7:02 on July 23rd 2024 and I will call the  regular City Commission meeting for the   city of Ormond Beach to order uh I hope  you felt welcomed as you came in tonight   our planning director Steven spraker and our  IT manager Chuck Osteen served as greeters   tonight if you needed a card to speak they  would have handed you one I do have a few   cards here uh and I'd like to introduce the  folks who are sitting up in front of you   to my right your left recording secretaries  Taylor Lochert and Justin Isaacs with us next   is city clerk Susan Dauderis our Zone one commissioner  LoriTolland good evening everyone and welcome zone   two commissioner Travis Sargent good  evening everyone to my left and your   right our zone three commissioner Susan Persis  good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome   then our deputy mayor in zone four commissioner  Harold Briley good evening everyone and welcome   city manager Joyce Shanahan and assistant  city manager Shawn Finley making his first appearance then we have City attorney  Randy Hayes don't feel bad about   no applause Randy they're they're  used they're used to you being here   police chief uh way to my left and way to your  right we have the chiefs who do an amazing job   for our city police chief Jesse Godfrey and fire  chief Howard Bailey for those of you listening   online you can clap for that absolutely uh I'm  Mayor Bill Partington and at this time if you   would silence your cell phones uh and rise  for the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance invocation tonight  given by Reverend Willie branch and we recognize our unwellness for thy goodness  oh Father we come not asking for your Justice we   ask for your mercy we realize our need for Clear  heads retaining Minds in our in your wisdom and   Direction give us that which we need to do  the work that is before us as we invoke your   blessing upon all of us this day granted oh Lord  and that what we will do we will honor you and our   city it's in your name I pray amen amen I pledge allegiance to  the flag of the United States of America and to   the Republic for which it stands one nation under  God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right we are on 4A adoption of the  fiscal year 2425 tenative millage rate   and I'll ask uh the clerk to read 4A by title  Please RESOLUTION NO. 2024-97: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROPOSED MILLAGE RATES FOR THE 2024-2025 FISCAL YEAR; ESTABLISHING THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR THE FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED MILLAGE RATES AND THE TENTATIVE BUDGET; DIRECTING COMMUNICATION; EXPRESSING LEGISLATIVE INTENT; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE.   read by title only thank  you and per Florida statute I'm required to state   that the tentative millage rate for the city of  Ormond Beach necessary to fund the fiscal year   2425 budget is 4.0960 Mills this rate is 12.82%  above the roll back rate of 3.6305 Mills the   tentative Debt Service millage is 0.065 for the  2010 General obligation Bond syncing fund this   is a public hearing are there any members of  the public who wish to speak or ask questions   prior to adoption of the tenative millage rate  did you get any cards Madam clerk no I did not all right at this time uh I'll ask for a motion  and second to adopt the tentative millage rates   move approval second second moved and seconded  the tentative operating millage of 4.0960 Mills   is 12.82% above the rolled back millage rate of  3.6305 Mills the resolution also includes adoption of   the tenative Debt Service millage rate of 0.065  for the 2010 eneral obligation Bond syncing fund   where's Kelly did I read all that correctly Kelly  okay thank you all right at this point uh please   call the vote commissioner Tolland yes commissioner  Sargent yes commissioner Persis yes commissioner   Briley yes mayor Partington yes the tentative  operating millage rate is now set at 4.96 Mills   which is 12.82% above the rolled back millage rate  of 3.6 305 Mills and thank you all very much for   that uh the reason that went so smoothly is we  had a hour and a half of uh Workshop prior to   this meeting and then we had a few weeks prior  to both of these meetings today for us to meet   individually with staff and kind of go back and  forth with with all the different numbers so Joyce   thank you and your staff for putting that together  also the budget Advisory Board weighed in on   on everything I know it's a lot of uh work  but you were able to to get it done well   thank you Mr Mayor but all the credit goes to  the finance director uh Kelly McGuire and the   assistant Finance director Chris Byle they do an  excellent job every year with great dedication   and great um efficacy so we're very grateful  for that awesome thank you and now we will uh   move to audience remarks starting with ronei  hopefully I said that right David and Nancy Epps how are you and we do have a PowerPoint  so I'll wait until it's started but thank you   very much for having us here tonight mayor and  council members Commissioners rather I'm sorry   I was on the pwn Town Council so uh I used to  be the mayor so it's kind of comforting to be   here again but uh we started in 1979 this is the  conin Conklin Davis Center today but we started as   the Conklin center for the multiply handicap blind  which we don't use that term anymore but it is a   unique place in the United States actually not  just Florida but the whole United States so we   serve people who are not only blind but have  additional disabilities including things like   cerebal palsy autism spectrum uh delayed learning  of course we deal with some deafness but we're   unique in the other types of disabilities  that we work with so we just wanted to give   you a little bit of an idea of who we are and  what we do because we do affect the uh Volusia   County area of Volusia Flagler grav and putam so  you know obviously we serve the entire County of   Volusia and these are some of the programs that we  offer and I'm going to let our CEO Ronnie Ronnie take I always have to lower microphon wherever  I go thank you for inviting us here today um my   name is Ronnie David I've been at the center  for 32 years and um some of the photos you   see here um are talking about our services and  this one right here is a job simulation like   like a workshop type and we have um a partnership  with Metro Electronics in Daytona Beach and they   Supply uh parts to our our job simulation area  it's kind of like a little mini Manufacturing   that the students do and we pay them a wage but  we uh use it as as an assessment process where   we assess their work related skills while  they're in the program and um during that   period of time so they learn how to work and  how to get to work on time and how to budget   their money um so we have really the the um  residential program that we uh took over in   2021 is as Nancy was saying a very unique program  there's nothing like it in the United States and   the campus that we're located on um in Daytona  Beach is quite unique as well uh what you see on   the screen right now we have local artists that  work with us from the Daytona uh Art League and   our building is filled with paintings it looks  it's really beautiful it looks like a gallery   as you can see here's a picture of our lobby  with the paintings the paintings are all all   all the hallways in the building it's it's really  beautiful these are some of our supporters and   partners and uh we just uh are about to start a  new program with our students where we received   a grant to create an art program for visually  impaired people and our artists are working   with us on developing that so we have some  quite Innovative type programs that we offer   and um time's up great thank you very much thank  you so much for hearing us and please visit us   at 405 White Street for a tour sure will thank you  appreciate all you do Becky Parker with Ormond Main Street hello I'm Becky Parker I am the executive  director of Ormond Beach Main Street have a couple   of fun things to share with you tonight but  I first wanted to recognize the departure of   Claire Whitley um who was a great friend to um  our organization and um we will definitely miss   her but um we love Shawn Finley so we're excited  to continue that that that partnership and thank   you for everything um you've done uh with us so  far and um looking looking forward to continuing   to working with you um so we whenever possible  uh try to honor and recognize the people that   um make Ormond Main Street and and all of our  projects um possible we are a volunteer-led   organization um we have two staff members and  um we use um we utilize the efforts of about   250 volunteers over the course of a year so um  recently last week we were in Tallassee for the   uh Secretary of State Awards um they're about 60  other Main Street programs across the State of   Florida so we're talking thousands and thousands  of of people that um our candidates were running   against but I we nominated our board member uh  Nancy Cortez to win board member of the year   which she did and taes franka who owns um art  Spotlight for um business owner of the year so   I just wanted to honor them recognize them and um  they are putting Ormond Beach on the map and um just   happy that we have business owners and volunteers  like them so lastly we have Christmas and July   coming up on Saturday I hope everyone's going  to go out and see Santa and I will be dressed   up as an elf um escorting him around we've got  over 50 businesses participating and this is   just a way it's a free event it's just a way  to um this is a slow slow time of year for a   lot of our small locally owned businesses um the  restaurants and shops will be happy to see you   and they'll have lots of treats and surprises  and that's about it thank you awesome thank   you all right that is all the cards that I have  and uh we will move to approval of minutes the   minutes have been sent to the commission for  review also posted to the city's website any   additions deletions or Corrections commission  these are the June 4th 2024 regular appr second   moved and seconded all those in favor say I I  oppose like sign and we'll show those passing unanimously the following items are community  redevelopment items the city Commission in Ormond   Beach serves as the community redevelopment  agency of the city and must review these   items and make a recommendation as the CRA  therefore at this time we will recess the city   Commission meeting and call the CRA meeting  to order uh as chairman of the CRA I'll open   the public hearings and ask our secretary to  read uh 7A please RESOLUTION NO. 2024-98: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION, ALSO ACTING AS THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A LUMP SUM RELOCATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND FP&L REGARDING THE UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES AT THE INTERSECTION OF N. HALIFAX AND E. GRANADA BLVD.; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT THEREFORE; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. only thank you I do not have any cards on  this item is there any discussion I just   say one thing and that this is long overdue  and I move that we approve this second so   sorry as chairman I'll accept this is your  uh motion to recommend commend to the city   Commission of Ormond Beach a very good-look  group of people that uh we approve this   and yes sir commissioner Persis was a second  correct yes all right any further discussion   or questions all those in favor please say  I I I and we'll move to 7B RESOLUTION NO. 2024-99: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION, ALSO ACTING AS THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A LETTER OF AGREEMENT FOR CUSTOM WORK AND ESTIMATE OF ACTUAL COST GOVERNMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND AT&T REGARDING THE UNDERGROUNDING OF UTILITIES AT THE INTERSECTION OF N. HALIFAX AND E. GRANADA BLVD.; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT THEREFORE; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. read by title only thank you again I don't have  any cards I move approval of resolution number   202 24-9 second moved and seconded any further  discussion or questions uh all those in favor   please say I I oppose like sign and uh we  will show both of those recommendations to   the commission passing unanimously I'll close  the public hearings we'll reconvene the city   commission meeting and uh now that we have the uh  recommendation from the CRA board as to 8A and 8B   uh we can move to the consent agenda does any  commissioner wish to pull any items off of the   consent agenda Mr may I move approv the consent  agenda as submitted second moved and seconded   uh please call the vote commissioner Briley yes  commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent yes   commissioner Persis yes mayor Partington yes uh  9A I will open the public hearings and ask the   clerk to read 9A please ORDINANCE NO. 2024-11: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2-262, SCHEDULE OF CIVIL FINES, OF DIVISION 3, CLASSIFICATION OF VIOLATIONS AND FINES, OF ARTICLE VII, CODE ENFORCEMENT, OF CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION; SECTION 8-3, LOCAL AMENDMENTS TO BUILDING CODE, OF ARTICLE I, IN GENERAL, OF CHAPTER 8, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS; AND SECTION 8-4.1, RESERVED, OF ARTICLE I, IN GENERAL, OF CHAPTER 8, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, TO IMPLEMENT THE STATE MANDATED MILESTONE INSPECTIONS, REPORTS, AND REPAIRS WITHIN SECTION 553.899 OF THE FLORIDA STATUTES FOR CONDOMINIUM OR COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION BUILDINGS THREE STORIES OR HIGHER; REPEALING ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (SECOND READING) read by title only thank you and uh I don't  have any cards question Deputy Mayor and I   guess this would just be to Randy I guess this  is probably more housekeeping than anything just   to comply with the state law yes okay I my only  concern was I didn't know with all of the three   plus story condominiums in the State of Florida  how they were all going to be you know certified   by a set date but I know this is just general  housekeeping apply complying with state law so   I'll be I'll vote for the measure good deal thank  you Mr absolutely any other questions I move   approval of ordinance number 2024-11 second moved  and seconded please call the Vote commissioner Tolland   yes commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis  yes commissioner Briley yes mayor Partington yes   9B ORDINANCE NO. 2024-12: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING CERTAIN UPDATED SCHEDULES TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING WHEN SUCH UPDATES SHALL TAKE EFFECT; REPEALING ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (SECOND READING) thank you I don't have any cards on this one move  approval second move been seconded any discussions   or questions for Stephen if not please call the  vote commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis   yes commissioner Briley yes commissioner Tolland  yes mayor Partington yes 9 C ORDINANCE NO. 2024-13: AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING ONE PARCEL OF REAL PROPERTY INTO THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, SAID PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1281 NORTH U.S. HIGHWAY 1, VOLUSIA COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER 4206-00-00-0030; SETTING FORTH ZONING PRIVILEGES AND OBLIGATIONS REGARDING THE PROPERTY; REDEFINING THE TERRITORIAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH TO INCLUDE THE PROPERTY; REDESIGNATING THE BOUNDARIES OF ZONE 1 OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH TO INCLUDE THE PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMISSION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (SECOND READING) only thank you uh again no cards move approval of  ordinance number 2024-13 second Mo been seconded   any discussion or questions please call the  commissioner Persis yes commissioner Briley   yes commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent  yes mayor Partington yes 9 D ORDINANCE NO. 2024-14: AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING ONE PARCEL OF REAL PROPERTY INTO THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, SAID PROPERTY BEING LOCATED AT 651 SOUTH RIDGEWOOD AVENUE, VOLUSIA COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER 4242-20-32-0100; REDEFINING THE TERRITORIAL BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH TO INCLUDE THE PROPERTY; REDESIGNATING THE BOUNDARIES OF ZONE 2 OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH TO INCLUDE THE PROPERTY; SETTING FORTH ZONING PRIVILEGES AND OBLIGATIONS REGARDING THE PROPERTY; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMISSION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (SECOND READING)   of ordinance number 2024-14 read by title only  thank you uh no cards on D move approval second   any further discussion or questions please call  the vote commissioner Briley yes commissioner Tolland   yes commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis  yes mayor Partington yes 9e ORDINANCE NO. 2024-16: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, DISTRICT AND GENERAL REGULATIONS, ARTICLE VI, OVERLAY DISTRICTS, SECTION 2-71, HISTORIC DISTRICTS AND LANDMARKS, OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMENDING THE NAME OF THE HISTORIC LANDMARK AT 38 EAST GRANADA BOULEVARD FROM THE “MACDONALD HOUSE” TO THE “STOUT-MACDONALD HOUSE” ON THE HISTORIC LANDMARKS LIST; REPEALING ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE.   we've been seconded uh the only thing I'll say it  came with a unanimous recommendation from the his   Landmark board any other questions or comments all  right please call the vote commissioner Tolland yes   commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis yes  commissioner Briley yes mayor Partington   yes 9F ORDINANCE NO. 2024-17: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR THE “ARCHER’S MILL, PHASE 2” SUBDIVISION, SHOWN WITHIN PHASE 3 OF THE PLANTATION OAKS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT; ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS AND EXPIRATION DATE OF APPROVAL; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. thank you uh no cards so second any further  discussion or questions please call the vote   commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis yes  commissioner Briley yes commissioner Tolland yes   mayor Partington yes 9g ORDINANCE NO. 2024-18: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR THE “ARCHER’S MILL, PHASE 6” SUBDIVISION, SHOWN WITHIN PHASE 3 OF THE PLANTATION OAKS PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT; ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS AND EXPIRATION DATE OF APPROVAL; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. thank you no cards on G move approval second moved  and seconded any further discussion or questions   please call the vote commissioner Persis yes  commissioner Briley yes commissioner Tolland yes   commissioner Sargent yes mayor Partington yes 9h  ORDINANCE NO. 2024-19: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR THE “TIDES EDGE AT ORMOND BEACH” SUBDIVISION; ESTABLISHING CONDITIONS AND EXPIRATION DATE OF APPROVAL; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 2024-19 read by title only thank you you I don't  have any cards just need a motion in a second   approval I think Mr bre would like to speak Mr  Mayor he's welcome to yep Steven you want to   put something on the record good evening uh Steven  Spraker planning director so during the subdivision   uh process for this um this project staff receiv  received concerns about grading and storm water   for the subdivision the applicant and staff  have worked with residents in the area one of   the result of discussion was the arrangement for  gutters to be installed um on certain property   so there are certain properties located um here  this lot here and this lot here so those actually   about existing single family houses so one of  the agreements between uh the resident um lot   11 which is down here on Magnolia was a gutter  system to be installed by the home builder what   we would ask the commission to do is to condition  this plat to requires gutters on Lots 11 7 and   four and that would be constructed during the home  construction we believe that will help with storm   water to ensure the waters coming off the building  will go directly into the storm water system so   staff is recommending approval the planing board  recommend approval the developer is willing to uh   accept that plat and construct The Gutter and  the project engineer is here if there are any   questions thank you Stephen and that language is  in the ordinance as far as the gutters go it needs   to be an amendment it is not in it so we'll  Entertain Entertain an amendment commissioner   Tolland question so gutter on the structures on the  structures for lot 11 7 and four and do is were   there any problems with like flooding um from like  do we have to do added swailes or anything like   that from this property to the existing property I  mean we certainly don't want to burden not burden   but flood you know existing homes so the storm  water design was to ensure that all the water the   stays on the subdivision but there there is a gr  difference right but the the design is to go into   the storm water ponds which you see here in the  rectangles the gutters will will assist further so   we're we believe we're going above and beyond what  the typical storm water system would go as the   project the project is still under construction as  the project goes to to the Final close out there   will be a survey that shows that it is constructed  part the approved plan the the engineer who   designed this will have to certify that it's  designed per the plan perfect and we will continue   to watch it after acceptance there's a one-year  Bond so if there are issues we will continue to   watch unfortunately there really hasn't been  a heavy enough rain to to see exactly how it   will operate under a heavy storm great thank you  Mr Mayor and if there's no other discussion I'll   move approval of uh item H uh with the amendment  to require gutters on Lots 11 7 and four second   during construction the G okay so  we'll vote on the amendment first   to 9h and uh we have a motion in a  second for that yeah that's what he said Madam clerk if you would call the  vote on the amendment commissioner Briley   yes commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent  yes commissioner Persis yes mayor Partington yes   and now uh if you would call the vote I don't  believe there's any further questions or comments   on 9h as amended to include gutters during  construction on the structure be required   for Lots 11 7 and four this is 20 24-19  commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent   yes commissioner Persis yes commissioner Briley  yes mayor Partington yes 9I ORDINANCE NO. 2024-20: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH BY AMENDING THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP TO CHANGE THE DESIGNATION OF 1.33± ACRES, LOCATED ALONG BENTON STREET, NORTH OF ATLANTIC ROAD (VOLUSIA COUNTY PARCEL NUMBERS 3136-01-34-0220 AND 3136-01-01-0022) FROM ‘MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL” TO “LOW INTENSITY COMMERCIAL”; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; AUTHORIZING TRANSMITTAL; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. title only thank you and I don't have any cards  on n i I move approval of ordinance number 20   24-20 second who've been seconded any discussion  or questions for Steven please call the vote   commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis  yes commissioner Briley yes commissioner Tolland yes   mayor Partington yes 9j RESOLUTION NO. 2024-112: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING CONSENT TO ORMOND BEACH ARTS DISTRICT, INC., FOR THE PUBLIC DISPLAY OF SEWARD JOHNSON SCULPTURES WITHIN THE DOWNTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR CONDITIONS; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. it did say if needed I'm sorry I just saw that  Julia um I will just put in my plugin anyway   that's right I'm Julia trulo I am the President  of the board of directors for Ormond Beach Arts   District and uh firstly we want to say thank  you for your support for this project it has   been an amazing uh Journey for us I wanted you  to know that we have 13 sculptures sponsored so   we've raised $52,000 to bring pieces to Ormond  Beach and uh that I will leave you to it thank   you a thank you great news just need a second  moved and seconded uh any other discussion oh   commissioner Persis with a I I just want to  say this this brings Economic Development   to our city it is so exciting um it improves our  beautification in our city and our quality of life   which is the Cornerstone of Ormond main streets  Mission which I know so thank you all so much good stuff anyone else I just want to say I  concur um commissioner Persis I'm very proud   of of of you all and what you're bringing to the  city and um I'm really excited to see it and I   hope that we can continue this program in the  future thank you commissioner Tolland and uh with   that I'll ask that the clerk call the vote  commissioner Persis yes commissioner Briley   yes commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent  yes mayor Partington yes and we will close the   public hearings and uh go to First reading of  ordinances starting with 10A ORDINANCE NO. 2024-21: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.3-24, TIE-DOWN FEES, OF ARTICLE III, AIRCRAFT GROUND OPERATIONS, OF CHAPTER 3.3, AIRCRAFT AND AIRPORT, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA; REPEALING ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF; PROVIDING SEVERABILITY; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. first reading of ordinance number 2024-21 read by  title only thank you I don't have any cards is   Brian here Mr Mayor I can just speak on this this  is the first step in the process to implementing   that those fees that we talked about during the  budget Workshop so so um that's what this is all   great first step correct first step that's what  I thought I move approval of ordinance number   2024-21 second moved and seconded any other  discussion please call the vote commissioner   Briley yes commissioner Tolland yes commissioner  Sargent yes commissioner Persis yes mayor   Partington yes 11a ORDINANCE NO. 2024-15: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE IV, POLICE OFFICERS’ PENSION TRUST FUND, OF CHAPTER 16, PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; AMENDING SECTION 16-77, PRE-RETIREMENT DEATH; AMENDING SECTION 16-80, OPTIONAL FORMS OF BENEFITS; AMENDING SECTION 16-86, MINIMUM DISTRIBUTION OF BENEFITS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (SECOND READING)  read by title only thank you and I don't have any  cards Mr Mayor I was just want to say uh my only   comment on this is upon upon passage of this this  is well deserved long overdue and I'm very happy   this is on our agenda thank you commissioner  Sargentt I just like Echo the same thing and   thank you for um and I think this is back dates  too to help officer Bakaysa's family as well and to   the uh the police pension board and the um staff  that the brought this to our attention to to get   it corrected thank you commissioner Persis and  I agree with commissioner Sargent and Deputy   Mayor Briley this is long overdue and we're  very thrilled this this has come before us and   we can help thank you great long overdue and well  deserved Perfect all right please call the vote   I need a a motion sorry I move approval second  commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent yes   commissioner Persis yes commissioner Briley yes  mayor Partington yes resolutions 12a RESOLUTION NO. 2024-113: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A MEMBER TO SERVE ON THE BROWNFIELD ADVISORY BOARD; SETTING FORTH TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE.   2024-113 by title only okay Commissioner Sargent U  are we taking nominations I was I was going   to do to sure I'd like to nominate April Cole  um to serve on the Brownfield Advisory Board   y I'd second I and I was going to nominate  her too how do you spell her last name on   c e Cole Cole Co sorry I have a cough drop no  worries uh any other nominations um if not then   will you bring back a resolution for us or you  want us to vote on that you can vote on it this   evening we have resolutions prepared for the  three um advisory boards that we have tonight   perfect so we can just fill it in all right uh  so we've got a motion and a second for April Cole   on 2024-113 any other discussion please call a vote  commissioner Sargent yes yes commissioner Persis   yes commissioner Briley yes commissioner Tolland  yes mayor Partington yes 12b RESOLUTION NO. 2024-114: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A MEMBER TO SERVE ON THE LEISURE SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD; SETTING FORTH TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. commissioner Persis  yes I'd like to nominate Lindsey Pate I'll second   second that moved and seconded any other  nominations uh then please call the vote   on resolution 2024-114 with the name of Lindsey Pate  commissioner Persis yes commissioner Briley yes   commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent  yes mayor Partington yes 12C RESOLUTION NO. 2024-115: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A MEMBER TO SERVE ON THE VOLUSIA GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMMISSION; ESTABLISHING TERM AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE.  thank you Deputy Mayor Briley Mr Mayor I'd like   to nominate Bill Navarra commission second  got it excited all right any other nominations   uh if not then if you would please call the vote  on resolution 2024-115 with the name of Bill Navarra   commissioner Briley yes commissioner Tolland yes  commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis   yes mayor perington yes and that takes us to staff  action items and this is the Florida League of Cities Voting Delegate   um I think commissioner Persis  did it last year are you interested again this   year sure I'd like to yeah anyone else I I don't  mind nominating Travis Sargent I think he would   be as good as well to spread it unless Susan  it doesn't you're on another board with the   Florida League of cities right are you on advocacy or  something I'm on two I'm on two two so I I think   would be nice to spread it out anybody yeah I  mean it's just I'm not trying to just trying   to spread you just go in and absolutely yeah  anybody anybody can go to the meeting and uh   it's just no I think I'll second Travis you'll  be there thank you perfect um so the motion   is commissioner Tolland on commissioner Sargent  seconded by commissioner Persis please call the   vote commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent  yes commissioner Persis yes commissioner Briley yes   mayor Partington yes and reports suggestions  and requests and tonight we start with city   manager Joyce Shanahan uh thank you Mr Mayor um  a couple of things to bring to your attention   and then move forward um first of all we have  scheduled for your August 20th Workshop to discuss   um Yellowstone Landscaping um we're still working  on the other issue about NID and so I've pushed   that out for a while um I'd like to introduce  uh assistant city manager Shawn Finley you said   saw him earlier today and we're very proud of him  being up here tonight awesome um the repairs at   the PAC fire damage are continued to be underway  the first electrical inspection to rewire the   aisle lighting has been completed the dry roll  replacement is well underway as the materials   arrive they are being installed and replaced  construction is currently ahead of schedule um iar Bomar was doing that and they had  pre-ordered some of that um items that   we had so that helped us get a jump  start on that I think they're looking   for uh ETA maybe sometime November  December for uh ribbon cutting again   let's see summer camp is under full swing um and  soon I I don't know when kids go back to school is   it after Labor Day August 12th August 12th that's  crazy not soon enough seems early but parents are   saying hallelujah I only have cats so I I I can't  appreciate that um just a couple of things coming   up um summer Sounds concert series Friday July  19th and 26th uh preliminary uh planning of future   events we have the Volusia League of cities banquet that  we're hosting this year that's on 9/26 we'll be   uh hosting that the state of the city luncheon is  on October 8th and the last of the four um fishing   tournaments reel and the fun is on 105 I wanted to  let you know that um sandbags are sand piles are   in place uh that anybody can help themselves  at the uh Ormond Rec Center you bring your ID   and you can get 10 sandbags people often inquire  why do we limited to 10 because those bags are   very heavy and if you put more than 10 in your  car you're going to break the suspension in your   car so we don't want to be responsible for that um  if a storm is named out there and uh we we are in   the cone of disaster we will staff that sand pile  with uh public work staff and they do a great job   with that they'll help you they have plenty of  shovels they'll help the folks fill it if you have   elderly neighbors that uh can't get out uh please  have them call Public Works Shawn what's that number 386-676-3220 if they call that number and if  they are shut in we will deliver those sandbags   to their house we don't install them but we will  deliver them to their house and you know I will   tell you that our Public Works guys are so great  that they probably will help you out to put them   where you need to but I can't guarantee that  but they are so wonderful they do so much so um get you have to show your ID to get the bags  uh last thing um I wanted to say that you have in   front of you tonight if you could lift up that jar  that is EDC honey from the environmental Discovery   Center the bees that are inside the Environmental  Discovery Center we have if you've ever been   there you can see the live Hive and that is um  honey from those bees so uh we're really excited   about that and um I want to thank the commission  for um uh the work they did on the police pension   plan that that was not something intentional that  was something that was overlooked decades ago and   unfortunately it just came to light when officer  Bakaysa passed and I want to thank the commission   and the community that's been so generous to  the Bakaysa family and to continue to keep them   in their thoughts and prayers and I'm happy to  answer any questions if you should have any for   me tonight thank you Joyce any questions for the  city manager I have one yes sir why does just the   commission have the honey I'm a little concerned  are you trying to get rid of us they didn't give   me any I would have loved to had honey but they  didn't give me any so no that's okay um but no   isn't that exciting very ex I just saw the bees  about three weeks ago or when we were at at the   environmental Discovery Center for um Susan's  wonderful uh Citizen's Academy class and the   bees were so active and it was so exciting you  could hear them buzzing about and flying in and   flying out it's just so exciting I just love the  bees and the turtles over there so thank you very   much good night good stuff thank you assistant  city manager Shawn Finley just want to thank   everyone for having me and wish everyone else a  good night thank you Shawn City attorney Randy hayes nothing this evening just uh remind you that we've  worked through all the details on uh resolving the   dispute between flagler County and Hunters Ridge  so uh we plan to have that on your next agenda   it' be nice to close that out and put it behind  us great thank you Randy and tonight we start   with commissioner Sargent thank you Mr Mayor um  first I'd like to congratulate commissioner Briley   and Tolland on being reelected and I look forward  to serving with y'all for another two years um I   I got a call today about the flashing light at  Rockefeller on Beachside and it flashes uh it   goes red when someone's crossed then it flashes  red and the sign says to um proceeds slowly when   it's flashing red it's very confusing people were  stopping um I don't know if we can work with fdot   on that to maybe it can Flash yellow me flashing  red seems a little mean stop that's a that what   what they've installed there is what is kind of  The Next Step it's a a hybrid Beacon and so it's   a little bit different than the rfbs one of the  one of the things we had heard previously about   the rfbs with the yellow and that was a little  confusing to people what we can do is we can   find some information and and and try and share  with people educate them how to use those hybrid   beacons um dot has a lot of good information and  I will'll get Jen to to link our website to them   and and one of the one of the key groups we also  want to key um reach out to are some of the hotels   and so we'll get to some of those people who are  the the visitors to our area and make sure that   they know how to use them as well so but we can  thank you for the for the the heads up and we'll   try and do our best to educate people on how to  use them thank you um excuse me and then recently   there was a there's been several Facebook posts  or on social media different places I've gotten   several phone calls over the last almost two  weeks um where there was a poll taken asking   if they someone if people prefer tennis courts  or condos on beach side where the current tennis   courts are at Rockefeller um the casement  area and I just would like the residents to   know some facts about what's going on over there  the tennants courts are currently leased out for   a three-year term and the city has the option  to renew that for an additional three years the   property is not for sale at the June 15th 2023  Leisure service Advisory board at that meeting   the following action occurred a motion was made  by Doug Thomas to apply for an Echo grant for   the Ormond Beach Tennis Center to update the  tennis courts um to LED lighting and to build   a small building for a pro shop with restrooms the  motion passed unanimously and I think what's a key   fact here is that that is an Advisory Board to the  commission um the commission never applied for the   Echo grants for the above items so I want to  assure the residents in zone 2 and all of our   community that as long as I'm sitting here I would  never entertain selling that property never um in   today's political climate with everything going on  in recent events I would like to remind those that   are running for office to say focus and positive  Run for the people and not against your opponent   thank you Mr Mayor thank you commissioner and uh  commissioner Persis thank you mayor good evening   everyone um I just want to um congratulate Shawn  Finley again I'm so excited for you Shawn that's   just you know just really nice seeing you  s sitting up there so again congratulations   we're very happy and I also want I mentioned to  Chief ba Bailey earlier but I had a friend that   had almost had a house fire and she called the  fire station called it was station 92 and they   were there within minutes and helped her and um  even helped pull the dryer that almost caught   her whole house on fire pulled it out to the road  to get it out of the house because it was giving   off smoke and fumes Etc but they went above and  beyond to help and I just know that's that's the   kind of quality of firemen we have the kind of  quality police officers we have and our First   Responders that's just one example so I just  wanted to commend you for that so please share   my uh best wishes and how proud I am of all of  you them it was awesome and um I also just want   to thank uh Chris Byle and Kelly Maguire for all your  work I'm not sure where they are if they're still   here but gosh working on that budget is got to  be so difficult it it's got to take weeks and   weeks to get everything straight but they just do  a fabulous job and make it easy for us to um you   know come up with uh our recommendations so thank  you both for that and I just want to say um it   seemed like a long time ago but the Fourth of July  was this month still and we had a fabulous Fourth   of July so thank you Leisure Services thank  you um for all that you did for to make it so   special for all of our residents thank you good  evening everyone thank you commissioner Deputy   Mayor Briley thank you Mr Mayor um a few things  that I always want to talk about has already   been mentioned but I do want to congratulate uh  commissioner Tolland commissioner Sargent on your   re-elections and I'd also like to thank the uh the  residents of Zone 4 who who allowed me to return   to office unopposed um I didn't want to mention  it was interesting the conklin Davis uh conklin Davis   Center folks who were here and speaking of Metro  Electronics of course that's our own Bill Jones   that has Metro Electronics and helping out in the  community and I think it's just another Testament   to the the the kind of person Bill Jones is uh  and what he means to our community as commissioner   Persis stated that the fireworks were Fantastic  Mr Mayor um you did a fantastic job getting   them you know set off for us getting starting  starting the event commissioner Sargent I'm sorry   you weren't there but I know you uh on vacation so  uh but and and thank and thank you as well to to   Robert and Stefan and everyone at leisure services  for making that happen um always a great great   show also thank you to uh as commissioner Persis  said to to Chris B and to Kelly Maguire and our   budget Advisory board for putting doing you know  the budget Advisory Board doing the heavy lifting   uh and and Kelly and Chris uh with presenting the  budget um you know it's never easy and uh for you   know for this commission to be a five to zero  vote on on first reading I think says a lot uh   to the work they put into it so um I would also  like to congratulate Mr Finley welld deserved   I've known Shawn for for a few years and actually  our fathers used to work together many many years   ago and uh Shaw is a fantastic addition to this  role so congratulations Shawn um looking forward   to the Tomoka Elementary School ribbon cutting  on August 9th August 8th I'm sorry August   8th um hope to see everyone there I think that  should be exciting it's going to be a a nice   nice addition to to Ormond Beach and lastly I will  mention and and uh I did get an invitation on this   and I know this will be of special um interest  to commissionerTolland uh this Friday at 11:00   a.m. at the Daytona Beach Shores Community Center  there's going to be a mayor's Mental Health care   services conference and it's not open to just  Mayors and and and Deputy Mayors or vice Mayors   it's also open to any I guess elected official  that would like to attend so I just thought I'd   mentioned that I know mayor Partington can't be there  I was invited to be there I do plan to be there   but I also thought you know any of the rest of us  would like to attend uh please you know feel free   to attend and with that Mr Mayor that's all I have  thank you thank you Deputy Mayor and commissioner   Tolland thank you so much um and just as a comment to  that Harold I will be out of town on Friday but I   would love to um get a report on on that meeting  and that lunch and see because that definitely   is always something dear to my heart um just as  another reminder Main Street Christmas and July   is this weekend um and congratulations on your  Awards you all really do work very hard and it's   all very well deserved um and I'm extremely  proud proud of Nancy and yes thank you and   um just wanted to lift them up and the sculpture  series how awesome is that you know we're going to   have we're going to have something really fun in  Ormond Beach so I'm excited about that um when you   were talking uh commissioner Persis I did have uh  something I'd like to share about our firefighters   and my personal experience just a few weeks ago  while I was at church at Prince of Peace we had   a um parishioner pass out in and um this is  the second time it's happened to me in church   and um called 911 at this time I actually knew  the address because last time I didn't and the   crossroad Division Street they were there with the  um with the county within minutes they handled the   situation beautifully you know this was right  in if you guys ever know anything about Mass   it was right in the middle of the consecration  when it's very quiet and and everybody's heads   down and praying and the whole thing and they  handled the whole situation very professional and   very well and I um just want to thank our um fire  department they awesome um Fourth of July was fun   was hot as the Dickens um had a few grandchildren  there and they thought that was the best thing in   the whole wide world was to push that plunger  and see those fireworks go off they actually   thought they they did that so it was kind of fun  to see great celebration congratulations to um   Leisure Services for always putting on a a great  a great event um thank my um fellow Commissioners   for some great discussion on the budget um I'm  always very proud to be a part of this group we   we we come at different angles not always sure  how the discussion's going to go or where we're   going to be but I think we have a lot of respect  for each other we have respect for staff and for   all the department heads and all the hard work  that they do and um I just love the the the good   discussion and the resolutions that we come up  with so I'm just very proud to be part of this   this group and I'm also very proud to be serving  again for another two years with Harold and Travis   and maybe you never know others you know and  so I'm just excited to um to keep continue to   serve the city um as far as that Beacon goes with  fot I did the walk um with fdot that day and I do   remember that being a question because it was very  confusing and the fdot response to us at the time   was that it is a learning curve and they really  did want to put out that information but this   is those lights that blink for that Beacon is a  standard that they're using everywhere and it's   just something new to us so we do have to have  an education and piece and maybe Jen can even   be part of that education piece for us um let's  see and the last thing I I want to end with is um is I just want to send out some condolences  to one of our um um constituents Fred Hayne on   the on the passing of his wife this week he's he  has served the on boards and he's always here at   meetings and he's got a beautiful heart and  I just want all of us to kind of keep him and   his family and our prayers so with that I'll say  good night thank you commissioner and uh yeah a   few few condolences going out I know Dr car's wife  passed on the 12th I believe it was beautiful lady   uh kind smart and uh just a beautiful family  and just so sad for them um Gary Connor's uh   somewhat unexpectedly so so sad and difficult  for the family when it's so sudden sudden like   that um really is a shock but if you can keep  those folks I think it's great for you to ask   to keep them in your thoughts and prayers during  this difficult time so thank you thank you for   doing that congratulations Commissioners on your  re-elections that's really is an awesome awesome   vote of Confidence from your constituents and uh  you should feel feel good about that and the fact   that you uh don't have to worry about everything  involved in campaigning because because it is a   lot as you know and so to be given that gift  by your constituents a vote of confidence and   a vote of extra time is a wonderful wonderful  thing and well deserved uh Main Street I love   what you do for our community uh you know Nancy  is incredible well-deserved recognition for her   taies is an amazing artist and I love her story  about how she came to came to and fell in love   with Ormond Beach has she told you that story yep  her car was packed basically with everything that   she owned in the world she drove over the Granada  bridge and saw all the green and the downtown and   just fell in love and stayed I think she had been  driving up the coast I can't remember if it was   from the keys or where but get her to tell you the  story it's really uh wonderful story and then uh   Becky your work there has been amazing with all  the volunteers that that you bring in what you do   for the community and I know commissioner Tolland is  it now serving on that board you see it firsthand   I hear about it uh various ways but and then also  want to give a shout out to the arts district   which uh Julia thank you for returning my book  which I love the economic power of public art the   art that's in here is just incredible some of it a  city of our size would never do but some of these   things we would we would and could do anybody that  wants to borrow it is welcome to look at it I'm   going to keep it as a coffee table book but Julia  when you were up here speaking if you could have   seen the smiles and admiration of the people in  the audience who were looking at you and listening   to you you would have felt wonderful and I thought  that's a testament to the amazing work you did   when you were at Main Street and the amazing work  that you're continuing to do so thank you thank   you for that and commission you covered everything  else and with that at 8:00 we are adjourned