e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e is it it's in relation to the first resolution that's presented um this is in accordance with with our Redevelopment plan to try and find a partnership within the uh police department uh to think of ways to partner with the police department to create crime reduction programs crime prevention programs and awareness um within the C District um the chief was one of the first people uh that I met with when I started here and we started brainstorming some ideas that would uh possibly beat the chapter 163 threshold for fun and I think we settled on on this uh program to start um we look forward to continue funding this program this installation and the ongoing uh maintenance of the program and that would be to create um to add on to the existing camera systems uh that exist within the city uh and I think there's also a license plate reader involved as well um and and place those within the OCA uh District cameras um primarily in the U I guess we call it triangle District um and up in the commercial corridors within the core of the CRA um the item number one resolution is authorizing me to negotiate an agreement with the an interlocal with the police department uh to fund such efforts uh the cost is the initial Cost U for setup is I believe $150,000 um and there's a presentation about the system the gentleman is here from the company the chief uh provided him for us to give a presentation and uh he's more than welcome to do that at this point before he starts with the presentation let me ask the attorney do you need to read this into the record or not no okay all right welcome sir everyone thank you for having me my name is Jordan Harris I'm with flock safety territory sales manager here in South Florida can everybody hear me online I'm on mute yes okay just going to share my screen real quick so I'll run through this pretty quickly um so block safety we're a public safety platform we work with law enforcement schools houses of worship uh small and large businesses throughout the country helping to reduce crime and make a community safer so we're seeing what we're seeing across the country police budgets are cut um we're seeing Staffing shortages arise in violent and uh arise in property crimes throughout the country we're hoping to address those issues through our technology uh what we're seeing is a 97% city council approval rate we're seeing 250X coverage with our public and private Partnerships those are the Partnerships with schools colleges uh small businesses houses of Warship we just signed a deal with Home Depot Target and lows throughout the country those cameras are getting in installed so that's going to provide more coverage for your law enforcement agencies without adding to uh the city's budget and as of three weeks ago uh flock safety was involved with solving 10% of the crime in the country so although we've been around for six years we've made tremendous strides recently uh with our technology to help law enforcement solve crime excuse me Madam chair yes sir do we have this in our booklet I don't think we have this presentation our booklet no we only have no we only have The Proposal um from the uh police department the written proposal from the police department we have not received this presentation yeah I was I was not told to send this so Madam chair sir let me be straight so we're doing agreement with police who are recommending these folks is that how thises supposed to be working uh yes they they already have an existing contract the city I believe already has an existing contract uh with the existing camera system that currently exist in the opaka area um what the what they're asking the existing company to do is expand that coverage to the ocra okay so we got we already have agreement with the city for your services not with us you're currently using correct your lprs that's that's what I'm trying to understand um well we don't have a copy of repos that's number one so I'd like to have a copy reposal at some point but but number two okay yeah I need to have a copy of propos that's number one number two I thought this this item is coming through police so they're recommending them to to do this I'm trying to understand yes sir yes they recommend my understanding was that this was the ex existing company um that that has the cameras now that we were expanding into the OC so they were bring into the company from my point of view all I'm asking is for us to enter into into to transfer them the money we're not involved in who they pick how they pick them that's a city process all my process is to do is to get you to give me the approval to send the money over there and then they would use whatever process they have in the city to procure um those Services okay well let me let me ask the question again Madam chair if I yes sir go ahead your company which you know I'm kind of know about your company you haven't been around long but you so it's not your company I'm really concerned about Al though I like to see the proposal I'm trying to understand how the connection with the legislation to your company we currently utilize your firm or your company for our no so you're currently using recor and serge Gonzalez can speak to this sig anou with us to get access to our Nationwide database of cameras which was free we provided that to law enforcement agencies around the country to get access to coordination wide database of pot lless alerts so they're not a customer of ours I met with them a few months ago so this is just to we've been using their platform that gives us all of their database for about a year uh General investigations is using it and it's turned out to be very successful so what the database gives us is every single camera that their current uh customers already used and we've used those as self primes right now with our red light camera program we're using the recor but we are looking to make the switch because they're not really working out you can have cameras but if you don't have the database then it's really not as useful for us especially in solving crimes because the more databases you have then the more information we get back so we are using their platform for the database and license plate readers that are throughout the country okay again this is not uh reflection or comment on your company but the legislation and I'm glad my colleague is here so now we actually have a a quorum because I was a little uncomfortable getting this far to this discussion um we we're we're Contracting if you will with the city to provide this service and based on your statement of what you said the city already already has this service what I'm hearing is the city is using a platform but not this company's service so what are we entering to an agreement I'm trying to be very clear on what we're enter entering into with doing this are we just basically purchasing the the the the platform or you know in other words something goes HeyWire with this are we goingon to look at this gentleman or are we gonna be looking at the police department um I would I would defer to the police department to answer that question well we basically well they said the platform but we're going to be expanding that platform so the police department will have to go into agreement with uh flock to expand on what we currently have but that's okay Madam chair yes sir that's a police department I got that part but I'm saying CRA perspective I'm I'm a little um so for the if you if I can okay maybe clarify um from the sir's perspective the SI is basically granting the opaka police department $150,000 to purchase this software and expand their existing camera system we're granting them the money we're we're we're entering to inter local to grant them These funds you're this is allowing me to send that money over there once it gets over to their department they have to use whatever mechanism in the procurement code determines to pick the vendor to use that money that's not something that that we do all we're doing right now is sending them the money in order to so they have it to be able to purchase uh the equipment and the in the platform and the service okay and and and I'm I'm torn with that sending them the money because once we send $150,000 we're entering an agreement with the city so I'm going back to my original statement if something is not correct in the C Zone with a camera with whatever we're being we're putting in there who are we going to hold responsible is it going to be the city or is it going to be the firm the company who is it we're going to be holding responsible so um board member Kelly the CRA board is you you are a you're about to now that we have a quorum to authorize the executive director to enter into an interlocal agreement with the city of opal loa's Police Department which we are going to hold accountable to execute the services that are needed to provide camera coverage for the CRA area so the police department of the city of opalak will be responsible to this board to ensure that the funds are appropriately allocated authorized monitored evaluated assessed to deliver what we are Contracting with them to do which is to provide coverage the cameras in the CRA area anything happens regards to the cameras and the delivery of the services we are going to be holding the city of opaloka Police Department on behalf of this board that's our intention okay um okay Madam chair I want give Time Mad CH yeah uh let the record reflect Madame clerk that board member Williams has uh arrived yes ma'am okay um good after evening afternoon everyone um I just I think my question is um so I know that we have to everything that we do is in the CRA District but have we done some type of assessment to say that these cameras are needed in the CRA District would the cameras be needed in another area of opaka like have we done is there some type of like um Citywide assessment that says that the CRA District is um highly um populated with crime or like is there something that says that that while we're doing this that no um when we assessed it since it's part of the CRA that's what we focused on not only on the crime but also prevention the parks uh espe the triangle everything only in the CRA area was was looked at yeah and I'm sorry the the other thing is that's what I was told was that the cameras exist in other parts of the city and don't exist within the CRA so we're basically covering the dut hole that's within the c number one number two we can only spend our money within the CRA boundaries uh so that's the other reason why it's only within the CRA boundaries number three I was told and we've had complaints about increased activity even from the board members that sit here uh in certain areas those areas were related to the chief he also said that he's you know he ease an agreement to cover these areas so to answer your question that's where we came to an agreement on as far as a formal assessment the C didn't do one we relied on the police department's professional opinion and and and of course I mean we know the triangle would be a part of it but there's some there are other areas within the city that of course are also part of CRA so that's why I was just is this more so focused on um the triangle area part of the CRA or are we just saying all of and I understand that the money this it has to be in the CRA District but is this to mitigate what's happening in a particular section within no all C so basically all entry points and exit points to be covered by like said play reader cameras uh the schools the parks for the for the kids make sure we don't have any type of uh uh sexual offenders entering the areas no kind of but only cr8 area entirely triangle is part of it and but we have the whole entire uh sherbundy Park uh Ingram Park and any parts that are within the CR area okay and that includes the I'm sorry um that includes the downtown uh op downtown area because that's a part of the CRA as well correct okay so we put we put what we put is like anything that enters into the downtown area well that's where we'll have uh license PL readers and cameras to check downtown downtown to get more of a PTZ type camera which is pan tilt Zoot that we could actually look around in the realtime crime Center which will be part of this Mone so M member uh Vice chair Williams you might have touched on this in your presentation um but I'm curious to know I've got three questions here M how many cameras uh if you have an idea and if you all have done a bit of mapping where the cameras will be installed throughout the area and then just for my own knowledge I want to confirm these are not red light stop sign cameras that will ticket folks for not following minor traffic laws okay beautiful so as far as camera locations we're in the early stages you know funding's not even approved so typically how it works is you know we have discovery meetings we have mapping calls with our Solutions Consultants there that's law enforcement that have used flock we figure out where Chief and Sergeant Gonzalez where their high crime areas are their the entry and exit points where their parks are and then we'll map out where we're going to put um the License Plate Reader cameras the PTZ which are the live and recorded video cameras that's part of a whole deployment strategy planning that out and obviously based on what budget is approved I know I don't know if that 150,000 is for one year for three years and then if the city is going to continue paying in the future that comes into play in determining how many cameras uh and which type of cameras because the cameras at different prices so we're in the early stages we haven't determined that um I was this was brought to my attention on Friday Sergeant Gonzalez reached out I was happy to come down here and present show you the product but uh yeah and to answer your other question this isn't uh facial recognition this isn't speed enforcement this is um uh live video camera LPR but not just License Plate Reader we're actually different from our competitors it's a vehicle fingerprint ID so we'll look at unique characteristics like different paint bumper stickers roof racks different hub caps uh that's how we found you know Amber Alert uh Missing Children murder victims because if you don't have a license plate on the car how are you going to find them so um yeah that's kind of what differentiates us from our competitors Madam chair yes can you explain what the maintenance maintenance is on the cameras and what is traditionally like the lifespan of the cameras great question so um we uh we act as a service model so you don't buy the cameras outright um I can share my screen if you want to see um show you all right so these are all of our products and solutions so what's included so it's basically a service so we have the Falcon which is our um license PL recognition we have Brazen gunshot technology the Condor which is our live video camera and then the wing Gateway uh which brings in third party so if the city has existing cameras we can bring in those cameras into the system as far as life of the camera they last multiple years if a camera breaks down we come and replace it free of charge um that includes training data storage cellular our cameras are solar and cellular powered so you don't have to worry about you know fiber optics FPL they're solar powered um the live video cameras those are AC powered so that's the great thing about working as a service model is that everything is included in that price ongoing maintenance training troubleshooting data storage everything stay uh stored in Amazon AWS so you don't have to worry about any servers any maintenance uh we handle everything for you are you uh finished so far yes Oh I thought you had three questions oh I asked them all okay so um I'll ask this to the police department what's the length of the 150 150,000 is that one year or is that multiple years uh disagreement is disagreement for one year I believe we started with the first year on that okay the first year covers the majority of it which is installations which are not after what it's installed you're not going to spend that much everything else will just be maintenance oh mam chair uh one one more question before you go and so uh who's going to be monitoring those cameras is this going to be monitored through um or they just cameras that are going to be taking footage and as you need them you're going to look at them or is they're going to someone there that's monitoring those cameras to see uh what's going on it will be uh the police department that only monitors the camera they do provide a solution for real time which uh when we move downstairs to the new police department there is a real time Center that's going to have a whole bunch of monitors and it's going to be only police employees this company has nothing to do with any type of monitoring or anything like that so that's going to all be police work yes once the cameras get installed yes will there be a police that's assigned only to the um CRA area to monitor or it's going to be the police department in general but if I may uh part of The Proposal uh would include us paying for overtime um for for the monitoring within the CRA uh area so part of this 150,000 it's not part of this 150,000 we would bring that back to you it's not part of this 150,000 uh we need to negotiate what that number looks like uh their request was for an additional I believe an additional 150,000 um and we'll negotiate that before we bring that back to you right now we're just trying to get authorization to negotiate the interlocal and to get them in a comfortable uh position that they can start uh you know mapping out where the camera should go and that they have funding to move along with this project and then we would bring the entire thing back to you madam chair okay board member Kelly um before you go let the record reflect that board member we um Urban has just entered um I I like the idea of what we're doing I like that idea think I think it's needed but I'm having some challenge with these parts that keep moving and not really understanding how they're going to connect because I'm hearing on the one hand the technology 150,000 is really to ramp up to get them in place um now I'm hearing a different component about actually the monitoring we being told they going to be monitor in the police department um but that's going to require overtime of someone who would be specifically looking at the um monitors of the C I'm also hearing that the technology that they use for this is different from what we use currently now in our system so now might understand when we move or when you all move to the first floor where all of this modern stuff will be there are you all switching over so this is all one compatibility are we going to have two separate systems where the person looking at the C is looking at this um system and the police are looking over here the the monitors all in the same uh package and need to be compatible I'm I'm confused as to how that how that lays out out well currently we are using uh recor with which is being paid through our red light camera program um recor is working out but it's really an automated where officers are just getting License Plate Reader alerts on their laptops so not constantly looking at it it the automation will kind of uh just send out a so for example if I put my trailer which has the camera on it on 27 avue stolen vehicle goes by or an amber alert goes by officer will also monitor on their laptops and cell phones which also receive uh text messages uh apart from the live monitoring on the overtime side so it's not only just that officer there it's every officer that's logged into the system and some officers are actually proactive that even while they're not working they're still receiving alerts mam day County and myi G do have real-time crime centers that do share databases and we hear them on the air all the time advising stoling vehicles that are coming in and out of the area okay I'm I'm still asking the same question because I'm not getting the the answer maybe I'm not making my question clear so there's going to be two different technology systems as a part of your board we will be looking to make one system okay um yeah I think what they're trying to do is move away from Reco um and just have one real-time crime Center one uh like prate reader company which is us we're a whole rtcc um all in one system all you need is one person in a computer um I can show you exactly our full capabilities it's a quick two-minute video This Might illustrate exactly what the police is trying to achieve um I'll just show this to you real quick because this will give you a better idea it we show you and one sec I think I left okay why you pulling that up um going back to kind of what the chair was asking so I mean commissioner Williams I believe was asking so in terms of uh monitoring or making sure it's working or whatever in the C area as part of your interlocal we will be getting some kind of monthly report showing something or whatever that the board will get as to what is happening um with the camera system in the CRA Zone District correct yes sir okay um okay um okay wait go ahead yeah justess rpr in add toic while using to predict a direction the offic centralizes all EV across the entire Juris into a single also launch neighborh andoral data predict where a is this can Beed both the r and onates a mobile that enables customers to rece alerts and per while Ava um the system is is I I see the the system and um what you're proposing that that's not really my I guess it's C to that thato what you're proposing or your equipment is not not um really my my my challenge what I want to make sure I'm trying to be clear of is the um agreement we have to make sure that the CRA District gets the coverage gets to whatever that we're paying for because I'm assuming that well no I'm assume the CRA area the officer that's in the CRA area going to be will they just be in the C area or they going to be in a Zone that's part of a CRA area because when I look at that you know they're zeroed in you know we're thinking CRA but are they going to be covering a portion of the city that's not in the CRA whoever's monitoring whoever's looking who's driving or whatever well from what I understand this money this 150 is for the equipment I believe I heard you say that that's going to be another one for overtime and then that money will not only be used just for this monitoring but also for an officer that's going to be covering the C hearing okay um and I said and from what I believe that the chief's Vision was not only just a vehicle but also a bicycle Patrol in that area and whatever uh uh overtime for somebody to monitor C no I know the C is talked about um having uh police visibility and it's known that it's cra you know intensive I guess the question that I'm really trying to understand are we moving faster because it looks like this is going to be the cost is going to be way more um because this this 150 oh that's my cute um more than whatever I'm just trying to figure out now what the total cost I got the equipment this Bas equipment but now you got to factor in overtime um and all the other parameters that's not part of this um mm Mo um you so this is basically just for the equipment yeah this will be a one-time cost we are expecting um that I mean we haven't come to an agreement yet on the cost uh I think they were proposing 150,000 for overtime um I think that number is fine uh we just for a yearly ongoing maintenance I think the chief and I just have to bring something back to you that makes sense for that number uh that would include the monitoring the bicycle program um and all that but I'm comfortable with the $150,000 ongoing contribution um but that's not a part of this right now this is right now to just get them started so they're comfortable that you know we can negotiate an agreement to purchase purchase the devices set up the platform and then we'll come back to you with the actual interlocal uh with numbers attached for the ongoing costs but $150,000 out of our budget um yearly to cover enhanced police services I don't believe is uh as much as okay I'm I'm not referring to what I want to see going to get for the 150,000 but I'm just we're going to buy the equipment the technology to install insert or whatever um but if I'm hearing correctly it's still not going to be ready for use I guess by the by the time you all do all other parts you be ready for use is that the intent come back uh next month with something so even before they even do whatever they need to do to even accept it that the city um will come back to you with the with the interlocal propos inter local with numbers in it um this is just to get them started so that they know that we're not you know half talking that we're serious to to help um and then we'll come back with a a proposal for ongoing uh assistance okay um we've we've uh we've kind of asked a lot of questions I don't know whether we um everybody have had their questions answered one um thought that comes in my mind we keep saying overtime overtime so I'm wondering is this I'm I was under the understanding that it was going to be an officer that was going to be working solely for the C C area but now we're talking about overtime so are you talking about an officer that have worked and this project is going to be an overtime project because then that's going to be uh that's probably going to be more than the $150,000 that we're looking at going looking into going forward thank you for the question Madam yes so the implementing a plan an officer after he gets off work or on his off day will come in on an overtime basis to work for the for the CRA in that area but of course if he's in the C area which is a swath that runs east to west across the across the city of Obaka any other concerns happen across the line the officer will be able to respond in emergency level or to assist the other officers on that Squad uh during that shift um as well as operating inside of the real-time crime Center which is be located in our in our downstairs headquarters so yes the overtime is to cover all of that but all for the benefit of uh of the city and to add increased vision of uh visibility for our ability to track uh vehicles and criminals coming in and out of the city and assist in the investigative process in a real-time aspect okay if there are no more questions from board uh board members um when we get to the item then when we get to the item then we could uh take the vote I'm I I agree with the concept I'm just uh curious to see when it comes back to us what that number is going to look like and what that is going to entail because I'm looking for at least I had in my mind that it was going to be an officer that was going to be specifically assigned to the CRA area uh whenever they work and it wasn't going to be an overtime officer it was going to be someone assigned to the CRA so Chief let me get this one so again we were throwing out lots of different ideas uh and I think you may have heard that from me because that was probably one of my ideas okay um and that's what the chief and I need to continue to discuss um that that wasn't one of their ideas uh they they've always told me uh that they wanted overtime officers um you know within the OC District uh and then overtime officers for this program um but again something that we're gonna work out okay I I know what you're talking about because it was my preference also to have a dedicated you know crew that we that we hire that we pay for um that would just be there on a regular basis that not not not being an overtime thing but uh that's something that's still can be discuss okay um in the essence of time then we could uh have the attorney read the question into the record you want to go back on the agenda do do minutes and all that stuff oh okay we could do that because I uh board member Kelly you got a now and also board member Williams has to leave as well we can we can uh if we can before we lose Corum there just two things three things four things we can do all the resolutions and we can save the the uh reports for another meeting okay let's do the minutes we'll go back to the uh agenda the minutes for November the 14 2023 can someone move it please move second move by Vice chair Williams second by board member Irvin roll call Madame clerk board member Irvin yes board member oh I think he's leaving um Vice chair Williams yes board member Williams yes Vice chair Russell yes motion passes oh Comm board member can say yes motion passes 5 5 Zer okay all right uh Mr attorney you could read the um resolution into the minutes I'm sorry did we approve both minutes or just one I think there were two sets you that's just one I see on here there's two there's two January 23rd oh okay put glasses on that's what you do okay uh minutes for January the 3rd 2024 move it second moved by board member Williams second by Vice chair Williams uh roll roll call please Madam clerk Vice chair Williams yes board member Williams yes board member Irvin yes board chair Russell yes motion passes 4 Z okay we've already had uh public comments so we can move right into the resolutions item A1 um a resolution of the opal community redevelopment District um CRA authorizing the interim executive director to negotiate and execute an agreement with the city of opaka police for enhanced police policing services in the form of an increased surveillance cameras and additional potential safety measures within the Redevelopment area further authorizing the inter executive director to allocate funds in an amount not to exceed $150,000 for the program and further authorizing the inter executive director to execute all documents necessary acceptable to the general counil for the program someone move the item please move it move move uh by board member Williams second second by uh Vice chair Williams roll call please Vice chair Williams yes board member Williams yes board member Irvin yes board chair Russell yes motion passes 4 Z the next item eight item 82 a resolution of the opal community redevelopment agency authorizing an interlocal agreement binding between this the opaka community redevelopment agency in the city of opaka for the provision of Code Enforcement services and to execute all any and all documents necessary to effectuate the provision of such Services um this is in similar fashion to the previous item um this would be going into an interlocal with the city to provide for a code enforcement officer to be exclusively assigned within the ocre district um the person would work for the city and the city and the ocre would just reimburse uh the city for those costs um and then we would also receive a a monthly report on all of those uh buildings and structures and and land within the OC that have been addressed by that officer uh we don't have a number yet um from the HR department on what this cost so like again the previous item once we get the final number we will bring the final interlocal agreement that's that's agreed upon to you with a number um and and bring that back for approval this is starting the process to hire a code enforcement officer and then transfer those funds over to the OC I mean I'm sorry to the city of opaka any questions from the board Madam chair yes ma'am to the to the interm manager will we have an opportunity to set priorities in partnership with uh with the city and so thinking about the things that we bring up as issues and making sure that code enforcement are focused on those issues or is it specifically focused on what's priority at the city it would be what's priority for us at the OC District great thank you any other um questions Madam clerk call the question please I need a motion in a second Madam chair okay I thought it was no it wasn't Mo move okay move by board member Williams second second by Vice chair Williams Vice chair chair Williams yes board member Williams yes board member Irvin yes board chair Russell yes motion passes 4 Z next item next item on the agenda um a resolution of the opalo C authorizing the executive director to facilitate and execute that certain license agreement with the licensed property compliance with the commercial facade improvements program and Tak execute any and all documents necessary to effectiv the program so this is um this is my favorite item um this is as you all remember from the February meeting uh we had a whole bunch of pictures up here of 10 buildings within the OC that we told you that we wanted to um recruit those businesses to apply for the business incentive Grant which we approved back in November uh and we've went out and we recruited between November December January we recruited 10 property owners that wanted to participate in the program uh what we're doing today is beta testing our first applicant um and if this goes through and when I say go through I mean go through this process also go through go through the state process for approval and we get the first checkout then we'll start on building number two building number three building number four and bring those back to you in April uh this license agreement is for the owner of the Arabian bar down the street this is the first one it's a low-lying fruit um and also we'll be doing some smaller ones some paint jobs uh we'll be doing those won't come to you because those are smaller we'll be working on those in the next couple of weeks as well this is the first substantial one um we're looking at a budget of pro approximately $85,000 on this one this um building would the parking lot would be replaced the impact the windows will be replaced with impact Windows impact doors the roof will be replaced the historic sign uh will be replaced above uh the building and also the Ballard on the outside would be replaced um and this license was allowing us to hire a contractor contractors to go into the property the property own is giving us the um the the the U ability the right the authority to go on the property and make these Improv mov ments uh he couldn't be here Mr Muhammad couldn't be here today because he had two previous uh doctor's appointments but I know he sent his brother uh to you know say thank you and also that they're are willing and ready uh to work with us in improving this first property um and that's what this item is for can I get a motion to move the item so we can have discussion move move by uh Vice chair Williams second second by board member Irvin questions um uh Mr director my question and concern is that when we're doing these projects um the CRA have a lifespan of only so many years and when we're putting this money out in the community what is the CRA because after some years we may have to stand alone stand on our own we may no longer be getting money from uh uh once they Sunset the CRA um how are we going to sustain ourselves if we're continuously giving out and the CRA is not receiving anything in return well first of all I think number one that's what the purpose of the C is is to give away the money uh to improve the streets the C is not like the city where the city has to you know have a reserve in cases of a natural disaster they have to take care of the debris in the streets and up and above you know what their normal cost of running a city is they have to worry about that concern we don't have that worry our only goal is to spend the money as a matter of fact one of the reasons why this agency is under so much scrutiny at the county is because we haven't spent the money uh so the idea would be on needed projects or on needed projects or did or the money just hasn't been spent so the idea that uh we are you know saving up for a rainy day doesn't pertain to us in my opinion okay in my opinion our number one goal at this point should be um to get the money out to improve the street front uh of our major thorough fairs in opalak CR is as soon as possible and if we can get 10 buildings done in six months you're going to see what a CRA is supposed to do and you'll still have some money left over to do other things U but I understand where you're you're going we've had this conversation and like I told you we had some ideas about uh on bigger projects on bigger project amounts on bigger uh that we would do maybe a loan scenario not a forgivable loan scenario where it's treated as Grant but if we wanted to help out a project in a significant way uh that we act as a bank so to speak and actually loan out money at a lower interest rate uh than what the market has but not giving it away as a grant but if the market's at you know 710 then we're at 35 it makes the project go um and but we also get something back on the on the back in because we're getting our money back that type of philosophy I think could work on a larger project but for smaller projects like this that improve the facade that improve the street I wouldn't worry about uh getting a return I think the return is that the street is clean looks nice uh and the buildings are improved you I've already asked lot one question one one question um Madam chair the chair okay quick question and maybe I missed it there might have been a meeting or two that I but nonetheless um I was wondering why you said we were beta beta testing uh you said the liquor store did was this decided by the board to do that the the that particular store you said there were 10 um that was a possibility why that store and why not any others as a beta test very simple answer and that is you have property owners that uh are very easy to get in touch with and cooperative and then you have Property Owners where it's pulling teeth to get in touch with them even though you're trying to give them money to improve their buildings uh so we went with the low line fruit which is the person that got their paperwork in on time that you know start was very helpful with opening up the facilities to get the quotes So the first one to the party is I mean he he was anxious to get his building done got it no problem for examp number two the number two number two is I'm not trying to judge or anything asking was there I 10 that we picked and then it's those that are having all their paperwork on time the scope of work of the project is done I can tell you what right now that if this goes through the second would be um The Print Shop in the uh the print shop and the restaurant that is at the corner over here Miss Denise Lee um where her building will again get a new roof they will install Windows paint parking lot the building is not owned by them the building is owned by um a woman in Jamaica uh who signed her paperwork those people that went through all their trouble to get all their stuff done she's going to be second um and then we're working with the other people that are straggling to get their paperwork in and then we'll go one by one okay and I'll explain how that gets done with the next item okay thank you Madame chair yes very easy question what's the um what's the how long do you think this will take to complete and so I know that you mentioned it's beta I know that we're just starting this but I'm not going to hold you to it because I know the construction sometimes takes a little bit longer than we think but what when do we think it'll be finished so I want to answer that question in the next item okay number one number two um I'll answer that question in the next item it's more appr answered in the in the next item but I can tell you that like I said to uh the vice I mean the former mayor I was goingon to call you mayor board member Williams board member Williams um that these people got their stuff in on time so they're ready to go yeah so they have their three bids in for their roof they have their three bits in for their Windows they have their three bits in for their they're ready to go so once you approve this now we'll send it to the state once the state approves we'll start processing POS so that they could get started on the work then I'll go to you why I did number four and answer the rest of your question any other questions if not Madame clerk board member Williams yes board member Irvin yes Vice chair Williams yes board chair Russell yes motion passes 4 Z through the chair um not that you approved um directed the director to enter into a relationship with the property owner he needs someone now to execute the actual program itself which is item number 84 um so for the property owners who were listening you heard the instructions as to what it is that you need to do to to get to get in que um a resolution of the opala CRA authorizing the executive director to facilitate and execute that certain facade Grant project design and Management Services agreement for the implementation of the commercial facade improvements program and to execute any and all documents necessary to evacuate the program so Madame chair yes so this item um we found out very quickly was absolutely needed now when we've done this program in other places um some of the property owners were able to comply with the program on their own when we started this program when you all approved this program in November October November I believe we immediately went out to the street and started knocking on doors and say hey do you want to participate in this program um and we said you know this is what you're supposed to do here's the program here's the outline of what you're supposed to do what we're supposed to do what the contractor supposed to do and it became a reality very quick that if we had to rely on the property owners to get this done if this program was going to take a very long time uh to get done um so I thought and I talked to our attorneys I talked to other C directors how do we find a way around this how do we take control of this process and the way we figured out is if we have a project consultant and so what I thought to do was look out at local contractors local developers within opaka uh that can help us refix fix up these buildings in opaka and so the thought was to to to hire three three of them or four of them to work on two of three of these buildings a piece um and in order to do that you had to select one I mean you had to select you know one person for each project um and so tonight we're asking and the only reason I'm asking this is and again I've never met Mr walar before but when I saw him on the video at the at your June meeting before I was even h I saw I saw a video of him where he came up to you and he said uh I'm going to have a duplex built within 80 Days uh and and it's going to be done and I promise you that and he wasn't getting anything from you or promis anything from you and I think several months after that I was hired and I went out to the site and he was well on his way to be completed with that duplex and in fact he did complete duplex and under the time frame that he gave you so naturally who would I go to as my first rehab project to consult to coordinate this project would be uh wtow Enterprises uh LLC and so he's graciously agreed to go into an agreement with us for this property only and then once we bring out the other properties it may be him it may be another contractor but that's a relationship we're going to have with these property owners in order to get this project done so you ask uh Vice chair what the time frame is I think Mr wow gave me on this particular one and on most of the other ones that we're doing not that he's necessarily going to do all of the other nine um but on this particular one we could probably be done within three months three months you'll have a whole new 27th Avenue Corner we own the Chinese restaurant on the other side which we put the fencing around we're working on putting a decorative Banner around we're going to work on painting we'll be painting our building the Chinese restaurant we'll be painting Mr Ball's building we'll be painting Jackson suu 2 and Jacksonville suu 2 Annex um and we'll be going across the street to uh the the shopping plaza over there will be that Miss rayette rayette was her name I forget her last name but she owns the uh the the four retail units across the street um that would probably be the third application uh that will come to you in April uh for again overall rehab parking lot Windows roof paint uh signage uh those those five areas and so that's our corner and then we'll come come this way so this would be authorizing us to authorizing me to negotiate an agreement with with waltower to be the consultant uh for this particular project any other questions from the board if not Madame clerk please I need a motion in a second oh okay someone move it please we will have a discussion I thought we did that mve by uh board member Williams second second by Vice chair Williams no other discussion roll call please board member yes Vice chair Williams yes board member Williams yes board chair Russell yes motion passes 4 zero through the chair um item 85 um a resolution of the opal Locka CRA authorizing the executive director to execute and facilitate the development incentive assistance agreement with Palmetto homes to include improvements for certain deeded sites provide program administration of the um OCA development incentive assistance program so Madam chair this is something that um started before I started here we're just trying to fix it um so there was an agreement that was entered into with pometto homes I believe in March of 2022 uh that agreement spelled out that um paletto homes would receive $300,000 um for the development of several sites including two single family home sites and I think there were two multif family home sites as a part of that agreement it was $300,000 for all of those things to be agreed upon um and you all sat through it I only watched on a meeting so you know kind of the history uh but when I got here one of the first things that was sent to me by the state or I don't know if it was by the state or by the city but it was invoice uh that the previous administration had uh had had tried to uh put through for $300,000 payment uh to petto homes and I I believe it was rejected either by the city or by by state so it was rejected by the state um because it it had no Rhyme or Reason as to why number one one of the things I found is I'm not a lawyer but the original agreement had contradictory statements on the payout one and one section is said that the payout will be on a reimbursable basis as the project is ongoing and then another section it said that the payout will be incompletion uh reimburse when it's complete when the co is complete so number one you have and especially when you only have two single family home development uh complete but you still have these multif family uh developments that are incomplete and nowhere near starting because the entitlements haven't been secured or anything so nowhere near starting and then the $300,000 requests so that didn't go through we subsequently submitted another invoice um back in December for peretto homes because we sat down with them and said look this agreement doesn't work state rejected it let's come up with a new formula and so we came up with the formula that um and this is before actually we had the agreement with walow Enterprises for his duplex that we did that we did the ceremony at um and so we agreed that what we would do is reimburse peretto homes for the two single family homes that they had actually completed which came up to $60,000 per unit per home which was $120,000 of the $300,000 that they were promised they agreed and so we submitted a invoice to the state to pay the $120,000 and we submitted an invoice to the state to pay Mr walow the same at the same time Mr walar was approved they rejected petto homes once again the reason why they rejected it again this time it was our fault because we didn't necessarily pay attention in that the resolution still said reference to 2022 agreement and it still had the $300,000 number on it didn't have but the invoice was for $120,000 so the state basically said you got to go back and do this whole thing over again so we started from scratch we're coming up with a new agreement for the two homes reimbursing a resolution for $120,000 to get them paid out on those two homes we will negotiate another agreement for the remainder $180,000 for the multif family units that are not even near getting started and so we're asking that you approve this this will close out uh the peretto Home Development assistance grant um and that's that's what the item is before we go into discussion let someone move it please a second move it moved by uh Vice chair Williams second second by board member Williams a discussion Madam chair yes just so I understand the two properties have been completed yes okay and where are they somebody help me I don't know it's on Wilmington I believe Washington Washington okay okay very nice by the way yeah and one of them uh uh someone has already moved in and purchased I think so affordable housing or market rate this is this is a Workforce housing U but this was falling under the green uh green Housing Initiative so the okay the home is green that at least that's what the former uh agreement states okay yeah the green homes you said okay any other questions if not roll call Madam clerk board member Irvin yes Vice chair Williams yes board member Williams yes board chair Russell yes motion passes 4 z uh that's it for the resolutions I don't know if you want to go into the reports I can give you quick updates on anything you'd like um well um uh if I would like to have um I think Bo member Williams has to leave soon so um if you could take the concerns from the board would you all like to do that first if we have any concerns from the board you meant board comments so move that yes sure would you all agree to go with the board comments now so that uh if you have one before you leave okay we can get it in so I'd love to get an update on uh item number five which is the purchase of 391 o blocka Boulevard so not quite a comment but I would love to maybe touch on that if we have few minutes so finally today after uh this is one of the people that you're trying to do business with and you keep calling them and calling them and calling them and so I've been calling Mr Bennett for months now um telling him that we may possibly interested in either leasing office space so that we can move uh the ground level move our offers to the ground level um in the OCA or possibly purchasing the building um outright to do an RFP for redevelopment of the site um and so he finally came back I mean we don't know what we could do unless the owner gets back to us finally came back to us at about four o'clock today after three months of um you know three phone calls a week and uh the purchase price would be asking price of 1.8 million dollars and this is for the building located at 391 opaka Boulevard uh $1.8 million and the rent for the space that uh he has at the corner would be 3,800 bucks a month again this is what he is offering and he even agreed himself that the numbers were kind of high uh we have we have asked for an appraisal on the lot and we expect to get that appraisal back uh within a week or two uh I was out there with the appraiser uh last week um and so we'll the CRA just so you know as you Pro as you know through um your purchase of the of the Chinese uh restaurant we have to pay the appraisal price uh or the average of the two appraisals or we would need a super majority vote to go above what the appraisal price is so nothing is happening we're just looking um and seeing where we are uh and if um you know we'll bring you the appraisal back in April and um and see where we are thank you okay um first of William sorry through the chair let me just say um Mr Mr director um thank you for these items that we have today um I always believe it's better to do one thing great and just a lot of things good and so um every time I'm you know we come here we I feel like we leave great and doing something really great that's going to impact our community so I want to thank you and and the entire board um as well as our legal team so I'm kudos to you for that for of the items and for fixing some of our past um indiscretions um I did want to ask a question the sherbundy park is that in the CRA yes okay so maybe again if this if these are things that have already happened so I don't like to mix church and state that's always call CRA with the city but sometimes it does tend to overlap or especially um us that are Commissioners I I really want to caution us and and I hope this doesn't mean this no one thinks that I am against police but there has been a numerous amount of items not just on you know but on the city side that are building and supporting our police that we need we need truly we do but some point I I really want us to really get the meat and potatoes of our park and I I just don't want to like I've SE it has been and I know you don't know because you don't you know watch our commission meetings I do but there's it's just right now all these items have been heavy heavily driven by you know what the police needs and that's that's fine but we there are so many other things that we need and so I am requesting that that we really really really at some point really take an active interest in in and I know I I missed it but I heard it was a a fabulous um Workshop Saturday but we we have to I would love to see some items on these agend on these on our agendas coming up that is going to really rehab do something to sherbundy park something has to happen sure so I I I will uh comment on that because I know and I heard that that was a Hot Topic I didn't know about the meeting but I heard that it happened um you could go back and look at the minutes uh we I actually put this on the agenda because the vice mayor uh had brought up some issue about a splash park in one of the parks uh we actually came in and changed the budget and put $200,000 if you read the budget says $200,000 for Parks it's sitting there any board member can propose how to use that money just a phone call or an email away uh I understood that um the the Parks Board there's a Parks Advisory board that the chairman they had on their agenda it was on the front of U it was in the hall I read their agenda in the front there was a request by the board to speak with the executive director of the CRA talk about Park funding I got on a phone and I called the chairman of the board uh Mr um Dennis Dennis Brian Dennis who I know from from 20 years ago and I called Mr Dennis Dennis Brian you don't have to have a board resolution to talk to me let's talk um what do you want to do with the park um I've never received a phone call back I did watch their meeting Mr Mrs Brian Dennis gave a factual report about my phone call to him and about that that board would be requesting a meeting with me uh to go over uh their items I watched that meeting I still have not received a request um I ran into the parks director in the in the parking lot the other day and I and she could tell you I said listen hey I went to see Ingram Park the other day it's a beautiful park I think we could put a lot of money into England Park to make it a great great Park um and I'm talking a lot of money that the sier could put in that Park to make it a great great Park a million bucks at least so and I told her let's work on that together so I'm willing and I'm here we put it in the budget for 200,000 the budget can easily be amended for projects within the park um you let me know where you want it I I do plan on setting up a meeting with the parks director she said she had you know her ideas obviously we have to make sure that any improvements that we do um you know are in in guidelines with 163 and how we spend this money but the money is there to spend on Parks it's just a matter of us deciding on what we want to do uh and how we want to do it so um thank so I think what I'm hearing and it it's going to have to be a little bit more streamlined there's one board here there's our board over here um there's a city and then there's a city correct so there's a lot there's a lot of moving Parts there it this this is my opinion if we're one board CRA we decide that 200 or plus dollars go to whatever Park then this board should decide what happens with that money not any other boards not any other entity I think that as a board we would com communicate with Parks so that they share with us based on what you know or also if the other if our Parks and Rec board have suggestions those suggestions are funneled to this board so that we then but I don't necessarily agree that we say okay here's the money turn it over to to another board no I think but I'm saying that was the misconception with the agenda item but nonetheless not to you know I'm saying and I would be happy happy to to have a meeting to do whatever because this is my fourth year and I've just not seen any single I mean I can't even get a a splash of paint on on the on the um the basketball court that's the easiest thing to do just take some paint and paint the basketball cour we we just it's just something has to happen like we and I so I think all the that is wonderful but I I don't I don't want to keep I don't want to either whether I stay or not I don't want to keep having this conversation and I'm sitting out there in the audience listening to the same thing and I'm going to say I heard this four years ago well I can tell you and I'm not berating you please no but I'm ready for like now I'm ready like the summer is around a corner and this we're still back to square one with nothing can we just do something Miss Lawson told me a grant was was was I don't know anything about that that we not that I don't know I just keep hearing what's gonna happen going to happen can we can we make something happen already I think uh uh one of the concerns um board member Williams have been with this board is that we can't if the city is doing a project we can't take over their project but what we can do man listen but what we can do we can partner like you said there are something things that the uh that this board can do that can make those things along with the city Madam I know I hear you I stood I mean um no you go ahead oh no I meant I'm sorry I meant um uh go ahead thank you madam chair I have been in this seat for a year and five months and from the day I got here I have been begging as far as I'm concerned begging for shundi to get a playground set I don't understand with h us having $7 million why does it take so long for these kids to get a playground set I have no idea when y'all wanted when they wanted a Chinese restaurant less than 90 days the Chinese restaurant was purchased done in our possession everything we discussed last meeting is here here to be done I have literally I feel like I've been begging for a playground set out of last year's budget now we're in a whole new budget and it can't still be the 200,000 it should be 400 of anything like these kids shouldn't be planing on that mess over over there at shundi whether the Cityside have money or not we have money we have money it should be done already so let me ask a question has anybody since I've only been here since August my first meeting was in September which was a budget meeting October we did a rearrangement of the budget but is anybody no one's told me about a showed me a picture of a playground no one is I mean anybody can come or call or or or send a message or phone call and say look I want this put on the agenda anybody can do that I want this put on the agenda for the next meeting commissioner Kelly said on this code enforcement item I want this on the next meeting that's what he told me and guess what I made sure I put it on the next meeting if somebody gives me something show me a picture of a playground said give me an agreement that the city says we are allowed to go on there and and purchase a great playground set then then then we'll get it done but it's but it's it through the chair thank you member Williams but but before before B I'm sorry to keep to um because again there are some restrictions with 163 it's not a matter of AR arguing Madam chair we have been talking about this forever but I hear you GNA get done we're gonna get uh Mr Mr executive director would you give us some direction we're going everybody is in agreement with shabondy Park Ingram Park and uh the other Park what's the other Park uh seagull Park we've been we've been talking about it and talking about it we talked about it with the previous director I've talked about it several times with the director here but we all have to get on the same page to make sure that we're not overlapping as to what's being done so that's why I'm I've told the director meet with the parks director meet with Mr Brian Dennis those are conversations that we have so we're all on the same page there's no need for us to act like we're not all thinking the same thing we are getting it done goad you gave me Brian Dennis's phone number and I called Brian Dennis as soon as gave me his phone number as the chair of of of that Park Advisory Board and I talked to him and he came back and he gave a report to the parks Advisory Board and he said I'm goingon to set up a meeting and he says I want somebody else from the parks Advisory board with me in that meeting and and again unless I missed the phone call or missed the email no one's reached out to me I've reached out uh and again I'm open but to answer to to other to go to the other point vice mayor um and and board member Williams uh the two of you probably remember remember because you went to the workshop when we had the CRA conference um the the two uh County representatives for lack of a better term you went to the workshop and they specifically had a workshop about parks and so when I say you know let's we will do what we can within the constraints of 163 that's what we're going to do because especially with Parks the CRA cannot CRA is supposed to go out and purchase buildings that's what we're supposed to do we're supposed to go out and fix up deric buildings that are that need repair that's what we're supposed to do 163 is clear but what the city cannot do is come in and supplement what the city is supposed to be doing so if the city already has it in their park plan to resurface the basketball court or resurface a tennis score or put a splash park somewhere if it was even discussed in one minute or it was a part of a plan that's something that is an unallowable C expense because what you're doing is you're supplementing CRA money for or you're suppling City you're suppling C money for City projects and you can't do that that that it's very clear you can do Parks projects it just depends on what type of parks projects you can do we need to get in the room and figure out what's in the city plan for the city to do and what can the CRA can do above and beyond what the city already has to do thank you through I gotta go um through the chair really quick so we tomorrow night this will be a discussion Point um on the city side that because we need to know Earth Day last year Earth Day last year which is coming up in May I was told that oh a don't do anything on the basketball court don't touch it because a grant we we appli for a grant and that B that Grant should be coming in 30 days that was may we we knocking on May now so through the city that's why I said so what I will do is I will ask tomorrow night to ensure that if there's a Parks master plan we going to eliminate some of whatever's in that master plan so that we can now as a CRA take over because right now we're hearing a bunch of like what we're going to do but we knocking on a year and then we'll supplement so we'll have like a map right here's a map CRA will handle this city will handle this cut and dry so that we so that the CRA can get it done because we have the money now Y and I'm I'm GNA tell you vice mayor and board member uh this is a big topic because it was a whole workshop at at the C Conference not only that but I'm dealing with the same issue in our other client city in North Miami Beach with with with one of their pars and one of their tennis courts and we couldn't do anything because you know it's in their plan to do something they wanted us to fix up the tennis courts and we said we can't fix up the tennis courts but we could possibly put the pipes underneath the underneath the ground to do the bathroom uh to fix up the bathroom because that wasn't in your master plan uh so it is something we can do anything we can do we can do stuff in the Parks but we got to make sure we're doing the right thing in the Parks and we do have the money to do it yes we do have the money to do it I recommend that we do like a complete overhaul of uh of of the park and why do I say that because you know nothing is nothing is done there and it looks like it needs a complete overhaul now the other way that you can do it by the way and again I don't want to get into this necessarily tonight but if you want a complete overhaul of the park and you want us to do it and again I'm not trying to open up a can of worms here but I know one clear way to do it is to transfer the property to us and then we can do a whole you know we go crazy at the partment because then it's officially ours if it's ours we could do whatever we want it's if it's yours we could only do you know enhancements and I'm not suggesting that I'm not suggesting that we do that I think it's better coming up with an agreement on what you're going to do and what we're going to do and then signing an into local agreement where we transfer those funds over to the city's parks department and I see Mr Dennis right uh uh board member Irvin you you uh uh what M Williams had to leave are you finished with your concern or you want more clarity what so what do out more clarity because it was on the agenda one time that we would discuss it something happened and it's just getting pushed further and further back like and I don't have kids at the park I want to make that clear too I don't have kids at the park to play on anything and my behind is too wide to get on anything that's going to get put over there on the park but the kids need a decent place to to to play on so if I need to start looking at playgrounds playground equipment and what not mommy Gardens just redid all of their playgrounds I could actually contact them to get the information because nobody said that I didn't think I thought that I would be overstepping my boundaries to say my boundaries to say here I found this playground set or I found that or I found this I thought that that was something that's done honestly on your level and then you bring it to us and said this is what you know we saw and we're trying to get input on it that's what I thought but I'll be more than happy to reach out to Mommy Gardens oh but I also but I don't even think that's the way to go by the way I mean I think I think you give it's definitely not up to me because I don't own the park I don't we don't own the park we don't have any either we don't have it but you are Steward of the park through your city commission head okay and so so if that's what you want done then I would contact your Parks director or your manager or your assistant manager and say to them hey I want this particular playground in the park in our park and they're going to determine whether or not that playground fits it within their plan their Parks plan and if that playground fits within their Parks plan then they can take it to us from management to management to say hey would you guys fund fund this playground you shouldn't have to do that you should be talking to them because it should be going in accordance with their master plan the city's master plan not the C's master plan because we don't have one we don't have an interest in the park we don't own the park we're there to help them but it's ultimately it's their park Miss Ray stepped out didn't she send you some stuff last week not that I recall I can check again what's her last how do you spell I say r a y thank you welcome um uh Mr director please uh let's let's uh bring some clarity to this I think it would uh behoove us to have um a meeting with the city yes to have a meeting with the city so that um you could get on the same page with what they have and I've asked to see the master plan I've never seen the master plan I know they paid for it but one thing that the CRA did do uh uh for the parks was we participated in paying for a portion of the fence we were supposed to whether it was ever done I don't know because I don't I don't the budget is on the city Side so we were supposed to participate in that but I think it behooves us so that it doesn't look like the CRA is not interested in building the parks or or you know Pastor uh for member Kelly have been beating that horse for a while y to for us to get some things done in the park let's let's get it done so it doesn't look like we're not in agreement with no absolutely as I told you the par when you took me out to see engram for the first time uh when you took me out to see I I came back to you I called you I think later and I said look out of what we have left just said Ingram if we come up with some agreement we could probably do a million and a half dollars just to make that the jewel of opaka like that's how far I would be willing to go to invest C money and that's a million5 on top of the $200,000 that's already existing but that's how far I would go I would recommend that we do that because I have at the parks and they are in in some type of condition so it's not from it's not from us like it's not from me at least that we're not moving on this in the five months I've been here uh out of the 16 months you say you've been U but we're ready willing to go if you want to talk to the parks director we can all have a meeting get the parks planned out I'll take out chapter 163 which governs cras and how cras spend money I'll give you the the the the PowerPoint presentation from the from the parks Workshop where they called it what they call it the dos and don'ts of spending CRA money and I'll bring that to you and show you different examples from States from cities where they did use money in parks and how they use them but it's not to keep up the ongoing maintenance of what the city should be doing with the city's budget for the city's Parks right any other concerns for um the board M Madam chair yes ma'am I do have um just one comment briefly um I've been serving as the interim OC clerk since August of last year on a temporary basis yes hoping that you all would you know at some point hire a permanent clerk at this time I no longer wish to continue providing clerk services for the OC so I I I I request that whoever is responsible for um hiring a clerk or you know assigning someone in the OC office to perform the duties that they do so but I no longer will um okay I've asked thank you uh Madam C and I was hoping that everyone that the full board would be here but I will have this discussion as well with each of um the others individually yes um just so that they are aware um of course as a charter official my duties are outlined in the charter anything in addition to that must be approved by the city commission that has not occurred and you know based on that I you know I also it's not that I don't want to assist I'm short staff at the moment and um I'm also a baseball mom for those of you who don't know yes and this kind takes away from that as well well you know Joanna we've uh Miss Flores we've said so many times over and over how much we appreciate what you've done and um I ask the director and a board members as well if we can look out and see but we also need to see is there compensation that we need to pay Miss Flores for the time that she has served on the board and we would also ask that if we could please set aside a time that she would um uh train someone or if there's a clerk board training that they go to um in serving the board but Joanna I told you over and over how much I appreciate what you've done for us youve brought us you've brought us a long ways we appreciate it thank you she blindsided me with um that's yeah okay okay we don't have a quum to adjourn but I guess we have to go ahead and adjourn anyway I think the Lord isna say something now just going to say that he has reached his last inning okay thank you our meeting is adjourned thank you so much good night you speak them I know they