oh [Music] [Music] oh a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] okay good afternoon and welcome to the June 10th 2024 meeting of the Orlando city council we're going to begin today's proceedings with the invocation and pledge LED today by commissioner Tony Ortiz commissioner thank you mayor let's bow our heads if you will dear almighty God we thank you for all your blessings for allowing us to wake up in the morning and gear up to serve our people for our families and friends especially for allowing us to live and serve in this great City Lord Lord today I ask you for your guidance as we decide on issues that directly impact the quality of life of our residents please listen to our prayers as we ask you for Unity tolerance and collaboration during these times give his body of local elector officials and all elector officials in our nation the wisdom and fortitude to represent the communities we were elected to serve and last but not least I ask you for your protection we ask you all this in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen amen bless Alle flag to the stands one nation [Music] God okay let's call the meeting door to M clerk would you call the role make termination of a Corum please commissioner gray here commissioner Ortiz here commissioner Stewart here commissioner Shen here commissioner Burns here mayor Dyer here mayor you have a forum with all members present thank you madam clerk first order of business is the consideration of minutes from the second Workshop agenda review and City Council meetings of May 13 2024 motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Burns all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries on to Awards presentations and recognitions today believe it or not is the final city council meeting for chief assistant City attorney Roy pay and Bo that is Applause for your three generation three decades of service not Applause that you're leaving so but uh Roy has served over three decades for the city of Orlando um has guided us from the Das and of course in many many legal matters as professionalism and his expertise have been incredibly impactful and helpful to the city and its citizens so I'd like to call on Deputy City attorney Jody lford to share a few words on Roy's impact and then I have a proclamation to read in his honor than you mayor it's really pretty hard to encapsulate 33 years of um service to the city in the time that you want me to spend doing that um but you know Roy came to the city having experience already as an attorney made a wrong term on the path to Greatness after being a double Gator um went to work somewhere else but uh quickly realized that Orlando was the place to be um came to us believe it or not on a two-year contract of employment um which was renewed several times before he realized he was a keeper um or maybe before we real we convinced him to stay with us and he's just been as you all know hugely significant in pretty much every Public Works project and transportation project uh in the city for the last three decades um but the important thing about Roy I think is is not really what he's done but how he's done it and he does it with impeccable competence uh cool calm demeanor uh nothing throws Roy off track nothing's ever too much to ask of him and he works and works until he gets the job done um Rebecca Sutton uh called him her Steely eyed missileman and once you get that picture in your head you'll never let it go and it'll be always how we think of Roy now I I don't think he's actually leaving I I looked in his office there's no chance he's going to get that mess packed up in a week um and I'm pretty sure that even though he's going on to a job that's got perhaps higher Prestige certainly higher pay it does not have the amount of love that we have for Roy and we'll always have for Roy um he is to say beloved sometimes it sounds TR but he is beloved in our office and throughout the city I think for the work he does and and the way he does it so this is not a good day um but I I do want you all to join me in congratulating uh Roy for his tremendous invaluable service to the city and I guess the mayor has Proclamation I have a proclamation Proclamation city of Orlando Office of the mayor whereas thanks to the dedication and professionalism of its employees the city of Orlando provides critical Services programs and amenities that residents businesses and visitors rely on each and every day and whereas the strength and efficiency of our municipal government comes from the city of Orlando employees and whereas their passion for public service is critical to our Collective efforts to ensure that the city beautiful remains a great place to live work and visit while also allowing city the city of Orlando to face any challenges that come our community's way and where as Roy practices law the same way he lives his life with quiet even keeled confidence in what he knows and a commitment to finding out what he doesn't know he's always courteous with an Integrity that shines through and all he does he is smart thorough and kind always mindful of his obligations and determined to put his clients interest first and whereas Roy has through wise counsel drafting skills and legal advice participated in every C Civic Improvement completed by the city of Orlando over the last three decades ranging from major highway construction to the city's spectacular new and renovated venues and whereas Roy's contributions to the growth of the city of Orlando Community have been immeasurable and invaluable and whereas Roy Payne is retiring after 33 years of service in the city of Orlando will always be grateful for his countless contributions to our community now therefore I buddy D mayor of the city of Orlando hereby do thank ly Payne for serving our city and extend and best wishes for good health and much happiness in the [Music] [Applause] future yeah I think we're supposed to go down and do a picture boy once you guys stand up behind with five I get to get in the middle never where's lilan bring Lillian up there do this one hey Will running for district 5 I way to come to the city council meeting would you there was as many attorneys as we have we should be assigning we should have one that's a good idea one attorney to each district one attorney for that's right there you go Jody we have so many problems one attorney for each district like two for each four District No that's District Six well done r I got a I got a j thanks I got it that J has legs that that CH has [Music] [Music] okay let's go right into the mayor's update so it's a difficult week for so many in Orlando and Beyond actually as Wednesday marks eight years since the pts tragedy and there are a pair of remembrance events on Wednesday that help us all honor the 49 lives that were taken and invite the community to join us the remembrance ceremony will be at the Dr Philips Center for the Performing Arts at 7:00 700 p.m. the event is free tickets have to be reserved in advance the ceremony will be preceded by the ringing of 49 Bells at the First United Methodist Church and I'm proud that our community continues to offer Love and Hope to the survivors the families of victims and First Responders and all those who were impacted by the tragedy as we look ahead to the Future one of the ways that we can do that is to create a permanent Memorial and that has fallen to the city of Orlando and to help guide that process a PTZ Memorial advisory committee will be formed to help develop opportunities for input and engagement in both English and Spanish and ultimately recommend a conceptual design to the council those interested can apply at PTZ orlando.org commmittee and is my hope together we can create a place of reflection where those impacted by the tragedy in our entire Community can Jo to remember uh also this week uh the runoff election for District 5 interim city is scheduled for next Tuesday the 18th but early voting started this morning I encourage residents to visit orlando.gun about the ways to vote and then next Wednesday is um we'll celebrate juneth which marks the end of slavery in the US on June the 19th 18 1965 commemorating juneth gives the opportunity to celebrate civil rights progress while also recognizing the injustices that black Americans have endured I'm proud that juneth is a recognized holiday for the city of Orlando employees and I want to invite the community to our juneth celebration which we're hosting along with Senator jine Thompson it is a free event at Camping World Stadium this coming Saturday from 2:00 p.m. to 700 p.m. and and that is it for the mayor's update we'll move to the consent agenda which are a number of items that are acted upon through a single vote of council we give each of our council members an opportunity to um speak on both items from the consent agenda as well as important happenings in their districts we rotate the order we do that today commissioner Ortiz is first up thank you mayor and I'm going to concentrate on one item is basically uh I was in Washington a couple of weeks ago with the Florida Leo cities and there's three particular items we we um talked about uh with our delegation up in uh Washington is pasas was one of them the uh excuse me if I mispronounce this word is per and poly kill substances never mind pasas so we urge Congress and administration to support legislation that addresses the the growing concerns about pasas in Soil and Water and provides liability protection for entities including cities that have legally used pasas for fire suppression or have passively received pasas such as water utilities and solid waste facilities additionally direct funding for local governments to comply with new regulations to avoid creating an unfunded mandate that will dis disproportionately impact low-income residents and communities tools and resources for testing and research public education and risk management so that's one of the big ones and it's something that we have been talking about here with our firefighters for quite a while so it was a good um we had uh great re uh there a support from from our delegation the other item was National flood insurance program um we're urging Congress to advocate for a long-term NF FIP auth reauthorization package that provides affordability for existing and future policy holders more accurate flood mapping and resiliency incentives as we all know we're still dealing with the out of the last hurricane we have and and we have been blessed with having the the Congress representative we have they have helped us especially lately uh Congressman Soto helped us with a grant for our district so and the last but not least item is simplifying local government grants that doesn't apply so much to us but it does apply to a lot of municipalities adjacent to us they have small populations and they don't have their resources in order uh to apply for these grants and sometimes some of these grants are pretty can pretty complicated I want to uh especially thanks uh Congressman Maxwell Frost who opened his doors to us we had a great conversation I mean the man is is really doing a great job out there in the community so is Congressman Darren SoDo um we had the chance to speak to um Senator Marco Rubio and to Senator Rick Scott so and that's all I have for now sir thank you thank you commissioner Stewart thank you mayor let me just cover a couple things in the neighborhood but first Roy let me tell you how much we're going to miss you appreciate your your service to the city and our friendship so thank you very much we going to miss you um a couple things going down the list uh we've just completed the 33rd annual Fringe I know Patty will share a little bit more about that but uh I'm so excited about that now uh continuing uh and we' heard great reports from that had the opportunity to present a plaque for a 100-year house I want of our first ones over in um College Park the grace Hagadorn I did say it's because one of our first ones because College Park was formerly founded in 1925 this was built just before that time frame so we had a chance to go over there and see grace and uh and put a little plaque on her her uh house and get a chance to visit with her she is a college park historian and he the stories about College Park always getting me inspired uh I want to say a special thanks to OPD for the work did over in our community shred event in Rosemont we filled up a truck I guess we're about 3/4 away full which about 8 or 9,000 PBS worth of shredding uh material we're going to plan on doing that again soon so I appreciate thate especially appreciate our my liaison officer um where whereever he is somewhere he's hiding someplace to Carlos Hill for helping coordinate that along with our neighborhood watch group congratulations to the Great Southern box company and U who's now got their new food Hall open over in packing District it's open open about 3 weeks if you hadn't had a chance to go over there uh come enjoy that it's another amenity over in the packing District mayor and I had a chance to go over to uh along with commissioner Ortiz and commissioner Burns to see the opening and Grand open of the Palm Gardens affordable housing over on West Morland and Colonial it was great U so impressed with the work that they've done uh they'll be moving in uh so their current clients to the front 90 and then they'll be doing the remodeling the back 90 units and so uh we're really excited about that and seeing what's happening there we got some great press coverage but more importantly had a lot of people that have called over there since then saying we need a place to live which shows how much that is in demand so I appreciate that couple quick congratulations Kelly's ice cream is turning 14 this summer so that's love that uh they have somewhere they told me I think 49 different atlet now in Central Florida seven um uh actual um places where they actually sell ice cream in out the canister and then they also have the commitment with Fox tales and others so they have done a great job it's a great local company to see that continue to grow it's wonderful uh congratulations to the io Village business of the month the Epic paddle adventures and then I want to say a special thanks to um uh andri uh lq U we had the dueling dragons fundraiser this past weekend with Orlando kuas had a great turnout I had a chance to to beat um Chief Smith and corn toss and so I thank you chief for for you're a better quarterback than that you were nice enough to let me win thank you thanks Chief I appreciate it but it was a great time uh doing Dragons is one of those few programs throughout the country um uh that we have here in Orlando that really is an example of how we can bring inner city kids and police uh and law enforcement all together uh just to be able to communicate to one another and work as a team and we have some great success stories of people have G on to college and now some have come back and help with the program so it's really been great to do that um mayor thank you for your comments about pts um this is a a difficult time for many in our community uh and so I I mentioned that to say that mental Wellness is important in our community and so as you see people who are struggling please reach out um there are plenty of resources that are available but somebody's got to take that first step for them so please let's continue to look out after one another uh along with that uh this week we're giving blood uh on Wednesday I think it is and of course the juneth is coming up on the agenda a couple things I want to mention um on A1 we have some um some approvals of some those volunteers who are working in our uh our committees in the city Elena Wallace and aan top goul is are from District 3 I mention this on occasion because our city runs because of volunteers who take important Stu in our committees and um and and we we can't do it without them I want to say how much I appreciate that um on B4 we are approving um a I guess kind of a backwards way of doing it but we have to go tell the tdt that we have a that we are approval they have the right to go ahead and apply for tdd loans because they have an agreement with us so it's our way of helping them raise money um outside of the land that we have given them to use which I appreciate the chance to be partnering with them and then on c14 today we'll approve a small business facade over in ivanho uh Trey ivanho Salon excited about that and that's as we're coming towards the end of the year we want to make sure that all this money we've set aside is being used to help beautify our individual neighborhoods and that's all I have mayor thank you very much thank you commissioner move to commissioner Shen thank you mayor and uh Roy thanks for your many many years of service and I guess you're not going to have to take any more crazy calls from me over the weekend so really appreciate you and and wish you all the best in your and your future endeavors and you know you have a lot to be proud of of what you've accomplished here so we really do appreciate you yes commissioner Stuart I did see 41 shows at The Fringe Festival it was amazing and I would tell anybody if you have not been to the Orlando Fringe we are one of the largest Fringe festivals in in America it's it's a great Festival It's a Wonderful opportunity to see local formers I know our attendance was a little off this year so I encourage everyone if you if you haven't bought a ticket or supported The Fringe please do so because it's really a gem in our community and there was just some really amazing shows and I was surprised some of them didn't sell out because they were just absolutely top-notch shows but I know some of the city employees were there I appreciate you all supporting them that was just a a wonderful time um I do have a concern and I know this isn't really a city issue but uh many of our residents have have participated ated in the city of Orlando Solar Co-op I did so because I wanted to um to support green energy and everything like that and this actually was a city program so I put solar panels on my roof and now OU is talking about greatly reducing the amount of um of um credit that I can get most people base their solar loans to kind of offset their um to offset their bills and it's called net metering so what's going to happen if OU goes forward with this process is that people will have a solar loan that will not cover their utility bill they will still have utility bill it's very unfair that these are not well and I was told well only wealthy people can afford solar panels there are retirees there are people that want to do the right thing for the environment um and I think this is a really punitive and horrible thing and I was I've met with ou many times and every time the proposal got worse and then I was told my electric car was a problem too because I'm affecting the grid and I'm like I barely Drive 3 miles a day what are you talking about so it's just a very punitive thing to towards people trying to do the right thing so there is a meeting Thursday at OU at 2 p.m. I will be there I will encourage anybody who's concerned about solar energy in addition to they're talking about doing surge pricing on people I don't think that's fair either I think we should know what our power is costing us without having to worry about running our air conditioners and getting a search charge so I just think this is a very punitive thing I think that people should be outraged I'm getting a lot of feedback from people in my district but again it's not us it's the OU governing board meeting that's Thursday at 2: p.m. and I will be there if anybody needs any information please let me know I will be glad to help you get get information but you know if those of us who are concerned about clean energy and the environment need to understand there's a reason why we don't have more solar there is a reason we don't have more electric vehicles and there is a reason why we have a climate crisis because we have stopped clean renewable energy and this must stop our utility companies must must Embrace clean energy not do whatever they can to fight those of us who want to do the right thing for the environment um that's my fuss um but I do have a happy thing I just want to thank staff there we had so many people in City Hall mayor that worked on the rainbow run over the weekend uh this was started by a UCF student to honor lost friends who actually lost people in the in the pulse Massacre and this is not a this is not a silly run this is something that people do to raise money for our permanent Memorial and I wanted to thank everybody here I want to thank everyone publicly cuz we had so many staff people working over the weekend but I want to read you something from the sister of one of the 49 she said I truly enjoyed the walk today it felt so effortless the air felt clean usually it is heavy and forced this was really great I had decided this was my last one not anymore thank everyone it is extremely appreciated so thank all of you and we're going to do the right thing and we're going to do this right and we're going to make sure that the a proper beautiful Memorial is built for these folks who you know should have been celebrating their marriages and graduations their family shouldn't have been going to funerals so eight years later it's important that we do the right thing it's terrible that this got whay and a lot of money was and time was wasted but mayor Dyer I know under your leadership this is going to be done right and Dr schoer and we're going to do the right thing and this is going to be beautiful and it's something important for this community and on the agenda today I just had the uh Greenwood Cemetery walking tour glad to see that we're getting extension on that because I think that's going to be a lot of fun for people when to go to the cemetery um we've done some some neat things at the cemetery lately and I want to you know it's it's a wonderful historical amenity as well as a place of rest but I mean I think we should have a historic walk walking tour because there's so many you know great people great Orlando and who are actually there so thank you Stephanie for your work on that and staff as well and Olga and everybody and um and mayor that's all I had thank you thank you commissioner commissioner Burns uh yes thank you mayor uh good afternoon everyone uh first I'd like to say thank you uh to Roy uh for your wise counsel and your guidance uh and as well as your service to our great City and as Commissioners mentioned you will be greatly missed so again thank you um on Saturday May 18th I attended the haian Heritage event that was put on by the greater Haitian American Chamber of Commerce uh the evening recognized and honored the rich cultural heritage history and significant contributions of our Haitian American residents uh I also had an opportunity to present a proclamation on behalf of Mayor Dy and this Council uh so great time was had at that event also on May 20th I attended um on behalf of Mayor Dy the MK humanitarian award banquet uh the evening recognized 27 high school students in our community who exempt lfy the ideals of Dr King's Legacy of service equality justice peace respect and inclusion for all uh I read a proclamation on behalf of the mayor and the council um proclaiming May 20th as mayor's MLK humanitarian day and I just like to thank um Marcia hope Goodwin and Brandy Han for and their entire teams for all their hard work on this event it was really a a great event and and just to see those um High School senior seniors who uh just carry on the spirit of of Dr King was was great to see uh also on Wednesday May 29th I attended athletes connection scholarship event uh was a excellent opportunity to celebrate the hard workor and dedication of student athletes receiving scholarships like to uh say thank you to Dan Cross and his team for um providing these scholarships I think this was their fifth year and providing those scholarship in my first year uh participating and supporting that effort uh also on Tuesday June 4th in conjunction with fpr we hosted the really ma Park Community input meeting as we decide on how this uh great part will be redeveloped uh it was wonderful to see the passionate community members coming together uh to discuss the future of our beloved Park uh the meeting was filled with insightful discussions and great ideas for the parks's Redevelopment and I just like to thank uh Beth grubber from fpr she did a great job engaging our residents uh in discussions about the future of this beautiful public space so again thank you to fpr and Beth specifically for her work on this uh on this past Saturday uh June 8th I was thrilled to host the first district 6 family reunion fund day the event was a huge success bringing together families across the district for a day of laughter games and great food we had opportunity to do water aerobics uh get fit district 6 some senior activities bounce houses and a kickball tournament uh uh seeing so many people come together to celebrate our community uh was very rewarding and I just like to say thank you to Orlando firefighters Union for providing and cooking the food for this event as well as to uh police chief uh Eric Smith I tried to get him do some uh water arobics but he he declined uh but thank you for coming out as well as the other OPD officers for attending this event uh just some upcoming events our next uh district 6 mobile satellite hours will be held this Wednesday June 12th at the El Claudia Allen senior center from 10:00 a.m. to 4: uh please call my office for an appointment and just one thing on the agenda I too wanted to recognize A1 the citizens Advisory Board appointments and reappointments just say thank you to all of our residents who volunteer and give up their time to serve on these various boards uh because our city could not move and serve our residents without your help and that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner commission gray thank you mayor um I've got a couple of comments I apologize a little nasly I not sure how you catch a cold when it's 100 degrees outside but I've done it so uh please bear with me but I want to congratulate Roy um not only he done great work but he's put up with a lot of my banter this way so I want to thank him and the thing I love about Roy is if he doesn't have an answer he admits it and I don't know many lawyers that admit they don't know everything in the world so Roy congrats keep that up please in the future that's that's a great trait out of out of a lawyer um on on Tuesday May 14th I wanted to recognize our friends out at NE Mo's children's hospital they opened a Family Resource Center um and unbeknownst to me who lives out there I didn't realize but you know kids go at it new Moors usually have special uh medical issues these aren't broken broken arms and and ingrown tone Naes these are kids with some severe issues and I didn't realize but 50% of the families that are there their parents um you know don't have jobs that are paid time off so can you imagine being a parent and you have to decide do you stay with your child who's got a severe uh medical issue or do you go to work so you can get paid and so uh Dr Laura chilcott who's on staff said wait this is wrong so she formed with the help of the Edith Bush foundation in Second Harvest Food Bank uh this Resource Center where families can not only get food to help them uh you know feed their families but they can apply online they have a computer lab to help them apply online to get get help whatever the government service might be or whatever they need but I want to congratulate Dr chilcott for doing that so um that was a great great opportunity to go to see the Family Resource Center at NE mores then on Tuesday May 21st also along the healthc care lines uh did a groundbreaking for Advent health he's new state-of-the-art um Hospital they're going to build 300 bed hospital in Lake Nona right on nusi state-of-the-art um Hospital which will be opened in 2026 but um I counted seven cranes and I'm not sure you can find seven cranes in uh in Central Florida right now but it's a big big project and congrats to Ed and health and again I make the comment 5 years ago plus or minus uh we had no real medical facility out in Lake other than UCF had some but now Orlando Health's there Adent health is coming HCA is there neor is there so um we've we've caught up there so uh congrats to Advent help on Tuesday May 23rd went to the visit Orlando luncheon um where they kind of gave us an update on the tourism world and good news the international Travelers are coming back kind of postco the domestic Travelers were here but the their stats are saying International folks are coming back back which is good news for us but the interesting theme was because of of several local restaurants being acknowledged through Michelin as kind of Michelin rated restaurants were starting to become known as a foodie destination for travelers and that was kind of a a neat little twist and commissioner Burns was there with me but um that that was uh again a neat little uh twist for uh Central Florida and Orlando um and then finally on Friday May 24th uh did the mayor uh excuse me the memoral roal day recognition event at Greenwood Cemetery um it was organized by the mayor's uh veterans advisory Council commissioner Sheen did a great job as as mcing the event and Stephanie and her team did a great job setting up and taking everything down but it was a short but very powerful um event to me along with you know last weekend's D-Day event to just drive home the fact that folks that you know our forefathers in in Prior Generations have sacrificed a bunch for this country and it was just a great reminder so I thanks to everybody for doing that that that was great um on the agenda real quick uh as I said an agenda review I'm going to vote no on item C5 and other than that mayor I would like to move approval of the consent agenda motion by commissioner Grace second by commissioner Sheen all in favor the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries okay those of you that were here just for the consent agenda now is a good time to take your leave thank you for attending and without objection we'll recess the city council meeting and we will convene the CRA meeting think I can handle the first three so number one is approving CRA meeting minutes from April the 22nd motion by commissioner Shen second by commissioner Stewart all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries number two is approving CRA minutes for May 13th motion by commissioner Stewart I'll take commissioner sheens as a second all in favor indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries three is accepting Advisory board minutes from April the 24th motion by commission sh and second by commissioner Stewart all in favor indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries and David I'm going to let you handle the rest of these sounds good thank you very much mayor good afternoon and good afternoon members of council uh so first item uh well I should say new business item uh before you all today is in agreement with circuit transit services and I don't know if you see a presentation before you but I'll pretend that you do and if if you don't just let me know and I can talk a little bit slower on some of the details circuit Transportation um is a group that handles pointto point or ride share app Based Services in several communities both throughout Florida and the United States uh while working with a number of businesses and residents in downtown uh it became uh fairly clear um that we needed to increase our Mobility options uh within downtown Orlando to help people uh both get around to their ultimate destination but also to patronize the businesses that we have um you know in various different districts throughout downtown um so while doing that we also uh are keenly aware that downtown during the day has changed we're in a postco environment and we want to make sure that we're increasing every opportunity available uh to encourage more of our daily Workforce to come come back back to work and then come out of those buildings while they're here so they can see all the exciting things that we have going on in downtown and also uh provide some much needed economic benefit to our businesses um so in those conversations um these things aren't new to any of you all but uh I think they're part of the conversation um we're seeing especially the business clients um looking for other services in addition to limo uh something that's very convenient we're live in a convenience economy these days where people just want to go directly from where they are to where they going and they want to know specifically when they're going to be able to do that um that's the nature of technology that we have today uh and a kind of an overall thought process I think this is more of a business term right now or at least that I hear often is that you have to go to your customers if you're not delivering the services that your customers want then there's too many other options out there that they will serve that or vice versa they just change uh entirely and then could potentially uh start to decrease their Patron is of downtown so the solution that we are proposing is ride dto uh as I mentioned that's a based ride share Service uh and it will be fair based uh comparable to a public transit cost just a dollar per ride um the program would consist of one year's worth of services for five vehicles uh to circulate in downtown uh we would be able to utilize a recent Hollywood Florida contract in order to uh work with circuit uh it would be a one-year commitment uh with um two optional onee uh two optional one-ear options to extend uh as I mentioned it would be five vehicles the initial operating hours would be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. also targeting that last mile service so uh we have been uh obviously looking to increase patronage of commuter rail and SunRail and those type of things and being able to connect from uh your destination to that last mile whether it be your home or your workplace um is very important to seeing that level of service hopefully increase as well uh and then we'll be getting monthly and quarterly reports uh from the service provider as to how things are going so we can monitor the program moving forward um uh just a quick sneak peek on what the vehicles might look like the top uh is a uh fully EV Kia uh we know we have the Kia Center so going with that moniker to utilize to get people around downtown that can get people on all the streets and then we have uh some gems those are electric vehicles you see on the bottom they can actually car carry more people and are sufficient enough to get around kind of the Corb downtown and everywhere else one one of those would be outfitted to be ada8 compliant so we can accommodate all of our patrons uh within the area uh the service area you see before you was for the most the entire CRA so as long as you're within that area You' be able to get on your phone just like if you were booking an Uber or a lift or request a pickup you would get a time uh that they would pick you up and then they would deliver you directly to your next destination it would be an exclusive ride they would not pick up anyone else along the way it would just be you let's say from City Hall to the north quarter if you were going there for lunch at Reyes or something like that and then you can coordinate uh then obviously pick you up and and bring you back so convenient service we looked at comparable cities uh in order to see how this is working in other other areas um one of the other cities that we looked at most definitively was Tampa due due to a lot of synergies uh they've had a similar program there for about 5 years uh in the context with working with their staff was basically that the program was love to death they had so many people utilizing the service that the waight wait times got long so that's what success looks like uh so they had to end it it was also in that Co environment but they recently brought it back uh and are seeing uh uh that process move forward you see some of the primary destinations uh being their Transit Center as well as their University and and their grocery store all things that were fortunate uh conceptually to have as well you see here San Diego California with uh over 600 users daily or Riders daily Hollywood Florida uh which is again the contract that we're able to utilize over 13,000 Riders per month uh their CRA actually established the program down there uh so just a brief timeline that things are uh ultimately approved today it went to CRA Advisory board on May 22nd uh today is obviously the uh cra's opportunity vote and then if successful the program would be hopeful ready to launch uh in September uh of this year uh to coordinate with a lot of the other activities we have going on with our partnership with United arts and a number of other things in D and I'm happy to address any questions commission Ortiz and commissioner Burns I see there a Dollar right do we pay through an app or do we pay cash no you pay through the app uh just like Uber or lift we're also have already coordinated with the company we we do plan on offering somewhat of coupon codes if people patronize a restaurant or it could be various components of uh like let's say our senior Towers where they'd be able to put in a code and that would validate uh that dollar so though you would still have to register and be able to do that so you have the app system um that that cost could be covered under certain circumstances okay great thank you appreciate it very welcome commissioner Burns yeah um thank you for the presentation I I was just reflecting back on discussions that we've had with limo in the past and the uh lack of writers ship but also the continued investment in limo and so I'm just trying to understand how these two would potentially work together but also the autonomous um pilot program that we have down downtown so one of my questions is what what's our total uh investment in mobility in in those three downtown so on an annual basis cuz I see we'll be paying $5.95 for this for this program for the year sure with so our the cra's contribution which is for the most part the entirety of the limo operational cost is about 2.4 million annually uh 2.4 for limo correct this would bring that up if you add the 600 it's rounded that to a $3 million investment the autonomous piece uh and that's our transportation department so if I'm incorrect please just step in uh to correct me I believe is scheduled to uh that was a pilot program which I believe they scheduled to stop on June 21st of this year of testing that beep shuttle um so this would be complimentary to that in its initiation we're obviously monitoring that progress to see uh limo there there's a lot of commitments that the city and uh that were made both with FTA as well as with links for limo operation um so we wanted to make sure that we're still offering the limo service to customers which does provide uh especially services to uh a lot of folks in District 5 on the west side of I4 uh getting to Publix and kind of solving that um grocery desert so to speak that food desert uh that's there so that service will is not anticipated to be impacted by this initially okay all right thank you absolutely further questions is there a motion so move second motion by commissioner she and second by commissioner Stewart discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicate so by saying I I those oppos motion carries okay number five David thank you mayor so number five this is a dto facade uh program funding agreement uh between the CRA and hhcp Architects for 120 North ore Avenue uh so they are seeking to do some improvements to the external facade of that building uh they're doing some painting some tile as well as some awnings as you may remember uh we uh work together to a increase our facade program funding amounts uh especially for historic buildings up to $300,000 uh in several I believe that was last year uh with that this this entirety of this Improvement uh for this building is 30,600 of which they are eligible for $24,400 in funding from the CRA and it did receive a recommendation of approval from the facade Review Committee on May 6th and I'm happy to address any questions questions motion second motion by commission she second by commissioner Stewart discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I uh iOS motion carries six item six is another facade grant program this one for 217 North Magnolia Avenue uh this is a uh a restaurant in our core of our downtown our Central business district they're looking to do some facade improvements including some uh roof work some painting uh some uh new sign Windows Doors awnings and stonework so uh more beautification within the core uh the total amount of their improvements is 62,000 $ 78730 uh of which they are eligible for CRA reimbursement of $502 2984 cents this item also received a recommendation of approval from the facade committee on May 6th and I am happy to address any questions so second motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Sheen discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion curious number seven thank you mayor number seven this is a dto restaurant program funding agreement between the CLA and Rihanna and Michelle's Jamaican Cuisine uh so this and the next item I will read uh for approval as well um is in the the J Henry building 642 West Church Street uh so they have three tenants in there you know we have Jay Henry in there this would be one and the next item would be another uh so um this operator uh has signed a 15-year lease for that location um they are uh spending about $9,000 uh in buildout uh to build out a full service restaurant uh in that space with our new restaurant program uh they are eligible for $13,000 $13,800 uh for both TI and initial years are rental abatement and they do bring a number of years of experience over 13 in the restaurant um area especially with a with Rihanna and Rihanna's Jamaican uh spot in Fort Pierce so happy to hopefully welcome them into the downtown area and I'm happy to address any questions Move Motion by commissioner Shen second by commissioner Stewart uh are Rihanna and Michelle here by any chance I do not believe that they are no no okay discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicates so by saying I I I those opposed motion carries and number eight all right number eight the final item for this C this is a retail program funding agreement as I mentioned that last space uh in the building there at 642 West Church Street um this is for a retail location uh going by the name of House Of dter Love uh doing business as uh Tanya designer Boutique they will sell uh both men's and women's clothing uh in that establishment it is 800 square ft uh and they and uh the owner has four years of experience in the retail operations and management sector um they're building out that space uh and spending just uh shy of $70,000 in all of their improvements of which uh they are eligible for $37,076 from the cra's retail program second motion by commissioner Stewart second by commissioner Shen discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I those oppos motion carries David that is all all right then we will stand adjourned as to the CRA and we will reconvene the city council meeting that brings us to hearings ordinances first reading number one Madam clerk ordinance number 202 24-21 an ordinance of the city counil of the city of Orlando Florida vacating closing and abandoning a portion of West hallenbeck Street and call Avenue generally located south of Lake Beauty Drive in west of South Orange Avenue as described in the Orlando regional Healthcare plat as recorded in plat book 72 page 95 of the public records of Orange County Florida and comprised of 0.12 acres of land more or less providing for conditions of Abandonment providing for the execution of affecting documents severability correction of scer errors and an effective date Mo second motion by commissioner sh and second by commissioner Burns any cards Madam clerk no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I as oppos motion carries okay number two ordinance number 202 24-24 an ordinance of the city council the city of Orlando Florida relating to zoning districts and uses amending provisions of the Land Development code to create a new category of public benefit uses and to update the regulations for existing assembly public benefit uses providing legislative findings and for severability codification correction Corrections Governor's error and an effective date second motion by commissioner Shen second by commissioner Bur discussion any cards mam clerk no speakers mayor um all in favor indicate so by saying I I was opposed and so the motion carries Commissioners this is one of the ordinances that requires a public hearing after 5:00 unless we vote by a super majority to hold the second public meeting at our normal city council meeting time staff recommends that we hold second public hearing at our next available regularly scheduled city council meeting beginning at 2 o' do I hear such a motion motion by commissioner Shan second by commissioner Ortiz all in favor indicate so by saying I those opposed motion carries okay hearings ordinance's second reading Madam cour number one ordinance number 202 24-3 an ordinance of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located south of mon Drive West of Conroy Road and North of McCoy Road and comprised of 19.03 acres of land more or less and amending the city's boundary description amending the city's adopted growth management plan to design made the property as residential low intensity in part mixed use Corridor and medium intensity in part and conservation in part on the city's official future land use maps designating the property as one family residential with the aircraft noise overlay District in part medium intensity mixed use coridor with the aircraft noise overlay district and Conway Road special plant overlay District in part and conservation with the aircraft noise overlay district and Conway Road special plan overlay District in part on the city's official zoning map providing for Amendment of the city's official future land use and Zoning Maps providing for severability correction of scrier error permanent disclaimer and an effective date so Move Motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Stewart any cards Madam clerk no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicate so by saying I I those poos and so the motion car is number two ordinance number 202 24-9 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida relating to District youth standards within the Paramore Heritage overlay District amending Chapter 58 part 2 AI Land Development code entitled Paramore Heritage overlay District pH providing for cability quatification correction of scrier error and infected move to adopt motion by commissioner Burns second by commissioner Ortiz any cards Madam clerk no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none on the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries and let's uh move down to ordinances on first reading number one ordinance number 202 24-23 and ordinance of the city of Orlando Florida relating to the citizens police review board amending chapter 48 Article 5 Section 4815 of the code of the city of Orlando Florida repealing Chapter 48 Article 5 section 48.6 of the code of the city of Orlando Florida repealing Chapter 48 Article 5 section 48.7 of the code of the city of Orlando Florida providing for severability codification of Correction of scribers error and an effective date so move second motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Burns Madam Clark any speakers no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries that brings us to the end of our official agenda Ed can you get ready for General appearance [Music] [Music]