I'd like to call this meeting to order Mr Del grea would you lead us in a flag salute Sunshine Law statement all statements of the open public meetings act have been met for this meeting of the Board of Education the bur of ordell notice of this meeting was filed at the record in town news and all persons requesting such notice Mr Darian would you read the mission statement the ordell public school district is dedicated to the ongoing pursuit of educational Excellence through comprehensive Innovative curriculum and instruction the district is committed to providing opportunities for social emotional and academic Discovery to Foster curiosity courage and character our goal is to prepare our students to become lifelong Learners who are self-directed resilient productive responsible citizens thank you roll call on the roll not seeing Mrs Costa I will Mark her as opposite Mr Del Greco here Mrs Downey here Mrs noran here Mr nutland here Mrs Walker here Mr Walsh here Mr Daren here Mrs Nichols here open to the public for agenda items only not seeing anyone we will move to the superintendent report good evening at our last meeting we had some students at Mrs Holly sharing about some steps we have taken towards accomplishing two of our district goals implementing activities across the curriculum that Foster creativity and enhancing the partnership between home and school tonight I'd like to share some of the steps the district has taken towards meeting the needs of all Learners via a differentiated approach to learning and at either our next board meeting or the one after that I will share about our technology plan we're going to see um how long our budget presentation is since that will be at our next board meeting so when we talk about differentiated instruction the first important thing we have to always talk about is data analysis uh you can't differentiate unless you have data to um inform your moves so one of the things that you know as as a district we've been using is linkit we've used linkit for 11 years now and all of our teachers at this point have analyzed linkit form C which is what students took the previous year so they start taking linkit in second grade so starting in third grade they look at linkit form C form a and Form B and linkit provides us with both Global reort reports and very granular reports so this is just one sample of a report that the administrative team reviewed with um representatives from linkit we do get professional development with linkit each year and as I said this is just a global it shows us um the average score for each grade specifically in mathematics last year versus this year it shows us what percentage of our students are showing typical growth what percentage of our students are showing low growth what percentage of our students are showing high growth we also within this Navigator set of reports we can look at grade levels classrooms and individual students the same same way we can also look at classrooms and students uh through standards and through topics so as a global um as an admin team we always start by looking at the big picture but then we do have our teachers look at um specific data what's the data that's going to help them in their classroom the next day so one of the pieces that we did after Form B is Staff spent faculty meeting time looking at data from the Navigator reports they looked specific specifically at students who were showing high levels of achievement what students stood out that somebody who they believed would have been a high achiever and were not what students were struggling were these surprises what students made significant amounts of growth and what could be attri attributed what that growth could be attributed to they also then look specifically at topics what are the topics that students grew in from from form a to Form B and was that growth typical is that growth because we just taught a unit on fractions so what they didn't know in September they now know or was that growth something that was surprising and is there something you did in your classroom that your fellow grade level teachers didn't do that you showed growth that they didn't and that's why we did this as grade level teams to really say sometimes we don't realize the little things we do that make big impact the other piece to always remember when we're looking at data analysis is we really do try not to look at one piece of dat we try to triangulate that data as much as possible so this is a second grade data that we use to inform our intervention Cycles so we were looking at beginning and middle of the Year reading level data beginning in the middle of the Year Dibbles data and Form B of linkit and we use that not just for the cold hard who needs help but also what are the trends we see and it's a great conversation piece it's a great conversation piece for uh the intervention teachers to go to the classroom and say talk to me a little bit about this child and it's a great conversation piece for the classroom teachers to say to the intervention teacher what do you think I could do more of and while I'm only showing you um second grade uh language arts there this is done for all grade levels language arts and Mathematics it's how we choose students for our intervention programs so when we have that data as I said you know our intervention cycles and what we've talked a lot about over the past few years is moving away from a basic skills model where you you know qualify into basic skills and you're there for the rest of your life and what we really look at is what is a skill that we can really hone in on in an intervention group and focus on that skill and make real growth with that skill so we've had four intervention Cycles this year um these are some samples of topics that um occurred in cycle 3 which is the cycle um we just finished so understanding place value was the topic that intervention really worked on so their skill when they were looking at this table for that they may have had link it specific um place value they might have had a classroom assessment there um also multiplication and division for third grade phic awareness for kindergarten and decoding for first grade we also use this data to decide who got our who we entered into the high impact tutoring Grant so as I've said before the high impact tutoring Grant was not the students in our Intervention Program so those intervention students are are typically that that bottom tier that really really needs support the high impact tutoring Grant was the group right above that the kids that you know sometimes get missed and um we are currently what we found last year when we administered the njsla is Mrs Black in an intervention cycle specifically with cusp students and about writing about reading and those were the students we saw really great growth with so she is going to repeat that right now so she's adding an extra intervention cycle to her schedule and while intervention is great there's only a certain number of students who get intervention there's only a certain number of students that get talented and gifted so we also need to be looking at what happens within the classroom so uh while we've used intervent uh link it for 11 years we've only been using the intervention manager for two years now and what the intervention manager does is if there's a student of concern or a student that you know you just kind of know like they might need a little help you start documenting within the intervention manager what are the what are the strategies you're trying and that's called the tier one checklist we've also added to our schedule this year uh all the intervention teachers have rotating uh floating periods so that they can meet with classroom teachers during a prep exactly for that maybe the intervention teacher saw something that they want to talk to the classroom teacher about and the classroom teacher is like I need some help the students not getting intervention but they're they're in class during wi what are some other strategies I can try because our intervention teachers are all some they're incredibly experienced teachers and they've worked with lots of different types of students over the years and they've tried lots of different um programs they've tried lots of different resources so they're really a wealth of knowledge for our classroom teachers we did survey all staff regarding the structures utilized in the wi period as we work to really formalize this is what it needs to look like and we continue to facilitate sessions on differentiation during November PD over during January PD and all of our professional time so um our kindergarten as part of the elnick program worked on best practices uning learning using learning trajectories and our first through third graders really were improving their ability to differentiate using Dibbles and Foundations data so they didn't have to depend on the intervention teacher to do that for them other professional development topics that had occurred was IDE provided asynchronous modules of professional development that all staff were required to complete and after they completed that we said to staff okay so you did all of this what are the areas that you feel like you still need additional assistance with IDE then came in in January and taught professional development specifically on those topics one of the things that came up is using Choice boards more often um in the classroom to um differentiate learning activities for students and we continue to really look as our multilingual learners uh that number is growing and so we continue to look at what are we doing in the classroom to make sure we acknowledge who they are even once they test out of the elll program and so um we get all of this grant funding and tier three grants and specifically can only be used for elll Learners so one of the ways we've found that really is working this year with that money is we do have a staff developer coming in and she coaches right into the classrooms with teachers who have higher levels of multilingual Learners and is giving them strategies for here are some other things you can do during the day it's actually been incredibly well-received it was a new um staff developer for us and whenever you bring a new staff developer into a school you get a little nervous because you don't know if they're going to be embraced or not and I was thrilled that I think this is a relationship we will continue moving forward and finally as I've shared before our Focus as a district really um does need to continue to be Math and how we differentiate um our math periods how we make sure that children are not just moving to abstract learning and are getting conceptual learning um and how are we using centers and not whole class instruction so we continue to work our work with K5 math and that is an overview of some of what has been done and some of what will be done the one piece here that I want to note in the beginning of the year I spoke to you about the fact that I was concerned that we didn't have a great math screener we don't to triangulate that data in mathematics is a little bit harder so um our consultant from K5 math will be training our kindergarten and first grade teachers in a math screener to begin being used during kindergarten screening um in uh the summer of 2024 and she will also be assisting Us in curriculum writing to make sure that the work she's doing with our teachers is represented in our curriculum as well do you have any questions about all of that now can I continue okay sure report okay so um then the only other thing I do want to share is I just want to point out if few things on your agenda because your agendas today are different from the agenda that was in your packet on Friday so will you will notice that we will be hiring a learning disability teacher consultant to begin in September and we're really excited to bring Miss Goodell on um and to share her knowledge as both an lgtc and a bcba um with significant experience in Bergen County also on your agenda you are going to notice under on the Personnel addendum under um 5B that you will be asked to approve the following staff member for an overnight weekend field trip and that is Miss sham and that is a result of our Odyssey of the mine teams qualifying for the world championships for World Finals I get corrected on that all the time for the 12th year in a row um our division one team which is comprised of fourth graders play second in their division of six and our division 2 Team comprised of one sixth grader which is what makes them a division 2 team so as soon as you have a sixth grader on the team you have to compete in the Middle School Division so these fourth one fifth and one sixth grader were competing against eighth graders and there's a lot of poise that eighth graders have compared to fourth graders and they went out there and they rocked it even though um a student got a bloody nose right before she had to compete and she it stopped She shook it off and she went and did her job and it was such a great experience um Mrs Holly and I were both there and to see that happen and to see if if that's the one thing that child got out of this experience that sometimes stuff is going to happen and you just have to keep going then I think the whole program was worth it for her so they will be traveling to Iowa State so yes stay tuned for the lollipop sales with um less texts this year that concludes my report thank you Mr iell on the agenda you will see that we will be awarding the exhaust fan project and the partial roof replacement project uh the attorney reviewed the bid packages uh and forwarded to me the responsive bids and those are reflected reflected in his uh the resolution that's all concludes my report there thank thank you moving to minutes we have the review of March 27th we have the approval of March 13th I actually made a change to the March 13th minutes I changed um who took us out who adjourned us and who took us out on the Clos session does anyone need to see that in hard copy before we vote that's the only change I made no okay so do I have a motion for the approval of March 13th I move that we approved the minutes of March 13th second second by Mrs Walker any questions call a question on the role Mrs aasta Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darien yes Mrs Nichols yes administrative items Mr Darion would you take that of course I don't have um oh right in front of me yeah I'd like to introduce administrative items A1 through 83 uh regarding revised school calendar employee month calendar and hip report I'll second second by Mr Walsh any questions call the question on the role Mrs Z yes Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darien yes Mrs Nichols yes buildings and grounds Mr Daran uh yes before I get to um the items under buildings and grounds I want to give a review of our last meeting on April 3rd um we have a lot of things going on actually uh recently we discussed um security you know with security it's always on going we're always looking for um you know the next vulnerability you know we keep pushing the threshold higher and higher and higher you know as we improve we look for all right what's next that we can improve even though that overall security is good we're always looking for that next vulnerability and so uh you know we focused on um even though we have a secure front office and entrance we just decided to look at our protocols and and just double check that we're doing everything correctly there in terms of utilizing our hard assets uh at at the best way um appropriately uh we also considered um additional fencing around the school um you know and we struggle with uh Aesthetics and safety and you know things like that we're not an in school but at the same time uh we want to address um you know some some safety there so you know we we discussed options regarding uh fencing and location of fencing and type of fencing and you name it we talked quite a bit about it we also talked about adding additional cameras yet again we keep adding cameras on top of cameras on top of cameras uh this time we are interested in Long Range we are we're concerned about uh the Street and Beyond so our kids use Memorial Field and we were thinking it would be nice if we can have cameras that could see in 4k like we can see here that far away and uh so that requires placing of these cameras there's some issues we discussed them we're reaching out to other people some Specialists some burough folks and you know we'll see where that goes but our goal is is if anything happens anywhere near the school not just on school property will also be able to see um we reviewed all the rod grants and the airdale schedules and we discussed all those things I've discussed them many times before there's not much new there uh we have um uh as Mr aella mentioned uh we have exhaust fan replacement you know we've keep uncovering more and more exhaust fans now we have 20 is that correct yes so throughout the building these exhaust C fans are expensive if you look in our finance section it's in the hundreds of thousands of dollars but over the years they've been neglected in some cases the fans are not even there or the motors and the fans aren't even there so we're fixing the the building to make sure it functions that the bathrooms are vented properly and the hallways are vented properly Etc um we talked about future projects like uh you know it's an old building we have old bathrooms old fixtures I'm sure they were Renova in the 70s and they looked wonderful then but uh they're kind of getting long on the tooth so uh at this point all we're doing is sizing the project how many bathrooms that we have we have 35 uh they're different sizes they have different uh you know accommodations for each one and you know we're going to prioritize and start looking into modernizing the bathrooms um we talked about our basketball court outside uh we made a a minor change to the backboards 11 years ago uh because the rims weren't at the right height but that was just a patch it wasn't really a fix and fortunately for us this year the sixth grade class would like to do a give back and they want to uh help us with the basketball courts by repaving or resurfacing the court providing a nice mural um with a textured surface that's nonslip and also put in new rims and backboards um we had two parents of the uh parent Community come to our subcommittee meeting um and they're volunteers and they're going to help with the project and they were explaining the goal and their participation so uh from my understanding we're moving forward with that and and the details of all that is in your your packet so with all that I'm going to introduce mostly it's facility use right B1 that's it I'll second it thank you second by Mr Walsh any questions I have one question Ops community outreach is that that's not PTA right oh it is PTA what is it I guess it should say it is PTA it is PTA it is we should put PTA on it okay it is a um a toy drive they will be collecting they do this every year um secondhand toys to donate to an organization is that one of their committees uh Outreach yes is the committee it's the same committee that oversees the Turkey Trot okay any other questions call the question on the rooll Mrs aasta yes Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutman yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes curriculum Mrs noran uh yes um I would like to present item C1 I have a question though um in the um in writing it up it says for school year 2022 to 2023 is that incorrect on the yes on the bottom yes it yes so can you so we can correct that I'll second it any questions call the question on the role Mrs aasta yes Mr delgreco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes mran yes Mrs Nichols yes Finance technology Mrs aosta yes we had a meeting last week and uh the main topic was the budget for the uh coming year um and I would like to put forward D1 to D13 that second second by Mrs Walker any questions we're planning to do the budget presentation at the next board meeting right Mr iell that is correct so the board will be getting the budget in their packet that Friday yes right and more a little bit more detail question have a comment yeah I'd just like to follow up on what I said earlier on d11 we're spending $289,000 out of our capital reserve to pay for the um the rooftop exhaust fans we're also taking out 486,000 or $487,000 uh for roof replacement out of our capital reserve and um you know I just uh commend the the finance committee um in creating our budget so that every year you know we can take money out of the capital reserve to pay for these expensive items and then also uh as the year's the year end um uh I can't now I'm stuck at words so at the end of the year uh we talk about putting money back into the capital reserve uh to fund future projects so I just wanted to make a note on a on record that uh we're paying what $700,000 this year on uh maintenance items so Mrs Lena Mrs aosta sorry did you want to mention what roofs are getting replaced is it the one oh uh well yeah so we have a lot of roofs here you know was built over the years like all these different additions they have different style roofs so um the this old section has asphalt shingle we have EPDM Rubber which is over the kindergarten Wing which was built in 2005 that for whatever reason was never done right it's always leaked it's always been a problem we're finally getting around to fixing it and we're going to replace that roof there's another one somewhere in between two wings I don't know where exactly it is it's a smaller roof and um it's failing so you know we have to replace that also so between those two roofs um it's going to cost us 487 th000 uh we have other roofs that um you know a different stage of age and we get them inspected annually and they give us a report about you know what's the life expectancy I mean we're not at any point where we have to do any roofs um you know they're not leaking but you know when they say you've got uh water penetrating the surface and it's starting to swell like a lasagna then uh then you have to take you know action so uh the other roofs they're not leaking yet but uh we'll get to them I'm sure before they start any other questions call a question on the role Mrs aosta yes Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daren yes Mrs Nichols yes delegate report Mr Walsh um I have nothing to report on there hasn't been a meeting yet again um Personnel Mrs Walker yes thank you um I first would like to discuss just a couple of important things that we discussed that are last meeting we're going to be meeting again next week but um first of all that we had uh discussed Staffing and we've been very fortunate and we'll be approving tonight the lbtc position which um from what we hear it's a very difficult position to Phil and we are hiring this person um tonight so that's a good thing and I'm sure everybody is happy to hear that because the inclement weather has not been as inclement as other years we have two days that we are giving back so one of those days um will be on the Friday before Memorial on the Friday of Memorial Day weekend and also school will close a day or a week so that that's a happy note and um I think the rest of it is basically self-explanatory in your notes and with that I'd like to present F1 second it second by Mrs noran any questions call a question on the role Mrs aasta Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darien yes Mrs Nichols yes policy Mr Del greo no update at this time but we should schedule a meeting I think we're just going to say tentatively next Wednesday maybe six or later yes six or later next Wednesday we'll we'll figure out the exact time okay uh public relations Mrs Downey any update on our Survey Monkey software when we can you I have spoken to the company and Mr iell and I have a plan for how to purchase the software they don't make it easy they don't accept purchase orders however I do think it's the way to move forward so we will move forward with a goal of having the survey out in the beginning of May open to the public it's too early for us to leave you have to come up and say something you don't have your trolley tonight so you're feeling better all right good any old or new business any need for a Clos session I move that uh we go into no we don't need it so we're going to skip that and I move to adjourn I'll second that motion second by Mr Walsh all in favor all right 8 o' I think I think it's nice I'm taken over for Jean right