[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] n [Music] n [Music] all right good afternoon and welcome to the February 19th 2024 meeting of the Orlando city council we're going to begin today's proceedings with the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance today led by commissioner Tony Ortiz thank you mayor let's please bow our heads dear Lord Our God we know you're always listening we thank you for your eternal love and mercy Lord we live in difficult times times and people depend on Leaders with hearts of service to lead it's not about power or influence but it's about service today we come to you with a humble heart to ask for your direction as we make decisions to lead our community we ask you to bless us with wisdom discernment and a spirit of service Heavenly Father These are times of deep reflection for there are people around the world suffering because of the calamities of War vanity greed homelessness famine and the deterioration of the family nucleus so we ask you to touch our hearts so we can work together putting differences of partisan partisanship race religion gender social status as aside and tend to the needs of our people Lord we trust you we ask for the blessing of your continued guidance we ask you all this in the name holy name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and we give you all the glory amen amen allegiance to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty okay Madam Clark would you call the RO make a determination of a quorum please commissioner gray here commissioner Ortiz here commissioner Stewart here commissioner Sheen here commissioner Hill here commissioner Burns here mayor Dyer here mayor you have a quum with all members present thank you madam clerk first order business will be consideration of minutes second from the workshop agenda review City Council meetings of February 5th 2024 motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner shien all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries okay uh let's see Awards presentations and recognitions we um don't have any of those today so I'll move right into the mayor's comments so I want to highlight today the appointment of Michelle mccrimon is our new Chief Financial Officer [Applause] Michelle Michelle has been our Deputy CFO for 13 years and and uh brings three decades of experience in business and financial services I am confident that she is well qualified for the role of CFO having worked with her for 13 years and will continue to provide excellent financial management for our city which we have a long history of with that even though Chris is not here I want to also thank Chris McCullen for 18 years of dedicated service to our city he moves on to the role of CFO over across the street at OU and we wish him well for that he's been key in developing so many different aspects of our financial plans from our major Community initiatives to Neighborhood infrastructure Improvement plan our community venues our uh Medical City at Lake nun creative Village the packing District accelerate Orlando um so many things Chris will be missed but we thank him and we congratulate Michelle hopefully it will be a unanimous vote with that I will uh move on to the consent agenda which is a number of items that are worked on through or that are voted on um through one single vote of council we give each of our council members the opportunity to comment on items that are on the consent agenda Andor important happenings from their districts we rotate the order that we do that and today first up is commissioner Ortiz commissioner thank you mayor back in the the mic thank again um February 6 I attended the Hispanic chamber of commerce ignite launching what a great event wow that place was pag deac I want to thank um the Hispanic uh Chamber of Commerce for creating an environment for business to be empowered and gained valuable inside for economic transformation on the same day I attended the West Ridge adventur Country Club board meeting to discuss short-term rentals which seems to be a subject still going on lingering around so um I want to thank the Community Association manager Candace Harrison and condo and homeowners for inviting me to speak and inform them about this important topic on the eth I attended Over States General membership meeting want to thank over State president Mr David Blackwood for inviting me we engage into a series of issues including some of the legislations going on in Tallahassee so TR to maintain our community of rest on the ninth my team and I joined uh Vicky Bakery the newest gem in our beautiful District 2 for their grand opening proud to support the uh the first Orlando location at this renowned bakery chain now with 25 spots across Florida fun fact they're the only USDA approved Bakery in it in the entire state so and we have in District too no competition whatsoever mon districts no competition located at 4556 sou samon Boulevard I think I'm going to invite the Commissioners and the mayor to have some uh some of their Bakery Goods over there we're really taking off with Gastronomy in District 2 first watch and Agave aul are also great places to visit uh and one last announcement as Government Academy is two weeks away class begins on March 5th at the Orlando police training facility and starts at 6:30 p.m. if you would like to register you can call our home our home no don't call my home uh my office number 47246 20002 or email tony. Ortiz orlando. and that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner Mo to commissioner Stewart let me start first by giving you Tony's home number thank you thank you mayor um congratulations Michelle we're honored to have you here it's great love working with you before now in this new role really excited about that and of course excited for uh um continued Service public service with u Chris so thank you very much um uh Happy president day everybody uh and uh and along with that we had a great weekend U um uh those thank you those who made it out to Virginia Drive live I appreciate that some upcoming events I want to share with you briefly I want is uh come up this Saturday is the uh evening with fabulous friends over at the manelo to highlight the uh our our American art um Museum over there so get a chance to come um uh commissioner uh she and I will be on the dragon parade on Saturday woohoo uh so starts in her District ends in my district that's kind of fun and uh we get a chance to bring that Community together so it's a great little tradition that we have and I appreciate that um Spring Lake homeowners associations having their meeting coming up on Sunday the 3 and then of course uh uh the big Lou Gardens plant sale is coming up on March 9th and 10th make sure you mark your calendar they expect between 10 and 12,000 people out there in 2 days so please get a chance to come come early uh and uh please be patient with the parking and be respectful of those in the neighborhood um and then on 10th uh Sunday in the park the College Park will be doing that um and mayor I only thing I have on the agenda today is to mention the mo the four roots four roots continues to move forward we'll be opening up that soon and today we are um approving some uh some adjustments and some changes based upon OU and the four roots and some um rights rights of way and those kind of things but uh I'm excited I just want to mention that that's coming up it's going to be one of a really neat new um projects that we've involved in and I am so thrilled about it so um that's on B10 and B1 you can count on my support for that so and that's all I have mayor thank you okay thank you commissioner move to commissioner Sheen well thank you mayor Dyer thank you Council um I too want to add my congratulations to Michelle a great I'm I'm really looking forward to working with you and if anybody doesn't understand the importance of the Chief Financial Officer I served on this Council and mayor D and attested this when he first came into office where we had our finances were a mess we had no idea how much were was going out how much was coming in and our finances were a mess and this team and the chief financial officer's office has done an amazing job this Council knows every two weeks where everything's at in terms of our finances in terms of our expenditures and that's really really important so I just want to thank Michelle and Chris for their hard work because you can't make good Financial forecast if you don't have good financial information and they've been a part of that transparency and I commend you and congratulations absolutely um on the agenda today Delany Avenue improvements I know the neighborhood's very very happy to see that we also have Oregon Street drainage improvements Cory it's not sexy stuff but it's good stuff and uh you know I'm really glad you're taking care of that flooding so we're very happy to see that um Commissioners I'm going to be having a meeting um with the with the planning staff and with the public work staff um on some of this um infill development that's happening in the W viw neighborhood um what's happening is it's usually not that big of a deal but what's happening is developers are buying up five and six slots at a time and they're not putting in the necessary drainage they're relying upon the existing infrastructure and I think we really need to get a handle on this because it's one thing commissioner Gray's District we're putting in the drainage and things that we need and sidewalks and all that which is a good thing but in some of these neighborhoods where we do not have the services available developers are taking advantage of that and I really think we need to look at the code because I think rightfully so a lot of these neighborhoods are concerned about flooding with with with global warming and everything and we need to get ahead of this because we do not address infill development where the infrastructure does not exist and I think we really do need to take a look at that so just wanted to put that on the map for y'all and let you all know that there's something that I'm going to be dealing with I'm sure commissioner Stewart's been dealing with it and that we need to to go ahead and and um and and pay attention to that moving forward other than that J1 Mount Vernon and Mills easement for the Mast arms we're delighted to see these Mast arms coming in um again not very sexy infrastructure but important because we want these Mast arms in because uh during hurricanes a lot of these um signalization blow down if they're on wires if they're on Mast arms they're much more um hurricane resistant so we're glad to see that happening throughout the district especially finally getting to to wrap up the the uh Colonial and and and Mills uh Mast arm project that's taken forever for fdot but again it's a very good Improvement in the district and that's all I had mayor thank you thank you commissioner move on to commissioner Hill thank you mayor ad daring good afternoon everyone and I also would like to extend my congratulations to uh Michelle McMan and becoming the CFO and thank you you worked with me handson in a lot of different Community initiatives and I know even up until today's date so I look forward to your continued service I know the mayor could have appointed a better person um and uh also congratulations Chris mcllin you know one thing about great leadership is you always have somebody on deck that can fill in so may D continue success and your appointments um and uh Chris thank you for everything if you're watching hopefully they got you super busy over there at the reliable one uh uh I like to just talk about some of my upcoming events in District 5 of course this is uh in all of our kid zones primarily District three five and two and also six because we have the Zone over in the Holden Heights Community uh they're looking for kids and young adults between the ages of 15 to 24 um for uh our new work program for the zones U and it's under our recreation department so for those that are interested from 15 to 24 that's in District 2 District three it's not his own but I know they're the Rosemont kids are really being active in that CVI My Brother's Keeper so they're looking for those kids also also five and six for our City Youth Employment Program and you can go to youth Workforce at orlando. um getting fit with commissioner Hill is off to a bang we're on our third week and we have testimonials of people losing up to 15 lbs uh they're out there every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. where we uh get them a nutritional plan a Supplement Plan we have all ages from 10 years old to 65 years old we have couples coming out it's just uh something to be seen I'm excited about it and I'm also out there and I've lost a few pounds so it's working it is working uh and it's being lit by um uh J coach Jason Grimes from waste works and he's been a long time collaborator with uh the city of Orlando fitness program so come out and it's free and that's every Tuesday Thursday evening from 6: to 8:00 uh for more information you can reach out to Leticia fields at Lake lard dun at 47246 4433 or email her at Leticia fields or.gov of course on February 22nd there will be a black history month celebration at the African-American Chambers and Florida Technical College I'll be attending that on Saturday the 24th the fair housing Fair will be taking place at Grand Avenue the event is organized by the city of Orlando human relations department and it will be hosted over in district 6 at the Grand Avenue neighborhood center and it's sponsored by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development attendees will learn more about the City's fair housing protections and you can browse through the fair Boost from many of our local housing agencies here in the community uh it is kidfriendly we'll have food music and a kid zone so everyone come out that is February the 24th and also on that date I'm certain myself and commissioner Burns will also be attending uh Jones High Tiger Pride it is a event of all of the alumni throughout I think the the oldest class is the class of 1945 that will be attending of course Jones SI a 146e institution last year when we all came together there on our football field was about 3,000 participants of different classes so we're looking forward to uh increasing those numbers on the 27th of February the 38th annual crime preventions awards ceremony will be held at Orlando Police Department uh headquarters in their community room I'll be joining air D our City commissioners and our great Chief Eric Smith uh to honor our neighborhood watch block captains as we know uh crime isn't just fault from here at City Hall or OPD it's really those great Community uh Partners uh in our neighborhood watch seeing things keeping our community safe and then seeing something so we want to uh commemorate them on that on a special luncheon for their efforts with keeping Orlando City safe since our last um Council I've been super busy February the 5th I was here with mayor D um unveiling our black art there in the retunda uh so please go and see it's um it's a lot of people from the African not just American but African diaspora that is being featured downstairs in our Gallery uh and I always say black history month we celebrate uh yearly once a month but I'm proud to say on this Council through mer dius leadership in this Council that we are in black history every day and it's done through many of the contracts that you see here on this uh deos that we will pass today but by the participation and activities that we do in the community when we start talking about seeing how district 6 and District 5 and Mercy Drive and Ivy Lane and Malibu and orange Center has been revitalized that's what I look at when we start talking about black history it's not just words it's action I truly believe that this city of Orlando honors those of the African diaspora and most definitely here in the city of Orlando through our many youth programs that serve a bulk of a africanamerican children you know uh so with that thank you councel and especially mayor D for your continued support of of of of a inclusive and fair uh Community but you've been lay your focus on the black community and bringing it up and that infrastructure up and programs to make sure that we're leading the way um I just want to say that publicly then um later that evening I was right back back at my I'm a mount to Jones High where I witness over 50 kids get uh on the spot scholarships with other with over 20 different uh colleges on spot I think it led up to about $3.2 million of uh Scarlet ships which is the greatest equalizer uh you know gentrification we talk about and other things with color but if we can give any child no matter if they're in Lake Nona or in Paramore solid education um that's how we close these Equity gaps and with that that's all I have Mary I'll talk about other things next month thank you commissioner um we'll move on to commissioner Burns all right thank you mer good afternoon everyone uh I too would like to express my uh congratulations to uh Michelle for your appointment as our CFO and I just like to say thank you Michelle for uh all that you've done and all that that I've learned from you um over these years and look forward to continue to work with you I know you do a great job um um on Thursday February 8th uh I had the pleasure of joining Lillian from our city planning division to tour the new Villa tale Orlando resort uh situated on the iconic International Drive this is a uh 560 unit uh vacation home development right here uh on ID drive you can experience anywhere from from a 2 to a 9 bedroom um vacation home uh and again um you know a lot of us we have family coming in town they often times go out to casmi or out um out that way to get a nice vacation home now you can tell them that we have a beautiful vacation home development right here in the uh middle of the city of Orlando right here in district 6 uh so I think they have about 40 units that are up in Opera uh so we look forward to them completing that uh that development and bringing uh a lot of our family reunions uh back into the city of Orlando so they don't necessarily have to live leave the city of Orlando to enjoy uh all that we have to offer so we're excited about um uh that that development again that's the V Orlando resort you can go online book your uh book your stay uh right now also on Saturday February 10th uh I had the pleasure of joining the Early Learning Coalition in Orange County Head Start uh with director Sonia Hill uh at the James R Smith Center for their 2024 diaper Drive collection benefiting families in our community uh the goal uh for this event was 15,000 diapers uh with the help of our uh Community we exceeded that gold uh and we raised uh actual we actually collected 2,438 diapers so again a true Testament to the collaboration and the support of our uh beautiful uh City so again thank you to everyone who assisted and made that possible a few upcoming events um I have my district 6 mobile satellite office hours this Wednesday February the 28th um well Wednesday February 28th at the El Claudia Allen Center from 10: to 4:00 and this is a time where my staff and I will be present to uh meet with any of the any of the residents but also we're helping with with uh filling out applications for the home rehabilitation program and things of that nature so if anyone wants to meet with uh their commissioner again they don't have to come to City Hall we have uh mobile office hours and the next one again is February 28th at the El Claudia Allen Center from 10: to 4: also on March 6 we're planning our conversations with black men uh Wednesday March 6 at the Grand Avenue uh Neighborhood Center starting at 6:30 and this is again a uh a space that we've created for black men to come together and just share uh stories and uh other things kind of a mental health safe space uh for our community so I encourage if you're interested uh please uh register to attend the uh conversations with black men on March 6 uh also uh as part of our get fit district 6 we're having our bike district 6 Saturday March 16th uh and this will be uh we'll start at the James R Smithson and we will bik through uh district 6 um again getting you know getting everyone active and and and uh with the goal of getting fixed as as commissioner Hill mentioned uh but again it's going to give us the opportunity to ride through the neighborhood and uh just talk with our residents but also give them the opportunity to identify things that they want to see improved or plans that they may have so again uh Bike District 6 Saturday March 16th uh and then last but not least I'll be hosting my state of district 6 town hall meeting on Wednesday March 27th uh from uh at 6:30 at the uh Dr James R Smith Center so this is uh opportunity for me to share the plans of for district 6 uh receive information but also give our residents the opportunity to interact with many of our city departments uh and again that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner and commissioner gray thank you mayor uh quick reminder a week from this Saturday March 2nd we will have our annual Spring Festival out in Vista Lakes at Amherst Park 11: to3 uh a great event uh for everybody in the community We've Got U things for the kids to do we've got Public Safety showing up we've got about 50 small businesses that'll be there to kind of share their uh products and services with the community so 11: to3 March 2nd uh and it's all free hamburgers hot dog so uh everyone's welcome to attend so are you going to be in the splash Booth again no splash Booth this year we we thought you know we should get rid of that this year that wasn't so good yeah no dunk tanks thank you very much hey on the agenda I'm going to make it unanimous for U Michelle McMan uh a CFO uh and and uh I know she'll do a great job but I think we also need to give Chris McCullen uh his props he was a great leader and like all good leaders you make sure there's somebody to take over when you leave and Michelle's perfectly capable so I'm going to make it unanimous Michelle so congratulations um and also on A3 I want to uh thank my my peer Tony for uh taking my spot on the affordable housing action committee it's an important committee I've done it for three years uh but uh I know Tony will take it to the next level so uh thanks for doing that commissioner and then finally uh B12 pitous Park um want to thank our Real Estate Group and our our legal team for negotiating that agreement uh the good news is 15 Acres of mixed juice but more important 12 more pickle ball courts so we got pickle ball come to Lake yeah wow wow big deal but uh it was a lot of effort to get that over the the Finish Line I want to thank them so with that I will move the consent agenda for approval second motion by commissioner gray second by commissioner Ortiz all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppos and so it's unanimous Michelle [Music] congratulations okay those of you who just uh had a good experience with with general or with uh consent agenda and don't have any other items and would like to make your way out now would be the time to do that they're all stay in okay no CRA no nid no OPB today so we'll go right to hearings ordinances on first reading number one ordinance number 20248 an ordinance of the city council the city of Orlando Florida to the city's growth management plan amending the city's adopted growth management plan future land use element figure lu1 to allow commercial use as a principal use in the industrial future land use designation within the Paramore Heritage overlay District providing for severability correction discrimin error and an effective date so second motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner Shen Madam clerk do we have anybody that would like to speak on this matter no speakers mayor no speakers discussion commissioner Sheen mayor I I just like to say congratulate commissioner hell and and the planning staff because um we did some of these um industrial zoning to allow retail restaurants and personal services on Virginia Drive and it really transformed that area so I just want to say it's going to be transformational for you um we've done it in other areas and it's just been great so Kudos I just wanted to this is absolutely wonderful glad to see it thanks mayor okay further discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries Commissioners this is an ordinance that requires a public hearing after 5:00 unless we vote by super majority to hold the second public hearing at our normal city council meeting staff recommends that we hold the second public hearing at the next regularly scheduled city council meeting beginning at 2 o' following the city's receipt of agency comments pursuant to section 16 3. 3184 Florida Statutes do I hear such a motion motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Shen all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries okay let's move on to number two Madam Clark ordinance number amending Chapter 58 part 2 AI Land Development code entitled Paramore Heritage overlay District pH providing for cability codification correction ofer's errors and an effective date so move second motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner Shen Madam clerk no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries uh likewise commissioner this ordinance requires a public hearing after 5:00 unless we vote by super majority to hold the second public hearing at our normal city council meeting time staff recommends that we hold the second public hearing at our regular scheduled city council meeting beginning at 2 o'cl on March 11th 2024 do I have such motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner she and all in favor indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries okay let's move to ordinances first reading Madame clerk number one ordinance number 202 24-11 and to the city council of the city of Orlando Florida designating certain land generally located north of West Church Street South of West Central Boulevard West of South Hui Avenue and east of South Division Avenue and comprised of 8.43 acres of land more or less as plan development district with the traditional City and Paramore Heritage overlay districts on the city's official zoning Maps providing special land use development regulations of the plan development District providing for severability correction scri errors permit disclaimer and an effective date so MO motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner Sheen Madam Clark no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicat so by saying I I those opposed motion carries okay number two ordinance number 2024 -12 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida extending the temporary moratorium on the acceptance processing and consideration of development orders development permits building permits and Zoning approvals for nightclubs in the downtown Orlando Community Development Reg Development Area providing legislative findings cability correction scrier error and an effective date s second motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner Shen Madam Clark no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries and that is the conclusion of the agenda items on our um agenda today so Ed can you get us in position for or general [Music] appearance [Music]