e e e e e e e e testing e e e e e e e e e e for don't forget to turn on your mics I'm going to sing a loue not yet do I yeah good evening welcome to the it is now six o'clock welcome to the Jan February 20th LPA meeting if we can have a roll call please yeah I thought I was yes present tonight we have David uh Daryl Lopez David de de Bruce kavanau Katherine hunt uh Lisa Ramsey is coming in late absent is Brian Smith and David poock thank you uh order of business is we're going to we're going to move the judicial legislative process further down the until U the other new board member Lisa shows up so we'll go over to approval of minutes um anybody my motion on approval of minutes for January 17th the reg work session I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from January 17th Mr kavanov is there a second I second it Katherine okay any conversation seeing none all those in favor approving the minutes for the work session for January 7 say I I I all those opposed say nay moving on to the regular minutes for January 17th is there a motion to approve the minutes I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from uh January 17th regular session is there a second I'll second it I'll any discussion upon this board on those minutes sing down all those in favor of approving the minutes for January 17th regular work session I mean regular session say I hi hi hi all those poos say n next item is public comments this is the time anyone can speak to the board on any item that's not on the agenda seeing none I will put close public comments going on to public meeting items deviation requests for 1266 burning Court oo is the applicant present please state your name and record and address for the record please there you go we go okay uh Kevin Hypes 1266 burgundy Court oito Florida 327 66 you want to give us a little details of what you want to do or oh yes um I'm um I guess I'm app applying for a deviation I have a um my rear yard I'm renovating it I put a bunch of pavers down uh and I put up a couple of um pergolas um it's a very very small backyard it's only about 25 ft deep and it's got a very irregular jog to it uh and I'm putting a small porch in the back um and I went to the association and showed them what I was doing and uh it came out actually pretty nice and I realized I needed a permit for the porch um but I um didn't find out until I came in for that permit that because my yard is so narrow there's a 2ot setb from the rear yard forward uh I'm in a area where that's a conservation area behind me um and I have a big fence so I had to come in for I guess a deviation for that and then subsequently I found out that one of my pergas is a little too close to the side property line which I didn't know because I'm not saying the association should have known but I guess I didn't realize I had to check so that became kind of a secondary thing so I worked with Sam he gave me some good guidance on how to do all this stuff uh and I'm just uh you know I could go into more detail but I think that's kind of the main stuff Sam can give you all the technical jargon I guess but that's that's about it thank you thank you Mr chair yes this is a request for the local planning agency to approve the following a 10-ft deviation to the minimum 20 foot required rear setback representing a 50% deviation to rear setback requirements to perent the proposed home addition to be located 10 ft from the East rear property line as well as a 1.5 ft deviation to the minimum 5 foot required side setback representing a 30% deviation to side setback requirements to permit the existing screen enclosure to remain 3 .5 ft from the Southside property line the subject property is located at 1266 burgundy Court Phase 2 Village 9 lot 411 within the sanctuary PUD uh plan unit development this property's future land use designation is low density residential and the zoning district is plan unit development to its rear the subject property uh AB buts a 25t wetland buffer for tract B which is designated as wetland in the Sanctuary PUD development agreement and is platted as conservation in uh plat book 62 page 47 the proposed addition is an existing patio located to the rear of the single family home which is being proposed to be enclosed and air conditioned the proposed 10-ft deviation will permit the applicant to build a home addition on the east side of the house uh 10 ft from the East rear property line the existing screen enclosure which is here was never permitted by the city and is located to the rear of the single family home the proposed 1.5ft deviation will allow the applicant to maintain the existing screen enclosure 3.5 ft from the Southside property line the existing screen enclosure covering the hot tub has not been permitted by the city the owner will need to apply for a building permit for the screen enclosure the applicant submitted an application for the requested deviations and has provided written narrative per the criteria for approval is required in LDC section 2.7 staff has reviewed deviation application for LDC section 2.7 and summarized the findings below number one existence of special conditions uh some special conditions do exist with the shape of the lot uh the rear property line deviates significantly from a straight line toward the principal structure and then back out toward tract B creating a vshape in the rear property line additionally the Topography of the lot slopes down at the rear toward tract B which is a conservation tract compatibility the proposed deviation is compatible with the surrounding area proposed home additions design is compatible with the principal structure additionally due to the sloping nature of the rear yard the existing screen enclosure only protrudes roughly 2 feet above the side yard privacy fence there are no residence behind the subject property as the abing tract is designated Wetland and the sanctuary PUD and plattered is conservation n PB 62 page 47 number three is proper use of mitigative techniques uh the applic shall plant a small tree from the Florida friendly list on the north side of the proposed home addition to mitigate line of sight the applicant shall also plant uh Box sleev Holly shrubs on the south side of the property line in between the privacy fence and the existing screen enclosure as they grow tall and narrow and do not require wide spaces to grow number four protection of environmentally sensitive areas um proposed deviation is not necessary to conserve or protect the natural environment and is not anticip to impact environmentally sensitive areas negatively number five only the minimum deviation granted the requested deviation is the minimum necessary to allow for the proposed home addition to be built without destroying repouring rep permitting and reconstructing the existing footer and the retaining wall uh for the patio at a different location uh number six open space and other facilities the proposed deviation uh sorry PR deviation will not provide more usable and suitable located open space uh but the applicant still meets their open space slot requirement number seven existing non-conforming uses of other property not basis for approval no non-conforming situations on neighboring Properties or districts were considered during the review of this proposed deviation um lastly other information the applicant provided the written narrative further criteria for approval is provided in LDC section 2.7 C and 4.15 e uh staff recommends approval of the deviation development order which grants the following deviations along with three [Applause] conditions a 10-ft deviation to the minimum 20t required rear setback representing a 50% deviation to rear setback requirements to permit the proposed home addition to be located 10 ft from the East rear property line a 1.5t deviation to the minimum 5ot required side setback representing a 30% deviation to side setback requirements to permit the existing screen enclosure to remain 3.5 ft from the Southside property line condition one the applicant shall plant a small tree from the Florida friendly list on the north side of the proposed home to mitigate line of sight number two the applicant shall submit a building permit application for the existing screen enclosure through the city's Building Services Department and number three the applicant shall plant box Le Holly shrubs on the South Side the subject property and between the privacy fence and the existing screen enclosure and that concludes my presentation thank you any questions for staff what's the pleasure uh board I got some questions about this do I ask them ask staff or you could either go whoever youd like um so in this picture that it's up here right now so the 10 foot space looks like okay we got we got that white square there and then we got to the that one right there that you're in is that where the 10 foot that that I see where it's written in red there right so that's where the addition is going that white square this is an existing patio that he's planning to enclose which would then function as a home edition okay and the patio requires a smaller setback than an actual Edition so the patio was actually approved once before I'm assuming correct okay when you talked about Footers and all that kind of stuff it's like I thought that was a pretty big project to not have been okay so then what are the two on the side we got we got a yeah the black in the white and then the black inside the White what are those uh is that have anything to do with what we're dealing with right now I believe this is a fire pit yeah these are these are P this is pavers and this is another pergola Kevin yeah I had the whole backyard done with pavers uh and as part of the process we had a a hot tub that was in the existing screen in area but we didn't want to enclose the hot tub because it took up a lot of space and create a lot of condensation so we decided to move it outside and then we said well let's just screen in one of these pergolas the pergas are built on on the pavers and because they weren't because the pavers are not poured concrete it's just pavers on Sand it's I didn't think it was a permanent ructure so I never thought to permit it uh but that's so we had this all done by the paving company and it was only when I came in for the permit for the enclosed portch that I realized Sam was like you didn't permit this I said uh no I didn't so now to get it right got we should do it the right way so that stuff's already existing in both those areas on the right hand side it's just one okay yep all right that makes more sense y ask a question sure yeah so your neighbors are in support of it is that right yes both neighbors they they love it and they like it and they they feel like it's going to improve the value of because wonder it really came out great actually I have pictures if you guys want to see it I mean it's it's you know even my wife liked it so I must have done a pretty good job so I had one question also about where you listed in compatibility it's not incompatibility in the compatibility section um where he talked about the existing screening en closure protrudes only 2 ft above the sidey yard privacy fence I didn't quite understand uh the the nature of the backyard um slopes okay so where a more traditional level that it would actually protrude higher above the the uh the fence line so in a way he's dropped and the pictures show the pavers I actually stepped them down down okay so there's like three steps which actually really looks kind of good cuz it broke up the long okay payer strip but that brought it down a lot lower what I didn't want to do is certainly be protruding and looking over people's fences and stuff so yeah I get that okay okay good good any other questions I have not what's the pleasure board uh I'll make a I don't make motions very often I'm making a motion to recommend that we approve let me get this open motion to approve to approve yeah to approve um is it the project number 23- 0263 uh deviation for 1266 burgundy court is z a second I'll second that is any discussion this I'm good okay I'll seeing no other further discussion all those in favor of approving uh Mr chairman would the the staff recommended three conditions to be added do you wish that to be in the motion as well I was just assuming they were making the motion just as it is do I have to all you sub to the conditions uh recommend for staff okay I will add to my do I have to start the whole thing over okay I will add to my motion uh subject to the three conditions where the applicant will add a small tree from the Florida friendly list on the north side of the proposed home edition uh the applicant will submit a building permit for the existing screen enclosure through the city's Building Services Department uh and the applicant shall plant box lead D Holly shrubs on the south side of the subject property between the fence and screen enclosure good thank you you'll accept the amendment yes I'll accept that Amendment all right now we can take a vote all those in favor request deviation say I on POS say Nate thank you if anybody wants to see it I'm pretty proud of it looks pretty good I'll take a look at it I can tell you I used to have a foot and a half of water at the back of my fence because it goes down like a the swamp and based on what I did I Rose it up no more water it's exciting I know you must be happy it is I'm just like I have to change it now the shut this is what it looked like before oh wow yeah look at that water look at that I couldn't even use the backyard yeah check this out oh is that or what look at you the building that's impressive it really came out nice good for you I I'll leave that if anybody else wants to see it I printed five or six in case others wanted to see you're good this is impressive it course being on Lake too I bet happy wife happy life that goes thank you very much everybody I appreciate it Youk you that is really nice we going continue as a work we're going to close and go to work session or just stay as the regular session Kevin Kevin yep you your phone your phone it's got no ketchup on is that artificial grass I bet he can't grow see you later is that artificial grass yeah wow and the dog even figured out where to go work that great [Music] hilarious it's pretty it's good I guess the next item on the agenda would be discussion items well there's no public hearings so we'll move on that and then discussion items we have a presentation for Mr Exel so you don't want to be trained by Mr we're missing a new member so we're not going there know your presentation is better all right I'd rather hear what you have to say it's pretty good I I need my uh technical guy before I can start he's he's fighting a door is this the same media there we go so so you ready Sam two weeks ago all right so I guess I'll start even though I'm not an applicant my name is Dave axam with Axel real estate at 1757 West Broadway Street uh I'm here today to present to you kind of a short synopsis with some historical information about what we're doing in what we're now calling the water tower district uh portions of which will come through your board for recommendations so there will be a developers agreement and a master luse plan that you'll see probably in a couple months um I'm not sure whose idea it was I come here I gave a presentation to the LDC committee I've appeared before your board with Snippets of these things in the past and I am the representative of the property owner of the Evans Family who owns a good portion of the properties in this area uh so I'll start off with this first slide and by the way if there's ever any questions in the midst of this feel free to interrupt my stream of Consciousness it's fine uh but this you know we're calling it The Water Tower District I'm not sure the year of this photo but we kind of thought it was a germine one to start with and you kind of see the old fertilizer plant the water tower above it and the water tower uh actually was put there in 1962 although it was built in the early 1900s when OSHA required uh better fire protection for the working areas for for the folks and the city didn't have sufficient water so that's how that water tower came to be in this picture you don't see in modern times there's uh quite a few mobile phone transponders up at the top of it right now uh so if we can move on Sam uh so I figured I'd start with a series of of uh aerial photographs uh the Department of Transportation has these online you just have to kind of figure out which ones they are and zoom in and some of them actually are from uh UCF riches uh if you've ever seen their online system so folks who have old pictures give them to this uh collection that online and you could look at them so this first one isn't a do picture it's actually a picture taken from someone's airplane and that shows Ovito I added some population figures what's interesting about this one you'll see as we go on the agreement that the family has with the city is called the Geneva Drive agreement because it was about the realignment of Geneva Drive this was the one shot that I had that looks kind of due Northeast right down Geneva Drive and you can see see there isn't a bunch on it in this picture and the population at 16001 is is pretty modest so if we just flip through to the next picture you just see a little bit of change in 62 but not much and if you could stay there uh in that one you still see railroad cars and Railroad and they were there for quite some time so this part of town was a center of agricultural Commerce and the products were shipped typically out of state to the Northeast and Canada using rail uh so that was really the the core of Ovito right there was this little call it an industrial factory town go on ahead uh you start seeing a little bit of change as you move forward in this picture at the top left is the celery precooler which was owned by the eses family who owned um also a ranch outside of town that the Demetri's bought that's now part of the little big Eon State Forest eventually Nelson and company purchased that you'll see on Geneva Drive a couple little buildings on the North and an Orange Grove on the south can you go to the next picture uh miraculously you hit 1983 and that Orange Grove is now Citizens Bank of Ovito at the time it was called and on the North which was built in 1973 was the US Post Office and you also start seeing the development of the Ovito shopping center with its first building to the north which may have been meat world or something of that nature and to the South um just kind of caty corner to it it's now one Florida bank that was First Federal of of seol when that was built in back in the 70s so go on ahead uh you can see 10 years later the population's growing the shopping centers fleshed out uh there's a few other buildings being developed in that area and you start seeing kind of a a more of a traffic situation with this odd set of intersections including Geneva Drive go on Sam here we are 202 just just more things going on uh going ahead and population growing so in 2003 the city uh worked on with the citizens and with some Consultants a downtown master plan the the concentration of the downtown master plan you see at the bottom of the page is the village core which became Ovito on the park up at the North uh on that second part of it you see what they were kind of calling the historic village the Oldtown core but if you read the text of the master plan at that time this was kind of the poor stepchild the thoughts were the ownership is fragmented the existing buildings make it hard to redevelop uh most of what Ovito on the park is now on was was old Orange Grove or planted Pines a much bigger piece of property and that was the concentration go on to the next slide this is one of the initial conceptual plans uh that Broad Street did back in 2007 and what's interesting to note here is you see the three kind of white rectangles those are structured parking uh facilities and if you look at this plan uh there's not a whole lot of surface parking and that's kind of one of the the ways we're aiming to proceed in the Water Tower District when we get to that point go on to the next slide so that project uh didn't proceed as specifically planned and here was the pack development plan and you see the parking garages are gone and there's large areas of surface parking the character is generally the same except for that but the intensity wasn't quite what the city had been looking for back then uh and and you see we're at 2015 8 years later and quite a bit of population jump uh but at the time this proceeded it wasn't perceived to be economic in in places like Ovito to do structured parking which is very very expensive uh go on ahead so as um Ovito was growing and you've got uh State and County Roads converging here there was work done on a three-phase project of which phase one was uh correcting the intersection just a little bit of 434 Central Avenue going north that's the red um and then phase two which is being constructed right now was planned and you see in this picture which is from the city website and was something that County kind of put together that Geneva Drive still was coming in at a weird angle and was kind of screwing up this intersection and that was the impetus for what kind of happens next if you can go to the next slide uh also shortly after that uh the city uh worked with the county to set up a community redevelopment area and that shows the boundaries of the area and the the downtown core is within it go on ahead here you have uh about that time frame some concept plans that my client put together this was a possible plan for the uh properties South of Broadway concentrating on what they call the main office complex which is where the fertilizer plant and so forth was and you'll see some things that kind of stay in the plan as we move forward you see how Garden Street uh comes through and uh ends at Broadway and there's some words that are a little off the slide Geneva Drive realignment uh go on ahead here's just a couple years later they added the vacant land that fronts on Ovito Boulevard and have a connection going through for part of the transportation Network to Ovito Boulevard South of those buildings now you'll see here this is kind of conventional surface parked product that was envisioned at the time and the thought process at that time was to use kind of the bones of the old buildings and if you've seen what those bones look like you can understand how that might not be the best idea right now go on ahead uh while all this was going on there had been some effort uh that the city of Ovito put forth to do a master storm water Regional storm water ponds because one of the biggest problems other than parking with development is you end up with these small fragmented small uh storage area ponds that are really inefficient and use a lot of property and there's not a lot of land in downtown Ovito so what's nice about how this proceeded is the thought process was kind of like let's do to some degree what we did at Center Lake Park and instead of just an ugly storm water Pond let's have a nice park and they hired the same planner that worked on Ovito on the park to plan those improvements around the park which came out quite nice the next slide that kind of shows a picture of that area and just to the North and North would be at the bottom right of the page you see a little bit of parking that's actually city-owned parking uh a lot of people think that's part of the church parking lot but that was kind of a leftover piece when Ling curved into the traffic circle go on ahead so I I mentioned how Geneva drives important so at the time that the state and the county were first working on the design for this phase two which is Broadway East and West uh from really Pine Avenue to Avenue B they tried and could not manage to acquire the properties that were necessary to Reign Geneva Drive and it's one of those blessings in Disguise kind of things because Do's plans uh took both sides of that new roadway and they were going to put storm water there which would have basically stuck a DOT storm water pond in the middle of a future downtown so sometimes things happen for reasons but Citizens Bank along with my client privately went to those property owners and acquired those properties and started working working on a deal with the city to facilitate uh redeveloping this area and you see there's kind of three key roadways the Geneva Drive realignment which is almost complete now the Connector Road uh which is uh in design right now and being funded by the CRA and Franklin Street which has some future year funding from the CRA and is underd design right now Franklin Street actually the city purchased the rideway when they uh constructed the other leg of Franklin Street to the traffic circle and only put in the actual 12T uh wide sidewalk which leads from the trail but the road never went in the rideway has been there all these years go on ahead so key to redeveloping this area was kind of squaring up the parcels so Geneva Drive uh realignment is in the red area and the yellow area shows Parcels that would go back to the property owner to kind of try to square off these Redevelopment sites and make them more efficient and able to be redeveloped go on ahead so one of the elements of the agreement was that the master plan which was kind of antiquated you saw the 2002 version would get updated and this is a sheet from the master Plan update that was adopted in 2020 and you see again populations inching up uh I think the first slide we were at600 now we're at 40,000 but there's several elements in this Slide the ideation and opportunities that you'll see as themes from the past and themes in the future the dotted line uh the part that is north of Geneva Drive is the Connector Road uh there's a concept that may or may not happen that shows was it continuing through what's now the Fairwinds property and that remains to be seen if that road Network goes in that way and a connection north of the trail that's not quite happening that way that was a roadway connection through to AO bivard but also a bunch of uh language on there about proceeding with a trail network if you can go on so another thing that was done uh at this time time frame was the I believe it was the CRA brought in urban 3 to do kind of a financial analysis of the city and this is one of the slides that they came back with and what's interesting about this this shows the density of Taxation and the area that has the peaks in the purple and the red is actually oal on the park can you go to the next slide and you can see north of it in green is the downtown the historic downtown that'll be the water tower district the idea is to basically crank it up a notch in that downtown and create an economic driver and a location for the city because the issue that the city has like a lot of other localities in Florida is you've got save our homes and you've got Homestead exemptions and over time people's uh taxes that they're paying stay pretty static but the needs of the city grow and it kind of creates a a real problem with infrastructure so one of the ways to fund that is to drive density to certain areas if we can go on so basically uh and and your board uh worked on this also the comp plan came up with some areas of where do we put this density to still retain our suburb urb style of living in the rest of the city and one of those areas was what we're now calling the water tower district and just like Ovito on the park you see the color at downtown core so that's really the area I'm working on there's other properties like I mentioned the the Fairwinds property there's other property owners in that area uh that will be affected by this as time goes on but I'm kind of working on what's at those intersections go on ahead I think there was a presentation that Mr Cobb and I did that showed this map when we came forward for a revision to the Citizens Bank developers agreement that was to facilitate if you know where the old Dairy Queen is at Ovito Boulevard near the traffic circle the little pathway that was going to wrap around uh the the bank and and the old Dairy Queen which is now a photography studio it's my understanding that project uh received a state Grant and they're working on fine-tuning the last couple of things and that's going to proceed fairly quickly here uh but on this pathway I'm I'm sorry on this plan you can see the continuation of the south side of Franklin Street Trail which is 12T wide on Ovito Boulevard from the trail head at the Aquatic Center there will be a continuous 12ft sidewalk all the way up to Solari Park either side of Geneva Drive has 12ft sidewalk it might look a little oddly disconcerting now if you drive by and see those huge slabs of concrete with no City next to them uh they're in place some of them right now those sidewalks that width of sidewalk was intended for for both future Trail width and future walkability of a downtown and there's also sidewalks on both sides of the Connector Road and there's a network that's not quite as wide because there were constraints along 430 4 Central um and so forth along Broadway where it's more like8 and N foot sidewalks because that's all they had room for go on ahead so this is an actual concept plan that we've shared with the city of a possible development scheme of the water tower district this development scheme is actually at the densities but not intensities that are allowed by the comp plan that's already been adopted Ed so that allows 50 units per acre and a floor area ratio of one it's kind of impossible to do both of those without some pretty significant height that may or may not be economic this graphic although you can only see it in two Dimensions is premised upon typically five and six story buildings and you can see um a series of parking garages that's the only way this project in Long long term will work the only way to get those densities is with that structured parking and it really makes no sense and I get this question pretty often well what what's going to stop you from just developing with surface parking if you look at Ovito on the park the sizes of the parcels were much much larger Ovito on the park is over 60 Acres the parcels I'm working on here it's about 28 so the only way this works in the long term like I said is with structured Park parking there may be some interim Redevelopment that's a little different if you look at the little inset block D on that graphic is kind of tight and angular and it's a bit challenging for multif family but office is kind of a very very difficult Market uh so the idea there is it would be nice to kind of draw perhaps one of these technology firms that's graduating from the Inc inator coming out of the the businesses down at UCF and try to get some real during the day action with employment at that spot in Block D and that insets kind of an alternative with that type of scheme go on ahead hey can we ask questions you said we could ask questions yes absolutely go go on back to that slide so on that slide there I'm just curious to the left of solar Park where it's all trees in the picture there and where uh the frin head Bank building is there is there any or is that outside the scope of your plan or is there anything so Fair Winds is outside the scope of what I'm working on at this time they have an existing developers agreement but it's based on the old comp plan which was 18 units an acre uh and so that would probably at some point get updated I would Envision that piece will get developed I'm just not working on it and the same thing for the area with the Tre used to the left uh uh no that's a wetland mostly is it really yeah uh so there's very little upin there it's also Lake Jessup Basin which is really very very expensive to mitigate so mitigation Alone by the time you do the federal and the state level mitigation it's about $400,000 an acre that's before the physical cost of stripping it out demucking it uh doing compensating storage so you might spend six or 700,000 an acre just to be able to use the property before you even put anything there uh so in time that may make sense it may not today it does probably does not any other questions on this slide go on ahead so this graphic I had asked the planners to kind of outline what were the reasons behind everything that we're doing here and it kind of leads back to that ideation and opportunities it's kind of the same reasons but part of the the scheme here is to create a walkable mixed use downtown you kind of need a path that's comfortable to walk on that has places to go and the challenge here is although it's built a little nicer than most arterials 434 is EST State arterial uh Broadway which is being built much nicer than most arterials if if you see the lower street lights and the brick and all that going on is also kind of a regional transportation Network bringing people from the East side through Ovito so the idea was how do we create this alternative slightly lower traffic path with wider sidewalks and opportunities for let's say entertainment or eating or so forth so the idea was take advantage of the trail at the South kind of where block e is and draw people to various venues and opportunities as you go north along realine Geneva Drive to the connector road which can kind of continue that theme and and that's really what you see here in this graphic go on ahead now one of the issues with trying to do these mixed use projects is at typical densities the residential alone that's there cannot create enough demand to do a large amount of nonresidential entertainment type uses retail type uses the only way to really achieve that is to crank the density up and the reason for that is Ovito has developed in kind of a Suburban form and you've got large shopping centers and all over the place and you still have to compete with those large shopping centers they're not going away uh some of them redevelop but not really with great intensity like the Albertson is now Sprouts you saw new buildings going in front of the Publix the Publix is getting rebuilt but they haven't yet gone to an urban form the rents at those types of buildings are typically much much lower in a mixed use multi-story structure you're talking probably double the rent so you really need to crank up the residential and be careful on how you mix the non-residential in order to make it work so this is the actual scenario a mix of uses that'll come forth in the plan that'll come to this board for recommendation and those are not single uses that's throughout the whole District so for example that's not necessarily one hotel the little note there for a one was just we had to give it a size because the comp plan provides for square footage not hotel rooms and we looked at typical hotel rooms uh hotels which includes a lot of other uses would be 675 Square ft is the figure we're using so this actually adds up to not quite half a million square feet which without more density would not be possible the 1969 dwelling units is 75 units an acre which is 50% of the allowable density bonus and as I said that still hasn't come through your board that hasn't been submitted to the city hasn't gone through the staff so this is just conceptual go on ahead David if I can ask what is community surveying what do you F said is Public public use uh community service is just a type of use like daycare and various things of that nature uh so go on ahead so this is what's called a diagrammatic scenario uh this is not a design this is not what buildings will look like uh but it was basically a test fit of how would that density potentially fit that's being proposed and really what happens is is the height changes in order to make this possible and you'll see where I said there were typical five or six story type structures and some lower structures here it's really bumping it up 6 to 12 so if you see building A1 and it's a little hard to read uh that's 8 to 12 stories with the 12 just being in the back and the example I like to give it's not quite that high but if any of you are familiar with the yard apartment complex downtown Orlando on Virginia next to Orange Avenue and the railroad tracks uh the there's in the front is the hall on the yard which is a couple of story entertainment type complex behind it is an apartment complex that goes up to nine stories tall across the street from it is single story single family Bungalows and it kind of works so it's all a matter of context and how you do these things uh the height also was kind of cranked up right at that corner by Solari park and if you consider how Geneva Drive curves that's going to be a focal point as you walk North or as you drive north you're going to be looking right at the corner of that building so as I said this isn't a design this is kind of a graphic depiction of possible intensities and again if you look at block D and then go to the next slide there's the alternative which puts multif family on block D puts the residential at its maximum if you don't have that and go go back again you see the residential uni count drops because that becomes another use so this all is Market driven but the desire is to get a good mix of uses like was shown on that one slide because that mix kind of generates the dynamic and the idea is not not only does this area serve with the multif family the people that live there and and with the retail the people that live there but the idea is that this should be a draw for the entire city if you look back at what was envisioned for Ovito on the park it's much nicer than it would have been without the planning but it didn't quite hit its stride with that market timing so the idea is that this is the last spot the last piece of downtown town in oido and the idea is to really try to Crank It Up A Notch and do it right go on ahead so part of how to do this I talked about walkability and these roadways going in so historically since let's say the 50s the purpose of a road when when roadway designers design roads is to move cars as fast as possible from one point to another and not for anyone to stop and they've kind of forgotten about the people walking on the road and that's changing now so if you look at this design you've got wide sidewalks on both sides you can't see it here but street lights that are lower so what's going in on Broadway is 16t high your typical street lights uh on the rest of Broadway are are probably 20 25 foot high spaced further apart they're there to light cars this is to light Pathways for people and the tree canopy the trees are every 30 ft so the idea is at maturity you'll get a canopy covering this entire street with wide sidewalks on both sides a really walkable Place go on to the next slide so this is from a presentation that the consultant did for the CRA to advise some redesign of the Connector Road which had been designed rather conventionally and this is a picture of what they call the per 18t sidewalk and this is kind of a mature look at Main Street in Greenville South Carolina of what a street like that could look like now the Connector Road is being designed with backend angle parking but this was a roadway with angle parking on both sides so it's kind of the same exact physical geometry just not quite the the exact same design go on ahead hey Dave go ahead can I make a comment about the backy angle parking sure why do we what I I'm personally not a fan of the backing angle parking I've seen people back up and backing into parking spots isn't always the easiest for some people um and also you know it's not have you ever been driving and you're following someone all of a sudden they decide to back up is the back in really the best way to go is it's it's it'll be a learning experience a serious learning and everyone will blame me if it doesn't come out right cuz I'm the one that that pushed it but the idea is simply that pulling forward and backing into the spot is relatively easy and you're backing into a spot right it when you're leaving if you have straight in angle parking you're backing into traffic and it's much more challenging it also is presumably safer if you've got small children if you're going shopping because the car doors are opening to push them toward the sidewalk and not and your trunk and your back or your hatchback is toward the sidewalk and it's going to be a little different for some folks and if it doesn't work there's a little bit of work to do to that road when everybody fusses about it but the geometry will be there but but Bobby Wyatt says Dave we're going to blame you CU you're the one pushing for this so so you can blame me anywhere else have you seen that uh there are examples I don't think I have the pictures of them here but the planners did have examples of other locations where they've done this in Tass at FSU they have they have some cuz one other thing I would say is if you're looking for somewhere to park if you see a car that has its backup lights on you know they're going to back out out whereas when you're looking for somewhere to park you you wouldn't see that in the other side kind of parking so not part of this presentation but since you bring that up no no no no that's good the the idea down here is to try to set up what's called a parking benefit district and charge for parking the idea is is to charge different amounts for parking in different places at different times so that there's always one or two empty spots on a block so so if you consider how a veto on the park proceeded if you live in one of those apartments it's convenient to park on the street and not go around to the lot in the back and it's convenient if you're a merchant to park on the street and it's free so there's nothing to stop you so Commerce kind of gets punished because someone who just wants to come and do a quick stop now has to jockey around for parking and drive around in circles yet if you charge for parking and have some empty spaces the idea and we're not there yet one step at a time is this is a new development area it's probably a little rough to go into a veto on the park and tell everyone they have to pay for parking now uh but somewhere where it's all new that might not be such a hard pill to swallow so there's a lot of thought going into how how this will work go on ahead so this is an example of how the streetcape would work and this shows the backend angle parking you have a furniture in zone where you have the trees street lights perhaps some other things you know um trash receptacles what have you benches and so forth then you've got a walkable area that you want to have at least 8 ft and when the building goes in you have kind of a a build to Zone but 8 foot is not ideal if you're going to build the types of intensities we're talking about you'd really like to add some to that so the idea when this comes forward is those private owners provide more physical space for more sidewalk and that's a pretty typical thing done in cities when you walk along Park Avenue in Winter Park you don't really know where the private property starts and the public property ends and that'll kind of be the situation here this shows non-residential go to the next slide in residential that additional area doesn't become sidewalk it becomes Landscaping to soften the the space between the the residential and the The Walking area and create places for entries that basically these residential units are typically elevated so you have the the walkways and the stairs and so forth go on ahead so this is an actual picture of that in Ovito on the park where they did exactly this type of planning so you can see this is straight in angle parking the Furnishing Zone the sidewalk and and the landscape so it's already existing here in Ovito one of the things if you're not on city council you might not have seen it but when the trees went in in Ovito in the park uh if you don't make special Provisions for the trees eventually the trees going to have a fight with the sidewalk and one of them is going to win and they started having that problem so the Connector Road redesign going on now has actually things called soil cells uh that are big PL plastic constructed things with voids in them that the trees will grow within that can support pavement and you can put pipes through and can help these trees grow to maturity and last 50 years instead of let's say three years uh which or four years or five years which is kind of what happened in Ovito in the park so as you drive along you might see sickly little trees along Franklin Street it's because they're fighting pavement so the idea is to kind of use the newest technology on the Connector Road so it's going to be a short expensive piece of road and to recoup the investment you want to really crank up the tax base in order to make that make sense and you know basically provide a location where everyone in the city can enjoy salari Park walking along shopping and so forth go on ahead this is just another graphic um in this particular graphic the trees are 40 feet apart uh we're looking to do them on the Connector Road at 30 feet but you see the lower uh Street lighting the parking and part of the what the parking does is it buffers people on the sidewalk from traffic and makes them feel more comfortable it also makes people driving on the road drive slower so the idea is to bring the speed down now folks that just want to get from point A to point B probably won't like that because it'll take you a few more minutes to drive through a downtown so there'll always be the battle of you're slowing down my traffic with all this growth uh but the idea is you want to make it comfortable also for people to get out of their cars not just people in their cars go on ahead that's it that's all I've got thank you unless there's questions anybody got questions is the um the oo Lodge that's where the that's where that road is going to go right isn't it through that area uh the Connector Road is is directly south of that Sou only reason I asked I noticed today there was a bit is it closed it's closed it is closed okay it's going to be added to this project that's what I thought okay yes it's just not quite there yet yeah okay it's been close over almost a year now right uh it's had fewer tenants it it only the the last folks moved out in January actually okay the manager was in there until last month okay yeah CU today I happened to drive by first time I noticed the paring lot was covered up and it said little there was a little tiny close sign there so its day had come and gone it's also in the way of the road being constructed the right way where I thought it was going so it to facilitate the wider sidewalk on the North takes some of that property and that hotel structure is 5 ft from the property line so it was kind of an impossibility without the building going away do you know if as as 434 and know the state has its plans for like what 15 years to do those roundabouts and whatnot between here and there is that going to get wide into four lanes which piece I guess right from Franklin Street North and the reason I'm asking as I'm looking at where the Ace Hardware is being built and it just looks I mean it looks like it's kind of close to the road so I don't know if there's space there for them to it's it's not funded but it's possible okay is it going to hopefully hopefully wherever the ace is is there's enough room there there's enough room okay the leg to the South probably will not get widened in the same way in other words from from Mitchell hammock up to Broadway will probably except for the tapers at the North and South there's a there's a coalition study I think they're calling it right now going on to try to look at what that section could be without destroying what's on both sides so perhaps a three Lane section with a center turn lane in in parts and a separate multi-use Trail on the East separated from the traffic with Landscaping but that the kickoff meeting for that um design type process just happened a few weeks ago we still got to wa the funding what's that do we still have to get the funding well that that study is funded and it was half a million dollars so one step at a time anybody else got anything else no thank you Mr Axel all right thank you for the opportunity I'll be back to see you in a few months okay look forward to it see how much time do you need I'm 10 15 minutes okay thanks thank you thank you sir just wait for mhm that was an interesting presentation I like is it cold just me yeah weing a jacket so am I cold oh yeah see she's weing she's freezing first started coming he must be in the hot section my lived over in close to m in Palm Bay Area so can out Lake Mary I come I M Restaurant and turn left Y and go out through Chota and the um the glider basement still there oh yeah there was anything I know that there was nothing there I remember those days Mr Hall you're up okay um I've been asked to talk briefly uh and very briefly uh on uh quazi judicial versus quazi legislative and the function of this uh this board um I gave you a little packet it's just a little bit of information but what I wanted to U go over at least I did I leave one for you yes okay good thank you um what I want you to remember is a term called substantial competent evidence that's what this board deals with uh will mainly deal with now the two concept quazi legislative or legislative they they're kind of interchange versus quaza judicial quaza legislative quaza itself means resembling or like so in we say quaza legisl means we're we're acting like a legislature in that we're enacting laws or enacting uh uh regulations uh zoning ordinances and stuff like that that that is a function of the legislature and in our case it would be quite all the same the this this board has mostly a quasi judicial um aspect meaning that projects come before us like the one tonight and it's your duty your job to look at that project make sure it crosses all the te's dots all the eyes but it it is in compliance with the all the ordinances and the codes building the codes and sign codes ordinances so forth and you look at consider the deviations and that's that's really the function does the deviation make sense now the hearing is it's it's each of the applicants are entitled to do process they're entitled to show up they're entitled to have an expert witness here if they want to like a transportation engineer or whatever they make their presentation staff makes their presentation ation board ask questions um people can come and make comments but when you're considering whether or not to accept it you're limited just to the substantial competent evidence in other words if a traffic engineer comes in and says okay this won't cause this problem this won't cause this problem is this this and labor shows up and says oh no wait a minute I don't want that car coming through here that's not evidence that's just opinion and you can't go on opinion so so you have to make a decision based on substantial competence evidence now in the the handout in the package I put in there the first thing I put in was the from the charter what this board actually does and um if you go down to DNE it's the duties and the powers and the duties and the um then along with that the public hearing so everybody who makes an application who comes for the board is entitled to a public hearing that's just that's just a matter of due process um so if you look through there um I won't go through read all it but it tells the duties of the LPA for those of you who are new may not have read this or may not understand what it is but if you look at e we kind of address they kind of address what's legisl function and what are the the judicial qua judicial function uh obviously this uh board is responsible for the comprehensive plan initiating changes amendments to the com comprehensive plan and also recommending um amendments to the LDC which we're going through right now um those are both legislative functions but the other thing uh zoning map uh recommendations that's the judicial map that's aaza judicial function uh because um because you're you're making rules and regulations that's qu function and uh development Regional impact plan unit developments statutory development agreements special exceptions those are all qu I judicial entitled to hearing substantial competent evidence and then any other thing that the council tells you to do so I wanted to make sure everybody had that if if you hadn't seen it then I put in a good discussion that I that I came across regarding quaza judicial quaza legislative uh and land use decisions um let's see my notes um as we talked about Quai um the must satisfy and the the the the standards for the two functions are a little different in quazi legislative it's it must satisy the The Fairly debatable standard decisions must be um must be um non-discriminatory non arbitrary and um unreasonable that's that's the that's the decision now in the other one the qual remember the term sayal compet so there has to be presented to you substantial competence to base your decision on and you are required uh especially if you if you are if you are recommending denial or denying in the situation then you have to stay a specific reason or reasons for that it can't just be I don't like it because I don't like where the pond is op it can't be opinion it has to be based on facts so when you're in a uh quaza judicial you're sitting as a Jud jury so the the the rules of EV don't necessarily apply but they do kind of so you have to follow a procedure and that's where you have the the witnesses and the the presentation and the and experts are very important in that so um let's see what else do I want to cover yeah the new process argument Witnesses anyone speaking Yeah and and you have to distinguish between personal opinion and expert testimony you you can't you can listen to personal opinion but you can't base your opinion on your opinion has to be based on substantial competent evidence you got to hit at home the facts um and like I said you're sitting the judge and jury so facts of the facts yeah so typically as I said start the LPA generally is inqu that judicial mode uh except you know this time of year we're going to LBCC and we we've gone through the comp plan which should be legislated qu out legislate um you're you're reviewing U deviation requests um and must be and there must be evidence back up our back up our our findings so um the only thing other thing you have to be concerned with is um there's a difference in the expart a communication on the qu Quai legislative versus the Quai judicial Quai legislative when you're in that role and you can talk to anybody anybody can talk to you they can give their opinion on the project or the changes they think should become the Land Development code or the comp plan that's okay but in when you're in a quazi Judicial situation as in tonight Mr Hypes if Mr Hypes had come to one of you and said I want to talk to you about my project CU I want to this you know basically you have to say no I can't because it's going to come before me or if you do then you have to disclose it in the meeting and we rely and this is we rely on you if you think that would affect your decision then you have to refrain from voting you have to disclose it and say I have a conflict I I can't my ex door neighbor Bruce had this he had a neighbor across the street and he felt that it might influence him so he abstained from voting uh so that's an important thing to remember if someone approaches you on a project no matter who where Pro where this thing turning you have to disclose it and then it's you have to State your judgment whether or not that will affect your opinion so that that's really the main that's really one of the big things and the other thing is say substantial competent EVS so that's that's kind of the Crux of it nuts and n and both I don't want to keep you all here with a long thing and I don't want give you a test or anything but um I I the like I said the one little um Artic off F was pretty good and then there's a couple little charts in there saying what's what uh what this qu I just show you got signs you've got you know codes and stuff like that that that are really uh qu Jal doesn't the same thing hold true not just someone come we're not supposed to talk about ourselves having that Mak that's a whole different that's a whole different thing that's I was going to ask is that one of the things um I know it's been is the Sunshine Law yeah requirements right are we supposed to retake that course again this year or is are you going to teach it no I think I think you're well that's the ethics one you have to take EIC s is that an every year thing yeah I think so an every year yeah I know the league of cities has the one online which is pretty good for my a little boring but she find out like it like four hours yeah it is four hours yeah yeah M yeah m i yeah at least you don't have to do the form six yeah yeah that that's a bucker but anyway that's it in a nutshell it's not a it's not a complex topic you got keep the separate away remember the main thing remember is qu said you can discuss it with other people qu idial you can't if you do you have to disclose it and refrain from voting if it's if it's if it's slanted your opinion anyway and uh of course if you any questions feel free to call me or ask me or ask Julie you know we'll be glad to give you our opinion uh and question there is if if in in in like Bruce's case if if someone approached you and you talk about then there's a form you fell out form you fa and you give it to the to the secretary before or during the meeting and it goes It goes in the minutes that it goes in the minutes meeting that way somebody have questions there it's there so it just and uh you know all the them it's like a court case um all of these meetings are recorded there is a recording to go back to and Dalia produces a minutes that's why that's why we always review them at the E meeting so everything has come up and discussed and has public record yep so that's it so if it's if it's a leg if it falls under legislative like what you have this check box here right somebody off the a neighbor or whomever can talk to you about it correct correct that's like lobbying they Lobby for the comp plan right the that would be a good one you can use that you could talk to anybody you want about that exact that that has nothing to do with the judicial correct correct and um oh once it's been videotaped and aired and made public then it's open to talk about correct well the as long as it doesn't come back to the board yeah the problem is if if if it if it come back to the board then A good rule of thumb is if because most of what you do except for the the like one tonight it didn't go any further with with Kevin's name devation but if ask go to the city city Comm city council then they could send it back so it's best to wait till after city council has acted on that's kind of rule them okay but cu the the Sunshine Law and all little technically it's once it's aired everybody knows the business it's public right that's correct but but the problem you get to is that then you talk to somebody and then it comes back to you I mean we Haven I don't remember if any of if that happens then you disclose it so disclosure is is the best against all that it's just that's one things they cover Sunshine now probably is yeah it's just it's disclosure disclosure disclosure get it all out in the in the thing and then and then you don't you won't have any personal liil so just disclosure and and uh and but like you said you guys can't talk about yourself CU that's a meeting two of you talk about something that's a meeting I mean you can talk about each other but you can't talk about anything com coming before or has it has the possibility of coming before the board you're not allowed to talk about discuss it exceptions as talking to staff oh yeah exception talking to staff is is the exception that's the exception and it is encouraged yeah we have a great staff so it's encouraged to talk to the staff if if you ever have any questions you know that you you see something coming up don't hesitate to call the staff they they're very responsive and they they they do a good deal I I have always told on my board to listen to St anything else well thank you Mr H okay good deal and like I said if you have any questions don't hesitate to call me I will respond um yes a future meetings we have March 5th anything coming to the board on March 5th we will closer to that time but we are trying to schedule a special meeting um in March on the 27th 27th so Wednesday it is a Wednesday um and this is going to be for um it's a zoning map Amendment okay zoning what zoning map Amendment yes so I'm not quite sure what the what your schedules look like for the 27 if we have a meeting we do have one on the 19th look at this calendar here I will there's one on the if if we do schedule one for March 19th I I'm going to be out of town I know a spring break for us as well is that is that what spring break is but okay we are not going to schedule one from March 19th yeah okay so basically we really don't have any think for March except for the special session one close out anybody have a problem 2 nth right it's the 27th it's a Wednesday have a problem with the 27th nope I just have to check on one thing okay of March at 6:30 6 o' or 630 depends on the time because it's a Wednesday Wes Wednesdays aren't great what time we thinking 6:30 6 or 6:30 yeah I can do it you can do 6:30 Ry 6:30 I can do it you got a check yeah I've got a check I should be able to do it I think it's fine okay thank you and then is there a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn is there a second second we're adj thank you thank you sorry I was late all right