I'd like to call this meeting to order Mrs Walker would you lead us in the flag salute alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Sunshine Law statement all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met for this meeting of the Board of Education of the Bureau of ordell notice of this meeting was filed with a record in town news and all persons requesting such notice Mr Darian would you read the mission statement the ordell public school district is dedicated to the ongoing pursuit of educational Excellence through the comprehensive Innovative curriculum and instruction the district is committed to providing opportunities for social emotional and academic Discovery to Foster curiosity courage and character our goal is to prepare our students to become lifelong Learners who are self-directed resilient productive responsible citizens thank you roll call on the role Mrs aasta will not be here tonight Mr Del Greco here Mrs Downey here Mrs noran here Mr nutlin here Mrs Walker here Mr Walsh here Mr darot here Mrs Nichols here open to the public for agenda items only hi Jen Allen um I was just hoping to hear from the board for D2 what the school security improvements were and if it was 45,000 or 450,000 of the withdrawal ah yes thank you it's 45,000 it's 45,000 and it's for cameras good catch thank you anything else okay moving forward um in your packet I didn't make it on Friday because it's new in your packet at the table there is uh another confidential it's an Hib we are just voting to accept it tonight um next meeting will be affirming but that's what that is and the other two if you see under a are affirming so you're just voting to accept the site there was no time to get it out on Friday um with that we'll move to superintendent report I have just two announcements for my superintendent report today as many of you know Monday was our onsite qac review four representatives from the county were here they were here from 8:40 in the morning till 2:40 and they don't take lunch they just work straight through the entire time um we will not get our results until August and we still have one more additional visit from them which will be Finance um they were very complimentary about our curriculum our test scores actually they kept talking about they had a lot of questions about science because we look at our science test scores and we think that they are the weakest area for us but it turns out that we are the highest in the group of 25 districts being evaluated this year so they had a lot of questions about what specifically are we are we doing in that area uh we have a few more documents to send they will still do a fiscal review visit and then we will have our scores the next step is they send our scores to the state and then the state will certify the scores and the final announcement for tonight is uh congratulations to our Odyssey of the Mind teams both teams placed first at the regional tournament and qualified them for the state finals thank you to Mr Walsh for judging on behalf of orell public school and the other excitement about Odyssey of the mind is that there were four teams from Riveredge there and one team from riverdell also the riverdell team also um won their division and qualified for the state tournament and two teams from River Edge will also be going um to the state tournament which will be held at Carterette Junior High School that concludes my report thank you Mr iell yes I will now present the tentative 2425 budget um and I stress tent the state doesn't give us our state aid figure until February 29th that came during the day so it's a very short turnaround time so I stress that it's tentative that there still may be changes to this budget uh so just to go over what do we do budget process revenues review the Appropriations tenative budget submit that to the county and then we'll talk about the next steps uh the budget process I don't think it starts any one given day because I see it as it's an ongoing it starts from It's Always a process um you're always trying to look for where are you now where are you going try I try at least not to focus just on right here this year or this month to think try to look at it a little more holistically and going forward um so but it involves you know everyone teachers principal supervisor superintendent B&G myself and of course the finance committee um and the budget must be balanced revenues and Appropriations have to equal can't have a deficit tentative budget is the first one you approve it goes to the county and the county can have that it's honor before March 20th we will submit it um and they have as as long as they take to review it um then we'll have after that we could advertise final budget process um final budget presentation I apologize so our revenues are pretty limited and where they come from I mean we'll see as the percentages um but tax levy state aid which we only received on 29 and other sources would be some federal funds that we also receive we look at at salaries and benefits you'll see that's overwhelming share of the budget uh we try to look at what's the enrollment next year what costs are rising and we try to get as many quotes from vendors that we are currently using for next year and the balance piece working with the finance committee working with M boosius on trying to figure out how to allocate these resources in the best way possible POS so you can see 84% of our budget is financed by the local taxpayers uh we do have some miscellaneous Revenue that could be from the YWCA we have all the world's estage you have some various groups that use it and you charge fees state aid this year went up uh 8.5% so we had nine about 9 57,000 last year went to 1, 38,000 just rounding next piece uh we just broke it out local sources State sources and then here is again these are from our reserves but if you think about it it's still from local sources in a way so we're using our budgeted fund balance that comes right from the June 30th audit we are using the capital reserve to fund the local share of the rod Grant and I will talk more about that as we go on and the capital reserve withdrawal will also be for other capital projects those are projects not included in the rod Grant maintenance Reserve withdrawal for ongoing maintenance and the emergency Reserve with withdrawal of 45,000 will be used to fund the security improvements and it was 45,000 I noticed that typo thank you um so that's where our budget is right now operating budget is 15, 856 743 so our Appropriations as you can see 71% salaries and benefits of our budget special ed tuitions Transportation 8% capital projects 7% all the supplies and material that are used in this facility only 3% of the budget purchase Professional Services this is anyone with say certificate or a license it could be your Auditors your Architects your behaviorists OTS pts anyone that we contract out and other purchased Services would be nons so for instance you have uh HVAC repair you have plumbing repair that's where that falls under the funding so we have the 522,000 that we will be putting in the state is coming up that's 60% of that project's total costs and the state will be funding 40% so $348,800 because of the their HVAC airdale units and these things are back ordered there's all kinds of Supply change issues um so that's not going to be done again we're going to use with withdrawal from the reserve accounts and there's no additional impact on taxes renovate the stairwells there was a project done this past year that went well so looking to continue moving on with that there is a rooftop unit above the kindergarten uh room that is starting to fail that needs to be replaced we're hoping that that will get done at some point uh next year the summer is not going to be possible because again it's a rooftop HVAC unit back ordered um so we're looking at it's only a two-day job three-day job so we get a break or a weekend they could do it and then it's the school security improvements uh the additional cameras that are going to be added so this is the resolution it's our general fund special Revenue fund this is uh additional Aid received either from the state most of that is Ida um a special ed formula grant uh there's our debt service fund that's down this is the last year the debt service this is the last payment so so next year that will not be part of the budget and it's down from last year so this is the final payment this school year so the total Levy is going to be 13 m772 727 as of now with a tenative budget the debt surface number never changes because that's already been approved so that will always be that number uh but there could be a change to the general fund number which is your local tax levy that 13,343 253 that's the tax levy as it stands today so we adopt I'll submit honor before March 20th we can't advertise until the county approves it so you they have um the public hearing could be April 24th to May 7th you have to give at minimum a 4 days notice to have the public hearing so it has to be posted at least 4 days before you would you have it and then and that and the budget can still be changed even there so the budget can be worked on and refined until the last uh meeting that you adopted at so if you have any questions comments this is is really U this one I look as more of an overview this tenative budget um can you just tell the board tentatively we're going about 2.79% 2.79 an effective rate actually goes down because of the debt service is down so its effective rate is going to be about 2.75 as of now as of now and last year it was a 2.79 a levy increase and right now we're doing the budget at the same Levy increase but the effective rate will go down because Debt Service has gone down slightly I think you said this but purchase Professional Services and other purchase service one is on the building it's all non uh like certificated so if we think about it the purchase professional or OTS pts Behavior attorney auditor and then the other would be anyone who's not in that category Mr Walsh can you tell us uh what the state Aid was the state aid well last year was 957 th000 and it went to 1,38 thou 1, 38,000 so roughly 8.5% increase thank you you're welcome Peter the 8% uh special ed tuitions and transportation is that um is that number high or low compared to years past no that's that's pretty much where it's been I mean it depends on any given year I've looked you know student could move in tomorrow two students could move in and that's two more tuitions uh so it's really you can't predict it you try to anticipate but to say you know right now we have ex students to say we're going to have hopefully we have a great idea of what we're going to have going forward but students move in right District's responsible so yep thank you and the busing part the transportation has been wildly High these last few years I routes are incredibly expensive but region five is working on bringing those routes down uh putting more children that are going to the same location on a bus so you could defer the cost amongst three students as opposed to just one student uh so it's something that's being worked on but it's it's hard to combat because there really aren't that many busing companies that are transporting these students Mrs Walker the purchase Professional Service you you did say the attorney was mixed in with that right yes okay thank you anything else to your report no um we had our bid walk through for the projects that we are going to complete this year there's the resolution on there to do a capital reserve withdrawal we have the we had six contractors show up for the walk through for the roof replacement projects and four of them after talking to Lan Associates are ARS four of them are going to bid uh the mechanical which is the exhaust fans all no one showed up but that wasn't unusual however only one person as of now one company as of now has picked up in it's bidding so we will know definitively on March 27th because that's when the bids are due to be opened and if you have any additional questions regarding the tenative budget anything in the budget please pleas feel free to reach out and ask me thank you moving to minutes we have review of February 28th any questions or comments please email Mr aell uh we have the approval of February 7th do I have a motion I move that we approve the minutes of February 7th second by Mrs Walker any questions call the question on the role Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran abstain Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darion yes Mrs Nichols yes committee reports Mr Darion would you take administrative uh yes um we have uh administrative items A1 through A4 that I'd like to in I'll second it second by Mr Walsh any questions I have a comment Mr Darion yeah I'm I'm having um some problems or I have an issue with A3 um and and that's because this incident occurred off school grounds it occurred after school and it was not within a school function so this really you know time and place I think we don't have proper jurisdiction over this um I know the law may say otherwise but I just don't agree with that and so I'm having trouble and um if you can isolate A3 from A1 through A4 consent or I'll just vote on it sep you can um yeah we can just we can say yes and no to yeah you can do that okay any other questions or comments call the question so we will do on the RO we will go A1 A2 and A4 and then we can do do A1 through A4 on the role Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey so A1 two and four yes three no Mrs noria yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darien uh for A1 A2 and A4 yes and for A3 no Mrs Nichols yes uh buildings and grounds Mr Darion uh yes we have just uh B1 for tonight so I'd like to introduce B1 for facility use I'll second it second by Mr Walsh any questions call a question Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darian yes Mrs Nichols yes curriculum Mrs noran uh yes we actually did have a meeting tonight so uh we will have uh the minutes um in our next packet um but uh it just kind of updated us on where we are and uh how we're going to move forward um with that I would like to uh move C1 and C2 I'll second it second by Mr Walsh any questions call the question on the role Mr Del Greco yes m Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daran yes Mrs Nichols yes um Finance Mr Darren would you take that uh yes uh for finance I'd like to introduce items D1 through D4 I'll second it second by Mr Walsh any questions I have a comment Mr D uh yes and of course I can't find my notes because it's on the wrong agenda so I just wanted to comment uh regarding the resolutions tonight for these Capital Improvement projects I'm going to run off the top of my head uh we're basically funding a million dollars out of our regular budget um to maintain the school the school that was built in 1928 that currently is in good condition and uh under our governance and our stewardship uh we are continuously maintaining the school at no cost in terms of additional referendums uh to the taxpayer and I just want to toot our own horn for a second on that because um it takes a lot of work and I just want it to be part of the record so that's all I have to say any other questions or comments call a question Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutman yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Darien yes Mrs Nichols yes delegate report Mr Walsh um which I had a better report but there was a meeting scheduled for the 9th of March which I attended but I was the only one in New Jersey to attend that meeting somehow somehow they cancelled it now it might have been because my phone number was changed and they couldn't contact me I want to think that's what happened but I stayed to I got there at 8:00 stayed till 9:00 and uh drove home but I think they don't usually when they they have a new director in the legislative committee they don't usually hold off meetings for months so I might there might be a meeting next this weekend or next weekend in between the board meetings so I will attend it again but uh I'm sorry I want down and where was it Where'd you go Trent oh my gosh Mr iell can you find out for Mr Walsh where the delegate meeting is and can you please make sure his phone number his phone number is updated with them but can you find out when it is for him I will do we need to reapprovals is in case or could we retro them we could retro okay it's okay okay I'll call you tomorrow yeah Pete all right yes thank you Mr wsh uh Personnel Mrs Walker uh yes thank you I'd like to introduce F1 I'll second it second by Mr Walsh any questions I'll ask my normal was the leave put through our attorney believe was put through the attorney I have to check every time any other questions call the question on the role Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutland yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr deran yes Mrs Nichols yes policy Mr delgo I'd like to report policy did have a meeting and ID like to introduce G1 first reading for three policies so if anyone has any questions or comments on these policies you know we'll be voting on them next meeting so please email Mr delgreco myself will we get will we get a copy it should be in your packet it's in your packet so if you have any questions email Mr Del Greco myself and the superintendent uh public relations Mrs Downey I have nothing to we need a meeting I think for the newsletter maybe we could set that up okay this time open to the public not seeing in anyone have any old or new business on the board oh yeah I have it Mrs Walker um just just to to say congratulations to the Odyssey of the mind again this year every year they seem to be so strong in their their whole year through and uh to be this far gone now as far as being being accomplished it's credit to all the dedication of the students parents and especially Miss Shan keep up the good work from this the finals Mr Delo just more of a comment just like to thank the school district on including parents having steam days you know today finding leprechauns and all the other great things to include parents and I think that's a wonderful thing and thank you anything else okay we do need to go into a closed session for student issues so Mr Darion would you mind making that motion I'd like to a motion that we go into executive uh close session for student issues I'll second I'll third it second by Mrs noran roll call on the rooll Mr Del Greco yes Mrs Downey yes Mrs noran yes Mr nutlin yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Walsh yes Mr Daren yes Mrs Nichols yes we will not be taking action when we we will not be returning or taking action