[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] o [Music] as part of the American City's climate challenge we partnered with ou and the science center to bring the Orlando tiny Greenhouse today visitors have an opportunity to engage in a lot of cool interactive features that'll be guiding them on how to save money and reduce their environmental impact even though this technology has evolved not everybody can 4V or solar right now so there's a lot of other um great highlights of lowcost and no cost opportunities to save residents money that you'll learn about uh when you visit the home and the greenhouse is on Wheels so we're going to be able to take around the community and have people enjoy it and learn from it in various different um areas of our community [Music] trailing thoughts from bumby [Music] path this is such a friendly neighborhood because people have been aggressively waving at me a lot today what is that sound I keep hearing behind me oh I'm dragging a child's kite how long have I been dragging that for and why didn't any of these nice people tell [Music] [Music] me [Music] this song hits f for me you see a lot of violence outside and you get used to it after a while for the past 4 weeks uh we have been teaching the kids about telling their own story you know they listen to music all the time and they don't recognize that a lot of these artists and stuff like that are they're really just telling their own story through lyrical pieces our goal each and every day is to get every single young king to tap into his ability and his his voice to constantly allow them to you know feel more comfortable even in the those spaces that might not be as safe but to be brave and to speak up for those things that they know they need to vocalize so I really want them to um find their internal value find things that they're passionate about um through this [Music] program [Music] good afternoon and welcome to the January 24th 2024 meeting of the Orlando city council we are going to begin today's proceedings with the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance both LED to Day by commissioner barari Burns commissioner all right thank you mayor if you all are so inclined please bow your heads and join me in the road of prayer dear heavenly father as We Gather here today as members of the Orlando city council we ask for your guidance and wisdom in all of our deliberations and decisions grant us the insight to serve our community with compassion and understanding and the strength inter act in the best interest of all of our residents we pray for Unity and cooperation among us as we work together for the betterment of our City May our actions reflect fairness and Justice and may we always seek to promote peace and Harmony in our community bless our city with prosperity safety and well-being and help us to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us may we be mindful of the needs of all of our citizens especially the most vulnerable Among Us in your name we pray amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands Nation God indivisible withy and justice for [Music] all okay I'm so used to saying Madame clerk see if I can get this right and call the meeting to order Mr clerk would you please call the role and make a determination of a quarum commissioner gray here commissioner Ortiz here commissioner Stewart here commissioner shean here commissioner Hill here commissioner Burns here mayor Dyer here mayor you have a quorum with all members okay let's take up for consideration the meeting minutes of the agenda review and City Council meetings of January 8 2024 motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner Stewart all in favor the motion to indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries and we will go right to Awards and presentations and recognition so today we are celebrating uh two retiring members of our Public Works team who have a combined um years of service for the city of Orlando of 84 years that's going to be hard to replace so I'd like to call on our Public Works director Cory Knight he's not one of the retirees he is going to introduce the retirees which are Kevin hulahan and Leanne Snipes yeah saw the one of my staff just told me are you sure you're going to be able to read this so um nothing like making me feel old but I said I'll try not to do it with my glasses on so mayor commissioner and esteem gu today is a special occasion As We Gather to celebrate the careers of two individuals who have left an indelible mark on the city of Orlando we are here to Bid Farewell and express our deepest gratitude to Kevin holahan and Leanne Snipes whose combined 84 years of dedicated service have significantly contributed to the betterment of our community first we bid farewell to a true stalwart of the city of Orlando Solid Waste division Kevin hulahan in his impressive 41 years of service Kevin's Journey from a humble welder to the position of section supervisor has been nothing short of extraordinary Kevin's commitment to the city has been unwavering serving under four different mayors and adapting seamlessly to the changing dynamics of Orlando's physical and political landscape his versatility was evident as he excelled in two distinct Solid Waste facilities showcasing resilience and a commitment to Excellence in every role Beyond his professional achievements Kevin's impact on the workplace was profound his infectious laughter jovial nature and unwavering support fostered a sense of camaraderie that has transcended office boundaries across six different Solid Waste division managers Kevin's fingerprints are found leaving a legacy of efficiency and Excellence as we bid farewell to Kevin we celebrate the well-deserved re retirement that awaits him although we will miss his phys physical presence in our office his legacy lives on in the hearts of those who had the privilege of working alongside of him in recognition of his exceptional service dedication and Leadership we pay tribute to Kevin Holan thank you for making the city of Orlando a better place may your retirement be filled with joy laughter and the companionship of loved ones congratulations Kevin on a well-deserved retirement may your years ahead be as vibrant and fulfilling as the Corvettes you so passionately admire cheers to you and may your legacy continue to inspire us all mayor Dy will you do the honor of reading his Proclamation well Corey I would do that if I had a proclamation do you have one why don't I just come down there we can make sure that'll happen Okay Kevin the city of Orlando is proud of the service rendered by its employees who have contributed in no small measure to the enhancement of the city beautiful as one of the most Progressive cities in the nation progress in municipal government is predicated for the greatest part upon the loyalty and efficiency of the employees and on their ability to carry out their duties in the highest tradition of Public Service on the occas of your retirement from the employee of the city of Orlando after 41 years of service the Orlando city council wishes to express its esteem of the Sterling qualities manifested in your devotion and loyalty to the city of Orlando now therefore I Proclaim grateful appreciation for your long and honorable record of faithful service with the city of Orlando and extend best wishes for good health and happiness [Applause] move that move that out of the way from come on let get a party all right make it a partybody picking up trash today that's the ga I love it I'm going to make it he wants to look a good man I do it again soon I got [Music] it I was told to say something just don't say a lot anyway it's been a marvelous 41 years I am truly thankful for everything I have done and accomplished and the people I've met they are the greatest people in the world and they'll always be in my heart for the rest of my life thank you thank you Kevin next we say our goodbyes to Leanne Snipes who has dedicated impressive 43 years of service to the city of Orlando Leanne began her journey in 1980 where she excelled to become the records custodian and supervisor of the records section developing and teaching training classes to arson investigators officers Communications staff and inspectors of the fire department in report writing and subpoena witness management for over 25 years as she Rose through the ranks in the fire department she was instrumental in modernizing the reporting systems and achieved significant cost savings for the city in 2011 she transitioned to Public Works and as an administrative assistant along with her duties she has also helped with rightaway coordination effort with all the utilities and communication companies she takes great pride in this service that she provided to the residents businesses developers other municipalities and City management Beyond her professional achievements Leanne actively was engaged in in volunteer work showcasing her compassion and dedication Leanne has also participated on several local and state boards during her tenure with the city as Leanne embarks on a well-deserved retirement she leaves behind a legacy of professionalism Innovation and community service we'll miss her expertise but wish her the very best in the new chapter of Joy adventure and family time thank you Leanne for your outstanding service service and congratulations on your retirement mayor dial will you do this honor of reading a proclamation for Leanne Leanne and this is uh surprisingly very close to the last one that I just read so Leanne on the occasion of your retirement from the employee of the city of Orlando after 43 years of service the Orlando city council wishes to express its esteem of the Sterling qualities manifested in your devotion and loyalty to the city of Orlando progress in municipal government is predicated for the greatest part upon the loyalty and efficiency of the employees and on their ability to carry out their duties in the highest tradition of public service now therefore I Proclaim grateful appreciation for your long and honorable record of faithful service with the city of Orlando and extend best wishes for good health and happiness awesome a lot of y'all up there aren't just Commissioners to me you're my friends and I hope that you know anytime that you call Public Works you're going to get help and I have a a great replacement his name's David varag so we're not going to let you down it's going to be seamless you're going to get all the help for your constituents and I want to tell you first I want to thank God for allowing me to work at the city for 43 years and I'm just grateful to everybody here and I actually brought asked my city family to be with me because my family's throwing me a big party next weekend so I just want to thank y'all for being a to work here like said the first thing I do I get my cars I thank God for you don't allow me to have this job with this City for so long and I just want to tell you I'm I'm a very grateful grateful employee here thank [Applause] you I'll move my thing out the way go on girl you're irreplaceable come on God I'm going to miss her yeah it's only because AT&T and all these other people won't do their damn job but she Chas him now how do you sneak in the middle of there huh yeah what [Applause] Hey [Music] [Music] Brother may you guys keep this up had to bring tissues that's right okay let's move right into the mayor's update um so I just really have uh two things the first is the weekend of uh February 2nd 3rd and 4th is going to be a fairly historic weekend in the city of Orlando on Sunday the 4th we will hold the Pro Bowl again we held that three years um consecutively uh it's been somewhere else the last couple years but it returns to the city of Orlando in a little different format there's um flag football and skills contest rather than an actual uh tackle football game so it will be uh broadcast all around the country all around the world so very significant and then on Friday before that we will have the opening of judson's which is the jazz club and the final venue uh for the Dr philli Center will open and if that's not enough for a weekend on Saturday February 3rrd it'll be the most historic day because it will be the first city in the State of Florida to host the US Olympic team trials Marathon so what that means is the best of the best long-distance Runners will be here in America or here in America here in Orlando representing America with the opportunity to go to Paris and represent the United states in the Olympics so um 375 athletes split between male and female the top three in each group will move on to Paris but it's going to be a really exciting weekend um we've had great Community Partners go sports and others that have been um at our side and our city staff with everybody that's been involved in any way in helping put that on please stand let us give you some thanks [Applause] yeah wow Jason I thought it was going to be you and David there just I know there are other people involved but so this involves um well the the lead uh Runners will probably finish in a little over two hours but others will um last a little bit longer on the course so that means that we will have streets that are closed for a pretty good period of time and 24 miles blocked off but there's a roughly an 8 Mile lap 68 mile lap that uh will be run a number of times so it doesn't spand an entire 26 miles but still there will be people that we've been trying very diligently to let know about the inconveniences that they may have on Saturday morning but the best way to look at this if you happen to be in the path is this is a once in a LIF time opportunity to see the Olympic trials pass right by your front yard how cool is that so invite some folks over and enjoy that and I want to thank Jason gohost Sports and all of our staff for the really hard important work that's been going on with that last thing that I have is uh end of this month we'll be celebrating commissioner Burn's birthday so why don't we give him a happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday commissioner Burns happy birthday to you commissioner Burns is still happily celebrating those birthdays some of us are not as we're celebrating but not as happily celebrating yeah this would be the Big 5 oh okay okay um things don't really change commissioner your back aches a little bit more you lose a little hair oops s years ago okay let's move on to the consent agenda the consent agenda a number of items that are look acted upon through a single vote of council uh we give each of our commission members an opportunity to comment on items that are on the consent agenda as well as updates you on um important happenings from their commission districts we rotate that the order that we do that commissioner Burns just happens to be first up today commissioner all right thank you mayor um first I'd just like to say thank you to the uh mayor's MLK commission for planning uh exciting weeks uh exciting week of events um that took place uh their mission to strengthen our community by promoting Dr King's Legacy of service equality justice peace respect and inclusion uh for all has been expressed through each event I was honored to attend and be a part of uh the MLK parade that took place on Saturday January 13th uh also on Monday January 15th I attended the author papy Kennedy 33rd annual prayer breakfast where uh Miss Mary Maxwell who's a long-term uh resident of district 6 was presented with the life Lifetime Achievement Award uh and I also attended the Great Day of Service where we endeavored to pack a million meals at the Orange County Convention Center so it was a great turnout thank you to all who came out to assist in that endeavor uh also i' would like to make a special acknowledgement again to the MLK commission and Greenup Orlando uh for the SE leads for a civil rights event that took place at Gilbert McQueen Park in the heart of district 6 and then also I had the opportunity of being with the MLK Commission on Friday night where they were uh acknowledged by the Orlando Magic for all the work that they do so just like to say thank you to Brandy who uh who's chaired this committee for a years years as well as Marcia and her team for doing such a great job also on Wednesday January 10th I had the uh privilege uh to join mayor D at the Grand Avenue um Neighborhood Center where we welcomed the ringland brothers uh circus to the Orlando community and it was a joy to see so many smiles and excitement of the children who were able to take part in some of those activities um also I see in the audience one of our uh one of the main things that we're looking to do in district 6 is to uh strengthen and Empower our neighborhood associations so I see uh one of our newest neighborhood association presidents Miss Deion Turner uh so thank you Dion for for being here um but also for stepping up her neighborhood association had been dormant for about 4 years uh so she stepped up so thank you uh again miss Turner on the agenda well upcoming events have my mobile office satellite office hours Wednesday January 24th at the El Claudia Allen senior center from 10:00 a.m. to 4 uh then on the agenda mayor um I just want to acknowledge A1 and say thank you uh to all the uh citizens who agreed to volunteer their time on the citizens Advisory board thank you for serving our uh our great City in that capacity also I'd like to uh acknowledge and and speak in support of the employment agreements uh A2 and three one for Miss Heather Bale and Leo Stony who uh work in my office uh they do a great job and it's a pleasure to uh serve alongside of them and that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner commissioner gray thank you mayor a couple of words of thanks um Friday the 12th I attended the groundbreaking for the UCF College of Nursing Pavilion the new building out at Lake n in the medical center and um the goal there is to uh train and deliver 100 fully trained capable nurses per year to Central Florida so uh a great opportunity but when you looked at they talked about the funding and you know uh Dr Phillips Foundation put up 10 million and Orlando Health and Advent Health contributed mly to it so it just reminded me among other things how lucky we are as a community to have foundations and and and not for profits that contribute and and give back to our community so we're very lucky to have those folks and and that was quite an event exciting time out there um also as commissioner burn said on the 13th uh attended the ML King Parade so thanks to the JC's for uh hosting that and organizing that it's quite a quite an effort but it was a lot of fun and and thanks to those folks uh and then on Wednesday last Wednesday the 14th attended the annual um Orlando economic partnership dinner the James be green award where Tom Cinema was given the James be green award and and primarily for his efforts with LIF Orlando which I think by any measure has been a huge success so congrats to to him um coming up some of you may have heard uh my leison officer Edgar Malave is going to retire and uh Edgar is kind of special he was with me since day one so he's been with me for 12 years but um we found a uh before I do that we're having a little going away for him Wednesday out at um the docside uh event center next to Canvas restaurant in laua park so uh if anybody would like to attend we'd love to have you 6:00 to 7:30 Wednesday uh to come and say goodbye to Edgar uh but we found a replacement didn't take long we found topnotch Mr David Evangelista hiding in the corner David give us a wave yeah David's gonna has the duty I convinced him to come to work with me so we'll see how that works out but David thanks for your efforts but uh we're looking forward to We Wish Edgar well he did a fabulous job for the community in district one and he's going to retire and he and his wife are going to move to Upstate New York and enjoy the snow so um if he's around this is last week if you get a chance to uh to see him say goodbye to him but he's been great so uh everything on the consent agenda I'm in favor of Mayor so uh with that I'll turn it over thank you commissioner commissioner Ortiz thank you mayor Saturday January 13th my team and I join the city uh commission for the 40th annual downtown Orlando MLK parade I just want to thank the Southwest Orlando JC's for organizing this great event commemorating MLK Jr and his five for equality I'm Maria thanks a lot for everything and Reggie where's Reggie also so thank you so much it was a great parade had a lot of fun saw a lot of friends that I haven't seen in a while so on Tuesday January 16th I joined do Manor for their annual HOA meeting thank you to the residents of do Manor for allowing me the opportunity to highlight upcoming District 2 event and updates um Wednesday January 17th I joined Ventura Country Club for the first uh neighborhood watch meeting ever I want to thank our new neighborhood watch specialist Arlene Valdez Corporal Keith Hernandez who here with us today um Sergeant Nick Collins and officer zap Zapata for attending and encouraging community policing in our neighborhoods for a safer District Thursday January the 18th my team and I attended Tri the Tri County League of cities at lunch and I want to give a huge thanks to Lisa portelli and anina quarantello for giving an awesome presentation on homelessness on also what the future holds for us as we come together with the whole region not only is not just going to be the city of Orlando or uh it's going to be the whole region who's going to be working on homelessness to help our homeless uh people in so many ways and great things are coming down the pipe so just stay tuned um and the government Academy starting on March 5th registration is pretty easy it's just call us at 47246 2899 and give us your email and we'll go ahead and hook you up for great time learning about the US and the way we do business with that mayor give my time thank you commissioner commissioner Stewart um thank you mayor and thank you um Commissioners I want to Echo also the great work of the MLK parade Merc thank you very much and to you and your staff and of course Brandy Han and the work that they do it's a it was it's a great team effort and what's neat about it is seeing all the different groups come together for the this one common cause and so we appreciate that thank you very much um Tony thank you for your work with uh Tri County League of cities as always you did great job in leadership but the idea of U bringing in the homelessness and and getting city um officials to talk a little bit from CommunityWide just in our area is important and I appreciate I was honored to be there with it and look forward to the the upcoming seminar for the Tri County so thank you very much for what you've done um on January 12th we had a ribbon cutting for the new juice stand over in packing District so if you haven't had a chance go by there and don't ask for juice ask for coffee um it's going to be over at the juice stand it's the name is the juice stand comes from the original juice stand that Dr Phillips put there at the corner of Highway um 441 and Princeton streets um I get a chance to go over the day today where they're officially open they we did the grand opening on the 12th and the ribbon cutting uh it's been great the leadership over there is really excited about being there and they've had a great day today so far which really excited about um the Florida League of cities uh session I mean the Florida legislature session has started um and uh I've been sending out updates every week every Friday try to do that during the course of the session uh if you're not getting those updates you'd like to just contact my office and give a sure email we're glad to send it to you uh next week is the um uh FLC or the far League of cities um legislative days and commissioner Ortiz and I'll will be up there I think um commissioner Hill are you going plan on going up during that time if you are for the Florida League of cities so I know that you're up there often for that so we're looking forward to going up there and advocating for our city so um last week we had the opening of the gravity Tap Room the official ribbon cutting excited about that in downtown Orlando it's in the north quarter uh and we're looking forward to trying to get some of the businesses in the north quarter together uh to try to see what we can do in that Community to help promote that community that P that particular portion um happy birthday to Lisa Lotti uh and uh me also share special thanks on the Olympic trials so Jason thank you for the work that you have done your leadership it means a great deal to our city and most importantly I think it will send a signal throughout our entire country that we're ready to take on these events again um postco so I appreciate that thank you very much uh some upcoming events I mentioned it last time but Lake Silver's having their Gator baby shower this week to help raise a little bit of awareness about some of their new stuff they're doing over at at Lake Silver Elementary um uh Orlando AR Orlando Museum of Art omart I'm sorry is having their Centennial event on the 26th uh and then of course um uh oton Park Garden District is having their annual bird call uh coming up um on February 1st another opportunity as as weather gets a little bit better a little bit nicer chance for us to promote our individual areas so uh special thanks to Kevin and to lean Snipes those two are people that we will certainly Miss um congratulations to them but but um uh they have left a wonderful Legacy and they have left a good example to follow so I appreciate that that's all I have mayor thank you commissioner commissioner Shen well thank you mayor and uh I'm really going to miss Edgar Edgar and Eddie looked very closely together and uh I don't think people realize how important the community Liaisons are to our districts they do so much in terms of crime prevention in terms of Outreach to the community and Edgar I think is the senior um you know leison and he is very much going to be missed and I would just like to give a little bit of admonishment to OPD you need to treat people a little bit Kinder because you don't need to be running these folks off because they do an amazing job for us and sometimes the chain of command doesn't seem to understand the importance of the leasons they don't just drive us around they do a very important function in terms of working with this community so I want to thank Edgar for his many many years of service and I just want to tell OPD you have an amazing um asset in these Liaisons so please understand that and respect the job that they do thank you um I I too will miss Kevin hulahan uh he's been very you know integral and and solid waste but um My Heart Belongs to Leanne Snipes I don't know what I will do without my go-to gal um anybody who has ever dealt with um util companies working in our right away it is a challenge it is a problem and they never ever call people back Leanne would get on it like a dog on a bone she would not let them get out of get out of doing the necessary repair work and um I don't know what we're going to do without her but because of Leanne Snipes you know those things got picked up the when the irrigation systems got broken they got fixed all those things that annoy residents when we're get when utilities are doing that kind of work it happened because Le and was there for so many years and she's just simply Irreplaceable and I'm certainly going to miss her and and uh no offense to her replacement but I do think she's Irreplaceable and Cory I know there's some big shoes to fill there but uh you know I know you got you've got some you got some losses there man but um but you know we have some really great amazing dedicated people here at the city of Orlando and they do wonderful work day in day out and they don't get nearly enough credit for the amount of work that they do and people love to complain about you know people in public service and everything like that but you know what 99% of the time they get it right let's not concentrate on the 1% of the time something goes wrong so again wonderful people that who will be very very much missed um on the agenda today um the lake Olive drawell I know my residents have been looking forward to this for a long time especially when they're freaking out about you know hurricanes and flooding and things like that so I'm glad to see that um on the agenda today um and also on item C4 the marathon in Orlando that's an amazing amazing event most of it's happening in District 4 so if you are in Lake Yola Heights Losa FR Creek Lake Davis or belir you are going to be impacted okay it is going to be inconvenient it's also super cool so the information about the road closures are are on orlando. if you have any concerns about it please look at it we're going to all the neighborhood meetings are reaching out and telling people and I know uh Jim Young's been doing a great job of of informing folks but you know what there's always going to be somebody say they didn't know you can't not know there's a there's going to be Road closur it's going to be inconvenient please make sure you know the route and and and prepare ahead of time this is an Olympic trial so it is going to be a closed course A lot of people are used to the marathons and things where they will open up the course this is going to be closed course so you're not going to be able to get through on that 8 Mile Loop so closures are going to occur her all day familiar familiarize yourself with these routes but this is kind of cool in high school I know a lot of people I'm not exactly the biggest jock but I actually ran cross country in in high school and this is really a dream come true for me I went John Hughes was my coach in high school and I know this is a lifelong dream for John and Betsy you know with the Track Shack so um we are going to have the elite marathon runners in the country here in Orlando for an amazing experience so let's be SM smart let's prepare and have an amazing experience that day because to to have that here in Orlando is really really something and and like I say it's been a long time since I've run even a half marathon but it's a pretty cool thing to have here in Orlando but the biggest message I can say is prepare prepare prepare because it's going to be it's going to be inconvenient but it's going to be super cool at the same time and that's all I had mayor thank you thank you commissioner commissioner Hill thank you mayor Dar and good afternoon everyone one um just talking about a few uh things on the agenda that I am also supporting um and and thank you also commissioner Ortiz for the work that you're doing at uh on our Tri City uh league and especially bringing forth uh uh the awareness when it comes to homelessness and homelessness not just being a a city issue but we know a national issue but most so uh bringing on that Tri County component and seeing what we can do uh to put things in place um I'd like to talk more about you with that I think I bring a wealth of knowledge and information to add on to that dialogue if possible somewhere down the road at the Tri County component so uh if you need my services I'll be glad to to work with you on that it's near and dear to me and it helps out uh District 5 and Paramore seriously um with that also being said I like to also uh offer my congratulator on uh with lean and also Mr Kevin on 84 years wow that is uh as commissioner shean stated long time to serve a a great City and I'm certain our city uh it's going to be U is greater because of it and Corey thank you for your leadership yes it is 84 years isn't something that you can just concur but you have folks there now that still have that same type of tenue and I like to think great leaders prepare for the future and I know those two responsible and committed uh stewards that we had there in public works have prepared uh the Next Generation to continue to lead the city how old is our city 140 something plus years old so uh anytime we leave this deas or whoever leaves department the city will continue on but they will be missed but um with that also being said uh I am um excited to see B10 which is the purchase of 1203 West Gore Street being purchased to make it a Administrative Office for keep Orlando beautiful and a few others which is a very important uh building when it comes to uh black Orlando one of our uh first builders that really start building here with the venues and offering a multitude of jobs and Apprenticeship Training uh was the owner of that building uh up until uh he got ill and that was Bob Burns and to see the city being able to purchase that building and and uh reactivated um here in the city with so many uh great uh employees once again that's helping us to continue to move the city along so I'm very well in support of that uh I was uh didn't didn't know it was happening until it happened but I was uh of somewhat uh Mindful and Afraid what was to become of that building when I saw that it was up for sale so as again uh Lori bodson through your leadership marire great choice and decision and I support it fully um also on C1 I am in support of um it's in the AP uh mpb but it is for affordable housing complex um something that we haven't done I know uh since my tenure but I would say in close to 40 plus years they're in the Ivy Lane Corner any type of affordable housing or development has happened in that corner uh outside of back in U mael Butler Reserve when we did the 52 homes with the partnership of um housing what is uh goodness graci habitat habitat uh uh habitat for uh housing so I'm glad to see these units come up and look forward to continued growth there I it reminds me of Mercy Drive when we chose ability housing to come and start a affordable housing complex there and they say why would you develop em Mercy Drive and now because of that one development all of the progress that have taken place there in Mercy Drive because of that one project and how the the community mindset in the children lives have been enhanced and now I think we're four affordable complexes in in that vulnerable Community uh because of that one project and this is what I see this project being is that cond do it uh there in that Ivy Lane corer um to uh transitional um uh rehabilitations on the homes uh more services coming to our seniors there in that corner I know you're there uh commissioner through uh Orange Blossom health and it reminds me when they said no no no no we don't want our health care this is for homeless this is for the poor and now that is one of the most attended I think ha Affordable Health Care Facilities I would say in Central Florida every time I go there the parking lot is full and and we did get a little push back on this project but sometime we must push ahead when we know it's the right thing to do and I think this project is the right thing to do and we know we have affordable housing crisis throughout the nation but here in the city of Orlando that's truly affordable and this project is truly affordable and uh Becky thank you for coming out and explaining this project uh two weeks ago to the community and you all have my full support on this I attended as uh many of the Commissioners along with mayor D many of the MLK um Commission merid MLK commission projects from the uh the kickoff here at City Hall over to the um Unitarian Church all the way to the papy Kennedy breakfast uh the luncheon the fam you form what a great week of arm Martha Luther King uh Mar with your commission and just being that Visionary almost 20 plus years ago on pushing this forward and it was a very informative as was stated I think by commissioner Ortiz seeing great Community leaders and then our upand cominging generation throughout the area of uh being a dream that I think Martha Luther King uh Jr Dr Martha Luther King Jr uh hoped for and that wasn't um a uh community that was all black when we went to all of these events it was a mixed event of people that just want to do good work for the greater good for mankind and that's what made it so special uh to me especially um in divisive times that we have which just was a unified effort here in the city of Orlando and in surrounding areas that came together talking about inclusion on January 23rd here in District 5 the Orlando magic will be hosting the magic of inclusion accept this luncheon uh it is to honor uh Joe and Renee Engles of culture City uh and it is to inform and bring people aware to this nonprofit that's leading the way when it comes to sensory inclusion I think often times we forget about inclusion and we just think about equity and color and certain other barriers but that sensory inclusion special to me also uh and it's become something that's even more special for me now that I have a young grandson that has been diagnosed with autism and they are special kids they're great kids but they have special needs and uh to see these uh uh nonprofits in Orlando Magic really focusing on these invisible disabilities uh I commend them and I look forward to to a lot of the great things that they're going to do uh with those funds and this particular nonprofit and I know our city mayor I've spoken with Lisa uh early and it's premature but our our uh Recreation Center is becoming a little bit more enhanced when it comes to these sensory uh inclusive uh programs on um Janu 24th over at the great Jones High School I say that because commissioner Burns is a Jones High tiger uh a few days younger than myself a few classes behind but they will be having from 4:40 to 7:30 p.m. a um job Expo and we'll have colleges there uh University Representatives that will be giving out scholarships on site I will say that this again scholarships on site uh you can bring your sat and your ACT scores uh your resume there's still time to bring your I mean to take your SAT and ACT so don't hesitate to come if you haven't completed that as yet just bring your unofficial transcripts some letters of recommendations and a personal essay on why I want to attend college and I always stay uh college is the greatest equalizer education period doesn't have to be College can be technical or whatever component but long as you have some type of skill set that is the greatest equalizer rather if you live in District One throughout District Six you got a solid uh solid skills or degree the sky the limit then on um February the 2nd um in District 5 at our Callahan Neighborhood Center we'll be having local business owners professional athletes engineers and other Scholars that have partnered with us to create a discussion panel for the purpose of becoming aware of the problems that's facing our inner city and I like to say not at risk but at promise uh Youth and they'll be working with these place I truly believe in order to behold it sometime you have to touch feel and see it so we're bringing these great Community uh stewards into the Paramore area to speak with our young adults that are at promise uh to find out some of their challenges find out some of their obstacles and also give them some some uh uh pointers and engage them on how did the next person get there and because most of these folks that we're bringing on board grew up in the same conditions that the students in the uh uh kids there in the Paramore area have so it's doable and we want them to know that it is success is for them also so thank you Curtis Manning our Senate director for helping to uh put this together anyone this is not just for District 5 this is for any youth throughout the city or county our organization that might want to bring their uh young adults to participate and this very important dialogue because I would say if we ask uh Chief Smith that he's having more arrest from 13 14 15 year olds than he did when he started as a uh OPD officer and so we want to try to catch them while they're young versus have to deal with it uh at an older um and a more costly cause because we know murders are up with our juveniles you know I hate to call a thing a thing but this type of work is so very important and lastly I would uh stayed on February 17th I've partnered with over in your District commissioner um Stuart not trying to cross over but you got some good stuff going on over there so I went and got a little bit for myself uh over at the Concord uh Career Institute on that Saturday February the 7 uh it's called making Orlando smile and it's at 3421 lton Road um they're right behind Fashion Square from 7:30 to 5:30 please bring all your children for free dental cleanings space is limited so please register at Concord FYI orlandos smile.com or you can call my office and they will be able uh to assist you with that uh and with that mayor I'll move to the um agenda forward motion by commissioner H second by commissioner Shen discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries okay if you were just here for consent agenda and have somewhere else you would like to be for the rest of the meeting now would be the best time for you to do that okay Ken you're up let's move to hearings ordinances second reading number one ordinance number 2023 34 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida relating to parking as accessory use amending Chapter 58 part 5A Land Development code entitled General requirements amending chapter 61 part 3A Land Development code entitled off street parking amending chapter 66 of the Land Development code entitled definitions providing for severability codification correction of scrier errors and effective date motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Shi do we have any cards for Testimony no speakers maam no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor the motion indicat so by saying I I those opposed motion carries number two ordinance number 20 23- 51 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending chapter 6 of The Land Development code entitled definitions by amending the definition of substantial enlargement providing severability codification correction of scriveners errors and effective date Move Motion back to Mr Sheen second commissioner Hill any cards no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries number three ordinance number 202 24-1 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida relating to signs amending chapter 62 part 3 Land Development code entitled appearance review standards amending chapter 6 part four Land Development code entitled specially planned areas amending chapter 64 part one Land Development code entitled introduction and general requirements amending chapter 64 part 2C Land Development code entitled specific on-site signs amending chapter 64 part 7 Land Development code entitled temporary signs amending chapter 64 part 8 Land Development code entitled special signs districts providing for severability codification correction of scrier errors and effective date so Move Motion by commissioner burn second by commissioner Stewart do we have any cards no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none on in favor the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries number four ordinance number 202 24-2 in ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida amending provisions of the Land Development code to update the available bonuses for low and very lwi income housing developments providing legislative findings for and severability codification correction of scrier errors and an effective date move to adop motion by commissioner burn second by commissioner Stewart do we have any cards for Testimony no speakers mayor discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries ordinances first read number one ordinance number 2024-25 Orlando city code to modify section 15.03 relating to sustainability building benchmarking requirements providing for severability codification correction of scrier errors and an effective date motion by commissioner Ortiz second by commissioner Stewart any cards no speakers mayor no testimony discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed motion carries number two ordinance number 202 24-5 in ordinance of the city council of the city of Orlando Florida relating to Regional public facility signage approving an amending design plan for Amway Center now known as the Kia Center Geico garage and Advent Health Training Center for the Orlando Magic pursuant to section 64.3 to0 Orlando city code providing for conflicts penalties severability Corrections and scribers errors permit disclaimer and an effective date someone second motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner Shen any request for Testimony no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none all favor of the motion in case so by saying I I I those opposed motion carries number three ordinance number 202 24-6 an ordinance of the city of Orlando Florida relating to Florida building code amending Article 1 chapter 13 Orlando city code to adopt the Florida building code 8th Edition 2023 providing local administrative amendments to the Florida building code and ultimate designed wind speed for buildings and other structures within the City providing for a transmitt to the Florida building commission cability codification correction of scrier errors and effective date motion by commissioner she and second by commissioner Stewart any cards for participation no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries number four ordinance number 20 24-7 an ordinance amending chapter 8 city code Aviation to authorize greater Orlando Aviation authority to arrange for the provision of Crash and Rescue Services at Orlando Executive Airport providing legislative findings definitions penalties and for severability codification correction of scrutinous errors and an effective date second motion by commissioner Hill second by commissioner Shen any cards no speakers mayor no speakers discussion hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate so by saying I I those opposed and so the motion carries that concludes the agenda business for today Edward get us ready for General [Music] appearance [Music]