##VIDEO ID:_klhk4b9lkk## to order uh I hope you felt welcomed as you  came in tonight our greeters were Kelly McGuire   our finance director and also assistant Finance  director Chris Byle uh they're both smiling and it   is budget season so I think that's good news and  uh certainly if you ever had any questions about   our budget our award-winning budget Department  one or both would be happy to chat with you and   go through it uh explain it in detail they know  so much about the ins and outs of the Ormond Beach   budget every year we win multiple Awards uh in  the budget area and uh the fact that they're so   transparent and willing to talk with people has  been a plus uh for our city for for many years so   we're grateful grateful for that that plus the  fact our city manager has a a huge budgeting   background and uh they all work together as a team  to to put it together I'd like to introduce the   folks who are sitting up in front of you tonight  to my right your left we have recording secretary   Taylor Lochert next is city clerk Susan Dauderis then  from Zone one commissioner Lori Tolland good   evening everyone and welcome from zone two one of  our favorite zones in the city commissioner Travis   Sargent good evening welcome to my left and your  right uh Zone 3 commissioner Susan Persis welcome   ladies and gentlemen and we have Deputy Mayor  and Zone 4 commissioner a Zone near and dear   to my heart Harold Briley good evening everyone  and welcome next is city manager Joyce Shanahan   assistant city manager Shawn Finley up on the Dais  with us and assistant city manager I saw earlier   Claire Whitley is is with us down in front uh City  attorney Randy Hayes and then uh way to left and   way to your right over in the uh Gallery I guess  you'd call it we have uh Captain Roos filling in   for police chief Jesse Godfrey this evening and  our fire chief Howard Bailey thank you gentlemen   for being here and for those of you listening  online I'm I'm Mayor Bill Partington at this time   if you would silence your cell phones and rise  for the invocation given by Evangelist John Jeyaseelan   that'll be followed by the Pledge of Allegiance  let's pray together father God your word tells   us blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord  and the people whom you have chosen for your own   inheritance I am forever grateful to be a citizen  of this great country father I'm so grateful to   be a part of this city city of Ormond Beach and  Lord your word also says if my people who are   called by my name shall humble themselves and pray  and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways   then I will hear from Heaven I will forgive their  sin and I will heal their land father I pray that   you'd heal our land starting with our city father  and we thank you Lord for these leaders that youve   appointed over us Lord as they' have asked us  to pray for your wisdom we do the same Lord   we pray for your wisdom intervention to impart  your guidance to all these leaders father and   protect every everyone all of the family members  of our city father thank you Lord for protecting   us from hurricanes and disasters and keeping  us strong Lord we will forever be grateful in   Jesus's name I pray amen amen I Pledge allegiance to  the flag of the United States of America and to   the Republic for which it stands one nation under  God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right presentations and proclamations  uh what we have tonight is a special time   in any City when you get to welcome a new  principal and we have pathways Elementary   the Patriots a new principal with us I  believe this evening Kevin Barry Kevin   come on up welcome let the community get  a good look at you and uh say a few words welcome thank you so much good evening Mr Mayor  Commissioners it's an honor to be here this   evening it's an honor to be a part of Volusia  County schools and it's an exceptional honor   to be part of the illustrious top-notch group of  schools that are part of the city of Ormond Beach   thank you for tonight's introduction at Pathways  we will continue and expand upon our reputation   of Excellence we'll also continue to and expand  on our active involvement in our community this   year our theme is growing leaders one Patriot at  a time so you'll see us around town and should   expect us to help us help you learn more  about the incredible work and service that   is offered by our teachers students and staff  there are many reasons why we call Pathways   Patriot paradise and this year we planed to add  even more I want to thank you for your support   this evening and always um I always knew I  would retire here but I couldn't wait that   long so that's why I came here when I did and  I'm so thankful for the opportunity um we know   that there's lots of people out there that are  just really excited about volunteering with our   school so we encourage you to visit our social  media sites our website we have an amazing PTA   and we are always looking for more members so  please visit our PTA at pathwise pta.org but   but I just really want to thank you for being so  welcoming I felt so um at home I started right   when the teacher started so it was kind of a mad  rush um the families the students everyone has   just been welcoming it's been an amazing  place and I know why it's called Patriot Paradise good stuff good stuff well welcome we're  happy to have you uh the Patriots probably I mean   they're right up there one of our most Patriot  iotic schools and uh you know commissioner Persis   is a former principal so she knows what you're  going through right now it's a busy time for   all our principles and uh you know Ormond Beach  Deputy Mayor Briley is a realtor they sell houses   and people don't want to buy houses in places that  don't have good schools but I tell you what people   want to buy houses in Ormond Beach uh they seek  us out that's part of the big part of the reason   and and so uh we're encouraged to have you here  was it Gainesville yes that you came from and uh   finally made your way to to a wonderful place I  know you were trying to get here for some years   not that Gainesville is not wonderful but in its  own way but uh it really is great to have you   here and we wish you the best and uh I know our  commissioners love to get into classrooms talk to   kids read the kids do all the uh important  educational things from a uh government   perspective so don't feel free to call on us and  actually our city employees love to do that as   well so don't don't forget about us we'll do it  expect an email tomorrow thank you thank you thank   you all right and uh it is as I mentioned budget  time and we are at the point where we adopt our   fiscal year 2425 proposed millage rates intended  budget at this time I'm going to open the public   hearings and ask our clerk to read uh resolution  number RESOLUTION NO. 2024-130: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROPOSED MILLAGE RATES FOR THE 2024-2025 FISCAL YEAR; ESTABLISHING A DATE TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO ADOPT FINAL MILLAGE RATES AND FINAL BUDGET; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. resolution number 2024-130 read by title only  per Florida statute I'm required to state that   the final millage rate for the city of Ormond  Beach necessary to fund the fiscal year 2425   budget is 4.96 Mills this rate is 12.82%  above the roll back rate of 4.09 60 Mills   the final debt service millage is 0.065 for  the 2010 General obligation Bond syncing fund   and Kelly uh I think you're coming to  correct me because that didn't make   any sense when I just read it oh this  is the updated it's not updated thank you thank you all right this usually goes so smoothly and this looks correct all right  let's start again per Florida statute I'm   required to state that the final Mill rate for  the city of Ormond Beach necessary to fund the   fiscal year 2425 budget is 4.96 Mills this  rate is 12.82% above the rolled back rate   of 3.635 Mills the final debt service millage  is 0.065 for the 2010 General obligation Bond   syncing fund uh this is a public hearing I do  have one card on the budget and it is uh Joe hanoush thank you good evening Joe honoush good evening  uh just want to say that you know there's always   room to lower property taxes down has nothing to  do with the actual budget it's just like we could   always allocate funds differently which naturally  would reduce the costs you know as far as going   to more friendly Landscaping uh less maintenance  so less cost order would be like let the market   decide what businesses want to come here if  they want to come here let them come here you   know there shouldn't be Financial incentives  for them to come here one last thing before   I go and there somewhat to do with the budget  uh is uh you know if yall I'm sure you'll hear   later about the state spending some of our tax  dollars on you know paving at a park I think   it's nature I think nature should not be paid via  tax dollar so thank you thank you again this is a   public hearing are there any members of the public  who wish to speak but maybe didn't get a chance   to fill out a card speak or ask questions prior  to adoption of the final millage rate if not I   need a motion in a second to adopt the final  millage rate I move approval of resolution   number 2024-130 second moved and seconded so  the final operating millage of 4.09 60 Mills is   12.82% above the roll back millage rate of 3.6305  Mills the resolution also includes adoption of the   final debt service millage rate of 0.065 for  the 2010 General obligation Bond syncing fund   uh please call the vote commissioner Tolland yes  commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis   yes commissioner Briley yes mayor Partington  yes uh the final operating millage rate is set   at 4.0960 Mills which is is 12.82% above  the rolled back millage rate of 3.635 Mills now we're on 5B Susan if you would please  read that by title only ORDINANCE NO. 2024-25: AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE 2024-2025 FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2024 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2025; REPEALING ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. setting forth an effective date this is the first  reading of ordinance number 2024-25 read by title   only thank you I need a motion in a second for  either approval or move approval second all right   any discussion questions for Kelly if not please  call the vote to adopt the budget of $131,976,868 commissioner Sargent yes commissioner  Persis yes commissioner Briley yes   commissioner Tolland yes mayor  Partington yes do I hear any   objection to closing the public hearing  hearing none uh the public hearing is now closed right and we will move to  audience remarks starting with uh Ron Morrison hello I'm Ron Morrison and I live at  Timberlake Lane uh which is a part of the Hidden   Hills development in city of Ormond Beach I'm here  this evening representing 17 homeowners who have   homes on either side of a large Canal that is  integral to the city storm water drainage plan   that protects hundreds of homes businesses and  Roads I'm here tonight to tell a story about   good intentions of the city that resulted in bad  consequences we have a serious problem with the   canal uh I'd like to first thank commissioner  Persis who listened to the homeowners concerns   and physically visited the canal to see what  we're dealing with I submitted pictures picture   one shows the inlet at Hidden Hills where the  city runoff water enters the canal ultimately   draining into the Tomoka river this area has a  history of flooding and erosion and the city on   numerous occasions tried to address these issues  by elevating the roadway constructing curbs and   other flood water diversion techniques uh  looking at pictures two and three uh part   of the problem caused by the city's approach  to address the flooding and erosion uh three   years ago the city placed large rip wrap  to protect the road uh this diverted the   ne flow of the river resulting in significant  Shore erosion uh the eroded material on first   they began to collect in the canal less than a  year ago the city relocated rip wrap and dredged   a large 4ft deep Pond behind 10 Timberlake Drive  uh looking at picture four uh the result of this   uh was impeded flow a proliferation of ramble  overgrowth and a formation of multiple Islands   this caused Canal to become stagnant uh a mosquito  Haven which uh results in a community health   concern uh it's verminus in Vile site um reduces  our property values and certainly compromises our   quality of life picture five shows that in spite  of the city's herculan efforts uh the roadway um   erosion is still exists uh picture six and seven  will show that the homeowners are now engaged in   a project where we are clearing dredging grading  and restoring the lake uh picture seven shows the   what the lake looked like before the city  commenced its work trying to improve the uh   roadway and proect them from erosion um we are  paying $24,000 for this project to be done and   we're asking at this time for the city to commit  $5,000 to help us pay for this and our rationale   here is that the city's course of actions as noble  as they were okay trying to help us created most   of the problems it wasn't intentional uh but  we would not have the problems that we are   experiencing now if the city did something other  than it thank you thank you next is Jennifer bright in 1992 the UN Earth Summit produced  a plan for sustainable development of the   Earth's resources Agenda 21 sounds like another  conspiracy theory to say that a plot for world   government has reached into the city of Ormond  Beach without you having read or heard a single   word about it on the news Agenda 21 is cloaked  in euthanised smart growth sustainability and of   course green whenever you hear any of those terms  used by a public official be suspicious Agenda 21   is lurking in the background Agenda 21 functions  at a local level often informally do every day   citizens get interested in planning zoning  building codes environmental impact statements   not unless developers proposing a fuel Depot most  people just aren't interested and those that are   know the city and county have always had a master  plan to coordinate land use and zoning ordinances   they may think the 2045 plan is just more of the  same Agenda 21 is very much a stealth campaign   and hiding in places where many people never  look Agenda 21 is set in public policies based   on a pH philosophy of balancing the individual's  rights against those of the community so how can   you balance individual rights with those of a  community the community has no rights under the   US Constitution individuals have rights but the  community as a whole what is that worse because   the rights of the community are not defined in  the Constitution they can be changed without   warning or notice agenda 21's policies are  woven into General plans for governments to   take control of land use and not leave any of  the decisionmaking in the hands of the private   property owners its aim is to micromanage  Redevelopment into forms more agreeable to   the UN like high density housing bikes instead  of cars this is done with public hearings and   meetings carefully orchestrated in advance  to manufacture consensus and deter descent   it looks very much like the 2045 plan  to transform Ormond Beach and so Agenda   21 creeps forward virtually unopposed in Ormond  Beach thank you thank you next next is Suzanne Shyer hi Suzanne Shyer representing green  Volusia it was recently discovered that Florida   Department of Environmental Protection has  plans to pave one and a half mile of dirt road   located in Tomoka state park for 1.5 million dollars plus  while the project was approved 12 years ago time   have changed we oppose the project for the  following reasons number one road development   Alters the hydrology of an area number two friends  of Tomoka raise money for Park needs and imminent   maintenance by the but this funding for the paving  is approved by FDEP the park needs are greater than   the paving of the road park rangers are driving  20-year-old trucks and the friends group recently   purchased a transmission for a vehicle number  three Wildlife will be impacted in a negative   way including fragmentation number four the Park's  history is Rich and worthy of protection there is   a risk with the paving of the road even if the  most careful circumstances with the most careful   circumstances the nocoroco archaeological site  should not be put in danger number five the lack   of transparency more recently is troubling  especially considering what just came out   relating to other state parks number six Paving  roads opens for future development number seven   cars can speed up on a paved Road and are already  driving fast on the dirt road in the park paved   roads are require maintenance as well as dirt  roads and heavy equipment is still needed there   is still an expense in exposing the Park's history  and nature to equipment and now on the future the   friends of Tomoka board cannot take a position  as they fall under Florida state parks they are   simply allowed to put out information all of us  have the right to take a position as we all share   responsibility for our remaining green spaces and  history this includes our local government that   supported the designation of the scenic Highway  the reason we are here tonight is to ask the   Ormond commission for a letter of support for  resurfacing the road with a more environmentally   friendly permeable material and supporting  remaining funds to be reallocated to other   Park expenses These funds are specific to the road  paving however requesting for a reallocation to   needs that can be fulfilled by FDEP is practical  the flooding on the Ormond Scenic Loop is a real   issue and pavement creates more runoff when we  know about existing problems we cannot turn a   blind eye and accept what was approved 12 years  earlier difficult conversations do not go away   just because they are difficult times have changed  thank you for your attention thank you Elaine Davis hello hello Elaine Davis I live on Melrose um  here to talk about code enforcement again um   somewhere in this budget that you guys are doing  we have got to hire some more Code Enforcement   Officers take the handcuffs off them let them  do their job I sat here at our last meeting and   listen to pretty much the whole consensus here  talk about lowes I have a different of opinion   there on lowes I don't think there's a problem  I've been in and out of that store thousands   of times I'm a contractor not once did I ever  say wow this makes my community look bad ever   but every day when I come in off of US1 on Wilmette  I'm embarrassed by my community I live in the   Terrace that corridor coming in there is a disgrace  Andre love him he's everybody's mechanic his place   is a disaster that's an eyesore to the community  some of the properties coming in on wilmette trash   and garbage and building material and storage  containers three years now I've been coming   here last February brought you a whole packet  of houses in our area that are in desperate   need of Code Enforcement Education I don't want  anybody fined but somebody's got to get the word   out to clean up the area you know we're building  so much new that we're forgetting about the old   that's year and I mean I live here I've been here  22 years and Travis lives right down the street we   want it cleaned up but we can't do it because of  that new law you have to tell the neighbor that   who made the complaint then there's a neighbor  issue so everybody's kind of backed off of that   but we do we need Code Enforcement Officers we  need them out there doing their job take the   hand handcuffs off let them go to work we're not  proactive we haven't been proactive for a long   long time it's time to make that change we can't  complain about what Lowe's looks like and let this   other mess go on so work together we'll do what  we told you before we would volunteer to help them   but whatever needs to be done we just ask for  your help thank you thank you Russell Bennett I came here the night thinking this was going  to be a budget meeting but apparently it isn't   a budget meeting and I've maybe I should  have directed this to financial director   rather than commission I've come here before I  would say several years and asked essentially   the same thing and that is that the little bit  of survey that I've done with my friends from   church and and where I live and at the gym  we don't seem the need to have trash being   removed from our properties twice a week and  I think it's a a budgetary thing um it's got   to be a budgetary thing I think we can just  go with one time that the trash needs to be   removed um where I lived is the same place  that Harold Briley lives and he can attest the   fact that I guess most everybody either doesn't  put trash out twice a week or if they do they   only put one trash can out a a week and um you  know I just think that you could save some money   by picking up the trash just one time a week I  don't know what suggestion I might have maybe   on Thursdays when the recycling truck comes  but maybe any other day be okay um so anyway   that's for my suggestion I don't know maybe it's  not supposed to be appropriate to a commission   meeting and maybe I should have addressed it  at some other budgetary meeting but I didn't   know about any other budgetary meetings except  for this one thank you thank you Elizabeth bonds um I live on 231 Morwick Avenue um I'm here to  represent dream green Volusia I just have to say   I agree with that man wholeheartedly I only put  my trash out one time a week I have no idea my   whole street we don't use it more than once a  week anyways um I'm here in in regards to the   recent attempted assault on our state parks  uh it's illustrated by how everyone came out   of the woodwork to support the preservation of  natural space um we have a year ago a Florida   forever package was sent out out for the Ford  Marsh property that's 12200 Acres just east of   bulow Creek State Park um it's been delayed  for for a couple of the different reasons   and it's not your fault and uh just want to  make sure that you guys are staying a breast   of it because I think that if you guys could  do anything in your power to move this land   purchase forward uh the family wants to sell  and wants to preserve the land and I think it   would bring a lot of um good morale back to the  community and Trust in our local government and   replace like some of the trees that have lost do  to like Wawa and Culver and everywhere else that   we've torn down our our nature that's all  thank you very much thank you James Smith mayor we can ask sure James Smith is next followed  by Ariel Cavanaugh I'll speak up thank you um long   time Florida resident family's been here about 200  years or so and scenery changed a lot uh I went to   Ormond Beach Elementary middle school and graduated  uh Seabreeze but um was hoping that the commission   would stand with uh the park and not Paving it and  basically that's um you know everything that the   this lady here said was was perfect thank you  thank you Ariel Cavannaugh followed by Katherine pante good evening thank you for having me here  I'm a resident of Holly Hill and I frequently   travel um through Ormond Beach for work and also  um to run I enjoy running uh I come to just have   you guys think about something um the magic of  driving down a dirt road it's kind of hard to   find these days I purchased a state park pass  about um a year or two ago and I've renewed   specifically to run through Tomoka State Park I  cannot enjoy a a dirt road anywhere else around   here think about it um and I just want you guys to  I want to invite you guys to think about your kids   and your grandchildren and the magic that you get  driving down there to the pier and enjoying the   dirt road not to mention when I go through there  I feel safe I am not worried about traffic I   purposely go there I park at the lot right where  the paved trail is go through and go out to Tomoka   state park because I am away from a lot of traffic  um Paving it would invite possibly some speeding   folks um around those corners and I don't see a  benefit to Paving it I only see negatives what   other people are have already brought up and will  continue to bring up thank you for listening thank you Katherine followed by Arthur [Music] Armstrong good evening Commissioners I come  before you tonight to ask your help by not   supporting Paving in Tomoka State Park almost all  Paving leads to development especially in light of   what the state just tried to do with our eight  eight of our Parks Paving will harm the native   habitats of Wildlife and plant life that live in  the forest asphalt is one concern as it contains   coal tar pitch a recognized human carcinogen  the seal coats use to seal the asphalt contain   polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons also carcinogens  these seal coats deteriorate into fine particles   which run off into storm drains nearby waterways  and leech into the ground which is why after a   roadway is freshly paav the first rain you see  fish die off on a roadway that's near water Tomoka   state park is surrounded by water a paved road  is a human convenience not a human necessity and   definitely not a human necessity in a state park  we have disrupted wildlife and green spaces with   enough development the last 10 years our parks  are the only place where Wildlife has a home   due to human intrusion let's not further  damage their only home and contaminate our   state parks by Paving a dirt road merely  for human convenience not only will we be   poisoning the wildlife we will be poisoning  ourselves in the process I request the city   of Ormond Beach send a letter in opposition  to Paving our state park to FDEP I also want   to just read something from first prayers animals  referred to by John mayer as our horizontal Brothers   have long been recognized as essential to our  development and well-being throughout history   they have played a major role in human thought and  culture they inhabit our myths fables Proverbs and   stories there is profound and escapable need  for Animals among all people for why animals   have inhabited a world without people we have  never lived without the companionship example   and practical help of animals today because  of widespread pollution of air and water the   rapid expansion of cities and the destruction of  wilderness habitat we are seeing an intimate and   irreversible loss of Untamed animal life we can  only guess the future effect on our children of   living in a world in which elephants exist  only in zoos the great whales no longer fill   the Seas with their song and remaining Forest  are silent we are asked to awaken to the plight   of our animal relatives to let their beauty and  power come alive for us once more we are members   of a human family and Society but the presence  of animals and others enlarges our perception   of self beyond the city and opens us inward to the  ground of being where live the lizard monkey fish   and bear these are our relations they are like  us offspring of the great mystery and necessary   parts of balanced and Living Hope thank you  thank you Arthur Armstrong followed by Donna Craig good evening everyone been in Ormond  for 25 years now I love the city but it's at this   point it's growing very fast I'm just going to  touch on a few bases and you go in to Tomoka State   Park he me oh Tomoka State Park sorry usually  I talk too loud um obviously the state wants to   pave that road I come from a family that's camped  I was Camp since I was 8 years old and with that   in mind the family up in Massachusetts at the time  was all dead roads hundreds and hundreds of Acres   that you go camping it was lovely one thing state  of Massachusetts wouldn't do is pave them and it   was great because they never had traffic problems  you always had to pull over when another car came   basically I know that's a lot wider um but the  habitat in that area crosses that road because it   doesn't know that it's a road and it's been that  those those Turtles for instance and whatnot for   centuries centuries have crossed that same spot  and they're going to continue rather how many   times they get hit when I'm out of Ormond Lakes  where I live I see turtles on a any given B time   probably once or twice a week they don't know  what to do they get out in the middle they stay   to get run over that's just some of it but we have  a governor that's got an incentive as we all know   for Parks he wants to find parks that they can  put golf courses in and other things that would   accommodate some of the needs we need in in a  whole state well almond is unique we have we   have a a golf course that is just sitting dormant  with a 27-year lease that's not being utilized I   know we have uh Joyce over there saying that you  know we don't have a need for it but if you ever   tried to go to Riviera uh golf course on a Friday you  won't get a tee time if that place was put back   together and had somebody in there for the 2017  at least we would have no issues but that goes off   the line a little bit instead of the state park  but State Park does not need that road we need   to have it and leave it that way and the other  problem with that or there is you have small sites   in a lot of the bigger campers and stuff won't  even go in there because it's dirt but also they   don't belong there because the sites are too small  being the history that I know about it if you have   a cat Road like that they're going to try to get  in there they're going to do it it's just going   to make it difficult for the average person  with a pop-up tent or or one of those type   of vehicles for camper that's something to be  considered but I think you have the ability to   tell a state suggest a state with that money that  we have that's there we have the store over there   it's just falling apart air conditions don't  work it's very difficult to Utilize I don't even   see how they can do a business over there and  the conditions of our the docks and whatnot   over there are in terrible condition people want  to go fishing over there they want to take their   kayaks in there that's where the money should be  spent not on that road and that's something that   I think the commissioner should impress upon  um the incentive that our governor is trying   to do for this point there's things that we  could come forward with and maybe look like   we're really trying to do something that better  better the community and utilize that because   it's a it's it's a great place to go I I enjoy  it thank you very much thank you Donna Craig hi uh my name is Donna Craig I live in Ormond  by the Sea close neighbor oh um I'm here to   speak against this uh FDEP proposal about Paving  the roadway through Tomoka State Park um I'm a   local I've grown up in this area I was born a  little bit away I was Seventh Generation born   on my mother's side in St Augustine Florida and  we moved to this area when I was 2 years old um   I don't remember it but my older brother tells  me he remembers when Granada was a dirt road   Beyond Nova Road then called Canal as I recall  so I grew up here I went to Seabreeze I went   to Daytona Beach Community College it was called  then I went to the University of Central Florida   graduated when it was still FTU um I think I sort  of have some standing here as far as my love of   the area and my knowledge of the area and it's  changed a lot of course it has to change change   is inevitable I did move away for for a good  long while did my did my uh craziness in the   city and then came back because this was always  home to me and I see that a lot of things are   changing and that's good it's it's inevitable  but I think we need to be smart about the about   the things that we allow Tomoka state park  is a wonderful Park I remember going on uh as   a brownie we would go up there and have little  cookouts and things and we would have um class   field trips up there it was a wonderful place to  be and part of the excitement was it was a dirt   road I mean it was really a lot of fun but it  was it's natural it's what the park is supposed   to be um and the idea of having a paved roadway  through that Park makes me very sad um I think   we need to preserve what we can it's the natural  environment here is precious and it's what brings   people here and it's what keeps people here  we need to say what we can so please if you   have an opportunity to speak to to the state  to FDEP against this project I would really   appreciate it I think that we it's something  that we can live without thank you thank yeah we're just going to go  uh approval of minutes right now uh Commission   these are the regular minutes from City  Commission meeting of August 20th 2024   they've been sent to the commission for review  also posted to the city's website any additions   deletions or Corrections approval second mov in  seconded all those in favor say I I oppose like   sign and we'll show those passing unanimously  we're now on the consent agenda and does anyone   wish to pull any item from the consent agenda  commissioner Sargent yes Mr Mayor 8c and k please 8C and 8K anyone else are you sure  it's C I had a card on is it B I'm sorry   B and C B I think those are related let  me check maybe I'm out of line here B's the economic development agreement with and  then and C B andc please Mr Mayor BC and K uh no   K I'm sorry I don't know why I had K written  down because I also have a card for K I move   approval of the consent agenda minus B and C  second all right did you want to okay okay   as well as right one as well I move approval  of the consent agenda minus B b c and k second   thank you movement seconded please call the vote  commissioner Persis yes commissioner Briley yes   commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent yes mayor Partington yes 8B RESOLUTION NO. 2024-136: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A COOPERATIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH AND TEAM VOLUSIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION; AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDING; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. the city has paid to participate since its  conception in 2011 in all those years our   city manager has been an executive member  the fee to belong this year is $26,995 the   city wants to give team Volusia $330,000  to buy a seat on the executive board   the contract in the agenda packet only  includes what the NGO will do this year   unlike all the other agenda items in the agenda  packet all previous years of documentation is not   supplied so what has our tax dollars done for  us the last 13 years with this NGO how many of   those years has the city bought its way onto the  executive board I would like to see the K city   council hold off on ruling on this item until  a cost analysis is provided for example what's   the city spending year-over-year for the last 13  years to team Volusia versus real Revenue team Volusia  has earned for the city and was recognized on our  books this way we can have total transparency on   how our money is spent thank you thank you now  we can have a motion so move second moved and   seconded any other discussion please call the  vote commissioner Briley yes commissioner Tolland  yes commissioner Sargent yes commissioner Persis  yes mayor Partington yes 8 C RESOLUTION NO. 2024-137: A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A PROPOSAL FROM CATHEDRAL CORPORATION TO PROVIDE UTILITY BILLING SERVICES; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT AND PAYMENT THEREFOR; REJECTING ALL OTHER PROPOSALS; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. second for discussion I move approval of  resolution number 2024-137 second moov   seconded commissioner Sargent thank you  I just have a question for staff on this   could we is there an option for residents to  opt out from receiving a paper copy yes there is okay that's all I have thank you Mr Mayor  Perfect all right uh please call the vote   commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent yes  commissioner Persis yes commissioner Briley yes   mayor Partington yes eight K disposition  item titled Auto Renewal - Yellowstone Landscape Grounds Maintenance Agreement thank  you and I have a card again from Jennifer bright the auto renewal for Yellowstone landscape  Grounds Maintenance there are 91 pages of   documentation for this Auto renewal in the  agenda packet dated 2012 which appears to be   the original contract the pages for the amendment  amendment to contract years 2017 are also present   but where are the pages for the amendment to  contract for years 2019 through 2023 why is   there not a breakdown of the cost for this  new renewal bid I would like to see the city   council hold off on this ruling until the  above information can be supplied and a   year year-over-year cost analysis done  comparing the same grounds maintenance   services listed in the original contract this  way once again we could hopefully have total transparency thank you and eight  okay I just need a motion in a second I move approval second all right  please call the vote commissioner Sargent   yes commissioner Persis yes commissioner Briley  yes commissioner Tolland yes mayor Partington yes   and we are now uh at public hearings I'll open  the public hearings ask the clerk to read uh well   before I do that let me double check are there any  Commissioners who wish to comment on any consent   agenda items commissioner Persis yes um on eight  in the capital Improvement plan would there be a   way we could all get a copy of that Shanahan okay  thank you I I would like one thank you you want a   hard copy or elect hard copy please if you all  yeah and just you know just to speak to k um   we did have an update of all the the  numbers for the contract up to 2024   I'm not sure why they weren't in the um  agenda packet but I'm sure we can make   those available to you Miss Bright if needed is  that correct staff yes ma'am all right thank you we're now at public hearings  I'll open the public hearings after   the clerk to read 9A please ORDINANCE NO. 2024-24: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND ISSUANCE OF THE SECOND AMENDED DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR A PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS “PLANTATION OAKS”; AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL LIST OF USES TO ALLOW WAREHOUSE, INDOOR MINI-RENTAL AS A PERMITTED USE UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; AUTHORIZING A SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL PARCEL LOCATED AT 1730 PLANTATION OAKS BOULEVARD; AND SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. reading of ordinance number 2024-24 read by title  only thank you this is a second reading I don't   have any cards for 9 second we' been seconded any  further discussion questions please call the vote   commissioner Persis yes commissioner Briley yes  commissioner Tolland yes commissioner Sargent   yes mayor Partington yes and we will close the  public hearings uh move to 10A RESOLUTION NO. 2024-145: A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE PRIMARY MUNICIPAL ELECTION CONDUCTED IN THE CITY OF ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 2024; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE; SETTING FORTH AN EFFECTIVE DATE. any cards move approval second move been seconded  any discussion or questions Susan did you want to   say anything all right commissioner Sargent  I just would like to say congratulations to   commissioner elect uh Deaton that's in the crowd um  it's exciting for her to be up here in a couple   months thank you well said commissioner Persis and  I also want to um extend my congratulations to you   and thank you always for being here it's wonderful  seeing you out there anyone else I will echo those   sentiments uh Kristin congratulations all right  I would be remiss if I wasn't part of this gang   of course we were're we're very proud of you and  very happy and we appreciate the hard work that   you put in um in being here so thank you please  call the vote commissioner Briley yes commissioner   Tolland yes commissioner Sargent yes commissioner  Persis yes mayor Partington yes and now that it's   official congratulations Kristin yep uh we are  at reports suggestions and requests and tonight   we we start with city manager Joyce Shanahan  thank you Mr Mayor um just a reminder that um   due to the way um the county goes first on budget  your meeting um second meeting of the month will   also be on a Wednesday that'll be 9/18 2024 and  then one last move of the meeting on um 10 we'll   move to 10/2 because National Night Out is on 10/1  um so everybody enjoys celebrating that and it's   a wonderful night to um see our police officers  in action and see all the kiddos having a great time uh the real in the fishing real in the fun  fishing tournament um the last one is scheduled   for October 5th from 9:00 a. to 11:00 a.m. at  Bailey riverbridge Garden you know they do one   in the fresh water they do one in the salty  water they do one in the lake and then where's   and the ocean that's the best one actually  in my opinion not that I catch any fish um   so again National Night Out will be at  Rockefeller Gardens 25 Riverside Drive   from 5:00 p.m to 8:00 pm on Tuesday October  1st 2024 and I have only one F further comment   and uh staff wishes to congratulate Miss  Deaton and tell her that we're excited to   be working with her so thank you very much  thank you any questions for the city manager   assistant city manager Shawn Finley thank you  assistant city manager Caire Whitley nothing   tonight all right and City attorney Randy Hayes  good night thank you thank you tonight we start   with commissioner Tolland ah okay um like to make  sorry you're just oh never mind anyway I'd like   to make a couple comments um um related to the  audience comments in the beginning um Mr Morrison   and his pictures I'm hoping that maybe we can um  I can reach out to um Shawn with public works I   guess again to see if there's something we can do  to help them um you know it looks like we've been   helping him in the past but maybe have a meeting  with him and see what you can do to assist if the   rest of the commission agrees I I think that would  be a nice thing to do um also like to speak to   um about the code enforcement with Elaine Davis I  know we don't have a code enforcement and that's a   whole another budgeted item that we haven't talked  about but Miss Davis has come over and over again   and um I don't know if there's anything we can do  to help her clean up her street a little bit maybe   that's something uh the police can take back and  discuss and how they can help her um I think it   would I think it would be the right thing to do  if we can do if we can help that's my opinion on   that um all right so I'm going to save my comments  for the Tomoka state park at the end um we already   talked about Kristin um I do want to announce  that I was accepted to the um legislative policy   committee within the Florida League of cities I  just found that out so I'm really happy to get   involved and that is going to be for utilities  natural resources and public works so watch out   Shawn I'm on you um and what I'd like to ask is  if anyone has any thoughts that they want me   to share uh or anything to bring to my attention  I don't know how we do that with Sunshine maybe   bring it to Joyce's attention and then she  shares with me um but we will work that out   but I'm really happy to serve on that committee  and the first meeting will be October 4th um   I did attend the Volusia County Road Project meeting  at the library which was quite informative um of   all the potential projects um that the Volusia  County Commission has not Council has not   voted on yet but it looks like um a lot of  our traffic problems and Road problems are   at least being addressed uh let's see another  comment to something I talked about last year   and I just don't want us to forget about the  need to maybe include those mental Wellness   signages with any um trails that we're doing um  we do have that partner with Advent hospital and   I I just don't want that to get put under the rug  I'm just bringing it up yeah we were still working   on okay perfect thank you I appreciate that and  another thing I brought and I did bring this up   to staff and and I don't it's just been a recent  thing I brought up you know I'm always afraid of   like missed opportunities within a city and I had  talked to staff about now that the um owners of   the property of 135 North Young Street the Dollar  Tree people are not building those condos and   those apartments you know they got it all approved  and made all those adjustments so the um residents   wouldn't be um compromised as much with traffic so  that property is for sale and just wanted to throw   it out there that that property may be something  if this commission and if the staff thinks it's   necessary may be something we may want to look at  to purchase for either water retention or and also   would save the traffic um in those two those  two roads uh might protect the residence from   traffic and may have some opportunities for us not  that I'm out trying to spend government money but   sometimes there's missed opportunities um that we  need to look at and then finally my last comment   would be on the Tomoka state park and so I I had  been talking to miss Shyer a lot over the last   couple weeks and she brought a lot of good points  to my attention and I really do appreciate her   passion and her research and everything that she  does um but with my personality I have to do my   own research as well so I I talked to many people  um at the Florida Department of Environmental   Protection I talked to um some Park Rangers and  of course um did additional research and I just   feel like um my original request was going for was  going to ask the city commission to write a letter   um to stop the paving but what I did learn and  what we don't know what what I got to remember is   is number one this Project's been in the works  since 2008 it was a visitor driven initiative   which means when you leave a park and you write  your little card what what do you see you know how   how was your experience how you can make it better  it was driven that a lot of the larger RVs were   getting stuck in the potholes they were regrading  they have tried the shell they have tried the Rock   and every time you do that you are regrading and  you're taking down more land and pushing it to the   side from and I'm not an engineer but from what  I understand what I was told was that when you do   a Paving project it kind of protects the land  that's underneath now do we like the old feel   the old Florida feel of course all of us like to  go into a park and and see that old road I was a   runner too back in the day and I too used to run  through that Park and do the loop all the time and   I love that um but I think that Paving the 1 and  a half miles does make sense I am convinced it is   not part of that Florida um Parks initiative that  Desantis tried to put on us right away I don't   believe that that has anything to do with that  pretty com comfortable with that um uh let's see   and as far as the AR archaeological sensitive  lands I was told that the paving would protect   that more and when they do do the paving they will  have a um archaeologist on site and he will be   retained during that time to protect that property  so saying that I am not for um requesting to um   not pave the road and we also can't use the paving  money for the other things that are needed in the   park because it's two different pots of money  you just can't just take from one pot and use it   for another it's always designated for different  things so understanding all of the above um that's   kind of where I stand with the Tomoka state park  so thank you for letting me um ramble on thank   you with that I'll say good night thank you yep  commissioner Sargentt thank you thank you Mr Mayor   um last week my wife and I had the privilege of  traveling out to Las Vegas and I got to tell you   after visiting there sure is nice to come back  to paradise you know there's no grass out there   everything's dead um rocks just driving around  paved um all I can say is we live in paradise   and um thank you to staff and Kelly and Chris I  don't know if they're still here they might have   left um for all they do with the budget um we we  are very fortunate to have great staff thank you   Mr Mayor thank you commissioner Persis thank you  good evening everyone uh first of all I just I   just have to mention as an educator um that we  need to keep the people in Georgia um what   happened at appalache high school today with the  shooting there's four people dead just makes me   sick that something like that happens and um my  heart just goes out to the town to the school   to the children to the parents and I just can't  imagine what they're going through right now so   so I just hope we all keep them in our thoughts  and prayers I just had had to mention that and   um as far as some things that were brought up to  tonight um The Code Enforcement issue I I wonder   I I I really am in favor of that there's you  know not just will met because I know that is   a kind of some areas definitely look blighted but  I would like to see some other areas be looked at   too because we do have them in the city and I do  believe we're getting more of it because we don't   have the code enforcement that we really need to  have so if we maybe could talk about that sometime   what what we could possibly do maybe meet with  the chief or something but I just think that's   something that needs to be looked at um I also  wanted to mention um my my neighbor Ron Morrison   who was here to talk about um the issue on Hidden  Hills and and Timberland Trail um I have been out   there many times and they have tried these these  residents have put put so much money into trying   to fix this Pond this Weir that's I and I don't  know what thesolution is because I'm not an   engineer I don't know Shawn you know you certainly  know much more than I but it is an issue the water   right now is bubbling it's so stagnant and there's  mosquitoes there's the snakes I mean it's just it   never used to look like that it was a beautiful  pond you would drive down and there were birds and   it was just absolutely beautiful and now it just  looks terrible and each resident on that street on   those two streets they're putting in $1,400 to try  to pay this friend of theirs to that has this big   machine that's going to scoop out everything and  try to get the water flowing my concern is there's   a clogged pipe down you know toward Granada maybe  somewhere I don't know again I'm not an engineer   I probably shouldn't say that but I think there's  something wrong that we need to try to help these   these citizens with and thank you commissioner  Tolland for for mentioning that because they've   really they've really just taken it on taken it on  the chin for a long time and um anything we can do   to help I I hope everybody agrees to help these  residents I would appreciate it and last but not   least um the the paving issue it is concerning to  me um I I see both sides I mean it's I don't know   if there's a great answer but um I do I do not  have a problem writing a letter though because if   something else even could be done that could keep  the nature of keep the look of Nature and and the   look of a a you know just a dirt road I'm a former  Runner too and I love running on dirt roads it's   so freeing and just wonderful and um so if there's  anything we could do I'm I'm in favor of that   and thank you all for listening have a wonderful  evening thank you Deputy Mayor Briley thank you Mr   Mayor um just a couple things this evening one I  got a phone call uh from a business uh a business   owner in the in the in the community and uh his  concern is the amount of homelessness he seeing   within the city um one of the latest things we saw  was a a tent that was pitched over on uh Thompson   Creek Road next to the Ace Hardware uh over next  to the bus bench uh folks camping on the sidewalk   in a tent so if there's some you know I I know  we've discussed it before I know that the city   of uh Deland I believe has enacted some ordinances  regarding I think pan handling and homelessness   um I know the city of jacksonville has as well if we  can maybe look at that some of that stuff and see   you know see if it's been challenged in court and  see if it would even hold up um I think you know   if we can try to get this some sort of grip on  it um I'm getting more and more calls on it uh   I guess as people are seeing it you know people  pushing empty wheelchairs down Granada Boulevard   I mean just it it's becoming I guess more of a  it's a safety issue for not only the people who   are who are homeless but also you know the people  who are you know in seeing this are concerned for   the people so um and then I'll just end uh the  State Park issue and like many of us I'm born   and raised here I've been going to that Park  all my life my mother and father went to that   Park when they were youngsters and as did my  well probably my grandparents probably before   was a park in any case um I do think I don't know  who's at the wheel on this thing with the Florida   state parks department but I don't think golf  courses and hotels are good ideas for state parks   s first of all Golf Course has dump pesticides  and fertilizers and are kind of environmental   hazards um even hunting in state parks I don't  know who came up with that idea either last thing   I want to be doing is enjoying the state park  and have to worry about a bullet flying over   my shoulder um as far as the road paving at  Tomoka State Park you know that's one of the   things we enjoy about going to Tomoka state park  is it's like traveling back into Old Florida and   I'm one of those people that has a camper  so I might regret saying this but if I get   my camper stuck I guess I get it stuck um I'm  not in favor of Paving that road I mean we're   only advised we can only recommend to the  state about what we would like but I don't   see I think if you pave that road and some of  the some of the comments that were brought up   tonight I think are very very valid people tend  if if it's a smoother Road they're going to go   faster um you know and and it does take away  from the scenic Park like setting um I I agree   with some of the comments that made I don't think  it makes good environmental sense and listen this   park has been up there for I don't know how long  a lot a lot of years and they've made it work this   long my message to the state is just keep making  it work with what you've been doing um as far as   I totally understand understand commissioner Tolland I  guess you you've spoken with the folks there and   you know about a million and a half dollars to  to pave that road I mean I'd rather that money   go to Chief Tomokie and restore Chief Tomokie um  or or as Mr Mr Armstrong said I believe repair   the docks that are in disrepair up there I think I  think the priorities here are are kind of a little   bit backwards with Tomoka State Park I say keep  the road dirt and and improve the amenities and   protect our historic uh assets up there with that  Mr Mayor I'll say good night thank you thank you   and with that uh we are  adjourned thank you all very much