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ourl o I'm also very excited about the Battle of College Park uh that's taking place this year at Bishop Moore it's going to be Friday August 28th the mayor and I will be there last time mayor we won the first half and they won the second half Unfortunately they scored more points than we did the second half U but we're going to get that trophy back and take it back over to Edgewater High School so uh it's going to be a great time to come and be part of that also for those interested in our Public Schools just want everybody to know that ocps is hosting a 60% plans for the new up coming aabon Park K8 on Wednesday August 26 at 6 p.m. at the current oton Park uh Elementary cafeteria in Baldwin Park so if you get a chance you want to see the plans please come over and get a chance to have some input into those plans on the agenda today uh item C5 uh we're glad to partner with another small business in our company payer Law Group uh Chris will you please take a moment in Stand let's welcome you so thank you very much for being here Chris is the uh business owner of uh and a recent today of of the small business facade Grant over at 711 West Colonial Drive near the corner of Colonial Drive in pmore the area that we're really trying to work on and Chris appreciate what you have done over there so thank you for your hard work on item uh D9 and G1 we're grateful to the Orange County division of cultural Affairs for awarding two facilities grants to the city of Orlando one in the amount of $124,000 for the lock Lock Haven cultural park the mayor mentioned that and won the amount of $70,000 and 77746 for Lou Gardens I want to thank commissioner Shen commissioner thank you very much for your uh gift she and I joined together as part of the matching Grant there to be able to get the awarded those dollars and it would not have happened Without You commissioner thank you very much um um if you haven't had a chance to go over there you get to see some of the work that they're doing I also want to thank OU and thank Orlando walks program for the dollars a day put in outside of the 124,000 I also want to thank our staff uh Jason Burton Pauline Eaton Beth Gruber John Peron and Lisa early uh as well as representatives from all of the cultural park facilities thank you for all of your hard work thank you and Lisa please pass that along for me please and finally under 18a permits mayor we had a chance to last year go to the first maker fair at Lock Haven Park it's coming back again uh September 12th and 13th if you haven't been to this event a chance for you to go out and really meet some people who are doing incredible and creative things uh with stuff around our community um and around the world from science to Art uh robots to Rockets uh and nothing is off limits it's a chance to see creativity happen right here it's makera orlando.com at the Orlando Science Center in September and we're approving that permit today and that's all that I have mayor thank you very much thank you commissioner District uh four thank you thank you thank you mayor and i' just like to make a brief statement about the the Brom Braves rolling kids I mean they are just so inspirational because a lot of people might not know the backstory they had partnered with a group to help them buy their boats and and run their boat house and everything like that and that group basically pulled up and they had no boats they had nothing to compete with and they had to start completely from scratch and commissioner inks thank you so much for helping with the boat house and we see how far these kids have come from having nothing to actually coming back with state championships this what H this is what happens when you support kids so commissioner in again it's it's at Turkey Lake Park where they practice I appreciate you so much but you know the Boon Brave kids they just they've just done great work to bring back this and you know that's just one of those feel bit moments you say you know what we invested in these kids and it really paid back so thanks again mayor thank you for all your support on that as well it's great to see these kids thriving after a really bad thing happened and they really really really turned it around um there's been a lot of talk on social media and I don't know if anybody um here today on item C6 the municipal planning board minutes but a lot of times I see things out in social media and we're asked to comment on them I can't do that as a commissioner I can't get out on social media and comment on things that are coming before councel it's actually a violation of public records law and it's very difficult though to counter misinformation that's being put out on social media when I can't come in it because I would be violating a public records law so even though I'm a very very transparent person try to comment on things when I can and kind of run into a little bit difficulty I'm going to read a statement for a reason because there's legal implications have involved so on today's agenda I want to clarify something for my constituents relating to a couple of proposed new developments near Lake Yola item number C6 on the agenda is accepting the meeting minutes and approving the recommendation act recommended actions from the municipal planning board's July 21st meeting with the exception of the recommendation for the Madera Central project that's the proposed residential Tower at the current location of the University Club on Central and Rosland and the City Center project caddy corner across Central and Rosland and adjacent to Lake Yola Park to be clear these projects were considered by the mpb on July 21st but are not being considered by the city council today because both projects have been appealed to a quasi judicial hearing officer City Council will consider these projects after the hearing officer has heard the cases and sends an additional recommendation to us this process can take several months while this process is ongoing our constituents should feel free to share their opinions with me and with all of us on the city council but we have a legal obligation to reserve formulating an opinion on the applications until the quasa judicial process has run its course and the record of decision is submitted to council at a public hearing because of that we can't even respond to any of these other than to acknowledge that we have received them this ensures that all parties both those for and against the proposals have a fair and open opportunity for a public hearing so if anybody's here to talk about that today it's not that we're trying to hide anything this is the public process I'm glad that it's been you know a very rigorous public process and people are very excited about it but again we're not going to be hearing that item today and that's why and that's why I haven't responded on social media that's why I've said I can't comment on this and one of them is actually in commissioner Hills district but one of the one of the appealed processes in is in my district but just wanted to be completely transparent and clear about the process moving forward and that's all I had mayor thank you so much thank you move to District Five commissioner Hill thank you mayor um quite a few things is always going on in District 5 I'd like to thank uh under your leadership mayor and your staff uh housing with uh finally getting her done with that $695,000 Grant over at the um Richard Allen Gardens apartment there in Paramore I'm really excited about that project getting ready to get under the underway because I do believe that is going to be one of the anchors of what's to come now in that west side of excuse me south side of Paramore uh so I'm really excited about that thank you guys for uh uh your stick uh sticking in there and getting it done I know there was a lot of work uh to put that together I'm excited about um this the mpb recommendations approval and granting hopefully will approve that today over in District 5 at the guardian care uh nursing home facility it's one of the first and only African-American uh nursing homes here in the city of Orlando under the leadership of Miss Eloise Abraham and uh the board president Mr aor reic I often visit that facility and uh uh meet with the uh the residents there and and it's a festar facility they really take great care of uh those residents there and hopefully um that will be also a hub of medical uh attention uh that our residents our senior residents are getting in that area they've just purchased a medical center across the street that they're rehabbing and with this uh expanding um uh that Skilled Nursing Facility uh is much needed there in that area also uh uh just big kudos to the broken CAU of Brewery that hopefully uh is underway with this approval uh that is going to be a a major economic impact there in the Paramore area they on Church Street near the soccer stadium uh especially for job creation and I'm very excited that uh uh people are starting to come to Paramore and invest in our area um so uh hopefully we can do what we can to assist assist with economic development I know me and yourself mayor will be going on Wednesday at 2:30 there in the Paramore area to uh uh do a ribbon cutting for other shops that are now opening up there in that Paramore corer uh the shops of Paramore and thank you also Walter Hawkins for your leadership would happen uh Revitalize that area on 729 i' like to thank uh Office Depot myself and Lisa early of Park and Rex went over and uh Office Depot gave us 500 uh book bags uh for needy youth there in um our area and we were able to assist the children in the home Apartments there in the Ivy Lane corner where we have over six 700 kids that live there in um in that home apartment uh uh Ivy Lane Community uh that day uh under the leadership of Sergeant Deborah Thomas and Greg Turner uh and thank you Chief Mina if you're listening for your assistance with OPD we had a stop the violence March and over 600 uh uh Youth and Community leaders and church came out and marched a quarter of a mile uh down Ivy Lane in unity we had mothers that children had just been killed there in the county and city in the last couple of months well weeks at that point uh uh and I think it really started a lot of healing in the community so thank everyone that uh uh supported that effort and you also commissioner in you were right there and made a Major Impact by standing there with the uh community residents thank you sir for your participation uh then we had I think that was there in July 30th we had something beautiful over uh at the Dr PHS Performing Arts all the parks and rec departments were there when Tony met Oscar and every uh and the mayor and and commissioner Stewart and commissioner gr uh was there and I know we all were proud to see our uh kids there and park and Rex and their evening attire and and um uh how would you say it uh uh actually becoming little actresses and actors and and the Raw Talent that's in our park in Rick's department and just to see and and forgive me for lack of better words some of our our most neediest kids are City kids they standing on that Performing Arts stage and their parents in the audience many that might not be able to attend a Broadway show but to actually see their children perform it was so storn and I know many uh because of that stage they have gotten that bug and possibly will be back 15 years from now as a Broadway singer or actor so thank thank you parks and Rex and staff for your great leadership they put that together in like 6 weeks uh on August the 1 we had our uh last lacrosse game there at uh Emy Hamilton Sports we do have uh a girls lacrosse uh Team now in the Paramore area at Jackson and Callahan Center and uh see those little girls out there with their lacrosse sticks and their goggles it was you know I'm looking forward to this year because all the opportunity that lies ahead for them uh lacrosse is a sport that many minorities don't participate in but there's a great scholarship uh college scholarship our opportunities and and to see them start to uh uh and thank you to Little Miss edmans for her leadership and volunteers and uh uh in the community uh on that very same day we uh started our first and partner with a organization here in the Paramore Community called heart to heart and we uh started our first Inner City soccer league and it was over a 100 kids that came out and Atlanta City socus assisting us to where we're now grooming uh uh kids there not just in Paramore but Pine Hills and throughout the city and the great part about this is the parents don't have to pay they don't have to pay for registration they don't have to pay for uniforms uh they don't have to pay for equipment the only thing they need to do is bring their kids so I'm really excited uh about uh the future with uh soccer in the inner city and being exposed to that we also on August the 7th had a ribbon cutting um at the Salvation Army at William boo towers with our our seniors resource fair at Williams Booth towers and over 200 uh seniors participated um there mostly the overlooked population we know that and it was at least 30 vendors that came with resources to assist our seniors there in The District 5 area to uh uh uh not be vulnerable but to empower them and also to assist them with their independence a big thank you and shout out to Orlando City soccer and Orlando Magic they came together as one uh this Saturday uh and helped me host they back to school celebration in HJ high and kicking the streets who put out over 600 700 Flyers who went door Todo ining the community and by those efforts we were able to give over a th000 kids there in the Paramore area book packs filled with supplies and over 1,400 uh uh folk showed up and it was Music Entertainment uh uh publ donated Fresh Foods and vegetables and it was a major major success and just to see uh all that participation in the parents coming out and receiving information about health and wellness uh uh about tutoring programs and and mental health programs there for their for their youth that might have some type of Behavior Uh uh issues or just uh need mentors and I like to thank them also I failed to mention uh CFO Byron Brooks thank you if you're in here for his participation uh the omegas uh uh uh they came out on uh August 1st with that back to uh uh School uh violence awareness walk and it was about 15 of them and they really made a difference they're in the rain carrying foods and different things for the constituents and and and thank you for showing up and your uh fraternity for showing up and helping uh uh the community there in the Ivy Lane corer on the 15th I'll be celebrating my 50th birthday and I'll be passing out book packs that's what I'm doing for my fifth in uh with steps in the right direction uh Sanctuary praise and a uh care for the community they'll be uh uh having at least a thousand book packs filled with supplies and and and 500 new Adida uh tennis shoes uh we'll be giving to needy kids there in that District 5 Pine Hills uh corer at the IMR Hammerton field we're anticipating about 4,000 uh residents from all around uh to come so I'm really excited about that uh and the reason it's called for steps in the right direction it's because and I can recall uh kids that parents just have barely enough uh to keep the lights on and food on the table you know it's something when a kid go back to shoes with uh school with a new pair of shoes you know their self-image and and esteem is affected if they don't so so hopefully with those pair of shoes will help them uh uh and those book packs will help give them the foundation for a successful year I would like to also uh say commissioner Stewart I was one of the women that uh went uh to boot camp at the neighbor Center it was the only uh facility in the nation that women could go to boot camp and I was uh part of uh k018 so so that is a great uh Monument 1986 i' like to introduce I do have a a new Aid executive Aid that's well qualified I'm have happy that he's on board to assist me uh with uh uh uh District 5 businesses and the residents and in the city here of Orlando to uh continue to uh uh build that District um uh Justin Felton he has uh is coming uh from a long term stand what can you stand Justin has implemented major programs uh through his leadership ship in Pin Hills at the Urban League where he spearheaded most things uh and I I'm certain that we will uh uh really be proud of of the things that he's going to assist me with here in District 5 and that's it except for one little thing mayor and if Marc is here I do have a a little concern when I heard that about the registration for the Atlanta speak out uh most of my constituents there in that area area doesn't don't have computer access uh to go online uh to register and usually what I do is I have a volunteer canvasing team that go out and put out literature on the doors if if there is a way to amend that so that they can be included in the process there in the community uh because I fear that they might not because they're not going to be able to go on to to pre-register I don't know how that'll work well so can do I don't think you have to register online you can pre-register in writing so if you have people canvasing they can bring registration for for them to fill out all right that'll be great I'll do that all right commissioner RS thank you mayor I just want to say on item D6 uh commissioner Stewart uh the lone sailor monument and Memorial uh I would definitely be willing to assist in whatever what I can do to help with this particular project because this is a great project and uh I love the rendering it speaks volumes for the city of Orlando and uh what you guys have done with that so you can Count Me In as well great on um this past Friday July well on Friday July 31st um I was out at the um Turkey Lake um Bill Frederick Park at Turkey Lake the jv's foundation which is jumping in the victory Foundation uh was present with their end of the summer program and they were actually uh celebrating the youth that were involved in their program they had over 25 youth in the program and this was the fight against um human trafficking and what they do is make sure that our kids are pro protected uh the one thing that I said as I uh spoke before the group and some of the parents that were there and there were visiting organizations from outside of Orlando uh that came to Turkey Lake Park for this event and I said that you know we have to draw a line in the sand to protect our kids and we do have to do that and we do have to make a statement because TR human trafficking is one of the leading cause of our kids getting on drugs drinking uh killing themselves committing suicide and also getting involved in prostitution because they're forced into that and so Miss Denise Lewis who is the founder of this U program is housed currently at the Frontline Outreach and so she's been doing a remarkable job and we want to uh thank her for her effort then also Saturday August the 1st at the Dr James R Smith Center the uh Smith Center Wildcats and 49ers had their awards banquet and the young players and the cheerleaders were all given their Trophies the families were there to uh see them get their uh rewards and also uh the recent uh well the coach uh Luther Black Shear is a recent recovering stroke victim and Luther had a stroke probably about a couple of months ago but he's recovering very well at one point he could not speak nor walk but he was able to walk into uh the Smith Center so he was honored and presented with the commissioner Samuel B ing's distinguished service award and that was because of his outstanding contribution support and dedication and Community leadership to the West Orlando wild cats youth football program in district 6 um also former NFL player Keith Council was the guest speaker for the event and Keith Council um is the brother to Kia Council who used to work here with the uh city of Orlando Police Department chief Pigman and uh Keith Council grew up in Orlando and played with the Minnesota Vikings they look good last night I don't know how that's going to work out for the rest of the season though against Pittsburgh but he played with the Minnesota Vikings and also the New York Giants uh he currently teaches physical education at Lake Nona and we also want to thank um coach Vladimir shre and Coach Greg bird and all of the other coaches and there were two moms that support the youth out there and the coaches Miss Tia and Miss Andrea uh we want to recognize you for your outstanding support as well also went to a ribbon cutting with the West Orange chamber at 26 03 South High wasi Road and this was for Pinot's uh pallet and that's a place for all of us adults that want to go out and do some painting uh the place is open they have wine and everything that you can bring or you can buy and purchase there uh at the facility you can also bring your food with you and they have instructors that can help you go through and do your painting so that was a a great uh event and I did get get an opportunity to paint some oranges on the uh orange tree you know just little circles so commissioner gray you could have done it too you know what I mean uh also too um this past Wednesday through Saturday I attended the uh NBC Leo Summer Conference which is the national black caucus of local elected officials Summer Conference at the U Western there in Fort Lauderdale Beach um Florida FL Lauderdale Florida and mayor Dyer I just want you to know that Mayor John Siler of Fort Lauderdale Jack Syer Jack Syer John Jack Syer like John buddy Dyer he was sporting his Orlando tie that you gave him so he made sure I I knew of that and so and he was sporting it very proudly too and then I also at that particular conference had an opportunity to meet uh Harriet Winslet who played that role on Family Matters uh along with Carl and URL Miss Joe Marie uh pton and Miss Joe Marie Payton has an excellent program that she's working with young people and I'd like to get her into the Orlando area to talk about doing some things with our young young ladies as well uh mayor I think that international house keeping the um Proclamation was great and what would be even greater is if that International housekeeping uh organization had an award that they can give each year to an outstanding uh housekeeper because they do play a very important role in making sure that the hospitality is felt and that people feel secure in their rooms and that kind of thing when they come and visit Orlando and also while at the NBC Leo Summer Conference on the 7th which was Friday night I received the presidential service award uh for my contributions and dedication and support of the ideals of public uh community service and this was presented to me by the NBC Leo uh National president mayor James walls out of District Heights Maryland and also mayor Johnny Ford of TUS skegee Alabama was uh there along with his wife retired um US federal judge uh Joyce Ford also on Saturday um the 8th we had Unity day here at the Dr James R Smith Center with uh district field worker Audrey Wilson of the firstborn Church of the Living God and this was the Sanford District so they brought their whole group of churches together here in uh district 6 and this is the third year in a row that they've done that so they feel very comfortable with our facilities at henkens Park and the Dr James R Smith Center and also on Saturday the seniors of el Claudia Allen Center and uh commissioner Mabel Butler uh they held their annual bid whis tournament uh there at the El Claudia Allen Center so that was a great event then also Saturday night uh bethon cookman booster club held its annual Visionary awards banquet at Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church so I was able to make that one for sure after we came back from Fort ladale on Saturday and uh some of the recipients that received this Visionary Awards uh was retired chief judge Belin Perry Jr uh former Orlando Police Chief Val demons and community resource official and retired Orange County Health Department uh official Larry Williams and then coming up on Saturday August the 15th is the district 6 annual crime prevention walk and back to school book bag giveaway and the walk is actually uh we're going to start staging about 8:00 a. at the Washington Shore Shopping Center located at 3599 Columbia Street the walk will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. and we will walk from uh the Washington Shore Shopping Center to the Frontline Outreach um at 3000 CR Smith Street uh here in Orlando and of course Commissioners coming up is the red tii golf celebrity Extravaganza event I want to promote it now at the Rosen Shingle Creek Golf uh Resort at 9939 Universal Boulevard so we're looking for everybody to get involved we need golf offers we need supporters uh you too can be a part of this event with the proceeds from this we help uh deal with a lot of our youth and a lot of the programming that uh we do with them and so it's a great worthy event and we look forward to some great things from that and that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner district one commissioner one more one more to go here we uh commissioner Hill I want to say thank you for bring bringing up the uh the performance by the kids of the of the community centers it it really was neat um the opportunity for the kids to to perform on a stage in a world class facility was great and and it was over two hours and I can say the last group got just as many cheers and Applause as the first group so it's a great event thanks for bringing it up um on the agenda A2 I want to talk about Goa real quick um we we all think about go of from the tourist perspective getting tourists in and out and that's very key and very important but I also want to give our folks credit uh for the role they play in our business Community uh it's key especially in my district with Medical City that we get people in and out of Medical City I got a lot of donors a lot of philanthropic organizations that need to come and see where their money's going and it's key to get folks in and out and and also from from a perspective of attracting businesses to Central Florida as we continue to grow the business Community we've got to have an an airport that gets people in and out and so uh gentlemen thanks for your leadership to you and and to your teams because uh the business perspective is growing and as important as the tour section in my view so thank you for that um on C1 the Tyson's Corner anation I want to uh uh give my support to that um the sponsors of that have been very patient while we've worked on um coming up with a joint planning agreement which leads me to uh item uh C6 which is the municipal planning board uh credit to to Michelle Beaman and and Elizabeth D and Dean gr and the crew for taking the time to um work with our neighbors in the county to to balance the need for growth along nusi road with land owners who have desire to develop their property but also to do our best to not disrupt the lifestyle that the County residents have and I think our folks have done a good job of balancing that and I submit um the mpb's recommendation to go to ordinance with that that was well done finally um I'm going to um um U let's see confess a conflict on item number 17 I mentioned that this morning in mayor I've given the clerk my conflict sheet I have done some business with the sponsor of that um it's it's a fine line but an abundance of caution I'll just declare conflict and and not vote on item 17 of uh the municipal planning board minutes so with that mayor I will recommend or make a motion to approve the consent agenda second acknowledging that we deferred item B2 that if you have a printed agenda may be on there this morning the agenda review meeting all right motion by commissioner gray second by commissioner Ortiz all in favor the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries so the consent agenda is passed sir who confess you know what okay we have a few more items to go here the next on the agenda is hearings and we have one hearing today on the proposed approval of the Fourth Amendment to the third amended and restated development order for the Millennia development of regional impact do I have a motion and a second so moved second motion by commissioner Sheen second by commissioner Stewart uh we have a motion to approve in a second does anyone from the public want to testify on this matter close the public hearing is there discussion among Commissioners hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries all right we have no ordinances on second read but we do do have a couple of ordinances on first read number one Madam Clark ordinance number 2015- 9 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida annexing to the corporate limits of the C of the city certain land generally located north of Columbia Street East of South Ivy Lane and south and west of ston Lane and comprised of 84 acres of land more or less amending the city's adopted growth management plan to designate the property as mixed use Corridor medium intensity on the city's official future land use maps and designating the property as the medium intensity mixed use Corridor District on the city's official zoning Maps providing for Amendment of the city's official future land use and Zoning Maps providing for severability correction of scrier errors and an effective date move to approve second motion by commissioner in second by commissioner Shen is there anyone from the public like testify on this matter discussion among Commissioners hearing none all in favor of the motion to indicate so by by saying I I those opposed motion carries number two Madam Clark ordinance number 25-41 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida resoning certain land generally located between Millennia lakes bulevard and Shingle Creek and south of Millennia Boulevard addressed as 543 Millennia Lakes Boulevard and comprised of approximately 4.04 acres of land from the O2 medium intensity office residential district to the ac2 urban Activity Center District providing for Amendment of the city's official zoning Maps providing for severability correction of scrier errors in an effective date so move second motion by commissioner Shen second by commissioner Rings is there anyone from the public that would like to testify on this matter discussion among Commissioners hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries and that concludes the official bsiness business of the Orlando city council for today thank you [Music] for