our City Engineer Alex Schumann and our IT Manager  Chuck Osteen who both served as greeters this   evening I'd like to introduce the staff uh and  Commission who sit up in front of you to my right   your left recording secretary Taylor Lochert next  is City Clerk Susan Dauderis then on the commission we   have Lori Tolland from Zone one good evening everyone  and I sincerely apologize for being late that's   not what I usually do anyway Commissioner Travis  Sargent from Zone 2 good evening everyone to my   left and your right Commissioner Susan Persis  from Zone 3 good evening ladies and gentlemen   and welcome and our Deputy Mayor is next in  zone four Commissioner Harold Briley good evening   everyone and welcome then we have City Manager  Joyce Shanahan Assistant City Manager Claire   Whitley City Attorney Randy Hayes and way to the  left way to your right is our Police Chief both   Chiefs Police Chief Jesse Godfrey and Fire Chief  Howard Bailey for those of you listening online   I'm Mayor Bill Partington if you would at this  time silence your cell phones and uh rise for the   invocation given by Pastor Neil Ganzel from Coquina  Presbyterian Church that will be followed by the   Pledge of Allegiance the Christian scriptures  uh offer a a long passage of 13 verses in the   Book of Romans chapter 13 about what you all  do and what we're supposed to be like in our   relationship with you I'm going to just read one  part of it before we pray and and ask he says   this is this is also why you pay taxes for the  authorities are God's servant who give their full   time to governing give everyone what you owe him  if you owe taxes pay taxes if Revenue then Revenue   if respect then respect if honor then honor  I've been here over almost 20 years and I've   never seen anything come out of this group except  something that deserves our honor yeah this is a   wonderful wonderful governance that we've given  consistently over the almost 20 years I've been   here thank you Father we thank you and in this uh  governance of God's of this part of God's Earth   we thank you for this commission and for over the  years the consistent uh quality of Integrity that   they've shown and seriousness in the governing  of this city we thank you for each one of them   we ask you tonight to give them wisdom and father  give us an honoring uh point of view when we   talk about those who have taken up this work  of serving you in their governance of this   beautiful County we pray these things I pray these  things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ amen amen. I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of  America and to the Republic for which it   stands one nation under God indivisible  with liberty and justice for all audience remarks uh please address your  comments to me if you'd like to make remarks you   can fill out a card and give it to Taylor she'll  make sure we get it uh and tonight we'll start you   have 3 minutes uh to speak on any topic not on the  agenda and tonight we start with Councilman Troy Kent honorable Mayor Partington and City  Commission it is great to stand before you   this evening I hope you're having a fantastic  evening with this great day we had I come to   you by the way Troy Kent 130 Magnolia Drive  I come to you as a private resident but I   come with you I come to you this evening  with some news we had a a County council   meeting today and I'm pleased to tell you  that we unanimously 6 to zero voted today   unfortunately Councilman Ryan Hart had to leave  unanimously sent our staff we gave them direction   to come back to us with a resolution to  do a couple of things in Volusia County create off Beach parking with a fee for all  visitors that are from outside of Volusia County   All Volusia County residents will park at no charge  we also came back we were asking them to come back   with a plan for all Volusia County residents to be  able to park on the beach at no extra charge but   all visitors visiting Volusia County will pay we  are asking them to we we've instructed our staff   to come back with a rate increase for out of town  visitors a daily pass of $30 a day to have premium   parking on that beach $20 a day to park at our  off Beach parking it looks like this will bring   in a possible uh close to 7 million new dollars  to the county of Volusia I'm super excited about   since I've been talking about this for years it is  not 100% there yet so why am I talking to you all   about it tonight because you all have the absolute  most premier best beachfront Park in the State of   Florida called The Andy Romano beachfront Park who  we named after the incredible man and principal   Andy Romano dear friend of many of ours in the  community our staff if they have not already   miss Shanahan will will be reaching out I think  they already have because what I don't want as as   a private citizen I don't want Ormond to miss out  on the revenue number one because you all own that   Park so you all can talk with County staff about  making sure the rates are the same it will be a   revenue maker for you but Ormond Beach residents  who by the way are taxed twice as County residents   and they voted on that Bond referendum for 20  years this way Ormond Beach residents will have   an opportunity to park there and have a parking  spot at that incredible Park that you have the   Andy Romano beachfront Park I just wanted you to  know about this super positive news in my opinion   it's the biggest news on the beach in 35 years  since the county has taken over all of the beaches   and I wanted to personally come and tell you about  it so that Ormond Beach can make sure that they're   at the table when those decisions are being made  thank you thank you councilman uh I know you had   a long day and you still took the time to come see  us so thank you thank you for that next is Patty Core good evening mayor and Commissioners thank  you so much for allowing me to speak tonight my   name is Patty Core and I am the Chief Operating  Officer for Volusia County Schools so thank you for   the the time to come and clarify a couple of  misconceptions um we understand that there's   some um angst about the use of the former Osceola  Elementary School site as you know it's currently   being used as Tomoka Elementary while Tomoka  Elementary School is being rebuilt we're happy   to report that that is on schedule and should open  this summer um when once that occurs um we will be   removing um all of the temporary classrooms which  are the portable classrooms that are on that site   those will come out this summer and we will be  doing some other site work there um but as you   know we do have a need uh we do have unfortunately  um a space issue for some of our programs across   the district um we've currently gone through 18  Community meetings with rezoning across the entire   District it's not a comfortable thing always to  do um but we are regulated by Florida DOE um with   regard to our utilization of our schools and our  capacity so when we have schools that are over   capacity before we can build a new building or  before we can um build a new School the state will   weigh in on schools that are in close proximity  that have room um so we do have a program that we   will be the school board has voted to relocate to  the Osceola site once Tomoka is out and it's a it's   a program that's currently housed in two separate  locations and of course from a security standpoint   why that's difficult for the principal is it's  one principal who oversees two sites and there   one building is in Port Orange and the other  one is in Daytona so so because of the building   capacity that we have this is the space that the  team got together when they looked to see where   we could fit to incorporate for the sake of the  students and for the administration and security   which is our primary responsibility is to have  them all in one location so we just wanted to   take a few minutes to come tonight to explain  that um I I know and understand we understand   that um it might be upsetting for some people but  truly the district team was really looking for   the best uh possible scenario for our students  um some of whom do have some um special needs   or have what we call IEP and we need them to have  the the administrative site there oversight there   every day on the campus to take care of them so  thank you for your time thank you Lois Spies or Spies hi um I'm Lois Spies 209 Osceola Avenue, Ormond Beach um I have many questions and concerns regarding   the Riverview Learning Center moving into the  Old Osceola School site and um I did talk to Mr   Prius today and um I believe that what we really  need is a community meeting to discuss this and   to find out exactly how this change will  affect the neighborhood um I hope that this   could be scheduled pretty soon um I know that  the neighborhood has been wanting and waiting   to find out what they were going to do with  that site for over a year and to find out   in the you know in a newspaper that they've  already made a decision without any input or   even the courtesy of a notice to anybody who  lives literally right up next to the School   seems pretty um inconsiderate so um I was just  hoping that the city commission could help to   make sure that that happens and I would look  forward to having all this better explained   and having some input and you know being allowed  to make suggestions thank you thank you Lindsay Wolf hi I'm Lindsay Wolf I live at 156 lucky Drive  Mayor Deputy Mayor and Commissioners thank you   for letting me address to you this evening I am a  local real estate agent and have taught previously   for the school system so I have some experience  on this topic putting the school version of a   juvenile detention center on Beachside property in  Ormond Beach is insane is this something any one   of you would want in your front yard especially  when your home is worth give or take 500 ,000   the amount of buyers who took who look for homes  based on the schools in the area is astronomical   and to think that having a school like that in  our neighborhood wouldn't have a detrimental   impact is putting your head in the sand I taught for  OCPS previously and I'm aware of the behavioral   requirements that lands a student in a school like  Riverview the school the school board can say that   this school rehabilitates these students but the  Parkland shooter was repeatedly sent to the exact   same type of facility in his area and we see how  well that turned out for a city very close to my   home Hometown Reed it's enlightening  I'm not against trying to help these children   but they do not belong on Beachside property in  Ormond Beach by the way our school board rep tried   to tell tried to pull all of this off without  any notification to our residents none of my   neighbors knew of a meeting December 5th last  year one he could have told me was taking place   on Monday November 13th when I sat next to him at  the head table for quarterback club and asked him   specifically what the school board's intentions  were with Osceola he proceeded to tell me a few   options and when when he mentioned Riverview I  pushed back apparently that response guaranteed he   would not invite me to this meeting the original  changes with Osceola had several notifications why   were we all left in the dark what is in it for the  school board to screw our entire community over my   question to you all now is how as our elected  officials are you going to represent us are   you going to push back on this decision at all our  taxes go to helping fund the purchase of purchases   of these properties and we should absolutely  have a say in what is done with them taxes that   you are perfectly comfortable in raising anytime  you want taxes that should our property values be   drastically impacted May significantly decrease  your revenue and cause millage increases to the   rest of our city to compensate for the loss of  income our Beachside residents do not deserve to   lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in equity in  their home for a move like this especially without   getting to share their opinions I have heard from  officials in other school districts and trusted   property appraisers in our area and that is  exactly what is going to happen should this move   take place this is your chance to actually give me  Faith in politicians again cuz I don't have any Mr   Persis and the entire School Board showed me what  I believe to be true politicians who behave in   Shady manners and conduct backdoor dealings do me  in my entire neighborhood a favor and stand up for [Applause] us Kimberly Campbell even I'm Kimberly Campbell I live at  251 South Halifax Drive um I'm a realtor and an   interior designer in this community I have  been in this community since 1974 I went   to Osceola myself um I'm just going to Echo what  the first Speaker said I think we would really   benefit from a community meeting in Ormond to  have a better understanding of this change   with the school and and what the alternative  school means um there's a lot of conjection   going around and misunderstandings and I  think we just all need to understand that   as residents I 100% have always supported  the Volusia County school system I've worked   hard with leaders in the system my mother has  worked for the school board my children have   attended all the schools here I'm in full  support of of doing what's right for our   children but we also need to do what's right  for our community and I think that's where   there's a disconnect and we really are asking  for you to understand that and hear us as the   residents and allow us a meeting where this can  be openly discussed and understood thank you thank you Linda Garder okay hello I just got a text recently hearing about  what was going on in my backyard um I live right   behind the school and um literally didn't  hear anything about what's going on hello   by the way um so I'm not prepared but one of the  things before even this this Insanity of what's   might be in my backyard next is was the four  lane Highway basically that's in my backyard   I used to have a nice Beachside Breeze nice yard  back there where the kids played now there's four   lanes of traffic which constantly I I get in  my pool on my tables everything um Limestone   and dirt I have to clean every day the cars  the breeze everything um and and get to smell   the cigarettes and the fuel and the diesel  and all that so I'd really like something   more local to be there for our community I  plan on retiring here we walk the roads we   even feel comfortable walking at night on our  streets and it sounds like it's it's going to   again decrease the values and take our safety  away to have this type of thing on beach side   is very nice and I've been proud to live there  my grandparents I bought the house from them um   and it's part of my family I I'm do wish that  we would have heard something and had a vote   um I do wish that you would push back on their  decision thank you thank you Josephine Levenstein hello everyone I also didn't come very  prepared but I recently heard about this uh   I am a new homeowner uh 185 Osceola street right  across the street from Osceola I volunteer there   right now it's Tomoka Pines I also volunteer  at Ormond Beach Middle and I do have a lot   of questions I do want to know why no one was  told about the December 5th meeting that feels   like a red flag and I would love to see that  posting I would love to see the information I   think we definitely need a community meeting I  have a lot of questions I understand the kids   have to be somewhere I don't really understand  how there was no money to fix Osceola a few years ago   but now there's money to make all these changes  for this specific purpose but I also don't know   how taking these kids from a closed building  to a Breezeway type of school is safe and I   don't really understand how that's going to work  out so I just have a lot of questions regarding   the logistics and safety security pushing back  on even the fencing like I just I don't really   get it and I think there will be a lot of changes  and if we had had more information I think less   people would be this upset and it would be much  more welcomed if it did make sense but having it   happen this way it's really hard to just sit down  and say no big deal I have a lot of questions I   I'm for the kids trust me I love volunteering  with them I'd love to volunteer with there if   it was safe I just I don't know I have a lot of  questions looking at the building that they're   going to be coming from to this building doesn't  seem to make a lot of sense so that's it thank [Applause] you and commission with your  permission I'm going to recognize Travis   uh Travis Commissioner Sargent who has an email  from a resident on this particular matter that he   wants to put into the record thank you Mr Mayor  yes I received an email today from a Denise Demico   pardon if I messed that up she lives on Seaton  trail I won't read the whole Rec or uh letter   into record it's pretty long but I will forward  it to the City Clerk but it's basically saying   the same things as as the current residents  have said in their opposition to this and how   there was no um everyone was caught off guard  um I'll just paraphrase it but I'll put it on   the record and um I appreciate Mr Mayor thank  you thank you um so that's I believe all the   cards I have on on the Riverview at Osceola decision  I'll say uh thank you all for for coming tonight   and sharing your heartfelt concerns regarding the  Riverview Learning Center uh while this decision   is strictly within the Volusia County school board's  purview not the city of Ormond Beaches please know   that your voices are heard and understood uh we  hear you we've been through this before with the   school board we tried to keep Osceola from leaving  us uh we thought it would be more appropriate   either as Osceola or as as a K8 school we worked  hard uh we went to the school board meetings   ultimately we were other than for a couple of  board members completely ignored it was clear   they had a decision point for what they wanted  to do and they did it uh I feel like this is   starting to turn into a similar situation which  is unfortunate uh but I want you to know your   concerns expressed here tonight will be related to  the school board as long as there's no objection   from the commission to doing that the school board  person spoke and then split I was hoping I should   have put her card after all of you so that they  could have heard your concerns luckily uh School   Board member Persis or as I'm going to call him  from now on Schoolboard member Prius is here   this evening and uh he is hearing you and I know  he'll fight for you uh it's a it's like talking   to a brick wall I can tell you that from a couple  years ago actually talking to a brick wall is more   satisfying because you're not expecting a response  uh it's very frustrating and so I feel I feel for   you I know our commission feels for you as well  but it is squarely their decision it clearly   seems they've made up their mind what they're  going to do uh one point that I can't leave out   of the mix is it in a way it's good that they're  considering it for some type of school use   because honestly I expected them to sell it for  condos or for a real estate neighborhood to happen   there I don't think anybody wanted to see that  either and so I think it probably comes down to   a discussion of what's the what's the appropriate  use but I just tell you uh you've got your work   cut out for you uh we'll be there with you but  uh your and your commitment to our community   doesn't go unnoticed so your choice will be at  the school board meeting on March 12th at 4:30   p.m. that's a Tuesday they don't make it easy for  you you have to drive all the way to the DeLand uh   like I said we did that a couple years ago and it  was like talking to a wall uh but I wish you luck   uh the 12th if I can make it I'm happy to be there  someone else from the council may be willing to be   there to speak with you but uh it's it's a tough  battle so anyone else on the commission want to   address that mayor commissioner well I was just  going to say Mr Mayor um and I appreciate you all   coming out this evening and sharing your thoughts  and concerns with us and I think they're well   founded uh I think you have legitimate concerns  and um Mr Mayor my my suggestion would be if we   if we can recommend I mean I know the school board  doesn't have to listen to us um but I would think   it would be beneficial if nothing else as a couple  of the speakers have mentioned for the the school   board to conduct a community meeting with the  residents so they can understand what they're what   they're proposing uh it may relieve some concerns  it may not but I think it would just give another   layer of maybe transparency to those folks to  have a community meeting with the residents to   you know explain what their what their plans are  for that property whether it be riverview or or   anything else thank you thank you Commissioner  Tolland yes thank you and Har um Harold you said   exactly what I want to say community input's  really important you know it doesn't always   mean that it's listened to but it it can help and  you increase dialogue maybe um decrease some extra   concerns I'm wondering is there anything that  we can do as a commission can we write a letter   um at least to let the entire School Board  know how we feel and what we want to do is   that appropriate or not or if in your experience  have we or is there anything else we can do to be proactive I think yeah I certainly can write  a letter and I'll let Commissioner Sargent   speak as well okay thank you thank you Mr Mayor I  have lots I was going to save this for my closing   comments but I appreciate the time now Mr Mayor  um and thank you to the residents for coming out   today you know we fought this battle back in  2021 before I was elected I went out to the   school board um I did diagrams of um how many  sex offenders were around each location there   was 13 at Ortona three at Osceola it didn't  seem to matter and I'd like to just read   a couple comments um from back then of what what  happened then to where we are today um Councilman   Kent at the time was uh City Commissioner and he  wrote it is more than unfortunate that this has   happened during a global pandemic because Ormond  Beach residents would have come out screaming   against this everything about this just didn't  feel right and then I read on um I believe it   was Facebook somewhere um Former Mayor and County  Chair Ed Kelly wrote um on Facebook seems to be an   expensive use of valuable property taxpayers  lose again and we will have to spend several   dollar signs to make it usable just check your  property tax bill and you will see almost 40%   goes to schools um some questions I have and I  wish Miss Core would have stayed around cuz um   I knew she was coming tonight and um unfortunate  she can't answer these questions but um I wish   she would have come before and addressed this  before the council or the school board took a   vote like she's coming here to clean up the mess  that had already been taken where was she being   proactive on this um um who will be paying for  the resource officer is the school board going   to be coming us in a few weeks saying we need  money from Ormond Beach residents to pay for this like   they did to the County Council um at the last  minute after they had already approved their   budget and here they come in saying we need money  and Council thankfully said no and and then they   got kind of shunned because now they don't want  resource officers that's not what the case was   they didn't want to pay for it um especially when  taxpayers are already paying for it to the school   board um there wasn't a neighborhood meeting I I  I can't lock down this no one knew about it they   made a decision no one knew about it and maybe  if the facts were out there or maybe if people   knew about it maybe they'd be okay with this but  they're not and and this is um once again I asked   for a a report this week of how many students  elope on a weekly basis from this school I was   told the school board can't provide such a report  um I don't know I I'm with Commissioner Tolland I'd   like to send a letter um asking the school board  to reconsider their decision um and also I'd like   to point out um because I don't think it you know  I keep hearing um about these students and I do   believe they they deserve a home but I'd like  to read to you um if you don't mind Mr Mayor um   about Riverview and and there's three classes or  three programs if you will of these students EBD   which is um extreme behavior um EBDI which is um  mental health you know the kids that have mental   health concerns and then there's uh District  student um placement committee and these are the   students that have pulled fire alarms instigated  major fights brought guns to school um knives to   school um this is a serious current concern for me  for Zone 2 one I did not know about this Mr Mayor   until I went out to my um to get my paper on last  Thursday and on the front page of it that's where   I learned about it no one had the common courtesy  to call me as the City Commissioner of Zone 2 I   asked the City Manager if she was notified she was  not I don't know if any other Commissioners were   notified but you know I'm just very frustrated  with this and so I went to the school board's   um and I pulled off their um their flowchart if  you will of leadership and at the very top of it   is the citizens of Volusia County and then comes  the school board now why did the school board   make a decision for these uh residents in this  area without telling their bosses anything so   I leave you with that Mr Mayor I'm very frustrated  um and I think these residents deserve better from   the school board I'll tell you that thank you  Mr Mayor understood so Commissioner   Sargent I heard a motion to write a letter to the  school board each member uh and the school board   uh Miss Balgamin uh one to reconsider the decision  and two to hold a community meeting getting input   from their residents is that yes Mr Mayor thank  you Commissioner Tolland second yes please any   other discussion anyone Commissioner Persis  did you want it okay all right uh all those   in favor say I I oppose like sign and Joyce  will show that passing unanimously I'm happy   to sign it on behalf of the board if you want  to do it that way or if everybody wants to sign   however you want to handle it okay sign otherwise  we'd have to have another meeting for everybody   to approve okay happy to do yep all right we'll  continue with uh audience remarks I have Caroline Meyers good evening good evening um the mayor city  manager and the Commissioners my name is   Caroline Myers I'm the executive director for  the Ormond Beach Housing Authority for the past   eight years I am here seeking some guidance or  collaborated effort of a recurring issue that   occurs on our property at Ramsey Terrace I am  being proactive to see how we can alleviate the   influx of water during Heavy Rain or hurricane  I can't hear you I'm so sorry okay sorry about [Music] that I'm being here proactive to see how  we can alleviate the influx of water during Heavy   Rain or hurricanes that comes through our region  there's an outro drained box located behind Five   Ramsey Terrace that should provide adequate  drainage but does not during bad weather water   accumulates on the property posing a threat to  our units and the tenants that occupies them   for example when hurricane Ian passed through  or area the water Rose as high as the Step at   the entryway of the unit and took several days  for it to drain and even due times of heavy   rain rainfall the water rises so significantly  making it difficult for the tenant to enter or   exit the property so tonight I am hoping we  are able to garner the support of the city   and or obtain appropriate direction of how to  rectify that problem proactively I appreciate   the time and assistance that can be offered  I have also some pictures I don't know if you   want me to share it with you all sure of what  transpires on the property you can either hand   them up to me I'll make sure the clerk gets  them and each of the Commissioners sees them   the five Ramsey Terrace that's sure thing east  of the uh Car Wash and then there's a uh home   there too for uh substance abuse counseling  kind of kind of on the corner of Orchard and yes Mr Mayor we'll be happy to reach out to  miss Myers and and find out what her issues   are appreciate that thank you have a good  night thank you and Reverend Branch I've   got your card did you want a wave in support  of Staff reaching out or did you can speak   if you want can I speak now yes sir absolutely  well good evening I'm Reverend Willie Branch uh   chairman of the Ormond Beach Housing Authority  for the past eight years um I've neglected to   come before y'all in the past I wanted to come  in December but I had uh a death in the family I   lost my brother so I'm now here to get give you  a report on the Fantastic Ormond Beach Housing Authority when I came to the to the  authority we rated less than 50% on   our audits since then we progressively have  been improving till our last audit we rated 103% our properties are now being upgraded thanks  to the the the work of Miss Caroline Meyer and her   staff um the property uh the residents have the  understanding that uh these are not projects these   affordable housing for them to utilize to maybe  uh be a stepping stone for them to get better   housing once housing is Affordable elsewhere  which is very difficult right now uh but I just   wanted to stop by and just I hadn't been here in  a while we missed ya, and uh to let you know that OBHA  is alive and well and uh if anything that we can  do uh to work collectively with the city to make   things better we do have a plan in action right  now to expand to 50 units we're currently at 41   um there's a need our waiting list is over 200  um Section 8 we have over 200 vouchers that's   currently being uh managed uh but everybody is  we're trying to do the best we can with what   we have and we welcome either of you if not all of  you come by and visit sometime thank you thank you Reverend Stan Driscoll Mr Mayor members of the commission  and city manager I'm here not to complain I'm   here to ask you to do something uh unlike our  neighboring cities code enforcement in Daytona   uh Port Orange Holly Hill are proactive if the  code enforcement sees a violation they deal with   it Ormond by policy is a complaint-based system a  neighbor has to complain about somebody for code   enforcement to be involved the obvious thing is  I don't want to complain about my neighbor state   law says if you complain about your neighbor you  have to provide your name and address and now we   have a few uh it's it doesn't happen so if you  adhere to the broken glass theory if you allow   these code enforcement violations to continue  little by little there's a degradation of our   city and I like to quote Ormond is a little  bit better a little bit nicer than everybody   else and I don't want to see any degradation  of that so what I'm asking from you is a policy   change code enforcement can not change to a  proactive system unless the commission makes   a policy change impacts Chief Godfrey can tell  you uh he runs a good Department do I need more   people I suspect he will need more people because  that would assume the number of code violations   that the citizens are reporting is relatively  low so we don't need a whole lot more people   well we know that's not true uh city manager  in communication said there might be a need   to look at the codes I don't understand that at  all if I see a code violation and say there's a   junk car in that yard and that initiates the  action or a code enforcement officer sees it   and that initiates the action the code's the  same there's no change to the code so I I don't   understand that so I'm asking that you make a  policy change as a commission to say we wish   to go to a proactive code enforcement or Code proactive slash Vol whatever you to describe it   that the chief decide then what's the best way  to implement that that's my request thanks thank you all right commission the minutes from the city  commission meeting of February 20th 2024 have been   sent to you any additions deletions or Corrections  move approval second moved and seconded all those   in favor please say I I oppose like sign we'll  show those passing unanimously and we are now   on consent agenda uh commission does any member  wish to pull any of the consent agenda items I   move approval of the consent agenda second moved  and seconded any further discussion please call   the vote Commissioner Sargent yes Commissioner  Persis yes Commissioner Briley yes Commissioner   Tolland yes Mayor Partington yes comment on now  would be the appropriate time if any commissioner   wishes to comment on any of the consent agenda  items and we'll start with Commissioner Sargent   thank you Mr Mayor um I'd like to comment on um  consent item A um this was for us to update our   web website and streaming and recording system  this was some one of my campaign uh promises and   I'm happy that this is moving forward this will  help uh with transparency with our residents to   be able to view and listen to meetings gather  data um whether it's agendas or whatever other   information will be easier accessed on our website  so I'm I'm very pleased that we were able to um   move this forward thank you Mr Mayor yes sir  Commissioner Persis yes I was just wanting to   thank uh Commissioner Sargent for doing all  that your campaign promises have really going   to help us so I really appreciate that but but I  also wanted to comment on item C I'm very excited   that um each fire station will have a gear washer  you know for each station I think that's really   important that they have those things that they  need you can't do your job until you have the   right equipment so I'm really thankful that  we're getting that for our fire stations thank   you absolutely anyone else good deal we'll move  to resolutions and I'll ask the clerk to read 7A   resolution number 2024 36 a resolution pursuant  to section 8-4 subsection 8 leins of the city of   Ormond Beach code of ordinances authorizing the  imposition of a lein against the real property   located at 29 Rockefeller Drive Ormond Beach  Volusia County Florida parcel ID number 42232 02-14 upon cost incurred by the city to demolish  an unsafe structure and setting forth an effective   date this is resolution number 2024-36 read by  title only thank you Susan and uh I don't have   any cards I move approval of resolution number  2024-36 second moved in seconded any discussion   or questions for our Planning Director on this  one Commissioner Sargent just have a question   do we know if I know this house was in a fire  do we know if they had insurance to cover this   cost or um I know we're putting a lein on it but  there was insurance that we could collect on um   to go down a different avenue Steven Spraker Planning  Director I am not aware if they have insurance   I'm aware that um they haven't moved forward  in the demolition of the structure which then   forces the city to to do so so um we're not  we're not aware if they have insurance we're   just aware that they're not in the process of De  demolishing the structure does does this lein um   incur any interest throughout the years or  I think it's a lein on the property of the   Property Appraiser's office is that correct um  City attorney is nodding his head so I would say yes yes I didn't read that so I apologize  thank you that's all I have thank you anyone   else please call the vote Commissioner Persis  yes Commissioner Briley yes Commissioner Tolland   yes Commissioner Sargeat yes Mayor Partington  yes and 8A this is uh discussion and Direction   item regarding the renaming of the McDonald  House to the Stout McDonald house and I'll ask   planning director Steven Spraker to speak on this  item and then we've got a couple cards as well   good evening Steven Spraker this is a discussion  item regarding the McDonald House in 2 starting   in 2016 there was a report commissioned on the  McDonald House um it became known as the Bender   report um that Bender report had a recommendation  to change the name to the Stout McDonald House   um Margaret Allison Stout was the original  owner of the structure believe she owned it   or her family owned it till like 1940 um the  Historic Landmark Preservation Board has   made recommendations to amend the name um if  there is direction to amend it it would need   to amend our local Landmark list which go to  the planning board and then back to the city   commission for a couple readings and I believe  there's some um Historic Landmark Preservation   Board members here to address the commission  thank you Steven any questions for Steven   makes good sense I think and the staff report  was well done uh first card I have is Dr Philip Shapiro Dr Philip Shapiro 140 Old Mill Run Chair  Historic Landmarks Preservation Board city of   Ormond Beach mayor Partington Commissioners staff  thank you so very much for this opportunity to   address you on the Historic  Landmarks Preservation Board's longstanding   request to change the legal name of the McDonald  House at 38 East Granada Boulevard to the Stout   McDonald House in 1903 Margaret Stout built the  home that we now called the McDonald House 38   years later in 1941 Billy McDonald and his  family purchased the home and by 19 19 79   the structure eventually became a city-owned  property it now serves as the city's welcome   center and is on our City's local landmarks list  the landmarks board for a number of years has   requested both by vote and discussion to rename  the McDonald House to its true legal name the   Stout McDonald House and amend that name on the  city's local landmarks list our community has   a rich historical Heritage and we strive to  promote our city for residents and visitors   alike historical accuracy as recommended in  the 2016 Bender report should be to rename   the McDonald House to the Stout McDonald  House as part of the effort to maintain   our cultural and his historical identity as a  community thank you thank you doctor and Suzanne Hedy good evening good evening I am Suzanne Hedy  the uh Troublemaker that started all this uh   fuss um first of all I'd like to compliment the  staff on the report that they've done it was a   thorough review very thorough review of all the  discuss discusss that have gone on since the LA   2017 which is 7 years ago when the Bender report  came to the landmark preservation board we made a   recommendation to the city commission that the  name on the historic landmarks list be changed   to the Stout McDonald House period the historic  landmarks list we made we had a discussion about   what would entail to change the name of the  house and we decided by consensus that that   was not a good idea and it was not what we were  thinking about you know so the what's before you   tonight in my opinion is to rewrite history in a  way and change the historic City local landmarks   list only and it seems to be a problem I mean it  seems to have to go through the Land Development   code this came about because I was doing some  research on another building on Granada and I   happened to look at the historic landmarks list  and I noted that the name hadn't been changed so   I brought it up at the meeting at the fall of  2023 and was told that oh the city commission   has already looked at this recommendation and  it was not approved that meeting with the city   commission was never introduced to the landmark  preservation board to give us chance to come and   talk to you um Dr Philip Shapiro did a great  job of talking about Margaret Stout so I won't   go into that you have a chance to rewrite history  you have a chance to correct history the woman's   name deserves to be on the local landmarks list  official name to negate her her accomplishments   would be a a real travesty this was a single  businesswoman a a Scottish immigrant who who   built and designed a queenan Victorian on the  beach site so lastly I want to bring up the   fact again about the naming and the fact that  uh we recommended that you keep the normal name   the familiar name as we call it instead of the  historically accurate name that's on the local   landmarks list that Dr Shapiro talked about so that  is our request and the M the name McDonald just   flows off your tongue McDonald House people know  it at that and with the renovation that Bill Jones   is doing for the Billy's Tap Room the name is  McDonald is going to be even more important so   please keep the building the way it is for its  name if you want to do signage that's going to   be a whole another discussion guaranteed thank  you so much thank you commission I don't have   any other cards Commissioner Persis I just I just  wanted to respond to to well you could stay there   you don't have to come back to um Suzanne Hedy  and Dr Shapiro I think this is just long overdue   I think this is just a no-brainer I'm just I  can't even believe the name was omitted so I'm   just so I move that we accept the Stout McDonald  House second we have been seconded commissioner   uh Deputy Mayor Briley yes sir I just uh I  want to thank the the work of Dr Shapiro   and Suzanne Hedy for this this is a long time  coming I will I will uh disclose that I uh you   know every once in a while when you start to  change the name of something you you run the   risk of stepping on toes so I did speak to Thomas  McDonald yesterday because I said you know Thomas   is is coming before us so on so forth and Thomas  gave this his Blessing he said it's historically   appropriate so with that I said well I have  no problem now voting for this because it has   the blessing of McDonald house and Thomas was also  very complimentary uh that the city has you know   saved the house so um with that Mr Mayor I'll be  supporting this thank you anyone else yeah I just   want to thank um Dr Shapiro and Miss Hedy as well  um there's nothing better than being accurate with   your history and it seems it is the right thing  to do I just had one question I I really wasn't   familiar with this discussion before obviously  I wasn't on the commission is there a piece that   we're missing that I didn't hear I mean did  it ever come in front of the commission for a   vote I think we've talked about it over the years  but I don't think there's any so it never moved   forward all right and correct me if I'm wrong I  mean staff has a million things to do this is a   million in one I think we're finally getting it to  it the main thing was to get it fixed which took   us quite a while going through the echo process  to get it where it is now so now it's time for   the next step and I agree uh the McDonald family  will is is perfectly fine with with making the   change and making history happen the way it's or  be written the way it's supposed to be so and if   I'm hear this correctly the the the sign won't  even have to change it'll still be McDonald house   out front just historically call it whatever we  want but we just got to get it accurate with the name in the microphone please there Suzanne  microphone for us thank you I speak loud enough   you important comment on the staff report  on page two the financial impact I would   change one word it says just what we're  talking about if there is a direction to   pursue or renaming of the McDonald House to  Stout McDonald House the signage would need   to be changed no insert one word if we make  a direction to do this signage would not need   to be changed right thank you thank you all  please call the vote Commissioner Briley yes   Commissioner Tolland yes Commissioner Sargent  yes Commissioner Persis yes Mayor Partington yes we are now at reports suggestions and requests  and we start with City Manager Joyce Shanahan uh   thank you Mr Mayor I've got a little bit longer  list than normal um first of all upcoming meetings   March 19th that's going to be our Tomoka Oaks  meeting that's going to be at 6pm. at the PAC   so we'll get a chance to use our newly renovated  facility we will have um internet access for   those viewing at home and so we're excited about  offering that a couple of reminders about upcoming   meetings and workshops and you don't need to write  these down because I'll send them out to you April   2nd these are um it's going to be a workshop  what time are we starting 5:30 5:30 um would   be um number part one of our CIP updates Cassen  Park overnight docking um and that's really not   a CIP but you know we want to talk about that  Andy Romano Beach fun park you know where we're   at with that miscellaneous project updates  um April 16th would be another CIP strategic   planning initiatives update uh where we're at  with the EOC and 56 North Beach Street property   again you don't have to write them down I'll  send them all out to you May 7th um technology   upgrades to the city commission so you heard the  first tonight was updating the uh website um and   so the second piece will be updating this room to  accommodate new screens and whatnot and then um uh   we've talked about the GI study uh the Riverbend  property so we'll be bringing that back to you   we'll have individual meetings to refresh you on  that first of all and then have a workshop on May   7th to talk about that um let's see what else do I  got uh I wanted to let you know that we're part of   the um AFG it's the first a stand for firefighter  Grant firefighter assistance grant um I think it's   assistance to Firefighters Grant actually we're  U partnering with Daytona Beach in the city of   Holly Hill to um Daytona Beach has applied for  a mobile breathing air trailer so what does that   really mean that means that there's a trailer  that can be deployed on scene uh throughout the   um communities those three communities to  refill the air tanks of firefighters while   they're there so they don't have to go back  to the station uh Daytona Beach will be um   applying for that Grant we're partnering we'll  enter in another for them with that Grant and um   there's no financial responsibility on behalf of  the city and they'll just just call that piece   of equipment up like they would any other piece  of equipment from another agency so we're really   excited about that um in your next uh water bill  you will see uh I don't know if you've got that um do you have that yes oh I'm sorry I couldn't  see it um we have um on the water bill a QR code   which will take you to um neighborhood Improvement  so that you can that'll be right on your water   bill you asked for that at your last meeting or  a couple meetings ago we're happy to put that on   there um likewise you've asked for a Citizens  Academy um and so we've worked out a schedule   for that it'll be April 18th through May 23rd  um and we'll give you all the details on this   and we'll do a good job of putting out PR on on  that it'll be a government 101 on how it works   then the police department and neighborhood  Improvement will talk to the folks then we'll   have the fire department department and Emergency  Operations Public Works and utilities planning   and economic development and Leisure Services  and then graduation so I think we think we can   take about 28 students um on the first run um  kudos to um Susan as she uh put all of this   together and had prior experience with this so  we're really excited about that and we hope to   launch the first um of that on in April April 18th  so um we'll let you know how that comes we'll be   uh putting out announcement about how to apply  if you're interested in participating in that   and um that might be okay sorry so we're  really excited about that um we've you've already   noticed and mayor thank you for bringing that to  everyone's attention um the beautiful pictures of   the former mayors and the current mayor as well as  the former commission and the current commission   and then we have have recognized those mayors that  have previously served we could not find a lot of   the pictures uh commissioner Briley seems to think  he has uh a hookup to get us some past pictures   and we'll be so excited to receive those and  we'll continue to that'll be a dynamic wall it'll   continue to build and grow as um as our commission  um changes over time but interestingly enough we   don't we have a lot of stability on our commission  as you can see over there so we're really excited   about that um just to give you uh a few updates  on future uh happenings at Leisure Services if   you're interested in outdoor yoga um they do that  at the uh environmental Discovery Center on Friday   March 8th at 10:00 a.m. please contact the EDC  to register a Blues Brother tribute is coming   to the Performing Arts Center on March 15th at  7:30 p.m. and the tickets are $34 to $39 contact   the Performing Art Center box office rockabilly  Rockets to perform at Pac on March 16th 7pm we're   so excited about all these shows coming back to  the PAC once a pound a story time um is our our   story time for children ages four and under you  have to call ahead to register because people just   just bring every baby out in the world and it's  just the most wonderful thing to see so there's no   cost to participate but we don't have enough space  to accommodate everybody so um that's it I'm happy   to answer any questions that you might have for  me any questions for the city manager Commissioner   Sargent uh just one real quick one thank you  Mr Mayor on the Citizens Academy is there any   way we can record that so some of the information  could be readily available for residents that can   attend or um we're going to continue to offer  that it's going to be a root a rotating one so   we're not going to be necessarily recording that  because we don't really have the ability to do   that but it's not going to be a oneandone type of  thing it's going to be hopefully we can do it like   once a quarter thank you any other questions  thank you Joyce uh Assistant City Manager Claire   Whitley thank you Assistant City or no Assistant  City Attorney City Attorney Randy Hayes yeah we   promoted Ann-Margaret while you were going sorry  you missed one meeting see what happens right City   Attorney Randy Hayes nothing this evening thank  you all right and tonight we start our comments   with Commissioner Persis wonderful good even  good evening everyone I think this was a great   meeting I love how our residents came out and  told us how they felt about things so that we   can work on doing things better and I think we  all need to hear these kind of things every now   and then so uh hopefully we'll get uh everything  straightened out with that school situation and um   so our residents won't be so worried about it um I  wanted to say I was very um let's see Commissioner   Sargent um Deputy Mayor Briley and I went to the  um wigglestat field I guess it was last week they have   some major improvements that they've made at that  ball field and Seabreeze uses it it's just a beautiful   beautiful place for these young people to play I  was just so impressed with it it's wonderful what   we're offering for our children with our Leisure  Services Department I'm very just thrilled with it   it was just a wonderful day and principal Tucker  Harris was out there and just so thrilled and the   baseball players were all out there and just they  were so happy to have such a nice nice area for   them and the last thing I really I don't have  a lot many comments tonight but the last thing   I would like to say is I really did appreciate Mr  Driscoll coming tonight and speaking to us about   the code enforcement it's something I am concerned  with we do have some areas in our city that don't   look good and they're they're starting to look  worse and I know it's a it's a money issue it's   a staff issue it is an issue but my concern is I  don't want Ormond Beach to look bad ever because   we are a great City we are a beautiful city so  I would like to maybe get all of us to agree to   work on something maybe in one of our workshops we  could bring it up I know you you talked on April   16th um Miss Shannahan about the strategic  planning maybe we could pop that in there for   10 minutes I'm not sure just to see maybe what  we could do no probably need a whole Workshop   just on that down the road maybe a couple months  I just wanted to see if everyone was agreement I   just want to say Susan I totally agree with you  I think we need to look at our code enforcement   and I would love to address it I think we have  a lot of workshops and topics that we've already   kind of put in place yes I'd like to see that  follow through and I but I would like to include   code enforcement as a discussion oh wonderful yeah  I'm I I've had so many residents contact me I was   riding my bike today actually and I got off and I  had three of my neighbors approach me about some   you know issues right where I live and and they  are bad and they've gotten worse over the years   so we've got to we've got to get a handle on this  I think I would like to say Mr Mayor I I talked to   the city manager about this in length and I know  that she was talking about it because it's a lot   further in depth than just changing I mean there's  potential budget issues that we or items that we   need to address with whether we have to hire more  people or it's not just as simple is changing the   ordinance back to the way it was in 2007 to go  back to a proactive approach versus active we we   need to do it the right way and I think it's it's  going to take a lot more than 10 minutes it would   be a full workshop for staff and I I think we have  a lot on our plate for the next month but maybe   after that um would be my recommendation maybe  two months Joyce May May 21st I think would be   the next opening for a sorry for a workshop Joyce  is that okay May 21st I'm not sure Mr Mayor what I   would suggest is maybe wait till the budget time  and talk about June June 4th yeah we can do that   okay and commission I think that's unanimous to  discuss that good deal yeah it would be good to   include it with the budget um good deal anything  else Commissioner Persis no that's it thank you very   much Deputy Mayor Briley thank you Mr Mayor um I do  want to uh mention that Commissioner Tolland and   I were here a week ago Monday uh for Congressman  Waltz was in town and uh had the Military Academy   candidates here in the Commission Chambers  and their families and presented them with   their their certificates uh not all of them have  been accepted yet there were a few that were but   uh we're very proud of our our local and and I say  local uh kids in the area that have been accepting   these academies I they they were from all over  the district so I mean there were some here from   Marion County and Brevard County and further north  and further you know west and south so it was a   great event uh the the Commission Chambers were  were absolutely packed and we were you know the   Congress Waltz says that's one of his favorite  nights of the year is to do that so we were   we were certainly glad to have him here for that  um that was the same night I did see the mayor's   wall that was something I kind of push sometime  back Susan thank you very much for that you did   a fine job you and the staff did a great job uh  I work on getting you a few more pictures but uh   that is something that I told Ed Kelly uh that I  would work on he mentioned it about 20 years ago   about having a mayor's wall so I'm glad we got  that uh up and uh it looks great thank you um as   Commissioner Persis has said Commissioner Sargent  and Commissioner Persis and I attended the ball   field ribbon cutting out the window step field  number one uh prior to a Seabreeze Deltona game   and they've done a fantastic job with that field  kudos to Robert and everyone at leisure services for   the great work they do out there um that brings me  up oh the Citizens Academy and thank you that was   something else I kind of pushed for when I was  running running and that was kind of a campaign   promise and something I've kind of pushed to kind  of give it a little more education transparency   for our residents to learn more about our city  government thank you for putting that together   Joyce thank you Susan for helping put that  together that's going to be I think a great   thing for our city last but not least I want to  give out a huge thanks sometimes you bring up   or mention an issue at a city commission meeting  during member comment and you get a phone call and   I got a phone phone call from from actually I was  down actually was out at the Ballfield so I want a   phone call but Robert Carolin approached me about  taking a tour of of our recreational facilities   and I just want to tell you I spent two half days  with Robert and Stefan touring I think Robert was   at all of our playgrounds within the city of or  Beach and and looking at the equipment and I've   got to tell you we have fantastic recreational and  playground equipment for our children some some of   these Parks was a pocket park over well I guess  it was Milt and pepper park over there at the   Old Elanor Village I wasn't very familiar with but  uh you know sometimes you just don't know some of   these parks and playgrounds exist and especially  I think what it was I brought up I had mentioned   facilities for you know children with special  needs to be able to play with with other kids and   boy we do have that in Ormond Beach and uh I think  part of the part of the issue and I discussed it   with Robert is a lot of our folks just don't know  about it so I I we we talked about maybe the the   possibility of getting you maybe some social you  know social uh social media blasts about you know   did you know or beach has you know 13 playgrounds  with you know amenities for children of all needs   and uh but I I really appreciate that I did also  you know just kind of touring our facilities kind   of realize how much you know how much help Robert  needs I mean I think you know we we discussed code   enforcement other things and budgetary impacts we  have to think about this moving forward because   we always you know we discuss we need more police  officers we need more we need more firefighters   we need you know we have sidewalks there in dis  repair we have infrastructure needs and we also   have needs with with Leisure Services as well so  I think that's something we have to consider you   know moving forward but I do want to thank Robert  and Stefan for for two fantastic days of showing   me around uh our City's Recreation facilities  with that Mr Mayor I'll say good night thank   you thank you uh Commissioner Tolland thank you  um first thing that uh I kind of hit tonight   was when we I'm excited we're going to be using  the PAC for one of our meetings I mean we now   have a beautiful facility we don't have to go  into a church um hopefully the lighting won't   be right in our eyes so we'll be able to see that  always is a problem when we've gone to these big   mega churches um but we are grateful that they do  open their doors to us and I don't mean to seem   ungrateful but I'm happy to use our facilities  um and Commissioner Briley talked about the um   the night that with um Senator Waltz and I was  impressed with with the young men and women that   were nominated and appointed to the militarys  it just kind of warms your heart to see these   young people um and see their commitment and see  their their hard work being rewarded quite a few   have already been appointed to even multiple  academys and and I was really proud of the young   women especially I thought they were they really  were rock stars um but a lot are still waiting   to hear their appointments and um you you know  of course having them in our city hall um with   that group is awesome because then we get to you  know have that relationship and see um see how our   kids fair out um announcement wise uh the Florida  Scenic Highway is having a workshop in Mount Dora   tomorrow um in our own Florida byway Scenic Loop  group will be presenting in at that Workshop so   Nancy Galdo has put together a big project and  she's come before us before um talking about an   Gateway for the scenic loop um that's not what our  talk is tomorrow but it's just really nice that   we are part of that and we represent well um we've  already talked about the code enforcement so thank   you Commissioner Persis for bringing that up I I'm  excited about getting that as a discussion item   and I do want to applaud um publicly Troy Kent and  the Volusia County for what what they are looking to   do uh with the with the beach and increasing  revenue for us we certainly can never say no   to increasing funds in our city and so I hope that  we can you know stay proactive on that you know as   Ormond Beach residents and maybe receive a little  income on um some of the proposals from the county   um and with that I'm going to say good night  and thank you all thank you Commissioners one   one page wow. Commissioner Sargent I'm impressed thank you Mr Mayor um first I'd like to start off by thanking staff   for cleaning up the homeless camp on North Center  Street um months ago we cleaned up another camp on   Orchard behind um Office Depot and as you know you  clean up one they move to the next property and um   you know the process does work it takes time you  know we first we have to identify the vacant lot   who owns the property they have to fill out the  paperwork and turn it into the City and then post   no trespassing signs and then the law enforcement  can go out and enforce it the problem is we have   to identify all the vacant property because  they move from one to the other um so if you   see something it's very very important that you  report it to someone so that we can identify the   property owner to be more proactive on on these  things cuz once they pop up my goodness are they   um they get out of control pretty quickly um so  thank you staff for um law enforcement I know it's   not easy to go out to these um camps and I know I  talked to the chief about it and they offer these   um these people that are living in these camps  a place to go um and unfortunately most of them   don't want a place to go they just go to the next  empty lot so thank you staff I appreciate it um Ike   Leary good to see you we have a workshop coming up  soon to talk about Cassen Park the ball's moving   thank you for all you do for the community um  thank you to all the residents that came out   tonight you know this has been a touchy subject  for me at Osceola I went to school there um I have   an 83-year-old mother-in-law who had lives by  herself who lives directly across the street from   the school so I have serious concerns with this  um and the the lack of communication that goes on   time and time again you know the city of Ormond has  done such a great job of being very transparent um   and I think our residents have appreciated that  and unfortunately I just don't see that coming   from the school board and I hope maybe um with  this it'll change um you know it took me over a   year to get a resident who had a portable backed  up to her Lenai and the AC running all the time it   took a year for the school board to get this issue  corrected um I just you know they have not been a   good partner for the City of Ormond in my eyes from  what I've seen and I also would like to when the   um when it comes up for the um renewal of the  Resource Officer at Ormond Beach Middle School I   think the city of Ormond Beach should rethink that  and that the school board should um uh start   paying that cost they already receiving money from  our taxpayers and I think it's time to um let them   pay for that resource officer at Ormond Beach  Middle School um on the Code Enforcement issue   I know you know June is a long time away to get  this rectified um I've told people time and time   again if you are not or don't feel safe reporting  a um on your neighbor or whatever it may be send   it to me I'll report it under my name my cell  phone number is out there my email um I'm happy   to report under my name so that you don't have  to feel um threatened or anything um so I know   the City Manager is probably over there saying  be careful what you ask for but I signed up for   it I'm here to represent the people and if if  um that's what it takes give me a call or shoot   me an email thank you Mr Mayor that's all I have  thank you Commissioner and uh the workshop on the   homeless uh compassionate anti- camping ordinance  I think is coming up maybe uh May 21st I know we   unanimously asked for that at the last meeting  uh I think the Florida Legislature is going to be   passing some legislation that may help us with  that uh but yeah the violence the unsanitary   conditions and other harsh conditions experienced  not only by the the homeless residents of those   areas but by uh our residents and our residents  being accosted when they go to businesses in and   around those areas very troubling very concerning  and I think it's something that we need to take   action on I've had a lot of questions from  the public since that last meeting when is   the workshop going to be we want to be there we  want to hear about it uh so I look forward to   getting that issue uh well underway uh coming up  soon I think our staff is going to issue an RFP   for insurance matters in the city and in talking  with the city manager she's indicated she doesn't   believe it's appropriate for staff staff to meet  with interested uh folks who would like to put in   a proposal I think that's wrong and commission I'd  like you to weigh in on that uh I think in order   to be fair and transparent through the process  that it's entirely appropriate for our staff to   meet with whoever wants to meet with them get all  the documents that they can get uh that they may   have questions on get any questions that they have  answered it should be as complete and accurate and   transparent a process as possible and so I just  wanted to ask you commission uh prior to that   RFP coming to us if there is an insurance company  that wants to bid on that and they're asking to   meet and I realize the city manager may not be  the appropriate person to meet with but whoever   the appropriate person to meet with I think uh  they should our staff should make themselves   available so that it's a again a fair and trans  trans parent process does anybody disagree with   that Deputy Mayor Briley Mr Mayor I don't disagree  I would just like to hear what staff's concern is generally when we we we answer questions we're  responsive to them but we don't generally meet   with folks prior to their submitt so um I don't  know we well I'll Tell You Folks in the insurance   industry tell me they meet with cities all the  time it's a very common practice prior to the RFP   is going out so I don't know why we're different  in that regard but I want to address it now before   it becomes a problem down the road so what you're  saying is before I draft the RFP you want me to   meet with these folks if they want to meet with  you some people may have no interest whatsoever   but other people may have an interest so just to  make sure that it's as fair and transparent as   possible I think it doesn't have to be you it can  be whoever is deeply involved in the RFP process I was just thinking that you know whenever  we have rfps it's always good to gather as   much information as we can and if anybody that  wants to bid on any project that we do if they   have questions maybe this is the right time to  do it before it does go out to bed it kind of   clears up the air and um so I'm anything I  I think anytime you're you're learning and   you're getting information and you can provide  information what our needs are as well um I think   that's as transparent and as open as possible you  know based on that I think it would be better to   have a a a session where we invite everybody in  anybody interested in participating in the RFP   we can address all their questions and answer  those questions at one time rather than have   several meetings I think that that would be a an  appropriate way to address that yeah if you're   worried about staff time and all that too that  might be appropriate as well I don't have I don't   have a problem with that so we so what I hear you  suggesting is that we have a pre-meeting before we   prepare the RFP to understand what questions and  issues they may have and then I would dra prepare   the RFP and then let the RFP that's how we would  normally do something like that that's the normal   course of business so the RF yeah the RFP would  come to us we' approve it then you would let it   yes and at the as you remember all of our rfps  come to you and anybody from the public can and   that's why we do that no other city does that we  bring the RFP to you before we release it to the   general public so when it comes to you you approve  it and anybody at the meeting can ask any question   they want about that RFP process Commissioner  Sargent uh just for the record I work for an   insurance company in town and I don't know at  what point I need to seek uh legal to advise   me at where I can and can't be in meetings um  I just don't want to overstep or um do anything   improper so I just before we go down the road  any further just want that on the record um so   at whatever point Randy feels I need to step  away I just um want that on the record thank you thank you sir all right uh so that's that  issue um the Waste Pro contract I have not heard   a peep on that I asked for a report as to why the  dispute and why it looks like we're heading into   another lawsuit with Waste Pro haven't heard a peep  for since the last meeting didn't hear a peep then   but uh I think this commission deserves an answer  before we head off to court uh as far as what's   going on and if that can can include the numbers  why the calculation process changed after the vote   uh basically all the things in the February 7th I  think it was February 8th letter from the attorney   for Waste Pro to Randy Hayes so I know staff's  got a million things going on that one may have   slipped through the cracks but just wanted to  let you know I'm still waiting for something on   that I I appreciate that and we're still working  with um the city attorney's office um and we'll   prepare a response for you thank the commission  thank you thank you also the public access on   the property at Seminole haven't heard anything on  that either I did pass that along to Councilman   Kent I know he's working on it uh my concern  with that is it seems like a bait and switch   in other words we bring this public Improvement  that's going to happen in order to induce you to   vote Yes on this project and we do that and then  turns out oh we're not actually doing that public   Improvement anymore and so I don't know how to  fix that I want to make sure it never happens   again I don't want contingent public benefits  coming to this commission or any commission but   I would like some answers on that particular  issue Deputy Mayor Briley Mr Mayor I just have a   question maybe Randy could answer this um do  we have recourse on something like that since I   I believe I because we made that that was part  of the condition of the approval of that project   and if they you know renegotiate that is is  there any part of that that we we can just   kind of null and void on their project no this is  really it's a county issue right so unfortunately   that's the answer to uh to that it's just another  consequences consequence of working staff trying   to work with the county county staff and I don't  buy that that's a county issue uh I think it's   an Ormond Beach issue and it's an our resident  issue so I would like more information on that   that just doesn't make sense that it would be  brought to us as a public benefit an inducement   to vote for the project something that's in  the county uh so I don't know there may be   other solutions there but I think we need to look  more at that precious beach access they're not   making any more of it and so rather than let this  opportunity slide through our fingers uh because   we were duped at a prior hearing I don't want to  I don't want to allow that to happen happen um   let's see I don't know if you've heard about the  uh ruling from the administrative law judge for   the Florida Department of Environmental Protection  uh basically my statement on that is that we were   deeply disappointed with the recommendation  to the FDEP secretary from the administrative   law judge to dismiss the case on the air permit  brought forth by SR Perrot that decision does   not reflect the end of our efforts but serves  to highlight the significant work still ahead   and we remain absolutely absolutely committed  to protecting our community's health safety and   the environment uh moving forward we're going  to explore continue to explore as we do every   single day all available Avenues including  advocating for alternative locations for the   proposed facility to ensure our residents concerns  are addressed and their well-being is prioritized   so a little bit of a setback there but the it's  just a recommendation the FDEP secretary can still   dismiss the air permit and put it back through  the process we think that's the right course of   action we're going to continue to advocate for  that uh but it doesn't seem to be heading that   direction right now um and then I wanted to point  out because I do a terrible job of this I think I   mentioned him earlier School Board member Carl  Persis is in the audience tonight he did hear   the concerns of our residents he does listen  and try I remember he fought with us in 2021   to try to save Osceola excuse me unsuccessfully he  argued to the entire board uh regrettably they   ignored him just like they ignored the rest of  us and it was during a pandemic so it was kind   of like fighting with your hands tied behind  your back but uh council member Persis thank   you for being here thank you for listening and uh  we'll continue continue the fight hopefully with   better results this time around and then uh I will  close just by mentioning I was at the Performing   Arts Center Saturday night for a performance  of uh Ernie Hoss and the signature sound it did   an amazing job the crowd loved it Ernie uh comes  I think every other year to Ormond Beach he loves   the venue obviously during the construction he  wasn't able to be here but he not only does he   have his own uh Gospel quartet which is him and  three other young men they've got an incredible   band and then he sings with the Gaithers uh who  do incredible gospel music all around the country   they're actually playing at Calvary I think  Thursday night uh if you can get there to see   that tickets were a little pricey for me but uh  it's an incredible group and and uh that facility   we've already talked about it I don't want to beat  a beat a dead horse but it's just incredible and   the residents we're loving it there on Saturday  night so with all that we are adjourned thank you.