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jice okay let's call a meeting to order Madam clerk would you call the role and make a determination of a quum please commissioner gray here commissioner Ortiz here commissioner Stewart here commissioner Shen here commissioner Burns here mayor Dyer here mayor you have a quorum thank you madam clerk first order business is consideration of minutes from the workshop agenda review and city council meeting of March 11th uh motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Stewart all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed that so the motion carries okay let's move right into the mayor's update and I have one very important thing I'm always proud of how the city empowers members of our team to learn and grow and take on leadership roles and every year uh the mayor's leadership award recognizes leaders like this and acknowledges them for their contribution so our Human Resources Director Al Anna penuela you can finally say that right we did um will provide an overview of the award and this year's award recipient good afternoon mayor Commissioners and invited guests the mayor's leadership award was established in 2005 and is designed to recognize employees who have demonstrated exemplary leadership by upholding the highest ethics leading in a collaborative manner in enhancing and supporting the city of Orlando's mission statement it is my honor to officially announce the recipient of the 20123 mayor leadership award and it is Elizabeth Dane planning division manager now it's time to celebrate Elizabeth who has demonstrated remarkable examples of leadership and his deserving of this recognition turning it over to Brooke Bonnet evv director who will introduce Elizabeth look how much press turned out for you Elizabeth I no our County friends too we have everybody it's go good afternoon mayor Commissioners and welcome to all of our colleagues um who have joined us today to celebrate Elizabeth Elizabeth graduated um from brenmar college with her undergraduate degree in economics and went on to earn a master's degree in City Planning from the University of Maryland she began her career with the city of Orlando in 2004 as a plan or two and as she has shared she um had her first interview with Kevin teski um and she knew this is where she wanted to begin her career um and I know Kevin is smiling down on all of us today as we celebrate Elizabeth while his life was cut Much Too Short um his legacy lives on through many of the team members that he hired um including Elizabeth Elizabeth was recognized very early on in her career as an exemplary team member and quickly Advanced through the ranks since first being employed by the city in 2004 um almost celebrating her 20e anniversary this summer um in 20 7 just 3 years after she joined the city team Elizabeth was awarded the Dennis mcamera employee of the year award um and under her leadership the city planning division has been the recipient of numerous Awards most recently the prestigious Addison Meisner award um this award celebrates achievements of excellence in many categories including urbanism Elizabeth will accept this award for the city planning division um division's work over over many years um supporting the development of Baldwin Park as a new urbanist community over her almost 20 years of leadership she's demonstrated the ability to make decisions that have led to long-term positive benefits not only for this organization but for the community as a whole her low-key but confident style is her trademark even the most demanding and difficult situations and there have been many um she and she's always on the hot seat at City Council meetings too this day included um she displays her characteristic calm and Grace due to her knowledge leadership skills and her get it done manner she spearheaded Innovative Innovative policy changes and is looked to as a key player on numerous initiatives that that cross multiple City departments just one of many has been her efforts to increase the affordable housing Supply she's been intimately involved in shaping various housing projects um to create positive Housing Solutions to advance our affordable housing goals similarly she's played a key role in developing new um policies to protect wetlands and to advance our environmental and our sustainability efforts Elizabeth understands the importance of collaborating with other City departments with the development community and with outside agencies Elizabeth is understands that a good leader is one that appreciates the importance of collaboration and I can't stress that enough and exudes the P the principles of collaboration in their everyday she works tirelessly each day to forge relationships that ultimately bring about collaboration and in turn produce better projects she is a facilitator and a mentor and her keen understanding of the importance of displaying collaborative efforts is just one of the many attributes that make her an exceptional leader who is valued by this city by her co-workers by the entire Community Development Community also and our partner agencies um Elizabeth is exemplary in every way and extremely deserving of this award so thank you for recognizing [Applause] her [Applause] I'm shaking and I'm not even L I'm go here and team members yeah I forgot to recognize Elizabeth's husband who's with her today anqua thank [Applause] you [Applause] okay um subsequent to the agenda review meeting we have been notified that Governor Dan santis entered an executive order under state law tempor suspending commissioner Hill from Office due to criminal charges that have been brought against her as a city our focus is ensuring the residents of District 5 are appropriately served and represented we are currently working with the supervisor of elections and hope to be able to hold a special election on Tuesday May 21st to temporarily fill the District 5 City commission seat until the criminal case involving commissioner Hill's resolved there are several City processes and procedures that need to be approved by Council to facilitate the special election and we'll be holding a special city council meeting on Monday April 8th to move those forward to allow those who wish to qualify to begin as candidates as quickly as possible um Commissioners uh our residents of our community have been and will be recognizing holidays during this time of year including Ramadan and Easter and Passover and I wish everyone a peaceful and joyous time we're also o celebrating spring this weekend with our spring fiesta in the park uh returning to Lake Yola Park it's free it's familyfriendly it's a great o opportunity to experience hundreds of works by artists and Crafters we anticipate good weather um and some great offerings for our downtown and this Sunday is 407 day um today we support our local businesses and Foster Hometown Pride so post some of your pride to the uh social media and there's one item of note from the agenda that I want to mention um our fpnr department is receiving a $1 million Grant from the US Forest Service enhancing our City's tree canopy and covering the cost of tree maintenance improving and underd deserve underserved neighborhoods ahead of storm season and it also will fund a training program in partnership with our youth Employment Program to build the next generation of careers in urban forestry with that we will move on to the consent agenda which is a number of items that are worked work that are voted upon um through a single vote um of council we give each of our council members an opportunity to comment on the consent agenda items and update you on important happenings from their districts uh today we're going to begin with commissioner Shen thank you mayor Dyer and I would would also like to congratulate Elizabeth Deng on her mayor's leadership award um she is the definition of Grace Under Pressure and this is very very welld deserved so Kudos Elizabeth you do amazing work and I don't think people understand how important the planning function is to the city of Orlando if you you know I I look over the um the skyline of the city of Orlando I know that you've that you have um influenced a lot of that good growth and I want to thank you for your commitment and very very welld deserved along with everybody in the planning department you all do the omen work of the city and really appreciate all of you um May I'm going to be brief um on the on the agenda today we have the historic preservation grant for Plaza Live they're doing wonderful things over at that amazing live venue I was over there over the weekend uh completely unexpected uh just delightful was called postmodern juice jukebox so if you get a chance to catch a show at Plaza Live they've got some wonderful entertainment happening there and that's all I really have mayor thank you very much thank you commissioner commissioner Burns uh yes thank you mayor good uh afternoon fellow Commissioners and uh our distinguished guests uh on the agenda this morning I wanted to acknowledge the uh funding agreement with the homeless Services Network to provide uh uh coordination of disaster preparedness and Disaster Response activities uh in our homeless response system uh and also to provide technical assistance to uh the service areas in uh service providers of Orlando so uh thank you for um for that and and Lisa thank you for all your work in that area as well also uh item D3 accepting the US uh service Urban and Community forestry grant that will enable our family Parks and Recreation Department to scale up their tree Equity program that was initially started in Carver Shores and Richmond Heights uh we will be able to expand it to additional communities uh and so often times we don't recognize trees as uh important infastructure but as our cities continue to get hotter uh they do provide uh shade and uh cooling of those temperatures but also can help with uh managing storm water so I'm excited to uh to see see that so thank you Lisa early for uh in your team for recognizing the importance of tree Equity throughout our community uh just a few things from my office on Saturday March 16th we hosted our annual bike and brunch uh at district 6 and we had over 40 of our neighbors take a ride through district 6 and join a day of Health and Wellness uh I would like to thank our transportation department bike walk Central Florida lime ebikes uh for all participating uh in this in this uh initiative also we just uh encourage everyone to stay tuned and for our next uh get fit district 6 event uh and we look forward to seeing you all next year for our next biking brunch also on Saturday uh March 23rd I attended the first uh annual I would I would say unity prayer walk led by the Richmond Estates uh neighborhood association the prayer walk demonstrated our commitment to fostering unity and solidarity within our community and it just gave us an opportunity to actually pray for the leadership of our communities the residents and the health and safety of our community so special recognition to miss Alicia Gil reath and Miss Dana Jones and participating churches in Neighbors to a part of this event also on March 26 I had the pleasure of attending the um the meeting with Chief Eric Smith that he HS quarterly this meeting really underscores our commitment to ensuring Public Safety and fting positive relationships between law enforcement in our community so thank you Chief Smith uh and your team for for all that you did it was a great turnout uh and we look forward to again see hosting you next quarter Chief Smith uh also on Wednesday the following day March 27th I hosted my biannual state of district 6 town hall meeting uh it was held at the James R Smith Center and this town hall gives us the opportunity to engage our our community address concerns and also discuss plans for the future uh as the commissioner is my responsibility to facilitate constructive dialogue between our resident City departments and staff and stakeholders uh this event provides a platform for residents to V voice their opinions at ask questions and receive updates uh so I just like to thank uh all the city departments that participated Cory night in public works Hanah uh over at streets and storm water and solid waste Maria and Courtney from Transportation George warden from uh code enforcement Chief Smith Lisa ab and Bobby from fpr uh and Miss Shirley Walker who represented our Rise program uh and the chief administrative officers also to our vendors who came out and shared information Orlando Housing Authority uh Mina Robinson with the HTG Group which will be bringing affordable uh senior housing to district 6 Rebuilding Together another great partner of uh not just district 6 but the city of Orlando when we look at uh improving our existing housing stock uh also Orlando fire department 311 hotline supervisor of elections our n mwbe staff and economic development uh so again your presence made our town hall a great success so thank you for for supporting us in this event uh in this initiative also upcoming events um district 6 mobile satellite office hours will be Wednesday April the 10th at the El Claudia Allen senior center from 10:00 a.m. to 4: uh and in closing I would like to uh acknowledge a few a few of our neighborhood association presidents who are are with us this afternoon first uh one of our newest presidents Miss sandria lar for the lake Richmond Estates Miss lar can you wave your hand thank you for for you can stand stand up you can stand up thank you for for being here also miss Deion Turner from uh Richmond Heights thank you Deon I think this is her second or third meeting uh and then also Miss Shirley Heath from the great Carver Shores neighborhood thank you Miss Heath and actually uh Carver Shores is our reigning uh neighborhood association of the year so so thank you for everything you're doing and that's all that I have M thank you and I want to thank all of you ladies for serving as well having strong neighborhood associations are important to us so thank you okay commissioner gray thank you and congrats ladies you have the wave down perfect I like that that's just you got it you're in next parade we'll put you right in the Grand Marshall um events in uh district one are on my uh website so I just wanted to talk about a few things on the consent agenda first also want to give my uh congrats to Elizabeth D for the leadership award Elizabeth fortunately has the pleasure of being on my speed dial because I deal with Elizabeth probably more than anyone else of our professionals here at the city but she does a fabulous job we're very lucky to have her at the city and Elizabeth thanks for all you're doing you you do a great job glad to be on your team so thanks for that and congrats um also uh I wanted to reinforce what commissioner uh Sheen said be one Plaza Live I was fortunate enough to go to that ribbon cutting uh and that team is doing a fabulous job and I think that is a great gem for our city so congrats to to them and and all the best as they as they uh re-energize that facility and and provide um their their talents to our community and finally on B8 uh the budget Review Committee hidden in there is another position for our Ola Hispanic Outreach office they do fabulous work for the city and our residents and so I'm glad to see them getting some more resources and some more people so uh congrats to to Ana Cruz and her team and Ola so mayor that's all I had on the consent agenda thanks thank you commissioner commissioner Ortiz thank you mayor let me start with the Kudos also Elizabeth once again I know everybody's thanking you but you are a star so thank you so much for what you do and for guiding us because you do guide us a lot so we really love the fact that you got this award and we're very proud of you M Cruz congratulations on that same item commissioner gray was just mentioning uh God knows that you deserve at least one right but maybe more CU things are getting really busy in the city so thank you so much for what you do we're very proud of you on everything you're doing to so thank you so March 1st 21st I'm sorry we hosted the Tri County League of cities for Symposium on homelessness I want to thank mayor dyer for joining us as well as um commissioner Stewart commissioner uh Burns um for joining us uh um as well as those who helped organize and make the event great success Lisa portelli can say enough about Lisa where's Lisa is she here today Lisa thank you you're the best uh what you're doing is impeccable and you're helping our communities I wish everybody knew about what you're doing and uh we hope to put it out there um anina quarantello Kathy devault Angela Chris and my staff all did a wonderful job and thanks uh thank you to our speakers Martha R Central Florida Commission on homelessness and homeless Services Network president Amanda wander Florida Housing Coalition uh director of ending homelessness and Cody Glazer for the Housing Coalition Chief legal policy officer together with over 30 elector officials we explored solutions for the unhoused in the Tri County Area this experience was both humbling and inspiring I'm grateful for the opportunity uh to come together and pave the way for positive change in our communities and the same time uh continuing the Legacy that mayor Dar has left with the uh commission homelessness and commissioner Stewart everybody who has been invol on March 27 I attended the off officer Kevin Valencia's Memorial Highway unveiling where we pay tribute to the Orlando Police Officer Kevin Valencia every single day the man and woman of OPD put their lives on the line to keep our city safe I think it's extremely important that we keep honoring our fallen officers and those Still Standing who make a difference in our cities and keep it safe and and remember while you're asleep those are the guys watching the streets and your houses so um whenever you see one out there please extend your hand shake that hand and if you have a cup of coffee ready offer it to yourself on March 28th Chief Smith hosted a community meeting for the residents of District 2 at the Anglewood Neighborhood Center want to thank Chief and the Orlando Police Department for your continuent efforts in connecting with the community and building stronger relationships between OPD and our residents and that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner Ortiz commissioner Stewart thank you mayor and I'll be the last to congratulate Elizabeth thank you Elizabeth for your work uh we appreciate it and and it's you've uh helped all of us gain a masters in Land Development and we appreciate that so thank you very much and congratulations well deserved um and uh commissioner Ortiz let me thank you for your leadership with the farer League of cities again um I don't know that uh in the time I've been involved and maybe the time you've been involved we've had something um so important so impactful to our community uh specifically located uh and directed towards our local officials with homelessness um and uh it was your idea uh you spurred and I'm I'm so grateful that you did that so thank you very much um couple things uh Easter uh congratulations to all of our churches for having survived Easter but it's been a wonderful Easter season and I got a chance to spend some time with my family and I know Mary you're excited about sending chance with your new grandson it was great um speaking of that we had plenty of Easter egg hunts throughout the community uh I think I've hunted more eggs in my entire life than I ever have we probably had 4,000 eggs at Rosemont we had 10,000 eggs at at Dartmouth then we had another 2,000 eggs and it but to see the smiles on the faces of all the kids is wonderful and to see the community come together really made it worthwhile uh in Rosemont we have a new teen room excited about that just finished that up and and announced that opened it on Saturday I appreciate the work that Gerald's done out there um I had a chance to go to the Employee Appreciation picnic we hosted over in District 3 at the Grove uh how a great event it's wonderful get the commun the our employees together and staff together uh they did a great great job so I appreciate the work that everyone did went into that and then of course uh congratulations Anna for your 20th anniversary of Ola so congratulations and we hope to recognize you more about that so thank you very much uh upcoming events real quickly tonight's the cpna meeting over in College Park uh Friday is uh coming back this year is the oton park bird call it's a chance to get the community together over there and then of course on uh April 9th Chief Smith will be over at uh College Park Community Center where his ctly meeting I'm looking forward to that uh on the agenda today um uh congratulations on the forestry Grant what a great uh great asset to our community and of course Lisa congratulations uh on the work on HSN thank you for your work on that I appreciate that means a great deal to all of us so and that's all I have mayor with that I'll move move the consent agenda motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Shen all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries okay without objection I'm going to recess the city council meeting I'm going to call the CRA meeting to order I think I can handle the first two so number one is meeting minutes from the CRA March 11th is motion by commission Sheen second by commissioner Stewart all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries item two is um Advisory board meeting minutes from February 28th motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Shen all in favor indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries okay David do you want to take the rest of it number three do thank you and good afternoon mayor good afternoon Commissioners item three is amendment one to our contract with Universal Protection Services you recall Universal Protection Services provides our services for downtown this specific Amendment uh allows us to utilize an additional up to uh just over 2,300 hours of service specifically for additional event ambassadors we have a significant number of more events in downtown want to make sure uh all those individuals who come downtown have a great experience as well as um some cleaning services to augment our clean team specifically at night uh on Thursday evenings through Sunday evenings the total uh impact um fiscally on this item is Just sh of $340,000 at 338 21736 and I'm happy to address any questions questions motion motion by commissioner Shen second by commissioner Stewart discussion hearing none all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries number four yes mayor thank you number four is a restaurant incentive agreement for Blue Wave Sushi uh Blue Wave Sushi is coming into down town at 54 West Church Street former location of Amura Sushi uh they have signed a 7-year lease for just about 3,000 ft of space there and spending about $400,000 uh in buildout of that space they have another location uh in Tampa so they are coming to to downtown Orlando uh but they do have over 10 years of experience operating in the restaurant business um the restaurant incentive uh today offers them $1,050 of incentives from the CRA 50,000 and 50 of that is for tenant improvements uh and the remaining 50 is for Renay it this specific uh vote today would supersede a vote back on December 11th which has been updated uh due some to contextual errors from their contractor second motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner she in discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicat so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries number five number five is another restaurant incentive this this one for create coffee uh create coffee is coming into creative Village they're moving into the ground floor of the Moda building that's on the east side of luminary green uh they've signed a 10year uh 7-month lease for space or I'm sorry a 5-year 7-month lease uh for space there and will be open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and again on weekends from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. uh they are spending about $450,000 in building out that space and uh have received just about $240,000 of 10 improvements from their landlord this specific award would be for $125,000 from the CRA $75,000 for tenant improvements and the remaining 50 uh for first year rental abatement and I am happy to answer any questions motion by commission she second by commissioner Stewart discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries any further business come for CRA David that is all mayor and we will stand adjourned and we will reconvene the city council meeting and it takes us right to hearings ordinances on second reading Madam Court you ready yes mayor number one ordinance number 202 24-12 ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida extending the temporary moratorium on the acceptance processing and consideration of development orders development permits building permits and Zoning approvals for nightclubs in the downtown Orlando community redevelopment area providing legislative findings severability Corrections Governor's error and an effective date motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Stewart Madam clerk anyy cards no speakers no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion cares number two ordinance number 202 24-13 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida vacating closing and abandoning a portion of the tus Avenue generally located east of Interstate 4 South of West kayy Street and West of South Division Avenue as described in the modin International Trucking Center plat as recorded in plat book 95 page 28 of the public records of Orange County Florida and comprised of 0.33 acres of land more or less providing for conditions of Abandonment providing for the execution of affecting documents severability correction scrier error and an effective date motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Stewart Madam clerk no speakers mayor discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries number three ordinance number 202 24-14 an ordinance at the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located on the North and South sides of State Road 528 at The Innovation Way sunbridge inter interchange and compris of approximately 6,273 acres of land providing findings Amendment of the city's boundary description and for Amendment of the city's official Maps providing for cability correction of scrier error and an effective date move to adopt second motion by commissioner gray second by commissioner Ortiz I do have four requests to address councel um Mr Andrew Mai with Orange County I got that out so you didn't make the mistake on the Oola County part again thank you mayor and Commissioners uh my name is Andre mam assistant County attorney for Orange County Florida 2011 South Rosland Avenue Orlando Florida Orange County opposes adoption of this ordinance for the reasons set forth in the letter and supporting documents submitted into the record by John Weiss PE ananya Wilson aicp both experts in their fields the county request that you deny the ordinance or delay this ordinance until Phase 1 and phase two of the annexation can take placed together with an interlocal agreement between the county and the city which will address the many issues outlined in the letter submitted into the record based upon competent substantial evidence submitted to the record you have the ability to to deny this annexation thank you very much thank you Mr John Weiss Orange County thank you good afternoon mayor council member uh my name is John Weiss Deputy County Administrator Orange County government at 2011 South Rosland Avenue Orlando Florida 32801 on Wednesday March 27th 2024 the county submitted into the record its concerns and objections to the proposed sunbridge annexation ordinance I'm here this afternoon to briefly speak to key points raised in that letter the county also submitted objections into the record at the March 11th public hearing the County's objections remain on a broad range of key issues as shared in those comments the county spent more than a decade working with this land owner approved significant entitlements with specific considerations entered into a series of complex developers agreements and invested millions of dollars from the County's CIP in infrastructure to support this development this project could have been a great opportunity to work together to ensure the best uh for existing and future residents of both Orange County and the City of Orlando the county contends that this annexation does not meet the criteria of character of the area to be annexed as required in Florida Statutes the county contend us annexation absent The Phase 2 voluntary annexation being processed concurrently splits the existing sunbridge plan development with a portion of the project to remain uh to go into the city of Orlando with another portion to remain at least for now in unincorporated Orange County the county contend this annexation leaves a significant Transportation matters unresolved including the jurisdictional transfer of roadways within the annexation area reimbursement of Prior County infrastructure Investments and full resolution of the developers impact fee accounts pursuant to terms of our existing agreements the county also contends that this annexation places at risk Environmental Protections in a environmentally sensitive area the county remains committed to enforcing the provisions of the environmental land stewardship agreement and working with the city on the County's new Wetland protection ordinance the county therefore formally objects to this annexation for these reasons and those further detailed in our letter dated March 27th 2024 mayor thank you thank you and I will remind you that the city is inside the county still okay um Christopher Mills Orange County Public Schools I think you had turned your card in late for the agenda review meeting so we just put it here well uh thank you uh Christopher Mills 6501 uh Magic way I uh I head up the facilities planning department for ocps um well I did have comments on the uh on the item in the uh the consent agenda review I mean is it it's far too late at this point well we've already voted on it but you got three minutes and it relates to it sure I I will use that time thank you very much um uh we wanted to request that section nine of of that agreement um uh be removed uh that section and I'm paraphrasing here uh says developer will comply with current Capac capacity and concurrency uh regulations uh the developer entered into an agreement that that predates these current regulations so um uh we feel that this section seems to to kind of undermine our stance that the requirements of that agreement are still valid um so in order to preserve our ability ocps to pursue those requirements included in that agreement we request that section nine be removed that's what I would have said earlier okay and we're aware of the dispute between the developer and the school district related to the not necessarily to the currency agreement itself but the amount to be paid pursuant to the concurrency agreement we think at um the state where we're bringing the PD forward and um zoning it will need to be resolved before that thank you sir okay okay and a surprise contestant Zug Doug zin the head of our fire Union new head of our fire Union uh thank you mayor thank you Commissioners yeah I guess it is a little unusual for the firefighters to be speaking on a annexation but um what this annexation brings to light is just some of the uh vast Capital needs that the fire department's going to need over the next 5 to 10 years uh already in the Lake Nona area there's three stations to be slated this annexation uh will bring another two we have station six that needs to be re relocated station 13 that needs to be relocated so you're we're looking at seven to eight stations that that we're going to need uh to either come out of the ground uh as new stations or replacement stations um and that'll be probably in the neighborhood of $75 million um currently I think we just built station 11 for somewhere in the 10 to 12 million range so if we can continue to in that price range then then we're looking at that kind of money for those stations uh there's also the additional need of a training facility I know city is working on the land for that and we're thankful for that but that's going to be another you know we're probably looking total at at close to $100 million in capital needs for the fire department before we purchase a truck before we put firefighters um on those trucks and we would just like to uh the city has always and the council has always supported this high quality of service that we give to our citizens that our citizens deserve and I know through this annexation that we will continue to do that we'll continue with Forman engines to staff our our trucks appropriately um right now we don't have a um our strategic plan has expired and we don't have a a growth plan for all of this annexation and for all of these stations so um kind of my ask a little bit is um we haven't had a new Station built in in 16 years the last uh truck that we put in service was Tower 15 in 2017 um that doesn't begin to tackle the the challenge es that we have downtown or out in the Universal area with the increased density I mean in the time that the mayor's been here the downtown has changed vastly and um the apparatus and and Manpower that we have available has been pretty uh steady and hasn't necessarily adapted to all those changes um but what we'd like to to try to do is is bring all the stakeholders together and work on and develop a long-term plan uh for the fire department and for its capital needs uh and I think if we can get all the stakeholders together we'll end up with a with a better vision and a better direction for the fire department you can be sure that we intend to maintain our iso1 rating so that comes with all of that and we appreciate that thank you thanks Doug yeah it did to me too um okay discussion commissioner gray are you trying to ring in no sir no okay hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries okay number four Madam Clark ordinance number 202 24-15 an ordinance of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city portions of Butler Road generally located from the easterly RightWay line of South Orange Avenue and the Westerly RightWay line of Oak Place and comprised of 0.25 acres of land more or less and certain land generally located east of South Orange Avenue West of Oak Place and south of Butler Drive and comprised of 0.17 acres of land more or less and amending the city's boundary description amending the city's adopted growth management plan to designate the property as Urban Activity Center on the city's official future land use maps designating the property as Urban activity center with the Soto special plan overlay District on the city's official zoning Maps providing for Amendment of the city's official future land use and Zoning Maps providing for severability corre Governor's errors permit disclaimer and an effective date second motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Stewart oh mam clerk that was so much longer to Annex 0.25 Acres than the one that was annexing 11,000 Acres okay do we have any cards no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicates so by saying I those oppos motion carries ordinances first reading number one ordinance number 202 24-10 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida resoning certain land generally located on the south side of Roberto Clemente Road East of South samron Boulevard and west of Pablo Lane and comprised of approximately 1.4 acres of land from plan development with the aircraft noise in samron Boulevard special plan overlay districts to the medium intensity mixed used Corridor zoning district with the aircraft noise and samron Boulevard special plan overlay districts providing for Amendment of the city's official zoning Maps providing for severability correction of scrier Errors permit disclaimer and an effective date show move I can motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Stewart Madam clerk no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none all favor the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries okay number two ordinance number 202 24-17 and ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida relating to maximum floor area ratio in historic preservation overlay districts amending Chapter 58 part 1B of the Land Development code entitled zoning tables providing for cability codification of Correction of scrier errors and an effective date so moved motion by commissioner Shen second by commissioner Stewart um commissioner Sheen thank you mayor and I'd like to motion to approve the ordinance with a request that staff investigate a potential Amendment to the method of calculating the floor area ratio within historic preservation districts specifically the exclusion of inaccessible attic and basement spaces from the F calculation before second reading it was just a concern that some folks doing some Redevelopment historic distri we will consider the motion that you made as that for the second reading okay moot you second for that or no I'm considering the motion that she made y including that motion okay of that language uh mayor commissioner Stewart yeah let me um um if I if I can just for a moment commissioner Sheen if uh ask Elizabeth to come up for a minute and kind of explain a little bit about this calculation because I know there's some confusion uh in the community I don't have any objection to what commissioner shim wants to do but is that okay with you sure mayor Elizabeth in lightness as to attics and basements right good afternoon mayor and Commissioners Elizabeth D with the city planning division um there are some concerns especially from people remodeling about how basement and addicts are calculated and for new construction it hardly ever comes up because that's just not part of what people build today but if someone was doing an addition I think there is reason they might be concerned and we just need to talk with our legal folks about how to best word that and explain it so everybody knows how to do the calculation in the future unless we excluded specifically c a finished basement and a finished addict can be included as part of the floor area ratio correct it really depends if it's living space so when we're pulling numbers as a comparison from the property appraiser we just use whatever they have but when we're doing an actual review of a project if there's living space then we count it but a lot of addicts these days are all cross beams and stuff and you really can't get in there so yeah okay good thank you I appreciate it I just I I I agree with commissioner she and I just I get a lot of questions of you're changing it and you're changing the historic districts this is terrible I can't believe you guys are doing that and might I think it's really being done for the ease trying to control this number for the ease of of Permitting I believe isn't that correct essentially right the idea particularly in historic districts is to look at the context of the surrounding homes and try to blend in so that new construction is a similar scale good thank you Elizabeth thank you mayor further discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed so the motion carries and so does the scheduled part of our agenda yet if you could get us prepared for gentle [Music] appearance oh