evening I'd like to call this meeting to order Mr nutland would you lead us in the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Sunshine Law statement all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met for this meeting of the Board of Education of the burough of ordell notice of this meeting was filed with a record and town news and all persons requesting such notice Mr Darian would you read the mission statement the ordell public school district is dedicated to the ongoing pursuit of educational Excellence through comprehensive Innovative curriculum and instruction the district is committed to providing opportunities for social emotional and academic Discovery to Foster curiosity courage and character our goal is to prepare our students become lifelong Learners who are self-directed resilient productive responsible citizens thank you roll call on the rooll Mrs aasta here Mr Del Greco here Mrs Downey here Mrs noran uh here Mr nutland here Mrs Walker here Mr Walsh will not be here Mr Darien here Mrs Nichols here at this time we will open to the public for agenda items only not seeing any we'll move forward this is one of our favorite nights of the year as a board we do staff recognition I'm going to switch the order up a little bit we're going to do years of service first so I guess when we call your name come on up shake our hand go over there because we love to take pictures on this board we'll put you in the newsletter on the on uh Instagram I guess so we're going to start with our five year people uh we're going to start with Lena alage I don't think she's here tonight but I'm going to read anyone everyone also um Amy [Applause] vonado your superintendent and go a Elsa [Applause] keratomas thank you Shan Kelly I don't believe he's here tonight Eileen Miller [Applause] thank you so much Rebecca [Applause] Rosen thank you Rebecca Deborah tasan okay we're moving to our 10year people Jennifer [Applause] hook okay it's your night take as long as you want thank you this is my first TI thank you oh your first time 15 years Magda Garcia thank you so much Christine wood 20 years jeie [Applause] blacking with these haven't seen you in so long Judith [Applause] McGavin thank you so much and two people at 25 years Derek Gordon here and Amy Pena my so we'll take a picture with the superintendent want to go in there too Miss Holly why don't you get in there well you guys wan to am I yeah Megan why you get into do I [Applause] so any of the staff that was just honored would any of you like to say anything you're more than welcome to come to the mic and say something if you'd like [Laughter] [Applause] okay so now we move to educator of the year for the school year 24 and 25 is there a um resolution hold on one second 23 24 I'm ahead of myself we just got done with a budg I'm in 25 yes okay so educator of the year you're going have to come up behind us when we're done so but I always like to read the other years's first so so 2018 Tracy sha 2019 Rosemary Cataldo 2020 Melissa Pisa 2021 jeie black 2122 Helen albre 2223 Leslie Macklin and 2324 Jamie carolana [Applause] fine and this is from the state of New Jersey Department of Education 2324 Governor's education educator of the Year program awarded this certificate of recognition to Jamie kowana in honor of the contributions of being an outstanding educator in a New Jersey Public School [Applause] yeah that's probably easier yeah here go J I just wanted to say thank you to all of you that came out tonight sorry it means a lot to me especially to have some of my most favorite co-workers here because I couldn't be the teacher that I am without you supporting me all the time personally and professionally as well as you um uh the community is something that I treasure I have been here this is my 21st year and I have no intention of ever leaving I truly love my job in idell and I love the children um I want to give a little special shout out to Brody who came tonight he is one of my students that I hold near and dear to my heart and truly feel like he's one of my own kids um being a mom now has definitely changed the way that I approach teaching and all of the children that enter my classroom my goal is to truly make them feel like they're one of mine and I really um hope that they feel that love cuz I truly love them just as much as I love my children well I love my own children a little bit more but but I really do love them so thank you for coming out tonight and I appreciate it Miss Holly do you want to say anything but we put and then if anyone else wants to say anything to miss Carana she can come on but okay oh my God's coming up I'm going to cry so we have to be official so I have to say my name and what my job is and then you say your name and what your job is okay I'm Michelle Holly principal of orell public school come speak inight hi Mrs carolana say I'm bro say who you are I'm Brody and you're in third grade and I'm in third grade excellent all right so Brody and I have a couple of things to say but first I have to um give a shout out because we honored 170 years of experience tonight oh thank you so Mr Hagopian couldn't be here this evening so I asked him if he could give me a little bit because my story will come second um so I said give me something to say about Jamie tonight that captures her and and he said that it's your heart because you're excellent at building relationships with your students and their families that you're always available you work collabora collaboratively with your grade level team members and all staff members that come in and out of your classroom you have a can do attitude except for end of the school year professional development [Laughter] I am sure he didn't think I was going to say that and that is said with love Brody if you could think of one word to describe Mrs kowana and don't don't say nice because your teachers want you to use really good adjectives right what would the word be the best teacher ever so you are very often my sounding board you are very often the one that I go to when I say when I need someone to say yes that's the right way to go or hm I think we need to maybe try it this way and I so appreciate you but my very favorite memory of you is on a day where I had a very strong need it was my first day of school as principal and if you'll remember there was a bad storm the night before and I lost my car and in my car was my makeup bag and I called you and said hey um I only got two hours of sleep last night and I did shower but um my makeup's in my car I can't start my first day of principal and not have eyeliner on and you were like don't even worry about it and you brought me eyeliner um and I think that just shares how much you are collaborative and how much of a partner because there's not a lot of principles in the world who can say they called a teacher and asked them to share their eye makeup with them and I'm so proud to be your principal I am so proud to be walking side by side with you as we create the best school in Bergen County thank you do you want to say anything else thank you Mrs kowana Mrs poot and Mrs Jess from helping me growing up and be better um Mr nutan's wife yesterday said to me how excited that his daughter was to see me and I said to her I said well I actually know her pretty well because she happens to be in Mrs kowana class and I'm in a transition period there are teachers here that only know me as superintendent not as principal and when you as the superintendent walk into the classroom it's a little different than you when walked in as principal Mrs carolan's classroom continues to be a place where I am just embraced as megie in boosius the educator and not miss boosius the superintendent and I am incredibly grateful for that personally but my job as superintendent is to continually make this District grow and Mrs Carana does that by teaching 20-some students every year but I am going to ask a few staff members to help me Miss Delio can you stand up Mrs Sinclair Mrs hook Mrs westye Mrs scanland Miss Pat and who's next to you Miss pada Miss man henck this is the lunchroom and every one of them is the educator they are now not just in ell but elsewhere because of you because your impact has not just been on the 20 students each year we make the greatest impact when we impact and we help our colleagues grow so as the superintendent thank you because we can't achieve what we want to achieve unless all of us would anyone else like to say anything can I yes absolutely absolutely just if you could state your name I'm Ka Sinclair I work with Jamie the last nine years of my career um I don't really have anything prepared but I couldn't not take the opportunity um Jamie was one of the first people that I met when I was interviewed here in orido and she was the very first person to call me over the summer to see what I was thinking how I was going to adjust to teaching first grade any get any like background info about what I knew about teaching which was a whole lot of nothing until I met Jamie and the best part about Jamie as a Mrs carolana as a a person as a professional is that you are authentic you are you you are yourself as a teacher as a friend as a mother you are a just a allaround authentic person without any Judgment of anything I ever came to you with professionally personally everything I know you have taught me whether it was was reading writing any any behaviors that arose in the classroom Jamie is my my go-to number one there was not a a problem that we could not solve together and another great thing about Jamie that is a little bit of an underrated quality is what makes Jamie an incredible teacher is she's also a learner like Jamie if there's something new that gets thrown at us everybody's kind of like oh there's something new Jamie Dives in head first she's the first one on the computer she's the first one to f figure it out she's the first one that asks questions it makes her such an incredible educator because she's truly she truly is a lifelong learner and I am privileged to work with you have been privileged to work with you you're amazing I wish I had better words but this is all I got but you're the best anyone else do you have family here with you so we could take a you want to take a picture over here bring them up yeah them up you want to say anything else you want to say something yes yeah absolutely okay you got to say your name okay okay okay I'm Kim cillo Jamie's sister and this is Addie aulo and I'm Aunt Jamie's niece okay so Jamie is my older sister and we have had a relationship our whole life back and forth all the time but Jamie not only teaches all of your wonderful students but she also jumps in for these kids and this one last year had a really hard time failing fourth grade Jamie jumped in with me to help get her her IEP and her 504 and she is a straight A student this year because of her and this one is aspiring to be just like her Aunt Jamie and that makes me so proud and we are so proud of you and everything youve accomplished what do you say I want to say that um I want to be a teacher when I grow up because of Aunt Jamie and that she inspired me to be a teacher when I grow up yep you proud of her and I'm very proud of her and we all love you very much all of us we're here tonight for you thank you so much anyone else you want to I don't know that all means so much to me um and it's nice to feel valued and appreciated and it makes me sad that a lot of you aren't here anymore um to continue on that Voyage with um but I can express how grateful I am to have met you and have you in my life and now miss boosius knows why every um bring your kid to work day I beg to also bring my niece even though she's not my kid because she truly just wants to be here so we always tag her along with my sons Dylan and luchano so thank you for always allowing us to do that and thank you to all of you for coming so we're going to take another picture if the family wants to come up over here and also miss h W and Miss bosio yeah take it fore my [Applause] a e with who she can okay lunchroom teachers as Miss Boos calls you miss Carana like a picture with with all of you come on the Lunch Bunch L Breakfast Club it's okay I didn't like that [Music] fire kicked ass yeah e e e okay we're going to resume our meeting is that the Lunch Bunch that's okay no yeah open open I just opened yeah did you go yeah yeah I'm not going to subject myself I've been to restaurants least couple all right so moving on with our me Mee um only other item I have is that M BOS and I attended the last uh Bergen County School boards meeting and dinner and at that meeting one of our members was given an award and that would be Mrs Katherine noran and could you just quickly explain to us the award you received a lot of people were um being recognized for their years on the board and whatnot but Mrs noran got a special award thank you um I also almost didn't make it there but um uh it's called the Janet lson award uh Janet was uh when I first came on the board she was our uh njsba uh representative that hand kind of did what uh Matt Lee does um and um she worked with us a lot through some difficult times with some different people on the board um but I worked with her here I worked with her on um doing superintending evaluations superintendent searches she was an amazing um she cut through everything she was just an amazing woman um I admired her tremendously and uh to me it was a a real honor to be given the award in her name um she was committed to children and education uh and also education as board members um throughout her career and when she retired njsba developed this award in her name so I feel very honored to have gotten it congratulations thank you um so moving to superintendent report good evening if you drove past orell public today you would have seen one of our annual Traditions happening across the street our sixth graders had a wonderful day for sixth grade field day complete with um their hot dog lunch which it's funny it doesn't matter how long it goes on kids still get excited for a hot dog and I think it's something about grilling it outside um we were a little short staff today we had an administrator who had to take off today he knew normally does the hot dog grilling so a special thank you to Mrs warnett and her husband who came and said we will pinch hit we will Grill those hot dogs he may now want to do it every year um also yesterday um was our art show and I hope that you were able to see it because I'm a horrible artist but I love art and what I love about our art program right now is it doesn't just teach line and form it teaches art history so if you walked around that room you didn't just see matis you didn't just see Picasso you saw Keith Herring who's one of my favorite um you saw Modern Day Street artists and our students creating um I personally may be taking sixth grade art next year because some of the sixth grade art projects are absolutely amazing yesterday night though our Odyssey of the Mind team is in Iowa and they actually had to shelter in place because of all of the tornadoes they are they luckily did get to leave shelter in place and participated in the opening night ceremonies last night they will compete um they did spontaneous today they will compete longterm tomorrow and Thursday uh Thursday and Friday and we'll hear their results on Saturday which I of course will share with you uh Explorations in terms of our planning Explorations as well underway and we are finalizing our staffing for next year we have a few open postings that we are working on and we are in the process of interviewing staff for those positions and finally um when I was appointed superintendent I spoke to you about I believe that the superintendent's role is also to be a representative of the district in the community and this weekend I got to attend and speak at the Eagle Scout ceremony and it was an incredibly exciting event because all five students were graduates of orell public school so when you walk through the hallway uh those five students did a plethora of projects throughout town Lotus Woods uh for example but if you walk down our main hallway you will see artwork up on the hallway uh that was George lavine's Eagle Scout project and he did that in coordination with Mrs Holly based on our grit theme for this year and also based on um last year's uh and and Co and kind of coming out of Co and what that was like for us as a community it's a visual representation of that what I love about these Pro that project in particular is it's a project that took a child's strength in art he happens to be a graphic design Enthusiast and allowed it to be something that made orell public school a a better place so I hope that our community looks at it and enjoys it and that concludes my report thank you Mr iell yes I have no amusing anecdotes to tell and I going to self- recognize my 11 month at the orell public school we haven't scared you out yet so we have our final leg of the qack review uh next Friday the 31st it's the fiscal review and they'll be coming in well actually just the business administrator for the county will'll be coming in at 9:30 on Friday to just revieww our fiscal procedures um that's that's my report thank you moving on to minutes uh we have the review of May 1st any comments or questions please email Mr aapeli we have approval for April 17th do I have a motion so moved second by Mrs Walker any questions call the question on the RO Mrs aasta Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes committee reports administrative items Mr Darian would you take uh yes tonight we have uh one item A1 it's a Hib report that we're going to accept so I like to introduce A1 I'll second it second by Mrs norian any questions call a question on the role Mrs aosta yes Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes buildings and grounds Mr Daran uh yes we did not have a b& meeting for a while so I have nothing to report from there um I do have uh some comments about the basketball court has been repaved so that was great uh they came on a Saturday it wasn't last Saturday it was a week Saturday before and um you know the parent volunteer um you know his crew came in and did a an outstanding job so apparently we're ready now for the next phase of the sixth grade give back where they're going to be resurfacing um with the artwork um so it should be very very interesting now with that let me introduce items B1 for facilities I'll second it second by Mrs noran any questions call a question on the role Mrs aosta yes Mr delgreco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Darien yes Mrs Nichols yes curriculum Mrs noran uh yes we have also not had a meeting but hopefully we'll have one one in the future closely um but I would like to present I guess I'd like to present even though there's not a line um a C1 approval of field trips do I have a second I'll second it second by Mr Del greo any questions call a question on the role Mrs aasta yes Mr Del greo yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes Finance Mrs aosta hi we haven't had a meeting but I'd like to present D1 through D9 how about next page okay D1 through d10 okay I'll second I the old one second by Mrs noran any questions on finance call the question on the RO Mrs aasta yes Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes delegate report Mr Walsh isn't here Mrs noran did you go to a meeting yes I did uh and it was very interesting because um they actually had um 15 resolutions that were originally presented to them uh one was not included because it didn't follow the protocol didn't follow procedure um so there were 14 resolutions that were voted on um of those um there were one two 3 four five 6 7 8 nine nine items that were passed and there [Music] were two uh three items that were defeated and in addition to that there was one item that was um sent back to um to be referred to the um the committee with an amendment so um it was a very long and a lot of discussion on the resolutions that included things like um uh a revision of bylaws um which actually the one about the bylaws did not pass because it they already had enough information in the uh information that is with New Jersey school boards um a lot of these were changes that they wanted to make to the manual of positions and policies on education so we will be seeing the result of these votes um in policy they'll come through in policy uh that will look at in the future that'll affect things here I would say that most of the information dealt with making sure that decisions were made on a local rule there were um districts that were promoting the idea of having a one-sized fits-all which of course they're not in in agreement with um they want to make sure that local rule um decides what's best for their school so there was a lot of that um there there was information one of the resolutions dealt with AI one of the resolutions dealt with um purchasing electric vehicles um all of those things I mean I can share the individual minutia but um if you'd like to know all about it I've got it um and I brought back a book so John could keep track and keep it in U his Library I'm sure that he has of uh the his delegate assembly handbooks so Mr iell I I'm sure school boards has a um minutes of this meeting that would show what was passed or not yeah you think you can get a hold of that and email it to the board so we can see the resolutions the minutes actually don't get approved until the following meeting like we approved the minutes of the last meeting at this meeting there must be something at school boards though right uh yeah I'm sure that they'll have maybe you could look into that email us I mean I could write this up the minutes are right here you have to see the notes Here we don't need hurt to do any work on it I mean there must be a summary at school boards right there will be a summary yes in addition they also had uh reports from the finance committee and also from the resolutions committee so thank you uh Personnel Mrs Walker thank you to present F1 but before I did I just wanted to again say how proud I am of all of those teachers that were honored tonight with their times of service from 5 years to 25 years and it's really makes me proud when I look at them and see all the successes they've done and the response of the audience to them too also our one custodian 25 years that's right absolutely so I like that it was 170 years total of experience so that that was pretty amazing it is um with that I'd like to present F1 I'll second it second by Mrs noran any questions call the question on the roll Mrs aasta yes Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Daren yes Mrs Nichols yes policy Mr delgreco nothing to report we are due uh to schedule a meeting public relations Mrs Downey uh the survey went out so it's closed right yeah so I was talking Miss boio we got 326 responses we're going to be meeting in PR first to go over it and then I think we're going to also take take it to committees but first PR to go over it so we're going to definitely do that but 326 thought that was great even if some people did multiples it's still a good showing for our district pretty good um at this time open to the public since we're recognizing people we should recognize Miss Allen for how many meetings she's come to tonight we'd like to recognize Miss Allen for her 109th meeting in a row and she coached softball today too she took over the team today and and ran it so okay not seeing any any any old or new business I'd like to uh acknowledge uh Memorial Day weekend i' like to acknowledge the soldiers who have died for our lives and for our freedom and that uh I hope that this weekend doesn't get away from us without acknowledging um the sacrifices that they have made um for all of us and just to add on to that the special events Committee of idell has created a video of all the spots in town that are connected to Memorial Day weekend we will will be um sending that to our families we told them we would help that get out and it will go be linked on our social media sites as well any other older new business Mrs Walker and also with Memorial Day there'll be a a ceremony at 9:00 a.m. I believe it is up at the corner of Prospect and Park Avenue and uh to honor all of our veterans both alive and deceased and Rotary will be serving cour coffee and donut yes come but thank you Chris for that recognition I have forgot this I received a thank you note to your Ops Board of Education thank you for celebrating US during Teacher Appreciation Week breakfast was delicious and a nice way to start the morning in the middle of the week thank you for thanks for being so good to us the oea so thank you to Mrs Walker and we owe people owe miss darthy the $20 it's a lot more than that but we need to thank Mrs Walker because Mrs Walker goes to the grocery store she picks everything up she comes today before she sets it up she comes she goes gets the bagels in the morning so thank you Mrs Walker oh you're quite welcome still have to pick up my baskets right Miss yeah and then I think Mrs noran came too right came in the morning yeah I I would also like to say that um this is the first time in a long time that I've been here for the teacher appreciation um breakfast that we provide I did years ago but um it was really heartening for me to come in and see some of the same teachers that I knew um still here and recognizing me and everybody just coming in a happy day it was a rainy day it started raining just as all of the teachers were coming into the school and they were happy to be there they were so happy to be there and and just bubbling over it was just a great experience and it wasn't just the bagels and coffee it was us it was us yeah any other old or new business we do need to go into a Clos session so Mr Daren would you make the motion to go into close session for student issues legal and special Ed I'll make a motion we go into a Clos session for wait um also Personnel okay okay I I make a motion we go into close session for personnel legal student and what else special ed special ed and I'll second that uh roll call on the rooll on the rooll Mrs aasta Mr delgreco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes we will not be taking action after so we will not be coming back here but thank you very much for coming to the meeting we do appreciate it