just wondering yeah I don't yes I don't we we wouldn't have a response yeah okay we did have uh I believe three to five responses the last the last go around uh so we're hoping to get uh at least three bids this go around okay okay then I'll I'll save my motion but I you know I I have no issues with Consultants yes so we have been hiring I I believe in consultants and if that's the route we need to take to until we get someone then I'm a okay with that yes for the commission to choose the consultant oh go ahead I'm sorry all right that would that that would not be in my office no I'm just I'm go ahead you st I'm almost in agreeance with commissioner Williams only because it closes on the 10th then you go through the whole cor of Silence then you go through the whole interview process so we won't get probably a new person until the new fiscal year so in the interim there are a lot of things that are happening in the city of opaka so so I think there are two issues here that we've always kind of got conflated that I want to um clarify um there's a permanent position to support uh the commission and what I would love to do is present those candidates uh to the commission get your feedback on that selection so that you have a permanent position permanent person that works for the commission to assist you with your events uh I believe that's a high need uh if I get permission from the commission and um approval from the city attorney to proceed in that manner I I don't think you should proceed in that manner I think you should if it is a position that is under your control and you put it and you go through HR and whatever you normally would do for a position that's the way you see proceed if it's something that you're looking to put out for bid you have to do it under the procurement process yes so there is a gap um the way our Charter and I'm not sure how to an how to respond to this the way our Charter is written is that all of all the employees report and are hired by the city manager obviously I understand the need for you to have someone to work with you that you select directly and I'm not opposed to that but I would just um I'll request permission to work with the city attorney to see if there's uh some solution uh to that let me ask you a question and I know we can't get into it I don't want to because the hours far spent and it is Monday we just got the weekend um I do um is this a public relations position or what what is the what is uh without diving so deep in it what what is the yes so it is a it's like a public relations coordinator and that's somebody that would uh manage your events manage your calendar manage your engagements they would work with a public relations person say for example if you had an interview coming up to get that schedule to get your talking points uh do the things that traditional public relations companies just don't do uh attend your events public relations companies don't traditionally attend uh your events uh and do some other and do the things um maybe your unique social media post maybe you want some want them to manage your social media post and they're not just uh somebody for the city in the commission so those are kind of uh individual things that they would work on with helping you plan your event selecting your uh coordinator for your events selecting your vendors for your events working with procurement uh to make make sure the the vendors that you want we get the separate bids for and things like that um through the mayor so I'm seeing I think we're talking about two different things I'm hearing a position for um you what you said public relations person yes like a media public relations coordinator coordinator okay but I think um where I'm thinking is a little bit more Global and we're talking about marketing initiatives changing The Narrative of the city things that need to happen on a more Global level um not you know small little press releases or things like that but to ensure that all of our initiatives those large initiatives whether um you know it's beautification or etc etc that now it has a more more wider reach so that the community not just our community but communities outside of us also know this is what we're doing so I I I I I'm think that I'm talking more of a firm and not the person the person could sit in your you know wheelhouse which is under the Management's office I'm talking a consultant that's going to do the work that we're require that we need um that we've been asking for for a while that I think that some of us felt like we didn't get through the previous firm The Firm that can step in and and make things happen right now not so much that they're going to be the firm after the bids and Etc but that they can step in and do the work right now that we're asking for but I I don't know if the question is for me but what I would suggest um commissioner Williams through the mayor is that you all continue with the process that you have right now and if you find that there are things in the RFP that are not addressed those are things that you can have a you know separate negotiations with that firm that is a successful bidder but since you have a process ongoing and you have a number of different um items in that um you know in that list of things that you all actually had a discussion about as as far as things that you wanted to see from a um PR firm hopefully they're all covered but to the extent that they're not then those are things that perhaps a successful bidder can you know either do or maybe they already fit under some other category but you have a process ongoing I would um I would suggest to you all to let the process complete itself and it's early April and you know and maybe some quick turnaround where you have maybe an emergency meeting after you you know after the bids come in within so many days and you all have an opportunity to you know look at that but you have a process so you know my advice to you is that you kind of flow with your process well just we passed two items tonight that says that the community is going to be aware or needs to be aware of those two items without knowing how I mean we're putting this on this the STA the staff to make M or a workshop but I don't think that reaches so you have it's the 18th of March right so um those items still have you know time where you'll still have some processing time you could also revisit that and make the the time 45 days instead of 15 i instead of 30 days I mean you you know there are things that you can do but I'm just saying to you all so that you don't have a problem with your process that you've already put out for bid and somebody you know saying that you're doing something different now maybe they said that they relied on you know whatever you did to take the time to you know whatever they I don't know whatever claims could be made I'm just suggesting that you allow the process to work itself out if I may really quickly here um I know commissioner um Kelly remembers this but communication and this is about getting our residents know what's going on Comm communication has always been an issue in our city however there was a time that we would put up the tall signs right the tall signs one would be in front of City Hall and there was one on the east side like there was one that our residents knew what was going on in the city because of that sign had everything on it and if it's something that's really really important I think that we might need to revisit that time you remember um mayor I think two things um to my colleagues the position that the manager has under his purview um used to serve as kind of that leeron for those things with the commission you've been around I think Miss um Gordon I think her name was Miss Gordon did that whether it was our individual projects getting the word out the whole media and she was a oneman ban but she got it done and see I was thinking that that was going to be a position field that could handle some of those roles and then the firm would handle the bigger Global uh Outreach she would be well I shouldn't say she that person under the manager's purview would be responsible for the uh 90 days or whatever or make recommendations because she used to say this is too much for us to do and that's how we wind up with signs off you know that said do it and I'm I'm a firm believer this day put those signs out all four corners because that's what we do when we run for office everybody sees those signs two or three times while they're coming from work they no it's like our Easter egg hunt we need to have a sign right now two of them one on East Side one on 22nd that says Easter egg hunt at um Ingram Park because if we don't people going to Ste even though we're going to do Flyers but if I pass by there it's an ingrained so I think that position is critical to be feel through the um manager's office um I I know we want someone that kind of works for us but that's a position that's already budgeted and I would say too that we need to let the pr firm that we put out whatever play out and if it's something we're not acceptable to or don't get candidates we could revisit but what I don't want is to have people putting in bids and we not giv them full du process because I think that's one of our challeng we've had historically with um the biding process so I would suggest um filling that position obviously you hear the concerns of the commission what that person needs to be able to do and if you don't want to H on a permanent uh basis maybe you try them out as a consultant through that um money allotment in that um and go from there um because I do think you need to get the word out more than what we're going to do even for the two things we pass tonight and that's why I mentioned how we're going to get it out so that would be my suggestion can't be those signs those signs don't move they will tell you what's happening in the city thank you Mr Mayor and um we can move on but Mr manager here and commissioner Kelly I understand what commissioner Williams is saying we got to get through yes we need to go through the process but in the interim there are things that are happening that needs to we need to get the word out so I'm down for the whole the whole signage and the however my only question is I know the commission we don't get into day-to-day operations because that's your wheelhouse um when do you think you'll have that person hired he or she uh we're looking to have that person hir within the next 30 days within the next 30 days yes sir okay all right any other question I just wanted to revisit the signage is can well through through the mayor to the um attorney can we make a motion now for the signs to be placed up or is there something did that need to I think through consensus um you can um you know let the manager know I guess he's you know he's hearing you and it sounds that consensus that consensus of the board the mayor can I mean I'm sorry the manager can certainly proceed in that manner without a motion so because we know the 20 are these events are happening so this needs to like that H needs to happen like yesterday and so specifically I would specifically say um definitely the the the but the Easter egg hunt um that's huge or our city well it is a lot of a lot going on but I'm saying specifically for the children let me just let me say that I think for our kids our our kids in the community um we we need to get that word out I don't know I I can't say what which event but I do know that I'll speak to Residents and they'll say oh I did not know that the pool was open or I did not know that this I would have come had I known so I think there are some things that we definitely need to have signage for I don't I I am not opposed to signage no no no I'm not opposed to signage but I think it's a little too late in the game to do it now because I also want I want us to be you know good stewards with our our money because if we order it tomorrow it won't be printed it's like a two three day turnaround so you talk about Thursday so I mean once you install it it's installed Friday the pool party is Friday B up not Bingo was um and Bunny Jam is the next day so maybe going forward going forward okay okay this week I think I think it's a we just going to have to the commission going to have to roll up the sleeves and we're going to have to ensure that we get the word out for these events this week okay yeah going forward but going forward that includes the sign that includes our Gateway sign is that still yeah but he's bringing that up gate now however Mr manager I will say this when we do put these signs out I don't want us to look like we in campaign mode all throughout the year so let's strategically put it in maybe a couple so one big sign with all of the events not like on every evence we got yeah please understood a classy look I G say it that way a classy Mr Mayor I have a few announcements all right um hold your announcements Madam attorney let's go through all of this and then we'll let you go for Mr manager can you give me an update me us an update on the 100K that was set aside for the historic restoration Grant yes uh that is being managed by um uh the Community Development Department um particularly being spearheaded by our city planner Randall uh he's doing great work on that with our he board uh We've consulted with them we've got our um polies and procedures uh just turned those over to the city attorney's office and just waiting for the uh final sign off for legal sufficiency but besides that we're ready to go okay so I should get that soon miss attorney Madam attorney I I don't know when that came in I'll check with Candace and and see okay another question I have and this is from residents uh last week as we all know that um mommy day County moved um their bus routes and specifically the the the 32 now picks up on 37th Avenue and she asked about bus benches there and I apologize because I was in the workshop I can't remember if they said that the city purchased bus benches or the county it's a county but I I will say this a lot of the routes right now they're redoing the managers aware they're redoing and restructuring the routes because I yeah pitched the fit that opal Locka was eliminated so they're in motion now to restructure and they're going to bring do another Workshop with the city of opaka to let us know what they're adding back and that's in process right now because I know I know what you're talking about yeah she raised his hand about that we are also adjusting our RFP uh for our routes uh for the ride share and bus routes permanent bus routes to kind of to cover the areas where we lost on uh when the county restructured okay and just for you and the part I Fe they watch the buses I I you about that a lot I can't I no no go ahead I can't the fact that we contract it out you know they and they don't clean the buses I pull up the next those buses and it just is they only you know and they got our logo right there Bright opportunities and it looks terrible they can at least watch the bus I mean that I've called you numerous times I haven't talked to you directly but left message that's one of my pet PE just doesn't make any sense so when the vice mayor brought that up and made me think of thank you I'm sorry absolutely and I have another question don't know if this exists but I'll ask it this time of the year a lot of leaves are falling on opaka Boulevard all the trees have must have lost all of their leaves and I was concerned about those leaves eventually making it into our drains and possibly stopping them up I don't know if this is is there such a thing as a leaf vacuum like in a commercial a stre sweeper is what but the street sweeper just push it out the way it up oh well we have a street sweeper don't we yes we do okay Mr manager can we get that street sweeper to work more on opaka Boulevard yes ma'am thank you I'm sorry hey any other questions for man I have a St statement it's a statement and I could wait to give it with my report but I don't have a report really okay um I want to give koodles out to the police department specifically um office of New York there after a day of work I see this um U-Haul creeping the neighborhood I look I'm watching he's up to no good so and I was right he was actually illegally dumping crap at trundy um Park and I happened to like I know an officer that's working at night I got to find somebody and um they were able to catch him so thank you so much our officers keep doing a great job because it's that time of the night that the dump the illegal dumpers are dumpy so we got one that night thank you so much all right um You good any other for the manager no okay so we're going to uh fishal board reports I see no one here um our commission report we can start from left to right commissioner Williams alrighty um I did want to mention um the illegal dumping has increased I don't know if everybody's seen that um I do it has it has um I know that legislation was passed we had a c click fix there was a lot of things that were happening we need to revisit the illegal dumping task force and all of that all of that stuff that worked before I know that we had either was an app or a phone number there was something that was connected or directed straight to the police department um we also had uh um uh I believe it was $10,000 that was earmarked in the police budget that if someone was caught illegal illegally dumping and they were prosecuted is that the word prose person if they arrested arrested okay that's my that's my Law and Order um that it that they will receive uh a a a reward so I think those are things we we've got some legislation that was passed and we really need to make sure that we visited because I am telling you we are getting hit um residential commercial everywhere with I mean you name it couches everybody's dumping right now and we we need to um work on that um lastly I want to shout out I have no idea who this Resident was um because when I circled back she was gone but she was a senior and she was at an illegal dumping uh entryway right in front of the alley and she was there with a bucket and one of those Grabbers and she was cleaning the whole area and I thought wow like and and I know she was a Hispanic woman and when I see her I'll see her face but like for her to take that initiative to say I'm going to be my own one woman you know City cleaning person so that kind of gave me that spark again that we need to like not only her but we all need to roll up our sleeves and clean up our own City and not just put it in the hands of the police department so we'll be coming back with that but we know it's a little hot right now so um we we'll get back to that and last but not least the Sister sare Saturday March 23rd I expect to see commissioner Kelly as well as mayor Taylor there 6 to9 I know you have church the next day but it's okay uh we will have poetry live music Arts entertainment Libations it is open to everyone and it is also free so come out and also the ark also has a women's history art uh compilation going on there as well well and if you're available please come out to the living well it's a second annual actually um community health fair and food distribution and um shout out to um Mr Wayne Barton Foundation um and everyone that's involved in that as well as the police department you all always um and Pastor Dy Brown as well um and I am ex I am so excited for commission vice mayor Irvin's initiatives that's going to happen um before spring break and because we know who is going to be ready for the pool so thank you all have a happy spring break safe and um we'll see you on the other end thank you commissioner bth just quickly I just want to announc that um May commission city of opaka will be hosting our chess Community event every first Saturday of the month from 12: to 1:30 um the schedule time and and places are on the Flyers so I'm looking forward to seeing you all learning how to play chess and we can accommodate 100 at a time so we can do a lot okay that's what I was going to ask you if it's also to teach because I had some kids say that they didn't know definitely okay including myself don't know how okay all right Vice man hello again um Friday your children have no school on Friday there's no school on Friday bring them over to uh shundi Park to the pool and we will feed them play games with them and have a great time so please bring them out to the pool party on Friday thank you thank you Comm Kelly thank you Mr Mayor um under my report we continue to work with um feeding South Florida put the program back in place I did um through uh the clerk's office address the questions that and comments concerns that were rais my colleagues um since the program will be under the city um be a commission effort so we'll be doing the Flyers um were're scheduled to start again in April April 19th um and one of the things we do hope to do is have uh some signage out as well um I know with some discussion about events here in the city whether they would be residential only or non-residential um and according to Fe South Florida because we are uh paying for it that is something um that we can look at doing if we so choose to do so I I'll um wait to hear how my colleagu want to proceed with that because going to be commission effort I myself would just recommend starting back up for the moment um which will be April 19th at 10:00 a.m. um we hosted our meet me Monday last week I want to thank the city manager the deputy chief police department for attending um meet me Monday as always it's an open invitation for um any staffs I told him to desire you to that he would like to have attend they can come um as a result of the last few months and even folks coming here uh we work with um reaching out to Miami day Wen sh and also speaking to the manager's office um to hopefully um is he indicated he'll be there have staff there for special edition of meet me Monday on April the 1st at 6 pm at Helen Miller been a lot of questions uh in my opinion lack of communication of what's happening with the utility of water bills I continue to get residents um calling and um concerned about getting bills from the county that they feel not only are not fair getting two bills Etc so forth so um I wanted to extend opportunity and invitation that acceptive to come out and have someone speak to the community and also address any concerns or questions that U we may have I know it's been a big gap they kind of blamed us sometimes and we no longer do utility building so I want to make sure that it's very clear uh going forward um how that process and hopefully have numbers and who you actually contact regarding the challenge you have with your utility bills so of course my colleagues always welcome to attend meet me Monday uh vice mayor was there this past uh meeting as well um I think that's all I have under my report look forward to all of the uh initiatives that are taking place and um M Williams I will be there at 6:01 um at least till 6:15 but I'll be at 6es before things get too heavy commiss Kelly I just want to let you know how Petty commissioner Williams is she went on Facebook and tagged all of us well I I'll see you later but I I'll be there at 601 um and me and commissioner bass be leaving before the Libations take place because we got thank you drink commission Williams you are mad PNY you love it be before you do your your final I just wanted to get a followup on where we are with the manager's contract in negotiating are we good um I'm just asking I don't really know because we didn't the contract was approved part of your resolution at the last meeting unless the manager are you suggesting I'm just I'm just asking I'm just asking matter whether it was signed or not signed or well the legislation was signed so was going to the state for approval but as far as the contract that's signed I have not uh Mr Mayor I have not signed any contract Mr Mayor commissioner I mean sorry madam clerk it is being submitted to the state for review and approval before we proceed with obtaining Mr William's signature oh okay so what I did see in the resolution I would uh like to have a conversation about a negotiation with a member of the commission as uh that contract uh had several things in it um um one had a you so you want to renegotiate there was a well there was one particular item it had a probationary period of six months given that I've been in the position for uh for two years already yes yes Mr Mayor that's not something I I would like to discuss that item okay um okay I don't mind okay I don't I don't mind um so Madame clerk let me well Madam attorney what the clerk being that the manager wants to renegotiate the contract do we need to hold off on sending it to the state I guess that's a question for the attorney and the clerk and then bring it back or can we send the resolution as is with and amend the contract later how does that work Madam attorney I I don't know what the process is with the state so Mr Mayor um so basically the the state they review the contract and the resolution as approved by the city Commission Now if there's an amendment to be made then I guess the commission will have to um approve appr that Amendment and that too would also have to be sent to the state for review and approval once that has been completed but at this time they will be reviewing the resolution along with the contract that was approved by the city commission okay and Mr manager you said there was some changes in the contract that you wanted to address yes sir um okay yeah can we have a conversation about that and we bring that back to the commission for final approval yes sir so what we already have if that's okay with the yeah I was gonna say I'm okay with it I just my question is um will we all have a say also and because if we want to leave certain things or um how does how does that work Madame attorney do we tell you well if you all designate someone I think it's appropriate as the manager suggested at one of you um works with him I don't feel comfortable doing that and so if one of you if this mayor that's how it was done before with um Mr Pate so perhaps the mayor works with the city manager and you all come you know to whatever changes he has and then that will come back to be approved by all of you so it would be the negotiation might take place with the mayor for instance but then when it comes back to be approved as a resolution in a format that um they have agreed tentatively to it still has to be approved by the city commission so that would not be the final step just negotiating with the mayor so we're able to share with the mayor what our thoughts that's that's what I was saying open form so that had to be done in the okay that's what I'm asking no no you wouldn't be able to share with me but when it comes back to the commission so presumably whoever is negotiating with the mayor with the manager you know they come to terms on whatever it comes back to you all as this is something that has been agreed upon tentatively and then you all would then review it and if you have other changes or suggestions then that that will take place at that time as a part of a resolution that's approving the amendment to the contract okay my only suggestion is I I agree we can move forward with the with the contract and we're just walking on at the next meeting that way the commission at that time we can take a moment and discuss okay and add on take subtract and if that's okay with the commission Madam attorney that's fine that's fine all right okay that's okay so Mr manager we'll talk offline and we'll sit down and yes sir iron it out um so from my report you had the oversight we already on we're all aware so kudos to the finance department of the management office for ensuring that we are finally up to date on our audits um the only you know my only concern is that the last year is due this month with the extension till June so but we will have it by the extent okay so I um I want to give us a plenty of time um so a minimum of six months will be the request to jayl lag now we probably will get it in time they we have been late on these audits for 10 years now uh and they are very very excited uh with the progress that we made so I want to make sure that we give them a deadline that we know we can meet we now have proven that we've been able to do a audit within six months uh they're aware of that where the first city according to their records uh to complete three audits in 18 months so we got a strong track record that say that we can get this done in six months and six months will be the time that I'll be requesting okay the only concern that I have and I brought this up to you before that even if we do the six months next year I at least want to start on time so I don't want it to drag on and then we hear oh we can't do it by March we that's that's what yes that would put us on track to to continue to submit timely all right and have an update for gloriaa Gardens yes have a very exciting update for gloriaa Gardens uh they have as uh have finally after nearly a year submitted a payment plan uh to pay off their water bill which has reached a million dollars uh and that agreement will be uh presented to the commission at the next uh commission meeting okay all right all right so the other other thing is um Miss Banks brought up and I thought I saw you send a police officer to her to talk to her but I don't know if that happened Miss Bank bought up the sign that was down behind um the grocery store when I'm asking that you do a overhaul sign assessment throughout the city to because there are a lot of down signs that are down not just in that area or vice man or upside down so there's something that I'm hoping that you would do aign assessment throughout the whole city okay and that would be the end of my report outside of um well we know the pool party is Friday we have Bunny Jam on Saturday at 12: and this year is going to be at Ingram Park so we want to invite all of the residents out to come enjoy and pick eggs and bounce in the bounce house and vice mayor is looking at me we got food and it's going to be a fun night and unfortunately we'll be at the sister Suare for 15 14 minutes commissioner Kelly said we already PR to go for 14 minutes she didn't catch that Mr Mayor I have an announcement um yes ma'am before you make your announcements let's go through to finish it and U we'll goe and we do a Jour right before after you do yours we have no board any board appointments all right and again Mr manager you know how I feel about board mayor okay I do have um two appointments well reappointments for your consideration they are at large nikisha Williams um her appointment on the historic preservation board has expired okay she is seeking reappointment and also Claudine Hibert she's on the Planning and Zoning Board and her term has also expired and she is seeking reappointment um Miss Hibbert is a real estate consultant and um she's one of the experts on the um Planning and Zoning Board as required by the ordinance all right so I want to make a motion to reappoint miss Nik not Misha Finn to the historical Willam Williams to the um historic historic preservation preservation board and what was the other person Claudine Hibert Miss Claudine Hibert to the Planning and Zoning Board can I get a second all in favor say I okay no no n we're good so who second Mo motion made by mayor second May okay thank you all right and Mr manager reports please I want to get them up and running so um we've been having some challenges getting Quorum uh is there a number of times you we can have a discussion about how many attempts before um seeking different members um for example we've clerked the uh teen board uh with Mrs Ashley Walker and she uh reaches out on a weekly basis to try to get that board operating has been unsuccessful well no having a meeting on Wednesday at at 5:30 yeah they're going to be there 5:30 Lord but we can I was going to work on legislation for that anyway so let's talk off live okay great that was what my request is going to be thank you so so Mr Mayor um with regards to the Charter review board I did reach out to the members that were appointed via email um to request that they fill out a board application and a board oath I have not not heard back from any of the three members and then I'm pending information from one of your colleages appointment I didn't want to say Vice mayor's name but okay so so what we can do let's let's Circle back first Madame clerk c um reach out to the county to see if we have time because I know this is a a busy year for election so it might not even be worth it how I do want to do want to push it forward if we can make the deadline I believe it's in July or um yes I I I believe it is July okay so let's reach out to the county to get the actual calendar and then Circle back with everyone and vice mayor I have one question for that particular board they have to be residents of opaka they have to be a register vote voter in opaka yes okay thank you okay the the at large appointments can they can we can can we recommend someone for at large for which board the charter review um so yes for the charter review board the two at large appointments are non- voting members and they do not have to live or be registered voters in the city of oblock okay um I did reach out again to former commissioner Audrey Edmonson so if I'll get back with you so that um that can fill one of those positions okay thank you okay all right so um Madame attorney I turn the flooor over you and then we'll we'll we'll move for join thank you Mr Mayor um the city attorney's office gives notice of a closed door attorney client session notice is hereby given that a private closed door attorney client session pursuant to section 28611 Florida Statutes will be held in the commission Chambers 780 fisherman Street opaka Florida on March 27th 2024 starting at 6:30 p.m. on the third floor and will be moved to an adjoining room if necessary the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the following pending litigation matter it is 2358 Northwest 151st LLC versus city of opaka and Nova Health Services Florida LLC case number 2022 d229 59 ca1 the following individuals will attend um the special the session mayor Taylor vice mayor Irvin commissioner bass commissioner Kelly commissioner Williams city manager Darvin Williams City attorney bernardet Norris weeks assistant City attorneys Michelle Austin pamies and Candace Cobin on the record quote reporting the estimated length for this session will be 20 minutes um also I wanted to make the commission there were um there was some discussion earlier about drone laws and so while I was sitting here I did a little bit of research and there are um both federal and state laws that have to be complied with and there are exceptions to what you can do with drones some cities have specific drone regulations but they cannot conflict with the state or federal law laws and so for instance the FAA um has certain um there are certain things that are in place with the FAA and since the city of opaka does have an airport we'll need to you know further research that but one of the things that you should be aware of which um um suggest that you cannot do um anything like this commissioner Kelly with a drone is that um it's only there are only certain exceptions that are allowed um for drones to um be utilized and that's with law enforcement like one exception can be with law enforcement when it's when you know um it kind of you sort of have to almost get a warrant for that to any to do it so you can't just you know sort of go out and do it for code enforcement which is a lower level so I did see that Florida law does um uh allow this exception just for law enforcement when you know that there is a criminal activity a foot or you have a reasonable suspicion and you get a warrant so um I so I just don't want us you know I want to wait until a couple meetings later and you all not know that um I done some at least preliminary research for that and I just wanted to bring just a couple of other um small matters and um to the uh since they came up in the meeting I'm just bringing them up in the meeting the manager did suggest that he would get back with you all on looking at rfps and I would just suggest to the manager that he does that either in a workshop setting or in a as as an attachment for a non- booting item to a commission meeting as opposed to sending it in individually so that we make sure there no violations of um the Sunshine Law and then finally um the manager did say that he has a contract that he's going to bring regarding Gloria Gardens we are submitting legislation to the clerk tomorrow we don't have that as a part of the legislation so whatever that is Mr manager if you can please submit that to us tomorrow by noon so that we can look at that contract and um look at it's beyond the deadline but um if we can get it done and it doesn't have to be an add-on we'd like to submitted as a part of the regular items that's all that I have thank you Mr Mayor all right thank you madam attorney I'm GNA can we get a motion to adjourn move it move by commissioner Kelly second by by vice mayor this meeting is adjourned