flag salute certainly I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Sunshine Law statement all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met for this meeting of the Board of Education the B of ordell notice of this meeting was filed with the record in town news in all persons requesting such notice Mr Darion would you read the mission statement the ordell public school district is dedicated to the ongoing pursuit of educational Excellence through comprehensive Innovative curriculum and instruction the district is committed to providing opportunities for social emotional and academic Discovery to Foster curiosity courage and character our goal is to prepare our students to become lifelong Learners who are self-directed resilient productive responsible citizens thank you roll call on the rooll Mrs aasta Mr Del Greco here Mrs Downey will not be here Mr nutland will not be joining us Mrs noran here Mrs Walker will not be joining us Mr Walsh here Mr Darian here Mrs Nichols here open to the public for agenda items only not seeing any we'll move forward um we have a guest in the audience this evening I believe they're going to introduce our guests later yes technically to two guests two guests well no we have one guest in the audience this evening but should you want to make your announcement now my report go ahead do we that do I do my full report no just this part um this evening you'll have the opportunity to approve our two new assistant principles for the 2425 school year um this was an amazing search uh both these individuals should be incredibly proud to be able to accept this position but our community should be incredibly grateful as well there were 135 applicants for the assistant principal's position at orell Public School the first round um of interviews saw us interviewing um 19 applicants from that 135 and those that first round interview was done by Mrs Holly and myself as I shared previously on a late Thursday night Friday night and all day Saturday and the second round of interviews um thank you to the parents and the staff members who joined that panel again giving up about nine hours of their time to interview um our final round candidates and the two candidates that were unanimous by the committee um are our current director of curriculum Amy Brado as the new assistant principal for grades K through three and that is a change it was previously um K through2 however as we've been looking at behaviors and knowing as District that we Embrace constant looking at what our district needs um that position will be the K through three assistant principal and Mr Nevan Warner um as the assistant principals in grades four through six you already know about Amy's background in curriculum and her work ethics that is known throughout the entire County we uh we call her the Energizer Bunny and Mrs Holly continues to Marvel at the fact that when you work with Mrs bonato on any project whether that is testing or curriculum she doesn't drink water she doesn't go to the bathroom and she doesn't eat um so you just get used to that and we know that she will bring the same tireless effort to the position and she is so excited um most people don't want to make the move from director of curriculum to assistant principal in fact I think njpsa looked at her like she was a little crazy when she called them about it but the truth is um Amy's motivation is so pure she has been working so hard on developing a curriculum to lead this District forward and when she came to talk to me about the position she said I want to see it in action now and who better to see it in action than the person that's been working behind the scenes to create it and in neevan I'm I'm a little scared that I might not be able to go to River Edge um anytime soon neevan is joining us after six years as the science technology engineering arts and Mathematics and assessment supervisor um in River Edge and what Nan brings is something we're really looking towards um we know we have some people at at Ops that have a background in language arts and we really were looking for a candidate to help us continue to grow um our mathematical practices and our technology integration and Nevin is the perfect match for that so I am very excited that I know I am providing Mrs Holly um with a team that's going to continue to lead Ops forward and congratulations to both of you and let's get ready to work so welcome Mr Warner we're excited to have you on the other side of the tracks we heard amazing things about you and miss brancato you know we love you and I'm upset that you're leaving ccum because you're so good at it and I'm afraid of who's going to take your position I don't think we even started interviewing but um we may have to bring you into a curriculum meeting still just for Old Time sake just so you can hear us argue but um yeah really happy to have both of you on board as rvps looking for a good new year can't wait it's going to be exciting I know Miss Hol is excited yeah it's going to be good so happy to have you um of course now the most important thing of the evening is the parade is coming up next week everyone marching are you going to be around you probably won't be around so uh Mr Daran are you going to coordinate with Mr aell on the truck I guess so buy your candy get [Music] ready are you going to be marching find your shirt we know how much I love the parade Mr you marching with us this year unfortunately I'm not I have a wedding who gets married in July 4th it's the day before and we had plans to be away sure it is you're GNA miss a good time okay um do you want to go on to the rest of you report is there any more sure all right um so many people think that when school ends everything calms down at or all public school and that couldn't not not be farther from the truth so we ended I I think it was last week we had our traditional sixth grade commencement on the front lawn and it really was a beautiful day it was a little bit hot um we haven't had a commencement in a long time where Midway through people were starting to look for the shade and and going like this it really is only 45 minutes but it was a beautiful um ceremony it is something that if anyone knows me when I first got to ell public and I saw the number of events that the sixth grade did I said this is absolutely nuts and I'm going to change this and the truth is commencement is something I hope will never change because the tradition of it is something that not everything has to not everything has to change to be more modern not everything has to grow some things are perfect just the way they are and that is how I feel about commenc thank you to all of the people that helped make that happen and right from there um our sixth graders had their lunch and the next day they had their breakfast and they got then got to watch a beautiful Montage of their time at Ops we then did step up into our new classrooms we tried something new this year in grades um entering first grade and entering SEC second grade where students didn't necessarily go to their classroom for the new year but they got to experience what first grade life was like and they visited all all five classrooms and they read a book reading parts of it in each of those classrooms and so that was something new and um you you can't see what works if you're not willing to sometimes try something new so we tried it we saw some really good benefits from it and we'll make some decisions next year based on that and as soon as that was done we said okay let's bring like 400 children into the building so all the worlds of stage has been using our Auditorium the recck camp has been using the MPR in the back fields in some of our classrooms down by the child study team wing and we brought in um 80 Kinder campers and about 117 exploration students so there are children beating there are children doing readers theater um we Mr butcher is teaching a scratch coating class it's really a great opportunity for our teachers to share some of their passions if you want to make stuff with resin you go see Mrs Constantino um but the building is alive and I always think that the school year is going to end and I'm going to take a nice deep breath and relax it hasn't happened yet so now I'm going to say and pretend it's going to happen after Explorations but I'm I'm thrilled with our hires we have a few more hires to make you will notice that your personnel agenda this week is actually the largest one we have ever put together we were trying to get to Z um we're just a few letters short so it's going to be a great year with the hires that we are already making and we are already looking forward to next year and that concludes my report you reminded me I also wanted to um say um graduation was lovely Mr Del Greco gave a very nice speech and his daughter was in the class and thank you to the admin team and all the sixth grader grade teachers to do a great job with our graduation because it was a lovely event and I didn't think it was too too hot but it's been hotter but it was yeah but it was lovely the kids were lovely that's nice uh Mr iell yes so we have started construction on the roof project uh they're starting with the Demolition there's some masonry work that needs to be done first um so we're starting our summer projects we will be going out to we we are going out to bid currently right now and the jel for the replacement of the kindergarten HVAC unit uh we should have those bids and recommendations for the second board meeting in July um so that concludes my report thank you uh moving to committee reports before we start under administrative items we have um a resolution is being walked on it's going to be added as A4 I will read it administrative A4 uh revised 5124 Hib report it is hereby moved upon the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Ed education affirms the revised decisions and findings of the listed HIV reports as reported by the superintendent to the Board of Education uh 35224 do6 I'm just going to pass these out if you can give two to those board members and you can pass these around and Mr Daran would you take him administrative uh yes I'd like to introduce uh four administrative items it's A1 through A4 do have a second second by Mrs noran any questions call the question on the role Mrs aasta yes Mr Del Greco yes Mrs noran yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darion yes Mr Mrs Nichols yes buildings and grounds Mr Darian yes I have um no no update uh we we did not have a being meeting since our last board meeting um so with that I'd just like to introduce items B1 but it's not listed um in the agenda as to who wants access to the building so I'll second it if you could make sure that we update that okay or can you tell us who it is there wen't any she just left it it should have just been removed so so I I'm not introducing items B1 it's there's inod okay it's an error and I will take responsibility for the error oh no that's fine I just I wasn't sure so um I have nothing to report and nothing to introduce tonight and the superintendent just reminded me I skipped the minutes so we have review of June 12th I'm just going to throw them in here um any questions or comments please email Mr iell I would like to go back and do the approval of the minutes for May 22nd do I have do I have a motion I move that we approve meet meet minutes of uh May 22nd and I'll second second by Mrs noran any questions call the question on the role Mrs aosta Mr Del Greco yes Mrs noran yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes curriculum Mrs norian I have no report at this time do we need to meet for anything no for curriculum math or anything that you wanted to go over nothing well I think curriculum is is going I mean we've approved people to work on curriculum so I think that there are things going on another couple weeks then we need to meet yeah um Finance Miss is aosta you I'll second it any questions I have a question Mr iell maintenance Reserve if we put away 300,000 is that going to put us over I mean are we we have enough there that could go over our Reserve if we had to like if something happens at year end yes we're way over right okay the emergency yeah the emergency Reserve that replaces brings us to our limit any other questions all a question on the rooll Mrs aasta Mr delgreco yes Mrs noran yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes delegate report Mr wall I have nothing to report at this time uh Mrs Walker isn't here Mrs noran would you like to take Personnel I'd like to present uh items F1 and I'll second it questions call the question on the role Mrs aasta Mr Del Greco yes Mrs yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes public relations Mrs Dy is not here a meeting before the retreat we need a meeting before the retreat so maybe next week possibly okay so let's check in with Mrs Downey and we'll go from there open to the public what Mrs hly yes we have things to do old business or new business no old business no new business um um I do need a motion to go into Clos session Mr Daran for legal issues Personnel issues and the super tenant evaluation I'll second I make a motion that we go into executive session I'll second um second by wait who's who made the motion yeah and you I it before he even made the motion all right so Mr Daren and Catherine I thir it roll call on the rooll Mrs aasta Mr Del REO yes Mrs noran yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes we will not be taking any action afterwards so we don't see you happy July 4th watch for the candy