I'd like to call this meeting to order Mr nutland would you lead us in the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Sunshine Law statement all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met for this meeting of the Board of Education of the burough of ordell notice that this meeting was filed with the record in town news and all persons requesting such notice Mr Darian would you read the mission statement the ordell public school district is dedicated to the ongoing pursuit of educational Excellence through comprehensive Innovative curriculum and instruction the district is committed to providing opportunities for social emotional and academic Discovery to Foster curiosity courage and character our goal is to prepare our students to become lifelong Learners who are self-directed resilient productive responsible citizens thank you roll call on the roll Mrs aasta Mr delgreco will not be joining us Mrs Downey here Mrs noran here Mr nutland here Mrs Walker here Mr Walsh here Mr Darien here Mrs Nichols here open to the public for agenda items only not seeing any we'll move forward I just have two items in my report one is the code of ethics I'm I think everyone was signing it before so if you haven't signed it please get it back to Mr iy and then I forgot this the last time I was here but um I received a letter from hackensac maridian Health Foundation a donation receipt thank you for your donation your your generosity is a testament to your commitment to advancing Healthcare you make a difference and the donation date was 11 2023 uh to the Joseph M M sanzari children's hospital and it was for the tackle kids cancer fund and uh we donated $164 through Student Government so do you want to tell us anything about that Miss bosos how how we raise the money I actually would defer to miss is Holly on this one every October we do the student government does some type of um fundraising for cancer so in previous years we've done Childhood Cancer we've done breast cancer answer and this was part of our fundraiser for that it was a basic bucket Drive where students this a student government um was at each door and as students came in they brought change or a donation from home they just you did this all on change well it is Ops we don't always just bring change so we also we also did do a jeans Drive where any teacher that particip any staff member that participated um over a certain amount of time was allowed to um wear jeans and then they donated $10 I believe it was okay I'm going to give um this to miss bosio so maybe someone can give it to Student Government we should take a copy but keep it in the business office for our records but give them a copy so maybe they can see that they got a nice thank you letter from the whatever perfect the students will appreciate that yeah $1600 that's pretty good thank you copy um and um uh we can move on to the superintendent's report did you have a question no that's a lot of change10 yeah okay good evening I'd like to start today by going over a few things on your agenda first of all I want to review the data that we will be submitting as part of our school safety data submission the school safety data submission is done twice a year the first submission is done for events that occur between July 1st and December 31st and then we do a second submission after that the data that will be submitted for orell public school is that we had one founded HIV during that time we also have an additional one that is in process it began um prior to December 31st the investigation is actually the first reading is on tonight's agenda it also states that we had three instances of restraint over that period of Time Zero of them were seclusions it also shares about trainings we've done as a school Community it states that we have trained 75 family members in Hib awareness and that is the training Mrs Holly has been doing this year as you know to be a volunteer at orell Public School moving forward you will need to attend a training session it talks about the instructional Aid training that was worked that our Behavior has facilitated on deescalation techniques such as redirection planned ignorance and giving frequent breaks it talks about the training that eight staff members received in CPI methods it also speaks to the programming we've done as a school Community namely the events we did over week of respect the very famous now turkey grams program and some of the efforts that we've taken in special gifts also on tonight's agenda you'll notice that several staff members are participating in the rapid training rapid stands for reading acceleration professional integrated development it is an effort done by the New Jersey Department of Education just to clarify because it looks a little odd on your agenda two of the sessions teachers will attend are during the school day so they're not being reimbursed for that but as the OA contract States they do get $30 per hour for any professional development that happens outside of school in one of those sessions is during February break um also uh that rapid training ties into the continued professional development efforts that we have been taking on in your last board update I spoke about the work done on the Martin Luther King Jr professional development day where workshops included um becoming more familiar with hegerty techniques um digging deeper into Dibbles data uh we spoke on we did a Mrs Holly actually facilitated three sessions on unpacking math standards I facilitated a session on an introduction to AI Mrs Cataldo facilitated sessions on uh insura of Robotics and steam integration and what I really love about our professional development days if you talk to teachers elsewhere sometimes all teachers get stuck in one room doing one training and we really take pride in making sure each staff member gets what they need so there were during that day there were probably 24 different sessions offered um one of them was facilitated by an external facilitator from ID Corp and the rest were administrators and also staff members who have strengths in specific areas an additional professional development Vel M that has occurred recently um had to do with the sundai system which is structured multisensor reading Intervention Program used in our Intervention Program and we brought representatives from snde in not just to do additional professional development but to watch us teach to make sure we were implementing with Fidelity we actually had such a wonderful experience with them we are working right now to set up them coming into work with all of our staff on um developing an understanding of structured reading the other piece that I wanted to share about that which has just escaped my mind completely um was oh that that will very likely be funded in case it comes out in the paper that there's been some changes to Esser so what the state did that I'm so happy with is when we originally got our Esser funding it was in buckets and you had to use this amount of money for this and this amount of money for this and this amount of money for this well what the state realized is schools might have different needs right now so they're giving us more flexibility so you will see on a later Board of Ed agenda that we are in the process of writing an amendment for our use of the ARP funding and one of that will be one of those purposes will be to bring in the sundai system additionally uh for some more time and also for an additional math staff developer to come in and work with teachers in specific grades and I think that concludes my report thank you Mr iell there's questions you have questions questions Mrs norian um well actually um you had mentioned rapid training um and said it was on our agenda it's on Personnel oh it's on the Personnel agenda I believe that's where I couldn't get the entire title on the agenda which is why I wanted to mention it okay I was looking on the regular agenda and couldn't find it Mr Walsh the uh you mention that uh you have parents 75 parents come back do the parents whose children were involved in an HIV uh ever asked to come back actually in our last HIV investigation the parents asked to come in and get additional resources to work with their children so we do often offer that we don't mandate it the M we mandate it for anybody who wants to volunteer in the school you can't volunteer at Ops you can't come to a class party until you have proven that you've had that HIV training so the only way that the parents are involved is by volunteering to attend the training yeah yes that is the m dat is that they be okay because the people whose children go through that uh might have something might have some good points to uh to bring up at that meeting whatever you say 75 parents I mean that's a lot that's actually 75 um it doesn't include last year and the trainings we did this month month and the trainings that are coming uh we have one other training session coming up so I will during um the last ssds submission report I'll share the total number of people that have been trained okay thank you and that training then miss bosos is counted for last year too if we were trained last year how long does it last I think we said once out out of seven years so that we knew that every parent that was at Ops so if you came to kindergarten this year you're good during your training um in our additional thought when we first started doing this six years ago we were trying to get everyone in twice once when they were kind of in K and then once when they were in fourth grade because your lens changes but for now we're just going to focus on getting as many people in during the six years as possible thank you Mr iell yes our audit is complete and our auditor Mr Jeff Bliss of lurch Vincy Bliss will be here on February 7th to present the audit to the board um we also as was just released the state released additional funds for emergent Capital maintenance needs and we were allocated $1,99 and that concludes my report thank you um moving to minutes we have the review of January 3rd any questions or comments please email Mr aapeli we have approval of December 13th do I have a motion I move that we approve the minutes of December 13th second second by Mrs Walker any questions call a question on the role Mrs aasta yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs Dorian abstain Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes committee reports administrative items Mr Darian would you take that uh yes tonight we have uh four administrative items one regards to the school safety data submission the other for HIV report and and then one regarding the uh use of a pair of Prof professional staff and finally uh approval of a new position so I'd like to introduce items A1 through A4 second motion second by Mrs noran any questions call the question on the rooll Mrs aasta yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutl yes Mrs Walker yes m Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes Mr Darian buildings and grounds uh yes so we have not the committee subcommittee buildings and grounds have not met since our last meeting so I have no report there uh with that I'd like to introduce items uh B1 through b what is it B1 all facility use no I'll second it second by Mr Walsh any questions I have a question go ahead uh regarding all the world stage is that the uh summer I mean the spring play or is that in addition no that's the private group they'll be working they're just using our site for their performance okay this is not a player for or all public [Applause] okay any other questions call a question Mrs aasta yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darien yes Mrs Nichols yes curriculum Mrs noran uh yes uh there's no report from the committee but I would like to present C1 for uh approval I'll second it second by Mr Walsh any questions call the question on the role Mrs aasta yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes Finance technology Mrs aosta hi I'd like to present the one to D9 I'll second it second by Mrs noran any questions Mr Daran did you have a question on I do I have a question on D7 uh the grant that we're receiving this is a a rod Grant a regular operating District Grant uh how much is that for that is correct we are receiving 40% of a budgeted project replacement of the eight airdale units at Ops uh the budget is $887,500 we uh the state is reimbursing 40% so we are receiving $348,800 move towards the design phase I will have uh land architecture have their resolution for next meeting hopefully we'll have it back in time and we could get started with the design phase what was the total the total for the project is 870,000 and we're receiving 348,000 from the state Mrs Walker now this doesn't have to do with the airdale air conditioners that will not be in this summer it does it does okay so is that the reason because we don't have the money yet no because they're back they're back ordered everyone is ordered them so there's no way we can get them so we're just moving into the following summer is there um an expiration date on the funds uh no we have two years to accept we have two years to accept yeah okay yeah so no it's because everyone is applying for them and we just we were just notified actually recently from our I think from Lan right that we they will they said forget it for this summer okay but this is like all the schools around are applying for this through the state this was through the entire state so every school district other than the Abbott districts were apply and why not the Abid districts they already have it yeah they get that they they they're in a different bucket all all themselves this is Rod so regular operating districts the non abits so every District applied and they uh the county uh business administrator said that districts that put in for HVAC you know heating air conditioning work roofing work those were the top priorities security um so most districts that apply for those projects receive the Grant and the grant is based on what so we're getting 300 and some on every District No our architect had to submit to the state a detailed estimate of what he thinks the project will cost so he budgeted okay it was correct they were happy with the estimate so therefore they then sent us a final eligibility cost letter which details this breakout and then we move forward if we're we're happy with it then we move forward and accept the Grant I think this is how uh riverdell got their six million right it's a rod Grant so that's how you remember riverdell had been thing they're getting it's a 40% Rod Grant it's all the rod grants are generally always 40% over the years so you just apply with your project and they approve they give you 40% and this is not just Co money this R this has nothing to do with Co we've done it in the past and that's the max you could receive 40% you could get less but the state is giving us the full Grant to 40% good I have a question Mr nlin um D6 the uh Learning Center Huntington has submitted a service agreement to provide instruction to identify third fourth grade students how are those students identified um the grant was specifically written for third and fourth gr students fourth grade students struggling with fractions because that was an area that we saw of weakness on our last njsla results so part of the grant does require a certain amount of screening so we've created a screener for third and fourth grade students that they will take based on who we're already concerned about based on their link it data for Form B they'll be given a screener and then identified from there and who set The Benchmark to it will be the lowest it will be a certain percentile of students so we we know we can only service X number of students okay thank you any other questions and just to clarify that was specifically through the high impact tutoring Grant those were still Co um was that Co or no that had nothing to do with Co there wasn't strugglers after Co I thought it was they created they created the high impact tutoring Grant but it has nothing to do with like Esser funds it's wasn't it for people that were struggling after yes so that's why learning loss after Co that's why they specifically you could have applied to use it for somebody other than third and fourth grade but you had to really have a strong reason and validate that yeah thank you any other questions uh on the financial reports if anyone is interested in a refresher or if you're new and you would like to go through uh what the reports how the in more detail other than what you receive um let me know and I'll be happy to meet with anyone to uh review them you should set a class for a bunch of people to do what they want at one time thank you okay any other questions on finance call a question on the role Mrs aasta yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes delegate report Mr Walsh I'm sorry uh I still have no report committee has not met in over a year now okay soon um Personnel Mrs Walker yes thank you I'd like to present F1 I'll second it second by Mrs norin any questions I actually have a comment and a question so I know I brought this up last time with the Personnel report and actually miss BOS did get back to me and is my fault I didn't get back to her um I had meant so in our packet I don't see the minutes for the Personnel report from last time I just see our minutes for the draft minutes for the the meeting but I don't see the unless I'm staring at them I don't see them so I had mentioned that I really don't like that we put effective dates 91 through 6:30 for the year and I you had gotten back to me and said that our attorney said it's okay and I talked to him again but I went back to our old agendas and it really just kind of started fairly recent yeah and not always consistent because it did it and then it didn't do it and I believe that we should have the correct date so the date should either be this meeting or the date they started cuz when you go back to look cuz this person was not effective 91 well we can't do the date they started because they're going to start well after the board meeting that's fine so I'm saying either but sometimes we retro them so it either has to be the day they start or our board meeting date when we're I just don't want to see everyone being the beginning of the year because they really were not approved to work the beginning year and then I just want to make sure the the minutes for the Personnel were fixed for last time um my other question is all these leaves did they go through our attorney's office all of them they did okay any other questions on Personnel um Mrs Walker have we um and that's a lot of leaves here for um have we been able to supply the substitutes or the people that are going to cover for them so the leave that you approved prior that person has been um secured hired and actually even though the leave doesn't start for a little bit is already in the building because we hired her as a PR damn substitute prior to get her used to the community these two have both the first one is very short leave that substitute has been obtained the other two have been posted we have begun interviewing um we have not hired those people yet though but we also do have a little bit of time but they we're not going to be left in the Lurch with having to have a substitute before we get the fill in long-term sub um no because most of the people that are applying are applying because they're December graduates from school or they're maybe re-entering the workforce or in the case of one of them she currently is a pram substitute here who is looking to take that next step and get back into the classroom thank you any other questions call a question on the rooll Mrs aasta yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes policy um Mr Del Greco is not here I'll ask our former chair Miss Downey any report we should we probably need a meeting right we need a meeting okay so we need to schedule a meeting we need to schedule a meeting so we'll do that after public relations Mrs Downey we had a big meeting tonight okay so we final we finalized the surveys and they're coming that's it yes okay this time open to the public Jen Allen 954 Wildwood Road I was happy to receive today's email regarding the parent Academy about Dibbles on February 12th after encouraging many parents to ask for their children's Dibbles and helping several parents interpret their scores as well as share some things they can do to support their reader at home I also had a parent surprise thinking their child was doing just fine as a reader and seeing red flags that are evident Dibbles and need follow-up assessment I'm here tonight to ask why we haven't ended the use of TC or FNP Running Records at least for beginning readers I want to say you're spreading false news by sending these papers home and telling our children levels and that all the students in the class know the levels I say it each time but I think it's important to do so I don't fault teachers teachers follow School leaders a parent told me today their child keeps saying they're the lowest reader in their class because of their level I'm not sure that follows helping students have a growth mindset or what we believe in when our theme is grit for the year level text does have a value there's definitely ways to use those ABCD level books but not for the same reasons that these papers say parents should not be using guided reading leveling system when choosing books for their beginning readers as the letter States not until they're proficient readers with solid foundational skills in place you shared at past meetings you've purchased decodables for K And1 one where are they and how are they being utilized today's email about the upcoming Parent Academy said dibles is used to determine if students may be struggling with reading and need additional help and added teachers use it to inform their instruction many parents interpreted this as not applicable if their child isn't struggling Dibbles is a dyslexia screener yes and often a teacher needs to follow up with diagnostic assessments but it has much more value than determining who is struggling d is based on Decades of scientific evidence research-based practices unlike the leveled assessments or Running Records kids can't guess nonsense words and they can't use context or pictures when reading because there aren't any Dibbles can be used to group students for small group instruction based on their strengths and subtest it can be used to make small groups based on the type of Errors students make in the different areas of reading or generally to make decisions about lesson planning pacing double dosing for some and differentiating instruction and homework this is why it's important for classroom teachers to administer Dibbles to their class rather than the interventionists that students don't know or have comfort with in River Edge and at many other surrounding towns the interventionists cover the teachers for the day to do this assessment so the teachers see exactly how the students perform rather than looking at a report that doesn't show student responses similar to the ones we as parents receive I'm wondering why this isn't the case at Ops I also want to conclude by welcoming new board members and encouraging all the board members to stay on top of educational research and not just rubber stamping approval on what's recommended I found many parents that actually do watch these meetings recorded or the live stream I think there's many positive aspects of being a one-school school district however there are many added challenges and very few people with great deal of power our kids deserve the very best professional development and education learning from other districts being open to feedback and criticism rather than defending practices and test scores that don't test all the facets of reading that are essential to a student's success well beyond Elementary years and staying on top of research is essential in the field I'm eager to see the curricular revisions and hope that our district is following research and not just updating a skills-based curriculum but rather embracing change to a knowledge building curriculum with all the components of the science of reading or structured Literacy for our kids so that the mission statement you read at each meeting that our district is dedicated to the ongoing pursuit of educational Excellence through comprehensive Innovative curriculum and instruction is actually true thank you thank you not seeing anyone else we'll move to old or new business old business Mr Walsh um yes the uh ay of mind is coming up and uh I have a judge's class to go to on Saturday I haven't registered yet but uh I will register tomorrow and uh attend on Saturday uh it's a virtual it's been virtual for the last couple of years so uh I'm all ready is there a charge for the class okay sure the kids are ready too okay who do you register yourself or do we need to register you uh no I have to register myself okay I you can make sure you register okay good this Saturday yep any other old or new business um M Mrs Walker just one quick aside I wasn't here for the meeting last time was out but I just wanted to compliment both Remy and Megan I heard wonderful things about the last minute Gathering of information to get the broadcasting done online and um there were many many compliments that you guys had done had gotten that I spoke you're talking about the Republican um the Republican uming swearing yes it would not have happened without Ramy yes and Miss BOS it would not have happened and that's I don't know if that's been made clear um but it should be and I I officially would like to compliment them and say thank you because it wasn't easy and I know they spent a lot of extra time doing it so thank you to both of you thank you any other older new business um I would just like to make a comment this past weekend was the first new board member orientation retreat in person and even though the snow tried to deter um The 100 uh new board members that were supposed to be there in attendance 90 of them drove through the snow and actually made it there um and all the leaders showed up including myself um it actually is such an exciting time uh for new board members and for the leaders we all learn while we're in that process and I certainly hope that our new board members Avail themselves of the training uh even though it's mandated there's a whole lot more that's a positive that comes from that training any other old or new business just one other quick thing um we talk so much about bullying and and how we Implement all these different programs and here in ell we only had one incident so far of actually a bullying incident and I was up in um Goan New York this week and there were big signs about not bullying and and they were saying and on TV that morning on THS on when on Tuesday morning they said that although all the schools are doing so much in trying to prevent it it has become almost an epidemic in many schools so I mentioned it to one of the people in the office when I was looking up at this TV with all these beautiful sayings about non bullying and she said it's just terrible and this is a lovely Middle School up in Goan New York so I think whatever we're doing and I'm not to say that this is we're don't have any bullying that's uh un true but just congratulations so far that we haven't had any serious cases anyone else okay we actually need to go into a close session tonight for Student Legal and Personnel SL negation issues so would you like to make a motion I will make that motion I'll I will second all right so Katherine made the motion Mr Daran um second it roll [Music] call on the rooll Mrs aosta Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes we will not be taking action after are you going to say no