[Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Applause] [Music] welcome to the March 11th 2024 meeting of the Orlando city council I love having a chamber full of smiling faces that must mean we're doing something good today not all smiles but 90% Smiles that's a good thing and I think you're smiling because you know that commissioner Stewart is going to lead us in the invocation and the pledge today so how about that commissioner thank you will you bow your heads with me please dear wise and loving father first let me say thank you on behalf of all those who are gathered here today thank you for your many and Abundant Blessings thank you for life itself for the measure of Health we need to fulfill our callings our sustenance and for friendship thank you for the ability to be involved in useful work and for the honor of bearing appropriate responsibilities thanks for as well for the freedom to embrace you or the freedom to reject you thank you for loving us even so from your boundless and gracious nature in the scriptures you have said that citizens ought to obey the governing authorities since you have established those very authorities promote peace order and Justice therefore I pray for our mayor the various levels of City officials we have here and in particular for those assembled at Council I'm asking you to graciously grant us wisdom to govern amid the conflicts of interest sense of welfare and true needs of our people a keen thirst for justice and righteousness confidence in what we what is good and fitting and the ability to work together in harmony even when there's honest disagreement I pray for this agenda set before us today pray for an assurance of what you would please you and what would benefit those who live and work in our beloved city of Orlando in your name I pray amen amen allegiance to the FL flag United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all Gators it's call a meeting to order Madame clerk would you call the roll and determin the Quorum please commissioner gray here commissioner Ortiz here commissioner Stewart here commissioner Sheen here commissioner Hill here commissioner Burns here mayor Dyer here mayor you have a quorum with all members present thank you madam clerk first item business is consideration of minutes from the agenda review and City Council meetings of February the 19th 2024 motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner Sheen all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries okay today we are celebrating a member of our city team who is retiring after more than 33 years of service I'd love Rosa to come up and share some details about Carlton Burke who's been a valuable member of Our IT staff for a very long time good afternoon mayor commissioner and guests I along with information technology team are here to celebrate an invaluable member of our city family for 33 years Colton Burke since 1990 Colton has been providing excellent customer service to the city staff installing and troubleshooting hardware and software and recommending applications and equipment to ensure the continuity of City operations over the year call has played a key role in various critical technology projects demonstrating his problemsolving skills projects such as navigating through herane activation to assisting implementing system and overseeing count countless computer Replacements Carlton's impact has been felt across the organization for the last 33 years as education also extended be beyond the workplace Carlton is an Air Force veteran and pro and proud graduate of Evans High School who embodies the value of service his mentorship goes beyond helping his staff reach their potential he's an active member of the schools alumni organization help lead the students advisory committee and even Pro provides catered meals for the school's athletes and staff he is generous man who loves to shower his family with thoughtful gifts such as tickets to his beloved Tampa Bay Buck games as he embarks on his next chapter Carlton leaves a legacy of hard work and collaboration we will miss his expertise and his friendship but the knowledge he had had bestowed on his peers will always be remembered and cherished so on behalf of the city it and me personally I wish Carlton all the best in his well earned retirement we hope he spends time with his loved ones travel the world and enjoys the rest and relaxation that he richly deserves thank you Carlton for 30 years 33 years of exemplary and dedicated service it has been an honor working with you mayor Dyer would you please do the honor of reading his Proclamation so Colton could you please Carlton come on join us you want to bask in the glove for a minute while I you're ready here okay uh retirement Proclamation city of Orlando city of Orlando is proud of the service rendered by its employees who have contributed in no small measure to the enhancement of the city beautiful as one of the most Progressive cities in the nation progress in municipal government is predicated for the greatest part upon the loyalty and efficiency of the employees and on their ability to carry out their duties in the highest tradition of Public Service Carlton on the occasion of your retirement from the employee of the city of Orlando after more than 33 years of service the Orlando city council wishes to express its esteem of the Sterling qualities manifested in your devotion and loyalty now therefore I claim grateful appreciation of your long and honorable record of faithful service for the city of Orlando and extend best wishes for good health and happiness P he gets in the middle of again want come's tag your tag tell her put a tag on the back put tag on the back your green tag there we go and the it stff it St it oh wow this place I didn't realized I wow C attack yeah apparently nothing's being done upstairs all right [Applause] you you always okay so Carlton attracted quite a crowd I think that's the biggest retirement party we've had in a that's a long time probably but welld deserved okay we will move on then to uh the mayor's update uh March is here this is our first council meeting and we are celebrating women's history month and our city is fortunate to have a long lineage of women in every background who have played critical roles in shaping our community that's everybody from commissioner Mabel Butler to Mayor Glenda Hood to Chief F demmings and so many others including two that are serving with us today commissioner Sheen and commissioner Hill thank you for your um work that has strengthened our city and our city staff led by another Trailblazer Kathy Russell are supporting our women's history month events throughout the community to help us reaffirm our commitment to the rights and privileges that are available to women and all residents equally so that Orlando May remains inclusive and welcoming so please enjoy some of our uh women's month events moving to items on the agenda last month uh we unveiled the canopy which used to be known as the under eye and it's Urban Gathering space under I4 that's going to create a vibrant inclusive sustainable Urban Oasis and today we'll approve a temporary ride share pilot and parking Concept in that space I I think we've come to understand that um some of the businesses on and around Church Street and Pine Street are having a hard time surviving without that surface parking so we're combining a great concept of having the park under there with some additional uh adding back some of the parking so it'll be a temporary usage and then we will move into the full permanent project to design um also on today's agenda under items D1 and three are a renewal and expansion of our community violence Intervention Program thanks to a $1.5 million Grant from the US office of Justice we launched our CVI initiative in November of 2022 with the goal of reducing and preventing gun violence and the project has shown certainly some great early success firearm homicides are down 20% non-fatal shootings are down 36% we've saved between uh well somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 and a half million dollar by preventing likely injuries from shootings and homicides it's a project that's in partnership with the Florida rights restoration Coalition and we'd like to recognize them for the dedication and he on that um item j3 and j4 we um are have reached a juncture I don't know how many years we're past the date that the locals were supposed to take over the operation of SunRail but we've been working diligently with do to come up with a plan to do that all all five local governments are in concert on doing what needs to be done so um this is we're the first ones out of the box to vote on that but it's important that we accomplish this uh Do's done a lot and actually operated it for I guess three years longer than they were supposed to so it's our turn to take over that service and then one of the items that I think a lot of people are here for are the CRA is purchasing four catalytic properties in our downtown area um to help uh with our project dto action plan um there're four diverse pieces of property but two um are going to help us with our plans on creating a great entrance way from the southwest part of Lake Yola Park and add to the parcels that are in the park and expand the park so very excited about that with that we will move on to the consent agenda and the consent agenda is a number of items it that are acted upon through a single vote of the council um we give each of our council members an opportunity to comment on items that are on the consent agenda as well up as update you on important happenings from their districts we rotate the order that we do that and um uh you know what I just saw that mayor Frederick has joined us he was not here before so I certainly want to acknowledge Him as well as everybody else in the room and with that I'll call on commissioner Stewart thank you mayor and uh and welcome mayor Frederick it's always good seeing you and uh uh it's good seeing your name on the building as we walk in every morning so thank you very much let me share a couple of things going on uh first of all thank you to uh Lou Gardens uh for their plant sale how many you guys went to the plant sale this past weekend it was great uh I may have been the biggest one yet but uh U had a had a good time I got a chance to get over there early on on uh Saturday and get some good stuff uh but it was a great um a great event congratulations to Jennifer deander and her entire staff uh I appreciate that uh yesterday was Sunday in the Park College Park neighborhood association we had a good turnout there a couple of thousand people kind of went through the spent the afternoon there um and last Friday we had the opportunity uh Onyx magazine recognizing some women in our community and we recognize Natasha uh William one of our um uh former uh um City staff um attorneys um well it was a neat opportunity to be there and see all the wonderful women that were there um I want to say also a special welcome to Miami Grill and Bar they are now uh coming back to Orlando and they're up in the Rosemont area up on 441 you get a chance swing by it's uh it's been been very well received we just got to make sure we give them plenty of business so you guys get a chance to get up there some upcoming events real quickly uh tomorrow is the neighborhood watch meeting over in dub if you guys get a chance to come to that and the long awaited opening of the P the public at the packing district is this Thursday for those of us who are in College Park are excited about having an alternative over there for Publix and we appreciate that uh um the um Balin Park Easter egg hun is coming up the oton park easter egg coming coming up the college park easter egg is coming up Easter egg hunt and the Rosemont Easter egg is coming up so so if you get a chance look at my calendar and you'll see those items Lou Gardens is doing a special event on on March 30th dog day get a chance to bring your dog around the the L Gardens it's be a great chance to see the gardens um so please enjoy that on the agenda today let me share just a couple quick things first of all thank you to our staff B5 is now moving forward our padena marks and Highland Street drainage project we've been talking about that for probably five or six years and redoing that uh with we had our community meeting last week today we we formalized the agreement uh with the design and construction team so uh that's on the agenda today for B5 and then mayor as you mentioned the doj grant uh about the U Community violence intervention Grant from uh U from representative Frost uh it's it's going to include three areas one of them is Signal Hill in my district I'm looking forward to seeing the results there uh we've had some challenges up in that area and uh looking forward to seeing some positive things come out out there appreciate abraam Abraham and the work he's done uh and uh and had a good long talk with him last week about it and so really thrilled about that moving forward so and that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner Stewart we move on to commissioner Shen uh thank you mayor Dyer and I I know everybody's probably heard by now about the swan death at Lake Yola Park um we lost four um swans uh polish mute Australian black and two of our beloved black necks which were the babies that that that that you know succumb come to Aven flu um we've had no additional deaths of birds in the last week which is a good thing um we're hoping that we have finally reached her immunity with that but has also affected ducks and andhas over 20 birds in all um and people have asked what can you do um if you want to feed them feed them lettuce not bread or popcorn uh the feeders are down for now so if you want to bring something to feed the swans please bring lettuce uh sanitize your shoes if you go to the park and don't touch the birds and the Fish and Wildlife Commission have recommended allowing it to run its course for H herd immunity I know everybody's kind of upset about that but if we hered them up right now to try to vaccinate them we would make them all sick so it's just not a good idea right now so we will vaccinate for this for next year folks have asked why we didn't vaccinate last year it's very unusual to get Aven flu in a in a large scale area and open area like a park it usually impacts poultry we just happen to be lucky to be one of the first ones where it happened to on unfortunately and very unlucky because like I say there's our our beloved Swans in in lakeola but um I just want to say if you want to help as well you can donate to the swan ofon if you want to help us um replace the birds that have passed away uh you can assist with our Swan Roundup that we have every November and I just want to shout out and thank the Rangers because they actually did a really good job of getting the sick birds out they a couple of them actually got sick before they knew that it was a contagious thing and you know people criticize our staff sometimes very unfairly say that they don't do enough but these Rangers love those birds and I just want to say shout out to all the Rangers at Lula Park y all do an amazing job I appreciate you and I know you're just as sad for those birds dying as everyone else is but uh you know it looks like we're now moving past that and we can get through this and uh maybe you know work to to uh get the population back up at leiola Park mayor Frederick thank you for being here today as as well as working with everyone here today um on this amazing purchase that we'll be talking about the CRA but um the best way to uh control land is to own it and uh it's a wonderful great um uh Initiative for many many Community groups I'm going to let yall you you talk about all your your um your involvement but um but you know Lyn long e Eugene SE thank you for your leadership ship um Ted hadock you know all your help Lori Bots always having to figure out a way to purchase land when we we never not never have enough money to do so and everyone who's who's who's come in support today um it's really a dream come true to be able to leave this Legacy of adding you know acreage Shake Yola Park so thank you for your support thank you for your assistance in this as well as your fundraising because I know you did you did a lot in a very difficult time you had to raise a lot of this money during Co when we couldn't have events we couldn't do any of that so it was a really heavy lift but y'all made it happen and I I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart that's all I had thank you thank you commission commissioner Hill thank you mayor good afternoon everyone and of course thank you for your service May Frederick and all that you've done to help um lead the way and push this uh City forward of of course mayor Dar and you guys who tag team and we're about because both of you guys serve so it's an honor and a privilege to be sitting here today with two of the greatest Mayors This Side of Heaven uh uh I'm just going to be brief today if that's all right with uh yes cuz we have a fir pack house a lot of great things are on the agenda but I will comment on Echo uh commissioner Stewart's uh uh words as far as our crime of violence Intervention Program congratulations to our uh F frrc and the team that's leading that you guys have done a great and a stand Standing job with bringing our our our shooter shooting homicides down and uh those that are being targeted and the work you're doing with those young folk uh but hand in hand with our uh OPD law enforcement so I got to give them a huge shout out because it's done in unison it's not just one thing that's helping the city so great job and to Chief Smith and all the work that they've done together uh uh with with D4 I'm glad to see that funding there um because we do know our Shooters and we've seen that they're getting younger uh 13 to 18 is really that fora better work Sweet Spot what we we have to really be laser focus on and hopefully some of those delinquency funds will go towards that while the CVI goes towards those 18 and up so I know we'll talk more about that uh but uh um I'd like to thank you all for what you're doing uh also I I'll briefly uh say uh it is a great day and I know uh Mr downtown himself is smiling down the upon his mayor Thomas Chapman she is uh excuse me cuz you're young gals to me but he called you his little his little old ladies what Thomas would call you and all the great heavy lifting is is commissioner Sheen stayen of course T I mean when it comes to history and this is your passion and making the city a better because of it and thank you all I'm also uh it's excited about more of the purchasing we're pro we're we're uh purchasing downtown next to Lake Yola and making that a complete campus and ecosystem uh as I travel and go to a few of these housing uh seminars or just downtown seminars and they're talking about cities purchasing more of downtown so that they can uh make it more of a work uh Flex type of uh uh system so I'm I'm excited to what we can do and I and uh uh would say when there was a time in Paramore and I saw the city purchasing the land some of us had anks about it but now as we're 20 years past that mayor that was the greatest decision that the city did and low and your leadership was to purchase the of the land there in our Urban core and hopefully we can do it downtown because of that we've seen great revitalization there in the Paramore area from housing to Economic Development to a university Who would thought UCF would be down town in Valencia so this really really is another Catalyst as we stated if we're going to be future ready we talk about being future ready and the only way we can truly be Future Ready is is possess the land because then we can dictate the growth of Orlando so with that being said also I'm just so glad to be annexing a a another portion of what will become the city into the city limits so that you know uh uh we can continue to be um that bright and shining star on the Southeast region and with that I that's all I have thank you commissioner move to commissioner Burns all right thank you mayor and uh good afternoon to everyone uh and thank you uh meth frericks for being here good to uh good to see you and thank you for everything that you've done for our city over the years um on Saturday February 24th I had the pleasure of attending the housing uh fair housing Fair held in district 6 at the Grand Avenue Neighborhood Center I want to recognize uh Kimberly ranking and human relations who's our human relations manager uh and her team for providing such a professional environment where resources were shared because often times when we have a tight housing market that can be a breeding ground for discriminatory practices and things like that so we want to make sure that uh all the residents of the city of Orlando knows where to come if they have any concerns about housing and how they are being treated in that housing so thank you uh to Kim and her team for that also um I attended the 38th annual crime prevention award ceremony uh and this is a opportunity where we uh acknowledge and recognize our um neighborhood block captains of the year and so for district 6 Miss Janette Marcus uh out of the great Richmond Heights neighborhood was selected as the watch captain of the year so just want to say thank Miss Marcus for her dedication to Safety in district 6 also so uh on the 27th I had the pleasure of attending an event by Congressman uh Maxwell Frost the black history luminary event uh celebrating the rich Heritage and contributions of black uh Orlando's black community I wanted to recognize uh Mr Joseph cecar who's uh one of our team members who works in uh over at the Grand Avenue Neighborhood Center he was recognized that uh that evening and his name read into the Congressional Record for uh all the great services that he provides to our youth and our families so uh kudos to Joe uh and his team over at Grand Avenue Neighborhood Center um also uh on March 6 I hosted uh our quarterly conversations with black men uh this was a night for uh black men to get together and have a safe space just to talk about things that uh we encounter uh Mental Health uh different support uh so I just like to thank everyone who participated in that a few upcoming events uh on uh this Wednesday the 13th at the El Claudia Allen Center I have my mobile satellite office hours uh and that will be from 10:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. so if you want to meet with me and my staff please uh contact us also uh part of our get fit district 6 series our bike district 6 this will be a bike and brunch event where we will be riding uh bicycles through the great neighborhoods of district 6 again the opportunity for us just to get out and and be active and uh get to know our neighbors also uh on March 23rd at 9:00 a.m. starting at the Smith Center it would be the first unity prayer walk uh which will be led by uh the Richmond Richmond estate's neighborhood uh and it's a prayer walk we'll be walking from First Baptist to the Smith Center so again just an opportunity for us to come together pray for our community pray for the members the leadership of our community as we continue to move forward in in unity also uh on March 27th I'll be having uh my state of district 6 town hall meeting will happen at the Dr James R Smith Center so this is an opportunity for uh the residents of district 6 to come speak to me uh and hear uh some of the great things that we have planned for the upcoming year uh mayor on the um agenda today I just want to highlight two items one A1 just want to thank all the CI and students who are giving their time for our community advisory boards we wouldn't be able to do the work within uh these different boards if it wasn't for you all being willing to give of your time and talent so thank you for that and also I want to just express my support for items D1 and uh through the expansion of the community violence intervention doj funding I think we're getting some uh some great results and I just want to say thank you to a and your team for all that you do uh for just being dedicated to the work but also from the Innovative approach so uh keep up the good work and that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner commissioner grg thank you mayor very much um I've got a lot of things going on in the southeast part of the city and I just want to mention them excuse me because a lot of folks put some effort in this so I'll be quick because I know we've got a big agenda on the 22nd uh we in the lake non area we opened the new aoft hotel near the US Tennis Association training center uh for those of you who don't know they have far exceeded expectations which uh in addition to public play for local residents it's really turned into a nice uh tourism uh draw where folks from around the country fly in close to the airport play tennis with their friends and their clubs enjoy the activities and then uh head back home so they're doing great and uh and uh opened a new hotel the aoft hotel also on the 26th I went to a tour of the new simcom Flight Training Facility in Lake Nona that's a brand new facility where they have brought in 11 flight simulators where they do recurring training for private com private Pilots not commercial private Pilots private Aviation the neat part about that for Lake Nona is these folks these Pilots come in from around the country spend a week or two getting their recurrent training they're staying in the hotels they're eating at the restaurants and it's it's really a good benefit to to Lake Nona so thanks to uh to simcom for doing that uh on the 27th here in town we uh I joined all the Commissioners for um the crime prevention um meeting with the neighborhoods where we recognized neighborhood watch leaders thank you to all those folks who do that we could not uh handle our neighborhoods without help of of the constituents and the neighbors so thanks thank you for that uh on 32 and Ed would you queue it up well Ed's running a little tape on this the second we did our Spring Festival this is about a 45sec run and I'll talk over it but the reason uh I want to show this is we did it in the Vista Lakes Community we had about 1,300 people show up and as you can see we did everything from petting zoos to bounce houses to uh some of the local vendors came out to share their things we had some of the local kids from the school perform cheerleaders band violins Etc the idea was to have a familyfriendly day on Saturday March 2nd and I just want to thank we had eight different departments from the city help us out and uh that was our public works department o OPD and ofd our Wetlands group was out there to share what they do at at at the Wetlands Park uh Community Affairs our Hispanic Outreach Ola was there um the transportation folks were there giving away helmets to the kids for their bikes and our national Resource Group was there giving away free plants and trees and so I want to thank my team and everyone that helped it was a great event and we prayed that it didn't rain and we got lucky it did not rain so that was great we do it every year first Saturday in March so thanks to all for that uh upcoming did want to mention tomorrow night uh the Orlando economic partnership is holding their Annual Outdoor barbecue it's one of the best business networking events in the city in my opinion so I'd encourage anybody uh that wants to partake go on the Orlando economic partnership website uh so with that I want to talk about one item on the consent agenda uh and we'll save the rest for later but I want to talk about j3 and four which is SunRail um and the I'm frustrated with this because we don't really have much we can do about it right now I learned about our request to fund $17 million from the city budget to cover the shortfalls of SunRail and I think we need as a community to think about it we can't fix it today but we need to address the issue of SunRail and here's some bullet points and I've been briefed by our transportation folks that are involved with this I get it but here's the reality SunRail has about a thousand Riders a year excuse me a million Riders a year and remember they don't run nights and weekends so when you do the math that's about 260 days a year when you do the math that's about 5,000 people a day riding sun rail um and remember this was designed as a commuter rail not a light rail system a commuter rail to get folks uh downtown and off I4 so we got about 5,000 people riding it a day the ridership by their own admission has been flat for 4 years postco it just has not recovered some of that is because of hybrid work in the office buildings but the reality is uh ridership on SunRail has been flat for 4 years the operating cost of SunRail is about 75 million bucks a year and if you do the simple math a million Riders divided by 75 million is about 75 bucks a ride pretty expensive um and the the of that ride a little over 2 million of that 75 is covered by people paying fairs so if you do the math it's about 3 and a half% of the cost is covered by people buying tickets the rest is coming from revenue uh cfx pays some rental fees for the rail etc etc but at the end of the day all the ancillary incomes about 25 million rough numbers so the bottom line is SunRail needs support from the government sector of about $50 million a year and our portion is a third of that here at the city so we're putting up $17 million um the challenge for me on this is we are putting money up and again right now I guess we don't have much choice because Florida Department of Transportation is turning it over to us but we're putting this money up with absolutely no discussion at least none I'm aware of of how can we change ridership can we increase Revenue can we reduce costs can we do nights and weekends maybe maybe not um but we don't have any of those discussions um and and there's no B Community input that I'm aware of they have public meetings but I'm not sure too many people knew about them but mayor I guess I got to say the thing I'm most frustrated about is as a City Commissioner I heard about the request for $17 million less than a week ago and I just don't think that was good form from our staff but I do acknowledge there's not much we can do about it but as a community we got to figure out if it was designed as a commuter rail system is it working and if if it's not I'm not suggesting we would get rid of it but we got to make some changes because if you keep doing what you're doing we're going to be throwing in 17 million bucks a year at least and that's if expenses are flat so I just wanted to talk about that I wanted to talk about that during the workshop but it went pretty long today so I didn't get a chance to to talk to my peers about that but um again I hope we can put that on Workshop agenda we can talk about it because it's an expensive process commissioner uh we can do a workshop on that we probably but we've been working on this turnover agreement for probably 5 years I would guess and certainly the expense of SunRail as it exists today is far far exceeds what it was predicted to be but you have to look at SunRail as this is the first piece of a system that needs to go to the airport and become a 247 thing um we're talking about the sunshine Corridor which would eventually connect SunRail to the airport and to iDrive and eventually Disney and that's when you become a a rail system a commuter rail system is never profitable so I was about to use that term and I didn't very quickly it's always going to be subsidized but if this were the end of the route I probably agree with you that this isn't a successful Venture but it has to go to the airport it has to go to iDrive it has to go to Disney because those are job centers that you can carry 20,000 people to the airport 70 80,000 people to I drive I don't know what the number would be for Disney and that would be in conjunction we're trying to work with bright line to extend to Tampa and share the rails and Universal has already created a CDD that is going to help fund the cost and will take on the operational overruns and back stop the eastwest portion of that which will help with the north south portion of that but that's all to come I I you and I are in total agreement I don't disagree with that I but we've been talking about the airport connection for a long time yes we have and I and I just want to hope we can go from what our desires are to coming up with an action plan how can we make that happen we've been talking about connecting to the airport for a while and if it's just a money issue then let's figure out how to find the money well one of my goals is sometime in the next three years and 10 months is to break ground on that okay I look forward to that well maybe I won't be here for that but no I I do appreciate that all right I'll save the rest for later because we've got a big agenda but thank you mayor very much commiss Ortiz you got going to talk about the bus rapid transit in samon that's going to connect uh SunRail from the airport to Altima and downtown and that's a big piece of that too so it's not a train but it's a bus rid Transit anyhow going into business in our district once again it's great to see you mayor Frederick great leadership all those years and you still excert a lot of that so it's good to have you in a house uh February 21st the Florida Department of Transportation team up with uh a neighborhood working group formed by residents of the Conway area and the City of orando for a final fdot public information meeting regarding Conway Road improvements special thanks to the uh neighborhood working group led by Fabian H for their dedication and the incredible fdot team for their wavering support project would not exist without Mr jat Atkins Mr Ed castori Mr Todd Alexander Mr Isaac Nazir Mr Brian BR Brentley and miss Liz Bartel lastly a big shout out to our City's Transportation team did a great job and our incredible District 2 Community for their invaluable contributions this project truly exe exemplifies the power of government and community relations and collaboration residents were encouraged to ask questions that might clarify safety concerns of confusion the team provided maps and a full presentation to explain every step of the way we have been working this this project for a long time and I'm proud to see all the progress thank you to everyone involved in this process on this process and for prioritizing our community's well-being on February 20th I attended the Black History Month and where's Marcia Marcia Marcia Marcia anyhow Marcia thank you for your great job and the office of Multicultural Affairs for your hard work and dedication to organizing such a celebrated event that was awesome um on the 27th my office and I attended the 38th annual crime prevention ceremony I wanted to uh congratulate Ashbury Park homeowners association from District Four for winning neighborhood watch group of the year as well as our block captains of the year including District Two um miss Iris Rodriguez of Anglewood on the 27th I hosted our first neighborhood leaders Council of 2024 for those of you that don't know what that may be is all the community leaders and all the captains from our neighborhood watch we come together once a month and we discuss all the items uh kind of to exercise that Broken Window Theory and we try to be proactive on all the things that happen in our community so we can Excel not catch up so uh I want to thank all of them uh we had Miss Thea Walker permanent division manager who informed our leaders on navigating the city permit system District 2 Lea on Corporal Keith Hernandez also deling to community safety and the Innovative OPD connect program looking forward to our up coming discussions or future meetings on the 29th I attended Gateway District Arts after uh dark uh what is it Arts after dark event golly which is becoming a an iconic event uh with the goal of supporting local artists and craftmen we do it every month so the next the next event is going to be a March 28th really becomes a a party of the community and there're singing there all kinds of things things arts and craft of course and uh this next one we're going to have a special singer so that to be announced soon March 5th my office and I host the first session of the Spring's 12 weeks government Academy is not just a beginning of a new semester it's also a celebration of the Academy's remarkable 10 years Milestone witnessing its growth since 2014 and the increasing interest in government involvement in is truly heartening I want to extend a big thanks to everyone who participated toor tomorrow evening we have Miss ly Tipton which is a director of the uh Florida League of cities University she's going to be teaching our s session on state government I also want to thank my office team Megan shaver Keith Hernandez and Alejandra Rodriguez and with that mayor I move to accept approve the agenda second motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Burns all in favor motion so by saying I I I those opposed and so the motion carries okay if there's no objection I'm going to recess the city council meeting I'm going to convene the CRA meeting David and if you're prepared I'm going to reorder this and go immediately to item number seven and hear that first since I think there are a few people here to um have an interest in that one Casey if you could just pull up the presentation we're going to switch up the order you know let's take 30 seconds to let those that are here were here just for the consent agenda find their way out all right David item number seven first please yes good afternoon mayor and Commissioners uh so item seven uh this is the item that was discussed just a little bit in several opening comments it's an opportunity for the CRA to acquire four different sites uh catalytic sites uh throughout the core of our downtown uh and if yep you got to queue it up one second yep thank you so before you um as you see where those locations are um the first of which one North Orange right on the corner of Central and Orange Avenue uh in the heart of downtown Orlando one would argue Main Maine another 30 South Orange a postage stamp size of a property right on the corner of Pine Street and Orange Avenue uh and then uh true two true once- in a lifetime opportunities to add space to lakeola right at 205 and 215 East Central um I want to walk through just a little bit of context as to the CRA and some Florida Statutes and how those authorize us and encourage us to make things happen just like we're talking about today Florida statute section 1363 370 authorizes the CRA to acquire real property within the area to hold improve clear or prepare for redevelopment our CRA plan um um uh strategically discusses a comp uh discusses a comprehensive plan uh which includes revitalization including expanding and connecting broad range public and Open Spaces in addition to create additional open space include pocket parks uh and look at the needs of a growing population um you'll see some other things mentioned as well as preserving historic buildings and historic structures and how important that is for our neighborhoods adding and encouraging mixed use development as well as U mixed use development and embracing the importance of lakeola and the Gateway component uh that it should have and the core of our city U so I want to talk just briefly about each one of these sites to give you context and then ultimately um the cost and the contracts that you're V ring on today one North Orange as I mentioned if you can't place it in your head um here are some images of the site uh it's one of uh is referred to as one of the three original skyscrapers uh in Orlando you see that perview uh looking down Central looking East or uh Orange Avenue going north and south uh it has been vacant for more than 15 years uh um completely uh unactivated in the core of our city uh and been an eyesore and truly looking to get back and activated um though today you're voting on the contracts I wanted to provide some context as to um what this could be um should we be able to control it and ultimately hopefully release an RFP for redevelopment of the site uh some options are uh it's a 10-story builder uh so think of a destination restaurant potentially anchoring the ground floor of that that any of us would be happy and excited to bring uh our our significant others or our friends and family members and then you hear a lot about office to residential conversions in a lot of major cities um and think about how that may be able to to be converted to an attainable housing unit uh in the core of our city obviously uh it was office based in its original form and could also be activated as that um here again just some conceptual renderings at what that may lay out as uh when you walk into this ground floor space you can think of um those twostory uh historic Bank buildings which have large mezzanines and overlooks into them you see a lot in the movies um here are some Concepts as to what that might uh uh how that might come to reality um the building has a basement as well and looking at that how that might be able to be utilized for amenities associated with potential residential uh and then as you go up above that second floor as I mentioned uh we looked at just some layouts this does not look at mechanical and electrical and plumbing this looks at the life safety features stairwells and elevators as to how a residential rebu build may look this first one here uh showcases uh more of a traditional outline with Studios one bedroom and two bedrooms um we hear a lot more about micro housing um this uh floor plan demonstrates how that would be achievable uh none of these are mutually uh you know specific to one another obviously something could or something complete different could be done or these could be merged uh together uh Additionally the building has no parking I think that's one of the large reasons why it hasn't been activated for a number of years um this layout before you um uh was proposed as looking at how you can get a valet location or a drop off location associated with that building whether it be for a restaurant or active use on the ground floor or whatever the upper floors may be whether it be that attainable housing or office space um and then you you look at this picture and to me it's resounding you actually might think you're looking at one North Orange but you're not um you're actually looking at the meaf building uh that's on the corns of orange and pine um this building was actually built by the same Builder uh that built this property um just about a year off uh and I concluded this so you can see what the interior of an office building uh could also potentially look like if that was reutilized and uh uh reactivated appropriately uh commissioner Hill you mentioned that you hear about this in a number of different conferences and I wanted to just share some context as other cities who are also kind of taking steps down this realm of purchasing properties in their core uh and redeveloping them some for the very uh same context that we're talking about today the first building on your left uh is in Atlanta uh the city of Atlanta purchased this last year uh for about $39 million um and they plan to convert it into mixed income mixed use housing uh the one in the mil middle is in Baltimore uh 21 story historic building uh that was just released for RFP um uh in order to see how that can be reutilized uh on the right you see Indianapolis purchasing a historic structure uh and looking to activate that as primarily primarily affordable housing uh and then some closer to home you see here the CRA in Miami purchasing the Omni CRA purchasing um this building here former Bank building and looking to activate that and then uh just down the street so to speak in Lakeland uh purchased this some years ago uh a old hotel and converted it uh into Apartments uh so the next site uh I'll talk about briefly is the southwest corner of Lake EOL so if you were standing there today you'd see two buildings you'd see City Center there on your left is about a six-story building uh and then you see a TR truly beautiful uh house house building 215 uh that is kind of smack Center in this image uh the next image I'll show you is is to denote the opportunity as to what this could unlock we've talked about adding that amazing uh Gateway opportunity into the core of downtown uh and this acquisition literally paves the way uh for that to become a reality um you see this image uh which is just for conceptual purposes but is meant to get Focus you in on our iconic Fountain draw you into the space and you see the opportunities that it creates for the community uh to spend time in shaded structures also with low impact development and enjoying our City's uh signature partk and then the final site 30 South Orange uh corner of orange and pine uh if you're walking up the street today You' see something that looks similar to this uh with your support we were successful uh in leasing that property uh several months ago um to provide some minimal activation um um and when you look at this site as I mentioned before I I called it a postage stamp of a site because it is small uh but when you look around at variety of other cities you find ways and examples that small sites uh can actually play very impactful roles when they're placed uh into designed appropriately um so I wanted to lay out just a couple options you see 30 South Orange here on the left at 0.1 Acres uh then you see Paley Park in Manhattan about the exact same size greenacre Park in Manhattan uh just a tad bit bigger and then waterfall Garden Park uh but when you look at these sites and here are some examples of what you would see uh if you went to these or if you've already visited them greenacre Park in Manhattan you see the activity there that lower image that you see that water feature in the back which provides that white noise to kind of drown out a little bit of that activity in the city so you can stop maybe take a phone call have a chat with a friend or enjoy a peaceful lunch or even work outside as so many people like to do uh Al Square you see that activation Associated there in Brooklyn uh waterfall Garden Park again showcasing those water features and then the last one on the right probably my favorite uh paly Park uh in Manhattan which I peruse through just uh while visiting uh uh Manhattan almost 10 years ago uh and it was truly amazing to see how that could play a vision uh at potentially what could be here in downtown Orlando um so how that may out may lay out in in downtown could be something like this again these are just conceptual items as to how this site could potentially be reutilized and activated you see that concept of that water feature anchoring in the back again to drown out that noise bring you into the site uh a shade structure that provides shade during the day uh and then while you flip that to really an iconic light feature an artistic piece at night uh a way for our city to come together spend some time whether it just be unplanned or maybe even planned uh ways for people to activate a food truck and come alongside stop have a bite to eat from one of the amazing uh uh local food entrepreneurs that we have in our community uh so finally um um what you're voting on today uh is a four property package uh there's three purchase contracts that are all required to be closed simultaneously uh it is a package deal so to speak the purchase price for all of these projects in total is $1,350,000 um um I denoted uh under each uh associated with that on the slide before you what those individual purchase prices are as I mentioned it is a package deal and they are required to be closed together there's a $150,000 of security deposit uh that would be obligated to be placed uh should we be able to move forward $75,000 of that is refundable uh should we uh not move forward with the closing we have 60 days to do any additional due diligence work um uh that we deem appropriate on the sites to make sure that they are appropriate and sufficient uh for our U for our utilization uh and then the closing would take place anywhere from 90 to 360 days uh mayor if it's okay with you before I answer any questions uh as you pointed out there are several members uh of the community uh that came today were original members of the Orlando land trust and kind of helped us start this Venture and contributed uh over $1.3 million to this with along with the CRA to kind of start that first purchase at one North Rosland so first up I'd like to call on uh Ted hack who is the president of the Orlando Land Trust than welcome Ted thank you well my name is Ted hack um president of Edward E hadock Junior Family Foundation and co-founder and president of the Orlando land trest uh our business addresses 15 North hila Drive uh Orlando and my family and I live in College Park sitting behind me um so mayor Dyer Commissioners and David thank you for allowing me a few moments uh to address the council so today I'm speaking on behalf of Orlando land trust including two former mayors of Orlando who serve as trustees and a lot of supporters who you see in the chambers here today uh if it's okay could I ask anyone who's uh here in support to stand so we can get a visual great thanks everybody it's a lot of folks thank you for coming out today we're here to offer our strong support of the cra's recommendation to purchase the four Parcels as a package deal with the purpose of activating key locations in downtown Orlando as you know two of the parcels located on East Central are contiguous with Lake Yola Park and connect with the pocket park on the corner of Rosland and Central which Orlando Landress purchased and donated to the city of Orlando as Green Space Orlando land trust Vision inspired in part by project dto has been that the property we purchased and donated to the city would one day serve as the primary Gateway from downtown Orlando into Lake Yola Park today's proposed acquisition presents itself as an extremely unique opportunity to realize this vision for the highly desirable Western Gateway the purchase would also expand one of the most highly utilized parks in the nation another rare opportunity and a land constrained location as more people move into downtown Orlando to live work and play the need for Green Space becomes all the more compelling we simply can't afford to forego this opportunity for the public good and the Boost of revitalization that will provide the city we all love the alternative is four chronically dilapidated Parcels in the downtown core and a lost to opportunity that may never come again Orlando land trust is grateful for the productive public private relationship with shared with the city and for the commissioner's leadership I would also like to acknowledge um commissioner Hill as you did earlier our dear friend Thomas Chapman who worked so hard for many years to make this very opportunity possible so thank you mayor Commissioners and David for your time and consideration and support of this acquisition and then he needs no introduction but former mayor Bill Frederick thank you very much welcome mayor nice time uh what a nostalgic moment for me it's been more than 50 years since I was elected to the office of Mayor and I want to say that the city is in excellent hands today that I don't think uh we've ever had a group that I can admire and respect more than mayor Dyer and each of you Commissioners thank you for your service and thank you for allowing me to speak briefly today in in support of this uh acquisition uh Joan and I had the pleasure of supporting the acquisition of the 7-Eleven and if we are successful in getting your support for these other Parcels we will do likewise in that and I would be happy to try and use what remaining Vigor I have to find the necessary support for whatever the city's plan would be for that I it it's a Once in a-lifetime opportunity and I I want to say that every living mayor is strongly in support of this purchase and it won't come again so I just want to say thank you for your consideration of this if you see fit to support it uh then we will be there to make sure that you're money is well spent and that you get a result that you're happy with again I thank you for your service I thank you for your consideration of this and it is a real pleasure to be with you after these many years thank you so much um who is next oh than thank you mayor H and then finally I won't dare say it but you said Thomas said it the eugia SE and Lin long the little old ladies who who started this initiative with so much bigger good afternoon mayor and City commissioners my name is Eugene seek and I live at 2420 Norfolk Road Orlando Florida I'm speaking on behalf of the Orlando land trust and as a resident of Orlando in 2015 Lyn long and I discovered the um downtown Orlando Outlook and we were excited at that time that city leaders envisioned that this southwest corner of the park could ultimately become the Gateway in 2019 ly long Ted hadock and I formed the Orlando land trust to preserve Green Space around the park Len and I became known as the two little old ladies on a mission to protect the park with the assist of the trust for public land we learn that lakeola park has more visitors per square acre than San Antonio Riverwalk and the National Mall in Washington DC more than 2 million visitors come to the park each year I'm in favor of the cra's proposal to the purchase of the four properties which will provide additional Green Space for lakeola Park two of which two of my friends and colleagues of the or Land Trust were unable to be here today to address the city council they asked that I present their comments and support of the project Charlie and sandre gray who reside at 300 East Church Street Orlando Florida Sandra and Charlie are downtown residents Charlie is a founder of gray Robinson and a board member of the Orlando land trust Charlie said lakeola is the center and heartbeat of our city bu beautiful today the city of Orlando has the opportunity to acquire four properties two are located on lakeola park in downtown Orlando and this will enhance beautiful lakeola sandre and I support the city pursuing this opportunity also former mayor of Orlando Glenda Hood 1210 Lancaster Drive Orlando Florida I enthusiastically support the City's proposal to acquire the four downtown properties this is a timely investment opportunity to further Orlando's vision for a thriving downtown neighborhood and worldclass City re-energizing these properties will promote creative placemaking at its best by amplifying Community assets fostering a sense of pride in our City's history and aspirations and making spaces where residents and visitors want to experience our downtown thanks to our city leaders for realizing the importance of ensuring that we have active and great environments for all to enjoy and are worthy of Treasured Memories lenda Hood former mayor of Orlando Orlando land trust board member thank you for your time today I appreciate the opportunity to speak I will now turn it over to the other little old lady and I definitely qualify that good afternoon mayor Dyer and Commissioners and also David my name is Lyn long and I live at 100 South Eola Drive Orlando 32801 I'm excited to appear before you today to express my support for the CRA proposal of the acquisition of four Parcels of downtown properties I'm a native Orlando and a resident of downtown Orlando and I am part of a family-owned business that is located within the boundary of the downtown district our business will celebrate its 100th anniversary early next year interestingly one of the properties in the assemblage Parcels that is before you today celebrates its Centennial this year one North Orange sadly this historic building in the heart of downtown Orlando has been sitting vacant for more than 15 years it is my hope that by acquiring this property the CRA and the City of Orlando can restore it to its former glory and again be a beautiful historic property downtown I'm equally enthusiastic about the acquisition of the two Parcels on the shores of Lake Yola as a co-founder of the Orlando land trust and trustee I'm committed to help preserve and expand green Stace in our community I've been visiting lakeola for 70 5 years I was present for the dedication of the iconic Linton B Allen fountain in 1957 lakeola has undergone many changes through the years but it Remains the central core of downtown and a place of respit and shared activities for families and visitors it's clear to me that by creating a Gateway into Lake Ila Park and initiating the restoration of our historical building on Orange Avenue we have an opportunity to add value and character to our downtown district and contribute to the revitalization of downtown this is an opportunity that will not come our way again I am asking you to accept this proposal by the CRA and vote Yes for the future of downtown and for our entire community no matter how large Orlando becomes and it's getting quite large we will continue to en enjoy our Oasis of History culture and green space I am not alone as a resident of downtown I have in my hand over 200 letters from supporting members of our community which I will submit to you at least onethird of these are from downtown residents who live and work downtown thank you very much for your consideration and for the important work that you do for our community thank you uh so mayor Commissioners uh if approved this item would be funded out of currently budget funds out of the CL line items that are currently aside there would be no additional loans or debt needed for this acquisition and I'm happy to answer any questions commissioner Shen well and David I would be remiss not to thank your staff and and everybody at the dbd ddbc and uh you know these These are amazing opportunities that we have and um you know sometimes you know this was supposed to be a highrise it was very controversial it would it would have impacted the park in a very negative way and the fact that we're here today um you know making this decision I'm hoping the Commissioners will support this because it really is Iconic for for um lakeola lakeola has had some difficulties over the years you know mayor Frederick you were in part of that original revitalization and it kind of went down a little bit and then I got in there we had to kind of clean it up again and I think it's important and I want to thank the CRA especially um you all have finally adopted lakeola so to speak and you really have put your money where your mouth is and have really supported a lot of the initiatives that have really made it a beautiful wonderful Gathering Place and I just want to thank you for that is that a motion commission and that would be a motion to approve this is there a second yeah and and I'll second um but I want to think about the total package of of dto and how we went out um to the community of dto and asked what did they want to see and they did want to see more green space in downtown they did want to see some type of mixed income housing component along with office and retail space and I I'll say I'll say uh something like they said yesterday prices ain't today's prices and today's prices won't be the future prices so saying that I think this is a very good investment when we start talking about the safest thing is real estate and for the CRA to invest in this historic iconic component and I love what uh one of one of uh I think Lyn stated it uh about uh um bringing it back to his pristine uh value and so when we start talking about preservation City controlling this component we dictate what goes there and what type of growth happens and so I'm I'm very supportive for this and and and hopefully we can do a little bit more in our downtown with purchasing some more property and and having that downtown for all um and I know uh not long ago this this day I stated that this is what we was looking for in downtown more green space more places to dine more places that you can bring family and your grandchildren versus more bars so we're going to really talk to talk we have to invest in it and this is uh leading Us in that way and that's all I have for here a second of motion commissioner commissioner Gray thank you mayor and David I got a few questions but before I do first of all I want to thank everybody for coming and and the mayor and Mr hack for your your comments um because look you know we do have disagreements up here but I can tell you that we all seem to get along quite well and we have honest discour so we're going to have a little more here today uh but uh David has heard these questions but I want to ask him a few questions because uh I want to talk to the to the group here there are four properties involved three of them which are the lots have no issues with I think we're paying a bit too much but okay we sometimes do that so I have no issues with purchasing the two lots on lakeola nor do I have the one that's on Pine Street the one I have serious reservations about and I need to get some more answers is the office building and David's heard these but here are some of my concerns which still don't have answers to this building among other things was built in 1924 so we become the new owner through this transaction highly likely this building is full of asbest do we have any idea how much asbest it has as of today commissioner we do not we'll have the inspection period to do that investigation got it it's also highly likely this building isn't up to code to include fire escapes is that aair that's what I understand do you know do we do we know it is it up to code and do we know what it would take to get it up to code it would depend on our ultimate use again we'll have the time during the investigation period AR action period to determine what use we would want to do and then ultimately if those approvals what that would take to make sure that they were compliant with all codes got it if we are going to try to do Residential which is a which is a a great idea have we done a mechanical electrical Plumbing survey to know if it's even possible because when you do Residential you've got to put a lot of Plumbing in bathrooms faucets sinks Etc can we even do it in this building do we have the floor plate do we have the ability have we looked at that so what we've already looked at commissioner as I mentioned was the life safety components of the floor plate and would that work and accommodating it also as I mention we have not looked at MEP yet to see if that's feasible um if it does not and that's possible then we also have the the backdrop of the office space as I showcased like the metf building which would be activating it very similar to the way it was used in the past got it and then um this building's been banking for 15 years do we know of any private developer that's approached the current owner about R doing that I do I know of several that have uh approached me over the years trying to have me help them get in contact with him also since the news broke that we were purchasing it uh wanting to start conversations as to hey can we uh be included or be uh included in the participation along the way and participate in any rfps should they become available so there has been interest well and you probably have talked to the same people I have because I've talked to two that had Direct conversations with the owner that looked at a lot of different issues and said thanks but no thanks it would cost way too much money to be economically feasible so let's keep going if we're going to do Residential where would the residents Park so we're fortunate in that location as I mentioned there's no parking for that building um actually if you go back in the history uh the bank that was there actually relocated to the north quarter when the city decided to discontinue parking on Orange Avenue um we're fortunate that the city has over a thousand spaces um just a block away um that we don't have agreements with today but if anyone is suited to potentially solve The Parking Challenge of that building I would argue that the city is in the the best space to be able to solve that for us I would hope so but no guarantees because the only thing that I've seen is four street spots so if I'm a resident and I come home from Publix with my groceries we're just I park by the library I park across from our fire station and carry my groceries for two blocks probably not right if if I want to have furniture delivered to my apartment where does my vendor Park double Park so there's just there's no parking the street parking will either be blocking Central or blocking Orange um and um and and there's no loading dock where where's the restaurant it's a great idea to put a two twostory restaurant I mean we have that at Crest and Crest is highly successful where are they going to put where the restaurant vendors going to deliver their food through the front door because there's buildings all around this this building is Locked In by adjacent properties so how do they get the groceries in or the the the food for the restaurant those are questions that I don't know that we've really looked at and and you know it's just it just seems to me that there's a lot of questions and I do know one thing the private sector is better at solving these than the government sector uh with all due respect uh we do a lot of good things but but I think we're asking for trouble by spending half of this purchase price or almost $10 million on a building that sat vacant for 15 years for a reason because believe me the private sector is always looking for opportunities when they see one they jump on it so I would caution our Council I have no issues with the other three um but I think it feels to me like we have an owner that's trying to leverage the other three with these folks who've already put their money up and I admire you for putting your money up for the for the first lot you've got skin in the game you you deserve it but we're getting used on this building in my opinion and so I'm going to a little bit more may or and I apologize because it leads to a bigger issue and that is the CRA and again you've heard me say this the CRA runs for another 16 years let me tell you all the different projects I've heard of not in detail that the CRA intends to fund um this project 20 million the Bob car renovation 30 million the undery canopy 30 million the lakeola upgrades I'm not sure what that ticket is if somebody knows I'd love to hear but we've got to allocate for that uh Lake lern we talked about that in dto 2.0 to help energize DPAC the Performing Arts Center because we've got to take good care of that performing artart center we got a lot invested in that and we've talked about energizing the lake lucern area that's going to take money um we've also talked about changing the street uh directions from oneway to two-way and in uh increasing our sidewalks and there's and then this morning we heard about um Carver Park with the CRA funding that so my question and I've been asking this for a while from a CRA standpoint do we have any plan of how we're going to phase these in Andor pay for these whether it's from immediate tax revenue Andor bonds because we got to pay them off in 16 years because the CRA is going to Sunset and so my feeling is whether it's this project or any of the ones I mentioned the Bob car under ey um how do we do we have a plan of how we're going to do these because I don't think we can do them all but yet we're kind of dangling them out to get the public excited but I don't know how we're going to we're going to pay for that and and this I'm only talking about building and or renovating I'm not talking about operating maintaining and and and the operating expense of people and and all those things so that's my biggest problem mayor is that we keep talking about the CRA the Golden Goose but the CRA is going to run out in 16 years and I have not seen a just even a rough one-page idea of where the money is going to come from and how are we going to spend it so I'm sorry for going on so long but you've heard these before but but we keep talking about things but guys I just think it's we as a council got to stop and say are we going to get in the middle of this and realize we're starting we're starting these different initiatives and we don't have the money to build them let alone maintain them so that's my issue on this one I I I the part that I get frustrated is the details I got was a week ago and I know you guys and the staff have been working on this for months but you're asking me to vote on something I heard about a week ago and so if it's up to me fine let's buy the three lots I'm good with that but I think we need to pump the brakes a little bit on the office building until we know a little bit more let's bring some developers in who do this day in day out not us and see if this RFP concept has some legs maybe it does I don't know but I just know there's a lot of obstacles to getting this thing up and running and I don't think we've we've done a very good job of looking at those so mayor that's kind of where I am is there any way we can do three out of the four well you want to let David respond yeah I'm sorry thank you sure um so to the last question it is a package purchas so it is all or nothing to the extent from the sell perspective to your questions um commissioner um the the direct answer uh to your question is can we pay for all these or you didn't think that we could we've been actively monitoring it to the extent that we know obviously when you're talking about any projection of time and any projection of projects you have to make estimations as to what costs would be and ultimately what our revenues would be uh the contexts and the reviews that we've made with the co cfo's office that everything that you mentioned everything that we do traditionally and all the projects that are in the ca plan that are um you know ultimately on track to being implemented um can be funded by all those projections you and I both have I think we have a meeting tomorrow or Wednesday to go over a one sheeter so to speak as you mentioned to showcase exactly how that lays out commissioner Stewart right let me follow the along the same thinking because I I think you raised some good points and I apologize for us not having this conversation during the during the consent agenda um tell us about the due diligence period length of time what what what we're addressing I I'm I feel like um commissioner gray I three out of the four is like why we have why haven't we already done it and but this other one creates some other issues that we may get seven or eight $9 million into it and then have to put another 10 or 12 $15 million to make it sellable for something sometime in the future and that's an unknown that we don't know so tell me about what we're going to do in the due diligence period especially for those for that building yeah so specifically we have the contracts give us the ability to do any investigations that we see fit we already discussed looking for aestus doing the appropriate environmentals looking at what that conceptual ultimate use might be what it could take monetarily to create that to happen I want to be clear um that as today we don't anticipate taking this task on by oursel um you see the examples that I referenced in the presentation with other cities ultimately specifically the one in Baltimore putting it back out on the market for an RFP that's fully what we intend to do I think this is just my personal opinion um one of the challenges of why you see the building sitting there for 15 years quite frankly is because the private sector hasn't figured out how to reactivate this building yet in a cost feasible way um and from a contextual standpoint uh where the private sector can't deliver um I see that as an appropriate way an appropriate place for the public sector to bridge that Gap our CR plan discusses that it talks about repositioning assets and making sure they can play active roles in downtown um so I don't want to give an elude to the fact that this will be a cost productive component for the C this is about activating a a blighted property in the core of our city um that we think is an appropriate course to take to to get it reactivated and introduced to the market well I think the challenge is is not so much the all of us want that reactivated and that's well agree with that the challenge is that this reactivation may be four or five or six times the value of that building in order to save that building um by the time you you may have to acquire property adjacent for for parking you may have to I mean all that becomes a real Challenge and I'm I'm I'm not concerned as much about spending the money is I'm concerned about knowing what the value we're going to do is c can we put out RFP essentially during the due diligence period can we can we get firm commitments I mean one of the challenges I always have is that I I don't think the city ought to be in the land development business because we because we control all the angles here um and we want we want to get that into the private sector as fast as possible you and I discussed that one of the challenges that we want to do how how do we accomplish that task and get a real good feel during the due diligence period um so that we don't turn around and and and here two years down the road saying well the only choice we have now is it's been you know 20 million because that's the only choice that we have so it we obviously as I mentioned have the 60 days to do any inspections that we want Is it feasible to release an RFP for development in that time I don't think that it is um commissioner we would have to be comfortable with the state of the investigations that we complete to determine if it was uh sufficient for us to ultimately take that seat as owner so that would just be us for us to determine during that period I I'd love to hear more ideas coming from the private sector that on because I just I mean the pocket park and and the stuff with um Lake Yola I mean that that's I mean it's stuff that we ought to do and I'm sorry we didn't do it you know 100 years ago when we could have um but when you look at the one North Orange um there may be another use for that building that's not residential M and that's not uh mixed use I mean that gets our money back out of that building somehow and that's I want to make sure that we've explored all of that before our closing day cuz that's the that's the concern I have absolutely and we will look into all those components the the visuals today were to provide conceptual Vision as to what it could be that we have started to think along those lines but obviously have more time to figure out uh what the appropriate and right next steps are well like commissioner gr do we have a very aggressive dto plan and I don't want to be in this position looking at the fact that we can't do lake lucern or we can't do the Eastern portion of Lake Yola because we have to spend the money on this building on one North Orange that's and and I don't want us us to get in that position that's that's my concern um okay but anyway outside of that I I thank you for raising those points Jim I would I would agree on that particular that may if I could follow up if I could follow up thank you David have we talked to the adjacent Property Owners to the adjacent Property Owners cuz the buildings around that are one and TW story maybe we're better off buying those and then we have some room for some on-site parking and loading docks and and get people off Central or orange but I mean I don't know 90 days gives you that much time to do it but those are some thoughts we could we could discuss and I just wish we would talk about this before we get to this stage because now we got everybody excited about buying property as they should be but half of the purchase price is a building that has questions that's all thank you for the questions and I'll close David so my thoughts on this um this is a owner that's sat on this property for how many years he owned it over a decade over a decade made no improvements on any of the properties that he's owned it's a package deal we're either going to get all four of them or we're going to get none of them and it's an opportunity to get three that we really need and one that's been phow for 15 years and will be fow for another 15 years I think our staff's as good as anybody in terms of innovative thinking and figuring out ways to go about this I mean we could discount the property down to some number that makes it more viable for somebody to purchase you know discount the purchase price and make it more viable for somebody in the public SE or in the private sector to redevelop it but I think we can figure out a way to activate that building that's not going to bankrupt the CRA and if it is to bankrupt the CRA we won't just won't do it and we aren't any worse off than we were before except for the $9 million right we own it thank you mayor if I could ask David I know you said in here it's a historic designation is that city state federal what's the historic designation and does that limit the ability to change the building anyway uh it does have the historic designation I believe that it's the the highest level of federal designation um I imagine it preserve it requires you to preserve some components of that building we've already been working with the historic preservation offer officer that looks at incentives that are also allowed with order in order of doing that most of those are contextually on the exterior realm and preserving that exterior of the building this this could be blasphemy forgive me do we have the ability to tear it down I don't know that I can app on that ask just a question just a question just a question sir there are ways okay I'll rest my case see I told you we get along here we get along we disagree but we get along further discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I I how about that those opposed and so passes unanimous is that unanimous [Applause] okay we'd like to all go out and celebrate with you guys but it turns out we have prob B more business today thank you mayor so we'll stand in about a one minute recess I I'll I'll give the thank you mayor congratulations big step absolutely appreciate you being here always journey is this has been one she I was here hey Jim Gray Jim you forget my First Act becoming mayor was to demolish just I didn't forget on me now just blow it [Laughter] up there's got to be some training exercise from there's got to be some training exercise make it into our new train yeah I guess so I mean we'll come on the screen figure out these are three on theing station low uh it's still to be timely determined but attainable is it would be after we have to purchase it first and then since there's no parking and like they don't drive why can't you turn that into housing for our V and I keep on I was I live the shelter well if it's parking there and if it's not cuz people are not going to want to pay for a housing okay we'll come back to order why people I mean we have housing prices do that sure it's a good thought I mean cuz my taxes have to pay for it David let's convert back to number one no problem uh items one and two those are minutes mayor did you want to handle those first one is minutes okay number one's meeting minutes of the CRA from February 5th is there a motion to approve motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Hill all in favor indicate said by saying I I those oppos motion carries number two is The Advisory board minutes from January 24th second motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner Sheen all in favor indicate by saying I I those oppos motion carries it number three thank you mayor uh item three this is Amendment Three to the amended and restated open space agreement uh so this was a or is a companion item to B8 that was on the consent agenda uh it is the agreement by which the CRA contributes funding toward City initiatives involving open space this particularly for the 150 ride share and short-term parking spaces under I4 uh total investment on behalf of the CRA is not to exceed $850,000 so Mo second motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner she in discussion hearing none all favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries number four item four this is CRA budget amendment uh one and budget resolution uh so the CRA was fortunate to receive an additional $4.5 million in Revenue this year uh as appropriate we have to invest that or or document that money in various project accounts uh the proposal before you uh puts $1 million in our business retention line item 1 million in dto implementation 1 million in venues and Open Spaces 1.25 in real estate and uh $250,000 in transportation some second motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner Shen discussion hearing none all in favor the mo commissioner Ortiz mayor I just want can I hear there you go I just want to suggest that some of that money we have that issue with downtown with the uh clubs paying uh the amount of money that they're paying is the cost to supply for the police officer would be less than $3 million the the CRA is composed of the property taxes that come from those clubs on Through The Years from I mean from the property owners and I think that we could uh take a little bit of time maybe a year or two where we can give him a chance we can pay for money from the CRA and I give him a chance to come up with a um search charge we can get take it to A legislature there's plenty of precedents where uh there's been cities where they be been able to set a sear charge for um alcohol for the U downtown areas and uh which were investigating right now some of those cities in order to get a a copy of their plan take it to Tallahasse so that money that can pay for the law enforcement officers and and we can return the the rest of it to the CRA commissioner Hill uh yes mayor I was uh going to us Echo uh what commissioner Ortiz stated to see if there's some type of remedy for service charge to uh uh help them with let's do this we've got a lot on this agenda to go David if we defer does it hurt you in any way no we can defer okay let's defer this item we'll have the discussion about whether we want to siphon off some of that money and for that thank you reason or not and we'll just skip that for the day you is that agreeable with everybody yes sir yes sir okay uh number five so five this is a dto retail program funding agreement uh specifically for Sunday friend LLC that's doing business as it girl fit they are moving into the radius building uh which is on the north side of Lake Iola right where you see that uh Bend IN Rosland so they signed a three-year lease and are looking to uh take occupancy there about for 1100t space uh their investment in their buildout is about $260,000 uh it's somewhat of a CrossFit type environment but catered towards women so we're excited to hopefully welcome them into the CRA they qualify for the minimums or or the minimums out of that program which are the $75,000 in uh tenant buildout assistance and then 25 ,000 in uh first Year's rental abatement for a total investment from the CRA at $100,000 so Mo second motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner Shen discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppose motion carries and number six David number six so the final item today is a meba funding agreement uh for a new business in our Paramore neighborhood uh so meba is our minority entrepreneurs and women business assistance program that targets at the that's targeted on the Paramore Community uh this is a uh a cosm a barber shop that's locating right on Paramore Avenue uh they have 12 years of experience the two gentlemen uh that operated Virgil Braxton and Jerome Hill are looking to go off on their own uh and ultimately hopefully be successful in their American Dream they're signing a three-year lease and have went to the amoeba Advisory board for assistance uh they have qualified for $282 3922 which is spread out uh over costs associated with rent batement Capital Equipment expenses expansion costs and marketing assistance so move in no relation okay motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner Stewart discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppos and so the motion carries okay so we deferred one item is there any other business come for that is all may then if there's no objection we will adjourn the CRA and we will reconvene the city council meeting okay Commission Commissioners uh first item of business is hearings um and it is a recision order on the Orlando Jetport Center development we have two other items that are on hearings ordinances second reading number one and two the first item needs to be heard before this item we need to Annex property before we send the um development of regional for the Jetport so what I'd like to do is simply skip that one and hear it between numbers one and two under hearings ordinances second reading and that'll bring us to hearings ordinances on first read everybody good with that and know what we're doing okay hearings ordinances uh first read number one Madam clerk did you follow that Madam clerk okay ordinance number 2 24-13 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida vacating closing and abandoning a portion of tcus Avenue generally located east of Interstate 4 South of West kayy Street and West of South Division Avenue as described in the modelin International Trucking Center plat has recorded in plat book 95 page 28 of the public records of Orange County Florida and comprised of 0.33 acres of land more or less providing for conditions of Abandonment providing for the execution of affecting documents separability correction of scrier error and an effective date second motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Hill Madam clerk do you have any cards no speakers mayor public comment okay um discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicates so by saying I I those opposed so the motion carries okay number two Madam clerk ordinance number 202 24-14 an ordinance at the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located on the North and South sides of State Road 528 at The Innovation Way sunbridge interchange and comprised of approximately 6,273 acres of land providing findings Amendment of the city's boundary description and for Amendment of the city's official Maps providing for superability correction discrimin error and an effective date move to approve second okay motion by commissioner gray second K commissioner Ortiz um this one we're going to have some discussion on um this is the first reading of an ordinance for the first phase of an annexation of property in southeast Orange County um in partnership with uh Tavistock we advancing this annexation to further ensure smart and strategic growth that meets the needs of our community and investments in planned infrastructure and Civic amenities and housing and Commercial development so let me be clear about the property that's under discussion today it is either already developed or it has development entitlements that were approved by Orange County so the development of this property is expected and needed and our partners are committed to upholding the entitlements and agreements that are already in place with Orange County we won't be changing any of that it's development that's going to happen on the border of the city of Orlando and if it's going to be developed in that fashion it should be in the city of Orlando we are having unprecedented growth of a thousand people moving Central Florida every week as a city we know that we must plan for meeting the demands of Housing and Civic and infrastructure developments we must ensure smart development that meets our communities needs while driving inevitable growth away from the rural parts of our state and toward existing urban areas this property is adjacent to other dense developments in southeast Orlando they're in the city thanks to our strategic efforts through Greenworks Orlando we have proven to be the most sustainable City in the southeast United States and that's why smart and sustainable growth is Paramount to our shared priorities with Tavistock who we have an extremely wrong relationship with and developing many sustainable developments and that'll continue over the next several decades Tavis stock has and will continue to invest in the community amenities and infrastructure projects such as a 28 acre Community Park and probably as important to commissioner gray as anything the sunbridge parkway that'll run parallel to and alleviate congestion on nusi road to the West Tavistock also intends to uphold its environmental commitments with the county which includes preserving almost 1700 Acres of conservation lands including wetlands and adjoining Uplands again the annexation into the city doesn't change any of the development profile whatsoever the planned property the property is already approved and is expected and needed to meet the growth in the region it'll simply be developed in the city and become part of the city I would like to call on Elizabeth to our planning division manager to give an overview of this annexation Elizabeth [Applause] d good afternoon mayor and city council um my name is Elizabeth Deng I'm the city planning division manager I'm here today to talk about a proposed Southeast annexation the city in partnership with Tavistock is advancing an annexation in two phases of property in southeast Orange County it's on the North and South sides of the beach Beach line and the Innovation Way interchange with portions extending South to the Ula County boundary the total acreage of what you see on the screen right now is approximately 11,660 688 Acres so today I will tell you a little bit about the process for annexation the character of the properties being annexed how the city intends to provide services and how the city intends to review future development so first up the process uh State statutes have a number of different avenues for annexing property including a city initiated annexation a voluntary or property owner initiated annexation as well as annexation of enclaves via re resolution with uh the associated County so this project will be a mix of City initiated and owner initiated annexations so for the city initiated annexation area is shown in your screen in pink it's approximately 6,273 Acres uh this entire boundary is currently inside Orange County's Urban Services area uh the annexation will not include any changes to the entitlements or Associated commitments to the environmental land stewardship program the property is generally located north and south of State Road 528 at The Innovation Way and sunbridge area uh interchange this area is being considered for City initiated annexation because there are a mix of different property owners and it's the most efficient approach to ensuring a logical annexation boundary so the state statutes include criteria for City initiated annexation one of them is that land must be developed for urban purposes or if vacant it must lie between the municipal boundary and an area developed for urban purposes so the Stanton energy plant as well as the developed properties in the ICP plan development meet that definition of urban services or Urban purposes as well as there are some vacant properties located between the city boundary and those areas the second criteria is that the annexation area must be contiguous and reasonably Compact and that's demonstrated on the map and further the city must obtain permission from at least 50% of the parcels as well as 50% of the acreage and we exceed both of those requirements with our necessary forms on file whoops um so next um the city must transmit a feasibility study to the county at least 15 days in advance of commencing annexation procedures so today's our commencing day for annexation procedures and the feas ibility study was delivered on February 23rd which is 17 days in advance so this feasibility study includes maps showing proposed boundaries future land use designations and water and sewer lines it also outlines the city's plans for providing Municipal Services which I'll discuss in more detail in a minute so phase two of our annexation will be voluntary or owner initiated this is approximately 5400 Acres uh sunbridge land reserve and their entities own the majority of the properties in this area again for this uh phase two there are no changes proposed to entitlements or the commitments to the environmental land stewardship program also for today's agenda there are no action items on this particular phase but we wanted to provide the entire study area as an overview for context so owner initiated and annexations um are not required to meet the statutory definition of urban purposes however they must be contiguous reasonably Compact and not create an enclave a feasibility study is not required and all Property Owners must petition for annexation and we expect an application here toward the end of the month to ensure that these criteria are met when we look at the Timeline um as I mentioned the feasibility study was delivered on February 23rd with written notices sent to Property Owners on February 29th the first reading of the annexation ordinance is today the second reading is currently scheduled for April 1st as well as consideration of an annexation and development agreement with an effective date on the same day the owner initiated annexation will follow shortly thereafter with a submitt by the end of the month for the annexation application a petition for voluntary annexation will go on the council agenda at the April 22nd meeting along with a first reading that same date with a second reading scheduled for May 13th so I'm going to walk through the four different areas being proposed for annexation the first one is familiar to many of us this is the Stanton energy plant uh it's 3,228 acres and this is OU's primary energy plant a lot of people thought it was in the city already and it's not but this does allow one of the city's major utilities to be located within City Limits the second set of properties are all located in the international Corporate Park plan development it's approximately 368 Acres this PD allows a mix of industrial distribution warehouse and office space up to 3 million square ft there are existing developments consisting of off office warehouse and Manufacturing the property will retain its currently issued Orange County development entitlements after annexation into the city the third property in the annexation study area is the sunbridge PD this is approximately 4,800 Acres Tavistock is the developer of record for sunbridge and the land is owned by Suburban land Reserve this property will also retain the currently issued Orange County development entitlements and the commitment to the environmental land stewardship program after annexation the county has approved um the following development program of 7,370 residential units about 5.5 million square ft of office 2.9 Million squ ft of industrial 880,000 ft of retail 490 hotel rooms and4 Acres of Civic uses the final piece of our study area here is called the Camino property it's about 3,200 Acres it is currently designated in Orange County for Rural Development as one unit per 10 acres uh the reason for annexation here is to facilitate development of sunbridge Parkway which will connect um from the north All the Way South to Oola County so there are no immediate development plans for this site and there are existing agreements with some neighboring Property Owners associations those will remain in place and be honored in the city in terms of the city's plans to provide services uh for utilities portable water and wastewater are both subject to what we call service territory agreements which means that the service provider does not change upon annexation so for example OU serves some property that's outside the city limits whereas Orange County Utilities serve some property that's inside the city limits so in this case these are in the Orange County service territory areas so they will remain um served by Orange County the city will provide Solid Waste Service as well as storm water service and development will be subject to the city's storm water utility fee for Emergency Services Orange County currently has two stations that are approximately 8 to 10 miles away the city stations are similarly 8 to 9 miles away uh but that will uh decrease over time the city has a fully funded project to con construct a new fire station on dowen road and story Park and once that's complete and the associated Road Connections are complete that will be about 4 miles away furthermore on an interim basis the city will be providing temporary fire service for Stanton energy plant and in the longer term there is a reserved fire station site within the PD in sunbridge Police Service is currently provided from District K7 and the Lake Nona substation which is approximately 9 miles away um that will remain um in the shorter term and in the longer term uh service will be evaluated if demand changes for Parks the developer will convey a 28 acre Community Park site to the city uh additional neighborhood parks will be included within the residential subdivisions and this is all consistent with the Orange County PD and their approvals these park locations will meet the city requirements as well uh regarding schools there are no additional residential units proposed at this time and School reviews are all done by Orange County Public Schools whether our property is in a municipality or an unincorporated Orange County the the requirements are the same um for this particular site there is an adequate public facilities agreement that mentions the requirement for school sites and although that agreement itself terminates upon annexation of the sunbridge PD with which shows those sites will rep remain in place um like many other properties the site had a capacity enhancement agreement approved with the PD from 2016 um those agreements carry over with the land it um does not change upon annexation I will note here that the applicant and ocps have some disagreement on how to interpret the requirements of that capacity enhancement agreement that's going to be um something that needs to be resolved with or without the annexation of the property so the city will work with the applicant and ocps to ensure that School requirements are met prior to construction of resid residential units next up is transportation there is a robust Road Network that was approved by Orange County and the sunbridge and ICP PDS those will be built upon annexation dowen Road will extend east of the city boundary to connect to sunbridge Parkway and then sunbridge Parkway itself will be constructed and extends south from dowen road to Oola County this is an important goal for the because um we all know that nusi road can be busy at times and this is an excellent alternative north south Corridor for the larger area uh in addition neighborhoods will have an interconnected local Street network with trails to encourage pedestrian and bicycle access um regarding environmental requirements there are no changes to the environmental standards of the PD all areas that are currently reserved for open space in both PDS will remain um the city and the developer will work together to implement the environmental land stewardship program um once annexed into the City and that encompasses nearly 1,700 Acres of Conservation Area including wetlands and adjoining Uplands the developer is also working with local universities and environmental organizations to address various environmental topics and the city sees opportunities um to create new Partnerships with our greenwork program and the master developer so finally um there have been some questions about how the city plans to review and approve future development proposals um first up on the April 1st Council along with the adoption ordinance the council will be asked to consider an annexation and development agreement it covers the following main topics first is conveyance of a community park site second is conveyance of a fire station site next is um some parameters for construction of sunbridge Parkway um to Ula County next are some requirements to uphold the environmental commitments outlined within the County's environmental land stewardship program uh as well as making sure that existing agreements with neighbor neighboring property associations will remain in effect and this is fairly similar to what we've done for other annexed properties so once again to repeat there are no additional entitlements associated with this annexation uh the city will hold public hearings to adopt City future land use and Zoning designations consistent with the state statutes but those are going to look very familiar because it's it's going to be the the principles and Concepts all coming from the county PD ordinances so until the City Zoning is adopted Property Owners May request site plan approvals and building permits from the city who and we will review according to the Orange County zoning standards uh we're aware there may be property owners in ICP or sunbridge who are ready to obtain permits in the short term and and we want to be ready to accommodate those requests so this is a tentative timeline for the comprehensive plan and Zoning hearings uh including submittal at the end of April a municipal planning board meeting on June 18th followed by a council review of the minutes in July a first reading in August followed by state agency review an adoption Hearing in October so the benefits of annexation primarily is the long history the city has of partnering with Tavistock to bring high quality growth and development to the region this particular site uh is located near M the airport the Space Coast Medical City UCF neoc City and other um Economic Development growth areas so really what we have here um are economic and Community Development opportunities um that the city can work together with Tavistock to develop and an example of the success of that approach is certainly at Lake Nona it's become an excellent example of innovation in housing transportation and employment uh when it was annexed in the 1990s there were a number of critics and I think what you see there today demonstrates that those criticisms have been overcome so I'll follow up there and see if anybody has any questions okay questions for Elizabeth anybody and we do have uh three requests to speak uh if you'll come identify yourself um you'll be given three minutes so the first is Andrew May assistant count County attorney good afternoon mayor and count and Commissioners my name is Andrew Mai and I am the assistant County attorney for Orange County located at 2011 South Rosland Avenue in Orlando Florida um Orange County is surprised and concerned about this proposed annexation we have identified a number of issues and the letter that I submitted for the record and you should have before you in summary the county is disappointed that we were not consulted regarding this annexation we did not receive the Fe feasibility study of annexation as required by Florida Statutes the governing body of the city this ccil never sent the notification to the board of County Commissioners as required the notification was sent by the director of the economic development to the to to the county com troller we are concerned that this failure invalidates any action this counil may take related to this item the proposed an anation fails to comply with Florida statute 171432 because none of the parcels proposed to be annexed are developed for urban purposes as defined by that section we noticed that the proposed an annexation is not Compact and it creates finger-like areas uh in the city we are concerned that the annexation splits a plan development in two plan developments are intended to operate as a whole and annexing most of a plan development will make the plan development fail especially since this plan development is very complicated the county and the applicants have entered into multiple development agreements the annexation will impair those contracts in violation of the law and no Provisions have been made to address these contracts and to compensate the county for its losses furthermore the city has a duty to provide Urban services on substantially the same basis in the same manner as other parts of the city the Fe feasibility study reveals several deficiencies and services at this time we recommend that this annexation and approval of the annexation be delayed until the services can be provided the county finds the city to be a valuable partner in the development of the region we are surprised and concerned about this annexation and hope you will take the time to slow the process down so our concerns can be addressed we we request the city not adopt the annex ation ordinance the county would like the opportunity to discuss these matters with the city thank you very much thank you I think Elizabeth addressed each of those issues in her presentations but we're certainly happy to have staff sit down in the next few weeks together um we'll be available um and we will arrange that Elizabeth if you can be in charge of that along with Roy make sure we have discussions thank you thank you okay uh Jad [Music] Brewer good afternoon mayor Commissioners my name is Jad Brewer brw from Orange County Public Schools 6501 magic way and Orlando 32809 uh provided earlier a letter um we found out about this annexation on Friday from our you know the great media that reports in this town I don't know if you got those but for the record I want to supply copies and essentially uh you know the the feasibility study and looking at that did not address schools whatsoever um Elizabeth slide um was the first uh we've seen of that uh there's been zero communication about this annexation with Orange County Schools so interestingly the entirety of the sunbridge PD is uh has a capacity enhancement agreement over it which requires the dedication of school sites and the dedication of a capital contribution to offset the cost of constructing what will most likely be three if not four schools in that area to handle the massive amount of growth that was already proposed um not here to stop growth in any manner or to stop uh sunbridge from moving forward uh we just want to be a part of this as a partner with the city the conditions of approval of the PD that Orange County put in place place it's in the letter condition of approval number 20 uh provides that the developers in order to pull permits must be in comp compliance with the ca as well as that uh APF adequate public facilities agreements that Miss D referenced also protects those School interests so uh similar to the county we just Echo our concerns that this may be done being done at a rapid pace and we're uh not communicating effectively and and coordinating this so that all the citizens of that future area have the proper Services they need uh just ask the commission today to reaffirm its commitment to schools uh that condition number 20 should be carried over and should be made a vital part of anyd I know there's some uh language you discuss we we will follow all the agreements that have already been in place with developer and the school district right and I'm glad to hear that today agreement on the value of uh the school capacity agreement um and we'll try to help you guys resolve that together as well right and that was one of our concerns that that was uh not addressed in the feasibility study in terms of all your other agreements all right thank you we we appreciate that commitment and I hope to see everyone at the opening of the new high school out in Lake Nona for next year but I would also invite you to sit down with staff and make sure that would love to we sit down with staff all the time so at least quarterly and usually it's month you turn around shake hands with Elizabeth there she will accommodate you we know each other well thank you okay and lastly we have uh Eric Grimmer good afternoon mayor Commissioners my name is Eric rimmer 574 Terror Spring Drive Orlando Florida 32828 now I'm a resident of East Orange County where the proposed annexation would occur I also a current member of the Orange County Charter review commission where I also serve as the chairman of our sustainable growth committee I'm here in my own personal capacity I'm not representing the CRC or our committee here today as a committee we have been considering the idea of creating rural boundaries in the county to guard against ongoing suburban sprawl you may have heard of our work it made some local news recently at our most Comm most recent committee meeting we took a deep dive on joint planning agreements that the county has with various municipalities which has not include the city of Orlando of course there is an inter local agreement between the jurisdictions however during our meeting the lack of a drint planning agreement was lamented because of the pressures of ongoing annexations from the county to the city that results in a lack of predictability for future planning efforts I would personally add that the annexation pressures essentially forc the county to perpetuate its own suburban sprawl by bringing the rural bogy Creek Corridor into its own urban service area as the council is aware far statute requires the annexation request to be reason comp impact however we're talking about nearly 6,300 acres of land the feasibility cility declares the annexation area to be reasonbly compact but offers no explanation in support of its conclusion like Michael Scott in the office attempting to declare bankruptcy by yelling it out to a crowded room of co-workers just saying something to be the case does not make it sell reasonably Minds can disagree on a lot of things but there shouldn't be no disagreement that 6300 acres is not compact not only is the annexation not be compact the city should abandon this request because it's just not cool Orange County and the City of Aranda are neighbors collaborators maybe even friends we both have a staken and are actively trying to pursue success and prosperity for the entire region we cannot realize those goals if we do not work together to some degree the success of Orange County and the City of Orlando individually is dependent on actions wholly taken by the other jurisdiction therefore we should Endeavor not to undertake actions that would actively be detrimental to our neighbors the the sun development is going to be bad enough for Central Florida it is another glaming example suburban sprawl that is devouring large swats of undeveloped land land it is vital to deal with ever increasing amounts of storm water being dumped on US every year due to more severe storms resulting from climate change as some Bridge continues to be constructed it will be vital that the governing jurisdiction had the environmental capacity to make sure it's being done so in the most responsible manage to the environment once it's fully built out it will be essential that the governing jurisdiction monitors it and ensur us that they is not causing ongoing damage to our natural ecosystems Orange County has a large team in its environmental div division with a wealth of experience and years of expertise the County's comprehensive Plan update Vision 2050 as is one of its goals is to make planning for the future of Orange County more predictable and surprise large scale annexations like this are an impairment to real to realizing those goal thank you very much thank you very much okay commissioner Burns uh thank you uh mayor I did have a question for for Elizabeth um is there is there a a a a timeliness issue of why we're we're moving this uh right now versus at a later date well I I think it's important not to stretch it out too long because there are existing Property Owners unlike uh for example when we Annex Starwood next door it was entirely vacant and the developer was able to take some time to go through that entitlement process in this case those entitlements already exist in Orange County and some people have already built according to that so um we need to move at a pace to provide some certainty for the property owners uh for providing those services to them also um when I first heard about this the first thing that came to mind was environmental issues or or factors and I was um given some level of of uh you know my my concerns were you know somewhat addressed with us saying that all the environmental requirements from the county will will remain and so and they mentioned some uh addressing topics including water quality uh Water Resource conservation has there been any environmental concerns identified that has not been addressed by the county with the property earners that we should be concerned about uh no as far as I know the the boundaries of the environmental and the Wetland areas that's all been kind of determined so that's usually the hardest part of this process is getting that sorted out and and now that the boundaries are here you know there are some state and federal requirements but what Orange County has done very well is provide this stewardship aspect which means not just showing it as green on a map but actually um you know going in for invasive species removal maintaining the quality of the Water by being concerned about storm water runoff and that kind of thing so that over time those Wetlands don't degrade and in fact you can create an environmental resource and I I think that's one of the kind of advantages to to bring it into the city is being able to participate in that and and potentially have some lessons learned for other areas in the city as well okay thank you commissioner Stewart then commissioner Hill right thank a couple quick questions has has there been similar I'm trying to think in my mind has there been other similar uh properties that have come in with similar environmental requirements when they came into us from the from the county um you can think of right so the environmental land stewardship program is relatively new in the last 10 years so this would be our first first time bringing that portion of it in in the past we've looked at Wetland boundaries and kind of maintained those but not the specific program but there certainly been some properties in the last 10 years that have come in I mean oh yes plenty of properties that have in open space whatever the agreements that they had with the county we have maintained right and the overarching especially with Wetlands they all fall under the Army core or the Water Management District requirements which are in a sense pulling local governments you know the state statute is trying to get local governments kind of out of that review process and so all of us have to think about ways that we turn more towards protection of open space and kind of bigger picture goals so we're not the ones necessarily out there with the flag arguing over the where the boundary is but we are the ones saying hey are you maintaining your property are you taking care of it that kind of thing um I I know that you had covered a bunch of stuff that was also covered in the letter that we received from the county I just kind of want to make sure that I'm on the same page as you so we see no distinguishable no difference effectively in the environmental and the plan document that's there I've getting letters from people who say I cannot believe you're going to allow you're going to develop thousands of pieces of property over there my answer I think is it's already been approved right so if that was the concern that should have been addressed at the time the approved the project so somebody so somebody would somebody was trying to take advantage of stopping development wouldn't they want to come into the City and ask us to bring it in with less entitlements which we would say no these entitlements are there we're not going to take them away from somebody who's already gained them is that correct yes okay is there anything else I mean I think you probably seen the letter as well anything else in the letter that that that we're um in in your in your interpretation that it's it's not accurate I mean the time frames and and the other issues that are related that we we' Fallen as best I can tell in line with all that haven't we yeah yes and the the feasibility study was sent to the Orange County crom troller which is where we sent many other annexation notices over the years and and it's never been a concern um the the definition of urban purposes is in the statute and there's a a different sort of criteria that applies depending on which section of the statute you're using but as our feasibility study explains we're using the broad definition of the entire chapter so um there you know you can try for some technicalities but we can come back with technicalities I'm sure Roy has some case law he can pull out if necessary um I don't see anything here that um sounds like it would be a showstopper now outside of the Direct Services taxes that are available that would either be applied or not applied based upon who's providing those Services um the only other Revenue coming out of there is County General Revenue correct that's we can tell right so if you look at an unincorporated property they everybody in the county pays an unincorporated millit rate um or excuse me they pay the unincorporated then there's a countywide one that City residents pay and County residents so they'll keep that portion of it and then the city would get its portion and that unincorporated rate falls off the the bill now our our rates are slightly higher they are and so we have a property owner who wants to voluntarily come into the City and pay a slightly higher rate for Public Safety essentially is that correct well it's for all the services that a city provides yep yeah I just I mean when I look at this from the outside is I would say I can't imagine why the county would actually want to object to this and the reason is that this will be developed faster and the plan that they had already be developed faster and they will get their General Revenue quicker then having delay this over 10 years it looks to me like it could happen over 3 to 5 years um and that would be a good thing for the county not necessarily a bad thing correct is am I missing that interpretation I I would agree with that I'm sure some people might not that's okay I understand that's what I'm just trying to make sure I understand all right thank you very much thank you commissioner Hill commissioner Burns commissioner Ortiz thank you mayor Dar and thank you for that presentation uh Elizabeth I still need deeper Dives to understand this as a whole but today I'm supporting it uh but I do there will be no more residential build is that what I heard outside of what Orange County has already approved right so they've approved about 7,000 units which is pretty substantial but the developers not asking for anything more than what's already approved is that single family or multi family are mix it's a mix it's a mix and then the 5 plus million office space 2.9 Million square fet of industrial and Retail and hotel uh rooms I I I guess I asked that uh mayor and counsel and I think I've asked you that also nowhere in that Southeast re region can someone come out there to go to work that might need public transportation and I didn't see public transportation uh there in the transportation modes of right and that's a that's a regional concern with or without this annexation is providing good transit to this part of Orange County and you know it was a setback when the sales tax uh referendum was not approved but I think you know both the city and the county are going to have to come up with some strategies there absolutely I get it but being a fair and Equitable City that we brag about it's not Equitable this would not be for me Equitable and I would like to know about you know is it is it going to be an enclave for the wealthy still will it be attainable housing in the area it should be all throughout the system so those are some of the questions that I'm and I would like for us to have as we move forward about infrastructure Equitable housing attainable housing commissioner Hill what I can tell you about that if we Annex it you'll have a vote on that right if we don't Annex it no no I'm that's why I'm supporting it mayor but I do want those type of conversations to be had that's all I have thank you commissioner Burns uh mayor I I just want to get clarification so the because the county attorney mentioned that um I guess our process in submitting the feasibility study didn't follow you know legal requirements what and I just that that was the only thing I want to know do we feel that our process was consistent and then meets all of the legal it does and we spent a lot of time with our attorneys making sure we followed all the steps and you know that that's an obvious one that you don't want to miss because it's pretty straightforward so I I think we're pretty comfortable that we've done it correctly and if that's something we need to address with the county we we can certainly speak to them but I I think all of us on staff are very comfortable commissioner it's the same way we've done it for since I've been here okay and they've never objected till now so it would be hard to not argue that's a little waiver on their part and I did happen to listen to the tape uh where the County Commission discussed this and and um mayor deming's acknowledged receipt on whatever date it was so the 23rd yes so we're good okay thank you commiss Ortiz quick recap um Elizabeth just correct me no changes in growth management plan no changes in land use no changes in PD no entitlements no additional densities and no changes in conservation eement right pretty much stays everything the same they keep the utilities so the only thing here is they rather have doing business with us than doing business with orange count oh well I will say that um let's put it the way it is that that at some point we do have to change the future land use and Zoning to City categories because right now all the so to speak you have to go look at Orange County documents we would like for people future developers or 20 years from now when you need a fence at your house that you can look at a city ordinance so we will be transferring all that over and that requires a public hearing process of course but the goal is to transfer it not to wholesale make changes okay we would we would do that with any County property coming in we have we must by state do that okay thank you Joseph making sure I was clear on that commissioner gray yeah I just wanted to say briefly to commissioner Hill um the last time we did the the large PD for Lake Nona with Tavistock we required them to do 10% of their new housing to be affordable okay and so there's no reason we won't hold them to that same standard thank you sir sure further discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed so the motion carries I will uh mention one of the thing to commissioner Hill since I see Roseanne Harrington out here if in fact we get the sunshine Corridor done Roseanne had pushed to have a stop on the other side of the airport that would serve eventually sunbridge so there is the capacity to run SunRail through the airport and onto this property that we're talking about annexing Wonder okay all right let's move to our next item okay hearings ordinances on second reading number one and this relates to the um Jetport Center development properties so let's start with number one and then we'll do the come back to the one that we skipped and then we'll do number two number one Stephanie number 2023-24 annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located east of weatherbe Road South of Palm Bay Drive and north of OU Railroad and comprised of 166 acres of land more or less providing for severability correction of Governor's errors and an effective date move to adop motion by commissioner gray second by commissioner Ortiz Madame clerk do we have any speakers no speakers mayor discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I I those opposed motion carries okay let's revert back to the recision order of the Orlando Jetport Center development from hearings number one I guess you don't really need to read that but would you read the title anyways you with me number nine Stephanie hear so we have to go back back the hearing yep hearings number one yeah just read I know we don't need to read it but I was going to have you read the title anyways recision order of the Orlando Jetport Center development of regional impact drri development order as to parcels 13-24 29- 000000 --7 and 13- 24-29 00-00 d008 could you read those numbers again no excuse me I move to approve please second motion by commissioner gray second by commissioner Ortiz I'll open this for public hearing do I have any cards no cards discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries all right now we are back in order without any disruption so we are on number two ordinance 2023-24 d29 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending the city's growth management plan designating certain land generally located east of weatherbe Road South of Palm Bay Drive and north of OU railroad Industrial in part and conservation in part further amending the city's growth management plan to create future land use sub area policy s36 .3 designating the property as general Industrial in part and conservation in part the city's official zoning Maps providing for Amendment of the city's official future land use and Zoning Maps providing for separability correction of scrier Errors permit disclaimer and an effective date motion to adopt motion by commissioner gray and I think we changed it up second by commissioner Stewart W go okay Madam clerk do we have any requests for comment no speakers mayor discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppose motion carries okay number three ordinance number 2023503495 commissioner shien Madam clerk any request no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicate up by seeing I I those oppos motion carries okay ordinances on first reading number one ordinance number 2024-the line of South Orange Avenue into the Westerly right of way line of Oak Place and comprised of 0.25 acres of land more or less and certain land generally located east of South Orange Avenue West of Oak Place and south of Butler Drive and compris of 0.17 acres of land more or less and amending the city's boundary description amending the city's adopted growth management plan to designate the property as Urban Activity Center on the city's official future land use maps designating the property as Urban activity center with a special plan overlay District on the city's official zoning Maps providing for Amendment of the city's official future land use and Zoning Maps providing for cability correction scor's errors permit disclaimer and an effective date second motion by commissioner Sheen was that you commissioner Hill second second commissioner Hill Madam clerk any cards no speakers May no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicate so by saying I I I those oppos motion carries and number 224 20246 ordinance number 202 24-16 and ordinance amending chapter 31 city code storm water utility code by amending section 31.1 14 city code to modify the basis on which the storm water service charge is calculated and to provide for increases in the charge and applicable rate providing legislative findings cability codification correction of scrier errors and an effective date motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Stewart Madam clerk any cards no speakers May no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I those opposed and so the motion carries okay that's all of our ordinances we do have a quasi judicial hearing so let's move to item 161 quas additional hearing related to 16117 East Washington Street um this is a recommended order from a hearing officer in case QJ [Music] 2023-the is Mark kinchla as agent for 1623 LLC I'm going to have Elizabeth go ahead and give us some background and then we will hear from the petitioner and the applicant Elizabeth thank you mayor you had a full day Elizabeth I hope you all aren't tired of me yet all right once again my name is Elizabeth Deng I'm here today to present on 1617 East Washington Street it was an appeal of the historic preservation board's decision the project is a single family lot located at 1617 East Washington Street it's .19 acres in District 4 and you can see it highlighted in blue the requested action here is to construct a new single family home with a detached garage and a second floor accessory dwelling unit on a currently vacant parcel this parcel was previously split from 1623 East Washington Street in 2022 and is a legal conforming lot so here you see on the zoning map it's zoned r2a with the traditional City Historic preservation and aircraft noise overlays and it is in the lake lasassa historic district the existing site photos it's a little hard to see from the street because of the tree cover uh but the house you see a one-story blue house is on the left and there's a two-story White house on the right so this is the proposed residence uh it is new construction it's two stories uh as well as the one story Port kosher it is a tutor Revival um and it will the the reason the port kosher is on the left side is that that is closer to the one-story house and then the two-story portion of the house is next to the two-story home next door so this is the site plan and and we put it this way so you can see it a little more clearly but North is to your left there so the street is on the right so if you imagine the front of the home on the right there um it does have a 25t excuse me a 30 foot setb in the front 6 feet on the east side which uh exceeds the minimum setbacks so the historic preservation board heard the applicants petition for approval and staff recommended approval with a number of conditions the most relevant being um some architectural features that should be adjusted as well as a separate minor review for fencing in the pool and a small reduction in the square footage so it's below the 050 floor area ratio requirement the HPB added several conditions including lowering the height of the roof and this is done through the pitch so they weren't talking about taking a flooor off but they were talking about a few inches to lower the height of the roof um reduce the balcony on the right side so it does not extend into the required side setback um provide Eaves and fascia consistently around the entire building and asked staff to review the brick selection as well as reducing the size of the Adu and the amount of parking in the rear so that's what was approved um it was appealed by neighboring property owner historic preservation board applications are Quasi judicial uh chapter two article 32 of the city code allows persons dissatisfied with a board recommendation to a denovo or new hearing before an independent hearing officer and that hearing was conducted on January 11th so the hearing officer did find that proper notice was given and the petitioner had adequate opportunity to present objections at the hearing uh he found that the petitioner failed to present any expert testimony and no convincing lay testimony to support his objections uh the petitioner failed to provide uh competent substantial evidence to support the objections and found that the HPB board itself acted with competent substantial evidence and therefore the recommended approval of the application must be approved and affirmed so the hearing officer's recommendation is approval of the application uh according to the hpb's recommendation and the appeal would be denied so the action required by council is either to adopt the recommended order adopt with changes or direct staff to prepare a revised order and staff's recommendation is to adopt the hearing orders recommended excuse me hearing officer's recommended order denying the petitioner's petition and opposition in its entirety and approving the hpb's recommended approval in case number HPB 2023 10282 and I'm available if you have any questions okay questions or comments for Elizabeth then section two uh commissioner Stewart Elizabeth quick question uh the um conditions that were placed from hbb and from mpb are part of the order they they went through as part of the order yes so the recommended order was to keep all the conditions exactly the same no changes okay section 2.29 of the Orlando city code provides that consideration of a recommended order as a quas Judicial matter must be based on and limited to the testimony and evidence in the record that was made and considered by the hearing officer Council may allow staff and each party up to 10 minutes for oral presentation or argument historically we have given each party five minutes neither staff nor the parties May submit new evidence and must confine presentations to the evidence made part of the record before the hearing officer we've heard from staff and now we will hear from um the petitioner and then the applicant responded so the petitioner is Mark kinchla if you'll come forward you have five minutes so you here I didn't think I saw Mar no I don't think Mr kitcha is here I don't see him in the audience okay then he waves his time um Mr Deets okay well I'm guess this uh kind of makes it an easy decision um I'm going to guess that we might want a motion to approve the hearing officer's recommended order mayor I yeah mayor I will move that to adopt the hearing officer's recommendation second motion by commissioner Shi second by commissioner Burns discussion he none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries okay that is the scheduled business for today Ed could you get us in position for General [Music] appearance [Music] --------- [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning everybody and welcome to the March 11th 2024 Workshop of the Orlando city council to so today we are going to be joined by Vivian briyan in the Orlando Housing Authority uh Commissioners as you know housing continues to be a complex challenge around our country uh availability and affordability both uh weigh in there and we're committed to ensuring that every resident has access to safe and affordable high quality housing um in addition to some of the issues of availability and affordability we also have an aging housing stock and we need to make continue to make significant investments in preserving affordable housing um that we have in addition to um creating new opportunities so today's Workshop focused on that we'll learn about the choice neighborhoods planning Grant which was awarded to the Orlando Housing Authority in lift Orlando by HUD that'll help create a neighborhood revitalization plan for the lak man homes and laad dun Apartments neighborhoods and this morning we are joined by the executive director of the housing authority and um some of her crew Vivien Brian to provide us with an update on status of their programs and efforts in including their Voucher Program Veterans Affairs suppor of housing program and homelessness initiatives Vivian welcome thank you mayor um mayor City uh Council we need to pull that mic down need turn up volume Ed okay that's good okay I can hear me better good morning I'm Vivian Bryant president CEO of the Orlando Housing Authority mayor D city council we're very pleased that you have asked us to come to U make a presentation on all of the successes and challenges that we've had as a Housing Authority uh other um persons that will join me to make part of the presentations will be um a Fleming who will talk about our efforts in the Sanford housing authority and Sandy hosta who is the uh asset director for Lyft Orlando um Gail ploud is also a staff who is here who has helped with um preparing this presentation let me see if I can figure out how to move this forward okay I think I did something wrong did it move up I wanted to go to the next one okay okay um the Housing Authority mission is included in your packet I won't read it um um since you already have it the next slide is uh shows Orlando Housing Authority is a moving to work agency that is a special design ation of Honor that U HUD gives to housing authorities uh there are 39 Legacy moving to work agencies and the importance of that is that it allows uh that housing authority mtw agency to change HUD rules to meet local needs um there are only um like I said 39 of the Legacy agencies of the 3400 housing authorities across the United States one of the the rules that we change for her in order to benefit our residents was that we do trianal re-exams instead of um having residents come in every month every year to tell us um what their income is we don't check their full income for 3 years if they have not had any substantial increase in income we uh allow them to keep that as a way of Building Wealth to become homeowners and to um provide self-sufficiency for themselves and and their families normal housing authorities cannot do that every year they have to the residents have to come in and um notify them of any kind of rent increases and we're able to do that among other activities because we are moving to work um in order to be a moving to work agency you have to be a high performing agency meaning that you your properties have scored 90 and above in uh on the Hud's um real estate assessment score and um we're very privileged that Orlando Housing Authority has consistently been 90 and above for all of our sites um that's a double-edged sword because we score so high when it's time to say we would like to um demolish a property HUD looks at us Compares us to other housing authorities and often um will not give us the approval to demolish because our properties have scored so high uh moving to work measures the cost Effectiveness self-sufficiency and housing choice these are the goals that a moving to work agency must seek to achieve um HUD often uses moving to work agencies to establish policies that they would like to implement for other housing authorities for example the trienal re-exam which is one I just mentioned is one of those measures that Orlando Housing Authority tested and now had allows other housing authorities to implement it the next um pie chart shows our breakdown of public housing versus uh Section 8 programs plus the non uh public housing program uh units that we own we have 1315 public housing units we have 569 non-public housing units and then we have 44 of 74 Section 8 vouchers that we administer now of that 4474 we maintained 534 of them in the Sanford Housing Authority in 2010 the um HUD asked Orlando Housing Authority to take over the day-to-day operations of the Sanford Housing Authority we tore down every public housing unit that they had that was six sites and um as a part of the Redevelopment of Sanford we also applied for a choice neighborhood uh planning Grant we were successful in 2018 and we have started to rebuild their public housing we have three of the six sites are already rebuilt uh there will be a a groundbreaking not a groundbreaking an open house on the third site um April 11th in Sanford uh to celebrate the opening of their um affordable housing property the the next slide is a a breakdown of our waiting list the Orlando Housing Authority can only serve households who are on the waiting list we uh cannot um have an emergency housing program where we just say okay someone is in need let's just serve them they have to come from the waiting list and this is a federal requirement we have 10,455 households on the public housing waiting list and 14,00 643 on the Section 8 waiting list the public housing and the Section 8 waiting list are closed as you can see we have 10,455 on the public housing waiting list for 1,300 units and then for the uh Section 8 program we um have the 14,643 more of in the recent history Hut has um provided us with special purpose vouchers and that means that the vouchers are giv given to us for a special reason we cannot go to our regular waiting list to serve those households and most of the special purpose vouchers are based on referrals from um specific agencies for example we have um 619 hous um vouchers for veterans the referrals for those vouchers have to come from the VA we have 154 emergency housing vouchers and the referrals have to come from homeless Services Network we also have a um 35 units at a property that we own called um West um West Oaks and the referrals for that property come from Wayne DCH and then we have 100 um single room occupancy vouchers that come and the referrals have to come from Maxwell Terrace Apartments the next slide is a a breakdown of our initiatives for homelessness and there again you see the um the HUD Vash program which is the veterans program we have the 619 and we provide the status of those vouchers if the vouchers are not 100% used it's because we haven't gotten the referrals yet also you'll see where we have um a PR chronic homelessness program that we implemented with the city of Orlando and homeless Services Network um that was a special moving to work initiative that we um ask HUD to allow us to implement and we did a lesson learned from that was that um there the vouchers were turnover vouchers as some um households left the program we issued them to um the homeless Services we could never go to our waiting list so HUD became concerned fair housing became concerned because we never went to the waiting list as long as we utilized um that approach so um we applied for the emergency housing Val vur and that uh allowed us to serve the same number of households we received 154 and we we really fought for that um the original allocation that had um provided for us was not in that number we made the appeal that we also had to um serve households in Sanford so they gave us more vouchers so that we could serve both the Sanford and new Orlando Housing Authority um uh and Orlando residents one of the things that I didn't mention about Orlando Housing Authority running the Sanford Housing Authority is that Sanford has no staff all of the staff are Orlando Housing Authority staff um and the good thing about running Sanford is it's a lot easier to develop the units there because we started with a vacant land um you know in Huds uh scoring of housing authorities Orlando Housing Authorities properties scored in the 90s when we took over sford they scored 37 and that out that was out of 100 um now Sanford Housing Authority has um a high performer and is also a moving to work agency we were able to assist them the other um breakdown uh shows the what we've developed um using the Section 8 programs in Sanford and Orlando and the initiatives that we have that serve homeless we mentioned the single room occupancy again we also administer vouchers for Baptist Terrace we administer vouchers for Georgetown Square which is a property we developed in Sanford um and there are um Georgetown Square has 90 units 28 of them are Project based Section 8 and one of the things that we we do with our project based Section 8 is that um we try to reach a lower income population in the developments that we create sometimes uh when we build tax credit housing the households that are at 30% don't get a lot of um we don't have a lot of units for them but we will put in the um project Bas Section 8 into those um communities so that the households that live in the neighborhood are able to um to lease there so we've we've done that with um Monroe Landings which was a a Sanford Housing Authority development it has um 60 units in all 28 of them are um Project based the one that we will open um on April it's already being occupied um is Somerset Landings and um of the 84 units 63 of Project based the other um initiatives are you know we have with the veterans um vouchers we have been able to project base some of those in two apartment complexes that we have a relationship with the West Oaks Apartments which is one that we own um pandana of West Lakes which is our partnership with left Orlando um warley Park which is a partnership with wover and Duram place um wover partners and then we have partnered with LIF Orlando on um pandana 1 and pandana 2 and all of those vouchers are leased um th those are just a percentage of the vouchers that are leased in those neighborhoods the next slide um has to do with repositioning of public housing HUD is getting out of the public housing development business in November of 2018 all housing authorities across the United States received letters from HUD saying that they could no longer uh maintain the housing stock because they did not have enough federal funds for public housing all housing authorities were encouraged to put their public housing on a Section 8 platform and I know you all know this but I just want to remind you that uh the difference between public housing in Section 8 is who owns the units in the public housing program the Housing Authority will own the unit in the section 8 program they will be owned by private landlord Lords and the rent is basically the same for the Section 8 program um participant or the public housing residents it's just a matter of who maintains the units who gets the subsidy from HUD and um and who has to make sure that the the units meet housing quality standards the Housing Authority still has responsibility to um inspect Section 8 of units to make sure that the rents are reasonable and to um provide services to those residents um one of the things that um did not mention with the moving to work program is that we were able to hire a job recruiter that actually helps our households um to to find jobs that job recruiter on a weekly basis will um find jobs that are currently available to to public housing and Section 8 households uh our households work we serve the Working Poor unless they're elderly or disabled if at some point the person loses a job and they let us know um we we don't immediately change the rent um we give them an opportunity and the the resources to find another job um and to provide them with the services we we started out with our public housing residents and then moved on to uh bring our Section 8 households onto that program so that we truly serve the Working Poor you will not find anyone in an Orlando Housing Authority property that pays zero rent um we have a rent floor of $225 that each um family member if if it's a family property if it's elderly disabled then um it's a $100 minimum rent but um we we do encourage our households if they are able to work and if they're not able we do um we have reasonable accommodations that we assist them with but back to the um repositioning so after HUD told us that they didn't have the Monies to support the public housing the maintenance of the public housing we looked at our stock and we um submitted to HUD in 2019 um our intent to demolish six public housing sites um Griffin Park Reeves Terrace lak Man Homes merchon Terrace lerun apartments iyane homes and these six were the ones that have the highest maintenance cost now one of the things that HUD does offer us opportunities to take public housing and put them on a Section 8 platform we were able to do that with Citrus Square Apartments that is in um commissioner Ortiz's district with it was public housing it is no longer public housing it is Section 8 the public housing households um live there uh some of them have moved on to private housing but everyone was accommodated if they were eligible so so with these other tools that we have from HUD we are encouraged to take the public housing stock and put them on the Section 8 platform the reason so many of the properties are in the city is because those are the oldest ones that we have in our inventory so those are the ones who that um need the most support and um are even though theyve we've scored well they're obsolete in terms of today's standards um often times they don't meet um eight uh um Americans with Disability Act requirements the bedrooms are upstairs and if you have someone in a wheelchair they can't get upstairs to the unit that happens with many of our tow houses and our um twostory Apartments uh often the parking is insufficient and um just they they're not what we would like to provide for our households and so and we also looked at you know other factors regarding the the demolition so in terms of how far we've gotten with the repositioning we've only gotten approval to demolish one property and that is Griffin Park so this is um we we did get approval to demolish Griffin Park we relocated all of the residents that were still there which was about 127 many of the units had been taken out of occupancy because of um mold and and other issues and HUD gave us um Section 8 vouchers for those households to find units on the the private sector um when we rebuild those households will be able to come back we also worked with commissioner Hill and Paramore Oaks to see how many of the households could be um could stay in the neighborhood at um Paramore Oaks to date um we have 22 residents that have leased up under um the Section 8 and 16 that have decided that they want to stay in other public housing the question may come up why demolish Griffin Park fun functionally obsolete um the rehab cost exceeds the the um the standards that that HUD has provided the interior spaces cramped and inconsistent with current living standards um unlike a private developer that can raise rents in order to make up for any Gap in in financing Orlando Housing Authority can't do that our residents pay 30% of their income toward hous and if when we serve households that are at 50% of median that 30% is not a lot of money HUD provides us with about half of the money that we need um to manage the public housing program the other half has to come from from rents Congress uh controls the HUD budget and often HUD is only funded at 84% of what they present to Congress as a need so um unlike the Section 8 program where Congress will fund the need at 99% uh housing authorities for public housing only get a a fraction of that um the other um negative feature of Griffin Park is it was under the expressway um when um I4 expanded it expanded right over many of the units there is such a a need and a desire to preserve the history of Griffin Park that we are looking at um ways that we can can preserve that history working with HUD working with the state um Department of historic preservation so um in the demolition we would save two buildings um have consultation with uh community residents convert the administration building to um like a museum and these are just some of the ideas we still need to work with the community on on what will happen with historic preservation of Griffin Park it was built in 1941 and um there are serious problems it's it's it's rock solid but the mold and mil do um just consume it and um we do we we do air quality studies before we move anybody in it would take about a month or two before residents would start to complain that the children had asthma or some other reason that um that we could not solve because of the the the nature of the structure we um want to make sure that the residents and the surrounding neighborhood Hood and the the former Griffin Park residents um feel good about what the how we preserve the history we will start working with them on that um it's my understanding that by the end of May we will have gone through the permitting process or the and so that we can demolish it approve oh we got per plans are approved okay so we have aov tomorrow okay so good news we have a pre-bid tomorrow on Griffin Park we the plans were approved by by the city so um this is a just a concept that we asked the the architect to um to provide for us it has the units um press back pushed back from the expressway and this is just a concept you know Architects do Concepts so that we have something to look at something to dream about um we met with Griffin Park residents that we relocated to ask them what they would like to see um they are either in other public housing or in private housing but we know where they are and we will continue to work with them on the Redevelopment of Griffin Park um the Orlando Housing Authority um has other uh initiatives that we have implemented uh in Redevelopment one is we mentioned that we managed the um Sanford housing authority and we completed successfully completed a choice neighborhood plan now Choice neighborhood is is what the partnership that we have with Lyft Orlando where we are looking at the community surrounding um lakan and L dun the difference between what we did um so far at Carver Park and what we've done at Campton Park where the our administrative offices is those were Redevelopment of a public housing site not the entire neighborhood so Choice neighborhood looks at the the neighborhood revitalization and Redevelopment in um around the public housing sites wherein the hope sixes that we completed just focus on the public housing sites so um I'm going to ask our partner um Sandy hasta to to talk with you uh to present to you our efforts with the um Choice neighborhood that we are proposing for um the West Lakes and lak man um neighborhoods we are very pleased and we believe that we complement each other in our experience and what we're doing and that um it while it's just beginning that it will be a very successful transformation of these um neighborhoods so Sandy I I can do the clicker for you if you want to welcome Sandy I guess this is uh kind of timely given you just had the kickoff that's right we did thank you mayor good morning mayor and Commissioners um we did we uh last last week I'm yeah last week uh we had our official HUD visit uh on September right around September 23rd um we had in Partnership uh lift Orlando and the uh Orlando Housing Authority and I also want to make sure it's clear here too uh the third partner is the city of Orlando um we that's one of the requirements of choice is that it really requires um the municipality in which the the property sits to be um engaged in part of the process right from the very beginning and of course the most important partner um would be the residents in this community because this is uh 100% resident Le so uh we're super excited about this win um the choice neighborhoods is a two-part Grant process and the way it works is is uh we applied first for a $500,000 planning Grant uh and and that is a 2-year period if you win very prescriptive as you might think it's driven by Hud um so they are you know they are are uh have a long list of um requirements that we have to hit uh and uh we are about 6 months not quite about 6 months into that process now and have been really busy over the last couple of weeks uh because we're getting into now the community engagement part uh as you can see this is a map of the area um that we are serving under Choice it includes lift's original footprint on the west I'm sorry on the east side uh Lyft uh early last year made the decision strategic decision to push one mile West uh as you can see right up to Lake Man um and so that we would incorporate the community of Washington Shores um for those of you that may not know this Washington Shores sort of split in half by John Young Young Parkway I remember when I first got here many many many years ago John Young Young Parkway was just a road it wasn't so so much of a geographic divider but as we kept adding land and lanes and traffic it has become a divider um so we are now serving both Westlakes and the Washington Shores Community okay uh we our proposal was to um completely transform lorad dun Apartments which as I'm going to show you in just a minute is uh over by Camping World Stadium sits right on uh the park that um the just invested in so graciously and the other site is and that is an elderly site um elderly and disabled uh the lak man home site um which is uh about uh well 207 units it's on here um is a family site it sits uh right uh on the lake um the eastern boundary would be Goldwin um and you can see here uh the total planning budget I'm going to round because there's a lot of detail in here but the the total um yeah I can I think yeah yeah it's uh is a million yeah a million eight of which HUD funds $500,000 the city contributed $250,000 and then basically Orlando Housing Authority and left Orlando are contributing it's right around very close to uh 600,000 each so and we are both organizations are putting that in from our own resources so it is um uh it is a big investment in our community um Miss Bryant touched on the fact that what's a little bit different now with Choice Than Hope 6 is it uh is a community transformation it's not just transformation of the public housing and so uh it requires a lot of community engag engagement and that that that worked out perfectly for us to collaborate because as you know Lyft is pretty well entrenched in on the Eastern side at Westlakes and so we're hoping to expand our community uh engagement just a little bit uh West and um we put on here just so you could see the magnitude of the community involvement I'm going to touch on just a couple of key points here um we we issued a press release right after we won immediately emailed the residents the residents actually knew we were applying they were the first to know that we had won when we were allowed to communicate that publicly um we've started doing monthly meetings with the uh resident um president associations and on February 26th 27th and 28th um we launched the Laura Dune resident surveys um commissioner Hill joined us for for that kickoff and I just want to you to understand this survey um in our application which may have been part of the reason we won uh we basically committed to an 80% response rate from those residents if any of you have ever done a survey that's really high uh and we we really proud of the fact that we already are at 83% so um we really mean it when we talk about getting the resident surveys and those surveys take 45 minutes it's a very detailed listing of you know what do you love about your community what do you want to shine the light on and what you know what keeps you up at night what do you want to change um so we're super excited about that we just last week Thursday and and Friday um and commissioner Burns joined us for that we launched the lake man uh survey kickoff um that's a bigger population a little bit more difficult because um as as Vivian said to her credit uh that we are a moving to work uh housing authority and I hope you saw that math on there 39 out of 3,400 um only 39 public housing authorities C uh Across the Nation are moving to work that's 1% of the population but that means that most of those families work um almost all of the families work I think pretty much all of them work and so again going to be a little bit harder to get to 80% but we are determined to do that we're working with UCF um which that's worked out great too uh uh Dr Amy Donley from UCF and her grad students are helping us with those surveys and she's amazing that's been an alsoo great partnership and those will kick off on the 26th and 27th and again 80% is the goal so that's uh 160 out of 200 roughly I'm just going to show you real quick here because I know you I'm pretty sure you all know um the maps uh this is Lake man Lake man um that eastern boundary is Goldwin uh is still uh a retail kind of commercial um fair fair um Street there right across from the Housing Authority the fire department is on the Northern uh corner just to give you some boundaries and it goes all the way to Lake man there's a park right across the street from uh the Housing Authority property that the um I think the G mqueen Park yeah Gilbert McQueen Park that the Housing Authority actually uh owns the land but the city maintains it for it's very beautiful this could just be a spectacular development here a lot of land I think 40 40 acres in total so it is spread out um very low density okay go to the um here is a concept now I want to be careful with this concept because we got to start all over now with Choice um but this was a concept that the residents worked on back in 2010 when we were trying to get funding through um I think hope six at that point um you can see here again uh low density more spread out there's I will say this um there's more understanding now just to put it in perspective when we opened pendana at West Lakes 200 units we had 8,000 applicants and that was uh about 8 years ago uh we think that demand has just increased so um we may see a little bit more density this time but it'll be the resident call on what they want to see from their Community Laura Dune again right across oh that's perfect like VIs this is when you um look at Lura dun when you're in Lura dun um when commissioner Hill joined us to make the presentation the view is spectacular it's right across from the park uh that that you all just invested in heavily uh great location but the units are just outdated uh and they're next to impossible to change the concrete block and many of the residents here are disabled or at they age in place need a different unit and it's next to impossible to convert these units also a parking problem uh for the very same reason so this is uh 100% elderly and disabled um and then lastly just wanted to share with you two-year process uh we are right now in Phase One um which is assessment we're we're doing we're launching these surveys with the residents first and then we will launch also a CommunityWide survey um hoping to capture somewhere in the range of 25% in that survey and that's for the entire um footprint uh also doing uh assessments of all the parcels of land uh and so that we really get a good uh understanding of the condition of the real estate uh Parcels that may be eligible for redevelopment part of this um requirement with with a choice is to um break up uh the housing and have mixed income in in some multiple locations so we'll be looking for those kind of properties um phase two starts in really August September we're going to do a visioning uh process that's really exciting we'll have Architects and planners and all the community invited to come up with what it is that they want to see in their community phase three then we'll be taking their visioning and coming up with how do we accomplish what they asked for uh and uh we will submit a draft plan uh in March for HUD approval and then we'll bring it back again tweak it a little bit more come up with uh the finalization of our plan um and then we will complete the final plan in September of uh 2020 um I want you to know that from the very beginning um Our intention is was to always go for the second phase of this grant remember I told you was a two-part process one is to win the $500,000 which we did but the bigger price is $50 million um which is an implementation Grant and both of us from the very beginning knew that once we started this we were going to go all the way so um uh and and hoping that includes all three of us the city and uh the Orlando Housing Authority and lift so thank you for joining arms with us thank you I I just want to um go back and discuss some of the problems that we have and and commissioner Burns attended the um resident meetings that we had at Lake man last week many of the concerns um were around the the buildings and the accommodations uh because it it is concrete there's a lot of mole there's a lot of Milo we've taken units offline because we can't solve it um we have uh buildings with termites it was built in uh 1951 and it is Lake man is our largest public housing will be our largest public housing site um that we have with the 207 units U merchants and terce would be the next largest one that the Orlando Housing Authority has but there are a number of pro problems the residents um complain about the um condition of the units even though we maintain them very well and they they look very well we take a lot of pride in in what we do and what we provide for them and they were very thankful um with our efforts but like Laura dun um they're Obsolete and and we we want to do better for our residents we want them to have um Quality accommodations and if we are um successful in getting the demolition approval then we are able to give the households Section 8 vouchers so that they can be relocated temporarily and temporarily I don't want you to think say well temporarily that's 6 months it may be years but we have committed to the residents that if we are approved for demolition that we will bring them back um so that is um the the the rendering that you saw that was the last one that we did where we actually asked the residents what would you like to see um when we applied for two hope sixes that were not successful and then when we were not successful with the Hope sixes we applied for a demolition only um application where we would not have the Monies to rebuild but we would still demolish and then um search for for monies to rebuild so we put that slide in there because that one is the last one that residents approved of and laun has some significant problems like um Sandy said um of the 104 units 60 of them are are uh efficiencies those were fined when ler Doom was built in 1970 but many of our households have aged in place and and they need living aids so those 60 um zero bedroom units cannot accommodate the um elderly house the elderly person and a living Aid so then we have to move them so that means that it increases our um our vacancies because we have to find another public housing unit for them and those uh 60 units are not um are often vacant because we are moving them out and then we have to um you know do the maintenance on the units to move somebody else in in addition because it is uh elderly there are um residents request a reasonable accommodation for their own parking space so I would say 80% of the parking spaces at ladun are assigned to a resident as a reasonable accommodation so because they can't walk from the building um to their cars safely um not not s well safely without falling so that's part of the a problem with um with Laur dun in addition to just the obsolescence so we'll go to the next um slide which is the OHA future what we would like to do is site improvements we have prepared a a handout out for you that we will send to you that shows all of the improvements that we are making um with our public housing stock so if you the first one is the Carver Park the former Carver court and if you look at these These are side by side um views one is Carver Park the others other one is um the one is The Landings at Carver Park which is a 56 unit comp Le Lex um 30 of the units of public housing 26 are tax credit and um we still have the home ownership phase to complete on both sides of Carver Park the um the blue units are the Villas at Carver Park which is a 64 unit public housing complex each unit in the Villas is also a tax credit unit so the the concern with with that is that um because it is a tax credit unit the Housing Authority can only provide the subsidy that we get from HUD that below 8 84% subsidy we get from HUD that's our that can be our only contribution to Cara Park HUD will not allow us if we need to do more at the site um we're not able to do that um fortunately um The Villas of Carver Park are coming to the end of their compliance period for tax credit so we um planning to or we have already notified the investors that we we we want to buy them out and have that as our own which will allow us more options in terms of raising Capital to maintain it the next property and these uh the next properties that you'll see are our nonpublic housing properties there's not a picture of West dos it it would be the one from where I'm standing to the left where it is um 200 approximately 200 units of mostly um one bedroomroom apartments and it's located on hawasi and Colonial most um folks don't know that we even own West Oaks um we we don't manage it um ourselves Mr Fleming who is our asset uh manager of our nonpublic housing and nonoh um non-public housing property is um coordinates with the management company uh Stevenson and Moore to make sure that the property is maintained the second property which is also not public housing is Antioch Manor it's U 100 units on WD judge road and it is elderly only and this was another area where HUD asked the Orlando Housing Authority to come in and and take over a property normally a Housing Authority cannot own a section 202 property which is designated for elderly only but we were asked by Hud to take over the operation and management of um an York manner it is um a desirable property it has um the bus goes right through the the property and there's some vacant land that um that's attached to it that we do plan to develop our next initiatives and and at the top of this one you'll have Jackson Court and division Oaks which is across the street from the um basketball stadium and and then um we have Johnson Manor Apartments which is in commissioner Ortiz's district and we're we're doing many things in our um especially in our senior properties where there's only one elevator um Johnson Manor has a generator so when there's a storm we can operate the one elevator but if it goes down we the residents can't get down from the um fourth floor so we are we installing elevators in additional elevators in our senior properties in Hampton Park um it's in designed we've uh installed generators in in the property so that um when there is a storm we are able to still have the the residents in the building they don't always have to go stay with family members uh Citrus Square we talked about Citrus Square that was formerly public housing um it is um 86 it's 87 units and it was public housing and the um when we it was one of the initiatives that we converted from public housing to Section 8 and and so now it is um Project based Section 8 it's under the rental assist assistance demonstration program that HUD has where we are able to um convert public housing properties to Section 8 we had looked at this particular program for other properties we took a bath on this one to be honest and the bath was because in the um early years when HUD introduced the um rental assistance demonstration the only monies they would give the Housing Authority is the subsidy the 84% that um that they would get from Congress and that was not enough to support debt so in in converting um C Square we had to get um a a a a 4% um tax credit loan in order to do it and and we weren't able to uh have it pencil out so the Orlando Housing Authority had to put in a lot of Section 8 vouch of its own not the ones from HUD in order to make it cash flow because it it just would not and that was a problem all over the United States so um it is it is in good shape now it is Cash flowing but we did have to take a lot of our Section 8 to make that happen so um the next um section will deal with what do we see as as the future in terms of of what we want to do um we want to finish the home ownership at at Carver Park um you know when we started with the Carver Park hope 6 it was $18 million and then we found that we had soil impacts so um the original amount of monies that we have had would have done the construction and provided subsidy for the homeowners um if we wanted to develop Carver Park as market rate it would have been done a long time ago that was not our goal in order to make it uh affordable to lowincome households um like we did at Hampton Park there is a need for to subsidize the mortgages for the low-income households that's not to say we would um provide funds for households who who should not have been home buyers it's the um the reality that in order to reach that population there is a need for additional subsidy we um we once we found out that there were impacts with the soil the monies that we had planned for the grants um we had to use in order to remediate the soil uh fortunately and unfortunately we started working with the c with Thomas Chapman on a strategy for Carver Park and um you know unfortunately he has passed but that doesn't mean that we're not going to continue with our plan and and we thank the city for stepping up to provide the grants that we need to make make the the the um units affordable to low-income families so we're back on track now working with the CRA to um to finish Carver Park this is the um design of what the site will look like the items in red are the the home ownership units that are not completed that we plan to complete as soon as we can um finish with the our negotiations with um City CRA Hampton Park um is in the Milk District in um in commissioner Shen's area and we have some vacant land that's right next to our um offices we plan to develop that um into mixed use commercial and residential we recently what did had an um did a request for proposals for invitation for for bids I get the ifb and the sometimes confus invitation for bids for the developer who would help us with the Redevelopment of the activities that we have not completed and we have um we are negotiating with two developers now I would not like to say more about that since we are in negotiation phase and a public records request would um would give them our strategy so so we have selected two Master developers to work with us on developing the sites that that we plan to develop in the future including the site at Hampton Park that is next to our offices we also are looking at um Jackson Court and and seeing how we may be able to uh keep up with what's going on in the downtown area to make this housing um more um compatible with what's going on and provide better housing for um our residents that are already there Jackson uh court is 75 units 58 of them are for elderly households and there are 17 that are for um for um non-elderly households and we mentioned an York Manor um that is on WD judge Road there is some um land that is attached to that that we are looking to redevelop okay now we get to what do we want from the city and what we would would would like is in order for us to um compete for 9% tax credits which are are easier for the housing authority to provide affordable housing to uh lower income population we need the city's support when it comes to um the our tax credit application to um the State of Florida so we would like to have um a priority for that that is the second one the first item that we want is we want to be able to um there's some land that's next to Griffin Park that um with the the new Street configuration um we'd like to be able to uh be considered for that land it's where the ramp came down and we're very pleased that that ramp came down because it does bring Griffin Park back into the community um few years ago um when fot expanded I4 we negotiated with them and we asked them they told us that they were going to bring that ramp down um in the past Griffin Park was a triangle right at I4 and um and Gore and all of the public housing was encapsulated so so to speak now that is that that ramp is gone gri the Griffin Park Community can be um Incorporated back into Paran Paramore and we believe we could do something really spectacular really wow uh in addition to the historic preservation that we plan to um to implement at Griffin Park the other thing that we would like is support um from the city on our uh historic preservation pieces um Griffin Park and we also um the city is a partner with the the um Lake man and L dun so those are the things that um we would from the city I'm going to turn the presentation over to Mr a Fleming and he is going he is the interim executive director for what we've done in Sanford we just want to show you H how we've been able to work in Sanford one of the differences between why we could do so much in Sanford that we couldn't do in Orlando we tore down everything sford had at one time so we when we started to rebuild everything was vacant land and we didn't have to because Stanford had a score that was so low um HUD actually helped us with the application to demolish all of the public housing at Sanford so it it's so much easier for us to relocate all the residents tear down all the buildings wherein in Orlando we're doing doing it one at a time and because our scores in the public housing for Orlando are in the '90s we we're not it's not as easy for us to get permission to um to demolish those units so um with Sanford we we started in 2010 we were able to relocate all of the households demolish all of the um proper and now we're we have rebuilt three of them three of their six we applied for the choice neighborhood planning Grant um we completed the grant it was a a resident uh driven Grant the residents uh told us what they wanted and now we're implementing the requests of the residents by rebuilding the public housing um they wanted one of the properties to become part of the park and if I say too much more I'm going to take all of Mr um Mr Fleming's presentation so now he's tell me go on so are you Fleming he's our interim executive director in uh in Sanford he is the vice president uh at the Orlando Housing Authority thank you m Bryant I will keep my comments brief good morning Commissioners uh Sanford Housing Authority we did uh start working in Sanford in July 2010 at the uh request of the local Congressman Coran Brown as well as HUD itself uh earlier that year in May 2010 the Sanford Housing Authority was found to be insolvent and could no longer keep uh their housing in uh repair and all their housing had fallen to disrepair as uninhabitable so we did enter a a day-to-day management contract with the Sanford Housing Authority in August 2010 by October we were only supposed to be there for 3 months how came came back and said I can you got the clicker or you want me to do you okay I'm sorry I'm reading off my notes um by November 2010 we were supposed to be there for 3 months and help them find a new executive director uh we were asked or volun told to stay uh in Sanford and we've been there for over 13 years since um H did come back as Miss Brian said and asked us to not only tear down their housing but they assisted us and filing five natural disaster grants with capital funds and that was for Lake Monroe C moden Edward Higgins C Brey and William Clark um reading Gardens which was their last senior property uh they said was not in disrepair enough to tear it down at the time once we got into it and we did an assessment and with Sanford being insolvent not having the funds they did come back and ask us to tear down reading Gardens as well so over between 2010 and 2014 we did reloc at about 411 families from public housing under Section 8 and that's a full relocation of physically having to move the families uh and having to qualify them moving on to a Section 8 uh platform as well as help them find uh units in the marketplace so it was uh quite a task to do that and so when we got to 2014 um the last site cast Brewer still had six units on they did not allow us to um demolish so um that site was still existing while we had six residents living at that site in the meantime we did have three years worth of um Financial audits they had to be completed and we had two oig office Inspector General investigations that we had to assist them to do on the Sanford Housing Authority one was a financial audit uh and another was an investigative audit on the former executive director and staff uh o did apply for uh all the demolition applications through a special assessment center uh we were uh granted the approval to tear down all the sites and those were torn down uh by 2014 we started cast Brewer uh in 2015 because those six residents still living on the site in 2015 the Orlando Housing Authority did apply for a HUD Choice neighborhoods planning Grant uh we were awarded that uh as well as Gardener Capital coming on as our Master developer uh we were awarded both the HUD Choice neighborhood plan in Grant and our first 9% uh tax credit allocation both in 2016 a month apart so it was a great time of celebration for the Sanford Housing Authority during that time uh reading Gardens which was our first site that was rebuilt uh did uh it was 100 units uh former was was rebuilt as 90 units and we still have the entitlements for 10 units across the street that we've done the initial site plans uh on the city has approved for 10 additional units uh that project was uh completed in January 2021 we did have to work that project during uh covid shutdown uh but we were able to complete it again it was 60 units we had 20 units which were Project based vouchers that the Orlando Housing Authority did put into the deal and um uh we did move on with Windover uh housing Partners was our next development which was Monroe Landings which was 100 units and we built it back in two different phases as 144 units we did get a $2.8 million uh sale fund which is St State apartment incentive loan that we got uh the Sanford Housing Authority by that time was able to put $1.26 million into that deal and so right now uh our first phase which was 60 units was put back with 20 Project based vouchers the second phase which was 84 units was put back with 63 public I me excuse me section 8 vouchers from the Orlando Housing Authority so all in all in our Redevelopment efforts um and once we finished Choice neighborhood we decided not to go for an implementation Grant and have already put back more than uh $50 million into the historic Goldsboro and the city of Sanford neighborhoods uh we're planning uh three more developments Edward hickin C M and C Brewer would be our next developments as well as Miss Brian mentioned William Clark which through the cni process uh the community said they wanted to see amenities that property actually backs up to the Boys and Girls Club there in Sanford and so they needed ball fields and track and different amenities like that that the city is going to pay for so uh we have submitted a disposition application uh to the uh US Department of Hud to give us Perot permission to move forward with that sale that has been submitted and we hope to have that approved within the next 60 days so with those uh developments Castle Brewer is going to have rental rental properties as well as home ownership and both Edward hick count and moton will be about 160 units of additional uh family rental units so that completes our development um we have become a high performer as Miss Brian mentioned we are now an mtw agency uh and our focus is asset building for the residents so we've completed half of um the Redevelopment of all the sites uh the next site will be sold again to the city for Community amenities and uh we're working with Windover on the next sites which was EG Higgins County M and CLE Brewer so thank you for your time and those are some of the details Miss Bryant mentioned so we wanted to show you some pictures of before and after for um for the Sanford properties that we tore down and what we have have rebuilt there um uh we're almost finished uh well I guess we're about halfway through with what we need to do in Sanford so now um some some you know we decided not to go for the choice neighborhood because one of the criteria um focused on what was coming up in the future we had done so much and uh with what we' already redeveloped that we didn't have a lot of blight in Sanford anymore because we tore down all of their um public housing and the focus of the Choice neighborhood um implementation Grant is the Redevelopment of public housing and since we are not proposing any more public housing for Sanford um we just advise the city not to spend the money to and for what we thought might not be successful so um we're implementing what Sanford had approved and um and rebuilding the properties that that they had so that completes our presentation um and and we're open to any questions that you have okay thank you Vivian I do have several Commissioners that would like to weigh in and uh commissioner Sheen is first up and then commissioner Hill thank you mayor D and and thank you Miss Bryant but this this last slide just crystallizes my concern former Lake Monroe Apartments 100 units family public housing Monroe Landings Redevelopment 60 units we went from 100 units of affordable down to 60 and I understand people want amenities they have a swimming pool but do we really need to prioritize swimming pools over public housing I don't understand why we're putting swimming pools in and my concern and and I'm having a hard time figuring out the number of units here because I'm looking I'm looking at the the number of units that's proposed for Lake man okay so it we have less than 200 units per property and of of our affordable housing and this whole mixed use idea of providing access to well functioning Services schools public assets assets and transportation the public housing in in my district is surrounded by all those amenities you don't need need to do mixed juice in order to do that we need more affordable units we don't need mixed units and I see The Milk District and Hampton Park proposing mixed use and I'm like there's $500,000 homes within a stone throw all around those neighborhoods we don't need more we don't need more Mar market rate in Milk District we need affordable housing and work Forest housing for people that really need it and everybody keeps saying to me well you know we need to bring in mixed use and I don't mind the mixed use commercial if that's going to help offset it but why have mixed use commercial and mixed use rentals this is my frustration it just makes my head want to explode we have 10,455 people on a waiting list republ housing we have for Section 8 14,643 we're pouring millions and millions and millions of dollars in redevelop things these sites and at Lake man I can't tell from the from the the the the I've been trying to do the math with the charts we're either losing 42 minut two units or we're gaining 18 I really can't tell but are we really going to solve the affordable housing units by either losing 42 or gaining 18 units while redeveloping the entire and all we're getting is less than a dozen if you let us explain you you'll understand that the CN I'm sorry the the choice neighborhood requires one for one replacement so we cannot reduce the number of units I'll let Mr Fleming explain the lakan I mean the the lakem Monro property was what 17 Acres uh about 10 about 10 acres we broke it up into different sections we're not finished there are two more sites that need to be developed so we've done um where you can explain how Lake mon but miss BR we're doing one for one we're not gaining any and we have a waiting list of almost 14,000 people how are we going to solve the if we're not I mean I'm not fussing at you because you don't have enough money I understand that so I'm saying is why aren't we advocating for more funding from the federal government instead of you getting funded at 85% because we are not going to get out of this problem with one for one because we're already at a deficit of 15,000 we okay I'll let Mr fliming explain it it will be more units that's where I'm coming from is even if there's an extra 20 or 30 units why are we pouring millions and millions of dollars into into getting less than 100 units isn't there a better way I mean it just seems to me I and and I I have a passion for this because I mean a lot of people say why is that rich white girl so concerned about this I grew up in poverty a lot of people don't know that and I had a hard time when I grew up and education was my way to get out of poverty but there are not the kinds of and I worked in a factory to work my way through school there are not cheap apartment like I got when I was working my factory job to work my way through college there aren't these opportunities for people now so I understand that there's a lot to put all on y'all and the Housing Authority but my concern is that we're not building enough to not only not to keep up we're not we're not getting we're not getting enough and if we need to get more federal dollars to do the rehabilitations or whatever we need to do that's what we need to be doing we we can't do more with less that's not how it works and and like I say my my my my frustration here is ah we're just barely breaking even if not losing housing stock and and that's we're not we're never going to be able to get our get out of the situation with the way that we're with the way that this is happening and like I say in Milk District bring me affordable please please please even even people are supporting these terrorists that's that that that live around it people want to see more affordable housing they don't want they we don't need mixed rate we don't you make we have a lot of really expensive housing in my district we need affordable housing for the people for the school teachers that they can't even afford the rents on my own Street I've seen my own Street change in terms of the rental properties that are available School teachers the bartenders all my cool neighbors are gone because they cannot afford the rents and this is why I'm very passionate about this and why you know I I understand you're doing what you can what you have but we but it's not good enough we need to be going for more for the federal government and please please please don't bring me mixed juuse I don't need any more Market rates in District 4 I need affordable housing in District 4 thanks mayor that's all I yeah okay okay spe uh speaking specifically about Lake Monroe it was 100 units we put back 144 units the first phase which was Monroe Landing was 60 units the second phase which is Somerset Landing has been completed we are leasing it up our grand opening is April 11th that's 84 units that's 144 units put back has a lot to do with density and the the the City Zoning what they will allow but we put back as many units as we could afford through the financing and they're 100% affordable we have 20 Project based vouchers on the on the first section we have 63 on the second section commiss is more concerned about the projects in her District versus well but but but I did use that as an example because but the other thing is that the charts here are very difficult to read in terms of how many units you are building and have proposed and want to do I I think this is great but at the end of the day I think you know I think we're concerned about the numbers and we want to see more affordable how housing built and if it's an issue of of of of uh zoning and everything like that then fine let's work with our staff to figure out a way to get that zoning where you need it to where you can do the density but um and and we hear you and that's what we intend to do we just mentioned that we just um did a RFP for a master developer that Master developer is going to work with us work with you work with the community on what should go in all of these uh all of these properties that we have but I saw some of the I saw some of the surveys and they're like do you want larger closets and of course everybody's going to say they want larger closets but are we going to have larger closets and have less units available for people those are the kinds of things that that concern me do you want to have a movie theater on site ah well let let me just say that I'd rather have rather than having movie theater I'd rather have one unit of affordable housing available to help a family these surveys came from the residents they're not anything that the Orlando Housing Authority has done and and like um Sandy mentioned we always go to the residents and ask them first what do what do you want what is your VIs is then we also tell them we will consider everything that you tell us you may not get what what you asked us for but we will try to provide it so these surveys came from the actual residents who live in the public housing right now and that's where we start as we move along in the process with the concepts anything that we do the city will have to prove that's the other part of the choice neighborhood um in uh planning Grant is that once the plan is developed the city has to has to say yes this is what we want to do otherwise HUD does not accept it so it has to be compliant with what your zoning is it has to be compliant with what your land use plans are you have to to say yes this is what we want we start out with asking the residents what they want and in as we move forward we try to give them what they want and and we also have to comply with giving putting the units back looking at the zonings we may have to come back to the city to increase the zoning to in order to provide more affordable units let me let me just say our strategy by putting in the Project based Section 8 ensures that we have more affordable units on the sites because many times with tax credits when the landlords increase the rents our households cannot afford it when they're in a tax credit property the T the Project based Section 8 means that the Housing Authority pays that rent increase that the households cannot afford and will eventually move that's why we put the U Project based Section 8 in and and I I know we we're concerned about Orlando but just go back to Sanford we had um we got 534 vouchers from Sanford because Hut took away their Section 8 program we're putting those unit those vouchers back into Sanford in their development so that the households that we worked with that are that told us what they wanted and um and aren't standing outside looking at other people move into a property because they can't afford it so so that's been our strategy to make sure that when we work with the community we don't displace the folks who were there the ones who got the vouchers can come back and they can use their voucher in addition to those vouchers we put in more to Project based so we can reach that lower income population and provide more affordable housing so that they don't get um have have to move because the the the low-income hous tax credit landlord raised the rent so a strategy it it works that's what we plan to do we're not there in in in Orlando yet we just um got the developers this is the land that we plan to develop we hear you we will make sure that we take um what you're saying to heart and that we provide the affordable housing well but we need 11,000 that's that's my that's my point we're we're we're 11 so you're not you're not you're not saying that to me right for for us to do 11,000 right you're saying in the community no we're saying that's that's the need though right I understand what you're saying I understand that you're serving the the the the folks that you currently serve I don't have any I'm not fussing about that I'm not fuss at you miss Bryant because you know I mean we work closely and I I love what y'all do for the for the existing residents my concern is that we need to grow and you can't do that if you're going if you're if you're going out of the gate with 85% the funding that you need okay you're already in a deficit we can't grow we can't do the renovations that we need to do it's we need to do get more support from the federal government and I know under the previous administration there was a really big push to do all of these and mixed use communities we don't need that and like I say that's not the answer we need to have more affordable housing not provide more wealthy people with places to live there's plenty of market rate going on so that's that's my concern and I know you can't do it by yourself maybe we need to do some more lobbying maybe we need to do some more explaining to the federal government that how much of a I did not know that we had almost that we had 10,455 people on your waiting L for affordable housing that is that is alarming those are the kinds of things I mean this is great to explain why you're doing what you're doing with what you have but you need more per we agree we agree okay let's move on to commissioner Hill and I want to thank commissioner Hill for agreeing to serve on our um affordable housing advisory committee and thank commissioner gray for having served there the last three years and chaired the last year I think so thank you both for that service thank you thank you mayor oh it's a lot to CH well thank you Mrs Brian and your team for coming in to give us this much needed uh update and Sandy thank you for your support and all you do I know you served on the orl the housing commission for eight years and now you've uh worked uh with li for Lando and something often that uh Amer States and I try to follow is Spirit of collaboration so hopefully with this Choice neighborhood we'll we'll get to our expected outcome but there's uh some concerns that I have prior to not really with the choice uh uh opportunity that we have looking forward uh towards that but Community is strong as you stated Sandy all voices not just the voices that's in the uh complexes that Orlando Housing Authority have but there's homeowners that sit outside of those footprints that I represent and what happens there happens with everyone that uh so hopefully I can continue to join these dialogues uh Miss Brian I know there's been some discrepancy about man commissioner Burns we work together as a unit on the whole west side and along this St so I do want to be included in lak man meetings there's that that portion near gibbert McQueen that's District Five District Five sits in Lake man and district 6 so uh and all around that that lake lake man States those homeowners so uh I know they were concerned that I wasn't able to join the meeting but Sandy assured me that we'll just do a posting if there's a discrepancy where me and commissioner burns are sitting in the same room let's post that 5 days because uh our voices in unison matter not a part you wouldn't you agree commissioner and he need me to be there his big sister to be there for him um with that being said I don't know if y'all heard about the Rumblings and Sanford because they report a different matter than what was presented here today I kind of know enough to be dangerous and follow politics everywhere uh especially here in Central Florida uh a and part of my concern is the fact that I've gotten a multitude of uh calls from sanord and all over when people they they say call commission here I don't represent none simar County but they're they're they're stating that they don't want the recreation component they're saying similar to what commissioner Shen is saying 9 Acres of amenities they said they want uh uh affordable housing and that's where I see the need I would want my Community Voices to be heard so much so they're taking up a petition y'all saw that we we have we have had um phone calls and uh one of the features of the choice neighborhood is that I get that I guess when you coming to represent the people let's be a little bit more accurate when we're getting the information because that's not what sford is saying well well let's say that the the process involves involved folks who were from the community being invited to the meetings and then voting on what they wanted that went to city council the city council adopted that plan and and that went to HUD and HUD adopted that plan not only did the city council adopt the plan they changed the land use yeah I'm not fight their battles I was just yeah but I'm saying once once that's done then we don't go back and say well um we're not going to do that after after the city council has voted on it and said this is what we want and and folks come up you know 3 years later and said well we so that's the same thing that's going to happen here so so so yeah here hopefully that we'll reassess if if we pass something today and then 15 years later it might be a different state because I know 10 15 years later wasn't a affordable housing crisis like we have today so uh it's always good to go back and reassess but Sanford battles aren't the battles for this day I I was just mentioning I saw a firestorm that's going on over there regarding those those those fields if there is a website www. choos goldsboro.nc the city changed all of its land uses Etc to implement that plan okay um I guess the the the the Griffon Park component and I saw the axe there uh for more land I guess my thoughts is what are we going to do with Griffin Park you did an act for Morland but we don't have a budget or plan or drawing on what we're going to do with griin park because those places those residents have thank God you have vouchers but this place and when I say this place there's nowhere in the city or county where a child growing up in Paramore can have all of the resources that merar has put in place with our kid Zone Harris Rosen has put in place where every child goes to college free where with all the different services and resources we have there is a huge concern for for me because now there's a disconnect for those very lowincome families that have all these components put in place to be able to come back so as we're talking about the future nothing can be greater than the future of putting people back in Gripp and park and after 30 years completing Carver Park so so so to me to talk about more land without developing land that now we've taken out of the affordable housing component and then some that we took over 25 years ago I would like to know more as we move forward about that plan before the acts come for uh uh development of more land nothing hurts my feelings more than to see something land loock well well let me um and and we we we share that with you also um with Griffin Park um you know we have met with the residents we've done the first phase of meeting with them to see what they would like the new Griffin Park to look like and that's always our first step to go to the residents and and get their input and and to but we will continue that with working with the city and other agencies what we would like to do is to make sure that um what we do is consistent with what's going on in the with Griffin Park and across the street from Griffin Park one of the things that we tried to do that was not successful was to to have the Griffin Park households who have vouchers relocate to pair more Oaks so that they could stay in in the in that neighborhood that was not successful because of Huds timing we know in a tax credit property the the the um developer has to lease up and they have to lease up right away they couldn't hold the units and we didn't have the vouchers so that was part of we didn't have the vouchers yet since then Hut took about a year to give us the vouchers when we moved the the households from Griffin Park we moved them into other public housing unlike what we've done with some of our other properties where we have moved them you know get with the Section 8 voucher we have a landlord Outreach section at the Orlando Housing Authority where we search for units for the residents to be able to relocate to now that's between the landlord and the resident and we can't control whether they come to some some agreement on whether they want to to be in a partnership but we do facilitate the the the tenant being able to find a unit um where they so I guess that goes right back to my uh um question in the sense because we all know I I know now it takes at least five to six years before you cut a ribbon M right that can well if if we can get the the preference on those tax credits we we it'll speed up the process where would it be I'm talking about paramor I'm talking about Griffin Park right now I'm talking about Griffin Park too okay so so so that's continent on your that will be your first project is that what I'm here that's why I asked you a question that prence yes will that be your first yes it will that's the one that we have permission to demolish it would be the first one we bring back unless something happens that that's unfor what's the unless you have a lot of unless it's you know if I if I say yes it'll be the first project and then we have another Co and or HUD says we're going to take it back I'm I'm I'm talking about what we can control when we get when we get preferences for a project it's not that you just get a umbrella preference it would be and we'll go through the process just question because we want to work with the residents we want to work with you we want to work with we have to work with shipo the state historic preservation office so it would be the first one that we so is there a plan uh when you start talking about um Lake man and also Lake lard Dune of of course you would want great Partners like the city but we're building we're building affordable housing for those that don't have access to your so to think that we can build our projects just to relocate your tenants is a huge ax right uh uh how we thought where would these seniors be relocated are you going to phase these projects H how's that going to happen well the the in in uh the HUD World um comparable replacement housing for public housing is other public housing so that would be the first phase and and we will would um once we get the approval we would start to hold um public housing units to relocate those households into and and that's the the normal World Griffin Park was a little bit different because we had to move to move Griffin Park residents prior to getting the approval to demolish um the normal process you get approval to demolish everybody who's on the rent roll on that day is is eligible for the relocation benefits which includes clud us um paying for their moving expenses finding them a comparable replacement unit in public housing if we apply we can apply for Section 8 if HUD gives it to us then we can give it to the residents but comparable replacement housing for a public housing property is other public housing so once we know that that we approved for demolition we start to hold units for that population in our relocation process we have our staff meet with the residents help them with an assessment they uh we have a moving company that comes in and and packs their things moves them to their next home and then unpacks them that is our protocol for all relocation and that if they move within a a 50 mile radius we pay for the move if they decide to go to to California or someplace then we will help them pack up but we won't we won't move them okay my last component God bless the dead of course you know U Thomas who's uh good friend of this Council and to the community but we've been working on this 5 years before Thomas died uh can you tell me where we at and are we going to get close to those single family homes our initial that had nothing to do with Thomas death know our initial discussions with Mr Chapman was that the C was going to develop the units we negotiated for about a year maybe a year and a half on the C developing the units in Carver Park then it would it turned from not the C developing the units that the Orlando Housing Authority would develop the unit so those those years we were negotiating we were talking doing term sheets we were figuring out who was going to do what what their what the um the the C's responsibility would be and that's on the east side cuz the C couldn't work on the west side yeah but I think our housing I know a priority of mine if I may say may D yours is to develop those 56 I me those 46 right units so we have the funding put in place to help facilitate that expeditiously well most recently the discussions have been with the um the land and and with the fact that there are impacts on the land and the home ownership piece and while you're you want that we have had some resistance to make that home ownership units from other parts of the city so we're at the point now of if if we're if we're going to do the soil impacts and and and and dig up everything then there should be some responsibility to remediate it because we've already done that and and it and it is it the site has already been approved by EPA and everyone for us to build a home ownership units but the resistance that we're getting is moving forward with the home ownership and I know commissioner Hill that's what you want but our negotiations with the city have been stalled because of we we want to do more the they want to do more on on that um on that site and we're saying okay we it's it's clean I just want to see people living in neighborhood we Doo that's all my major focus is uh okay well with that I know uh there's some other questions I'll I'll uh just continue to see the process of move along but that taking that Griffin Park component out and and it's going to look like five to six more years before we can get back uh going hopefully uh we'll see what we can do but that has really really impacted the neighborhood a quite a a negative way especially with those kids not having all them great resources midar put in place sure just for a point of reference the Carver Park hope 6 award we or had applied for that I think one time before that and we're not successful but my second day in office then Hud's secretary Mel Martinez called me and said Mar congratulations your hope 6 Grant is going to be awarded and I said yeah what's hope 6 at that point so uh long it was the mayor that we got hope six gr so so and and I I do remember that um mayor and thank you for the support on getting helping us to get the rental part done it's uh it after we got the rental piece the home ownership Market well so we have uh 3 years and 10 months left to finish the J okay we got it so we want to get that done yeah commiss Burns all right thank you mayor uh thank you Miss Bryan for for your time and your presentation as well as all that you you and your team do to Bringing uh decent housing to our communities I had a couple of questions um on on slide 10 where you have your tenant based assistance where you have award least searching and unused so the searching and unused the the reason is are there not the units available that you can match with these vouchers or all of these are based on referrals so when um like with the VA U let me see which one you talking about put my glasses on which one was it so you have VA awarded 619 leas 462 searching 56 and unused 61 I'm trying to get an understanding of that 56 and 61 is that because there are no units that are available no there there are units available the referrals have to come from the VA okay the VA so um in fact the VA has has moved to more Project based the um ones that that you're looking at are the tenant base where the tenant finds the unit and the relationship we have with the VA is they actually go out and they help the um the homeless person find the unit and then they bring them to us uh when they bring them to us then we we um do what we need to do to get them qualified the VA because these are homeless households many times they don't have birth certificates they don't have um the information that they need that we need in order to fulfill the requirements to lease them up so the VA will work with them um they come in with a case manager sometimes they have um some mental issues and so a case manager always comes in with the the VA with the veteran and to to make sure that um we get what we need to lease them up and also help them uh find a unit we had the same situation with the 42 units that we had with um the city where the case managers would bring them to us ready for us to lease up yeah and I'm I'm glad to see that those are all all leased up so with the emergency housing vouchers is that where do those referrals come from that it that comes from from a homeless Services Network okay and so right now that we're waiting on them to send us 19 people is that we have 19 searching they haven't located a unit okay they have when when they when they locate a unit and so we've received the referral we're just looking for a unit yeah we issued the voucher and and then so they're looking for a unit um to lease up with this program um HUD has said that once these households are no longer on the program we can't reissue the voucher so they they they don't stay in our inventory okay and um and I want to kind of piggy back on what commissioner Shen mentioned our ability to uh draw down federal funds or even State funds or what have you so in the in the when we talk about these Federal vouchers is there and I see Miss uh R from the homeless Services Network is there any type of um partnership or collaboration that could happen to uh make the case for us to get more vouchers uh in the community more it it has to come from Congress um the the vouchers are in the HUD discretionary budget and and when Congress um you know divides the pie right now the proposal for the discretionary budget is a 1% increase where yes that's that's what it is and you know I think it was in a few days we may have another government shut down because Congress has not agreed upon with uh agreed on a budget so if Congress doesn't give it to us we don't have it unless um we have some other way of of um doing a a Section 8 voucher and we just need to to Lobby Congress we ask our um households to vote vote and to vote for someone um who is going to provide more affordable housing we don't tell them who to vote for I want to put down on record who to vote for but that that housing will be a consideration we also um we send out to our residents information about voting um we send them the the polling places we send them the early voting locations and and that's about all we can do to um make sure that our households do vote we we are a members of different groups that go to Congress housing groups to ask for affordable housing we meet with the legislators it's um it's very difficult to to make that a priority right now in Congress all right great my next question is uh in reference to the um Choice neighborhood initiative I think it's a uh a great opportunity for for our community but I did want to uh kind of get an understanding of what was the uh thought process or the planning process that um that was undertaken that selected the two developments L dun and lakan um cuz I you know when we when we look at I think this is a great opportunity for um for our community to be in line for potential $50 million of federal federal resources and so I think when I see that opportunity I look at how can we maximize and leverage you know to bring you know more resources but also to achieve the highest number of new units uh possible because I agree with commissioner shean we can't just bring back one for one if we're going to get ourselves or start to make a dent in this C housing Cris so I want I wanted to cuz when I look at these when I look at these units I see um cuz I think there were six that were slated you know for Demolition and when I look at these six you know you have uh lakan which I think sits on 28 Acres 25 acres 207 units you have merchants and tece 188 you have Ivy Lane 181 um and so I I want to get an understanding because again you have merchants and terce at about 25 acres uh but we selected L dun that has 2.7 acres and I think that has the Le if I look at all of these that has the least opportunity for adding new units and I think even if you rebuilt this I don't think you could bring back the required units on that site so you would move units from ladun over to another area and and I I I think potentially less than the number of units that will be bought back on that 2.7 Acres so I just want to kind of understand how we got here it's a it's a great question so thank you because we wanted to do exactly what you said when we started out uh we really wanted to do mer include merchants and terce it needs to be renovated as badly as late man to be honest the problem was we exceeded the threshold in number of units and so it wasn't we couldn't do them all one time I'm sorry can you can you explain that it was a choice from a choice competitive standpoint it was too many units for us to do the lakan and merchison Terrace together at in one application and so um we can do them we just we have to do them in separate applications for choice for the choice award and that's why we broke it up into um if you look at late man uh is 200 units and Laura Dune was less it was it's 100 units and so that's why we pulled them together let let me let me so you're saying having Lona dun and Lake man together it w was a stronger application than having Lake man and Merchant and tears together simply because of the number of units and and and there's a little bit of an issue with the expressway too but it's the number total number of express way there was there was a requirement a negative on whether there was a an Express way that divided the community and and we even questioned whether come back to the mic John Young would sorry um we we question whether that would um hinder the lak man um La dun application but um in meeting with the consultant the expressway was another issue that they raised with us in terms of having a winning application we would like to have merchants and terce as the next one that we we we could propose to go after okay yeah I'm I'm just I'm just concerned that that we're we're maybe missing a a great opportunity to truly increase the density on some of these properties and really bring some some truly new units uh online so I want to touch on that one too the other thing with choice and this I think commissioner Shen will make you feel a little bit better want everybody to feel a little bit better as it relates we we understand the need for more affordable units it's and we have so much growth here and then we get the 1% voucher increase it's it's we're getting more and more behind um the most competitive applications for the Choice implementation Grant it is a requirement that we replace one to one every public housing uh unit we take down it's required but the most competitive application will not only replace the 314 they will add another 314 and they want it to be mixed income and before I know that is troubling you but let me tell you what that can look like because it's it's not a it's not a bad concept uh pandana phase one our family unit there's 20% market rate units in that project in that community and there are uh we have um 10% that are 30% affordable right I mean they're they're affordable to people that make 30% of median income or below they're extremely low affordability and chronically homeless and so that Community I I it's a really healthy Community you don't know from one unit to the next who lives where might be someone making 30% of mean and income and there might be a market rate and that's a really healthy community so what I want you to hear is not only do we have to replace one toone the public housing to be most competitive we have to add another 314 + 1 more than 50% of additional units the bulk of which 80% of which will be affordable so it's a big increase in affordable units and so I want you to feel better about that when we combined merchon with it it the numbers were so high that it became Out Of Reach to do in one application and so with with Lun those but those units won't be able to be bought back on the Lana dun site they would have to be well we don't yeah yeah we don't we don't know that we'll do a different I mean we'll go up and that's okay because what we we already have a parking issue there only 2.7 we're going to have to put the parking maybe the parking under the building you know we're going to have to we're going to have to figure out parking but when we did our um Community engagement with the elderly they liked density because they're close closer to their neighbor that's what we found so and and if you look at our elderly almost the exact same size 120 units it's more dense than the family units that's what they wanted right no I agree I think we I think we do need to uh make sure that we're increasing that in increasing that density because my my concern is and Miss Brian and I have talked about this cuz I think we went uh went to uh Tampa and saw some of the creative things that was was happening there and I would like you know for us to be in a position to to do so my concern is we we always you know I've been hearing you all say well we want to do merchants and tears you know in a in a later phase in the second phase my concern is that that phase may not happen all right it's not often that a community gets backto back $50 million grants from from the and I know they shareed with me in Omaha it happened uh and that's the only one that I've only example that I've seen so I'm just concerned that that if we're not intentional about making merchants and terce happen that it won't happen so one of the things I want to ask uh lift Orlando since you all are the the lead applicant is there a this planning process that you're going through I I love the process um and thank you for allow me to participate right is there a opportunity to expand that planning process to include the residents of merchants and tears in those surrounding communities so what we start to do is develop that plan for when if if we get an opportunity to go at an additional 50 million that we already having a plan that's somewhat consistent with the with the current plan is there a possibility of uh exp expanding that planning process to uh get us in the position to be really you know almost shovel ready you know if if if if you will because I again I think we without a plan we're not going anywhere all right and I just think that if if we don't if we're not intentional about that we don't do leverage some of the work that's happening now to do the some of that same work in these other communities you know is that a is that a possibility because also I think that uh throughout you know the city and the county you know I think mayor we've done some great things with with affordable housing but I think we have some opportunities to be a little more aggressive you know there are some some bonding opportunities some affordable housing bonds and you know some taxable revenue bonds that I think you know we can be looking at um but I think we have to have a plan so my my question is is there a possibility of expanding that current planning process or using some of those tenants of that current planning process to proactively develop a plan that includes the Redevelopment of merchants and terce they have two developments that's dment that well um we can consider it and and do our best and we'd have to get together and see how we would be able to do that on the public housing side um it it would be easy it's working with the rest of the neighborhoods cuz we could we could get our residents in to to do the surveys and to um to develop a plan it's the rest of the neighborhood um that we'd have to figure out a strategy for how we would do but I I would say we let's look at it I mean I I want to say yes cuz I I I I hear you know it's so hard because the need is just as great there um we have to be a little bit careful because we do have to follow you know HUD is very prescriptive about how the community engagement goes and it's meant to be um primarily for the public housing authority residents and the surrounding Community uh immediate Community I'm trying just trying to think let me brainstorm a little bit of you know what we could do with merchison um us I think I think if if we can we can gather that information and start that planning process I don't think that it hurts us you know for when some opportunity comes that we have a plan to you know to move forward but I think I think that would just put us in a uh better position us for future opportunities especially if we start to get more creative and more aggressive at at the local level and maybe what we can do is just sort of expedite our move on meres like so that we do it sooner um let let howow a little bit well um one of the things Miss plen um brought to my attention is we we did procure a developer who will bring a an architectural team um with us and we can talk with the developer about what we could do to work on a plan we can control what happens with the public housing residents and and see where we would go with the rest of it yeah and and I think that I you know my office would be willing to um you know talk about that but also even with some of the the uh surveys that are being done by some of the team from UCF you know we have a gang of volunteers that would be willing to engage with you know with the residents so I look forward to uh having those discussions sure thank you Comm Ortiz oh are we done on that side no goad okay okay quick questions let me start thank you mayor by the way thank you uh Miss Brian great actually I and I misspoke it's Comm Ortiz that has joined our affordable housing I knew what you was talking about so I just have a a few questions I'm trying to keep track of this has a fair cloth Amendment been repeal no okay so that I think we need to understand that the F cloth Amendment kind of limits housing from getting funding from the federal government in order for them to continue building so that was during uh 19 199 uh8 I think U President Clinton put a stop to that so and I know that okas Cortez T to 20 in 2020 to repeal but I wasn't clear I know it P it passed in the house but it didn't pass in in a senate something like that okay I just want to make sure that that was that so with that now that we know has some of the public housing been converted to Section 8 to leave room for public housing replacement due to the Faircloth act what happens with Fair cloth it it says that um you can't develop more public housing than you already have so the fact that we tore down um Carver Park and it was 210 Cara Court it was 210 units we still have Fair cloth Authority for 210 units however they don't cash flow they they you can't put debt on it and and so and with HUD saying we're not going to provide more monies for you to maintain them it it's just um housing authorities are are not replacing those public housing units so we still have that Authority that we could put back probably 210 public housing units but you cannot surpass that they it would it would not no we couldn't surpass it we but it they won't cash flow I was saying that cuz it was to answer it not commissioner shean I know that you answer you before why don't we build more CU we have that need and I know that the fair cloth uh act or Amendment put that restraint um Can an external Source help you Revitalize public housing on a pro bono basis um you mean like comes in we get somebody who has a huge heart and they want to go ahead and take let's say Johnson manners and and Revitalize it for you all the needs that they have over there and put solar panels and all that can you accept that we would have to um work with HUD HUD has a a superior lean on all of our properties and so we have to advise them of what Capital Improvements we're going to do and and make sure that we get those kind of approvals and Duty analysis so we need to sit down and talk because I think we have a source that's going to help us out a little bit um just to clarify cuz I'm a little confused I know that in your presentation on on slide four it says that Orlando Housing is the only one in the state but I I heard you talking about sanro housing so it's a subsidiary or something we're different okay okay when we say Legacy Orlando Housing Authority is a legacy agency because we're part of the 39 original of the 3000 okay um then HUD started uh doing what they call cohorts and cohorts don't have the same Authority as Legacy agencies and say for instance they'll say we want a cohort that will just do asset management we want a a cohort that will just look at doing landlord incentives Orlando Housing Authority is not a cohort we have the authority to to do all of that um but and we're the only one in the State of Florida who is a legacy area uh agency there are some cohorts Lakeland is a cohort um new samna beach is a cohort um I'm trying to remember I think they're they they they tone is not a think you think so okay um but we're the only Legacy agency in in the the State of Florida so Citra Square having having being converted to Section 8 now does that give you a chance to use that number of units to build somewhere else housing public housing we have had to put in section 8 subsidy to make Citrus P Square or give them the ability to pay the debt that we incurred because we did the rehab reab we got 4% bonds to rehab Citrus Square and we would not be able to repay that debt if we had not put some of the Section 8 into um Project based Section 8 onto the property to help it cash flow so who owns Central Square now the corporations it's a it's a LLC or LLP but we're the general partner can I get that information sure okay um some more questions uh jnon manners jnon manners I know that you guys have done some rehab we still have a lot of units one of the issues we have over there is the fact that is one air conditioner unit for the whole apartment there's any any chance that in the future we go to a centralized air conditioning system or something like that because you saying each apartment has their own AC unit he has one which is a like a some sort yeah like it's not a baseboard but it is in the living room and and a lot of them I don't know if those have been replaced with newer um versions but the ones that I've seen they're old and and those guys are suffering over there but having put that aside um you did mention that there's some revolation coming up to yes we're we're we're putting there's only one elevator there elevators um it's johnon has already always had a generator um but unlike the other public housing properties that didn't have generators but we're putting in another elevator because we've had problems when one elevator is down and someone's on the third floor they have to walk down the stairs and that's more difficult for an elderly person any chance any of these locations we have of housing are they going to get solar panels in order to help the constituents reduce their bills is that something that is being planned for the future we can look at it um there have been some issues regarding solar panels so we would have to investigate to see if that if that um is what we want to do and also looking at at the roofs and whether we'd be able to do that with the with the roofs that we have thank you so much for what you're doing I know there's a lot and uh we don't even see this the surface of what you're doing back there because I know you have a lot of Demands and there's a lot of people I've seen those list and I know there there's a bunch of people that has to do with as I always say we are victims of our own success so everybody's moving to a central Flor region so we have to provide so with that being said thank you so much and thank you to your team and I just want to add one more thing um with regard to um our what what we have to do we have a lot of our especially our elderly residents who have reasonable accommodations and that means that if um um a Section 8 household or public housing household needs a live in Aid that means they need a two bedroomroom unit instead of a one or they they go up a bedroom size so that also impacts our ability to go to to the waiting list because we have to take care of them first before we can um before we can go to the waiting list one of the the issues with L Doom that I mentioned is that we have those 60 zero bedroom unit so the households will move in they don't like the the zero bedroomroom unit and they will request a reasonable accommodation for a living Aid well we have to move them out to another unit um maybe a two- bedroom or a three bedroom and then that impacts our ability to go to the waiting list especially in the section 8 program um we can't exceed the amount of money that her gives us for the Pro program so when when we have to fund a three bedroomroom unit because we had a three a reasonable accommodation rather than a two bedroom unit that takes more of of our monies and while it looks like we um funding uh we we're we're doing what we what we're supposed to do in terms of helping our population it decreases the amount of monies that we have to operate the programs I appreciate that that's you clarifi that one more question talking about that with Section 8 is different it's not the F cloth uh amendment is for housing public but for Section 8 the federal government stipulates um how much of those vouchers are are delivered or assigned whatnot do you know any uh what what are the basis for them to to do that I mean besides population but uh and an income but um um especially on this day and age how would they How would they reassess the needs out there in order to issue more and and of course you know it has to do with the budget everything we're getting now are are what we call the special purpose vouchers meaning they they don't give us a voucher for someone who's on a waiting list who's not elderly who's not disabled just a family that is lowincome um we either get it for homeless we get it for um non-elderly disabled um we get the emergency housing uh vouchers so and for family unification um and we have an application now for the um that we're working with HSN for the foster care we haven't heard anything we haven't finished that and we haven't heard anything back from them on the application that we already submitted so um we we need to make sure we Lobby more that we uh we can't Lobby or land Housing Authority can't Lobby that's illegal so I didn't say it that way um but we want to make sure we're advocates for our programs and we do that through several Housing Organization the public housing authority Directors Association the um uh Council of large um public housing agencies the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment officials we all go to Washington and meet with Congress people to ask them for more assistance for for their areas so we do that we we're not just not ask effective never mind never mind you don't have to answer that thank you so much M we don't give up we don't give up we keep trying we don't okay all right thank you Miss Brian thank you bav this is a subject matter that I think we could actually spend the rest of the day talking about about we understand or at least at the city we understand that there is a absolute housing crisis at every level we still have a th000 to 1500 people that move to Central Florida every single week and that exacerbates um the cost of housing at every Le level the availability of housing at every level um and it's going to take a while to build our way out of this but not everybody in Central FLorida is embrace the concept that we all need to do affordable housing we have embraced that we embraced you we know our role in doing that but we can't do it all by ourselves so I encourage everybody to message some of our other Community Partners that putting moratoriums on affordable housing or deciding to put moratoriums on multiple family are not good ideas during this time of Crisis but we appreciate what you do sometimes there's not enough communication I think between the Orlando Housing Authority and the city and some of our City commissioners so I would encourage that we engage in robust communication moving forward because we're all on the same side on this so thank you we'll do that thank you thank you thank you Sandy thank you okay we will stand adjourned as to the public workshop and await EDS not of approval so if you were here for the work [Music] a