e e e time e would e thee oh okay don't have my glasses you who's the secretary testing one two 3 you ready there we go okay it is 5:30 I'd like to call the meeting to order yes okay person tonight we have Adam Stark Melissa Celio uh Lisa McCoy kathle Kathleen crane Helen Clark Julian Morini and staff we have Teresa Dr Korea and uh City attorney is going to be Juliana Ross thank you Dalia I'd like to remind everybody to silence their cell phones and ple please speak clearly and loudly into the microphone this meeting is being recorded um the first order of business on the agenda is the election of chair and vice chair right okay did that just Nom yourself to okay I will nominate myself to be the chair Melissa CIO Nom need sorry you don't need a second for a nomination so everyone can just make nominations does anybody else want to make a nomination no okay so then by consensus congratulations Miss Miss chair thank you okay oh so I need a so you take it from here okay so we need some nominations for vice chairs please have a place for you I I volunteer I'll nominate myself thank you Kathleen anybody else okay so Kathleen is the vice chair um we don't need to say anything else about that right okay so the approval of minutes let's move to that we are approving minutes from Wednesday February 14th everybody should have received those and had time to look them [Music] over someone would like to make a motion to approve the minutes I make a motion to approve the minutes from February 14th 24 thank you Adam we need a second I second okay do we have any discussion regarding the minutes no okay let's call for a vote all in favor say I I I anybody oppose say nay okay minutes are approved now we're moving to the public comments section there is Karen this part or no Karen's on the agenda okay um there is nobody here from the public so we will move past that and let's move to the staff report thank you Madame chair so we have several items so the first one um let me introduce um Carrie demam Carrie is was a public art board member um and she's a water colorist here in norf and she's the one that is um responsible for doing our waterolor map so she brought um the watercolor map today uh we have copies here and she wanted to present and um and and discuss with you you know the development of the project so Carrie please yes hi everybody good to be here thank you for having me hold on tip I can that one is that good can you hear me yeah okay I just wanted to bring it in because I've started waterc coloring now and I Incorporated the feedback from um last meeting and so I just kind of wanted to keep everybody in the loop of you know how it's going and show you the progress with some of the watercolors um on the paper and kind of update you on the timeline um and I actually brought the painting in I know you have a print out but I thought it might be fun to actually see the painting since I've got it mounted to a board so I'll go ahead and um just kind of lift that off and then this way I think it's better if you can see the scale of it you know the um size of it is easier to see I think in real life um but what I wanted to just just kind of talk about was some of the things that um how I addressed some of the feedback maybe from last month and then we could go from there um so I know that one of the things was that the bucket of balls maybe was confusing so I changed the tea up um scenario I'm still working on this but it's going to be a golf ball on a te and a golf club with um you know a a hole because they do have although it is a driving range they also do have a putting course and stuff so I thought that might be a little more um recognizable and then it was suggested to put some birds because of the percolation Fields so I put two blue herand since we have so many blue herand always walking around a veto to me that's kind of a little fun part about our community of course we have the chickens but we also have a lot of is it blue Harin is that the right San Hill Cran thank you that's I knew that I knew that didn't sound right right sandill cranes yeah so I drew those on I haven't started painting them and then it was also suggested that the police logo was a little distracting because it had type and I think that good feedback so I um did make it a little police vehicle and a badge instead so hopefully that does that um addresses that I did add in celery up here um I thought that okay we talked about maybe papy's patch isn't in the city of Ovito official but it is sort of an iconic Ovito thing that a lot of us consider Ovito even if maybe it isn't so I still kept the little bucket of strawberries but made it a little less um noticeable I took out the fields that were behind it and then just am putting it up here with the orange groves and the celery and hopefully it'll just kind of look like produce that we you know have growing here was there anything else I'm trying to think teres I don't know if I I didn't print out the list of feedback I'm just going on memory well that Central would go south I can see that you put you know Central going south MH Central I have going south the that was the other thing was you said the oh veto on the park was was a little bit was crossing Central right the amphitheater I think was crossing Central and it said we should be you know to the um East m so I did move that over yes okay and it's so nice to see the colors because it's different right and the printing we have it's much more you know yeah the colors are much more nicer there yeah Much More Much More Vivid bright yeah I'm still working on this this is Lake charm and that boat is not done yet um so everything is really kind of in process but I just um wanted you to kind of see it as it is I guess the golf this I would say is pretty pretty much much done the golf bunkers and the flag and the deer over here the Hagerty husky I got that done um after that was printed I can see that yeah because I was comparing here and I oh I did that um but is there anything anybody has thoughts on or feedback on for now we can if if you'd like to come up and look at it I think that would be yeah I I just have one question um so papies where is the line for the city ofo because is is Big daddiy definitely not in is it Florida the Avenue is one of the and I can show you the map here um but papy patch is definitely not in the city it's on the other side I was Big Daddy's is I mean it's again kind of fringy but I was thinking hopefully that the celery adding the celery kind of represents big daddiy in my mind because well the Clans family has been here from the get-go and um I mean there's you know a street named after them the Clon family and I think for most people know who know the Clon family but I know probably do but um but yeah that's what I was trying to determine like where it actually was okay it's not so and I I discussed with with caring that um um so just let the record show that council member Britain arrived um but um so the the we discussed with Ken that although pep patch was not in the in the city it's still something that people relate to so putting strawberries you know in that area I think would be some you know reference to it so c m this is a map that we approved already so already approved right so we and and car Dam came today just to give the an update of the development and we have the printing but the colors there are so much more beautiful I'm going to check there in person I had one note um Karen in Lake charm the birds those I assume they're ducks or um the birds that you have in Lake charm they're if anyone anyone who lives there knows there's this really mean Goose um and he like wanders around and hangs out in everyone's yard and wanders around the the lake and I just think it'd be really funny to incor incorporate him because there is a gaggle of ducks who's always there but there's one Goose one Goose who's always there I'm gonna write I'll make some notes he's sometimes nice I didn't know that that's a good local Intel yeah okay what is the fish up in the top left corner it's a Bas okay does it represent the reason is in that in those neighborhoods up there there's a lot of little ponds and a lot of young guys ride their bikes around there and go fishing and those ponds are kind of interconnected and they're stocked I don't know who stocks them but which neighborhoods are those it's by like Worthington Estates down Pine okay up in there in our naria there's like multiple ponds up there in naria yeah yeah mine has two and a lot of I it just feels kind of like a little iconic Ovito for the young guys who ride their bikes around fishing fast fishing um you were she was mentioning maybe the um you were saying the water tower should be more prominent is that um the reason being is technically the water tower is the um the tallest structure in all of oito okay and it's even taller than the um crosslife is that that Sanctuary um and I mean I think a lot of people consider that like a significant emblem in in the city and has been for so so long um that was just one thing I was pointing out and then um as far as I don't know if there's any way I know this represents Boston Cemetery down here but I know the other one represents the cemetery um the one the First Methodist Church Cemetery a historic Cemetery um both right both the historic um prostitute fromo High School yeah yeah I haven't done much work on those yet but yeah I but I was just wondering yeah that that one across High School is the one on all Dr CR um how is this being distributed I guess is it going to be so so this is going to be um um displayed here in City Hall and at the in the website so what we discussed is later on that we can do postcards or print them in you know posters right we can sell posters so that we could use that to kind of be a fundraiser for for the public art board okay um I know you do prints of things so is that to get the photography of that is that something you would handle yeah it was put in the original agreement that I would provide a high resolution scan okay yeah it was already put in the agreement a digital version for whatever just because this doesn't I mean and I know this isn't it but this does not do that Justice it's this was just to to so then we could all you know even take home if we want to think about that I will scan it and then it'll I'll put part it together in Photoshop so it'll be a good printable high resolution ver and by the way Karen helped does with the postcards that we did before doing the the final you know um version to be able to be sent to the printer I I have a question I love the the bridge going over the frame a little bit here you know kind of expanding a little bit the frame um there is there was no nothing on the hospital or any reference to the hospital true is there although we have two now we have you know we have the but we did not need to pick up you know what if we put like the cross cross right yeah do yeah cuz it's it's also kind of um um that area has the medical you know and the right a lot of medical things yeah okay Red Cross what about with the snake or this what's the little building down on the far left all right that is the seal County Orange County fire station by UCF okay I I'm glad you brought that up Mr Britain because I thought that that was an oito fire station initially when I drew that on there now I have learned that it is not um technically an Ovito fire station so do we want to keep that you could put the clubhouse from the golf course there oh yeah um yeah I was just wondering I thought maybe that's the card Shed from the golf course but oh I could put a a golf cart there but I did intend for it to be one of our Ido fire stations but um I see that now and you confuse me because we have one at 419 yeah but it's it not be kind of where the deer are it would be where the deers are yeah okay yeah you could put it up above the deer I think it would capture it a um an Ido fire station yeah okay and maybe do away with that corner one yeah you're saying like between the pickle ball paddle and the econ uh I would say on the other side because it's on 419 um um there's like I have the WHERE have here this is 419 so the fire station would be somewhere in here wouldn't be up in here I don't think I'd have room here to really draw it would I mean really our options would be instead of the baseball diamond yeah or above the or the other one is over here what what's this building so may be a small hydrant could be oh that's cute I mean we have juicing but it's it's still a reference right want to represent the firefighter and hydrants are cute is there room over here well this is I have a little um I have that little icon for the fire station there and then there's another one you can't really see it but there is another one here that that might be the one the reason why I was thinking the fire trck because um that's a lot of that's kids it's kind of absolutely right just and it's an expensive yeah piece of equipment we should show it off so um I like the idea of a fire truck I don't think it would fit over the deer in underneath the alligator but if we could put it you know I could could erase some of the little Econ River and kind of draw it over top of that erase I say it's not that easy but I can get some of that River up and put it kind of in between the deer and alligator and let it overlap it a little but I don't I think if I tried to just put it to the right of the river it would be but the things that fire trucks could be anywhere right so would not necessarily need the station I mean they are yeah you're right you're right they they can be in any place in the city right yeah so we could also I do feel like that space is a little empty little so they could even be here right okay so where we're talking just so I'm clear is like kind of right in this area right a fire truck everybody likes that okay I think we had talk talked about a bike somewhere to represent the trails we did talk about that but I you could not I could not find a way to work that in I felt I like the idea in theory but it's it's gone way over the 25 now at this point and I felt like it was I mean unless I did something really super simple like I just felt like it was getting a little crowded where we would put the bike which would be the I was going to say could we the strawberries drop it and replace it with a bike because um people consider oovo a big cycle I mean a big location because of the trail Trails I mean like a lot of people move here because of the trail system um besides the schools and loc there's a lot ofid I mean it's it's huge here yeah Florida Aven that's Way North oh I see I'll be honest I really don't want to drop the strawberries that's is I'd rather if we're insistent on the bike I'd rather put it somewhere else I'm not opposed to the idea of a bike but I was thinking it would be by the trails and the trails side is pretty crowded yeah once you you're you're crowded in the middle there once you start to fill stuff in it's going to what about what about the their playgrounds looks like there's multiple playgrounds on here do we really need okay that many you could swap one out for a bike yeah little playgound by um that playground underneath 419 is like long is supposed to be representative of Long Lake Park um and then what's over by the underneath the bowling alley is the it looks like a playground but it's actually um the splash pad and the Aquatic Center don't we have Friendship Park on here too though we had talked about that but I I did not make Friendship Park happen there was just not room um let's see Karen next to the bridge here where you where we talked about the cross because the bridge is the trail right so we could getting out of the trail right getting out of the bridge or next to the bridge to you know yes yeah If Everyone likes that I like that that's good idea okay do you ever think you'd be doing art by committee kills the creative process right that's all right I'm used to that I do a lot of uh commission stuff so I'm used to the reality of it is also in the graphic design world where I come from it's a lot of uh lot of design and art by committee I don't mind it often I find it it improves it you know in the end yeah well not too territorial yeah usually other people have some great ideas that that go a long way so I like that okay move the tractor down and then the cross there's one small thing that sticks out to me and that's that everything is out of perspective except the baseball field okay and so because that's like an overhead I don't know how it would be possible to do that out of perspective because like then it would distort the shape um and it might be fine it might be that I'm the only person that would ever see that yeah but I don't know if that's something that would stick out to you too yeah I thought about that actually with the logos and the pickle ball court is not in the um Round Lake Park there the pickle ball isn't really kind that's kind of flat too where's the pickle ball court um that's where the dog and the bone is under the orange tree I don't know what pickle ball is I thought that was a window I'm sorry oh okay that's interesting on the main one it has a ball with the pickle ball paddle I was trying to represent pickle ball because I I we talked about I knew what it was I saw the pickle ball I think it's just simply because I have no idea what pickle ball is you're young and have small children you you're not the demographic for I I'm also I'm also young because I also did not see the pcoo court I so I was going to ask you what is this window here so now well I need to do some work there then if well I think it's because they need to do window they need to do work and open up their Horizons I knew it was pickle B it was a pretty window I was fine it's hilarious oh my gosh okay there is a ball on the actual one it kind of looks like a pickle ball it didn't make its way into this is it blue the the the cuz I think the window is blue is blue okay cuz I think the blue is the one that that give me the window the fenestration you know VI I think about that let me think about I thought it was a window three or four people in this room thought that chances are other people J thought it too right yeah so well but not everyone is going to know what everything is true but don't think you need to change pickle ball because I have no I not absolutely we yeah is that a pickle ball course on Ron Lake too or is that a tennis court oh here yeah um that was basketball basketball okay M I was going to have actual basketball well it could could be tennis I can't I don't see be honest I can't remember at this point let me look at the big drawing and the baseball field looks like it's in the the right spot did it wasn't the spot it's that everything has perspective and that that is an overhead aerial view okay and so to me it looked like things were back like there was like depth to everything or is that was a different view so it stood out but if the pickle BL is the same way I don't think it's weird um the basketball court I'm sorry is right here on um Central Boston Hill yeah yeah Boston Hill it's right up on the road so I mean that and then this is tennis okay that's fine um I'm easy the problem is always Sports yeah when art people try to do sports right it's it's a real thing okay well what does everybody else think about the baseball diamond is that troubling that it's flat I could just make it like a ball you know and a bat could turn into a ball and a bat instead of the diamond where's the football I was thinking where's the soccer ball oh my oh my gosh yeah you don't well for Shane Kelly Park I put the dog with the bone the dog park uh yeah that I can put a soccer ball over by where the big Econ River comes down in the upper right corner a soccer ball could fit there because that is over kind of in the I mean it would be to the right of Lockwood is the only thing yeah or you can take out the strawberries but if you want want the strawberries no she wants I'm married to the strawberries she's not giving ground on the strawberries I raised my kids on papies and I love that it's kind of up there by the celery and the oranges I feel like it kind of makes it all look like it like in the farming area you know um back to the water tower can we just just is everyone in agreement that that should be made a little larger I agree yeah I think you've got room to just make it taller yeah make it you've got space there okay so so far I have adding in a a goose around Lake charm I like that idea um make the water tower more prominent adding in the cross with the serpent whatever for the hospital um adding in a fire truck and the bike over by the overpass moving the tractor down I think when you look at the main one and the pickle ball is a distinct ball because it has holes in it I think that I want everyone to take a look at that and see if that doesn't but if not we can keep working on okay um yeah I I I so this structure here next to along Mutual hammock oh that's RTS is that what you're talking about yes so because it looks like it's Crossing M hamk house okay right yeah well I was kind of going on the idea of like we don't we discuss it doesn't really have to be Lal map for finding things okay are you going to put the the street as you put it with Lockwood it's yes there will be will kind of got lost in the in there but okay there will be okay um but I recognize in this that Lockwood is a little bit wider than Mitchell hammock and it almost looks like a river so looking at some of these maps that we initially were kind of benchmarking from or or getting inspiration from they do have some of the roads are just left white um some of them some of the major roads are kind of just like a white or a cream we could I don't want to really make that I don't want to make the roads white I mean black but here's you know an example of kind of them being just left white I think it's better because it's it's softer right put black I kind of don't want to and you're going to fill in most of the Middle with color so it's going to be Yeah by negative space you'll see the the roads I'll make or a light gray if you want I'll increase the depth of Mitchell the width of Mitchell hammock to make it a little more significant since it's major I am so tempted to say why don't you put a few potholes in there on all yes yeah we talked about that since it's not I and then putting the fire station or fire truck up here mhm I like that I think that that works well um anything else it looks great Karen thank you yeah it's looks beautiful I appreciate that I think that oh go ahead I'm sorry what's your estimated completion date because yeah you've making good progress okay that's I was just going to say I I think that if we everybody is okay with it that I could have it done for our next your next meeting not mine but April like are you meeting in mid April or what is that meeting already scheduled yeah I come back on the on the 14th so the following week yeah I think we we talked about postponing to the 17th and 17th is a good day to be here so it will be April 17th week okay I think that's I'm going to shoot for that this is my busy crazy busy season again October November and March and April are um pretty intense for me work-wise but I will try my best to get this done by the April 17th meeting I would love to to have that um n works for everybody yeah okay all right thank you thank you all I appreciate back so I'm going to jump to um to the Jolie project since um I invited council member Britain to come and we can update the wings of Joy um later um so I did some research last time we discussed so the whole board was uh okay with moving forward with don't Joy you know um tribute but we did not know exactly what to do so we were going discuss doing a call to artist I decided to um to um send um to a sign company to have an estimate of the plaque how much it would cost and I was doing some research and I found this picture of him you know um in a drafting table and I thought well that would be it's kind of different thing right it's not him playing golf but doing what he was known right to to to to um be you know the master right and I've also read the book um that um c m Britain gave to me um and he designed more than 200 golf courses right not only in the state so they had including Bay Hill Tusa Rivers so it is quite impressive when you go through the all the you know the the images and the descriptions and the date was he was active you know for a long you know time right um so I thought that was an interesting of course this picture and so this is just an idea right been um so I did that to see how much it would cost I ended up sending to this company and they sent me uh which was the same company that did for us the plaque in uh rley park for the um black history um um uh uh mural and um but that that plaque was smaller I ended up sending a a larger you know um so we came a little bit high at $653 for the plaque being bronzed so we would have if we decided to do um um picture it would be high resolution picture with some you know wording and this is just what I showed to you is just you know um for him to be able to uh to give an asate and then I talked to um council member Britain today um and he was saying oh why don't we simplify instead of doing a call to artist let's discuss well in a in a previous in another um um golf course they did the watercolor and because King Dam I contacted her today to to um uh invite her to come too I asked her what would be the price for a watercol um because then if we did a watercol we would have the waterc collar inside of the clubhouse and then we could have the high resolution in a plaque and then the water collar we can ask whatever we want him drafting with the golf course in the background whatever right because that's and she sent me an email and I'm going to read to you um so this was from today um to high reason I love the idea of the jol Lee painting so much as we chatted uh about once or twice two of my uh three kids play golf um my youngest son plays golf for oido high school so this project will certainly take on a special you know um element for us and then she gave me a custom watercolor painting of this sort would be $650 between $650 and $800 unframed depending on the complexity of the scene I would I could do either 11 by 14 or 16 by 20 either one would be beautiful depending on the location it was being placed so I said well that would be you know also a nice idea would be an easier you know because call to ARS are interesting but we have to provide a budget usually we have to provide what is the the medium right that we are going to ask them to do because if it's going to be open then we would have to have you know a pretty large budget um so it is up to discussion because um I think um these are great this is great information um first of all um it when I started looking at this and the idea of a plaque a metal plaque I immediately thought well because he's homegrown so to speak and ovido is where PE things were grown you know we were the celery capital of the world that there's a theme of homegrown um ooin um I know there's quite a few and maybe um Mr Le to be the inaugural um person of this recognition and um you know some oo's homegrown and then you know annually that someone is recognized or violent or however something like that would whomever I'm just talking off the top of my head and um I think the watercolor is um fabulous I can tell you um from all the many many golf courses I've been to not because I play play golf because I put on golf um golf um tournaments is that um um the watercolor is a very common feature um recognizing a featured um um golfer or event or in the clubhouse it usually is and um um council member um Britain might chime in and and agree with that um I'm not sure if he I've seen that a lot of those watercolors it seem to be a really maybe I'm because it's austa time I'm thinking that or something but um but it seems pretty common but I think um either or is really nice um but that's just me talking off of my head um talking but $650 for that that's a killer deal you guys that is like way awesome I I I'm like really blown away because she's very talented very very talented and there's a there's actually a picture of him in in the book here that's maybe a better representation from than the one at the drafting table he's got he's I think he's got a golf club in his hand and he's had a golf course so that might be something that's uh you know a little bit better suited to to give to to put as in the watercolor yeah yeah yeah and I even I I would put the highest because she gave six 650 800 um in the budget just to put um to have the room if she goes higher but it's it's it's really I think that's incredible very I I almost fell off my chair um and and another thing and we discussed this is just the historical um perspective is like artifacts of his his drafting board like somehow if that could be um at the um Golf Club at in the in the house actually I think some of his golf clubs are on display at the club oh really but I also thought maybe his drafting table and and things like that so because I don't think anybody really has an idea how golf courses are really planned I mean what they have to look at besides the surveying and and you know I I I thought that might be an educational component to it as well um that people can learn but that's it I'm not sure you know he died I think somewhere around 20 years ago but I'm not sure where any of that stuff would be but uh maybe some renderings of golf course actually there might be some renderings in the book here there the book there was in the C I looked for it and I looked online too to see because that would be also a nice um I mean are there family members that are I'm trying to think he has a stepdaughter that runs his foundation that I was in touch with and maybe she might I mean if we reach out to her maybe I'm I'm just saying if we want to go down this Avenue but um she might have something and and there could be like a little dedication or you know something in recognition of I don't know if did you get a hold of David if today I had preamp so I did not have time to I spoke to David uh Evans and who grew up with rickley or rickley and and Jolie uh he gave me some name [Music] Dr Dr Schaefer lives in Atlanta I think is uh one of his relatives and he said rickley would have his address now rickley is not here that much anymore and Tom schaer is uh the mother of of those shafers but he he was giving me some some ideas of some of the distance relatives that may still be around um but he his stepdaughter is still there his uh his wife has passed away so the stepdaughter runs the foundation um so I think what we could if you decide is to put the budget so if we want to go to so we can start with the watercolor and also because everything that the board decides has to go to council for approval right so we can take to council the idea of the waterc collar if you all decide to do that they don't leave it up to you you all they no everything has to go to council overbearing everything has to go to counil because it's money and um and and actually I'm not the I'm not even the the one recommending right I come here I support I give my opinion but it's the board recommending so we take we take to council and we take also with the plaque with and and I already reached out to the company to say give me a smaller one because the one that I asked was too big so I'm I'm asking the same size of um the one we have in R Lake Park um and then we could have take to council to uh not to exceed this amount right and then we can work even to find other vendors but we would have to have the watercolor first so that the watercolor then is displayed in the plaque um and if you all decide we can do that you know move forward with that project as well what led me to the plaque idea was if you've ever been to Mayfair golf course in in Sanford it's over 100 years old and it's got a a pretty large plaque on the hisory history of it who bought it back in the 1800s and who sold it to the the colonel who started the golf course and you know the New York Giants uh had their training camp there and you know just a little history lesson which was what I was thought maybe an educational plaque out there for for golfers who don't know any better yeah yeah it's right under the first one it may for is right under the first team you can walk right up to it and see it and I love the idea to make it a a program or a project right that we can recognize other um citizens you know later with their accomplishment I think that's a great idea so are we talking about doing the plaque with the watercolor then or two these are two separate so because the watercolor has to be insides right so it's again up the board if we going to have the watercol with some plaque then it does not need to be you know a big PL on next to the golf course um but we could have the the water collar and then the water collar you know shown in the plaque you know outside it's it's whatever you all let me get that straight the watercolor would be mounted in the building but then have a rendering of it on the plaque itself yeah so the same way we have in the Round Lake Park that we have the mural and then we have the display oh okay yeah that's with the over there it's because of the legend of the the people who are displayed I I prefer something on the the first hole so people come out there okay I was just wondering because um I went to the Jackson Heights um recognition for the family and the historic significance of Jackson Heights um with the Florida Historical Society you know we all see those metal or they're not what are they they're very significant they're prominent but um is would that be a considered a historic site necessarily or no I was just I don't think it be a historic site per se I mean of someone's he's of significance I don't know what the definition is in order to receive that but I'm just saying the State of Florida pays for that um and I know they already have a long list that they are going through through so I mean if we go we going to be probably in the botom I'm not sure if fits in that category but there is a a monument on the bridge that goes over the river on Lockwood it's about the size of this chair with a a bronze plate on it that describes what that bridge is and what the significance is of it uh something like that it doesn't have to be really elaborate something very simple would be just fine so are we thinking the plaque will go on the first hole I think that's the part that I'm missing yeah that that was yeah the proposal yeah I'm going to um revise that because this yeah so so the it's permanent so it's bronze right it's outdoors um the one we did for um Round Lake Park because and that's why when I recovered that I said this is of course this was 2019 but it was $2,397 in the same company but they had the size of 24 in by 18 and I asked for 30 by 24 so ours was bigger so I sent an email again can you give give me another code for the same type of you know would be letters and printing of a of an image um and I haven't received it yet so it should be less than 6,000 whatever and this is one one company if I find two expensive we can shop around to see you know yeah another thing out there they have and it's almost like a a headstone on certain holes they'll have uh this hole is dedicated to Joe SM who hit his ball in the water and died of a heart attack going to retrieve it or something they have dedications all over that Golf Course for certain individuals and it's donation for from the family of Donado uh I don't know how that yeah some most probably my dad's actually on a on a t- marker in Titusville they closed the cor so his his name is out there in the middle of the woods somewhere now but that was another thing you get a a granite T marker okay and names of folks on it or or whatever you know those are just some ideas that uh might want to consider the the t- markers are a little expensive but they don't go anywhere they're they're heavy I was going to try to steal it one day and it's h it's pretty heavy so they do that at other golf courses because I know that there's want it for pay Stewart yeah yeah so so do we want to make a motion for the watercolor it's up to the board yes I'll make a motion to move forward with having the watercolor in honor of Jolie are you going to um Theiss yes I moved to commission Karen Dom for the watercolor uh portrait at the golf course okay I will second that all in favor so let me just ask a clarification are we including the plaque or no plaque well the plaque I think we're still getting quotes on correct so we want to bring the plaque later on okay that's fine we can do that we can can we approve it without knowing the amounts or anything you can establish an amount not not to exceed an amount or you want if you want to have the final quote we would have to bring it back I'm thinking if it would be nice to take it to the council Al together yeah and not have to stagger it so I'm okay moving I mean how's everybody else feel jul do you want to your and this button I shall amend my motion um to wait what am I doing Comm commission Karen commissioning Karen Dom to create a watercolor portrait of Jolie for the golf course and uh creating a bronze pla plaque um not to exceed 4,000 4,000 I reasonable right yeah um do we need a number for Karen's piece as well 800 but we need to get it framed because she said that was just okay let's put 5,000 the whole thing right 800 plus 200 for the frame and 4,000 not to exceed 4,000 for so the project should not exceed $5,000 there we go okay I I I wouldn't worry about that right now if it comes in more than that we'll figure that out okay I'm sure there's people in the city donate to the cause but anyway okay all in favor I I any Nays right okay so I will take this um one um on April 15th that's when you're going to take it to the to council to city council and I will let you know because if you all or any of you or a representative would like to come you know and uh and um if Council uh ask questions I'll be there but if the board would like to be there as well I will let you know now I'm sorry April 15th get your taxes done Lisa um and the reason I asked about why Council has to approve it because you you already have a fund for for the art uh yeah it's a dedicated account but we can only expend you know spend if Council approves and the board at that time when we created the board they did not want the responsibility of the committee that proposed the board did not want the responsibility to spend so they are the recommending and so far um Council has supported all the recommendation but council is the approving Authority well thank you very much I've been kind of turning this for a couple years now and I think this is going to be really really pretty cool and I will I will reach out to his uh stepdaughter and uh see if she wants to come down if we have a dedication ceremony or or maybe uh just thinking out loud maybe a a small golf tournament that we could have as a fundraiser for his foundation it's an educational foundation so you know do some spread some Goodwill I think it's going to be a nice and I think if I can call Title it you know what did you say it's a grown um homegrown if you all think it's home yeah that's I think it's a nice idea and we can see this is the first one you know hopefully there will be others right depending on the on our budgets but I think it's a great idea very very good did did you all get a chance to see the book you have the uh the other I have and I will return to you okay but I'll give to I I'll let King dam look have a look yeah yeah because then we she has she have some ideas of that picture of him on the front uh first page is is a nice picture but it's with me it's my op okay and if uh if I get a hold of his stepdaughter maybe she has something else she can provide us and I'll I'll reach out to Dave Evans to to see if he has you know any any additional information for us did I tell you guys the story I I think some of you are new about the story of him when he was growing up in Ovito he was out deer hunting and got bit by a water moccasin that didn't stop him from killing his deer and bringing it in but he almost died the doctors you know the doctor got to him and said well if you're You're Not Dead by tomorrow you'll be fine so that's a typical OBO boy doing what he does I read that in the book that's quite a story yeah thank you thank you thank you see you on 15 we will see you in the on the 15 bye so also on April 15th I'm taking um um the wings of joy to council because I for that one I need to take to the CRA as well and that's when the CRA will meet because I want to have their you know commitment uh on the on their you know um contribution and and then I'm going to take to council so that day it would be a good idea for you know the board to be there or members of the board or the chairperson whatever you you want to um to establish but as well April 15th so I'm going to take you know the the um two projects and then um actually if there is because I did not put it here in the list but we discussed the art in the chamber right um and that is um there's almost no cost associated with that one I checked with insurance our insurance covers everything that is in the city and it covers um works of art of course if we bring a Picasso we will have to you know check you know the the insurance again but it covers you know um um works of art and so we could also I could also send that to council because they also have to approve although they would not the budget would be whatever I need to you know um fix the the paintings on the wall if I need to have some because we have the the those um rails over there those tracks over there um I think there is a system to um you know use those Stacks right and then we have to see that they cannot put the chairs you know how they put over there against the wall so but anyway there is no really cost for us so but I wanted to send the idea so I wanted to check if you all want to start and how we want to do that should be once a quarter for a month for a you know um how would be the program be you know the r the rotation will be I can tell you how they do it standard they do it quarterly i' vote for quarterly monthly seems like that could be too much right because you do not have activity and then just there is the cost of comparing the agreement you know I have to prepare the agreement so there's a small cost to for that but I have the agree it's pretty simple to prepare to prepare there there are some things to keep in mind when you're um doing the agreement it's it's good to if it's with an organization you want to make sure an organization that's registered on Su then there's an actual legal entity to do a contract with one time we did an agreement with a group that wasn't registered on seus and so you have to do basically individual agreements that was presenting their work or providing their work and that was a lot figure out a way to do it efficiently but it was still a lot more work than just wanted to you know right so that costs more for the city because that's more of your time right so like I have so I'm just making this up so artistic hands if we had artistic hands participate they're a business I presume that they're um in sunas and um so if their students participated um they would still be under um under artistic hands or your your students at your at your school or that's considered they're not individuals necessarily even though they're taking a class or or whatever yeah we the schol and okay I just wanted to understand that but you do it with an individual artist you know one artist displays his work then you individual doing an organization with a mixture of different artists contributing have to do contct with each individual artist or organization to be a legal has capacity to enter into a contract so your fees come out of our budget correct no okay I just wanted that I was going to clarify that that because you know um it would be covered already the did we did we talk about um different possible sources for the art I don't recall like did we talk about um having schools like could have a you know contest and say you know kids from schools or from the boys and girls club like if we could rotate Absol absolutely and we can discuss every that's I think if we do it quarterly I think that would give time to discuss and and communicate I had an idea that well to start to learn those things we can we could start because um staff would participate uh in a contest that seino County would do annually and they stopped I think during Co you know so it was open to everybody that works for volunteers that or staff and and relative members you know in my department was the one that would everybody would participate because it was fun right and um so I said well we could do the first one asking staff because then we can learn and if something goes wrong it's us right we learning curve right uh I contact I talked to joviva through it she's an architect she was part of the board um she was staff you know also and um and and she paints so I said J we going to start the the art because the art in the chambers we have discussed so many he said would you like to participate and he said oh I'm in so I said well you would have to come to the board present yourself whatever but Jano had an interesting thing that she painted um because she's an architect she painted you know the old downtown when we still had the old downtown with the old you know what before the demolition because she wanted to re register those right and that's something that I also want to discuss with you all because next year we are going to celebrate 100 Years of the city so what are the programs that we would like to have for next year so I mean I already have one artist that you know that is um um uh um interested but we could have schools we could have you know UCF well I know seminal State because Sanford did seminal state for a lot of their artwork and and with them we would contact whoever you know would be our point of Conta and they would organize who would come to us right and uh and so I think yeah I thought about using staff to begin the process just to learn and then you know no and then but that was that was just an idea so who would be deciding the next artist to come in would that be Board responsibility or staff well whatever you all depending on you you all decide right okay it's up to how how we structure the program I think it might be nice to have a rotating list sorry I didn't mean to cut you off um of combination of things like the public Public Schools or the the private art places and then also like the staff I love that idea that's great um and what a great way to start because like you said there's low risk with your own employees um and we could just rotate through all the different I mean it would take years to get through all the different places around here that selfishly I could make the seminal State piece happen so we could do that with low effort so we could get a lot of work from that so well then we could just like have all the sources a hat so to speak and just pull for each quarter of you know who's going to be next I like the idea of having uh different groups from the community being able to contribute so that we don't say you know it's only absolutely the source so that it can be a little more well the idea is to rotate right and the idea is to and in in when we have the whatever exhibition we have here we can have um Lisa MacDonald which who is our um public information person to put in the website and picture so that you know the idea is to spread right the the interest in art so recomendation okay so can we start making a list of all the local community places that we might want to ask to participate and then we could I mean as a board maybe we could decide today to start with the staff of oido um I don't know one would be reasonable to start this if we're start thinking quarters we're about to jump we just started Q2 right like we're in quarter two because no it's March January February March April April is the second yeah so would it be possible to do it Q3 to do in April the the second one no what did you say to start staff doing this in Q3 so that would give them because if we take to if we take to um Council April 15th again I can also it's a simple resolution and I think we have to structure the resolution that the board will decide we don't need to take every quarter to council they don't need to approve who is coming the board will you know they will approve the program and the and the board will decide which group or or which aren is will be the next one so I have a question besides City Hall I know that there's other offices could we also because then there's more participants um could they hang in like utilities or I'm just making this up on other buildings or so I again I think we should start small just small but I just ask there's more participants I was just thinking and then it also um is a positive thing for employees too you know just you know the rotation and I think it's a good a good thing to for everybody but just a just and allows for more participants which makes people feel good or kids feel good students feel I do not know any because for instance the amphitheater would be another space that we have but they have weddings they have you know and I think get out of a little bit out of control so this is a very controlled area here right because I mean I would not care if something happened to a picture that I that I put here but if you are an artist and that is you know your unique design whatever you we we need to be um careful where to and I don't think utility has you know a place that would have the same kind of uh do we know how many we can fit depending on the size right so I think and actually I was thinking I hope we have have a lot of because my department I know would bring stuff but it would be for everybody right if we start with staff and actually the county would do uh relatives also because then you know you can bring even a picture of your whatever your kids you know if you have it will be an opportunity to make a fun you know statement here right could you open it up to personally created art or part of your collection I mean that way you could say if someone's like well not really artistic but I I own this really cool piece that I want to share so it it's it's whatever you all decide if the idea is to bring art you know we don't need a motion for that right we just do it you need a motion for that right what are we going to call the program art and the chambers right art in the chambers so would somebody like to make a motion to begin the art in the chambers programers I move to commence the art in the chambers project do we have a second I'll second all right all in favor I any Nays okay great in my last one because I know you all may have your own ideas to discuss is that I was um so next year we're going to celebrate 100 years um po Bell Beldon who is the Iraq and Parks director came to me and said we have a problem that we want to proposed to as a challenge to the uh public art board uh and and this is the picture that you have here so this is the video tower that we have in noon the park that was pretty expensive when they put it was you know supposed to do a lot of stuff but as technology it runs you know um down quickly I think with time and especially because it's in the in the weather and so they are not going to the city is not planning to replace it so it's an opportunity to transform this um Central section here into piece of art I mean and then this this came from Paul I mean does not need to be that but he said well it be a good thing to maybe celebrate the hundred years plan for next year so this is just an idea just I wanted to share with you um at this point um we would not have money money to start a lot of projects because now we have some commitment so we have to kind of um either fund raise or you know have U more U contributions from developers to be able to fund but this is something that for that we can plan for next year or during the you know can you take the screen out what is that can you take the screen out I think you can yeah so this is not to take the structure down no it's just to because the structure is there and it kind of meets the the seam of VI the park right all this the type of vines the vegetation that you know they I thinking can you just add more plants there it could be yeah it could it's it's an opportunity because it it has already the frame right so we can have a mural there or a kinetic um um sculpture like a metal sculpture of some sort I know we were talking about that at last meeting but I was thinking something kinetic that is moving thatle that you know is low maintenance or maybe something that I don't know sound when Chimes I I'm just thinking that might be more difficult because of hurricanes but um I'm just I'm talking off the top of my head something that is noticeable because I think if it's just metal again and because there's so much around it framing it that it needs to be something that really stands out um because our our goal is so it's noticed it's it's noticed and it it's part of the art of the community but that's that's just my my my two cents I love the idea of something that's moving yeah I think that's cool I think it'd be really cool to gut it like gut that inside part um maybe uh like Lisa said something that's moving maybe something that um almost has like a transparent quality to it so you could see through it because there's um things on both sides you can see it from both sides um is this something that we might do research and come back with or do a call to artists or this is just to throw the idea for us to mature and yeah so that's all I have thank you very much for all the I have a question about the Hundred Year in years ago we talked about applying for a grant when the time arose yeah that passed already and that um would we would not qualify alone we would have to do something that grant that particular Grant from the Bloomberg Foundation was a million dollars yeah and but it was um we would not qualify alone it had to be um there were some criteria so we would have I I don't remember if it was population wise that we would not qualify alone but we would have we would do could do something combined with some you know another entity whatever but that's a shame yeah but that that was last year so that was during the period that we were a little bit so are there other funding opportunities because um this is a big deal a 100 years and and if if um I mean I know the grant op opportunities come across your desk or you get the I should say you get the emails about the grant opportunities if there's anything that could um funnel down to this committee that we can help celebrate you know in some capacity or or a pre-existing capacity and add the recognition yeah this one was one that I searched uh searching for Grants and it was from the Bloomberg Bloomberg foundation and they would um um give a million dollars and it it was a temporary um um had to be a temporary project um so one the city that had the the Parkland you know um um uh event you know they got and it was a beautiful they built a structure all in wood and people gave you know thoughts and they put it on fire so it was kind of you know so it was you had had to be something very impactful right because um I think the other city I don't remember it was Detroit but it was a very interesting project that they had um you know dilapidated um neighborhoods and to call the attention to the dilapidated and and vacant homes they lit the homes from inside as if they were you know alive right back to life but they were all kind of before boarded homes and they had some Po in the you know it was beautiful and and so the the streets that were kind of all you know run down suddenly came to life again and it was kind of to call the attention so it was not e were not easy projects because it's you know it's not easy to find someone giving a million dollars right so it was very competitive and we would not qualify alone so we would have to do something and in the beginning we thought about having having connections with other cities here and doing something but the other thing with grants is that they require a lot of time right and and time is not something that I have a lot right because without the and right now we are writing the rewriting the Land Development code which is our first number one priority and we are in the last push so we are kind of discussing the final draft and that so we had yester a meeting that started at 2:30 um p.m. here with a board it ended up what 7:30 so it was a 5 hour and and usually the board meets at 6:30 p.m. but I told him please because at at 700 p.m. my English goes away Portuguese comes back and my whole staff is is is not even thinking properly right so we kind of because it's a very you know difficult document we and we need to discuss we cannot Rush the discussions so so the issue with Grant but yeah in the future and and I will share whatever I find I will share for sure and if there is a way we will find it you know if we find anything on our own accord um and just um shoot it over to you yeah okay okay and um I had another question um and this is I mean obviously the 100 anniversary I do we brainstorm and present to you ideas we might have at the next meeting okay I just I'm just like any assignments um at this time letting us know which I I mean things that you need support with that you know maybe help in certain areas it's just an idea um and then um my other question is um how it is determined if you have documents because I would like to look at them further um to get more understanding is how the funds come from the developers and how that's determined and what the goal is um hopefully the goal is to receive more of a percentage from the size of the development compared to just a a general amount that it's according to the size of the development so um like what our wishes is there but if um if I could someone shoot me an email so I can look that that that's so that has to be a change in the um eldery in the in the code um so I May invite you to come for um one of the ldcc committee so which the committee for the Land Development code for you to give you idea I'm just trying to have a better understanding how it could benefit this so just as standing you can meet with me you can call me in cies I need to I want to understand what is the mitigation process the deviation the donation whatever and we can we can sit on one one and if the board wants to propose a different idea which I think it's great um we okay we invite you or whoever wants to come to the um LCC to present that idea to the committee that is kind of reviewing the final draft and we can't go back to past developers and tell them oh you owe us money no I'm making a joke we cannot but we can move forward in a different path there will be push back right because you know they will um some people would see this as an exaction and we'll have to count on legal also to tell us what what is the limit of what we can do although different cities have different takes on that and we know that but um is there any planed to do an event for the hundred year so um um the last city council meeting uh I think was council member poock who um asked um the city manager to create a committee and they so they are going to create a committee for the 100 year anniversary and they were kind of starting to to brainstorm what is going to be it's because other cities did like and I think um our city manager Mr cob talked about I think was the city of Alon Springs who did a Gala and He was discussing I don't think Gala is something that is is a voo right um so he was proposing how a series of events like using every opportunity you know to have you know an event but the date I think it's June something so it's in June but we have the wings of joy that we are hoping it's going to be one of those celebrations right because it does not relate to 100 years but it's a good opportunity to by the way we are celebrating 100 years so um the committee is going to be the one discussing all the ideas in specific celebrations and and and just an idea if they create a committee maybe they should invite um somebody from our board who would represent our board to sit on the committee and attend those meetings because then we would have someone representative and who would come and report to us and and we can brainstorm our you know ideas what our committee can contribute or be connected to just an idea yeah I think we can move to the next okay does anybody have any comments or concerns to discuss um so two things first um we had discussed the instrument installations last time was that something you were able to look into um so we did look into I mean as as and I showed to my staff that also an idea would be for us to propose that you know when developers want to do some uh something on their s that they can use that but we haven't moved forward with anything so again it would be to the board at this point we have to start looking at our budget to see if we have money but I brought it here so it's it's an idea that is hasn't been you know um um retired right okay it's it's an idea that it's here and everybody likeed the idea so I think it's it's something that we can bring you know in the future okay but we are also going to use it in private development oh wonderful as an idea because if it's you know if a private developer likes the idea and and because you did the research that shows how much it cost it also simplify you know for them right so perfect awesome um my other thing I wanted to bring up was um we had discussed in the previous board meeting about getting some public performances um I reached out to Opera Orlando um about the performances they do um within communities and just got general information about that um Opera um plan years in advance this is not something that happens soon like it's booked years um but they have a program um that's education based and basically they take one of their mainstage operas um they take some of the set pieces and they bring it to different communities um it's uh they said their cost is about $5,000 um which to me seems very reasonable to hire uh professionals to do that and they have one coming up um in Winter Park that I wanted to invite board members to go see to see if it's something that we might want to have an Ido um this year they're uh they're doing frea col and oh I just forgot the rest of the title of the I have the email here I just saw I just saw the Opera that the Freeda performance at Stein so you're saying that they're doing one an outdoor version so this one is happening at a museum um but it's free to the public are you saying like The Morris Museum or no it's the Manalo Museum oh that's the one right by um the Science Center right it's in lock Cen y um so yes so they're doing one like that and that when I was speaking to them that would be the kind of performance that they bring it's a shorter version um and it's familyfriendly um but I just wanted to invite people to see if you would like to go it's on March 24th um and then I sent the details I sent the details to Dr CA and miss aosta and they said they would send them to everyone um when I spoke to them they said next year's plan for this um series is uh uh Chula which is Cinderella um which I think is wonderful because that's such a beloved story and great for families um so that's all I just wanted to see if people would um maybe take the time out of their month to go see this to see if it's something we wanted to pursue 2 p.m I'm GNA send the email um um share with all all of you are we able to also reach out to like um seminal state or UCF um as far as like their musicians their students to to come and perform I mean you know the Arts well right now is the whole arts um event that takes place at Dr Phillips it's huge and UCF and everybody but um I mean that's that's a really significant um performance is all you know for all organizations who who participate but that somehow that ovido is connected especially since we're just so close to those and you know those institutions and and pulling families together and and and doing something that students it could be free right no we would need to do a public notice unless was to going to be discussions right so the rule is that you board members sorry board members can socialize can go out and you know socialize together you just can't um it's so long as nothing is discussed that's likely to come before the board for discussion so you're you're not you're not prevented from socializing outside of public meetings you just can't talk about anything that's that could possibly come before this board for a discussion and that also applies to text messages emails everything yeah good good question yeah what about social media I saw a post today people were talking about the the butterflies and I wanted to step in but I didn't because I didn't know if I was allowed or not um it's a good question um you're you you could chime into a social media discussion um to be out to air on the side of caution it's better not to but um that's what that's what I did but I was like I know but but but you wouldn't want to get into a discussion with one of the board members on their social media account so it depends on who social media account it is if it's someone who's not on the board that's okay as long as the board's another board m is not involved in that that social media discussion so it's always better just to to not do it it's hard sometimes I know if we talk with anybody that's not on the board about anything that could relate to the board like it sounds like you're saying that's okay but like do we need to you know identify ourselves uh or are we allowed to like be a citizen you're allowed to be a citizen and sounds like there's a yeah no yeah no it's it's the Sunshine Law applies to Communications amongst the board the board members so if you're talking to someone who's not on the board whether it be an artist or just um a citizen um and and I think one of your roles as board members is to promote the the the public art board you should be talking to people about it and having those discussions outside of the meeting you just you just can't have discussions outside of a public meeting amongst yourselves right like we can't talk board business where it doesn't have the transparency where everybody doesn't have the chance to participate exactly yeah okay but if we're at an event and we're talking about what our organization is doing or promoting we can still do that like if we're together talking and someone walks and we start saying oh oo is doing you know we're we're able to discuss about you know whatever that is with somebody even though it's something that we've planned as a board right yes you could share that with with u members of the public um again the the key point is the communication is is between you and someone other than the board member that you're communicating with some a third party are there any um guidelines around so what if we're talking here about like ideas for the 100th anniversary and we're talking about anything that hasn't yet gone to the city council is there any guidance on say talking with the family member or uh somebody else from the community discussing something that has or has not yet gone to the city council no you know you can you can have those discussions um with family members members of the public anyone just um uh that I hope I'm understanding question correctly um so uh so say the watercolor map has that been approved by the city water M has been approved yeah okay so say that it hasn't and we're talking about here and we're talking about ideas about what's going to be on it or how much it's going to cost if it hadn't gone to the city yet any guidance on you don't discuss it with anybody or I'm just wondering if not secret because everything that we are discussing here is being videotaped and so there is no and actually it's the opposite right I think the Restriction is among okay the board members you have no restriction with me with Julie with uh you know talking about anything or something that is going to counsel tell your family or you know friends you know you not the approving Authority right in Council so you can only say this is this is coming before them but this has already been shared with the public through this meeting anyway right okay we're not talking Scott stock tips but you know I just thought that might be a good uh you know is that a good limit yeah it's all um supposed to be open and transparent and no like Dr K said it's yeah the only the Restriction is just you having discussions amongst yourselves outside the public meeting where the Public's not um it's hasn't been provided notice that they can come and provide comments and or information that we were not shared right then you come all in block and you already have made up your mind right and nobody shared the discussion so we should all be able to share the different you know ideas that you all bring and different perspectives any other questions I did last meeting y'all had asked about um appearing telephonically or remotely at meeting that at least and um so as I I I did look at that up for you and um the uh the Sunshine Law actually allows for remote attendance um uh as for but just for participation you wouldn't be able to vote and and the a quorum has to be physically present um so and then for just pragmatic reasons for the technology that would be needed and the p and providing the um opportunity to the public to um to appear remotely and just what happens if the technology goes down it's just generally not something that we do yeah but um but I yeah and but the Quorum does have to be physically present to be able to vote on any business so yeah so are they still considered attendance or not at all I yeah they would be just okay that someday I'm sure that will change the law will change and it won't because I know in corporate in the corporate world it's that way yeah for sure I'm sure it depends on how the bylaws are written for the organization all right guys it's 7 o'clock um our next meeting is April 10 no April 17th oh okay doia will send a reminder do I have a motion to adjourn I move to adjourn and now second thank you allone what I don't think you voted to journ do I have to vote for that for the second I don't know why you need move