good we are we are reconvening our meeting from the regular schedule Commission meeting February 15 2024 Madame attorney 16b 2 thank you Mr Mayor an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida reopt a final millich rate pursuant to section 2.65 Florida statutes for fiscal year 2023 2024 setting forth public hearing dates providing for adoption of representations providing for repeal of all prior ordinances and conflict providing for separability providing for an effective date the first reading and public hearing was held January the 24th uh this is sponsored by the interim city manager all right Mr the manager thank you Mr Mayor uh so this item is the reopt of our mil rate as the City attorney stated uh this is an item coming from our financial services division and we have the budget administrator Mr Robert anthan available to answer any questions that you have okay this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed do we have any questions or concerns for Mr anthon on this item Mr Mayor if I may that uh prior to adoption millage rate there is a certain uh script that I have to read to you just by sure uh very quickly the taxing Authority as you would expect is the city of opaka our roll back rate for the FY 24 budget is 8.54 776 Mills final millage rate is 9.35 Ms that's a 99.39% increase over the rad back rate thank you okay any questions for Mr anathan on this item all right Madam clerk you can go ahead and call the question oh I'm sorry we did it um can I have a motion second moveed by vice mayor irman second by commissioner baz uh Madam Clerk vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Williams yes commissioner bath yes mayor Taylor I'm going to vote Yes but I want to say for the record I do not agree with the item but I will vote Yes to cure it so that we can move on yes motion passes 4 Z Madam attorney 16 B3 an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida approving and reop the City General proprietary and special funds budget for the fiscal year 2023 2024 commencing October 1 2023 through September 30th 2024 providing for expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing the city manager to take certain actions providing for appropriation of all budget expenditures providing for fees consistent with appropriation and Amendment providing for adoption of representation and Amendment providing for adoption of representation providing for conflict and repealer providing for severability providing for an effective date this is sponsored by the interim city manager all right can I get a motion move it moveed by commissioner Williams second second by vice mayor Irving Mr manager thank you Mr Mayor again this is Island coming from my financial services division and we have uh Mr Robert anathan the budget administrator available to answer any questions you may have okay this is a public hearing item public hearing is open public hearing is closed miss an do you need to make a presentation on this one as well no sir ready to answer any question you may have okay all right any questions all right hearing none um Madame clerk for the record commissioner Kelly has entered so we in so we're gonna include him in the Builder on the vote I'm give him a minute minute and then we can call the question kind of got to vote V Madam cler commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes and commissioner Kelly really I don't know what you voting on we're voting on the budget commissioner Kelly adoption of the read-option of the budget I'm sorry this the millage we did the millage already Yes mayor Taylor and again I don't support the item but I will vote Yes to cure it but for the record I do not support it all right Madam um attorney 16 B4 in ordinance of the city Commission of the city of opaka Florida amending the annual adopted General proprietary and special Revenue funds budget for the fiscal year commencing October 1 2023 and ending September 30th 2024 adjusting revenues and expenditures as reflected in exhibit a providing for the expenditure of funds established by the budget authorizing the city manager to take certain actions providing for appropriation of all budgets and expenditures providing for fees consistent with Appropriations and Amendment providing for incorporation of recital providing for conflict and repealer providing for separability providing for an effective date the first reading of public hearing was held on January the 24th 2024 and this is sponsored by the interim city manager all right can I get a motion move by commissioner bz second second [Music] by commissioner Williams uh Mr manager thank you Mr Mr Mayor so this is an item again coming from our financial services division and we have Mr Robert anthan our budget administrator available here to answer any questions that you may have all right this is a public hearing item public hearing is open hearing non seeing n public hearing is closed Mr anathan do we have any questions from Mr anathan on this item all right Madame clerk commissioner Williams yes commissioner baz yes vice mayor Irvin yes commissioner Kelly yes mayor Taylor yes motion passes 5 all right as we get ready to move on to our reports I'm going to ask if the commission does not mind that we defer all reporting and appointments to our regularly scheduled commission meeting um February 28th at 7 pm so if the commission does not mind we're good with that okay all right if nothing else needs to be said can I get a motion to adjourn Mr Mayor since you since you have a um a little bit of time before your next meeting I was just wondering if I can read a script into the um record for a executive session sure okay this is an announcement of closed door executive session of the city of falaka U the notice is hereby given that a private closed door attorney client session pursuant to section 28601 one Florida Statutes will be held in the city commission Chambers 780 fisherman Street opalak Florida on March the 4th starting at 5:00 p.m. on the 3dr floor or will be moved to an adjacent room on the floor the purposes of the meeting is to discuss the following pending Le litigation matter city of opaka versus Wilson case number 202-02 1307 ca-01 the following individuals will be in attendance mayor Taylor vice mayor Irvin commissioner bass commissioner Kelly commissioner Williams City attorney bernardet Norris weeks assistant City attorneys charlon McWater Michelle Austin pamies and Candace cob the estimated length of the attorney client session will be 20 minutes thank you okay thank you madam attorney can I get a motion to adour this meeting moved by commissioner bass second second by vice mayor this meeting is adjourned see you at 7 pm