I'd like to call this meeting to order Mr nutland would you lead us in a flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Sunshine statement all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met for this meeting of the Board of Education the Bor of ordell noce of this meeting was filed with a record in town news and all persons requesting such notice Mr Darian would you read the mission statement sure the ordell public school district is dedicated to the ongoing pursuit of educational Excellence through comprehensive Innovative curriculum and instruction the district is committed to providing opportunities for social emotional and academic Discovery to Foster curiosity courage and character our goal is to prepare our students to become lifelong Learners who are self-directed resilient productive responsible CI citizens thank you roll call on the role Mrs aasta will not be joining us this evening Mr Del grea here Mrs Downey here Mrs noran here Mr nutlin here Mrs Walker here Mr Walsh here Mr Darien here Mrs Watson Nichols here open to the public for agenda items not seeing any um just quickly after the meeting I want to meet with curriculum PR and policy because we need to set meetings for next week I'm thinking Wednesday evening for policy and PR and possibly maybe next Friday afternoon we'll have to talk to the superintendent but we have to get those three done we did b& last week personnel and and finance this evening so let's set dates for those later and moving to the superintendent's report good evening I'd like to begin this evening with a brief curriculum update our math curriculum steering committee comprised of idell and River Edge teachers and administrators met this week to finalize a resource to be used in the newly um revised math curriculum that will be approved for use in Fall 2024 this process began with us looking at 15 different math resources it was Whitted down to four resources with teachers on the committee having the opportunity to use Parts in their classroom as part of the decision-making process this week representatives from the two vendor finalists spoke with the committee to answer questions and model features of the resources after calculating the quantitative evaluations and reviewing qualitative notes from both Riveredge and orell participants one program outscored the others by over 100 points Next Step includes sharing that resource with the curriculum committee reaching out to districts about implementation suggestions questions and finishing up the writing of the curriculum which will be done before the end of this school year in the area of language arts curriculum as I shared earlier we have chosen a staff developer Patty McGee who has worked with us before to assist with revising our writing curriculum we are finalizing the dates with staff for that summer work finally with regards to curriculum members of the administration met with Upper Grade grade four and five specifically language arts teachers this week as a bit of a think tank regarding what works in our reading curriculum in grades four and five what are the areas of strength what are the areas we can strengthen what are our non-negotiables in terms of what we don't want to give up this work will inform the 2425 master schedule and the curricular revisions for reading in the spring you may have noticed on our social media that approximately 50 of our fourth graders participated in nape testing this week nape stands for the National Association of Education progress which is often known as the nation's report card school districts are chosen at random to administer nape testing so we don't even pick which students do it we give a class listing of all fourth graders to nape and they pick randomly 50 students 25 in language arts and 25 in math the most frustrating part of nape is that we get no results at all we're just helping out the state and the nation so that they can calculate how New Jersey students are doing compared to other students across the nation if you have been following our Instagram Pages which I encourage you all to do are you'll notice that our first graders participated in an assembly sponsored by the PTA this week where they had the opportunity to interact with different animals including a skunk which was a big favorite of everyone in PE our students had a chance to play hockey and our first graders have been inspired by Van go staring night in the art in the art room in Steam laab which is our newest Instagram page our fifth graders are solving problems to find alternative ways to grow fruits and vegetables um I really find that these Instagram Pages give us a really great look into what's happening in our classrooms and bring the words that we say or I put my board update to life finally this weekend is Odyssey of the mine regional tournament at Milburn high school and we will have two teams competing I'm sure you joined me in Wishing the teams and their coach Miss sham um Good Luck I know I will be there as I love going to an odyssey tournament not because I love to support our students which is definitely one reason um two I actually enjoy the program and seeing what students create but three it's like walking in the July 4th Parade Where I kind of feel like a celebrity um you may not know this but idell is a bit of a celebrity in The Odyssey world I don't actually wear orell clothing because I like to hear what they say because people run to Rooms when orell competes so I'm very excited for this weekend and that concludes my report thank you Mr iell yes uh been working diligently on the budget and we will finally get our state aid numbers at some point tomorrow afternoon that's my report thank you moving on to Minutes review of February 7th any questions or comments please email Mr iell and we have approval of January 24th do I have a motion I move that we approve the minutes of January 24 second second by Mrs Walker any questions call the question on the rooll Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darion yes Mrs Watson Nichols yes committee reports uh Mr Darian would you take administrative yes tonight we have uh two items administrative items A1 and A2 that I would like like to introduce do I have a second I'll second it second by Mr Walsh um for the minutes can we add lines under these for the the votes um just to note A1 we are accepting we're not affirming just the acceptance tonight any other questions call a question on the role Mr Del yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Watson Nichols yes buildings and grounds Mr Darion uh yes um All We Have Tonight is um A1 I mean sorry B1 for facility use I'd like to sorry that's okay second by Mrs noran any questions call the question on the role Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daren yes Mrs Watson Nichols yes curriculum Mrs noran uh yes you got the update uh hope hopefully the committee will be meeting um next week we'll set that date after the meeting today um Mrs aosta is not here Mr Daran would you take Finance yes I'd like to introduce Finance D1 through D5 I'll second it second by Mr Walsh any questions we did have a finance meeting right before um this evening's meeting and we are are much closer on the budget we were at 800 Grand short last time and now we are down to 239 I think closer we're getting there we may be doing the first presentation of the budget at the next board meeting for the board it's due we have to do it by the 20th so so instead of changing a meeting date we may just do it at the next one we're going to see what the state numbers come in at tomorrow any other questions call the question on the role Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daren yes Mrs Watson Nichols yes delegate report Mr Walsh um I finally got a letter from the legislative committee and we're going to have a meeting March 9th in Trenton so go get him John so that's before our next meeting yes can we approve Mr Walsh's travel expenses under new business yes that we okay okay we'll put your travel expenses on under new business um Personnel Mrs Walker yes I don't know if it's appropriate I have a question um under um building and grounds you know what let's take it to Old business we we'll go through our since we're passed it let's just go to Personnel we'll do it under old business is that good okay yeah um I'll second it so I would like to present F1 I'll second second by Mr Walsh any questions call the question on the RO Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Watson Nichols yes policy Mr Del Greco working to schedule our next meeting and PR Mrs Downey same same all right ditto open to the public come up say something we're going to miss you come on oh yeah you forget it never mind you want us to bring you a mic okay Mr butcher want to say anything sing a song for us okay um okay old or new business so Mrs Walker what did you have for B&G um uh when Mr Daren presented it was just B1 what about B2 they're both under B1 it's B1 one and two it's just um use of school facilities so they just list number one number two it's still under B1 but I see there's a two there just the second column there's two organizations it just got cut by the page just keep me on my to give it to Greg give it to him um I allow to ask question am I allowed to ask question about the superintendent report of course all right my question is about Patty McGee um and is is she a big advocate of readers and Writers Workshop Patty's actually only coming in for writing and the work that she's going to be doing is to keep the units together so it will have a taste of writer Workshop but she's going to help us to delineate Pathways to get to each goal so to make sure that that's clear for teachers and he gives them the resour resources they need and my big goal and part of why Patty seem to be a good fit is every unit will also have a grammar unit in front of it so it'll be a minute grammar unit that will lay the foundation for the grammar work that students need to do in um that writing unit okay thank you I just have a little bit of board just a board not update but um I guess procedure so obviously everyone knows that when we email like if you get something from the superintendent or myself to the full board it's just to read you cannot respond to all you can respond to the president but it's part of the sunshine act so you cannot respond to all however for committees um when something goes out to say um anything from a committee are the are the minutes good are you coming to the meeting respond to all so all the committee members can either see what's going because it's four it's four or less so that's not an issue with the Sunshine Law so when you're responding to committees or attendance for committees respond to all and then then it's a full board just no responding to all wanted to I forgot to mention that last time any other old or new business odysse see the Mind Saturday you going yes all right put in some good points for us no I uh I have the uh the other job the uh spontaneous oh we're not in there and they don't usually give me Orel class school so I probably won't get either either team but uh good luck looking forward to it goad um if there's no other do you have anything else Mrs Walker do you have another do you have anything else okay um if we have no other old or new business I do need someone to make a motion to go into close session for students legal issues so moved I'll second it roll call on the role Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darien yes Mrs Nichols yes we will not be taking any action afterwards so everybody have a good week oops they're already out thank thanks for coming thank