[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] get [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] h [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] all right good afternoon everybody and welcome to the June 24th 2024 meeting of the Orlando city council we're going to begin today's proceedings with the invocation of the Pledge today led by commissioner Stewart thank you will you please bow your heads with me father thank you for every person here today and those who have joined us throughout the city for each mind and heart that fills the presence of this room we thank you only you truly know what are setting out to accomplish today we have an idea a vision hints and daily instructions we have talents and abilities and time to work however only you can see the perfect detail at the end of every beginning every project every season every life nothing is ever in vain for these events and missteps are used for your good your righteousness transcends all of our efforts understanding strengthen our confidence in who you have made us to be set us free from comparison in order to work together efficiently bless us meeting today of the ATA city council all those that are present as well the lives of those we touch and those who we'll encounter afterwards ready us to make every moment count it's in your name that we pray amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the it stands Nation indivisible withy and okay I'm going to call the meeting to order Mr clerk would you call the role and make a determination of a quorum please commissioner here here commissioner Ortiz here commissioner Stewart here commissioner shean here commissioner Rose here commissioner Burns here mayor Dyer here mayor you have a quum with all members present okay thank you Mr clerk all right we have quite a crowd today I'm happy to see that I assume that is because we have a new interim District commissioner for District 5 Shan Rose who started this morning and was sworn in this morning at 10:00 so we would like to welcome our two her first official city council meeting you want to give her a hand okay let's do Awards and recognitions but we are going to start out we um are very fortunate to have a very special guest with us today and that's Congressman Darren sto whose District includes uh much of the Southeastern portion of Orlando a lot of commissioner Ortiz and commissioner Gray's districts and he is a super supportive advocate for us in DC um I'd say once a year he comes back with a big check for us so we're all happy to see him anytime he shows up in Orlando city council so commission commissioner uh Congressman the uh floor is yours thank you mayor so much and Commissioners uh congratulations commissioner rose on your election uh this year we're helping work on some flooding issues that we saw after Hurricane Ian uh in East Orlando many of you may remember we had some parking lots that were fully underwater um our First Responders did an amazing job of of rescuing everyone um commissioner Ortiz and I were in those uh those flooded areas although you're a little higher above water than I was my friend and uh we know that we need to continue with the Advent of of climate change to work on improving uh water infrastructure across the the district and that's where I made a promise to to work with you all on uh on a East Orlando flood control project we're talking about areas like Ventura and Anglewood and uh different uh middle schools and and elementary schools in that area uh like Roberto Clemente elementary school middle school and uh and so we're excited to be able to deliver a budget product today of $959,000 to help with the the good work the city's doing in East Orlando for a lot of these seniors and and young people um over the years we've been thrilled to help work with a lot of them first couple years Commissioners Gray's District uh we appreciate the work you're doing in Lake Nona um with the Lake Nona Government Center that I know we're working on uh as we speak in a million for pus Park as well over the last term we passed some of the largest legislation we've seen uh in many years uh in the last Congress whether it was the American rescue plan and I was so thrilled mayor that uh under your leadership in the city commission um that use over 50 million of the of ARP to help with affordable housing and and uh to combat homelessness I know an issue that's near and dear to commissioner Burns among all of us um and and and I applaud you for for for doing that in addition through the infrastructure law we're finally seeing that next uh round of uh of I4 finally be built um under the mayor's leadership we saw the I4 ultimate project now we're going to the Beyond I4 ultimate project from the 528 all the way down into Poke County through Oola County a $3.5 billion project part funded by the American Rescue plan part funded by the infrastructure law and part by State dollars we all have been through that traffic in I4 and so uh we're definitely going to continue to work together it's going to take 10 years to build 10 lanes we got a lot of work to do uh over 200 million's come to the airport so far uh which is one of the crown jewels of the city uh with eight new gates pedestrian bridge Runway improvements and even a new Hing 61 million for a new awning but who would want to sit in the rain or in the hot Sunshine as you're waiting for your family to pick you up the next big thing we got some of the design money already 16 million for a Chrissy grant for a SunRail bright line expansion which would connect to the airport uh to the theme parks and go all the way out to um with bright line all the way out to uh Tamp I know uh this city commission including the mayor is is leading the charge on on this effort and we appreciate it we've also seen nearly $20 million in federal housing grants uh for uh folks who are home insecure because of flooding from hurricanes and to rehouse Veterans uh as well as uh uh continuing to work on anti-terrorism funding about 4 million each year for the region of which Orlando Police gets most of that anti-terrorism funding a big shout out to former congresswoman Val demings who helped make sure tourists count in that calculation so that we make the cut every year for that uh the last thing that we got this year was 900,000 pruf medical school for Lake Nona for the pathogen surveillance laboratory they just had a veto of one of their other projects on the state level so we really need to continue to support UCF Medical School wherever we can um but what's next uh a $1.5 million um Park Improvement for East Orlando in the commander Drive area commissioner Ortiz thank you for submitting that great idea and uh then the $6 billion bright line SunRail expansion uh that because only four communities Across the Nation really have come together in a collaborative fashion and I know Mary you talk about that all the time that collaboration is is our Partnerships our biggest drive but along with with the Orlando Tampa route you have a Portland Seattle route a la Las Vegas route okay right and uh and then a Cella in the Northeast so we really are in a great position one of only four major projects uh that is going to compete for this Federal rail money in a in a big way and then uh the last thing we're working on is new Tron for the Orlando International Airport their Tower is tip toop and they're getting a bunch of new funding through the federal government for the airport uh Terminal C but the Tron is very Antiquated and we've just had FAA now that we passed an FAA reauthorization come in to look at a new site and this is critical for for Public Safety and to make sure our air traffic controllers have the U very best in equipment uh to keep tourism our top industry around here moving forward with that uh just thank you all for your continued partnership and looking forward to bringing home some more money in the future bringing our federal tax dollars back to Orlando thank Congressman you're doing a great great job we always appreciate when you come through we didn't take enough credit but our airport has received more money from the bipartisan infrastructure building any airport in the entire country so thank you for that about 300 million in Rising thank [Applause] you let's stand up here Patty mayor is that check coming to my distri no you're matching it where you going right behind you yeah no here go behind really that's it all right [Applause] tell me L let's give the congressman a big Standing Ovation so he can walk out for that [Applause] okay now we're going to do one of the coolest things that we do all year long we have I think the best city staff in the entire country I didn't say just the State of Florida I think the entire country and reason that these Commissioners keep getting reelected all the time is the great work the city commission or the city employees do to make us all look good um whether it is picking up Recycling and garbage or keeping our streets safe or um making sure that we have the best it in the country um our employees do it all and do it with little fan fair but do it in a very um great fashion so we'd like to recognize our staff for the extraordinary commitment that they make and we have mcnamer employee of the Year awards that we give out every year and it's always a great compliment or accomplishment to be picked for that because you're nominated by peers for that award so I'm going to call on HR Director Anna paleno to tell us more about the award its history and to help recognize our honores Anna thank you mayor Dyer good afternoon mayor Commissioners and invited guests it is my pleasure to come before you to announce I to do this the 2023 magn employee of the year award winners the purpose of the city's employee recognition program is to motivate recognize and retain employees the most prestigious award given by this program is the magnam employee of the year award only the best of the best are nominated for this award 18 nominations were received this year and three were selected and now the announcement you've been waiting for the magnam employ employee of the year recipients are Emily Thompson project develop coordinator W Brett Thomas graphic supervisor and mark C Wetland manager the director for each of these outstanding employees will introduce and share their employees accomplishments the first presenter is Housing and Community Development director Orin Henry followed by Communications and neighborhood relations director April Michaels and by Water Reclamation division manager Paul Duo Oren well dance oh there's the mayor um good afternoon mayor Dyer and uh counsel and all the guests um it's uh certainly my pleasure to be here today uh to uh uh present and you okay um Emily Thompson who is the project development coordinator for Housing Community Development on her desk Emily has a plaque that says Little Miss Sunshine because of her positive demeanor but in our department she's often referred to uh as uh she's referred to as the greatest and fastest return on investment uh for someone who spend so much time and effort highlighting the work of her colleagues and the housing department believe we believe that she is very worthy of this prestigious award Emily joined the housing department Less Than 3 years ago in 2021 during the covid pandemic she immediately learned all of the details of the emergency rental assistance program and other federal and state covid Assistance programs these programs brought more than a 100 million of Financial Resources into the community and learning how the application protocols needed to be written and decimated uh decimated disseminated you'd never believe I wrote this either uh was very challenging for the entire department each assistance program had different guidelines rules and Reporting periods that needed to be followed to stay in compliance Emily was a quick study with all of the programs and the department was successful in alerting the community to the finan cial assistance and because of her work the city was able to disperse all of its funds working in the city for 22 years is a tremendous benefit for us she works collaboratively with the members of our department and with key City departments and staff her exceptional work allows our department to spread the word succinctly and rapidly about our everchanging programs and highlights uh the work that the housing staff does when assigned a task Emily goes far beyond what is expected her work ranges from providing information daily to the public the media assisting on Department studies and plans as well as creating nominations for National Housing Awards her attention to detail and dedication to her work often after regular work hours and on weekends is exceptional the housing department receives calls emails and even visits to the office daily from Desperate residents including those who are homeless uh looking for places to live and agencies to assist in their moments of crisis when dealing with these individuals empathy is often one of the most important aspects of our jobs Emily crafted standard responses for the most asked questions our constituents have and compiled a list of service providers who can assist people she ensures her responses are written in a personalized manner so that people know someone is listening to their concerns her caring words come naturally and reflect the person she is and represents a positive image of the city of Orlando she also has made certain that these and other documents are in Spanish and creole so that all of our constituents needs are met equally and with care in short Emily Thompson exemplifies how a Public Employee can work well with others routinely exceed expectations either by taking initiative or being creative while offering the type of customer focus the city of Orlando is proud to provide and we're very proud Emily is a 2023 mcamera employee of the year award recipient [Applause] [Applause] piure all right all right [Applause] there [Applause] app [Applause] right good afternoon mayor Commissioners and colleagues I'm happy to be with you today to honor Brett Thomas as a 2023 MC employee of the year so much of what defines an employee of the year as someone who goes above and beyond and anyone who knows Brett and has the privilege of working with him in some way knows that he takes above and beyond to a whole new level filming a tree lighting promo Brett's sewing elf costumes hosting a golf tournament Brett's constructing a life-size slingshot need to teach the community about food waste Brett's rotting a pumpkin and making a ghost out of a greasy pizza box want to encourage residents to stop over fertilizing their lawns Brett becomes Gus The Grassman for a PSA um campaign so much of that speaks to Brett's creativity his willingness to pitch in and do whatever it takes to push the boundaries to communicate whatever message we need to deliver but where I want to start today involves Brett's commitment to service and teamwork over the last year Brett has volunteered for numerous projects and activities for example in 2023 Brett served on the juneth committee he attended planning sessions LED on Design Elements and assisted with day of event production on event day a severe storm moved in leading to an early cancellation of the event Brett was one of the first to spring into action to help vendors working quickly to ensure they were okay directing them to shelter and even offering one vendor his rain jacket as she tried desperately to get her materials out of the torrential rain Brett was the first volunteer to arrive and the last to leave which is typically the case last year Brett was volunteer Brett also volunteered for a shift for the mayor's MLK commission's 1 million me meals Day of Service however his 4-Hour shift turned into a full day when he arrived and was told that they needed help on the afternoon shift to complete the project not only did Brett spend the entire day serving as a volunteer but he also offered to move into a lead role in the afternoon Brett also used the opportunity to collect social media content for the city's channels to help communicate the important work of the commission and its volunteers and while Brett has donated a spare time to many projects throughout 2023 his biggest accomplishment has been the update and expansion of the Orlando information Loop the city of Orlando's network of 64 soon to be 141 television displays used to digitally communicate with our residents and employees throughout this project Brett served as a subject matter expert working closely with it facilities and procurement including testing to ensure the software and TV locations would meet the city's technology and communication needs Brett managed and continues to manage every aspect of the Loop's connectivity functionality and content through this Innovative approach and Brett's hard work we are now able to deliver message immediately through customized channels specific to our audience and their location while reducing costs and streamlining our Communications process the success of that project is due in large part to Brett's leadership Brett is quiet creative witty and thoughtful he prioritizes growth and learning encouraging his team and col colleagues to stretch beyond their comfort zone he helps to bring projects to fruition by providing support and inspiration Brett is often the calm in the storm saying the right thing and even creating the right thing when you don't know you need it this was the case when Brett had the four thought and initiative to edit the city's Fountain icon from City Blue to Rainbow providing a unifying symbol for our community support for the lgbtq plus Community early in the response to the pulse tragedy he has a True servant's Heart we're not going to cry when I practiced this speech for my family my oldest son remarked Brett is an awesome guy to which I said indeed he is Brett thanks for your service to our team our organization and the community at large we're all proud of you and grateful for all you do in service to our city each day congratulations [Applause] Patty you want to stand with her what group stands we on the last one so let's be consistent and he's an awesome girl dad I can tell that right on in yall than [Applause] good afternoon mayor Commissioners guests um I'm here to introduce Mark CE for 2023 mcnamer employee the of the Year award um the committee made an outstanding Choice when they chose Mark not sure if Mark is the only one but he's got to be one of the few this is his actual second mcnamer employee of the Ward you also won in 2002 Mark's been with the Water Reclamation division 26 years um for those that don't know Mark Mark is a multi-talented employee he's a nationally recognized expert in his field and has made many presentations Nationwide um he's also frequently consulted for other Wetland systems that are having problems um Mark and his team of five in their spare time manage and maintain the 1800 acre Wetlands treatment system that is visited by over 100,000 guests uh every year from multiple countries around the world um and Mark also several years ago took over our demucking projects which nobody probably knows what they are but they're not fun um so Mark took over the the demucking projects from outside contractors that we've been paying handsomely for for years to do these projects and with Mark's management and construction skills they started doing these projects inhouse and Mark has saved the city of Orlando tens of millions of dollars by being able to do these projects um with himself and his five person [Applause] crew Mark was also instrumental and creating our biannual Wetlands Festival if anybody's not been out there um look it up it will be this February this is our this coming February is our year um it's uh it's a great time it's a great learning event um so if you haven't heard of it look it up show up it'll you'll have a good time um Mark also created the allr oiler Overlook which you can actually see the whole Wetlands uh system from from that overlook um and recently Mark was instrumental in bringing the scenic Boardwalk you know that now allows visitors and photographers an opportunity to Traverse through the wetlands and get much closer to the wildlife that the wetlands system attracts um and he's also instrumental and are soon to open excuse me soon to open Wetlands education center so keep an lookout for that hopefully by the uh time we have the wetlands Festival that'll be open um like I said I could go on and on about Mark's accomplishments but I'm not going to embarrass him in front of his family today so but but Mark really thank you for everything that you do and you've been doing it's a pleasure to have you as part of our team sir [Applause] repr [Applause] ohy [Applause] okay okay we did have a fourth winner but um it's an employee that does undercover work so we can't disclose his identity but know someone in op did does stellar work and was recommended by the employees at OPD as well so let's give him a [Applause] [Applause] hand okay uh we are also celebrating an employee today who has served the city of Orlando for more than three decades and I'd like to call on Alan Johnson and Charlie Leone from venues to share more on olly Reeves who is retiring after 32 and a half years with the city of Orlando thank you mayor Commissioners audience members both uh here in person and virtually uh usually when you uh hear about somebody retiring you have a lot of joy for them and in this case we had a lot of Joy but we also had a lot of sadness for us uh because uh we're going to miss him and I have had the pleasure working with him for 20 years when I first started 20 years ago after the hurricanes of 2004 we had some significant damage to the um Amway I'm sorry TD Waterhouse as it was called back then and we were doing a tour uh I was new so I was learning the procedures for the city and we had a tour with the people who were going to do the work and they were bidding to do the work it was insurance people as well as FEMA and our staff and our team and I was walking and these contractors my dad was a contractor so I'm not saying anything bad about contractors however they were throwing out numbers like 150,000 120,000 125 and I just heard somebody say well that's bull and I'm like look around like who's that and it was Oli Reeves and he said Allan if you give me $15,000 and two to three workers I'll do that job and he did and I never doubted him since then I think most of the shows that travel through the Kia Center and Camp world stadium are going to miss his face cuz he's one of the first face they see when they move in he's helping them set up and get these shows started from the beginning that's what he and his team do and we're going to miss that but he he started with us in 1991 and he also worked in the other venues besides Kean Camping World Lou Gardens Manel Museum the old Amway that I mentioned Bob car Performing Arts Center Expo Center and the Ben White Raceway as it was known back then when it comes to the upkeep of our Beloved Community venues we couldn't ask for a better Steward than olly uh between his incredible initiative and his High degree of proficiency Ali is our mcgyver he is the right solution to every problem and always at the ready he possesses a can do spirit and an unselfish approach to his work I'm actually surprised he showed up here because he doesn't like the spotlight very much uh but we appreciate that he did take time to do that I could go on and on about olly but then I'd be stopping him from beginning his retirement so I don't want to do that but Oli Reeves thank you very much [Applause] well olly I need to read a proclamation for you before you retire so oi Reeves retirement Proclamation whereas thanks to the dedication and professionalism of its employees the city of Orlando provides critical Services programs and amenities that residents businesses and visitors rely on every day and whereas the strength and efficiency of our municipal government comes from City of Orlando employees their passion for public service is critical to our Collective efforts to ensure that the city be remains a great place to live work and visit and whereas Oli Reeves has worked for the city of Orlando for 32 years and during that time he's been extremely knowledgeable respectful and reliable and where as venue's facility manager all Been instrumental in the day-to-day operations and maintenance of our city owned venues including kiaa bobc car Lou Gardens vanilla Museum and Camping World stadium and R throughout his tenure with the city Ali has been a true team player and a conent professional his patience perseverance and outstanding temperament have benefited Orlando venues beyond measure and Ali is retiring after 32 years of service but the city of Orlando will always be grateful for his countless contributions to our community now therefore I buddy D mayor of the city of Orlando and the entire Orlando city council do hereby thank Ali Rees for serving our city and extend best best wishes for good health and much happiness in the future [Applause] my let's go most of the time I'm going stay with Charlie you [Applause] [Music] okay clear out okay that brings us to the mayor's update I do have just a couple of things um since our last meeting the city hosted the eighth annual pulse remembrance Events first year that we have been responsible for hosting them ourselves which included the community rainbow run and several events for the victims families and survivors in the broader community on June the 12th in the city's first year of hosting the community rainbow run we had over 2,000 participants more than 30 vendors and sponsors and raised 20 55,000 toward the permanent Memorial and most importantly the rainbow run and the other events gave our community opportunity to come together and honor the 49 and those others who are impacted by the pulse tragedy and display our diversity strength and why we're still Orlando United I'd like to acknowledge our city staff who have worked so hard on those events there's a lot of emotion and taking those over and I know there a lot of stress on um everybody so let's give them a big hand for okay we've also announced a proc cess to create the PTZ Memorial ADV advisory committee that'll guide our work in creating a memorial and get a conceptual design done for the memorial by the end of the year we have received 150 applications representing a diverse mix of families survivors Community leaders and those with technical expertise like Architects and mental health professionals clergy and artists we have a group of Consultants who'll be reviewing the applications and making some recommendations on who should participate in Committee of approximately 10 to 15 members and we anticipate announcing the committee in early July and then beginning their meetings in mid July committee meetings will be available to the public to attend virtually and in person and in English and in Spanish to stay up to date visit PTZ orlando.org our next uh commission meeting is not until mid July so I want to share that our 47th Annual fireworks at the fountain will take place on Thursday July 4th at Lake Yola Park from 4: to 10: a lot of great entertainment familyfriendly activities and the fireworks show will start at 910 and since we will not have a meeting until later in July commissioner Sheen will be celebrating her 40th birthday on July 6th and we like to honor and um congratulate our birthday people so it's our tradition commission Ortiz could you lead us off sure it be my pleasure all right commissioner gray let's go let's go okay happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Happy Birthday to that that never gets old that never gets old it's perfect y'all are getting worse I'm just saying okay and we did have a really large crowd but we still have a large audience and I am guessing that is because we are funding 18 mayor's matching Grant projects today are uh the grants help support local schools and neighborhood associations not for profits that enhance our communities quality of life life and opportunities for our youth we have representatives from many of those organizations today and some who are watching from home on orange TV or streaming live would any of the representatives that are here and I know the word because I did a picture with most of them earlier today so would you stand and let us thank you for the work that you [Applause] do and also want to thank the mayor's matching Grant review committee from the office of Community Affairs staff for the work that they did in selecting them and you guys should give those guys and some Applause okay and uh last thing on the agenda B10 and F1 we're approving construction of eight single family homes in the Paramore neighborhood and also moving forward a proposal to develop at least 84 one and two bedroom affordable units for seniors on orange Center Boulevard in Washington Shore so we continue to make sure that we have a housing inventory for residents at all income levels okay with that we're going to move to the consent agenda consent agendas a number of items are acted upon through a single vote of council we give each of our council members an opportunity to comment on the consent agenda and update you on important happenings from their districts we rotate the order that we do that and commissioner Stewart is first up today commissioner Stewart thank you mayor uh let me say a special thanks to uh uh four great employees that we a chance to recognize olly and Emily Mark and Brad uh I think it's a um it's a indication the mayor is correct uh we look really good because we have some great staff that support us and support our citizens and I'm so thrilled for that so um thank you all for me a couple things come up in the neighborhood otton Park Community Market continues uh starts it's every Monday night so it's from 5: to 8: tonight um coming up is the dog days of summer in College Park that's coming up this weekend it's a chance to have a community party out in the in College Park so that's going to be from 11: to 2 um if you don't get a chance to come down to Lake Yol and be there with the quarter of a million people that will be enjoying that you also can see some fireworks on July 3rd over in baldman park over the lake so if you get a chance please come over with that'll be great and the fireworks I think are at 9:15-ish uh but the the party starts at 6 uh and then uh one thing I will mention is uh um as I've shared with several several times dub is celebrating our 100th birthday uh dub golf course we're having a Special Commemorative golf tournament to come up on August 17th so if you're interested in playing please get a chance to go to Historic dure docomond I introduce the information that we're going to have another um have a little kind of Galla over there to celebr in September and so we're really excited about what's going on in the work over in dub but it's been 100 years and we want to celebrate that 100 years onto the agenda let me just mention a couple things here um I want to say I'm honored to support B6 uh it's the work on Lake Fairview we're awarding that contract today uh also on C9 The narly Barley group gnarly group are they here okay why you behind somebody congratulations uh we'll recommend and approve a facade grant for you $20,000 I'm excited about that thank you um and um uh Bishop Wiggins is here thank you for your work and I'm honored to support you on your item today on F1 um and then uh we also have a project coming up that we appreciate Public Works working on it we're doing some uh uh storm water uh mitigation over in oton park got a Grant to accomplish that and so we'll be reining those pipes for um they'll help us for the Next Generation so those are four things I'd like to mention from the agenda and that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner commissioner shien uh thank you mayor dyon thank you all for the birthday wishes what you lack in Talent you made up for in spirit so I really appreciate that very much um um I want to welcome my my new colleague commissioner Rose girl power and uh we'll working together on lots of cool stuff so look forward to working with you um on the agenda today mayor's neighborhood matching Grant glad to see the belir wall Curry Ford W West tree Fest Stephanie's here and also dueling dragons which you know we all support that do great work in the community as well as everyone else thank you for all the work that you do um to make our community a better place um on item A5 we have a me memorandum of agreement for climate for pollution reduction grant for deploying large scale solar and as you all know solargy is very near and dear to my heart um and I have rooftop solar participated in the city um City solar uh Co-op I'm a little distressed that the or Utilities Commission however is not supportive of rooftop solar and we had to go in force to try to fight for rooftop solar it was said that um that rooftop resident rooftop solar residents are disproportionately impacting the poor I don't think that's true at all um climate change disproportionately impacts the needy and the poor and uh I want to thank mayor dyer for saying that we need to support net metering for people who put rooftop solar on their roofs um we do not need to discourage renewable and safe and clean energy and you know what we need to put rooftop solar on our affordable and low-income residents home so they can have affordable um bills as well so I rather than punish the people who are doing the right thing by the environment I think we should be looking to expand rooftop solar and you know what there was a real change in the in the telephone industry years ago we all used to have a landline we all used to pay for long distance and cell phones came along and that changed and that's what's happening with the solar industry now people are generating their own power and we should be able to uh to to make clean energy a reality in this community and in this world um to help fight climate change so I'm hoping that OU in the next few weeks will change the way that they're evaluating what they're doing because it's very detrimental to our world or to our city and I want to make sure that we encourage rooftop solar and clean energy there's a reason why we don't have clean energy there's always someone who wants to fight it we need to fight for clean energy because it's the right thing to do for the Next Generation Um also um on the agenda we have the McCoy Federal Credit Union they fund the historic preservation Board calendar every year I want to shout out to them because it's a wonderful thing people love when the calendars come out every year and that's all I had mayor thank you very much thank you commissioner commissioner good afternoon everyone um rebuilding trust and integrity is what we're going to do in District 5 as your Council representative I'm committed to rebuilding the trust and confidence The District 5 needs between its community and Leadership just like other communities around the city of Orlando District 5 has always been an area with great potential for growth and progress who we are and what we want must be genuinely demonstrated by the way we come together as one voice and one Community focused on the needs of District 5 my first priority is to listen to the concerns of District 5 constituents in order to collectively and imaca arrive at Solutions greater Geared for the greater good in the coming weeks I'm asking everyone to please look out we will be hosting a town hall or we will work together for the vision of District 5 with your support I will place an emphasis on ensuring that affordable and Market housing options are available throughout District 5 and I'm glad to see B10 because those are my neighbors and I'm looking forward to um home ownership in the community improving relationships with our public safety personnel police fire and code enforcement developing business incentives training and resources to help minority and other businesses to successfully thrive in District 5 keeping youth engaged and by providing a platform to hear what they would like to see in District 5 and that is specifically designed with their interests in mind the Youth of our district are Bright Futures our community owes them the opportunity to grow in a safe environment that meets their needs establishing an advisory Council to include but not limited to Residents clergy School representative resource providers other interest and others interested in the growth stability and future of District 5 The Advisory Council will work closely with myself and my team to achieve the objectives and goals set forth by The Advisory Council for nearly 45 years of struggle growth and progress under District 5 leadership we have now arrived at this point it's a new day and I'm honored to represent you as your commissioner We Are Better Together let's keep it that way and God bless District five bra thank you commissioner Burns uh yes thank you mayor uh good afternoon everyone Council uh City staff and all of our guests first I'd like to also welcome our newest commissioner our colleague uh commissioner Rose to the city council and I look forward to serving uh alongside of you also uh just congratulations to Emily Mark and Brett for being awarded the magnam employee of the year uh just thank want to thank them for their exceptional services to the residents of our great City also congratulations to Ali Reeves uh on his retirement for over 30 years of service to our city thank you uh again for all that you all do um a couple of things on the um uh happening in district 6 or that has happened in district 6 on Tuesday June 11th I had the pleasure of attending the Florida CIT Sports national soccer team welcome welcome dinner uh it was a great experience uh allowed us to honor and show support for the US Men's National Soccer Team versus Brazil it was a great match uh this event provided opportunity to connect with the players coaches owners of the teams uh and just to highlight a lot all that the city of Orlando has to offer so we look forward to uh f f um Florida City Sports and uh bringing additional soccer games like that to our community also uh on June 12th uh uh it was my honor to attend the reef uh ceremony commemorating the 49 lives lost during the post nightclub shooting uh it was a solemn occasion to remember and pay tribute as our community stood together in solidarity offering our support to the families and friends affected by this devastating event uh we will continue to uh honor their memory and work towards creating a more inclusive inclusive and safe environment I just like to say thank you to commissioner shean uh during that uh Reef laying ceremony she shared some of the stories uh of some of those um a couple of those 49 angels and it really just touched my heart so thank you for for sharing with sharing their stories with me also on Thursday June 13th I attended the grand opening of the Advent Health Millennia ER which is located on the previous uh Holy Land campus uh I was honored to parti ipated in this event as we welcome Advent Health to district 6 having Advent Health in our community will provide access to Quality Healthcare offering worldclass emergency services to residents here in Orlando uh the ER will bring over 60 high paying healthc care jobs to our community uh so Advent Health uh congratulations and welcome to district 6 also on Tuesday June 18th my office attended the henin park 50-year celebration uh in 1994 I mean 1974 the year I was born actually uh mayor Carl Langford dedicated a park to Dr Sylvester henkins who opened his first General Medical Practice on West Church Street fulfilling his dream to provide quality medic Medical Care to Black Orlando residents thank you to the fpr team uh for your work and acknowledges uh his impact and Legacy in our community uh just a few upcoming events uh our next MO mobile satellite office hours will be held this Wednesday June 26 at the El Claudia Allen uh senior center from 10 a.m. to 4 and if you would like an appointment to meet with myself and my staff please reach out to our office 47246 20006 also you're invited to uh join the Metro West Community on July 3rd for the Music Works event where there will be live music by Stella beat and the fluty brothers and there will also be um some fireworks so come uh July 3rd uh and then go uh July 4th over to to uh Lake Yola also uh save the date for the district 6 annual back to school event we have two events uh one the first one will be Saturday July 27th at 10:00 a.m. at the Grand Avenue neighborhood center and then the next one will be Sunday July 28th at 1 pm at the Dr James R Smith Center uh so please help us get the word out come out and support volunteer come get some uh supplies but also we're taking donations uh as well and Mer on the agenda uh I'd like to uh A1 I just like to thank all of our citizens who have uh decided to volunteer their time on uh to serve on the various citizens advisory boards also congratulations to all the recipients of the mayor's matching grants uh specifically uh ebony nutrition Orange County uh Library System page 15 Boys to Men mentoring and dueling dragons thank you for all the work that you do not just in district 6 but throughout our city also I'd like to uh Express support for item A5 um the Moa for the climate pollution reduction Grant proposal which is a collaboration of several cities in Central Florida of the 200 million that will be applied for 60 million will go to uh if successful 60 million go to the Orlando CMI Sanford MSA and uh 7.9 to the city of Orlando so we have our fingers crossed for those much needed uh resources also uh B10 uh which was mentioned I'd like to um express my support and say thank you to vodom construction and Bernice aten Bradley for stepping in and helping us to uh complete these uh much needed single family homes in the parore area also um item F1 I'm excited to uh acknowledge and support this and this is the award of the local government preference under the low uh income housing tax credit program which is a highly competitive uh for the 9% housing tax credits uh I would like to commend the city staff uh for the development of a uh more transparent process of awarding the city's preference uh also um congratulations to this cycle awarde thoron place and Wendover housing Partners uh who will be constructing 83 uh affordable senior housing units on orange Center Boulevard in district 6 uh and I see the Archbishop in his team so thank you again Archbishop for what you continue to do in our community uh not just spiritually but also for the whole person CU we always have those talks about uh uh addressing the whole man so thank you you for continuing to do that um also uh city of Orlando uh housing assistance plan just like to say thank you to Orin his and his team for this comprehensive plan that will prioritize the city's use of the $2.4 million that have been uh allocated under the state Housing Initiative partnership commonly referred to as ship uh and these funds come from the state Sadowski affordable housing funds so again thank you uh to all the city staff for your great work and mayor that's all I have thank you thank you commissioner commissioner gray thank you mayor um and I'd also like to welcome commissioner as we look forward to having you here and look forward to your contributions to the council in the city um and then congrats also to the mcer awards a pretty impressive group of people there on the agenda uh I said it earlier I had to declare a conflict on item C9 I have a business associate involved in that group so I will not be voting on that and then finally I would also like to provide my support to F1 uh certainly Bishop Wiggins and his team but also Windover housing Partners is a a a qualified and very experienced developer who has demonstrated their ability to deliver quality products so I think that's a good partnership and uh we're glad to provide our support for that so that's all I had mayor thank you thank you commissioner and commissioner Ortiz that was a good accolate right there that's kudos to that so first of all welcome to commissioner Rose once again welcome to a team uh I want to thank Congressman Soto he left I didn't get a chance to thank him when he was doing his presentation I have to say something about Congressman SoDo the man has really steep up to a plate and uh when we go to Washington and and we get to go to Washington twice a year with the Florida League of cities he's always there for us he's always receiving our team his ears are to the ground and his as they as um jool says uh he listens more and talk less so and he acts a lot more so he's doing a great job and I think that's to that's to be commended so for everybody who's listening here and you have friends or whatnot make sure that we keep that guy up there working for us anyhow uh was that a vat of confidence I just did there I think I did so an endorsement anyhow I'm a republican right so uh so um congratulations to Emily Thompson Brett Thomas mark C and Ali Reed on his retirement great job representation I always say that we have the best government in the whole nation so and he shows is a university of government so have you know our moments but for the most part is is awesome um congratulations to all the recipients of the uh uh mayor's matching Grant I know that in our district we put that money to use immediately so thank you so much for your participation for getting so involved with our community that's what this is all about that's what government is all about so um black history month and uh especially um uh juneth I had a great great time Mar she are you around she invited me to the H there she is thank you for the invitation uh to the uh black history in juneth celebration I I had a blast and Dr uch correct me if I'm pronouncing it wrong Dr uch Blackstock she did a great presentation in reference to Health Care issues in in our nation and is uh she has a book out there that is is amazing I forget the name of the book Mar you're going to have to help me on that one but it's um is amazing and she brings a reality and some of the things she said which is a reality she says something that stunted me when she talked about she graduated from Harvard bachelor's and a medical degree incredible and um she said if she could she returned the the degree back to Harvard and get her money back I was like what because what they don't teach her over there what they didn't teach her was the fact that uh 25 about 25% of the issues that are going on with health are innate in in in our bodies you know maybe by inherited or whatnot but the other 7 five are issues that we inherit from our environment the stress the the the biases racism or whatever whatever the case may be all these things that affect us on a daily basis and it's something to really really think about you know in terms of how we treat each other as human beings so if you get a chance I don't remember the name of the book but I do remember her uch Blackstock so please look her up and and here comes another endorsement read that book um let's see number five Orlando Center for justice yesterday we had a ceremony at the Anglewood center community center uh where 30 new citizens of United States were uh brought in I mean they were uh uh swearing allegiance to our flag and uh it was it was a very special moment because they were so proud and many of them know more history than we do in terms of our nation which is is a shame we should know every aspect of our history but um it was really neat to see them how excited they were to be part of our community and to to be part of our working Community to being able to go out there without H having to be afraid of or looking over the shoulders in terms of being able to survive in this nation and this something that we're we're dealing with the federal level that needs to be resolved once and for all and um this nation without our immigrants we would not be the nation that we are and we need to keep that in mind and I understand there's got to be a process that's a fact it's got to be a process but uh we also have to be welcoming and we also have to be Humane so with that being said mayor I uh make a motion to accept the uh the agenda motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Burns all in favor of the motion indicat so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries okay all of the things that you guys are here for just passed so we we'll take a brief 30 second recess for anybody that would like to not remain for the rest of the meeting yeah mayor while they're doing that let me apologize I skipped right over my notes and commissioner Rose i' I've skipped right over the part so welcome I apologize okay commissioner Rose this is more typical of a Orlando city council meeting in terms of attendance okay uh if there's no objection I'm going to recess the city commission meeting and convene the CRA meeting I can handle number one I I think so that's accepting CRA Advisory board minutes from May 22nd 2024 motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Stewart all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries okay David you want to take over absolutely good afternoon mayor and Commissioners so item two before the CRA is amendment four to the amended and restated open space agreement um this is the agreement by which the CRA contributes funds to the city for uh public and Plaza improvements that are happening within our downtown CRA area this specific amendment is for some additional work uh that the city is looking to take on with cph cph is putting together the design criteria package uh for the lakeola park master plan and ultimately uh what contractor uh that will be used to select the contractor that ultimately builds out that Park total amount of this amendment is $ 42,2 19 and I'm happy to address any questions move it motion by commission second by commissioner Stewart questions or discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicates so by saying I I those was opposed and so the motion carries David number three yes thank you mayor so uh number three before the CRA is the downtown Orlando holiday decor and lighting Services ranking and agreement uh so this past year our current agreement for lighting services in Lake Yola Park and then throughout downtown expired so we released an RFP and had different respondents uh reply to be our new vendor uh as many of you have seen over recent years we've really kind of double down on our investments on holidays uh in Lake Yola and then throughout downtown in fact uh Lake Yola Park uh just this past year was the number fourth most visited public location in the entire State during the holidays so very excited to see uh the community support and people enjoying the Investments That continue to be made there um this specific item uh approves the rankings the number one firm was we hang Christmas lights uh and the proposed contract is for a 2-year initial term and then three one-year options uh to be approximately $550,000 per year and I am happy to address any questions is there a motion move okay commissioner motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner shei in discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I I those opposed so the motion carries David further business there is not mayor then we will stand adjourned as to the CRA we will reconvene the city council meeting that'll bring us to hearings ordinances second reading Mr clerk you ready to go you got your reading voice on okay let's start with number one ordinance 20242 ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida vacating closing and abandoning a portion of West Holland Street and cool Avenue generally located south of Lake Beauty drive and west of South Orange Avenue as described in the Orlando regional healthc care plat as recorded in plat book 72 page 95 of the public records of Orange County Florida and compromised of 0.12 acres of land more or less providing for conditions of Abandonment providing for the execution of affecting documents severability correction of scribers errors and an effective date second motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Stewart I don't have any requests from the public to speak on this matter is there discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries number two ordinance 2024 23 in ordinance of the city of Orlando Florida relating to the citizens police review board amending chapter 48 Article 5 section 48.15% of the city of Orlando Florida repealing Chapter 8 Article 5 Section 4817 of the code of the city of Orlando Florida providing for severability codification correction of scri news errors and an effective date move second motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Shen I have no request from the public to speak on this matter discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion to K by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries number three ordinance 2024 -24 in ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida relating to zoning districts and uses amending provisions of the Land Development code to create a new category of public benefit uses and to update the regulations and existing assembly public benefit uses providing legislative findings and for for severability codification correction of scrier errors and an effective date so move second motion by commissioner Burns second by commissioner Stuart I have no request to speak on this either so is there a discussion hearing none all in favor the motion to so by saying I I those opposed motion carries okay let's move to ordinances on first read Mr clerk number one an ordinance of ordinance number 2024-25 in ordinance amending chapter 5 the city code by oper by creating Article 4 School school speed zones infractions sections 5.23 city code school speed speed zone enforcement cameras which authorize a school speed zone speed enforcement program and use of speed detection systems providing program implementation requirements designation of school zones and enforcement providing legislative findings severability codification correction of sceners errors and an effective dat motion by commission C and second by commissioner okay everybody knows that safety is our top priority um we don't get high marks on uh pedestrian safety in our region I don't think it's mostly the city of Orlando but nevertheless we are working toward uh Vision zero goal by 2040 which means eliminating all traffic AC or all pedestrian accidents by 2040 so that includes children and pedestrians walking and biking to and from school legislation the legislature passed legislation uh authorizing us to have schoolone automatic speed enforcement programs I'm going to ask Chrissy Martin to give us an update on this particular proposal Chrissy thank you mayor Commissioners on behalf of Tanya Wilder and the transportation department here at the city just wanted to kind of give you a quick overview of the school zone automated speed enforcement program on July 1st 2023 Florida Governor Ronda santis signed into legislation HB 657 permitting local government agencies to implement school zone speed detection systems in response local municipalities have prioritized initiatives to ensure the safety of commuting School AG children and pedestrians with school zone automated speed enforcement programs speed safety cameras or photo radar use speed measurement devices to detect vehicles that are exceeding the speed limit and they have been shown to reduce roadway fatalities and injuries by 20 to 37% local governments have found that when used appropriately as part of a broader strategy speed safety cameras can reduce traffic fatalities especially around schools and construction zones so what does this mean to the city of Orlando have a little let's see okay so right now school zone is a portion of a street or Highway located within a school area that includes an established school speed limit posted with signs and flashing beacons legislation only allows speed safety cameras to be placed within what they have designated within the stature um statute as a school zone an RFP selecting a vendor to implement the systems is expected to be released at the end of the summer and final raking is expected in Fall of 2024 this year in Phase One the first quarter of 2025 the cameras will clear permitting and the system is up within 15 days per statute the program will initiate a public awareness campaign with warnings only no tickets and for 30 days that is also per statute the system goes live after 30-day warning period and then you will have live tickets our transportation department will conduct additional feasibility and engineering studies of public schools potentially eligible for school zones and this study will allow additional school zones to be established in the city of Orlando so that will be phase two and we will come back to council with new school zones per statute within the year and have them added to the automated speed enforcement program additionally private and Charter Schools will be contacted to inform them of the process to invest and establish a school zone and qualify for the school zone automated speed enforcement program and the districts up here are on the table and the schools currently that have are within the city of Orlando per District along with the school zones with a school zone um the schools with a school zone and the schools without a school zone all right the ordinance overview in the first read is amends the chapter 5 city code by creating article four school speed zone infractions it creates section 5.23 city code school speed zone enforcement cameras authorizing one a school speed zone speed enforcement program the use of the speed detection systems providing a program implementation requirements and designation of school zones and enforcement it provides legislative findings severability codification correction of scrier errors and an effective date and in support of the city's Vision zero goal the city of Orlando will launch a school's Z automated speed enforcement program with your authorization using school's Z speed detection systems as authorized through Florida Statutes chapter 316 section 18 96 and that's the brief overview of the program but I open to any questions okay questions let's start with questions so just about everybody's in the queue commissioner Stewart then Sheen Ortiz Burns commissioner Stewart thank you mayor let me say appreciate how much the work that y'all have done I think it means a lot a lot to safety um one of the frustrations I have is that uh the news media has other cities way appears to be way ahead of us I think part of the issue that we have we're a little bit more cautious and doing a little bit more right if you want to call it that the idea is that we want to make sure we don't get the card ahead of the horse and I appreciate the work that you've done to accomplish that task um uh I'm more interested as you mentioned in phase two because I think there's a lot of other um schools that need to have school zones and we probably have not done a good job at a um analyzing those over the course of the past decade or so and now it's a chance for us to do that and I'm U appreciate y'all's work on that I think um the education portion of that and how you roll it out is going to be very important and I think that uh the chance to test these um we we talked also um I think before about the fact that uh we want the one of the vendors or the selected vendor to be able to have a mobile unit as well um but um you mentioned something earlier that I I'm a little bit had not thought of but idea around construction zones so is is is our intent in the long term to be able to bring out a a mobile unit around construction zones and and do it I guess essentially in a safer way because that's the secondary issue one is around children and the second is the the accidents that happen around construction zones so specifically within the statute we're not addressing that but that is definitely something that we are going to be continuing to look at you know this is they're building blocks and this is one Avenue you know that builds on that toolbox of safety measures that we can put in um but you know construction zones are obviously something that we need to take very seriously but not within that statute yeah it's the I I think that's I did not realize that was part of the original right I apologize for missing that um anyway I think it's going to lead to safer environments for our kids and and I'm for look forward to to uh to seeing that being rolled out so than thank you very much for your work and your entire staff thank you all uh thank you mayor and um when OPD was lacking the crossing guards in the first few days of school I was out at Crystal Lake in lake Arnold because parents actually were freaking out because their children were having to cross a very busy road and I just went out there and I said you know what somebody needs to go out there and they said well you're not trained and I'm like I don't care if I'm not trained somebody needs to go out there and take get those kids safe so they sent a motorcycle officer with me for a little while because I wasn't trained and they were freaking out that I might cause some problem and it was crazy how many traffic citations on Crystal Lake that officer who was with me for 30 minutes he could not write the tickets fast enough so what I'm saying is there is a huge problem y'all and and I was just a you know trying to be a crossing guard I can't imagine what these crossing guards are dealing with now this particular intersection is about two and a half blocks away from Lake KO school where the school zone is so that's what I'm that's I'm glad that you all going to be adding to the school zone because yeah the school zones are really close up next to the school but these kids are walking up to two miles over these really heavily traveled roads so I think that's where we need to concentrate our efforts I know um commissioner Burns there were some areas I had in Millennia where children were crossing violent without any kind of of signal it was terrible and I hope that Orange County Public Schools will work with us so they don't always have a good track record of this but um but you know because they because they look at The Crossings as our responsibility whether we're putting OPD officers out there or crossing guards or whatever but if we need to work with them to expand those Crossings we need to do that because I've seen personally how dangerous it is and we've got you know we've got little bitty kids on bicycles trying to get across these busy roads and we need to do something because people are not paying attention even when they're signalized even when they are crossing you know know a very busy road people just aren't paying any attention so I I fully support this I think it's very important but I also think we need to look it to expand those even if we have to expand the school zones all the way out to the two miles within every school I think we need to do that because it's it's it's a huge problem for these kids that are crossing busy roads thank you mayor thank you commissioner commissioner Ortiz thank you mayor um you know what there's no sder seen than having a police officer or a firefighter having to come up to an incident of somebody hitting a kid this firefighter or paramedic or police officer having to lift that body and that's just to give people sort of kind of a a physical or on something like this so for the benefit of the public I got three questions for you um do we have some stats on about how many actions do we average a year around the school zone what we've been doing within the statute has we've had to compile based on what the statute is requiring we've had to kind of re look at all of the schools where the lwh hanging fruit is what the stats are but that right now we're still in process of compiling so in tandem with the implementation of this first phase of cameras then we will be doing some feasibility studies um with engineering to find out kind of where those other ones lie because school zones are you know just one thing that is a way to keep our community safe I had written down you know school zones are the method this statute is stipulated to implement but school zone automated speed enforcements programs we have other things such as eligible safe roots to school school area designation school crossing school speed limits school crossing guard flashl signage and just to name a few so like there are other measures besides this this one Statue does this and and allows us these cameras but we're trying to look at it holistically and how we can do that I'm not asking for the benefit cuz I know that this happen I work in law enforcement so I know that this thing's happen and God knows that I when we first implemented the red light cameras I wish we had already at the same time we would have implemented the raed light cameras for school zones cuz we we really newed them so what's the investment in the part of the city the investment in terms of MoneyWise yeah so clarify that for for our people those who are listening and those who are out there so so our investment right now we think that the school uh speed zone cameras will bring between a million to a million and a half and then we can reinvest that into our you know Vision zero program which will enhance these school zone safety cameras investment what is it in terms of our actual investment we right now will not be having to invest because that would exactly that's what I wanted people to hear that there zero investment from the city exactly so and and the last question is how is the alleged uh Revenue because a lot of people ask so what you guys are doing with the money and whatnot how's this going to be used and so that goes to what I originally had said is that that's between and it's a guesstimate right now until we actually do the implementation of the program but that guesstimate is between1 to $15 million doll and that's based on um the $60 per ticket infraction about 27,000 infractions 100 days 180 days of school the time frame that we're going to be putting it in um and that goes back to it into our vision zero program and we have seen strong results with that program both with intersection murals crosswalks flashing beacons you know everything that you already know about I'm excited about this and I want to thank you and the whole team for what you guys are doing you guys are awesome and I know that transport safety when it comes to transportation is number one Mission here in uh uh so is metrop plan Orlando was doing a great job also with this so thank you so much thank you sir thank you commission commissioner barns uh thank you mayor chrisy thank you for your presentation I had a couple of questions uh first I want to say thank you for the phase two uh cuz when I originally got the briefing I was kind of shocked to see how many schools didn't have school zones and that was a concern of mine so I appreciate the phase two where we we will be looking at that uh cuz if you just look at district 6 there are 10 schools forward zone so there are six schools that that don't have zone so I'm excited to hear that and but my question is what does that process look like to get a school zone appr approved if you would and who Who's involved sure well we'll contract out if we need to but right now we're using our in-house engineering department within um transportation Maria's kind of heading that up and what we're going to do is a feasibility study on these additional schools that do not have school zones see what their safety initiatives are and um one of those documents that I sent to you had done start like a preliminary evaluation of what exactly is at this school that we're looking at that is in a designated School Zone per the statute um and and so we're kind of going through we're going to do that evaluation it'll be going on at the time frame when we're doing the RFP so we're not going to lose any time on it and then that from there we'll see if we need to gather any more information and um and bring another firm in and you made me thank you you made mention of the U charter schools so do these numbers as far as the number of school include Charter Schools or they're not included in these numbers so the numbers that you see in that table are simply the public schools plus there is one private school that actually already on their own dime um chose to do a school zone for their um their school but that's what they're not included in this one table that that will and and so Charter Schools would need to uh carry the the cost burden to get a school zone set up right now that's how we feel it should um be but what we will do at the city and the commitment that our director has made is that we will be reaching out to those schools and say listen here's the program we're willing to work with you we'll show you kind of how we're going through our process of feasibility to create those school zones or see what other safety measures could be you know implemented within that area um so we'll be working with them educating them on this statute and seeing how we can we can move them forward if they want so is there a cost to establishing a a school zone there is a significant cost you know with infrastructure and um especially with everything that's increased over the and does ocps um participate in that cost we would like too probably they don't they don't okay all right thank you very much yes sir all right Comm Rose um safety is a top priority as we discussed um I'm supportive of the program um educational sessions are going to be really important as we discussed um the community is always I say District 5 Community residents always complaining about being stereotyped or the negative impact this could have on the economic side so we've got to have that happy medium balance and educate that this is a safety mechanism to protect our children um in the school zone so I look forward to connecting and um working on workshops and educational sessions for the community thank you our department looks forward to being at your town hall and educating them as well thank you okay is there a motion so move second okay let's try try it again yeah I'll give it to everybody okay motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Ortiz no we didn't thought we have a motion but no we didn't we went right into questions okay I don't have any requests for public participation so is there further discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries thank you Chrissy okay number two Madam clerk ordinance number two 202 24-26 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending and restating the Land Development regulations of the Amherst Oaks plan development relating to certain land generally located west of I4 north of Colonial Drive East of Peach Tree Road and south of Lake Conrad and compromised of approximately 1.6 acres of land providing for Amendment of the city's official zoning map providing for severability correction of scrier errors permit disclaimer and an effective date so move second motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Shen okay commissioner Stewart thank you mayor I want to just hear a couple of things if I can uh first I want to say thank you to um Roger and uh Lisa they're here are they still here up there they are over there wa way back in the bat thank you for your response I appreciate that took a little while to get it um one of the things that was important to me is have some historical connotation to trans transportation of other emergency rooms and see that I appreciate that gives us a good Baseline for that um we've talked briefly I've talked with our um um transportation I mean our planning staff and one of the things I noticed this past weekend driving around was there really is no Direction um um uh to people coming from the West to get into that Pro that um property have to come down Peach Tree Lane um looked at a couple of things I I think I'd like to kind of have some continued discussions with with our staff as well as the developers see if there's some some fdot approved uh signage that needs to go there uh we can look at that I think prior to the next reading mayor and be if we have to make an amendment we can do that but I'm concerned that uh both Google and ways send people in different and unique ways and um and there is a faster way to get there uh so I I want to try trying to figure out uh if that's the case if we can't pull it off the good news is that we have an evaluation coming uh post opening to be able to look at uh which case we could then make some changes that time but I just want to make sure that we're doing all we can in terms of making sure that people can get there um I shared earlier today my concern is not with a guy who's got a child who's got a cold or an infection my concern is is that uh the emails that I received is what if my child has a broken arm and needs to get there and my concern has been that um getting there now um with the way the instructions are provided with a Colonial Drive address which is completely appropriate sends them in a in a a weird and a funky way and I don't know that we will have um parents under stress will abide by those laws so I want to make sure we provide as much signage as we possibly can whatever the state will allow us to do so with that mayor I'm going to uh I'm going to support this but I'd like to have some continued discussions before it comes back to us in July to see if there's something we can do and we get a chance to to test out um what fdot will allow us to do over there so that okay I understand we do have a couple cards for information only does anybody no information okay all right further discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries and number three ordinance number 202 2427 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending the Land Development regulations of the weah hoodi plan development Zone we we come on that's the most fun thing you can say in this council meeting regulations of the weah hoodi plan development zoning District such District being compromised of approximately 1 262 acres and generally located north of Moss Park Road South of State Road 528 and east of State Road 47 providing for severability correction of scrier errors and an effective date move to approv motion by commissioner gra second by commissioner Ortiz I don't have any requests for public participation discussion commissioner Stewart I'm assuming that's from the last time discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those osed and so the motion carries that concludes the scheduled business for today Ed can you get us ready for General appearance [Music] [Music] --------- e [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] n [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning and welcome to the oath of office ceremony for our newest City Commissioner interim commissioner Shan Rose will you please stand and join me for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you my name is Marcia hope Goodwin and I have the honor and pleasure of serving as the chief service officer and director in mayor buddy Dyer's office in the city of Orlando I am pleased to welcome the family members and guests who are with us today for this important event I would also like to acknowledge the other members of the Orlando city council that are here with us today commissioner Jim Gray commissioner Tony Ortiz commissioner Robert Stewart commissioner Patty Shen and commissioner bikari Burns good morning the O of office ceremony has withstood the test of time and although its words have gone through many Transformations the significance placed upon it has remained the same today's ceremony is an important part of our government process it lays the foundation for our elected officials to begin or to continue their Public Service as they pledge to Faithfully perform the duties of the office to which they have been elected at the same time it gives us the opportunity to recognize and honor them for their willingness to take on this important task of serving our city thank you all Commissioners we will begin our ceremony with an invocation by Bishop Demetrius Presley and Bishop Presley is the lead pastor of 9911 Livingston Street Church of God Bishop Presley thank you let us pray God our Father we thank you for this day that you have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it we pray now that as the interim commissioner Shan Rose takes the office that you would be with her that you would guide her and lead her we pray for District 5 God that you continue to bring us together that we serve and that we work together to accomplish the goals in our community now father we pray for the city beautiful the city of Orlando that that you will continue to keep your hand and covering over our city that you will bless our mayor and all of our commissioners and all of their Endeavors and God will continue to lift you we'll praise you we'll magnify your name in all that we pray it is in your son Jesus name we pray let the people of God say amen amen thank you so much Bish Bishop Presley at this time we will begin the oath of office ceremony please please welcome Derek Wallace of construct 2 group who will administer the oath of office to District 5 interim commissioner Shan Rose joining interim commissioner Rose is her son Jeremy Rose [Applause] Rose I Shar Rose who solemnly swear who solemnly swear that I will support that I will support protect and defend protect and defend the Constitution the Constitution and the government of the United States and the government of the United States and of the State of Florida and of the State of Florida against all enemies against all enemies domestic and form domestic and foreign and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true Faith loyalty and Allegiance loyalty and allegiance to the same to the same and that I am entitled and that I'm entitled to hold office to hold office under the Constitution under the Constitution that I will Faithfully perform that I will Faithfully perform all the duties all the duties of the office of the office of City Commissioner District 5 of City Commissioner District 5 of the city of orando of the city of Orlando on which I am about to enter on which I am about to enter so help me God so help me God [Applause] congratulations commissioner Rose we look forward to your continued leadership I'm hoping I didn't miss a step mayor Dyer please forgive me were you to come up as well or no I apologize my my boss I want to make sure I acknowledge Him uh but we're glad you're here mayor Dyer and uh he is right here here on the front row um commission you got my back thank you commissioner Shan um but would you please um join us for your comments uh at this time good morning everyone so for anyone who called me this weekend I have not had a voice so I know I was not ignore any full disclosure first I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for being here today this is a moment of immense Pride and responsibility for me and it would not have been possible without the unwavering support of everyone in this room those who are here physically those who are here virtually those who are here in spirit to the residents and businesses of District 5 thank you for interesting me with this incredible honor of serving you as your interim commissioner winning this race especially in such a close contest underscores the importance of the work ahead it is clear that our community is ready for change ready for progress and ready to see District 5 reach its full potential I am deeply committed to being a CH Champion for the people having lived in this District I understand the struggles many of you face as a single mother raising my son here I know the challenges to make ends meet of ensuring our families are safe and starving for a better future these experiences have shaped my vision and strengthened my resolve to advocate tirelessly on everyone's behalf District 5 is brimming with opportunity I see a future where our local economy thrives where businesses grow and flourish where living wage jobs are not just a hope but they're actual reality together we can create an environment where everyone has a chance of succeed and where our community can prosper my commitment to you is to leverage my knowledge and experience to fight for the needs and aspirations of our residents and our businesses I will work diligently to diligently to ensure that our district receiv receives the attention and resources it deserves whether it's improving Public Safety enhancing educational opportunities identifying affordable housing Solutions or fostering economic growth I am here to listen to learn and to lead our journey will not be without its challenges but I am confident that together we can overcome them I believe in the strength and resilience of our community I believe in our Collective power to bring about positive change and most importantly I believe in the future that lies ahead for District 5 I am eager to get to work to roll up my sleeves and to start making a difference your voices have been heard and I'm here to amplify them to my new colleagues let's embark on our new journey together United by our common goals which are and our shared commitments to making a better District 5 in city of Orlando a better place for everyone thank you once again for this incredible opportunity I am honored to serve as your commissioner and I look forward to building a brighter future with everyone here thank you and have a great [Applause] week again congratulations commissioner Rose we look forward to your continued leadership and thank you everyone for being here today for the oath of office ceremony and for supporting the leadership of all of our elected officials we are here for you our elected officials are here and I don't know if we have any other elected officials that may have joined us but if you would please stand and let us recognize you thank you so much for being here we are grateful for your support and your leadership as well uh at this time I would like to call up Archbishop Allan Wiggins the from The Hope Church of Orlando to the podium to deliver our benediction Bishop Wiggins well we have airmed another leader today and thank each and every one of you for being here for this incredible moment commissioner as you Embark upon a new chapter Public Service may your actions Inspire Faith may your leadership bring hope and may your service Foster unity and peace for all let us bow our heads now Sovereign Lord dismiss us from this place but not from your presence the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you and the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace we thank you for your grace we thank you for your mercy and we thank you for your shalom in your holy name we pray let everyone say amen God bless you thank you Archbishop we appreciate that um well this concludes our oath of office ceremony uh but we hope that you can stay around and we ask that you please join mayor Dyer our City commissioners including our new commissioner on the ninth floor of City Hall which is our Fair viiew room for a reception to honor our new commissioner Rose so please join us if you can and thank you all for being here today [Applause] [Music]