##VIDEO ID:q7ohuS-7vKQ## e e this is a test to the city of Paka audio system e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e the city commission budget Workshop August 9 2024 at 3:30 p.m Miss CR could you read the meeting notice please yes ma'am to Commissioners Tammy mccal Justin Campbell senior will Jones and Rufus Bor you're hereby notified a special called Workshop of the pla City commission is hereby called to be held on the following dates at City Hall 2011 north2 Street PL Florida 32177 the purpose of the workshop is discuss fiscal year 2024 25 budget uh today is August 9th at City commission budget Workshop 3:30 the next budget Workshop is August 29 City at 3:30 please govern yourselves accordingly sign Roberto MC May and before we go too much further where is city manager Bell and finance director M enter as we speak okay Miss cot do we know Miss cot is okay okay thank you we're going to have the invocation by Pastor mbery and Pledge of Allegiance by commissioner borm good evening everyone father again we thank thank you uh for this day we thank you for this opportunity to come together once again we pray God for the wisdom that is necessary to do the business of the city we pray for the leadership of our city we pray God for every component we pray th that thou would have your way God that thou would bless that you would touch us remind us of who we are and whose we are God as we come before your presence we pray now that thou would bless the work of our hands as we put our hands to the plow help us Lord I pray to make decisions that are conducive for moving this city in the right direction we give you glory now for all you do for us in Jesus name we pray amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all roll call please miss gr thank you so much commissioner Tammy mccal not present for the record commissioner Justin Campbell's excused commissioner will Jones presid in Chambers thank you sir commissioner Rufus boram present mayor Robbie C present this is a workshop but I would note you do have a quorum Madame mayor thank you um public comments I'm going to open the floor up to public comments is there anybody here for public comments oh there's some comans um with that I'm going to close public comments and we're going to move on to discussion of the FY fiscal year budget for 20242 Miss K oh Mr Bell who yes yes ma'am so we are starting with um item a which is the fourth draft of the uh fiscal year 2425 and Miss cardi if you would approach the podium for that okay get my latest version can I use it absolutely the one that we were using Okay um good evening mayor Miss good evening uh we are really still actively working on our budget oh thank you thank you sunny I know I sent it appreciate that the one you sent but it says third is it the right one miss cardi it has the right amount so yes okay okay so this is actually where we are as of like 30 minutes ago uh do you have the other sheets though or oh okay but I I like that you went to that last sheet so basically uh we are not yet in the process of balancing the budget we're still making sure that um Commissioners are aware of the entire amount that department heads and Commissioners and city manager and all initiatives are being considered and in that consideration where we are as of this moment uh expenses are greater than our revenues by the amount of 2,119 th16 so that's where we are now sink under the table oh no that's not a problem because this is the process that we use every year we make sure that we give to the Commissioners the full picture so you can see like what are the department heads are saying that's most critical for them what you yourself are saying what's critical for you and then also considering the city manager because sometimes there are initiatives that are just unique to to that function so this is where we are as of this moment you have not received presentation from uh some of the department heads so today our intent is to be certain that you we finalize presentation uh some snapshots would be that um the decision units as we understand it right now today um I think I did send you an attachment I is it okay city manager if I give him a snapshot of decision units presented thus far um you see it [Music] so I sent it the most the better one to your email yeah and the reason why this is better even though you have it in your packet but when I met with the city manager one of the um requests that he made hey I'd like to also understand it by fund like what is being presented as decision units so like with this one a little bit different than yours just one column uh what it shows as of this moment for general fund the decision units uh equal 1,258 398 and um for Public Works which is 041 equals 1,767 th000 and did I skip something oh and sanitation is uh 132,000 and so if you go to page two please so cumulatively for all the decision units that we have as of this moment is 3,1 157,000 that department heads want to be considered and of that amount 633 th000 is Personnel uh 2,383 th000 is capital and you have this in your breakout and 141,000 is operating so that's just a better way to kind of look at decision units that have been presented so far and the other item that I want to make sure that you you paid attention to was the proposed new positions which reconciles to that same 633 th000 I sent that sunny the latest version but it's the same thing I think um it's the same thing they already have but so uh you should also have that in your packet the proposed newno is okay all right so don't worry about they already have it in their packet I just wanted to say it okay and that's pretty much it so what we would like to do is start with I believe it's as human resources thank you just one quick Point um that I'd like to clarify we have um staff today that are dealing with medical issues um and so that's uh limited our ability to be able to provide these presentations um Miss Jones is here with us uh now and she's a trooper she's going to plow through this but uh I would ask your Indulgence and letting her um skirt out not skate skirt out um because she's dealing with a family member in a medical situation and then um one other uh modification is um the Public Works um Joe Verio was going to present on public works today but he's got a relative that is also in the hospital or dealing with a medical issue so he's not with us to make that presentation you want to postpone as meeting yes no sir we're GNA move forward Miss Jones come on thank you so we can have you okay for the human resource department for fiscal year um 2425 um this is just some of the achievements of um what we did um in 23 24 we were able to get the um W2 forms and electronic um submitt form so we didn't have to go through all of that printing um we started the employee um performance evaluation processing and we have that um moving right along um we did the health screening and the annual Wellness incentive which went over very well and Personnel policy updating process has resumed as well as continuing with the end the spotlight some notable operation changes and goals for 2425 um it's um my desire that we start an implementation of a um hris system um because our human resource system is kind of out of date um and it'll give more flexibility to our employees as well as streamline the processes in the human resource department um we're in the process of doing a record retention um review we have a lot of files that the city is still maintaining a lot of them can be destroyed have destroyed dates um 25 years and Beyond so we want to do that um we also want to start um doing some more job fairs um in the city and outside of the city and then doing some quarterly Department recognition um the Departments instead of just streamlining on the um individuals but quarterly Department um recognitions so for our operation operating budget um currently is 2654 405 our prop our proposed um operating budget is going to be 236 336 um because we're going from just the a director to [Music] a coordinator versus a director and um generalist um position um being accounted for so that's what's going down although we did add the HRS system which is 50k into there um the executive salary and advertis in um they pretty much um remain the same that executive salary went down advertising as well decreased um since we're kind of closing in on filling a lot of positions and having full closure um in those departments our current staff LIF listing is our HR Director HR coordinator our proposed is going to be our HR Director HR coordinator which is going to be 125 345 um current um current totals and achievements nothing over there proposed total is with for capital budget we didn't have any capital budget last year the propose proposed total is 50,000 which is for the implementation of our HRS system if we're able to get that in which would really be give a lot of more flexibility like I said to our employees to be able to pull up things that currently they can only get if someone is present in HR like copies of W2s um pay stubs and that type stuff if they lose lose them once they go out that's the only way they're going to get them again is through HR if we have an HRS system then they would have access to that at any time to log in on their phone and pull their information at any time and it also goes along with them after they leave the city they'll still be able to get a copy of their W2 on that that'll still be a just solely for them so that'll be there and that's all I have questions m j yes I have one question on the um it it say 135 833 is that the new those our current yes I'm sorry our current staff listing lift listing was budgeted last year for a director in generalist okay so that was higher so this year we're literally budgeting for the coordinated position not a generalist so it's overexpanded from last year it's where it should be for this up coming year not overexpanded I said the wrong thing it was over budgeted because that was the direction that yall wanted to go in last year but this year we're um going to have the director coordinate a position and it looks lower but the decrease really in what we're seeing in the bottom line of our operating is really going to be that um advertising went down because we budgeted a lot because we had a lot of vacant positions as well as the executive salary which housed um the generalist and the director so it's now only housing the director okay so what's your title right now generalists so we're doing away with generalist that's what propos and yes okay your propos promotion to yourself no in actuality so we don't get confused the direct the director position is what I the title is generalist the only um the title is different than the than the role yeah the only difference in the role is taking the shm certification um testing which is what um I've been asked for by every city manager that has been present including the interum I've been asked to take that test it's not going to change the job that I do but it will just change a title um so and that's it so but I yeah I would be more than willing to um house the generalist position um but it as soon as that open window come back in already ready to take that test it would under um budget us for the position to move into that position so if it's the desire of the commission I can move that down to General Center coordinator position on both sides and um just budget it that way so just leave it like it is some additional um items that that don't specifically have budgetary impacts um HR uh has begun to put together an engagement committee um with a representative from each of the dep departments to uh be able to work in implementing HR activities throughout the organization uh the first of which uh they're currently working on is a um a survey of all the staff they started about a month and a half ago I'm beginning to work on pulling together a staff survey that would be across the organization with a version of that that would allow each of the Departments to uh drill down and Survey within their organizations more specifically uh the General survey across the organization is anonymous so um this uh engagement group will be working to get that uh out with the public information officer Mr Willet um using uh one of the virtual uh online versions um such as Survey Monkey um and the we hope that eventually we'll be able to segue into a customer satisfaction survey that we can Implement across the city so is that something that we we want to do right now and get those results well they're they're in the process of implementing that as we speak so hopefully it will go live in October if not earlier than that okay any further questions of Miss Jones as she needs to get out of would that be out we see the result from that first set of EV out we back oober all right they come to us first oh it comes to staff first we'll share share that with the commissioner staff report to the city manager they don't report to us just to clarify again um anything else of Miss Jones thank you yes thank you m John best of luck best wishes hope everything's okay next is the better place [Music] fund it's not it's not live I mean it's not it is of course it is be interested in see another survey Cemetery streets sanation we're missing the better place document y it's an grab that folder thank you uh we had some additional notes okay all right so got play yes so appreciate you bearing with us because this is uh uh originally going to be um presentation by another staff member so you you wanna yeah all right come on fine along Community code enforcement give me just a moment I wasn't ready to quite pull up Betty yet but give me a sec sorry about that that's okay we'll come back yeah actually num are just a little bit more okay thank you and are you starting with code enforcement see Miss crash got Jenkins up so we okay code enforcement is up so we good I call them all code enforcement enfor uh Eddie cut right 1900 Napoleon [Laughter] Street got it right all right uh for the last Workshop y'all had y'all kind of handed that you wanted a little bit more details and also you wanted some orc charts so I made a few changes after we had already submitted this Sunday so I do apologize for the confusion but hopefully the presentation kind of give you more capture a little bit more of what we got going on so here we go code enforcement first you see is there the standard or chart and that's everybody in my departments as we break down into this uh presentation you'll see the actual or charts for that department next slide suay some of our achievements here we'll perform you know average of 50 lean searches a month in the process but we also switching into orange dat um taking over 135 cases before the special Mar hearing with a successful rate of 85 being found with leans of fines enforced uh we I I don't want to jump up uh we're cleaning up the blight the bright program we have as today at five of batement cleanups you'll see the pictures in the next couple slides working hold on working with organizations to create a program that can assist homeowners with financial challenges with low hanging fruit code enforcement violation we have something in place with the city but we're also trying to reach out to some local churches fraternities and organizations to kind of be the Manpower for this work some of the people that can't get it done next slide as you can see these are some of the the houses and some of the the properties and cases that we have had that we have brought into compliance the top pictures the before and the bottom pictures is the author next slide uh some our notable operation changes and goal is for 24 25 we want to increase our workload with cases so we're trying to bring St of 10 to 15 a month we'll try to bring 20 a month to the special mag hearing normally with those numbers case load by the time we get to the hearing five or six of them have already came in compliance so uh collect over $220,000 in lean reduction fees as this past year we was right at close to $100,000 when everything said and done and actually got three checks at my office now that I got a batch to uh put more money in into the code enforcement funding continue to black the black cleanup program establish a rotating Patrol zone for every six months and what that mean is I'm going rotate my officers from different areas so won't get too comfortable or sometime when you're in the same area for a long period of time you create friends personal friendships or relationship relationships uh so that's what I want to do uh create a pilot program for volunteer code enforcement we have a lot of code enforcement complainers or city concerned citizens concerned citizens that it's really very concerned so we're gonna try to you know they voices very loud so let's put them on the team and see if they can help us and and make us grow even better and continue to take the five or more black the bright properties to the bait stages and that's a collaboration we have with Miss West and she's doing a wonderful job with that um next slide Sun uh right now operation budget is at 2,2 11,622 we are proposing 312 0119 the notable increases that is what I'm asking for is I'm asking for two more part-time Code Enforcement Officers one to be a data clerk kind of help keep the the timelines on St on staff another one to give us a three Zone uh so we can break the city in three zones instead of just to and that way we can move the city a little further and then we got an increase from our special magistrates uh he went from 450 a month to 600 and then Postage and filing has gone up Sky High I mean we started out this about seven 8 of filing Sig what it is now about 14 it's past eight yeah for a certified letter for one certified letter and keep in mind they do multiple per case we have at least five letters per case per hearing so we taking back to two or three hearing that's 28 letters that we sent out next slide this where you'll see the Personnel uh myself then you got the code for off of David and Christie and then you got uh my admin assistant is Jessica Cruz uh some of the things we got currently in our Personnel in our current cont tracks we deal with artworks was $5,500 a month a year speci Mr Brown at this time was 54 and simplify is 5,000 the notable increase on the other side you'll see what Mr Brown's contract is slated to go up about $2,200 uh and then uh simplify it SL to go up about $1,500 with the increase in the fou living fees uh next slide only thing we had on decision unit was the two uh code enforcement officers that I was asking for and they two point times but if we we can get one uh I would take whatever y'all want to give us the vehicle too well that's just a future I would future yeah the the cision unit just the two uh code and F offic yeah and I do have on a upgrade the vle that's going to be down the line so I just want to get that thought process in your head and if we do get a couple more people I might need a vle I had mentioned this in the past and this would free off the existing code enforcement offices but could the CRA fund a code enforcement officer in a part-time position to cover the CRA District freeing up the existing C enforcement offices to cover the rest of the city rather than taking on the general fund I believe we currently have a uh an agreement with the CRA where they right but again if you want a new additional position increase the amount which is in you know we'd have the C board but it is in here for two pot time positions could one of those be attributed to the CRA at least one of the pot times that same work that's right then existing employees to cover the rest of the city that could be dealt with in a maybe two ways and you could decide which way would work best it's just a Thor again to not expend general fund monies and we have the C funds so right and if uh uh I commend um Mr cutright on um looking at the possibility of uh rotating officers through the four zones um if that should not fail I'll take respon I should not succeed I'll take responsibility for it because he's reacting to my request to to try that out to see if it'll work I think it's worth the try so I think you get I don't mean complain is not the right word but when you see the same places day in and day out you don't notice as much exactly either not just besides friendships and being a good you know fresh set of eyes is always helpful right he he has a good idea with the way he want to do the rotation any other questions I appreciate that no whatever we can do before we switch gears to the next presentation just wanted to let you know commissioner Campbell joined us okay good we good now which department are we going to now which which one next pop up signning how that'll be work that Friday jins Jenkins okay Jenkins again uh Eddie cut right 1900 Napoleon Street um it's coming back okay okay Jenkins is that in Paka it's right on the out skourtes uh it's WEA uh can we go to the next slide Sun uh this is just again every Department you'll see this this or chart up but you as you get into the meet you'll see the breakdown of departments or what I have in each department next last okay Jenkins and as you know we moved into Jenkins in November of of 2023 last year uh we have completed some interior and exterior renovations to the gym floor in multi-purpose room if you haven't been by recently we the gym floor look nice we got a few touch-ups to go but it's coming along real well house and staff the jingle Community Cent beginning like I said since November 2023 utilizing parking lot to provide five food drives with the uh North Side Community clasa 76 has been instrumentally helping us with do with the farm Shell Food DFT and we do those quarterly uh previously host several Outdoor sporting events uh after requiring anou with the county with the school board uh which is they giz the Back Field that we can use now coordinated with the plaer Police Department to do active shooting a drills last year hopefully we can kind of continue to do something like that with them um h fire Community engagement meetings uh we had two Outreach meetings for the community we had two uh meetings that was held for African-American culture P historical Focus uh group that we was trying to form uh then the next one we we did create a a team a focus team to kind of help us get some ideas of what we want to do to bring the American historical kios is to the to the to the to the building next slide here's a few pictures of some of the things we have done in the building and some of the people as you see the AC units on top of Jenkins has been completed and it's actually pretty cool inside the gymnasium uh to the top right that was our teen KN led by our wonderful intern Dante Wickerson and that young man to the right of that is a handsome gentleman Tennessee bot bot bottom middle is uh the uh afroamerican Focus team that we have that went to different uh African-American museums along Gainesville Palm Coast and St John's to kind of get idea of what we wanted to bring and the uh meeting bottom right is one of the meetings they have had in there to discuss some of the things they came up with next slide it's like a wide right all right uh notable operational changes and goals for 20 open open to the public for operation we're looking at trying to get the building open for a time uh right now we're slated with repairs to probably be somewhere October or late November before we can say we open up fulltime but it's coming alone long as we have any more glitches or any kind of uh equipment issues or uh renovation issues outo sporting events and programs uh we are definitely you'll see more of that in the recreation department you see the pictures that we have done but we want to increase that we want to have more stuff inside the facility outdoors and indoors we bring pickle balls we're going to do flag football baseball volleyball naming of the facility is a key right now we've been going as just Jen and Community Center I think eventually in the next couple of months we need to come up with a detailed name or we have tasked the African-American Kos group or the focus team was to bring some ideas bring about six or seven that we can bring to the Commissioners to kind of vote on what y'all wanted it to be all right we had uh two North FL e and Regional strategy planning meetings there increased uh we want to can bring uh after school program to help flour the kids uh create room space where moms and daddy this was one of some of my staff they want to make sure we have somewhere where parents can get some resources um partnership with organization and teach and prepare CNA and the BAM 30er tiet we just want to make sure that building is used by the whole community and get some nice daily use out of it next slide all right now our current operation is 51718 and again that was a partial use uh we didn't have a open where fully we projected that we use the facility as a whole and open up some more rooms and have the AC units and everything running like they sh it increase to probably by 866 and that right there will increases to hours of operations weekend offer programs and also hours of weekend programs and then also coordinating rotating for uh coordinator for rotate resources for Civ so we need another body in jenin once we open up and run it Tuesday through Saturday 12 hour shift days to kind of go from 10 to eight we're going to need another body and that to cap Staffing ratio and everything else all right so you say you work 12 hour shs We're G to have the building open not the Personnel not one person but we want to run it from 10 81 to become a full community center to where we can do operational during the daytime 10 to 6 and then really from about 3 to 8 it can be a community center where people come in and utilize basketball programs and stuff of that nature next slide as you see Personnel right now over there at Jenkins as as a at the Community Center rec center uh outreach program we have myself Reno fails is the coordinator and we have our rec Tech which he hand mostly the fields we have Seven Fields that we have Forest of Fred Green uh Booker Park um sh that we maintain keeping in good condition and then Jessica is my sist should be on all the slides before you question he just mention you have all these fields but you're doing all the stuff outside the back of Jen so um as we talk about decision unit can we decide if we going to utilize these other fields stop paying Turf maintenance on these other fields which nothing going on close down or rep purpose some of these fields or or let's utilize I think think that's something we need to really discuss and make happen one way or the other because um we have the fields and we taking care of them but we're not utilizing that is a good question commissioner Jones and I actually have I'm creating a a little PowerPoint slide to give you the pros and cons of both uh I am favor of maybe condensing some of these fields because five Fields is not easy to maintain Cody is out there five six hours a day doing just one field because cutting tilling trimming all that stuff and then as you see the rainy season that's a regular job area the day uh now utilizing my focus the last five months was trying to bring notori and foot traffic to Jenkins uh we definitely will use some of the fields condensing them is not a bad idea hiring an in style person to do the agrial piece where they do spraying the field and cutting the big yard is a good option too because we pay them 555 a year for them to do that service so we can kind of look at doing that inhouse uh I think if you let me get a presentation to you in the next couple of weeks that you'll see the benefits either way and then we can make a decision from there appreciate it also so I know it's difference between parks and then Recreation but and just while we on Recreation uh city manager might be able to help me with this we have a park or a dissolve Park the city property on 9th and ol 10 right North or South about South yeah right it's right on the corner of 10th a yeah so and so the grass is and what got my attention is this morning the inmate crew was doing the RightWay but they basically like they gave the gave a edge to the grown uh outgrown um weeds over there I mean it's growing up really bad so do our parks department supposed to clean that or who is is that technically considered a a um park or is it a a city own lot it's a city own Park Lot used to be a par I don't know ask you guys that's what it was still in I can answer that question if it's still registered as a park in in the jail line uh JM streets and parks would take care of that it' be uh Daniel Nicholson and the in their inmate crew would kind of take care of that if it's a functional part where we have programs like Fred Green uh Forester or swed ons field Shao that falls up under the recreation you're saying it's not a functional field no it's just grown up our property we have to maintain but it's not being maintained that it becom so that's that's what commissioner Campell mentioned let's clean up our stuff first before we I just want to know who responsible and I'll get with you out the line and get get the detail the EXA address and we'll get somebody out there to take a look at all right thank all right one second you know you got another um field or park right up River Street you go over um height we need to figure out what we're going to do with that as well because you got to um it's not representative of what you what what it should look like you got two raggedy basketball goals that not all that stuff should come out and if we need to U refresh that area and also just across the street right there's a little Park got outdated um equipment there I do I do know people use that part m from time to time they use that partk so we need to figure out every day yeah we need to update that the community God concept which is a hard one to maintain keep people up with that but that would serve as a great community garden it's partially that anyway that's a pretty nice area and then also the pick it back off of where um dog park yeah that's true have been asking for dog pox for a while right well I mean that could be I mean it can be a dog we just need to talk about it makes decisions well we can certainly make it make it out of one but the other thing pick it back off of um commission Jes what he said about the um area 10 tenola it got outdated yeah I think it had like a little small I don't know what you want to call it it's hard to even uh identify and name it but it it's outdated and um so we need to figure out what we want to do with that area and again we need to keep our areas up um off the blighted program and figure out whether we want to sell it or whatever we just need to do something with property so I would take note on all that and I would get with Joe and and Danel the the streets and park guy and we we'll go by and look at every last one of them and and see what we can come up with to maintain them make sure you include me on that we do both all right questions you say you say you were gonna get the cost associated with because you mentioned you going to get the cost for the the total cost of ownership for that one just if as you had one um one of your guys go out and do the mowing tilling draging and all then you got maintenance on your equipment also factor in so just look at the total cost of ownership to do that one field with that individual and see what okay value that brings I can do that I can bring that back to you break down and what I do is I just break down most all the fields the ones we maintaining now and then also the ones that y'all brought to our attention that hasn't been maintained right just can we add the pal what I know the Palm bow looks beautiful right now but again what's the intended use or future use of the Palm Bowl so just to add to the list we have grant funding that's directed at that as a dog park yeah and we're trying to develop that concept to bring it back to you the pumos that car Laurel and car yeah 15th Street and also it was used as a staging for the road infrastructure work and now it's it does look really nice now yeah nice palm trees palm trees thust the Palm Bowl again right and and also there been conversation about right behind uh Fred Green Park over there where the used to be the sand volleyball it's converting there to like a dog park in that community over there it's been some conversation I haven't went no more than just conversation right now but I just want to let you know that's out there too Happ putting the doll part there that's what's been conversation I won't say we at doing anything but that's a conversation there's a lot of current usage and that's one of the that was that was one of the reasons why we said this it's already kind of been used that way you got a lot of um homeless people now beginning take simple there park over a couple pictures yeah we we need to make sure that's an active little area and that's why I was getting to it we keep more foot traffic out there it'll push some of them away uh we do have a lot of break-ins and vandalism into bathrooms right there but uh we're trying to work that out with local law enforcement anyway uh next slide we do have budgeted for dog stations as well that's not included in this but uh just good dog waste stations all right and uh currently what we're looking at right now and it was it was allocated in the grant funding that we got for the uh Jenkins building is 35,000 for to work on the afroamerican kios uh what we're looking for next year uh we really can't really make a decision until I get all the renovations done and everything taken care of to know exactly what we're going to need with the renovation to the building I think it com up about 1 point something million hopefully that to take care of a lot of stuff and give us some longevity but I can't gauge of what we're going to need until after we see the finished product any other questions how they done uh completed the uh sprinkler system sprinkler system which or suppression whatever they said no they that don't start the M which is the contractor that we hired came in last Friday and kind of did an assessment and kind of did where he G to do a staging area for his equipment when he gets started he hasn't gave me a definitive date but we're looking at probably the end of this month 1 of September when he start out there and then he gave me a two and a half Week start to finish guesstimated I'm ask I got another question for recreation have Recreation I know we talking about now we get a recre Recreation next I think you were going to mention something about the basketball oh well I said renovation to the floor I talked to that earlier in the beginning the floor was done at Jenkins and uh and then you'll see it again into this right here but uh the record the floor in Jenkins basketball court look nice and we doing one more wax coat on it and you come see it it should be pretty good me Reno and a couple guys played some basketball in there it held up for me one question before you continue to move on so what I understand clearly about the park that's um up on River Street over by by isia so we're going to make that we're going to try to create activity there we're going to re going to refresh well I can I can only speak cuz that's actually not my department because that's Street and Parks but I can get with Joe and Daniel and see exactly what they want to do and I can get them some ideas to kind of help we and then we can start bringing some programs out there to it to make sure we can keep some foot TR people are using that quite a bit but then then the dog park for Fred Green okay right so Recreation here 2025 2425 same slide you see on every last one of them all right some of the achievements had offer over uh it should be nine in the in the in semic COD offer over nine various Sports programs till January 2023 service over 40,000 youth 450 Youth and that's has generated somewhere over $25,000 with sponsorships and registrations the community fairs challenge has over 65 registered participants mobile wck we did over the past year we kind of took a little break when we got into Jenkins try to move things to Jenkins but we didn't different different communities throughout the city uh James a alone uh different other uh community outreach places that where we brought the camp to them instead of having a Rec camp at jenin we brought the camps to the neighborhoods uh held six Community engagement meetings partnership with RBI program we took 52 kids to a Tampa Bay game uh early last year uh organizized field trips B Town Museum as we spoke about that with the historical Afro-American culture for team that we created uh organized several meeting greets for our community so we've been engaged there uh we do things in Recreation that Reno has kept going pretty good the next slot just to give you some of the things that we've been doing we had a softball we had a coed and also we had a man's league softball and it was a sixe program for each one of those the top middle I guess third slide from the left is actually the uh afroamerican Focus team that we created uh we just did a backpack giveaway with pile over at Cal missionary the Cav missionary or Cav at the church uh and as you can see Mr fils and Mr Mr Bell was there giving out stuff to the kids black football uh the big picture with that big hansome coach uh soccer we did the uh down down to the right we had a engagement meeting at the St John's River Center that we had the our wonderful mayor talking and speaking to uh next slide Visions for Jenkins Community Center and as you see that in Recreation because as we continue to move this we should have Recreation and Jenkins become one budget that's my vision it's easy to talk that way then talking about the same thing with two different building two different departments uh so vision for the jenin community center adding indoor and outdoor program for children which we're doing that slowly and continue to grow on that adding to our departments with indoor and outdoor activities which we're going to kind of deal that was create a more senior program create a safe and comfortable place for children to come and study do homework and help prepare for testing the computer room that we're going to have right in the front of the multi-purpose room will be set up with five kios five commuity kios where the kids can come in and kind of do do study uh and do after school homework job search and everything and then the left side of that will be what they call a gaming station we got two 65 TVs we going to H up two PlayStations and they'll be at a blue gaming station after they did the homework uh partner with Outreach programs and service to be more accessible to the public generate more sponsorships and funding through grant funding Reno myself is start looking for low Grant fundings to $50,000 grants that we can get brang to help us do some programming and create a safe hav for the kids of P next slide currently the recreation budget is 22,300 the proposed is 250 962 I a got my glasses on so I need to look down here CU that is getting blurry um addition to what the notable changes of that is again with Jenkins this is where I said we needed one more fulltime person because the building itself we ain't don't need psych people but we also need somebody to clean that building right now we got a partnership with Public Works that b come cleans it once a day I mean once a week uh once we increase foot traffic in there that is not going to work Jenkins the facility the whole facility once a week and actually he only just clean our staffing office perect I say some um good options or some some things that could help us along or you guys to look at I say good I go back and say maybe something look uh you deal with uh probation and cor you could actually partner with them and we be a facility that people could do their Community hour that people look for those opportunities um and we could maybe give people with just misdemeanors or something because they work around the children uh to do the maintenance or do it after we close and no kids are around they could go and they clean the facility um that'll give us a study stream of volunteer um and no no cost to us yeah so now we have done it a few in the past but we never thought about it that big skat but that that does make sense to see if we can get a better rotation of them but again like you said they got to be lowle offenses cu we can't have them around but I I like I like that idea we can try that and also hopefully y'all will find it gracious to just give me a clean and stff but uh how you got to put a budget out there what well it's my I got decision unit it's the decision unit it's have did we hire a facilities person clean well that was the conversation that we had last year and you and you hired the one for Public Works to clean all the facilities Joe is not here to defend himself so I do apologize for throwing him m in the bus but it's just not Ben is Ben is doing what he can but there's so many facilities and so many other things he has to be attended to that sometime other areas don't get as cleaned they need to be clean Jenkins is a large facility and if it is operating at full capacity it would be really difficult to not have somebody it would be one person that their specific job I mean it really is a big undertaking 28,000 Square footage it's not big enough it's not big enough for one person to be a full-time person at one5 well that's where the the full-time person will be ere SL cleaning stuff he'll do sight stuff too he won't just be cleaning he will actually be going out when we do programs it'll be sight he also help with attendance when we do stuff in the gym so he'll give us another number for the ratio that we need to have for kids in the building so he won't just be just a cleaner but he'll have multi multi jobs so where hybrid hybrid Ro and that's that's what we're working with now with the uh facilities crew they do both cleaning and maintenance and uh various other tasks uh throughout the facility so it won't be the first time we have hybrid approach to that have we considered City uh I was at the courthouse yesterday today and they have a just a cleaning staff for the entire uh they have the nnx they have the customer service in the courthouse so they have cleaning crew so that that mean they get city hall right the gymnasium Public Works and anex whatever but so you have have more than one person you have a crew of like three or four people sanatorio staff right I think um each I think each department should allocate uh a portion of the funds for those type services that way it's a shared it's a shared cost as opposed to just having it coming out of it can all go to the general fund from their budget for the purpose of cleaning up the facilities and I think that will help with in that regard and mayi Department you would do that with City you would have City positions to do that versus Contracting out it's a question y'all have a guess it's been my experience when you contract that out too that's why I'm just checking now can I add my look two cent to that if we would do that I would prefer my personal opinion that we do a city staff personal they be City staff yes because we did the contract before talk about that okay good that's that's good just we got their job is cleaning up yes because I know in the past when we were trying to get the contract to come clean when we had us something just came out of the blue it was that my contract or you got to pay me XYZ thank you these people that's what their job is all right next SL hny again the Personnel you'll see in the in the recreation department again Reno fails and I thought I said it and Cody Cody is the staff that we have in COD is the guy that does the fear I think I said this we already had this you did yeah all right I don't remember apro Aqua proo is the dust of the field those the ones that come in and spray the field and do the chemical on the field that's the guy that's the company that's out of Jackson well Green Cove that we pay $55,000 a year to if we reduce those fields reduce that cost yes we already have been conversation about how would the cost change depending on how many fields and also the scope of service and and could you do a um when you say you GNA bring that your slideshow back to us whatever your your needs assessment do you actually need them these fields that we have you know that would help us in making those decision um what I can do is give you the breakdown of all the fields and then I give you my recommendation of how many fields that we we could use and function with with what we got going on and what programs we trying to bring on in the future and resources I do want to point out that field that you were referring to at Olive in 10th Street it is not a city-owned property so somehow or another it started being maintained and not it's not a city- owned property it's private owner or private owned really yes so Prof viations it's overgrown yeah the mystery we'll take a look at it take a look at it uh hisory now the the next slide which is be it would be here for decision unit but it was already put into the jenkings facility as another person so that's where that's at if you're looking for it theis un was made but we just go ahead and move it to the place where that person would be kind of out all right last but not least well actually we have two more to go next one should be culture arts culture art staff Courtney James singular well you know I know you I'm a HB you know asked that question several times culture arts uh what what what line item that come out of that page that stuff come out of and then then it says you have all the staff I'm like but again confus me but I'm not going yeah so let's let's go to next slide s next slide all right so uh achievements over 23 24 as you can see we did several different events down there in the culture arts some of these most of these are at the river front or River Center but they are all over the city for event that we have done in the culture arts and part of is is Courtney and right now Jessica has their hands in most of these things right here uh we upd did the fourth July bass Elite wh tournament Blue Crab aelia Festival juneth uh we had hippie to Hoppy we had J jingle jam trunker treat uh Unity Day first responder day uh brolic occupation occupation of Palaca next slide question on that go you you you we haven't had a whole lot of those well some of those events up there are fairly new uh in terms of well what how the the program has been expanded so so I can see a lot of new things up there as it relates to the things that you guys are putting out yeah we're trying to listen to the the voice of the community and bring different programs and also with new staff and new fresh eyes and fresh ideas comes different things we bring to we just want to make sure we identify and highlight okay those additional things that's been added since you've been on the program okay yes and that's some of the part parip with other organizations I do don't want to alienate people that some of the work as well especially uh uh trun or tree I don't want to make Chief show mad no I'm not talking I'm just Jing I'm not talking about that one with that go to the next slide because you might you might be about to show it to well these are just some of the pictures that of of some of the events that we have done that you see on the slide before uh like down to the right up top of 12 Ju uh the juneth is where you see the the midle uh that one right there should have been Fourth of July uh Unity day uh blue crab and so on and so on and then so so to the point that some interested parties were were talking and speaking on there are nothing cataloged up there that we did at the River Center yes I know the River Center been under construction and stuff like that but I really think that what well well the River Center itself is the host of most of those Riverfront events and they're rented out like any event that we've done at the River Center that's our event we haven't got refunded funded for but anything like the blue crab uh Basel and all that stuff they utilize the river and they pay us for that and but what I'm saying is it should be at least catalog so that we could show that we do use that place and to whatever Capac so that was the events that we have the next slide you'll see kind of talks about River Center all right reopening the River Center volunteer staff repairs partnership with we did a art counts all camp at the River Center we did kios we do we doing Sunset social now at the River Center uh that's where we do a lot of rentals with those organizations up on there at the River Center that they rent out the River Center for uation here um yeah Waste Pro so lot of has rent out have did some type of rental at the riv Center to kind of utilize itself but uh and now with the sunset socials that we're trying to bring down in different trivial nights we're going to try to utilize the Riverson a whole lot more and again up until really mid January we really didn't have the r like we wanted to uh because we opened it up back in November but we still had roof ISS we still have issues that we're dealing with so we're just now starting to get the full use of I did hear with that we had um still roof leaks over there what I kind of heard so um my understanding from the last time we um discussed it before Dale left that is still within that year uh time frame for warranty work so just kind of FYI on that yes we reached me and Joe sat down yes well day for y yesterday and talked about all that right there and talked about the roof and he's going to get that contractor back out to seal try to see if he can seal it uh it's it's leaking in two spots one over there by the elevator shelf in the conference room and then the window seill right there by the used to be the tree Kos right there when you walk in so those are the two spots leaving there is that the same the repeats the one window seal is a repeat next SL all right I know I can't see the my eyes got blur now all right uh operation notes and goals for 2425 again we're going to reopen it and continue to work with the volunteers to kind of get out deal of what they want to bring we got a one of of volunteer staff down there adding programs and events in the St johnes River Center offer more field trips for schools and youth programs weekend boat rides with the plaa pride trying to get that coordinated to the point where we we host people outside out of the River Center uh participating uh confence I can't even say conservation events that align with the m of St John's river and the B fall and can keep putting the Brut host more social Eco ecofriendly events down there and that's where you was at M commissioner Jones is trying to do more things inside the building itself uh in the past we just kind of used the Rooftop in the area around it but we're going to try to bring more foot traffic inside the building and and we also want to create a novity shop SL gift shop to sell stuff that is St John's river memorable of Paca and we're trying to partnership with the high school and the college to get a couple kids to create some type of art designs that we can utilize inside the rivers on in sale uh renew contracts and this is more aligned with the dollar year leases that codney is still handling taking care of too renew some of the contracts that we have in place which is T M house and hard of partner look to final in contract all the dollar year leases which as you can see those are the contracts that we need to work on and kind of get ideal Miss Miss cardi and uh Mr Bell is kind of taking the lead on that and hopefully we can get a better gauge of consistency of these contracts yep next slide is the H puam still gonna remain that is we we reached out to Mr Weller and he's supposed to meet with me next week and kind of discuss because obviously in this community there's always rumors and there part of put is on South 13 still yes that's the yes the F and the other building we own this is just a question at the entry to Ravine Gardens why do we still own that building and what do we do with it about Jurassic Park put a over there what it used to be uh that's no it is of use we haven't use it and I think uh we're talking but we right but we can and it used to be a park owned by the city that's why I think we still own the building and uh that's one thing your recreation department does not have and with us being in the State of Florida surrounded by water it would be great to have a public city pool that location is already have been successful in being a pool at that location and we should be able to try to at least uh since we own the land we would have to purchase any land we re re purpose that building and see about getting the swimming pool over there that's part of recreation wouldn't it be is it I I agree with that because uh again we are uh a Peninsula State surrounded by water on all three sides and so uh and then US senator not the governor passed the bill exactly and Senator Hudson as well as another um not not not a senator but the um representative they all pitched in on this one bill and they passed this and they I forgot how much money they put in but I sent it to myself to the city and I was going to be asking for funds for that p uh specific purpose because we have had things as it relates to trying to put things in place for people learning how to swim and I think Senator Hudson had something along the lines where he had one of his um family members almost drowned as a result and he made a commitment that he would make sure that he uh would support something along those lines but they work with the governor the governor sign it so we should be helping to lead that charge as as a municipality okay definitely grant money out there I would I could definitely put something together to give you an idea of what it would cost to bring that back to a nice little environment right I have been there recently I've been inside it the last year so I know exactly what it looks like uh it's a bit rough right now we can definitely take a field trip if you want to well we we I know I have seen it or whatever but we need to probably take another look at it and while we're on that subject uh calary have approached me and and asked for because they getting that pool online uh that there's no conflicts of interest that I know of at this time and so they were asking for 32,000 to try to help get that on and it's it's the theou or the agreement would be that anybody in the city would have free and clear access to it so we we can that but that's what I was about to mention that we have to look at the various other pools that we have around and and how we can guarantee access for all of the community members versus the option of uh re reh having that facility existing facility and running that as a recreational counting calculating in the maintenance cost lifeguard cost pools are expensive to not cheap that's correct they're not cheap is growing I'm not saying we shouldn't do I'm just saying we need to have all the facts first because I've Opera them before been had supervisory operation we just life when you got people's life uh you can't put a number on somebody happen to a lot of people we got a lot of recreational activity water Recreation whether they on a boat whether they own a skoo uh uh um all of these different things water sports uh and swimming we're a state that's surrounded by water I can see if we was in South Dakota or somewhere like that but we we should we should really uh Embrace swim uh swimming learning how to swim at an early age under four that's what the program is about under four years old and it's it's a priority like you said it needs to be look at what we have in the community now and see how viable this is and the cost correct and um also the tourism is pretty aggressive there uh it it never stops I I live virtually next door and people come from people come from all over the world to to the Ravine Gardens yeah I mean and that's what we're talking about right yeah and that building right there yeah it would be a great investment and while we still on that we had a there was a pool over right there on the north south where they they closed that pool back years ago and they never because of some of the maintenance and they didn't want to keep it up but previous um leadership closed that pool off and I see a value in that because and not only that but it give kids an activity to PE kids can learn how to even swim and then go go even further and get a scholarship maybe even make the Olympics so we want to make sure that we can help touch the lives of those kids that could potentially be in the Olympics and said where did you learn how to do that from well I got my first woming lessons in the city of Paca we want to be we want to be able to have an opportunity we are a county seat are we not we are oh okay next SL I think everybody's in favor of researching it I don't think anybody has any issue with that go on Mr and as continuation is just uh added more things that we doing in the culture arts in the River Center and also just in the community itself research fails for Citizens and commun and Veterans for food distribution and education opportunities work with the magic leion Health Department visa and other organization to build a better relationship uh find apply for ecotourist friendly grants and host interactive social events for kids so we're just trying to bring more foot traffic to the St John's River Center but also in the culture arts uh real itself just to make sure we bring as many different opportunities to the community of City Pac as possible next SL you have some commissioner okay uh uh break down and vog chart again uh Courtney James uh myself and Jessica on all of them accne to James is the main foot traffic Bodywork here you'll see in the decision unit that we apply for for a part-timer and that went in line with site and Rental helping out with the rentals but also cleaning the facility as you know price Martin Center St John's River Center Booker Park and now that we have Jenkins multi-purpose room we can rent them out on a regular basis we're trying to keep them really clean this heart so I need somebody that can come in and clean as quick as possible because sometime we have a rent on Friday another rent on Saturday and Poss be one on Sunday discussing this with Mr cutright um we we talked about reducing the um weight of overtime on the weekends by having staff that would be available and also um having somebody that would be a focal point for Vol uh coordinating volunteerism so I think that position would be valuable in that regard yeah he or she would be primary dud is would do rentals and volunteer stuff and and cleaning so they would have up to 25 hours of work every week um you you know um the school district also have um this rental they got a um um a program I think it's called facilitron something like that but you can pull that up and you can schedule your own uh AA it's go based off availability so it's it's web um application driven you can see the location that you're going to rent the space the layout and all that stuff uh and so I think if we can kind of partner with them and look at them and see check in with the operations group over there with the um that program facilitron that's a that's a awesome program and what we was looking at I definitely would check into that but we actually got League apps that we utilize in the recreation department we're trying to get engaged to see if they can do that cuz you can that's online that's a web-based program to where you can just go online and we can implo pictures and stuff and rentals of that nature that's one of the things trying to do where it be more computer interactive instead of Ting it got to be there I got to meet you and get a a handwritten application but the I definitely look into that piece with that uh one of the little things that we wanted to add there was uh Landscaping at the St joh River Center kind of keep it and do keep it maintain and then we have no reliable internet St joh Riv what we do not then we spend about 300,000 for fiber going over there it must to on my watch I haven't seen it that we utilize miss cter them wi outside there they they put a box there to get a feed to the River Center okay so when they ran they was there was like a couple years ago I know they were saying that they needed to connect over to the River Center and I think it was around $300,000 we need to talk um and I didn't never get that report from um the uh it inspired inspired technology I asked them for the report the last time they were here and they said they were going to produce that report as to the projects what they've done and still hadn't come for here and they promised that they would get it so looking forward to that but I need to know understand to know about the connectivity because I think they spent about 200 to 300,000 for fiber optic to go across the street well please I will do my part to make sure we look into it okay because every time I reach out to inspire i e Mark uh is always that it cost so much money to get in there over there and we don't have Internet and we utilizing they booster from the the outside window of the of the find I and I got email documentation to say put a box outside the window of your office to kind of get a feed from there are you talking about for sale phone or Wifi all that stuff yes hold up I'm I'm no no what what I yeah like you say it doesn't make sense because if you got if you got fiber coming from here to over there all you need is a I mean another end device over there to support for your wireless I I I agree with you commiss and already talk about the detail I've already had a conversation with inspired to make sure that we have reliable Wi-Fi there and so they should be making sure that that happens if it hasn't happened yet then we need to o check into the report that was supposed to been provided from him from the project the technical project as as well as looking see on the um information as related to the fiber optic run that supposed to been ran from here to there right the rec AT&T is finally installing fiber op downtown no no no I'm just saying I know that but I'm just saying just so people know it is finally happen downtown it's been yeah because we've been call been calling them di what but we'll get to that on the airport right the services are out so there's no um there's no runs out that way apparently because you got people who have U you have people who have internet service you got com Comcast so it there not far to run it from okay downtown ch slide all right uh our current budget right now is $122,800 and most of that was some of the money we imp puted for the renovations and the fiction of the St John's River Center with the new proposal of the staff person and some some baseline fixes improvements of some of these buildings that we need to work on for the Willie Cooper Building lar Art Center our proposed budget to be $3,955 any questions well that's because of the the repairs of some of the buildings that we are trying okay next slide and the only thing that we need to look at we have a uh the train station is having some termite issues so we need to T it uh Mr C go back one you had on that SK Club what do we what are our relationship with SK Club well the S Club is still a a dollar a year lease agency organization that we have right now um their contract is due I think 2026 don't quote me I can get you exact dates uh for as relationships they are at the airport we've already they are at the airport and we we've already begun conversations with them about amending that lease going forward um that it would no longer be a dollar lease they were they are proposing to make some modifications on um the services that they offer out there we've asked them to produce an engineering design of uh of the layout of the um the uh service area and how they would modify their services um we've also engaged with um uh Mr McNair uh the airport director to make sure that it is in alignment with their proposed changes are in alignment with um his operations there but also looking at a uh reasonable um lease rate based on the value of the property um in terms of non- aeronautical use for that property well we know something about that I I didn't know we owned I didn't I never I'm just not learning saw and there were some original discrepancies over the number of Acres that they're utilizing with is it 60 or is it 20 um so uh we we have a study that's already um uh engaged in order to identify all the partials there um and Mr McNair can probably talk more about that um but uh the assessment of the lease is probably going to happen within the next 60 days wow I've been on the commission for 10 years and I just not learning this club once and I saw and I knew that I can speak to this history of the ski club if needed go ahead um the ski club was originally leased by um in 1969 present lease which was executed in 2009 as a 20-year lease that'll expire in 2029 2029 it [Music] was right but the study that's being done because of right exactly the full de I mean why the bits and pieces here I don't know I mean we all learn something else right now we do need that information I'm not saying we don't that's something to talk about this is something sh you got a ski club that's out here at at the uh airport yes is it is it permissible use you know is that for the area part of what we're assessing okay and uh there is some uncertainty as to whether or not that agreement has been maintained um can we find the dollar that's been paid no so um they can't they've been asked to provide documentation of providing that payment for that lease and so there a lot of issues that we are parenting out about that super important as as as we are here elected officials and people who are in administrative capacities then that you don't continue to turn your your Blind Eye and deaf ear to something that U then is not trivial right and quite frankly I I I assumed and you should never make assumptions that the commission was fully aware of the relationships out there but I'm learning that even the airport director was uh not aware of the arrangement so uh part of coming on board and figing out these issues were're trying to get to the bottom S I appreciate that thank you sir sure so do we pay the utilities and everything the city um I I don't know that there's utilties I'm not sure that but I don't believe so sign Le when you look at a lease that started in 1969 when the airport was a whole different animal I mean I'm not excusing this we need to have current information the study needs to be done but it was a different era and a lot of things were done with a handshake and a smile um I'm not again we need to update that and have it currently in place to do the correct thing but we need all that information gathered first a question here's what I got so what is the city's liability for that Ski Club thing right there what is our liability well they have insurance um so that insurance should cover them and and um beyond that I know that there was uh an incident while back where um shell showed up on the water tower um that should not have been there there and that happened to be from what I'm told uh because somebody was using the wrong type of ammo um and that has been corrected so that's not a current issue but I mean the question about liability goes back to here's a piece of land that has been used for non- aeronautical use is that the highest and best usage of that uh land in that facility so if it's determined that we move forward um there has to be an equitable a lease amount for that y based on the market makes sense anything else I mean I was just gonna add that we were trying to bring the dollar year contracts leases up to current Inc uh as we was Miss Me Miss Val and Mr Holmes at the time city manager but once he decided that he was moving on we decided to stop until we get Mr bail in house and seat and get cter comfortable before we brought it back up cuz that was one of the questions that I asked what is the purpose what is the use why is these contracts so many years as you'll see half of those contracts are 20-year contracts and I want to get it to where we're doing Commissioners or Merit terms three to four years at best so you we won't be handicapped or have hostage for any kind of leas goingo absolutely no no no no more than three three three four that's y That's exactly and we met last week um Miss card and my myself Mr cutright to discuss the dollar a year leases and how we can standardize it the approach that we want to bring back to the commission is uh and our recommendation is that we um have a standardized contract that it be three to five years no more than uh five years um leaning towards three years as a standard um uh establishing what the market rate is for the property and if the commission desires at that point to um to discount it based on the services that are provided then that would be a prerogative of the commission but at least you would have all the data and information in front of you to make that decision makes sense any other questions of Mr cartright well I would hope I'll see everybody at the family fund Fitness day with the backpack giveaway tomorrow and we have a size experience I'll be out of town tomorrow okay well I'll grab your backpack thanks hey I'm working on hey I'm working I'm working on it because Mr Joe is not here so our city manager is going to um go over Public Works and sanitation yes sir start with better than your mic sir is it on now okay all right thank you so pinching again thank you the peanut gallery back there um so yes I'm pin chating for Mr reio uh on this presentation so so um hopefully I'll be able to cover the the the the issues and the matters um on par with u with what Mr Vero would have done if he could have been here before you today so if we go to go to the next slide for better place so uh where are we now uh we have uh completed the St John's Avenue from 18th Street to Palm um we have the 18th Street to the railroad which is currently under construction um public uh The Works Public Works new facility design build has been awarded and we have completed the St John's Avenue lighting um we have identified four priority areas for resurfacing go ahead please I do want to mention that um the Hank Brian restroom plans have been finalized um and that bid which was uh considered by the commission yesterday and were uh directed to come back on was for 73,000 and just a little bit of background on that on that um bathroom bid uh when it originally went out for an RFP we got one response that was approximately 140,000 for the design and construction that was well over what we expected um we were fortunate to be able to work in collaboration with Engineers from the county in order to get a design done for that at no cost to us and so we're at the stage now that we just need to do the construction and so that's what the RFP went out for and the price that we received back was for 73,000 for just the construction if you look at the the budgeted cost for design and construction the $73,000 is less than that okay and also how many respondents do we have out of curiosity I believe it was just one if I'm not mistaken but I'd have to verify that question on when you first started out with the better plays yes sir um you got all of the your bullet points your five bullet points but um I don't see no dollar amounts on these in terms of what you know what these projects fosted so that we can kind of better understand what we're looking at you see what I'm saying sure so I can how much was we just kind of need to kind of know and to follow that through the sure further in the packet or there there is some detail further in the packet but to be able to give you the detail for those specific items I'd have to come back to you on that but um going to the back one slide please so under better place are uh goal is uh uh number one goal is Road resurfacing um we're currently in the design phase for Oak Street which was approved by the commission um based on that those four zones that were provided commission uh selected the third Zone um in order to um to do a road resurfacing project out of the betterplace fund and that design uh we're in the design phase for that it's approximately 500,00 total for that no yes 500,000 and we're about 30% uh done in terms of the plan submitt it's expected uh next week um for the plan submitt and we're looking to have the design I mean the bid advertised in December for that the second goal is for sidewalks and storm water repairs um the cost estimate for sidewalks near Washington Street in Booker Park is estimated at 900,000 um that is not included in our budget but we wanted to tell you what the estimated cost was in case through the budgetary process there was a desire to include that um let's go ahead to the next slide so this gives you an idea of our 2023 24 totals versus what we're proposing for the 2425 um so some of the answers that you looking for in terms of what was done um previously with the completed projects are there but I can give you the specifics when you come back um some notable changes uh for the increases the St sidewalk repairs um right now the amount that was budgeted for sidewalk repairs um is uh set to at $100,000 for the 2425 totals we have a fairly low util ization of um uh the funds that were allocated or identified in the previous fiscal year and so we're hoping to amp up um in our actual utilization of the line items that were set um let's see keyar and Grant match uh we have for the keyar and Grant $7,695 um the actual match for for us ends up being about $31,900 which is about a 10% match uh for the Brunson house Grant um it's 367,000 and of that our match is 122,123 which is about a 25% match for that Grant um let's see save streets for all Grant match 960,000 for that uh the federal uh Federal Grant and our match for that is 241,000 which works out to be about a 20% match and if you look at the bottom uh bottom right hand corner of uh those totals it shows um a City match uh at um 20 12,48 and then the City match for 137 634 so all of these are just matches yes for a larger Grant amount okay next side slide please so move can we understand know what that match is though the amount from a dollar standpoint is it um 20 20% 30% 60% 70% okay yes yeah I like to kind of see that kind of the hmgp key Len Grant match no you don't have to give me the details right now but it's kind of like to see what that what that uh the the proportion is yeah I just I spoke to it but it's not included in writing so I can give that to you any questions in regards to a better placement [Music] okay okay what do we have next on the agenda Public Works is next on the agenda okay yeah streets and storm water first okay streets and storm water all right so the next slide so our 2023 24 achievements um coordinated the repair of large wash of the golf course um we purchased uh um 90% Arbor um a prolift uh Tiff fund sidewalk repairs were completed and um we had dozens of tree removal projects through multiple areas throughout the city including a significant number in the golf course in the cemetery areas um I'm not going to bore you with going through each of those individually but um you can see those items as identified in your package go on to the next slide please so operational changes um in the upcoming year so um our operational changes uh create specialization of roles within the department between storm water maintenance and Street Maintenance uh record frequency and quality key performance indicators to assess Department Effectiveness integrate financial report records and employee time work into work orders to more effectively budget time and resources and that's part of the the the uh desire to become more effective and more efficient in the work that we do with public works and it's also tied to our desire to be able to publish our our um work orders to the the internet for transparency and objectivity um so that there's also accountability in making sure that the items that are identified are actually completed in a timely fashion and communicated to the original originator of those requests become less dependent on inmate program for contractual obligations with fdot and rideway maintenance and the problem that we're running into there is that uh you have to have a supervisor to supervise the inmate crew and if that supervisor is not uh in that day then we effectively lose four and a half FTE because the supervisor is not available to supervise them so we need to more effectively and efficiently uh figure out how to maint how to manage that uh additional Workforce um the other obstacle that we run into is that uh Public Works has identified zones throughout the city and there are various activities that have to occur within those zones um when and they're all inter inter uh dependent if uh a supervisor is not available that day and the work uh the the um uh M8 crew is not available to do the work communicating that to the uh the rest of the Departments that do work in that zone um becomes an obstacle because they're not aware that that work didn't happen and therefore things have an opportunity to fall through the cracks so we want to figure out ways that we can be less dependent on the um inmate crew so our goals are to survey and assess storm water systems for continuous Improvement program considerations survey and update treatment plan for all assets for the CIP and maintenance considerations um skipping down to the last it and produce a deliverable of activities map on the city website to be published on a regular basis that I spoke about sure so let's go to the um th dependent on mate program so what's your alternative hire more people because that's what it take no it is making sure that um that we have better community Communications when the inmate crew is not available uh making sure that uh when a SE supervisor is not available that we have somebody that's cross trained and capable of uh fulfilling that responsibility um that would uh prevent us from having to hire additional people right okay so I mean I ha hate to not make usage of of that that additional resource I clear to what you're thinking because of like yes change so what we G change that's why I sure thank you sir good good question okay so our current budget um for streets is 828,000 um you're looking at about a $40,000 increase um across Professional Services maintenance and capital overlay entry removal um obviously because the cost of uh materials has gone up there's going to be be an increase but if you look at the next slide we should be able to show um what we are proposing is uh an increase in um two laborers for this and that is not uh it shows there an increase of two operators and that's not correct it should be two labors um in addition to the existing labor and so right just the laborers um yes um on on on these slides yes sir I see where I don't know I guess I don't see that for every Department the Personnel for every Department as we go through I think that's helpful to kind of know and understand I seen it on a couple slides not all of departments okay we'll make sure we we correct that then should consistent the current Staffing and propose okay they they have the organization the table but the table that helps to see okay gotch you you talking about the work chart table well that helps and then you can compare that to what's been proposed for me visuals are helpful yeah okay we can it wasn't something that was originally in the template but we can add that in the template so yeah right I think that's a good good thing to be able to add um so it's a what we're talking about is an exist an additional two ft f f exit an additional two FTS why is that hard to say that was SC 10 times fast right right okay I think that concludes um so I'm sorry the capital budget 42,000 to 53,000 and that is uh using uh using those additional funds to purchase a side by side gas operated side byze uh cart um new mower uh trimmers chainsaws hedgers and uh 12T flat trailers pull behind for 10,000 and the value of that uh trailers it allows us to be able to service not only uh public works but also to utilize the equipment and uh public works for uh the Water facility um we eliminated an item from their budget which was a skid steer because we could use the skid steer uh which is not in high demand uh at the uh in the streets department and be able to move that piece of equipment back and forth with the use of a trailer City man yes may I and Jack absolutely um this is also the area this capital budget where we play the paving road Renovations of a million uh you know he would not have known that but I just wanted to bring that to you thank you and so um the the objective of uh allocating funds for Paving roads is split between two two places in our budget one of the places is in the streets which we cap capital expenditure it's a million dollars it's a million right and then we have $1.4 million allocated in in in the uh better place better place right so together that's 2.4 million yes project yes and that could be um million and Paving or it could be a full reconstruction depending on the locations that are identified by the commission and the needs of those locations so it's my objective to um look at opportunities to combine infrastructure work with uh road work at the same time so that concept of one Cuts you cut the road one time you take care of everything and then you pave it so you don't have to come back and cut it again so we have some places that have already had the infrastructure done that's correct waiting to be Serv yes want to at least get those first been waiting long enough now all right two questions yes sir um the gas side by side do they currently have one I don't believe they have a side by side and what are Cu uh and Mr REO went over that with me but in all honesty I don't recall the exact usage that he had identified and so I'd have to get back to you on that must have aition because in here um there was another one asked for and it was 15,000 so are they getting from the same vendor at least uh with the uh facilties that that they ask for side by side 15,000 more with the same I just just out of curiosity sure so look that close or that's not a big no it is it's a big deal to me so making right making sure that we leverage our purchasing power to get the best pricing if we're going to do two we need them to uh get the best pricing for both of them um did they do a justification for it or did they just request for yes we have a decision unit for each of those items the decision I understand but if decision unit can just say we need a we need is there was it Justified I do believe there is a justification a there a difference between the decision unit and then justification so I just I just want to understand and know if we what's the justification for okay I I can get back to you with that I would been in that detail that Mr Joe would right my thing is when we start talking about um you know wants versus needs right those are some important things to ask at least absolutely talk about you know more personnel which is a need the side by side maybe just a war and we don't need them just for the blue crab and okay festivals okay you know once a year type stuff sure uh Chief just shared with me that the typical difference between the two side by sides between the 20,000 and the 15,000 is two-seater versus four-seater so so in either case the justification needs to be there why do you need the equipment first of all and then second of all why four seaters versus two seats you could have bought a little arrange of truck pickup truck yeah new one for for $20,000 govern I said a ranger pick up I gue $20,000 guarantee you add another five 10,000 to you get R for 20,000 that runs anyway what's her next pre preown guar know way what y'all do y'all got weak negotiation you can do it you're talking about seven days a week right get us that additional information yes thank you we going Cemetery not going there hopefully oh I hear people are dying to get [Laughter] in uh I used to have a cemetery operator and that was always his joke people dying to get in pretty standard old one yes all right so um our achievements we go to next SL please all right so in a SE Cemetery um TR we were successful and transition thank you you knew my eyes were struggling there uh transition their Cemetery records to iew work for better work records management um there were 64 lots that were sold 53 53 almost 54,000 Revenue 57 burial permits that were issued uh an additional $8500 in Revenue um we drafted uh drafted updated rights of internment documents to reduce administrative workload and that's all part of modernizing the approach to it updated ordinances to more clearly communicate our policies for the cemetery I can move to the next slide then thank you um our operational notes and goals for 2024-25 um increase the level of service for landscaping um being responsive to some of the concerns about um people who have visited their loved ones and they want um a higher level of of uh Landscaping so that they can feel that their loved ones are in beautiful places so um record frequency and quality key performance indicators to assess Department's Effectiveness um are we being effective in the way that we provide those Services out there return Lots on uh on hold over 60 days to inventory um from what I learned uh we previously many years ago had a practice of putting Lots on hold that uh practice um was stopped at some point in time but somehow or another it was started again and the idea of putting Lots on hold which I had to learn um when I asked the question was somebody can come in and say I'd like to get 10 Lots can you hold those particular 10 10 Lots without putting down real estate well well all depends on how big your loved one is I guess quite a deal right um no deposit anything and uh so those lots are held indefinitely until you know so and you know the the um uh individuals holding them might have had all good intentions um but never came back and fulfilled them for whatever reason so uh our practice going forward is we're no longer going to put Lots on hold so um our goals are to install uh Corner posts at sections of burial plots to stop vehicle traffic from Crossing burial plots um that's a challenge that that uh almost every Cemetery deals with how do you keep people who are trying to get to a certain place from driving over other places so continue to remove trees that are encroaching on burial sites um and increase total transactions per fiscal year so there are a number of things that we can do to make uh our cemeteries more attractive um and so um looking at ways that we can we can do that to to increase um the usage and and to beautify it at the same time right okay um I did I do have a question sure professional Professional Services is that for Park staff or Cemetery staff or or something that we have to pay what what Professional Services would be something that we out Outsource a cost that we pay to a third party so that would be either lawn maintenance or that would be um uh it says ground maintenance up here right first so ground maintenance yeah but it's two different terminology go back go back go back go back go I mean go ahead I guess where it says from 8 yeah right there okay so ground maintenance is included in the first line yeah so I want to know what get what I'm saying what is the distinction between the two right so all of that would be either Professional Services or or you could potentially put ground maintenance into contractual Services um so however it's coded um with within the finance software um it would be based on the pro prerogative of the finance director but for that particular professional Services um do you okay yeah Professional Services I'm sorry Professional Services are distinctly different from the ground maintenance and at the moment I'm just not sure what they're using it for but I will find out usually it's like legal um those things of that nature over well I think we need to find exactly I will fing that's the most important and I'm I'm sure Joe would have the answer to that off the top of his head but yeah okay thank you for that question next okay all right let's look at parks and thank you for Patiently Waiting through this so if you want me to accelerate let me know if you want me to slow down please feel free to to start okay accelerate that's great if the questions will stop okay very good so we're gonna talk about parks department now pox park the car all right our 2324 achievements um completion of irrigation at the riverfront um you know if without the irrigation we don't have grass and you saw a little bit of that through the wear and tear of the Blue Crab Festival clearing out uh the annex um brush removal and cleaning clearing at 11 Street downtown lay down yard that's the space behind the um post office um and that's where we typically um uh direct our contractors now to be able to do their staging and lay down mulching repairs at the riverfront um so you'll see that the River Center and the riverfront area looks um a lot better based on the the new mulching and repairs that were done the walkway the um the two walkways um the benches that were crumbling removing and replacing those uh Landscaping replenishment at the riv Riverfront Park St John's Avenue uh Memorial Parkway to Fourth Street um around the city hall area and the tillan house next please can can we do things that have like lower maintenance um for lower maintenance for especially like the River Center those areas um that you know it's hot traffic because it's going if we can't get around fast enough to get those properties to you know to be more appealing um they can look bad like the the the Der um benches and everything else and you saw how some of the the boardwalk how what kind of condition that was in and all so we just kind of looking at the landscape and all that stuff what we currently have uh if we can replace it with higher or lower lower maintenance cost things to try to maintain with a longer life cycle right okay we'll keep that in the Mind's Eye when we when we address that thank you maybe we ask IAS to give us some suggestions about Florida friendly plantings to go throughout whatever facilities par we have sure they're right down the road okay thank you um operational go changes and goals for the 2425 fiscal year um create specialization of roles within Department Focus focusing on Landscaping Maintenance that goes back to what you just mentioned um utilizing and working with hpus u uh integrates Financial records and employee time worked into work orders you know that's a reoccurring theme that you're going to see across um Public Works uh divisions uh become less dependent on mate program for detailed work and high traffic Parks um obtain irrigation Technic training and certifications for staff obtain lawn uh lawn and ornamental pesticide application training and licensure for our staff and this is not well stop uh for briefly and say this is typically gets overlooked it is one of the critical aspects of making sure that you uh beautify the community but you can't do that without the licensing that goes along with that you can Outsource it but you pay an arm and a leg but if you have staff members that are willing and able to go through the licensing process process we have staff members that are capable but they don't necessarily like to go through the testing that is required to get the licenses but once you get the licenses like what Mr Deputy came in last night and talked about we were down at the um St John's Avenue we swept St John's Avenue and we sprayed all the way down to 7th Street and then um uh from Reed to Oak Street on every one of the CR streets so that we could uh eliminate the vegetation that's growing in the road or or into the sidewalks and that kind of thing and you got to do it with um uh e ecolog e ecologically sound and Safe products and that's part of what the licensing uh helps us address down the line because it's also fairly cheap if we can get somebody to go through the Master Gardener program to learn what plants are appropriate right plant right place I wasn't master for got it for nine years so that again that's right over at the Extension Center it's not fought to travel maybe that's a future opportunity for someone sure Le that up mayor you you a master have a lot of yeah and that yeah yeah that that's important too because I remember I had Public Works uh in my previous job and I said go down and pull up all the grass Main Street and I came back everything was gone inate cre crews are doing good but I also see them weed whacking like everything they they don't they don't know they don't right so wow um let's see um irrigation technician training yeah I think I I covered all those plan okay um it's gaping maintenance career progression plan to provide yep training increases staff productivity and skill levels okay we move to the next slide please um so our current budget is 24 uh uh 245,000 and proposed is two uh 307,000 so you're looking at an increase of roughly 55,000 um notable changes are um impactful increases uh to the riverfront maintenance uh to replace failing play equipment that's out there each Park M uh Parks maintenance line has been increased to accommodate the mulching uh equipment repairs lighting repairs and ADA compliance may my insert uh one of the items that were increased uh radically in this area was the uh Riverfront because we went from like um well we we increased it by like 48,000 from 50,000 to 48 to 98,000 so are we using general funds for those for that this is general fund for landscaping if we needed another position because we don't really have a landscape I know they're pinch hitting of sorts can we use a cra because it's eliminating BL and revitalizing to do have somebody doing some Landscaping Riverfront LMA looks like I'm sorry doesn't look very well chman house all of those properties we own nobody's done any real landscaping and maintenance of it for a long long time and it's just something to consider for the future through CRA funding I think the people who are utiliz in those like um those facilities I think we had already made an agreement that they would maintain that that the city wouldn't have to do those um properties that's what I thought landord if you raise the rent which I'm saying we should consider and do I always see the landlord's role as responsible for the exterior and the property and they responsible for the utilities and things inside that's generally th we can obviously do different things but I mean well it's our city we it's our buildings technically and they look the landscap they look kind of blah and they're beautiful buildings and they are architectural assets and treasures and I think we should treat them as such okay I think we just need to consider that yeah absolutely we we need to ultimately make sure that those things happen but uh at the same time we need to see how we can if they're getting these um facilities for nominal rates and uh not really paying a whole lot then those kind of things need to go to those individuals as a relates we were I know prior to we had talked about all of our rentals and dollar leag or whatever else it may be that those individuals was responsible for all the maintenance and upkeep well what I'm hearing though is that the the common objective is to beautify the community and how we get there uh we can figure that out but we want to raise the bar and what our community looks like these are nonprofits that don't have a lot of money let's face it so you have people from all of town coming to the place going to Gallery openings at the LMA and this is what they see as soon as they enter I think it behooves us as a city to be put our best foot forward but an example is that if the lar the larar been fairly busy uh lately I've been seeing quite a bit of activity over there but we don't want to get into the weeds no we don't uh no pun intendent here we don't we don't we don't know what the revenue stream is over there so again if the city's have in if the city residents taxpayers having to fund something that somebody could be potentially making a heck of a lot of Revenue we don't know what it's on their books and so that that's where we had made the uh agreement as to the people maintaining the facility as a whole again if the city's got to do that then we need to probably go back to the table and make some different recommendations as to how much you're going to pay market rate and then the city will take care of it and and it can come out of the central business district funds or whatever else it may be but we gonna We the ultimate responsible party for that absolutely yes and one of the benefits and slash flaws of being new to the community is um I I can I'm in a position when we start to refresh these agreements to to learn and understand what was the prior arrangement and does it make sense to move forward with arrang Arrangement or not but one aspect of the concept around CRA is that the tax specifically Tiff funding the differential between how much uh was the Baseline taxing uh and the additional Revenue that you receive is supposed to go into addressing some of the blight issues but if there's a prior arrangement there that says that the agreement is that you come in here for a dollar but in exchange for that dollar you have to provide that then that's something that we have toti because again we're it's not getting done so it may need to be renegotiated but here let's get back the let get back to the no the blight let's talk about the blight because here's we can't just use blight just per say just to say use blight if if it's being created and somebody's maintaining that property and you're having functions and events and you seeing this stuff and you're not paying anything for this facility why continue to benefit from it but you're not contributing to it that's my point I mean that and that's reasonable logic and that's why when we revisit these agreements those are things that we need to specifically address uh with a direction from the commission on how you would like us to proceed I'm just tired of people continue to use I mean taking advantage of the city we've seen instance after instance after instance and I'm tired of it and I'm G you know I gotta voice that opinion understood we'll bring you the information and look for your direction on how to proceed on that yeah and and on this note about the parts I would like to see because I want to I want to actually hold myself accountable for when we approve these things tell me what are we going to say equipment repairs what do we have in plan what what the their projections we're going to we're going to lighting repairs we going put new liting or if it's just repairing where because that mean that if they put it here and they're going to do it on make sure it's done because there's a this is just I'm just picking this out sure but I'm saying for every department they they they're very vague in what they're going to do with the funding and I would like to you know for example the side by side that's telling me exactly that I should expect the side by side if we approve this budget that's what I want to see and I don't know if you guys feel the same but that's the only way we could be held accountable and hold them accountable the dollars I think it's an opport I think it's an opportunity um I agree with you uh commissioner Jones I think there's an opportunity that as we do the budget and I know that the city manager has implemented um bringing forth monthly um checkout but I think it may be an opportunity for us to come back quarterly or at some point to revisit um what we have accomplished through for that given time frame um and then that way we'll be able to bring back to the table say hey we thought this that the third or something of that nature so that um we're able to be more in the know and make sure that things that are requested is getting done so there may be an opportunity for us to build in budget reviews uh quarterly so that we're able to do so sure and I think you make a good point that's one of the tools that uh that I'm hoping that uh will be valuable to you is the check register so you can see um each month what funds are actually being spent on and be able to compare that to um quarter to quarter previous expenditures addition questions next slide please so current staff listing to laborers um and it's unchange you're going to have two labors one. crew supervisor one. crew supervisor so no changes in Personnel next slide please on our capital budget we're going from 33,900 to 50,000 so 16,000 increase overall um some of the C Capital Improvements that we're projecting um includes lawnmowers uh 12T trailer Polo of which I don't believe I believe that was already included in one of the other department public work department items um the side by side uh was already included so we have three edgers chainsaws post saws and Park equipment is that a duplicate yeah I believe so can you just confirm that so yes we'll confirm it 20 and we're saying a two seat this is a 15 one yeah so we need to figure that out on this one this is a what department is it again this is uh the parks right uh just want to bring to your attention City maner in this area that uh the splash pad or 400,000 is is there and also um yeah that's the main thing right that in um those are things that the department head really would not be aware of so but I'm also bringing to your attention that in this budget for this particular Department there's an additional item there and that's that splashpad right and some of this information comes from the meetings with the Commissioners exactly so that's why it's in the budget bringing back to the 400,000 yes sir well once he's done I'm GNA come back through and kind of give a highlight of these uh Capital items is that the splash pad that we talked about like three about five years ago 80,000 yeah they were doing fundraising but it all fell apart no no they had the fund it was in the B it was already P we had it in this fun because there were also private citizens yeah it was we it was fully funded 80 something 80 83,000 somewhere like that but they've gone up in price oh yes the range now is is you know from 200,000 to 800,000 depending on uh the size the number of uh um jets and uh structures the last I knew was 8 like 83,000 I I I have seen them be incredibly um successful in terms of creating space and creating um uh destinations um I my recommendation is going to be that if we go forward that we do it in phases so that um U you don't experience the entire cost up front so if you want to um add structures that that would be something that you do in phase three for instance can we get the one that was original pathway it was about three 5 years ago it was a splash pad 83,000 it should be within our okay U approval things or whatever so we just look look it up and you see what that was like in just to to see what your current propos sure got it okay if it's the same I'm gracious you know what I mean well bathroom cost 73,000 right anyway and one of the things I forgot to mention was uh do you use new water or recycle water um those are options that address that's person yeah you can do recycle water they have uh in we went to Orlando I went into one of the seminars where uh the vendor was actually telling us how they do re reclaiming the water and the systems that they have now just like I mean you almost drink the water um but I think I think it's worth having a vendor come in and at least talking to us about it giving us options I think that is I know that you guys have uh have um reservation about the money but they have been a private donor that said that they would actually do it for the city but that public private partnership I don't know if that's to get into but when you have a uh potential Partners consider that and they want to do it for us I think that's something I think would be foolish not to consider frankly I mean a matter of fact we've seen the rendering that came in to us already um in in the past but increases tourism doesn't it it's it becomes a destination I I had a mayor that was fervently against it until it was actually installed and it was one of the best things that happened to that community so I mean I'm I'm open to it I waiting for it the first round but we never got it I'm sorry next slide please so so prior to like okay so if we're giving the direction which it appears as we're all um game for this and I think this may be something that goes back to the followups like I know we oft you hear me often times say we talk about things why they're hot but why they're not they're kind of swept to the back burner I would like to see some of like a action plan to address some of this stuff almost immediately after the bull after the um budget is approved or denied yes sir I mean I've been asking for that type of thing for forever and ex and you know just making sure that when we do have things that we give uh Direction on some action register uh and keep that before us until it is worked off uh and completed and so um how do you want to move forward with that um with the with the request that we make because again A lot of times Things fall off the radar radar rad and so we have these meetings recorded and we are also giving direction so when we are giving direction we would like to see those things continue to throughout fruition until unless we say we no longer interesting any and I along the same lines I would like that to to be able to do once the budget is approved is if you see value in that of course to create a balance scorecard that identifies the projects and have that be one of the objectives of my office to um to execute on those items that are in the budget uh based on the commitment to get those things done we committ committed all right beautiful okay keep moving okay our facilities um 2324 achievements um completion of the city hall Annex re-roof project um I know everybody was happy to see that done um completion of the city dock repairs and mitigation project uh moving forward on getting that fully utilized uh St John's Avenue electrical repair repairs and support of the Blue Crab Festival um completion of renovation of the Annex Building which allowed us to move bless you bless the planning department uh over into the Annex Building um as a precursor hopefully to building out the rest of the Annex Building preparing the taxi terminal for tenant occupation implemented uh staff training curriculum to increase staff safety competency and efficiency next Mr B can we get pictures of some of the things like we get from um the cut right uh um direct cut right um they do a really good job with before and afters so if we have things in the state that they are and then those are some telling stories that we can provide and share to the community they need to know and understand what we're doing sure and if they don't if you say uh you never say anything about what you do they they don't understand they don't know right so if we present that to them they can better understand why they're paying the taxes that they're paying and what the benefit that they getting out of yes uh pictures can tell uh um an extensive story right absolutely so uh 23 24 uh achievements I think we finish that we should be moving to the next slide um operational notes and goals um our operational changes uh streamlining the response time for online work order requests uh record frequency and quality key performance indicators integrate Financial records and employee time work like I said this is a Common Thread across the entire organization our goals support other departments with planning and executing repair and maintenance plans for the facilities um address major maintenance and repairs at City facilities such is the Bronson house Tillman house the annex um and the City Hall which are suffering from long-term deferred maintenance hope right there so now streamlining but what about streamlining with status because a lot of times when people or individual put in uh a work order what have you is somehow uh now if they put it in through the system if they register you get a status but if you call in then there's sometime there's no there's just a low there's no feedback so how can we improve that but just think about that don't you don't have to answer well I have an answer for you that's why we're publishing to the website so that you can if you register right you'll get an email response letting you know but if you want to if you don't want to register you want to go just look at the status no just make a phone call you're making a phone call for the work order to be put in right okay now most of the time people don't even get a work order number they just call in they don't sometime don't know who they talk to and they hang up and say okay I gotta I I need this work done at this particular address and they talk to the person and a lot of time they don't get a request number a work order number so they hang up and sometime that happen several times and then it frustrates the the the resident and so I want to try to put something around that concern to help address in to End customer service then that's I I I sent you something and what does uh the the website publication address that concern or you want are you thinking I would have to actually see but not everybody have that's right right so [Music] abely okay that's it been looking at texting it back to them some people don't text well you get ask for that preference you [Music] know right right just ask for that whatever that preference is and then you can kind of gather but offer a battery you know make two or three things that they could use okay and try to work work within that parameter okay and I think this whole accountability effort uh puts um accountability on the Forefront of our staff that when something comes in like that they need to make sure it goes into the system and like you said give that reference point back to the customer the next steps okay very well um let's see so we're going on to the next I think we go operating budget uh only a $2,000 $2500 increase here um that's primarily materials um and maintenance so next slide please Personnel um you're looking at um the same Personnel so no changes there no decision units around Personnel so let's go to the next um our capital budget does have a significant increase that number should not be 95,000 it should be 45,000 all right um so the increase is about um 20 28,000 and that is for one uh truck to be replaced not two one see that um yeah you can't he can get one for 17 so you're right right you paying higher commission you be pay a little hard so um it is I believe it is uh the um unit number 18 okay I think it's the older one that's being replaced 2004 so you're you're you're getting rid of these right and that's the value is that the value on it or um no 45,000 is it's not a $228,000 truck 45,000 is for the replacement of a truck okay all right replacing the two trucks okay y okay so next I think that's the end of this one next slide oh she's working next okay sanitation sanitation you know what the motto is for sanitation just like the cemeteries right every everything rolls down thehill sanitation one of your most important departments without that environmental problem there you go 23 24 achievements on the next slide [Music] please okay so sanitation department has carried multiple vacancies and experienced a high turnover rate for the majority of fiscal year 24 um so that is has been a significant achievement being able to maintain the quality of service with limited Staffing uh purchase new commercial front loader um revised commercial and residential routes for more efficiency um implementation of weekly safety programs for all staff uh improved our response time and building process for the clamshell routes for better productivity and profitability next slide please operational notes and goals um record frequency and quality key performance indicators integrate Financial records and employee time work provide training for ders to better know their trucks mechanically um our goals are to further refine the routes and ensure maximum efficiency fully staff the department which has been challenging um to enact career progression plan to provide training for staff and increase staff productivity remove unit 30 as an active backup vehicle and cycle in a new residential truck so the purchase of a new truck will allow us to um to segue out of the use of uh unit 30 as a backup truck all right next please so um our operating budget um is 8 54,000 and you see an increase there uh to 1.25 1.2 1.024 million um and that is uh looking at regular uh salaries uh going from 6113 to 645 um small tools from 5,000 to 15,000 and building maintenance from 1,000 to 15,000 why uh for building maintenance because there has not been from what I understand um money put into you're talking about years and years of deferred maintenance um to be put into the proper maintenance of the facility that's correct H right right right I'm sorry I'm not sure who's talking I'm just hearing Mr Bale respond so someone that was commissioner Jones my question was commissioner is uh the big increase in building maintenance for uh Public Public Works building and if we're going to be putting money in chunks like that for uh maintenance to that building and we're about to move out of that building and I want to know the timeline for us to be moving from that facility to to the airport facility and uh if it's if it's so going to be soon I don't agree putting chunks of money like that out there uh but if it's not I would like to know what what type of building maintenance they're going to be doing up there if it's needed urgent or is it is it a wish list type deal deal again so it's my understanding that the timeline uh for the buildout and the move from the existing facility fa to the new facility will take us well until the end of the next fiscal year and so the the need for uh maintenance in the current location um given that that change will not happen uh for close to a year if not more um is urgent and significant so I don't know the details of the specifics but having taken a tour of the facility I can see that uh the conditions that they're dealing with there um in the sanitation department um limit their ability to be effective and efficient in picking up um curbside service the building yes prevents that well uh I I just want to know what we're doing with it I mean what's the plan just like I said earlier just and and stop specific specific you know you do building maintenance opposed to it either if it's a real need know what what we need be helpful because it is pretty subpar conditions here I agree but again is it urgent is it not you know can we survive or not okay I I just don't see the um uh the the the correlation of the uh the correlation as it relates to the building as opposed to picking up I just that's what I'm trying to connect sanitation when sanitation as well as Street Department is the same building uh there's been um well the two different things obviously but um from what I understand sanitation has been ignored uh for a long time because of the feeling that they could survive uh on drugs without having to deal with it whereas it's more of an issue now than it has been in the past but I can get back to you with more details that I'm just speaking extemporaneously based on having taken a a a quick tour of the uh the area but Mr reio would have more of the details of exact exactly what that is so I apologize that I can't speak to that directly going okay next so we're talking about uh additional staff of uh CSR uh customer service rep um which is one full-time position that um they're asking for in the sanitation department next please s okay that gonna be only for sanitation it's not just it's not for the public works it is primarily for sanitation now I believe that everybody should be cross trained and be able to to shift in uh as needed but the primary focus is to be able to support um sanitation right now we have uh folks that are uh taking and dealing with Sanitation a issues now which is taking them away from their ability to be effective and efficient in other areas so this would be primarily focused based on the um the request of the sanitation department on making sure that they they support the sanitation department right but sanitation and um the other all of that's Public Works is it the it is okay I'm just trying to wrap my ha the same Department it is but right now yeah we need more claric description of what this position is going to do or involved it's all one complex one complex right it's all one hot master I remember used to be only one CSR that all of the request and that not hadn't been long ago but they have a lot of say well let's just get more information okay uh compared to the city the growth of the city hav't grown yeah we you know that department has grown a lot where they out growing the building but I don't see just thinking out loud I'm sorry that's we're openminded we just need more information okay yeah you want to go next please more information so there are blanks right well 885 for Truck Yeah at the bottom left hand corner say 5,000 unit 30 proposed or total current uh proposed so you go from zero you go from zero down to 85,000 that's a lot of increase from zero to 85,000 I'm looking at current current and proposed total is zero come down here no should have put the Z up there and the 85,000 up there so could you can you kind of like I'm ready to go a $85,000 truck to to go out and service trucks that break down is that what that for no that's read what it says it says we like to order a replacement vehicle for unit 30 um but right now when trucks have issues out in the field um they need to send a a truck out there as opposed to Towing it which is um very expensive right very costly uh this truck allows them to be able to maintain um service out on the road so right now the unit that's doing that unit 30 is 17 years old and it's hobbling along so we would like to replace that um to keep our our trucks active on the road Jones we know you like to pinch pennies but sometimes it's necessary for us to spend the money we need to we need to see what what the overall cost is as it relates to just see what we're getting for the 85,000 and you know so we're not questioning whether there's a need but I think it is also good to just uh do an inquiry just to see what does that 85,000 get and what they normally cost uh just I think that's um good measures on our part good stewards right well and as we I guess again all time back to followup when we get these requests can we go ahead and even when we're going through the budget cycle and I know that um homework is done prior to but the more information we have as far as pictures or something like that may we make that a practice to go ahead and start including that kind of stuff in the budget presentation to give us an idea I think sometimes it will eliminate uh a few of the questions or concerns that may come from the Commissioners the mayor understood okay all right next maintenance fet maintenance department EXC so so okay Fleet Maintenance is usually included under the sanitation budget but we wanted to pull it out so that you could look specifically at uh Fleet numbers and there's some minor modifications than in here that we identified when we went through this and I I will try to cover that as we go through it 23 24 achievements um just skipping through replace engine unit number 28 clamshell and we know that's critical in keeping the debris off of our uh rideways and our streets um we created an inventory area to begin warehousing common replacement parts for our vehicles um that allows us to keep our vehicles serviced and functional um we purchased new commercial front loader with residential uh Kat can attachment uh imple implementation of an updated pre-trip and post-trip inspection sheets for the vehicles next please notable operational changes and goals for 2425 um some of the same things that you've seen throughout the uh public works department again are repeated there uh I will highlight utilization of the Samer GPS system to send realtime notifications about vehicle conditions and required service that technological up update upgrade has allowed for us to be much more efficient and effective and maintaining knowing what the status is the mileage is the status of our vehicles when they need to be come in for oil changes and servicing to stay up to date on that um on a regular basis and that's one of the responsibilities of the fleet M maintenance department uh go back real quick goals uh higher average service ratio for our vehicles enact career progression plan for the training of our staff so we need to invest in our staff and their training next please thank you um our operating budget 26,000 we're talking about a $9,000 increase uh part of that is maintenance the building and equipment maintenance next please current Staffing is three mechanics um and no changes with that right well actually we got a truck change and a CS right same thing not down there with sanitation right so that are you following her the 85 right right clear right um okay all right next please tell all right the end while he's talking um Fleet Maintenance that's mainly for all of the public work stuff but does it uh Fleet Maintenance also for other departments that have cars and TRS I'll say yes so I'm just trying to figure out if if it's maintenance why doesn't uh those costs come out of other departments if they service other are uh departments so specialized Vehicles like the fire trucks such not right so you're talking about primarily the things like that yes or any any other department that get it so we just need to probably look at that Services just hitting I have to look at my methodology in that budgeting section where do the administrative thing right check that right the of it is going to be citation okay okay I understand so I don't have a packet for the utilities department so let's go through the slide I don't have notes on that um okay this was the one that we weren't that you were trying to update right well I did go ahead and update my part that you asked me to she'll get to it okay all right so install a sign significant number of Neptune Drive uh drive by reader that's about 1300 I think they did out of the 4,000 okay um 18 new commercial and residential water and sewer installations um implemented staff training curriculum to increase sta staff safety competency and efficiency um let's see all those other items storm water explation so I don't believe that those are specifically utility items so that's the piece that um does not apply okay so let's go to the next slide oh question on that you say implemented staff training uh curriculum to increase staff safety now does that is that does that correlate to uh a fewer fewer instances of accidents and in addition to implementing certain I guess whatever that that particular um area may be where from a knowledge based standpoint we improving efficiencies or uh Effectiveness and all that stuff from those certifications do you see a Improvement in those areas I I have not seen uh that reflected as of yet but that's an area that that I I feel is important to keep an eye on um we do a monthly um um assessment of whether or not uh individuals who have had accidents whether or not those accidents are excusable accidents or not or or avoidable I don't want to say excusable but avoidable I don't know if that necessarily correlates with regard to this specific Safety and Security but that's something I could take a look at with those numbers that we have the limited numbers that we have so far thanks sir than going you going on to operational yeah survey and assess storm water system um so these are not utility goal specific the thing that's really storm water right anything let's so it would be better that we go to the next screen yeah oh the one I updated didn't come there yeah well I can't updated let me uh scroll to that's okay the current total for it um I can give it to you quickly uh it's a 20 it was uh last year was 28 m736 th000 for the current total for the budget we're living in now and the proposed uh is is decrease at 24 million 692 th000 so and I I know that the commission was sensitive to the idea of whether or not to uh increase utility rates what we have um presented so far would not represent an increase in utility rates right so I think we need to um make sure that we revise that uh that slide presentation and provide that back to the commission so that they have an accurate assessment for utilities the one thing I do want to note about utilities is that uh and I think I mentioned this before slightly um we asked the PGA to look into the Paca gas Authority not the golf course to look into um an automated software that would allow customers to access their water data data usage right now if there's a leak um the the the time frame from the leak beginning to a credit coming back is about 3 months and it's a significant timeline because you don't really know that you have a leak until you get your bill you say what the heck is this and then you call in and they compare it and assess it and it's a painful process it is it is calls on it and I've had experience with it so right I've had two so with this system um this portal should give you uh virtually realtime access to your water usage rate um I say virtually real time because it's 24-hour cycle so you can go in and take a look to see if your water is running at 2 o'clock at night when nobody's using it and that would help identify that you've got a leak in real time in Virtual real time 24hour period and then equip you with the the information so you can get it fixed so we're going to shorten the time from 3 months down to virtually a month right now uh P PJ is writing off about $60 to $90,000 a year in losses due to credits associated with leak usage well I didn't I didn't get a credit but right abolutely so is this an app or is it a web web app or is a app you can download it is a webbased app so I mean not not an app but it's a web- based program portal okay um they did take yes oh wow and you have to log on they did take uh our feedback that we'd like to see them develop an app as a result of that and so um they're taking that into consideration um what's the name Neptune Neptune Neptune yes my Neptune I think it is we need to get that out to the general public right um that need to be push that on the water bills sending out on the a bills and other communication radio whatever newspap newspaper all the medium Outlets that we've developed and also as we go out and do um various uh Community thing let the people know about what's coming yes nice QR code and so the the cost of that to get it set up is a estimated to be 18,000 to set it up nothing compared to the 90,000 right right and the recurring is much less yes it's a yearly about 7,000 a it's going to help PGA save money because they won't be writing off so much exactly right and I I think you were just saying that it saves the water loss you know which is an asset right right treasure all way around yes and so the major reason for the reduction in this particular fund is primarily Grant related okay so a lot of the grants are being have been completed and this year that's not on the next year's budget okay so a few of them but they're significant in amount like for instance fdp portable water last year that was 3.5 this year it's only 2.1 million uh the City match for RF for St John was half a million last this year next year zero so it's items like that uh we had a revolving loan for Paka Heights well we're done with that so that was 1.8 million so it's not in this particular budget for next year so that's the reason why the fund went down the budget went down from 28 million to 24 million that's what I wanted to point out good if and and final comment is our Capital just to give you all an appreciation for the capital investment of the entire budget for uh 2425 uh the capital portion I do have it by fund but I'll just get to the knit of it is uh 35 million of the 76 million okay and um general fund is the main section we're looking at uh Capital represents 177% of our general fund for our budget and for utilities uh it's uh 47% so we're just letting you know that we're staying on top of it as much as we can understand 47% or it's 47% for utilities fund is 177% or general fun and our overall budget is 76 million this year well um but in order to balance our budget we're going to have to get it down so we're I'm just talking about where we are right now I thought we higher than that last year wer we like last year was 75 million I think so you're you're next finance department is that next unless you have youone can you say that question to did you wanna oh it's my turn are let me just just I don't know commissioner Campbell still there but Peter and I found the signs in the D yes yes I saw them St perf say Okay Finance depart which I didn't apologize go ahead finance department uh oh good I can read uh so achievements completed the audit and a clean opinion and also completed it before that due date of June 30th uh accepted by the Commissioners the most important thing about the audit this year is that our net position increased by 9.5 million I mean that's very significant and I don't think that U the Commissioners understood what the results of that particular audit was uh good portion of that about 4 million of that was related to Corrections and so forth that you know um was discovered by our by by our staff 1.4 million uh because of enhancing the procedures for how we complete our bank reconciliations 3.3 million was because um in Prior years receipts were not categorized correctly so I went back uh I went all the way back to 2018 and did those Corrections and that cost our uh fund balance to increase by 3 million so um the really so that's really important as far as I'm concerned corly reporting uh was reestablished as you all know and now uh with the city manager you all have recommended monthly so we will start doing that but the reporting had been improved anyway with graphs and charts and Analysis uh we've been given seminars Finance uh Department to department heads we've been providing training also to our user departments and oh yeah we're in the midst of converting the airport transactions so that uh they're consistent with the rest of the city so basically finance department have maintained the following statistics we've processed 5,682 invoices paid 3,125 vendors we set up 113 new vendors created 3,000 purchase orders and uh also created 37 new customers uh next the notable operations for the year that's coming uh we want to implement uh I I I did not uh see what I believe in is that when we open up about adg we should be able to see the source documents you know so uh we have implemented it already successfully for the account able process and I'm trying to get that started for uh accounts receivable as well we've also already improve erish forms such as budget transfers um I've began extensive training with staff for Grant reporting and accounting uh also uh did a new process which is why now when we issue our quarterly reports you can see that the net results is positive instead of negative the reason is because because uh now I'm having them send Grant reimbursements in on a monthly basis not quarterly or whatever weird system was going oh not weird but uh whatever system excuse me was going on sorry for that word so um monthly financial reporting is being done uh our goals is oh we're going to do something new where I want department heads to know exactly where they are so we're going to start doing Department uh reporing uh we're already doing cross training and we've already started enhancing staff training and certification so we're already doing that now next and finally uh we didn't increase too much on operating budget uh from 42,000 to 43,000 uh next Personnel uh we we keep the same uh we keep our same level uh and uh the most important thing is that our finance existing Finance uh Financial Services Supervisor is retiring but we are already training the person now while she's here that will take her place as when she leaves in October so we have that person on board already and uh we will be doing more things like internal reviews uh making sure that we adhering to policies and procedures we'll start doing more of that and um I think that's CA okay thank you thank you okay thank you and with that said any more questions are you ready to ajour ajour ajour all right have a nice weekend next time you you will have a balanced budget you thank you you all have a great evening thank you