like one that he had it was in the woods too far away in ch I can't sense it it's very peaceful while you're working like feel like outside you know no I'm calling to order the city of Avo community redevelopment agency governing board meeting at 6 o'clock on February 19th 2024 uh everyone's here but Mr Slattery and the first item on our agenda selection of chair and vice chair and I suppose I'll turn this matter over to Mrs Ross if you can handle that for us I would appreciate it certainly thank you um yeah so first thing on the agenda we have our selection of chairman and vice chairman any do we have nominations for the chair chair I'll I'll nominate Mr Axel so any other nominations on principle I think we should have uh somebody who lives inside City Limits be the chairman so I'll nominate Natalie tuer okay any other nominations all right shall call none no no furthers do you want to call for a vote then um all in favor for I'm I'm okay with Dave oh oh okay so we're um okay do we need a vote there was uh if we just have we just have one nomination so we all right then we will move on and our next matter is approval of when we the vice chair Vice chair I apologize I'll hand it I'll hand it over to you Mr chairman okay so can we have a nomination for vice chair I'll nominate um Natalie tuer is there a second second any other nominations I'll nominate Tim slaughtery is there a second I still want a second just because he's not here but and actually we don't we don't need a second for nomination anyway so yeah but I I do think that we should have at least our vice chairman live in Ido City Limits well he's next to Ovito City Limits he he is but he does not live in Ovito works all right we have two nominations it would appear all those in favor of Natalie tuer please say so I I I and those in favor of Mr Slattery I it appears you are the the vice chair okay I can't wait to tell him he just missed out he's going to be terribly upset all right now we'll move on to approval of the minutes of November 6 2023 is there a motion I'll make a motion to approve the minutes of November 6 2023 second there's a motion and a second any discussion on this okay I'll call the vote all those in favor say I I any opposed none opposed motion passes is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak seeing nobody will move on there's no consent agenda items and we have resolution 15624 and it's all the floor is yours is this on yes is it right uh good evening Mr chair and members of the CRA board um what you have before you is a request to do a budget amendment so if you'll recall back in August of 2023 we um we became aware of an issue at the East Magnolia Street crossing where the embankment had washed away under underneath the road um in staff and doing research on on that project realized that it was likely caused by Hurricane Ian um we have submitted paperwork um and a project request in fima to get that project onto the um project request list to get reimbursed um at the time the best funding source we had identified would be for the CRA to help pay for that project um subsequent to year end we do have better financial information um for the end of the year um we have been able to identify a funding source using the third generation sales tax and staff feels like with the complexities of FEMA and the submitt and all the issues that go involved with that we think it's best to just have this project moved into the third generation sales tax fund it is added um for the city council meeting there is a resolution to request that is added to Exhibit C and there's also a budget amendment attached to that to put it into fund 304 so what we're requesting is just approval of the budget amendments um it will take it out of Magnolia Street it will move it into um reserve for contingency right now for Franklin Street because that's identified but it could be allocated to any project that you all request are there any questions from Mrs Jones is there a motion I'll make a motion to adopt resolution number 56-24 second we have a motion and second any discussion hearing none I'll call the vote all those in favor say I I I okay um I believe that's all we have until our next meeting and Mr cob when is our next meeting 18 ah up on the screen sorry Monday March 18 uh Mr Wyatt do you think we'll have the the cost estimates for the Connector Road from VHB for the next meeting make sure have all right anyone else got any questions for staff anybody okay we are adjourned thank you all very much thank you